HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 03-13 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD ANNUAL MEETING EDINA CITY HALL— COUNCIL CHAMBERS TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairman & Vice Chairman V. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Rescheduled meeting of February 13, 2012 VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment" the Heritage Preservation Board will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Board or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere ® on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Board Member Orientation B. 2012 Work Plan C. CLG Application — Historic Context Study for Post -World War II Heritage Resources D. Promotion for 2012 Edina Heritage Award VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. NEXT MEETING DATE April 10, 2012 XII. ADJOURNMENT ie City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861, 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES Annual Meeting of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall — Community Room Monday, March 13, 2012 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER 7:05 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Stegner, Carr, Davis, Moore, Curran, Christiaansen, Mellom, Sussman, Anger, Copman and Ellingboe. Staff present was Planner Joyce Repya. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Stegner asked that the impact the GrandView Design Framework will have on the Cahill School and Grange Hall be added to the agenda under the Board Member Comments. Member Curran moved to approve the meeting agenda with the addition of Member Stegner's request. Member Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Chairman Planner Repya called for nominations for the office of Chairman of the HPB. Member Curran moved to nominate Member Claudia Carr. Member Stegner seconded the motion. Member Carr agreed that she would be willing to serve as the Chairman of the HPB. All voted aye. The motion carried. Member Carr will serve as the Chairman of the HPB for 2012. B. Vice Chairman Planner Repya called for nomination for the office of Vice Chairman of the HPB. Member Carr moved to nominate Member Bob Moore. Member Ross seconded the motion. Member Moore agreed that he would be willing to serve as the Vice Chairman of the HPB. All voted aye. The motion carried. Member Moore will serve as the Vice Chairman of the HPB for 2012. V. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Regular meeting of February 13, 2012 Member Davis moved approval of the minutes from the February 13, 2012, meeting of the board. Member Moore seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT None VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Board Member Orientation Planner Repya explained that Assistant City Manager, Karen Kurt created a Power Point presentation to serve as an orientation for members of the city's advisory boards and commissions. Ms. Kurt asked staff liaisons to present the orientation to the entire board this year, and in the future, it will be presented to all newly appointed board and commission members. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes March 13, 2012 After viewing the Power Point, the Board agreed that the information was very timely and provided good clarification on running effective meetings. B. 2012 Work Plan Planner Repya provided the Board with a finalized copy of the 2012 work plan and calendar that incorporated the changes they agreed upon at the February meeting. A brief discussion ensued regarding the plan after which Member Stegner moved for approval of the 2012 work plan with the expectation that it will be presented to the City Council for approval at the upcoming joint work session. Member Curran seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. On the topic of managing the tasks of the HPB - Member Carr pointed out that through her job at 3M she has been working with an Excel spreadsheet to record and keep track of action steps — adding that perhaps a similar program would work well for the HPB. Ms. Carr agreed to share the spread sheet with Ms. Repya to see if the application would be helpful to manage the HPB workload. C. CLG Application — Historic Context Study for Post — WWII Heritage Resources Planner Repya provided the Board with a copy of the proposed application for a Certified Local Government (CLG) matching grant to fund a Historic Context Study for Post WWII Heritage Resources in the City of Edina. She explained that the application has been downloaded to the State, however, is in a holding format, awaiting approval to proceed from the HPB. Board members expressed their pleasure in receiving the draft noting that they found the information supporting the request for 40 funding to be very interesting. Following brief discussion, Member Stegner moved that the CLG application to fund a Historic Context Study of Post WWII Edina Heritage Resources be submitted to the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Member Christiaansen seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Ms. Repya noted that although the deadline for the grant submittal is March 23rd, SHPO will consider the grant applications in May. D. Promotion for 2012 Edina Heritage Award Planner Repya provided the Board with copies of a Facebook posting which invited people to submit nominations for the 2012 Edina Heritage Award. Interestingly, the post generated one nomination thus far with hopefully more to follow. Board members also received nomination forms and were encouraged to consider potential properties they could nominate. Ms. Repya pointed out that the deadline for the submittal of nominations is Friday, April 13th because an invitation to submit nominees in the spring issue of About Town magazine will not be delivered until the week of April 1-7. Since the next HPB meeting is Tuesday, April IOth, three days before the deadline for nominations, Ms. Repya asked the Board how the wished to handle choosing the award recipient. Following a brief discussion, Member Curran moved to establish a committee to review the nominations for the 2012 Heritage Award and make a recommendation to the HPB. Member Stegner seconded the motion. Members Anger, Curran and Davis agreed to serve on the nominating committee with Member Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes March 13, 2012 Anger serving as Chairman of the Committee. Member Davis moved to amend the motion to require a new member of the HPB serve on the nominating committee. Member Mellom agreed to replace Member Davis on the committee. Member Stegner seconded the subsidiary motion to ensure that a new member serve on the nominating committee, and replacing Member Davis with Member Mellom. All voted aye. The motion carried. Chairman Carr called for a vote on the original motion to establish a nominating committee for the Edina Heritage Award. All voted aye. The motion carried. Member Sussman pointed out that there should be a contingency in place in the event a nomination is received by the April 13th deadline, but after the April IOth HBP meeting. Following a brief discussion, Member Curran moved that the nominating committee meet on April IOth, at 6:30 p.m., prior to the HPB meeting to choose an award recipient recommendation to the HPB - if between April I Oth and the deadline for nominations, April 13th other nominations are received, the nominating committee is authorized to make the final decision. Member Christiaansen seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS -None IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS A. Member Stegner— Potential impact of the Grandview District Development Framework on the historic Cahill School and Grange Hall (Tupa Park) Member Stegner pointed out that he was reviewing the materials on display in the City Hall Lobby relative to the Grandview District Framework and noticed that Tupa Park was included in the study area. Mr. Stegner questioned how the Cahill School and Grange Hall would be affected by a proposed plan. Member Sussman, who also serves on the Grandview District Development Framework's steering committee, explained that the process that has been underway for the past two years is new for the city — including a 52 member steering committee made up of residents, professional consultants and city staff. The desired outcome is not to have a plan per se, but rather a framework that will be presented to the City Council who will in turn fold the framework into the City's Comprehensive Plan as a guide for future development. Mr. Sussman explained that the district covering a 30 acre area has been ambitious — originating with the need to find a use for the City's vacant public works building, the area expanded to include properties on the east side of Highway 100 (Cahill School, Grange Hall, City Hall, Perkins) with the desire to provide more connectivity between the east and west sides of the highway. Addressing areas of the framework with an impact on the City's historic buildings, Member Sussman pointed out that the historic park is recognized as an important element in the public realm. A desire for 3 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes March 13, 2012 a pedestrian bridge connecting the east and west sides of Highway 100 adjacent to the park has been shown. Also, there is a scenario that shows closing off the on/off ramp from northbound Highway 100 — providing more green space/parking for Tupa Park. Mr. Sussman advised the Board that currently a public comment is taking place whereby residents are encouraged to review the framework and provide their input/suggestions. The documents can be viewed on the City's website at www.EdinaMN.gov. The Board thanked Member Sussman for his explanation and expressed an interest in checking further into the Grandview District project. B. Member Davis 1. Star Tribune Housing Article Member Davis announced that former HPB member jean Rehkamp Larson was highlighted in a Star Tribune article that focused on providing storage areas to home renovations. It was a good article. Kudos to Ms. Rehkamp Larson! 2. Star Tribune Article on Edina Tear Downs Another recent article in the Star Tribune which caught Mr. Davis' attention focused on the excessive number of residential tear downs that have occurred in the City of Edina. Mr. Davis expressed concern regarding the how this teardown phenomenon is so wasteful — with good building materials ending up in local landfills. Member Curran agreed with Member Davis, citing that this is a sustainability issue, and wondering if the HPB should get involved. A discussion ensued regarding the impact the tear down of homes is having on the community. When asked her professional opinion regarding the teardown issue, Member Christiaansen who works as an architect agreed that the trend to tear down and build new, particularly in Edina is evident. She added that in her opinion, the HPB cannot solve the problem, rather this is an issue of education — it needs to become "not cool" to tear down and build new. Member Mellom agreed with Ms. Christiaansen, pointing out that since education is one of the missions of the HPB; this would be a good topic to support. Planner Repya pointed out that the upcoming Community Education class "Caring for Your Old House: The Basics" sponsored by the HPB is a good step toward educating the public to an alternative to tearing down a home. She added that interestingly, on the same page of the catalog is a class offering entitled "The Tear Down and Rebuild Process" where they ask the question "Do you want to build a new home in an established neighborhood?" Board members discussed contacting the class instructor to find out how she was approaching the topic and what she was advocating. Planner Repya offered to check into that class and report back. 4 U Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes March 13, 2012 Following a brief discussion, Member Davis moved that a committee be formed to investigate the role the HPB can take relative to the residential tear down trend in the community. Member Stegner seconded the motion. Member Sussman pointed out that this topic is timely with the Board's current work with the post WWII period. Chairman Carr called for the vote. All voted aye. The motion carried. Members Davis, Mellom and Christiaansen agreed to serve on the committee. C. Member Moore 1. Southdale Center Artifact Update Member Moore reported that Linda Vandalen, Southdale Center's manager has invited his committee to search for possible hidden Southdale artifacts in the basement area of the mall. He is hoping to schedule a date within the next few weeks and will hopefully have some good news to report at the April meeting. 2. Facts on Edina Women Mr. Moore shared the following interesting facts regarding Edina women he received from Marci Matson, Director of the Edina Historical Society: • Emma Rovick, 6101 Halifax Avenue, founder of Edina Realty. She bought a very small real estate company in hopes of making enough money to buy a piano for her daughter and created a multi- million dollar corporation. • Pauline Littel, one of the first women real estate agents in Minneapolis. She designed and built ® houses because she found completed houses easier to sell than empty lots. Some of these homes are located in the Morningside neighborhood. • Clara Parsons designed and built four houses in Morningside. • Dorothy Dahlquist, with her husband created NordicWare. She created and adapted recipes for the bundt pan in the kitchen of her Edina home on Malibu Drive. • Alice Snyder of Morningside was the first election judge. Her presences at the polls in 1920 during a special election determining whether Morningside should secede from Edina got the women out to vote. Apparently, her husband stayed home and washed the dishes. The Board agreed that the information was fascinating. Planner Repya pointed out that she too received these facts from Ms. Matson, and she shared them with Consultant Vogel who agreed that it was great information, however with the exception of Emma Rovick's home, the properties or historic resources associated with these women have yet to be identified. That will be an interesting task that lies ahead. Mr. Moore agreed, pointing out that the Edina Historical Society has a vast amount of information and is more than happy to partner with the HPB when accessing information on properties. 3. Edina Historical Society's First Annual Fundraiser The Edina Historical Society will be holding their first annual fundraiser on June 14, 2012 and will feature entertainment by the Peterson family. 4. Open House Cahill School/Grange Hall and St. Stephens Episcopal Church In recognition of Preservation Month the HPB and Edina Historical Society will again hold an open house on May 8th from 5-7pm at the Cahill School and Grange Hall — Also, this year will have a new twist in Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes March 13, 2012 that St. Stephens Episcopal Church who is celebrating their 75th anniversary will also participate in the open house. The Church will offer two tours that will coincide with those at the school and Grange Hall. The Historical Society and St. Stephens will advertise the tours to their members/ parishioners. Planner Repya added that the City will also advertise on the web site, Facebook, Twitter, etc. D. Chairman Carr — Student Member's May Term Projects Chairman Carr reminded the student members that if they are interested in a May Term Project focusing on Edina's history, the HPB would be happy to provide their support. Member Ellingboe stated that she is a junior and will work on her May Term Project next year. Member Copman explained that he is a senior and has already chosen his May Term Project. X. STAFF COMMENTS None X. NEXT MEETING DATE April 10, 2012 XI. ADJOURNMENT 8:45 p.m. Member Davis moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Member Stegner seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya W-1