HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL - COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Concern of Residents," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: December 11, 2007 II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. December - Survey Progress Report B. Revised Plan of Treatment III. JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL: Tuesday, January 15th at 5:00 p.m. IV. OTHER BUSINESS: V. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: VI. CORRESPONDENCE: VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: February 12, 2008 February 25, 2008 Tentative Country Club Neighborhood Meeting VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Kojetin, Karen Ferrara, Chris Rofidal, Lou Blemaster, Laura Benson, Jean Rehkamp Larson, and Sara Rubin MEMBERS ABSENT: Connie Fukuda and Nancy Scherer STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Preservation Consultant Kitty O'Dea, 4610 Bruce Avenue I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: December 11, 2007 Member Blemaster moved approval of the Minutes from the December 11, 2007 meeting. Member Benson seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Survey Progress Report — December Consultant Vogel reported that the Information on individual houses and landscape features continued to be compiled in a systematic manner and reviewed for content, clarity, and accuracy. Each property surveyed is being evaluated against criteria established by the HPB for determining whether it should be treated as a contributing or noncontributing resource. A complete list of contributing and noncontributing properties is expected to be complete by early January. Mr. Vogel pointed out that one of the major objectives of the Country Club District re -survey was to compile the information needed to refine and elaborate the design review guidelines used for reviewing Certificates of Appropriateness. Ideally, the plan of treatment should identify the historical, architectural, aesthetic, and visual relationships that unify and define the district's heritage resource components; it should also establish policies, procedures, and strategies for maintaining and enhancing the preservation value of these resources. Since the beginning of the project, the HPB has identified a number of preservation issues relating to design review guidelines which provide the basis for integrating survey data with other information, such as input from homeowners and neighborhood Minutes — January 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board groups. After the December 11 Board meeting, priority was given to preparing a revised plan of treatment document which follows. B. Revised Plan of Treatment Consultant Vogel presented the following revised plan of treatment for the Board to review: 1. The primary objective of the Country Club Heritage Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. Certificates of Appropriateness will be required for demolition, moving buildings, and new construction within the district. By ordinance, the Heritage Preservation Board is responsible for approving Certificates of Appropriateness for work in the District that requires a city permit. In fulfillment of this responsibility, the City has adopted the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as the basis for the Board's design review decisions. The preferred treatment for heritage resources in the Country Club District is rehabilitation, which is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values. The standards for rehabilitation are: a) A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships. b) The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a property will' be avoided. c) Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be undertaken. d) Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. e) Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property will be preserved. f) Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, r. Minutes — January 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board color, texture, and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. g) Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. h) Archaeological resources will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken. i) New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment. j) New additions and adjacent new construction will be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment will be unimpaired. 2. A Certificate of Appropriateness will be required before any City permit is issued for the demolition of any principal dwelling or detached garage within the district boundaries. For purposes of design review and compliance with City Code §850.20 subd. 10, "demolition" shall mean the physical alteration of a building such that 50% or more of the surface area of all exterior walls, in the aggregate, are removed, or that any important historic character -defining architectural feature visible from the public street is destroyed. The important historic character -defining architectural features of a given house may include, but are not limited to, the original wood or masonry wall siding, roof shape, dormers, chimneys, window and door openings, vestibules, entrances, porches, porte-cocheres, and attached garages. 3. No Certificate of Appropriateness will be approved for the demolition, in whole or in part, of any contributing heritage resource in the district unless the applicant can show that the subject property no longer contributes to the historical significance of the district. For design review purposes, a "contributing heritage resource" is any building, site, structure, or object that has been so designated by the Heritage Preservation Board on the basis of its historic associations or historic architectural qualities which add to the significance of the district as a whole. Contributing heritage resources may lack individual distinction but must possess historic integrity of those features necessary to convey their heritage preservation value. An 3 Minutes — January 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board updated inventory of contributing and noncontributing properties in the Country Club District will be compiled by the Heritage Preservation Board and maintained by the City Planner. 4. Except in extraordinary circumstances involving threats to public health or safety, no Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued for the demolition of an existing home in the district without an approved design plan for new construction. 5. New home construction will be limited to existing residential lots and their design will be compatible with the original (1924-1944) Country Club District deed restrictions relating to architecture. The following guidelines will be applied by the Heritage Preservation Board to design review of plans for new houses: a) New homes should be compatible in size, scale, massing, orientation, setback, color, and texture with historic buildings in the District constructed prior to 1945. b) Traditional materials and exterior finishes (horizontal lap siding, stucco, brick, false half-timbering, wood shakes, stone) are recommended for use on facades which are visible from the street. The use of non-traditional materials (such as Hardi-Plank siding and steel roofing) should be considered on a case-by-case basis; imitative wood or masonry finishes should duplicate the size, shape, color, and texture of materials historically used in the District. Aluminum and vinyl siding are not appropriate for street facades. c) Designs reflecting the following architectural periods and styles are deemed compatible with the historic character of the Country Club District: Colonial Revival, Tudor, French Eclectic, and Italian Renaissance. Designs with decorative elements based on Modern, Neoeclectic, and Contemporary themes are not appropriate. d) Mechanical equipment, solar panels, air conditioners, satellite dishes, and antennae should be concealed whenever possible or placed in an inconspicuous location so as not to intrude or detract from historic facades and streetscapes. e) Contemporary designs are acceptable for decks, garages, and accessory structures so long as they are not visible from the street. f) Landscaping such as retaining walls, planters, fences, planting beds, and walkways, should be visually compatible with the historic character of the District in size, scale, material, texture, and color. Retaining walls should follow the grade of the lot and blend with the historic streetscape. .19 Minutes — January 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board g) Construction of large areas of impervious surface for driveways, patios, and off-street parking should be discouraged in favor of permeable pavement systems and other "green" alternatives to solid concrete, brick, or bituminous paving. h) Building code requirements should be complied with in such a manner that the architectural character of the new home is compatible with the historic character of the neighborhood. i) New homes should be clearly identified as such by means of a plaque or inscription (to be placed on an exterior surface) bearing the year of construction. 6. Contemporary designs for new detached garages will be discouraged. New detached garages should match the architectural style of the house on the same lot as well as the historic character of the neighborhood. The following guidelines will be applied to design review of plans for new garages: a) No new detached garage should be taller, longer, or wider than the house on the same lot or have a roofline that is taller than that of any adjacent home. b) No new detached garage should have a gabled or hipped roof with a pitch steeper than c) Undecorated exterior walls longer than 16 feet should be avoided on elevations visible from the street or adjacent properties. d) Driveways should be compatible in width and material with historic driveways in the District and should be designed in such a manner that they do not radically change, obscure, or destroy the historic character -defining spatial organization and landscape features of residential lots, yards, and streetscapes. New curb -cuts should be avoided whenever possible. e) New garages should be clearly identified as such by means of a plaque or inscription (to be placed on an exterior surface) bearing the year of construction. 7. The City will promote voluntary compliance with historic preservation standards for the rehabilitation of individual historic properties by encouraging repairs, additions, or alterations which make possible an efficient contemporary use of older homes in the district while preserving those features that are historically and architecturally significant. 5 Minutes — January 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board 8. The distinguishing original qualities and historic character of the district will not be damaged or destroyed as a result of any undertaking funded or assisted by the City. The removal or alteration of any contributing historic building or landscape feature should be avoided whenever possible. 9. The City will develop and implement plans for the preservation, maintenance, and replacement of all public infrastructure within the district, including streets, trees, sidewalks, street lighting, signs, parks, and open space areas that give the neighborhood its distinguishing character. 10.Although not ordinarily subject to Certificates of Appropriateness, small additions or minor alterations should be done in such a manner that they do not destroy historically significant architectural features. New additions should be differentiated from historic architecture and designed to be compatible with the size, scale, color, material, and character of the property. 11. When historic properties are impacted by man-made or natural disasters, every reasonable effort will be made to avoid total loss. If demolition must occur, historic buildings should be recorded so that a body of information about them (photographs, drawings, and written data) will be preserved for the benefit of the public. 12.The City will arrange for a re -survey of the Edina Country Club District every ten years to document changes in the appearance and historic integrity of historic properties; to revise the list of contributing and noncontributing properties present within the district boundaries; and to revise the district plan of treatment as needed. The next re -survey will take place circa 2017. Consultant Vogel pointed out that the revised plan of treatment addresses the drawbacks identified in the original plan and will provide a strong direction for future Certificate of Appropriateness decisions. Regarding item #2 in the proposed plan of treatment, the question arose as to whether additions to the rear of a home should be included in the Certificate of Appropriateness review process. The Board discussed scenarios of possible additions that are typically built on homes in the district. Member Blemaster opined that the plan of treatment should focus on additions that affect the streetscape. Member Rehkamp Larson pointed out that it is the larger projects on the front and side street elevations of the homes that have the biggest impact on the character of the district; she then suggested focusing efforts on the education of concerning issues which might not be regulated in the plan of treatment - such as additions to the rear of a home that are visible from the front street. She added that it will be important that the revised plan of treatment focus on those elements that affect D Minutes — January 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board the landmark designation of the district, i.e. the historic character of the streetscapes. Discussion ensued regarding the following changes to Consultant Vogel's proposed plan of treatment: Item #5 which defines the criteria for when a Certificate of Appropriateness would be required - under item "e", contemporary designs should not be acceptable for garages. Item #6; the term "contemporary" should be replaced with "modern" since many people confuse the use of the term "contemporary" with an architectural style. Also, item #6b which would regulate the pitch of new detached garages should be deleted. The Board then discussed the cut-off year under which a home would be deemed "contributing", thus ineligible to be tom down. Consultant Vogel explained that by using the 50 year standard, (which would stipulate that homes built prior to 1958 would be ineligible to be torn down), the date would be consistent with what is considered historic under preservation standards. Board members agreed that they would consider the suggested 50 year date, but added that they looked forward to discussing this topic with the City Council at the upcoming joint meeting prior to making a final decision. III. JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL — Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Planner Repya explained that the joint meeting with the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15th at 5:00 p.m., prior to the 7:00 p.m. Council meeting. The Council will receive a summary of findings from the survey work completed thus far as well as a copy of the revised plan of treatment which will reflect the aforementioned changes. Board members agreed that they looked forward to discussing the survey work with the Council members. IV. OTHER BUSINESS: None V. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: Kitty O'Dea — 4610 Bruce Avenue Ms. O'Dea asked for clarification regarding something she read indicating that the cloning of historic houses would be discouraged. Consultant Vogel explained'that historic architectural styles will be encouraged; however the plan of treatment will discourage one trying to pass -off new construction as original. FA Minutes — January 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board VI. CORRESPONDENCE: Consultant Vogel reported that the 2008 National Alliance for Preservation Commissions will be held July 10 — 13, 2008, in New Orleans. While it can be pretty warm in New Orleans in July, the Conference should be well worth it, and Vogel encouraged the Board to consider attending. VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: February 12, 2008 VIII. ADJOURNMENT 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya 1,7 AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL - COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Concern of Residents," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: January 8, 2008 II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-1 4622 Drexel Avenue Changes to Certificate of Appropriateness previously approved for new home 2. H-08-2 4629 Bruce Avenue Construct a new 2 -car detached garage in the southeast corner of the rear yard B. January Survey Progress Report III. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT OPEN HOUSE: Planning Session February 25, 2008, 5:00 — 7:00 p.m. IV. OTHER BUSINESS: V. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: VI. CORRESPONDENCE: VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: February 25, 2008 Country Club District Open House March 11, 2008 VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Kojetin, Karen Ferrara, Chris Rofidal, Lou Blemaster, Laura Benson, Jean Rehkamp Larson, Connie Fukuda, Nancy Scherer, and Sara Rubin MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Preservation Consultant Tom Mason, 4622 Drexel Avenue Brandon Merrill, MA Peterson Design Build Joe Sullivan, 4504 Casco Avenue Cheryl Dulas, 4609 Bruce Avenue APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: January 8, 2008 Member Rofidal moved approval of the Minutes from the January 8, 2008 meeting. Member Scherer seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) 1. H-08-1 4622 Drexel Avenue Changes to a COA previously approved for a new home Planner Repya reported that the subject property is located on the west side of the 4600 block of Drexel Avenue. The existing home, constructed in 1941 is identified as a Neo -Colonial. A two stall, front loading garage is located on the north side of the house. On October 26, 2006, the Heritage Preservation Board approved a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the existing home and build a new home. Since that time, the project was abandoned, the property was sold, and a new plan for the home is now proposed. r Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board The subject request addresses new construction which includes removing the existing attached garage and replacing it with a new attached, front -loading, 2 stall garage; recessed 8.33 feet from the front building wall. The existing hip roof is proposed to be replaced with a new, higher pitched roof with gable ends on all four elevations. An 850 square foot, 2 -story addition is proposed to be added to the rear of the home - set back 3.96 from the south building wall of the existing home, and 15.46 feet from the southerly lot line; 43 feet from the rear (or westerly) lot line; and 14 feet from the north lot line. The property owner has indicated that the plans are influenced by the English Cottage architectural style; utilizing a massed square ground plan configuration. The roof pitch is proposed to be changed from low, hip style to a higher pitch with ridge lines and gable ends, in an attempt to more closely match the pitch of surrounding homes. The exterior finishes proposed are tumbled stone, cedar shakes and cedar trim, with asphalt shingles. Planner Repya observed that an important element when reviewing home construction in the Country Club District, in addition to the architectural style, is to determine how the home will compare in size and massing to the adjacent homes. The following comparison of the elevations at the street, first floor and ridge line for the subject home and the adjacent homes to both the north and south were provided: Address Street 1 st Floor Ridge Line _ 4620 - north 887.66 (+9.3') 896.69 (+26.5') 923.22 4622 - proposed 886.53 (+8.3') 894.87 (+27.6') 922.47 (919.98 original) 4624 - south 886.32 (+8.1') 894.42 (+27') 921.48 Note: The difference in grade from street to 1St floor and 1St floor to ridge line is indicated in parentheses. Comparisons for the building heights of the subject and adjacent homes demonstrate the following: (Measurements taken from grade, not 1St floor elevation.) Address Highest Peak Eave Line 4620 — north 277' 16'5" 4622 — proposed 287' 177' (original home 25'5" peak, 19'2" eave) 4624 — south 26'4" 20'4" Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel reviewed the plans submitted with the Certificate of Appropriateness application and opined that a new COA is required because the proposed work will obliterate the existing house (while recycling some of its structural components) and replace it with an entirely new architectural creation. 2 Minutes – February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board The design does not attempt to imitate a particular architectural style or period, but interprets both the Colonial and Tudor styles as well as some notable Midwestern vernacular themes that are also reflected in older homes in the district. The overall impression is of a Neo -Eclectic house consciously designed to be compatible with adjacent historic facades—it certainly makes an interesting transition between the neighboring homes. Mr. Vogel explained that the composition of the fagade is based on traditional rather than modern shapes and textures, and in his opinion, the designer did an excellent job of integrating the attached, front -loading garage with the rest of the facade. Vogel noted that the compound plan, with its combination of side and front -facing gables (a form referred to as "cross -gabled"), is a characteristic shared by numerous Tudor Revival homes in the district, which also often have mixed wall cladding materials. The open entry porch is a very nice touch because it helps offset the mass of the fagade (builders in the 1920s -30s installed the same porches/porticoes on both Colonial Revival and Tudor style houses throughout the district). The wood brackets under the eaves are neither Colonial nor Tudor inspired, at least in an architectural history sense, but decorative brackets can be seen on Italian Renaissance styled homes in the district (where many of the Tudors have "colonial" decorative shutters) and here they are placed in a somewhat inconspicuous location. Mr. Vogel concluded that he would recommend approval of the COA for new construction, subject to the plans presented and a 2008 year built plaque be displayed on the exterior of the home. FINDINGS: Planner Repya provided the following findings: The proposed new construction is architecturally compatible in scale, building materials, and texture with the nearby historic homes and the streetscape. • The historic integrity of nearby historic facades will not be impaired. • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club Plan of Treatment STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ms. Repya concluded that staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new construction subject to: • The plans presented, and • The condition that a year built plaque or sign is placed on the structure. 3 Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Blemaster • Questioned the placement of the garage on the front elevation of the home; recalling that under the original plan for the district, Samuel Thorpe required that the garage not be visible from the front street. • Cautioned the Board to be careful when making suggestions - not to redesign the home — the homeowner needs to have choices. Member Scherer • Reiterated Member Blemaster's concern regarding the placement of the front loading garage, and added that the front elevation has so many elements in play that the plan appears hodge-podge to her. Member Rehkamp Larson • Observed that the plan demonstrates great scale and massing. The form also works with the plan. The original house structure will be maintained. The front facing garage is not a problem — it has been set back from the front building wall to reduce the impact on the front elevation and sits below a lower hip roof. And the front entry has good proportion. • Questioned whether the following details were in keeping with the historic neighborhood: 1. The eave/overhang on the front gable has a large boxed piece that might be reduced. 2. The garden gate on the front south elevation is connected to the eave and could be more connected to the house. 3. Tongue and groove siding — could it be setting a precedence? • Questioned whether this plan would be setting a precedence for future requests for new construction from an historic context. Member Ferrara • Observed that the Board needs to be sensitive to a homeowner's preferences for materials and design as long as what is proposed falls within the suggested design guidelines • Pointed out that when looking at changes which have taken place in the district, it is very difficult to determine precedence. Member Koietin • Pointed out that it is the responsibility of the Board to evaluate the plans as they relate to the criteria set out in the plan of treatment. Member Fukuda • Observed that the plans appear to meet the criteria of the plan of treatment. 0 Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Member Benson • Observed that it is important that the neighbors have had an opportunity to review the plans and that their concerns have been addressed. HOMEOWNER COMMENTS: Tom Mason, Spyglass Properties Responding to questions from the Board, the owner/contractor, Tom Mason explained the following: • The existing home has a front loading garage, and because there is not enough room on the side of the home for a driveway to access a garage in the rear of the home, we have attempted to lessen the impact of the garage by recessing it from the front building wall. • The existing pitch of the roof is very low compared with the neighboring homes. The new gabled roof was designed to be more in keeping with the surrounding historic architecture. • The stone veneer proposed for the facade is a natural tumbled stone. As the plans for the home were designed, meetings were held with city staff, preservation consultant, and abutting neighbors. MOTION: Member Ferrara moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness application, subject to the plans presented and a year date plaque be affixed to the exterior of the home. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. DISCUSSION: Member Rehkamp Larson stated that she was pleased with the overall design of the home, however would be more comfortable if the following changes were considered: 1. Reworking the front overhanging eave and removing the box on either end. 2. The peak of the rear addition is about six inches higher than the peak of the existing home. To bring the addition peak in line with the home would be a refinement to the plan. Mr. Mason explained that the larger overhang eave was designed to prevent ice dam problems which can occur with smaller eaves. Also, the higher ridge of the addition is not visible from the front street due to the grading of the lot. However, he stated that he could agree to Ms. Rehkamp Larson's suggestions. VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Ferrara amended her motion to include Member Rehkamp Larson's two suggestions. Member Kojetin agreed to the 5 Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board amended motion. Members Rofidal, Benson, Fukuda, Scherer, Ferrara, Kojetin and Rubin voted aye. Member Blemaster voted nay, pointing out that she did not agree with the front facing garage. The motion carried. 2. H-08-2 4629 Bruce Avenue Construct a new 2 -car detached garage Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the east side of the 4600 block of Bruce Avenue. The existing home is an English Tudor style constructed in 1935. A 2 -car detached garage is located in the southeast corner of the rear yard, accessed by a driveway running along the south property line. The subject request involves demolishing the existing 583.7 square foot detached garage which was constructed in 1999, and building a new, 583.7 square foot detached garage in the same location. The plan illustrates the new structure will continue to maintain 5 foot setback from the rear lot line and 6.4 foot setback from the south side lot line. A new curb cut is not required since the existing driveway will provide access to the proposed garage. Ms. Repya pointed out that the new 2 stall detached garage is proposed to have the same footprint as the garage to be demolished; 24'2"x 24'2" or 583.7 square feet in area. The design of the structure is proposed to compliment the architectural style of the home. Attention to detail is demonstrated on all four elevations. Stucco siding with trim boards applied in a similar style found on the front of the home is proposed for the walls, and shake shingles are proposed for the roof. The height of the proposed garage is shown to be 21 feet at the highest peak, 15.5 feet at the mid -point of the gable, and 9 feet at the eave line. The ridge line is shown to be 25.5 feet in length. Furthermore, the lot coverage for the property with the proposed garage will not change since the proposed garage will be no larger than the existing garage. The proponent has provided information regarding characteristics of garages to the south and east of the subject property. The data indicates that the property to the south, (4628 Arden Avenue) has a 488 square foot detached garage with a hip roof measuring 12.75 feet to the peak, set back 5 feet from the shared property line. The detached garage for the home to the south (4631 Bruce Avenue) measures 540 square feet in area and 26 feet in height to the peak; it is situated in the southeast corner of the yard approximately 28 feet from the shared lot line shared with the subject property. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the plans and observed that the drawings submitted with the subject Certificate of Appropriateness application demonstrate that the new garage will match the 1935 Tudor dwelling very well. The existing wood fence in back screens the lower part of the east (rear) elevation, where the texture of the exterior wall finish and the gable -end treatment X Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board are sufficient, and will add enough visual character to the only wall that lacks windows/doors. It is a good design and the shed -roofed dormers are an interesting touch — Country Club Tudors often have these little shed dormers. Mr. Vogel recommended approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new garage with the condition that a year built sign or plaque be placed somewhere on the structure to differentiate it as new construction. FINDINGS: Planner Repya presented the following findings: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club Plan of Treatment STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ms. Repya concluded that Staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new garage subject to: • The plans presented, and • The condition that a year built plaque or sign is placed on the structure. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Members Scherer and Blemaster • Inquired about the upstairs room — what it would be used for and how it would be accessed? Member Rehkamp Larson • Stated that she thought the garage plan was great. Member Rofidal • Stated that he liked the plan, however questioned the 21 foot height of the roof considering the garage to the east was only 14 feet high. Member Rehkamp Larson explained that she lived in the home to the east and the 7 foot height difference between the two garages did not bother her. APPLICANT'S COMMENTS: Brandon Merrill, MA Peterson Design Build • Responding to the questions about the upstairs room, Mr. Merrill explained that the upstairs will be accessed by stairs — it will not be insulated and will be used for storage. 7 Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board MOTION AND VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Rehkamp Larson moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request to build a new detached garage subject to the plans presented and the condition that a year built plaque be placed on the exterior of the structure. Member Benson seconded the motion. Members Ferrara, Blemaster, Kojetin, Rubin, and Fukuda voted aye. Members Rofidal and Scherer voted Nay. The motion carried. B. Survey Progress Report — January Consultant Vogel reported that most of the work during the first half of the month was spent preparing for the HPB meeting on January 8 and the HPC -City Council workshop on January 15. Review and organization of the survey data continued with the goal to assemble an update the list of all of the homes in the district with each property's street address, date of construction, architectural classification, and statement of significance (contributing or noncontributing). Work also continued to revise the plan of treatment to reflect comments received from members of the city council and city staff. Some additional research was required relating to definition of terms and the policy implications of some of the plan features. Board members thanked Mr. Vogel for his report. III. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT OPEN HOUSE - February 25th Board members discussed the format and information that would be provided at the February 25th open house. It was agreed that research data should be presented as well as the possible changes to the plan of treatment. Members emphasized that this would be an opportunity for the residents of the neighborhood to learn about the research data and provide a forum for the HPB to listen to resident concerns and vision for their neighborhood. All agreed that a notice of the open house should be mailed to all residents as well as providing a press release. It was suggested that emphasis be made in the notice that "possible changes to the plan of treatment could have an impact on contemplated changes to the exterior of the homes." Planner Repya stated that she would ensure that the notices will be sent no less than 10 days prior to the open house. IV. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Joint Meeting with City Council — January 15th: Outcome Discussion Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Board members discussed their reflections of the meeting with the Council Members. Member Rofidal • Received the impression that some of the council members preferred maintaining the contributing and non-contributing designations for the properties, but at the same time they would prefer the regulations be the same for both designations. • Need to keep in mind that we are entering into a new era — the older homes are expensive to maintain and it might not always be in the best interest of the district to have a blanket prohibition of tear downs. • Have spoken with some residents of the district who do not want a restriction to the tear down of homes. Member Scherer • Four homes have been torn down in the district since the landmark designation in 2003, which is a small number. However, a large number of new homes could change the character of the district. • If the tear down of homes is permitted, the Board needs better guidance when reviewing the plans. Member Blemaster • It may appear the plan of treatment is vague, however it needs to be to provide individuality and creativity within the historic framework. • It is through the Certificate of Appropriateness process that the integrity of the district will be maintained. • It is encouraging that some of the builders associated with Certificates of Appropriateness have been very sensitive to the input from the neighborhood. • It is important that new buyers in the district are educated about the landmark designation and the responsibilities associated with that. Member Koietin • The responsibility for education about the landmark designation lies with the HPB, but also the realtors, home sellers and the neighborhood in general. Member Rehkamp Larson • Observed that it is the broader elements of massing and scale that give the district its character. • Would like clarification of the design guidelines regarding which elements are recommended and which are discouraged. It is important to make expectations clear. eConsultant Vogel • It is imperative to know what is being preserved. 9 Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board • Preservation education is a consistent struggle in landmark districts because the stakeholders come and go. The historic information needs to be continually available. • It should not be the HPB job to prohibit change — the to control new construction to ensure the historic integrity of the district is maintained. • The concern for a large number of teardowns just isn't there. With the rate of four tear downs in five years in a district of 550 homes, the rate of change would take hundreds of years. • Residents are doing an excellent job of maintaining the character of the district. V. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: Joe Sullivan — 4504 Casco Avenue Mr. Sullivan expounded upon a letter to the editor he submitted to the Edina Sun Current regarding the possible restriction of tear downs in the district, stating the following: • Preservation in the district is a difficult job due to its subjectiveness. • The district has been evolving for 80 years, and has been well maintained. • He has been a resident for 2 years and was attracted due to the location, sidewalks and young families, not necessarily the architectural styles of the homes. • The regulations need to be pragmatic — the houses are aged and won't last forever. • The regulations should not over mandate — the residents should be encouraged to invest in their properties. • Some older residents in the district are afraid of change. • The importance of a neighborhood is people. • His home has had numerous poorly constructed additions, which over time will require that he make a considerable investment to create a safe and more livable home, which will enhance the neighborhood. • The residents in the district need to be comfortable with the HPB. Cheryl Dulas — 4609 Bruce Avenue Ms. Dulas shared the following concerns: • There are some homes in the district that deserve to be preserved, such as the 8 model homes built by Mr. Thorpe. • For the most part, the residents of the district have voluntarily maintained the historic integrity of their homes when undertaking changes to their homes. It is the speculative buyer, particularly on the smaller lots on the 10 Minutes — February 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board east side of the district who have demonstrated a disregard for the history of the district. • Ms. Dulas questioned the precedence for demolishing homes in the district. VI. CORRESPONDENCE: None VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: March 11, 2008 VIII. ADJOURNMENT 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya 11 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Goals & Objectives 2008 Below are the goals & objectives identified in 2007 which remain in the work plan: • Initiate a city-wide survey of significant properties associated with the heritage of Edina women. • Increase efforts to provide city officials with information, education and training in heritage preservation. • Work with Public Works, Parks and other city departments to ensure that historic properties are taken into account in planning for city infrastructure maintenance and improvements. • Increase public education and outreach efforts. Additional tasks include: To be discussed at the meeting • r • AGENDA THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL - COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Concern of Residents," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: February 12, 2008 II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairman and Vice Chairman III. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Open House — February 25th: Outcome Discussion B. Survey Progress Report - February C. Revisions to Plan of Treatment IV. 2008 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: V. ANNUAL MINNESOTA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE — September 19-20,2008 Northfield, Minnesota IV. OTHER BUSINESS: V. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: VI. CORRESPONDENCE: VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50"' STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Karen Ferrara, Chris Rofidal, Lou Blemaster, Laura Benson, Jean Rehkamp Larson, Connie Fukuda, Nancy Scherer, and Sara Rubin MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Kojetin and Nancy Scherer STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Joe Sullivan, 4504 Casco Avenue Dan & Cheryl Dulas, 4609 Bruce Avenue Bruce Christensen, 4515 Browndale Avenue William Horn, 4511 Browndale Avenue H.L. Saylor, 4900 Bruce Avenue Ralph Tully, 4619 Bruce Avenue Request for Addition to the Agenda: Member Rehkamp Larson advised the Board that the issue of the traffic calming measures approved for the Country Club District has come to the attention of residents who are now expressing their disapproval of the measures. Some residents from the neighborhood were in attendance and would like to address the Board. Ms. Rehkamp Larson asked that the Country Club District traffic calming measures be added to the agenda. The Board agreed to hear the concerns of the residents after the work on Item # I I I C. the Revised Plan of Treatment. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: February 12, 2008 Planner Repya asked for approval of the minutes. Member Blemaster moved approval of the minutes from the February 12, 2008 meeting. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. if. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Planner Repya requested nominations for the office of chairman. Member Fukuda moved to nominate Chris Rofidal to the office. Member Blemaster seconded the nomination. Member Rofidal offered his philosophy for the responsibilities of the Minutes – March 11, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board chairman and explained that if the Board was comfortable with his approach, he would accept the nomination. Board members appreciated Member Rofidal's candor and unanimously approved Rofidal to become the Board Chairman. Member Rehkamp Larson moved to nominate Laura Benson to the office of vice chairman. Member Blemaster seconded the nomination. Member Benson accepted the nomination. Board members unanimously approved Member Benson's for the office of vice chairman. III. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Open House – February 25th Board members Benson, Rubin, Kojetin and Scherer represented the HPB at the Open House of February 25th where the results of the research and possible changes to the district's Plan of Treatment were presented. Members Rubin and Benson shared their favorable reflections. Member Blemaster expressed her regrets for being unable to attend however stated that she was impressed with the favorable emails the Board had received from the neighborhood. Member Rehkamp Larson also appreciated the email comments, pointing out that she saw a call for clarity and specificity in the revised plan. Chairman Rofidal agreed that the email messages received from the open house attendees provided good specifics. B. Survey Progress Report - February Consultant Vogel was not in attendance, but provided the following progress report summarizing the project work carried out during the month of February: I continued to review and organize the survey data so that it can be integrated into the planning process. The evaluation of individual properties was completed and a comprehensive inventory of all contributing and noncontributing properties is forthcoming—probably in April. A considerable effort was made to prepare for the district open house on February 25 and the upcoming HPB and Planning Commission meetings scheduled for March 11 and 26, respectively. I will not be present at the HPB meeting but will attend the Planning Commission to present a summary of the survey results. 2 Minutes — March 11, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board C. Revisions to Plan of Treatment Chairman Rofidal recognized that there were members of the community present that may wish to speak on this item, and suggested that the public testimony be taken prior to the Board discussion. Public Comment: Joe Sullivan — 4504 Casco Avenue Mr. Sullivan stated that he understood the historic designation of the district but, emphasized a concern for basic property rights. He opined that with the HPB controlling new construction, if a property owner chose to tear down his home, he should be allowed to do so. Dan Dulas — 4609 Casco Avenue Mr. Dulas stated that the reason the district has the heritage landmark designation is due to the historic architecture of the homes and the manner in which it was built. If a homebuyer feels that the homes in the district don't fit their lifestyle, or are ugly, perhaps the historic Country Club District is not the right neighborhood for them. Mr. Dulas concluded that he understood that not every home in the district is historic; therefore he would like to see some constraints on which homes would qualify to be torn down. Bruce Christensen — 4515 Browndale Avenue Mr. Christensen stated that he thought it was dangerous to remove homes in the district. He encouraged the consideration of a peer review system, pointing out that the current process was unsustainable. He further opined that a homebuyer in the district should not have a free right to build whatever they want at the expense of the neighbors. Cheryl Dulas — 4609 Casco Avenue Ms. Dulas thanked the Board for the work on the revised Plan of Treatment, stating that the work thus far demonstrates a significantly stronger plan. Chairman Rofidal thanked those who spoke for their comments. Member Rehkamp Larson moved to close the item for public comment. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Board Discussion: Chairman Rofidal suggested that since a majority of the revised Plan of Treatment prepared by Consultant Vogel does not include substantial changes, 3 Minutes — March 11, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board but rather clarifications, the Board should address those issues where change is proposed. All agreed that was a good idea. Item #4 — Revised definition of "demolition" Proposed language — For purposes of design review and compliance with City Code §850.20 subd. 10, "demolition" shall mean the physical alteration of a historic building that requires a city permit and where (a) 50% or more of the surface area of all exterior walls, in the aggregate, are removed; or (b) 50% of more of the principal roof structure is removed, changing its shape, pitch, or height; or (c) a front porch, side porch, vestibule, attached garage, or porte-cochere is removed or destroyed. This demolition does not include removal of existing siding, roofing, trim, fascia, soffit, eave moldings, dormers, chimneys, windows, and doors. Certificates of Appropriateness are not required for demolition, in whole or in part, of non -historic buildings however, Certificates of Appropriateness are required for any new construction in the district. Board members agreed that the demolition definition was very important to the Plan of Treatment. Discussion ensued regarding whether it was wise to have separate regulations for historic and non- historic resources. The consensus opinion was that they should not be treated differently; Member Ferrara then suggested removing the second paragraph from the demolition definition which states that "A COA would not be required for a non -historic building." Board members agreed that would be a good idea. Member Rehkamp Larson suggested that under item c) which cites the elements of a home that if removed would be considered demolition; dormers should be included to the listing. As proposed dormers are not included. She pointed out that a dormer is structural to a home much like a porch, vestibule or porte- cochere. Whereas those items not included in the definition of demolition i.e. roofing, trim, fascia, soffit fall within the classification of routine maintenance for a home. Discussion ensued regarding the suggestion — opinions varied, thus members requested a vote. Member Rehkamp Larson made the motion to move "dormers" into the classification of elements, if removed would be classified as demolition. Member Benson seconded the motion. Members Benson, Fukuda, Rehkamp Larson and Rofidal voted aye. Member Ferrara voted nay. Member Blemaster abstained. The motion carried. Revised language — For purposes of design review and compliance with City Code §850.20 subd. 10, demolition shall mean the physical alteration of a building that requires a city permit and where: (a) 50% or more of the surface area of all exterior walls, in the aggregate, are removed; or 0 Minutes— March 11, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board (b) 50% or more of the principal roof structure is removed, changing its shape, pitch, or height; or (c) A front porch, side porch, vestibule, dormer, attached garage, or porte-cochere is removed or destroyed. This demolition does not include removal of existing siding, roofing, trim, . fascia, soffit, eave moldings, chimneys, windows, and doors. Item #5 — When a COA for demolition would be approved Proposed language No Certificate of Appropriateness will be approved for the demolition, in whole or in part, of any heritage preservation resource in the district unless the applicant can show that the subject property no longer contributes to the historical significance of the district. For design review purposes, the terms "heritage preservation resource" and "historic building" refer to any building, site, structure, or object that has been so designated by the Heritage Preservation Board on the basis of its historic associations or historic architectural qualities which add to the significance of the district as a whole. Heritage preservation resources may lack individual distinction but must possess historic significance and integrity of those features necessary to convey their heritage preservation value. An updated inventory of heritage preservation resources in the Country Club District will be compiled by the Heritage Preservation Board and maintained by the City Planner. Following a brief discussion, Board members agreed that the consultant's recommendation that "The plan of treatment should give priority to restricting teardowns to non -historic properties" should be added to this paragraph as the second sentence. Item #8 — Detached garages a) Discussion ensued regarding whether the Plan of Treatment should discourage front facing attached garages. Member Blemaster felt strongly that such garages should be prohibited. Upon the request for a vote, Member Rofidal moved to add that "front facing attached garages are discouraged." Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding the 18 foot maximum height above grade established for detached garages. All agreed that they would prefer using the same percentage concept for the height of the garage as is used for the home, i.e. "The roofline should have a maximum height within 10% of the average height of existing detached garages on adjacent lots, or the average of the block." A general discussion ensued regarding layout for the plan. Member Ferrara pointed out that she would prefer organizing the plan with topic headings rather 5 Minutes — March 11, 2008 Edina Heritage. Preservation Board then numbers, to assist the reader in finding information. All agreed that would an excellent idea. Planner Repya agreed to organize the plan by labeling paragraphs. Chairman Rofidal than made a motion for the Board to accept the draft Plan of Treatment as revised. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. 2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Continued until April Meeting V. ANNUAL MN PRESERVATION CONFERENCE: September 19-20, 2008 Northfield, MN Member Fukuda departed the meeting. VI. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: Traffic Calming in Country Club District Bruce Christensen — 4515 Browndale Avenue Mr. Christensen explained that he represented a group of neighbors from the Country Club District who are challenging the traffic calming and streetscape changes approved for their neighborhood. Mr. Christensen reviewed the reasons his group was opposed to the plan. He pointed out that he felt the HPB was complicent in the approval of the project and asked that the Board rescind the Certificate of Appropriateness for the project. Chairman Rofidal explained that the Certificate of Appropriateness for the improvements to the infrastructure in the Country Club District was approved at the November meeting of the Board. Because the ten day appeal period passed with no appeals received, the Board's decision stands. That being the case, the Board can not rescind the Certificate of Appropriateness. He added that because the HPB is advisory to the City Council, the Council would need to direct the Board to reevaluate the project. William Horn — 4511 Browndale Avenue Mr. Horn opined that the subject traffic calming measures are addressing the concerns of a handful of residents and going against the will of the community. H.L. Saylor — 4900 Bruce Avenue Mr. Saylor stated that he supported a petition being circulated opposing the traffic calming measures in the district. He stated that due to a heavy work schedule, he was unaware of the situation and expressed concerns that the proposed traffic calming measures will cause problems for emergency vehicles and snow plows. N Minutes — March 11, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Ralph Tully — 4619 Bruce Avenue Mr. Tully expressed his opinion that a vast majority of the residents in the Country Club District don't agree with the traffic calming measures that have been approved-. He urged the Board to support the cause of those opposing the plan. Joe Sullivan — 4504 Casco Avenue Mr. Sullivan explained that he too supported the petition opposing the traffic calming measures; and warned that changing traffic patterns will redirect traffic flow to areas of the district which previously had no problems. BOARD MEMBERS RESPONSES: Member Ferrara Member Ferrara explained that the traffic plan was presented as part of the utility project in the district. The HPB did not weigh in on whether or not the improvements were appropriate, rather how the improvements would impact the historic integrity of the neighborhood. Member Rehkamp Larson Member Rehkamp Larson stated that the changes proposed in the traffic section of the project were brought to the HPB as part of the requirements set out from the NE Traffic Study. The HPB was not given a choice as to whether the specific elements of the plan (i.e. speed humps, paved crosswalks, chokers, etc.) were appropriate in the district. The charge of the Board was to address how the changes would impact the district from an historic standpoint. Member Benson Member Benson agreed that the HPB was not asked to weigh in as to whether or not the proposed traffic calming measures were appropriate in the district; rather the consultant's wanted the HPB's advice on how the changes could be implemented with the least impact on the historic streetscapes. Member Blemaster Member Blemaster observed that a coalition of concerned residents have been researching the traffic situation in the district for many years. In 2005, this group made a presentation to the City Council in which they defined the need for traffic calming measures and asked that before the streets were upgraded without taking their concerns into consideration, that a study be done. The NE Traffic Study identified the traffic problems in the district and the project that was approved is a result of that research. 7 Minutes — March 11, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Member Rofidal Addressing the comment that there was inadequate notification of this project, Member Rofidal recited the list of notifications and meetings which took place from 2005 until approval of the project in 2007. Board Discussion Board members understood that they were not in a position to rescind the Certificate of Appropriateness that was approved for the traffic calming measures in the district. However, several members suggested that the Board submit a statement to the City Council explaining the rationale for approving the COA. Chairman Rofidal cautioned that a statement from the Heritage Preservation Board might not be appropriate at this time. Following a brief discussion, Member Rehkamp Larson moved that the HPB submit a letter to the City Council explaining that the COA for the traffic calming measures was approved with the understanding that the measures were required by the NE Traffic Study which had been approved by the City Council. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. Members Rehkamp Larson and Ferrara voted aye. Members Benson and Blemaster voted nay. Chairman Rofidal abstained. The motion was defeated. Chairman Rofidal pointed out that while the Board will not be submitting a letter to the City Council regarding this issue, board members do have to right to express their opinions to the Council if they so choose. VII. CORRESPONDENCE: None VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE: April 8, 2008 IX. ADJOURNMENT 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya 0 AGENDA THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL - COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Concern of Residents," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: March 11, 2008 II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Plan of Treatment B. Certificate of Appropriateness Procedures III. 2008 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: IV. 2008 HERITAGE AWARD: Nomination Deadline April 11 t V. ANNUAL MINNESOTA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE — September 19-20,2008 Northfield, Minnesota VI. OTHER BUSINESS: VII. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: VIII. CORRESPONDENCE: IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: X. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chris Rofidal, Bob Kojetin, Karen Ferrara, Lou Blemaster, Laura Benson, Jean Rehkamp Larson, Connie Fukuda, Nancy Scherer, and Sara Rubin MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant Dan & Cheryl Dulas, 4609 Bruce Avenue Kitty O'Dea, 4610 Bruce Avenue I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: March 11, 2008 Member Benson moved approval of the minutes from the March 11, 2008 meeting. Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Plan of Treatment Planner Repya reported that on March 26th the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Plan of Treatment for the Country Club District, and unanimously approved supporting the HPB in requesting adoption of the revised plan from the City Council at their upcoming April 15th meeting. Member Scherer stated that as a Planning Commission member, she was pleased with the reception the revised plan received from her fellow commission members. Chairman Rofidal observed that in preparation for the City Council presentation he wanted to ensure that the HPB members clearly understood and supported the proposed plan. Consultant Vogel pointed out that since the Board agreed to revise point c) under the definition of "Demolition" to include dormers because they affect the Minutes — April 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board architectural style of the home, perhaps chimneys should also be included in the list — pointing out that the loss of a prominent chimney can have an impact on the design of a home. Board members agreed that it would be a very good idea to include "chimney" in the listing of elements to be considered when defining "demolition". Regarding the first paragraph of the "Design Review Guidelines" section, the question was raised that since the paragraph refers to the original Country Club District deed restrictions, perhaps the original deed restrictions should be included in the plan. Consultant Vogel explained that the design review guidelines listed in the plan were taken from the original deed restrictions, and to list them again would be redundant. Member Benson suggested that the last sentence be modified to read, "The following guidelines generally reflect the principles of the deed restrictions, and will be applied by the Heritage Preservation Board to design review of plans for new houses:". Board members agreed that Member Benson's suggestion provided more clarity to that section. The following questions were then addressed by the Board: • In the "Landscape" section, should the plan encourage the planting of Elm trees on the boulevard? Consultant Vogel pointed out that the City is responsible for the boulevard area, and added that an educational brochure would be the best place to list trees to be encouraged in the district. • In the "City Responsibilities" section, should the plan specify that heritage preservation shall not take precedence over public safety? Consultant Vogel explained that as with the previous question, the public safety over preservation issue would be best served in an educational brochure. Following a brief discussion, Chairman Rofidal asked for a motion to approve the Plan of Treatment reflecting the clarifications proposed. Member Scherer moved to approve the revised Plan of Treatment subject to the minor changes proposed. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Certificate of Appropriateness Procedures Consultant Vogel observed that as changes are proposed to the Plan of Treatment, the Board should also review the Certificate of Appropriateness process. Under the original Plan of Treatment, the process has been no different for the review of a new detached garage or the tear down and new construction of a home. Through experience, the Board has found that much more work is involved with the review of a new home; consequently it only makes sense that a separate and more intensive review process should be considered. E Minutes — April 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board The following proposed requirements for a Certificate of Appropriateness application which would only apply to the tear down of a home were presented to the Board: Increase the COA application fee to ?00.00. (Current fee is $175.00) 2. Increase the amount of time required for design review to two meetings: A preliminary review at the first meeting, and a final approval at the second meeting. 1. Preliminary Review - Applicant demonstrates that: • The subject property is not a heritage preservation resource, or • The home no longer contributes to the historical significance of the district because its historic integrity has been compromised by deterioration, damage or by inappropriate additions or alterations. • The proposed new construction must receive preliminary approval prior to moving on to final approval. 2. Final Approval — Plans must include: • 2 surveys — one of the existing home and one of the proposed home. • Detailed exterior elevations of all sides of the proposed home. • Exterior elevations of adjacent structures detailing grade as well as the roof and eave lines in relation to the roof and eave lines of the proposed work. • A narrative explaining 1. How the proposed home is compatible with, and will enhance the historic integrity of the district; and 2. Details of the proposed home focusing on the following details: - Size, Scale and Massing - Exterior Finishes - Accessory Mechanical Equipment - Decks and Accessory Structures - Landscape Elements, and - Impervious Surfaces 3. Require the new home builder to hold at least one neighborhood meeting with adjacent and abutting neighbors after receiving preliminary approval. 4. Require builders of new homes to mitigate the effects of demolition of historic homes by architectural recordation to the standards and specifications of the Historic American Buildings Survey. 5. Require the city planner, building official, and engineer to certify to the HPB that the new construction has been carried out in accordance with the plans submitted. 3 Minutes — April 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Board members discussed the proposed revised procedures for the tear down and new construction of a home in the district. All agreed that requiring a more intensive procedure made a lot of sense. Member Rehkamp Larson recommended under item #3 requiring a neighborhood meeting, that the HPB receive notice of the date and time for the meeting. The Board agreed that would be a good idea. No formal action was taken. III. 2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Consultant Vogel explained that the purpose of adopting annual goals and objectives is to establish priorities for dealing with special projects and other discretionary activities; they also provide handy benchmarks for use as performance measures. Generally, goals and objectives refer to activities for outcomes that are not mandated by city code section which deals with the responsibilities of the HPB. Ideally, the Board's ' stated goals and objectives should also dovetail with the work plan of the city staff liaison and consultant. The proposed goals/objectives would commit the HPB to taking care of ,a good deal of "unfinished business" from 2005-2007 and would put the city preservation program back on track to focus on its primary mission, which is the identification and registration of significance heritage resources reflecting the broad spectrum of Edina heritage (all 10,000 years and 12 historic contexts). The goals and objectives also address important information needs and planning issues raised by the Board (when it wasn't preoccupied with the Country Club District) during the past two years. Mr. Vogel pointed out that the work plan is ambitious; however the resources are available to carry it out between now and the 2009 annual meeting. Recommendations for 2008: 1) Adopt and implement the revised Plan of Treatment for the Country Club District. 2) Evaluate the significance of heritage resources along Minnehaha Creek and issue findings of heritage landmark eligibility. 3) Nominate a minimum of one building or site for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark. 4) Begin to compile an inventory of buildings and sites associated with commercial and industrial development in Edina between the 1930s and 1970s and evaluate their historical, architectural, engineering, and cultural significance. 5) Begin work on a comprehensive heritage preservation education and outreach program aimed at property owners, realtors, developers, and others. 12 Minutes — April 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board 6) Work with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District to study the feasibility of reconstructing the Edina Mill and rehabilitating heritage resources associated with Minnehaha Creek and the Mill Pond. 7) Develop a research design and seek funding for a thematic study of Edina heritage resources associated with women. 8) Establish closer ties with heritage preservation commissions in neighboring cities. Discussion ensued regarding the proposed goals. Consultant Vogel pointed out that he provided 8 goals which total 1 per month for the remainder of the year. The Board agreed that the goals proposed were reasonable. Board members concurred that once the Country Club District Plan of Treatment has been determined it will be important to focus on educating city staff, district residents and contractors about the district requirements. Mr. Vogel pointed out that future workshops on the "care and feeding" of older homes would serve the community well. Experts on specific topics, such as windows or landscaping could offer community education type classes for any resident in the city interested in maintaining their older home. These session would serve the Country Club District, however would be directed to anyone interested in older homes. Board members agreed with Mr. Vogel. On the topic of education, Chairman Rofidal asked that for the May meeting, an item be added to the agenda regarding educating the Board about their responsibilities in light of the possible changes to the Plan of Treatment. Planner Repya agreed to include an education line item to the agenda. IV. 2008 HERITAGE AWARD: Planner Repya advised the Board that the deadline for the 2008 Heritage Award nominations is Friday, April 11 t'. To date, no nominations have been received. Board members were encouraged to submit a nomination. Member Benson stated that she was interested in nominating the Edina Morningside Church, 4201 Morningside Road. Board members agreed that the church has been well cared for by its congregation, and holds a place of importance to the historic fabric of the Morningside neighborhood. Consultant Vogel suggested that with three days remaining for nominations to be submitted, a committee should be assembled to review nominations. Board members agreed that Mr. Vogel should serve on the committee. Member Benson offered to assist Vogel to review the nominations and choose a recipient. The Board thanked Mr. Vogel and Member Benson for volunteering. Planner Repya 5 Minutes — April 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board added that the Heritage Award announcement would be made at the May HPB meeting with the City Council awarding the plaque at one of their May meetings. V. ANNUAL MN PRESERVATION CONFERENCE:eptem d r 19 19-20,2008 Northfi Chairman Rofidal reminded the Board that the annual Minnesota Preservation Conference is scheduled for September 19 — 20 this year in Northfield, MN. Because Edina is a Certified Local Government (CLG) at least one board member is required to attend the conference. The registration materials will be sent out in several months. Board members were asked to keep the date in mind. VI. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: Dan & Cheryl Dulas — 4609 Bruce Avenue Recognizing the upcoming review of the Country Club District Plan of Treatment by the City Council; Cheryl Dulas inquired about the process for adoption of the plan. Of particular concern was what would happen if a Council member took issue with something in the plan. Consultant Vogel explained several scenarios that could occur at the meeting... if the Council did not approve adoption of the proposed plan, the original Plan of Treatment would continue. He added that the Council could also approve adoption of the plan with changes, or they could continue the item to a future meeting. Mr. Dulas stated that he supported the revised Plan of Treatment, but wanted to know if the Board had a policy to follow up on the construction approved through a Certificate of Appropriateness permit to ensure that what is built is true to the plan approved. Planner Repya assured Mr. Dulas that periodic inspections are conducted by the building inspectors and planning staff to ensure compliance with the permitted plan. Kitty O'Dea — 4610 Bruce Avenue Ms. O'Dea thanked the Board for the work on the proposed Plan of Treatment stating that the changes provide clarity. She added that she has been researching how to best notify residents and prospective residents about the heritage landmark designation. Including a line item on the purchase agreement for a property, and a neighborhood association effort were some of the possible approaches she identified. 9 Minutes — April 8, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board VII. CORRESPONDENCE: None VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE: May 13, 2008 IX. ADJOURNMENT 9:25 p.m. • Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya 7 a AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL - COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Concern of Residents," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. BOARD MEMBER RECOGNITION I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: April 8, 2008 II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-3 4622 Drexel Avenue Certificate of Appropriateness for new construction 2. H-08-4 4600 Edina Boulevard Construct a new 2 -car detached garage in the southwest corner of the rear yard 3. H-08-5 4513 Moorland Avenue Construct a new detached garage in the southeast corner of the rear yard 4. H-08-6 Country Club District Changes to Certificate of Appropriateness: H-07-10 Revised traffic plan B. Revised Plan of Treatment 1. Notice of Changes to Neighborhood 2. Revisions to Procedures III. PUBLIC EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES: IV. 2008 EDINA HERITAGE AWARD: V. OTHER BUSINESS: VI. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: VII. CORRESPONDENCE: VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE: June 10, 2008 IX. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chris Rofidal, Bob Kojetin, Lou Blemaster, Jean Rehkamp Larson, Connie Fukuda, Arlene Forrest, and Sara Rubin MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Ferrara and Laura Benson STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Wayne Houle, City Engineer OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant Tom Mason, 4622 Drexel Avenue Don Nygaard, 4513 Browndale Avenue Cheryl Dulas, 4609 Bruce Avenue Kitty O'Dea, 4610 Bruce Avenue BOARD MEMBER RECOGNITION: Sara Rubin — Chairman Rofidal presented Member Rubin with a Certificate of Appreciation for her service on the Board as a student member. This was Ms. Rubin's last meeting, as she has a summer job out of state and will be attending college in the fall. All Board members thanked Sara for her contributions and wished her well. Nancy Scherer — Chairman Rofidal announced that Member Scherer's tenure on the HPB as a representative from the Planning Commission has come to an end. Board members signed a Certificate of Appreciation that will be delivered to Ms. Scherer. Arlene Forrest — Chairman Rofidal welcomed Member Forrest as the newest member of the HPB, representing the Planning Commission. Ms. Forrest served as a regular member of the HPB prior to her appointment to the Planning Commission. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: April 8, 2008 Member Kojetin moved approval of the minutes from the April 8, 2008 meeting. Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificate of Appropriateness H-08-3 4622 Drexel Avenue — New Construction Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the west side of the 4600 block of Drexel Avenue. The original home, constructed in 1941 is identified as a Neo -Colonial. A two stall, front loading garage is located on the north side of the house. 93 On October 26, 2006, the Heritage Preservation Board approved a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the existing home and build a new home. Since that time, the project was abandoned, the property was sold, and a new plan for the home was approved on February 12, 2008, #H-08-1. The subject request again addresses new construction which includes removing the existing attached garage and replacing it with a new attached, front -loading, 2 stall garage; recessed 8.33 feet from the front building wall. This is unchanged from the plan approved in February. As provided in the previous plan, an 850 square foot, 2 -story addition is proposed for the rear of the home — set back 3.96 feet from the south building wall of the existing home, and 14.46 feet from the southerly lot line; 43 feet from the rear (westerly) lot line; and 14 feet from the north lot line. The significant changes demonstrated in the proposed plan are evidenced in the architectural style proposed, thus affecting the rooflines, windows and building materials. The new construction demonstrates the use of stone veneer and wood siding; double hung windows, and asphalt shingles. An important element when reviewing home construction in the Country Club District, in addition to the architectural style, is to determine how the home will compare in size and massing to the adjacent homes. The height and setbacks of the new construction remain unchanged from the previous plan approved for the home, which had been deemed appropriate. Preservation Consultant, Robert Vogel reviewed the proposed plan and indicated that because the proposed new construction does not involve rehabilitation of a heritage preservation resource, design review only needs to consider the visual impact of the proposed new construction on the historical integrity of the district. The proposed roof shape and height meet current preservation standards. Recycling the existing attached garage is contextual and therefore appropriate: the district contains several homes built before 1945 with "tuck -under" front- loading garages. (Recycling architectural components of houses can mean significant savings in energy, time, materials, and money and is entirely 2 Minutes – May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board consistent with preservation goals.) The stone veneer finish, dentils, six -over -six sash windows, ornamental shutters, dormers, end -wall chimney, and classical entry entablature are features commonly seen on historic facades throughout the district—note that the plan of treatment requires new homes to have facades that are "architecturally similar to existing historic homes" with features that "relate to the pattern of existing adjacent historic homes and respect the rhythm and continuity of similar features along the street". Vogel added that from a streetscape perspective, the new house appears to be architecturally compatible in scale, massing, color, and materials with nearby older homes and the historic character of the district. Mr. Vogel concluded that he recommended approval of the COA, subject to the plans presented for the following reasons: • The existing house at 4622 Drexel Avenue should not be considered a heritage preservation resource because it is not an example of an important heritage resource type; • The home does not contribute to the historical significance of the district; • The proposed new construction is architecturally compatible with historic homes in the district and meets the requirements for new home design that are set forth in the district plan of treatment. Mr. Vogel recommended that in the interest of historical accuracy, the plaque recording the date of construction should indicate that the subject property was originally built in 1941 and rebuilt in 2008—Built 9941/2008 would be appropriate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS: Planner Repya also recommended approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request supported by the following findings: • The proposed new construction is architecturally compatible in scale, building materials, and texture with the nearby historic homes and the streetscape. • The historic integrity of nearby historic facades will not be impaired. • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club Plan of Treatment Ms. Repya concurred that the approval should be subject to the plans presented, and the condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the structure. 3 Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Fukuda asked why the owner was proposing the change to the exterior design. Owner, Tom Mason explained that a potential buyer who currently lives on the street would prefer the proposed design. Member Forrest observed that the double hung windows appear larger than those on neighboring historic houses. Member Rehkamp Larson pointed out that for egress purposes, current building codes require larger windows than those installed when the district was developed. Member Blemaster expressed concern that the stone on the front and side of the home is not shown on the rear side. Member Rehkamp Larson suggested that perhaps the stone could be continued on the base of the rear elevation, which would help in breaking up the long stretch of blank wall on the side/north elevation. Consultant Vogel explained that it is not uncommon to see detailing such as stone on the front and not the rear of homes built in the district. He added that the home, as proposed is compatible with the district and compatible with the surrounding homes. He added that through the Certificate of Appropriateness review, the board should not look for the home to mimic the historic homes, rather to compliment them. MOTION & Vote: Following a brief discussion, Member Kojetin moved to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness request subject to the plans presented and the conditions recommended by Staff. Member Forrest seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. H-08-4 4600 Edina Boulevard — New Detached Garage Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the southwest corner of Edina Boulevard and Bridge Street. The existing home is an English Tudor style constructed in 1929. A 2 -car attached garage is located on the west side of the home, accessed by a driveway running along the north property line. The subject request involves converting the existing 2 -stall attached garage into a single stall garage/workshop, and building a new, 476 square foot detached garage in the southwest corner of the rear yard. The plan illustrates the new structure will maintain 3 foot setback from the rear (west) lot line and 4 foot setback from the side (south) lot line. A new curb cut will not be required since the existing driveway will provide access to the proposed garage. The new 2 -stall detached garage is proposed to measure 20'x 23'8" or 476 square feet in area. The design of the structure is proposed to compliment the am Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board architectural style of the home. Attention to detail is demonstrated on all four elevations. Stucco siding with trim boards applied in a similar style found on the front of the home is proposed for the walls, and asphalt shingles are proposed for the roof to match the house. In keeping with the most recent change to the Plan of Treatment regarding how the appropriate height of a new detached garage should be calculated, the proponent considered the heights of the detached garages for the following properties when determining the height for the proposed garage: 4601 Moorland Avenue 20.25 feet + @10% = 22.27 feet 4603 Moorland Avenue 18.1 feet (hip roof) + @10% = 19.91 feet 4607 Moorland Avenue 20.67 feet (hip roof) + @10% = 22.7 feet Average Maximum Height = 21.6 feet Proposed Garage Height = 20.9 feet The height proposed at the midpoint of the gable is shown to be 14 feet, and a height of 7 feet is provided at the eave line. The ridge line is shown to be 25.5 feet in length. The maximum lot coverage allowed for the property is 25%. Prior to the construction of the proposed garage, the lot coverage on the property measures 20.5%. Construction of the proposed 476 sq. ft. garage will create a maximized lot coverage of 25%. Preservation Consultant, Robert Vogel reviewed the subject plans and opined that the proposed new garage meets the basic criteria for appropriateness set forth in the Country Club Plan of Treatment. The design of the new garage matches the Tudor style of the historic home, is subordinate to the house, and is compatible in size, scale and materials with other historic homes in the district. The garage will not disturb or alter the defining characteristics of the property or the neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS: Planner Repya concluded that staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request supported by the following findings: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club Plan of Treatment Ms. Repya further recommended approval subject to the plans presented, and the condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the structure. 5 Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board HOMEOWNER COMMENTS: - Mr. Dan Ilten explained that he has lived in the home since 1983, and is hoping that with the construction of the proposed detached garage, he will have more storage, as well as a more efficient use of space. Mr. Ilten, an architect, designed the proposed garage with the intent of complimenting the house by matching the pitch of the roof as closely as possible. He added that the 20' 9" height proposed is six inches shorter than the maximum allowed with the new provision provided in the Plan of Treatment. However, it would be his desire to add another one foot of height, creating a 21' 9" height/ 6 inches higher than the Plan of Treatment would recommend. Mr. liten added that he shared the plans for the garage with the neighbors who all expressed their support to him. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Rehkamp Larson observed that the garage plan presented provides a 7 foot eave — an 8 foot eave is much more standard, would be preferable and could be accommodated with the one foot height addition Mr. Ilten has requested. Member Blemaster stated that Mr. Ilten presented an excellent design for the garage, and agreed that the addition of an additional foot would not be detrimental to the project. Members Forrest and Kojetin expressed concern that the Board has a responsibility to uphold the guidelines provided in the Plan of Treatment. Both questioned whether it would be appropriate to deviate from the guidelines. Consultant Vogel pointed out that the guidelines in the Plan of Treatment are prescriptive, not regulatory — if a slight deviation from the guidelines provides a benefit to the architectural style of a structure, that should be viewed as a positive. Members Rehkamp Larson, Fukuda and Blemaster agreed that the additional six inches in height to the average height proposed would enhance the project and not have a detrimental effect on neighboring properties. MOTION & VOTE: Member Fukuda moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request subject to the plans presented, with the exception of the height which may be increased by one foot to 21'9"; and subject to the conditions outlined by staff. Member Rehkamp Larson seconded the motion. Members Blemaster, Rehkamp Larson, Fukuda, Forrest and Rofidal voted aye. Member Kojetin voted nay, stating that while the concept of adding to the height appears appropriate, he did L Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board not believe it was the place of the HPB to redesign a project for an applicant. Motion carried. H-08-5 4513 Moorland Avenue — New Detached Garage Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the east side of the 4500 block of Moorland Avenue. The existing home is an English Tudor style constructed in 1929. A 2 -car attached garage is located on the rear elevation of the home, accessed by a driveway running along the south property line. The subject request involves building a new, 572 square foot detached garage in the southeast corner of the rear yard, and eventually converting the existing 2 - stall garage into living space. The plan illustrates the new structure will maintain 7.3 foot setback from the rear (east) lot line and 9 foot setback from the side (south) lot line. A new curb cut is not required since the existing driveway will provide access to the proposed garage. The new 2 -stall detached garage is proposed to measure 22' x 26' or 572 square feet in area. The design of the structure is proposed to compliment the architectural style of the home with stucco clad walls and wood trim consistent with the Tudor architectural style. Attention to detail is demonstrated on the west and north elevations. The east and south elevations demonstrate wood trim and timber detailing on the upper gable end of the elevations, however from the eave line to the foundation, no detailing is provided. Cedar shingles are proposed for the roof. The height of the proposed garage is shown to be 19" at the highest peak. The homeowner considered the new height requirement set out in the revised Plan of Treatment (no taller than 10% of the average height of existing detached garages on adjacent lots),and clearly demonstrated that at 19' the height meets the new requirement. The height at the mid -point of the gable is shown to be 14 feet, and a height of 9 feet is provided at the eave line. The ridge line is shown to be 26'5" in length. The maximum lot coverage allowed for the property is 25%. Construction of the proposed 572 sq. ft. garage will create a lot coverage of 21.9%. Consultant Vogel reviewed the plans and opined that the proposed garage is quite a handsome building. He particularly liked the dormers with clipped `jerkin - head" gables. Vogel pointed out that the south and east elevations have undecorated walls from the eave line to the foundation. The Plan of Treatment guidelines recommend avoiding large expanses of undecorated walls. Perhaps the view from adjacent properties will be screened by a privacy fence or landscaping, however if that is not the case, more attention to detail on those elevations should be considered. 7 Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board STAFF RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS: Planner Repya concluded that staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request supported by the following findings: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club District Plan of Treatment, however details of the south and east elevations should be clarified. Ms. Repya added that she recommended approval subject to the plans as approved, and a condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the structure. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Forrest questioned why the walls of the south and east sides of the proposed garage were blank. Property owner Don Nygaard explained that the south wall abuts the neighbor's single story attached garage, while the east wall abuts the unadorned wall of the detached garage to the rear. Mr. Nygaard pointed out that the plan focused detailing on the elevations that are visually impacted. He then clarified the views from neighboring properties and indicated that the intent is to also provide landscaping. Member Rehkamp Larson observed that due to the siting of the structure in relation to the adjacent properties, the blank walls did not pose a problem for her. Member Forrest commented about the considerable amount of impervious surface on the property with the construction of the proposed detached garage. She added that she would like some assurance that if the proposed garage were approved, that the impervious surface serving the current attached garage be removed. Mr. Nygaard stated that he would be agreeable to such a condition. MOTION & VOTE: Member Rehkamp Larson moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request subject to: 1. The plans presented, 2. Staffs recommended conditions, and 3. The removal of the impervious surface serving the attached garage when the detached garage is constructed. Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. 0 Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board H-08-6 Country Club District — Revised Traffic Plan STAFF REPORT: City Engineer Wayne Houle explained that some residents from the Country Club neighborhood approached the City Council about deleting the traffic calming portion of the district's street improvement project which the HPB addressed and issued a Certificate of Appropriateness for in November, 2007. On April 21, 2008, the City Council held a special public hearing to address the concerns of the neighborhood group. At that time, the Council approved deleting all of the traffic calming measures previously approved for the project with the exception of the pedestrian safety improvements relating to the brick/raised crosswalks. Planner Repya explained that although the City Council has already acted on this revised plan, a new Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is required for the changes, as set out in the district's Plan of Treatment. BOARD MEMBER DISCUSSION: Board members discussed the changes to the street improvement project and the ramifications the changes will have on the neighborhood. Concern was expressed about the loss of signs that identified the neighborhood as an historic district. Engineer Houle explained that moving forward, no changes can be made to the project without getting City Council approval. However, built into the plan is the replacement of the street signs. He added that he and Planner Repya have been working on a small logo, or monogram that could be adhered to each street sign, at no additional cost, to identify the historic district. Mr. Houle added that if the neighborhood wanted to add a monument pillar, much like what was proposed on the south end of Wooddale Avenue, they would need to petition the City Council. He commented that September or October, 2008 would be the optimal time for such a request to be received. MOTION & VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Kojetin moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the Country Club District street improvement project. Member Fukuda seconded the motion. Members Rehkamp Larson, Forrest, Rofidal, Kojetin, Rubin, and Fukuda voted aye. Member Blemaster abstained. The motion carried. 9 Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Kitty O'Dea - 4610 Bruce Avenue — Identifying the landmark designation of the neighborhood Ms. O'Dea explained that she feels it is very important that the landmark designation of the Country Club District be clearly labeled, particularly for new residents whose realtor may not have included that information during the purchase of the home. Dovetailing on Engineer Houle's explanation of the Country Club District revised street improvement project, Ms. O'Dea stated that she is concerned that with the revised plan, the entry signs identifying the historic neighborhood, which were part of the original plan, have been lost. She appreciated Mr. Houle's plan to include the historic recognition on the street signs; and advised the Board that she is interested in pursuing additional signs at the main entrance to the district along Sunnyside to the north and West 50t Street to the south which will identify the neighborhood as being a Heritage Landmark District. Consultant Vogel pointed out that branding neighborhoods is a good thing, In addition to the educational benefit, signage also adds to the aesthetics of the area. In providing a unified plan for the Country Club District, the HPB could establish a design to replicate for other landmark properties in the city. Planner Repya reported that she has been working with Communications Director, Jennifer Bennerotte on creating a logo to be used to identify landmark properties. She added that at the June meeting she would have several choices of the logo for the Board to consider. MOTION & VOTE: Following a brief discussion in which the Board agreed that they should take a stance on encouraging signage for heritage landmark designations, Member Forrest moved that: The Heritage Preservation Board recommends neighborhood entrance signage for the historic Country Club District because the City has designated the neighborhood as a Heritage Landmark District; The City fund and maintain the signs identifying the district as a Heritage Landmark, and The City concentrates on continued public education of the Heritage Landmark designation. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Board members thanked Ms. O'Dea for her interest in educating not only the general public, but future residents of the Country Club District about the heritage landmark designation. All agreed that they look forward to continued work on the education piece of the designation. 10 Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board B. Revised Plan of Treatment Planner Repya explained that the City Council adopted the revised Plan of Treatment for the Country Club District at their meeting on April 15, 2008. Board members discussed details surrounding implementation of the revised plan. All agreed that a copy of the approved Plan of Treatment should be mailed to the Country Club District residents with a cover letter emphasizing the importance of familiarizing themselves with the plan. Planner Repya explained that a copy of the plan has been sent to the printer and will be mailed to the residents with a cover letter from the City Manager at the end of the week. III. PUBLIC EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES: Consultant Vogel explained that one of the best ways the city can enhance the public's understanding and awareness of good heritage preservation practices is through the development of education projects aimed at property owners, contractors, realtors, developers, and others who may become directly involved in preservation undertakings. Heritage preservation education projects generally fall into one of two categories: active (classes, seminars, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, etc.) and passive (dissemination of information through publications, the Internet, and other media). To date, the HPB has emphasized passive education projects, consisting primarily of press releases, web pages, brochures, tours, and events aimed at a general audience. The recently completed process involving the revised Country Club District Plan of Treatment has led the Board to consider ways in which it might actively communicate preservation concerns and property management practices to individuals and organizations directly responsible for maintaining and preserving privately owned heritage preservation resources. Mr. Vogel recommended considering the following public education project concepts which would convey a wide range of specific information about the preservation, protection, and use of heritage buildings: Publish an informational brochure about the Country Club Heritage Landmark District with a brief description of the district's history and the revised plan of treatment, with a concise explanation of design review process and a list of sources of additional information. This could simply be a revised version of the existing Country Club District brochure. A downloadable version could also be posted on the city web site. 2. Produce a "handbook" for owners of historic and older homes in all parts of ® the city that will provide them with basic information about how to deal with preservation, repair, and maintenance issues in a logical and historically sensitive manner. This kind of publication would require a significant 11 Minutes – May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board investment in staff time and/or consultant services—recent examples cost $5,000 to $10,000, depending on the amount of graphic material that needs to be produced. As with the Country Club brochure, this publication could also be made available free of charge on the city's web site, thereby saving the cost of printing. 3. Assemble a "preservation library" of printed materials for public use at the Edina Public Library. Ideally, this collection would include duplicate sets of materials to allow copies of each publication to circulate while maintaining a comprehensive set of reference (use in library) materials. The types of materials useful to historic homeowners, contractors, etc. would include: the illustrated Secretary of the Interior guidelines for rehabilitating historic buildings, the National Park Service technical guidance publications (Preservation Briefs, Technical Reports, Tech Notes), and various "how to" publications. A comprehensive collection of technical and informational materials should also be placed at City Hall for the use of city staff. 4. Sponsor a series of free, informal workshops focused on "best practices" for historic preservation, aimed at local realtors, developers, contractors, and others who deal with heritage preservation resources in the city, facilitated by members of the HPB and city staff, using preservation professionals from the private sector or staff from the State Historic Preservation Office, local colleges and universities, the Minnesota chapter of the Institute for American Architects, the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota, and other organizations as presenters. Workshop topics could include topics such as painting, landscaping, repair and maintenance of windows, buying and selling historic properties, building architecturally appropriate additions, and the design of garages in historic districts. While some presenters may be willing to volunteer their time, most will need to be compensated; therefore, it may- be necessary to find a non- governmental partner or sponsor to provide financial support. 5. Partner with a preservation agency, college or university, professional organization, or knowledgeable individuals to offer "hands-on" classes in historic building restoration techniques through Edina Public Schools Community Education. In some cases, the classes could be offered on- site, i.e., the class would meet at a historic property and participate in an ongoing rehabilitation project. The usefulness of these adult enrichment classes will depend in large part on how they are marketed by the school district (and promoted by the city). Mr. Vogel explained that organizing, financing, and administering these projects will require resourcefulness, imagination, and persistence. The members of the HPB, as individuals and as a group, should expect to be actively engaged in all phases of project development and implementation. 12 Minutes — May 13, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board General discussion ensued regarding utilizing Edina's Community Education program to offer classes focusing on the "care and feeding of older homes". All agreed that would be an important step in fulfilling a major responsibility of the Heritage Preservation Board as set out in the city codes by "Encouraging the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction of significant heritage resources through public education." Consultant Vogel observed that the community education program would be the most effective way to get the preservation message out to the public. Member Rofidal observed that contractors and realtors would be an important audience to address. Brainstorming then ensued regarding the goals and objectives of such a program. All agreed they would come to the June meeting with suggestions of speakers and topics to consider. MOTION & VOTE: Member Kojetin made a motion that City Staff and the Board focus on providing public education options as a means of enhancing Edina's cultural resource management. Member Fukuda seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. 2008 HERITAGE AWARD: Chairman Rofidal announced that the 2008 Heritage Award will be awarded to Edina Morningside Community Church, 4201 Morningside Road, at the May 20th Council meeting. Rofidal encouraged members of the Board to attend the meeting in support of the plaque presentation by the Mayor to the church. V. OTHER BUSINESS: None VI. CORRESPONDENCE: None VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: June 10, 2008 VIII. ADJOURNMENT 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Pepya 13 AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL - COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Concern of Residents," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: May 13, 2008 IL COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-7 4633 Drexel Avenue Construct a new 2 -car detached garage in the rear yard B. Brochure — Revision III. EDINA HERITAGE LANDMARK LOGO: IV. PUBLIC EDUCATION: V. ELIGIBLE HERITAGE PRESERVATION LANDMARK PROPERTIES: VI. OTHER BUSINESS: VII. CONCERN OF RESIDENTS: VIII. CORRESPONDENCE: IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: July 8, 2008 X. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL - COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Public Comment" the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. INTRODUCTION OF NEW STUDENT MEMBER: Elizabeth Montgomery I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: June 10, 2008 II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-8 4512 Casco Avenue - Construct a new 2 -car detached garage in the rear yard - Changes to front fagade 2. H-08-11 4511 Edina Boulevard - Construct a new detached garage in the rear yard 3. H-08-9 Browndale Bridge Final Review of Rehabilitation 4. H-08-10 4527 Browndale Avenue Remove a gazebo structure built in 1995 B. COA — New Home Application Requirements III. PUBLIC COMMENT: IV. EDUCATION/LIBRARY INITIATIVE: Update V. MORNINGSIDE BUNGALOWS: Information VI. OTHER BUSINESS: VII. CORRESPONDENCE: VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2008 (Monday) IX. ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Benson, Vice Chairman, Bob Kojetin, Karen Ferrara, Lou Blemaster, and Arlene Forrest MEMBERS ABSENT: Chris Rofidal, Connie Fukuda, and Jean Rehkamp Larson STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Wayne Houle, City Engineer OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant Dan & Catherine Hollerman, 4512 Casco Ave. Ryan Smolik, Kuhl Design Build Steve Swaim, 4511 Edina Blvd. Kathy Alexander, Alexander Design Group ® 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: June 10, 2008 Member Ferrara moved approval of the minutes from the June 10, 2008 meeting. Member Forrest seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. 11. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-8 4512 Casco Avenue — New Detached Garage & Changes to the Front Facade Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the west side of the 4500 block of Casco Avenue. The existing home was constructed in 1938 and currently has a 2 -stall, tandem detached garage, measuring 14'x 43' (602 sq. ft.) in area, and accessed by a driveway on the southerly side of the property. The subject Certificate of Appropriateness request involves two projects that are subject to review: 1. Removal of existing detached garage and construction of a new detached garage 2. Revised front fagade Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board 1. New Detached Garage The proposal includes the demolition of a 14'x 43' tandem, 2 -stall detached garage that was constructed in 1969 and currently maintains a 1.5 foot setback from the side lot line; and the construction of a new, 576 square foot, 2 -stall detached garage. The plan illustrates the new structure will maintain 6 foot setback from the rear (west) lot line, a 4 foot setback from the side (southerly) property line. A new curb cut will not be required since the proposed garage will utilize the existing driveway. The design of the garage is proposed to compliment the architectural style of the home utilizing both lap and shake siding, a similar roof pitch, and wood trim and brackets in the gable area. All four elevations of the structure demonstrate an attention to detail with windows on the south and north elevations, windows and wood trim in the gable peak on the west elevation, and an overhead door, service door, and wood trim and brackets in the gable peak on the east elevation. Ms. Repya pointed out that the height of the proposed garage is shown to be 16.5' at the highest peak. The new height requirement set out in the revised Plan of Treatment (no taller than 10% of the average height of existing detached garages on adjacent lots) was considered in the design of the garage, which meets the maximum height allowed when the heights of the adjacent detached garages were taken into consideration. The height at the mid -point of the gable is shown to be 12', and a height of 7' is provided at the eave line. The ridge line is shown to be 25.4' in length. The maximum lot coverage allowed for the property is 30%. Construction of the proposed 576 sq. ft. garage will create a total lot coverage of 2%, within the limits allowed by city codes. 2. Revised Front Fagade Planner Repya explained that the changes to the front facade of the home include removing the front entry overhang that was added to the home sometime after 1960 or so, and replacing it with a gabled front entry canopy projecting 4.25 feet out from the front building wall. The gabled end will be open with vertical slats — the design complimenting the gable ends of the proposed garage. In addition to the front entry, the project also includes the addition of a small shed roof with brackets at the eave line over the windows on the north and south sides of the front elevation. Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel reviewed the subject plans and opined as follows: 2 Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Detached Garage - The existing detached garage lacks heritage preservation value and demolition does not represent an adverse effect on the historical significance of the property. The plans for the proposed new garage depict a structure that appears compatible in scale, building materials, and texture with the historic home. The design of the new garage meets the requirements of the Country Club District Plan of Treatment and the Secretary of the Interior's standards for rehabilitation applicable to construction of new detached garages. Front Fagade — The proposed alteration of the front entry to the home appears to preserve those portions of the fagade which are most important to its historical and architectural values. Similar small entry porches or porticoes are common in the Country Club District, although in most instances they do not represent a distinctive stylistic feature in their own right. In the subject case, the original door opening and steps will be retained; the proposed new sidelight window and door treatment are appropriate to the property's Colonial Revival style; and the open - gable porch roof is also appropriate to the building's style. The proposed shed -roof type dormers and small brackets are details of the Arts & Crafts movement; and consistent with the mixing of fagade elements from different period styles common to the district and reflecting the standards and taste of the neighborhood. Mr. Vogel concluded that the proposed plan addresses the original home and its environment with sensitivity. The new work will not destroy significant historic architectural details and if the addition, dormers, and porch were to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the structure would be unimpaired. FINDINGS: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The plans demonstrate design that abides by the requirements of the Country Club District Plan of Treatment and the Secretary of the Interior's standards for rehabilitation. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Planner Repya concluded that Staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new garage subject to: The plans presented. The condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the new detached garage as well as the addition to the home. 3 Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Blemaster inquired about the materials proposed for the exterior. Member Kojetin expressed concern about the changes proposed to the front facade — stating that the look of the home from the street will be changed. Member Forrest observed that the proposed changes to the front fagade will add a distinctively different arts and crafts element to the colonial architecture of the home. She added that the Plan of Treatment while providing guidance, also allows for homeowners to express creativity with their homes. Member Ferrara stated that she liked the proposed plan — pointing out that many homes in the district are made up of a mixture of design elements. She added that the proposed changes to the front fagade provide distinct features that are a vast improvement to the home. Member Blemaster observed that the Board needed to be careful not redesign plans brought before them. She added that the question to ask is "Does it fit?" Ms. Blemaster concluded that she believed the design of the project was fitting for the neighborhood. Consultant Vogel observed that the changes proposed with this project for both the front facade and new detached garage are fitting for the district, enhance the property, and will not detract from the historic integrity of the subject or neighboring properties. APPLICANT COMMENTS: Ryan Smolik, Kuhl Design Build, representing the homeowner clarified the materials to be used on the exterior of the home and new detached garage. He added that the intention of the proposed changes to the home and new detached garage are to enhance the historic integrity of the property within the context of the neighborhood. MOTION & VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Forrest moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request subject to the plans presented and a year built sign or plaque be affixed to the garage. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. 2. H-08-11 4511 Edina Boulevard — New Detached Garage rd Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the east side of the 4500 block of Edina Boulevard. The existing home was constructed in 1936 and currently has a 3 -stall, single story/flat roof, attached garage, measuring approximately 757 sq. ft. in area, and accessed by a driveway on the south side of the property. The subject Certificate of Appropriateness request involves removing the existing attached garage (757 sq. ft.), replacing it with a 467 sq. ft. kitchen addition, and building a new 650 sq. ft. detached garage in the southeast corner of the rear yard. The new garage is proposed to be set back three feet from the side and rear lot line and accessed by the existing driveway on the south side of the property. The new construction will maximize the 25% allowed lot coverage for the property with 2,250 sq. ft. for the home, and 650 sq. ft. for the detached garage. Ms. Repya pointed out that the design of the garage is proposed to compliment the Tudor architectural style of the home utilizing both brick, stucco, wood trim and a slate roof. All four elevations of the structure demonstrate an attention to detail with wood trim and double hung windows in the gable of the front and rear elevations; carriage overhead doors and brick trim to match the house on the front elevation; windows, a service door, double hung windows, and a continuation of the brick trim on the north elevation; and three small windows on the south elevation. The height of the proposed garage is shown to be 23'9" at the highest peak. The new height requirement set out in the revised Plan of Treatment was considered in the design of the garage, which meets the maximum height allowed when the heights of the adjacent detached garages were taken into consideration. The height at the mid -point of the gable is shown to be 16'4 3/8", and a height of 8' 4 3/8" is provided at the eave line. The ridge line is shown to be 26' 8" in length. Ms. Repya added that the existing 757 sq. ft. attached garage is shown to be reduced by 290 sq. ft. to ensure that the maximum 25% allowed lot coverage is maintained with the addition of the proposed garage. The kitchen addition, which is not subject to the Certificate of Appropriateness review requires a 5.95 foot side yard setback variance from the Zoning Ordinance for continuing an existing non- conforming side yard setback on the north elevation, as well as to forgo the additional setback that would be required for the second story height of the addition. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard the variance request on August 7rn and voted to approve the variance subject to the Heritage Preservation Board approval of the COA for the proposed garage. Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel reviewed the subject plans and opined that the proposed new construction meets the requirements of the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. The plans show a building that is architecturally compatible with the design, scale, materials and character of the Tudor style historic house and other nearby historic properties. 5 Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Given the vertical emphasis of the fagade detailing, and the proportions of the house, Mr. Vogel observed that the proposed garage will not detract from the property's appearance or neighborhood aesthetics. FINDINGS: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The plans demonstrate design that abides by the requirements of the Country Club District Plan of Treatment and the Secretary of the Interior's standards for rehabilitation. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Planner Repya concluded that Staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new garage subject to: • The plans presented. • The condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the new detached garage. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Forrest observed that it is important to consider the impact of massing the new structure will have on adjacent properties. She added that she liked the broken facades demonstrated in the design. Member Kojetin asked if the adjacent neighbors had an opportunity to review the proposed plans - which they had. Member Blemaster questioned the height of the garage, but added that she was pleased the neighbors have seen the plan and have no objections. Ms. Blemaster added that the design of the garage does compliment the Tudor style home. HOMEOWNER COMMENTS: Homeowner, David Swaim explained that the intention with the proposed plan is to construct a garage that compliments the home and enhances the property as well as the neighborhood. Architect Kathy Alexander observed that the reason the garage is designed with a 14/12 pitch to the roof is to compliment the pitch of the home. She added that to have a lower pitch to the roof would create a structure that would appear out of T Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board place on the lot. MOTION & VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Blemaster moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness subject to the plans presented and a year built plaque or sign be affixed to the garage. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. 3. H-08-09 Browndale Bridge — Final Review of Rehabilitation Planner Repya explained that the project to rehabilitate the Browndale Bridge was presented to the HPB for preliminary review on March 14, 2006 as well as during the landmark designation of the site in April 2007. In fact, the Plan of Treatment was written in consideration of the subject project. Since that time, the City Council has awarded the construction bids to bridge contractor, Landwehr Construction of St. Cloud, Minnesota. The timing for rehabilitation of the bridge and dam is controlled by the flow of water in Minnehaha Creek. Due to the lack of rain over the past months, the flows on the creek are reduced necessitating the start of the project prior to receiving final approval from the HPB. Taking into consideration the positive response from the HPB during the preliminary review process, and the fact that the project is dictated by the flows on the creek, City Engineer, Wayne Houle with the support of the Planning staff authorized the contractor to start the project. Ms. Repya pointed out the following findings to support approval of the project: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The plans demonstrate design that abides by the requirements of the Browndale Bridge Plan of Treatment and the Secretary of the Interior's standards for rehabilitation. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Browndale Bridge Plan of Treatment. Ms. Repya concluded that staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness subject to: • The plans presented. • The condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the bridge. City Engineer Houle provided the Board with an update on the bridge project. Board members complimented Engineer Houle and his staff on the care and attention to detail taken with this project. 7 Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Member Kojetin observed that the new railing is fashioned after the original, however he noticed that small cast iron rosettes were not replicated on the cross- sections, and asked if the rosettes could be added to the railings. Mr. Houle stated that the only drawback would be the cost involved. He added that he would have his staff research the rosettes and the possibility of the Minnehaha Creed Watershed District assisting with the funding. MOTION & VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Forrest moved approval of the final COA to rehabilitate the bridge, and to investigate adding the decorative rosettes to the cross-sections of the railing if it is cost effective. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. 4. H-08-10 4627 Browndale Avenue — Removal of a Gazebo Structure Built in 1995 Planner Repya explained that the subject project entailed demolition of a 20'x 20' accessory structure from the rear yard. The structure, built in 1995 as a ramada or gazebo, housed a hot tub. The homeowner requested removal of the structure to provide a more livable rear yard, and to reduce the impervious surface area on the property. The plan also included a remodel of the bonus room over the garage and a redesigned lean-to shed in the rear of the garage — none of which require COA review from the Heritage Preservation Board. The 142 sq. ft. lean-to shed was shown to be removed and replaced with an 85 sq. ft. shed — a 57 sq. ft. reduction in floor area. The subject plans demonstrated a 296 square foot reduction to the hardcover calculation for the property, which had been non -conforming at 26.3% (25% maximum allowed). The resulting project resulted in 23.5% lot coverage with a building footprint of 2,460 sq. ft. FINDINGS: • The subject accessory structure is a contemporary structure built in 1995, and not considered a historic resource on the property. • Removal of the structure will reduce the impervious surface on the property. • Removal of the structure will provide for a more livable rear yard. • Removal of the structure reduces the lot coverage on the property from 2,756 sq. ft. — 26.3% (25% maximum allowed) to 2,460 sq. ft. — 23.5%. Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board ACTION TAKEN: The Certificate of Appropriateness request was approved administratively subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to the plans presented. 2. Supply a photo of the structure to be removed which will be added to the permanent file for the property. 3. No accessory structures will be constructed in the rear yard without going through the Certificate of Appropriateness process. BOARD MEMBER DISCUSSION: Board members briefly discussed the subject project and agreed that the administrative approval was appropriate. No further action was required. B. COA — New Home Application Requirements Planner Repya presented a proposed check list of requirements to explain the COA process for new home construction in the Country Club District. Board members made several suggestions and agreed that the document would aid in clarifying the process. No formal action was taken. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. EDUCATION/LIBRARY INITIATIVE: Continued Until September V. MORNINGSIDE BUNGALOWS: Consultant Vogel explained that as the Board addresses designating the Morningside bungalows on W. 44th Street, he would propose that rather then creating another landmark district, the Board consider a multiple -property designation with a single cover document and general plan of treatment for all the bungalows in Morningside. To take the multiple property approach, homes could be nominated and designated one at a time, as qualified and willing property owners come forward. He added that this approach is modeled on the National Register Multiple Property Documentation Form and it would be more efficient to implement than a historic district; and among other advantages, there would be no non -historic or non-contributing properties to deal with. Mr. Vogel concluded that there are approximately 100 bungalows in Morningside, of which 15 - 25 would be eligible for the landmark designation under the multiple property approach. He added that if the Board agreed, he could have the required documents ready to proceed this fall. M Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Board member agreed that the multiple property approach for designating the Morningside bungalows would be a great way to address the valuable and unique resources in the Morningside neighborhood. All agreed that they looked forward to proceeding with this project. No formal action was taken. VI. OTHER BUSINESS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE: 2008 Minnesota Preservation Conference — Northfield, MN, September 19-20,2008 Planner Repya reminded the Board that Edina is required to send at least one board member to the annual state conference to maintain the Certified Local Government status. The registration deadline is Friday, August 15th. Member Kojetin stated that he was planning to attend. Members Forrest and Ferrara offered to check their calendars and let Ms. Repya know if they will be able to join Mr. Kojetin. IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2008 (MONDAY) X. ADJOURNMENT 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,Joyce Repya 10 AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Public Comment" the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: August 12, 2008 II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. EDUCATION/LIBRARY INITIATIVE: Update IV. HPB — CITY WEBSITE REVIEW: V. MORNINGSIDE BUNGALOWS: Information VI. OTHER BUSINESS: VII. CORRESPONDENCE: VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE: October 14, 2008 IX. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE RESCHEDULED MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chris Rofidal, Laura Benson, Bob Kojetin, Karen Ferrara, Lou Blemaster, Connie Fukuda, Jean Rehkamp Larson, Arlene Forrest and Elizabeth Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: August 12, 2008 Member Kojetin moved approval of the minutes from the August 12, 2008 meeting. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. EDUCATION/LIBRARY INITIATIVE: Member Forrest reported that she researched several the possibilities for obtaining assistance with the purchase and housing of the historic resource library proposed by the Board at a previous meeting. Ms. Forrest discovered that the Edina Library at Grandview Square has merged with the Hennepin County Library system and changed their policies for procurement and housing of documents. Due to the change in policies, there is no guarantee that they would assist with the purchase or housing of the documents, however we could pursue it through their on line request form. In a discussion with Dick Crockett from the Edina Foundation, Ms. Forrest learned of several approaches that could be taken.... First, the HPB could apply for a grant from the Foundation to purchase the documents which could be housed either at City Hall or at the Edina Foundation offices (at the Senior Center). Another Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board approach suggested by Mr. Crockett was to request assistance from the Country Club District Neighborhood Association which the Edina Foundation supports. Following up on the Country Club District Neighborhood Association suggestion, Ms. Forrest contacted Bonnie McGrath, Secretary of the Association who indicated that the mission of their group is social in nature, and funding the purchase of the historic resources may not fit with their spending criteria. Following a brief discussion, Member Kojetin moved that the Board pursue the purchase of two sets of the historic resources (which should total about $900.00) through a grant request to the Edina Foundation. Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Member Forrest agreed to write the grant for the historic resource funding from the Edina Foundation. Board members thanked Ms. Forrest for her work on this project. On a related note, Consultant Vogel reported that he has continued to investigate options for an active heritage education component through the Edina Community Education program. Mr. Vogel provided the deadline for submission dates for both the winter and spring/summer sessions. He pointed out that if he were to teach a class, he would be paid by the Community Education program, not the HPB. Vogel added that classes he has taught in other communities have been very well received. Board members agreed that offering classes highlighting Edina's heritage resources definitely fits with the mission of the HPB - although the deadline for the winter classes left little time for planning, they encouraged Mr. Vogel to plan for the spring/summer session. No formal action was taken. IV. HPB — CITY WEBSITE REVIEW: The Board reviewed the Heritage Preservation Board section of the City's website page by page to look for necessary corrections and discuss possible ways that the site could become more user friendly. All agreed that the use of photographs was very important for all the heritage resources. They also suggested that the individual plan of treatments for the landmark designated properties be provided in a separate PDF to reduce the amount of text. Planner Repya recorded the suggested changes which she agreed to share with the City's Communications Department to determine if making the changes would be possible. The Board decided to revisit the revised website at a future meeting to evaluate how the changes that were possible enhanced the site. No formal action was taken. V. MORNINGSIDE BUNGALOWS: Consultant Vogel reported that he was in the process of preparing materials for the multiple property landmark designation of bungalow style homes in the Morningside neighborhood, which should be complete later this fall. In the interim, Vogel suggested that Board members visit the National Park Service 2 Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board website www.nps.gov to research the multiple property designation criteria and forms used for National Register properties. Board members welcomed the opportunity to become better informed about the multiple property designation process, and expressed a keen interest in recognizing historic resources in the Morningside neighborhood. No formal action was taken, VI. OTHER BUSINESS: 4620 Drexel Avenue — Renovation to Front Facade Planner Repya reported that the home at 4620 Drexel Avenue is currently undergoing interior renovations which include the double hung windows in the living room on front fagade to be replaced with French doors. Ms. Repya reminded the Board that window replacement is called out in the Country Cub District Plan of Treatment as not requiring a COA. Board members reviewed photos and an exterior rendering showing the new French doors. All agreed that while the new doors do change the front fagade, a COA would not be required. Board members added that the new doors will not detract from the historic integrity of the property and will be an enhancement to the home. No formal action was taken. VII. CORRESPONDENCE: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Member Kojetin reported that he sent a letter of thanks to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District from the Edina Historical Society and the Heritage Preservation Board to recognize the watershed's generous contribution of $60,000 ($10,000 for 3 interpretive signs and $50,000 for the bridge reconstruction). Board members expressed their appreciation for Kojetin including the HPB on the letter of thanks. No formal action was taken. IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: October 14, 2008 X. ADJOURNMENT 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,Joyce Repya AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Public Comment" the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: September 8, 2008 II. PUBLIC COMMENT: III. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-12 4623 Drexel Avenue Construct a new 2 -car detached garage in the rear yard 2. H-08-13 4517 Drexel Avenue Remove existing detached garage and construct a new 2- car detached garage 3. H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Preliminary COA Demolition of house and garage IV. 2008 MN HERITAGE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE: Report from Kojetin & Forrest V. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT LIFT STATION: A curious find VI. OTHER BUSINESS: VII. CORRESPONDENCE: VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE: November 10, 2008 (Monday due to Veteran's Day) IX. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE RESCHEDULED MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chris Rofidal, Laura Benson, Bob Kojetin, Karen Ferrara, Lou Blemaster, Connie Fukuda, Jean Rehkamp Larson, Arlene Forrest and Elizabeth Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: August 12, 2008 Member Kojetin moved approval of the minutes from the August 12, 2008 meeting. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. EDUCATION/LIBRARY INITIATIVE: Member Forrest reported that she researched several the possibilities for obtaining assistance with the purchase and housing of the historic resource library proposed by the Board at a previous meeting. Ms. Forrest discovered that the Edina Library at Grandview Square has merged with the Hennepin County Library system and changed their policies for procurement and housing of documents. Due to the change in policies, there is no guarantee that they would assist with the purchase or housing of the documents, however we could pursue it through their on line request form. In a discussion with Dick Crockett from the Edina Foundation, Ms. Forrest learned of several approaches that could be taken.... First, the HPB could apply for a grant from the Foundation to purchase the documents which could be housed either at City Hall or at the Edina Foundation offices (at the Senior Center). Another Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board approach suggested by Mr. Crockett was to request assistance from the Country Club District Neighborhood Association which the Edina Foundation supports. Following up on the Country Club District Neighborhood Association suggestion, Ms. Forrest contacted Bonnie McGrath, Secretary of the Association who indicated that the mission of their group is social in nature, and funding the purchase of the historic resources may not fit with their spending criteria. Following a brief discussion, Member Kojetin moved that the Board pursue the purchase of two sets of the historic resources (which should total about $900.00) through a grant request to the Edina Foundation. Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Member Forrest agreed to write the grant for the historic resource funding from the Edina Foundation. Board members thanked Ms. Forrest for her work on this project. On a related note, Consultant Vogel reported that he has continued to investigate options for an active heritage education component through the Edina Community Education program. Mr. Vogel provided the deadline for submission dates for both the winter and spring/summer sessions. He pointed out that if he were to teach a class, he would be paid by the Community Education program, not the HPB. Vogel added that classes he has taught in other communities have been very well received. Board members agreed that offering classes highlighting Edina's heritage resources definitely fits with the mission of the HPB - although the deadline for the winter classes left little time for planning, they encouraged Mr. Vogel to plan for the spring/summer session. No formal action was taken. IV. HPB — CITY WEBSITE REVIEW: The Board reviewed the Heritage Preservation Board section of the City's website page by page to look for necessary corrections and discuss possible ways that the site could become more user friendly. All agreed that the use of photographs was very important for all the heritage resources. They also suggested that the individual plan of treatments for the landmark designated properties be provided in a separate PDF to reduce the amount of text. Planner Repya recorded the suggested changes which she agreed to share with the City's Communications Department to determine if making the changes would be possible. The Board decided to revisit the revised website at a future meeting to evaluate how the changes that were possible enhanced the site. No formal action was taken. V. MORNINGSIDE BUNGALOWS: Consultant Vogel reported that he was in the process of preparing materials for the multiple property landmark designation of bungalow style homes in the Morningside neighborhood, which should be complete later this fall. In the interim, Vogel suggested that Board members visit the National Park Service 2 Minutes — August 12, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board website www.nps.gov to research the multiple property designation criteria and forms used for National Register properties. Board members welcomed the opportunity to become better informed about the multiple property designation process, and expressed a keen interest in recognizing historic resources in the Morningside neighborhood. No formal action was taken, VI. OTHER BUSINESS: 4620 Drexel Avenue — Renovation to Front Facade Planner Repya reported that the home at 4620 Drexel Avenue is currently undergoing interior renovations which include the double hung windows in the living room on front fagade to be replaced with French doors. Ms. Repya reminded the Board that window replacement is called out in the Country Cub District Plan of Treatment as not requiring a COA. Board members reviewed photos and an exterior rendering showing the new French doors. All agreed that while the new doors do change the front fagade, a COA would not be required. Board members added that the new doors will not detract from the historic integrity of the property and will be an enhancement to the home. No formal action was taken. VII. CORRESPONDENCE: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Member Kojetin reported that he sent a letter of thanks to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District from the Edina Historical Society and the Heritage Preservation Board to recognize the watershed's generous contribution of $60,000 ($10,000 for 3 interpretive signs and $50,000 for the bridge reconstruction). Board members expressed their appreciation for Kojetin including the HPB on the letter of thanks. No formal action was taken. IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: October 14, 2008 X. ADJOURNMENT 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,Joyce Repya 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Benson, Vice Chairman, Bob Kojetin, Karen Ferrara, Lou Blemaster, Arlene Forrest, Connie Fukuda, and Jean Rehkamp Larson MEMBERS ABSENT: Chris Rofidal STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Planning Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant Shannon Neale, 4623 Drexel Avenue Sarah Wildman, Lake Country Builders Doug Johnson, Building Concepts & Design Scott Busyn, Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. Sheilagh Ziegwewid, 4615 Wooddale Avenue Mickey Armstrong, Coldwell Banker Burnet Realty John McDonald, Edina Realty Kathy Peterson, 4617 Wooddale Avenue APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: September 8, 2008 Member Kojetin moved approval of the minutes from the September 8, 2008 meeting. Member Forrest seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-12 4623 Drexel Avenue — New Detached Garage Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the east side of the 4600 block of Drexel Avenue. The existing home, constructed in 1930, has a 2 -car attached garage accessed by a driveway on the southerly side of the property. The COA request involves building a new, 483 square foot detached garage in the rear yard, and converting the existing 2 -stall attached garage into living Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board space. The plan illustrates the new garage will maintain 3 foot setback from the rear and side lot line, the minimum required by code. A new curb cut will not be required since the proposed garage will be accessed by the existing driveway. The new 2 -stall detached garage is proposed to measure 21' x 23' or 483 square feet in area. The design of the structure is proposed to compliment the architectural style of the home with stucco clad walls, half timber trim and brackets, consistent with the Tudor architectural style. Attention to detail with windows and doors is demonstrated on the north, south, and west elevations. The east facade was intentionally void of windows since it borders a privacy fence. Asphalt shingles are proposed for the 8/12 pitch of the hip roof. The height of the proposed garage is shown to be 16.29' at the highest peak, which is five feet less than the average height of surrounding detached garages. The height at the mid -point of the gable is shown to be 12.5, and a height of 8.8' is provided at the eave line. The ridge line is shown to be 4.9' in length due to the hip roof. The maximum lot coverage allowed for the property is 30%. Construction of the proposed 483 sq. ft. garage will create a total lot coverage of 29.5%, within the limits allowed by city codes. Consultant Vogel opined that the proposed detached garage qualifies as an appropriate treatment for construction of a new garage in the district. The design appears to be compatible with the size, scale, mass, and materials of the historic house and will not have an adverse visual impact on the historic character of adjacent properties or the neighborhood. The lack of decorative detailing on the east (rear) elevation is off -set by the presence of rear -yard fencing and the small setback between the garage and the fence. Vogel added that the proposed conversion of the existing attached garage to living space also appears to be consistent with historic preservation standards. FINDINGS: Planner Repya offered the following findings supporting the subject COA request: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The plans demonstrate design that abides by the requirements of the Country Club District Plan of Treatment and the Secretary of the Interior's standards for rehabilitation. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Planner Repya concluded that staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new garage subject to: 2 Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board • The plans presented. • The condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the new detached garage. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Rehkamp Larson commented that she liked the scale of the garage, and believed it will be a nice compliment to the house. Board members expressed their agreement with Rehkamp Larson. Member Kojetin stated that he liked the comparison elevations provided for the neighboring garages - the information was concise and demonstrated that the proposed plan was in keeping with the neighborhood. APPLICANT COMMENTS: None to add to Staff's presentation. MOTION & VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Forrest moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request subject to the plans presented and a year built sign or plaque be affixed to the garage. Member Rehkamp Larson seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. 2. H-08-13 4517 Drexel Avenue — Remove Existing Detached and Construct a New Detached Garage Planner Repya explained that the subject property, located on the east side of the 4500 block of Drexel Avenue, was constructed in 1935, and currently has a 2 -car detached garage in the southeast corner of the rear yard accessed by a driveway on the southerly side of the property. The COA request involves demolishing the existing 535 square foot detached garage and building a new, 598 square foot detached garage in its place. The plan illustrates the new garage will maintain 4 foot setback from the rear and side lot line. A new curb cut will not be required since the proposed garage will be accessed by the existing driveway. The lot coverage for the property with the new, larger garage will be 29.7% - the maximum allowed is 30% The new 2 -stall detached garage is proposed to measure 26'x 23' feet in area. The design of the structure is shown to compliment the Tudor architectural style of the home with Hardi stucco siding on the walls, and trim boards around the windows and doors. Attention to detail is demonstrated with double -hung windows on the north and south elevations. The west elevation, which is visible from the front street, is shown to have carriage garage doors, a shuttered window and bracket with bead board trim in the gable peak, and a small gabled overhang 3 Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board with brackets and bead board trim, projecting one foot from the building wall, over the service door on the north side of the overhead doors. The east (rear) elevation is shown to have bracket and bead board detailing in the gable end to match the west elevation. Asphalt shingles are proposed for the 6/12 pitch of the roof. The height of the proposed garage is shown to be 15.6' at the highest peak. The height at the mid -point of the gable is shown to be 13.0', and a height of 8.25' is provided at the eave line. The ridge line is shown to be 24 feet in length. Consultant Vogel observed that the proposed structure appears to meet the requirements of the Country Club District plan of treatment for construction of new detached garages. The garage depicted in the plans appears compatible with the character of the historic house with respect to size, scale, mass, and materials. He added that he did not believe the new garage would have an adverse visual impact on the historic character of adjacent properties or the neighborhood. The lack of decorative detailing on the east (rear) elevation is not an issue due to the fact that the new garage backs up to the existing garage on the property directly to the east of 4517 Drexel --if that adjacent garage were to be removed in the future, the visual impact of the east -facing blank wall of the subject property could be mitigated with fencing and/or vegetation. FINDINGS: Planner Repya offered the following findings in support of the COA request: • The plans provided with subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ms. Repya concluded that staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new garage subject to: • The plans presented. • The condition that a year built (2008) plaque or sign is placed on the new detached garage. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Rehkamp Larson questioned the use of Hardi-Board stucco siding in lieu of traditional stucco, pointing out that the product comes in panels with seams which are visible. Member Kojetin observed that in the past the Board has approved COA's for detached garages with "non -authentic" exterior materials that match the house. 0 Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Consultant Vogel agreed. APPLICANT COMMENTS: Doug Johnson, Building Design & Concepts, representing the homeowner, stated that the use of Hardi-board stucco siding in lieu of traditional stucco was a cost saving measure. MOTION & VOTE: Following a brief discussion, Member Kojetin moved approval of the COA subject to the plans presented and a year built plaque or sign be affixed to the garage. Member Ferrara seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. "Member Blemaster complimented the applicants of both COA applications heard this evening for the clear and concise plans and supporting materials provided. She added that the required pre -application meeting with the planner, when the necessary information is discussed, appears to be providing clear direction which serves the applicant and the Board very well. Board members agreed with Ms. Blemaster. 3. H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Preliminary COA Demolition of House & Garage Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the east side of the 4600 block of Wooddale Avenue. The existing 2 -story American Colonial home was constructed in 1930, and is one of the smallest homes in the district with a footprint of 793 square feet in area. The original single stall detached garage is located in the middle of the rear yard, '20 feet from the lot line and 29 feet from the north lot line and 22 feet from the south lot line. The subject request involves a preliminary review of a request to demolish the existing home and garage with the intention of building a new home/garage that meets the district's plan of treatment criteria. Because the home was constructed prior to 1944, and is considered an historic resource, the following standards from the District's Plan of Treatment apply to such requests: No Certificate of Appropriateness will be approved for the demolition, in whole or in part, of any heritage preservation resource in the district unless the applicant can show that the subject property is not a heritage preservation resource, or no longer contributes to the historical significance of the district because its historic integrity has been compromised by deterioration, damage, or by inappropriate additions or alterations. Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board • Except in extraordinary circumstances involving threats to public health or safety, no Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued for the demolition of an existing heritage preservation resource in the district without an approved design plan for new construction. The applicant, Scott Busyn, Good Neighborhood Homes, Inc. provided the Board with a detailed listing and photographs supporting his assertion that because the existing home and garage have extensive damage, deterioration, and safety/code compliance issues, demolition is warranted. Addressing the subject request, Consultant Vogel advised the Board that they need to keep in mind the following two fundamental concepts embodied by the district Plan of Treatment: 1. The Country Club District derives its historical significance from being a unified entity, reflecting the Thorpe Bros. plan of development that was implemented in 1924-1944; and 2. The guiding design review principle is rehabilitation, which is defined as the process of returning a heritage resource to a state of utility through repair or alteration that makes possible an efficient contemporary use (while preserving those features which are significant to the preservation value of the landmark district). Vogel pointed out that new construction is appropriate in heritage landmark districts when it is compatible in size, scale, and materials with historic homes and the character of the streetscape; and while it is true that heritage preservation resources are not renewable, city policy recognizes that preservation of every old building is not a responsible preservation practice. The HPB has been given the responsibility for determining the heritage preservation value of the house at 4615 Wooddale by considering its individual significance and its importance in relation to other historic homes and to the district as a whole. The challenge is to consider how the loss of this particular house will affect the character of the district and neighboring historic homes --and, if it is decided demolition of the house is justified, a strategy must be devised for mitigating the adverse effects of the teardown and ensuring that the new house will be of greater significance to the preservation of the district than the existing structures. The findings which could support the approval of demolition include: 1. The subject property does not meet the criteria for individual designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark. 2. While it meets the minimum criteria for consideration as a contributing resource in the Country Club Heritage Landmark District, the existing house is not an outstanding example of the property type, nor is it one of the last remaining examples of its kind in the District. M Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board 3. The preliminary COA constitutes HPB approval of a concept for redevelopment of the property based on the developer mitigating the effects of the demolition of the existing house and garage by undertaking historical and architectural documentation that meets the pertinent standards established by the U.S. Department of the Interior. 4. Rehabilitation of the existing house may represent an economic hardship for the owner; and 5. It is technically feasible to design and build a replacement house and garage that will maintain the historic character of the streetscape and demonstrably contribute to the overall historical significance of the Country Club District. Furthermore, Vogel recommended that if determined appropriate, approval of the COA should be subject to the following conditions: The COA constitutes conceptual approval for a plan to redevelop the property and shall be in effect for a period of not more than 180 days. The HPB reserves the right to disapprove any COA application for demolition that does not meet the requirements of the district plan of treatment.. 2. Before the HPB initiates design review of any demolition or new construction, the applicant will provide the City Planner with the following: a) A report from a licensed architect or professional engineer as to the structural soundness of the existing home and its adaptability for rehabilitation; b) An independent appraisal of the property's fair market value in its current condition; and c) An itemized breakdown as to the economic feasibility or rehabilitation of the existing house compared with new construction, including an estimate of the costs that would need to be incurred to comply with the district plan of treatment and applicable building code and zoning regulation. 3. No COA for demolition or new construction will be approved until the applicant submits historical and architectural documentation of the existing house and garage, said documentation to consist of written information, photographs, and drawings prepared to the city's specifications and approved by the city's preservation planning consultant. Consultant Vogel recommended that before a final decision is made on a COA for new construction, the applicant should provide the Board and its staff with 7 Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board plans, drawings, written information, material samples, and other information which demonstrate that the new house and garage will substantially match the architectural style, detailing, character, and mood of typical Colonial Revival period houses constructed in the Browndale section of the Country Club District between 1924 and 1944 by adhering to the architectural requirements in the original Thorpe Bros. deed restrictions, and achieving visual consistency with the size, scale, color, and materials of adjacent historic homes and the character of the streetscape of Wooddale Avenue. Vogel pointed out that if demolition of the existing home is approved, it is important the design of a replacement house must have the distinctive characteristics that make up the traditional Colonial Revival style house in the Country Club District, including but not limited to the two-story rectangular volume covered by a gable roof, symmetrical and balanced disposition of windows and doors, clapboard or brick wall cladding, classical detailing in the form of engaged columns, cornices, entablatures, and double -hung windows and small panes, and shutters, and a detached garage. Contemporary or Neocolonial designs, street - facing facade features, exterior finish materials, and color schemes would not be considered appropriate for either the house or garage. HOMEOWNER COMMENTS: Sheilagh Ziegeweid, the current owner of 4615 Wooddale Avenue explained that she has lived in the home since 1969. During the past 39+ years the Country Club neighborhood has experienced dramatic changes. Her home has served her well, but now, at the age of 73, she finds she can no longer afford to live in a home with $8,000 per year in property taxes, not to mention the mounting home maintenance issues. Mrs. Ziegeweid stated that she has been attempting to sell her home for over a year and has not had one offer. She stated that sheds desperate and in need. of getting out from under this home that nobody wants. Mickey Armstrong, realtor for Mrs. Ziegeweid advised the Board that at least five contractors have evaluated the house, and all have determined that it is not a candidate for an addition out the back, which is the only alternative available if this request is not granted. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Ferrara stated she has a problem with the assumption that because the house is "too small" it's easier to just tear it down instead of remodeling it. Member Forrest questioned the procedure for addressing a request for demolition of a home classified as a "heritage resource" — particularly since the Plan of Treatment stipulates that no COA for demolition will be issued without an approved design plan for new construction. Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Planner Repya explained that this is the first COA request for demolition of a heritage resource property since the new plan of treatment was approved in April, 2008. The rationale for a preliminary COA is to first determine whether or not the property qualifies for demolition, as identified in the findings. The recommended conditions which accompany approval of the preliminary COA make it clear that no COA for demolition and new construction will be approved without meeting said conditions, which include an approved design plan. Reflecting on the listing of building code deficiencies identified in the applicant's request, Member Rehkamp Larson commented that all homes built in the era of the subject property will have non-compliance issues with the current building codes, and she questioned whether that should be included as justification for demolition. APPLICANT COMMENTS: Scott Busyn, the applicant explained that as he understands the Plan of Treatment, he must first justify the demolition of the property. If and when the demolition is determined to be warranted, the design concept and ultimately the plans for the replacement home/garage will be presented for approval. To present plans for a replacement home at this time would be presumptive and putting the "cart before the horse". Mr. Busyn explained that in the evaluation of the home he provided to the Board he highlighted the damage, deterioration, safety and issues of non-compliance with the building code, which all address the section of the Plan of Treatment which would justify the demolition of a heritage resource in the district. Mr. Busyn added that since the Plan of Treatment was established for the district, he has worked on several homes in the neighborhood, each time with the goal of being true to the historic integrity of the area. John McDonald, realtor for Mr. Busyn explained that he has had years of experience marketing homes in the Country Club District, and finds this home to be one of the most challenging. OTHER COMMENTS: Member Kojetin questioned if anyone has looked into the current "livability" of the house, pointing out there could be mitigating factors such as mold that could be documented supporting the request for a tear down. Member Ferrara agreed with Kojetin adding the Board should look at this request very carefully before a final decision is made. Ferrara pointed out the action taken this evening will be looked at and the Board will need documentation to back up our decision. Member Ferrara reiterated in her opinion the house could be remodeled. Board member discussion ensued regarding the recommended findings and 9 Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board conditions. Members Forrest and Rehkamp Larson questioned whether it would be appropriate to include finding #4 which addressed the economic hardship to the owner of the property; pointing out that the design guidelines do not address financial hardship. The Board agreed that while they sympathized with Mrs. Ziegeweid's dilemma, the decision to permit the demolition of the home should stand on the status of the structures, not the owner's economic situation. Further discussion continued focusing on procedure with members in agreement that the requested COA is preliminary, not final, and the applicant will be required to return to the Board with final plans before a Certificate of Appropriateness is considered. Members Rehkamp Larson and Montgomery left the meeting. MOTION & VOTE: Member Blemaster moved to grant preliminary approval of the COA for demolition of the house and garage at 4615 Wooddale Avenue subject to the recommended findings and conditions, with the exception of item #4 which identifies an economic hardship, and also subject to all of the recommended conditions. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. Members Forrest, Kojetin, Blemaster and Benson voted aye. Members Ferrara and Fukuda abstained. The motion carried. IV. 2008 MN HERITAGE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE REPORT: The annual Minnesota Historic Preservation Conference was held in Northfield, MN on Friday and Saturday, September 19th and 20th. As a Certified Local Government, it is mandatory that at least one member of Edina's HPB attend the conference. The theme for the conference centered on preserving a communities "Main Street". Members Bob Kojetin and Arlene Forrest attended both days of the conference. Kojetin observed that Edina's 44th and France Commercial area would probably most closely represent Edina's historic commercial district. Member Forrest observed that she saw a correlation between the presentations on historic main streets with Edina's more recent mixed use developments which are combining residential, commercial and office uses. Kojetin and Forrest agreed that the conference was time well spent, and encouraged the HPB to consider attending future conferences. Board members thanked both Bob and Arlene for representing them at the conference and agreed that attending future conferences should be on their "to do" lists. 10 Minutes — October 14, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board V. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT LIFT STATION: A Curious Find Consultant Vogel shared with Board Members photo's of "life beneath the manhole". Vogel explained during Country Club District street reconstruction workers removed a manhole and found an old "lift station" dating from Thorpe's original development. Consultant Vogel said it was an unusual, but interesting find. The subterranean lift station, which was full of water, was drained, photographed, and then filled in with sand. Board members appreciated the documentation of the "find", which will be added to the history of the district. VI. OTHER BUSINESS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE: None IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: November 10, 2008 (MONDAY) X. ADJOURNMENT 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,Joyce Repya & Jackie Hoogenakker 11 AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Public Comment" the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: October 14, 2008 II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Demolition of house and garage — Continuation III. PUBLIC COMMENT: IV. WOODDALE BRIDGE: Wooddale Avenue at Minnehaha Creek V. OTHER BUSINESS: VI. CORRESPONDENCE: VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: December 9, 2008 VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chris Rofidal, Bob Kojetin, Lou Blemaster, Arlene Forrest, Jean Rehkamp Larson, and Elizabeth Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: Laura Benson, Karen Ferrara, and Connie Fukuda STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Planning Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant Scott Busyn, Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: October 14, 2008 Member Blemaster moved approval of the minutes from the October 14, 2008 meeting. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Demolition of House & Garage —Continuation from 10/14/08 Planner Repya explained that at the October meeting, the subject request was considered and received preliminary approval. At this point, the applicant, Scott Busyn is researching the history of the property in keeping with the required conditions for approval, and will present the design plans for the replacement home at the December meeting. Prior to presenting those plans, Mr. Busyn asked to share his concepts for the design objectives with the Board. Applicant Presentation Mr. Busyn provided the following design objectives for discussion with the Board: • Size, Scale and Massing — A two story Colonial Revival home, to be compatible in size with the adjacent homes to the north and south. • Design compatibility with other Colonial Revival homes in the Brown Section of the district, Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Exterior finishes, emphasizing the traditional materials found in the Brown Section of the district, Landscaping elements, providing the symmetry inherent with the Colonial Revival style, and The new garage complementing the style of the home, and meeting the criteria set out for replacement garages in the district. Mr. Busyn pointed out that the design objectives were preliminary and an approximation of the work to be completed. He added that at this point, the proposal is subject to change as required to be responsive to budget, governmental, site conditions, and construction constraints. Board Comments Member Kojetin questioned if the driveway width could become an issue. Chair Rofidal commented that if he understands code correctly the driveway width should not be an issue, adding the width of the driveway can remain as is, it's a pre-existing condition. Chair Rofidal asked Mr. Busyn if any trees would be lost to accommodate construction of the new house. Mr. Busyn responded that it is possible the White Pine could be lost. A discussion ensued with Board Members discussing design elements of the proposed house with Members suggesting the following: Construct three dormers, not four, as depicted on the plans provided by Mr. Busyn. • Eliminate transom over sun porch • Keep shutters • 2nd floor/south elevation. Shorten return above window. Return shouldn't cover entire window • Re -visit rear elevation. Proportions appear unbalanced Member Kojetin noted that it appears to him that there is no chimney on the plans. Mr. Busyn acknowledged that fact, adding chimneys are very expensive to construct. Board Members agreed "no chimney" is better than a "boxed version". The discussion continued focusing on procedure. Consultant Vogel pointed out this is the Board's first application for demolition and rebuild since the revised Plan of Treatment was adopted, adding in this instance he believes that at least two more meetings are needed before a COA is granted. Consultant Vogel said the past meetings could be viewed as "preliminary". Member Forrest pointed out there isn't anything in the Plan of Treatment that indicates that a preliminary COA is required. Member Forrest suggested reviewing the wording in the Plan to ensure that Board actions are procedurally correct. Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Continuing, Members stated they also need to be clear with their conditions in justifying the issuance of a COA. Board Members agreed that there must be legitimate reasons in granting a COA for the demolition of an existing house. Members also indicated they want the immediate neighbors notified of future meetings and provide neighbors the opportunity to review the new house plans. In conclusion Members indicated the following rationale in proceeding with granting the COA: The house does not meet the criteria for individual designation • There is physical deterioration of the existing house The lack of historical significance of this house compared with other houses located in the Brown Section of the District. Mr. Busyn told the Board he listened to their discussion and will revise the plans as suggested. Board action No formal action was taken. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. WOODDALE BRIDGE: Wooddale Avenue at Minnehaha Creek Consultant Vogel explained that in 2006-07, as part of the HPB's annual work plan, he carried out a survey of Minnehaha Creek to identify and gather data on heritage resources within and along the Edina reach of the creek. The objectives of the survey were to document buildings, structures, sites, and objects of preservation interest and to gather the information needed to plan for the wise use of these heritage resources. One of the heritage resources identified by the survey is the bridge that carries Wooddale Avenue over Minnehaha Creek. Mr. Vogel provided a detailed history and description of the bridge. Identifying how it meets the Edina Heritage Landmark eligibility criteria, focusing in its historic significance and integrity. Following are the highlights of his report: Description The subject property (commonly known as the Wooddale Bridge and designated Bridge No. 90646 in the state bridge inventory) is located on Wooddale Avenue South, a short distance south of 50th Street, upstream from the St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 4439 W. 50th Street. It is a single -span masonry arch bridge, 21 feet in length, and carries two lanes of traffic over Minnehaha Creek. The bridge, headwalls, and abutments are constructed of reinforced concrete, covered with a veneer of locally quarried Platteville limestone laid in random 3 Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board courses. The low parapet walls on either side of the roadway are either solid limestone or concrete ornamented with stone veneer --additional research will be required to fully document the structure's dimensions and construction materials. The arch is formed by a galvanized, corrugated iron pipe similar to that used in culverts and is anchored to the concrete abutments to protect the structure against stream erosion. The concrete deck is covered by bituminous asphalt e paving, with concrete curb and gutter. A plaque inscribed WPA 1937 is found on the downstream parapet wall. The creek bottom at this location is narrow and rocky, and the steeply sloped stream banks are cloaked with a dense growth of small trees and shrubs. Physical History The bridge occupies a part of the original William Marvin and George Baird farms, which were settled in the 1850s, and the Baird estate sold the surrounding area to developers in the 1920s. Village records indicate there may have been some kind of timber and iron bridge at this location prior to the construction of the present bridge in 1937. The plans for the Wooddale Bridge were prepared by W. E. Duckett, a local civil engineer who was employed by Hennepin County as a highway engineer from 1928 until 1938. (Duckett also worked on the design for Highway 100 and drew up the plans for the beltway crossing of Minnehaha Creek as well as the Eden Prairie Road [modern 50th Street] interchange in Edina.) The project was paid for with Federal funds administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, passed through the State Department of Highways (now the Minnesota Department of Transportation) to Hennepin County's highway agency. The workers who built the bridge were employed by the local unit of the WPA, which also provided administrative support, training, and supervision. Association With the WPA The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was a federal relief program established by presidential executive order in 1935; in 1939 the agency was renamed the Federal Works Agency but continued to be commonly known as the WPA unit the program was terminated in 1942. Headed by Harry L. Hopkins, the WPA was one of the centerpieces of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "New Deal" designed to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression. The WPA offered work to unemployed adults by funneling federal funds to a wide range of public works projects, including highway construction and roadside beautification. (In addition to transportation projects, the WPA built municipal swimming pools, auditoriums, airports, post offices, playgrounds, park buildings, sewers, paved streets, and low-income housing.) The "pump -priming" effect of the WPA was an important stimulus to the development of public infrastructure along Minnehaha Creek between 1935 and 1941. The Wooddale Bridge was a typical WPA project in that it was labor-intensive, utilized locally available construction materials and craft skills, and produced a structure that was both technologically and aesthetically impressive. It is unlikely that Hennepin County or the Village of M Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina could have built such a bridge without the massive and unprecedented federal participation. Significance In order to be considered eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark, a property must meet one of the ordinance criteria for evaluation of historical significance by being associated with an important historic context and by retaining historic integrity of those features necessary to convey its significance. The Wooddale Bridge is significant for its associative and design values (criteria A and C) within the historic context Minnehaha Creek: From Wilderness Stream to Urban Waterway," as delineated in the 1999 Edina Historic Context Study. Built in 1937 under the auspices of the Works Progress Administration, the bridge is a locally significant transportation structure reflecting the role of the Federal government in work relief and public construction during the Great Depression. It best represents the impact of the New Deal public works programs in Edina. In terms of its design and construction values, the bridge is a notable, well preserved example of early 20th century highway engineering and illustrates the "rustic" aesthetic in public works that is recognized as one of the hallmarks of the WPA. The bridge is particularly noteworthy for its modular, multi -plate arch construction and the visual impact of its rusticated masonry. Historic integrity is excellent: the structure has been little altered from its 1937 appearance and continues to serve its originally intended function. More information is needed to document the direct links between the bridge and the federal relief construction program in Hennepin County; to provide insights into the career of designer W. E. Duckett; and to reconstruct the property's physical history with respect to maintenance, safety inspections, roadway reconstruction, and changes in the hydrology of Minnehaha Creek. The Wooddale Bridge is one of seven structures crossing Minnehaha Creek within the Edina city limits. The others are: the West 44th Street Bridge, a 32 - foot long reinforced concrete slab type structure (built in 1986); the Highway 100 Bridge (built in 1970, remodeled in 1981); the historic Browndale Bridge, a designated Edina Heritage Landmark (built in 1906); the West 50th Street Bridge (built in 1926, reconstructed in 1976); the West 54th Street Bridge, a 36' concrete slab bridge (built in 1935, rebuilt in 1948); and the 148 -foot long steel culvert that carries the creek under France Avenue (built in 1958). This particular type of historic bridge is known as "multi -plate stone arch" construction and was widely used for small bridges during the 1930s; it is estimated that less than forty such structures have survived to the present day in Minnesota. The Wooddale Bridge has been evaluated as historically significant by the Minnesota Department of Transportation but has not been nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. 5 Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Recommendation Mr. Vogel reminded the Board that by ordinance, the HPB may issue a finding of significance whenever it determines that a particular property appears to be eligible for rezoning as a heritage landmark. If the Board determines that the bridge is potentially eligible, they can direct staff to prepare the necessary landmark nomination documents, or conduct additional survey work to address specific information needs. Mr. Vogel recommended that the HPB find the Wooddale Bridge potentially eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark and issue a Finding of Significance to that effect. Board comments Board Members told Consultant Vogel the information he presented on the Wooddale Bridge and other area bridges was very interesting. Board action Member Kojetin moved to add the Wooddale Bridge to the list of significant landmarks eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark. Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. V. OTHER BUSINESS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE: None IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: December 9, 2008 X. ADJOURNMENT 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jackie Hoogenakker 0 AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Public Comment" the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: November 10, 2008 II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Demolition and New Construction of Home and Detached Garage III. PUBLIC COMMENT: IV. CLG GRANT APPLICATION: Morningside Bungalows Multiple Property Designation V. OTHER BUSINESS: VI. CORRESPONDENCE: VII. NEXT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2009 VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chris Rofidal, Bob Kojetin, Lou Blemaster, Arlene Forrest, Laura Benson, and Connie Fukuda MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Ferrara, Jean Rehkamp Larson and Elizabeth Montgomery STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Planning Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant Scott Busyn, Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. Robert Latta, 4612 Wooddale Avenue Derek Pitt, 4616 Wooddale Avenue Kitty O'Dea, 4610 Bruce Avenue I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: November 10, 2008 Member Kojetin moved approval of the minutes from the November 10, 2008 meeting. Member Benson seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Demolition of House & Garage Planner Repya reminded the Board that at the November meeting, the applicant, Scott Busyn shared his concepts for the design objectives of a replacement home and detached garage for the subject property with the Board. Mr. Busyn has completed a plan for the replacement home and detached garage which follows the concepts previously presented, and also incorporates the suggestions made by the Board. Applicant Presentation tMr. Busyn thanked the Board for their consideration of his design concepts for the subject property at the November meeting which he found helpful in completing Minutes — December 9, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Member Benson moved approval of the COA for demolition of the existing home/garage and construction of a new home/garage subject to the plans presented and the conditions recommended by Consultant Vogel. Members Fukuda, Blemaster and Benson voted aye. Members Kojetin, Forrest and Rofidal voted nay. The motion was defeated due to a tie vote. Further discussion centered on process. Board members agreed that the plan as presented met the criteria of the District's Plan of Treatment, and all comments received from affected neighbors have been supportive of the plan. Members Benson, Fukuda and Blemaster stated that although the understanding has been that new homes will be reviewed in a 2 -step process, if no changes are proposed, a delay in voting on the COA would be unnecessary, and could cause a burden for the applicant. To require the applicant to wait until the January 2009 meeting for a decision did not seem fair. Members Rofidal, Kojetin and Forrest pointed out that while there is neighborhood support for the project, this is the first time the Board has reviewed the "complete package', pointing out that the intent of the process is to provide the public adequate time to review the COA proposals. Board members discussed the idea of holding a special meeting on December 15th or 16th (depending on room availability) which would give the appropriate time for advertising a special meeting and also provide the second meeting to review the project as understood in the process guidelines. All agreed that would be an acceptable compromise. Planner Repya agreed to set the meeting date and time as soon as possible for the next week and advice the Board, applicant and those neighbors on the mailing list of the final date/time. No formal action was taken III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CLG GRANT APPLICATION — Morningside Bungalows Multiple Property Designation Consultant Vogel advised the Board that he was in the process of completing the application to request a CLG grant for a multiple property designation for Morningside's bungalow properties. He added that the City of Des Moines has used the multiple property approach for landmark designations that has been very successful; and he would be reporting on their processes in the near future. Member Kojetin asked if the bungalow designation would only apply to bungalow properties in the Morningside neighborhood. Mr. Vogel responded in the affirmative. A Minutes — December 9, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Member Blemaster asked who initiated this process. Mr. Vogel responded that the City would be the applicant. Board members expressed their interest in the project, and agreed that they looked forward to learning more about Morningside's bungalows. No formal action was taken. V. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Procedural Guideline Committee Member Forrest suggested the formation of a committee to draft procedural guidelines outlining the information required to be submitted with Certificate of Appropriateness applications. Board members agreed that would be an excellent idea. Chairman Rofidal then directed the formation of a committee to provide requirement guidelines for COA applications. Members Forrest, Kojetin, Benson and Rofidal offered to serve on the committee. VII. CORRESPONDENCE: None IX. NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: January 13, 2009 X. ADJOURNMENT 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,Joyce R.epya VA AGENDA THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2008, AT 6:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TH STREET During "Public Comment" the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. * Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue previously discussed. * Individuals should not expect the Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff or consideration at a future meeting. I. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT: A. Certificates of Appropriateness H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Final Review Demolition and New Construction of Home and Detached Garage II. PUBLIC COMMENT: III. OTHER BUSINESS: IV. NEXT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2009 V. ADJOURNMENT: The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2008, AT 6:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50TI STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chris Rofidal, Bob Kojetin Arlene Forrest, Laura Benson, Connie Fukuda, Jean Rehkamp Larson and Elizabeth Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Ferrara and Lou Blemaster STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Scott Busyn, Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. John McDonald, Edina Realty Sheilagh Ziegweid, 4615 Wooddale Avenue Mickey Armstrong, Coldwell Banker Burnet Realty I. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Demolition of House & Garage Planner Repya reminded the Board that at their regular meeting on December 9, 2008, they agreed that the proposed plan for the new home and detached garage proposed by Mr. Busyn met the design guidelines of the District's Plan of Treatment, but needed to follow the procedure of being heard at two separate meetings. This special meeting was arranged to meet the two meeting criteria. Applicant Presentation Mr. Busyn thanked the Board for scheduling a special meeting to address the Certificate of Appropriateness. He explained the measures he took to share his plans with the surrounding neighbors and expressed his appreciation for their support. He then briefly reviewed the plans for the new construction focusing on the following design objectives: • Size, Scale and Massing — A two story Colonial Revival home, to be compatible in size with the adjacent homes to the north and south. • Design compatibility with other Colonial Revival homes in the Brown Section of the district, • Exterior finishes, emphasizing the traditional materials found in the Brown Section of the district, Minutes — December 15, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Special Meeting Landscaping elements, providing the symmetry inherent with the Colonial Revival style, and The new garage complementing the style of the home, and meeting the criteria set out for replacement garages in the district. Board Comments Member Forrest - Asked Mr. Busyn to provide the Board with the type of feedback he receives from the neighbors when presenting proposed plans. Mr. Busyn explained that he has rebuilt over 14 homes in the City, and has neighborhood meetings to present the plans each time. The number one concern he hears is regarding the ridge height of the new construction, and the new language in the District's Plan of Treatment goes much further than the Zoning Ordinance in addressing that issue. Other concerns cited include, drainage on the lot both before and after construction; whether the style of the home will fit the neighborhood, preservation of existing trees, the back yard, and the price point of the new/rebuilt home. - Inquired if driveways have been an issue. Mr. Busyn said that driveways have not been an issue; however neighbors make it clear that they do not want the drainage from the subject driveway to run off onto their properties. Member Rehkamp Larson - Explained that she was unable to attend the December 9th meeting of the Board, and was pleased with the decision to hold a special meeting to move the project along. She also stated that she was glad to hear the positive response to the plans from the neighbors. - Addressing the proposed design, Ms. Rehkamp Larson stated that the front fagade of the home feels historic and she appreciated that the sides of the home have massing that is broken up. - Expressed her support of the plan, and appreciated the material board presented. However cautioned Mr. Busyn to pay attention to the proportions of the front fagade gables. - Suggested the Board request receiving photos of the finished product from all four elevations. Mr. Busyn agreed that he would be happy to provide the Board with photos, adding that he will have a virtual tour to use for marketing the home that will also be available to the HPB. K Minutes — December 15, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Special Meeting Member Kojetin Stressed that the HPB needs to let the community know that the HPB does not want homes in the Country Club District, that have been identified as historic resources to be taken down. He added that the existing home at 4615 Wooddale Avenue is part of the fabric of the neighborhood, and the loss of this home will change the longstanding built environment in its vicinity. Member Forrest - Concurred with Member Kojetin's comments; adding that the Plan of Treatment for the Country Club District is very generous to change compared with other historic districts in the country, and the HPB needs to look at each request very seriously as it relates to the entire neighborhood. Public Comment Sheilagh Ziegweid - 4615 Wooddale Avenue Expressed her support of the project stating that the proposed home will enhance the neighborhood. She pointed out that over the years many homes in the neighborhood have experienced changes that have not enhanced the historic integrity of the area. John McDonald — Mr. Busyn's realtor - Expressed his support of the project pointing out that Mr. Busyn has extensive experience rebuilding homes in the Country Club District, he is well endorsed by the neighbors and will provide a quality product for the neighborhood and community at large. Mickey Armstrong — Owner Sheilagh Ziegweid's realtor - Stated that the proposed project is very positive, will enhance the neighborhood and is the right thing to do. Board action Member Benson moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the existing home and detached garage at 4615 Wooddale Avenue and build a new home and detached garage subject to the following conditions: 1. The plans presented. 2. Historical and architectural documentation of the existing house and garage including written information, photographs, and drawings. 3. Photographs of all elevations of the new construction once completed 4. A year built plaque is affixed to the new home. 3 Minutes — December 15, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Special Meeting Member Fukuda seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion was approved. Additional Comments Scott Busyn — - Expressed his appreciation for the work of the HPB, pointing out that he does not feel good about tearing down this home. As he has researched its history, he has grown to know the home. - Assured the Board that as the home is dismantled, he will treat the property with respect and take care to ensure that historic elements are recycled through the Green Institute. - Shared his desire to build a home that will add energy to the block while maintaining the historic integrity of the neighborhood. - Added his belief that the decision of the Board supports the City Council's desire for a balance between preservation and property rights in the historic Country Club District. Member Forrest — Complimented Mr. Busyn on his participation during this arduous process, pointing out that this project will serve as an example for future submittals, and adding that he has set the bar very high. Board members agreed with Member Forrest's summation. V. OTHER BUSINESS: None X. ADJOURNMENT 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyc& Repya. C! MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2008, AT 6:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM 4801 WEST 50'" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chris Rofidal, Bob Kojetin Arlene Forrest, Laura Benson, Connie Fukuda, Jean Rehkamp Larson and Elizabeth Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Ferrara and Lou Blemaster STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Scott Busyn, Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. John McDonald, Edina Realty Sheilagh Ziegweid, 4615 Wooddale Avenue Mickey Armstrong, Coldwell Banker Burnet Realty COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-08-14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Demolition of House & Garage Planner Repya reminded the Board that at their regular meeting on December 9, 2008, they agreed that the proposed plan for the new home and detached garage proposed by Mr. Busyn met the design guidelines of the District's Plan of Treatment, but needed to follow the procedure of being heard at two separate meetings. This special meeting was arranged to meet the two meeting criteria. Applicant Presentation Mr. Busyn thanked the Board for scheduling a special meeting to address the Certificate of Appropriateness. He explained the measures he took to share his plans with the surrounding neighbors and expressed his appreciation for their support. He then briefly reviewed the plans for the new construction focusing on the following design objectives: • Size, Scale and Massing — A two story Colonial Revival home, to be compatible in size with the adjacent homes to the north and south. • Design compatibility with other Colonial Revival homes in the Brown Section of the district, • Exterior finishes, emphasizing the traditional materials found in the Brown Section of the district, Minutes — December 15, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Special Meeting • Landscaping elements, providing the symmetry inherent with the Colonial Revival style, and • The new garage complementing the style of the home, and meeting the criteria set out for replacement garages in the district. Board Comments Member Forrest - Asked Mr. Busyn to provide the Board with the type of feedback he receives from the neighbors when presenting proposed plans. Mr. Busyn explained that he has rebuilt over 14 homes in the City, and has neighborhood meetings to present the plans each time. The number one concern he hears is regarding the ridge height of the new construction, and the new language in the District's Plan of Treatment goes much further than the Zoning Ordinance in addressing that issue. Other concerns cited include, drainage on the lot both before and after construction; whether the style of the home will fit the neighborhood, preservation of existing trees, the back yard, and the price point of the new/rebuilt home. - Inquired if driveways have been an issue. Mr. Busyn said that driveways have not been an issue; however neighbors make it clear that they do not want the drainage from the subject driveway to run off onto their properties. Member Rehkamp Larson - Explained that she was unable to attend the December 9th meeting of the Board, and was pleased with the decision to hold a special meeting to move the project along. She also stated that she was glad to hear the positive response to the plans from the neighbors. - Addressing the proposed design, Ms. Rehkamp Larson stated that the front fagade of the home feels historic and she appreciated that the sides of the home have massing that is broken up. - Expressed her support of the plan, and appreciated the material board presented. However cautioned Mr. Busyn to pay attention to the proportions of the front fagade gables. - Suggested the Board request receiving photos of the finished product from all four elevations. Mr. Busyn agreed that he would be happy to provide the Board with photos, adding that he will have a virtual tour to use for marketing the home that will also be available to the HPB. 2 Minutes — December 15, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Special Meeting Member Kojetin Stressed that the HPB needs to let the community know that the HPB does not want homes in the Country Club District, that have been identified as historic resources to be taken down. He added that the existing home at 4615 Wooddale Avenue is part of the fabric of the neighborhood, and the loss of this home will change the longstanding built environment in its vicinity. Member Forrest - Concurred with Member Kojetin's comments; adding that the Plan of Treatment for the Country Club District is very generous to change compared with other historic districts in the country, and the HPB needs to look at each request very seriously as it relates to the entire neighborhood. Public Comment Sheilagh Ziegweid - 4615 Wooddale Avenue Expressed her support of the project stating that the proposed home will enhance the neighborhood. She pointed out that over the years many homes in the neighborhood have experienced changes that have not enhanced the historic integrity of the area. John McDonald — Mr. Busyn's realtor Expressed his support of the project pointing out that Mr. Busyn has extensive experience rebuilding homes in the Country Club District, he is well endorsed by the neighbors and will, provide a quality product for the neighborhood and community at large. Mickey Armstrong — Owner Sheilagh Ziegweid's realtor - Stated that the proposed project is very positive, will enhance the neighborhood and is the right thing to do. Board action Member Benson moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the existing home and detached garage at 4615 Wooddale Avenue and build a new home and detached garage subject to the following conditions: 1. The plans presented. 2. Historical and architectural documentation of the existing house and garage including written information, photographs, and drawings. 3. Photographs of all elevations of the new construction once completed 4. A year built plaque is affixed to the new home. KI Minutes — December 15, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Special Meeting Member Fukuda seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion was approved. Additional Comments Scott Busyn — - Expressed his appreciation for the work of the HPB, pointing out that he does not feel good about tearing down this home. As he has researched its history, he has grown to know the home. - Assured the Board that as the home is dismantled, he will treat the property with respect and take care to ensure that historic elements are recycled through the Green Institute. - Shared his desire to build a home that will add energy to the block while maintaining the historic integrity of the neighborhood. - Added his belief that the decision of the Board supports the City Council's desire for a balance between preservation and property rights in the historic Country Club District. Member Forrest — Complimented Mr. Busyn on his participation during this arduous process, pointing out that this project will serve as an example for future submittals, and adding that he has set the bar very high. Board members agreed with Member Forrest's summation. V. OTHER BUSINESS: None X. ADJOURNMENT 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jo'c& RePya' 2