HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 02-13 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD EDINA CITY HALL — COUNCIL CHAMBERS MONDAY, February 13, 2012 7:00 P.M. (6:00 p.m. Orientation for New Members — Council Chambers) I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: Peter Sussman, Jennifer Christiaansen, and Joyce Mellom IV. MINNESOTA STATE PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) REPRESENTATIVES: Michael Koop & Leslie Coburn V. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA VI. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Regular meeting of January 10, 2012 VII. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment" the Heritage Preservation Board will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Board or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Board & Commission Bylaws B. Thematic Study of Heritage Resources Associated with Edina Women — Review Recommended Actions C. 2012 Work Plan D. Southdale Center Artifact Update E. Promotion for 2012 Edina Heritage Award VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. NEXT MEETING DATE March 13, 2012 XI. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall - Council Chambers Monday, February 13, 2012 6:00 p.m. - New Member Orientation 7:00 p.m. - Heritage Preservation Meeting 6:00 p.m. — Heritage Preservation Board orientation was provided for the newly appointed HPB members. I. CALL TO ORDER 7:05 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was Chair Stegner, and Members Carr, Davis, Moore, Curran, Christiaansen, Mellom, Sussman, and Ellingboe. Absent were Members Anger, and Copman. Staff present was Planner Joyce Repya. Consultant Robert Vogel was also present Ill. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: Planner Repya introduced Jennifer Christiaansen, Joyce Mellom, and Peter Sussman — the newest members to join the Heritage Preservation Board. Board members in -turn introduced themselves, and offered a warm welcome to the newest members. IV. MINNESOTA STATE PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) REPRESENTATIVES: Michael Koop & Leslie Coburn Planner Repya introduced Michael Koop, Historic Preservation Program Specialist and his co-worker, Leslie Coburn, Government Programs and Compliance Assistant from the Minnesota State Preservation Office who are traveling the state, visiting with local HPC's to share the State initiatives which are part of the newly enacted Preservation Plan for 2012-2017. Mr. Koop explained that prior to the adoption of the State's Preservation Plan there was a period of public comment when preservationists were encouraged to comment on the plan. His office was pleased to receive comments from Edina's HPB Chair Joel Stegner. Having representatives from the SHPO office visit local HPB's during the year was one of Stegner's suggestions which his office agreed would go a long way to encourage cooperation between the state and local preservationists. Mr. Koop shared the following points of interest with the Board: • The State Preservation Conference will be held in Fergus Falls, September 13th & 140. All board members are encouraged to attend, and grant funds will again be available to defray the costs. He added that suggested topics for sessions would be most welcome. • The proposed work Edina's HPB has identified for a digital resource inventory is very interesting and something the State would be happy provide assistance. Currently, the State has a list of historic resources for each community which can be accessed; however the most of the records • are still in the paper format. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes February 13, 2012 The HPB's interest in the recent past, particularly the Mid -Century Modern architecture in the community is a topic of interest on the State level as well. Mr. Koop encouraged the Board to consider accessing CLG funds to assist in that potential research. • The SHPO office is eager to support local HPB's by providing speakers on heritage related topics. Mr. Koop invited the HPB to visit his offices at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul. The Board agreed that would be of interest to them later in the year. Mr. Koop shared copies of the new State Preservation Plan along with reports and pamphlets on "Minnesota Modern — Era of Innovation", Modernism — recent past program from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, as well as copies of "Historic Preservation Learning Portal" from the Federal Preservation Institute. A conversation continued where the Board shared their common preservation interests. Chair Stegner thanked Mr. Koop and Ms. Coburn for sharing news from SHPO, and encouraged them to enjoy the rest of the meeting. V. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Carr moved to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Member Moore seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. VI. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Regular meeting of January 10, 2012 is Member Curran moved approval of the minutes from the January 10, 2012, meeting of the board. Member Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. VII. COMMUNITY COMMENT None VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Board & Commission Bylaws Planner Repya explained that Assistant City Manager, Karen Kurt worked with a committee of the chairs from all of the City's boards and commissions as well as the staff liaisons to create a consistent set of bylaws to be used by all of the City's boards and commissions. Once the main template was approved by the City Council, the document was revised to refer to each respective board or commission. The Heritage Preservation Board's Bylaws were presented to the Board for adoption. Chair Stegner explained that the new Bylaws do a good job of explaining the attendance policies which had been quite confusing. A positive change he noted is that if a regular meeting of the board is canceled; all board members will be counted as having attended the meeting. This change ensures that a canceled meeting will not throw off the mandated 75% attendance requirement. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes February 13, 2012 Board members briefly discussed the Bylaws, agreeing that they liked the enabling ordinances included at the end as an appendix. Member Carr moved for adoption of the new Heritage Preservation Board Bylaws. Member Mellom seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Thematic Study of Heritage Resources Associated with Edina Women — Review Recommended Actions Consultant Robert Vogel responded to the Board's request for clarification of the goals and implementation recommendations by explaining that the recommendations relate directly to the strategic goals outlined in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The main recommendation requires that whenever historic research is undertaken relative to a property in Edina the relationship of Edina women to the property must be included. Also, relative to archaeological resources, currently the City's heritage preservation program lacks substantial information. Surrounding communities, such as Eden Prairie and Bloomington have discovered a great deal of archaeological data — usually as a result of required studies for major highway developments. Mr. Vogel added that it only stands to reason that Edina too would most likely have a great deal archaeological resources yet to be discovered. Edina's disadvantage over the other communities centers on the era when most of Edina's development took place — post World War II which preceded an interest in archaeology. That being said, Vogel suggested that a future emphasis on Edina's archaeological resources be considered when undertaking a research project. Board members discussed several areas in the City that could have potential for archaeological information, to include a rumored Indian burial mound near Cornelia School, and the Savory Gardens south of the Crosstown Highway on Whiting Avenue. Member Curran stated that she would like to see the study put to concrete use by perhaps recognizing the strong influence Sarah Baird had on the Grange Hall. She added that it might be a good idea to include the recognition with the annual open house held at the Grange Hall during Preservation Month in May. The Board concurred that would be a great idea. Planner Repya agreed to let the Historical Society know about the HPB's interest in recognizing Sarah Baird at the Grange Hall. Summarizing Consultant Vogel's comments on the recommendations in the Thematic Study of Women Associated with Edina's Historic Resources, Member Carr pointed out that whenever a study is undertaken by the HPB, it will include research into whether there were any women associated with the resource. Mr. Vogel concurred with Ms. Carr's summation. Member Sussman added that in addition to Edina women, it is important not to forget the underrepresented groups such as African Americans when research is undertaken. A brief discussion ensued. No formal action was taken. 3 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes February 13, 2012 C. 2012 Work Plan Planner Repya explained that she took the suggestions the HPB provided for the work plan at the January meeting and categorized the work items into the areas of Research, Preservation and Education. She also provided a 2012 monthly calendar for the Board to use for scheduling purposes. Member Carr stated that she would like to add "Designate at least one property an Edina Heritage Landmark" under the Preservation section. Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that under the Preservation heading the following revised work item be listed: b) Promote voluntary landmark designation of Edina Heritage Resources to include: * At least three identified bungalow style homes in the Morningside neighborhood; and * At least I property designated eligible for landmark designation. Board members also expressed an interest in adding a focus on the recent past to the work plan. Chair Stegner observed that up until now, the HPB has concentrated on the City's development up to World War II. He added that the period post WWII was the era when most of the Edina we know today was created, and in order to ensure that this recent history is not lost, it should be added to the work plan. A discussion ensued regarding the vast amount of Mid -Century Modern architecture in the City of Edina — some of it award winning. Member Christiaansen explained that as an architect, she has a passion for the Mid -Century Modern style. She pointed out that recently, she and her husband purchased a foreclosed Mid -Century home in Edina, and have just finished a renovation project. She added that she would enjoy being involved in a Mid -Century Modern project. Chair Stegner reminded the Board that if they were interested, they could create a Mid -Century Modern working group, and invite people from within the community to participate in a project. Discussion ensued regarding the potential of applying for a CLG grant to research the Mid -Century Modern architecture in the City. The Board appeared enthusiastic and inquired on the timing. Michael Koop, the visitor from MN SHPO explained that the final deadline for CLG grant applications is March 23, 2012, and while that doesn't allow a lot of time, it would be possible. Consultant Vogel questioned how research into the Mid -Century Modern architecture would fit into the City's Historic Context Study — pointing out that perhaps an historic context needs to be added for the post war development in the City that is limited to a 20 -30 year time frame. Planner Repya observed that Tier I of the City's Historic Context Study does include a section on the Suburban Landscape. However, much of the focus was on the development of Southdale Center. 4 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes February 13, 2012 Member Carr moved that the HPB apply for a CLG grant for a Historic Context on the Mid -Century Modern architecture in the City of Edina built from mid -1940 — 1974. Member Moore seconded the motion. A brief discussion ensued regarding the importance of the post World War II era to the history of the City. Consultant Vogel commented that a more textured study would look at both residential and commercial properties built during that period. Member Moore commented that this is a very timely topic for which there is a lot of strong passion among members of the community. Addressing the motion and second on the table to apply for a CLG grant for an historic context on the Mid -Century Modern architecture in the City from mid -1940 — 1974, Chair Stegner called for the vote. All voted aye. The motion carried. Member Sussman pointed out that that as the Board evaluates the 2012 Work Plan, it would be a good idea to remember that the 125th anniversary of the City is coming up in 2013. One project he feels strongly about is having Edina's oldest residents encouraged to share their "Edina stories" through oral interviews. Planner Repya agreed pointing out that obtaining oral histories has been an ongoing project for the Edina Historical Society. Chair Stegner explained that the City Council is interested in seeing the annual work plan as part of the joint work session held between the HPB and the Council. He questioned whether the date for the joint meeting had been scheduled, noting that since May (Preservation Month) is so busy for the HBP perhaps the City Council would be able to meet in either April or June. Planner Repya stated that she would share the request of the Board with the City Clerk and report back with the meeting date that works best for the City Council. D. Southdale Center Artifact Update Member Moore explained that he had nothing new to report. Southdale Center is currently engrossed with their remodel. He agreed to keep the Board posted of any news on the artifact front. E. Promotion for 2012 Edina Heritage Award Planner Repya reported that nominations are now open for the 2012 Heritage Award. Announcements are planned for the Edina Sun Current newspaper, the spring issue of "About Town" magazine, Channel 16, Facebook, Twitter, on the City's web site, as well as the "City Extra". The deadline for submittals is Friday, April 13th since the "About Town" magazine will be delivered the first week of April. Board members received nomination forms and were encouraged to consider potential properties they could nominate. Member Mellom observed that there is an old home at the southwest corner of W. 49 'A Street and France Avenue that is currently used by Spalon Montage. The building has undergone very little change over the years, while the uses have changed. Planner Repya agreed pointing out that the building is known as the Trinity Chapel, constructed in 1872, it was moved to its current location in 1925. 5 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes February 13, 2012 Following a brief discussion, board members agreed that they looked forward to having several potential nominations to consider. No formal action was taken. IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS — None X. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Chair Stegner advised the Board that their next meeting in March will be the Annual meeting. At that time, the positions of Chair and Vice Chair will be up for election. Since this is the second year Stegner has chaired the Board, he will not be eligible to serve again. Vice Chair Claudia Carr has served in her position for two years and if nominated, has stated that she would be happy to serve as Chair. Mr. Stegner encouraged the Board to consider serving in a leadership position for the coming year, and think about the upcoming elections in March. XI. STAFF COMMENTS Planner Repya stated that a report of the January 2012 website activity for the City had an interesting fact — the YouTube video that the HPB ran at the end of the December meeting showing the 1938 construction of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church had 72 views. Board members agreed that was a good sign that Edina residents are interested in the City's history. X. NEXT MEETING DATE March 13, 2012 XI. ADJOURNMENT 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya 0