HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 07-28 HPB Meeting Minutes Regularti A G E N D A EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 26, 19811, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL LOWE LEVEL CONFERENCE ROOM I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: April 28, 1987 II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER: Donald Wray, 4211 Alden Drive III. EDINA THEATRE 3911 West 50th Street: Proposed Reconstruction IV. BAIRD HOUSE 4400 West 50th Strret Status Report V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. NEXT MEETING DATE: June 23, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. VII. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1987, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL LOWER LEVEL CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Gordon Stuart, David Gepner, Gary Nyberg, Cy Stuppy, Lois Wilder, Donald Wray and John Metil STAFF PRESENT: Harold Sand OTHERS PRESENT: John Titus Jr., Paul Pink I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Nyberg moved approval of the April 28, 1987 minutes. Mrs. Wilder seconded the motion. All voted aye. II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER: Mr. Stuart introduced Mr. Donald Wray, 4211 Alden Drive as replacement for Tom Martinson. Mr. Wray said he has been a resident of Morningside for his entire life. He was born one block from his present location, attended Morningside Elementary School, Wooddale School and St. Louis Park High School. He is a retired mechanical engineer previously with Ornamental Iron Co. in Minneapolis, III. EDINA THEATRE, 3911 WEST 50TH STREET Mr. Stuart recalled that this item was previously considered at the April 28, 1987 meeting and the Board asked the architects to consider restoration of the front elevation, preservation of the marquee and sign and retaining the small stores facing West 50th Street. Mr. Paul Pink and John Titus of Paul Pink and Associates, associate architectural firm on the project were present to answer questions. Mr. Metil asked if the additional height of the building was setback from the front of the building. Mr. Pink responded that it is behind the existing shops 35 feet from the street. The north elevation shown would not be visible from the eye level perspective. Mr. Nyberg asked about the height of the building compared to the parking ramp. Mr. Sand responded that the project is predicated on construction of a third level to the south side parking ramp and the theatre should not look out of scale compared to the ramp. This proposal will be considered tomorrow night May 27, 1987 at the Community development and Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Sand said that the Board reviewed plans for a 3 auditorium theatre with 1400 seats at the last meeting. The plan incorporated new auditoriums on the same level facing west. The existing stores were eliminated to allow expansion of the lobby, restroom, concession office and storage areas. The HPB expressed concerns abut the loss of the shops, painting of face brick, restoration of the facade and utilization of brick on the new building. The Planning Commission and area businessmen also expressed concern about the loss of the shops and continued the hearing on the proposal. The proponents have responded with a totally revised plan illustrating 4 auditoriums with total seating for 1400 people. This plan has two auditoriums on the ground floor facing west and two auditoriums directly above facing east. The plans preserve the small shops, restore the front facade and illustrate face brick on the four sides of the new structure. The architects have also provided copies of the original construction documents for the building and several sketches for interior and exterior remodelling prepared by Jack Liebenberg. Mr. Sand said it was important to note the changes proposed in the front entrance which eliminates the display cases on both sides and construct a projecting ticket booth in the center of the entry. Mr. Pink added that the design was prepared by David Mesbur without benefit of the original plans. Now with the original plans they can be more accurate in the design. In response to Mr. Wray, Mr. Sand explained floor area ratio (FAR) and the 1.5 FAR limitation in the PC -2 Planned Commercial District. The original plans provided a conforming 1.47 FAR, however, the revised plans have 1.67 FAR which requires a zoning variance. The additional floor area is necessary to preserve the shops and to accommodate the added circulation for the two story auditorium configuration. Mr. Pink inquired if the concern about preserving the store fronts was related to the existing businesses or the relationship of the building to the street. The Board generally concluded that active store fronts were important to the image of the district. Mr. Nyberg inquired about the loss of the display cases by the entrances and the new door proposed. Mr. Titus explained the exiting requirements for the building. He added that Cineplex Odeon is pursuing a design concept in several locations where they recall the character of the 1930's and 1940's movie houses through design on the interior and exterior. Mr. Metil said the architects were totally responsive to the wishes of the Board and they should commend and approve the project as submitted. Mr. Nyberg moved the Board commend the architect for their plans and approve the project. Lois Wilder seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Metil moved to specifically disapprove any plan that removes the shops or creates a false facade. Mr. Stuppy seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. IV. BAIRD HOUSE, 4400 WEST 50TH STREET Mr. Stuart said the Board approved a permit to remove a limestone and fieldstone retaining wall and construct a lannon stone wall two feet north of the present location. The change is in connection with the West 50th Street reconstruction project. The wall was removed and has not been replaced. Mr. Sand said that Mr. Jack Curtis checked with some construction companies concerning integrating the fieldstone with the lannon stone wall. They advised that it would be possible if a frost footing and concrete block retaining wall was constructed using the stone as a veneer. However, this would be much more costly than the normal stone wall. V. OTHER BUSINESS: A). Lewis Jones House, 5717 Blake Road. Mr. Sand handed out an article about Lewis Jones that was published May 4, 1987 in the Edina Sun Current. The article dates the Lewis Jones house at 1879. Mr. Jones was born there and has lived there ever since. The house is a vernacular "T" shaped 1 1/2 story farm house that was common for the period but now is quite rare in Edina. Mr. Jones was a farmer and involved in an early rezoning of land to "community store" district adjacent to Vernon Avenue (then Minnesota highway No. 169) Mr. Sand said that this would-be an appropriate time to consider if this property should or should not be zoned Heritage Preservation District. Mr. Jones is 82 years old and wishes to continue living there. However, there is the real possibility that the property will be sold and the house demolished for a subdivision of.the property at some time in the future. The Board should visit the site to consider the significance of the structure. The property is rundown and overgrown with weeds so any proposal to the zone the property HPD would be very controversial. B). COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SOUND WALL Mr. Sand said the property owners on Sunyside Road adjacent to T.H. 100 at the westerly edge of the Country Club District are requesting construction of a sound wall. The City and the HPB received letters in the mail today with a petition for a public improvement. The letter asks if State and Federal assistance is available because the wall will protect the environment in a National Register District. Mr. Tim Glines, director of the Grants Management Office at the Minnesota Historical Society indicated funding for private projects has not been available since 1981. In addition funding would normally be considered for historical research or repairs to threatened historically significant structures rather than construction of a new sound wall. The Board may be called upon to assist with and review the project as it progresses through the hearing process. the members of the Board should try to view the area to consider the impact of a sound wall on the views and character of the area as perceived from the highway and within the neighborhood. VI. NEXT MEETING DATE: June 23, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. VII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Nyberg moved adjournment at 8:55 p.m. Mr. Stuppy seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, 'x'4rr,4 Harold Sand •