HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 09-11 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING EDINA CITY HALL— COMMUNITY ROOM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2012,7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Regular meeting of August 13, 2012 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment" the Heritage Preservation Board will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Board or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H-12-6 4901 Bruce Avenue— Changes to Street Facing Facade VII. OTHER BUSINESS: A. 2013 Work Plan B. Mid -Century Modern Historic Context Study — Progress Report VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. NEXT MEETING DATE: October 9, 2012 XII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927- 8861, 72 hours in advance of the meeting. • MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall - Community Room Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was Chair Carr, and Members Stegner, Davis, Curran, Anger, Moore, Christiaansen, Mellom, Sussman, and Johnson. Absent were Members Davis and Good. Staff present was Planner Joyce Repya, III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Curran moved to approve the meeting agenda. Member Moore seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Regular meeting of August 13, 2012 Member Christiaansen moved approval of the minutes from the August 13, 2012, meeting of the board. Member Moore seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT A. Kitty O'Dea, 4610 Bruce Avenue Ms. O'Dea introduced a photo inventory of homes she has identified as Tudor style in the Country Club District and asked the HPB to access the database at http://photobucket.com/ehpb password: preserveCCD, review the photos, and provide her with feedback on the following: I . Would the photo inventory be a useful tool? 2. What functionality the HPB would like to see (e.g. sort)? 3. What tags/key words for sorting should be added (e.g. street, style, age, etc.)? Chair Carr thanked Ms. O'Dea for her efforts to assist the HPB in identifying the built environment of the Country Club District. Member Stegner commented that the HPB should also refer to previous inventories to ensure that the information provided in the photo inventory is consistent with previous studies of the district. Ms. O'Dea asked that the HPB provided her with their feedback prior to the October meeting. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes September 11, 2012 B. Thomas Raeuchlel, 4634 Bruce Avenue Mr. Raeuchle addressed the board with a request that when considering projects related to a Certificate of Appropriateness application the HPB use the plan of treatment as the guide, and not be driven by personal style or preference. He observed that houses evolve over time, and if tastefully done, a renovation project can introduce more contemporary elements, and should not be forced to introduce fake historic elements. Mr. Raeuchle concluded that he encouraged the HPB to keep an open mind when reviewing COA applications. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Certificate of Appropriateness #H-12-6 4901 Bruce Avenue Request: Changes to Street Facing Facade for Attached Garage Addition Planner Repya explained that the subject property is located on the southeast corner of Bruce Avenue and Country Club Road. The home, constructed in 1934 is a Colonial Revival style with an attached one story 2 -car garage accessed from the north on Country Club Road. The proposed project entails reconstructing the 2 car attached garage with a small deck above leading into a second story master suite addition; and a first floor kitchen and dining space added to the rear of the home. The plan also includes converting the existing den on the south side of the home back to the original screened porch, replacing the aluminum siding with a 5 7/8" architectural horizontal lapboard from LLP Smart Side, as well as replacing all the home's windows (which will include providing two sets of windows flanking either side of the front entry on both the first and second story of the front elevation). A revised front entry is also proposed with the removal of the brickwork surrounding the doorway and adding traditional pilasters on either side of the door and a rams -head pediment over the door. In keeping with the Colonial architectural style, the existing louvered shutters will be replaced with new. It is the intention of this project to update the home to meet the needs of the homeowner, and at the same time add traditional Colonial style elements which are currently lacking. Preservation Consultant Vogel provided an evaluation of the project and determined that the proposed changes the home will visually enhance the historic character of the neighborhood and will not detract from the district's historic significance. Planner Repya concurred with Mr. Vogel's evaluation and recommended approval of the COA request subject to the plans presented and a year built plaque added to the addition. Findings supporting the approval recommendation included: • No significant historic architectural features or fabric of the home will be destroyed. • The proposed alterations are compatible with the historic character of the house. • The plans provided with the subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes September 11, 2012 Following a brief discussion on identifying the relevant issues to be discussed when the board reviews a COA request, Member Curran pointed out that the relevant issues should be pertinent to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and the Country Club District's Plan of Treatment, not one's personal opinions. Ms. Curran than offered to compile a set of guidelines the board could use when reviewing COA applications. Board members agreed that would be a great idea and thanked Member Curran for taking the initiative to provide clarity to the decision making process. Member Stegner — A. Invitation to Morningside Bungalow Homeowners Member Stegner commented that upon reviewing a copy of the proposed letter to the six bungalow property owner on the north side of W. 44th Street inviting them to an information meeting for landmark designation, he was surprised that there was not a signature line for the Mayor. Mr. Stegner recalled that at the HPB work session with the City Council last June, it was discussed that having the Mayor's signature included on the letters of invitation for landmark designation would add a level of importance to the letters and signify the City Council's support. Planner Repya agreed that she could redraft the letters to include the Mayor's signature. Mr. Stegner also suggested that the owner of one of the private homes locally designated could attend the information meeting to provide share their experiences and perhaps quell some fears and misconceptions. The board agreed that would be a good idea. Ms. Repya stated that she would contact some of the landmark owners to see if they would help with the information meeting. Member Sussman asked if the HPB was only considering the landmark designation of the six bungalow homes on W. 44th Street, or if other Morningside Bungalows would be considered. Ms. Repya explained that the HPB would entertain landmark designation requests from any owner of a Morningside Bungalow property. B. Coldwater Springs Park & Ft. Snelling — Preservation Initiatives Member Stegner alerted the board to a current preservation issues in the news at Coldwater Springs Park and at nearby historic Ft. Snelling, At Coldwater Springs, located at the south end of Minnehaha Park, and known as the historic birthplace of Minnesota, the National Park Service has announced that they have finished their work on preserving the native prairie grasses in the area. At Ft. Snelling, there is an ongoing initiative to tear down dilapidated buildings at the historic fort. Mr. Stegner stressed the importance of these issues to preservation in the region and encouraged his fellow board members to check them out, adding that there is good information on line. Member Mellom — France Avenue Apartments (Minneapolis) Member Mellom reported that a plan to build an apartment building on the east side of 4500 block of France Avenue has been stalled by a Linden Hills neighborhood group concerned by the height and density of the proposed building and the fact that there is currently a moratorium on new development in the area. Although located in Minneapolis, the proposed site abuts Edina's White Oaks neighborhood Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes September 11, 2012 and a potential redevelopment of the site with many more dwelling units than currently exist could have ramifications to traffic and view sheds in Edina. Ms. Mellom added that the City of Minneapolis made the right decision by upholding the current moratorium on new development in the area. IX. STAFF COMMENTS None XI. NEXT MEETING DATE October 9, 2012 XII. ADJOURNMENT 8:50 p.m. Member Davis moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Member Curran seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya N Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes September 11, 2012 the project. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Applicant's Mark and Kristina Dietzen, 4901 Bruce Avenue answered questions and provided the board with clarification on the proposed plans. Members Anger, Stegner and Curran commented that the proposed plans enhance the original home, adding that they liked the symmetry of the plans for the front elevation. Member Anger observed that while he struggles with master suite additions on the historic homes, the plans do improve upon the existing structure. Member Sussman opined that the plans are handsome; however he questioned the lack of symmetry provided with the addition on the north elevation where the original home had been symmetrical. Member Moore stated that he liked the plans which capture the Colonial elements of the home, while transcending the family's needs into the 21St century. Member Stegner too appreciated the design commenting that it was clean, not over detailed and compatible with the historic neighborhood. Student Member Johnson shared that he too liked the symmetry of the plans for the front elevation, noting that the project will really enhance the home. Member Curran stated that the proposed plans provide for a classic Colonial home that is a good fit for its surroundings. Chair Carr observed she agreed with the previous comments that the proposed changes are compatible with the historic homes in the Country Club District. Member Stegner then moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness subject to the plans presented and a year built plaque placed on the exterior of the addition. Member Curran seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. VI 1. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2013 Work Plan Planner Repya explained that the City Council has asked all boards and commissions to submit 2013 work plans using a new uniform format to them for consideration at an upcoming work session. Because the due date for the for work plans was prior to the HPB meeting, Planner Repya and Chair Carr provided the City Council a work plan taking into consideration the previous work plan discussions of the board. Ms. Repya concluded that the City Council will meet with the Chairs of all the boards and commissions for a work session on September 19th to discuss the plans provided. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes September 11, 2012 A copy of the HPB 2013 work plan was provided for board members information. Board members shared the following ideas for potential items to consider adding to the work plan: • Member Anger suggested working on having all of the landmark properties identified with a plaque. • Member Stegner observed that he would like to see a stronger reference to expanding the list of properties determined eligible for landmark designation. Chair Carr thanked Members Anger and Stegner for their input, pointing out that the work plan will be a helpful communication tool between the Board's and the City Council, and she looked forward to filling the HPB in on the outcome of the September 19th work session with the Council. B. 4524 Bruce Avenue — COA — Modified Plan Meeting Date Planner Repya reported that the applicant requesting a COA for construction of a new home at 4524 Bruce Avenue has modified the plans originally approved at the July 9th HPB meeting, per the orders from the City Council on August 6th. In the past, when a COA has been appealed, an extra meeting of the HPB has been called to consider the revised pians. Recently, the current owners of the property, Lorie and Jeff Ericson requested a meeting on October I st or 2"d in lieu of waiting for the regular October 9th meeting. The Ericson's reported that if the item were not to be heard until October 9th, their closing on this home with JMS and the purchase of a new home would be in jeopardy. Board members agreed that the Ericson's request was reasonable. Upon taking a tally, the Board agreed that Monday, October I st at 7:00 p.m. would work best for them. Ms. Repya agreed to notify the Mr. and Mrs. Ericson, JMS Custom Homes, as well as the surrounding neighbors who had received previous mailings of the meeting date to hear the COA. VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Chair Carr— HPB Meeting Procedures Chair Carr reported that during the NAPC (National Association of Preservation Commissions) conference she attended this past summer, there was a session offered for preservation commission chairpersons which provided some great tips on running an efficient and informative meeting. Some of the suggestions she thought would benefit Edina's HPB would be to have an announcement at the beginning of each meeting explaining the mission and goals of the board; explaining the meeting procedures; and asking board members if they have had any ex -parte conversations, or conflict of interest relative to issues to be addressed. Chair Carr added that she would also like Planner Repya to provide an explanation of the process and review criteria prior to introducing a new Certificate of Appropriateness request. Board members agreed that providing the public with information on the goals/process/ and criteria used for review would go a long way to providing an understanding of the preservation issues pertinent to a topic, as well as to help the board focus on the relevant aspects of a project. 4