HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 01-10 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD EDINA CITY HALL — COUNCIL CHAMBERS TUESDAY, January 10, 2012 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Regular meeting of December 13, 2011 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment" the Heritage Preservation Board will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Board or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Certificate of Appropriateness # H-12-1 4603 Browndale Avenue Request: A new front entry canopy is B. Certificate of Appropriateness #H-12-2 4620 Moorland Avenue Request: A new detached garage in the rear yard, an addition to the rear/south side of the home, and changes visible from the street facing facade C. Southdale Center Artifact Update D. Thematic Study of Heritage Resources Associated with Edina Women - Discussion E. 2012 Work Plan — Long Range Planning VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. NEXT MEETING DATE February 14, 2012 XI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861, 72 hours in ®advance of the meeting. MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall — Community Room January 10, 2012 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER 7:05 P.M. II, ROLL CALL Answering roll call was Vice Chair Carr, and Members Davis, Moore, Curran, Copman and Ellingboe. Absent were Chair Stegner, and Members Rehkamp Larson, Schwartzbauer, Anger, and Ahlstrom. Staff present was Planner Joyce Repya. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Davis moved to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Member Moore seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Regular meeting of December 13, 201 1 Member Davis moved approval of the minutes from the December 13, 201 1 meeting of the board. Member Curran seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Certificate of Appropriateness #H-12-1 4603 Browndale Avenue Request: A new front entry canopy Vice Chair Carr invited the applicant to present their proposal to the Board. Scott Newall, Newall Architecture, 5217 James Avenue So., Minneapolis explained that the new front entry canopy proposed for the 1935 Colonial style home will not only provide currently lacking shelter, but also add design depth and interest to the front fagade of the home. Currently, the front entry is flush with the west facade and is surrounded by slightly projecting wood trim in a general classic style. There is a 33 square foot stoop, clad in red brick, raised one step up from the grade. Mr. Newall pointed out that the proposed design includes partial dismantling of the existing wood trim, incorporating it into the new assembly. The simple black steel railing above the door will be removed and replaced with a new black steel railing with a slightly more ornate design. Additionally, a new, larger stylistically appropriate light fixture will hang from the raised soffit within. It is the intention of the design to increase the home's distinctiveness and provide greater character. ® The proportions and materials will be consistent with the house and the period style. The effect of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes January 10, 2012 new entry will be to make the house feel more welcoming and to enhance the overall character of the streetscape. Mr. Newall added that the homeowner is considering replacing the red brick stoop and concrete sidewalk from the house to the public sidewalk with new bluestone pavers; and although the homeowner's have not made a final decision, they would like the potential for that change to be included in the Board's decision. Board members briefly discussed the proposed plan receiving clarification on several design elements. Member Davis commented that he was impressed with the desire to incorporate original materials from the front entry into the new design — adding that he would like to see more of that done in the district. Member Curran noted that Staff and Consultant Vogel had recommended approval of the request as presented. She then moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new front entry portico as proposed to include the potential for incorporating the blue stone pavers on the stoop and sidewalk. Member Moore seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Certificate of Appropriateness #H-! 2-2 4624 Moorland Avenue Request: - New Detached Garage - Two -Story Rear Addition - Replace Oriel Window on Front Fagade with a Cantilevered Bay & 3 Sets of Double Hung Windows Covered By a Shed Roof Vice Chair Carr asked the proponent to explain the proposed changes to the subject home. Scott Busyn , Great Neighborhood Homes, 4615 Wooddale Avenue stated that his firm has designed changes to the 1934 Tudor style home with the intent of providing a compatible use of the home while at the same time maintain the home's overall historic character. The new detached 2 -stall garage has been designed to replicate the design elements of the Tudor style home with stucco and half-timbering, as well as windowed gables which will provide natural light in the upper storage area. Proposed to be consistent with the size and scale of surrounding detached garages, the structure will utilize the existing driveway on the south side of the property. Addressing the 2 -story addition to the rear of the home Mr. Busyn pointed out that by removing the attached garage, more daylight will be provided to the home. The design of the addition includes the important Tudor elements of double hung window, stucco, half -timbers, and gabled openings that are consistent with the historic home. The addition was designed to be sensitive to the scale and mass of the home and will not be visible from the street. Mr. Busyn added that the last element of the COA request involved removing an existing oriel window on the second story of the front fapde which is located in a bedroom, and replacing it with a cantilevered bay including three sets of double hung windows covered by a shed roof. He explained that is Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes January 10, 2012 the new windows will not only provide more light in the bedroom, but more importantly provide required egress lacking with the oriel window. Vice Chair Carr thanked Mr, Busyn for his explanation. She noted that Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel had reviewed the proposed plans and provided an opinion which she asked Planner Repya to share with the Board. Ms. Repya reviewed Mr. Vogel's evaluation of the project, highlighting his opinion that the design does a good job of protecting the historic architectural details that contribute most to the character of the house and surrounding neighborhood. He also pointed out that the design of the proposed garage meets the general standards for new construction contained in the district's plan of treatment. The plans describe a structure that would be compatible in size, scale, building materials, and texture with the historic house; and he recommended approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness. Ms. Repya then provided the Board with several changes to the rear addition which Mr. Busyn had submitted after the packets were delivered to the Board. She pointed out that the changes were subtle, however since approval would be subject to the plans presented, she wanted to ensure that the Board was reviewing the complete plans. Mr. Busyn pointed out that the changes were necessitated in order for the addition to meet the setback requirements called out in the Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Repya concluded that staff agrees with Consultant Vogel's conclusions and recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness subject to the plans presented and a year built plaque be installed on an exterior wall of the detached garage. Board members briefly discussed the proposed plan receiving clarification on several design elements. Member Moore stated that he liked the plans very much and particularly the enthusiasm for providing a contemporary use of the home while being sensitive to its history. Member Davis agreed, moving approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the new detached garage, addition to the home, and changes to the street facing facade subject the plans presented and the placement of a year built plaque on the exterior of the detached garage. Member Curran seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. C. Southdale Center Artifact Update Member Moore introduced Jamie Heidt, an Edina resident and Southdale enthusiast who has offered to work with Moore and Member Anger on the Southdale artifact project. Mr. Moore explained that since the December meeting he and Mr. Heidt met with Laurie Van Dalen, General Manager of Southdale Center to discuss the HPB's interest in cataloging and possibly commemorating the existing original artifacts at Southdale Center. Ms. Van Dalen was very welcoming, pointing out that while new to Southdale, she has worked for Simon Properties for 14 years and made -over five malls across the country. She found it interesting that of all the malls she has worked, Southdale has proven to the most unique due in a large part to its rich history. 3 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes January 10, 2012 Ms. Van Dalen took Moore on a tour of some of the basement storage areas. She reported that the iconic bird cage is no longer at the mall, however was thrilled to find the "Unicycle" sculpture lying on its side( I S' — 18' long) covered with a tarp. This sculpture once stood outdoors in the southwest corner of the building where the Cheesecake Factory now stands. Ms. Van Dalen pointed out that Simon Properties is not interested in displaying the sculpture and would consider donating it to the city. Mr. Moore also explained that Ms. Van Dalen shared the Southdale Center renovation plans which are very exciting. She explained that it is important that changes to the mall remain current; however a nc to the center's unique history should be doable. He added that he shared historic articles and promotional materials gleaned from the city files which Ms. Van Dalen had never seen and was pleased to receive. Ms. Dalen commented that she would be happy to provide the HPB a tour of the storage areas in the basement as long as members were willing to sign a waiver. A brief discussion ensued, after which the Board agreed that the next step will be for Member Moore to continue discussions with Ms. Van Dalen regarding a potential tour of the center's storage areas within the next few months. The Board thanked Member Moore for reaching out to Southdale Center's management, and expressed their continued interest in the project. No formal action was taken. D. Thematic Study of Heritage Resources Associated with Edina Women — Discussion Planner Repya reminded the Board that at their November they received the completed Thematic Study of Heritage Resources Associated with Edina Women. Since they hadn't the opportunity to review the document, it was agreed that they would take the month of December to digest the information and discuss their reflections at the January 2012 meeting. Ms. Repya pointed out that the purpose of the study was to provide a baseline of information on the current information available regarding the involvement of Edina women relative to the community's historic resources; as well as to provide guidance for including the involvement of women when reviewing potential landmark properties. The study will be added to the city's "Historic Context Study", and "Comprehensive Plan's Heritage Preservation Section" as a planning tool to be used when evaluating historic resources in the City. Member Curran stated that she found the study very interesting and thought the Executive Summary did a good job of encapsulating the content of the report. She added that while the results of the study proved that there is not a lot of current information tying Edina women to historic resources; those who have been identified, such as Sarah Baird with the Grange Hall could be recognized by installing a plaque at the Grange Hall that highlights Mrs. Baird's importance to the Grange movement. The Board agreed with Ms. Curran noting that working with the Historical Society on recognizing the important women identified made sense. Ms. Curran then called attention to the following recommendations for future action provided at the end of the study: 4 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes • January 10, 2012 1) When documenting individual residential properties for nomination as Heritage Landmarks, background research should focus on describing any gendered spaces present and on identification of individual women connected to the property; archival study should attempt to reconstruct the physical history of the subject property, with particular emphasis on the planning, design, and original construction phases, to gain an understanding of the role of women in its development. 2) Conduct a systematic, intensive survey of local newspapers, business directories, and trade publications to identify potential heritage preservation resources associated with female architects, builders, realtors, designers, developers, and trades people. 3) Assemble information on local organizations involved with women's civic and political activities, including but not limited to the Morningside and Edina women's clubs and the League of Women Voters. 4) Identify information needs relating to women's history themes in Edina's postwar history (circa 1945-1974) to be addressed by future surveys. 5) Conduct archaeological surveys in areas predicted to contain intact prehistoric and post -contact period sites and determine how each type of site is likely to be associated with women's history themes. Predictive models should establish the likely presence of sites reflecting gendered spaces and activities. b) Undertake intensive archival research to refine, modify, and elaborate on the following Tier 2 local historic contexts with respect to women's history themes and associated resource types: "Edina ® Mills: Agriculture and Rural Life," "The Cahill Settlement: Edina's Irish Heritage," "Morningside: Edina's Streetcar Suburb," "Country Club: Edina's First Planned Community," "Southdale: Shopping Mall Culture," and "Country Clubs and Parks: The Heritage of Recreation, Leisure and Sport." The Board discussed the recommendations and discovered they had questions regarding the intent of some of the points. Ms. Curran suggested that it would be helpful for Consultant Vogel to clarify the intention and work entailed for each recommendation to assist the Board in determining how to best fit the tasks into future work plans. Board members agreed that they would like feedback from Mr. Vogel regarding the six recommended actions from the report. They also suggested that once the Board was in agreement with the recommendations, a copy should be provided to the Edina Historical Society, and the study should be posted on the Heritage Preservation Board's section of the City's web site. E. 2012 Work Plan — Long Range Planning Planner Repya explained that the 2012 Work Plan is a planning tool used by the HPB to assist them to stay on task. The plan is created over several months with an eye toward having a working document available at the annual meeting in March. Initial steps in creating the work plan include evaluating the previous year's work plan to determine what work might need to carry over to the next year; as well referring to the Heritage Preservation section of the Comprehensive Plan to ensure that goals and objectives identified for the plan period (2010 — 2030) are taken into consideration. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes January 10, 2012 The Board received an outline for 2012 monthly work plan with the yearly repetitive tasks identified. They also reviewed a list of potential tasks as well as the benchmarks, policies and implementation schedule set out in the Comprehensive Plan. Discussion ensued regarding how to best group the tasks, and suggestions were made to add tasks to the list. Planner Repya thanked the Board for their input and agreed to provide them with a draft work plan at the February meeting that reflected their suggestions. No formai action was taken. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS — None VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Vice Chair Carr announced that Members Bob Schwartzbauer, Jean Rehkamp Larson and Terry Ahlstrom have decided not to continue serving on the HPB, thus she participated in the interviews for their replacements. The City Council should make their decisions and announce the new members in early February with three new HPB members starting at the February meeting. Ms. Carr was joined by the rest of the Board in recognizing the valuable contributions made by Members Schwartzbauer, Rehkamp Larson, and Ahlstrom. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Annual Boards & Commissions Dinner — March 19th Planner Repya reported that the date for the annual Boards and Commissions dinner has been set for Monday, March 19th. Invitations will be mailed to all current, incoming and outgoing board members. The dinner provides an opportunity for the City to thank board and commission members for their service to the community, and all members were encouraged to attend. Minnesota Historical Society Visit — February Meeting Planner Repya reported that Michael Koop from the Minnesota State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) will be attending the February HPB meeting. The SHPO office has identified a goal of visiting all of the Heritage Preservation Boards and Commissions in the State during 2012 and Edina will be one of their first. This meeting will be a good time to discuss heritage preservation on the State and local level. X. NEXT MEETING DATE MONDAY —February 13, 2012 Several Board members expressed a desire to reschedule the regular February meeting from Tuesday, the 14th (Valentine's Day) to Monday, February 13th. Those members in attendance reported that the date change worked with their calendars. Planner Repya agreed to poll the entire Board and if Monday, February 13th worked with everyone, the meeting would be rescheduled. XI. ADJOURNMENT 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya N.