HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 11-10 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA Edina Heritage Preservation Board Regular Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall Conference Room I. Approval of the Minutes: September 8, 1977, and Octobcr 13, 1977. II. Announcements A. The Edina Mills Artifact display is at the Southdale Library. B. The Edina Planning Commission approved the rezoning of the Edina Mills site November 2, 1977. The City Council will hold a public hearing November 21, 1977 at 7 P.M. C. Mr. Richard Busch will give a presentation of the Edina Mills Excavation at the Edina Park Board Meeting, Dec. 13 at 7:30 P.M. III. Edina Mills Acceptance of Archaeologist's Report and authorization for payment for services. IV. George Baird House. 4400 West 50th Street. Mr. Dick Wiltz, owner, has been invited. V. 1977 Community Development Funds VI. Research Projects VII. Next Meeting Date: December 8, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. VIII. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD HELD NOVEMBER 10, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present: Foster Dunwiddie, Chairman, Maryanne Herman, Paul Mucke, Gordon Stuart and James McWethy. Staff Present: Harold Sand, Assistant Planner I. Approval of the September 8 and October 13, 1977 Heritage Preservation Board Minutes. Mr. Mucke moved for approval of the September 8 and October 13, 1977 HPB minutes. Mr. Stuart seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. II. Announcements A. Mr. Dunwiddie said the Edina Mills artifact display was at the Southdale Regional Library. Mrs. Herman suggested that we should improve the publicity for this kind of project through the newspaper, radio and Edina Historical Society. Mr. Dunwiddie said that display facilities for this kind of material are limited within Edina and he has often wished that display cases were available in the City Hall. The Board generally agreed that the concept should be pursued and a design and estimates presented to the City Council. B. Mr. Sand reported that the Edina Mills rezoning had been approved by the Planning Commission and would be heard at the City Council meeting November 21, 1977. Mr. Dunwiddie said he would attend the meeting to answer any questions. C. Mr. Sand reported that the Park Board would hear a presentation by Mr. Richard Busch at its meeting on December 13, 1977. Mr. Dunwiddie said he would attend and prepare a brief slide presentation. III. Edina Mills Mr. Sand indicated copies of Mr. Busch's report on the excavation was submitted. The staff has reviewed the report and feels the terms of the contract have been fully satisfied, noting that Mr. Busch was requesting payment for $500 less than the authorized budget of $3,000.00. Mrs. Herman moved that the board formally accept the report and authorize payment to Mr. Busch and thank him for the: valuable services provided. Mr. Stuart seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Sand said Mr. Busch recommended that several of the parties that aided the research should receive letters of appreciation. The board generally agreed that Dr. Ralph Lieber, Superintendent and Virginia Anderson, Wooddale School principal, Mr. Wayne Tracy, machine operator and The Center for Community Action should receive letters and the Mayor should be given an opportunity to sign the letters. HPB Minutes Page Two November 10, 1977 IV. George Baird House, 4400 W. 50th Street Mr. Dickinson G. Wiltz, current owner of the house, was present to discuss the possibility of rezoning his house to Heritage Preservation District. He stated that the house has had only three owners and has been unoccupied .part of the time, therefore the house is very well preserved on the interior. The exterior has had some modifications including a remodeled front porch, the removal of the rear cold kitchen and the addition of a family room in the rear. There is some minor maintenance necessary, including the tuck pointing of the chimneys. Mr. Wiltz said that they are very amenable to preservation activities noting that they were involved in the fight to save the old Metropolitan building in Minneapolis. They were responsible for saving the Baird house when the St. Stephans Episcopal Church had plans to demolish the building and build a parking lot and it was through that effort they acquired the property. He said they have allowed the Historic Marker easement, an ice cream social for the Historical Society and have opened the house annually for inspection by the Edina School students. Mr. Wiltz said that after serious consideration, and consultation with his attorney, he and his wife could not approve rezoning the site to Heritage Preservation District. He indicated that he would have to resist efforts to rezone the property because he could see no advantage to anyone and he could see distinct disadvantages for themselves. He said the ordinance seemed unreasonably restrictive; the homeowner's rights were given away with no recompense, psychological or otherwise. He It, they have rejected offers to buy the house from the Church and the Shrine and private offers because his five children are interested in retaining the house and the Darr children (former owners) have also expressed an interest. He said the ordinance takes a great deal of private control that they are unwilling to give. Mr. Wiltz stated that they may reconsider this decision if the ordinance were modified. They may also reconsider the decision if the house was considered for some kind of National designation; possibly because the dwelling is well preserved on the interior and because the original drawings and some photographs are preserved. Mr. Dunwiddie said that this site may qualify for designation to the National Register of Historic places and the 1976 Tax Reform Act for National Register properties is proposed to be extended to residential properties and thus there would be an advantage to the owner because our HPD zoning standards are very similar to the National Standards. Mr. Wiltz said that they would be happy to continue with historic activities including reasonable fund raising activities. They would be willing to bring any remodeling plans in to the board for review 4nd consultation, however, they could not accept the formal rezoning. He added that he could see no objection to efforts to pursue National Register designation of the site. HPB Minutes Page Three November 10, 1977 After further discussion of the significance of the building, Mr. Mucke moved to proceed with investigation of the site for Nomination to the National Register of Historic places. Mrs. Herman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion Carried. Mr. Stuart moved to continue the proposal to rezone the property indefinitely. Mr. McWethy added that the motion should not imply in any manner that the site is not historically significant for zoning. Mr. Stuart agreed. Mr. Mucke seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. 1977 Community Development Funds Mr. Dunwiddie explained that it appears that HUD will not change its decision to deny use of Community Development Funds for the rehabilitation of the Old Cahill School, the Grange Hall and the continuation of the Edina Mills project. The Historical survey was approved because it was not restricted to any particular geographic area and thus the survey may locate historic-dwe.11.ings that were owned by low and moderate income persons. This means that only $5,000 of the original $26,000 grant was approved. Mr. Dunwiddie suggested that the survey should perhaps be expanded because it would now represent the major thrust of the board's efforts and a more detailed and professional study could be utilized. He suggested that the scope could be expanded. .The board discussed various possibilities for improving the study generally agreeing that the exact program should be defined after an interview of applicants for the contract. Mr. McWethy moved that the Board request authorization from the Council to interview consultants for the survey with a budget of up to $15,000. Mr. Stuart seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. Research Projects Mr. Sand suggested that this would be an appropriate time to begin gathering the history of Warren C. Hyde, former City Manager, and Arthur Bredesen, former Mayor. VII. Next Meeting Date: December 8, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. VIII. Adjournment Mr. Stuart moved the meeting be adjourned. Mrs. Herman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Respectfully, submitted, Harold Sand, Assistant Planner