HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 05-08 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularMINUTES Regular Meeting of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall -- Community Room Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was Chair Carr, and Members Stegner, Davis, Moore, Christiaansen, Sussman, Anger, and Copman. Absent were Members Curran, Mellom and Ellingboe. Staff present was Planner Joyce Repya. Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel was also in attendance. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Christiaansen moved to approve the meeting agenda. Member Anger seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Regular meeting of April 10, 2012 Member Anger moved approval of the minutes from the April 10, 2012, meeting of the board. Member Christiaansen seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Update on Boards & Commission Projects I. Finalized Heritage Preservation Board Bylaws Planner Repya provided the Board with copies of the finalized Heritage Preservation Board bylaws that were approved by the City Council. Ms. Repya recommended that board members file the document with their important HPB papers. No formal action was taken. 2. Boards & Commissions Panel Report Member Stegner reported that last week he met with the Boards and Commissions panel headed by Assistant City Manager Karen Kurt. This group, which worked on standardizing the B & C bylaws, has now identified the following tasks they will undertake: • Develop a common format and protocol for the work plans and reports to City Council • Web site content — need for updating, and provide consistency in data provided • Inter -communication between boards and commissions • Impact of feedback from City Council on B & C priorities • Periodically re-evaluate work of B & C's through a survey A brief discussion ensued after which the board thanked Member Stegner for representing them on the panel; adding that they looked forward to his future reports. r Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes May 8, 2012 B. Consultant Vogel Reports I. Preservation Consultant's Roles & Responsibilities Board members received an overview of Consultant Vogel's roles and responsibilities relative to his work with the HPB, which they had requested at the April meeting. A brief discussion ensued regarding the submittal with Mr. Vogel providing clarification on several items. Members thanked Mr. Vogel for the explanation noting that they found it helpful in understanding the services provided by the preservation consultant. 2. Country Club District Plan of Treatment Review Planner Repya explained that since the April meeting she has had several discussions with builders anticipating tearing down two non -heritage resource homes in the Country Club District. Because a majority of the current HPB has never considered a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for a new home in the district, it seemed timely to review the plan of treatment and COA review process. Consultant reviewed the District's plan of Treatment which he likened to an "owner's manual" for managing the area. He also provided copies of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation which is the basis for design review decisions. Copies of previous tear down/new construction submittals were also provided to acquaint the Board with what to expect in a COA application package. Mr. Vogel shared with the Board that the Secretary of the Interior's Standards requires that "The new i work shall be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment". He added that there is a public misconception that the new construction must be an exact replica of the historic homes that one could not differentiate as new. He pointed out that the compatibility of the new construction is of utmost importance; focusing on the height, massing, proportion, scale, and architectural characteristics. Member Stegner asked if a home has ever been moved into the District. Mr. Vogel stated that while the plan of treatment would allow a move -in, it is unlikely that would occur. He added that the Morningside neighborhood would be better suited to accommodate that scenario. A question arose regarding whether the plan of treatment protected trees. Mr. Vogel explained that the plan of treatment did not address the trees; however that is an element that can be included in conditions for a COA approval. Board members then thanked Mr. Vogel and Ms. Repya for the COA primer. No formal action was taken. 3. Properties Designated Eligible for Heritage Landmark Designation Board members were provided a list of Edina properties designated as Edina Heritage Landmark properties as well as those designated eligible for landmark designation. A brief discussion ensued relative to the properties included. Planner Repya agreed to add the year designated to each property PJ Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes May 8, 2012 on the list. She also agreed to take the properties listed as eligible for designation and provide the Board with a photograph, map and a brief description of each. Chair Carr stated that she would like to see the Board designate at least 2 properties from the determined eligible list as heritage landmark properties, and replace those properties with two more determined eligible. Planner Repya pointed out that several of the property owners have been approached regarding designating their properties as heritage landmarks and they have not been interested. Ms. Carr pointed out that the property owners who have been approached would be good information for the Board as well. Member Stegner agreed with Ms. Carr pointing out that since 2013 is the 125th anniversary of the City, raising the public awareness of the heritage landmark program by adding to the list of properties determined eligible would be a great idea. Addressing Ms. Carr's interest in designating two properties Edina heritage landmarks, it was pointed out that several Morningside bungalow properties are in line for designation as part of the CLG grant awarded. Consultant Vogel added that the Wooddale Bridge was recognized as eligible several years ago, and since it is owned by the City, moving forward with its designation would be a matter of working with the City Engineer. Consultant Vogel pointed out that when determining properties eligible for designation, it is not necessary for the property owner's approval. Member Christiaansen pointed out that if the property owner's approval is not required to be determined eligible, perhaps Southdale Center should be added to the list of eligible properties. A brief discussion ensued, after which the Board agreed that they looked forward to receiving more detailed information of the properties designated as eligible for landmark designation. No formal action was taken. C. Subcommittee & Working Group Updates 1. Southdale Working Group — Sculpture Harry Bertoi — You Tube piece David Anger explained that he had found an interesting You Tube piece on the restoration of a Harry Bertoi sculpture in a New York office building. The sculpture is reminiscent of the Harry Bertoia "Trees" sculpture located in Southdale Center's Garden Court. Due to an equipment malfunction, the video could not be viewed. Planner Repya agreed to download an accompanying article and provide the Board with a link to the video. 2. Tear Down Trend Subcommittee — Recycling Housing Materials Member Davis explained that he has researched the topic of recycling of materials in the construction trades and found an interesting article entitled "Reconstructing the Home", which he shared with the Board. He also pointed out that he had a conversation with a company that has done a considerable number of tear down/new construction projects in the City and discovered that recycling the older 3 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes May 8, 2012 home is a priority. He was told that the firm will often move an older home out of the Edina to a new location in lieu of tearing it down. However, if moving the home is not on option, they attempt to salvage windows, doors, wood floors, and usable plumbing supplies which are then used to rehabilitate existing homes. Member Christiaansen pointed out that there is a program that focuses on energy efficiency for new construction referred to as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) which provides a framework for indentifying and implementing practical green building design and construction. Consultant Vogel pointed out that the Board could recognize contractors who undertake recycling activities when dismantling a home through the COA process through the annual Heritage Award. Board members agreed that would be an excellent idea. Discussion ensued regarding how the topic of recycling building materials is probably within the prevue of the Energy and Environment Commission. Mr. Davis explained that he plans on discussing the issue with the Chairman of the EEC and will report back to the Board. No formal action was taken. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Planner Repya provided the Board with the following emails she had received since the last meeting: • A note of thanks from John Rimarcik, owner of The Convention Grill who received the 2012 Heritage Award. • A notes of thanks from Nick Santrizos, son of the original owners of Convention Grill and Nick Santrizos (nephew of Nick) and grandson of the original owners. • An article written by Jane Lonnquist for the Country Club District newsletter explaining how she used the HPB lending library to research new windows for her home, and encouraged her neighbors to utilize the library too. VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Member Davis announced that Planner Repya was the 2012 recipient of the Tom Oye Human Rights Award presented at the annual Volunteer Recognition Reception. Nominated by Steve Winnick from Edina's Human Rights and Relations Commission, Ms. Repya was recognized for leading the effort to clarify Edina's early history of segregation evidenced in the Country Club District's early deed restrictions on the City's website. Mr. Winnick explained that Ms. Repya assisted to bridge the gap between misinformation/lack of information and enlightenment. The Board congratulated Ms. Repya and expressed an interest in looking at the clarifying language in the description of the Country Club District page of the HPB's web site. 4 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes May 8, 2012 ® IX. STAFF COMMENTS None X. NEXT MEETING DATE June 12, 2012 XI. ADJOURNMENT 8:45 p.m. Member Moore moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Member Christiaansen seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya • 5