HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 11-14 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING EDINA CITY HALL — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2012, 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: October 9, 2012 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment" the Heritage Preservation Board will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Board or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Certificate of Appropriateness H-12-7 4918 & 4924 Eden Avenue — Re -roof Grange Hall and Cahill School VII. OTHER BUSINESS: A. 2012 Accomplishments & 2013 Work Plan B. Committee Reports 1. Country Club District - Plan of Treatment Process Evaluation 2. Southdale Center — Artifact Identification & Recognition 3. Sustainability — Green Building Practices & Residential Tear Downs VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS - 2012 Annual CLG Report to Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. NEXT MEETING DATE: December 11, 2012 XII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927- 8861, 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES Meeting of the Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall — Mayor's Conference Room Wednesday, November 14, 2012 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was Chair Carr, and Members, Davis, Curran, Moore, Mellom, Sussman, Christiaansen, and Johnson. Absent were Members Stegner, Anger, and Good. Staff present was Planner Joyce Repya; Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel was also in attendance. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Curran moved to approve the meeting agenda. Member Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES October 9, 2012 Member Davis moved approval of the minutes from the October 9, 2012 meeting. Member Curran seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT -None VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Certificate of Appropriateness #H-12-7 4918 & 4924 Eden Avenue Request: Re -roof Minnehaha Grange Hall and Cahill School Planner Repya reported that the subject properties are located in historic Tupa Park on the northwest corner of Eden Avenue and Grange Road. Both buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and were designated Edina Heritage Landmarks in 1977. With the adoption of a new Heritage Preservation Ordinance (No. 850.20) in 2002, a Plan of Treatment was created to serve as a guide for maintaining the structures. The roof systems for both the Grange Hall and Cahill School were replaced in 2003 utilizing cedar shake shingles. However due to the application of inferior fasteners many shingles have been lost during periods of high winds - jeopardizing the integrity of the buildings. It is the intention of this project to remove all of the existing cedar shingles on both buildings and replace them with new cedar shingles. Because the faulty shingle fasteners exacerbated the deterioration of both roofs, the Public Works Director, Brian Olson recommends utilizing a stainless steel fastener that will be superior and hold up to Minnesota's extreme environmental conditions. Ms. Repya pointed out that the Heritage Preservation Section of the City Code (850.20, Subd. 10) does not specifically call out the need for a COA to re -roof a heritage landmark Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes November 14, 2012 designated property; however, the Plan of Treatment for both the Grange Hall and Cahill School (#5) does specify that "As a matter of policy, the City of Edina will consider the effects of its projects on city -owned properties designated as Edina Heritage Landmarks. The Edina Park Board shall also give the Heritage Preservation Board (HPB) a reasonable opportunity to review for appropriateness all plans for routine maintenance, repairs, and improvements to Frank Tupa Park." Ms. Repya concluded that staff finds that the replacement of the roofing materials on the Grange Hall and Cahill School is necessary due to the evident deterioration of the shingles and fasteners on both buildings. The proposals presented for consideration clearly identify the scope of the work, thus approval of the COA is recommended subject to the following conditions: • The work shall be done in compliance with the bids received from Coates Roofing, Inc., dated October 24, 2012. • The project shall be overseen by the City's Park Department to ensure that all measures are taken to protect the historic structures. Findings supporting the approval recommendation include: • No significant historic architectural features or fabric of the buildings will be destroyed. • The proposed alterations are compatible with the historic character of both buildings. • The bids provided with the subject request clearly illustrate the scale and scope of the project. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Plan of Treatment created for the Grange Hall and Cahill School. Board Discussion Board members asked if any of the original roof system is remaining on either building. Consultant Vogel explained that there was an evaluation in 2003 when the buildings were re -roofed and it was found that nothing down to the rafters was original on either building. However the shapes of the roof systems are consistent with as built historic photographs on file. Member Sussman commented that he was pleased that the City has the resources to undertake this project, and agreed with the recommended condition that the Park Department should oversee the work. Member Curran agreed adding that it is important that none of the fasteners are exposed so as not to again have a system failure like the one being corrected. Following a brief discussion, Member Moore moved approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness to re -roof the Cahill School and Grange Hall subject to the conditions recommended by Staff, and supported by the identified Findings. Member Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes November 14, 2012 VII. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2012 Accomplishments & 2013 Work Plan Board members reviewed the 2012 monthly listing of accomplishments. Chair Carr pointed out that the work proposed for the upcoming December 2012 included establishing the 2013 work plan which has already been accomplished at the request of the City Council. She suggested deleting the 2013 Work Plan and an evaluation of the goals and procedures; to be replaced with an evaluation of the listing of properties identified as eligible for landmark designation with an eye toward adding to the list and prioritizing when to bring properties forward for consideration. Chair Carr added that the David Mather, an Archaeologist with the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office is scheduled to visit the HPB meeting in December. Planner Repya agreed to provide the Board with information relating to archaeology in Edina, with the intent of bringing to light pertinent topics for conversation with Mr. Mather. The Board agreed that would be a good idea. Looking toward the January 2013 meeting, Chair Carr reminded the Board that meeting will be televised which provides an excellent opportunity to educate the public about the work of the Heritage Preservation Board, stressing the importance preservation plays in cultivating a strong sense of community. Reminiscent of the previous televised meeting, Planner Repya suggested presenting a year in review to include before and after photographs of homes that received COA's to demonstrate how the design review process is enhancing the historic integrity of the subject properties and their surroundings. Board members agreed that would be a good idea — noting that a visual presentation can go a long way to depict the advantages of heritage preservation to the community. Chair Carr also pointed out that previously, Board members had volunteered to highlight some of the initiatives the HPB is working on, such as the Southdale artifacts, and sustainable building practices in historic districts. The Board agreed that would be a great idea and looked forward to more detailed planning at the December meeting. B. Committee Reports 1. Country Club District — Certificate of Appropriateness Process Evaluation Chair Carr explained that this item was included on the agenda to ensure that the Board had sufficient time to review and comment on the information provided by Member Curran at the October meeting. Board members agreed that Ms. Curran had done a great job of highlighting the important points necessary to consider when evaluating a Certificate of Appropriateness application. Planner Repya reminded the Board that Member Curran suggested a 5 x 8" laminated sheet including the most important points to consider during a COA review could be created to aid the Board during the review process. The Board agreed that would be an excellent tool. Member Curran offered to reduce the information to a 5 x 8" format, for the Board to review at the December meeting, and if the Board was agreeable, Ms. Repya could make sure that each member received a laminated copy. 2. Southdale Center — Artifact identification & Recognition — No report 0 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes November 14, 2012 3. Sustainability — Green Building Practices & Residential Tear Downs Member Davis shared a flyer he had found published by NAHB Research Center (National Association of Home Builders) entitled "Deconstruction: Building Disassembly and Material Salvage" which explains the differences and touts the economic and environmental advantages of deconstruction in lieu of demolition. Board members liked the idea of sharing this type of information with Edina residents — pointing out that this type of information sharing is in keeping with the goal of educating the public on preservation matters. Mr. Davis pointed out that the concept of deconstruction is universally applicable — not just relative to historic properties. Board members agreed, suggesting that the information be available for pick-up in the Planning Department offices, as well as on the HPB's web site page. In closing, Member Davis invited any Board member interested in working on the sustainability project with him to let Ms. Repya know. Board Members thanked Mr. Davis for his work on the project, and agreed to consider joining him in continuing the research. Vill. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS • 2012 Annual CLG Report to the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office Planner Repya provided the Board with a copy of the 2012 Annual CLG (Certified Local Government) Report which outlined the Edina's heritage preservation activities and status the Heritage Preservation Board for fiscal year 2012 (October 1, 201 1- September 30, 2012). She pointed out that the report is required of all CLG cities. A copy of the report is also given to Mayor and City Council. Board members thanked Ms. Repya for the report commenting that it did a good job of highlighting the HPB activities for the year. IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Member Mellom — Ms. Mellom commented that she noticed a large property on the north side of Morningside Road has a sign indicating that the land will be subdivided. She wondered if the house on the site was historic. Planner Repya explained that the home which has not been identified as historically significant in previous surveys of the area, was built in 1930 is situated on a three acre parcel of land consisting of 6 platted lots. The proposed plan will entail removing the existing home on the site and creating a new subdivision with six lots serviced by a road that will cul-de-sac at the north end. Consultant Vogel pointed out that it is unusual to have a parcel of land in Edina that is large enough to be subdivided, however he agreed that the subject home has not been classified as historically significant. Member Sussman — Mr. Sussman commented that he had become aware that the City of Minneapolis has researching utilizing Conservation Districts as a means to preserve historic properties; and he wondered if a Conservation District approach would work for the Morningside Bungalows. Chair Carr explained that she explored the possibility of implementing a Conservation District approach to preservation in Edina and found that such a program would not be a good fit with Edina's preservation program. Robert Vogel added that Edina's preservation code has been created to function in much the same way as a Conservation District. The individual designation of 4 • Edina Heritage Preservation Board Minutes November 14, 2012 Morningside Bungalow homes is the right approach; however, the challenge lies in the property owner's willingness to participate in the heritage landmark overlay zoning of their property. Member Curran — Ms. Curran reported that she again represented the HPB on the City's Human Services Task Force Committee, this year serving as Chair. The committee was responsible for the distribution of $82,000 of funds to nine human services agencies that applied for assistance. The process, entailing interviews with the applying agencies and several committee meetings was very interesting and worthwhile. Ms. Curran stated that she was happy to serve on the committee for the past two years; and encouraged another HPB member to step up to serve on the committee in 2013. Board members agreed that the task force committee provided a great service to the community, and thanked Ms. Curran for representing them for the past two years. X. STAFF COMMENTS • Meeting with Owners of Bungalow Properties on W. 44th Street Regarding Potential Landmark Designation — Planner Repya reported that on October 18th she, Consultant Vogel and Member Moore held a meeting for the six bungalow owners on the north side W. 44th Street between Grimes and France to discuss the potential for designating their properties Edina Heritage Landmarks. Of the six invitees, two properties were represented — both, receptive to the concept of protecting their Bungalow homes with the landmark designation, but hesitant to be the only properties so designated. Both agreed that they would much prefer to include as many of the six Bungalow homes on their block in the designation as possible. Ms. Repya went on to explain that she agreed to send the information packet she had compiled for the property owners not in attendance along with a letter encouraging them to consider the advantages of adding the Edina Heritage Landmark designation to their homes. The two property owners in attendance also agreed to visit with their Bungalow neighbors who had not attended to discuss the potential of joining together to designate their homes at the same time. Ms. Repya concluded that the neighbors have yet to discuss the potential landmark designation of their Bungalow properties, but have targeted the next few weeks for those talks; after which, they will convey their thoughts. Ms. Repya promised an update the Board when she receives word from the Bungalow property owners. Board Members thanked Ms. Repya for the update. , VI. NEXT MEETING DATE December 8, 2012 XII. ADJOURNMENT 8:20 p.m. Member Curran moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Member Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya 5