HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 07-12 HPB Meeting Minutes Regular6:30 p.m. - @7:30 p.m @7:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Il. ROLL CALL AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD WHITE OAKS NEIGHBORHOOD & EDINA CITY HALL — COMMUNITY ROOM JULY 12, 2011 6:30 P.M. WHITE OAKS WALKING TOUR - Park on Meadow Road adjacent to the Meadow EDINA CITY HALL — Community Room III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES A. Regular meeting of June 14, 2011 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment" the Heritage Preservation Board will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Board or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. White Oaks Tour Discussion B. Southdale Center Heritage Landmark Potential VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. NEXT MEETING DATE August 9, 2011 XI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861, 72 hours in 40 advance of the meeting. MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 6:30 PM Edina Community Room 4801 West 50th Street 1. WHITE OAKS NEIGHBORHOOD TOUR 6:30-8:00 p.m. -Led by Cheryl Appeldorn, 4611 Townes Circle, President of the White Oaks Improvement Association. As an introduction, Ms. Appeldorn provided early photos of several White Oaks homes and a brief history of the neighborhood. White Oaks residents Patti O'Neil, 8 Bridge Lane, and Ed Clausman, 4544 Meadow Road also assisted with the tour. II. ROLL CALL 8:15 p.m. - Answering roll call were Chair Stegner, and Members Carr, Rehkamp Larson, Schwartzbauer, Curran, Anger, Ahlstrom and Thorson. Those absent were Members Davis, and McLellan III. MINUTES APPROVED Regular meeting of June 14, 2011 Motion was made by Member Curran and seconded by Member Carr approving the minutes from the regular meeting of June 14, 2011 as corrected. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT None V. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. White Oaks Neighborhood Tour Discussion Board members shared the following impressions from their tour of the White Oaks neighborhood: Member Rehkamp Larson observed that White Oaks contains a very nice body of houses that are worthy of preserving, and wondered if there were boundaries that could be provided to preserve the unique streetscapes. She also pointed out that White Oaks might be a great candidate for the annual Preservation Award. Member Anger pointed out that White Oaks is a vintage neighborhood reminiscent of the "Father Knows Best" era. He was impressed with the passion and investment the residents have in their neighborhood, however was unsure of the approach that could be taken to address their concerns. Member Carr stated that the neighborhood was beautiful, and she was impressed with the well preserved trees and landscapes. Member Schwartzbauer found the tour to be very interesting, but was unsure if the HPB could provide the protections some of the neighborhood's residents have suggested. Member Stegner observed that White Oaks has a definite sense of a unique neighborhood; and he was impressed with the self preservation efforts the White Oaks Improvements Association has undertaken since the 1940's. Robert Vogel stated that while the White Oaks neighborhood is indeed very beautiful, and there are similarly unique neighborhoods in the City. He pointed out that a neighborhood landmark designation is not the planning tool to address the concerns expressed by White Oaks residents. A neighborhood Minutes Heritage Preservation Board July 12, 2011 conservation overlay district is not as controlling as a landmark designation, and often design review is handled at the neighborhood level whereby they police themselves. He added that the most successful conservation districts are voluntary. Vogel pointed out that there could be individual properties eligible for landmark designation due to the designing architect, or the original owners. He added that the wetlands could be preservable as well as the trees. Member Curran stated that she would like more information regarding the potential for conservation districts. A general discussion ensued among the Board. A point was made that perhaps a system of protection could be created that could be replicated in other neighborhoods in the City. It was agreed that the White Oaks discussion would be continued at the August meeting. Planner Repya agreed to invite the neighborhood representatives to the August meeting when they would have an opportunity to partake in the discussion. Consultant Vogel agreed to bring samples of successful conservation overlay districts which have been created in other communities to the August meeting. Planner Repya also agreed to check into the current status of the "Meadow" area with Wayne Houle, the city engineer, and report back to the Board. No formal action was taken. B. Southdale Center 40 Preservation Consultant, Robert Vogel advised the Board that Southdale Center, being the first enclosed mall constructed in the country, holds a place of importance in the city's history as evidenced by having a chapter devoted to in it in the Historic Context Study. That being said, he added that the mall would not be a good candidate for a site designation as an historic landmark. Management issues with out-of- town owners that change pretty regularly are complicated; with their primary interests of competing in the retail market. The history of the center may not be a high priority for the center's management, and in order for the landmark designation to work, there must be a partnership with the owners. Mr. Vogel pointed out that although a landmark designation of Southdale Center may not be the best approach, there are original objects such as the clock and the "trees" sculpture in the Garden Court that have potential for landmark designations. Possibly, a curatorial agreement could be crafted as part of a nomination study that identifies the important objects and how they would be protected. Mr. Vogel added that the owners may look favorably upon working together on an interpretative representation of the Center's history that would tie the remaining original objects into the story. A brief discussion ensued amongst the Board. Member Curran suggested that it would be a good idea to put in writing the concrete objectives for recognizing the Center's heritage that would include some options for the owners. Board members agreed, citing that the Center's unique and impressive history could be a great marketing tool. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS None is Minutes Heritage Preservation Board July 12, 2011 VII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Chair Stegner inquired on the status of the Edina Women's Study, Consultant Vogel responded that the study is in its final stages and will be submitted to the Minnesota Historical Society for compliance with the grant requirements once the State commences business. Mr. Vogel agreed to provide the Board with more detailed information on the study. VIII. STAFF COMMENTS A. Human Resource Task Force —Request for Volunteer from HPB Planner Repya explained that City Manager Neal has redesigned the process for funding human services in the City by creating a Human Services Task Force consisting of one representative from each official board or commission. The task force will come together in September for two meetings when they will interview agencies requesting funding, and then form and approve their recommendation. The City Council will then discuss the recommendation at a work session in October. Ms. Repya added that the process is voluntary, and if a member of the Board is interested, the name must be reported to Manager Neal before August 30`n The Board briefly discussed the new process for evaluating funding requests. Member Curran opined that she would possibly be interested in representing the HPB on the task force however wanted more information prior to making a commitment. Planner Repya agreed to discuss the opportunity with . Member Curran in more detail at a later date. No formal decision was made. B. State Preservation Conference— September 22-23, 2011 in Faribault, MN Planner Repya reported that the State Preservation Office has provided registration forms for the upcoming Annual Preservation Conference to be held in Faribault, MN at the Paradise Center for the Arts. The HPB is required to send at least one board member to the conference to comply with the Certified Local Government (CLG) regulations, and as in previous years, the City will pay the $90 early registration fee. Ms. Repya pointed out that the deadline for early registration is August 191H Member Anger submitted his registration form. Members Carr, Curran, Stegner, and Ahlstrom also expressed an interest in attending the conference. Ms. Repya explained that she would obtain a final commitment from those board members able to attend the conference at the regular meeting on August 9th IX. NEXT MEETING DATE August 9, 2011 X. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya