HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-17 City Council Regular MeetingAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday, February 17, 2016 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval of Meeting Agenda IV.Adoption of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless requested to be removed from the Consent Agenda by a Member of the City Council. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve.) A.Approve Minutes Of February 2, 2016 Regular Meeting and February 2, 2016 Work Session B.Receive Payment of Claims As Per: Pre-List Dated, 1/28/2016 TOTAL: $981,079.65 And Per Pre-List Dated 2/4/2016 TOTAL: $795,307.05 C.Resolution No. 2016-23, approving a Site Plan with Variances for Bank of America at 6868 France Avenue D.Temporary Intoxicating On-Sale Liquor License E.Ordinance No. 2016-02: Setting Morningside Water Rates F.Tra>c Safety Report of January 6, 2016 G.Approve Subscription Agreement with Cooperative Energy Futures H.Approve Subscription Agreements with US Solar and Geronimo Energy I.Approve 2016 Minnesota Pay Equity Implementation Report J.Request For Purchase: SCADA Radio Upgrade (Leg 3) K.2016 Board and Commission Appointments V.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Grandview District Transportation Study Update B.Speak Up, Edina January Discussion VI.Public Hearings During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City staE members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the e>cient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A.Cancel Public Hearing Vacation of Easement 3501-3510 Galleria B.Continue Public Hearing To April 5, 2016 Proposed Establishment of the 66 West Tax Increment Financing District C.Resolution 2016-19, 2016 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program D.Ordinance No. 2016-01: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Regarding Signage in the PID, Planned Industrial District E.Resolution No. 2016-27, Conditional Use Permit for an Expansion to Edina High School at 6754 Valley View Road VII.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the City Council will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Council or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Council might refer the matter to staE for consideration at a future meeting. VIII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A.New On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Liquor Licenses, Lou Nanne's Edina LLC, DBA: Lou Nanne's Steakhouse, 7651 France Avenue S. B.Resolution No. 2016-26 Accepting Various Grants & Donations C.Appointment To Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee IX.Correspondence And Petitions A.Receive Petition Requesting Sidewalk On Valley View Road B.Correspondence C.Minutes 1.Minutes: Park Board, February 9, 2016 2.Minutes: Human Rights and Relation Commission December 10,2016 3.Heritage Preservation Board Minutes, January 12, 2016 4.Minutes: Planning Commission, January 13, 2016 5.Minutes: Planning Commission, January 27, 2016 X.Aviation Noise Update A.FAA Privatization of Air Tra>c Control XI.Mayor and Council Comments XII.Manager's Comments XIII.Schedule of Meeting and Events As Of February 17, 2016 XIV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliKcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From: Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes Of February 2, 2016 Regular Meeting and February 2, 2016 Work Session CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Minutes February 2, 2016 Council Meeting Draft February 2, 2016 Council Work Session Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 2, 2016 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, and Mayor Hovland. III. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, approving the consent agenda as follows: IV.A. Approve regular and work session meeting minutes of January 20, 2016 IV.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated January 14, 2016, and consisting of 29 pages; General Fund $239,914.61; General Debt Service Fund $450.00; City Hall Debt Service $1,950.00; Working Capital Fund $80,794.72; Cando Fund $1,910.00; Art Center Fund $2,860.75; Golf Dome Fund $1,806.17; Aquatic Center Fund $802.43; Golf Course Fund $28,793.58; Ice Arena Fund $6,704.92; Edinborough Park Fund $106,080.39; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $3,722.85; Liquor Fund $288,098.71; Utility Fund $444,812.71; Storm Sewer Fund $5,748.50; Recycling Fund $36,187.38; PSTF Agency Fund $3,851.30; Centennial TIF District $8,992.40; Grandview TIF District $34,742.88 TOTAL $1,298,224.30; and, for receipt of payment of claims dated January 21, 2016, and consisting of 32 pages; General Fund $95,677.85; Police Special Revenue $210.00; Working Capital Fund $538.62; Equipment Replacement Fund $359,281.00; Art Center Fund $8,541.59; Golf Dome Fund $3,034.20; Aquatic Center Fund $809.65; Golf Course Fund $87,930.88; Ice Arena Fund $19,066.41; Sports Dome Fund $431.49; Edinborough Park Fund $16,381.28; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $466.53; Liquor Fund $234,729.46; Utility Fund $71,957.32; Storm Sewer Fund $22,472.24; Risk Management ISF $284,803.04; Payroll Fund $11,243.85; TOTAL $1,217,576.31; and, Credit Card Transactions dated September 25 – October 25, 2015; TOTAL $38,546.76 IV.C. Approve Permanent Easement with CenterPoint Energy IV.D. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-20, Requesting an Advance from Municipal State Aid Fund IV.E. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-21, Supporting Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Meadowbrook Golf Course Ecological Restoration Project IV.F. Request for Purchase, Police Vehicles, awarding the bid to the recommended bidder, Nelson Auto Center at $81,464.85 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2, 2016 Page 2 IV.G. Request for Purchase, CSO/ACO Vehicles, awarding the bid to the recommended bidder, Nelson Auto Center at $51,051.54 IV.H. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-24, Approving No Parking on Tracy Avenue IV.I. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-25, Setting March 2, 2016 Special Assessment Hearing for Alley Improvements Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. V. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS None. VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared to comment. VII. REPORTS / RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. CITY OF EDINA EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN – APPROVED Manager Neal introduced the revised City of Edina Emergency Operations Plan. The plan was to provide guidance for City staff during significant emergency events, such as wind, significant flooding, winter related, radiologic, hazardous materials, or acts of terrorism. The Plan also outlined the roles and responsibilities for the various departments within the City. In 2012, Emergency Operations management was shifted from the Police Department to the Fire Department. Fire Chief Schmitz requested the Council’s approval for the revised plan and explained it was updated every few years. The plan was broad in nature and consisted of two parts: the basics and annexes. The hazardous materials section had been consolidated and the detailed portion had been added to a reference manual. The City Attorney had reviewed the plan and their recommendations had been incorporated. Fire Chief Schmitz answered questions of the Council related to updating telephone numbers in the plan, large spaces for gathering during emergencies, and a tool kit on the City website. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the revised City of Edina Emergency Operations Plan. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. PUBLIC PURPOSE EXPENDITURE POLICY – APPROVED Manager Neal explained Minnesota State Statutes require that expenditures of city governments must be connected to a “public purpose.” City governments were afforded discretion to set the definition of public purpose that was consistent with local values and customs. Some City Councils had adopted policies that defined public purpose expenses to include common business and employee related expenses. The City of Edina did not have such a policy. The City Attorney had drafted similar policies for other city governments and staff adapted the policy used by the City of St. Louis Park for consideration by the Council. The proposed policy included sections covering the following issues: meeting food/meals, membership and dues, employee service recognition program, annual employee appreciation meal and program, other recognitions, employee wellness Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2, 2016 Page 3 committee activities, and intoxicating beverages. The policy had been vetted by the City Attorney and staff believed it would provide the necessary clarity for expenses covered by the policy. Attorney Knutson answered a question of the Council relating to the City paying for meals when Council members and/or staff were conducting City business. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, approving the Omnibus Public Purpose Expense Policy. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VII.C. BANK OF AMERICA, 6868 FRANCE AVENUE, RE-CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN WITH VARIANCES – REFERRED TO STAFF TO DRAFT RESOLUTION WITH FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Community Development Director Presentation Community Development Director Teague shared that the City Council had continued consideration of the denial of a site plan and variances at 6868 France Avenue for Bank of America on November 17, 2015. The applicant had requested an extension to February 17, 2016, to allow time to revise the plans to address concerns of the Council. The applicant had made those revisions to the plan. Mr. Teague noted the building had been moved back from the street to meet all required setbacks. The only variances requested were in regard to the drive-through location and number of parking stalls. A boulevard-style sidewalk and boulevard trees had been added next to the drive-through. The building had been revised to have an entrance on France Avenue and additional windows had been added to the Valley View Road and France Avenue elevation. Retaining walls and landscaping had been added to the front. Proponent Presentation Dean Dovolis, DJR Architecture, presented drawings of the revised plans and building materials. The Council asked a question related to the height of the drive-through wall and expressed their approval of the revised plans. Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, directing staff to prepare a resolution, including findings of fact, for approval of the revised site plan with variances for parking stalls and the drive-through location for Bank of America at 6868 France Avenue. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VII.D. DATE FOR 2016 CANVASS OF ELECTION RESULTS – SET FOR NOVEMBER 8, 2016 Clerk Mangen explained that Minnesota Statute 205.185 Subdivision 3 required the City Council to sit as the Canvassing Board for municipal elections. The law required the canvass of returns be completed between the third and tenth day following the election. The election would be held November 8, 2016. Staff offered two dates for the Council to choose from for the General Election Canvass. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, setting 5:00 p.m. on November 15, 2016, for the Canvass of the November 8, 2106 General Election. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2, 2016 Page 4 VII.E. REAFFIRM THE CITY COUNCIL’S PREVIOUS SUPPORT FOR THE CORNELIA DRIVE SIDEWALK PROJECT DESIGN – REAFFIRMED Manager Neal presented a brief history for the Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Project Design. Staff had continued to refine the project design and answer questions from property owners and Council members, and held a special neighborhood meeting on January 7, 2016, to seek specific feedback on the project design from directly impacted property owners. Plans and specifications had been prepared and submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation for review and approval. Staff was concerned that Council’s previous support for the project, specifically the recommended project design, had diminished. Manager Neal indicated the Council could choose to reaffirm its support for the proposed project and recommended project design and direct staff to continue with the bidding process; reaffirm its support for the proposed project and substitute a project design preferred by the Council; or, cancel the project. The Council asked a question related to crossing at 68th and expressed a general desire to continue with the project as previously approved. Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, reaffirming the Council’s previous support for the Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Project embodied in Resolution No. 2015-10 and direct staff to implement the project design as presented to the Council on June 17, 2015. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VII.F. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-22 ADOPTED – ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Stewart introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-22 accepting various grants and donations. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII.A. MINUTES: 1. PARK BOARD, NOVEMBER 10, 2015 2. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 12, 2015 3. PLANNING COMMISSION, OCTOBER 28, 2015 Informational; no action required. IX. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE – Received IX.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-14 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION TO RECOGNIZE IMPACT OF AIRCRAFT NOISE IN EDINA – ADOPTED Manager Neal shared that the high frequency of overhead aircraft and resulting noise continued to impact Edina residents and an increasing number of noise complaints were being filed with the Metropolitan Airports Commission and received by City staff. Staff had prepared a resolution regarding aviation noise based on materials previously adopted by St. Louis Park and asked for Council’s review and approval. Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2, 2016 Page 5 Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-14, Regarding Federal Aviation Administration Recognition of Aircraft Noise Impacts Outside the Day- Night Average Sound Level (DNL) 65 Decibel Threshold. Member Stewart seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XI. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XII. SCHEDULE OF MEETING, EVENTS AND DATES AS OF FEBRUARY 2, 2016 – Received XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, February 16, 2016. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the February 2, 2016, meeting available. MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 2, 2016 5:30 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the work session of the Edina City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering rollcall was: Members Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, and Mayor Hovland. Edina City Staff attending the meeting: Debra Mangen, City Clerk; Chad Millner, Engineering Director; Scott Neal, Executive Director, and Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager. MEETING WITH EDINA LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION – CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER Member Swenson noted the Edina legislators were unable to attend due to the weather. The session with them will be rescheduled. NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GRANTS Assistant City Manager Schaefer outlined the potential Neighborhood Association Grant Program. The Council discussed what such grants could or would be used to fund and noted the item was in the 2016 Operating Budget. Consensus of the Council was to not move forward with the grant program at this time, but to continue offering the assistance to the recognized neighborhoods as outline in the Neighborhood Policy. PROTOCOLS FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND TASK FORCES Staff reviewed the draft documents “Communications Between City Council and Boards & Commissions” “Citizens Advisory Groups” with the Council explaining the first document would offer some clarity around what the City Council was looking forward from a particular board or commission when it “charged” a body with a task. The second document explained the composition and typical duties of the various advisory groups used in the City. The Council indicated the documents would help guide communication and understanding with the various groups assisting in the work of the City. MISCELLANEOUS Staff and the City Council discussed the Correspondence protocol put into place for the February 2, 2016 packet. Following a brief discussion the Council directed staff to include email correspondence as part of the packet. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, February 17, 2016. Minutes/Edina City Council Work Session/October 6, 2015 2 James B. Hovland, Mayor Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Claims From:Eric Roggeman, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Receive Payment of Claims As Per: Pre-List Dated, 1/28/2016 TOTAL: $981,079.65 And Per Pre-List Dated 2/4/2016 TOTAL: $795,307.05 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims for payment. INTRODUCTION: Claims information for approval is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Claims Pre-List Dated 1/28/2016 TOTAL: $981,079.65 Claims Pre-List Dated 2/04/2016 TOTAL: $795,307.05 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 1 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2595 1/28/2016 101304 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 534.02 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 392400 0146166-IN 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 534.02 2596 1/28/2016 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 32.00 392306 1970320 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 42.40 392305 1970324 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 74.40 2597 1/28/2016 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 713.40 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 392446 142178 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENAADMINISTRATION 713.40 2598 1/28/2016 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 69.65 COFFEE 392040 1213431 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 69.65 2599 1/28/2016 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 563.20 392095 51889400 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 195.10 392314 51983600 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 202.83 392193 93297800 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 335.66 392096 93298000 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 42.98 392192 93333800 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD \NINE VERNON SELLING 1,339.77 2600 1/28/2016 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 348.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES 392365 0E-413615-1 5511.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 53.11 GAVEL SET FOR PARK BOARD 392043 WO-171871-1 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 36.80 DESK TRAYS 392044 WO-172125-1 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 71.98 STORAGE BOXES 392044 WO-172125-1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 51.02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 392045 WO-172264-1 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 37.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES 392364 WO-173116-1 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 598.64 2601 1/28/2016 101375 BLOOMINGTON SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC. 393.00 INSTALL STORMROOM LEVER LOCK 392366 S91943 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 39.04 KEYS 00007501 392449 SH94713 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 432.04 2602 1/28/2016 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC. 978.00 TRUNK SEWER REHAB 392477 0185689 03485.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION TRUNK SS LINING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 2 Business Unit 2602 1/28/2016 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC. Continued... 3,567.50 PICKLEBALL COURT PROJECT 392270 0185690 47095.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ROSLAND PK - PICKLEBALL COURTS 7,350.00 SANITARY SEWER 392478 0185691 03493.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Presidents Neighborhood 11,895.50 2603 1/28/2016 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 655.00 RADIATOR 00005949 392129 1023434 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 441.00 YOKES, ADJUSTERS 00005965 392407 1027368 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 27.47 MOTOR PART 392408 1028087 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,123.47 2604 1/28/2016 120935 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 19,614.48 LEGAL COUNSEL 392271 2851000G106 1196.6131 PROFESSIONAL SERV - LEGAL CITY ATTORNEY 19,614.48 2605 1/28/2016 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 1,063.24 MONITORS 00004303 392172 BSD5995 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 1,063.24 2606 1/28/2016 117187 CHEM SYSTEMS LTD 175.00 MULTI SURFACE CLEANER 392367 518564 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 175.00 2607 1/28/2016 104020 DALCO 127.26 TOWEL DISPENSERS 00009435 392452 2956226 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 134.96 FLOOR CLEANER 392052 2975421 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 262.22 2608 1/28/2016 124541 GEYEN GROUP 347.34 CARPET CLEANING 392374 25336 5410.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION 347.34 2609 1/28/2016 131734 HORWITZ INC. 349.00 CODE CHECK 392457 W36326 5553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 349.00 2610 1/28/2016 120085 IDEAL SERVICE INC. 272.50 VFD DIAGNOSIS 00001236 392062 7736 5912.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WELL HOUSES 272.50 2611 1/28/2016 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 3 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2611 1/28/2016 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. Continued... 69.25 CHEMICAL FEED EQUIPMENT 00001163 392152 967764 5912.6530 REPAIR PARTS WELL HOUSES 66.25 CHEMICAL FEED EQUIPMENT 00001317 392153 967826 5912.6530 REPAIR PARTS WELL HOUSES 135.50 2612 1/28/2016 129635 JESSE JAMES CREATIVE INC. 1,350.00 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 392459 JJ5729 1130.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 800.00 DEC 2015 EDINET MAINT 392281 JJ5733 1130.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 2,150.00 2613 1/28/2016 102146 JESSEN PRESS INC. 300.00 TIMECARDS 392417 671335 1170.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES HUMAN RESOURCES 300.00 2614 1/28/2016 121075 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC. 206.00 TOILET RENTAL- OPEN STREETS 392282 94863 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 103.00 TOILET RENTAL- OPEN STREETS 392283 94864 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 309.00 2615 1/28/2016 100858 LOGIS 630.00 392284 41167 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 3,806.00 392284 41167 1495.6160 DATA PROCESSING INSPECTIONS 4,040.00 392284 41167 1160.6160 DATA PROCESSING FINANCE 4,514.00 392284 41167 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 5,969.00 392284 41167 1556.6160 DATA PROCESSING EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 6,098.00 392284 41167 1190.6160 DATA PROCESSING ASSESSING 5,935.00 392284 41167 5902.6160 DATA PROCESSING UTILITY BILLING-FINANCE 30,992.00 2616 1/28/2016 101483 MENARDS 30.88 PAINT 00005996 392422 4608 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 29.98 PAINT 00005998 392423 4879 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 60.86 2617 1/28/2016 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 658.20 BOWL CLEANER, DISENFECTANT 00003731 392068 26975 1470.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 658.20 2618 1/28/2016 115669 ON CALL SERVICES 6,100.00 4 DECKS, SUPPORTS, LOG ROLLS 392426 2645 5720.6530 REPAIR PARTS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 6,100.00 R55CKR2 LOG1S101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 4 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 — Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2618 2619 1/28/2016 1/28/2016 115669 ON CALL SERVICES 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. Continued... 210.00 TIRES 00005913 392430 210216682 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 311.00 TIRES 00005913 392429 210216691 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 521.00 2620 1/28/2016 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC. 264.00 MONITORING SYSTEM REPAIRS 392467 72955 7410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 264.00 2621 1/28/2016 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 754.19 PLUMBING REPAIRS 392469 67492 5111.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 754.19 2622 1/28/2016 101000 RJM PRINTING INC. 110.04 EDINBOROUGH PK ENVELOPES 392081 89026 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 108.50 BUSINESS CARDS 392082 89040 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 218.54 2623 1/28/2016 112668 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT INC. 4,609.00 SNOW PLOW 00005000 392266 38031 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5,320.00 PLOW 00005002 392164 38040 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9,929.00 2624 1/28/2016 104347 TIERNEY BROTHERS INC. 57.50 CONTROLLER BATTERY 00003733 392087 708298 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 57.50 2625 1/28/2016 119454 VINOCOPIA 1,216.50 392353 0143413-IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,216.50 2626 1/28/2016 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 850.62 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392475 44427115 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,483.53 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392388 44463375 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 817.94 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392389 44543216 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 860.83 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392390 44579116 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 4,012.92 2627 1/28/2016 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 5 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 -- Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2627 1/28/2016 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE Continued... 52.00- 392246 415117-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 96.00 392244 415123-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 783.55 392243 415271-00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,921.45 392245 415433-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 821.20 392354 415434-00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,570.20 401174 1/28/2016 125324 3M 3,475.00 LRP MAINT PACKAGE 392127 TP76255 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 3,475.00 401175 1/28/2016 133522 AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM 300.00 1/15/2016 CLASS 392037 011716 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 300.00 401176 1/28/2016 101971 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER LLC 24.45 BRASS ADAPTER 00001294 392038 1-871750 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 24.45 401177 1/28/2016 124613 ABM ONSITE SERVICES - MIDWEST 2,836.62 JANITORIAL SERVICE 392039 8982997 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 2,836.62 401178 1/28/2016 116858 A-CRAFT WINDOWS 1,870.00 INSTALL DOORS, WINDOWS 00001533 392443 19698 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,870.00 401179 1/28/2016 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 78.00 GOLF BALLS 392445 901792080 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 57.00 GOLF BALLS 392444 901816828 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 56.92 GOLF BALLS 392401 901838055 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 191.92 401180 1/28/2016 135346 ADVANCED FILING CONCEPTS 76.00 UNIFLEX COVERS 392170 116645 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 76.00 401181 1/28/2016 135195 ALLIANCE BENEFIT GROUP 140.00 DEC 2015 COBRAADMIN FEES 392447 32654 1556.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 140.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 6 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - 1/28/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401181 401182 1/28/2016 1/28/2016 135195 ALLIANCE BENEFIT GROUP 129114 ALLIED FUNDING LLC Continued... 90.31 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392402 6017 CHOWEN AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 90.31 401183 1/28/2016 119976 AP LAWN 660.00 TREE TRIMMING 392254 CENTLK-116 5765.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROMENADE EXPENSES 660.00 401184 1/28/2016 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 311.50 392093 3077072 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,210.95 392091 3077074 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,707.75 392092 3077076 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 222.50 392309 3078252 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 516.00 392308 3078254 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 835.75 392310 3078255 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 6.36 392307 333083 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 7.84- 392094 333615 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 7.00- 392312 334922 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 51.00- 392311 334952 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 4,744.97 401185 1/28/2016 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. 217.42 PLOW BLADE 00006453 392128 10158365 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 217.42 401186 1/28/2016 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS 283.13 WASTE REMOVAL 392493 010116 7411.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL PSTF OCCUPANCY 283.13 401187 1/28/2016 119206 AZTECA SYSTEMS INC. 12,000.00 2106 LICENSE RENEWAL 392494 11307 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 12,000.00 2106 LICENSE RENEWAL 392494 11307 5923.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 12,000.00 2106 LICENSE RENEWAL 392494 11307 5932.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL STORM SEWER 36,000.00 401188 1/28/2016 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 404.97 ZAMBONI BATTERIES 392403 EC0001106465-01 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 404.97 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 7 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - 1/28/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401189 1/28/2016 136267 BAUHAUS BREW LABS LLC Continued... 145.00 392313 5630 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 145.00 401190 1/28/2016 126996 BCA - CJTE 240.00 TRAINING - RYAN SCHULTZ 392269 33717-102815SMM 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 240.00 401191 1/28/2016 117379 BENIEK PROPERTY SERVICES INC. 860.00 DEC 2105 SNOWPLOWING 392448 145791 7411.6136 SNOW & LAWN CARE PSTF OCCUPANCY 860.00 401192 1/28/2016 137798 BENTLEY, CHRISTOPHER 200.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392041 5505 CHANTREY 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RD 200.00 401193 1/28/2016 123557 BERG, SCOTT 267.87 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392042 5328 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET INTERLACHEN 267.87 401194 1/28/2016 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. 216.00 PIZZA 392362 D2813947 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 288.00 PIZZA 392405 D2813974 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 432.00 PIZZA 392404 D2813981 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 216.00 PIZZA 392363 D2813982 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,152.00 401195 1/28/2016 125139 BERNICK'S 143.00 392361 274282 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 469.50 392194 274290 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 612.50 401196 1/28/2016 100666 BMI GENERAL LICENSING 336.00 2016 MUSIC LICENSE 00002098 392255 27435502 5760.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 336.00 401197 1/28/2016 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 923.22 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003706 392046 82013743 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 8 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401197 1/28/2016 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC Continued... 113.00 00003706 392257 82016153 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 29.56 ICE PACKS 00002121 392406 82024225 5710.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 758.94 00003707 392258 82024226 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 98.90 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003707 392256 82024227 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,923.62 401198 1/28/2016 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 328.50 392097 131394 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 547.47 392315 131488 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,306.20 392195 131503 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,182.17 401199 1/28/2016 136660 BRAXTON & SONS INC. 4,793.50 FRAMING 392484 3 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 4,793.50 401200 1/28/2016 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 3,454.78 392202 1080425073 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 421.84 392203 1080425164 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 118.30 392197 1080425165 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 5,988.43 392198 1080425166 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,593.76 392316 1080425167 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 146.30 392317 1080425168 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 12,083.60 392199 1080425170 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 200.60 392201 1080425171 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5,991.62 392200 1080425172 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 4.60 392196 1080425173 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 86.65 392319 1080425278 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 562.60 392320 1080425969 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,389.00 392318 1080426360 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 35,042.08 401201 1/28/2016 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC 3,582.00 392099 1090515034 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 197.80 392098 1090515035 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,566.45 392100 1090515036 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,108.05 392204 1090515606 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 7,454.30 401202 1/28/2016 102785 BRIDGE FOR YOUTH, THE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 - 1/28/2016 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 9 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401202 1/28/2016 102785 BRIDGE FOR YOUTH, THE Continued... 6,500.00 2016 FUNDING 392130 2016 1517.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS 6,500.00 401203 1/28/2016 137533 BUSBY, TREVOR 780.00 SCORE KEEPERS 392047 5 1621.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 780.00 401204 1/28/2016 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 69.80 392207 00011111 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 636.20 392205 801065 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,775.25 392206 801903 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,481.25 401205 1/28/2016 137138 CASTLE DANGER BREWING CO LLC 304.00 392101 5004 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 236.80 392208 5092 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 540.80 401206 1/28/2016 129923 CAWLEY 17.83 NAME BADGES 392171 V344863 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 17.83 401207 1/28/2016 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 858.34 8034001-1 392272 8034001-12/15 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 858.34 401208 1/28/2016 103711 CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES INC. 4,905.41 392450 3167902 5720.6186 HEAT EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 102.43 392451 3168132 5311.6186 HEAT POOL OPERATION 5,007.84 401209 1/28/2016 137802 CENTRAL SOUTH STORAGE 110.00 OVERPAYMENT OF ALARM BILL 392273 REFUND 1400.4332 FALSE ALARMS - POLICE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 110.00 401210 1/28/2016 123898 CENTURYLINK 98.91 612 E77-0056 392048 0056-1/16 2310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES E911 104.90 612 E23-0652 392049 0652-1/16 2310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES E911 62.80 952 944-6522 392173 6522-1/16 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 266.61 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 10 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 — Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401210 401211 1/28/2016 1/28/2016 123898 CENTURYLINK 135835 CENTURYLINK Continued... 1,335.45 612-D08-2053-053 392174 2053-1/16 2310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES E911 1,335.45 401212 1/28/2016 100683 CHEMSEARCH 666.08 WATER TREATMENT 392368 2172236 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENAADMINISTRATION 666.08 401213 1/28/2016 100684 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 50,911.25 4TH QTR LPH CONTRACT 392274 12233 1490.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH 50,911.25 401214 1/28/2016 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES 78.21 00102561-0200862003 392275 200862003-1/16 5821.6189 SEWER & WATER 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 200.06 00102561-0203163003 392276 203163003-1/16 5861.6189 SEWER & WATER VERNON OCCUPANCY 278.27 401215 1/28/2016 105194 CITY OF RICHFIELD 100.00 REGISTRATION-FRANCIS TERHORST 392369 BOWLING FEE 1600.4390.15 GEN ADAPTIVE REC PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 100.00 401216 1/28/2016 100692 COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS 195.92 392209 0148063208 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 195.92 401217 1/28/2016 137824 COLLIER, MARY 89.75 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392396 5720 SUSAN AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 89.75 401218 1/28/2016 129820 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 897.49 FEB 2016 SERVICES 392050 012016 5841.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK OCCUPANCY 897.49 401219 1/28/2016 120433 COMCAST 25.98 8772 10 614 0496856 392370 496856-1/16 5210.6188 TELEPHONE GOLF DOME PROGRAM 152.25 8772 10 614 0540372 392371 540372-1/16 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 178.23 401220 1/28/2016 101590 CORNERSTONE ADVOCACY SERVICE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 11 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401220 1/2812016 101590 CORNERSTONE ADVOCACY SERVICE Continued... 14,700.00 2016 FUNDING 392131 2015-33 1517.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS 14,700.00 401221 1/28/2016 120032 CORPORATE MECHANICAL 35,395.00 NEW HVAC SYSTEM - SOUTHDALE 00004054 392277 15938 5800.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 35,395.00 401222 1/28/2016 137504 COWLES, MARGUERITE 102.72 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392397 6644 PARKWOOD 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RD 102.72 401223 1/28/2016 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 180.36 JACKETS 392372 43487 5761.6201 LAUNDRY CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 180.36 401224 1/28/2016 121668 CROWN PACKAGING CORP. 811.03 RANGE SUPPLIES 392495 1837840 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 811.03 401225 1/28/2016 100699 CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 20.48 114-09855685-4 392051 JAN 2106 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 20.48 401226 1/28/2016 133169 DAIKIN APPLIED 919.07 WEST RTU REPAIRS 392409 3078363 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 919.07 401227 1/28/2016 129884 DEARBORN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 5,767.75 FEB 2015 STD PREMIUMS 392410 F018342-2/16 9900.2033.16 LTD -99 PAYROLL CLEARING 5,767.75 401228 1/28/2016 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 17.90 DRAIN PAN 00005985 392053 63697 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7.78 COMPUTER MEMORY 00005013 392054 64988 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 87.48 LUXEON, MICRO STREAM 00005013 392132 65311 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 45.52 LEAK TESTER KIT 00005990 392133 65897 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 158.68 401229 1/28/2016 101634 DELI DOUBLE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 12 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 -- 1/28/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401229 1/28/2016 101534 DELI DOUBLE Continued-. 317.28 STAFF TRAINING MEAL 392055 112497 7414.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PUBLIC PROGRAMS 317.28 401230 1/28/2016 100899 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 8,258.86 DEC 2015 SURCHARGE 392453 24168053060 1495.4380 SURCHARGE INSPECTIONS 8,258.86 401231 1/28/2016 121103 DIRECTV 88.16 392496 27602769626 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 88.16 401232 1/28/2016 131164 DONALD R FRANTZ CONCRETE CONSTRUCT LLC 4,377.54 CONCRETE 392485 6 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 4,377.54 401233 1/28/2016 137806 DUFFY, MATT 20.37 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392249 69 WOODLAND CIR 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 20.37 401234 1/28/2016 137799 DULAC, JEROME 125.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392134 6580 VERNON 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET HILLS 125.00 401235 1/28/2016 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 171.70 AD FOR BID 392135 293946 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 50.27 PUBLISH NOTICE 392136 293947 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 221.97 401236 1/28/2016 105417 EDINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 10,000.00 2016 FUNDING 392137 2016 1516.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HISTORICAL SOCIETY 10,000.00 401237 1/28/2016 106020 EDINA RESOURCE CENTER 42,302.00 2016 FUNDING 392138 2016 1507.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FAMILINK EDINA 42,302.00 401238 1/28/2016 119352 EHRESMANN, DANIEL 39.99 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392056 011416 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 39.99 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 13 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401238 401239 1/28/2016 1/28/2016 119352 EHRESMANN, DANIEL 122792 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES INC. Continued... 2,361.90 BRUSH 84 INSTALLS 392057 RS4316 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 158.10 SQUAD REPAIRS 392139 RS4317 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,520.00 401240 1/28/2016 136689 ENKI BREWING COMPANY INC. 221.16 392102 5037 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 221.16 392103 5051 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 442.32 401241 1/28/2016 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 13.44 ADVANTAGE BEAM B 392411 1-4894349 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 32.21 THERMOSTAT 392142 1-4894562 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 25.03 SENSOR 392141 69-208325 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 59.94 DEXCOOL 392058 69-208660 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9.35 REAR BLADE 392412 69-209618 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 139.97 401242 1/28/2016 122549 FARNER-BOCKEN COMPANY 848.25 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392454 4470452 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 587.22 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392455 4494343 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 717.08 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392373 4523209 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 2,152.55 401243 1/28/2016 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY 1.43 FASTENER 392140 MNSTU65309 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9.03 BOLTS 00003728 392278 MNTC2134621 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 10.46 401244 1/28/2016 137825 FELLERS, MICHAEL 41.22 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392398 6801 DAKOTA TR 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 41.22 401245 1/28/2016 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 2,062.57 WM FITTINGS 00001360 392144 0179120 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 571.56 STAND PIPE PARTS 00001228 392143 0179121 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 2,634.13 401246 1/28/2016 133527 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CO. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 14 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401246 1/28/2016 133527 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CO. Continued... 625.00 FIRE ALARM MONITORING 392059 11662 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 625.00 401247 1/2812016 119211 FIRSTLAB 805.30 4TH QTR RANDOM TESTING 392456 FL00139087 1556.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 805.30 401248 1/28/2016 137807 FLAHERTY, MICHAEL T 78.11 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392250 5504 SCHAEFER 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RD 78.11 401249 1/28/2016 137822 FUHR, WILLIAM BRYAN 125.27 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392394 6321 VALLEY 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET VIEW 125.27 401250 1/28/2016 100780 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC. 100.00 2016 ANNUAL FEE 392413 6000332 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 100.00 401251 1/28/2016 101103 GRAINGER 56.10 LIGHTS 00006002 392149 9930040E361 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 197.71 SOCKET, BITS 00006309 392148 9932196653 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 110.88 METAL FAUCET 00002117 392414 9933110349 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 8.34 UTILITY BLADES 00005918 392147 9933571433 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 13.13 SAFETY GLASSES 00005918 392147 9933571433 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 39.86 BATTERIES, BITS 00005006 392145 9934144016 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 24.71 SAFETY GLASSES 00005919 392146 9934766255 1553.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 265.32 SHELTER PHONES 00001310 392175 9937120872 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 716.05 401252 1/28/2016 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 1,832.00 392210 191991 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,832.00 401253 1/28/2016 129922 GREATER MSP 10,000.00 2016 DUES 392060 1611 1120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 10,000.00 R55CKR2 LOG1S101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 15 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401254 1/28/2016 104482 GUNNAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. Continued... 495.00 REPAIR CONDUIT AND WIRE 392497 15674 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 495.00 401255 1/28/2016 137486 GUSTAFSON DECORATING SERVICE INC. 489.75 PAINTING 392486 APP 001 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 489.75 401256 1/28/2016 121354 HALL, JAMES 170.00 SAFETY BOOTS 392498 012516 1495.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS INSPECTIONS 170.00 401257 1/28/2016 100797 HAWKINS INC. 8,232.24 CHEMICALS 00005285 392061 3821949 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 2,834.25 CHEMICALS 00005285 392150 3825262 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 11,066.49 401258 1/28/2016 117186 HELGREN, ADAM 129.99 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392415 012016 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 129.99 401259 1/28/2016 116680 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 368.00 MONITORS 00004301 392177 56778388 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 368.00 401260 1/28/2016 103753 HILLYARD INC - MINNEAPOLIS 146.19 SANITIZER FOAM 00002118 392416 601922932 5720.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 318.68 SCRUBBER PARTS, SQUEEGEE KIT 392376 700217655 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 87.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 392375 700217656 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 551.87 401261 1/28/2016 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 771.00 392211 805669 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,345.00 392212 805989 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,116.00 401262 1/28/2016 137804 HOLZ, HOWARD 160.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392176 5115 VALLEY 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET VIEW RD 160.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 16 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 -- 1/28/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401263 1/28/2016 133421 HUDSON, TRACY Continued... 95.01 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 392458 012216 5120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 112.42 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 392458 012216 5110.6106 MEETING EXPENSE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 207.43 401264 1/28/2016 137828 HURD, KATHY JO 120.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392499 7206 HEATHERTON 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET CIR 120.00 401265 1/28/2016 135331 ICON HOMES LLC 2,500.00 REFUND NEW HOME ESCROW 392151 301 JOHN ST 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 2,500.00 401266 1/28/2016 134784 IDEA CREEK LLC, THE 200.00 RETIREMENT PLAQUE 00003737 392279 66 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 200.00 401267 1/28/2016 125032 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 397.23 PARTS 392280 123115 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 397.23 401268 1/28/2016 101146 IMPACT TELECOM 343.70 392500 608450364 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 343.70 401269 1/28/2016 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 308.10 392213 35973 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 308.10 401270 1/28/2016 132871 INGLAS LLP 1,232.00 GLASS/GLAZING 392487 3 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 1,232.00 401271 1/28/2016 119808 INTEGRA 27.74 ISP BUNDLE 392501 13591657 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 27.74 401272 1/28/2016 137800 JENSEN, S C 150.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392154 5705 CONCORD 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET AVE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 - 1/28/2016 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 17 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401272 1/28/2016 137800 JENSEN, S C Continued... 150.00 401273 1/28/2016 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 1,822.75 392215 2467615 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 21.50 392214 2467616 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 103.75 392217 2467620 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,997.50 392321 2467621 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 57.55 392216 2467622 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 9,003.05 401274 1/28/2016 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 162.66 392110 5349772 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 336.84 392109 5349773 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,013.36 392108 5349774 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 112.27 392107 5349775 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 625.07 392106 5349776 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 121.16 392105 5349777 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 687.22 392104 5349780 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 445.84 392222 5350815 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,875.96 392329 5354467 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 831.49 392341 5354468 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 389.98 392340 5354469 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,061.73 392339 5354470 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,970.61 392338 5354471 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 242.32 392337 5354472 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 3,879.45 392221 5354473 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 195.23 392336 5354474 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 633.04 392335 5354475 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 2,055.69 392328 5354477 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,618.98 392322 5354478 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,344.54 392327 5354479 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,779.07 392326 5354480 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 873.21 392323 5354481 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,826.48 392324 5354482 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,787.23 392325 5354483 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,123.94 392219 5354486 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 7,722.69 392220 5354487 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,970.35 392334 5354488 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,659.27 392218 5354489 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 389.32 392333 5354490 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 18 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check 4 Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO4 Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401274 1/28/2016 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Continued... 896.88 392332 5354491 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 33.16 392331 5354492 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,027.33 392330 5354493 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 10.42- 392115 559420 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 14.81- 392116 559421 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1.16- 392111 559422 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 14.81- 392112 559423 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 14.89- 392114 559424 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 14.81- 392113 559425 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 19.44- 392117 559426 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 4.17- 392118 559427 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 16.85- 392223 559428 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 89.66- 392342 559593 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 51,491.35 401275 1/28/2016 137820 JOHNSON, CHRIS 337.29 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392418 5513 HIGHWOOD 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET DR 337.29 401276 1/28/2016 102113 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 44.55 HEATER REPAIR 00001306 392063 1032169 5912.6530 REPAIR PARTS WELL HOUSES 184.69 POWER EXH 00001312 392259 1032746 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 131.60 HEATER RELAYS 00001312 392259 1032746 5912.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WELL HOUSES 360.84 401277 1/28/2016 111018 KEEPRS INC. 84.99 UNIFORMS 00003730 392261 296918 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 119.99 UNIFORMS 00003686 392260 297049 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 204.98 401278 1/28/2016 113212 KENDELL DOORS & HARDWARE INC. 312.00 PADLOCKS FOR LIGHT CABINETS 00001283 392178 SI027295 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 312.00 401279 1/28/2016 121510 KRESOYA, BRUCE 22.68 SOCKS 392419 012016 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 159.95 SAFETY BOOTS 392419 012016 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 182.63 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 19 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401280 1/28/2016 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC. Continued-. 83.67 V-BELT 392064 01-347778 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOVVING 83.67 401281 1/28/2016 116260 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGETS INC. 248.09 TARGETS FOR RANGE 392503 0299181-IN 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 248.09 401282 1/28/2016 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 757.01 PLOW BOLTS, NUTS, TERMINALS 00005967 392180 9303807156 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 741.00 FITTINGS, COUPLERS 392179 9303821123 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,498.01 401283 1/28/2016 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 4,335.00 2016 PATROL SUBSCRIPTION 392377 225208 2340.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS DWI FORFEITURE 4,335.00 401284 1/28/2016 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20.00 2016 SAFETY WORKSHOP 392420 225751 1170.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS HUMAN RESOURCES 20.00 401285 1/28/2016 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 10,516.76 HOME CLAIMS 392460 4TH QTR-2015 6002.6200 INSURANCE RISK MGMT EMP SHARED SERVICE 10,516.76 401286 1/28/2016 131846 LEGACY SERVICES CORPORATION 5,814.31 LEAD REMOVAL 392502 M150486LED1 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 5,814.31 401287 1/28/2016 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 1,372.50 392224 2957 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 1,372.50 401288 1/28/2016 137826 LOCH, HEIDI M 47.91 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392399 5829 WOODDALE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET AVE 47.91 401289 1/28/2016 101361 M.I.A.M.A. 150.00 2016 MEMBERSHIP 392461 3181 5510.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ARENAADMINISTRATION 150.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 20 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 — Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401289 1/28/2016 101361 M.I.A.M.A. Continued... 401290 1/28/2016 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. 959.70 SEAT BELTS 392181 2160723 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 959.70 401291 1/28/2016 130484 MARK'S CONCESSION REPAIR LLC 140.82 POPCORN KETTLE REPAIRS 392462 1583 5520.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA CONCESSIONS 140.82 401292 1/28/2016 135856 MARS CARPET SALES 498.75 CARPET 392488 APPL 1 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 498.75 401293 1/28/2016 119209 MASTER TECHNOLOGY GROUP 153.00 REPLACED A FAULTY JACK 392285 505586 7410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 153.00 401294 1/28/2016 122554 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. 293.50 OXYGEN 00003649 392065 12682040 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 293.50 401295 1/28/2016 102600 MATRIX COMMUNICATIONS INC 180.00 HOLIDAY GREETINGS 392286 81894 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 180.00 401296 1/28/2016 137819 MCCONNACH, COREY 27.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 392421 011516 5510.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ARENAADMINISTRATION 27.00 401297 1/28/2016 101625 METRO FIRE CHIEFS OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 100.00 DUES - CHIEF SCHMITZ 392066 011516 1470.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 100.00 401298 1/28/2016 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 228.00 OFFICIATING FEES 392067 4889 1621.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 228.00 401299 1/28/2016 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 24,601.50 DEC 2015 SAC 392287 123115 1495.4307 SAC CHARGES INSPECTIONS 24,601.50 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 21 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 -- 1/28/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401299 401300 1/28/2016 1/28/2016 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE Continued... 766.25 VEHICLE REPAIRS 392182 278144 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 83.75 FLOOR MATS 00005999 392424 496934 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 850.00 401301 1/28/2016 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER 2,707.50 SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENT 00001237 392069 35130 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 2,707.50 401302 1/28/2016 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 26.65 CO2, METHAIR 392288 171143787 7413.6545 CHEMICALS PSTF FIRE TOWER 26.65 401303 1/28/2016 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 32.00 NATHAN KADERLIK 392070 CLASS B EXAM 5919.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS TRAINING FEE 32.00 401304 1/28/2016 101899 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 250.00 FORFEITURE SETTLEMENT 392463 011416 1400.4334 POLICE GENERAL FEES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 250.00 401305 1/28/2016 101537 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 23.00 BARTON VOTH 392071 S-C RENEWAL FEE 5919.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS TRAINING 23.00 401306 1/28/2016 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER CO. 41.20 BRASS ADAPTERS 00001324 392184 0112617-IN 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 41.20 401307 1/28/2016 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 431.00 RACK CARDS 392155 19523 5710.6575 PRINTING EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 53.00 EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER 392072 19539 1130.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 484.00 401308 1/28/2016 134087 MI-TECH SERVICES INC. 2,495.00 SEWER LATERAL INSPECTIONS 00001363 392183 32022205 5920.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS SEWER CLEANING 2,495.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 22 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401309 1/28/2016 100912 MOTOROLA INC. Continued... 558.53 JAN 2016 SERVICE AGREEMENT 392073 78328730 2310.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT E911 558.53 FEB 2016 SERVICE AGREEMENT 392074 78328731 2310.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT E911 1,117.06 401310 1/28/2016 132591 MUSKA ELECTIRC COMPANY 8,770.00 WIRE NEW GARAGE/BALL DISPENSOR 392290 115088 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 865.54 LIGHTING REPAIRS 392289 115094 5210.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS GOLF DOME PROGRAM 2,348.28 BATHROOM HEATING 392156 115308 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 11,983.82 401311 1/28/2016 100920 NAPA AUTO PARTS 107.74 PARTS 392291 123115 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 248.70 PARTS 392291 123115 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 257.68 PARTS 392291 123115 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 26.28 PARTS 392291 123115 5761.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 640.40 401312 1/28/2016 121257 NATIONAL CREATIVE ENTERPRISES 267.00 AED BATTERIES 392157 23455 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 267.00 401313 1/28/2016 122449 NEW LIFE ENTERPRISES INC. 50.00 RANGE SUPPLIES 392504 8770 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 63.00 FIREARMS TRAINING BOOKS 392505 8820 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 113.00 401314 1/28/2016 103106 NLSC PRODUCTS INC. 317.40 LIGHTING REPAIR PARTS 00001320 392425 94021 1321.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 317.40 401315 1/28/2016 115622 NORMANDALE CENTER FOR 4,700.00 2016 FUNDING 392158 2016 1517.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS 4,700.00 401316 1/28/2016 102450 NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1,347.32 IMPROVEMENTS 392476 WATERMAIN 07122.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS S122 XERXES SIDEWALK 2,194.54 IMPROVEMENTS 392476 WATER MAIN 05548.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS LOOP WM 2,331.26 IMPROVEMENTS 392476 WATER MAIN 05547.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS COCORD WM 6,050.54 IMPROVEMENTS 392476 WATERMAIN 05546.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PRESCOTT CIRCLE WM 12,678.33 IMPROVEMENTS 392476 WATERMAIN 05502.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM-502 RAW WATER WELL15 TO VVTP R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 23 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401316 1/28/2016 102450 NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Continued... 24,601.99 401317 1/28/2016 104232 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC 59.16 BRACKETS 00005938 392464 40161 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 271.44 WORKLIGHTS 00005962 392159 40374 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 330.60 401318 1/28/2016 131587 OASIS FOR YOUTH 2,500.00 2016 FUNDING 392160 2016 1517.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS 2,500.00 401319 1/28/2016 102712 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 27.67 392465 W15120661 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 27.67 392465 W15120661 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 55.34 392465 W15120661 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 81.01 392465 W15120661 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 83.01 392465 W15120661 1481.6188 TELEPHONE YORK FIRE STATION 201.85 392465 W15120661 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 317.13 392465 W15120661 1622.6188 TELEPHONE SKATING & HOCKEY 55.34 392465 W15120661 5111.6188 TELEPHONE ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 31.75 392465 W15120661 5311.6188 TELEPHONE POOL OPERATION 63.50 392465 W15120661 5410.6188 TELEPHONE GOLF ADMINISTRATION 124.51 392465 W15120661 5710.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 124.52 392465 W15120661 5760.6188 TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 55.34 392465 W15120661 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 83.01 392465 W15120661 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 83.01 392465 W15120661 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 118.84 392465 W15120661 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 291.34 392466 W15120666 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 1,824.84 401320 1/28/2016 116225 OLMSTED COUNTY 515.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 392075 011916 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 515.00 401321 1/28/2016 137801 ORA LLC 2,500.00 REFUND DEMO ESCROW 392161 6125 KELLOGG 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS AVE 2,500.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 24 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 -- 1/28/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401322 1/28/2016 101659 ORKIN Continued... 144.35 PEST CONTROL 392185 107299600 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 144.35 401323 1/28/2016 124519 OVERHOLT, JAMES 217.08 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 392076 011516 1644.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE TREES & MAINTENANCE 217.08 401324 1/28/2016 131698 PARLEY LAKE WINERY 300.00 392225 16007 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 300.00 401325 1/28/2016 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 2,511.66 392226 8532654-IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD \MNE YORK SELLING 702.17 392227 8532665-IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 732.57 392228 8532670-IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,946.40 401326 1/28/2016 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 731.93 392378 44697850 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 639.52 392379 51067505 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 734.48 392380 51067570 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 2,105.93 401327 1/28/2016 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 315.48- 392233 229669 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 671.50 392122 2914285 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 146.00 392121 2914286 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 296.12 392120 2914287 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 127.32 392119 2914288 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 738.95 392351 2917572 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 521.00 392230 2917573 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,064.60 392345 2917574 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 367.98 392347 2917575 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 321.28 392346 2917576 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 4.06 392344 2917577 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4.06 392343 2917578 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 341.72 392350 2917580 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,179.55 392348 2917581 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 615.72 392349 2917582 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 245.26 392231 2917586 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 25 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO4 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401327 1/28/2016 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Continued... 57.16 392232 2917587 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,002.73 392352 2917588 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,562.74 392229 2917589 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 11,952.27 401328 1/28/2016 100953 PHYSIO-CONTROL INC. 50.00 EMS FAXING 392263 116072239 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 700.00 EMS SUBSCRIPTION 392262 416067737 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 750.00 401329 1/28/2016 100964 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL CO. 224.55 FLOOD LIGHTS 00005956 392427 1-320436 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 224.55 401330 1/28/2016 134007 PJ TAILORS & CLEANERS 36.00 LAUNDER BLANKETS 392077 0263 1400.6201 LAUNDRY POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 36.00 401331 1/28/2016 130926 PLANTSCAPE INC. 2,223.86 PLANT MAINTENANCE 392428 334486 5720.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,223.86 401332 1/28/2016 137814 POLASKY, JODI 400.00 PRETTY PRINCESS PARTY 392381 #7 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 400.00 401333 1/28/2016 102728 PRECISION LANDSCAPE AND TREE CO. 8,200.00 TREE PRUNING AT ROSLAND PK 392078 2419 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 8,200.00 401334 1/28/2016 100380 PRESTRUD, ROBERT 410.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392186 012016 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 410.00 401335 1/28/2016 100966 PRINTERS SERVICE INC 60.00 SHAVER BLADE 392292 276294 1648.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE 60.00 401336 1/28/2016 123377 PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC. 200.38 ICE MACHINE CONDENSER REPAIRS 392382 36819 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 26 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 — Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401336 1/28/2016 123377 PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC. Continued... 200.38 401337 1/28/2016 104455 PUPPE, RICHARD 500.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392431 012116 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 500.00 401338 1/28/2016 137052 QUALITY DRYWALL MIDWEST 1,554.25 DRYWALL 392489 RETAINAGE 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 1,554.25 401339 1/28/2016 100466 R & R PRODUCTS INC. 1,461.20 BEARINGS 00006454 392162 CD1973510 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,461.20 401340 1/28/2016 136396 RAMSEY COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 500.00 FORFEITURE SETTLEMENT 392468 011416 1400.4334 POLICE GENERAL FEES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 500.00 401341 1/28/2016 134496 REFINED LLC 30.35 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392393 6000 OAKLAVVN 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET AVE 30.35 401342 1/28/2016 136232 REVISION LLC 2,500.00 REFUND NEW HOME ESCROW 392432 5505 MERRITT 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS CIR 2,500.00 401343 1/28/2016 102407 RICHFIELD TRANSMISSION 1,950.21 VEHICLE REPAIRS 392079 011152 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,950.21 401344 1/28/2016 123757 RIECHMANN PEDERSON DESIGN INC 225.00 DASHERBOARD AD COMMISSION 392293 1215151-9 5501.4317 ADVERTISING SALES ICE ARENA REVENUES 225.00 401345 1/28/2016 129562 RISCHMILLER, KEITH 5.34 REIMBURSEMENT 392080 011516 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 5.34 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Page - 27 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401346 1/28/2016 102614 ROTARY CLUB OF EDINA Continued... 379.00 DUES - SCOTT NEAL 392083 3620 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 379.00 401347 1/28/2016 137823 SCALF, HEATHER 110.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392395 5816 FAIRFAX 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET AVE 110.00 401348 1/28/2016 137821 SCHTROP BUILDING CORP. 2,500.00 REFUND DEMO ESCROW 392433 5408 MIRROR 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS LAKE DR 2,500.00 401349 1/28/2016 100349 SCOTT COUNTY 315.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 392506 012516 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 315.00 401350 1/28/2016 100995 SEH 12,483.74 54TH ST 392480 304623 10096.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION BR6 54TH STREET BRIDGE 15,981.78 54TH ST 392480 304623 01416.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 54TH ST BRIDGE&STREET REPAIR 1,318.90 54TH ST 392480 304623 05551.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Arden Park D Reconstruction 5,831.13 54TH ST 392480 304623 04407.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 54TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 22,458.01 ARDEN PARK D 392482 304625 01412.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION GLEN VIEWADDITION NHOOD RECON 12,690.02 ARDEN PARK D 392482 304625 05551.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Arden Park D Reconstruction 19,444.13 ARDEN PARK D 392482 304625 03487.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Arden Park D Reconstruction 10,126.98 ARDEN PARK D 392482 304625 04407.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 54TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 37,082.67 TRACY AVE/VALLEY VIEW 392483 304626 01430.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN VALLEY VIEW & TRACY IMPR 12,004.34 MORNINGSIDE/WHITE OAKS 392481 304627 01422.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN MORN'SIDE A & WHITE OAKS RECON 8,002.90 MORNINGSIDE/WHITE OAKS 392481 304627 01438.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Morningside A & White Oaks C 1,915.15 PARKLAWN AVE 392479 304628 01429.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PARKLAWN: FRANCE TO 78TH RECON 2,941.21 BRAEMAR WETLANDS 392294 309132 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 162,280.96 401351 1/28/2016 101587 SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 19,200.00 2016 FUNDING 392163 2016 1517.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS 19,200.00 401352 1/28/2016 104098 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 9,048.00 MEMORY FOR VMWARE HOSTS 00004409 392295 B04391945 4612.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FD Plan Review Software 9,048.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 28 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401352 401353 1/28/2016 1/28/2016 104098 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 116501 SIMONSON, JUSTIN Continued... 54.50 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392434 012116 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 54.50 401354 1/28/2016 137808 SIRVA RELOCATION LLC 100.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392251 5609 SCHAEFER 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RD 100.00 401355 1/28/2016 131885 SISINNI FOOD SERVICES INC. 92.73 HOT DOG BUNS 392470 277814 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 102.91 HOT DOG BUNS 392383 278394 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 50.16 HOT DOG BUNS 392384 278754 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 68.47 HOT DOG BUNS 392385 279327 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 314.27 401356 1/28/2016 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 40.38 PLIERS 00005010 392435 ARV/27907881 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 40.38 401357 1/28/2016 137797 SNEDEKER, KATHRYN 19.03 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392084 7124 LYNMAR 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET LANE 19.03 401358 1/28/2016 122368 SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY 6,212.00 1ST QTR DUES 392085 9239 1470.6221 RANGE RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 8,500.00 1ST QTR DUES 392085 9239 1400.6221 RANGE RENTAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 14,712.00 401359 1/28/2016 137053 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA WOODCRAFT INC. 1,125.29 WOOD CASEWORK 392490 3 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 1,125.29 401360 1/28/2016 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 692.40 392123 1368162 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 2,067.60 392235 1369171 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 263.35 392237 1369172 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 514.80 392236 1369173 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 29 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - 1/28/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401360 1/28/2016 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS Continued... 5,483.70 392240 1369174 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5,827.91 392238 1369175 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 776.80 392239 1369176 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VV1NE YORK SELLING 9,862.13 392234 1369177 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 1,798.15 392241 1369178 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 27,286.84 401361 1/28/2016 134700 SPOK INC. 107.52 PAGERS 392086 Z0319246A 1400.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 107.52 401362 1/28/2016 116175 ST. CROIX HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1,310.80 MOTORCYCLE BUILD 392297 132024 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,984.22 MOTORCYCLE BUILD 392296 132025 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 191.75- CREDIT 392298 132222 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,480.82 MOTORCYCLE BUILDUP 392264 132224 421400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE EQUIPMENT 1,486.67 392265 132225 421400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE EQUIPMENT 6,070.76 401363 1/28/2016 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 85.00 392124 7366 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 205.75 392242 7439 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 290.75 401364 1/28/2016 137805 STOCKDALE, OWEN 112.52 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392436 6301 FRANCE AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 112.52 401365 1/28/2016 117657 STORE TO DOOR 11,700.00 2016 FUNDING 392165 01174166 1517.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS 11,700.00 401366 1/28/2016 136860 SYSCO WESTERN MINNESOTA 745.26 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392267 601120231 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 726.68 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392438 601150671 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 26.09 MARINARA SAUCE 392437 601150672 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 479.02 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392439 601200138 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 1,977.05 401367 1/28/2016 104932 TAYLOR MADE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 30 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/28/2016 — 1/28/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401367 1/28/2016 104932 TAYLOR MADE Continued... 1,100.56 GOLF CLUBS 392471 31317830 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 975.00- CREDIT 392440 31342754 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 125.56 401368 1/28/2016 137485 TEKTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1,516.42 CARPENTRY 392491 003 RETENTION 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 1,516.42 401369 1/28/2016 102798 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 811.99 DEC 2015 USAGE 392299 833236621 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 811.99 401370 1/28/2016 120700 TIGER OAK MEDIA 1,200.00 AD IN MINNESOTA BRIDE MAG 392387 2016-142198 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 595.00 AD IN MINNESOTA BRIDE MAG 392386 2016-142199 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,795.00 401371 1/28/2016 128347 TKO WINES INC. 183.60 392125 2861 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 183.60 401372 1/28/2016 124753 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES 261.09 DEC 2015 COPIER USAGE 392300 90136522719 7410.6575 PRINTING PSTF ADMINISTRATION 261.09 401373 1/28/2016 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE CO. 8,389.13 NEW RESTROOM EQUIPMENT 00001749 392301 766724 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 1,800.00- CREDIT 392302 RA SCO22864 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 6,589.13 401374 1/28/2016 120839 UNITED FIRE FIGHTER ASSOCIATION 30.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 392088 2016 1470.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 30.00 401375 1/28/2016 127291 URBAN COMPANIES LLC 6,300.00 SEAT WALL 392492 4 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 6,300.00 401376 1/28/2016 100050 USPS 4,000.00 ACCT #03620836 392507 012516 1120.6235 POSTAGE ADMINISTRATION R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 31 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 — Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401376 1/28/2016 100050 USPS Continued-. 4,000.00 401377 1/28/2016 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 820.14 LIQUOR BAGS 392166 374364-00 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 54.90 FACIAL TISSUE 392268 375026-00 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 875.04 401378 1/28/2016 103252 VEAP 25,000.00 2016 FUNDING 392168 2016 1517.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS 25,000.00 401379 1/28/2016 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 267.16 LIGHTS 00001269 392473 1021076 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 2,180.00 LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT 00001241 392089 1035382 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 169.79 PIPE THREAD DIES 00001281 392474 1036277 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 2,616.95 401380 1/28/2016 104820 VOELKER, JAMES 40.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392090 011516 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 40.00 401381 1/28/2016 133629 VON HANSONS MEATS 128.14 BRATS 392472 87788 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 122.91 BRATS 392391 87812 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 251.05 401382 1/28/2016 123616 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICES INC. 751.75 LEAK LOCATES 00001362 392169 6512 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 751.75 401383 1/28/2016 130574 WATSON COMPANY 478.23 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392392 859730 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 478.23 401384 1/28/2016 137827 WHELAN, MARY JO 8.00 PARKING PERMIT REFUND 392508 012116 1000.2039 SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 110.00 PARKING PERMIT REFUND 392508 012116 4090.4751 PARKING PERMITS 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 118.00 401385 1/28/2016 101312 WINE MERCHANTS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:06 Council Check Register by GL Page - 32 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/28/2016 - Inv No 1/28/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401385 1/28/2016 101312 WINE MERCHANTS Continued... 85.16- 392360 706423 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 785.50 392126 7064865 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,011.16 392359 7065673 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 189.34 392248 7065674 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 682.91 392355 7065675 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,777.58 392358 7065677 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 20.91 392357 7065678 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 141.16 392356 7065679 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,482.10 392247 7065680 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 7,005.50 401386 1/28/2016 137148 WOOD, TRICIA 138.00 LINE DANCING CLASS 392303 DEC 2015 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 253.00 BALLROOM DANCING CLASS 392303 DEC 2015 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 391.00 401387 1/28/2016 101726 XCEL ENERGY 1,490.00 51-6227619-3 392304 485942336 5761.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 16.56 51-4151897-6 392190 486443462 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 42.10 51-5276505-8 392188 486457964 1330.6185 LIGHT & POWER TRAFFIC SIGNALS 37.00 51-7567037-0 392191 486488802 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 135.64 51-0010025256-3 392187 486518946 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 12.43 51-0010613106-9 392189 486533584 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 6,157.99 51-0837548-4 392509 486567559 5915.6185 LIGHT & POWER WATER TREATMENT 7,891.72 401388 1/28/2016 137809 ZAHN, JIM 10.50 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392253 5612 HEATHER 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET LANE 10.50 981,079.65 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks NP ACH Payment Total Payments 880,965.57 100,114.08 981,079.65 R55CKS2 LOGIS100 CITY OF EDINA 1/26/2016 11:07:16 Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary Page - 1 1/28/2016 - 1/28/2016 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 368,674.55 02300 POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 6,991.32 02500 PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY 1,347.32 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 143,127.82 04100 PIR CONSTRUCTION FUND 8,002.90 04200 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 2,967.49 05100 ART CENTER FUND 1,411.38 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 891.52 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 134.18 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 19,064.26 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 14,394.06 05550 SPORTS DOME FUND 349.00 05700 EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 16,916.18 05750 CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 3,588.51 05800 LIQUOR FUND 214,839.39 05900 UTILITY FUND 124,149.58 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 27,958.11 06000 RISK MGMT ISP 10,516.76 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 9,987.57 09900 PAYROLL FUND 5,767.75 Report Totals 981,079.65 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing policies and proce ures4ate 2,V (p R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 1 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 - Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2628 2/4/2016 133644 A DYNAMIC DOOR CO INC. 338.93 TRASH ROOM DOOR REPAIR 392765 21601143 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 4,446.29 MAINTENANCE DOOR REPAIRS 393136 21601203 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 4,785.22 2629 2/4/2016 101304 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 74.42 CLAMP 00005992 392510 0146189-IN 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 74.42 CLAMP 00005997 392511 0146235-IN 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 148.84 2630 2/4/2016 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 44.80 392845 1971735 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 44.80 2631 2/4/2016 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 666.68 COFFEE 392558 1211555 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 122.14 COFFEE 392767 1211559 5210.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GOLF DOME PROGRAM 788.82 2632 2/4/2016 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 240.00 392667 51807500 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 36.55 392850 51983700 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 388.65 392628 51983800 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,086.40 392849 52081700 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 229.10 392848 52081800 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD NNE YORK SELLING 53.24 392851 93297900 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 111.66 392852 93369300 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 50.23 392629 93369400 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 2,195.83 2633 2/4/2016 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 22.29 POSTCARDS 392512 OE-412987-1 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 148.18 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00009460 392513 WO-172998-1 5110.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 117.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003035 392514 WO-173134-1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 105.14 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003036 392515 WO-173220-1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 74.62 SUPPLIES 392559 WO-173468-1 1130.6410 VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 75.38 PAPER, WALL CALENDAR 00002126 392769 WO-174191-1 5710.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 252.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003039 392695 WO-174215-1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 6.35 OFFICE SUPPLIES 392770 WO-174857-1 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 802.05 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 — 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 2 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2634 2/4/2016 101375 BLOOMINGTON SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC. Continued... 92.98 KEYS, PADLOCKS, KEYLUB SPRAY 00001328 392560 SH95054 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 114.72 MORTISE HOUSING 00001338 392561 SH95068 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 207.70 2635 2/4/2016 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 20.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 392772 115381 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 2.59- CREDIT 392773 7109CM 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 17.56 2636 2/4/2016 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC. 4,313.00 PICKLEBALL COURT 392518 0186402 47095.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ROSLAND PK - PICKLEBALL COURTS 4,313.00 2637 2/4/2016 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 45.06 SWITCH ASSEMBLY 00005969 392520 1028068 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 105.40 FILTERS 00005043 392774 1029665 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 188.11 VEHICLE REPAIR 392519 470424 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 338.57 2638 2/4/2016 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 42.38 SWITCH REPLACEMENT 392714 BMB0754 421554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT IT CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT 1,158.25 SWITCH REPLACEMENT 392715 BMQ5714 421554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT IT CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT 2,655.50 SWITCH REPLACEMENT 392716 BNM7205 421554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT IT CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT 2,655.50 SWITCH REPLACEMENT 392716 BNM7205 5700.1730 OFFICE FURN & EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH BALANCE SHEET 5,763.00 SWITCH REPLACEMENT 392717 BPN4826 421554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT IT CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT 12,691.68 COMPUTER REPLACEMENTS 00004302 392706 BTP4750 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 24,966.31 2639 2/4/2016 130477 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO 551.20 392854 242211 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 551.20 2640 2/4/2016 134730 EXPLORE EDINA 26,536.47 LODGING TAX 392723 DEC 2015 1001.4030 LODGING TAX GENERAL FUND REVENUES 26,536.47 2641 2/4/2016 129508 IMPACT 2,105.00 MAIL JAN 2016 BILLS 392531 110297 5902.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 2,105.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 -- 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 3 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2642 2/4/2016 129635 JESSE JAMES CREATIVE INC. Continued... 400.00 WEBSITE PHOTO GALLERY 392727 JJ5501 1130.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 650.00 EDINET MAINTENANCE 392726 JJ5525 1130.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 840.00 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 392728 JJ5637R 1130.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 1,890.00 2643 2/4/2016 102146 JESSEN PRESS INC. 403.00 CITY COUNCIL BROCHURE 393174 671055 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 403.00 2644 2/4/2016 100858 LOGIS 183.75 EPR REVIEW 393177 41111 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 315.00 PD FORENSICS - IT SETUP 393177 41111 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 630.00 IT CONSULTING 393177 41111 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 656.25 IT CONSULTING 392729 41140 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 179.32 PLAN REVIEW SITE CERTIFICATES 392730 41240 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 1,268.02 VMWARE SOFTWARE 392730 41240 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 393.75 IT CONSULTING 392731 41260 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 3,626.09 2645 2/4/2016 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 1,513.10 392655 210502 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,513.10 2646 2/4/2016 101483 MENARDS 13.98 HVAC ELEC PARTS 00001326 392799 4872 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 15.55 DRILL BIT, ANCHORS 00008917 392800 5102 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 29.53 2647 2/4/2016 105066 NATURAL REFLECTIONS LLC 275.00 INSTALL SIGNS AROUND ICE VENTS 392540 2276 5936.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARROWHEAD LK VEGETATION CONTRC 275.00 2648 2/4/2016 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 7,751.35 PROSPECT KNOLLS/DEWEY HILL 393180 BA 414 BA 415 01414.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS HOLLANDS NHOOD RECON 8,476.67 PROSPECT KNOLLS/DEWEY HILL 393180 BA 414 BA 415 01415.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS HYDE PARK NHOOD RECON 4,124.46 PROSPECT KNOLLS/DEWEY HILL 393180 BA 414 BA 415 03489.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Prospect Knolls B Reconstructi 6,410.01 PROSPECT KNOLLS/DEWEY HILL 393180 BA 414 BA 415 05553.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Prospect Knolls B Reconstructi 15,388.18 PROSPECT KNOLLS/DEWEY HILL 393180 BA 414 BA 415 04410.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Prospect Knolls B Reconstructi 4,626.68 CONTRYSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD #8 393179 BA413 128 07128.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS S128 COUNTRYSIDE H SIDEWALK 27,701.06 CONTRYSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD #8 393179 BA413 128 01413.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS EDINA HIGHLANDS LAKESIDE RECON R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 4 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 - Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2648 2/4/2016 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. Continued... 4,668.40 CONTRYSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD #8 393179 BA413 128 05552.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Countryside H Reconstruction 54,890.29 CONTRYSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD #8 393179 BA413 128 03488.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Countryside H Reconstruction 10,024.83 CONTRYSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD #8 393179 BA413 128 04409.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Countryside H Reconstruction 144,061.93 2649 2/4/2016 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 739.16 GLOVES, CUPS, TOWELS 00002000 392701 8838 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 336.40 PLATES 392811 8844 5720.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 479.83 CUPS, LIDS, STRAWS 392812 8845 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 509.79 TOWELS, TISSUE, LINERS 00002116 392813 8846 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 344.93 LINERS, TISSUE, CUPS 392702 8848 5761.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 2,410.11 2650 2/4/2016 101000 RJM PRINTING INC. 158.50 BUSINESS CARDS 392734 88837 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 158.50 2651 2/4/2016 104672 SPRINT 16.81 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1553.6188 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 16.81 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1552.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SVC PW BUILDING 44.43 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1322.6188 TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 49.31 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1140.6188 TELEPHONE PLANNING 79.98 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 84.05 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 196.99 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1301.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL MAINTENANCE 231.50 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 16.90 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 236.10 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 16.81 ACCT 873184124 392585 JAN 2106 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 989.69 2652 2/4/2016 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 137.14 LATCH 00005972 392587 136150 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 123.80 LOCK 00005041 392586 136188 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 4.84 KNOB 00005042 392588 136417 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 265.78 2653 2/4/2016 119454 VINOCOPIA 132.00 392666 0143557-IN 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 120.00 392665 0143558-IN 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 Check # LOGIS101 Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 5 Business Unit 2653 2/4/2016 119454 VINOCOPIA Continued... 175.50 392665 0143558-IN 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 216.50 392761 0143884-IN 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 552.50 393132 0143891-IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 126.00 393131 0143892-IN 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,322.50 2654 2/4/2016 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,257.45 392692 415860-00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 1,285.45 392693 415875-00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,542.90 401389 2/4/2016 129458 ACME TOOLS 274.04 TOOLBOX, BLADES 00001143 393165 3828803 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 58.97 TOOLS FOR TRAFFIC REPAIR 00001187 393166 3855875 1330.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAFFIC SIGNALS 333.01 401390 2/4/2016 105162 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 61.52 ALARM MONITORING 393137 5813499-1/16 5111.6250 ALARM SERVICE ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 61.52 401391 2/4/2016 105991 AL'S COFFEE COMPANY 158.10 COFFEE 392766 45076 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 158.10 401392 2/4/2016 100595 ANOKA COUNTY 200.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 392838 020116 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 200.00 401393 2/4/2016 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 222.50 392624 3078253 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,165.75 392625 3078256 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 382.50 392626 3078530 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 89.00 392847 3079398 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 772.75 392846 3079400 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,168.00 392738 3079401 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,800.50 401394 2/4/2016 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 41.63 BATTERIES 00003011 392694 018-395263 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 41.63 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 6 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 - Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401394 401395 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 136267 BAUHAUS BREW LABS LLC Continued... 254.00 392627 5631 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 254.00 401396 2/4/2016 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. 576.00 PIZZA 392768 D2813998 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 576.00 401397 2/4/2016 125139 BERNICK'S 669.84 392630 274289 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 99.90 392631 274291 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 769.74 401398 2/4/2016 101296 BERTRAND, MIKE 11.79 CLEANING WIPES 392771 012716 5210.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 59.78 CANDY 392771 012716 5210.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GOLF DOME PROGRAM 71.57 401399 2/4/2016 122248 BLICK ART MATERIALS 100.23 ART SUPPLIES 392516 179650 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 19.44 ART SUPPLIES 00009458 392517 5515864 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 119.67 401400 2/4/2016 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 121.50 392632 131548 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE 50TH ST SELLING 364.50 392668 131640 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 486.00 401401 2/4/2016 122318 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE 400.00 CLUBHOUSE RENTAL 392521 9553 2611.6150 BUILDING RENTAL MUSIC IN EDINA 400.00 401402 2/4/2016 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 2,153.22 392633 1080425169 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 4,389.00 392634 1080426361 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 325.36 392635 1080426362 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 10,372.56 392636 1080427832 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 4,075.65 392637 1080427833 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,194.50 392638 1080427884 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 7 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401402 2/4/2016 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA Continued... 3,222.49 392853 1080427885 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 90.30 392670 1080427887 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 203.30 392669 1080427888 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 10,990.83 392672 1080427890 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,706.15 392674 1080427891 5842,5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 37.15 392673 1080427892 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,471.44 392671 1080427893 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 41,231.95 401403 2/4/2016 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC 4,450.83 392643 1090517553 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 850.20 392641 1090517554 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 4,215.57 392642 1090517555 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,591.15 392639 1090518285 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 23.80 392640 1090518286 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 11,131.55 401404 2/4/2016 137834 BRODZIAK, KYLE 300.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392552 5121 59TH ST W 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 300.00 401405 2/4/2016 132976 BUCKLEY, TOM 175.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 393138 012516 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 175.00 401406 2/4/2016 137837 BURNS, PAUL 125.82 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392556 5936 BEARD AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 125.82 401407 2/4/2016 114575 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES INC. 946.20 PAINT, TAPE 00001367 392562 T15028 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 946.20 401408 2/4/2016 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 1,436.10 392675 807298 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,120.80 392645 807721 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 67.00 392644 811266 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 3,623.90 401409 2/4/2016 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 8 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO4 Doc No 2/4/2016 - Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401409 2/4/2016 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Continued-. 104.45 10089900-4 392563 10089900-1/16 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 10,032.48 10437426-9 392565 10437426-1/16 5553.6186 HEAT SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 2,797.73 5546504-1 392568 5546504-1/16 1470.6186 HEAT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 6,583.46 5563827-4 392570 5563827-1/16 5210.6186 HEAT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 91.30 5584304-9 392574 5584304-1/16 7411.6186 HEAT PSTF OCCUPANCY 44.33 5584310-6 392572 5584310-1/16 7413.6186 HEAT PSTF FIRE TOWER 20.12 5590919-6 392573 5590919-1/16 7413.6582 FUEL OIL PSTF FIRE TOWER 5,862.87 5591458-4 392567 5591458-1/16 1551.6186 HEAT CITY HALL GENERAL 154.91 5596524-8 392571 5596524-1/16 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 2,100.69 8034001-1 392569 8034001-1/16 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 67.18 9546705-6 392564 9546705-1/16 5911.6186 HEAT WELL PUMPS 2,201.39 9724639-1 392566 9724639-1/16 5511.6186 HEAT ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 30,060.91 401410 2/4/2016 123898 CENTURYLINK 54.76 952 920-1565 392522 1565-1/16 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 59.09 952 920-1586 392523 1586-1/16 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 79.87 952 922-2444 392524 2444-1/16 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 59.09 952 920-8632 392775 8632-1/16 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 134.88 952 920-9996 E911 392839 9996-1/16 2310.6188 TELEPHONE E911 387.69 401411 2/4/2016 137864 CHANNEL DRIVE RE SERVICES LLC 181.55 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392825 6140 ARCTIC WAY 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 181.55 401412 2/4/2016 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES 20.57 00114667-0210000012 393168 0210000012-1/16 4090.6189 SEWER & WATER 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 912.86 00082198-0200815001 393169 200815001-1/16 4090.6189 SEWER & WATER 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 45.35 00114064-0203163012 393167 203163012-1/16 1628.6189 SEWER & WATER SENIOR CITIZENS 978.78 401413 2/4/2016 114639 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK 525.40 2015 GRIT PIT COST 00001366 392736 26212 5923.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 525.40 401414 2/4/2016 120433 COMCAST 24.78 8772 10 614 0023973 392707 23973-1/16 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 11.27 8772 10 614 0373022 392708 373022-1/16 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 36.05 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 9 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 — Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401414 401415 2/412016 2/4/2016 120433 COMCAST 135711 CONFLUENCE Continued... 20,442.91 PARK SYSTEM MASTER PLAN 392718 11746 47086.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARK PLANNING & DESIGN 7,492.50 REVISIONS TO PLAN DOCUMENT 392719 12198 47086.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARK PLANNING & DESIGN 27,935.41 401416 2/4/2016 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 31.04 CERAMIC SUPPLIES 00009438 393170 1NV000104413 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1,625.80 CLAY 00009450 393171 1NV000104586 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1,656.84 401417 2/4/2016 133672 CROIX OIL COMPANY 92.00 NOV/DEC CAR WASHES 392720 440257 1553.6238 CAR WASH EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 92.00 401418 2/4/2016 102791 D2 SERVICES INC. 3,410.00 SCADA WORK, REPORTS 00001365 392575 10658 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 3,410.00 401419 2/4/2016 137830 DRFC EDINA INDUSTRIAL BLVD LLC 22,500.00 ESCROW REFUND 392525 011916 1000.2066 ESCROW DEPOSITS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 22,500.00 401420 2/4/2016 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 2,450.55 EDITION EDINA 392721 291651 1130.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 2,450.55 401421 2/4/2016 124503 EDEN PRAIRIE WINLECTRIC CO. 31.20 TOOL 00001318 392776 12764400 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 31.20 401422 2/4/2016 100744 EDINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 30.00 MEETING - SCOTT NEAL 392777 36562 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 30.00 401423 2/4/2016 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC. 2,267.50 2010B ARBITRAGE 392722 69677 3301.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PIR DS REVENUES 2,267.50 401424 2/4/2016 136689 ENKI BREWING COMPANY INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 10 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 -- Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401424 2/4/2016 136689 ENKI BREWING COMPANY INC. Continued... 165.87 392739 5092 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 165.87 401425 2/4/2016 137836 ERNST, ERIC 122.58 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392555 5524 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET COUNTRYSIDE 122.58 401426 2/4/2016 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 114.12 BATTERIES 00005912 392526 1-Z06686 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 32.71- CREDIT 392527 69-208742 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 69.47 POLY-V KITS, POLY-V BELTS 392779 69-210033 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 39.56 FILTERS 392778 69-210118 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 190.44 401427 2/4/2016 102485 FAHRENKRUG, ROGER 2,176.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 392780 012716 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 2,176.00 401428 2/4/2016 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY 8.33 FASTENERS 00005961 392528 MNTC2134843 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 8.33 401429 2/4/2016 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 2,494.91 REPLACEMENT METER 00001364 392576 0179264 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 2,494.91 401430 2/4/2016 103039 FREY, MICHAEL 154.41 MEETING EXPENSE 393139 020116 5110.6106 MEETING EXPENSE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 154.41 401431 2/4/2016 136023 FRIENDS OF THE INSTITUTE 350.00 ART IN BLOOM ADVERTISING 393140 012916 5110.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 350.00 401432 2/4/2016 100764 G & K SERVICES 98.73 ACCT 0039263 392781 1013523407 5421.6201 LAUNDRY GRILL 98.73 401433 2/4/2016 104716 GALE-TEC ENGINEERING INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 — 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 11 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401433 2/4/2016 104716 GALE-TEC ENGINEERING INC. Continued... 12,702.13 INTERLACHEN SIDEWALK PHASE 2 392529 24666 07111.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 5-111 INTERLACHEN BLVD 12,702.13 401434 2/4/2016 137838 GEORGE, BLAIR S 103.37 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392557 6124 OAKLAWN 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 103.37 401435 2/4/2016 137866 GLASER, JONATHAN 120.70 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392826 5920 SCHAEFER 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RD 120.70 401436 2/4/2016 118941 GLOBALSTAR USA 699.36 R-91 PHONE SERVICE - 1 YEAR 392782 7075627 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 699.36 401437 2/4/2016 137874 GOETSCH, JULIA 130.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392837 6113 JEFFERY 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET LANE 130.00 401438 2/4/2016 101103 GRAINGER 76.64 TAGS 00005006 392785 9005280970 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 105.12 FILTERS 00002119 392783 9936671545 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 95.91 BATTERIES 00002122 392784 9937614239 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 264.05 PAINTBRUSHES, EARPLUGS 00005923 392530 9940518088 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 541.72 401439 2/4/2016 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 417.00 392676 192228 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 499.25 392677 192230 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 916.25 401440 2/4/2016 137866 GRAYBILL, BRIAN 94.75 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392827 77 WOODLAND CIR 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 94.75 401441 2/4/2016 132968 GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES INC. 2,500.00 REFUND NEW HOME ESCROW 392786 5513 OAKLAWN 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS AVE R55CKR2 LOGISIOI CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 12 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 — Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401441 2/4/2016 132968 GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES INC. Continued... 2,500.00 401442 2/4/2016 122947 GREEN TOUCH SYSTEMS LLC 2,388.00 CALCIUM CHLORIDE 392577 GTS5538 1318.6516 CALCIUM CHLORIDE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 2,388.00 401443 2/4/2016 100785 GREUPNER, JOE 400.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 392787 012716 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 400.00 401444 2/4/2016 100008 GRUBE, MIKE 568.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 392788 012716 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 568.00 401445 2/4/2016 102060 HALLOCK COMPANY INC 21.96 SPARE RELAYS 00001319 392578 153152-1 5921.6530 REPAIR PARTS SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 21.96 401446 2/4/2016 100798 HAYDEN-MURPHY EQUIPMENT 130.73 BELT ROLLER 00005958 392579 C99585 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 130.73 401447 2/4/2016 137867 HEDIN, DIANE M 250.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392828 312 JEFFERSON 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET AVE 250.00 401448 2/4/2016 128208 HEINZMAN, DAN 29.99 UNIFORM PURCHASE 393141 012816 5913.6201 LAUNDRY DISTRIBUTION 29.99 401449 2/4/2016 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 530.00 DEC 2015 ROOM & BOARD 392725 1000069386 1195.6225 BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES 530.00 401450 2/4/2016 105436 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 1,002.33 DEC 2015 RADIO FEES 392724 1000068884 1301.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1,002.33 401451 2/4/2016 115377 HENRICKSEN PSG R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 — 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 13 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401451 2/4/2016 115377 HENRICKSEN PSG Continued.. 3,269.07 INSTALL NEW OFFICE FURNITURE 393172 582075 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 1,071.80 OFFICE CHAIRS 393173 582076 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 4,340.87 401452 2/4/2016 137873 HO, JUNIUS 159.90 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392836 5716 BENTON AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 159.90 401453 2/4/2016 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,238.68 392648 805708 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 285.00 392646 806573 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 848.67 392647 806798 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,675.00 392678 807190 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 4,047.35 401454 2/4/2016 100417 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY 234.00 SODIUM HYPO, CHLORINE 00002124 392789 160119008 5720.6545 CHEMICALS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 234.00 401455 2/4/2016 103491 HORIZON CPO TRAINING SEMINARS 260.00 JEFF PHILLIPS 392790 CPO SEMINAR 5710.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 260.00 401466 2/4/2016 112050 IMAGE TREND INC. 875.00 CAD 2016 MAINTENANCE 392709 100284 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 875.00 401457 2/4/2016 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 607.75 392649 36167 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 635.25 392740 36356 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,243.00 401458 2/4/2016 129077 IVERSON, TRAVIS 19.87 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 393142 020116 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 19.87 401459 2/4/2016 137868 JACOBS, LINDA 68.62 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392830 7712 TANGLEWOOD 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 68.62 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 14 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 - Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401460 2/4/2016 100829 JERRY'S HARDWARE Continued... 54.30 392791 1/16-FIRE 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 3.18 392696 1/16-LIQ 5861.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON OCCUPANCY 35.99 392696 1/16-LIQ 5821.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 19.61 392840 1/16-POLICE 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 113.08 401461 2/4/2016 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 174.60- 392652 2448332 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5,907.35 392651 2467613 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 95.40 392650 2467614 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 5,786.54 392742 2467641 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 21.50 392741 2467643 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,637.58 392856 2467653 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 38.80 392855 2467655 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 14,312.57 401462 2/4/2016 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 33.41 392653 5354672 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 265.91 392654 5355744 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 72.27 392862 5359483 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,109.72 392748 5359484 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1.16 392746 5359485 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1.16 392955 5359486 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 500.48 392751 5359487 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1.16 392857 5359488 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,681.58 392861 5359493 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,837.91 392865 5359494 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE YORK SELLING 5,919.14 393073 5359495 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,882.76 392858 5359496 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,026.72 392860 5359498 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VANE YORK SELLING 99.40 392859 5359499 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,255.77 392745 5359504 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VINE VERNON SELLING 1,662.66 392743 5359505 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 339.49 392750 5359506 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5,861.93 392747 5359508 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,171.56 392744 5359509 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE VERNON SELLING 488.55 392749 5359510 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5.91- 392752 561167 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VINE YORK SELLING 19.57- 392753 561168 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 34,187.26 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 15 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401462 2/4/2016 401463 2/4/2016 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 127277 JOHNSON, KAREN Continued... 116.42 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392835 7733 TANGLEWOOD 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 116.42 401464 2/4/2016 111018 KEEPRS INC. 99.98 UNIFORMS 00003649 392792 293467 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 33.99 UNIFORMS 00003647 392710 294655-90 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 133.97 401465 2/4/2016 113212 KENDELL DOORS & HARDWARE INC. 160.80 PARKS BLDG KEYS 392793 SI027698 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 160.80 401466 2/4/2016 115192 KNUDSON, DEBBIE 384.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 392795 012716 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 384.00 401467 2/4/2016 105887 KOESSLER, JOE 156.00 DEC 2015 SERVICE 392794 011615 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 156.00 DEC 2015 SERVICES 393175 1/1/16 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 312.00 401468 2/4/2016 137872 KONAT, NICHOLAS 150.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392834 5725 DREWAVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 150.00 401469 2/4/2016 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 30.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 393176 MN MAYORS 1100.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY COUNCIL 30.00 401470 2/4/2016 111388 LEAIR, DEB 750.00 TILE WORKSHOP 393143 020116 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 750.00 401471 2/4/2016 137832 LUTZ, TONYA 44.85 ART WORK SOLD 392532 011516 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 44.85 401472 2/4/2016 135974 MACPHAIL CENTER FOR MUSIC R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 16 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 — 2/4/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401472 2/4/2016 135974 MACPHAIL CENTER FOR MUSIC Continued... 135.00 1/12/16 CLASS 392796 0010734-IN 5720.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 135.00 401473 2/4/2016 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA 288.75 HOSTING FEES 393144 215 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 288.75 401474 2/4/2016 119209 MASTER TECHNOLOGY GROUP 432.50 TROUBLE SHOOT PAGING SYSTEM 392797 505877 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 432.50 401475 2/4/2016 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 2,202.75 OLD LOG THEATER TRIP 392798 011916 1628.6103.07 TRIPS PROF SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 2,202.75 401476 2/4/2016 137831 METRO WATERSHED PARTNERS 2,950.00 JESSICA VAN DER VVERFF 392533 2016 MEMBERSHIP 1263.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ENVIRONMENT 2,950.00 401477 2/4/2016 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE 55.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 392801 279044 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 20.83 GASKET 00005894 393178 496528 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 154.98 LIFTASSEMBLIES 00005970 392802 496965 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 230.81 401478 2/4/2016 104650 MICRO CENTER 59.99 HARD DRIVE 392697 5930922 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 123.86 CDS, DVDS 392697 5930922 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 119.99 BACKUP HD 00004304 392698 5949011 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN-MIS 303.84 401479 2/4/2016 100892 MIDWEST BADGE & NOVELTY CO. INC. 33.56 ROSETTES 392534 114005 5120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 33.56 401480 2/4/2016 118464 MIDWEST TESTING LLC 220.00 VVTP 3 METER REPAIR 00001361 392535 3749 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 220.00 401481 2/4/2016 127062 MINNEHAHA BLDG. MAINT. INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 — 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 17 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401481 2/4/2016 127062 MINNEHAHA BLDG. MAINT. INC. Continued... 5.36 WINDOW WASHING 392732 928048889 5821.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 5.36 401482 2/4/2016 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 32.00 CHET BOOM 392803 EXAM FEE 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 32.00 401483 2/4/2016 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 23.00 LICENSE - DUSTIN HANLY 392804 12399 5919.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS TRAINING 23.00 401484 2/4/2016 101537 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 165.00 CERTIFICATION EXAMINATIONS 392805 (3) 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 165.00 401485 2/4/2016 101537 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 1,500.00 CONFERENCE FEE 393145 2016 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 1,500.00 401486 2/4/2016 136454 MINNESOTA PUMP WORKS 435.75 LOCATOR SERVICE 00001221 392536 8187 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 435.75 401487 2/4/2016 117837 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION 675.00 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (3) 392580 MRWA 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 675.00 401488 2/4/2016 135976 MINNETONKA EXPLORERS CLUB 15.00 OVERPAID FOR FIELD TRIP 392537 REFUND 5701.4541 GENERAL ADMISSIONS EDINBOROUGH PARK REVENUES 15.00 401489 2/4/2016 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 2,491.00 MASTER STRATEGIC PLAN BOOKLETS 392538 19496 1600.6575 PRINTING PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 2,491.00 401490 2/4/2016 128254 MN HELICOPTERS INC. 610.00 DEER REMOVAL 392841 3248 1509.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEER CONTROL 610.00 401491 2/4/2016 120024 MULCAHY COMPANY INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 18 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 — Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401491 2/4/2016 120024 MULCAHY COMPANY INC. Continued... 364.48 HVAC SEAL KITS 00001321 392711 300127 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 364.48 401492 2/4/2016 101390 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC. 2,124.67 4-GAS MONITORS 00003729 392712 00705246_SNV 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,124.67 401493 2/4/2016 134024 NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING INC. 900.00 OAKLAVVN SIDEWALK PROJECT 392539 23327 07136.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Oaklawn Ave 900.00 401494 2/4/2016 135914 NARTEC INC. 462.60 DRUG TEST KITS 00003038 392699 8252 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 462.60 401495 2/4/2016 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 328.50 392679 107101 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 328.50 401496 2/4/2016 103106 NLSC PRODUCTS INC. 248.79 LEDS FOR SOFFIT LIGHTS 00001298 392581 93845 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 796.04 LED POOL LIGHTS 392806 93937 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 1,044.83 401497 2/4/2016 137871 NOLTING, LORRAINE 50.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392833 7025 MCCAULEY 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET TR 50.00 401498 2/4/2016 104232 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC 339.40 SUB ASSEMBLIES 392582 40432 7412.6530 REPAIR PARTS PSTF RANGE 339.40 401499 2/4/2016 137879 NOVUSOLUTIONS 10,450.00 NOVUS AGENDA PACKET 393181 23821 1185.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 10,450.00 401500 2/4/2016 102712 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 178.22 LANGUAGE LINE 392733 W15120742 1400.6204 TELETYPE SERVICE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 178.22 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 19 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401500 401501 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 102712 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 101659 ORKIN Continued.. 124.30 12079684 392810 12079684-1/16 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 20.00 12557616 392809 12557616-1/16 1375.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKING RAMP 130.00 12557623 392807 JAN 2016 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 20.00 12557635 392808 JAN 2016 1375.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKING RAMP 294.30 401502 2/4/2016 137829 PANOPTICON INVESTIGATIONS 1,500.00 INVESTIGATOR TRAINING SEMINARS 392541 16-0005 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,500.00 401503 2/4/2016 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 2,722.94 392680 8533562-IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 130.50 392681 8533567-IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,987.91 392656 8533569-IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD 1MNE VERNON SELLING 4,841.35 401504 2/4/2016 133047 PENTAGON NORTH LLC 179,335.14 LCA GRANT 393182 2015 4421.4214 STATE GRANT PENTAGON REVIVAL 179,335.14 401505 2/4/2016 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 680.94 392700 51067646 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 242.30 392814 51067680 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 923.24 401506 2/4/2016 137870 PETERSON, WAYNE & DOROTHY 120.00 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392832 6900 SOUTHDALE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RD 120.00 401507 2/4/2016 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 546.52 392756 2920916 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 642.14 393130 2920917 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 143.83 393129 2920922 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 756.52 393126 2920923 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 648.76 393128 2920924 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 324.64 393127 2920925 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,409.41 392757 2920928 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 20 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 — 2/4/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401507 2/4/2016 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Continued... 679.37 392754 2920929 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,055.56 392758 2920930 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 54.16 392755 2920931 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 6,260.91 401508 2/4/2016 134390 PINSONNEAULT, GRETCHEN 26.00 SNOWSHOE CLASS REFUND 392842 012916 1628.4392 SENIOR CENTER SENIOR CITIZENS 26.00 401609 2/4/2016 111779 PIONEER RESEARCH CORPORATION 1,756.80 BRINE ENHANCER 392583 244459 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 1,756.80 401510 2/4/2016 101110 POLLY NORMAN PHOTOGRAPHY 250.00 STAFF PHOTOS 392713 012116 1130.6408 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 250.00 401511 2/4/2016 137067 PUBLIC SECTOR PROFESSIONALS 2,027.05 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 393146 5 47095.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ROSLAND PK - PICKLEBALL COURTS 2,027.05 401612 2/4/2016 134496 REFINED LLC 141.75 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392829 4400 BRANSON ST 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 181.91 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392554 5429 OAKLAWN 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 323.66 401513 2/4/2016 137869 REMMEN, GLADYS 91.18 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392831 7112 HEATHERTON 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 91.18 401514 2/4/2016 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 199.68 SOFTENER SALT 00001322 392815 00327759 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 133.44 SOFTENER SALT 00001323 392816 00327763 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 333.12 401515 2/4/2016 135215 ROCKIN' HOLLYWOODS, THE 750.00 MUSIC IN EDINA 393147 020116 2611.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC IN EDINA 750.00 401516 2/4/2016 134173 SAFE-FAST INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 — 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 21 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401516 2/4/2016 134173 SAFE-FAST INC. Continued 20.00 SAFETY GLASSES 00005924 392542 1NV163532 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 20.00 SAFETY GLASSES 00005924 392542 1NV163532 1646.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 28.80 SAFETY GLASSES 00005924 392542 INV163532 1553.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 20.00 SAFETY GLASSES 00005924 392542 1NV163532 5913.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTION 88.80 401517 2/4/2016 100988 SAFETY KLEEN 182.96 RECYCLE PARTS WASHER 392584 69046292 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 182.96 401518 2/4/2016 134412 SANTONI, HILARY 111.75 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 393148 020116 2611.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MUSIC IN EDINA 111.75 401519 2/4/2016 100995 SEH 2,219.01 ANTENNA PROJECTS 393183 309754 1001.4722 RENTAL OF PROPERTY GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2,219.01 401620 2/4/2016 101106 SERVICEMASTER 1,650.00 TRASHROOM FLOOR CLEANING 393184 53984 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 1,650.00 401521 2/4/2016 104098 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 27,643.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 392543 B04493168 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 27,643.00 401522 2/4/2016 120784 SIGN PRO 185.00 DASHERBOARD 392735 9968 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENAADMINISTRATION 185.00 401523 2/4/2016 132195 SMALL LOT MN 948.33 392682 5511 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 948.33 401524 2/4/2016 136580 SOCIABLE CIDER WERKS LLC 150.00 392657 2825 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 150.00 401525 2/4/2016 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 1,102.45 392658 1370342 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 22 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 2/4/2016 - Inv No 2/4/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401525 2/4/2016 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS Continued... 520.80 392686 1371364 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD \NINE 50TH ST SELLING .80 392685 1371367 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,389.78 392688 1371367 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 363.60 392687 1371369 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,262.47 392684 1371370 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 3,003.20 392683 1371371 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD \NINE YORK SELLING 2,310.91 392659 1371372 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 111.20 392690 1371373 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 80.80 392661 1371374 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 6,714.60 392691 1371375 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 126.33 392689 1371376 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,505.20 392660 1371377 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VANE VERNON SELLING 22,492.14 401526 2/4/2016 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 168.00 392663 7438 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 126.00 392662 7477 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 294.00 401527 2/4/2016 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. 735.92 TIRES 00005967 392589 10137584 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 624.96 TIRES 00005039 392590 10137627 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,360.88 401528 2/4/2016 122459 SUPREME INTERNATIONAL 938.71 APPAREL 392817 V1285930 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 938.71 401529 2/4/2016 103307 SWANSON, LEE 274.93 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392591 012216 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 274.93 401530 2/4/2016 136860 SYSCO WESTERN MINNESOTA 638.56 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392818 601260047 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 608.22 CONCESSION PRODUCT 392703 601260048 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 1,246.78 401531 2/4/2016 120297 TADYCH, BRIAN 199.95 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392592 012516 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 199.95 R55CKR2 Check # LOGIS101 Date Amount CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 23 Business Unit 401531 401532 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 120297 TADYCH, BRIAN 104932 TAYLOR MADE Continued... 205.00- CREDIT 392820 31344790 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,330.92 GOLF BALLS 392819 31346273 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 630.00- CREDIT 392821 31346712 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 495.92 401533 2/4/2016 136725 TECH DUMP 15.00 RECYCLE CRT/TV 393185 29633 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 15.00 401534 2/4/2016 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 780.00 392664 1024339 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,697.05 392760 1027837 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 146.95 392759 1030307 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,624.00 401535 2/4/2016 120700 TIGER OAK MEDIA 646.75 EXPLORE EDINAAD 392704 2016-152579 5760.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 215.57 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 392593 2016-155204 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 215.59 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 392593 2016-155204 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 215.59 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 392593 2016-155204 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 1,293.50 401536 2/4/2016 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 55.42 WELDING GLOVES, GLASSES 00005993 392544 10117513 1553.6580 WELDING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 124.11 WIRE 00005995 392545 10117711 1553.6580 WELDING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 179.53 401537 2/4/2016 103982 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 447.00 WIND COLLAR ASSEMBLIES 00001250 392546 88739 2501.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PACS IS 447.00 401538 2/4/2016 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 502.13 TOWELS, TISSUE, CAN LINERS 392822 375286-00 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 29.22 CAN LINERS 392823 375286-01 5210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 293.58 LIQUOR BAGS 392705 375690-00 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 824.93 401539 2/4/2016 137863 VICKMAN, KURT R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Council Check Register by GL Page - 24 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 401539 2/4/2016 137863 VICKMAN, KURT Continued... 37.19 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392824 6117 HALIFAX 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 37.19 401540 2/4/2016 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 34.53 F-CONNECTORS 00001316 392594 1070532 1330.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAFFIC SIGNALS 53.45 392595 1070585 1330.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAFFIC SIGNALS 53.45- 392596 CM637710 1330.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAFFIC SIGNALS 34.53 401541 2/4/2016 137833 VIKING TROPHIES AWARDS & RECONGNITION 698.71 APPAREL FOR STAFF 392547 123997 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 698.71 401542 2/4/2016 104820 VOELKER, JAMES 40.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 392597 012216 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 40.00 401543 2/4/2016 120521 WADDICK, LOUANN 85.00 FRESHWATER CONFERENCE 392548 REIMBURSE 1122.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM 85.00 401544 2/4/2016 137835 WILLOW CREEK DEVELOPMENT GROUP LLC 210.44 FINAL-OVERPAYMENT REFUND 392553 5936 WOODDALE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 210.44 401545 2/4/2016 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 121.16- 392764 706452 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE 50TH ST SELLING 534.26 392763 7066550 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE VERNON SELLING 813.68 393133 7066551 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,886.10 393134 7066554 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 727.48 392762 7066555 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,840.36 401546 2/4/2016 105740 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 2,387.50 TRAFFIC STUDY 392737 3-01686-680 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 2,387.50 401547 2/4/2016 101726 XCEL ENERGY 42.94 51-4420190-3 392549 487158262 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER CITY HALL GENERAL 35.86 51-0223133-2 393157 487407065 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL R55CKR2 Check # LOGIS101 Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 25 Business Unit 401547 2/4/2016 101726 XCEL ENERGY Continued... 12.27 51-0160483-1 393156 487407291 1330.6185 LIGHT & POWER TRAFFIC SIGNALS 87.05 51-4827232-6 393162 487493548 5311.6185 LIGHT & POWER POOL OPERATION 193.96 51-6046826-0 393163 48749434 5422.6185 LIGHT & POWER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 74.49 51-6692497-0 393158 487512477 1460.6185 LIGHT & POWER CIVILIAN DEFENSE 5,877.53 51-6644819-9 392844 487512569 5720.6185 LIGHT & POWER EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 25.56 51-8102668-0 393161 487530804 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 110.20 51-9770164-7 393160 487546883 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 875.41 51-0010166207-2 393150 487559898 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 136.02 51-0010619455-3 393154 487565102 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 24.06 51-0010573502-3 393153 487572400 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 12.60 51-0010619811-5 393155 487575282 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 26.27 51-0010573384-9 393151 487575406 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 23.07 51-9770163-6 393159 487580664 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 30.97 51-0010103585-7 393164 487583784 5210.6185 LIGHT & POWER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 26.50 51-0010573385-0 393152 487588946 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 30.43 51-8976004-9 393149 487717886 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 7,057.62 51-6955679-8 392843 488046537 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER CITY HALL GENERAL 14,702.81 401548 2/4/2016 120099 Z WINES USA LLC 816.50 393135 16529 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 816.50 401549 2/4/2016 101572 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 1,790.00 CONVEYOR BELTS 00005954 392598 0158191-IN 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,790.00 401550 2/4/2016 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 175.49 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES 392599 54062500 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 175.49 401551 2/4/2016 101091 ZIEGLER INC 80.33 FILTERS, BELTS 00005963 392550 PC001741292 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 243.64 FILTERS, OIL 00005966 392551 PC001741817 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 323.97 795,307.05 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 568,017.55 A/P ACH Payment 227,289.50 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 2/4/2016 -- 2/4/2016 2/2/2016 11:34:09 Page - 26 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 795,307.05 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks A/P ACH Payment Total Payments 568,017.55 227,289.50 795,307.05 R55CKS2 LOGIS100 Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 176,857.56 02300 POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 134.88 02500 PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY 5,973.68 02600 ARTS AND CULTURE FUND 1,261.75 03300 PIR DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,267.50 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 273,164.17 04200 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 9,619.13 05100 ART CENTER FUND 3,319.03 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 6,837.36 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 87.05 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 5,757.45 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 2,403.29 05550 SPORTS DOME FUND 10,032.48 05700 EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 13,190.46 05750 CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 3,020.00 05800 LIQUOR FUND 168,921.22 05900 UTILITY FUND 85,835.79 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 25,688.01 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 936.24 Report Totals 795,307.05 CITY OF EDINA 2/2/2016 11:34:19 Council Check Summary Page - 1 2/4/2016 - 2/4/2016 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing poll les and z proc• . date 2et ilArthit 7 AIINPIm7-' - • Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2016-23, approving a Site Plan with Variances for Bank of America at 6868 France Avenue Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt the attached resolution approving the site plan and variances as proposed by Bank of America. INTRODUCTION: The City Council considered revised plans for a new Bank of America building on February 2nd, and authorized staff to prepare a resolution with findings and conditions for approval. Attached is the approving resolution and plans considered on February 2nd. ATTACHMENTS: Description Proposed Plans recommended for approval Resolution No. 2016-23 DJRARCHITECTURE INC. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW 6868 France Avenue South Edina, MN 554345 February 02, 2016 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATIONNORTH ELEVATION DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT SOUTH ELEVATION DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT EAST ELEVATION DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT NORTH ELEVATION DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT WEST ELEVATION DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT ROAD BOULEVARD 7’-6” SIDEWALK 5’-0”10’-0”2’-0” 6” PLANTING STRIP FOR VINES 8” STONE RETAINING WALL ATM ISLAND 5’-6” PARKINGDRIVE LANE ARBOR- VITAE DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT BANK OF AMERICA CONSULTANT:EDINA, MN DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT Bank Of america cOnsultant:edina, mn 09010 09 010 09010 0 9010 R e c all F il e C a binet 1 8" D x 15" W File Cabinet 18"D x 15"W Kenmore29-5/8"W x31-7/8" D HOSTSTATION DIGITALPOSTER TABLETCABINET 4 F G 6 E B 1 5 10 A.1 C OBDMERCHANDISINGCEILING UTILITYCART 3 C.1 92 D.1 MW-09 FC M WS-3 WS-2 WS-2 CH-20TYP.TB-2 RECESSEDDIGITAL WALL WC-11c CHECKDESK BMA50078 HI-LODFHI-LODF MW-07 125 SF FSA102122 SF FSA103122 SF MLO104119 SF CBSBB105 111 SF UCR 2107 112 SF UCR 4109 111 SF UCR 5110 61 SF UCC116 99 SF NER117 MW-01 7 WS-1 WS-1 WS-1 WS-1WS-1 FE C - 1 WS-1 WS-1 WS-1 CH-5b CH-5b CH-12 CH-12 CH-15e TB-6CH-15f CH - 8 b POWERBAR LOCKERS PORTAL CEILING DROP CEILING MW-12A MW-12B TB-6 CUSTOMBANQUETTE PLANTER CH - 8 b A 11 CANOPY OVERHANGPLANTER TB-6 SP R I N K L E R P U M P AN D R I S E R BMA80084 BMA80050 MW-18 MW-13 MW-11 CREDENZA MONITOR - SIZE TBD CH-20TYP.TB-2 WC-11c WC-11c WC-11c CH - 8 b CH - 8 b CH - 8 b CHECKDESK 3' - 0" 15' - 11"31' - 8"3' - 5"75' - 3 1/2" 13' - 3"18' - 0 1/2"11' - 10 1/2"19' - 11"38' - 7 1/2"6' - 6"3' - 6 1/2"12' - 9 1/2"4' - 3"6' - 2" 9' - 6 1/2" 135' - 10 1/2" 3' - 0 " 25 ' - 6 " 2' - 7 1 / 2 " 20 ' - 0 " 51 ' - 1 1 / 2 " 61 ' - 7 1 / 2 " 2' - 0 " 63 ' - 7 1 / 2 " 32' - 3 1/2"11' - 3"63' - 6 1/2"28' - 7 1/2" 135' - 8" 19' - 11"38' - 7 1/2"6' - 6"3' - 6 1/2"12' - 9 1/2"4' - 3"13' - 3"18' - 0 1/2"11' - 10 1/2" 9' - 0 " 11' - 0" 5' - 0 "4' - 0" 1' - 6"1' - 6" 1' - 6" 1' - 0 " 1' - 7 1 / 8 " 536 SF ATMVESTIBULE100A CH-5b 1' - 6 " 1' - 6" 2' - 0" 4' - 9 " FEATURE WALL156 SF PRIVATEOFFICE162 127 SF PRIVATEOFFICE163 126 SF PRIVATEOFFICE164 128 SF PRIVATEOFFICE165 3' - 4 9 / 1 6 " 3' - 0 3 / 4 " 3' - 1 " 4' - 0" 8' - 0 " 3' - 0" 32 SF IDF156 112 SF CASHIER/MAIL ROOM154 75 SF WORKROOM155 109 SF CABENCHING158 91 SF BREAKROOM161 32 SF UNISEXRESTROOM160 380 SF HALL157 191 SF CONFERENCE159 4 SF CLOSET153 118 SF RECEPTION15261 SF VESTIBULE151 3' - 5" MAIL SLOTS OUTGOING MAIL DW MIC TRASHREC. RE F 5' - 8 3 / 8 " IC E WA T E R CO F F E E 51 ' - 1 1 / 4 " 4' - 0 " 3' - 2 1 / 4 " DISPLAY DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. EDINA, MN BANK OF AMERICACONSULTANT Bank Of america cOnsultant:edina, mn RESOLUTION NO. 2016-23 RESOLUTION APPROVING A SITE PLAN WITH VARIANCES AT 6868 FRANCE AVENUE TO BUILD 6,933 SQUARE FOOT LEED CERTIFIED BANK OF AMERICA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 Bank of America is proposing to tear down the existing 3,098 square-foot Think Bank, and construct a new 6,933 square foot building for a bank with a drive-up ATM and office space for Merrill Lynch. The legal description of the subject property is: That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 28, Range 24 lying Easterly of the Westerly line of Valley View Road except that part thereof lying South of the North line, and its Westerly extension, of the plat of South Office Park First Addition. Hennepin County, Minnesota. 1.02 The applicant has applied for: 1. Site Plan Review 2. Parking Stall Variance from 1,738 spaces to 1,581 spaces. 3. Front Setback Variance from 35 feet to 20 feet for the ATM drive through. 4. Variance to allow an ATM drive through to be located on a side of a building that faces property zoned R-1, Single-dwelling unit district. 1.03 With the exception of the requested Variances, the proposed plans meet all minimum Zoning Ordinance Requirements. 1.04 On October 14, 2014, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed Site Plan and Variances subject to findings and conditions. Vote: 5 Ayes and 3 Nays. 1.05 On November 4, 2015 the City Council held a public hearing and reviewed the applications. The City Council authorized staff to prepare findings for denial of the requested Site Plan with Variances. Vote: 3 Ayes and 2 Nays. 1.06 On November 17, 2015, the City Council accepted the applicant’s request for a development review time line extension to allow the applicant time to revise their plans to address concerns raised by the City Council. 1.07 On January 6, 2016, the applicant extended the 60-day rule development time line to February 17, 2016. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-23 Page Two 1.08 On February 2, 2016, the City Council reviewed revised development and building plans. The building has been moved back away from the street to meet all required setbacks. A boulevard style sidewalk and boulevard trees have been added next to the proposed drive-through. The building was revised to have an entrance on France Avenue; and additional windows have been added to the Valley View Road and France Avenue elevation. The front elevations on the street show better street engagement and life within the building. Retaining walls and landscaping have been added to the front. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 The Subject Property is guided OR, office Residential in the City’s Comprehensive Plan and is Zoned POD-2, Planned Office District. 2.02 Existing Subject Property Features: The subject property is 21.8 acres in size, is relatively flat and contains an office building, a vacant bank and the Tavern on France Restaurant. 2.03 The proposal would meet the required standards and ordinances for a Site Plan with the exception of the setback and parking space variances. 2.04 The findings for a variance are met. The practical difficulty is caused by the unique triangular shape of the property with two street fronts on the two “long sides” of the site. 2.05 The variance is reasonable. The applicant could meet the city code for drive-through location by moving it behind the building closer to France Avenue. In doing so, the circulation in the existing parking lot would be disrupted. The drive-through would become highly visible from France Avenue, and it would make future development along France Avenue between the Bank and Tavern on France limited. The proposed drive-through location would simply replace an area that currently exists with parking. This area sits lower than the street, and would be screened by landscaping and a retaining wall. 2.06 The residential area to the west is heavily screened already by vegetation and fencing. Therefore, this drive-through would not be visible from existing homes. This area would be less visible from France Avenue than the existing drive-through on the site. 2.07 The drive-through would be adequately screened without compromising security. 2.08 A parking study was done by Spack Consulting, which concludes that the City Code required parking is not necessary for the site. The site functions today with an overage of 500 stalls. 2.09 A proof-of-parking plan has been approved for the site for an additional 130 spaces. The applicant does not believe that these stalls will be needed, but have agreed to construct them if parking becomes a problem. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-23 Page Two Section 3. DECISION NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina: 1. The site plan with a front setback variance from 35 feet to 20 feet for the ATM drive through, a variance to allow an ATM drive through to be located on a side of a building that faces property zoned R-1, Single-dwelling unit district and a parking space variance from 1,738 to 1,581 spaces at 6868 France Avenue are approved. 2. Approval of the Site Plan is subject to the following conditions: A. The site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped January 29, 2016. • Grading plan date stamped January 29, 2016. • Landscaping plan date stamped January 29, 2016. • Building elevations date stamped January 29, 2016. • Drive-through elevations date stamped January 29, 2016. • Building materials board as presented at the City Council meeting on February 2, 2016. B. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a final landscape plan must be submitted, subject to staff approval. Landscape plan must meet all minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. Additionally, a performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures. C. The property owner is responsible for replacing any required landscaping that dies. D. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. E. Compliance with the conditions required by the city engineer in his memo dated October 7, 2015. F. Building plans are subject to review and approval of the fire marshal at the time of building permit. G. Bike racks must be provided to meet all Zoning Ordinance requirements. H. The three existing islands in the parking lot, north of the proposed building shall be landscaped including over-story trees. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-23 Page Two Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, on February 17, 2016. ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of February 17, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2016 _________________________________ City Clerk Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Dave Nelson, Chief of Police Item Activity: Subject:Temporary Intoxicating On-Sale Liquor License Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Temporary Intoxicating On-Sale Liquor License for the Our Lady of Grace Fish Fry, March 18, 2016. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Temporary Intoxicating On-Sale Liquor License February 17, 2016 Mayor and Council David Nelson, Chief of Police Temporary Intoxicating On-Sale Liquor License – Our Lady of Grace, March 18, 2016 Information / Background: Our Lady of Grace Church has applied for a Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for their Fish Fry on March 18, 2016 from 4:30 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. The event will be held in the on-site social hall and in the adjoining kitchen. The applicants are eligible for the Liquor License and have submitted plans to meet the special requirements for a Temporary License under City Code. There have been no problems with prior temporary licenses issued to this facility. Our lady of Grace has hired the Edina Police Department to provide security for this event. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Eric Roggeman, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance No. 2016-02: Setting Morningside Water Rates Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Ordinance 2016-02 Amending Code Section 2-724 Section A setting Morningside water rates, including waiver of second reading. INTRODUCTION: The Ordinance can be approved, including waiver of second reading, at this Council meeting with a 4/5 favorable vote. First reading of the Ordinance would require 3/5 favorable vote at this meeting and then 3/5 favorable vote for the second reading at a later meeting. The attached staff report describes water rates for the Morningside area in detail. ATTACHMENTS: Description Morningside Water Rates Staff Report Ordinance 2016-02 Morningside Water Rates                 February 17, 2016 Mayor and City Council Eric Roggeman, Finance Director  Ordinance No. 2016-02 Setting Morningside Water Rates Information / Background: The City of Minneapolis provides the water used by much of the Morningside area of Edina. Edina pays Minneapolis for the water that comes into our City from Minneapolis based on a contracted rate. The contracted rate that Edina pays is proportional to the rates the Minneapolis City Council sets for their own residents. The Minneapolis City Council recently approved new rates for their residents and notified the City of Edina that we will pay $2.18 per 100 cubic feet of water in 2016, compared to $2.10/100 cubic feet in 2015. The City of Edina also provides services to this area in the form of meter reading, billing, water distribution infrastructure, and other services except for the water itself. To help offset the cost of these Edina-provided services, we charged $0.44/100 cubic feet in 2015. Staff is recommending to Council an increase for the Edina portion of the charge to $0.46/100 cubic feet in 2016, consistent with the most recent rate study and the water rate increases Council recently approved for the rest of Edina. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 (1,000 gallons)* Minneapolis charge $2.04 $2.03 $2.10 $2.18 $2.91 Edina charge $0.40 $0.42 $0.44 $0.46 $0.61 Total rate $2.44 $2.45 $2.54 $2.64 $3.52 *Edina is changing the unit of measure for water and sewer services in 2016, including in the Morningside area. Existing charges are based on a unit of 100 cubic feet (about 750 gallons), while the new unit of measure will be 1,000 gallons. Staff believes that most residents will better understand their usage and bills if 1,000 gallons are used as our unit of measure. Our new meters read in gallons. The rates are designed to create the same amount of revenue for the City regardless of the unit of measure used. ORDINANCE NO. 2016-02 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 2-724 are amended to read as follows: Chapter and Section Purpose of Fee/Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Chapter 28 28-43(b) Water Service: City Staff will determine which accounts will be billed in cubic feet and which accounts will be billed in gallons and use the appropriate rates for each. 1. Per 100 cubic feet for areas of city, except in the Morningside area $1.52 Up to 3,500 cubic feet $1.52 Up to 3,500 cubic feet $2.02 3,600 to 6,500 cubic feet $2.02 3,600 to 6,500 cubic feet $3.16 Over 6,500 cubic feet $3.16 Over 6,500 cubic feet $2.54 Per 100 cubic feet— Morningside area $2.64 Per 100 cubic feet—Morningside area 2. Per 1,000 gallons for areas of city, except in the Morningside area $2.03 Up to 26,000 gallons $2.03 Up to 26,000 gallons $2.70 26,001 to 49,000 gallons $2.70 26,001 to 49,000 gallons $4.22 Over 49,000 gallons $4.22 Over 49,000 gallons $3.39 Per 1,000 gallons—Morningside area $3.52 Per 1,000 gallons—Morningside area Section 2. The effective date of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be March 1, 2016. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: Attest: ____________________________ ______________________________ Debra Mangen-City Clerk James B. Hovland-Mayor  Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Traffic Safety Report of January 6, 2016 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve the Traffic Safety Report of January 6, 2016. INTRODUCTION: The Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) reviewed the January 6, 2016 Traffic Safety Report at their January 21 meeting and moved to forward the report to the City Council for approval; see attached draft minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of January 6, 2016 Draft Minutes: ETC, Jan. 21, 2016 The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on January 06. The City Engineer, Assistant City Planner, Traffic Safety Coordinator, Sign Coordinator, Transportation Planner and Police Lieutenant were in attendance for this meeting. For these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the January 21 Edina Transportation Commission and the February 17 City Council meeting agendas. Section A : Items on which staff recommends action A1. Request for crosswalk across Division Street at Rutledge Avenue or further control at the intersection This request comes from neighbors near Todd Park who have several concerns on Division Street traffic in the neighborhood, especially cutting off access for the southern part of the neighborhood to Todd Park. There already exist stop signs for northern and southern approaches, of Rutledge Avenue into the intersection, leaving Division Street uncontrolled. Rutledge is a local street in the comprehensive plan, while Division Street is classified as a local connector. In a 2014 speed study at the site, Division Street was seen as having an ADT of 615 and an 85th-percentile speed of 29.2 mph near this intersection. Saturday was seen as comparable with an ADT of 583 and the same 85th-percentile speed. A video study taken this fall was analyzed and found that in a two hour period on Saturday from 3:30-5:30 PM 25 pedestrians crossed Division Street. Of these 25 crossings 18 pedestrians used the west side of the intersection to cross. Vehicle counts were not taken on Rutledge January 21, 2016 Edina Transportation Commission Joe Totten, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of January 06, 2016 Information / Background: Map : Division Street and Rutledge Avenue, Todd Park is northwest of the intersection. Traffic Safety Preview of Jan. 06, 2016 Page 2 Street, and these were not tabulated because no weekday was studied for 24 hours, however Division Street has the major approaches at this intersection. No crashes have been reported in this location in the last five years. After review, staff recommends that a crosswalk be placed on the west side of this intersection, across Division Street. The alternate request for further intersection control is not recommended at this time due to a lack of warrants, or other evidence of a dangerous situation. A2. Request for further signage of the turn lanes at Hazelton Road and France Avenue This request concerns Hazelton Road, westbound at France Avenue. The single lane roadway expands to three lanes as it approaches the intersection and the rightmost and leftmost lanes are marked as right and left turn only, respectively. The requestor was concerned that persons turning from the center, unmarked lane were confused and did not know that lane was reserved for straight through traffic. Since Hazelton has been rebuilt no crashes involving left turns on Hazelton, related to this issue, have been observed. The signage plans for the site have a sign which shows the lane assignments for the entire approach, and did reserve the center lane for through movements. After review, staff recommends placing a plaque detailing intersection lane assignments beneath the no parking sign prior to the added auxiliary lanes. Section C : Items which staff recommends for further study C1. Request for more “No Parking” signs on Gorgas Avenue This request concerns parking concerns on Gorgas Avenue which was restricted to one sided parking in the 2015 reconstruction of the Arden Park ‘D’ neighborhood. This request concerns the idea that there are too few signs on the west side of the street, where parking is restricted. There exist only 3 signs on this side of the block, having approximately 450 feet marked as no parking. According to the MUTCD Section 2A.13 states that one inch of character height provides approximately thirty feet of legibility, and indicates minimum sign sizes of 12”x12” and 18”x18” respectively. The letter ‘P’ portion of the no parking symbol is slightly less than half the height of the sign. The signs in this Photo : Division Street at Rutledge Avenue, looking west. Map : France Avenue and Hazelton Road Photo : Hazelton Road at France Avenue, looking west Photo : The west side of Gorgas Avenue, looking south Traffic Safety Preview of Jan. 06, 2016 Page 3 neighborhood are 12” square, making the ‘P’ of the no parking symbols less than 6” tall, and legible for less than 180 feet. After review, staff recommends that this issue be revisited after the Arden Park parking study is completed later this year, and direction based on that data may be provided by City Council, and the Edina Transportation Commission. Section D : Other items handled by traffic safety D1. From the manager of the Maker’s Mark Café, a request was fielded to investigate the Pentagon Park signal for their parking lot onto 77th Street. The signal cabinet was opened and it was found that the signal was functioning properly, but recently the City reached an agreement with MnDOT for them to time this signal such as to create a coordinated system from Metro Boulevard to Computer Avenue. Discussions are ongoing on how to best coordinate the signals, as the signals do not communicate with each other at this time. D2. A request was received for the striping of the exit from Trunk Highway 100, southbound onto 70th Street to be examined, as the current merge takes too long to adequately allow for further merging into right turn lanes. The requestor was given information on who to call at the State of Minnesota’s MnDOT Metro Office to have the situation evaluated. D3. A requestor asked for signal coordination on 50th Street from France Avenue to the west end of the Grandview Area. In discussions with Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis, there were seen that four different governments controlled signals along that stretch of roadway. While trying to see if further coordination was feasible or possible, the requestor called back noting that the lights were consistently acting as if they were well coordinated and that in the last few months since the request was submitted rarely had the requestor hit more than two red lights along the stretch, and asked for his request to be closed. It is unknown if any further signal coordination was done by MnDOT, the City of Minneapolis, or Hennepin County. D4. A requestor noted that a vehicle had been driving extremely aggressively in a neighborhood, and believed this was due to a stop sign being obscured by unloading construction equipment parked within 30’ of the intersection. A site visit immediately after the call had no equipment or loading equipment on the roadway, and the contractor claims to maintain thirty feet of clear view from controlled intersections. D5. A resident was unhappy with drivers using the turnaround at the end of the resident’s cul-de-sac as a turnaround, alleging 20 vehicles a day use the cul-de-sac to turnaround. The requestor continued to note that having paid a large assessment on street construction that only the residents should have access to the road, and should be able to prevent others from using the public street. The resident was informed that the street is public and can be used by the public. D6. A resident was moving to a new residence and wanted traffic data on 56th Street to determine if the family should continue to consider a home on a more heavily traveled roadway. Daily traffic volumes and 85th-percentile speeds were provided for the road in question. Traffic Safety Preview of Jan. 06, 2016 Page 4 Appendix A: Crosswalk Warrants A. Marked crosswalks are placed at locations that are unusually hazardous or at locations not readily apparent as having pedestrian movement. B. Marked crosswalks will only be placed in an area that has 20 or more pedestrian crossings in a two- hour period. C. Marking for crosswalks will be established by measuring the “Vehicle Gap Time”. This is the total number of gaps between vehicular traffic recorded during the average five minute period in the peak hour. Criteria for markings are: 1) More than five gaps – pavement marking and signage only. 2) Less than five gaps – add actuated pedestrian signals. D. Crosswalks will not be placed on arterial roads or roads with a speed limit greater than 30 mph unless in conjunction with signalization. E. Other conditions that warrant crosswalks: 1) Routes to schools 2) Locations adjacent to libraries, community centers, and other high use public facilities. 3) Locations adjacent to public parks. 4) Locations where significant numbers of handicapped persons cross a street. 5) Locations where significant numbers of senior citizens cross a street. F. Crosswalks will only be placed at intersections. Traffic Safety Preview of Jan. 06, 2016 Page 5 Appendix B: Stop Sign Warrants When it is determined that a full stop is always required on an approach to an intersection a STOP (R1-1) sign shall be used. At intersections where a full stop is not necessary at all times, consideration should first be given to using less restrictive measures such as YIELD signs. The use of STOP signs on the minor-street approaches should be considered if engineering judgment indicates that a stop is always required because of one or more of the following conditions: A. The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or highway exceed 6,000 vehicles per day; B. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or highway. C. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction with the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12-month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Such crashes include right-angle collisions involving road users from the minor street failing to yield the right-of-way to traffic on the through street or highway. Additional warrants which do not specify the type of control are as follows; A. An intersection of a less important road with a main road where application of the normal right-of way rule would not be expected to provide reasonable compliance with the law; B. A street entering a designated through highway or street; and/or C. An un-signalized intersection in a signalized area. In addition, the use of YIELD or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches averages more the 2,000 units per day; B. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary; and/or C. Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Additional warrants from the city of Edina list that: 1. If an intersection experiences five (5) or more right angle accidents in a three (3) year period, stop signs should be considered. 2. If the presence of a sight obstruction is contributing to accidents at an intersection, removal of the sight obstruction should be sought before considering a stop sign. 3. If the 85th percentile speed on any leg of an intersection is more than five (5) MPH over the posted speed limit, a stop sign should be considered for the intersecting street. 4. If traffic volumes exceed 1,000 vehicles per day on each of the intersecting streets, stop signs should be considered. 5. Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control speed. 6. Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control volume. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 1 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Council Chambers January 21, 6:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Bass called the meeting to order. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were members Bass, Iyer, LaForce, Loeffelholz, Janovy, Nelson, Olson, Ruehl, and Spanhake. Absent at roll call were members Boettge, and Ding. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by member LaForce and seconded by member Nelson approving the meeting agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by member LaForce and seconded by member Loeffelholz approving the edited Dec. 17, 2015, minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comment – None VI.B. Traffic Safety Report of Jan. 6, 2016 Motion was made by member LaForce and seconded by member Spanhake to forward the Jan. 6, 2016, Traffic Safety Report to City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. Calendar of Events X.A. Schedule of Meeting Dates/Events VII. Adjournment at 7:45 p.m. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Ross Bintner P.E. – Environmental Engineer Item Activity: Subject:Approve Subscription Agreement with Cooperative Energy Futures Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize City Manager to Sign Subscription Agreement with Cooperative Energy Futures for Community Solar Garden Credits. INTRODUCTION: On December 1, 2015 Council considered, and on December 15, 2015 Council approved a lease agreement with Cooperative Energy Futures partnered with Innovative Power Systems (CEF). This is a follow on agreement relating to the facility that CEF is leasing space for from the City of Edina. This agreement would subscribe the City of Edina for a variable amount of CSG credits as a subscriber-of-last resort for between one and forty percent of the approximately 600 KW solar facility. This agreement will help CEF secure financing and reduce their risk of subscription transfer and cancelation. Benefits and risks to the City are similar to other subscribers described in the December 1 staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Description Subscription Agreement (non-public) Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Ross Bintner P.E. – Environmental Engineer Item Activity: Subject:Approve Subscription Agreements with US Solar and Geronimo Energy Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize City Manager to Sign Subscription Agreements with US Solar and Geronimo Energy for Community Solar Garden Credits. INTRODUCTION: A detailed report and recommendation is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Report and Recommendation US Solar form of Agreement (non-public) Geronimo form of Agreement (non-public) Financial Analysis Met Council Consideration Edina CSG Proposed Meter Allocation City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 February 17, 2016 MAYOR AND COUNCIL Ross Bintner P.E. – Environmental Engineer Approve Subscription Agreements with US Solar and Geronimo Energy. Authorize City Manager to Sign Subscription Agreements with US Solar and Geronimo Energy for Community Solar Garden Credits. Information / Background: On July 7, 2015 Council approved a joint powers agreement and letter of intent for joint powers purchase agreement with the Met Council for Community Solar Garden (CSG) bill credits. The Met Council Community Solar Collaborative has concluded CSG vendor solicitation and negotiation and conducted a lottery to equitably assign 200 kW shares of CSGs. The City of Edina letter of commitment offered 10,400,000 kWh, at the conservatively estimated production ratio of 1kW:1200 kWh, this equated to 44 (200kW shares) entries. 28 of the 44 entries were matched with CSG providers; 14 with US Solar, 13 with Tru North, and 1 share with Geronimo Energy. Each agreement is a 25 year contract to purchase CSG bill credits. The financial benefit varies for each contract; while they all provide a modest initial savings, after a financial analysis, only Geronimo and US Solar contracts are recommended. Benefits The Energy and Environment commission recommended participation in this collaborative purchase to support renewable energy. The recommended agreements also have the effect of hedging the risk of rising energy costs and are projected to save money over the contract. Local energy production also supports local jobs, reduces fuel expense, and reduces the greenhouse gas intensity of the regional power grid. Risks Risks associated with this purchase include; the possibility of paying more in the event of slowly growing or declining utility rates, the date of commercial operation may lag estimates, the credits amounts may degrade slowly over time based on the solar technology or stop all together due to REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 natural disaster, billing and credit cycles may vary slightly leading to monthly variability in cost, and future costs may be incurred due to changing billing and credits. Financial analysis Staff used example financial modeling tools provided, without warranty by the Met Council and the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS). Results from the CERTS tool are attached. Contracts with US Solar and Geronimo Energy included favorable terms and a positive net present value with conservative assumptions for the future price of energy and discount rate. The contract with Tru North did not include favorable terms and had a negative net present value under the same assumptions, so no agreement is recommended. The individual meters and facilities that will realize savings are matched per contract provider in the attached spreadsheet. Form of Agreement and Additional Approval The attached agreements describe the form of agreement, and are non- public. Multiple, functionally identical agreements will be signed matching individual CSGs with Edina meter and premise locations. Additional capacity may become available through the Met Council Community Solar Collaborative. Staff is seeking approval to sign identical agreements with Geronimo and US Solar at a later day, in the case of a 2nd drawing, up to a 10,400,000 kWh maximum. Attachments: US Solar Agreement (non-public) Geronimo Agreement (non-public) Financial Analysis Met Council Consideration Edina CSG Proposed Meter Allocation Name:Tru North 13 x Units (Fixed) 4,290,000 $0.1096 0.09914 $0.02 2.50% 0.005 0.015 Year Expected Annual Production (kWh) Subscription Rate ($/kWh) Paid to Developer Annually Bill Credit Rate Bill Credit Rate w/ RECs Received in Bill Credits Annually Annual Savings Cumulative Savings 1 4290000 $0.110 -$470,184 $0.09914 $0.11914 $511,111 $40,927 $40,927 2 4268550 $0.112 -$479,529 $0.10063 $0.12063 $514,903 $35,374 $76,301 3 4247207 $0.115 -$489,060 $0.10214 $0.12214 $518,739 $29,680 $105,980 4 4225971 $0.118 -$498,780 $0.10367 $0.12367 $522,620 $23,840 $129,820 5 4204841 $0.121 -$508,693 $0.10522 $0.12522 $526,545 $17,852 $147,673 6 4183817 $0.124 -$518,803 $0.10680 $0.12680 $530,516 $11,713 $159,386 7 4162898 $0.127 -$529,114 $0.10840 $0.12840 $534,533 $5,418 $164,804 8 4142084 $0.130 -$539,630 $0.11003 $0.13003 $538,595 -$1,035 $163,769 9 4121373 $0.134 -$550,356 $0.11168 $0.13168 $542,704 -$7,651 $156,117 10 4100766 $0.137 -$561,294 $0.11336 $0.13336 $546,860 -$14,433 $141,684 11 4080262 $0.140 -$572,450 $0.11506 $0.13506 $551,064 -$21,386 $120,298 12 4059861 $0.144 -$583,827 $0.11678 $0.13678 $555,315 -$28,512 $91,787 13 4039562 $0.147 -$595,431 $0.11853 $0.13853 $559,615 -$35,816 $55,971 14 4019364 $0.151 -$607,265 $0.12031 $0.14031 $563,963 -$43,301 $12,669 15 3999267 $0.155 -$619,334 $0.12212 $0.14212 $568,361 -$50,973 -$38,304 16 3979271 $0.159 -$631,644 $0.12395 $0.14395 $572,808 -$58,835 -$97,139 17 3959375 $0.163 -$644,197 $0.12581 $0.14581 $577,305 -$66,892 -$164,031 18 3939578 $0.167 -$657,001 $0.12769 $0.14769 $581,853 -$75,148 -$239,179 19 3919880 $0.171 -$670,059 $0.12961 $0.14961 $586,452 -$83,607 -$322,785 20 3900280 $0.175 -$683,376 $0.13155 $0.15155 $591,103 -$92,273 -$415,059 21 3880779 $0.180 -$696,958 $0.13353 $0.15353 $595,805 -$101,153 -$516,212 22 3861375 $0.184 -$710,810 $0.13553 $0.15553 $600,560 -$110,250 -$626,462 23 3842068 $0.189 -$724,938 $0.13756 $0.15756 $605,368 -$119,570 -$746,032 24 3822858 $0.193 -$739,346 $0.13963 $0.15963 $610,229 -$129,116 -$875,148 25 3803744 $0.198 -$754,040 $0.14172 $0.16172 $615,145 -$138,895 -$1,014,044 0.5% / year assumed 1.5% Expected annual bill credit increase Notes Subscription payment escalator Panel degradation factor Expected annual electricity price increase Subscription Terms See footnotes on Welcome page See footnotes on Welcome page Starting rate paid to developer ($/kWh) Starting Bill Credit rate ($/kWh) REC Payment ($/kWh) Total subscribed load (kWh/yr) Annual increase of what you pay to developer Name:US Solar 14 x Units (Fixed) 4,600,000 $0.1179 0.09914 $0.02 0 0.005 0.015 Year Expected Annual Production (kWh) Subscription Rate ($/kWh) Paid to Developer Annually Bill Credit Rate Bill Credit Rate w/ RECs Received in Bill Credits Annually Annual Savings Cumulative Savings 1 4600000 $0.118 -$542,340 $0.09914 $0.11914 $548,044 $5,704 $5,704 2 4577000 $0.118 -$539,628 $0.10063 $0.12063 $552,110 $12,482 $18,186 3 4554115 $0.118 -$536,930 $0.10214 $0.12214 $556,224 $19,294 $37,479 4 4531344 $0.118 -$534,246 $0.10367 $0.12367 $560,385 $26,139 $63,619 5 4508688 $0.118 -$531,574 $0.10522 $0.12522 $564,594 $33,020 $96,639 6 4486144 $0.118 -$528,916 $0.10680 $0.12680 $568,852 $39,935 $136,574 7 4463714 $0.118 -$526,272 $0.10840 $0.12840 $573,159 $46,887 $183,461 8 4441395 $0.118 -$523,640 $0.11003 $0.13003 $577,515 $53,874 $237,335 9 4419188 $0.118 -$521,022 $0.11168 $0.13168 $581,921 $60,899 $298,233 10 4397092 $0.118 -$518,417 $0.11336 $0.13336 $586,377 $67,960 $366,193 11 4375107 $0.118 -$515,825 $0.11506 $0.13506 $590,884 $75,059 $441,253 12 4353231 $0.118 -$513,246 $0.11678 $0.13678 $595,443 $82,197 $523,450 13 4331465 $0.118 -$510,680 $0.11853 $0.13853 $600,053 $89,374 $612,824 14 4309808 $0.118 -$508,126 $0.12031 $0.14031 $604,716 $96,590 $709,413 15 4288259 $0.118 -$505,586 $0.12212 $0.14212 $609,431 $103,846 $813,259 16 4266817 $0.118 -$503,058 $0.12395 $0.14395 $614,200 $111,142 $924,401 17 4245483 $0.118 -$500,542 $0.12581 $0.14581 $619,022 $118,480 $1,042,881 18 4224256 $0.118 -$498,040 $0.12769 $0.14769 $623,899 $125,859 $1,168,739 19 4203134 $0.118 -$495,550 $0.12961 $0.14961 $628,830 $133,280 $1,302,020 20 4182119 $0.118 -$493,072 $0.13155 $0.15155 $633,816 $140,745 $1,442,764 21 4161208 $0.118 -$490,606 $0.13353 $0.15353 $638,859 $148,252 $1,591,017 22 4140402 $0.118 -$488,153 $0.13553 $0.15553 $643,957 $155,804 $1,746,820 23 4119700 $0.118 -$485,713 $0.13756 $0.15756 $649,113 $163,400 $1,910,220 24 4099102 $0.118 -$483,284 $0.13963 $0.15963 $654,325 $171,041 $2,081,262 25 4078606 $0.118 -$480,868 $0.14172 $0.16172 $659,596 $178,728 $2,259,990 Panel degradation factor 0.5% / year assumed Expected annual electricity price increase 1.5% Expected annual bill credit increase Starting Bill Credit rate ($/kWh)See footnotes on Welcome page REC Payment ($/kWh)See footnotes on Welcome page Subscription payment escalator Annual increase of what you pay to developer Subscription Terms Notes Total subscribed load (kWh/yr) Starting rate paid to developer ($/kWh) Name:Geronimo 1 x Unit (Indexed) 275,300 $0.1072 0.09914 $0.02 NA 0.005 0.015 0.1 $0.100 Year Expected Annual Production (kWh) Subscription Rate NO FLOOR ($/kWh) Subscription Rate WITH FLOOR Paid to Developer Annually Bill Credit Rate Bill Credit Rate w/ RECs Received in Bill Credits Annually Annual Savings Cumulative Savings 1 275300 $0.107 0.107 -$29,519 $0.09914 $0.11914 $32,799 $3,280 $3,280 2 273924 $0.109 0.109 -$29,738 $0.10063 $0.12063 $33,043 $3,304 $6,584 3 272554 $0.110 0.110 -$29,960 $0.10214 $0.12214 $33,289 $3,329 $9,913 4 271191 $0.111 0.111 -$30,184 $0.10367 $0.12367 $33,538 $3,354 $13,267 5 269835 $0.113 0.113 -$30,411 $0.10522 $0.12522 $33,790 $3,379 $16,646 6 268486 $0.114 0.114 -$30,640 $0.10680 $0.12680 $34,045 $3,404 $20,050 7 267144 $0.116 0.116 -$30,872 $0.10840 $0.12840 $34,302 $3,430 $23,480 8 265808 $0.117 0.117 -$31,107 $0.11003 $0.13003 $34,563 $3,456 $26,937 9 264479 $0.119 0.119 -$31,344 $0.11168 $0.13168 $34,827 $3,483 $30,419 10 263156 $0.120 0.120 -$31,584 $0.11336 $0.13336 $35,093 $3,509 $33,929 11 261841 $0.122 0.122 -$31,827 $0.11506 $0.13506 $35,363 $3,536 $37,465 12 260531 $0.123 0.123 -$32,072 $0.11678 $0.13678 $35,636 $3,564 $41,029 13 259229 $0.125 0.125 -$32,321 $0.11853 $0.13853 $35,912 $3,591 $44,620 14 257933 $0.126 0.126 -$32,572 $0.12031 $0.14031 $36,191 $3,619 $48,239 15 256643 $0.128 0.128 -$32,826 $0.12212 $0.14212 $36,473 $3,647 $51,886 16 255360 $0.130 0.130 -$33,083 $0.12395 $0.14395 $36,759 $3,676 $55,562 17 254083 $0.131 0.131 -$33,342 $0.12581 $0.14581 $37,047 $3,705 $59,267 18 252813 $0.133 0.133 -$33,605 $0.12769 $0.14769 $37,339 $3,734 $63,001 19 251548 $0.135 0.135 -$33,871 $0.12961 $0.14961 $37,634 $3,763 $66,764 20 250291 $0.136 0.136 -$34,139 $0.13155 $0.15155 $37,933 $3,793 $70,557 21 249039 $0.138 0.138 -$34,411 $0.13353 $0.15353 $38,234 $3,823 $74,381 22 247794 $0.140 0.140 -$34,685 $0.13553 $0.15553 $38,539 $3,854 $78,235 23 246555 $0.142 0.142 -$34,963 $0.13756 $0.15756 $38,848 $3,885 $82,120 24 245322 $0.144 0.144 -$35,244 $0.13963 $0.15963 $39,160 $3,916 $86,036 25 244096 $0.146 0.146 -$35,528 $0.14172 $0.16172 $39,475 $3,948 $89,983 Sub. Rate Floor This affects the subscription rate Subscription payment escalator Panel degradation factor 0.5% / year assumed Expected annual electricity price increase 1.5% Expected annual bill credit increase Starting Bill Credit rate ($/kWh)See footnotes on Welcome page REC Payment ($/kWh)See footnotes on Welcome page Bill Credit Discount for Sub. Rate This determines the subscription rate Subscription Terms Notes Total subscribed load (kWh/yr) Starting rate paid to developer ($/kWh) Option(s) Total Savings* 25 Years Tru North 13 x Units (Fixed)($1,014,044) US Solar 14 x Units (Fixed)$2,259,990 Geronimo 1 x Unit (Indexed)$89,983 * Does not take into account Net Present Value -$1,500,000 -$1,000,000 -$500,000 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Cumulative Savings over 25 Years* Tru North 13 x Units (Fixed) US Solar 14 x Units (Fixed) Geronimo 1 x Unit (Indexed) Page - 1 SW – Business Item No. 2015-290 Management Committee Meeting date: November 18, 2015 For the Metropolitan Council meeting of November 18, 2015 Subject: Community Solar Garden Subscription Agreements Policy/Legal Reference: Thrive MSP 2040 (sustainability); Council Policy 1-2 Environmental Sustainability Procedure 1-2e Community Solar Gardens; Data Practices Policy 4-1-1; Governor Exec. Order 11-13; and Minnesota Statutes sections 216B.1641(b) (Community Solar Gardens) and 216B.1691 subd. 2f (solar energy standard) Staff Prepared/Presented: Jason Willett, 651-602-1196 Division/Department: MCES c/o Leisa Thompson, 651-602-8101 Proposed Action That the Metropolitan Council authorize the Regional Administrator to execute community solar garden subscription agreements with Geronimo Energy, Solar Stone Partners, Sun Share, U. S. Solar and TruNorth Solar, contingent on the Council successfully competing in the lottery for assignment of vendor offers. Background Thrive MSP 2040 calls for the Council to take actions to further environmental sustainability beyond our own operations. In particular, Thrive calls for the Council to provide assistance to local governments to reduce climate impacts. By advancing renewable energy development in the region, the Council is helping to reduce climate impacts relating to energy generation. Because of this, the Council led the Governmental Collaborative solar procurement, to attract proposals for solar garden participation - where the participants did not have land to host the gardens. Consistent with Data Practices law, the Council will advance proposals from the named companies for assignment (by lottery) to the governmental participants. The participating communities have the responsibility for their own review and for accepting or rejecting the proposals. No additional negotiations are contemplated. Each interested community and Council division indicated maximum amounts of solar that they would subscribe under this process - if the terms were acceptable. For MCES this is approximately 5,300 megawatt hours and for Metro Transit 13,500 megawatt hours. To identify qualified developers, the Council led a competitive solicitation process. The Council received the identified responsive and responsible proposals. The evaluation team, comprised of individuals from the Council, City of Minneapolis, and Ramsey County, reviewed the proposals for quality, for qualifications of the proposers, for experience of the proposers, the degree of proposer acceptance of the legal terms contained within the request for proposals and price offered. The evaluation team recommends moving the proposers mentioned in the proposed action, forward to the lottery process. The lottery assigns what subscriptions each community or Council division (MCES and Transit) are offered. Following the lottery and consistent with the Data Practices Act, the participating communities, including MCES and Metro Transit, will be given the specific subscription agreement terms and will have 30 days to respond yes or no to the offer(s). Once the lottery assignment is done and assuming the Council has received subscription offers, the Council staff will review the offers and ensure the offers: 1) meet the Council’s definition of economic feasibility in the sustainability policy, 2) are deemed competitive in the market by staff, and 3) the terms of the subscription agreement are deemed acceptable. Time is of the essence in realizing these opportunities. Page - 2 | METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Rationale This is an opportunity for the Council to continue to advance solar in the region. And specifically for MCES and Metro Transit to take advantage, for our rate and taxpayers, of the financial benefits associated with participating in the Community Solar Garden Program. Funding In these proposals, the Council pays only for the energy produced at each solar facility based on its subscription size. The Council will be credited on its Xcel Energy utility bills for solar generated at the Community Solar Gardens equivalent to its subscription. The expected net present value of those two cash flows, for each of the proposals will provide a financial return greater than zero, as is the Council’s sustainability policy (that is, we expect to pay less than the credits we receive over time). Total 200kw Equivalent Solar Subscriptions AVAILABLE 14.00 13.00 2.50 TOTAL RECCOMENDED 14.23 0.00 3.49 34.52 FACILITY NAME US Solar Tru North Geronimo Unsubscribed City Hall 5.02 WTP 5 4.23 WTP 3, Well 10/11 3.96 Edinborough Park 3.49 0.00 Braemar Arena M1 3.33 0.00 Public Works Facility 3.17 Braemar Arena M2 2.93 0.00 Braemar Arena M3 2.22 0.00 WTP 2, Res 3, Well 6 2.11 Braemar Arena M4 1.53 0.00 WTP 4, Well 12/13 1.42 Well 15 1.33 Well 7 1.18 Braemar Golf M1 1.05 0.00 Well 4 1.05 Braemar Arena M5 0.82 0.00 Fire Station 2 0.80 Public Safety Training (joint owner)0.74 Braemar Arena M6 0.72 0.00 WTP 1, Well 2 0.71 York Liquor 0.65 0.00 Golf Dome 0.58 Vernon Liquor 0.56 0.00 Senior Center (Joint Owner)0.55 South Parking Ramp 0.52 Centennial Lakes M1 0.46 4MG Reservoir 0.44 Art Center 0.43 50th Liquor 0.40 0.00 Swimming Pool M1 0.39 North Parking Ramp 0.32 Middle Parking Ramp 0.31 Well 3 0.29 Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Kay McAloney, HR Director Item Activity: Subject:Approve 2016 Minnesota Pay Equity Implementation Report Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2016 Minnesota Pay Equity Implementation Report. INTRODUCTION: State law requires that all units of local government submit a Pay Equity Implementation Report to the state every three years. The report for the City of Edina must be filed in 2016 using data from December 31, 2015. Every city must use a job evaluation system to determine the comparable worth value of the work performed by each class of its employees, and ensure that female-dominated jobs are not systematically paid less than male- dominated jobs of comparable worth. Human Resources worked to compile and submit the required information using data from the previous job classification study. The tests run by Pay Equity software indicates the City is in compliance. ATTACHMENTS: Description Pay Equity Posting Pay Equity Compliance Report Posting date: 41W/2 di6 Jurisdiction Name: NOTICE 2016 Pay Equity Report This jurisdiction is submitting a pay equity implementation report to Minnesota Management & Budget as required by the Local Government Pay Equity Act, Minnesota Statutes 471.991 to 471.999. The report must be submitted to the department by January 31, 2016. The report is public data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13. That means that the report is available to anyone requesting this information. This notice is being sent to all union representatives (if any) in this jurisdiction. In addition, this notice must remain posted in a prominent location for at least 90 days from the date the report was submitted. For more information about this jurisdiction's pay equity program, or to request a copy of the implementation report, please contact: tine,' tea 604/7 1/25di NO- 50 Ye- 1:4;44, ( 95-2) g 02 - 2L&2 (local contact person's name, address, telephone) For more information about the state pay equity law, you may contact the Pay Equity Office at: pav.equitystate.mn.us Pay Equity Office Minnesota Management & Budget 400 Centennial Office Building 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55155 Pay Equity Report Notice — 11/15 Page 11 Compliance Report Jurisdiction: Contact:Phone: Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina MN 55424-1330 2016 Case: Report Year: 1 - 2016 Data (Private (Jur Only)) Kay McAloney kmcaloney@edinamn.gov(952) 826-0415 E-Mail: The statistical analysis, salary range and exceptional service pay test results are shown below. Part I is general information from your pay equity report data. Parts II, III and IV give you the test results. For more detail on each test, refer to the Guide to Pay Equity Compliance and Computer Reports. I. GENERAL JOB CLASS INFORMATION Male Classes Female Classes Balanced Classes All Job Classes # Job Classes # Employees Avg. Max Monthly Pay per employee II. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TEST A. Underpayment Ratio = Male Classes Female Classes a. # At or above Predicted Pay b. # Below Predicted Pay c. TOTAL d. % Below Predicted Pay (b divided by c = d) * *(Result is % of male classes below predicted pay divided by % of female classes below predicted pay.) B. T-test Results Degrees of Freedom (DF) = Value of T = a. Avg. diff. in pay from predicted pay for male jobs = b. Avg. diff. in pay from predicted pay for female jobs = III. SALARY RANGE TEST = (Result is A divided by B) A. Avg. # of years to max salary for male jobs = B. Avg. # of years to max salary for female jobs = IV. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE PAY TEST = (Result is B divided by A) A. % of male classes receiving ESP * B. % of female classes receiving ESP *(If 20% or less, test result will be 0.00) 80 49 9 138 261 73 27 361 5,862.87 5,562.09 5,755.60 125.72 41 30 39 19 80 49 48.75 38.78 332 -2.672 $14 $172 100.16 5.99 5.98 0.00 2.50 4.08 Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.J. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Brian E. Olson, Director of Public Works Item Activity: Subject:Request For Purchase: SCADA Radio Upgrade (Leg 3) Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Replace all the radios on Community Center Tower (Leg 3 of 3). INTRODUCTION: SCADA is the communication backbone of the City's utility infrastructure allowing for remote monitoring, control and data collection in near real time. Current radios on Leg 3 are outdated and not repairable. This would conclude the radio upgrade program that began in 2013 and the cost is within $70,000 budget within the Capital Improvement Plan. Two Hardware quotes were solicited: D2 - $47,365 TCIC - $47,688 One Quote for programming and installation (sole source): D2 - $17,619 ATTACHMENTS: Description Radio Upgrade Quote TCIC Radio Upgrade Quote D2 Radio Protgramming/Installation D2 QUOTATION 628 Mendelssohn Avenue North Quotation No Golden Valley, MN 55427 CE020116 (763) 557-6648 FAX (763) 557-6408 Craig@TCICINC.Com Date Issued 2/1/2016 To: David Goergen City of Edina 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 952-292-1554 phone fax Good Thru Sales Rep FOB Terms JOB 30 Days Craig Ross Net 30 Community Ctr Item Number Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price CALAMP 140-5098-504 VIPER-SC-900, MAS 928-960 MHZ Licensed Serial\Ethernet Radios 24 $1,900.00 $45,600.00 TCIC CXTA407G-02 2Ft Superflex Jumper cable, TNC Male to N Male 22 $40.00 $880.00 CXTA407G-10 10Ft Superflex Jumper cable, TNC Male to N Male 1 $58.00 $58.00 CSP1NB90 Critec surge device, N Female, N Female 23 $50.00 $1,150.00 Pricing above does not include any taxes or shipping that may apply NOTES:Delivery---1-2 Weeks Minimum Order: $150, below minimum fee $25 $47,688.00 Prices do not include tax or shipping charges. Restocking: Mfg Restocking fee 3% Credit Card Processing Fee Authorized by: Craig Ross TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRICE QUOTATIONS Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by TCIC, all quotations are offered for immediate acceptance. All prices quoted are valid only if Buyer’s requested delivery date (including any change orders) is within thirty (30) days of the date on which the original order is placed. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by TCIC, all prices quoted are exclusive of all taxes (except taxes levied against TCIC’s income) including state and local use, sales, property (ad valorem) and similar taxes. Buyer agrees to pay such taxes unless Buyer has provided TCIC with an exemption resale certificate in the appropriate form for the jurisdiction of Buyer’s place of business and any jurisdiction to which equipment is to be directly shipped hereunder or unless such sale is otherwise exempt from such taxes. When applicable, such taxes shall appear as a separate item on TCIC’s invoice. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by TCIC, all quotations are exclusive of freight charges. PAYMENT AND SECURITY TERMS Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by TCIC, Buyer shall pay all invoices issued within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice receipt. Invoices shall be deemed to have been given and received on the third (3rd) business day following the mailing thereof. TCIC reserves the right to change the credit terms at any time, when in TCIC’s opinion Buyer’s financial condition or previous payment record so warrants. On any invoice not paid by maturity date of thirty (30) days from receipt of invoice (as defined in 2(a) above) Buyer shall pay interest from maturity to date of payment at the annual percentage rate of 18% (or such lower rate as may be the maximum allowable by law), together with TCIC’s costs of collection (including reasonable attorneys’ fees). Buyer agrees to pay the entire amount of each invoice rendered by TCIC pursuant to the terms of each such invoice without offset or deduction Should Buyer become delinquent in the payment of any sum due TCIC, after ten (10) days from the date of written notice to Buyer, TCIC shall not be obligated to continue performance under any agreement with Buyer. Buyer hereby grants and TCIC reserves a purchase money security interest in each product purchased hereunder, and in any proceeds thereof, for the amount of its purchase price. Buyer nominates and appoints TCIC as its attorney-in-fact for the sole purpose of executing and filing, on Buyer’s behalf, UCC-1 financing statements (and any appropriate amendments thereto) or a suitable substitute document (including this document) under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code or local law for the purchased products. Payment in full of the purchase price of any product purchased hereunder shall release the security interest on that product. DELIVERY DATES Shipments of any products purchased are subject to availability. TCIC shall make every reasonable effort to meet any delivery date(s) quoted or acknowledged. However, TCIC will not be liable for its failure to meet such date(s). UNLESS CLIENT SPECIFIES “SHIP COMPLETE ONLY”, PARTIAL SHIPMENTS WILL BE MADE AND CLIENT WILL BE INVOICED FOR PRODUCTS SHIPPED. DELAYS IN PERFORMANCE TCIC shall not be liable for any delay in performance hereunder due to unforeseen circumstances or due to causes beyond its control including, but not limited to, acts of nature, acts of government, labor disputes, delays in transportation, and delays in delivery or inability to deliver by TCIC’s suppliers. SHIPMENT, RISK OF LOSS AND PACKING TCIC shall ship in accordance with TCIC’s standard practices. Buyer shall pay all rigging and accessorial charges. Buyer may specify different shipping instructions, subject to agreement by TCIC. Shipments moving under Buyer instructions shall be freight collect unless otherwise agreed to by TCIC. Title to the products and risk of loss and damage shall pass to Buyer at the shipping location. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by TCIC, all products shall be packed, if appropriate, for shipment and storage in accordance with standard commercial practices. All packing shall conform to requirements of carrier’s tariffs. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE These Terms and Conditions of Sale and attachments take precedence over Buyer’s additional or different terms and conditions, to which notice of objection is hereby given; provided, however, that these terms and conditions are superseded by those appearing in any applicable TCIC quotation or purchase agreement between TCIC and Buyer. Acceptance by Buyer is limited to TCIC’s terms and conditions. Neither TCIC’s commencement of performance nor delivery shall be deemed or construed as acceptance of Buyer’s additional or different terms and conditions Buyer’s purchase of TCIC products hereunder represents acceptance of TCIC’s terms and conditions of sale which constitute the entire understanding between the parties’ and supersede any previous communications, representations, or agreements by either party whether verbal or written. No change or modification of any terms or conditions shall be valid or binding on either party unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS If Buyer issues a change order causing a delivery delay or cancels an order less than thirty (30) days prior to scheduled shipment, Buyer shall be subject to a twenty percent (20%) charge based upon the list price of the affected computer products, and up to a twenty percent (20%) charge, as determined by TCIC, for all other products. In addition, any such change in delivery dates caused by Buyer establishing a delivery date greater than thirty (30) days from Buyer’s original order date shall constitute a new order for the affected products in determining the appropriate list price. If Buyer cancels an order for special equipment or services any time after the order is received by TCIC, Buyer may be subject to charges for costs incurred for any amount not to exceed the purchase price. Special equipment or services are those items not set forth in the manufacturer’s current price list ACCEPTANCE OF PRODUCTS SOFTWARE PRODUCTS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, ARE ACCEPTED UPON THE OPENING OF MEDIA PACKAGING. Hardware acceptance shall be accomplished by using applicable test procedures or programs established by TCIC. If installation by TCIC is not included in the purchase price, hardware acceptance shall be at the time of completion of final tests at the manufacturer’s plant. If Buyer has indicated at the time of purchase its intention to witness final tests, TCIC shall give Buyer at least two (2) days advance notice of the date of such tests. TCIC shall notify Buyer of any additional charges that may be associated with witnessing such tests. If installation by TCIC is included in the purchase price, acceptance shall occur at the initial installation site when TCIC demonstrates that the applicable diagnostic or verification programs work properly or the product is otherwise demonstrated to be in normal operating condition. If installation is scheduled or delayed by Buyer more than ten (10) days after delivery, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the products on the eleventh (11th) day from the date of delivery. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMITY TCIC’s manufacturers and suppliers may, except as otherwise provided below, defend or settle any claim made or any suit or proceeding brought against Buyer so far as it is based on an allegation that any product furnished hereunder infringes a patent or copyright on the country in which Buyer takes delivery of said product, if notified promptly in writing and given information, assistance and the sole authority to defend or settle same, and the manufacturers may pay all damages and costs finally awarded therein against Buyer. In case said product in such suit held to infringe and the use of said product is enjoined, or in the case of a settlement as referred to above, the manufacturers shall have the option, at its own expense, to procure for Buyer the right to continue using said product; or replace same with a non-infringing product; or modify same so it becomes non-infringing; or refund the depreciated value of said product and accept return of same. TCIC shall have no liability for any infringement of patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights resulting from compliance with Buyer’s purchase order, designs, specifications, or instructions; from modification of said products; from use of said product or from use of said product with products not supplied by TCIC or the manufacturer. The foregoing states the entire liability of the manufacturers, if any, for infringement of intellectual property rights by products furnished hereunder. COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by TCIC, copyrighted materials (software and printed documentation) may not be copied except for archive purposes, to replace a defective copy, or for program error verification. LICENSED PRODUCTS - SOFTWARE With respect to those products which TCIC or the manufacturer licenses (software and related documentation) and which are supplied hereunder, the word “purchase” or similar or derivative words is understood to mean “license,” and “Buyer” or similar or derivative words is understood to mean “Licensee.” Title to licensed products shall remain with manufacturer, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein. Licensing of manufacturer’s computer software shall be subject to standard manufacturer’s software terms applicable to the product. WARRANTY TCIC hardware products are only warranted to the extent of any warranty extended by the manufacturer against defects in materials and workmanship. If the manufacturer receives notice of such defects during the warranty period, the manufacturer shall, at its option, either repair or replace hardware products that prove to be defective. Software and firmware products that are designated for use with a hardware product, when properly installed on that hardware product, are warranted not to fail to execute their programming instructions due to defects in materials and workmanship. If the manufacturer received notice of such defects during the warranty period, the manufacturer shall repair or replace software media and firmware that do not execute their programming instructions due to such defects. Neither TCIC nor the manufacturer warrant that the operation of the software, firmware or hardware shall be uninterrupted or error free. Supplemental Statement: Supplemental statements setting forth the duration and implementation of warranty and installation are available for most product types. Products for which these statements are applicable are sold subject to their provisions. Duration and Commencement of Warranty Period: The warranty period for each product is specified in the supplemental statement of warranty and installation. The warranty period begins either on the date of delivery or, where the purchase price includes installation, on the date of installation. If Buyer schedules or delays installation more than ten (10) days after delivery, the warranty period begins on the eleventh (11th) day from the date of delivery. Place of Performance: Within the manufacturer’s service travel areas, warranty and installation services for products installed by the manufacturer and certain other products designated by the manufacturer will be performed at Buyer’s facility at no charge. Outside the manufacturer’s service travel areas, warranty and installation service will be performed at Buyer’s facility only upon the manufacturer’s prior agreement and Buyer shall pay the manufacturer’s round trip travel expenses and applicable additional expenses for such services. On-site warranty services are provided only at the initial installation point. If products eligible for on-site warranty and installation services are moved from the initial installation point, the warranty will remain in effect only if Buyer purchases additional inspection or installation services at the new site. For product warranties requiring return to the manufacturer, products must be returned to a service facility designated by the manufacturer. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges (and shall pay all duties and taxes) for products returned to the manufacturer for warranty service. Except for products returned to Buyer from another country, the manufacturer shall pay for return of products to Buyer. Installation and warranty services outside the country of initial purchase are included only if Buyer pays international prices. Service outside the country of initial purchase is subject to the conditions regarding service travel areas and initial installation point described above. Limitation of Warranty: The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from: 1 Improper or inadequate maintenance by Buyer; 2 Buyer-supplied software or interfacing; 3 Unauthorized modification or misuse; 4 Operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or 5 Improper site preparation and maintenance. THE WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS EXCLUSIVE AND NO OTHER WARRANTY, WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, IS EXPRESSED, OR IMPLIED. TCIC AND THE MANUFACTURER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATIONS OF REMEDIES AND LIABILITY THE REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN ARE BUYER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. IN NO EVENT SHALL TCIC OR THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS) WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, OR FOR ATTORNEYS’ FEES. The foregoing limitation of liability shall not apply in the event that any TCIC product sold hereunder is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be defective and to have directly caused bodily injury, death or property damage; provided, that in no event shall TCIC’s liability for property damage exceed the greater of $50,000 or the purchase price of the specific product that caused such damage. NUCLEAR AND AVATION APPLICATIONS TCIC products are not specifically designed, manufactured or intended for sale as parts, components or assemblies for the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any nuclear facility nor for the flight, navigation or communication of aircraft or ground support equipment. Any Buyer using TCIC products for these applications agrees that, except as otherwise provided herein, TCIC and the manufacturers are not liable, in whole or in part, for any claims or damages arising from such use. If Buyer uses TCIC products for these applications, Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold TCIC and the manufacturer harmless from any claims for loss, cost, damage, expense or liability arising out of or in connection with the use and performance of TCIC’s products in such nuclear or aviation applications. Test equipment used in a static application that is not a functional part, component or assembly of an aircraft and is not attached to or utilized in the flight of an aircraft is not subject to this paragraph. LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS Products sold by TCIC are not designed for use in life support equipment where malfunction of such product can reasonably be expected to result in a personal injury. TCIC customers using or selling such products for use in life support equipment do so at their own risk/agree to fully indemnify TCIC and the manufacturer of such product for any damages resulting from such use or sale. MISCELLANEOUS Except as may be prohibited by the U. S. bankruptcy laws, in the event of any insolvency or ability to pay debts as they become due by a party hereto, or voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy proceeding by or against a party hereto, or appointment of a receiver or assignee for the benefit of creditors, the other party may elect to cancel any unfulfilled obligation hereunder. Any required notices shall be given in writing at the headquarters address of each party or to such other address as either party may substitute by written notice to the other. Buyer may not assign or transfer any of its rights, duties; or obligations herein without the prior written consent of the TCIC, and any purported attempt to do so shall be null and void. TCIC may assign or transfer its rights, duties and obligations herein. TCIC’s failure to exercise any of its rights hereunder shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver or forfeiture of such rights. No U. S. Government Procurement Regulations shall be included hereunder or be binding on either party unless specifically agreed to in writing. Both parties elect out of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods and choose the laws of Minnesota to apply. Stenographic, typographical and clerical errors are subject to correction. Unless otherwise agreed to by TCIC, Buyers who export from the U. S. products purchased hereunder assume all responsibility for obtaining any required export authorization. Buyer shall not export or re-export technical data or products supplied by TCIC, directly or through others, or the direct product of such data, to the proscribed countries listed in Section 379.4 and associated or successor sections of the U. S. Export Administration Regulations unless properly authorized by the U. S. Government. The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern any dispute between the parties, including any regarding the enforcement, interpretation or validity hereof. The parties agree that any dispute relating to the products sold hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts within the State of Minnesota, and that arbitration of any such dispute is prohibited. Headings used throughout this agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not be construed as a substantive portion of this agreement. QUOTATIONS ARE VALID FOR 30 DAYS AND SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURERS PRICE INCREASE 2485 Maplewood Dr-Suite 212- P.O. Box #4-Maplewood, MN 55109-Phone: 651-766-2500-FAX: 651-766-2502 D2 Services Bill of Materials QUOTATION # QEAD020316-1 Date: February 3, 2016 Subject: Edina, MN Community Center Polling Group Radio System Upgrade Page 2 of 2 Edina, MN / Community Center Polling Group Radio System MATERIALS QTY TOTAL Radio, CalAmp Viper SC900 24 Cable, 10ft TNC Male to N Male 1 Cable, 2ft TNC Male to N Male 23 Arrestor, Lightning 24 Freight & Handling 1 Phase 3 COMMUNITY CENTER QUOTATION TOTAL $47,365.00 2485 Maplewood Dr-Suite 212- P.O. Box #4-Maplewood, MN 55109-Phone: 651-766-2500-FAX: 651-766-2502 Quotation TO: City of Edina 7450 Metro Blvd. Edina, MN 55439 Attn.: David Goergen Phone: 952-292-1554 Fax: 052-826-0392 QUOTATION # QEAD020316-1 Date: February 3, 2016 Subject: Edina, MN Community Center Polling Group Radio System Upgrade Page 1 of 2 We are pleased to offer for your consideration our formal proposal QEAD020316-1 for hardware and delivery of Twenty Four (24) CalAmp Viper SC900 IP router radios to replace the Integra II radios used in the Community Center Polling Group. Spare radios are included. PRICING: The price below includes Radios, Freight, Handling and Insurance. Pricing is good for 180 days. TOTAL NET PRICE: $47,365.00 TERMS: • Net 30 days from Invoice date • The sale is FOB factory. • A finance charge of 1½% per month or the maximum allowable by law whichever is greater, will be accessed if payment is not received by the last day of the month due (no grace period). THIS QUOTATION DOES NOT INCLUDE: • Commissions of any kind. • Radio configurations THIS QUOTATION INCLUDES: • One-year factory warranty (under normal operating conditions) on all parts and workmanship, with exception to acts of God! • Replacement surge arrestors per Calamp specifications. This proposal includes only those materials and services listed and are subject to the correction of errors. Deviations will modify these prices. Respectfully submitted, Eugene A. Daniels 2485 Maplewood Dr-Suite 212- P.O. Box #4-Maplewood, MN 55109-Phone: 651-766-2500-FAX: 651-766-2502 D2 Services Bill of Materials QUOTATION # QEAD020316-2 Date: February 3, 2016 Subject: Edina, MN Community Center Polling Group Radio System Upgrade Page: 3 of 3 Edina, MN / Community Center Polling Group MATERIALS QTY TOTAL Bracket, Radio 24 Misc. hardware 24 Freight 1 TOTAL 2,029.00 LABOR Hours TOTAL Engineering & Drafting 4.0 Software & Support (Network Configurations) 40.0 0.0 TOTAL 4,400.00 STARTUP QTY TOTAL Labor, Travel 20.0 Labor, Service 90.0 AUTO 1 TOTAL 11,190.00 Phase 1 COMMUNITY CENTER QUOTATION TOTAL $17,619.00 2485 Maplewood Dr-Suite 212- P.O. Box #4-Maplewood, MN 55109-Phone: 651-766-2500-FAX: 651-766-2502 Quotation TO: City of Edina 7450 Metro Blvd. Edina, MN 55439 Attn.: David Goergen Phone: 952-292-1554 Fax: 052-826-0392 QUOTATION # QEAD020316-2 Date: February 3, 2016 Subject: Edina, MN Community Center Polling Group Radio System Upgrade Page 1 of 3 We are pleased to offer for your consideration our formal proposal QEAD020316-2 for misc. hardware, assembly and software configurations to replace the Twenty Four Integra TR 900 MHz remote Data radios, One Data radio Repeater (Community Center) and One Community Center Master radio. The replacement radio system configurations offered is based on the CalAmp Viper SC900 IP router radio. The Viper SC allows radio system network analysis and troubleshooting to take place from any radio within the system by connecting to one of the system radios with a laptop computer. The Network function within the radio system can be used for secondary purposes such as troubleshooting or modifying Allen Bradley PLC programs. Each radio within the Community Center Polling Group would be replaced with the same model Viper SC radio except the repeater radio which would no longer be required. The Community Center Tank radio would act as the Master radio location for all remote locations. Radios are not included in this quotation. The Viper SC is functionally a direct replacement of the existing radio system with the addition of advanced features. The new system would use the existing radio frequencies, FCC licenses, power supplies and antenna systems. Lightning surge arrestors will be replaced with new robust arrestors per specifications from Calamp radio. The pigtail Coaxial cable at each location would be replaced due to a change in the connector type at the radio. The new radios would be preprogrammed and labeled with remote site designation. The entire radio system swap would take approximately one week beginning with the master location and the critical sites the first day. 2485 Maplewood Dr-Suite 212- P.O. Box #4-Maplewood, MN 55109-Phone: 651-766-2500-FAX: 651-766-2502 Quotation Page: 2 of 3 QUOTATION # QEAD020316-2 Date: February 3, 2016 Subject: Edina, MN Community Center Polling Group Radio System Upgrade PRICING: The price below includes all necessary Hardware, Materials, MN state sales tax, On Site Start up, Labor and Expenses (list attached) to achieve D2 Services portion of the proposed project. Pricing is good for 180 days. Total Net Price: $17,619.00 TERMS: • 100% of total price due upon installation of new radio system. Terms of payment are net 30 days from the invoice date. • Programming of radios will be performed in shop prior to the week of installation. • The sale is FOB factory. • A finance charge of 1½% per month or the maximum allowable by law whichever is greater, will be accessed if payment is not received by the last day of the month due (no grace period). THIS QUOTATION DOES NOT INCLUDE: • Commissions of any kind. • Mounting antenna mast • Antenna masts • Viper SC 900 radios THIS QUOTATION INCLUDES: • One-year factory warranty (under normal operating conditions) on all parts and workmanship, with exception to acts of God! • On site start up and training This quotation is based on our interpretation of the requirement to replace SSM repeater based communications. This proposal includes only those materials and services listed and are subject to the correction of errors. Deviations will modify these prices. Respectfully submitted, Eugene A. Daniels Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.K. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2016 Board and Commission Appointments Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2016 advisory Board and Commission appointments and reappointments. INTRODUCTION: The City received applications for candidates to fill vacancies on advisory boards and commissions and the Edina Housing Foundation. Applications were accepted through January 31, 2016. The City Council conducted interviews on January 25, February 4, February 9 and February 11. New member Board and Commission orientation will be held on Monday, February 22, 2016 at 7:00pm. New appointment terms will begin 3/1/16. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2016 Appointments & Reappointments February 17, 2016 Mayor and Council MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator 2016 Edina Advisory Board and Commission Appointments Information / Background: The City received applications for candidates to fill vacancies to advisory boards and commissions and the Edina Housing Foundation. Applications were accepted through January 31, 2016. The City Council conducted interviews on January 25, February 4, February 9 and February 11. All appointments will start 3/1/2016. The following people have been recommended for appointment or reappointment as noted below: New Appointments: Board or Commission Term Name Arts & Culture 3/1/19 Adriana Zabala Tavenas Board of Appeal & Equalization 3/1/17 Ed Cracraft Community Health Commission 3/1/19 Caleb Schultz Community Health Commission 3/1/19 Christy Zilka Community Health Commission 3/1/18 Krishnan Ramaswamy Construction Board of Appeals 3/1/19 Brian Berube Edina Housing Foundation 3/1/18 Jerome Gilligan Energy and Environment 3/1/17 Michelle Horan Energy and Environment 3/1/19 Carolyn Jackson Energy and Environment 3/1/17 Sonat Mohanty Energy and Environment 3/1/19 Jeff Burmeister Heritage Preservation Board 3/1/17 Sarah Nymo STAFF REPORT Page 2 Human Rights & Relations 3/1/19 Michelle Meek Human Rights & Relations 3/1/19 Cindy Edwards Human Rights & Relations 3/1/19 Kristina Martin Human Rights & Relations 3/1/17 Heather Edelson Human Rights & Relations 3/1/18 Catherine Beringer Park Board 3/1/18 Matt Dahlien Park Board 3/1/19 Mike Miller Park Board 3/1/19 Eileen McAwley Planning Commission 3/1/19 John Hamilton Transportation Commission 3/1/19 Andy Brown Transportation Commission 3/1/19 Lou Miranda Reappointments: Board or Commission Term Name Community Health Commission 3/1/18 Britta Orr Heritage Preservation Board 3/1/18 Colleen Pearson The following people were selected as alternates in the case of an unscheduled vacancy. Alternates are listed in order of priority. Alternates: Board or Commission Name Arts & Culture Commission Stella Chaffee, Russ Rubin Board of Appeals & Equalization None Community Health Commission Connie Weston, Amanda Herr Construction Board of Appeals Charles Burnham, Kyle Wardin Edina Housing Foundation Bernie Beaver Energy and Environment Commission Mindy Ahler, Roy Jenson Heritage Preservation Board Scott Loving, Barry Zilka Human Rights and Relations Jim Nelson, Pam Starkey Park Board Trevor Mohs, Patrick Willette Planning Commission Jimmy Bennett, Sheila Berube Transportation Commission Mark Ringkob, Liz Brotten STAFF REPORT Page 3 Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Grandview District Transportation Study Update Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Please recall that at its Nov 17, 2015 meeting City Council received a presentation from LHB, who is the lead consultant for the team preparing the Grandview District Transportation Study. The presentation highlighted “Convene Week” activities, which were focused on assessing existing conditions and developing a deeper understanding of the transportation system’s role in guiding public and private investments in the area. Since that time, the project team has been working to develop potential scenarios and solutions for Grandview’s transportation network based in part on findings contained in the draft Existing Conditions Briefing Book, which will be available for review prior to the Feb. 17 City Council meeting. This project update to City Council will be part of “Imagine Week” for the Study. During Imagine Week, where there are three key opportunities for the public to connect with the process. First, there will be a public workshop on Feb 16 at 6:00pm at the Public Works & Park Maintenance Facility. Next will be the presentation to City Council on Feb 17 at 7:00pm at Edina City Hall. Finally, there will be a wrap-up presentation for the week’s efforts at the Transportation Commission meeting on Feb 18 at 6:00pm at Edina City Hall. Of these meetings, the Feb 16 public workshop will be the only meeting where public comments will be taken regarding the Study. Staff from the LHB, Inc. consultant team will lead a brief presentation to update City Council on the Study, potential transportation scenarios and solutions, and to briefly share the outcomes of the Feb 16 public workshop. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Jordan Gilgenbach, Communications Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Speak Up, Edina January Discussion Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action requested. INTRODUCTION: Since June 2012, the City of Edina has used the online engagement website, SpeakUpEdina.org, to collect ideas and opinions from residents. Since January 2014, organized monthly discussions have been held on the site. The January 2016 discussion focused on outdoor ice rinks. The City operates 12 seasonal outdoor ice skating rinks at Arden, Cornelia School, Countryside, Creek Valley, Highlands, Lewis, Normandale, Pamela, Strachauer, Todd, Walnut Ridge and Weber parks. All locations have warming houses, general skating rinks and hockey rinks. The rinks are open from mid- to late-December until February or early March, depending on weather conditions, and are groomed daily. The City asked the following questions: What do you think of the quality of rink setup and maintenance throughout the winter? What is your favorite ice activity on Edina's rinks? Do you think there should be more structured programming on the rinks? Why or why not? What types of programming would you like to see? The discussion was open for comments between Dec. 30 and Feb. 8. During that time, 42 comments were made. Additionally, 810 users visited the site 988 times, garnering 3,077 page views. All commenters in this discussion were from Edina. ATTACHMENTS: Description Comments City of Edina Home Discussions Forums Ideas Meetings Surveys Language Sign In  Sign Up × Sign In Email email address... Password password... or, Sign In with: Connect Sign Up Sign In Tweet 0 This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Outdoor Ice Rinks The City operates 12 seasonal outdoor ice skating rinks at Arden, Cornelia School, Countryside, Creek Valley, Highlands, Lewis, Normandale, Pamela, Strachauer, Todd, Walnut Ridge and Weber parks. All locations have warming houses, general skating rinks and hockey rinks. The rinks are open from mid­ to late­December until February or early March, depending on weather conditions, and are groomed daily. 3 Topics  42 Answers  Closed 2016­02­08 View Discussion Topic: Quality What do you think of the quality of rink set up and maintenance throughout the winter? 20 Responses 20 Responses Laura Kondrick 17 days ago Excellent! 1 Support comment...  Reply to Laura Kondrick    0Like Share Sara Friswold 17 days ago Very nicely taken care of. My boys love skating on the outdoor ice. 1 Support comment...  Reply to Sara Friswold    linda enck 16 days ago Rink is well cared for and maintained. 1 Support comment...  Reply to linda enck    Tricia Borg 14 days ago Well maintained. It would be great if the warming houses could be open earlier/longer hours. 1 Support comment...  Reply to Tricia Borg    Elizabeth x at January 26, 2016 at 1:34pm CST Well maintained. I agree it would be nice if warming houses had more hours 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Elizabeth x    Ed Mathie at January 26, 2016 at 1:55pm CST Weber Park is exceptionally well maintained. The staff does a great (sometimes miraculous) job making sure we have ice even in weather swings. And it's always very well done. Flat, cleaned and shaved to the wall. Very well done. Weber Park however should be considered for replacement hockey boards. They are among the oldest at any Edina park, and have aging issues that could become safety issues. (e.g. raised nails, entry area, etc.) Weber Park sees tons of hockey use and new boards would get lots of use for a long time. 1 Support comment...  Reply to Ed Mathie    Joel Stegner, Community volunteer at January 26, 2016 at 3:13pm CST I've never been much of a skater and given that my children live out of state, that is unlikely to change at this point. However, as a market researcher, I'd suggest that if you really want to know about any maintenance problems ­ you need "point of use" research ­ in other words, comments cards that can be completed at the rinks by skaters. Where you have staffed warming houses, this is straightforward. Where you don't,, designing something to attach to the outside of the rink might be possible. Best to get suggestions when they are top of mind. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Joel Stegner    Nancy Rudquist at January 26, 2016 at 4:46pm CST Excellent! 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Nancy Rudquist    Steven Krikava at January 26, 2016 at 5:17pm CST I skate at Walnut Ridge. I usually take my grandchildren there on Friday mornings. The rink is well maintained and the warming house is clean (though I should note that on Friday mornings the warming house is generally not open.) 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Steven Krikava    Megan Ulland at January 27, 2016 at 7:36am CST The rink at Countryside and Highlands are very well maintained and the warming houses are clean and comfortable. The staff is always helpful if we need it. On non­school days, it would be awesome to have the warming house/bathrooms open earlier than noon. I know that Centennial Lakes is a pond, but we skated there on Monday around lunchtime (school vacation day/teacher work day ­ Jan 25th) and 1) the warming house was not open b/c if was a weekday and 2) the ice quality was very questionable. It was choppy and soft with huge cracks. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Megan Ulland    Dave Bender at January 27, 2016 at 7:59pm CST I'm echoing a lot of others, but the city does an excellent job maintaining the ice rinks. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Dave Bender    Lee Heckenlaible at January 28, 2016 at 11:54am CST Played hockey for a few hours on Sunday, January 24th and the ice was just about perfect. There were about 25 players that were out there for at least 3 hours and the ice held up nicely. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Lee Heckenlaible    Lee Heckenlaible at January 28, 2016 at 11:58am CST ^at Normandale Park 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Lee Heckenlaible    Cindy Perusse at January 28, 2016 at 10:05pm CST Pamela Park, Countryside, Cornelia and Walnut Ridge have nice warming houses. Creek Valley and Strachauer warming house needs renovation and a window. My son plays hockey on those rinks and has a blast. The ice seems fine. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Cindy Perusse    Burke Lippert at February 02, 2016 at 10:25am CST We use both Countryside and Lewis Park locations. Countryside is closest to us and is especially great so my hockey playing son and non hockey daughter can each have a space that they are excited to skate in. The warming house rocks! We always text other neighborhood families when we are headed there to just stop on by and it ends up bringing so many people together. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Burke Lippert    Tim Roddy at February 02, 2016 at 10:29am CST Ice is almost always in great shape; thank you city of Edina. I play hockey primarily at Lewis Park and sometimes at Countryside, Pamela or Normandale. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Tim Roddy    John Bohan at February 02, 2016 at 3:20pm CST Why did you omit the gem of Edina's outdoor rinks: Cenntennial Lakes? Given the weather this winte, the maintnace was excellent. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to John Bohan    Dave Curme at February 04, 2016 at 6:58am CST The maintenance on the rinks is fantastic. I know the crews often start working at 4am to have them ready for skaters. There have been times this winter where the rink at Normandale Park has not been open due to attendant no­shows. More oversight by the City, to ensure that the rinks are open for skaters to use during the posted hours, would be helpful. Or, put the rink lights on timers so residents can still use the ice even if the City is unable to provide an attendant. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Dave Curme    Bob Cossack at February 04, 2016 at 1:03pm CST The quality of the Edina rinks in my opinion is top notch. Compared to adjacent cities Edina typically has ice before other cities and for a longer period of time. The ice very rarely has bumps with quality ice up to the boards. My primary outdoor rink is Weber...my hat off the to ice crew at Weber! 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Bob Cossack    Elizabeth Nordstrum at February 06, 2016 at 9:23am CST We love love love the new Pamela park warming hut. It is such a nice space for the neighborhood to use. While it is thoughtful there are some spare skates on the racks in the hut, most of these skates are in pretty bad shape ... I have met several families who would like to try out skating if they could borrow skates. It would be great if there was some kind of skate borrowing/lending with better quality skates. Might be managed by the onsite staff? 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Elizabeth Nordstrum    Sign Up Connect email address... Sign Up Participants City of Edina Home Discussions Forums Ideas Meetings Surveys Language Sign In  Sign Up × Sign In Email email address... Password password... or, Sign In with: Connect Sign Up Sign In Tweet This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Outdoor Ice Rinks The City operates 12 seasonal outdoor ice skating rinks at Arden, Cornelia School, Countryside, Creek Valley, Highlands, Lewis, Normandale, Pamela, Strachauer, Todd, Walnut Ridge and Weber parks. All locations have warming houses, general skating rinks and hockey rinks. The rinks are open from mid­ to late­December until February or early March, depending on weather conditions, and are groomed daily. 3 Topics  42 Answers  Closed 2016­02­08 View Discussion Topic: Ice Activity What is your favorite ice activity on Edina's rinks? 10 Responses 10 Responses Laura Kondrick 17 days ago Recreational ice skating 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Laura Kondrick    0Like Share Sara Friswold 17 days ago Hockey and ice skating 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Sara Friswold    Elizabeth x at January 26, 2016 at 1:35pm CST Recreational skating. Very disappointing when we get to the rink and it is taken up with hockey teams. It would be great if we could go online and see when the hockey teams have signed up for the rinks by location and time. 4 Supports comment...  Reply to Elizabeth x    Steven Krikava at January 26, 2016 at 5:22pm CST I am a recreational skater, usually with grandchildren at Walnut Ridge park. Our main suggestion is to be more accommodating to the recreational skaters, and the main thing is hours of operation. When we arrive, usually on Friday morning, the warming house usually is not open. On my most recent Friday morning at Walnut Ridge, there was another retiree skating with his adult son. We chatted and agreed that it would be preferable to have the warming house open at times when young children and older adults (retirees like us or perhaps just parents who are taking a day off) can use the rinks. I would also like to note that my wife walks the park while we're skating, and she feels very put out that the bathrooms are not open for walkers and other park users, and only open when the warming house is open. The bathrooms should be open for park users throughout the day. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Steven Krikava    Megan Ulland at January 27, 2016 at 7:41am CST I agree with Steven (above comment) that having access to bathrooms for longer periods of the day would be great for skating. I often wonder if that's a reason we don't see more pre­school aged kids out skating with family members on the weekdays. On weekdays, typically, the warm house (and hence the bathrooms) are not open until after school lets out for the day. The rinks are such a wonderful gift to our community and we love using them. I wonder if they'd be used that much more if the bathrooms were available ­ even if they weren't staffed. I love that the rinks have 2 sheets ­ one with boards, one without to accommodate the hockey and recreational skaters. Every time we are at the rink, if there are hockey players outside the boards, they are always respectful of those around them recreationally skating/learning to skate. Our kids love both recreational skating and hockey ­ they just love being on the ice! Thank you to the staff for taking such good care of our rinks and warming houses! 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Megan Ulland    Dave Bender at January 27, 2016 at 8:02pm CST Ice fishing. Haven't had much luck, though. 1 Support comment...  Reply to Dave Bender    Lee Heckenlaible at January 28, 2016 at 11:58am CST Open hockey 1 Support comment...  Reply to Lee Heckenlaible    Cindy Perusse at January 28, 2016 at 10:07pm CST Open hockey and having a separate rink for recreational skaters 1 Support comment...  Reply to Cindy Perusse    Tim Dolan at January 29, 2016 at 9:48am CST I agree with the comments about the lack of availability of hockey rinks during after school hours. The rinks are dominated by EHA teams, but I think it is great that the rinks are being used. However, there is a need for some venues for "rink rats." A second "declared open" hockey rink at some sites would do it, or you could designate some sites as "open" non­reservable sites. There are many current rink sites with large open flat areas that could host a second rink. We had that, in a way, at Lewis when they had the "big sheet." There were often more than one pond hockey game on the big sheet while the hockey rink had more formal practices. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Tim Dolan    John Bohan at February 02, 2016 at 3:26pm CST Recreational akating. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to John Bohan    Sign Up Connect email address... Sign Up Participants City of Edina Home Discussions Forums Ideas Meetings Surveys Language Sign In  Sign Up × Sign In Email email address... 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Discussion: Outdoor Ice Rinks The City operates 12 seasonal outdoor ice skating rinks at Arden, Cornelia School, Countryside, Creek Valley, Highlands, Lewis, Normandale, Pamela, Strachauer, Todd, Walnut Ridge and Weber parks. All locations have warming houses, general skating rinks and hockey rinks. The rinks are open from mid­ to late­December until February or early March, depending on weather conditions, and are groomed daily. 3 Topics  42 Answers  Closed 2016­02­08 View Discussion Topic: Programming Do you think there should more more structured programming on the rinks? Why or why not? What types of programming would you like to see? 12 Responses 12 Responses Laura Kondrick 17 days ago NO need for structure programming at outdoor ice rinks. Nice to have an unstructured environment for open skating and pick up hockey. 1 Support comment...  Reply to Laura Kondrick    0Like Share Sara Friswold 17 days ago No structured programs needed. It's a great way to enjoy the outdoors without having to worry about whether there is ice available or a program is going on. Family friendly unstructured time! 1 Support comment...  Reply to Sara Friswold    linda enck 16 days ago No structured programming, please. It is so great to have open skating! Keep the warming houses open as much as possible. It's Minnesota and people skate even when the warming house is closed. 1 Support comment...  Reply to linda enck    David Frenkel at January 26, 2016 at 1:14pm CST It might be helpful to start doing a rough head count of how many people use the rinks. It seems like the rinks are under utilized and if they are some 'programming' might be appropriate. I think the outdoor rink at Braemar might be giving EHA the outdoor rink experience and may not be using the other outdoor rinks as much. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to David Frenkel    Elizabeth x at January 26, 2016 at 1:37pm CST Ugh. No. There is enough structured activity for children and adults in Edina. Can't we just have free form recreation? Again, I think there ought to be a place we can go online to see when and where "structured programming" has been scheduled to each rink so that recreational users can know before getting to the ice rink. There should always be at least one rink at every given time that has open skating. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Elizabeth x    Joel Stegner, Community volunteer at January 26, 2016 at 3:23pm CST If you want to structure some times, you need to understand what times are filling up without structure and whether in that time, hockey is pushing out everything else. If you use structure to create activity at times that wouldn't othrwise be busy, that would be a place to start. In other words, leave the highly used unstructured time alone ­ unless one group is crowding out all others ­­ and add structure during the day. For example, if you wanted to encourage pre­school and older adult open skating, structuring time during the day would make a lot of sense. It would sort of be "slow lane" skating, where less experienced skaters learning to skate to skating with balance issues wouldn't have to worry about getting run over. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Joel Stegner    Megan Ulland at January 27, 2016 at 7:31am CST No need for structured activities ­ I love the fact that each rink has both a boarded (hockey) sheet and a free sheet. Yes, Braemar has the backyard rink, but our younger boys (EHA) still practice on the neighborhood outdoor rinks once a week and it's so much more fun for them and such a change from being in the "real" rinks. We love the Countryside Park ice rink and warming house ­ it's so nice and such a treat to have in our neighborhood. Unstructured time (even when the warming house is not open) on the ice doesn't mean the ice isn't used ­ the rink is constantly being used by young and old. I love that our young boys can watch older kids or adults playing pickup hockey and see that they can play throughout their lifetime, regardless of making a particular team. The outdoor rinks are the perfect unstructured winter activity that brings young and old together and connects our communities and neighborhoods. 1 Support comment...  Reply to Megan Ulland    Dave Bender at January 27, 2016 at 7:58pm CST It might be nice to have a web signup sheet where you could sign up for a pickup hockey game and see who else might be planning to play and at which rink. Kind of like HockeyFinder.com's pickup game list, but non­commercial. That could help bring together different groups of residents who already do semi­formal pickup games. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Dave Bender    Harriet Busdicker at January 29, 2016 at 2:26pm CST No structure please. Children need to be free of structure, especially in fun and play. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Harriet Busdicker    David Frenkel at January 29, 2016 at 2:39pm CST @Dave B., you could use Nextdoor.com calendar system to announce pickup games. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to David Frenkel    Tim Roddy at February 02, 2016 at 10:35am CST Unstructured. It would be good to have an online calendar though to see when organized groups have reserved it. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to Tim Roddy    John Bohan at February 02, 2016 at 3:28pm CST Music, otherwise unstructured. 0 Supports comment...  Reply to John Bohan    Sign Up Connect email address... Sign Up Participants Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:Cancel Public Hearing Vacation of Easement 3501- 3510 Galleria Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to cancel the public hearing. INTRODUCTION: The owners of the Edina Galleria shopping center requested that the City vacate an existing easement that bisects the property. While the owner continues to seek a vacation of the easement, additional time is needed to finalize the location and design of new easements on the property. The property owner has requested that the public hearing be cancelled and rescheduled at a future date. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:Continue Public Hearing To April 5, 2016 Proposed Establishment of the 66 West Tax Increment Financing District Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Continue Public Hearing and related action until April 5, 2016. INTRODUCTION: Resolution 2015-131 scheduled a Public Hearing to consider a new Tax Increment Financing District for the 66 West Apartments. Additional time is needed to allow the City, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the developer to finalize terms of a potential redevelopment agreement and clarify the use of incremental taxes. It is requested that this Public Hearing be continued until April 5, 2016. ATTACHMENTS: Description 66 West - reschedule staff report February 17, 2016 Mayor and Council Members Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Proposed Adoption of a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area and the Proposed Establishment of the 66 West Tax Increment Financing District Therein and the Adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan Therefor Information / Background: In November 2014, the City Council granted final approvals for the proposed 66 West Apartments. Located at 3330 W. 66th Street, this redevelopment and expansion of an aging professional building will create 39-units of affordably-priced housing for young adults who were formerly homeless. Subsequently, the City Council approved Resolution 2015-48 and the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority approved HRA Resolution 2015-01 to show full support for the proposed project, including a potential grant for $550,000 using incremental taxes. Resolution 2015-131 scheduled a Public Hearing to consider a new Tax Increment Financing District for the 66 West Apartments. Additional time is needed to allow the City, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the developer to finalize terms of a potential redevelopment agreement and clarify the use of incremental taxes. It is requested that this Public Hearing be continued until April 5, 2016. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Joyce Repya, Senior Planner Item Activity: Subject:Resolution 2016-19, 2016 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2016-19 approving the recommended 2016 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget for submission to Hennepin County. INTRODUCTION: The CDBG program is a federal entitlement program administered by HUD who in turn, charges Hennepin County to oversee the distribution of the funds to its communities. As a recipient of HUD funds each community must affirmatively further fair housing by being proactive in addressing impediments to fair housing choices. Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution 2016-19 approving 2016 CDBG funding distribution. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2016-19 2016 Urban Hennenpin County CDBG Budget - Staff Report 2016 CDBG Budget Analysis & Requests for Funding RESOLUTION NO. 2016-19 APPROVING PROPOSED USE OF 2016 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNENPIN COUNTY AND ANY THIRD PARTY AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the city of Edina, through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the city of Edina has developed a proposal for the use of 2016 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant funds made available to it; and WHEREAS, the city held a public hearing on February 17, 2016 to obtain the views of citizens on housing and community development needs and priorities and the City's proposed use of $117,432 from the 2016 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Edina approves the following projects for funding from the 2016 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County. Activity Budget Senior Community Services $ 8,955 Community Action Partnership for Suburban Hennepin (CAPSH) $ 4,597 HOME Line $ 4,063 Homes Within Reach — Affordable Housing $ 99,817 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and its City Manager to execute the Subrecipient Agreement and any required Third Party Agreement on behalf of the City to implement the 2016 Community Development Block Grant Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the final amount of FY2016 CDBG available to the city be different from the preliminary amount provided to the city, the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager/Administrator to adjust project budget(s) to reflect an increase or decrease in funding. Dated: February 17, 2016 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of February 17, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20 . February 17, 2016 Mayor & City Council Joyce Repya, Senior Planner 2016 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Resolution No. 2016-19 Information / Background: The CDBG Community Development Block Grant Program is a federal entitlement program administered by HUD who in turn, charges Hennepin County to oversee the distribution of funds to its communities. These funds are to be directed toward the improvement of housing opportunities and providing a suitable living environment for persons with low and moderate incomes. As a recipient of HUD funds, the County, and each community must affirmatively further fair housing. Hennepin County encourages all communities to be proactive by addressing impediments to fair housing choices. The use of CDBG funds to address local needs must be consistent with priorities identified in the Consolidated Plan for affordable housing, community development and human services. HUD mandates that no more than 15% of the city’s budget may be directed toward funding public service agencies with the remaining 85% addressing community development needs. Edina’s preliminary 2016 budget allotment for planning purposes is $117,432, the 2015 final approved budget amount. Once HUD establishes the 2016 CDBG budget later this spring, Hennepin County and its respective cities will be notified of any changes to the allotments. If a change in the budget occurs, a paragraph in the accompanying Resolution provides for Edina’s final 2016 CDBG budget to be readjusted without coming back to the City Council. The following agencies requesting 2016 CDBG funds are those which the City has supported for many years: Public Services – 15% of total ($117,432) budget = $17,615 • Senior Community Services (HOME – Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly) The mission of HOME is to assist adults 60 years of age and older to maintain their dignity and live independently by providing accessible, reliable, and affordable homemaker, home maintenance and chore services. In 2015, 53 seniors received services totaling 1,439 hours. Historically, the total HOME operating budget for Edina has been $26,000, and since 2000 the STAFF REPORT 2016 CDBG Recommendation Page 2 City Council has asked the Edina Housing Foundation to make up the difference between the availability of CDBG funds to ensure that services to Edina seniors are met. SCS is requesting $8,955 (the 2015 distribution), and will again submit a funding request to the Edina Housing Foundation to make up the $17,045 difference needed to support the valuable H.O.M.E. services for Edina seniors. • Community Action Partnership for Suburban Hennepin (CAPSH) CAPSH provides full-cycle homeownership services to include foreclosure prevention, first time homebuyer education, reverse mortgage counseling, home repair and maintenance, energy assistance, free legal services and tax preparation, employment counseling and financial/budget counseling. In 2015, CAPSH programs benefited 26 households: 7 took advantage of the Reverse Mortgage Counseling; 7 Foreclosure Prevention; 6 Homebuyer Prepurchase Counseling; and 1 Homeowner Services (post-purchase general counseling). In 2016 CAPSH proposes to add financial literacy workshops/counseling, and Family Assets in Minnesota (a savings program for asset purchases) - both educational programs geared to promote financial responsibility. CAPSH is requesting $4,600, rounding up the proposed budget amount of $4,597. • HOME Line HOME Line provides tenant advocacy services for low income Edina renters with a Tenant Hotline offering tools necessary to keep their homes safe and affordable. In 2015 they served 105 Edina families and prevented approximately 6 evictions. Over the past year, HOME Line added one Somali and two Spanish speaking tenant advocates to their staff, enabling them to work with these immigrant communities in their native languages. HOME Line is requesting $4,264; however $4,063 is proposed in keeping with their final 2015 budget allotment. The following is a breakdown of the Public Services final 2015 CDBG budget, the 2016 requests from the service providers, and the recommended 2016 CDBG budget: 2015 2016 2016 PROVIDER BUDGET REQUESTS RECOMMENDATION H.O.M.E. $ 8,955 $ 8,955 $ 8,955 C.A.P.S.H. $ 4,597 $ 4,600 $ 4,597 HOME Line $ 4,063 $ 4,264 $ 4,063 TOTAL $ 17,615 $ 17,819 $ 17,615 Community Development – 85 % of total ($117,432) budget = $99,817 After the $17,615 distribution for public services, $99,817 remains to be directed toward community development projects addressing the housing needs of low and moderate income individuals in the community. In years past, the Community Development funds have been distributed between the Rehabilitation of Private Property program and West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust (WHAHLT). STAFF REPORT 2016 CDBG Recommendation Page 3 The Rehabilitation of Private Property program provides deferred repayment loans of up to $30,000 to make structural improvements to owner occupied homes with no more than 4 dwelling units per property. Eligibility for the program is based on a household income schedule established by HUD for the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. The income limits may not exceed 120% of the Area Median Income (AMI), which for a 4 person household is currently $99,500. Hennepin County facilitates this program and reports that currently, there is over $200,000 available in Edina’s program with no waiting list. The large reserve of funds is a result of former loans being paid off and recycled back into the program to again assist Edina homeowners maintain their homes. In an effort to raise awareness of the housing rehab program, we are working with the Communication’s Department to advertise the program in the city’s publications. However, due to the large reserve of funds currently available for the Rehabilitation of Private Properties program it is recommended that the program not receive funding in the 2016 budget cycle. It is recommended that all of the $99,817 community development funds be distributed to West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust (WHAHLT) for their Homes Within Reach program which provides an affordable homeownership opportunity using the Community Land Trust model for income eligible homebuyers. The Community Land Trust model removes the market value of the land from the mortgage equation, thus reducing the cost of a home for a work-force family by approximately 30-50 percent - This assistance makes the house more affordable than those on the open real estate market. WHAHLT owns the land and the homeowner owns the home. A Ground Lease signed by both parties defines and secures the roles and responsibilities of both WHAHLT and the homeowner, including, but not limited to a resale/recapture provision, and long-term rights and use of the land. One of the strategies identified in the Housing element of Edina’s Comprehensive Plan calls for the City’s commitment to fund and expand its financial and technical support of community land trusts. Attesting to that goal, since 2007, the City has provided approximately $900,000 in CDBG assistance to WHAHLT - aiding in the purchase, rehabilitation and resale of 10 Edina homes to income eligible buyers. The most recent Edina home purchased by WHAHLT in December 2015 required combining the 2014 and a portion of the 2015 CDBG budgets totaling $78,360. The remaining 2015 CDBG budget of $78,260 has yet to be spent. Moving forward, the proposed $99,817 when added to the $78,360, 2015 funds, will provide $178,177 toward assisting WHAHLT to purchase an 11th land trust home, reinforcing the City’s commitment to providing and securing affordable housing in the community. Over the past year, the city has advertised the aforementioned programs as well as other social services available to Edina residents through the City of Edina’s website, the “About Town” magazine, and activities directories; and will continue to do so in the year to come. ATTACHMENTS: * Hennepin County FINAL 2015 CDBG Allocation * Edina’s Final FY 2015 CDBG Budget * 2011 – 2015 CDBG Budget Breakdown * Agencies 2016 Funding Requests STAFF REPORT 2016 CDBG Recommendation Page 4 FINAL CDBG FY2015 Project Budgets City Nam : EDNA Date: March 4, 2015 Project Name: Preliminary Budget Final Budget 2015 Allocation $126,866 $117,432 PUBLIC SERVICES: (15%) Senior Community Services - H.0.11/1.E. $8,955 $8,955 Community Action Partnership Sub. Hennepin $5,165 $4,597 HOME Line '4,910 $4,063 Co MMUNITY DEVEL —PMENT: West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust $107,836 $99,817 Total: $126,866 $117,432 Hennepin County FlNiL 2015 CDBG IA !location Community % of award by city 2015 Preliminary Allocation Funding Change +1- 2015 FINAL Allocation Max Public Service Allocation Brooklyn Center 10.25% $243,462 $15,317 $258,779 $38,817 Brooklyn Park 18.14% $486,089 -$28,142 $457,947 $68,692 $13,939 _ $17,615 Cr stal 3.68% $107,956 -$15,029 $92,927 Edina 4.65% $126,866 -$9,434 $117,432 Hopkins 4.73% $113,831 $5,531 $119,362 $17,904 $21,201 Maple Grove 5.60% $136,273 $5,064 $141,337 New Hope 5.28% 9.57% 7.10% $136,323 $205,188 $199,308 -$2,998 $36,396 -$20,077 $133,325 $241,584 $179,231 $19,999 $36,238 $26,885 Richfield St. Louis Park Consolidated Pool 17.98% $459,093 -$5,222 $453,871 $68,081 Community Allocation Total 87.00% $2,214,389 -$18,594 $2,195,795 $329,369 _ Hennepin County Administration 12.00% $305,433 -$2,565 $302,868 Hennepin County Fair Housing 1.00% $25,453 -$214 $25,239 _ County Entitlement Total 100.00% 2,545,275 -21,373 $2,523,902 CDBG BUDGET 2011 -2015 FINAL 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CDBG BUDGET $145,365 (-16.1%) $110,285 (-24.1%) $124,671 (+13%) $126,866 (+1.76%) $117,432(-7.4%) Public Service: 15% $21,805 $16,543 $18,700 $19,030 $17,615 Sr. Comm. Services - H.O.M.E. $14,880 $9,618 $10,095 $10,095 $8,955 CAPSH $4,700 $4,700 $5,000 $5,165 $4,597 HOME Line $2,225 $2,225 $3,605 $3,770 $4,063 " Community Development: 85% $123,560 $93,742 $105,971 $107,836 $99,817 Rehab of Private Property $54,985 $41,891 $50,000 $50,933 0 Affordable Housing (WHAHLT) $68,575 $52,251 $55,971 $56,904 $99,817 Page 1 11111 Reimagine Aging Senior Community Services Executive Committee Thad Stand ley President Beth Falkenberg 1st Vice President Matt Bochnicek 2nd Vice President Terri Urbaniak Secretary Cathy Medich Treasurer Elizabeth Michaelis Executive Member-at-Large Walter White Executive Member-at-Large Woody Love Past President Deb Taylor CEO Board of Directors Linda Bauermeister Lee Brant David Fisher Rochelle Gill Jeff Hedlund Marvin D. Johnson Laurie Lafontaine John Lawson Deb McKinley Liz Sheridan Rammer Joyce Repya Bruce Thiel Scott Zerby Programs • CareNextion • Community Senior Centers • Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly • Medicare Health Insurance Counseling • Senior Outreach & Caregiver Services • Senior Partners Care 10201 Wayzata Boulevard Suite 335 Minnetonka, MN 55305 fax: 952.541.0841 tel: 952.541 1019 www.seniorcommunity.org January 20, 2016 Joyce Repya Senior Planner City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Joyce, Thank you for the opportunity to submit a CDBG application to the City of Edina for $8,955. The Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly (HOME) program's operating budget for the City of Edina is $26,000. The Edina Housing Foundation has partnered with the HOME program in the past to make up the difference in our operating budget for the city. HOME provides the following services to Edina residents, age 60+, to help them remain independent and continue to lead a vital and engaging life: Homemaking (dishwashing, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning) Yard work Snow removal Indoor & outdoor painting Minor home repairs/handyman services Safety improvements In Home Health & Safety Assessments The work of the HOME program is a worthwhile component in the overall strategy of improving and preserving each city's housing stock. Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. With your continued partnership we'll give many more seniors the help they need to live with dignity in their own homes. If you have any questions or need more information please feel free to call me at 952-767-7897. Sincerely, Cal) (1\e'---, Deb Taylor CEO Public Service Application (family, youth and senior services) Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Please answer below in this column General Information: Organization: Type of entity: CDBG funding request: Use of CDBG funding (e.g. staff labor costs): Contact person: Phone/Email: Senior Community Services Non-profit $8,955 Fund the Sliding Fee Scale Deb Taylor 952-767-7897/d.tavlor@seniorcommunity.org Program Information: What is the program name/type of service? Is this an existing CDBG-funded program? Where is the program located, if applicable? What is the service area of this program? Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly (HOME) Chore Service, a program of Senior Community Services Yes Administrative Office is located in Minnetonka Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Crystal, Deephaven, Eden Prairie, Edina, Excelsior, Golden Valley, Greenwood, Hopkins, Long Lake, Maple Grove, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Minnetonka Beach, Mound, New Hope, Orono, Osseo, Plymouth, Richfield, Robbinsdale, Shorewood, Spring Park, St. Louis Park, Tonka Bay, Wayzata, and Woodland. Services are provided to Edina residents, age 60+, on a sliding fee basis. The HOME program assists older adults to maintain their dignity and live independently by providing accessible, reliable, and affordable homemaker, home maintenance, lawn mowing, snow removal, yardwork and painting. Who is the target clientle? What needs does this program address? Public Service Application (family, youth and senior services) Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Is the need growing? How does the program address these needs? Yes. According to the former MN State Demographer, Tom Gillaspy, by the year 2020, there will be more people over the age of 65 than school age children. Suburban Hennepin County has more people over the age of 60 than Dakota and Ramsey Counities combined (2010 Census Data). A host of studies show that seniors prefer to stay in their own homes and in their local nieghborhoods. The HOME program helps seniors remain in their homes in dignity and safety by providing reliable and affordable homemaking, grab bars & other safety installations, safety assessments, minor repairs, exterior home maintenance, interior and exterior painting, yard work, lawn mowing, and snow removal on a sliding fee scale based on income. How many persons were served by this program in the last 12 months? 53 What is your goal for number of persons served July 2016 -June 2017? 55 What percentage of clients are (or are estimated to be) low and moderate-income persons? CDBG requires at least 51%. 80% Staffing and Financial Capacity: Public Service Application (family, youth and senior services) Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Describe the organization's experience in providing this service, staff capacity and staff qualifications: Established in 1950, Senior Community Services is a Minnesota non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the driving passion to enhance the quality of life of older adults and caregivers in Minnesota. The HOME program was originally a program of South Hennepin Human Services which started in 1980, but was transferred to Senior Community Services in 1990. Jon Burkhow is the Director of the HOME program. He has been working in the field of aging since 2001. He currently overseas all aspects of the HOME program and is focused on expanding HOME's service offerings. Jon graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College with a BA in Asian.Studies. Jeanne Tramel Rasmussen has over 11 years of expertise withvolunteer management. She has worked for over 15 years in a variety of nonprofit organizations and has a Master of Education from the University of Minnesota. Jeanne is the Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator for the HOME program. Valerie Anderson has been working in the non-profit field for over 14 years and has her AA in business management. She has been responsible for recruiting, training and overall direction of employees and volunteers that perform services for seniors. Valerie is currently a coordinator of the HOME program where she assesses, and assigns homemakers for seniors. Marcy Markovich was promoted from Assistant to the Crow River Senior Center Director to the HOME program coordinator in 2015. She works with independent contractors for mow & snow, handy persons and painters and coordinates the workers with seniors who need these services. Beth Hambel brings over 25 years of diverse experience in corporate management to the HOME Program. She is the point of first contact for potential new clients and helps all clients connect with a HOME Program Coordinator or a Senior Community Services program they need. She is also using her skills in data management, accounting and office administration to strengthen and broaden the agency's resources for operational needs. A field staff of more than 70 and nearly 3,000 volunteers helped provide direct service to clients in 2015. Awards must be spent by June 30, 2017, and it is requested that funds be spent by April 1, 2017. When is the ant By April 1, 2017 Funding Sources Amount 89,011.00 CDBG Other federal 160,000.00 State funding $ 245,000.00 Local funding $ 27,715.00 Corporate contributions $ 10,000.00 Foundation contributions $ 10,000.00 Other (specify) $ 47,500.00 Other (specify) $ 297,000.00 Public Service Application (family, youth and senior services) Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Consistency with Plans and Public Support: Is this a high, medium, or low priority service according to the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan? *Applications will be reviewed and ranked based on the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan high priorities. High Priority - Senior Services Describe any multi-community, multi-agency or public/private partnership support: Participation in the HOME program assures access to additional resources and services that benefit the older adult. Additional services are provided in a seamless manner, consistent with our mission, as part of our comprehensive approach to helping older adults live independently in their own homes. Many frail elders utilize other Senior Community Services' services, such as care coordination, participation in physical fitness, educational, recreational and social activities outside their home through Senior Community Services' five senior center and community-based programs; or support for their family members through caregiver coaching and counseling. In addition, Senior Community Services has successfully established partnerships with over 255 other agencies, units of government, churches, school districts and local community programs to provide access to services such as respite, adult day services and home care, meals on wheels and transportation. This ensures that Senior Community Services provides an integrated, non-duplicative service system for every elder, regardless of that person's entry point into Senior Community Services. Describe how the activity meets a need not currently or adequately being addressed by other services: There are many other for profit providers that provide some parts of the comprehensive services that HOME provides, but these services are provided at market rate. The HOME program provides critical services to help seniors remain in their home on a sliding fee scale. We also use volunteers to provide spring and fall yard clean up and other services free of charge to the client. There are often trust issues when it comes to a senior letting a stranger in their home to provide any service. The HOME program surveys its clients each year and in 2015 the top three reasons that seniors chose the HOME program over other for profit providers is: 1. They trust the HOME program's staff. 2. They are unable to do the work themselves. 3. They cannot afford to pay the market rate. To measure our impact, we asked clients to what extent our services helped them to continue to live in their homes. Eighty-four percent reported that it helped very much, 15 % that it helped somewhat and1% that it did not help. We are pleased that the vast majority of our clients are satisfied with our service and recognize the impact our services have on their ability to remain independent in their homes. Helping People Changing _Lives, * community ction. PARTNERSHIP OF SUBURBAN HENNEPIN PART OP AMERICA'S POVERTY FIGHTING NETWORK Energy Assistance Homebuyer Education Foreclosure Prevention Reverse Mortgage Home Maintenance & Rehab Homeless Services Employment Counseling Financial Counseling Planning & Development Community Development Tax Assistance Voter Education & Registration Asset Development 8800 Highway 7, Suite 401 St Louis Park, MN 55426 Tel 952-697-1300 Fax 952-933-8016 January 22, 2016 Joyce Repya City of Edina Community Development Department 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin 2016 Application for CDBG Funding Dear Ms. Repya: Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin (CAPSH) is pleased to submit its 2016 CDBG Public Service Funding request to the City of Edina. We are requesting $4,600 for CAPSH's Asset Building and Maintenance Programs, which include its homeownership counseling and workshop programs, financial literacy workshops and counseling and the Family Assets in Minnesota (savings program for asset purchases) program. CAPSH, as the anti-poverty Community Action agency serving suburban Hennepin County, has provided residents of Edina with services since 1986. CAPSH services to Edina include: homeownership and renters' assistance programs, energy assistance, free legal services and tax preparation clinics, employment counseling and financial/budget counseling. We look forward to continuing to partner with the city of Edina and its surrounding communities to ensure access to housing services for low to moderate-income households. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 952-697-1325, or mharris@capsh.org. Sincerely, Marcy L. Harris, Director, Planning, Development & Legal Services Aft: 2016 CDBG — Edina Application Our mission: To improve the quality of life in suburban Hennepin County by creating and supporting links between individuals and communities through: service, education, and collaboration. General Information: Organization: Public Service Application (family, youth and senior services) Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016-17 Please answer below in this column Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin (CAPSH) Type of entity: Non-profit CDBG funding request: 4,600.00 Use of CDBG funding (e.g. staff labor costs): Staffing costs (salary & fringe), program supplies and materials, indirect expenses (based on salary expenses) Contact person: Marcy Harris, Director of Planning, Development & Legal Services Phone/Email: (952) 967-1325/ mharris@capsh.org Program Information: What is the program name/type of service? CAPSH Asset Building and Maintenance Programs The Asset Building and Maintenance Programs focus on providing counseling, education and savings services that increase the financial stability of low- and moderate income households. Services include: -Counseling: Foreclosure Prevention; Reverse Mortgage, Home Rehab and Maintenance; 1st Time Homebuyer, Financial Fitness readiness/counseling. -Education: 1st Time Homebuyer; Financial Literacy; Financial Security for Seniors (vulnerable to identity theft and scams); Financial Literacy for Youth & Parents. -Savings: Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota, a 3:1 savings match towards building financial assets to start a business, pursue a higher education or purchase a home. Is this an existing CDBG-funded program? Yes Where is the program located, if applicable? CAPSH provides services at various sites throughout suburban Hennepin County. Services available to all income-eligible Edina residents. What is the service area of this program? Suburban Hennepin County, Minnesota Who is the target clientele? Populations to be served include low —to moderate income (<80% AMI) households including families, children, elderly, special needs individuals and Limited English Proficiency households. The intended outcome of the services is that low-income individuals and families will have the knowledge, skills and resources to manage their finances, build or preserve financial assets and achieve safe, affordable and stable housing. CAPSH has recently hired two bi-lingual Homeownership Advisors which enables CASH to offer its programs in English, Somali and Spanish, providing the flexibility to respond to the changing demand for services in response to the improving economy and changing demographics of Hennepin County. What needs does this program address? As the needs analysis for Hennepin County's Consolidated Plan (2015-19) shows, there is a great need for low- and moderate income households to be able to obtain and maintain affordable housing. The home purchasing and maintenance services provided by CAPSH's Asset Building and Maintenance program addresses these needs by offering counseling services to (a) purchase a home that is affordable based on realistic budgeting and understanding the continuing home maintenance costs; and (b) providing home rehab counseling and guidance to assure that older homes remain affordably habitable. Similarly, financial literacy workshops, counseling and the FAIM program (Family Assets in Minnesota) are all geared to providing understanding of realistic budgeting and purchasing within one's means. Services for low-income large households, seniors and people with limited English proficiency continue to remain very high priorities in suburban Hennepin County, as do services for homeowners facing a financial crisis (still primarily due to medical crises and job loss). Foreclosure Prevention and Reverse Mortgage counseling continue to be available for homeowners in crisis. Is the need growing? The Minnesota Homeownership Center (MNHOC), in its State of Homeownership report (2015), identified as a continuing need the development and maintenance of housing that is affordable, sustainable and enduring. In order to achieve the goal of successful homeownership for low- to moderate income households in Minnesota, MNHOC identified two critical needs to be met: "(a) empower homeowners to make smart choices . ...; and (b) make the benefits of homeownership real for everyone, no matter race, region or neighborhood." (State of Homownership report, p. 14). CAPSH's Asset Building and Maintenance programs meet these needs through financial and homeownership education and counseling. The gap between the haves and have-nots continues to grow, and this growth is especially felt in communities of color and communities of recent immigrants. The other growing population, which CAPSH programs specifically target for inclusion, is seniors. The aging of the American- Minnesotan-suburban population is well-documented; as this demographic grows, and as the housing stock continues to age, there is and will continue to be a need to assist seniors in retaining their housing in a way that maintains affordable and habitable housing. How does the program address these needs? Foreclosure Prevention: CAPSH Housing Advisors provide foreclosure prevention counseling to Edina residents in danger of losing their homes due to delinquency. Advisors work with clients from initial stages of facing foreclosure through sheriff's sales (and even provide counseling up to eviction following the redemption period). • Significant time is devoted to reviewing clients' financial situations to evaluate if they are able to maintain their current housing in the long run. • Advisors work directly with clients and their lenders to renegotiate mortgage terms that allow clients to stay in their homes when feasible. Advisors work with lenders to negotiate mortgage modifications, refinancing, short sales and other means of resolving the homeowner's housing crisis. Homebuyer Education: CAPSH provides First-Time Homebuyer workshops using the Homestretch curriculum developed by the Minnesota Homeownership Center. • Workshops are offered in multiple-session evening classes or single-session workshops to make them easily accessible. • Participants review budget and financial considerations, what things to look for when purchasing, and options for financing. Participants also learn about repair and maintenance issues to consider before and after a purchase. • Participants hear from real estate agents and lenders about the home-buying process from their perspective, giving participants insight into what to expect. e Homebuyer workshops total 8 hours, after which time the clients receive certificates of completion. Many lenders require first-time homebuyers prior to closing complete the workshop to ensure they understand the lending process and their financial obligations. Homebuyer Prepurchase Counseling: once participants have completed the Homestretch workshop they are eligible to receive individual counseling at CAPSH. Advisors examine a client's financial status in more detail, and work with clients to develop budgets and work on credit repair, with the goal of positioning clients to obtain home purchase financing. • Clients meet with the advisors in 45 minute —2 hour increments depending on needs and circumstances. Reverse Mortgage: CAPSH provides one-on-one, in-person counseling to eligible clients (one spouse must be at least 62 years old and meet financial eligibility requirements) who are interested in a reverse mortgage. 'Meet with seniors interested in the program to discuss the nature and requirements of a reverse mortgage, how to work with lenders, available options and consequences of taking out a reverse mortgage. 'CAPSH does not endorse taking a reverse mortgage, nor does it endorse particular lenders or products. Home Repair and Maintenance: the Home Rehab Advisor (this remains a specialty) works with low-income clients in need of critical home repairs or maintenance needed to maintain habitability. Provides advice about types of repairs that are necessary, how to obtain suitable contractors, and how to obtain financial assistance, particularly through . . How many persons were served by this program in the "Homebuyer Education:3 households last 12 months? 81-lomeowner Services (post-purchase general counseling): 1 household "Homebuyer Prepurchase Counseling: 8 households 'Foreclosure Prevention: 7 households *Reverse Mortgage: 7 households *Home Repair and Maintenance: 0 households Total: 26 Edina households What is your goal for number of persons served July 2016- June 2017? What percentage of clients are (or are estimated to be) low and moderate-income persons? CDBG requires at least 51%. Staffing and Financial Capacity: Describe the organization's experience in providing this service, staff capacity and staff qualifications: •Homebuyer Education: 6 households •Homeowner Services (post-purchase general counseling): 2 households •Homebuyer Prepurchase Counseling: 8 households •Foreclosure Prevention: 6 households •Reverse Mortgage: 6 households •Home Repair and Maintenance: 1 household •Financial Literacy Services 6 households •Family Assets in Minnesota: 2 households •Projected Total: 37 Edina households Over 90% of clients served with CDBG dollars have incomes below 80% of AMI. CAPSH has offered housing counseling and education programs since 1992. CAPSH has moved from program-specific counselors to Housing Program Advisors, who are cross-trained AND cross-certified in housing counseling and education and financial counseling programs. CAPSH counselors are certified by Minnesota Homeownership Center (MNHOC), Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Association (MMFPA), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Lutheran Social Services (Financial Literacy Counseling). Cross-training provides the flexibility to respond to the changing demand for specific programs and service in response to the improving economy and offers the ability to provide more holistic approaches to financial and housing stabilization and security. CAPSH currently has 5 Homeownership and Asset Advisors and 2 Asset Building support staff; additional support is provided through Planning & Development (program development, reporting and evaluation). The Asset Building and Maintenance programs are supervised by the Director of Program Operations. Awards must be spent by June 30, 2017, and it is Funds will be expended by June 30, 2017; however, CAPSH will do its best to spend out the grant by April 1, 2017. requested that funds be spent by April 1, 2017. When is the anticipated date to expend the funds? - CDBG ',09;r4r•r4W.n• • $4,600 • r;;V:'1,IWZ'AC. , - State funding $384,900 • 7,441i • 11 #511. - - -Z. Corporate & Foundation Contributions $25,000 7.7.7777777 ' I Total $894,500 Consistency with Plans and Public Support: Is this a high, medium, or low priority service according to the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan? *Applications will be reviewed and ranked based on the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan high priorities. Describe any multi-community, multi-agency or public/private partnership support: All of the services CAPSH proposes for this grant are HIGH priorities CAPSH partners with over 275 community organizations, faith-based organizations and local, state and federal governments and agencies. Aside from providing CDBG-funded programs on behalf of cities such as Edina, CAPSH provides information and referrals for housing matters (particularly first time homebuyer assistance programs and foreclosure prevention counseling) with city offices. CAPSH works closely with many city offices to conduct and coordinate workshops and other events, including Financial Security Workshops. CAPSH participates with local, state, and federal housing agencies and social services providers to conduct housing fairs and outreach activities. In addition to being active participants in partnership and collaborative efforts involving government housing agencies at various levels of government, CAPSH has a staff member on the board of MMFPA. Describe how the activity meets a need not currently CAPSH's programs focus on low-income people's need for housing and financial stability through unique services not otherwise readily available or adequately being addressed by other services: in the community. For instance, low-income homeowners have the opportunity to get personalized counseling. Seniors are able to access services that protect them from range of problems, everything from losing their home to losing their savings. CAPSH makes these services accessible by offering them at multiple locations and times, and makes them accessible to low-income clients by offering the majority of services and programs for free (exception is Homebuyer Education - CAPSH is required by State of Minnesota to charge a fee). HOMEt_ Office Phone: 612/728-5770 Hotline: 612/728-5767 Fax: 612/728-5761 www.homelinemn.org 3455 Bloomington Ave Minneapolis, MN 55407 Joyce Repya Senior Planner City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 January 12, 2016 Dear Ms. Repya, This letter is to request funding in the amount of $4,264 from the City of Edina's Community Development Block Grant Program to support HOME Line's services for renters. A copy of the 2016 CDBG Program Request for Funding is enclosed. Along with the CDBG Request Form, I am enclosing summaries of our hotline's service to Edina residents. In 2015, HOME Line's Tenant Hotline served 105 Edina families, prevented an estimated 6 evictions, and saved Edina residents approximately $14,540. HOME Line has added an additional Spanish Speaking Tenant Advocate to our staff. We now have one Somali and two Spanish Advocates to work with these immigrant communities in their native languages. HOME Line is working to meet the current challenges facing low-income renters and would like the City of Edina to continue as our partner in meeting these needs. We thank you for the opportunity to submit this application. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 612/728-5770, extension 107 or Mike Vraa, our managing attorney at extension 113. Sincerely, r #1 Beth Kodluboy Executive Director enclosures as noted Tenant Advocacy in Minnesota Public Service Application (family, youth and senior services) Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Please answer below in this column General Information: Organization: HOME Line Type of entity: Non-profit CDBG funding request: Use of CDBG funding (e.g. staff labor costs): Contact person: Phone/Email: Program Information: What is the program name/type of service? Tenant Hotline Services Is this an existing CDBG-funded program? Yes Where is the program located, if applicable? Phone service What is the service area of this program? City wide Who is the target clientle? Low Income Renters $4,264 Staff Labor Costs Mike Vraa Managing Attorney/Hotline Director 612 728-5770 x113 mikev@honnelinemn.org What needs does this program address? Renters make up nearly 5,733 households in Edina, and many of these families have low incomes. When renters have problems involving their homes, those who don't know their rights and responsibilities can end up living in housing that is unsafe, lose security deposits that are rightfully theirs, or make decisions that cost them their home. HOME Line provides renters with the tools necessary to keep their homes safe and affordable. Additionally, the latest census information shows that Edina now has 1,038 Spanish speaking residents. Edina also has 760 African born immigrants from Subsaharan Africa. These immigrant communities are more likely to be renters, low-income, and because of language and cultural barriers, more susceptible to poor rental practices. Is the need growing? Yes, Since 2009, HOME Line has averaged 107 calls per year from Edina. But in the last three years, HOME Line has averaged 113 Edina calls per year, clearly trending upward. How does the program address these needs? HOME Line provides renters with the tools necessary to keep their homes safe and affordable. HOME Line's Tenant Hotline provides free legal advice to tenants about landlord/tenant law. These services prevent problems ranging from homelessness to illness from unsafe living conditions, and result in reducing the use of the city's emergency resources. In 2015, our Tenant Hotline Services to Edina advised 105 renter households, helped prevent the eviction of 6 families, and saved tenants at least $14,540. The most common reasons Edina residents call our hotline are: repairs, and security deposits, and neighbor issues. The need for this service in Edina is apparent -- Edina residents already rely on this valuable service. While our services are available to all renters free of charge, 78% of our Edina callers have low incomes; 77% of these callers are women; 24% are racial minorities. Our programs are aimed at low-income renters. HOME Line's language and cultural access initiative mean that Somali and Spanish speaking renters can directly call our Somali and Spanish speaking Tenant advocates in their native languages and get assistance with their rental problems. How many persons were served by this program in the last 12 263 months? What is your goal for number of persons served July 2016 -June 250 -300 2017? CDBG State funding Corporate contributions Other (Hotline Training, Attorneys Fees, Books Sales, Contributions ) $88,505 200,000 0 $53,100 What percentage of clients are (or are estimated to be) low and 78% moderate-income persons? CDBG requires at least 51%. Staffing and Financial Capacity: Describe the organization's experience in providing this service, staff capacity and staff qualifications: The Tenant Hotline began in 1992 as a service to Suburban Hennepin County residents. Today we serve the entire state Awards must be spent by June 30, 2017, and it is requested that funds be spent by April 1, 2017. When is the anticipated date to expend the funds? April 1, 2017 Consistency with Plans and Public Support: Is this a high, medium, or low priority service according to the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan? *Applications will be reviewed and ranked based on the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan high priorities, use the 2015-2019 priorities as a reference. High - Public Service - Housing Counseling Describe any multi-community, multi-agency or public/private partnership support: HOME Line has a history of successfully partnering with foundations and local and state governments to help support our Describe how the activity meets a need not currently or adequately being addressed by other services: The Attorney General's office refers tenants with questions to our hotline, but does not give tenants specific legal advice. Horrigs Reach January20, 2016 Joyce Repya City of Edina Associate Planner 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Joyce; Thank you for the opportunity to submit the West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust (WHAHLT), dba Homes Within Reach (HWR), 2016 Edina CDBG application. The application consists of the fillable form provided by you and three exhibits. They include - o Exhibit 1 - Proposed Preliminary Sources & Uses • Exhibit 2 - 1 Page Supplemental Information • Exhibit 3 - Community Land Trust and How it Works WHAHLT is seeking financial support from the City of Edina to accompany other matching funding sources to produce one additional affordable home (11th) in the community of Edina, using the Community Land Trust practice. This application will enable HWR to continue to create and preserve affordable homeownership in Edina even as home and land values rise in Edina, using the community land trust practice, which allows homeownership to be affordable for low/moderate income work-force families. We appreciate the support the City has provided HWR in creating and sustaining affordable homes in Edina. We look forward to continuing our partnership in addressing the needs of affordable homeownership housing. Thank you for taking the time to review and consider our proposal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (952) 401-7071. Sincerely, 42dies2) Janet A. Lindbo Executive Director West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust 5101 Thimsen Avenue, Suite 202, Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-401-7071 tel info@HomesWithinReach.org 952-224-2857 fax trfagra Non Public Service Application Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Please answer below in this column General Information: City: Other partners (if any): CDBG funding request: Use of CDBG funding (e.g. acquisition of land, rehabilitation of public facility, sidewalk reconstruction, etc.): Edina West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust (WHAHLT) dba Homes Within Reach (HWR) a 501 (c) (3) non profit Community Land Trust $99,817 Use of the CDBG funding is for the acquisition of land, rehabilitation of home in order to create and preserve an affordable home using the Community Land Trust practice in the City of Edina. Contact person: Janet Lindbo Phone and Email: 952-401-7071 Activity Information: Describe the activity: West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust (WHAHLT) dba Homes Within Reach (HWR) is requesting CDBG award from the City of Edina, to continue offering the HWR program in Edina, which assists in creating and preserving affordable homeownership using the Community Land Trust practice. The major objective of creating affordable homeownership is to offer an opportunity for low to moderate income work- force households in becoming homeowners, which in turns adds value to the family unit, the community and protects the investment of the subsidy made possible by multiple funders. The proposed activity will have multiple matching funding sources to augment the requested Edina CDBG award, which includes Hennepin County - AHIF, Home Partnership, Metropolitan Council, & Minnesota Housing. Creation of affordable homeownership using the Community Land Trust practice is achieved by acquiring and retaining the ownership of real property, rehabilitating and then selling the improvements (home) to buyers earning less than 80% Area Median Income (AMI). The HWR Community Land Trust program removes the land value from the mortgage equation, creating initial affordability. The long-term affordability is obtained through a pricing formula that provides the owner with an amount of equity (35%), while ensuring the sale price to subsequent low-to-moderate income households continues to be affordable and requires the homeowner to sell to another low-to-moderate income household. The homes are made permanently affordable for work-force homeowners through contractual controls embedded in the Ground Lease. The Ground Lease allows the homeowner to secure, long-term rights to the land. In addition, the homeowners have full use of the land and responsibility for the property. The homeowner is responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes on the house and on the land. The homeowner may sell his/her home only to a qualified buyer. The resale price is limited by a formula which more Non Public Service Application Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 than likely (based on market conditions) allows the seller to recover the original cost of the house plus a modest profit. Therefore, assuming the house has retained or increased in value, the homeowner who sells his or her home will get all of their equity (the amount of money that they used as a down-payment as well as all principal that has been paid) plus a percentage (35%) of the home's appreciation (the amount that a home has increased in value since it was purchased). As a result, Community Land Trust homes remain affordable for consecutive generations of homeowners, because the resale restriction is the subsidy retention and is tied to the home not the owner ensuring the home continues to be affordable with each sale over the lease period, serving multiple families over the course of the 99-year lease. This recycling of funds from owner to owner ensures the home remains affordable for low to moderate income families over a long period. Where will the activity be located? What population(s) will benefit? City-wide HWR supports work-force families providing essential services to the community and surrounding suburbs who typically cannot afford to purchase an entry-level home in Edina, yet works, resides or has family who lives in the community. HWR's target market is work-force households with incomes at 80% or less of area median income (AMI). HWR has served over 141 families who have become homeowners using HWR program throughout the suburbs of Hennepin County with 32% to 79% AMI, the average program wide AMI is 59% and 61.4% for the nine (does not include the resale) affordable CLT homes created in the City of Edina. Additionally, in December 2015, HWR purchased its 10th property in the City of Edina and is currently rehabbing the home and working with several families interested in purchasing the home using the Community Land Trust practice. Will this principally benefit low to moderate-income persons/neighborhood areas, or directly benefit populations presumed to be low-income including seniors, abused children, battered spouses, homeless, disabled persons? Work-force families provide essential services to the infrastructure of Edina and surrounding communities. These jobs include but are not limited to custodians, health care workers, clergy, retail workers, administrative positions, food service providers and many more. HWR program offers an opportunity for work-force households to become homeowners, which in turn stabilizes the family unit while not over burdening their income to do so. In addition to adding value to the community where they work or live, the program supports the labor pool to local businesses, adding new families to the community, preserving and rehabilitating of existing housing stock and providing a mechanism to invest in long-term affordable homeownership, thereby linking housing with jobs, transit and support service. HWR implemented the Community Land Trust program in Edina in 2007 and through 2015 has assisted 10 families (includes one resale) to become homeowners, serving a total of 34 individuals. As stated above, HWR purchased the 10th Edina property in December of 2015 and will be completing rehab and selling the home in early 2016. Anticipated accomplishments (numerical goal): If awarded 2016 CDBG funds from the City of Edina, HWR will create an additional affordable home in Edina, the 11th. Please keep in mind that each one of these homes will more than likely haves to 7 families own the home during a 99 year period - therefore serving 15 plus individuals per home - per investment. Non Public Service Application Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Implementation Schedule - highest priority given to activities able to request reimbursement by April 1, 2017. Expenditure period is July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017. Tasks Anticipated Completion Date Acquisition/Rehab of Property: • Property Search, Sellectkin, Offbr, Due Diligences/Multiple Inspections, Acquisition/Rehab, LC Approval, Purchase of Property, Development of Specification and Rehab Rehab Plan & Execute 6 + months . ' ' • • • • • ' - .,--. Selling of the Home Process: Mortgage Application and Approval, Selection of Home, Board Committee Interview, Finalize Income Eligibility, Execute PA, Homebuyer Inspection 3 - 6 months Closing Process: Attorney Review with Buyer, Final Home Inspection, Transfer Utilities, Coordination with Funders, Buyers & Closer 60 days Close Project: Final Bills, Finalize Project Sources & Uses, Submit Paper work to Funders for Payment, pay off LC Commitment 90 days Staffing and Financial Capacity: Describe city staff capacity and experience relevant to There is no use of City Staff to implement the HWR program, only the city's requirements for managing the allocation and administering this activity: disbursement of CDBG funds. Will additional staffing/resources need to be secured? No Awards must be spent by June 30, 2017, and applications score higher by being able to expend by April 1, 2017. When is the anticipated date to expend the funds? Expenditure of funds for the 11th home will take place in late 2016 or early 2017. Funding Sources CDBG Amount $99,817 Committed? application in process Prior Year CDBG (for this activity) .... , Other federal funds (specify) HOME $55,000 committed Low Income Housing Tax Credits is! State (specify) Minnesota Housing $28,000 committed Local (specify) AHIF $25,000 committed Council _Metropolitan $10,000 committed ifkOler (specify) M. Non Public Service Application Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Total $217,817 Uses of Funds Amount Please refer to Exhibit 1 of the HWR Supplemental Information - the Preliminary sources and Uses for the Proposed Project. _ IIIMMINCIONIVIIMMININAMM7 Consistency with Plans and Public Support: Is this a high, medium, or low priority service according to the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan? HWR program meets the Hennepin County Consolidated high priority for offering homeownership assistance by creating and preserving affordable homeownership options to workforce families (80% AMI or lower) in the suburbs of Hennepin County. In addition, the program requires homeownership training by HWR applicants via the Homestretch Classes, which is another high priority within the plan and HWR works with homeowners when crisis arises and they need to participate in foreclosure prevention measures. Over the years, several homeowners have members who are physically disabled and have worked with HWR, Hennepin County and other non-profits to make the home accessible and barrier free for the disabled family member. Describe any community or private partnership support: HWR has partnered with various suburban communities to support the HWR program and participates with local organizations to support the HWR efforts. HWR collaborates with organizations like Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation, who administers a fix-up loan program for CLT homeowners for home improvements and a credit counselor to assist prospective applicants in repairing their credit in order to qualify for a mortgage. HWR continues to be a member of the Minnesota CLT Coalition, where the organization works with its peers regarding its lobbying initiatives, development of best practices, resources and products the CLT's offers to the work-force families. Furthermore, the organization with its team of consultants and specialized vendors (contractors, realtors, attorney, appraiser, closer, lenders, auditor etc.,) provide the resources, expertise and services to accomplish the day-to-day activities and tasks in creating and preserving affordable homeownership. Non Public Service Application Urban Hennepin County CDBG Program Year 2016 Describe how the activity meets a locally identified high priority community development need: The proposed activity of creating and sustaining affordable homeownership in the City of Edina meets a community priority because of the challenges of providing affordable homeownership options and the need for additional suburban workforce housing since price of entry-level properties are out of the reach for many essential workers who work and or live in Edina and the surrounding area. Homes Within Reach is a program with thirteen years of experience providing scattered site affordable homeownership options, meeting multiple community needs; they include but are not limited to the following. Workforce families provide essential services to maintain and sustain the infrastructure of the community. Demand for living in the suburban communities has led to increased home values that have risen to the point that many single-family homes, despite their age, are not affordable to low and moderate income work-force families. Land values in particular have increased, making it difficult for developers to build affordable single- family homes. The program preserves community resources through the use of existing buildings (preservation and rehabilitation of existing housing stock) and the community's infrastructure. The program enables new comers to join the community, support the investment in the delivery of the Community's infrastructure and maximize the one-time investment in sustaining affordability. The purpose of creating affordable homeownership offers an opportunity for work-force families to become homeowners, which in turn adds value to the buyer and the City of Edina and protects the investment of the subsidy made possible by many funders. Therefore, the program's activity expands homeownership opportunities, enhances residential stability, preserves housing affordability and supports the community infrastructure. 2016 Edina CDBG Application Exhibit 1 Preli mary Sources & Uses for Prop sed Edina Housinci Pro-ect Name of Property Date: Undetermined - proposed the creation of one affordable home January 2016 Sources: Homebuyer Mortgage $140,000 City of Edina CDBG $99,817 HWR Matching Funds $118,000 Total $357,817 Uses: Acquisition Costs $290,000 Closing Costs $2,400 Inspections/Testing $2,600 Acquisition costs $295,000 Adm Fee $5,000 Project/Holding/LC/Closing Costs $17,500 Rehab Costs $40,317 Total $357,817 2016 Edina CDBG Application Exhibit 2 Sunniernental Information In 2007, Homes Within Reach implemented its program in Edina, providing affordable homeownership opportunities to two families in the City of Edina, From 2007 through 2015, Homes Within Reach created nine affordable homes, there has been one resale and HWR purchased the 10th property in Edina in December of 2015. Currently, HWR is working with applicants to purchase the 10th home, while rehabilitation is taking place. Average land value for the nine CLT properties in Edina is $143,000. The average HWR sales price for the Edina homes using HWR Community Land Trust program over the past seven years is $139,833; serving families with an Area Median Income (AMI) of 61.4%. It is HWR experience that entry- level properties' land values are exceeding $150,000 per parcel in Edina. HWR at Edina Profile: Categories 2002-2015 HWR 2002-2015 Edina Comments Totals Totals Total HWR Parcels 125 10 11WR Households 122 9 HWR Resales 18 1 HWR Total Families Served 140 10 HWR Average Income Served $42,671 $46,458 HWR Area Median Income Served (0/0) 59% 61 4% . Income and family size drives AMI calculation HWR Average Final Mortgage Amount $906 $1,036 Includes PITI HWR Average Sale Price $125,502 $139,833 HWR Number Persons Served 482 33 Number of Communities Served 11 1 Examples of Edina Land Trust Home 2016 Edina CDBG Application Exhibit 3 Communky Land Trrust - How k Works West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust dba Homes Within Reach is a Community Land Trust. A Community Land Trust organization is a - • Nonprofit organization • Formed to hold title to land to preserve its long-term affordability • Receives public and private donations of land or monies, to purchase land on which housing exists or can be built • The homes are sold to low-to-moderate income workforce families • The CLT retains ownership of the land and provides a long-term ground lease to homebuyers to secure their rights to use the land • The CLT retains a long-term option to re-purchase the homes at a formula-driven purchase price when homeowners later decide to sell & move. Two key components driving the interest in Community Land Trusts are lI A Social Component Promoting homeownership for low to moderate income families A Financial Component Protecting the public's investment in affordable homeownership The Community Land Trust (CLT) is one vehicle that allows homeownership to be affordable for low-to-moderate income workforce families. A Community Land Trust (CLT) establishes affordability by removing the value of the land from the mortgage equation to create initial affordability resulting in savings of principal and interest and in down payment and closing costs. The. CUT retains ownership of the land and enters into a 99-year ground lease with the leaseholder-homeowner. Therefore, each affordable home will offer affordable homeownership to 6-9 families throughout the life of the lease. The CLT leaseholder-homeowner pays property tax on both the home and the land, and secures the rights to use the land via a Ground Lease. Federal, State, City and private contributions fund project costs - land acquisition, buyer assistance, rehab, and holding costs. A CLT ensures permanent affordability of the home through two provisions found in the Ground Lease. O The first is a pricing formula that provides the owner with a fair amount of equity (25%-35%), while ensuring the sale price for subsequent low-to-moderate income households is affordable. • The second provision requires the homeowner to sell either to another low-to-moderate income household. In addition, the provisions ensure the home continues to be affordable with each sale. A CLT leaseholder-homeowner receives benefits similar to non-CLT homeowners such as the ability to build equity, the federal mortgage interest and property tax deduction and the ability to pass on the lease interest and home to their heirs. The following Chart provides, an example of how a Community Land Trust creates initial and permanent affordability (99 years plus). The example compares the difference in affordability after ten years under the CLT and conventional model. Page 1 of 2 2016 Edina CDBG Application Exhibit 3 Affordability Comparison Affordability Comparison Ca Model Conventional Model Acquisition costs Market Value Land $ 90,000 $ 90,000 Market Value Home $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ 210,000 $ 210,000 Subsidy Subsidy/Affordability Gap $ 90,000 $ _ Sale Price $ 120,000 $ 210,000 Ms EN Housing Costs Principal and Interest 1 719 $ 1,200 Property Taxes 235 $ 235 Homeowner Insurance $ 135 $ 135 Land Lease Fee $ 30 n/a Total Monthly Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance - $ 1,119 $ 1,570 Down Payment $ 1,000 $ 10,500 Closing Costs $ 4,150 $ 5,650 Market Value After 10 Years Market Value Home -- $ 161,270 n/a Market Value Land and Home n/a $ 282,222 Increase in Value 2 $ 41,270 Sale Price Calculation after 10 Years . IIIII1Percentage of Appreciation to Owner Owners Share of Appreciation $ 14,445 72,222 BIB New Sale Price of Home $ 134,445 282,222 Mortgage Interest Rate 6%, Term 30 years, Annual average increase in market value 3% The chart above demonstrates that after ten years, the CLT home sells for $134,445 as opposed to $282,222 under the conventional model, a difference of $147,777. There are two primary factors to account for this difference. First, the land has been permanently removed from the speculative market. Secondly, the homeowner receives only a percentage of the appreciation of the home when they decide to sell. In the above example, the owner receives 35% or $14,445, based on a formula that is standard among CLTs (25-35%) across the United States, where the homeowner receives only a portion of the appreciation in order to make the home affordable for each subsequent sale. Page 2 of 2 Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance No. 2016-01: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Regarding Signage in the PID, Planned Industrial District Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Waive Second Reading and adopt the attached Ordinance No 2016-10. INTRODUCTION: Children’s Minnesota is planning to move their corporate campus to 5901 Lincoln Drive in Edina. The existing building would be home to 750 Children’s Minnesota employees. The property is zoned PID, Planned Industrial District. Offices are an allowed use in all PID Zoning Districts. Edina’s sign ordinance allows industrially zoned property one sign per building. Property that is zoned POD, Planned Office District is allowed one wall sign per building and one free standing sign per street front. Children’s would like to have a second sign on the property to assist with way finding due the size of their site. To accommodate their request, staff recommended that they apply for a Zoning Ordinance Amendment, rather than pursuing a variance, so that property zoned Office and Industrial have the same signage requirements. (See applicant narrative and plans on pages A1-A6a, in the Planning Commission Staff Memo.) The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Ordinance Amendment on January 27, 2016, and recommended approval. Vote: 7 Ayes and 1 Nay. ATTACHMENTS: Description Planning Commission Staff Memo Planning Commission Minutes Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2016-27, Conditional Use Permit for an Expansion to Edina High School at 6754 Valley View Road Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2016-27, approving a conditional use permit for a 142,000 square foot addition to Edina High School. INTRODUCTION: The Edina Public Schools are proposing to build a 142,000 square foot addition to the existing high school located at 6754 Valley View Road. The additional space would be used to house the 9th grade, which is moving from South View and Valley View Middle Schools. This project is part of the successful referendum passed by the voters of Edina in May of 2015. The addition would be located on the northwest side of the existing high school, to have the least amount of impact on the existing site and existing building as possible. The Planning Commission considered the request on February 10, 2016 and recommended approval. Vote 6 Ayes, 1 Nays. Conditions recommended by the Planning Commission have been added to the resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Description Planning Commission Staff Report Resolution No. 2016-27 Planning Commission Minutes Revised Memo from the City Engineer High School Schematic Circulation Concept PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # i Cary Teague January 27, 2016 V.A. Community Development Director INFORMATION & BACKGROUND Background Information The Edina Public Schools are proposing to build a 142,000 square foot addition to the existing high school located at 6754 Valley View Road. (See location on pages A1—A4.) The additional space would be used to house the 9th grade, which is moving from South View and Valley View Middle Schools. This project is part of the successful referendum passed by the voters of Edina in May of 2015. The addition would be located on the northwest side of the existing high school, to have the least amount of impact on the existing site and existing building as possible. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Easterly: Southerly: Westerly: Crosstown Highway 62 and single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing 86 acre site contains the Edina High School, Valley View Middle School, large parking fields, and athletic facilities including tennis courts, baseball and softball fields, football/soccer/lacrosse fields. (See page A4.) Planning Guide Plan designation: Public/Semi-public Zoning: R-1, Single-dwelling district Grading & Drainage Drainage patterns would generally remain the same. The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable. The grading must not impact adjacent neighbors. Final grading and drainage plan is subject to review and approval of the city engineer at the time of building permit application. The proposed plans will also require a review and approval by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site 208 overstory trees would be required. That includes existing landscaping and trees on the site. There are well over 200 existing trees on the site. Most are located along the north and west lot line and east of the building. (See page A3.) The applicant has provided a landscape plan to include an additional 47 overstory trees, with a full complement of understory shrubs and bushes. (See landscape plan on pages A36-A41.) Parking The parking calculations are based on the capacity of the largest place of assembly. Parking spaces equal to one-third the maximum seating capacity of the largest place of assembly is required. There is a shared parking arrangement between the Valley View Middle School and the Edina High School. The capacity of the each of the largest place of assembly is 2,090 at the High School (gymnasium) and 578 at the Middle School (Auditorium). Therefore, the required number of parking spaces is 889 for the campus. Within all of the parking fields on the site there would be a total of 983 stalls. Therefore, the campus provides enough parking spaces per City Zoning Ordinance. The applicant also performed a parking study to make sure that they were providing enough parking stalls. SRF conducted that study which is attached on pages A7-A18. The study concludes that the site does have adequate parking. Bike Facilities Nonresidential developments having an off-street automobile parking requirement of 20 or more spaces must provide off-street bicycle parking spaces where bicycles may be parked and secured from theft by their owners. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be five percent of the automobile parking space requirement. The design and placement of bicycle parking spaces and bicycle racks used to secure bicycles shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Whenever possible, bicycle parking spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. 2 Based on the number of parking stalls required, 45 bike racks are required. The applicant has indicated that there would be at least 45 bike racks located on the site for students and teachers. This shall be made a condition of approval and would be verified at the time of building permit. Building Design The new building would be constructed with brick and metal panels to match and complement the existing structure. (See building elevations on pages A21-A22.) A materials board will be presented by the school district at the public hearings. The materials meet the city's minimum standards for construction. Conditional Use Permit Per Section 36-305 of the City Code, the City Council shall not grant a Conditional Use Permit unless it finds that the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use: 1. Does not have an undue adverse impact on governmental facilities, utilities, services or existing or proposed improvements; The proposed addition to the school would not impact the above. There would be adequate utilities and services provided to the site. Traffic and parking studies were conducted by SRF Consulting which concludes that the addition would be adequately parked (See pages A7-A18), and would not have a negative impact on existing roadways subject to a realignment of the west access to align with Chapel Lane, and providing a traffic control officer during the a.m. peak hour. (See page A91 in the traffic study. The whole traffic study is found on pages A65-A94.) 2. Will generate traffic within the capacity of the streets serving the property; As mentioned above, the proposal will not generate traffic beyond the capacity of the streets serving the property. (See pages A65-A94.) Improvements are recommended to minimize the impacts to the roads, including a realignment of the west access to align with Chapel Lane, and providing a traffic control officer during the a.m. peak hour. (See page A91.) a Does not have an undue adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare; The proposed addition meets all setback and city code regulations; there would be no undue adverse impact on public health, safety and welfare. The use of the property remains the same as exists today. 3 4. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of other property in the vicinity; The addition would be constructed to match the existing school. (See building renderings on page A21.) The addition would have no impact'on development in the vicinity. 5. Conforms to the applicable restrictions and special conditions of the district in which it is located as imposed by this chapter; and The new addition would conform to all applicable zoning ordinance requirements. 6. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The two schools exist on the site today, and are conditionally permitted uses in the R-1 Zoning District. The use is consistent with the Public/Semi Public designation in the Comprehensive Plan. Compliance Table ) City Standard Proposed Front — Valley View Road Side West Rear — North Side — East 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 500+ feet 250+ fee 300+ feet 500+ feet Lot Size 10 acres + I acre per each 150 students = 35 acres ) 86 acres Building Height 40 feet 29-39 feet (See page A22) (Existing school is taller) Over-story Trees 128 trees required (number is based on the perimeter of the site) 242 trees existing on the site Parking Bike Parking VP the max. capacity of the largest place of assembly High School — 2090, (Gym) Middle School — 578 (Aud.) (889 spaces required) 5% = 45 1 983 Proposed 45 minimum Primary Issue ) • Is the proposed new building addition reasonable for this site? Yes. Staff believes the proposal is reasonable for the following reasons: 4 1. The proposal meets the Conditional Use Permit findings. As demonstrated on pages 2-3 of this report the six findings for a Conditional Use Permit would be met. 2. The proposal meets all minimum Zoning Ordinance standards. All setback requirements would be met. 3. The proposed addition would be built to blend in with the existing school. 4. The addition addresses building space needs at the school. 5. The parking and traffic study done by SRF has demonstrated that the existing roadways and parking lot would support the addition, with some conditions. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit to build an addition to the Edina High School at 6754 Valley View Road. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposal meets the Conditional Use Permit conditions Per Section 36- 305 of the City Code. 2. The proposal meets all applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. The addition addresses building space needs at the school. 4. The parking and traffic study done by SRF has demonstrated that the existing roadways and parking lot would support the addition. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Grading plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Landscaping plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building elevations date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building materials board as presented at the Planning Commission and City Council meeting. 5 2. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the watershed district's requirements. 3. Compliance with the conditions required by the city engineer in his memo dated January 20, 2016. 4. Building plans are subject to review and approval of the fire marshal at the time of building permit. 5. Bike racks must be provided to meet minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. 1 6. A building permit must be obtained within two years of City Council approval. Deadline for a city decision: February 16, 2016 1 6 I Bred A MUD LAKE 1,7 II 'estliriblitytttt,,'F'04itIrthifft erti' ; tee est 77,- 17 IT: ltirc tr. rest t ktiest -u r , Ft:41rd: 'kart t-tt I !Ariel-Welt -r-. E "-n13 _ . . ftei 11:-"` ' iJ • ifor „ • , tWaty L - rt, , 1,.crtutt II CH..., j . C.Akt,e',..Hill F,rri : Lewis Perk t street SVe-st Parcel 05-116-21-32-0001 ID: A-T-B: Map Scale: 1" 1600 ft. Print Date: 1/13/2016 Owner Ind Sch Dist 273 Name: Market Total: Parcel 6750 Valley View Rd Address: Edina, MN 55439 Tax Total: Sale Price: Property Type: This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. Sale Date: Home- stead: Parcel Area: Sale Code: COPYRIGHT@ HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 A Think.Greenl 6400 r • 24 24 1 I L 6200 7 6300 al ley S cho c630,1...k . I Slia ne Drive Erin ' 1 1 • Terrace Hp !' I A-T-B: Market Total: Tax Total: Sale Price: This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no Sale representation or warranty expressed or Date: implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 A Think Green! 24 I I I \ . E 'Ty iew noaa , - I ' I 1 -T ' Cha 01.150e , a'---- i- t Heights Park 24 24 24 i \ —711 1 , I I / ; Grace Terra( e • _ . Lois tane I I i r- — Susan Avenue IJ 10* 6 th Street West 6804%1_4 6808 n.:1; Brook Drive I Mc:gure Roa;c.1 7:71: Map Scale: 1" 800 ft. Print Date: 1/13/2016 Sale Code: A 6401 Cree1:ja* Illey ;Dia 1 galaeriane n I , r.. 1 k , nf; -r?- ,e I r-- 6817 ' I I Parcel 05-116-21-32-0001 ID: Owner Ind Sch Dist 273 Name: Parcel 6750 Valley View Rd Address: Edina, MN 55439 Property Type: Home- stead: Parcel Area: 6754 6750 Map Scale: 1" 800 ft. Print Date: 1/13/2016 This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 A Think.Greenl A-T-B: Market Total: Tax Total: Sale Price: Sale Date: Sale Code: Parcel 05-116-21-32-0001 ID: Owner Ind Sch Dist 273 Name: Parcel 6750 Valley View Rd Address: Edina, MN 55439 Property Type: Home- stead: Parcel Area: Map Scale: 1" 400 ft. Print Date: 1/13/2016 This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 A Think Green! Parcel 05-116-21-32-0001 ID: Owner Ind Sch Dist 273 Name: Parcel 6750 Valley View Rd Address: Edina, MN 55439 Property Type: A-T-B: Market Total: Tax Total: Sale Price: Sale Date: Sale Code: Home- stead: Parcel Area: December 23, 2015 Cary Teague Community Development Director City of Edina Planning Division 4801 W. 501h Street Edina, MN 55424 0111 C 444- 01,T 141 Re: [d ma Public Schools — ISD #273 Edina High School Additions and Renovations Written Description for Conditional Use Permit Submittal Independent School District #273, Edina Public Schools, passed a successful referendum in May of 2015 to create personalized and extended learning environments, update special education and media center spaces, provide secure entries, and incorporate flexible furniture throughout their existing buildings. An element of this request was to build an addition at Edina High School to house 9th grade, which is currently in the two middle schools (South View and Valley View). This will allow for classrooms in the middle schools to be converted to extended learning environments while aligning grade organizations with standards (comprehensive grades 9-12 experience). As a result, a 142,000 SF addition at the High School is required to create enough capacity to support 9th grade as well as replace classrooms taken "offline" within the existing building to create extended learning environments. The location of the addition has been carefully studied to work well with existing topography and grades, connect to the existing building intuitively, avoid disrupting utilities and easements, and integrate well with the existing building massing. Approx. 70,000 SF of the existing building (total existing square feet: 411,717 SF) is being renovated to create these extended learning environments as well as accomplish renovations to media center and special education areas. The existing building was completed in 1972, with renovations done in 1990 and major additions completed in 2005. A guiding principle of the Core Planning Team, a group of parents, teachers, students and administrators who assisted in the design of the project, was a holistic final product. To accomplish this, the addition uses language of the existing building and will have matching brick colors (light and dark) and glass (clear and ceramic frilled). The metal panel selection aims to complement the existing copper panels while reducing maintenance needs on the District. These materials can be seen on the materials sample board. Exterior design language: • Area 'A' — Existing EPAC Entry / New Main Entry: o Exterior finish is composed mostly of metal panels. o Multiple masses that interconnect with each other and a variety of roof heights. o Large storefront/curtainwall systems with vertical mullions and mixture of translucent and clear glazing. • Area 'B'— Existing Science Classrooms / New Classroom Volume: O Punched window openings. o Majority of the façade is long horizontal elements of light brick with smaller portions of metal panel and dark brick. O Irregular sized windows placed in a somewhat (dis)-organized manner. •at,Area 'C' — Existing Cafeteria and Commons / New Event Entry and Maker Labs: 0 Large storefront/curtain wall systems that wrap corners. O Exterior finish composed mostly of light brick. 0*:54 RN" • Area 'D' — Existing Music and Art Classrooms / New Activity Labs and Gymnasium: o Irregular and unique windows/metal panel areas. O Mixture of translucent and clear glazing and vertical mullions. O Exterior finish composed of light brick with a dark brick base. O Large spaces of brick façade between architectural elements. Ass Another goal of the Core Planning Group was to create intuitive circulation throughout the project, both within the building and on-site. The site plan and its many iterations have worked to achieve this. The District has met on several occasions with the City and nearby neighbors to discuss the project, including its timeline, to answer questions and discuss concerns. We have also met several times with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and submitted all storm water management plans to them. I have included one copy of the 404 page storm water management plan document as well as included a digital version. We discussed this with Kris Aaker in lieu of providing 30 copies of this long report. I have attached a copy of the parking study completed by SRF Consulting. Per our recent discussions, SRF has expanded their scope to include traffic components of Valley View Road. As soon as they have completed their analysis we will forward this report to you. My understanding is they have completed their observations and counts and are now in the analysis phase. ALTA Planning completed an on-site circulation study including bicyclist and pedestrian recommendations that we have taken into account. I have included a copy of this report as well. There is no plan to change the signage on Valley View Road and as such I have not included any plans for this. Wold Architects and Engineers is a firm focused on public environments; we have been working with School Districts with the master planning of their educational facilities and providing design services for over 47 years. As a client-service focused firm, we believe our role is much more than just a facility designer. Because facility issues are ongoing, we offer our continuing support from initial space needs analysis, through design and construction, to continuing post-occupancy. Our 100+ person, multi-disciplinary staff provides facility analysis, facility planning and programming, architectural design and specifications, mechanical and electrical design and specifications, space planning, interior design, cost estimating, and construction administration. We are currently working with several School Districts executing referendum-funded work of similar scales, including Wayzata High School Addition (ISD #284), various Elk River additions (ISD #728), and Shakopee High School Addition and Renovation (ISD #720). Please feel free to call or email with any questions. Sincerely, WOLD ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS Sal Bagley cc: Margo Bauck, ISD #273 Eric Hamilton, ISD #273 Nick Marcucci, Wold Architects and Engineers Vaughn Dierks, Wold Architects and Engineers Dave Rey, AJA Ac E4 I Consulting Group, Inc. E NGINEER9 PLANNrns gSIGNf RS DRAFT ikfierrinowandurn SRF No. 9034 To: Vaughn Dirks, AIA, LEED-AP Wold Architects and Engineers From: Matthew Pacyna, PE, Senior Associate Emily Gross, EIT, Engineer Date: November 20, 2015 Subject: Edina High School Parking Assessment Mtvoductjon As requested, SRF has completed a parking study at the Edina High School/Valley View Middle School campus in the City of Edina, Minnesota. The school campus is located north of Valley View Road between St. Patricks Lane and Antrim Road (see Figure 1 L Pioject Location). The study was initiated to understand changes at the campus due to the Edina Public School District plan to relocate all 9th grade students to the high school, including the 9th grade students at South View Middle School. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to review the existing parking supply/ , demand and determine if the proposed parking supply will be adequate to meet. the future parking demand on campus. The following information summarizes the results of the parking study. Existing CondRions The following information was collected to identify elisting parking conditions at the Edina High School/Valley View Middle School campus. • Student enrollment and staff information was reviewedfor the campus. o Edina High School (grades -1042):'.2,015 students and 220 full-/part-time staff o Valley View Middle School (grades 6-9)-0,364 students and 130 full-/part-time staff • Edina High School hours are from a.m. to 3:10 p.m. = . • Valley View Middle School hours are from 745 a.m. to 240 p.m. • A parking spice inventory by designation (i.e. staff, visitor, handicap accessible (ADA), or student) was completed forithe campui Graphic illustrations for the northwest, southwest, northeast, and southeast parking ldts are included in the Appendix. • All student parking spades require a permit. Currently the school provides 425 yearly student permits ($300/year) and an additional 25 daily student permits ($3/day). 4 • An additional 30 student parking permits are offered for the Calvary Lutheran Ch 4C0f4, which is located on Antrim Road south of Valley View Road. • ONE CARLSON PARKWAY, SUITE 150 I MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55447 I 763.475.0010 I WWW.SRFCONSk G.COM A7 Project Location C_onsulling Group, Inc. Edina High School 009034 City of Edina November 2015 Figure 1 Mr. Vaughn Dirks November 20, 2015 Wold Architects and Engineers Page 3 • Based on discussions with school staff, the student demand for parking permits exceeds the number of permits available. The school has implemented a rating system to determine which students receive parking permits. The system prioritizes seniority and carpooling. Students in 10th grade or under are not eligible for the parking permits. • Existing off-street parking utilization surveys were collected by SRF on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. and on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 1:30 p.m., which correspond with our understanding of the peak parking periods. This data is summarized in Table 1. o Parking counts were also collected at the Calvary Lutheran Church. The church has a parking supply of 57 spaces. During both the 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. parking counts, 28 spaces were occupied. Table 1 — Parking Utilization Surveys Lot Parking Type Parking Supply Tuesday, October 27 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, October 28 1:30 p.m. Spaces Occupied Percent Occupied Spaces Occupied Percent Occupied Northwest Student 241 204 85% 209 87% Staff 15 15 100% 14 93% Visitor 15 11 73% 15 100% ADA 6 0 0% 3 50% Subtotal 277 230 83% 241 87% Southwest Student 261 236 90% 227 87% Staff 31 25 81% 24 77% Visitor 8 4 50% 0 0% ADA 11 6 55% 3 27% Subtotal 311 271 87% 254 82% Northeast Student 0 -- -- -- Staff 80 54 68% 62 78% Visitor 0 - - - - - -- ADA 2 0 0% 0 0% Subtotal 82 54 66% 62 76% Southeast Student 0 -- - - Staff 194 138 71% 137 71% Visitor 2 1 50% 0 0% ADA 3 0 0% 1 33% Subtotal 199 139 70% 138 699 Total Student 502 440 88% 436 87% Staff 320 232 73% 237 Visitor 25 16 •64% 15 ADA 22 6 27% 7 2% Subtotal " 869 694 80% 695 4 80% * Percent occupied greater than 85 percent is bolded. ‘4001' it I C?'C Mr. Vaughn Dirks November 20, 2015 Wold Architects and Engineers Page 4 • Results of the parking counts indicate that overall the school campus has a sufficient parking supply. However, the following should also be considered: o There are approximately 350 high school and middle school staff on campus, which includes both part- and full-time staff. The staff parking supply is 320 spaces and the maximum observed occupancy for the campus was 237 spaces (Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.). This indicates that staff are likely parking in student spaces. School staff also confirmed that this does occur. o As previously mentioned, there are 450 student permits (425 yearly and 25 daily). Based on the parking supply inventory, there are 502 spaces available for student parking. The maximum parking demand for students was 440 spaces (Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.), although that likely includes some staff parking. o Student, staff and visitor parking in the northwest lot is highly desirable, based on a comparison of the utilization counts in this lot to the other parking lots on campus. o While the visitor parking was 64 percent occupied on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. (maximum of the two observation days), the school staff indicated that occasionally all visitor spaces are occupied. This tends to be on days with special events going on at the school. Edina High School Expansion A graphic of the proposed Edina High School expansion site plan is shown in Figure 2. As part of this project, 9th grade students in the Edina Public School District will relocate to the high school, which includes 9th grade students from both Valley View Middle School and South View Middle School. South View Middle School, which is not located on the campus, currently has approximately 325 9th grade students. However, since 9th grade students will not be eligible for parking permits, the primary parking demand increases are expected to be from the additional staff needed to accommodate the relocated 9th grade students. Based on information provided from the school, the total campus staff is expected to increase to 418 people (302 high school staff and 116 middle school staff) when the high school changes to grades 9 through 12. Given that site modifications are expected as part of the expansion, a total of 972 parking spaces are proposed, which is a 103 space increase from current conditions. This includes 25 bus parking and 20 ADA spaces. HA P r o j e c ts \09 0 0 0\9 0 34 \T S Ti g ur e s \F 1 g 2S it e Pl a n . c dr Consulting Croup, Inc 009034 November 2015 Proposed Site Plan Edina High School City of Edina Mr. Vaughn Dirks November 20, 2015 Wold Architects and Engineers Page 6 Parking Analysis To determine if the proposed parking supply is sufficient to meet the future parking demand, a parking analysis was completed. The following information summarizes the assumptions: • The future staff parking supply was assumed to be equivalent to the number of part- /full-time staff, which is 418 parking spaces. o It is understood that it is unlikely that all staff will be on campus at the same time. However, it is good practice for the parking supply to exceed the parking demand in order to reduce unnecessary circulation of vehicles looking for parking and the perception of inadequate parking. • While the total visitor parking supply was observed to be sufficient under existing conditions, school events may result in higher utilization than what was observed during the parking counts. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a minimum existing supply of 25 spaces. o By relocating 9th grade students at South View Middle School to Edina High School, approximately 325 additional students will be at the high school/middle school campus, which is a nine (9) percent increase in total students. The increase in students on campus is expected to directly impact the visitor parking demand. • To accommodate buses, the proposed site plan provides 25 spaces for bus parking. • The minimum number of ADA spaces required for a parking supply of 972 spaces in 20 spaces based on the Minnesota Accessibility Code. • The remaining spaces available for student parking is 484 spaces. Student parking permits are expected to continue to only be available to 11th and 12th grade students. With the increase in student enrollment on campus due to 9th grade relocating to the high school, the student parking demand is not expected to change from the current parking demand. However, the minimum required parking to accommodate the existing 450 student parking permits is 450 spaces. o Since the student permit demand exceeds the permit supply, if additional spaces are provided it is expected that students will apply for those permits. • In summary, the minimum parking supply needed to accommodate the proposed expansion parking demand is 938 spaces (see Table 2). November 20, 2015 Mr. Vaughn Dirks Wold Architects and Engineers Page 7 Table 2 - Proposed Expansion Parking Summary Parking Type Existing Parking Supply Proposed Parking Supply increase/ (Decrease) Minimum Required Parking Supply Student 502 484 (-18) 450(1) Staff 320 418 +98 418(2) Visitor 25 25 0 25 Bus 25 +25 25 ADA 22 20 (-2) 20(s) Total 869 972 +103 938 (1) Assumes no change to the current number of student parking permits currently allotted. (2) Assumes one parking space per part-/full-time staff people. (3) Minimum ADA spaces needed based on the Minnesota Accessibility Code. Fhdings/Conclusions Based on the analysis, the following conclusions and recommendations are offered for your consideration: • The proposed parking supply of 972 spaces is expected to be sufficient to meet the future parking demand. • The minimum parking supply needed to accommodate the proposed expansion is 938 spaces. Any spaces in excess of 938 spaces would allow the school to provide additional student permits. H:1Projects109000190341TSIReportt9034 DRAFT EdinaHighSchoolExp Parking 1511,20.docx 4iy Appendix Ai Parking Parking Type Supply Student Parking 241 Staff Parking 15 Visitor Parking 15 ADA Parkina E4 Northwest Lot - Parking Supply Type Consulting Group, Inc. Edina High School City of Edina 009034 November 2015 Figure A Edina High School City of Edina Figure B 111 Consulting Group, Inc. 009034 November 2015 Southwest Lot - Parking Supply Type : Parking Parking Type Supply Student Parking 261 Staff Parking 31 Visitor Parking 8 * ' • Total 417 Northeast Lot - Parking Supply Type Consulting Group, Inc. Edina High School 009034 City of Edina November 2015 H:\P r o j e c ts \0 9 0 0 0 \9 0 3 4 \ TS \ F ig ur e s \FI g C_ Pa r ki n g T y p e - N E . c dr .4,440--‘ Figure C Parking Parking Type Supply Student Parking 0 Staff Parking 194 Visitor Parking 2 Total 199 a. No Parking (7:15 - 7:45 a.m.; 2:15 - 2:50 p.m: Southeast Lot - Parking Supply Type Consulting Group, Inc. Figure D Edina High School City of Edina 0159034 November 2015 - ___ .. , '....... . . ,. n ,.. , • . , , L ----- _ - ... .. . .. . . , , '7/0„ 4y;,,, w*,',, Pi* . iliii • tziii,,,,, i :-4., ./ SITE SURVEY _FOR EDIN A. PUBLIC scuoots ,_ OF - ED IN A_ 111011 SCII0 01, ..,-, , .. . 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PALM. 1..woocoono.motrrvorrumwousmvemon MMESEPIP211 PROM= WAVY OVITIeleeNOOSPLVOILIIT Le,....L.LLMIKOLIICINeWneeleneeMeteLee ....w.ccrcemmanula e etelleere WWI= Pee • PROPOILO CAVA CABIN leel ▪ LLOPOISCO • 1.1101.01. OefeekLY410L1 1.1110Pene 014011/0 BLOW •liteee 70 ANCerrICIIMPL 1,010 aron vAurr vItw ROAD MINA MK 000E0 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .275 0704 VALLEE NEW ROAD MINK MINIM001, MOO architects engineers www.woldae.corn EIEVE1 •• • . • II... ▪ . 1 SITE STATISTICS: PARIMOCOLNIT /1111701Al. RAUL, 11121510,113E: See mvisffimovitio Etwiffikixhvio, :Liq111F1 .... iciiye+?1-1-N-iffyhwe- 'a- ,,, i , ..,_ . „ -.3 . - --7_,__---------,...- _.„‹. , 40 FINISHING PLAN NOT FOR CONSTION- C1.30 1.01910111011 WON. r7 n-n-u711 0^H—HIII H 1 HMHil—H-11 W " I 11—W 114. ONORM4MZVATION ISD #273: EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDINA HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION AND RENOVATION DECEMBER 23 2015 00,1.101061/00. 4Roff MICK Nra glaKa(PCX CT a ,upa Dna, 11111111 IIUIIIIIu ".., 11111 111,,11"1"11•IME COM FP' I iiTTTI .10,1 11-7- i WIW111 T 111-1,-U M4t.i,_M=E4gm-iligth,i, -91 irRmILIMONOW =21.m 0"1.t !LE'/ M M M W W-D-W.WwW-M-N- M-AWITAIEPOW114 W-M,MmM. Ig-M,M,W=W=CmWmWmWmfgmM.M,LI 0a194101194100. taaa11120. IMO% _ 1111 11 !Ill! W W 'HUM iiiiiiii !!!! ' ' HiffiiiiME ' pi m g ri mi-m- aj, _ _ o W I W -M- -0-MM MMM 0 II II I 01 1171 III in 1 - ,11... I "11117WI!!5 " I "I I I I I I I . 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LEVEL OVERALL. (R15'-4") CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMISSION vpgcc'' '° ' 00* FLOOR PLAN - LOWER LEVEL OVERALL Comm No: 152091 =MN MAMA $1011011. j =0:1 LIMIRCOM ZIAL1111100n1 I ttaIMOIn "r"' MOM. , 13161151-111, I PIMILS jJ lAWANICAL CAFETERIA ..L_ j—i MIMI ; , j...........{:1 ' ' - r, • ,,,- n ...• •, SIMMI1 -•- MASUD,. 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MD 00455 e I I I I , I l'IMI.0.01:17XL1111111114A11 narouoLIONTIMN0.11111.11 PAYLIIENT I utniux awrvammiriato PAK110$1.7 euTv oinnwou, rAnuun ERZEUZIP1701438413 coxcaraci 'onus n nvc. I ' • ". • I , INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 DNA VALET MD ROAD EDINA. LINNTIEOTP. SUN PROPOOLD cnou. emei. IVIC11111.11111n11111111411Ce 17.11101.714111 Tnerasconuenecompot ENE • mexToe 01,0. TP00011 BEDARD TANNED Accampo.0100. pRopos00000.1. PRE/NTED 070.DADNITEI 1,110P011.10DPIINLMIII 1•111.0,41111UIIIICIMI111115.1 rnoranD WNW CNOUCTIOMIRITI 1.1101.0.1nIa 0./.7IYAINC TREPDIND 'MOP ITNI PROPOSED 11A0P0,1141I/r• l'OAIIMOICC11114,11.4110 1:c3 I110n0. 5.101.-IIIIIIVIIIOARCIIIIICTORAL KANO 4 .1101,011/111[1111.1.411.[•11LIOCIO.ClilIGL —1.114PDITIUNE architects engineers www.woIdae.com ; 1114n1•1,1*.u1P I FOAL.'" 0 poRTAELE RESTDOOPIS SHEET LEGEND:—...TOCIAlliOROMIALLOITOPL. A G.IPT IN PLACE DETAININO WALL .1J _ LOT D — EXISTING .70 STALLS (77 STANDARD. ACCESSIELEI PROPOSED P 3 STALLS DS STANDARD 0 ACCESSIBLE) TURP FIELD 1 / ( • I 1 ----- — a °arm MACE ".",n• NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 11411111101V61000116 660 C166 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 0704 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDINA MK LEGEND • :,11:.., INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1273 Mk VALLEY VIEW ROAD COM. 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NOTES: I. tt0LIRICI.SMITC.1010.01tAIIIIIIIIPLAIAPORDMAI.010.149. • 01,07,10tV0M101,0011PAIIVE ran camilnucneN•001/001C114 ANtIt.110511301COUrIICILIMO101100001711. S. APC101114,1110.71100PtC7001.11InRP.0t1110111.10.0,011110001111[0011.[MARVICEEMNIINSOCID1110,100311-11.CCINt • az-,1!".•===•,„=--""----"""-°"----"•••••-•-•" FEEStag",E.:5tFEELTIZI11:1!:4;g:,,======nr- • MILUIZITZTY,=;:',.=,%=1“J7,7=n27:11Z,LIff,n7:17."'" t 00131117.1,11AIILISHAID0111,1016101.41.01,0101100.0111100IMICOMPLIVIltIOC.CIPICATION/CaPIII/LEOLIIIL 0. 00.1.7110.00100011n11.1.01/01011,11.0P100. 0. A1.17111.01011111HRIIIOSM.I.ROCIIMICD1711.100464111.11R0C04011AttIt000.1111....Ittliall1017.WISUIV<I0100. LEGEND (131 0 MOO Imomompiemmup • mm mmononm nmimPapa mum 1101.00.00,03 II°111.106811,11041 MAT P/1111111110.10100I40 y."7"...-'1V,{101010.101/1.0111 . ... PROteattl..0181,012•FILILIIIOLLELINI. e•N-- IRRIGATION PLAN MN MIA '411M217Arf='- poo-, OVE LL pE op EL N oe5: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIO14— L1.10 A MP. :4'1.1111;171.75-14.1-11,11A-';: Ififtifrii, 1 rk.!•1/1:17-7W'ilH'.. b, "I •-' •'.. n1„1 - • EDINA HIGH SCHOOL olen VPW ROAD VINA MK 0043. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 M/04 VALLEY NM ROAD EOM MIAMMBOTA IMOD architects engineers www.woldae.com swa , NOTES: ..701,1014414n011.0010,411. LEGEND e 000 400700 lamas • No PROMMIMOACCOUI MA. 0 NE00440700004700.07rANDND mum. . , . NADvas070140 0.01.1PED MM. Mtltfry IMO III 1.110/0.0 4.101,1,0.-1.CRIOULCMICALKW110 — — — j I , \ SHEET LEGEND: WIrn 701.110pen LonateArime A AN LI.20 L1.30 L1.40 L1.50 L1.60 L1.70 MN _ "1. . LANDSCAPE PLAN it1R-Uraff, , NOT FOR CONSVO1 ION ;-n L1.20 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .275 1170{ VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDINA, DONNOSOTA 6000 architects engineers www.woldae.com 't445: EM;4,,,-"- • 0704 VALLAY V107 ROAD EDINA MN. 00430 SHEET L L.Antrn.Alkl PLAN PROPOSED BUILDING. ADDITION' Cu4 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 411701111COLLIANIIILCAPIWOLMI, .3704 VAULT VIM ROAD EVINA 00430 LEGEND "S7t:EEEE::., 0 ---- 8 1./10PIAVIIGIMIIK110.11nM EEO ...POPO 411111n 17 i1141011011[7113.01111P4.1711 neIDCAIVI W.Y1M1411111[IMIANIII . ''jrntopooen rum. mom* . Ill .4k IIIII,Poom tLer114141,1.40111 — — —1,140PUITY „. •Dm--, • zw;;Zt./7D° . IOS 1,0AANDSCAPE % PLAN :CS‘‘41k Gcs. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION — II: 1. 4 0 NOTES: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 6704 VALLEY VIM R0.0 COMM MVIMISO. 55434/ architects engineers www.woldae.com raw.... Id DI rrn L1.20 L1.40 L1.50 L1.60 L1.30 L1.70 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: 501011.700VERAL,AND5r.APINDKAN,15 LEGEND IFEEFEE:o. era. VrOLDY VIEW nom, EDINA .1.51 MOO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 0704 VALLEY D. ROAD ERNA RAMO. 56400 N MN NIPPY= piRlipp 1110P08.11tRMACIWYMPWIta quor.ArrO no.n1R5IpplArien7PA5.011.01011 PROX1111.01#1.4111 1.1110P00110 NAM% PM. snoramo mown NUL. 5. 0 ; SHEET LEGEND:nen, ye, 10 VOROVOWILANOTIC.110M11 architects engineers www.woldao.com =0;0. ..vryon • '0±111.747:t"' I 014 Oalu '7" 5 1351.n. S. Pale X.A. LANDSCAPE PLAN A 6s.,t(io) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -- Lln50 L1.20 L1.40 L1.30 L1.50 L1.60 L1.70 . . . NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL ItifIRLOOVERALUANDOWINIIKAN, • 0704 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDINA MN 56430 LEGEND • IFFESEE:., 0 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N273 0734 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDNA. MINNEROTA 06430 000 1110POZOWNUus • Oa o ...o.mouoonotionoxvoorPoluNam,tron ,morocomurrestsom '1_,,,...7.7Jetoonorn moon rPoLoi ao3 n110n 04•131.10•11,012•11•56111.C100111I.I.PL•1•• SHEET architects engineers www.woldae.com tS7.1,i5:1 ^""triile°` 1 4 rgr,v fr .:If/777i ••1,7 ... • 1,1./ Cs.. ,ir ........ 'eeekPE \"42I-TN L160 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION- e ' ° EDINA HIGH SCHOOL L1.20 L1.30 L1.60 L1.40 L1.70 L1.60 NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL REDORDOC.D.V.LLIADDCARINOPLAM, ID LEGEND 0701 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDINA MK 06400 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 07/51 VALLEY VIEW ROAD 10715ZOOTA 55400 BUS LOT • .• ......... . , '• ' 8 n.proe.caximmarnev 000 rnerquommo. • ••• RODADD(.0 IIDADA0MUS ncLacmanioulnansmoancorruomma.um • e0PODDIDAIIRLIIMARDA nonecoLoonowemouogo movamotiempat,ftasnrocuenucur,..1 architects SHEET LEGEND: ilP11317,11,111FOROVVRALLLAXIM.X0 PUN engineers www.woldae.com • ' VALLEY VIEW IIIIIBOLH SCHOOL '-z7101,11:f.4427:' GD , _ Dom' 071/ 031 NeeDI ' 411 I _ • ............ . I • LANDSCAPE PLAN A _ • NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION L1.70 L1.20 L1.30 L1.40 L1.50 L1.60 L1.70 = T FOR CONSTRUCTION C1.40 .. _ .. GENERAL NOTES 1. All <0.91.6,014.0,00n11.1,,m1AMIcAoursrAra AND LoC61. 00.61.6 111619140....61,1A APAPONOMWORAlib61.1641PAYroll cOMmilIctiON ATARD/o LAVolli. 1;10.747:=1=16trAV•011411nLLAIO.011671IUG19.0.1. 0.14040 910 IreonirMill,TOM lekr.A.611914rt F• =galgfo==-Xurnrgo"=01:1nIgagUg111r="1=111r2gru""'"" 6 !MAU C0.01,1,904 APO DAPOICAolriehl, MCCIMOAIWIO n 1401ELT ITC NOM 6 OniP=191-LArro ireVIn0 911“001.1170 OMPIAIIIL WOW OIWOMII MAILIVIOnlArORMISTO 0[11ANOLCO. OV07110 OPOCOnCA71.0,01106WA1941NOMOIPPecell. • (.1n4CAAll.PLANAND MAO. 0041111n019 AMP VWIV 6,110 MIMI LAVON. I. AMP (0411.1.71101.1.4.49 0110111L0000 AXO Iro00,1n191111.06n40 Wan MINIAPOOVOTCOPOIROI. WAWA OPA00/0 Al.11,0010N COMM._ 1.11111.1019 rertA.0 LOLA, grailLATION. 16 =oleo okoltntrArrorro WC AIM PPI9erralrt010 011210.1-111.11,111CILOO•01VIVANDOMITATIOMIWNIGIIARC TO n AoPOACO LeAtolinsANO.49 arvAtousAeo 0.10.11, MINI ORA= 411.060r11.03010190. ,•• rpop.L. •,lowp,--,.1a, op 10 00 *a 101a. EgiEgiligt,IPHIAA,7i7,---07EiriEEE:EffEEEErRii'EFEC° 9. ALL MAITALt...1101,64Da011,LAla. WATIIAMAIN Amu woe NNW r4 DOM ITOP01,100 TO 6014110.001. E1F1EOi:MEE;EE71'EETEBEESSt:E:S 0 A iFIESEEFlaiEMEOFTIEZIEMET7IZISLBEEEt„t " i'S'EFEELZMIU.;======1121,741=1:"==g10,=' '.._godigifiEqt"EgglEEE'RESEELESEZTE6.47J'': LEGEND • "EFSEEE11::, LIOD.00ONToUlt - 1:11931n0 .0101.C.V.ION "*" Etilli:251E1 ZILL • APNIOXIMARSO14.00.0 TOOT Krto[AlloN e rii0.1.(1104/1113L011011 • mamma tacrisAwrIssl ▪ WoMmOMMOMMITINfOr M rmormstormrs•ALMIMA • •saromo,orrmMUmw•AWRIMA '",=n%"Atri'NrnismorlA No MENCHMAMKSomrwer,nremomr. North " ) GRADING EDINA HIGH SCHOOL Wert VALI.T VIEW POAD EMMA MK GLn ari INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 WEI MALLET MEW ROA0 MENA MINNESOTA 0640 - Orr" NOTES: LEGEND (/ „,. ••••N • :111;1::COMMN/P. - Ce.•••1011./01,L6VAMON 'IMMIM,•••••••-•••VIVZ,V1,1•1, — • • .4 rnoroenwaswiTiliv231 •OPOP10110.10WeM1111•01 ownmIL OPM)1141719.M. C1.41 01.43 01.45 I `•,^ 14 3 ............ • AM „ „ „ „ `I\ \\`,..n,, 4—p LA) VALLE,' Fl .611,3142."' • M70,011.0AMIVALVICIPM 'IMM1 • IMOPC.11EOP0a1111310.11MIVAMMIM•1 PROMMODIMIIIIMIO ‘.‘ • t \ . ....,..,,,.... ..........,•'-'7':-.:;'•''''''''''-•-•n ••••••.•••••••:,,-,1....,.1.-----„: SHEET LEGEND:purr...Dm...art / . .,•,,,,, •••••‘,.....416R6...A...„. ,,,,-,-1, ,I..11,/l ..„ ,.... ,..t7f, ••,...,,,,,-X'...-..'9." ;' • ' • \ •V:4 NZ .....,... -. - . ,"1,,'‘''•1‘ • • —. - nn '" -....."."'" -.'..-. \ • i/ •••7 A \ ....-••• i i \ , 1 i 1 .! .{ I •111.4. \ I . ▪ \C•j1\ \": :, • 15414 \ • ' I \ - •(— 5 \ , „,..„ \ 01.42 01.44 01.46 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C1.41 00, 4 A MN EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 0700 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EOM AA 65430 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 0273 0754 MEV VIEW 110713 E4644. M044011074 65430 architects engineers Www.woldae.com ""T•L',",,,,..tra'w • • ,33,4,3•F:r. 4•444_1134.1__— 0111,.• JIM OAM GRADING PLAN —0•17MIIM •••n,, 4.00) , " -- - .-" • 6 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 0704 VALLEY VIEW ROAD IDEA Mk IGLOO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 0704 VALLEY NOW ROAD HOUK DONNIMOTA 00470 architects engineers www.woldae.com *Nen SHEET pe,,,,o oyFp•l, NOTES: LEGEND nn 0.7•10.100. n n -nnn • "FELIFF,E1:::„ Arnmaxn.rtacromoixorvarntwcAnow O 10.011.100NOLC 0111, • MOH.. Oa. 0n11101. • 1.010.0n 00010.01 • •norono • r•onano nomuoic•ro•vmsc,., FILEctsig=t ” 1.42 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 01.41 01.42 C1.43 C1.44 C1.46 01.45 E'DE-24W2F- .•n•n• blAYADING — PLAN .....,,,. •Ton '•.'-s----, - \ `,.\ ` ''`.:' • . \ . \ . \ \ i•., %, ‘.. \ .kn,. 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EDINA HIGH SCHOOL OM M., VIEW ROAD ERNA ME 00439 MN • S. , SHEET LEGENO:nrrrnmel..roRoven.u.ffluoumpux A1,431.1 C1.41 C1.43 C1.42 C1.44 C1.45 C1.46 A 40.0 13014‘14G GRADING A • EDINA HIGH SCHOOL st V‘‘\11 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTI—N— —01.43 a NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL \rs 0764 VALLEE VIEW ROAD MVO. MN sum LEGEND • 1E7.47.'REE5:0., — aXalaME11,01,1,16,11011 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 MA VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDINA. MINNESOTA 50430 —EFT P1101.0.a0• AP0a0.10.1.101L a0/1140 PILOT Pa LOCAIIGH a n1101001101.1ANMOMNIa IMMO. WON la41111011 PROM.. Waaala,MVai M DATA won co. P110n0n 413n 07111101•70PVAIA,Pal SHEET architects engineers www.woldae.com t3i773if :A– "LL E7 ROAD .-2 s s r NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION-61.44 prom DID dRADING PLAN _n01\s‘tr'-. C1.41 C1.43 C1.42 C1.44 C1.46 C1.45 EONS HIGH SCHOOL .1.• 04104 NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL DVDI VALLEY V. ROAD RUA AK WOO LEGEND • nornioesnoraticomox INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 4273 DM VALLEY VOW ROAD 044144 41040741* 00400 ••••=g;I= .1101•01111/011.01IIIIIIIITTS 'Iv /0 APPROVIIAILIIIIL 0011003M11.1./LOLAIII. 0 ..01,011[0 n0011101.17 • pp,opto CAM. 11,00/10I • PRO.O.F011.017n1100.1.1 • PROPMII 0/.711VAINg (WI • MOP.= 0 PINITIMPICAION VW/41RM "T:Cr=1117.717 PAL !NW ,NneenT. architects engineers www.woldae.com 11.1lInirll.in 111214 ri2.= ";1•11•?: SHEET LEGEND•flownwel.oroRov......lon.ewan... • F.E.1414.741,47-z-' 0.1. 1;;;171315 ?04\ ,.cp(\,13RADING cp, PLAN cso 0 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SI, • I — — ”.T.11A"••"""' — • — T • • —I 01.45 01.41 01.42 C1.43 01.44 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL , NOTES: 1.11.14110 0.04 00.40111019.M,C1. ' CVO VALLEY VEIN IIDAD EDINA MN, n0430 •! SQ • , • r• LEGEND • "EISSEETZ., -- --- — 41.4,.(111 .617er- INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 DOR VALLEY Y. ROAD EDINA, FINMESONIA 0042f1 hn Ola. " gigS It 710g :11= 1.110n 0= ..-1 Annolozu.zomsomerrzsrprrwunox ▪ PIIMPOSLUMAN110.0411, • 1,10,01..7[110.141LB, PROP001101,10.,11.1 ▪ rinpOSHOOWIC VAL...11) • /011711101CM011 VALV,IY, SHEET LEGEND C1.41 C1.42 C1.43 Cl." C1.45 C1.46 VALLEY VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL • „..c <6 .',17kr' v s? ° NOT FOR CONSTRuuTION — 01.46 architects engineers www,woldae.com NOTES' EDINA HIGH SCHOOL I L.- ' , Ir. II\ e. ream to ram cl re, memo run e or armor von. OM VALLEY VIEW ROAD EMMA a BURP 4. MAVITAINOU411,01411101.1311.1.10.404.0•MAtiCIIIS. ..4.4110•IONCONti•A•1411100611.41,0601,1.11111.C. MIU1.1110/15. . ' - t Ti1„. , Ingze„ratmrorzonazraree mut eawna men A711101111.1U70•41.11104/11.412•67111.1.601/3,101.10( A•11001101,11014,11C reLLOWIII• LW. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 OM VALLEY VIEW ROAD IAMEDOTA 06.32 =.• -N -;- - giUgr=====rai,V.1:=15=7,1=tt.7471n111,7"'" ikEL:nfato. e "°E1TEFEE5:::., CINITOUR - .111-111.01,01,1.EVATIOM _:17(111121sFz:r, ▪ 1,43•011{0.14101.41••1 • PROMILDCAISX 0.1111••1 • •1101.011411•L•111•3•10 11•CM111•••1 'IEEE MUNIAEMPIrIC•01•01.1.•(1.44.1•1171 NOM. SILT•de4 aro lacier creerrumoe ruraracc ranaterao aroma =moor otrrairt ISHIIIIIrSIM P0.0•00[P 11[AVYWITIR011011COMMOI. EILAMK, Pill MOT 10 .111 •POPOlf0 711•1•011•10•••n44.11.. 0 ••01.11,0M01.0.1..010.11[...nyr CUD •110PrIlLY UNE EXCERPT FROM THE SWPPP NARRATIVE --- *Mer irreemer Ore a.. go' Wein rc APPROXIMATE EReSION C • _ QUANTITIES I 6 i 1311, 61,..t. SCIVIP14.1(.171,30 • IlatCy noreccaretaumaorraexare act cvo,t 1/1>AN _„. krerae Prow -MI EROSION CONTROL -ffdr-k5:14.-ON-8-itUotioN • Harry erre mama carom auraarre away roaecert coaeror lemur re era. laute ee C'.60 architects engineers www.woldae.com \ \ 0 Al ***. C1.64 \ C1.65 C1.66 • '` r. ,...:.1..„ .. .,-.,:,..„,..„,- '''''''''''''' '.,!•.,:t4 „ .. , ,c-..rt,....r..! ,2.3:4,.:-..„----,„_________—_-.::..:,_,•"•„:".., ' ' ,,,,...„ (D. 4 .i. 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RAN 01.61 C1.62 01.63 C1.64 01.65 01.66 -171777311193--171117___2177 r,C4141°1 i4014°G. ';130:AENL. 1 PUN A NOT FOR CONSTRUC FiuN' - C1.63 architects engineers www.woldae.com nt 1n7177.7P70711 'ZIVIrtlar• — om0180 014770404Avem •001011n000111•00 1.00n00 move vanuMo — — • —41,874Amovvrot 00010,1000,1•0100 us.ura —0—P0OPON0•704420.00 O PROMO° 04n1101-0041 •n • 011000903CATC11000.4n01 .40 .80704o0KuKo 480888800 8781 00.000X0101.110,101010570100.0100 Pli0.011011011..104.0 PROPOO(011431.10-00.0001.1.00 P•00.000000•00n100117.011001.00 - 1010101.0010101110n10010001.10/0Att - 0000U01100,01010,10010NCOMM040140•107- 10114 0/10P01420.013.4171•01.11•10Xec. ® 401184047coornoLoonecAr0708V 40448,0484 CEO NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL ADKRIDOVIDALLERDSIONE087ROLPLAII.81.10 0784 VA.." VIEW ROAD MIKA MK 68418 LEGEND _ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 473 ce, VAMP! VIEW ROAD MAK 14.0481707A 08430 architects engineers www.Woldae.com EE.Ei SHEET LEGEND: Perpn7OCI Of0170Vrn•LISR0111001coom00 PI•ry 044GC°P11' 0011 9 134: EROSION wOL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION cl .64 - C1.61 C1.62 01.64 O1.63 O1.66 01.66 NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL EDINA HIGH SCHOOL RgifIR TO MOLL 611.01.101iCOHIPOL .11.1.S0 f • 0744 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDDA DK WM INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 0764 MIRY VIM ROAD DONA IRRNDHOTA ADM LEGEND e MOM. CON11.11 1.011{1311.011101.1.• ' MOOD= eroonsove. • AnoposenmoLcuAD • MaI0n11113 CATCH nn••• 4 paten= full. 1••110C•0141..• PROPOW.UNOC.1101•10 Or0,40.•11•0 ..... •110110•E.1101n101,0.101.04111t. 1==2:1 PR•P•4011•AVY DUrl 1•1041.1•21171101.11.1110. •n • I. 4 OPOPINU10 ITJA•0••n•61••:.•...• 0 11191MOTC0.101.001•CATIMIM.0.1144.47 CCM architects engineers www.woidae.com trfi t iS .4,444 „n ••• 1,1 ••:•••n 1 ;7--- SHEET LEGEND: MLA MCI SO VOP OMPALL MORIN C.TIM 0.AX , At 4;1:.MV _Pt , • ... • , """,' 447„ „.• — • Vol 74. lozenoo rn••I r•••n 1.7/37/7ais Ef_:) EROSION CONTROL PLAN 01.61 C1.63 01.62 C1.64 01.65 C1.66 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: . 130007771,000.71.70000101140177000,017 C1.00 0754 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDWA MK 55430 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 DNA VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDNA, 3071307107A 05430 MN LEGEND e — mamma sow 444vAnox 1011170011111011.71/10 :::11:14110 Wtt. 11110n07000.11•717101.11011111 MOM,. OMNI 000411 1110100.0107111110417101111 mows. 444cm 4.444,1441 ▪ 0000p0PQ011.010x0 7110117C707/1111111 •„01010.0110001U„01101111700000011„1111 -10011. 0107 000. .n .1}-1.1—o•-. 0100009. 0110. 111.01111.111011100100 1.=7.7:Z1 •1101011001210C4K 0.07110a110010.11t00.011 • 111100001101710010110011111011-11,1101107 117-1,711,-.=1 moron. 44.444 ourrovamox ILL.010 00171. 01G1 0,00700,70017170,00001.0000 0n00.A01011100.0101 C) sanmesrcammo, oavm..44 aro. um:4w. architects engineers www.woldae.com AHm. 111,0 rat= =UT! F" 411:72L, 4'n SHEET LEGENO:44,444,44“44444w.44,4,..,.......,4„ L. VALLEY VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL LDL 'ff,t,24.gMaa, 4,4 111 1, 00000 , M . 47_ 124 • °WI. [[4114 VALLE./ VIEW RO -0,017 • --tE.00000.14, M 1- rerxrinr-4 — , OAR A tja SION .talt"" CONTROL —34,04 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIOJ; 0. 1.66 C1.61 C1.62 01.63 01.64 C1.65 01.66 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 070A VALLEY YEW ROAD EOM ME SUED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 0273 0704 VALLEY DEVI ROAD MO, IANNEBOTA OMB architects engineers www.woldae.com '41Z= • NOTES M:1=7,111%1:11=4=114,,',41,===.117ZZ,14111',"2""'"' 5FII=71:'41;:=1,':=1112inr,17,1t!ZIIRIITIT,====lr E.'-'7.L.SEEFEELEEFE-E-EES':',:.-FEE==1 Figiggiggiggiragii2;71°F1.;;:":116E":1 LEGEND e — "IiiiMariggRzt PPOPOM OPAINN(11.4.1 PROPOOD0 5A11.17VaiW01 —,80•01103 wArz.APN —.—.-6,01,00EDOPAIX111211.11.1.14 0.14 ▪ ppoPollat...121,011 • PPOPOSIDCA7.10.11.1 .1 'POPOV. ...1113.11,071 11111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MOPOOLIAOMERMOUN011211.0CLINITO • 1,10Poscfs WOIL•11,1VO, • PROMI011.41-4.1.VC • 1,110.11.1113.0,711/01.19RVALY[11.1V1 • VI% gt.":1=:11=1n71=1:07:1=gr PROPOIKO 131/.11“.1001,1141.10 APLAr194110.1, MAW PROrPTV1.14171 - R\x- UTILI ("*N. PL6I NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 01.50 r.-57.5:7474sta, UTILITY C:C5‘ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION c ... A L/) .51 01.51 Cj.52 01.53 C1.54 C1.55 01.56 N A NOTES: REM, 10 C.PALL 41111.,1_411,180 LEGEND GMT. CONMYR — 01111110MOKR CLAWAIION ••0•0¢41.0017pyli Mann. ,Vglg= n0108[13 aNAD.ILINIto nom. uurrAar uvitn .nomcomormaDven _,-vnovoara wr.tr,uwu FROMM, amairalleir.stpmix • •IMP0011.4111101.L.1 • 1.110PatialCAM10.41.1.11 • PROMO:01,M. KMION 101111111111111111111111 1101KIBLOU.VVI•oumlaroltuacux. ppontial3IrrIMMI-1.Y.1 •110POPEP • moiVISLO 10Si 1/C1C00.,....1,0V1 0 =Ig.=1,1tr,=1717:7,55217,,,L;T:" SHEET EDINA HIGH SCHOOL OYU VALLEY YIP/ ROAD DM AK 6E430 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 ISTSn VALLEY VIEW NO. EWA. MINNESOTA MOO architects engineers www.woldae.com COINS HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: yn-NC,Jo VA100 VIDDI ROAO DONA 10 0400 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 OM VALLE/ VON ROAD 010 101133000 00430 444402141 C044004 .er`' • , -• • • ..... • 040 „ ...... • ..................... .... , A k, ,S'i'',..;..it.,;:',::: :;'''.‘ ''....1.*'': .. • ,r"' . ' n '' ; . . . ".'. •„. , '' s ' ' ' ' • --': 'e '. I .. :1•AeVc,,•'-'' • • t,'• „,.l'• ' - ' -- 't•-L.,.. .-''' "" • •.• t. ! ''..A, .•'• ,, . . ' ..., — .,,,•_,,A• ' .., ...: f ' , \ , ,....• ... ' ---...- ... . . ....- , n: ! - . .%,,,. • '. •,•.n ... '-`t:' •>,, A ••• / , A,•;‘ ')..• 1 t) ' I '.‹) ..\'''‘' . . • —. • .nAmin 2 i . •'•. " " ‘. k,,,,,, '•!'.7.>„„ .... . .`,,\• , • •", EILINE-74Em Ung0" ..„41014 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION c/.52 AA, •At, I .„. .„- A SHEET LEGEND 000 300400 30400040 040260 441044106W64 10004.10400 4001 1-14044100044011 Iliaepp4[0.0140014/41(4141.0 100401491.14-100 • PP000 4410 4.041140I 4 eno400044044 003000/11101 IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIWhIII 401040 004004110 00444 14100440440001401 PRO4050044401004 • 1.101004n 00100.440.1004140 0 0/3 00000 401010114401,100 1044004104L PLANZ ... architects engineers www.woldae.com C1.51 C1.52 C1.53 C1.54 C1.56 C1.55 111111111111111111111111 -15.--1.1101.011LIMMILANI CV. -M-11101•JSEDSMANICW•11 --,-111010a•COVAMPAMIN MOM. 0.01•1211,2•101 151.1 D MOM. .1010.11011 penman um. tnaanan a manna, rumen axe scram van MOM= 111113[POW.I. VORA. MU ••01•3120 MUNI' WWI •II(100.11.}VaLMOVI • •1101911•010101140141-00...V. P.M MOVVIALLYIVIVPLAII.L1.017 LEGEND annaiacornoun own auvAnox - -171irgfiaz= 0 =3 rammer...am moor •ranaa roancarrecrunu nAno — SHEET LEGEND:Anna nmao roaaann.t. anarmax NO. 'E'51 Q\344 UTILITY„, PcLAtplr co 0 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -8 53 • • • .•••-• „ , PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION P.F.E.,02030 n ARCN. / Mann '414 LTI LOT A .• • 1 / EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 07. VALLEY WEW ROAD EDINA MN DUDE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 0704 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDNA. MINHEROTA architects engineers www.woldae.com 1147;=.1 nnn • -"T`I 01.51 01.52 C1.53 C1.54 C1.56 C1.56 NOTES: EDINA HIGH SCHOOL ntrenroovr.aw.unurr,,.... OTEA VIALOY DIM ROAD EDNA MN 06410 LEGEND COXI01111 — Exam. EMI MEV.. ------- In•OaLOGIVOI. Warp PROM51111610.11.1.110WA —M-1,110/0[..11.0111.1 —1-1110POBID —1-6—INID0.0 wog.) rwootom. ▪ eapeoomm.m.comi • PRO•05rOCWITH moon Kin 4 pnrOSIOrt.../.11.1.1,171, 11111111MMIIIIII 19107.00011.11.11r rnosoemonmvALvt Kon • 14.11.0 P00711n01cA1011.1.1/C Mt= :nn 0 ==n4=1X=PLTIMATOTZT1Vglr"" SHEET LEGEND:Ruannommnotommwuntn,qm C1.51 01.52 01.53 01.54 C1.55 C1.56 • ; 11•1110113i1 TY PLAN N,‘"w 0 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C1.54 ;• PMI , - ----- - - - - 1 • r- A INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 DM VALLEY VIM ROAD EOM, MIOCISOTA WOO architects engineers www.woldae.com 11 ir:^1.11E+,1 st.it• EDINA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: PIMP 70 1.111.••Lee.C1.40. LEGEND • "EFFIiiii,EZ.„„ ••n ••11000NTOIM - LetIVIe OPOMCVNIIOX Pna•05[11 CO0/0011 17:`,'BIT'i.EFF.Engg= • PROMILD MUTE .n —••--.1140P0(.0 •••••V 114WIel 11111111111111111111111 PROPOZED elleetle1•1001, • RCM TO elleXITeteel*Ln LOM /414 . SHEET LEGEN 70 ron nernel..Terry rum EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 0754 VALLEY VIEW ROAD MINA MN. 65430 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 075,1 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EONS MINNESOTA 00400 architects engineers www.woldae.com FES Lvz,E;11 •n ••—r•OPOIM9 —I —.010,70 WATMLAIN nnoroaro onolome. mat. MAIN e PPONACO 1.1n 1040.71•01 • •101,015.1 CA1,1111•JIMI,C0) 1•01•6000 RAM, 011,11011•Ile RiOner0 Ileate•POLINBSTOILM...rel • P80.0•CO 10•11a0U• KIM rflOPCIf 0 MR-19VelVe10,7 • lelOPO•CO .001•INDICAM VALYZ wer, • ;:=0":•TINTY11=?0=1::1:17:Ork;::"'" - tat 14.-ri:!J-TF#TTffp,T=447/ ,11,,,,----1----6-1 , W ...-1,,,,r-,,,,-.4„-_,,.._y-• • 1..1 I /...L./ . '...72,,,,..•.;'e,------.- I 1 I / 7-4-,..,!.._,04, / ,/j .4::n,:. 'LT) .1 ,o47 / 17 I ri Lo; •171/1 1 •,. : 01.51 01.52 01.53 C1.54 C1.55 C1.56 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C1.55 .• - • " ' -•`•'"•••=-:- • •-• ----- --------- , EDINA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: rEN CAMIA111111,1,01,1.E0 0704 VALLEY VIEW ROAD OWE WE 40430 • .11111.1••131,2.CVAMO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .273 0764 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDNA, 147INE8070 06430 .161. "I;IliffiEEggc= 11111M11111011101111 architects engineers www.woldae.com Walrat •1101•1•COOAA10111.011111 --1.—.1•101•1111,0 e•Nrr.• OM. •1'0111104Well ---.1.—..01•0•0•0711A1•111 / PROMO= DRAIRTILCI /1110010140t • PROM. MAN1110.11.11 • P•OPOKO PICA PAM C••• ••••OpCII 1.4•Ell DOD P•CflIn1 ••n•••••1310.110110.1•61-00.•=l8•111 PIMPC•11011,011•••••Ill, ▪ PROP17•110 5471,40.1.•510V1 • OPOPOStO •011711101CA7011VALVC,IVI • =1'.%1IVII7V=ILVATZ171'111%/7:2=16:17"" PROPOS...MO •71:101,PCFC,OAPCIIMM...11.4.4101 ---------- - SHEET LEGENOm.......v.......m.wn VALLEY VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL • / . ,- V • z' " • • /1".--, 4 • , ...•At • 11.1,0 \\‘‘.., DIM .M1•1 UTILITY LiAtI t•'• ° ^ck NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C1.56 C1.51 C1.52 C1.53 C1.54 C1.56 01.55 DATE: January 20, 2016 TO: Edina High School Development Team CC: Cary Teague — Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner P.E. - Director of Engineering Ross Bintner P.E. - Environmental Engineer RE: Edina High School Site — Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject plans for street and utility connections, grading, watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm water. Plans reviewed were dated 12/22/15. Survey I. Apply for vacation of existing sanitary sewer utility easements where pipe alignment change a. Application materials can be found on the City's website and include an application fee of $450 2. Dedicate easements for any new or relocated public utilities. Traffic and Street 3. Include realignment and traffic control options for westerly driveway entrances on Valley View Road in the traffic management study; 1) aligning the west most entrance to make a four way intersection with Chapel Lane. 2) narrow central entrance to create "right in only". 4. Note spring street weight restrictions for delivery of construction equipment and supplies 5. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. 6. Submit a construction staging plan a. Detail material and equipment deliveries - access from Creek Valley Road should be limited b. Detail expected working hours and note working hour ordinance 7. Submit to the building department a construction staging plan related to student safety Sanitary and Water Utilities 8. Clearly indicate private vs public utilities. Consider transferring ownership of loop water main and hydrants to City of Edina and dedicating easement for operation and maintenance. 9. Create loop water line from Creek Valley Rd to high school water loop. 10. All public utilities shall be constructed to City of Edina standard plates. I. Sanitary sewer service connection near NW corner of HS addition into MH #9 will require an inside drop connection per Edina Standard Plate No. 206 12. Sanitary sewer realignment will require removal of existing pipe 13. A sanitary sewer bypass pumping plan must be submitted and approved prior to construction 14. Indicate location of water service for drinking fountain at turf field a. If from Creek Valley Road, submit options for a dedicated water meter 15. Infiltration features support wellhead protection guidelines and are located outside of emergency response area. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard • Edina, Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 AO 3 Storm Water Utility 16. Investigate groundwater mounding at stormwater infiltrative feature on east side of property in relation to neighboring properties to the east. Provide mitigating measures if needed. 17. Evidence of watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed is required for building permit. Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 18. Provide soil boring and geological report and any environmental investigation reports. 19. A SWPPP consistent with the state general construction site permit is required. Other Agency Coordination 20. Nine Mile Creek Watershed permit is required. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits are required. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard • Edina, Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 Consulting Group, Inc. E NGINEERS P EANNER 5 D ESIGNERS Memorandum SRF No. 0169106 To: Cary Teague, Community Development Director City of Edina From: Matt Pacyna, PE, Senior Associate Emily Gross, PE, Senior Engineer Date: January 22, 2016 Subject: Edina High School Expansion Traffic Study Introduction SRF has completed a traffic study for the proposed Edina High School expansion located north of Valley View Road between St. Patiicks Lane and Antrim Road in the City of Edina (see Figure 1: Project Location). If approved, Edina Public School District plans to expand Edina High School (currently grades 10 through 12) and relocate all 9th grade students from both Valley View and South View middle schools to the expanded Edina High School. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to review existing operations within the study area, evaluate traffic and parking impacts under build conditions, and recommend any necessary improvements to accommodate the proposed expansion. The following sections provide the assumptions, analysis, and study conclusions/ recommendations offered for consideration. Existing Conditions The existing conditions were reviewed to establish a baseline in order to identify any future impacts associated with the proposed expansion. The evaluation of existing conditions includes peak period intersection turning movement counts, field observations, and an intersection capacity analysis. Data Collection Peak period turning movement and pedestrian counts were collected by SRF during the week of December 14, 2015 at the following study intersections: • Valley View Road/Gleason Road • Valley View Road/Central School Access • Valley View Road/West School Access • Valley View Road/East School Access • Valley View Road/Chapel Lane • Valley View Road/Antrim Road In addition to the intersection turning movement counts, 15-minute pulse counts were collected along Valley View Road at Rosemary Lane and St. Patricks Lane in order to establish general travel patterns. Historical annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes within the study area, provided by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), were also reviewed. ONE CARLSON PARKWAY, Surra 150 I MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55447 I 763.475.0010 I WWW.SRECONSULTING.COM AO' °w oo p e fo i c i [ ei n eu \ s 8in 6! d \ s i \9 o i.6\ 0 0 0 6 0\ sp a.c ud y 9 LOz luenuer 901.691.0 NIA1 tu!KG ,cpns oulaii uo!suedx3 imps t461H eup3 .aui•dnoio 2u9insuoD uoge3o1 13aroad ta 8.1116H Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 3 Observations were completed to identify roadway characteristics within the study area (i.e. roadway geometry, posted speed limits, and traffic controls). Currently, Valley View Road is a two-lane undivided roadway with turn lanes. Valley View Road has a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour (mph), except during school times, when the speed limit is lowered to 20 mph. All remaining roadways are two-lanes with a 30 mph speed limit. The Valley View Road intersections at Gleason Road and Antrim Road are currently all-way stop controlled. All remaining intersections within the study area are side-street stop controlled. Valley View Road, Gleason Road, and Antrim Road are functionally classified as major collectors, while all other study roadways are functionally classified as local streets. It should be noted that traffic control officers are currently located at the Valley View Road/Antrim Road intersection during the a.m. and afternoon school peak hours and at the Valley View Road/West School Access intersection during the afternoon school peak hour. Campus Peak Hour The campus consists of Valley View Middle School and Edina High School. Currently, Valley View Middle School accommodates grades 6 through 9 and the official school hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. Edina High School accommodates grades 10 through 12 and the official school hours are from 8:25 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. To determine the a.m., afternoon school, and p.m. peak hours, driveway counts at the school access locations and traffic volumes on Valley View Road were compared. The school driveway counts indicate that the middle school traffic peaks from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The high school traffic peaks from 7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. During the p.m. peak hour of the adjacent roadway, the school driveway counts were lower than the counts collected near the school start and end times. Based on this review, the study references the a.m. peak hour as 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., the afternoon school peak hour as 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., and the p.m. peak hour as 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The campus arrival and departure peak hours are summarized in Figure 2. Existing geometries, traffic controls, and volumes within the study area are shown in Figure 3. Figure 2. Campus Arrival and Departure Peak Hours 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 7:30 AM 7:45 AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM a Middle School Peak Hour High School Peak Hour Highest Campus Peak Hour Volume 2:30 PM 2:45 PM 3:00 PM 3:15 PM 3:30 PM 3:45 PM 4:00 PM Middle School Peak Hour High School Peak Hour Highest Campus Peak Hour Volume AG 1 H AP r o j e c ts 10 9 00 0 \ 9 1 0 6\ TS \ Fi g ur es Ti g ur e 2_ Ex is t in g Co n di ti o n s (554) [413] 271 —TO. (188) [193] 183 • Valley View Drive Valley View Drive 'Priftlit 4 1 4. 4 Vc.=7 ‘;? Valle View Drive +167)240] (145) 56 [65] (56) 36 [46] (36) EN: L- 12 4-4 Valley View Drive .4— 464 [234] (276) C 26 [52] (69) Valley View Drive Valley View Drive (40) [55] 92 _t (702) [509] 401 —Ir. 2 %±.._ 290 [123) (208) 356 [246] (222) 4-) C Valley View Drive (2) [16] 17 (703) [506] 398 —* (70) [18] 163 (679) [289] 306 Valley View Dr -;•••" rftstUr LEGEND XX - AM. Peak Hour Volume [XX] - Afternoon School Peak Hour Volume (XX) - RM. Peak Hour Volume Q - Side-Street Stop Control • - All-Way Stop Control Existing Conditions Figure 3 Consulting Group, Inc. Edina High School Expansion Traffic Study 0169106 Edina, MN January 2016 Cary Teague, Community Development Director City of Edina January 22, 2016 Page 5 Existing Campus Trip Generation To account for the peaking characteristics of the middle school and high school, traffic volumes during the a.m. school arrival, afternoon school departure, and p.m. peak hours were reviewed in 15-minute intervals. In addition to the driveway counts shown in Table 1, motorists were observed using the drop-off/pick-up area along Valley View Road between the central and east school accesses. Based on observations, approximately 75 drop-offs occurred during the a.m. peak period and 35 pick-ups occurred during the afternoon school peak period. Table 1 Existing 15-Minute Campus Entering/Exiting Traffic Volumes East Access West Access Time Interval Enter Exit Central Access Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Total Exit AM (Arrival) Peak Hour 7:30 a.m. 36 96 87 3 39 29 162 (19%) 128 (32%) 7:45 a.m. 45 57 47 0 22 5 114 (13%) 62 (15%) 8:00 a.m. 132 50 107 6 21 12 260 (31%) 68 (17%) 8:15 a.m. 148 103 141 10 22 31 311(37%) 144 (36%) Total 361 306 382 19 104 77 847 (100%) 402 (100%) Afternoon (Departure) Peak Hour 3:00 p.m. 6 126 51 9 27 34 84 (30%) 169 (30%) 3:15 p.m. 1 135 49 12 15 52 65 (24%) 199 (35%) 3:30 p.m. 11 74 38 2 6 30 55 (20%) 106 (19%) 3:45 p.m. 30 68 40 1 2 19 72 (26%) 88 (16%) Total 48 403 178 24 50 135 276 (100%) 562 (100%) PM (Evening) Peak Hour 5:00 p.m. 23 55 57 1 4 30 84 (22%) 86 (35%) 5:15 p.m. 22 50 57 4 2 16 81(21%) 70 (28%) 5:30 p.m. 33 47 55 0 2 4 90 (24%) 51 (21%) 5:45 p.m. 46 40 79 0 0 0 125 (33%) 40 (16%) Total 124 192 248 5 8 50 380 (100%) 247 (100%) The central school access is signed as "enter only," although up to approximately 25 motorists were observed exiting the central access during the peak periods. The east school access is signed as bus entrance only from 7:15 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. and from 2:15 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. Once again, several motorists were observed violating this signage. Further discussion regarding site operations is documented later in this study. Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 6 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis An existing intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchto/SimTraffic software (V8.0) to establish a baseline condition to which future traffic operations could be compared. Capacity analysis results identify a Level of Service (LOS) which indicates how well an intersection is operating. Intersections are ranked from LOS A through LOS F. LOS results are based on average delay per vehicle, which correspond to delay threshold values shown in Table 2. LOS A indicates the best traffic operation, while LOS F indicates an intersection where demand exceeds capacity. Overall intersection LOS A though LOS D is generally considered acceptable in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area. Table 2 Level of Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections LOS Designation Signalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) Unsignalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) A <10 10 B > 10 - 20 > 10 - 15 C > 20 - 35 > 15 - 25 D > 35 - 55 > 25 - 35 E > 55 - 80 > 35 - 50 F >80 >50 For side-street stop/yield controlled intersections, special emphasis is given to providing an estimate for the level of service of the side-street approach. Traffic operations at an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop/yield control can be described in two ways. First, consideration is given to the overall intersection level of service. This takes into account the total number of vehicles entering the intersection and the capability of the intersection to support these volumes. Second, it is important to consider the delay on the minor approach. Since the mainline does not have to stop, the majority of delay is attributed to the side-street approaches. It is typical of intersections with higher mainline traffic volumes to experience high levels of delay (i.e. poor levels of service) on the side-street approaches, but an acceptable overall intersection level of service during peak hour conditions. Due to the peaking characteristics of schools, the traffic operations analysis was conducted in 15-minute intervals to understand how traffic operations differ between the peak 15-minute interval and the overall peak hour (i.e. 60-minute). The goal of this approach is to understand how quickly traffic operations recover following the peak periods and to determine appropriate mitigation. Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis for the peak 15-minute interval shown in Table 3 indicates that the study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the a.m., afternoon school, and p.m. peak hours, except at the West School Access during the a.m. peak hour and at Gleason Road and the East School Access during the p.m. peak hour. Side-street access to Valley View Road is also difficult at several intersections during the peak hours. It should be noted that this analysis accounts for the traffic control officers which are located at Antrim Road (a.m. and afternoon school peaks) and the West School Access (afternoon school peak). Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 7 Table 3 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis: 15-Minute Interval Valley View Road Intersection A.M. Peak Hour Afternoon School Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay Gleason Road (1-) A 7 sec. A 7 sec. E 38 sec. Rosemary Lane (2) A/A 8 sec. A/A 5 sec. A/C 25 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2) WA 9 sec. A/B 11 sec. B/F 180 sec. West School Access (2) E/F 120 sec. B* 14 sec. 0/F 131 sec. Chapel Lane (2) A/B 12 sec. A/C 15 sec. A F 89 sec. Central School Access (2) A/C 20 sec. A/C 17 sec. B A 7 sec. East School Access (2) A/E 42 sec. C/F 60 sec. E/C 18 sec. Antrim Road (1) C* 25 sec. C* 29 sec. C 17 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with all-way-stop control, where the overall LOS and delay are shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Traffic control officer located during peak period. While it is important to understand the peak 15-minute traffic operations when evaluating a school because of its peaking characteristics, it is also important to evaluate traffic over the course of the peak hour, which is generally the industry standard approach. Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis for the 60-minute peak period shown in Table 4 indicates that all study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the a.m., afternoon school, and p.m. peak hours. However, multiple side-street approaches operate at LOS E or F during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, which is common. Table 4 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis: 60-Minute Interval Valley View Road Intersection A.M. Peak Hour Afternoon School Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay Gleason Road ('l A 6 sec. A 6 sec. D 25 sec. Rosemary Lane (2) A/A 5 sec. A/A 4 sec. A/B 10 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2) A/A 8 sec. A/A 5 sec. A F 93 sec. West School Access (2) C/F 55 sec. B* 11 sec. C/F 83 sec. Chapel Lane (2) A/A 7 sec. A/B 11 sec. F 86 sec. Central School Access (2) A/C 17 sec. A/A 8 sec. A/A 7 sec. East School Access (2) A/D 31 sec. C/F 47 sec. D/C 17 sec. Antrim Road (1) C* 23 sec. C* 29 sec. C 17 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with all-way-stop control, where the overall LOS and delay are shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Traffic control officer located during peak period Al( Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22,2016 City of Edina Page 8 While all of the intersections operate at overall acceptable levels of service during the 60-minute peak periods, the following queues were observed in the field and traffic simulation: • During the a.m. peak period: o Approximately seven (7) vehicles were observed making a westbound U-turn after utilizing the pick-up/drop-off zone along the north side of Valley View Road. o Northbound queues at the Valley View Road/Antrim Road intersection were observed to extend approximately 500 feet. o Westbound queues at the Valley View Road/Antrim Road intersection were observed to extend approximately 450 feet. • During the afternoon school peak hour: o An eastbound "rolling" queue was observed on Valley View Road between Antrim Road and the West School Access between 3:00 p.m. and 3:20 p.m. o A traffic control officer was observed to briefly stop east/west traffic on Valley View Road at the East School Access to allow all buses to exit the school. • During the p.m. peak hour: o Eastbound queues at the Valley View Road/Antrim Road intersection were observed to extend approximately 500 feet. Proposed Edina High School Expansion The proposed Edina High School expansion site plan is shown in Figure 4. As part of this project, 9th grade students in the Edina Public School District currently at Valley View and South View middle schools would relocate to the Edina High School. The relocation of 9th grade students is expected to increase enrollment on campus from 3,379 to 3,798 students during the 2017/2018 school year. To accommodate the increase in students, the Edina High School is planning to add approximately 142,000 square feet to the existing building. No building modifications were assumed at Valley View Middle School. Given the site modifications as part of the proposed expansion, the parking layout is also expected to be modified. A total of 983 parking spaces are proposed, which is a 114 space increase from existing conditions. This includes 25 dedicated bus parking spaces and 26 accessible (ADA) parking spaces. A detailed parking analysis is included later in this document. Construction of this expansion is expected to be completed prior to the start of the 2017/2018 school year. The Edina High School expansion also is planning to disconnect the internal roadway at the north end of the campus. With this disconnection, motorists entering the school campus at the East Access will no longer have internal access to the northwest and southwest parking areas and vice versa. ALZ 0169106 January 2016 Consulting Group, Inc. Edina High School Expansion Traffic Study Edina, MN Figure 4 Site Plan NOTES: ..... mm• itt.,,,,t,••=°.417.=,70."=7:=1:=T:=" LEGEND MN •n •n••nn •nn •••••••••••n.n 0.1•7•2 • name sr. won • ••••1.41101T ▪ more rim... • ••••••47r.•••••1.• • 0441•••••••n STY• ▪ ••0•0811••n••••n••1•• ▪ wontwonawnssi...0••1 • •••••••••n••nnn ,••1 ▪ mo•ple.••••n•• • naVial•00114.1••,...1.1 mOn•le,..400-Morn• lo4C110•4110•AL11.4s = •n•••••••n•••••••n••••••••Mane•Re71.4,1.••n * moodoul•froote aeon naclacu. nun LEGEND • i • 140•01•104/•n=60111. norm, ....Kamm On SITE STATISTICS: Eartagir" (3) •=4 MINS PLAN A Yolk. C1.30 MIN NM 11111XIL 0181111111111M111•111 IMOSIMIr 1101100. 1111111110T =law I= or MI11,11n 111111111.11 architects engineers Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22,2016 City of Edina Page 10 The following information, provided by school staff, was used to understand future impacts of the proposed expansion: • Valley View Middle School • Existing enrollment: 1,364 students • 2017/2018 school year enrollment: estimated to be 1,020 students (344 fewer students than existing), which accounts for 9th grade students relocating to Edina High School • Staff estimated to decrease from the existing 130 full-/part-time staff to 116 staff members • Edina High School • Existing enrollment: 2,015 students • 2017/2018 school year enrollment: estimated to be 2,778 students (763 more students than existing), which accounts for 9th grade students relocating from both Valley View and South View middle schools • Staff estimated to increase from the existing 220 full-/part-time staff to 302 staff members Traffic Forecasts To help determine impacts associated with the proposed development, traffic forecasts were developed for year 2017 (year of expansion) and year 2027 (10-years post expansion) build conditions. Year 2017 and year 2027 build conditions take into account general background growth and traffic generated by the proposed expansion. Background Growth To estimate year 2017 and year 2027 background growth, historical traffic volume trends were reviewed in the study area. Based on this review, minimal increases are expected to non-school related traffic in the study area. Therefore, a growth rate of one-half percent per year was applied to existing non-school related a.m., afternoon school, and p.m. peak hour trips at the study intersections. Trip Generation To account for traffic impacts associated with the proposed expansion, a trip generation estimate was developed for the a.m., afternoon school, and p.m. peak hours. As previously mentioned, the middle school and high school have different start and end times, in which the school peak hours differ. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference in middle school and high school trips during each 15-minute interval of the peak hour to account for the trip generation impacts. Since the middle school is decreasing by 344 students and the high school is increasing by 763 students, the percent of peak hour trips entering/exiting during each 15-minute interval will change accordingly. Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 11 To estimate the existing and future middle school and high school trips generated by the campus, both the existing school driveway counts and the Institute of Trampdation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, Ninth Edition were reviewed. The peak hour trip rates per student provided by ITE for both the middle school and high school land use were compared to the 15-minute driveway counts to estimate the peak period trip distribution for both the middle school and high school. To estimate new trips during the p.m. peak hour, the school driveway counts were increased proportionally to the increase in total campus students. The resulting campus 15-minute trip generation results are shown in Table 5. The relocation of all 9th grade students to the high school is expected to generate an additional 191 a.m. peak hour, 158 afternoon school peak hour, and 78 p.m. peak hour trips. During the peak 15-minute interval, the relocation is expected to generate an additional 156 a.m. peak hour, 67 afternoon school peak hour, and 21 p.m. peak hour trips. Table 5 Proposed Time Expansion Trip Generation Existing Estimates -15-Minute Intervals Delta Year 2017 Middle School High School Middle School High School Middle School High School Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter I Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit AM (Arrival) Peak Hour 7:30 AM 156 125 6 3 -40 -32 +2 +1 116 93 8 4 7:45 AM 61 37 53 25 -15 -9 +20 +9 46 28 73 34 8:00 AM 24 17 236 51 -6 -4 +89 +20 18 13 325 71 8:15 AM 16 7 295 137 -4 -2 +112 +50 12 5 407 187 Total 257 186 590 216 -65 -47 +223 +80 , 192 139 813 296 Afternoon (Departure) Peak Hour Middle School High School Middle School High School I Middle School High School Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit 3:00 PM 38 110 46 59 -9 -28 +18 +22 29 82 64 81 3:15 PM 17 34 48 165 -4 -9 +18 +62 13 25 66 227 3:30 PM 15 11 40 95 -4 -3 +15 +36 11 8 55 131 3:45 PM 13 12 59 76 -3 -3 +22 +28 10 9 81 104 Total 83 167 193 395 -20 -43 +73 +148 63 124 266 543 PM (Evening) Peak Hour Campus Campus Campus Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit 5:00 PM 84 86 +10 +11 94 97 5:15 PM 81 70 +10 +9 91 79 5:30 PM 90 51 +11 +6 101 57 5:45 PM 125 40 +16 +5 141 45 Total 380 247 +47 +31 427 278 Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 12 The student enrollment estimates for the 2027/2028 school year were not available. Therefore, historical and available future student enrollment estimates for both the middle school and high school were reviewed to determine an expected growth rate to apply to the year 2017/2018 school year student enrollment numbers. Based on this review, the student enrollment is estimated to increase approximately one-half percent per year for both the middle school and high school. The school trips were distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown in Figure 5, which was developed based on existing area travel patterns and engineering judgment. The resultant year 2017 and year 2027 build conditions are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, respectively. Year 2017 Build Conditions Intersection Capacity Analysis To determine how the existing roadway network will accommodate year 2017 build conditions, an intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software. Once again, the analysis was completed for both the 15- and 60-minute time periods. Intersections with traffic control officers under existing conditions during the a.m. and afternoon peak hours were assumed to continue under year 2017 build conditions. Results of the year 2017 build intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 6 indicate that multiple study intersections are expected to operate at an unacceptable overall LOS E or worse during several peak hours. Side-street access along Valley View Road will continue to be challenging during the peak 15-minute periods, particularly during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Table 6 Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis: 15-Minute Interval Valley View Road Intersection A.M. Peak Hour Afternoon School Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay Gleason Road (1) B 10 sec. A 8 sec. F 89 sec. Rosemary Lane (2) A/A 4 sec. A/A 7 sec. WE 46 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2) A/B 13 sec. A/B 11 sec. B/F 159 sec. West School Access (2) F/F > 3 min. C* 23 sec. E/F 165 sec. Chapel Lane (2) A/C 19 sec. A/C 20 sec. B/F > 3 min. Central School Access (2) B/F 103 sec. A/C 16 sec. D/A 6 sec. East School Access (2) C/F 135 sec. E/F 163 sec. E/F 131 sec. Antrim Road (1) E* 35 sec. E* 43 sec. D 29 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with all-way-stop control, where the overall LOS and delay are shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Traffic control officer located during peak period g einkd 9L.oz Aienuer 'BuI133 901.691.0 NL'VAPnIS %au. uoisuedx3 paps OH euip3 •dnoJo Sumnsuco uonnqiima puopaila HA P r o j e c ts \0 9 0 0 0 1 91 06 US Ti g ur e ff ig ur e 6_ Ye ar 20 1 7 Co r (5) [20] 20 j (730) [565] 425 (50) [65] 115 (730) [570] 425 (80) [30] 200 _t (695) [305] 335 —O. r I ,glipo%5N 4110.1( 'Mk +180 [270] (155) 60 [75] (60) 40 [55] (40) (45) [20] 25 . (270) [95] 90 (15) [5] 5 .2,2 Valley View Drive r' r Valley View Drive Valley View Drive Valley View Drive Valley View Drive -g* 350 [145] (240) I 405 [270] (235) Valley View Drive 4.117.11 Valley View Dr LEGEND XX - A.M. Peak Hour Volume [XX] - Afternoon School Peak Hour Volume (XX) - P.M. Peak Hour Volume Q -Side-Street Stop Control • _ All-Way Stop Control Year 2017 Conditions Figure 6 Consulting Group, Inc. Edina High School Expansion Traffic Study 0169106 Edina, MN January 2016 HA P r o j e c ts 10 90 0 0 19 1 06 7 S\ F i g ur e s Ti g ur e 7_ Ye a r 2 0 2 7 Co n dit io n s Valley View Dr .;1 ilbsn romrolre"Istmaser -Re 'As 'N"111 4 • •••• 111. • Ilar ' ipa" '60 1,41041NAS 4 *low " ''Tzkgati 41r .4 , 11- I .1kr;;n • I +165 [2135] (160) 60 [80] (65) 40 [55] (90) Valley View Drive (5) [5] 5 4, (810) [355] 555 tr` ' * 250 [45] (65) 11-S-- 150 [245] (185) 4— 35 [10] (5) Valley View Drive (55) [70] 125 (765) [600] 445 * 370 [155] (250) 44-S— 425 [280] (250) (5) [20] 20 (765) [600] 445 —n Valley View Drive (605) [485] 305 (210) [235] 205 V .4— 560 [270] (315) C 30 [55] (75) rri RI-LL" 'EL. S 765 [390] (480) Valley View Drive Valley View Drive LEGEND XX - A.M. Peak Hour Volume [XX] - Afternoon School Peak Hour Volume (XX) - P.M. Peak Hour Volume Q -Side-Street Stop Control • - All-Way Stop Control (85) [30] 210 (670) [320] 345 —TO. (60) [5] 10 • g Year 2027 Conditions Consulting Group, Inc. Edina High School Expansion Traffic Study Figure 7 0169106 Edina, MN January 2016 Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 16 Once again, a full peak hour intersection capacity analysis was completed to determine impacts of the proposed expansion over the course of the full 60-minute peak period. Results of the year 2017 build condition intersection capacity analysis for the 60-minute peak period shown in Table 7 indicate that multiple study intersections are expected to operate at an unacceptable overall LOS E or worse during one or more peak hours. Side-street access along Valley View Road will also continue to be challenging at several locations, particularly at the school access points. Table 7 Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis: 60-Minute Interval Valley View Road Intersection A.M. Peak Hour Afternoon School Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay Gleason Road (1) A 7 sec. A 6 sec. F 66 sec. Rosemary Lane (2) A/A 4 sec. WA 4 sec. A/C 22 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2) A/A 9 sec. A/A 7 sec. A/F 125 sec. West School Access (2) E/F >3 min. C* 15 sec. D/F 120 sec. Chapel Lane (2) A/B 11 sec. A/B 12 sec. A/F > 3 min. Central School Access (2) A/F 66 sec. A/B 11 sec. C/A 6 sec. East School Access (2) A/F 79 sec. D/F 106 sec. E/C 19 sec. Antrim Road (1) D* 27 sec. E* 35 sec. C 22 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with all-way-stop control, where the overall LOS and delay are shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. * Traffic control officer located during peak period During the a.m. peak hour, the primary issue is at the West School Access where approximately 75 percent of exiting vehicles utilize this access. These exiting vehicles conflict with the high entering volume, resulting in significant delay and queuing issues at this intersection. Currently, the school does not have a traffic control officer located at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour. A traffic control officer located at the West School Access during the a.m. peak hour would be expected to significantly improve the traffic flow for vehicles entering and exiting the intersection. During the afternoon school peak hour, the primary issue is at the Valley View Road/Antrim Road intersection, which is expected to operate near the LOS D/E threshold with a traffic control officer in place. Queues from Antrim Road extend beyond the East School Access, impacting access for these motorists to Valley View Road. The delays and queues identified under existing conditions on Valley View Road from Gleason Road to Antrim Road are expected to increase under year 2017 build conditions without improvements to the roadway network, particularly during the p.m. peak hour. However, the traffic operational issues during the p.m. peak hour are minimally impacted by traffic generated by the school campus. The primary cause of the poor operations along Valley View Road during the p.m. peak hour is associated with cut-through traffic diverting away from Truck Highway 62. Therefore, improvement scenarios at the Valley View Road/Gleason Road intersection were not considered as part of this study based on City staff input. Additional study of this area should be considered in the future. if%) Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22,2016 City of Edina • Page 17 Improvement Scenarios Given that it is important to find a balance between intersection operations during peak periods and the cost of infrastructure, a range of improvement scenarios were considered. These scenarios range from minimal impact/low cost to high impact/high cost improvements, which are summarized below. • Improvement Scenario 1: Traffic control officer at the West School Access intersection • Improvement Scenario 2: Traffic signals at the West School Access and Antrim Road • Improvement Scenario 3: Roundabout and realigned access at the West School Access/Chapel Lane and East School Access/Antrim Road intersections • Improvement Scenario 4: Split roundabouts at the West School Access/Chapel Lane and East School Access/Antrim Road intersections, including an eastbound left-turn restriction at the Central School Access The goal of these scenarios is to provide a better understanding of how these types of improvements would impact area traffic operations along both Valley View Road and its cross-streets. These scenarios are not intended to be all encompassing and could be combined/merged to create additional scenarios. A detailed intersection capacity analysis was conducted for each of these improvement scenarios and is summarized in the Appendix. The improvement scenario intersection capacity analysis results were discussed with City staff to determine a reasonable improvement scenario. Given that the Edina High School expansion has a relatively small impact to intersection operations during the p.m. peak hour along Valley View Road, City staff felt operations at Gleason Road and Antrim Road are existing issues and not directly associated with the Edina High School. However, City staff noted that they regularly receive complaints regarding pedestrian safety at the Valley View Road crosswalk near Chapel Lane. The West School Access and Chapel Lane are currently separated by approximately 60 feet, creating conflict issues for vehicles turning into either access (in addition to the capacity issues identified). The closely spaced intersections also create an unsafe pedestrian crossing location. Therefore, Improvement Scenario 5 was developed to address operations and pedestrian safety at the West School Access and Chapel Lane area. This improvement scenario includes: • Improvement Scenario 5: Realigned West School Access opposite Chapel Lane and implementation of a traffic control officer at this location during the a.m. peak hour (in addition to the afternoon school peak hour). To determine how Improvement Scenario 5 is expected to operate under future conditions, a detailed intersection capacity analysis was completed for both the 15- and 60-minute peak periods. Results of the intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 8 indicates that the realignment of the West School Access and incorporation of a traffic control officer during the a.m. peak hour will significantly improve overall intersection operations and side-street delays at this location. Both queues and side- street delays will be better managed, as well as reduced conflicts for pedestrians crossing Valley View Road. Improvement Scenario 5 results were also included in the Appendix for comparison purposes. Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 18 Table 8 Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis: Improvement Scenario 5 Valley View Road Intersection Improvement Scenario 5 A.M. Peak Hour Afternoon School Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay 15-Minute Interval Gleason Road (1) B 13 sec. A 7 sec. F 80 sec. Rosemary Lane (2) A/A 5 sec. A/A 5 sec. C/A 5 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2) A/C 19 sec. A/A 7 sec. B/F > 3 min. West School Access/Chapel Lane PI D* 30 sec. C* 21 sec. D/F 87 sec. Central School Access (2) C/F 155 sec. A/B 10 sec. B/C 16 sec. East School Access (2) C/F >3 min. D/F 96 sec. E/D 25 sec. Antrim Road (1) E* 45 sec. E* 40 sec. C 20 sec. 60-Minute Interval Gleason Road (1) A 7 sec. A 6 sec. F 56 sec. Rosemary Lane (2) A/A 4 sec. A/A 4 sec. B/A 6 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2 A/B 10 sec. A/A 5 sec. B/F 92 sec. West School Access/Chapel Lane (2) C* 23 sec. C* 15 sec. C/D 34 sec. Central School Access (2) A/F 107 sec. A/A 9 sec. B/A 8 sec. East School Access (2) A/F 91 sec. B/F 64 sec. E/C 20 sec. Antrim Road (1) D* 30 sec. E* 35 sec. B 19 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with all-way-stop control, where the overall LOS and delay are shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Traffic control officer located during peak period It should be noted that side-street delays are still expected at the Central and East School accesses during the peak periods. However, these are primarily the result of eastbound queues from Antrim Road extending beyond these access locations. Furthermore, slight changes in operations are expected during the p.m. peak hour due to more vehicles being able to access the roadway network. Year 2027 Build Conditions Intersection Capacity Analysis To determine how the recommended roadway network (Improvement Scenario 5) will accommodate year 2027 build conditions, an intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software. Once again, the analysis was completed for both the 15- and 60-minute time periods. Intersections with traffic control officers under existing conditions during the a.m. and afternoon school peak hours were assumed to remain in place. Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 19 Results of the year 2027 build intersection capacity analysis for the 15- and 60-minute time periods shown in Table 9 indicate that the study intersections are expected to operate relatively similar to the year 2017 build conditions. Although operations along Valley View Road are expected to get worse, they are primarily the result of the operations at Gleason Road and Antrim Road reaching capacity. As noted earlier, City staff has expressed a desire to further study these intersection to determine the appropriate level of mitigation to improve operations for the long-term. Therefore, no further recommendations are offered for year 2027 build conditions. Table 9 Year 2027 Build intersection Capacity Analysis: Improvement Scenario 5 Improvement Scenario 5 Valley View Road Intersection A.M. Afternoon School P.M. Peak Hour Peak Hour Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay 15-Minute Interval Gleason Road (i) C 23 sec. A 7 sec. F 80 sec. Rosemary Lane (2) A/A 7 sec. A/A 6 sec. A/A 7 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2) B/F 70 sec. A/A 9 sec. B/F >3 min. West School Access/Chapel Lane (2) F* 55 sec. Ck 19 sec. D/F 87 sec. Central School Access (2) D/F 148 sec. A/C 16 sec. B/C 16 sec. East School Access (2) D/F >3 min. F/F >3 min. E/D 25 sec. Antrim Road (1) E* 40 sec. E* 52 sec. C 20 sec. 1 60-Minute Interval Gleason Road a) B 11 sec. A 6 sec. F 56 sec. Rosemary Lane 2) A/A 6 sec. A/A 4 sec. A/A 6 sec. St. Patrick's Lane (2) A/C 23 sec. A/A 7 sec. B/F 92 sec. West School Access/Chapel Lane (2) D* 32 sec. B* 14 sec. C/D 34 sec. Central School Access (2) B/F 87 sec. A/B 10 sec. B/A 8 sec. East School Access (2) B/F 144 sec. D/F 170 sec. E/C 20 sec. Antrim Road (1) D* 30 sec. E* 37 sec. B 19 sec. (1-) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with all-way-stop cot trol, where the overall LOS at d delay are shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Traffic control officer located during peak period A c6 1 Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 20 Parking Analysis Existing Parking Conditions A parking space inventory by designation (i.e. staff, visitor, ADA, or student) was completed for the campus. Existing off-street parking utilization surveys were collected by SRF on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. and on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 1:30 p.m., which correspond with our understanding of the peak parking periods. This data is summarized in Table 10. Parking counts were also collected at the Calvary Lutheran Church. The church has a parking supply of 57 spaces. During both the 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. parking counts, 28 spaces were occupied. Table 10 - Parking Utilization Surveys Lot Parking Type Parking Supply Tuesday, October 27 9:30 a.m. Wednesday October 28 1:30 p.m. Spaces Occupied Percent Occupied Spaces Occupied Percent Occupied Northwest Student 241 204 85% 209 87% Staff 15 15 100% 14 93% Visitor 15 11 73% 15 100% ADA 6 0 0% 3 50% Subtotal 277 230 83% 241 87% Southwest Student 261 236 90% 227 87% Staff 31 25 81% 24 77% Visitor 8 4 50% 0 0% ADA 11 6 55% 3 27% Subtotal 311 271 87% 254 82% Northeast Student 0 - - - - - - - - Staff 80 54 68% 62 78% Visitor 0 - - - - - - - - ADA 2 0 0% 0 0% Subtotal 82 54 66% 62 76% Southeast Student 0 - -- -- - - Staff 194 138 71% 137 71% Visitor 2 1 50% 0 0% ADA 3 0 0% 1 33% Subtotal 199 139 70% 138 69% Total Student 502 440 88% 436 87% Staff 320 232 73% 237 74% Visitor 25 16 64% 15 60% ADA 22 6 27% 7 32% Subtotal 869 694 80% 695 80% * Percent occupied greater than 85 percent is bolded. Ais't Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 21 All student parking spaces require a permit. Currently the school provides 425 yearly student permits ($300/year) and an additional 25 daily student permits ($3/day). An additional 30 student parking permits are offered for the Calvary Lutheran Church, which is located on Antrim Road south of Valley View Road. Based on discussions with school staff, the student demand for parking permits exceeds the number of permits available. The school has implemented a rating system to determine which students receive parking permits. The system prioritizes seniority and carpooling. Students in 10th grade or under are not eligible for the parking permits. Results of the parking counts indicate that overall the school campus has a sufficient parking supply. However, the following should also be considered: • There are approximately 350 middle school and high school staff on campus, which includes both part- and full-time staff. The staff parking supply is 320 spaces and the maximum observed occupancy for the campus was 237 spaces (Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.). This indicates that staff are likely parking in student spaces. School staff also confirmed that this does occur. • As previously mentioned, there are 450 student permits (425 yearly and 25 daily). Based on the parking supply inventory, there are 502 spaces available for student parking. The maximum parking demand for students was 440 spaces (Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.), although that likely includes some staff parking. • Student, staff and visitor parking in the northwest lot is highly desirable, based on a comparison of the utilization counts in this lot to the other parking lots on campus. • While the visitor parking was 64 percent occupied on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. (maximum of the two observation days), the school staff indicated that occasionally all visitor spaces are occupied. This tends to be on days with special events going on at the school. Proposed Edina High School Expansion With the relocation of 9th grade students from Valley View and South View middle schools to Edina High School, the overall campus student population is expected to increase approximately 419 students from current conditions. . However, since 9th grade students will not be eligible for parking permits, the primary parking demand increases are expected to be from the additional staff needed to accommodate the relocated 9th grade students. Based on information provided from the school, the total campus staff is expected to increase to 418 people (302 high school staff and 116 middle school staff). As previously mentioned, the proposed expansion includes modifying the parking layout. A total of 983 parking spaces are proposed, which is a 114 space increase from existing conditions. This includes 25 dedicated bus parking spaces and 26 ADA parking spaces. Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 22 Estimated Parking Demand To determine if the proposed parking supply is sufficient to meet the future parking demand, a parking analysis was completed. Student, staff, visitor, ADA, and bus parking needs were considered. Student Parking • Student parking permits are expected to continue to only be available to 11th and 12th grade students. With the increase in student enrollment on campus due to 9th grade relocating to the high school, the student parking demand is not expected to change from the current parking demand. The minimum required parking to accommodate the existing 450 student parking permits is 450 spaces. However, since the student permit demand exceeds the permit supply, if additional spaces are provided it is expected that students will apply for those permits. Staff Parking • The future staff parking supply was assumed to be equivalent to the number of part- /full- time staff, which is 418 parking spaces. It is understood that it is unlikely that all staff will be on campus at the same time. However, it is good practice for the parking supply to exceed the parking demand in order to reduce unnecessary circulation of vehicles looking for parking and the perception of inadequate parking. Visitor Parking • The total visitor parking supply was observed to be sufficient under existing conditions, however during school events the visitor parking demand may by higher than when observations were completed. The overall campus student population is expected to increase approximately 419 students from current conditions. The increase in students on campus is expected to directly impact the visitor parking demand. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a minimum existing supply of 25 spaces. Bus Parking • Based on information provided from the school, under future build conditions 20-25 buses are estimated to serve both Valley View Middle School and Edina High School. Due to the staggering start/end times of the school, the 25 proposed bus parking spaces are expected to be sufficient. ADA Parking • Based on the Minnesota Accessibility Code, a minimum of 20 ADA spaces are required for the school campus (two percent of the total parking supply). Since 26 ADA spaces are proposed, the proposed ADA parking meets the expected demand. In summary, the minimum parking supply needed to accommodate the proposed expansion parking demand is 938 spaces (see Table 11). Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 23 Table 11 — Proposed Expansion Parking Summary Parking Type Existing Parking Supply Proposed Parking Supply Increase / (Decrease) Minimum Required Parking Supply Student 502 489 (-13) 450(1 Staff 320 418 +98 418 C2) Visitor 25 25 0 25 Bus _ _ 25 +25 25 ADA 22 26 +4 20P) Total 869 983 +114 938 (1) Assumes no change to the current number of student parking permits currently allotted. (2) Assumes one parking space per part-/full-time staff people. (3) Minimum ADA spaces needed based on the Minnesota Accessibility Code. City Parking Code The City of Edina Code of Ordinances (Sec. 36-1311) was reviewed to determine if the proposed parking supply meets the minimum required parking spaces. The City Code shown in Table 2 has the following parking requirements for middle schools and high schools: • Public or private elemental), oijunior high schools. Two Jpaces per classroom, or spaces equal in number to one- third the maximum seating capaci# of the largestplace of assembly, whichever is greater. • Public or private senior high schools and seminaries. One space per classroom plus one *ace per ten students, or spaces equal in number to one-third the maximum seating ceOacibi of the largest/ace of assembly, whichever is greater. The 2017/2018 school year student enrollment forecasts were used to estimate the required parking for the proposed expansion. With the school expansion and relocation of 9th grade students to the high school, the middle school is anticipated to provide 57 teaching stations and the high school is anticipated to provide 114 teaching station. The largest assembly space capacity in both middle school and high school was also reviewed. Based on the City Code parking requirements, for both the middle school and high school the assembly areas have a higher parking requirement than the parking calculations based on the number of students and teaching stations. Further, since the parking lot is not designated between middle school and high school parking areas, the total required parking was compared to the total parking supply. As shown in Table 12, based on City Code the school campus has a minimum parking requirement of 890 spaces. The proposed expansion plans to provide 983 spaces, which is a 93 space surplus. Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22, 2016 City of Edina Page 24 Table 12 - City Parking Requirements School Number of Classrooms (Teaching Stations) Number of Students (Year 2018- 2019) Largest Assembly Capacity Parking Requirement based on classrooms/ students Parking Requirement based on largest assembly Middle School (Grades 6-8) 57 1,009 57811) 114 193 High School (Grades 9-12) 114 2,786 2,090(2) 393 697 Total Required 507 890 Proposed Parking 983 983 Surplus/ (Deficit) +476 +93 (1) Valley View Middle School Auditorium (2) New Edina High School Gym Site Plan Review A preliminary site plan review was conducted to determine potential improvements for consideration. Several of these improvements were identified as part of the intersection capacity analysis. The following site plan improvements are offered for consideration and illustrated in Figure 8. 1) Realign the West School Access opposite of Chapel Lane to create a four-legged intersection and provide a traffic control officer during the a.m. peak hour. This will improve operations and reduce conflicts between the closely spaced intersections. a. This improvement would require internal site/parking modifications. 2) Relocate the pedestrian crossing from the west side of the Chapel Lane to the east side to reduce potential conflicts. 3) Expand the West School Access to ensure two exiting lanes for a minimum of 125 feet into the site to reduce queuing and delays. 4) Modify and sign the Central School Access to physically eliminate exiting vehicles from the access point and/or provide improved enforcement. 5) Remove the existing pick-up/drop-off area along Valley View Road to improve pedestrian safety and reduce vehicular conflicts along Valley View Road. Ar6 H AP r oj ec ts \09 0 00 ‘9 1 0 6\ T S\ F i g ur e s T ig ur e 8_ Si t e P la n R e v ie w . c dr 110:41 Consulting Group, Inc. Edina High School Expansion Traffic Study Edina, MN 0169106 January 2016 Figure 8 Site Plan Review IB) Convert to Parking 4) Modify and Sign to Eliminate Exiting Vehicles 2) Relocate Pedestrian Crossing to the East - 411411111 F.4410.1.1* J. Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22,2016 City of Edina Page 26 Conclusions and Recommendations The following study conclusions and recommendations are offered for consideration: 1) The study references the a.m. peak hour as 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., the afternoon school peak hour as 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., and the p.m. peak hour as 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 2) The campus generates approximately 1,249 a.m. peak hour, 838 afternoon school peak hour, and 627 p.m. peak hour trips. 3) Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis for the peak 15-minute interval indicates that the study intersections operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the a.m., afternoon school, and p.m. peak hours, except at the West School Access during the a.m. peak hour and at Gleason Road and the East School Access during the p.m. peak hour. Side-street access to Valley View Road is also difficult at several intersections during the peak hours. 4) Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis for the 60-minute peak period indicates that all study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the a.m., afternoon school, and p.m. peak hours. Multiple side-street approaches operate at LOS E or F during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, which is common. 5) The proposed Edina High School expansion would relocate 9th grade students currently at Valley View and South View middle schools to the high school, which is expected to increase enrollment on campus from 3,379 to 3,798 students during the 2017/2018 school year. 6) The relocation of all 9th grade students to the high school is expected to generate an additional 191 a.m. peak hour, 158 afternoon school peak hour, and 78 p.m. peak hour trips on campus. a. During the peak 15-minute interval, the relocation is expected to generate an additional 156 a.m. peak hour, 67 afternoon school peak hour, and 21 p.m. peak hour trips. 7) Results of the year 2017 build intersection capacity analysis indicate that multiple study intersections are expected to operate at an unacceptable overall LOS E or worse during several peak hours. Side-street access along Valley View Road will continue to be challenging during the peak 15-minute periods, particularly during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. 8) Results of the year 2017 build condition intersection capacity analysis for the 60-minute peak period indicate that multiple study intersections are expected to operate at an unacceptable overall LOS E or worse during one or more peak hours. Side-street access along Valley View Road will also continue to be challenging at several locations, particularly at the school access points. 9) The primary operational issues expected upon completion of the proposed expansion include: a. Significant delay and queuing issues at the West School Access during the a.m. peak hour. b. Vehicular and pedestrian conflicts due to the close intersection spacing between the West School Access and Chapel Lane. c. Operations near the LOS D/E threshold and eastbound queuing at the Valley View Road/Antrim Road intersection, even with a traffic control officer in place. MO Cary Teague, Community Development Director January 22,2016 City of Edina Page 27 10) Several improvement scenarios were reviewed to find a balance between intersection operations during peak periods and the cost of infrastructure improvements. These included a combination of access modifications and traffic control changes. Based on this review and discussion with City staff, the following improvements are recommended: a. Realign the West School Access opposite of Chapel Lane to create a four-kgged intersection. b. Provide a traffic control officer during the a.m. peak hour at the IVest SchoolAccess, in addition to the trceic control officers alrea dy in place. 11) Results of the intersection capacity analysis indicates that the realignment of the West School Access and incorporation of a traffic control officer during the a.m. peak hour will significantly improve overall intersection operations and side-street delays at this location. Both queues and side-street delays will be better managed, as well as reduced conflicts for pedestrians crossing Valley View Road. 12) Further study of the Valley View Road intersections at Gleason Road and Antrim Road should occur to determine a long-term solution, primarily to address the future p.m. peak hour need. 13) The proposed expansion plans to provide 983 spaces, which is a 93 space surplus based on the City Code requirements. No parking issues are expected. 14) Other site plan improvements offered for consideration, include: a. Relocate the pedestrian crossing from the west side of the Chapel Lane to the east side to reduce potential coeicts. b. Expand the West School Access to ensure two exiting lanes for a minimum of 125 feet into the site to reduce queuing and delay. c. Modifi and sign the Central School Access to plysically eliminate exiting vehicles from the access point and/ orpmvide improved enforcement. d. Remove the existingpick- 10/ drop-off area along Valley View Road to improve pedestrian 410 and reduce vehicular conflicts along Valley View Road HAProjects\09000\910ATAReprA9106 FINAL, EdittaFlighScbooffrafficStu6L160122.docc APPENDIX Ald, H AP r o je c is \0 9 0 0 0 0 1 05 1T ST i g ur es Vm p r ov e me n t S Traffic Control Officer During AM. Peek im • rovement Scenario 3 - • Roundabout with West Access Shifted Opposite Chapel Lane 1Roundabout With East Access Shifted Opposite Antrim Road — • Im • rovement Scenario 4 Split Roundabout Split Roundabout g Improvement Scenarios Edina High School Expansion Traffic Study Edina, MN Figure X 0159106 January 2016 Chapel Lane Central School Access East School Access Antrim Road Table Al Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis Summary Table (Improvement Scenarios) Level of Service 15-Minute (60-Minute) Analysis Period! Scenario AM (Arrival) Peak Hour Gleason Road Rosemary Lane St. Patrick's Lane West School Access Existing A (A) A/A (A/A) A/A (A/A) E/F (C/F) A/B (A/A) A/C (A/C) A/E (A/D) D (C) Year 2017 No Improvements B (A) A/A (A/A) A/B (A/A) F/F (F/F) A/C (A/B) B/F (A/F) C/F (A/F) E (D) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 1 B (A) A/A (A/A) A/C (A/B) C (B) C/F (B/F) C/E (B/D) D/F (B/F) E (D) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 2 B (A) A/A (A/A) A/E (A/C) C (B) A/F (A/E) B/F (A/F) C/F (A/F) B (B) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 3 B (A) A/A (A/A) A/C (A/A) C (A) A/F (A/F) E (C) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 4 C (B) B/C (A/A) C/F (A/C) A (A) A (A) A/A (A/A) A (A) E (C) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 5 B (A) A/A (A/A) A/C (A/B) D (C) C/F (A/F) C/F (A/F) E (D) Afternoon (Departure) Peak Hour Existing A (A) A/A (A/A) A/B (A/A) B (B) A/C (A/B) A/C (A/A) C/F (C/E) D (D) Year 2017 No Improvements A (A) A/A (A/A) A/B (A/A) C (C) A/C (A/B) A/C (A/B) E/F (DIE) F (E) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 1 No Change from No Build Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 2 A (A) A/A (A/A) A/B (A/A) B (B) A/D (A/C) A/C (A/B) A/D (A/C) A (A) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 3 A (A) A/A (A/A) A/A (A/A) A (A) A/C (A/A) A (A) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 4 A (A) A/A (A/A) A/A (A/A) B (A) A (A) A/A (A/A) A (A) A (A) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 5 A (A) A/A (A/A) A/A (A/A) C (C) A/B (A/A) D/F (B/F) E (E) PM (Evening) Peak Hour Existing E (D) A/D (A/B) A/F (A/F) D/F (C/F) A/F (A/F) B/A (A/A) E/C (D/C) C (C) Year 2017 No Improvements F (F) A/E (A/C) B/F (A/F) E/F (D/F) B/F (A/F) D/A (C/A) E/F (D/C) D (C) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 1 No Change from No Build Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 2 F (E) A/B (A/A) A/C (A/A) A (A) A/C (A/C) A/A (A/A) A/D (A/C) A (A) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 3 F (E) A/C (A/A) A/C (A/B) A (A) A/B (A/B) B (A) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 4 F (E) A/B (A/A) A/B (A/B) A (A) A (A) A/A (A/A) B (A) A (A) Year 2017 Improvement Scenario 5 F (F) C/A (A/A) B/F (B/F) D/F (C/D) B/C (B/A) E/D (E/C) C (C) Improvement Scenario 1: Traffic control officer at the West School Access Improvement Scenario 2: Traffic signals at the West School Access and Antrim Road Improvement Scenario 3: Roundabout and realigned access at the \Vest School Access/Chapel Lane and East School Access/Antrim Road Improvement Scenario 4: Split roundabouts at the West School Access/Chapel Lane and East School Access/Antrim Road, including eastbound left-turn restriction at the Central School Access Improvement Scenario 5: Realigned \Vest School Access opposite Chapel Lane and implementation of a traffic control officer during the a.m. peak hour (in addition to the afternoon school peak hour). RESOLUTION NO. 2016-27 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO CONSTRUCT A 142,000 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO EDINA HIGH SCHOOL AT 6754 VALLEY VIEW ROAD Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 The Edina Public Schools are proposing to build a 142,000 square foot addition to the existing high school located at 6754 Valley View Road. The addition would be located on the northwest side of the existing high school, to have the least amount of impact on the existing site and existing building as possible. 1.02 The additional space would be used to house the 9th grade, which is moving from South View and Valley View Middle Schools. 1.03 This project is part of the successful referendum passed by the voters of Edina in May of 2015. That part of the west half of the northwest quarter, lying southerly of County Road 62; and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter except roads, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (6754 Valley View Road, Edina, MN 55439) 1.04 To accommodate the request, the following is requested: Conditional Use Permit 1.05 On February 10, 2016, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Variance. Vote 6 Ayes, 1 Nays. 1.07 On February 17, 2016, the City Council held a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit and Variance. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposal meets the conditional use permit criteria in Section 36-305 of the City Code as follows: a. Does not have an undue adverse impact on governmental facilities, utilities, services or existing or proposed improvements; b. Will generate traffic within the capacity of the streets serving the property; c. Does not have an undue adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare; d. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of other property in the vicinity; e. Conforms to the applicable restrictions and special conditions of the district in which it is located, as imposed by this chapter; and f. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. The proposal meets all applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-27 Page 2 3. The addition addresses building space needs at the school. 4. The parking and traffic study done by SRF has demonstrated that the existing roadways and parking lot would support the addition. Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the Conditional Use Permit for Edina Public Schools at 6754 Valley View Road. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Grading plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Landscaping plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building elevations date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building materials board as presented at the Planning Commission and City Council meeting. 2. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the watershed district’s requirements. 3. Compliance with the conditions required by the city engineer in his memo dated February 8, 2016. 4. Building plans are subject to review and approval of the fire marshal at the time of building permit. 5. Bike racks must be provided to meet minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. 6. A building permit must be obtained within two years of City Council approval. 7. Revise the city engineer condition 3.1) as follows: 1) aligning the west most entrance to make a four way intersection and cross walks with Chapel Lane, unless another alternative to address the issue is agreed upon by the city engineer and school district. 8. The school district should work to improve bike and pedestrian way finding and gather input from students and pertinent clubs; and add more bike racks. 9. Add landscaping where feasible along the west property line. 10. Down lit, “cut-off” lighting is to be installed in the parking areas, to meet city code regulations. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-27 Page 3 ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of February 17, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2016. _________________________________ City Clerk MINUTES City of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers February 10, 2016, at 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Platteter called the Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering the roll call were: Strauss, Thorsen, Kivamaki, Ma, Nemerov, Olsen, Carr, Forrest, Platteter Absent from roll: Hobbs, Lee III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the February 10 2016 meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Ayes; All. Motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Conditional Use Permit. Edina Public Schools, 6754 Valley View Road, Edina, MN Planner Presentation Planner Teague reported Edina Public Schools is proposing to build a 142,000 square foot addition to the existing high school. In May of 2015 voters passed a successful referendum part of which was to build an addition located on the northwest side of the high school to house 9th grade students. With graphics Teague pointed out the proposed additions, changes to the existing campus. Concluding, Teague stated staff recommends Conditional Use Permit approval based on the following findings: Page 2 of 5 1. The proposal meets the Conditional Use Permit conditions Per Section 36-305 of the City Code. 2. The proposal meets all applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. The addition addresses building space needs at the school. 4. The parking and traffic study done by SRF has demonstrated that the existing roadways and parking lot would support the addition. Approval is also subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Grading plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Landscaping plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building elevations date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building materials board as presented at the Planning Commission and City Council meeting. 2. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the watershed district’s requirements. 3. Compliance with the conditions required by the city engineer in his memo dated January 20, 2016. 4. Building plans are subject to review and approval of the fire marshal at the time of building permit. 5. Bike racks must be provided to meet minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. 6. A building permit must be obtained within two years of City Council approval. Appearing for the Applicant Vaughn Dierks and Sal Bagley representing the school district. Applicant Presentation Mr. Dierks reported that the School District and the City worked closely together on the Page 3 of 5 plan before the Commission this evening. Dierks said the District agrees with all conditions; however, would like condition 3.1) in the Engineers Memo eliminated or modified. Dierks explained that the District has worked very hard with surrounding neighbors and in discussions with residents on Chapel Drive it was felt that realigning the driveway along the west property line to line up with Chapel Lane was problematic. Dierks explained that presently Chapel Lane is used as a “cut through” from Antrim Road into the campus and if the westerly drive aisle is moved to line up with Chapel a “straight shot” into the campus may be a more attractive choice. Continuing, Dierks also noted that moving the westerly drive aisle would also result in the loss of parking spaces. Dierks said the District would like to continue to work with the City on 3.1) until a mutual solution can be found. Dierks highlighted aspects of the project for further discussion: • Campus circulation interior and exterior. Highlighting vehicle and bus routes, parking, stacking, etc. • Work with the City on road systems (Valley View Road) to improve safety, stacking, etc. • Increase location of bike racks • Review access points • Continued work with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District on all storm water management plans, pointing out their locations. • Lighting. Use of LED lighting throughout the site. • Exterior building materials are to complement the existing buildings with matching brick colors (light and dark), glass (clear and ceramic fritted); metal panel complements the existing copper panels, etc. • Review of ALTA survey circulation. • Increase in landscaping Concluding, Dierks said the District continues to work with the City, neighborhoods, and Watershed District. Discussion/Comments Commissioners expressed support for the project and the addition itself, noting the proposed addition meets all zoning requirements for building height, setback, density, etc. Commissioners expressed the following: • Acknowledgement that the traffic analysis by SRF indicates less than ideal conditions at access points entering/exiting school property. It was acknowledged that those “conditions” occur during the peak times of school start and end. Commissioners stressed the importance of the School District and City working together to mitigate traffic; now and in the future. • With regard to the condition 3.1) of the Engineering Memo- aligning the west most entrance and cross walks with Chapel Drive, add to that condition “unless Page 4 of 5 another alternative to address the issues is agreed upon by the city engineer and school district”. It was acknowledged that a patrol officer will continue to be posted at intersections. It was further noted that the sign on Antrim Road prohibiting the turn onto Chapel Drive during peak hours is enforced. • Pay attention to drainage for both the neighbors to the east and west of the site. If feasible consider adding vegetation along the westerly property line. Additional landscaping could mitigate possible drainage issues. • A firm suggestion that the School District should take advantage of their student body and work with them to ensure safe pedestrian and bike way finding. Implement measures as walkers and bike traffic increases. • The District should look at all exterior lighting to ensure that lighting was directed away from residential properties. Implement state of the art lighting measures with the suggestion that lighting be down lit, “cut-off”. Public Hearing Chair Platteter moved to open the public hearing. The following residents addressed the Commission. Lydia Reiner, 4813 Lakeview Drive, Edina, MN. Student, expressed interest in working with the District on pedestrian and bike way finding. Mark Kuck, 6609 Nordic Drive, Edina, MN, expressed concern on possible drainage and lighting issues. Chair Platteter asked if anyone else would like to speak to the issue; being none, Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Carr seconded the motion. All voted aye. MOTION Commissioner Olsen moved to recommend Conditional Use Permit approval based on staff findings and subject to the following staff conditions: 1. Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Grading plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Landscaping plan date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building elevations date stamped December 23, 2015. • Building materials board as presented at the Planning Commission and City Council meeting. Page 5 of 5 2. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the watershed district’s requirements. 3. Compliance with the conditions required by the city engineer in his memo dated January 20, 2016. 4. Building plans are subject to review and approval of the fire marshal at the time of building permit. 5. Bike racks must be provided to meet minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. 6. A building permit must be obtained within two years of City Council approval. Approval is also subject to the following additional conditions: 7. Revise the city engineer condition 3.1) as follows: 1) aligning the west most entrance to make a four way intersection and cross walks with Chapel Lane, unless another alternative to address the issue is agreed upon by the city engineer and school district. 8. The school district should work to improve bike and pedestrian way finding and gather input from students and pertinent clubs. Add more bike racks. 9. Add landscaping where feasible along the west property line. 10. Down lit, “cut-off” lighting is to be installed in the parking areas, to meet city code regulations. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Ayes; Strauss, Olsen, Nemerov, Carr, Forrest, Platteter. Nay; Thorsen Commissioner Thorsen stated he supports the project; it’s a good one; however, entered a Nay vote because in his opinion some of the additional conditions were ambiguous. DATE: January 20, 2016, Revised February 8, 2016 TO: Edina High School Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner P.E. - Director of Engineering Ross Bintner P.E. - Environmental Engineer RE: Edina High School Site – Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject plans for street and utility connections, grading, watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm water. Plans reviewed were dated 12/22/15. Survey 1. Apply for vacation of existing sanitary sewer utility easements where pipe alignment change a. Application materials can be found on the City’s website and include an application fee of $450 2. Dedicate easements for any new or relocated public utilities. Traffic and Street 3. Include realignment and traffic control options for westerly driveway entrances on Valley View Road in the traffic management study; 1) aligning the west most entrance to make a four way intersection with Chapel Lane. 2) narrow central entrance to create “entrance only”. a. Per discussions with School District Staff to better align with their hardscape budget, alignment of the west intersection and narrowing of the central intersection can occur within the next 3-5 years. 4. Note spring street weight restrictions for delivery of construction equipment and supplies 5. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. 6. Submit a construction staging plan a. Detail material and equipment deliveries - access from Creek Valley Road should be limited b. Detail expected working hours and note working hour ordinance 7. Submit to the building department a construction staging plan related to student safety 8. Ensure fire truck can negotiate cul-de-sac on NE corner of site per the attached turning template. Sanitary and Water Utilities 9. Clearly indicate private vs public utilities. Consider transferring ownership of loop water main and hydrants to City of Edina and dedicating easement for operation and maintenance. 10. Create loop water line from Creek Valley Rd to high school water loop. a. Approximate cost will be calculated by the schools engineer. City will review cost and work with school district in a separate cooperative agreement for this work. 11. All public utilities shall be constructed to City of Edina standard plates. 12. Sanitary sewer service connection near NW corner of HS addition into MH #9 will require an inside drop connection per Edina Standard Plate No. 206 13. Sanitary sewer realignment will require removal of existing pipe or if depths are prohibitive, abandoning of pipes and filling with flowable fill. 14. A sanitary sewer bypass pumping plan must be submitted and approved prior to construction 15. Indicate location of water service for drinking fountain at turf field a. If from Creek Valley Road, submit options for a dedicated water meter 16. Infiltration features support wellhead protection guidelines and are located outside of emergency response area. Storm Water Utility 17. Investigate groundwater mounding at stormwater infiltrative feature on east side of property in relation to neighboring properties to the east. Provide mitigating measures if needed. 18. Evidence of watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed is required for building permit. Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 19. Provide soil boring and geological report and any environmental investigation reports. 20. A SWPPP consistent with the state general construction site permit is required. Other Agency Coordination 21. Nine Mile Creek Watershed permit is required. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits are required. Turning Performance Analysis 5/1/2013 45.00 ° Inside Cramp Angle: 81.92 in.Axle Track: 5.25 in.Wheel Offset: 16.60 in.Tread Width: 65.99 in.Chassis Overhang: 258.00 in.Wheelbase: 20 ft. 4 in.Inside Turn: 36 ft. 8 in.Curb to Curb: 41 ft. 1 in.Wall to Wall: Parameters: Calculated Turning Radii: Comments: Truck 12205 Additional Bumper Depth: 19.00 in. Axle Track Tread WidthChassis Overhang Wheelbase Inside Turning Radius Wheel Offset Cramp Angle Additional Bumper Depth Curb to Curb Turning Radius W all to W all Turning R adius 84.99 in.Front Overhang Components Front Tires Chassis Front Bumper Aerial Device Tires, Michelin, 425/65R22.50 20 ply XZY 3 tread Dash-2000, Chassis, PAP/SkyArm/Midmount Bumper, 19" extended, Imp/Vel xxxAerial, 100' Pierce Platform PRIDE #Description 0078244 0070220 0123625 0006900 Notes: Actual Inside Cramp Angle may be less due to highly specialized options. Curb to Curb turning radius calculated for a 9.00 inch curb. Page 1 of 2 Turning Performance Analysis 5/1/2013 Definitions: Inside Cramp Angle Maximum turning angle of the front inside tire. Axle Track King-pin to king-pin distance of the front axle. Wheel Offset Offset from the center-line of the wheel to the king-pin. Tread Width Width of the tire tread. Chassis Overhang Distance from the center-line of the front axle to the front edge of the cab. This does not include the bumper depth. Additional Bumper Depth Depth that the bumper assembly adds to the front overhang. Wheelbase Distance between the center lines of the vehicle's front and rear axles. Inside Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle around which the vehicle can turn. Curb to Curb Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the vehicle's tires can turn. This measurement assumes a curb height of 9 inches. Wall to Wall Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the entire vehicle can turn. This measurement takes into account any front overhang due to the chassis, bumper extensions and/or aerial devices. Page 2 of 2 Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Debra Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:New On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Liquor Licenses, Lou Nanne's Edina LLC, DBA: Lou Nanne's Steakhouse, 7651 France Avenue S. Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve new on-sale intoxicating and Sunday sale liquor licenses for Lou Nanne's Edina LLC, DBA: Lou Nanne's Steakhouse, for the restaurant located at 7651 France Avenue South. The licensing period will be February 18, 2016 through March 31, 2016. INTRODUCTION: Lou Nanne's Edina LLC, DBA: Lou Nanne's Steakhouse at 7651 France Avenue South has applied for new on- sale intoxicating and Sunday sale liquor licenses. They have filed the necessary paperwork and paid the applicable fees for the license. The term for the license would be February 18th through March 31st and the restaurant's licenses would be submitted with the rest of the City's license renewals at a future Council meeting. The Administration Department has reviewed the submittals and finds that they comply with code requirements. The Health Department is satisfied with the applicant’s plan for storage and service. The Planning Department has reviewed the application and finds that it complies with code requirements. The Police Department has completed their investigation. Attached is Lt. Dan Conboy’s memo stating the findings of the Police Department’s background investigation. The licenses are placed on the agenda for consideration by the Council. ATTACHMENTS: Description Lou Nanne Police Background BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION SUMMARY ON-SALE WINE AND ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE Establishment: Lou Nanne's Edina LLC, DBA: Lou Nanne's Steakhouse License: Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday Sale In January 2016, the Edina Police Department began a background investigation relating to a City of Edina application for an Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday Sale License. The application was submitted by Lou Nanne's Edina, LLC., DBA: Lou Nanne's Steakhouse. Lou Nanne's Edina LLC will operate from 7651 France Avenue S., Edina. Lou Nanne's Edina, LLC is authorized to do business in Minnesota and is registered with the State of Minnesota. Lou Nanne's Edina, LLC. is currently active and in good standing with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Lou Nanne's Edina, LLC and/or its representatives are aware of the City of Edina's requirement relating to employee alcohol awareness training. The training date is not currently scheduled. Owners/Partners/Members: Lou Nanne's Edina, LLC: McDermott, Michael John Edina The owners/partners/members have been investigated. No criminal records which would negatively affect their license application were found. Checks were made with the following agencies: NCIC MINCIS Hennepin County Minnesota Secretary of State Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division Personal, business and bank references were contacted and responded positively. From the information gathered during the course of the investigation, I found nothing to prevent, Lou Nanne's Edina, LLC from obtaining an Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday Sale license. I would support a positive recommendation from the Police Department in regard to the issuance of this license. Lt. Dan Conboy,/ 83 Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2016-26 Accepting Various Grants & Donations CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution. INTRODUCTION: In order to comply with State Statutes, all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the attached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the departments receiving donations for your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2016-26 Donations RESOLUTION NO. 2016-26 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Edina Parks & Recreation Art Center: Dave Price Table Top Easel, Sakura Watercolor Set Lisa Colbert Watercolor Paper, Watercolor Books, Colored Pencils, Board Edina Parks & Recreation: Edina Community Foundation $381.82 Open Streets Expenses Edina Parks & Recreation: Braemar Gold Course Robert Hursh $25.00 Memorial Fund Jack Isaaman $50.00 Memorial Fund Mark Gaasedelen $40.00 Memorial Fund Dated: February 17, 2016 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of February 17, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appointment To Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion appointing both a member and an alternate member to the Policy Advisory Committee of The Highway 169 Mobility Study Committee. INTRODUCTION: Background: The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Scott County and the Metropolitan Council initiated the Highway 169 Mobility Study in September 2015 to evaluate cost-effective options for improving transit service and reducing congestion on Highway 169 in the southwest metro area. The work of the study will be accomplished through two committees: a Policy Advisory Committee comprised of elected and appointed officials from each of the corridor cities and a Technical Advisory Committee comprised of technical and engineering staff from each of the corridor cities. I will appoint City Engineer Chad Millner and Transportation Planner Mark Nolan to the Technical Advisory Committee. The City Council may appoint one of its members to the Policy Advisory Committee, as well as an alternate. The group is anticipated to meet quarterly until the completion of the study in spring 2017. Recommendation: I recommend the City Council accept this invitation and appoint a Council Member to serve as the City’s representative on the Policy Advisory Committee and an alternate member. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From:Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Receive Petition Requesting Sidewalk On Valley View Road CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to receive the petition requesting sidewalk on Valley View Road between Lower Mark Terrace and Gleason Road to refer the petition to Engineering for processing. INTRODUCTION: A petition circulated by Joshua Ahlberg has been submitted requesting the installation of sidewalk on Valley View Road between Lower Mark Terrace and Gleason Road. The normal process is for the City Council to formally receive the petition and refer it to Engineering for processing as to feasibility. ATTACHMENTS: Description Valley View Sidewalk Peitions The City Council City of Edina Petition PROPERTY OWN R'S SIGNATU City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (952) 927-8861 • (952) 927-7645 FAX • (612) 927-5461 TDD DATE RECEIVED: `cQ /14/(0/bokiki) PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL 1g SIDEWALK ALLEY PAVING STORM SEWER El SANITARY SEWER 111 CURB AND GUTTER ONLY PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER WATER MAIN El STREET LIGHTING El OTHER: To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. VAL,Lei LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. between toriell— UV ArC6 and ADDRESS between and ADDRESS between and ADDRESS between and ADDRESS 6tzAs-o"/ ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS •Cti4/(1—\.-, Kt/ This petition was circulated by: OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) JOS g UR Ailleeff" kcif 41,111,." T C.-brYi De_ (le-)h UgYasCr Berl 1-;) PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 6ta1 owe? wit) go- AZC VMI-e' \/e-J go3 Vti/ev- ( icisD3 lka) tirelu KLrici (oc6b5- \lick, ,TOS WA hi. Mt8/42 NAME dior lato Ro. ADDRESS 60- 9fic- Opt PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back. APRIL 2008 0.S?c)C e I6tie-vv 3 -1 gel eceh,Les, 01:7: 7 j1/ $.-r-C-W 4 I- Al, br; it 141,«YI 2 1 141! ( 0/6 Made 71,-(4/.4 4 ite -r 70/t ictrk 7;erig e-c jr:vt 41-4^ tir" "\-2 e-t1,,_ 2e-AAA (0 -soc111/22-0(ko n s C tiZ-e- (-C7-: f- id 0 i-efAt 5e-ac 6,--7 13 Savieutd Ka. 1n1_ eeP--- 1(-AP_t;t:-/3 1010 Li SS-htuALL veJL (90R_ 272-1,,r77v,Pil F0-74 S-1-itt(Ac))0\J 011 `i 11110CUGIn Vc a 1---cosic-,t, icfi c ,esicz_cc,), 14 der. tilit_ D4 kJ Tvs);) I C,/(4.<tz-5- 4-re4 AIY1 -„6)4e;chrLal i?)YU-alk CsroN t\AAPAt 15P-I E-P u. cikv561 Z- )4/07/51_2 a -ic-i4 CL 6.fae'2 14.7zzey z-</ L411: ueeld. (pciatto v4/fry view KJ alo vet eq vt er_C (lett)/ Ph(m 4pg,(v J)a 140,3 ki acititAL v1 C A , 1110 1.n • PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS SIGNATURE (PRINTED) (PRINTED) M(A-. This petition was circulated by: idS1410 P.. S02,1 NAME ( \r`vf ir 643- tAtc7 aefie id-A4li ADDRESS PHONE vis J The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 -To 1-1 ok f_ArrUc ,e k)y 3-62.0 iy kz_vit,22..A PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE — IA-OPAL— 41-4641 13050,1-4,6 s-a r I o OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) \-loonmh hoer to) 0.,04,11 (4-0„Prtm 'Tr c__.fttiwP La) ((Liz.- tyLvt. 1.4 Moe( sS4-1 `Dzmb-- -3- /14 777 e• -HOTrIS kc I).eltociyeth eiltswitk vet, t`71 VI NI, 4—Z-1n \j) ..a/z0c E A/ 6ri-cvn ce;\ ewfori ' 1,11t(ii(00- 11 Mck_v-vt -feanc--) \d`i PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) \VArtakfft @VI/1660M 7t)7 rn Gj t fefakti2._ Chrhe 630 4,to A( Cal f1-7- _,'Lt w - `e, kcift Ncteott eluicki 1 c5,Y‘62- Lt"4 1/61‘1 ' t‘At'L 111 7 iv. g m UT-2j IVICLIVkTe nfet-Ze GYZ,141 ( D d rd -7 I 90 Voy)tml -W-N4 0 /3.0m/n>--/9 0 614 Akkr cpre Lt4k3 141- M cklej coe-ds-: 1 owLe 653-7 ellOzikge:Tia; 66.cl ,,t,a La_29-1. bsitNeocLti ---E7&3,t RcR e-tki Cex)771 69 aLi V(i.Q4-0 - Ocsb& OA 1.0;it( c6k) )240,AA—e- NrN\ A‘t\Ckk‘51 This petition was circulated by: NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 "ALffkiterk-- PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME SIGlitatati.7 tt u-661-in AArF_II et, 114 n c-lie SW.Ihs ort _ KT Y10 9Watit) -t6 PROPERTY Alle.TEET kV° VA, 1 S.3) be4 Stru-t- _ilierri) 6if (A- ? ( 1-1 (7S (oU-1 ,en This : . .. : . atihk M- 026-f&6L1 lierA) t.),916, NAME ADDRESS PHON'E. The • : _;:. • yl • .1. thid&F a& h.,..... A ... . _ _ :.. consequencefo, • • _.• Ljteatssot, rea, r. r. You may att?...4. pr Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: IX.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Heather Branigin, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Correspondence Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. INTRODUCTION: Correspondence received since correspondence was last posted. ATTACHMENTS: Description Correspondence One 2.17.2016 7009 Dublin Road Edina,Mn. 55439 January 25,2016 Dear Mayor Hovland, It is not too soon to plan for the reconstuction of the Fred Richard Golf course and I would like to put in my two cents worth. Hopefully, the natural surroundings will be be preserved as much as possible and I heard that walking paths and recreational areas are contemplated. My suggestion is to use the natural surroundings and build a Culture Center to hold musical and theatrical events. I know that the city of Minneapolis has many venues for such productions but many of the local theaters are small and hold a limited amount of patrons. Our pavilion, so to speak, could be a grand space that would allow larger audiences. Perhaps these small theaters would be delighted to lease this place to put on their productions to gain more revenue for themselves. And perhaps the musical tours that appear in our state would come to a beautiful arena in beautiful surroundings. I envision a building surrounded with glass windows that would be part of the trees and gardens outdoors. It could be architecturally stunning to be a destination. It could enclose an art gallery or even an art school. The parking ramp would be below ground. If a decision could be made or even have a referendum in the city on this proposal and if it would be accepted then a fund raiser could begin and perhaps Edinans would be willing to contribute to the costs of such an endeavor. I, personally, would be willing to contribute a few thousand dollars to start such an initiative. Much of the area around the course is industrial and should not disturb the residential neighborhood too much. The renovation of Pentagon Park might include some restaurants to enhance the invitation to the theater. I hope you and the council will at least consider this suggestion in your study of the area. Thank you. 021,4-v-e Dorothy 01 ann HRA HENNEPIN COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 701 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 400 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415-1843 612-348-9260 January 27, 2016 The Honorable James Hovland Mayor of the City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Proposed 2016 Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Activities Dear Mayor Hovland: The Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HCHRA) was created under Minnesota Statute 383B.77 in 1987. The HCHRA has all the powers granted by the statewide "HRA Act" (MS 469.001 to 469.047). MS 383B.77 requires the HCHRA to notify municipal authorities by January 31 of each year as to the activities the HCHRA may administer/facilitate within communities during the upcoming year. Communities may opt out of one or more HCHRA activities by notifying the HCHRA in writing to that effect within 45 days of the date of this notice. Using a mix of federal, state, local, and private funding sources, the HCHRA has identified the following activities for program year 2016: Activity Name Description HCHRA Contact Minnesota Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program Assists low-income homeowners in financing basic home improvements that directly affect the safety, habitability, energy efficiency or accessibility of their homes. Linda Lee (612-348-8955) Minnesota Housing Emergency and Accessibility Loan Program Assists low-income homeowners in addressing emergency conditions in the home or essential accessibility needs for a disabled resident. Linda Lee (612-348-8955) Home Accessibility Ramp Program Provides financial and technical assistance for the construction of accessibility ramps and/or low-riser stairs for low- and moderate-income disabled homeowners. Carol Stinar (612-348-2670) Affordable Housing Incentive Fund Program (AHIF) Provides capital funding to assist in the development of long-term affordable housing units. Projects are selected through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process and require a supporting city council resolution before receiving assistance. Carol Stinar (612-348-2670) Minnesota Housing Lead and Healthy Homes Loan Program Deferred loans to assist low-and moderate-income home owners with lead-based paint and healthy homes hazards Melisa lilies (612-348-2020) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Linda Higgins Randy Johnson Mike Opat Peter McLaughlin Marion Greene Jan Callison Jeff Johnson Chair Vice Chair Minnesota Housing Tax Forfeit to Affordable Home Ownership Gap financing to purchase and rehabilitate-a tax forfeited property that is sold to a land trust to sell to a low income homebuyer. Melisa lilies (612-348-2020) Lead-Safe Rehabilitation Assistance Program Provides financial assistance to property owners for lead- based paint hazard remediation in housing units serving low- and moderate-income households. Mike Jensen (612-348-2114) Transit Oriented Development Program (TOD) Provides capital funding to assist development and development-supportive infrastructure projects proximate to priority transit corridors and hubs. Projects are selected through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process and must be in a recognized redevelopment area and receive a supporting city council resolution before receiving assistance. Elise Durbin (612-348-4191) Business District Initiative As funding permits, provides matching funds to suburban cities for a variety of strategies (i.e. facade improvement, way-finding, streetscape, marketing/branding) that support main street small business districts. Kelly Hoffman-Orth (612-348-8276) Common Bond Fund Loan Program Provides long-term, low-interest, fixed asset revenue bond financing for suburban Hennepin County manufacturing and production businesses. Patricia Fitzgerald (612-543-0864) Open to Business Provides matching funds to cities to offer small business technical assistance to their entrepreneur community through the nonprofit Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD). _ Patricia Fitzgerald (612-543-0864) Economic Gardening Provides technical assistance to companies that have grown beyond the startup phase and need access to information and decision-making tools typically only available to larger companies. Patricia Fitzgerald (612-543-0864) McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Grants Program Provides tenant-based rental assistance to low-income households through a third party provider (Hearth Connection). Melisa lilies (612-348-2020) Foreclosure Prevention Counseling Provides foreclosure prevention counseling and outreach services through a third party provider (Minnesota Home Ownership Center). Tonja West-Hafner (612-348-2599) Homebuyer Education Homebuyer education courses through a third party provider (TBD). Tonja West-Hafner (612-348-2599) We look forward to continuing to work with you in implementing these programs and to develop additional innovative approaches to address housing and community development needs. Please feel free to contact the staff person listed at the end of each program description for further details on the programs or specific funding allocations. cerely, Debra R. risk Deputy Executive Director cc: Commissioner Linda Higgins, Chair Commissioner Randy Johnson, Vice Chair Commissioner Mike Opat Commissioner Peter McLaughlin Commissioner Marion Greene Commissioner Jan Callison Commissioner Jeff Johnson David Hough, Executive Director Scott Neal, City Manager Heather Branigin From: Louis M. Mansky <mansky@umn.edu > Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 3:17 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Sidewalk addition to Woodland Road West To: Edina City Council Re: Sidewalk addition to Woodland Road West Please DO NOT add a sidewalk to Woodland Road West • - The staff survey conducted indicated that Tower St. was the favored street for sidewalk installation — at 41%. If a sidewalk is to be installed, it should be on Tower St. — please follow the survey results. The cost difference (-15%) is minor considering the long-term investment being made — which likely is irreversible. • - The survey is likely inaccurate in predicting pedestrian traffic patterns as the future installment of the sidewalk on Concord Ave will encourage more pedestrian traffic along Tower St and 56th St. The current pedestrian traffic along the west side of Concord Ave is presently challenged by the uneven nature of the road and adjacent ground. • - The intersection of West Woodland Road and Concord Ave is awkward due to its close proximity to the intersection of South View Lane and Concord Ave. Encouraging pedestrian crossing of Concord Ave at either Tower St. or 56th St. by sidewalk installation would be better serve public safety. • - Providing a sidewalk farther north of Woodland Road West is preferred as all east-west streets going south either have (i.e., 58th St, Valley View Rd) or will have (i.e., 59th st -•, 60th St) sidewalks. Currently, there are no sidewalks to cover the streets farther north in the neighborhood. Spreading out the sidewalks will provide greater coverage to the entire neighborhood to the north, and better serve the needs of the entire northern part of the neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration of my comments regarding this sidewalk addition. Louis Mansky 5701 Fairfax Avenue Email: mansky@umn.edu 1 Heather Branigin From: Common Sense Edina <commonsenseforedina@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6:05 PM To: James Hovland; Kevin Staunton; Mary Brindle; Robert Stewart; swensonann1 @gmail.com Cc: Scott H. Neal Subject: Common Sense for Edina - A New Standard for What Works in City Government (from Governing.com) A New Standard for What Works in City Government Bloomberg Philanthropies is providing a useful roadmap for results-oriented governance. The third element of the framework holds leaders accountable. Cities often resist evaluating programs because of perceived time and cost, which too often results in ineffective, entrenched policies being saved from the chopping block. A commitment to thoughtful evaluation, however, can often lead to relatively quick solutions with meaningful impact. New Orleans, for example, is developing the capacity to conduct low-cost evaluations of its blight-reduction tactics to make sure resources are going where they are most effective. Finally, city leaders should act on data and evidence. In Seattle, where Mayor Ed Murray has declared a civil emergency in response to the city's homelessness crisis, municipal leaders are working with What Works Cities to use performance-driven contracting to focus the city and outside providers who serve the city's homeless on outcomes and the most effective delivery of services. http://www.goveming.com/blogs/bfc/col-bloomberg-philanthropies-what-works-cities-roadmap- standard.html?utm medium=email&utm source—Act- On+Software&utm content=email&utm campaign—What%20a%20Brown%20Delivery%20Truck%20Could% 20Teach%200overnment&utm term=A%20New%20Standard%20for%20What%20Works%20in%20City%20 Government Be Nice, It May Help Your City's Economy In some cities, the personality of its residents may play a part in economic success (or failure). Culturally, he says, leaders should encourage, through political rhetoric at least, a more welcoming atmosphere. http ://www. governing. com/columns/urban-notebo ok/gov-economy-friendly- cities.html?utm medium=email&utm source=Act- On+Software&utm content=email&utm campaign—What%20a%20Brown%20Delivery%20Truck%20Could% 20Teach%20Government&utm_term—Be%20Nice%2C%2011%20May%20Help%20Your%20City%27s%20Ec onomy David Frenkel Heather Branigin From: Kphiibs@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6:27 PM To: James Hovland Subject: no-smoking policy at condominium To: Mayor Hovland January 20, 2016 From: Wayne Phibbs Re: No-smoking policy at condominium I have some points to add to my extemporaneous phone conversation with you January 18, 2016 so I will cover the entire issue. Cedarwood Condominiums at 4101 Parklawn Avenue is considering writing a ban on smoking on its entire property into its bylaws. The motive for this is complaints about smoke smells encroaching on units with no smoker in them. There is a large parking lot and a large grassy area on the property smokers may be able to use without smoke reaching units. I am seeing smokers on the Parklawn Avenue sidewalk occasionally. During most of the year a large number of pedestrians use Parklawn Avenue including parents with young children who can walk or who are in strollers. If any property is forcing smokers out to the sidewalk this may displease pedestrians who do not smoke. I would prefer to see the city contest the property's no-smoking policy rather than have it chase the smokers away from the sidewalk. 'Yuwa brochure.pdf Heather Branigin From: Franz Gastler <franz.gastler@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 4:47 AM To: ric.dressen@edinaschools.org; Edina Mail; James Hovland Subject: Yuwa India and Edina Rotary Dear Ric and Jim, So good to hear from my mom that you stopped in and said you're interested in exploring ways to support Yuwa. I'd be happy to connect with you by skype, phone or email any time about that. You can see a WCCO story on Yuwa here: https://vimeo.com/112635942 and more interviews and news stories by Minnesota and India TV here: https://vimeo.com/yuwa. Hope you're staying warm over there! Let me know when a good time would be to chat by phone / skype. I've attached a Yuwa brochure and our last annual report. Thanks! P.S., The Yuwa girls continue to represent Edina brilliantly throughout India with their Edina soccer jerseys. 'Yuwa Annual Report 2014 (16GB).pdf Franz Gastler Yuwa India www.yuwa-india.org Beyond Sport Barclays Award for Social Inclusion Nike Gamechangers Award Yahoo! India's "12 Unsung Heroes of 2012" NDTV Spirit of Sports Award Times Now Amazing Indians Award Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/yuwa Youtube: www.youtube.com/yuwango Facebook: vvww.facebook.com/MyYuwa Yuwa, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization and Yuwa-India is registered under the Indian Trusts Act. 1 Heather Branigin From: Pat Olson <patolson5@icloud.com> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 10:48 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Bruce Ave To the Mayor and City Council Members, Well what I said would happened with Bruce Ave. has happened. Right now I count ten vehicles on the one side parking street, and I believe two just moved into a driveway, so there were 12. In two months I will be 81 so my friends are not young. Where are they supposed to park? A block down and walk on an icy street to get to my home? At the meetings we tried to address this, but it seemed common sense wasn't a priority. It didn't take a Ph.D. to foresee this happening. There is construction going on two houses away and I have watched and been frustrated with how some of the big trucks have had to maneuver, and it was interesting to watch the school buses navigate the street. I phoned Chad to ask him to come and see what you have accomplished? His answer was they're doing a study to see how it is working. My response was "isn't a little late for that". To say I'm frustrated would be putting it mildly. I have lived on Bruce Ave. since 1965 and believe me it was a beautiful and very functional street. Also they narrowed the apron on my driveway so now I must back straight out unless I drive on my lawn...which people turning around have done...and a large elm right by the street is dead. It so happens my daughter took a picture of the deep hole in front of my driveway and in front of the tree with the workman in the hole. As luck would have it she also took a picture of the crown of the tree which was green and healthy. A couple of weeks later it was dead. I called Mike Horn and told him I had also seen how they had cut the roots including what I think was the tap root. I want Edina to take the tree down and replace it. Chad said they will do a determination in the spring of how the tree is doing. I told him Mike Horn had seen it in the fall and it was dead. I am going to send Chad a picture of the excavation and the tree. I hope you can see the level of my frustration, yes and anger. I would hope in future projects you would listen more to the people being affected by your decisions...they have to live with them. Thank you. Pat Olson 5002 Bruce Ave. Sent from my iPad 1 4.7"tr...10-:'E'•-4-7'...F2:•9-`-'414-gif Heather Branigin From: Sent: To: Subject: Metropolitan Council <METC@public.govdelivery,com> Thursday, January 21, 2016 12:56 PM James Hovland Don't Forget! RSVP today for State of the Region event Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web one. Join Chair Adam Duininck for the 2016 State of the Region Learn more about how regional partnerships are critical to achieving our region's vision. RSVP today! Thursday, Feb. 11, at 10:30 a.m. Ames Center 12600 Nicollet Avenue Burnsville, MN 55337 Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by Friday, Feb. 5. Seating is limited. For more information, or to request a sign language interpreter or other accommodation, contact us at 651.602.1500 or public.infometc.state.mn.us. metracouncit.org Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com. This service is provided to you at no charge by Metropolitan Council. 1 Heather Branigin From: Cindy Nguyen-Pham <cindyn@wylandfoundation.org> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:47 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: 2016 National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation Dear Mayor Hovland, The Wyland Foundation in partnership with the National League of Cities and the U.S. EPA would like to invite you and the city of Edina to participate in the 5th annual National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation. You will join mayors of such prominent cities as Pittsburgh, Dallas, San Diego, Denver, Miami, Boise, Santa Fe, Pasadena, Gainesville, Tucson and many more who lead their cities in the 2015 National Mayor's Challenge. We ask Mayor's across the nation to challenge their residents to conserve water while at the same time saving energy by going to mywaterpledge.com and making simple, easy to do, pledges online throughout the month of April, Earth month. Already established as one of the nation's most engaging water conservation programs, the challenge is a no-cost, non-profit program, that requires no additional demands on city resources or staff. All the tools needed to participate are provided to you including press releases, digital artwork, text for social media, and much more. Additionally, national and local promotion is provided by the Wyland Foundation and our partners including display ads, television promotions, live events, and more. To support your residents all you need to do is to go to www.wylandfoundation.org/mayors and enter a brief Statement of Support for the National Mayor's Challenge 2016. Once your city is signed up, your residents are eligible to win thousands of dollars in prizes, including a Toyota Prius, which will be awarded to one lucky resident in one of the winning cities across the United States who make conservation a priority. Last year we grew more than 30% with residents in 3900 cities across all 50 states making over 390,000 pledges to conserve our precious resources. The 2016 Challenge takes place April 1st-30th. We would love to have you and the city of Edina added to the list of mayors and cities participating for 2016. For more information and to sign up please visit www.wylandfoundation.org/mayors. If additional information is desired, our team at the Wyland Foundation is available to do a 15- minute Webex presentation. We believe water conservation is the single most important thing any of us can do to preserve our way of life. Your efforts to help your city and our nation conserve water truly make a difference for this generation and every generation to follow. It is a great addition to every mayor's legacy. Cindy Nguyen-Pham Wyland Foundation 6 Mason, Ste. B, Irvine, CA 92618 1 Heather Branigin VEAP <info@yeap.org> Friday, January 22, 2016 10:51 AM Edina Mail Join us for A Toast to VEAP From: Sent: To: Subject: A Toast to VEAP pro You're invited to A Toast to VEAP Jumpstart VEAP's March Food Campaign! A Toast to VEAP 1 100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $30,000 Friday, February 26, 2016 5:00-7:30 p.m. 9600 Aldrich Avenue South Bloomington Join us for a food, wine and craft beer extravaganza and jumpstart our March Food Campaign. The goal for this event is to raise $30„000! View pictures of last year's event. $0 $30 Purchase tickets now DAVID FONG'S and more restaurants to come! '411!-IAKER TILLY Accomtants and WM'S £27 pizza LUCE Sponsored by: Food partners: \'‘ HOULIHAN'S TRIA 11111.COM Contact Patty at pattysRveap.org or 952.955.8310 with questions. The amount of your contribution that is eligible for federal tax deduction is reduced by $30 per ticket, the value of the goods or services received in exchange for your ticket purchase. Additional support from: VEAP, 9600 Aldrich Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55420 SafeUnsubscribe TM edinamailPci.edina,mn.us Forward this email I Update Profile I About our service provider 2 Heather Branigin From: Bob Campbell <bobpaula.campbell@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 4:19 PM To: James Hovland; Kevin Staunton Subject: Proposed Pickleball Courts at Rosland Park Dear Mayor Hovland and Councilman Staunton, I had intended on coming to the council meeting this week and bringing my concerns to you in person but was not able to be there. This letter is from Bob Campbell, Edina Resident since 1986 that resides at 6300 Waterman Ave. I am proud to call Edina my home where I have raised my five children. I have coached girls' softball, boys' baseball and hockey over the years and love our parks and recreational facilities. Well now my children are adults and I am retired. Along with other active seniors and many other younger Edina residents, I have taken up the sport of Pickleball. Many of our neighboring communities have embraced this sport and have both outdoor and indoor Pickleball courts. Edina is slightly behind the curve when it comes to dedicated Pickleball courts, where we have none. However, now with a generous donation from the Mooty Family, courts are soon to be here, hopefully. Edina Park and Recreation plans to build dedicated Pickleball courts at Rosland Park. I believe this is a mistake and offer my reasons below. 1. The Rosland Park site is a wetlands area and within a FEMA 100 year flood zone. Soils in such an area are not particularly good for constructing hard surface playing courts. This is evidenced by substantial settlement in the adjacent tennis courts. The existing tennis courts have fissures or cracks of 1 inch or greater running both north/south and east/west. Cost of construction can be expected to relatively high where subsoil is soft. 2. No off street parking. Parking is only allowed on the south side of 64th St. If all the courts were being used (5 pickle ball courts and 2 tennis courts) and each player drove a car, vehicles would be occupying 600-700 feet along the south side of the street. There would be pedestrian traffic on the street, potentially dangerous. 3. Most common access to the courts would be from the East, France Ave and W.66th St. by the pool parking lot. When arriving at the courts the cars would have to turn around so they could park on the south side of the street, facing east. This is difficult on a 24 foot wide street. W.64th St. is uncommonly narrow for Edina where most residential streets are 36 to 40 feet wide. 4. As proposed, the courts would be about 75 feet from Co.Rd. 62 and separated by only a 5 foot high chain link fence. There are associated traffic noise and air quality concerns. Co.Rd. 62 is a busy freeway and its proximity to the courts is not desirable for this type of recreation. These would be the only dedicated Pickleball courts in the city so other alternative places to play do not exist. 5. There are no restrooms nearby. The closest restroom is about 1000 feet away. 1 6. Edina has the opportunity to build first-rate pickleball courts. It would be unwise to build a high- cost facility at such a poor location where it will get less than optimal use. 7. Bottom line, it is a mistake to build the courts at the proposed Rosland Park site. There needs to be further objective study and input from the community for this welcome addition to our parks. 2 Heather Branigin From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Schreibers < patriciasteven@comcast.net > Monday, January 25, 2016 1:39 PM Edina Mail jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com Safe Routes to School/Cornelia Dr. SRTS Update.pdf Dear Mr. Neal, Mayor Hovland, and Edina city council members, I am the homeowner at 6713 Cornelia Drive. My parents built the home in 1955, in fact, my father was in the lumber business and they built the homes adjacent at 6709 and 6717 also. My husband and I have lived in New Ulm since 1981 and will move back to 6713 in 2017 as I have inherited the home. Except for four years away at college, hardly a week has gone by in my 59 years that I have not been on the street. I know it well! My husband and I attended the November 2014 meeting where Chad Milner presented the plan. The turnout was low. I talked to neighbors who said they could not attend because it was so close to the holiday, an inconvenient time. We left that meeting realizing that sidewalks were inevitable but that they were going to assess each side to determine just which side they would go down. In no way did we feel the design was firm at that time. I spend at least four days a week at that house. I have spent a lot of time observing walkers on the street; I am outside a lot. I observed the city measuring and tallying the obstacles on each side of the street this summer as we were told at that November meeting they would be doing. I was one of the supporters at your December 1 council meeting where we requested, and were granted, a meeting to further discuss the plan, and to express our concerns about the impact it would have on our street. To our surprise and disappointment, only the residents on the proposed sides were invited to that meeting by Chad Millner. The sidewalk will affect both sides of Cornelia Drive, from a visual aspect and from a safety aspect. I called Bob Stewart and requested his attendance, but was told that the council has agreed not to attend any such meetings as not to be influencers. We were not looking for influencers and I do not understand, then, when it is ever possible, as a resident and taxpayer, to have our voices heard by our representatives. I was extremely disappointed. I admit, some residents at the meeting were still trying to express their opposition to the entire project, but the majority of the residents were not trying to derail it (we understand it is mandated) but to talk more about the visual and safety impacts of switching the sides from the east to the west at 68th street based on our everyday experiences of living there, frequently walking and driving the street. Visually, trees and fire hydrants have been considered equals as far as obstacles, or points, as they were called by Chad. We would much rather protect a tree, a fire hydrant's life is not at risk and does not even have to be warranted. Crossing at 68th seems awkward and unsafe. Right now, there are very few school children between 68th and 66th streets, however, I understand we are thinking about the future. I have driven down Cornelia at the end of the school day many times and see parents and their children coming from the school and turning at 69th and Dunberry, either south or north, where there are no sidewalks but several neighborhoods with school children. That is a natural place to cross, at a four way stop. At that hour of the day, visually, with several people (parents and children), drivers must be and are very attentive. There is enough activity at that time to know you have to yield to pedestrians, even now, without the presence of a sidewalk. At 68th, I watch people barely stop at any of the three stop signs, especially not at the one on the driveway of the west side of the street, and there is never more than one or two walkers at a time to make a visual impact. I really would have welcomed hearing from the whole block's viewpoints and that is why we had requested that meeting. 1 Initially opposed to the sidewalk, we have come to realize its purpose and value. The purpose of this letter is to express how alienated we have felt. Chad Millner, as the engineer, looks at this from a much different perspective than we do, and that is understandable from an engineer. We have never been able to talk this over with any of you or to have you physically on our street, as the elected representatives that you are for the people of Edina. The exception to that was Bob Stewart, who, after my husband and I participated in the Walk with the Mayor that Bob led this summer, met with me at our home. However, I don't believe any of my concerns were passed on to the rest of the council or Chad. I never received any follow up. Please reply to this email or call me at 952-922-2765; I would like to meet with you and be heard. Finally, I am attaching an article that tells how New Ulm is addressing the same Safe Routes to School plan. They have a type of city government/resident relationship that I believe all communities should have. It shows the respect that New Ulm has for it's residents' viewpoints and what I imagined would be the same in Edina. Thank you, Tricia Schreiber 2 hearts at THE HEART OF NEW ULM PROJECT • Sate bike routes – Heart of New Ulm (HONU) staff and the New Ulm bike group also worked together to create a map of safe bicycling routes in New Ulm. Work in collaboration with New Ulm's Coalition for Active, Safe and Healthy Streets (CASHS) led to a broadly agreed-upon system of safe routes. New Ulm's Safety and Park & Recreation commissions both approved the map and have recommended the routes be forwarded to the City Council for their approval in early January. Encouragement programs – New Ulm schools and HONU are working on a plan to encourage more students to walk and bike. Events such as walking school buses and Walk to School Day in the spring will kick start encouragement programs. • Safe Routes to School teams – Schools in New Ulm will collaborate on such encouragement programs with Safe Routes to School teams. Teams will encourage Safe Routes to School actions at their respective New Ulm School. • Crossing on 4 S St. and Broadway St. CASHS is currently looking into the possibility of installing a pedestrian crossing upgrade at 4" S. St. and Broadway. As a way to connect two separate sides of the city, a rectangular rapid flashing beacon could offer safe passage for many New Ulm students and other pedestrians. Get involved Making New Ulm safer for people who walk or bike is impossible without community support — and help from great volunteers. Are you interested in helping? Do you have useful feedback or issues you'd like to discuss? Feel free to contact Nathan Fuerst at (507) 217-5549 or nathan.fuerstallinacom 1324 FIFTH NORTH STREET, NEW ULM, MN 56073 / T 507.217.5945 / E INFO@HEARTSBEATBACK.ORG / HEARTSBEATBACK.ORG facebook.com/heartofnewulm twitter.com/heartofnewulm hearts tatb THE HEART OF NEW ULM PROJECT HONU Safe Routes to School Update By Nathan Fuerst, MN Green Corps member working on New Ulm's Safe Routes to School Plan as part of The Heart of New Ulm Project In June 2015, New Ulm completed a Safe Routes to School planning process funded by an award from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. During the planning process, surveys were sent to parents with students in New Ulm schools. The goal was to understand parents' perceptions about letting their children walk and bike to school. To follow up on findings from the 2014-15 planning process, the same types of surveys were distributed again in the fall of 2015. Parents from six New Ulm schools completed 249 surveys in a two-week period between October and November 2015. Parent survey findings Parents indicated three top factors which, if changed, could alter their decision about whether or not to let their child bike or walk to school. • Safety of intersections and crossings, amount of traffic and speed of traffic were ranked as the top three concerns, respectively. • If they were to allow their child to walk or bike, parents stated they appreciated the physical and mental health benefits over others — such as increased independence and academic performance. As of November 2015, roughly 37 percent of students lived within a mile or less from their school. This is an important figure, because it contrasts sharply with the 9 percent of students who walk or bike to school, and the 16 percent who walk or bike home — according to their parents (11 percent according to student tallies). One goal of New Ulm's Safe Routes to School program is to bridge this gap. Next steps Moving forward, New Ulm schools and other community stakeholders must continue their focus on the 5 Es of Safe Routes to School: education, encouragement, enforcement, engineering and evaluation. Findings from the recent surveys point out there's more work to be done in New Ulm. Fortunately, some work is already underway to encourage more walking and biking. • Safe walking routes — With the help of New Ulm's bike group, all traffic control devices within the city have been mapped out. That information was used to create a map of safe walking routes that are good for students and the greater community, too. Several parent groups have shared their feedback and New Ulm High School's FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) group has agreed to walk each route to identify any potential safety concerns along the route. 1324 FIFTH NORTH STREET, NEW ULM, MN 56073 T 507.217.5945 E INFO@HEARTSBEATBACK.ORG I HEARTSBEATBACK.ORG facebook.com/heartofnewulm twitter.corn/heartofnewulm TO: Mayor Jim Hovland, City Council Members and Scott Neal, City Manager FROM: Dave & Sandy Phillips, 6800 Cornelia Drive RE: Sidewalks on Cornelia Drive Greeting to all of you! While we oppose the imposition of sidewalks on the west side of Cornelia Drive, we are reconciled to the fact that sidewalks are going to happen. That said, we feel that the project should be designed to cause the least degradation of the ambience on Cornelia Drive while promoting safety to the greatest extent possible. This should be done by citing the sidewalk entirely on one side of the street rather than proceeding with the current plan which cites the sidewalk on the west side of the street south of 68th Street and the east side of the street north of 68th Street. Staying on one side of the street has several advantages. First, it will be aesthetically more pleasing. In addition, it would eliminate the need for the creation of a dangerous intersection at 68th Street as explained below. The point system, which is relied on to support the split-sided approach seems quite mechanical. All trees count as one point without consideration of size. Trees and fire hydrants are treated as equals even though circumvented fire hydrants won't die while there is the likelihood that some circumvented trees will perish. In any event, even giving the point system full credence, the counts on both sides of the street are so close ( 16-18) as to not support the two-sided solution over the more attractive same side approach. The one-sided approach would also eliminate the questionable placement of a crosswalk north of 68th Street. There are about 18.5 feet from the north edge of 68th Street extended to the north edge of the driveway at 6712 Cornelia Drive. The present stop sign is about 3 feet north of that driveway. Under the proposed plan, the crosswalk is to be placed adjacent to the north edge of that driveway and the stop sign is to be moved beyond the north side of the crosswalk. We are certain that placing a stop sign that far back from the intersecting road does not conform to proper safety and design standards. It will be difficult to see all 3 stop signs concurrently in order to safely cross the street. As it is now, many cars do not stop or do, at best, a rolling stop at this corner. A few weeks ago one of us was almost hit by a pickup truck that did not even see the stop sign at the 6712 driveway! This crosswalk would be an accident waiting to happen!! A normal crossing at Dunberry Lane and Cornelia Drive seems like a better alternative. One other fact: Chad Millner has indicated that the cement will have a 2-year guarantee. We have broken curbs because inferior cement was used for that job. Can't we obtain a higher grade cement? We have also asked for fescue sod for the boulevards that apparently HAVE to happen, even though we have pointed out to Chad that not all neighborhoods have them. Fescue requires watering only once a month. Often, boulevards are not cared for by homeowners, so fescue would make this easier. Check out Coventry Place to see sidewalks with no boulevards. One can step from a car directly onto a sidewalk, which is more convenient. That street looks lovely! When the Southdale area was designed SO years ago, it was meant to be a showplace for beautiful homes. The street plan was not a grid system, and the streets were set up to be rolling terrain with beautiful landscapes. Many of the trees are still the original ones so they are quite mature. This is especially true on the west side, which runs along the shore of Lake Cornelia. We would like to keep this historic street as lovely as it was meant to be! As homeowners who are second generation in our home, we hope you will help us maintain Cornelia Drive. We thank you for your attention and reviewal of this sidewalk design. Very truly yours, Dave and Sandy Phillips Heather Branigin • From: Kristin SaveII <kristinsavell@me.com> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:57 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Request new 56th St sidewalk on active routes to school list Good Afternoon, In regards to the new sidewalk being added on the South side of 56th St, I want to recommend that this new sidewalk route be added to the Active Routes to School list, for snow plowing purposes. As this sidewalk is being added specifically because of its location to the schools, it makes sense that it's on this 'active routes' list so the sidewalks will be plowed promptly by the city in time for kids walking to/from school. Regards, Kristin SaveII 1 Heather Branigin From: Catherine M. Walker <Catherine.Walker@hennepin.us> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 4:12 PM To: linea.palmisano@minneapolismn.gov'; 'atabb@minneapolisparks.org'; AnneMavity.org; 'baho@edenprairie.org'; 'megf@visi.com'; 'caren.dewar@ulLorg'; 'dickrmiller@gmail.com'; emax33721@aol.com; Kristi-Halverson@comcast.net; jennifermunt@metc.state.mn.us'; 'jhovland@krausehovland.com'; Janis Callison; 'knelson@edenprairie.org'; 'mbrindle@comcast.net; akuznia@hopkinsmn.com; 'ntyra- lukens@edenprairie.org'; Peter McLaughlin; 'suesanger@comcast.net'; 'tschneider@eminnetonka.com'; 'twagner@eminnetonka.com.; russ@metrostability.org; 'Will.Roach@bakertilly.com'; Linda Higgins; lisa.goodman@minneapolismn.gov; James Hovland; khalverson@hopkinsmn.com; Marion Greene Cc: 'ahiginbotham@msn.com'; 'apbauman@yahoo.com.; 'arlene.mccarthy@metc.state.mn.us'; 'Allison.Bell@metc.state.mn.us'; 'AndrewSinickas@Eaton.com'; 'beth.elliott@minneapolismn.gov'; 'billjames@q.com'; 'brian.lamb@metc.state.mn.us'; 'bruce.monson@state.mn.us'; 'btift@bsm-online.org'; 'bwarner@srfconsulting.com'; Cathy.Bennett@uli.org; Chuck Salter; 'craig.lamothe@metc.state.mn.us'; 'd.emanuele.ross@dorsey.com'; 'dave_pelner@uhc.comr; 'david.bagley@valtira.net'; 'cliane.dube@wmitchelLedu'; 'dickrmiller@gmail.com'; 'djacobson@swtransit.org'; 'David.Kelliher@MNHS.ORG'; 'Dawn.Hoffner@metc.state.mn.us'; 'DLindahl@edenprairie.org'; Dorothy Rucker; edurbin@eminnetonka.com; 'elizabeth@fhfund.org'; 'frankpow@comcast.net; 'gbarone@eminnetonka.com'; jack.Byers@minneapolismn.gov'; 'jahp2691@yahoo.com'; 'jcasale@minnesotahomes.com'; jeniferhager@ci.minneapolis.mn.us'; 'jennifer.swanson@minneapolismn.gov'; jjeremiah@edenprairie.org'; 'jkrause@gw.hamline.edu'; 'jlotthammer@edenprairie.org'; 'jmcolby@earthlink.net'; 'john.slack@bonestroo.com'; 'jwheaton@faegre.com.; 'jwischnack@eminnetonka.com'; 'Jack Sullivan'; 'JackieCherryhomes@fctyler.com'; Jay Arneson; 'Jay.Demma@stantec.com'; 'Joan@metrostability.org'; '1Wisker@minnehahacreek.org'; kdoty@umn.edu; 'kelverum@hopkinsmn.com'; 'klocke@stlouispark.org'; 'Karenlyons@metc.state.mn.us'; 'Kathryn.Hansen@metrotransit.org'; Kelsey Dawson Walton; Kerni Pearce Ruch; 'Kumon@smithpartners.com'; 'Kyle.allison@hopkinshonda.com'; larryblackstad@gmail.com'; lisam@desicon.com'; Lisa M Middag; 'marenmcdonell@q.com'; 'mariacklein@gmail.com'; 'markfuhrmann@metc.state.mn.us'; 'mark.vanderschaaf@metc.state.mn.us'; 'mary.petersen@ci.minneapolis.mn.us'; 'mfyten@swtransit.org'; 'michael.todd.wagner@gmail.com'; 'mike.larson@metc.state.mn.us'; 'mkb@saintpaulfoundation.org'; mmcmonigal@stlouispark.org; Monique.Cuff@ci.minneapolis.mn.us; 'monique.cuff@minneapolismn.gov'; 'MHayman@minnehahacreek.org'; 'MNookala@hntb.com'; 'nfogarty@strategiceconomics.com'; 'nsandberg2@comcast.net'; nanderson@hopkinsmn.com; 'paul.mogush@minneapolismn.gov'; Philip C. Eckhert; 'pnelson@shawlundquist.com'; 'ray.robbel@braasco.com'; 'rhea.sullivan@gmail.com'; 'rrojas@edenprairie.org'; 'rweiblen@libertyproperty.com'; rnewton@edenprairie.org; 'Robin.Caufman@metc.state.mn.us'; 'sam.oconnell@metrotransit.org'; 'sam.0Connell@metrotransit.org'; 'sneal@ci.edina.mn.us'; sstadler@hopkinsmn.com; 'stephaniejpeterson@eaton.com.; 'swalther@stlouispark.org'; 'Shawn.M.Klein@jci.com'; 'Smith@smithpartners.com'; Steven R Gershone; steven.kotke@ci.minneapolis.mn.us; tharmening@stlouispark.org; 'tim.bloudek@braasco.com'; 'velsal@comcast.net'; 'vyditter@vyditter.cnc.ner; 'Vicki_moore@yahoo.com'; 'whoule@ci.edina.mn.us'; 'zack.farley@minneapolismn.gov'; 'Bell, Allison'; kdoty@umn.edu; 'Janet Jeremiah'; 'Julie 1 Cc: Wischnack'; 'kelverum'; 'Byers, Jack P.'; Charles S Darnell; 'GB Arrington'; 'Mania Zimmerman'; Tina L Sanz; Roshonda A Royston; Debra R Brisk; John Q Doan; 'Ken.Dahler@minneapolismn.gov'; 'Patrick.Sadler@minneapolismn.gov'; lucy.Galbraith@metrotransit.org'; 'allison.bell@metrotransit.org'; Alene G Tchourumoff; 'debby.Loring@metrotransit.org'; 'emily.ziring@minneapolismn.gov'; Pamela Fahlstrom; Marion Greene; Ray K Hoover; Catherine M. Walker; Allyson.lueneburg@hennepin.us; Dauna L Sprowls; Kimberley.koempel@metrotransit.org; barryschade@gmail.com; Kevin D Dockry; Howard Orenstein Subject: SW CW Steering Committee Follow Up Attachments: Res2016-01_HousingStrategy_APPROVED.pdf; StationNamingDiscussion.pdf Steering Committee Members I wanted to pass along two items from the January 21, 2016 Steering Committee meeting. The first is the resolution approved by the Steering Committee to accept the Southwest Corridor Housing Strategy and distribute it to cities and partners for action. The second is a summary of the feedback/input provided to the Southwest Project Office (SPO) staff on proposed SW LRT station names. Please let me know if you have any questions on these items. Thanks Katie P.S. A quick reminder that the next Southwest LRT Community Works Steering Committee meeting will be held on March 17, 2016, at 1:30 PM at the St. Louis Park City Hall. Disclaimer: If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please immediately notify the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system. 2 SOUTHWEST LRT COMMUNITY WORK STEERING COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. 2016-01 A RESOLUTION TO RECEIVE THE SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR-WIDE HOUSING STRATEGY AND FORWARD TO SOUTHWEST LRT COMMUNITY WORKS MEMBERS FOR ACTION(S) APPROPRIATE TO EACH MEMBER WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 09-0596 in 2009 to establish the Southwest LRT Community Works program in consultation with the cities of Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka, Hopkins, St. Louis Park, and Minneapolis, and other Southwest LRT partners, and WHEREAS, the Southwest LRT Community Works Steering Committee, composed of Southwest LRT Community Works partners from cities and other agencies along the Southwest corridor, was formed in 2010 to provide overall guidance and direction for the Southwest LRT Community Works Project, and WHEREAS, Southwest LRT Community Works goals and guiding principles for investment call for positioning the Southwest communities as a place for all to live and providing a full range of housing choices, and WHEREAS, the Southwest LRT Community Works Steering Committee endorsed the creation of a corridor-wide housing strategy in May 2012, consisting of a housing inventory, gap analysis and strategy document to support housing development along the Southwest LRT corridor, and WHEREAS, there are numerous benefits that may come from working collaboratively, including increasing the corridor's ability to be competitive, adding leverage to secure public and philanthropic resources, sending a positive message to the development community about the desire for a mix of housing choices, and aligning to achieve regional goals, and WHEREAS, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in its most recent New Starts Guidance, now considers policies, planning and programs that support development and retention of affordable housing along transit corridors as part of its project evaluation criteria for funding, and WHEREAS, the Southwest Corridor-wide Housing Strategy contains objectives and can inform housing planning, including comprehensive plan updates, in Southwest LRT Corridor communities as well as suggested implementation strategies that may assist in creation of a full range of housing choices around Southwest LRT stations, increasing LRT ridership and supporting economic development and healthy communities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Southwest LRT Community Works Steering Committee accepts the Southwest Corridor-wide Housing Strategy as a document to guide ongoing collaborative housing work, in achieving Southwest LRT Community Works goals, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Southwest LRT Community Works Steering Committee hereby refers the Southwest Corridor-wide Housing Strategy to member cities and partner organizations for individual action(s) as deemed appropriate. Heather Branigin From: Maura Schnorbach <mschnorbach@stpatrick-edina.org> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 4:44 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Demographic study... Attachments: Compass-WellsFargo(1-12-16).pptx Hello Mayor Hovland, I hope you had a wonderful holidays! I just received the Wells Fargo Community Funding Council report on demographics. You may have already received it. I thought you would be interested in the data. Best, Maura Schnorbach Social Justice Coordinator Church of St. Patrick 6820 St. Patrick's Lane Edina, MN 55439 952-767-0942 nnschnorbach@stpatrick-edina.org Heather Branigin From: Suzie Nakasian <suzienakasian@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 4:48 PM To: James Hovland; James Hovland Subject: Fwd: Tracks - Snow Shoes and otherwise Greetings Mayor Hovland It was so good to run into you and Mrs. Hovland at the Tin Fish Fete in Edina on Friday night. I write to forward this photo of your snow-going duo ! I will be coming to Edina City Hall on Friday at 10am to meet with Scott and also Mary Brindle to give an update on the Rail Corridor, and the funding needed to move it forward. I am pleased to tell you that MNDOT has designated $300,000 in their 2016 budget for the Alternatives Analysis needed for our Corridor (both the east and western alignment options). Another $200,000 is needed to fund the Feasibility Study for the Corridor and I am currently working with Rep. Hausman to get strategies in place for the coming Legislative Session. I will keep you posted and hope that the City of Edina will be willing to help contribute the local match required to fund these studies. I will have more specifics on our funding needs as the Legislative Session approaches. I hear a growing buzz among municipal officials statewide about the plain old common sense of reviving passenger service on our rail corridor which, uniquely, re-connects the Metro to southern Minnesota (including Rochester via Owatonna), and also offers a direct entry into Minnesota from passengers aboard Amtrak's most popular transnational lines to our south - and all of those connections using existing rail, and also using "high {- enough] speed rail service" that is quieter than its full-throttle alternative. . . and a whole lot cheaper to implement. I am grateful to you and your Council for your support of this project, and I look forward to our continued partnership as we continue to explore its potential ! Respectfully yours, Suzie Nakasian Northfield 507-649-0382 2 Heather Branigin From: Heidi Preslicka <heidi@preslickastudio.com > Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:32 AM To: James Hovland Subject: Wall Murals Hello Mr. Hovland, My name is Heidi Preslicka. My husband is a wall muralist in Minnesota - Greg Preslicka. We would be thrilled to show you how we can bring murals to the City of Edina. Greg's wall murals are now in many YMCAs, libraries, schools, places of business, pool facilities, city buildings and homes. He has done scenery images, fun kids kids stuff, he has done historical art, pool areas, play rooms, environmental center art, decorative art, quaint coffee shop murals and much more. Check out our website at www.thebigpicturemurals.net and www.facebook.com/murals.net Greg will create layouts after a meeting with you to create a look you are happy with. You will be able to see what the mural will look like in the space before he even begins painting, he has a process where he puts his layouts into the photos of the space so it appears as if the mural is already complete. Call me at 612-875-6630. I have attached some photos below to show you some of his work - some are layouts and some are finished work. Thanks, Heidi Preslicka, Artist Representative 1 r•I This one below is at the Eden Prairie Community Center. It is a competitive pool space. This is the final painted mural. • . 30:e. 110.. LE=<.• 1.4.•••• •.:44•41..• • These are the layouts Greg did for the project. 4 Heather Branigin From: mrsc1953@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:38 AM To: Mary Brindle; James Hovland; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonannl @gmail.com Subject: Re: Cornelia Sidewalk Project Why was this letter sent out? Carol Carlson 6621 cornelia drive Original Message From: Brenda Fuchs <brendafuchs@comcast.net> To: mrsc1953 <mrsc1953@aol.com> Sent: Tue, Jan 26, 2016 11:10 am Subject: Fwd: Cornelia Sidewalk Project Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: <lowea1a,comcast.net> Date: January 25, 2016 at 8:36:58 PM CST To: <mbrindlea,EdinaMN.gov>, <ihovlandaEdinaMN.gov>, <kstauntona,EdinaMN.gov>, <rstewartEdinaMN.gov>, <swensonann1 a,qmait.corn> Subject: Cornelia Sidewalk Project Dear Edina City Council and Mayor Everyone on Cornelia Drive realizes the sidewalk is part of a long term Edina city plan, we accept it, and trust the city has our best interests in mind. Since the sidewalk must go in, the next concerns should be aesthetics, cost and safety. The current plan falls short of what it could be. First, the logic of the point system used to determine the side of the street on which the walk would be located, is questionable. We have been told of an enumeration of "conflicts" used in the analysis, all of the same value — that any tree, telephone pole, fire hydrant or steep driveway and possibly some shrubs all have the same value in this decision. This does not speak of aesthetic, safety or project cost concerns. If massive mature trees, some 60 years old and 60 feet tall are removed, their beauty will not be replaced for decades. The visual effects of smaller trees and shrubs, fences and hedges can be replaced more immediately, probably in 2 or 3 years. If they can't be moved, telephone poles and fire hydrants can typically be circumvented quite closely in the design of the sidewalk -- mature trees, on the other hand, likely will not survive such close construction as necessitated by the plan without life-shortening damage, and therefore will be removed. Why are items having major beneficial aesthetic effects for the whole neighborhood evaluated the same as those that clearly do not? Doesn't Edina have a moratorium on taking down mature trees? Why would the city deviate from that idea on Cornelia Drive? The east side of the street has far fewer "conflicts" that have difficult-to-replace aesthetic benefits. In the last meeting with Engineering, the Cornelia Drive residents were told that cost did not enter into the decision of which side would have the walk, but rather, only the "conflict" count. Shouldn't cost be a concern? The city engineers have always tried to mollify us with the idea funding will come from "somewhere else". That "somewhere else" is still a taxpayer somewhere. Don't we owe some cost responsibility to that taxpayer? At the last meeting we finally heard that "somewhere else" is only covering 70% of the project cost, with the remainder coming from Edina. Yes, there really is a cost to us — to all in Edina. If cost is important, why would we work so hard to uproot so many driveways and large trees on the west side of 2 Cornelia, when the work would be so much less costly on the east side? I urge each of you to drive down the street from 70th to 68th and look at the space available, the tree-loss and the driveway slopes and see which side of the street makes most sense to you — from both aesthetic and cost standpoints. Fairly large portions of some driveways on the west side will need to be replaced, while on the east very few will require costly changes. According to what we heard in the last meeting, the cost of those repairs/changes were not taken into account when evaluating those "conflicts" relative to others. Some retaining walls will be required on the west side. None will be on the east. Finally there is a safety issue with the present plan, which has the sidewalk crossing over to the east side just north of the tee intersection at 68th street. It is rather odd not to be able to go straight across 68th street on the east side of Cornelia. Again, I urge you all to drive down the street and take a look at that intersection, and note the present plan has the sidewalk stopping in the middle of 6752, then turning to cross Cornelia. This will be an aesthetic oddity, the like of which I doubt many of you have ever seen. And I can't believe it will make the city's job of clearing the sidewalk of snow ver easy, either. Does it not make more sense to keep the walk on the east side, with a simple crossing at 68th Street? This will certainly be more intuitive to pedestrians, especially young grade school kids — aren't they the justification for this project? Then, please take a look at the corner of 70th and Cornelia. There is a crossing on the west side of that intersection that goes to a narrow stub sidewalk that slopes right to the curb of this busy intersection, and then goes straight into a telephone pole, where it stops. The current plan shows some odd convolutions to get around the pole and it's guy wire. Wouldn't it be better to have the Cornelia Elementary kids as well as any other pedestrians cross 70th on the east side? The 70th and Cornelia intersection has traffic lights, and the school posts road guards with adult 3 supervision. Further, there is more room on the east side of the street in which to put a sidewalk with a boulevard strip of significant width without incurring grade/slope issues. 4 5 Isn't that quite a bit safer? Yes, a hedge and a fence would have to be moved, but they can be restored in days, rather than the years it takes to replace the trees further up the street on the west side. Isn't it better to have more room to put snow, and more space to keep kids off a narrow icy sidewalk right next to the curb and sloping down to it? Wasn't it all about the kids? Thanks for your consideration. We all count on you to make this change have as much positive impact as possible on the appearance and safety of our street and neighborhood. Respectfully, Anthony E. Lowe 6924 Cornelia Drive Edina, MN 55435 6 Heather Branigin From: Brad Benn <Bwmbenn@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:34 PM To: James Hovland; Mary Brindle; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonann1 @gmail.com; Scott H. Neal Cc: sean.plemmons@ecm-inc.com; Edinamag@tigeroak.com Subject: Grandview Community Center An open letter to the City of Edina We do not need another Community Center I attended an open house for a potential Grandview Community Center. The meeting was held at Public Works a roughly six acre site the City purchased and took off the tax rolls when Public Works moved there. The move left the 3.3 acre Grandview site that could have been developed and put back on the tax rolls. Instead the City has spent years and significant funds trying to come up with a public use for the site. The latest plan is a Community Center. We have a Community Center and do not need another. At the meeting it was suggested that the Senior Center and the Art Center be moved to the Grand view site. Do not move the Senior Center The Senior Center is relatively new. The main issue I have heard from users is that the parking is very limited. Isn't it possible to address that issue rather than move? Do not move the Art Center The Art Center is in an idyllic and inspirational location. All users I have talked to say "it would be dumb" to move from this beautiful natural location. The building has some issues with code. Address those issues for probably much less cost than the proposed entirely new facility. And that is a much more desirable piece of public land to keep (there is talk of selling that off) than the Grandview site. Another point from the meeting was that the new Art Center is not intended to be a regional facility. The current one has the quality and reputation to draw students from across this region. What is wrong with that if they come to take classes and pay their fees? Instead of trying to find a public use for an oddly located three acre plot of land, let's optimize the land and buildings we now have including the Community Center, The Art Center, and the Senior Center Bradley W. M. Benn, Retired Assistant Director of the Edina Art Center and current teacher there. Heather Branigin From: Harry Blanek Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:51 PM To: James Hovland; Eric Roggeman Cc: Tom Schmitz Subject: Edina Firefighter Relief Association - Meeting Notice Mr. Mayor and Mr. Roggeman: My name is Harry Blanek, I am a 15 year Paid on Call firefighter and the President of the Edina Firefighter Relief Association (EFRA). An issue came up at our recent Regular Board of Trustees Meeting about you two being city representatives on the EFRA board and the fact that you aren't notified of our board meeting times and dates. I apologize for the oversight. We meet as a board most every month on the second Wednesday at 7:30 AM in the second floor conference room at the main fire station. The exception is the second Wednesday of April on which we meet in the evening after the General meeting of the EFRA Members. Due to the standing nature of the board meetings, notice is not required nor is it typically given. If you would like to add this to your schedules and attend I encourage you to join us at your convenience. Most meetings do not last beyond an hour. Minutes of the meeting are recorded for each meeting and if you have any questions as to the business that we conduct this information can be provided for your review. If you have any other questions or recommendations please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you. Harry 1 Heather Branigin From: Mary & Steve Sando <ssandol@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:51 PM To: Ann Kattreh; Chad Millner; MJ Lamon; James Hovland; Mary Brindle; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonann1@gmail.com; Susan Faus; eopdahl@edinacommunityfoundation.org; Edina Community Foundation Subject: Arden Park Neighborhood Assn. Please find attached a copy of the postcard that the Arden Park Neighborhood Assn. sent to APNA neighbors to inform them of their new organization. Just keeping everyone informed. APNA Committee. Sent from my iPad Mary and Steve Sando 1 Send your e-mail address today to ArdenParkNA@gmail.com to receive Arden Park Neighborhood Association at a glance: Purpose: To foster a sense of community within the Neighborhood, to Visit: The neigh provide opportunities for Members to create and strengthen relationships, City of Edina's k.6 and to provide an effective means of communication within the ht-tp://edinamn. Neighborhood. associations Membership: Free and automatic for residents and property owners i the Neighborhood around Arden Park. Steering Commi Troy Paulson, St APNA Communici Attn: Doug CYLea 5103 Arden Aven Edina, MN 55424 ARDEN PARK 3 Heather Branigin From: David Arbit <davida@mplsrealtor.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:08 PM To: James Hovland; Scott H. Neal; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; Mary Brindle; swensonannl@gmail.com; Edina Mail Subject: MAAR Housing Update — December 2015 Dear Mayor Hovland and Members of the Council: It was quite a year for residential real estate. Housing demand surged to a 10-year high while listing activity only reached a 5-year high. Buyers were inspired by low interest rates and an improving labor market. More sellers listed property for sale than any year since 2010, but not enough to replenish inventories in any meaningful way. Twin Cities home prices are within 5.0 percent of their prior peak. Sellers are yielding the greatest share of their list price since 2006 as the affordability picture has remained stable. • New Listings in Edina decreased 16.3 percent to 41. • Pending Sales were up 3.6 percent to 58. • Closed Sales increased 10.3 percent to 64. • Days on Market remained flat at 97 days. • The Median Sales Price decreased 9.6 percent to $399,250 (just below a seasonally-adjusted all-time high). • Inventory levels shrank 12.9 percent to 250 homes. • Percent of List Price Received at Sale decreased 0.1 percent to 96.5 percent. • Months Supply of Inventory was down 16.7 percent to 3.0 months. • Distressed sales made up 4.7 percent of all Closed Sales. • Single-Family homes made up 66.1 percent of all Closed Sales. • New construction properties made up 11.1 percent of all Closed Sales. There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic in 2016. The U.S. economy remains a somewhat lonely shining star on the global stage. Job and wage growth are both accelerating. The Twin Cities has the lowest unemployment rate of any major metropolitan area. Low energy costs have also translated into an effective pay increase for millions of Minnesotans. Residential real estate is once again leading the charge toward full recovery. In addition to an election cycle, the pace of interest rate hikes, inventory improvements, new construction activity and the financial health of the consumer will be key indicators to watch this year. Your local report lives here: http://maarstats.10kresearch.com/docs/Imu/x/edina. The Twin Cities Metro report can be found here: http://nnaarstats.10kresearch.com/docs/Imu/x/TwinCitiesReciion. If you have any comments or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, be sure to check out all of the market reports on our website - http://www.mplsrealtorcom. Thank you! Best, David Arbit, MCRP Director of Research & Economics Minneapolis Area Association of REALTORS® 5750 Lincoln Drive - Edina, MN 55436 USA P: 952-988-3150 I F: 952-908-2646 MAAR I Market Reports I Bloq 1 Heather Branigin From: Edna Fesler <mizedi@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:15 PM To: Brad Benn Cc: James Hovland; Mary Brindle; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; <swensonann1 @gmail.com>; Scott H. Neal; <sean.plemmons@ecm-inc.com>; <Edinamag@tigeroak.com> Subject: Re: Grandview Community Center I second Brad Benn's thoughts so carefully detailed in his email. It's high time for our city to evaluate and appreciate our assets and stop changing merely for the sake of change. Act responsibly with consideration for what the people want! Additionally, why would anyone suggest the Edina Art Center not be available to anyone wishing to take classes? We have always opened our doors to all desiring a place to advance their creativity and pay any fees associated with doing so. Richard V Fesler Past board member Edina Art Center On Jan 26, 2016, at 12:33 PM, Brad Benn <Bwmbenn@comcast.net> wrote: An open letter to the City of Edina We do not need another Community Center I attended an open house for a potential Grandview Community Center. The meeting was held at Public Works a roughly six acre site the City purchased and took off the tax rolls when Public Works moved there. The move left the 3.3 acre Grandview site that could have been developed and put back on the tax rolls. Instead the City has spent years and significant funds trying to come up with a public use for the site. The latest plan is a Community Center. We have a Community Center and do not need another. At the meeting it was suggested that the Senior Center and the Art Center be moved to the Grand view site. Do not move the Senior Center 1 The Senior Center is relatively new. The main issue I have heard from users is that the parking is very limited. Isn't it possible to address that issue rather than move? Do not move the Art Center The Art Center is in an idyllic and inspirational location. All users I have talked to say "it would be dumb" to move from this beautiful natural location. The building has some issues with code. Address those issues for probably much less cost than the proposed entirely new facility. And that is a much more desirable piece of public land to keep (there is talk of selling that off) than the Grandview site. Another point from the meeting was that the new Art Center is not intended to be a regional facility. The current one has the quality and reputation to draw students from across this region. What is wrong with that if they come to take classes and pay their fees? Instead of trying to find a public use for an oddly located three acre plot of land, let's optimize the land and buildings we now have including the Community Center, The Art Center, and the Senior Center Bradley W. M. Benn, Retired Assistant Director of the Edina Art Center and current teacher there. 2 Heather Branigin From: Daniel Kraft <kraft.dl@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:54 PM To: Mary Brindle; James Hovland; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonannl @gmail.com Subject: Re: Attn: Mayor Hovland / Council Members Mayor / Council members, I am writing to reiterate my request that the council address the use of construction equipment by private services to remove snow during the overnight hours. My family again awoke last night to the sound of a bobcat in our neighbors driveway to clear less than 1" of snow in the overnight hours. I took a brief video from my kitchen window: VID_20160126_053322.mp4 Again, while I acknowledge the right of residents to hire private companies to clear their snow, there should be restrictions against the use of unnecessary and noisy construction equipment during the overnight hours, especially in cases of nuisance snowfalls. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Daniel Kraft <kraft.dl@gmail.com> wrote: Re: Unlawful, Inappropriate use of construction equipment to clear snow. Mayor / council members: As I write this I am going on 2 hours sleep, having been repeatedly awoken overnight by what would be illegal use of construction equipment at night during most months, but for some reason tolerated use during the winter months. Certain snow removal services are using construction equipment (bobcats, etc) as opposed to traditional pick-up truck plows to remove snow tor their customers. These construction implements are many times louder and more disruptive than traditional truck-plows, not to mention the loud beep-beep-beep when in reverse. For the same reason these construction implements require ear-plugs for their operators, they are inappropriate and unnecessary for overnight use in residential neighborhoods. We focus as a community on the high quality of life we have in Edina, and I have enjoyed years as a resident. Last night however I had a crying child in my room because they were so frustrated and angry that the noise of construction equipment was keeping them from sleep. This is a situation I would expect if we lived under an airport flight-path, or near a train line. We made a decision years back though to spend more on our home to have the quality of life that Edina promised. 1 I understand that the timing of major snow-falls will require the operation of overnight snow -removal services. However, there should be some common sense rules for use of construction equipment during the overnight hours, especially in cases of nuisance snows (of say 3" or less), where property access and safety would not require the overnight removal of the snow. Thank you all for your consideration of the subject. Dan Kraft 4607 Bruce Ave Edina, MN 55424 952-922-5563 Dart Kraft 612-749-0651 Dan Kraft 612-749-0651 2 Heather Branigin From: Chad Millner Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:12 PM To: 'Ross Plaetzer'; James Hovland; 'mail®EdinaMN.gov'; 'kstaunton@EdinaMN.gov'; 'rstewart@EdinaMN.gov'; Mary Brindle; Ann Swenson Cc: Eric Nelson (ENelson@threeriversparkdistrict.org); Scott H. Neal Subject: RE: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Ross, Thanks for your comments and concerns stated below. I am copying the Project Manager from Three Rivers Park District, Eric Nelson, to this email for his consideration. Please look for a response directly from him about your concerns. Thanks, Chad Chad Millner, Director of Engineering 952-826-0318 I Fax 952-826-0392 cmillnerEdinaMN.ciov I www.EdinaMN.cov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Ross Plaetzer [mailto:ross@employersolutionsgroup.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 1:56 PM To: James Hovland; 'mail@EdinaMN.gov'; 'kstaunton@EdinaMN.gov'; irstewart@EdinaMN.gov'; Mary Brindle; Ann Swenson Cc: Chad Millner Subject: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Mayor Hovland and Council Members, The attached photos show trees that are marked for removal near the intersection of 72nd Street and Ohms Lane as a part of the construction of the Edina East portion of the Nine Mile Creek Trail, currently under construction. Here is a link to the plan: http://edina.granicus.com/MetaViewerphp?view id=78tclip id=19718tmeta id=54143 These are all mature trees. Does the path have to run so that these trees must be cut down. Although the Three Rivers District Plan does not fall within the purview of the recent house demolition requirement of a tree plan, it seems that the general goal of the Council is to spare mature trees wherever possible. Can someone check to see if there are any options to 1 felling any or all of the mature trees that are planned for cut down as a part of the Edina East Trail plan. Thank you. ROSS PLAETZER I 4058 SUNNYSIDE ROAD I CELL: 612.991.8896 Heather Branigin From: Common Sense Edina <commonsenseforedina@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:58 PM To: James Hovland Cc: Robert Stewart; Kevin Staunton; Mary Brindle; swensonann1@gmail.com Subject: Common Sense for Edina - StarTribune article : Life is lonely in Edina, teen tells mayor Mayor Hovland, If you haven't already I would encourage you to respond to Stanley Wu who is the focus of this Star Tribune article. David Frenkel From the Star Tribune: An Edina High sophomore thinks city should be more neighborly. Like Savage, for instance. Hovland said he remembers getting the letter. He hasn't replied to it, but said he'd "love to sit and visit" with the teen. http://www.startribune.comilife-is-lonely-in-edina-teen-tells-mayor/366496961/ Heather Branigin From: Bob Moore <boblmoore@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:12 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Scott H. Neal Subject: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Plan Dear Mayor, City Council, and City Manager Scott Neal; I attended the January 7th meeting regarding the Cornelia Drive sidewalk project. My attendance was merely out of curiosity as I don't reside on Cornelia Drive, but do frequently walk on that street as I do reside in the neighborhood. Contrary to the correspondence I've read to Council since the January 7th meeting, I do not think the consensus of attendees are against the sidewalk, but rather are unhappy and disappointed with the planning and decision making process. Chad Milner and Mark Nolan gave their presentation on how the sidewalk is to be constructed on the west side of Cornelia from 70th Street to 68th Street, then crossing at 68th Street and continuing on the east side of Cornelia to 66th Street. To many of us in attendance, this configuration seems poorly planned and illogical. Mr. Milner gave an omnipotent speech about how the decision was previously made for the design based on a review of the number of impacts found on each side of the street. These impacts varied from existing trees, slope of grade, fire hydrants, driveway aprons, etc. Apparently, there are fewer impacts on the proposed plan—but Mr. Milner did not provide any such data to back up his facts or logic. Merely telling the audience "this information was shared a year ago December—you'll have to look on line for it", this pass off was not well received nor accepted by residents. I strongly suggest that going forward for meetings such as this, that Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan have the documentation for their decisions on hand so residents can review and better understand the City's rationale. What we came to learn from Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan was that the City Council had adopted the 'Living Streets Policy' a few years ago with a standard sidewalk template of a five foot wide sidewalk in conjunction with a three to five foot wide boulevard. While I can see the logic for this concept on high traffic streets like West 70th Street and Interlachen Boulevard, this 'cookie cutter' approach is not ideally suitable for all residential areas within Edina. Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan repeatedly told us that the five foot wide sidewalk was needed to meet City equipment standards; while Edina may own sidewalk plowing equipment that is five feet wide, we also own sidewalk plowing equipment that is FOUR feet wide as there are four foot wide sidewalks running on the south side of Valley View Road from St Johns Avenue all the way east to Brookview Avenue as well as on the west side of Valley View Road from West 66th Street south to France Avenue. As for a "required" boulevard between the curb and sidewalk, there will be no professional look to the proposed plan as there are areas where the planned boulevard will vary from zero to three feet from the curb line—so where is there the consistency of your cookie cutter approach? Our neighborhood was developed by the Thorpe Brothers (of the Edina Country Club District fame) in conjunction with the building and development of the Southdale shopping center. Our Southdale First Addition was also a planned community—we longtime residents of the area would like to see updates and improvements that fit our well thought out neighborhood. The proposed sidewalk does NOT fit this standard. I ask each of you to come out and take your own inventory and assessment along the east and west sides of Cornelia Drive from West 66th Street to West 70th Street—crossing at West 68th Street (and moving the existing stop sign to accommodate a crosswalk) is simply a poor design. Instead of doing things the easy way, do this 1 the right way. Put the sidewalk along the curb line on the east side of the street from Dunberry Lane to West 66th Street. Enhance the crosswalk at Dunberry and Cornelia, skip the boulevard (the precedent has already been set—please review the above mentioned sidewalk along Valley View Road from St Johns east to Brookview) and construct at four feet wide. The Valley View Road sidewalk's existed for a number of years; no snow removal issues, no pedestrian injuries, far less impacts to property owner's lawns (many are now just recovering from the annihilation caused by street reconstruction in 2007—that many of us are still paying for!). I believe Cornelia Drive residents have accepted the idea of a sidewalk; they are not fighting the concept but many are disappointed with the process and lack of neighborhood input. Regardless of the "counted impacts" Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan have found for the proposed plan, City residents should be presented with the facts and shown the financial impacts of the City's decision on a continual and updated basis—our inquiries shouldn't be poo-pooed by the employees that our tax dollars pay the salaries of. Furthermore, I personally don't like how Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan pointed the finger for the overall plan of this sidewalk at the Edina City Council as I know all too well (and have witnessed many times watching council meetings) that you as a body will point your fingers to 'the professionals on staff that we hire to make these decisions'. As a resident of this community for 53 years and having a family presence in Edina since 1925, it is extremely disheartening to see this example of how Edina City Government has grown to the point of such nonsense. Respectfully, Robert L. Moore 6909 Hillcrest Lane Edina, MN 55435 2 Heather Branigin From: Susie Miller Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:44 PM To: James Hovland Cc: Scott H. Neal; Ann Kattreh Subject: Meeting Good Afternoon Mayor Hovland, I am following up about setting up a meeting with EHA and Velocity. I know you had asked me to coordinate this in 3 weeks which would be next week. I have been talking with both groups. Velocity has been hesitant to set up a meeting. He has however asked me to meet with him and Noel Sr. on Friday morning. I will be in touch after that meeting. Thank you! Susie Susie Miller, Braemar ArenaWield General Manager 952-833-9502 I Fax 952-833-9501 smillerAEdinaMN.00v I www.BraemarArena.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business 1 Heather Branigin From: Ann Swenson <swensonann1@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:50 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Chad Millner; Scott H. Neal Subject: Re: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Plan Robert, your letter suggests that as a city we plan things willy nilly and you accused us of "nonsense". Your example of the sidewalk on valleyview that is narrow and feels very dangerous to walk on because traffic runs right next to it is a prime example of why we have changed how we plan and install sidewalks. As a council we have asked for boulevards and wider side walks for a number of founded reasons. Yes we depend on commercial riding plows that are made five feet wide. Yes five feet wide works better for dogs, strollers and toddler bikers passing each other from opposite directions. Yes three feet is a minimum to grow grass successfully and create a visual division from pedestrians and traffic. The sidewalk you used on valleyview is probably 25 or 30 years old. I live two houses away from it and avoid walking on it because it does not feel safe. I often walk the other way on valleyview on a 5' sidewalk with boulevard. I am sorry you feel Chad is "omnipotent" . He is the head of our engineering department and is working on this sidewalk at the request of the council and our sidewalk plan which had a public hearing before it was approved at council. Ann Swenson Sent from my iPad On Jan 27, 2016, at 3:36 PM, Edina Mail <mail@EdinaMN.gov> wrote: Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 IbiunnoAEdinaMN.qov I www.EdinaMN.qov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Bob Moore [mailto:boblmoorefthotmail.corn] Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:12 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Scott H. Neal Subject: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Plan Dear Mayor, City Council, and City Manager Scott Neal; I attended the January 7th meeting regarding the Cornelia Drive sidewalk project. My attendance was merely out of curiosity as I don't reside on Cornelia Drive, but do frequently walk on that street as I do reside in the neighborhood. Contrary to the correspondence I've read to Council since the January 7th meeting, I do not think the consensus of attendees are against the sidewalk, but rather are unhappy and disappointed with the planning and decision making process. Chad Milner and Mark Nolan gave their presentation on how the sidewalk is to be constructed on the west side of Cornelia from 70th Street to 68th Street, then crossing at 68th Street and continuing on the east side of Cornelia to 66th Street. To many of us in attendance, this configuration seems poorly planned and illogical. Mr. Milner gave an omnipotent speech about how the decision was previously made for the design based on a review of the number of impacts found on each side of the street. These impacts varied from existing trees, slope of grade, fire hydrants, driveway aprons, etc. Apparently, there are fewer impacts on the proposed plan—but Mr. Milner did not provide any such data to back up his facts or logic. Merely telling the audience "this information was shared a year ago December—you'll have to look on line for it", this pass off was not well received nor accepted by residents. I strongly suggest that going forward for meetings such as this, that Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan have the documentation for their decisions on hand so residents can review and better understand the City's rationale. What we came to learn from Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan was that the City Council had adopted the 'Living Streets Policy' a few years ago with a standard sidewalk template of a five foot wide sidewalk in conjunction with a three to five foot wide boulevard. While I can see the logic for this concept on high traffic streets like West 70th Street and Interlachen Boulevard, this 'cookie cutter' approach is not ideally suitable for all residential areas within Edina. Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan repeatedly told us that the five foot wide sidewalk was needed to meet City equipment standards; while Edina may own sidewalk plowing equipment that is five feet wide, we also own sidewalk plowing equipment that is FOUR feet wide as there are four foot wide sidewalks running on the south side of Valley View Road from St Johns Avenue all the way east to Brookview Avenue as well as on the west side of Valley View Road from West 66th Street south to France Avenue. As for a "required" boulevard between the curb and sidewalk, there will be no professional look to the proposed plan as there are areas where the planned boulevard will vary from zero to three feet from the curb line—so where is there the consistency of your cookie cutter approach? Our neighborhood was developed by the Thorpe Brothers (of the Edina Country Club District fame) in conjunction with the building and development of the Southdale shopping center. Our Southdale First Addition was also a planned community—we longtime residents of the area would like to see updates and improvements that fit our well thought out neighborhood. The proposed sidewalk does NOT fit this standard. I ask each of you to come out and take your own inventory and assessment along the east and west sides of Cornelia Drive from West 66th Street to West 70th Street—crossing at West 68th Street (and moving the existing stop sign to accommodate a crosswalk) is simply a poor design. Instead of doing things the easy way, do this the right way. Put the sidewalk along the curb line on the east side of the street from Dunberry Lane to West 66th Street. Enhance the crosswalk at Dunberry and Cornelia, skip the boulevard (the precedent has already been set—please review the above mentioned sidewalk along Valley View Road from St Johns east to Brookview) and construct at four feet wide. The Valley View Road sidewalk's existed for a number of years; no snow removal issues, no pedestrian injuries, far less impacts to property owner's lawns (many are now just recovering from the annihilation caused by street reconstruction in 2007—that many of us are still paying for!). I believe Cornelia Drive residents have accepted the idea of a sidewalk; they are not fighting the concept but many are disappointed with the process and lack of neighborhood input. Regardless of the "counted impacts" Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan have found for the proposed plan, City residents should be presented with the facts and shown the financial impacts of the City's decision on a continual and updated basis—our inquiries shouldn't be poo-pooed by the employees that our tax dollars pay the salaries of. Furthermore, I personally don't like how Mr. Milner and Mr. Nolan pointed the finger for the overall plan of this sidewalk at the Edina City Council as I know all too well (and have witnessed many times watching council meetings) that 2 you as a body will point your fingers to 'the professionals on staff that we hire to make these decisions'. As a resident of this community for 53 years and having a family presence in Edina since 1925, it is extremely disheartening to see this example of how Edina City Government has grown to the point of such nonsense. Respectfully, Robert L. Moore 6909 Hillcrest Lane Edina, MN 55435 3 Heather Branigin From: Andy Ma <huimin_ma@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:17 PM To: jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com; Chad Millner; Lynette Biunno Subject: Fw: Cornelia sidewalk project Attachments: Concflicts by Address2.xlsx Dear mayor and city council, If there is not many positive feedback for this project, why do you want to pursue it? Why there is not a vote for this project from the neighbors? Thanks Andy Ma 6609 Cornelia dr From: YolandaPetre@eaton.com <YolandaPetre@eaton.com> Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 1:25:16 PM To: Huimin_ma@hotmail.com; gskib@aol.com; peterdehnel@childrensmn.org; hovlandoffice@me.com; Awanchena@gmail.com; Milbe1@comcast.net Subject: FW: Cornelia sidewalk project Please see below. If you have concerns about the sidewalk project, please send an email to the city council and voice your concern. Thanks, Yolanda Petre Original Message From: Petre, Yolanda Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 9:35 PM To: 'Birdie Rand'; Schreibers; Tony Lowe; Sandy 81. Dave Phillips; asolyntjes@comcast.net; georgew6928@comcast.net; Fisher, Tracy; Ijcfolks@polka.nef; 'brendafuchs@comcast.net'; 'margerishavy@gmail.com'; 'mkrogan@comcast.net'; 'mhoistad@comcast.net'; 'dennystubbs@live.com'; gpetre@comcast.net Subject: RE: Cornelia sidewalk project Hi everybody, Please see Birdie's email. Follow the chain all the way down. I am planning to write to the city council, per Birdie's suggestion and it would be great if we all did so. Let's show that we may be a "vocal group" but we are not a "small group". Also, after writing this email expressing my concerns with the project I would like to send another request to the city council and ask for another group discussion, this time with the city council not with engineering, and with the purpose to ask for changes in the existing design. I would like to do this shortly after Friday the 29th. For this reason, I would like to ask those that will send an email to do it prior to that date, if possible. One more thing: I have asked for the scoring table and I got it. I am attaching it here for all of you to see. 1 Thanks, Yolanda Petre Original Message From: Birdie Rand [mailto:birdier@currysales.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 9:02 AM To: Petre, Yolanda; Schreibers; Tony Lowe; Sandy & Dave Phillips; asolyntjes@comcastnet; georgew6928@comcast.net; Fisher, Tracy Subject: FW: Cornelia sidewalk project Hi all, Sorry have not gotten back to you all in the last week. Just have been way too busy. We have all got to write emails to the City Council. See below email I got from Jim Hovland. He sent it to me to give me a heads up on what else they are hearing at City Hall. I think individual letters would be best so they get more. For us at 6924, the key topics to address are as follows. Each of you may have different reasoning. 1) The point system used to determine the side of street. No consideration to aesthetics for the street. One 60 year old tree has as much weight as a fire hydrant or steep driveway. 2) There was never a cost analysis done to determine which side of the street would cost the city less. This should be a normal course for anyone operating a business. 3) Safety of the crossing at 68th. If kids have to cross to get to the east side to walk a consistent sidewalk, then crossing to the east side at 70th with a stoplight is safer than crossing in the middle of a yard at 68th. I don't know the email addresses for the Cummings or Bobby Thorpe. If someone does, please forward this email. I did not include everyone from prior emails for obvious reasons. Thanks, Birdie Rand I Vice President I Office 952-351-4230, Mobile 612-819-6683 I 5151 Edina Industrial Blvd, Suite 300 I Edina, MN 55439 I www.currysales.com Original Message From: James Hovland [mailto:jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 8:31 PM To: Birdie Rand Subject: FW: Cornelia sidewalk project Birdie, just an fyi. I think this is the third positive email I have had from Cornelia Drive residents. James B. Hovland, Esquire HOVLAND & RASMUS, PLLC Southdale Office Centre 2 6800 France Avenue S., Suite 190 Edina, MN 55435 jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com Phone: (612) 874-8550 Direct: (612) 874-8551 Fax: (612) 874-9362 Cell: (612) 961-6192 Original Message From: Lynette Biunno [mailto:Ibiunno@EdinaMN.gov] On Behalf Of Edina Mail Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 8:26 AM To: Chad Millner <cmillner@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: FW: Cornelia sidewalk project Good morning, This message has been forwarded to the Mayor and Council members and Chad Millner. Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 Ibiunno@EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Dave Krueger [mailto:krueger.dave1@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 5:02 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Shari Krueger Subject: Cornelia sidewalk project Dear Mayor and City Council, Original Message It has come to our attention that there was an open house regarding the Cornelia sidewalk project last week. Some of our neighbors informed us that a small but very vocal group is trying to rally support to derail the sidewalk project. We would like to be very clear that we fully support the existing sidewalk plan design, which runs down the west side of Cornelia from the school to the corner of 68th Street, where it crosses to the east side and connects to the existing crosswalk at 66th Street. We fully support the design that includes a grass boulevard for safety and aesthetic purposes. We have lived on Cornelia for over 10 years and are looking forward to this summer when the project is complete and we have a lovely (and safe) sidewalk on our block! Thank you, Dave, Shari, Ellie (age 14), Ava (age 12) Krueger 6905 Cornelia Drive cc: Mark Nolan, Chad Milner 3 CORNELIA DR SIDEWALK CONFLICTS WEST SIDE EAST SIDE ADDRESS TREE DRIVEWAY DRV SLOPE LANDSCAPE HYDRANT- WALL ' ADDRESS TREE DRIVEWAY DRV SLOPE LANDSCAPE HYDRANT WALL 4300 1 4225 6.2 1 4301 1 14.9 6945 3.4 1 6940 1 1 9.9 6933 8.1 1 6928 1 3.3 6941 1 1 9.6 6924 1 7.6 6937 1 1 10.1 6920 2.5 1 6933 8.1 1 6916 1 3 6929 1 9.9 6908 1 7.8 6921 1 0.5 6812 2 5.5 6917 1 11.7 6808 1 7.6 6905 4.7 1 6804 1 11.3 6901 1 6.4 6800 1 8.3 6813 1 5 6712 1 7.5 1 6905 1 1 4.7 1 6801 1 TOTAL 8 5 1 0 2 TOTAL W 68th St 6708 1 5.4 1 6717 1 4.5 6704 1 6.9 1 6713 3.8 6700 1 6.9 6705 6.2 6624 1 11.7 6701 7.5 6616 1 10.1 1 1 6629 1 3.1 6608 1 9.1 6617 1.2 6613 3.1 6609 1 9.6 TOTAL 1 5 1 0 3 TOTAL Heather Branigin From: gpetre@comcast.net Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:54 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Mary Brindle; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonannl@gmail.com Subject: Cornelia sidewalk Greetings! We moved in the neighborhood recently and did not have a chance to participate in the early discussions on this topic. When we first heard about the sidewalk, our reaction was positive. We grew up with sidewalks, we like them, and we believe they make a neighborhood more ... neighborly. As we tried to imagine it, we started to realize how hard it is build a sidewalk in an established neighborhood. When we learned that some trees will come down to make room for it, we could not believe it. The impact of the sidewalk on our house is neutral or even positive; we have no trees to loose and we will have some overgrown hedges removed and replaced with new plants for free. Our house though, sits between (I would argue) some of the most beautiful trees on the street. Every time I drive down on Cornelia coming from 70th , I slow down to admire these trees with their canopies that span almost the entire width of the street. I know that the engineers are making changes to the project in an effort to save them and I appreciate this very much. I also know thought that at least 2 of the 3 owners will not take the risk of having a dead tree in 2- 3 years from now and will have their 50 years old trees removed. I saw the scoring used at the decision for the side the sidewalk will go on, and I believe it should be revisited. Some of the scoring I do not understand, the electrical poles have not been accounted for, I found some discrepancies, but even if the corrections are made, I believe the two sides end up very close. This is even more of a reason for re-evaluation. The different obstacles identified should be weighed based on how expensive their removal is (cost factor) and their effect on the overall look of the street (esthetic factor). In the end of my letter I want to ask you is to, please make time and walk along the whole length of Cornelia street; Walk coming from the 70th street and walk again coming from the 66th street. Look at the street now, then imagine it in the summer, and then imagine it again without the trees. Please also note that the side of the street closer to 70th is not as heavily treed as going further toward 66th , which makes these particular trees even more special. Thank you for taking time to read our letter. Sincerely, Yolanda and Gabriel Petre 6932 Cornelia Dr 1 Heather Branigin From: Noel P. Rahn <Noel@geronimoenergy.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 10:03 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Velocity update Today Noel received an email stating Velocity should attend the next EHA board meeting on Feb 8th. (By the way it was sent by the incoming president and not by Devoe.) Because there is going to be a new president and new board members we should delay the vote until everyone has a chance to air out of the concerns. The contract with velocity runs out on March 15th. However,no money changes hands until next sept,therefore we have time for the new board members and president to throughly review the situation. Therefore, I strongly believe we should wait. During the summer months we can make the right decision. (By the way velocity can not have two very important people at the Feb meeting.)EHA doesn't want to change the meeting date which is another reason we should thoroughly discuss when we have more information during the summer months, and again no commitments and money is needed until next Sept-so we have the time. Noel has ask many times to go before the board and Harm says it is not necessary. Therefore the board lacks knowledge on this matter. In summary, the board is not fully familiar with Velocity because Harm has dropped the ball over last two years. I look upon this relationship as a restart and we must make sure everybody is familiar with the decision on the table. I rec'd we delay the EHA decision until all new board members and president are fully aware of the future commitments that are being made. Thank you. (Meanwhile we are diligently building our case with facts,information and figures). We want to make this project the best in the country and we have the right ingredients to make it so. 1 Heather Branigin From: Alan Solyntjes <asolyntjes@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 11:15 PM To: lowea1@comcast.net Cc: swensonannl@gmail.com; Robert Stewart; Kevin Staunton; James Hovland; Mary Brindle Subject: Re: Cornelia Sidewalk Project As a resident of Cornelia Drive (6908) I support what Anthony has so carefully outlined in his letter. I find it especially objectionable that a grading system is used in a process like this that makes no distinction among the types of obstacles, ignoring financial, aesthetic or other differences. Sincerely, Alan Solyntj es On Jan 25, 2016 8:36 PM, loweal@comcast.net wrote: > Dear Edina City Council and Mayor > Everyone on Cornelia Drive realizes the sidewalk is part of a long tem Edina city plan, we accept it, and trust the city has our best interests in mind Since the sidewalk must go in, the next concerns should be aesthetics, cost and safety. The current plan falls short of what it could be. > First, the logic of the point system used to determine the side of the street on which the walk would be located, is questionable. We have been told of an enumeration of "conflicts" used in the analysis, all of the same value — that any tree, telephone pole, fire hydrant or steep driveway and possibly some shrubs all have the same value in this decision. This does not speak of aesthetic, safety or project cost concerns. > If massive mature trees, some 60 years old and 60 feet tall are removed, their beauty will not be replaced for decades. The visual effects of smaller trees and shrubs, fences and hedges can be replaced more immediately, probably in 2 or 3 years. If they can't be moved, telephone poles and fire hydrants can typically be circumvented quite closely in the design of the sidewalk -- mature trees, on the other hand, likely will not survive such close construction as necessitated by the plan without life-shortening damage, and therefore will be removed. Why are items having major beneficial aesthetic effects for the whole neighborhood evaluated the same as those that clearly do not? Doesn't Edina have a moratorium on taking down mature trees? Why would the city deviate from that idea on Cornelia Drive? The east side of the street has far fewer "conflicts" that have difficult-to-replace aesthetic benefits. > In the last meeting with Engineering, the Cornelia Drive residents were told that cost did not enter into the decision of which side would have the walk, but rather, only the "conflict" count. Shouldn't cost be a concern? The city engineers have always tried to mollify us with the idea funding will come from "somewhere else". That "somewhere else" is still a taxpayer somewhere. Don't we owe some cost responsibility to that taxpayer? At the last meeting we finally heard that "somewhere else" is only covering 70% of the project cost, with the remainder coming from Edina. Yes, there really is a cost to us — to all in Edina. If cost is important, why would we work so hard to uproot so many driveways and large trees on the west side of Cornelia, when the work would be so much less costly on the east side? I urge each of you to drive down the street from 70th to 1 68th and look at the space available, the tree-loss and the driveway slopes and see which side of the street makes most sense to you — from both aesthetic and cost standpoints. Fairly large portions of some driveways on the west side will need to be replaced, while on the east very few will require costly changes. According to what we heard in the last meeting, the cost of those repairs/changes were not taken into account when evaluating those "conflicts" relative to others. Some retaining walls will be required on the west side. None will be on the east. > Finally there is a safety issue with the present plan, which has the sidewalk crossing over to the east side just north of the tee intersection at 68th street. It is rather odd not to be able to go straight across 68th street on the east side of Cornelia. Again, I urge you all to drive down the street and take a look at that intersection, and note the present plan has the sidewalk stopping in the middle of 6752, then turning to cross Cornelia. This will be an aesthetic oddity, the like of which I doubt many of you have ever seen. And I can't believe it will make the city's job of clearing the sidewalk of snow very easy, either. > Does it not make more sense to keep the walk on the east side, with a simple crossing at 68th Street? This will certainly be more intuitive to pedestrians, especially young grade school kids — aren't they the justification for this project? > Then, please take a look at the corner of 70th and Cornelia. There is a crossing on the west side of that intersection that goes to a narrow stub sidewalk that slopes right to the curb of this busy intersection, and then goes straight into a telephone pole, where it stops. The current plan shows some odd convolutions to get around the pole and it's guy wire. Wouldn't it be better to have the Cornelia Elementary kids as well as any other pedestrians cross 70th on the east side? The 70th and Cornelia intersection has traffic lights, and the school posts road guards with adult supervision. Further, there is more room on the east side of the street in which to put a sidewalk with a boulevard strip of significant width without incurring grade/slope issues. > Isn't that quite a bit safer? Yes, a hedge and a fence would have to be moved, but they can be restored in days, rather than the years it takes to replace the trees further up the street on the west side. Isn't it better to have more room to put snow, and more space to keep kids off a narrow icy sidewalk right next to the curb and sloping down to it? Wasn't it all about the kids? > Thanks for your consideration. We all count on you to make this change have as much positive impact as possible on the appearance and safety of our street and neighborhood. > Respectfully, > Anthony E. Lowe > 6924 Cornelia Drive > Edina, MN 55435 2 Heather Branigin From: Franz Gastler <franz.gastler@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:51 AM To: ric.dressen@edinaschools.org; Edina Mail; James Hovland Subject: Re: Yuwa India and Edina Rotary Hi Ric and Jim, Just a friendly follow up here. Would you be interested in setting up a time to speak by phone or skype about opportunities for Rotary to invest in Yuwa's girls' education initiatives? Best wishes from India, Franz Franz Gastler Yuwa India www.yuwa-india.org Beyond Sport Barclays Award for Social Inclusion Nike Gamechangers Award Yahoo! India's "12 Unsung Heroes of 2012" NDTV Spirit of Sports Award Times Now Amazing Indians Award Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/yuwa Youtube: www.youtube.com/yuwango Facebook: www.facebook.com/MyYuwa Yuwa, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization and Yuwa-India is registered under the Indian Trusts Act. On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Franz Gastler <franz.gastler@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Ric and Jim, So good to hear from my mom that you stopped in and said you're interested in exploring ways to support Yuwa. I'd be happy to connect with you by skype, phone or email any time about that. You can see a WCCO story on Yuwa here: https://vimeo.com/112635942 and more interviews and news stories by Minnesota and India TV here: https://vimeo.com/yuwa. Hope you're staying warm over there! Let me know when a good time would be to chat by phone / skype. I've attached a Yuwa brochure and our last annual report. Thanks! P.S., The Yuwa girls continue to represent Edina brilliantly throughout India with their Edina soccer jerseys. Yuwa brochure.pdf 'Yuwa Annual Report 2014 (16GB).pdf Franz Gastler Yuwa India www.yuwa-india.org Beyond Sport Barclays Award for Social Inclusion Nike Gamechangers Award Yahoo! India's "12 Unsung Heroes of 2012" NDTV Spirit of Sports Award Times Now Amazing Indians Award Vimeo: www.yimeo.com/yuwa Youtube: www.youtube.com/yuwango Facebook: www.facebook.com/MyYuwa Yuwa, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization and Yuwa-India is registered under the Indian Trusts Act. 2 Heather Branigin From: Brad Benn <Bwmbenn@comcast.net> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 7:40 AM To: 'Ann Swenson' Cc: James Hovland; Mary Brindle; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; Scott H. Neal Subject: RE: Grandview Community Center Dear Ann, Thank you for your response. What won't the School District's Edina Community Center offer that the City's Edina Community Center will? Can't there be more cooperation? The Art Center did have a design done to add more parking but it was never acted on. Little has been spent on the Center's maintenance since the possibility of a move surfaced. I can't imagine that "incredibly expensive" is as much as a new facility. The public is willing to pay taxes to support schools with a great reputation whether they use them or not. They are an attractive amenity for the City. I understand the Art Center subsidy has been tightened up to about $100,000 last year. Less than three dollars per person per year for another attractive amenity that is good for the City's image. I should have noted who made the statement at the meeting and in what context. But it was stated, not that the new art center would only serve Edina residents but that it would not be intended to be a regional art center. The current Art Center is a regional center because of its quality and reputation. I don't know how many signed the petition to keep this property public but I don't think it was in the best interests of the City. I also wonder how much of the support in the art community comes from users of the Art Center. As to the Senior Center, consider making Grandview Square a rectangle and adding twelve more parking spaces on that side of the street. Bradley Benn From: Ann Swenson [mailto:swensonann1(agmail.corn] Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:53 PM To: Brad Benn Subject: Re: Grandview Community Center Bradley, thank you for your thoughts on a community center. We do not own nor can we manage the current community center, it is owned by the school district. I would imagine you know that we have looked twice at the art center and its current building needs. The problems that location gives us is no room to expand parking, current building not ADA compliant so an addition would cause us to bring the old part that is multilevel up to ADA code, which is incredibly expensive. As a city everyone's taxes go to subsidize the current art center each year usually about $300,000. The council to date has never said that if the art center moved it would only serve Edina residents. We did have a purchase agreement that had council support to sell the site years ago right after the public works was moving to their new site. It was to Edina Family Physicians. They backed out of the deal. After that fell 1 through a group of residents demanded by petition that we never sell this piece of land and use it for a public purpose. Where we are today is a compromise to keep some of this land as public space. I do know that there is support in the art community for this move. I would assume it will go to city referendum before anything is built. Ann Swenson, council Sent from my iPad On Jan 26, 2016, at 12:33 PM, Brad Benn <Bwmbenn@comcast.net> wrote: An open letter to the City of Edina We do not need another Community Center I attended an open house for a potential Grandview Community Center. The meeting was held at Public Works a roughly six acre site the City purchased and took off the tax rolls when Public Works moved there. The move left the 3.3 acre Grandview site that could have been developed and put back on the tax rolls. Instead the City has spent years and significant funds trying to come up with a public use for the site. The latest plan is a Community Center. We have a Community Center and do not need another. At the meeting it was suggested that the Senior Center and the Art Center be moved to the Grand view site. Do not move the Senior Center The Senior Center is relatively new. The main issue I have heard from users is that the parking is very limited. Isn't it possible to address that issue rather than move? Do not move the Art Center The Art Center is in an idyllic and inspirational location. All users I have talked to say "it would be dumb" to move from this beautiful natural location. The building has some issues with code. Address those issues for probably much less cost than the proposed entirely new facility. And that is a much more desirable piece of public land to keep (there is talk of selling that off) than the Grandview site. Another point from the meeting was that the new Art Center is not intended to be a regional facility. The current one has the quality and reputation to draw students from across this region. What is wrong with that if they come to take classes and pay their fees? Instead of trying to find a public use for an oddly located three acre plot of land, let's optimize the land and buildings we now have including the Community Center, The Art Center, and the Senior Center Bradley W. M. Benn, Retired Assistant Director of the Edina Art Center and current teacher there. 2 Heather Branigin From: Jackie Shelton <jackie@jackieshelton.com> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:03 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: American Higher Education College Ribbon Cutting/Open House/Campus Tours I Thursday, January 28 I 11:00a.m. — 12:30p.m. Attachments: AHEC_Minnesota January2016_MediaAdvisory.docx Media Contact: Jackie Shelton (775) 624-9999 \ iackieaestiponagroup.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — MEDIA ALERT American Higher Education College Ribbon Cutting/Open House/Campus Tours Thursday, January 28 I 11:00a.m. — 12:30p.m. Ribbon Cutting: 11:30 4444 West 76th Street, Edina Attending the ribbon cutting will be: Edina Mayor James Hovland Kevin Staunton, Edina City Council Mary Brindle, Edina City Council AHEC is part of American Higher Education Development Corporation (AHED), which also operates the Minneapolis Media Institute in Edina. "We have had great success helping thousands of students graduate and go to work through the Minneapolis Media Institute and our other colleges," said AHED CEO/President Stephen Tave. "We have been receiving requests for several years asking us to open up our services to different industries in the Minneapolis area. We did the research, saw the 1 need, and now we are looking forward to providing assistance to the local community by helping train qualified graduates in these new programs." AHEC offers a variety of programs, and educational methods designed to put students to work, including on-campus programs: Medical Office Billing & Coding, HVAC and Medical Assistant. The career college also offers a full range of online programs, including: Allied Health, Contemporary Business Management, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, Paralegal and Social Media & Digital Marketing. AHEC admissions representatives are available to assist potential students with help determining the best path to achieve their career goals, but also financial aid opportunities. For more information, visit http://www.ahectodav.com/admissions or call 888-380-4510. AHEC is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, which is listed as a nationally recognized accrediting agency by the United States Department of Education and is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. It is also approved by the state of Minnesota Office of Higher Education, and is authorized to grant certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees. American Higher Education Development Corporation (AHED) and its family of colleges (American Higher Education College, Minneapolis Media Institute, Madison Media Institute, Rockford Career College, Stautzenberger College, At Home Prep and East West College of Natural Medicine) has been preparing students for in-demand careers since 1862, by relentlessly staying on top of job trends and developing programs to support those trends. For more information, visit wvvw.ahed.com. #141# 2 Heather Branigin From: Anderson, Brad <brad_anderson@uhc.com> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:16 AM To: cschulze@edinamn.gov' Cc: Edina Mail; Chad Millner Subject: RE: Sidewalk project in Terrace Heights Importance: High Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed My e-mail to carter was undeliverable so including a few other e-mails. If you could please confirm receipt I'd appreciate it. Hi Carter — I live on W 56th Street and am responding to the letter that was sent regarding the change in direction for the sidewalk location in Terrace Heights. First, let me acknowledge the difficult position I'm assuming the committee is in having to deal with a difficult and emotional topic that I'm sure people have very passionate opinions on. There is no solution that will make everyone happy and absolutely appreciate that. My understanding is that the original recommendation of the committee was to locate that sidewalk on Woodland. However, that has now been changed to W 56th Street — my guess is after residents of Woodland argued strongly against it. I'm also assuming that very few residents from W 56th St (or any other neighboring streets) were present during those discussions as they would have had no reason to attend given the assumed decision to not locate on our street. I have no bias against having a sidewalk in our neighborhood and certainly understand it needs to go somewhere. If the committee feels as though an honest debate from all parties was considered and W 56th St is the best location for logical reasons and not just because it had the least argumentative residents, then I'll support that decision. However, what I am vehemently against is taking up to 7 feet of property exclusively from the south side. I purchased my lot a year ago (house was torn down) for $505,000 and the lot is 8,095 sq ft. So we paid $62.38 per square foot. Your proposal is to take away up to a 7x65 piece of my property (455 sq ft), or $28,384 of value from a lot I just purchased. No part of the proposal that I can tell details how will I be reimbursed for this considerable loss in value of my property. Further compounding the issue is that there is a proposal to also move all of the cars to the south side of the street. So not only are we losing our front yards but also are now forced to endure significant foot traffic and a view of parked cars just outside our window. Is part of the proposal to remove / reduce my assessment for this work that everyone in the neighborhood is benefiting from yet there is significant disparity in who "pays" for that benefit? My opinion is to narrow the streets further to minimize / eliminate the need to take anyone's property. If property has to be taken, then it should be taken equally from both sides of the street at a minimum. I also feel as though there should be financial compensation given to anyone who has to lose their private property. Happy to discuss or correspond via e-mail if there are any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Best, Brad Anderson 1 612-382-5076 Heather Branigin From: Fisher, Tracy <tracy.fisher@alcon.com> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:58 AM To: Mary Brindle; James Hovland; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonann1 @gmail.com Subject: RE: Cornelia Sidewalk Project Dear City Council and Edina Mayor, We have lived at 6709 Cornelia drive for almost 15 years. The best part of this neighborhood (besides great neighbors) is the beautiful tree lined streets & the wonderful location to the park, school, bike trails, shopping and restaurants. I am very concerned the current proposed plan will permanently destroy the look and beauty of Cornelia Drive. Setting aside the destruction of the beauty and history of Cornelia Drive, of more concern is the safety & logic of the current plan. I am a very active dog walker & gardener and have the opportunity to observe activity on the street during all four seasons. Personally, I do not think the sidewalks will be used much, if at all, as most will prefer to run or walk on the street as has been done for over 50 years. I have walked both north and south from my house many times since the December 2015 meeting conducted by Chad Millner. The current plan makes absolute no sense to have the sidewalk on the west side from 70th until 68th, then adding a pedestrian crossing at the 3 way-stop and resume the sidewalk on the east side to 66th Street. It will look odd, but of more concern is the safety component to have a crosswalk @ such unexpected place on Cornelia Drive, If there must be sidewalks, the sidewalk should be on the west side from Cornelia School (70th St) to Dunberry, with a crosswalk at Dunberry with rest of the sidewalk on the east side all the way down to 66th Street. Please know, I do understand the goal of making Edina a more walker friendly city, and am all in favor. But I would ask this group to please take a look & ask the question, "If I lived on Cornelia Drive, would I want the plan to proceed as it currently exists today?" Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration. Kind regards, %tut 7i44et National Account Director Alcone Vision Care 6709 Cornelia Drive Edina, MN 55435 Office: 952-929-0967 Cell: 612-859-5638 1 Heather Branigin From: Charlotte A. de Julio <cdejulio@MesserliKramer.com> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:05 PM To: Charlotte A. de Julio Subject: Reminder: MLC Regional Legislative Breakfast Tomorrow Morning Attachments: Directions to LMC.doc As a reminder, the MLC's Regional Legislative Breakfast is taking place tomorrow morning. This breakfast is for the cities of Maplewood, Shoreview, and Woodbury. Below is the invite to this event with more details. We hope to see you there! Charlotte Charlotte Antin de Julio Direct: 651.556.9205 Fax: 651.228.9787 cdejulioPmesserlikramer.com www.messerlikramer.com Messerli & Kramer P.A. 525 Park Street I Suite 130 St, Paul, MN 55103-2044 ESSERU & KRAV MOVING WHAT MATTERS OR WARD MUNiCIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION The Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC) cordially invites you to attend our Regional Legislative Breakfast Meeting Friday, January 29, 2016 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. League of Minnesota Cities Building St. Croix Conference Room 145 University Avenue West St Paul, Minnesota Formal Invitations Will Follow 1 Please RSVP to Charlotte de Julio by phone at 651-556-9205 or by e-mail at cdejulio@messerlikramer.com Invitees to the Breakfast Include: Legislators Sen. Bev Scalze (Shoreview, SD 42) Rep. Barb Yarusso (Shoreview, 42A) Rep. Jason Isaacson (Shoreview, 42B) Sen. Chuck Wiger (Maplewood, SD 43) Rep. Peter Fischer (Maplewood, 43A) Rep. Leon Lillie (Maplewood, 43B) Sen. Susan Kent (Woodbury/Maplewood, SD 53) Rep. JoAnn Ward (Woodbury/Maplewood, 53A) Rep. Kelly Fenton (Woodbury, 53B) Metropolitan Council Members Marie McCarthy Harry Melander Sandy Rummel Mayors and City Council Members City of Maplewood City of Shoreview City of Woodbury 2 Heather Branigin From: Schreibers <patriciasteven@comcastnet> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:07 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Cornelia sidewalks Dear Mr. Neal, Mayor Hovland and Edina city council members, We were in Palm Springs recently and I observed this! Chad has mentioned that the hydrants are not ideally located for our sidewalk project, that the sidewalk should have gone in when the new street did, in '07. That was when they were voted against by the majority of residents, before the Safe Routes to School was even thought of. It looks here as though the sidewalks were an afterthought also, but they dealt with them in this way. This was in a commercial area, and work was still being done, hence sod was not in yet. It's a nice solution. Tricia Schreiber 1 Heather Branigin From: Hoffner, Dawn <Dawn.Hoffner@metrotransit.org> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 3:17 PM To: James Hovland Subject: FW: SWLRT CMC Meeting - Feb. 3 Attachments: CMC_Agenda_20160203.pdf; MN_CMC_20151209_draft.pdf Good Afternoon SWLRT CMC Members and Alternates, Attached is the agenda for the upcoming SWRLT CMC Meeting, along with the draft minutes from the Dec. 9 meeting. The upcoming meeting will be held: Wednesday, February 3 10:00 a.m. St. Louis Park City Hall Dawn Hoffner Executive Assistant I SWLRT Project Office P. 612.373.3944 Metro Transit Southwest Light Rail Transit Project Office 6465 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 500 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 1 Southwest LRT Corridor Management Committee Meeting Wednesday, February 3, 2016 10:00 — 11:30 a.m. St. Louis Park City Hall 5005 Minnetonka Blvd., St. Louis Park 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from December 9, 2015 3. Chair Update 4. 2016 Look Ahead 5. Section 4(f) Update 6. Station and OMF Renderings 7. Station Naming 8. Adjournment Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 2 at 10:00 a.m. Metropolitan Council St. Louis Park City Hall, 5005 Minnetonka Blvd., St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Meeting of the Southwest Corridor Management Committee December 9, 2015 Members Present Members Absent Chair Adam Duininck Jan Callison Steve Elkins Linda Higgins James Hovland Keith Bogut Jeff Jacobs Steve Elkins Matt Look Scott McBride Peter McLaughlin Jennifer Munt Will Roach Jason Gadd Betsy Hodges Brian Lamb Terry Schneider Jake Spano Nancy Tyra-Lukens Marion Green (Alt) Molly Cummings (Alt) 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Adam Duininck called the December 9, 2015 meeting of the Southwest Corridor Management Committee to order at 10:35 a.m. at the St. Louis Park City Hall. Chair Duininck congratulated Mayor Elect Cummings and Mayor Elect Spano on the recent election. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Duininck presented the September 2, 2015 SWLRT Corridor Management Committee meeting minutes for approval. Mr. Will Roach made a motion to accept the minutes, Council Member Jennifer Munt seconded it, and the motion was then unanimously approved. Chair Duininck reported on the regional transitway system and reminded members we are trying to accomplish regional connectivity. A map of the transitway system was shown, with recently completed projects and new projects shown. The two projects that need to have legislative action taken are SWLRT and the Orange Line, which is an important bus rapid transit (BRT) project that runs along the 35W corridor. The Green Line, which has been in operation for a little over a year, has been exceeding 40,000 average weekday rides for 10 straight weeks. There is a lot of good development happening along the Green Line. Commissioner Peter McLaughlin mentioned that the Blue Line has also been very successful. Hennepin County just closed on a TOD site along the Blue Line at Hiawatha and Lake. There will be a human services hub built at this location, combined with retail and the first phase of housing development. Of the 17 Fortune 500 companies located in Minnesota, 16 are in the Twin Cities, and 11 will be on existing or planned regional transitways. Sport and entertainment venues along these lines include Target Field, Target Center, US Bank, TCF, the new soccer stadium, Xcel Energy Center and CHS Field. We need to keep the message that this is about building out a full system, not just an individual line. Mayor Schneider stated this is a good message to have. Along with the mention of the Fortune 500 companies, the number of employees that are served now and will be served with the future line will carry an even stronger message. 3. UPDATE ON PROJECT PARTNER CONTRIBUTIONS Mr. Craig Lamothe stated that the project office has been moving the project forward on many fronts, and this is from the continued engagement and support from the project partners. Mr. Lamothe thanked all the dedication from the staff from the project partners. 1 The 60% design milestone has now been completed. The project office made two formal critical submittals to the FTA this fall, one being a full New Starts application, which reflects the scope recommended by CMC and approved by the Council in July. The other is a submittal for the notice of intent to seek entry into the engineering phase. Since the Met Council action on the scope in July, Hennepin County has made a pledge to a future in- kind land transfer, valued at $30M. Following that, project partners, including the county and corridor cities, have been making pledges to future funding, as well as potential future in-kind land transfers. The in-kind land transfers would require adjustments to the project cost estimate. Some project partners have requested to include a small number of items in the project scope, with a firm financial commitment from those requesting partners. Those items were shown on a map, which include: a trail tunnel under the freight railroad corridor to the Louisiana Station; three grade separated regional trail crossings at Wooddale, Blake and Beltline; and an extension of Lynn Avenue near Beltline Station. Mayor Elect Jake Spano mentioned the importance of the Lynn Avenue extension to the City. The Lynn Avenue extension will support transit oriented development at that site and should increase ridership at that station. Mr. Lamothe said the total of these items is approximately $16.2M in scope, of which half will be funded by federal funds, and half paid for by the requested partner. These cost estimates would bring the project cost estimate to approximately $1.79B. With these increases, there would be no increase in CTIB, HCRRA or state funding. With these elements, the local funding commitment would be $745.3M. 4. NEXT STEPS Mr. Jim Alexander went over the next steps, which include: Q1 of 2016, the FTA will be reviewing the appraisals of the in-kind land transfers; Q2 2016 the FTA and Met Council will complete the environmental review process. For the major contract packages, it is anticipated that there will be one civil; one systems; and one OMF package; along with the light rail vehicle contract. In Q1/Q2 2016 Met Council will conduct the project risk assessment. The in-kind land transfers were shown on the map. These appraisals must go through FTA review. The reach of the land transfer from Hennepin County is from Shady Oak Station to Van White Station. In St. Louis Park, the land parcels are at the Beltline park and ride and the other one near the water tower just east of Hwy. 100; in Hopkins, the land parcel is at the downtown Hopkins station; in Minnetonka, it is around the Opus Station, and in Eden Prairie it is at the City West Station area. Mr. Alexander went through the major project milestones. The 90% design plans for the proposed alignment are scheduled for completion in winter of 2016. The plans would then be 100% complete in the spring of 2016. The Record of Decision is anticipated in the summer of 2016, which leads into the request for engineering with FTA. The start for civil construction would be the fall of 2016; with systems starting in the winter 2016; and OMF construction in spring of 2017. Heavy construction would be 2017 — 2019, with revenue service still scheduled for 2020. Mr. Alexander reviewed some of the activities that will be included in the 2016 design activities. Design renderings were shown of some stations and the OMF. Commissioner McLaughlin asked if Three Rivers Park District is making a contribution on the bike trails. Mr. Lamothe stated that they are providing a portion of the local funding, which is being passed through the county, for the three grade separated trail crossings. 2 Commissioner McLaughlin asked if we feel our Federal ranking of medium high will be maintained. Mr. Lamothe said our submittal in August is under active review. We will know when the funding recommendation comes out in February. We believe we still have a strong project and will be able to maintain the rating that we had. Commissioner McLaughlin also thanked the elected officials for coming forward to make this project happen. Mayor Schneider asked when the land acquisitions get factored in. Mr. Lamothe indicated that this would be in the spring timeframe. Commissioner Greene asked for some discussion on the noise mitigation and how the communities will be involved. Mr. Lamothe stated we are at the point where we are working through the environmental and design processes, and proposed noise mitigation plans will be reflected in the 90% design plans. They will also be identified in the FEIS, which will be out this spring. 5. 10/27 CAC AND BAC CONSTRUCTION OUTREACH AND COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Sam O'Connell reported that on October 27, there was a joint meeting of the BAC and CAC to start discussions and to identify outreach and communication techniques for the upcoming construction. Also discussed were the upcoming community events and discussion about creative ways for the project to move through construction with as little disruption as possible to the communities. The committees came up with some good ideas, which include; develop a SWLRT construction kit which provides a big picture overview of the construction; use high and low technology for the information; to have advance notices as much as possible; to involve locally elected officials and staff; and to provide resources in multiple languages. Other ideas include: coordinate with MnDOT for road closures; provide clear signage; coordinate for transit route changes; conduct on site tours; attend community meetings; and meet with neighborhood associations and property managers. Mayor Elect Spano mentioned for the Green Line that Met Council was very flexible with signage, which should also be done within our areas to make sure that people can find the businesses along the line during construction. Councilmember Jennifer Munt mentioned that the CAC also thought a good idea would be to create an app to help people during construction. Example of having a company send out a link to their employees so they could monitor if an area they travel is going to be under construction. This would also be a good way to get rapid information to people. Mr. Will Roach mentioned the business community will be looking for consistent and appropriate communication and coordination. Mr. Scott McBride mentioned MnDOT will continue to coordinate all their construction projects on the west side with SWLRT. 6. 10/21 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR KICK-OFF EVENT Ms. O'Connell reported there were approximately 190 people in attendance at the October 21 construction kick off mixer. The purpose of this mixer was to introduce the project to contractors that may not be aware of the project, and to explain the corridor using the roll plots. Representatives from the procurement, contracts and DBE divisions were also there to discuss the processes of their areas and go over workforce and DBE. The full list of the attendees along with the presentation is available on the SWLRT website. 7. DBE AND WORKFORCE OVERVIEW Ms. Wanda Kirkpatrick, Director of Office of Equal Opportunity provided an overview of the 3 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and the workforce program. The DBE program is set by the federal government for agencies that get more than $250,000 federal money. The program is only on subcontracting opportunities, and is meant to increase the amount of small women and minority businesses inclusion on the project. DBE vendors do have to be certified. To become certified, the DBE vendors must apply and be owned and controlled by either a woman or minority. The goals for the DBE program must be narrowly tailored and be reflective of the local market. Oversight activities conducted by the Met Council include conducting pre-bid information sessions; conducting bid evaluations and reference checks; and conducting field verification interviews. There are monthly oversight committee meetings, along with many meet and greets held in advance of major procurements. There are also annual DBE roundtable sessions held, which is for community members, where DBEs and prime contractors to get together and provide information. A post project audit is then conducted, which is required by the federal government. On CCLRT, there was $125.3M that went into the DBE community from CCLRT work. A breakdown of the DBE work was shown. The chart for SWLRT DBE firms working on the project to date was shown, along with their goals and the amount billed to date for each DBE firm. Chair Duininck asked if the DBE goals for civil, systems and OMF construction all will be the same or will they be the different. Ms. Kirkpatrick said this will be based on what the scope of the work will entail and then see what DBEs are available for that type of work. A goal will then be set. Ms. Kirkpatrick said the DBE program is for businesses, and the Workforce program is for the people who work on the project. The workforce goals have been set by the Department of Human Rights for the State of Minnesota. For SWLRT, there will be a 6% women goal for all trades and a 32% minority goal for all trades. For CCLRT, the workforce goal was met, The US Bank Stadium is also meeting these goals. We are in close contact with them and will develop a tracking system so the employees working on their project will have an opportunity to work on the SWLRT project. Ms. Kirkpatrick introduced Andrew Larson, who is the DBE project manager and will be working directly with the DBEs and prime contractors and staff to ensure the DBE and workforce programs are achieved. Commissioner Callison asked what the consequences are if the DBE goals fall short after the project is complete. Ms. Kirkpatrick stated there are consequences in the contractor's contract for the DBE goals. We will be monitoring the goals and ensuring the contractors are doing what they are supposed to be doing to meet the goals. If at the end, they didn't meet the goals or didn't make a good faith effort to meet the goal, we will then look at what needs to be done from what the contract standpoint. Commissioner Callison asked what the Federal Government does to the Met Council if the goals are not met. Ms. Kirkpatrick said the Federal government will audit what we have, and check to see where we fell short. They will then provide us with some strong guidance so it doesn't happen again. Ms. Kirkpatrick stated that for the Workforce goals, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights has the authority from the legislature to stop the project until the contractor provides something saying they will do a better job to meet the goal. Met Council, Department of Human Rights, and the contractor will be working together to ensure the goals are met. Councilmember Munt said one of the strongest talking points legislatively for SWLRT is the workforce and the payroll. CCLRT's payroll was $256M, which much of which was paid to construction workers working on the project representing over 60 counties in Minnesota. 4 Mayor Elect Spano asked for some talking points in the future for the project partners to help spread the word on advancing the project's goals for these. Ms. Kirkpatrick said there will be a website and we will use what worked well for CCLRT in this area. 8. ADJOURNMENT Chair Duininck mentioned that the next meeting will be January 6 at 10:00, at St. Louis Park City Hall. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Dawn Hoffner, Recording Secretary 5 Heather Branigin From: Floyd Grabiel <feglaw@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 4:07 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Planning Commission Jim, I have applied for openings on the Planning Commission. I interview on Thursday the 4th. Many things are happening right now in development and I hope to add my experience to the mix. I would greatly appreciate your support. Best regards, Floyd Floyd Grabiel feglaw!gmail.com 651.503.8809 1 Heather Branigin From: Larry Olson <lolson01@yahoo.com > Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 1:41 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Mark K. Nolan; Chad Millner; Scott H. Neal Subject: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Attachments: Item V_ P_ Res_ No_ 2015-10 Supporting Application.pdf Dear Mayor and City Council, We were very disappointed to learn the Cornelia Drive sidewalk was added to the agenda for Tuesday's City Council Meeting. We can only conclude this is so the approved plan can be modified and diminished. Opening this up for change is a direct affront on the efforts by hundreds of citizen volunteers and paid experts in organizations such as Bloomington Public Health (includes Edina), SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Program), Edina Transportation Commission, The Community Health Commission and others who worked very hard to implement The Active Routes to School Plan, Living Streets and the city Sidewalk Plan. It is insulting and demoralizing to city staff who used their experience and expertise to develop this plan which you now want to call into question in order to appease a handful of vocal and politically connected residents. It's troubling and sets a poor precedent that one or two residents can influence the mayor and/or council to overturn decisions. Most residents provided feedback and input when it was requested and appropriate. Please hold firm on the approved design which includes a grass boulevard for aesthetics, safety and snow management. I'm attaching the sidewalk plan which City Council APPROVED on January 6, 2015 in Resolution 2015-10 and clearly states the side of the street for the sidewalk and the inclusion of a boulevard. Thank you for your continuing efforts to make Edina a more walkable and pedestrian friendly community for all it's residents. Larry, Amy Olson and Tate (10) Olson 6808 Cornelia Dr 1 To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: Mark Nolan, Transportation Planner Date: January 6, 2015 Agenda Item #: V. P. Action Discussion information x j Subject: Resolution No, 2015-10 Supporting Application for Safe Routes to School Program Infrastructure Grant Action Requested: Adopt the attached resolution. Information / Background: On Dec. 2, 2014, the City Council unanimously approved the Sidewalk Facilities Map Comprehensive Plan Amendment, which includes a sidewalk on Cornelia Drive between W. 66th Street and W. 70th Street. This sidewalk was also included on the previous (2008) Comprehensive Plan, and is highlighted on Edina's Comprehensive Active Rotates to School (ARTS) Plan as a recommended sidewalk. Staff is recommending that this sidewalk be constructed in 2015. The project would include the construction of approximately 3,000 feet of 5-foot concrete sidewalk with 3- to 5-foot boulevards to connect to existing sidewalks at W. 66th Street (and Rosland Park) and W. 70th Street (and Cornelia Elementary School). On Dec. I 5, 2014, a public meeting was held with residents who live on or near Cornelia Drive between W. 66th Street and W. 70th Street regarding the project. Phone calls and emails received prior to this meeting were mostly positive, and feedback at the meeting was roughly evenly split between support and opposition/concern. Staff shared the preliminary layout (see attached), discussed potential impacts (e.g. trees, fire hydrants, etc.) on both sides of the street, and answered questions from residents. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) administers the state Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grants program which provides federal funding for projects to improve safety conditions and promote K-12 students walking and biking to school. This infrastructure grant, if awarded for this project, will pay for up to 80 percent of its construction costs. Engineering/design work and the balance of construction costs would come from the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. Staff estimates the total costs for the project to be approximately $300,000 ($262,000 for construction, $38,000 for engineering/clerical). Attachments: 0 Resolution No. 2015-10 0 Cornelia Drive Sidewalk SRTS Program Application Location Map G:It'VVIINFRAS AGENCtESISTATEMIND01120 I SRTS‘Itent V. P. Resolittiou No -2015-10 Supporting Application for Safe Routes to School Grant docx City of Edina • 4801 W. 50' St. Edina, MN 55424 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-10 Supporting the 2014 Safe Routes to School Program Infrastructure Grant Application, For Sidewalk On Cornelia Drive, on the east side from W. 66th Street to W. 68th Street, and on the west side from W. 68th Street to W. 70th Street WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) administers the state Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grants program which provides federal funding for projects to improve safety conditions and promote K-12 students walking and biking to school; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has identified the importance of sidewalk and pedestrian planning through the Transportation Comprehensive Plan, its Living Streets Policy and recently-approved Sidewalk Facilities Map Comprehensive Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina's approved Active Routes to School Comprehensive Plan has specifically recommended this Cornelia Avenue sidewalk segment as a safe route to school; and WHEREAS, the project would include the construction of approximately 3,000 feet of 5-foot concrete sidewalk with boulevards to connect to existing sidewalks at W 66th Street and W 70th Street; and WHEREAS, the construction of this sidewalk segment will enhance the safety conditions of children and their families walking and biking to Cornelia Elementary School and Rosland Park; and WHEREAS, City staff have consulted with representatives of Cornelia Elementary and Edina Public Schools regarding the sidewalk project and associated SRTS infrastructure grant application; and WHEREAS, SRTS funds will be used to supplement the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund for this projects, leveraging these funds to make the City more walkable. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Edina endorses the application for funds as administered by MnDOT and that the City agrees to assume full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the SRTS sidewalk along Cornelia Drive between W. 66th Street and W. 70th Street. Dated: January 6, 2015 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 6, 2015, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20 . City Clerk 250 City of Edina: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Safe Routes to School Program 2014 Application 500 Feet I 0 RANc *A4 HWAY 62 64TH AVE , 65TH, Rosland Park/Aquatic Center Existing RRFB Crossing, Southdale Center Project Location Existing Crosswalks at Sic lr:alized Intersection GAL Lt • Cornelia Elementary School Heather Branigin From: Doug Boettge <dboettge@icloud.com> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 3:21 PM To: Mary Brindle; James Hovland; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonann1 @gmail.com Cc: Chad Millner; Mark K. Nolan Subject: Cornelia Sidewalk Dear City Council, I recently learned that the proposed sidewalk on Cornelia Drive will be on the agenda for the Feb. 2nd City Council Meeting and I am writing to (yet again) offer my support for the project. Three years ago, I submitted a petition for a sidewalk on Cornelia Drive which was signed by over 50 residents in the neighborhood who support a sidewalk on this street. A sidewalk on Cornelia Drive is necessary for many reasons. Cornelia Drive has sight-line issues, high speeds, is a route to Cornelia Elementary School and Rosland Park, and it is also a corridor for high pedestrian activity in general. Anyone who walks this route knows the dangers first hand. The project has received a grant from Safe Routes to School, has already been approved by the City Council, is on the Active Routes to School Plan, the Sidewalk Plan, and the project aligns with the criteria outlined in the Living Streets Policy. I am discouraged that the project is back on the agenda and would ask that you please move forward as planned. Many people have tirelessly supported this project with years of hard work and dedication. Most importantly, however, many people in the Cornelia neighborhood will benefit from having a route to walk safely to school, the park, the pool, and to the commercial areas near France Avenue. Sincerely, Emily Boettge Heather Branigin From: Mary Brindle <mbrindle@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 4:02 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk HI Larry, Thank you for your time this afternoon. I have walked Cornelia Drive several times with residents, some who are friends of mine. Today's meeting was at the invitation of Tricia Schreiber. I appreciate Amy's time and strong advocacy for the sidewalk that is planned. I will support the decision already made by the city council and the plan that is in place. Please relay my thanks to Amy for taking time to visit with us today. Mary Brindle. Mary Brindle mbrindle@comcast.net 612-270-9887 call or text From: Edina Mail Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 3:18 PM Subject: FW: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 IbiunnoREdinaMN.qov I www.EdinaMN.qov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Larry Olson [rnailto:lolson01@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 1:41 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Mark K. Nolan; Chad Millner; Scott H. Neal Subject: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Dear Mayor and City Council, We were very disappointed to learn the Cornelia Drive sidewalk was added to the agenda for Tuesday's City Council Meeting. We can only conclude this is so the approved plan can be modified and diminished 1 Opening this up for change is a direct affront on the efforts by hundreds of citizen volunteers and paid experts in organizations such as Bloomington Public Health (includes Edina), SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Program), Edina Transportation Commission, The Community Health Commission and others who worked very hard to implement The Active Routes to School Plan, Living Streets and the city Sidewalk Plan. It is insulting and demoralizing to city staff who used their experience and expertise to develop this plan which you now want to call into question in order to appease a handful of vocal and politically connected residents. It's troubling and sets a poor precedent that one or two residents can influence the mayor and/or council to overturn decisions. Most residents provided feedback and input when it was requested and appropriate. Please hold firm on the approved design which includes a grass boulevard for aesthetics, safety and snow management. I'm attaching the sidewalk plan which City Council APPROVED on January 6, 2015 in Resolution 2015-10 and clearly states the side of the street for the sidewalk and the inclusion of a boulevard. Thank you for your continuing efforts to make Edina a more walkable and pedestrian friendly community for all it's residents. Larry, Amy Olson and Tate (10) Olson 6808 Cornelia Dr 2 Heather Branigin From: Dave Krueger <krueger.davel@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 4:46 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Shari Krueger Subject: Cornelia sidewalk Dear Mayor and City Council, I see that the Cornelia Sidewalk project is back on the Council Agenda for next Thursday. "Staff is concerned that Council's previous support for this project, and specifically the recommended project design, has diminished. If the Council no longer supports the project and/or the recommended project design, now is the optimal time to change course as it would allow staff sufficient time to decline the TAP grant and pull the plans and specifications from the bidding process." The neighborhood meeting referenced in the agenda was a gathering to rally opposition to the sidewalk. It was not attended by sidewalk supporters because we were under the impression that the official sidewalk debate had ended with the approval of the plan. Nobody wants to get into a fight with their neighbors, so why bother attending if you know there is a difference of opinion. It's very disappointing to see this project back in limbo because of the actions of a few neighbors. It is not true that neighborhood support for the project and design has diminished. Our family has lived on Cornelia Drive for over 10 years and have been supportive of sidewalks the entire time. Cornelia is often used as a "cut through" between 66th and 70th streets and receives a lot of pass through traffic. I urge you to vote for safety and keep the existing plan for sidewalks with a grass boulevard in place. Sincerely, Dave, Shari, Ellie and Ava Krueger 6905 Cornelia Drive cc: Mark Nolan, Chad Milner 1 Heather Branigin From: Ann Swenson <swensonannl@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 6:47 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Larry, so agree. I still support the current plan. Ann Swenson Sent from my iPad On Jan 29, 2016, at 3:18 PM, Edina Mail <mail@EdinaMN.gov> wrote: Lynette Biunno, Receptionist fA, 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 <image001.gil-- IbiunnoEdinaMN.qov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Larry Olson [mailtodolson010yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 1:41 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Mark K. Nolan; Chad Millner; Scott H. Neal Subject: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Dear Mayor and City Council, We were very disappointed to learn the Cornelia Drive sidewalk was added to the agenda for Tuesday's City Council Meeting. We can only conclude this is so the approved plan can be modified and diminished Opening this up for change is a direct affront on the efforts by hundreds of citizen volunteers and paid experts in organizations such as Bloomington Public Health (includes Edina), SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Program), Edina Transportation Commission, The Community Health Commission and others who worked very hard to implement The Active Routes to School Plan, Living Streets and the city Sidewalk Plan. It is insulting and demoralizing to city staff who used their experience and expertise to develop this plan which you now want to call into question in order to appease a handful of vocal and politically connected residents. It's troubling and sets a poor precedent that one or two residents can influence the mayor and/or council to overturn decisions. Most residents provided feedback and input when it was requested and appropriate. Please hold firm on the approved design which includes a grass boulevard for aesthetics, safety and snow management. I'm attaching the sidewalk plan which City Council APPROVED on January 6, 2015 in Resolution 2015-10 and clearly states the side of the street for the sidewalk and the inclusion of a boulevard. 1 Thank you for your continuing efforts to make Edina a more walkable and pedestrian friendly community for all it's residents. Larry, Amy Olson and Tate (10) Olson 6808 Cornelia Dr <Item V_ P_ Res_ No 2015-10 Supporting Application.pdf> 2 Heather Branigin From: Noel P. Rahn <Noel@geronimoenergy,com> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 11:41 PM To: James Hovland Subject: EHA meeting Have talked to Joe H. I am in the process of setting up a meeting in the month of Feb. I have been working on this all day and have found out some very interesting items. I will share these with you this week-end. Question-who owns the hornets nest? Who controls the nest during the "entire year". Right now curt Giles runs braemar locker rooms during the summer months and we have a terrific idea how we can generate 60 to 80 notthousand dollars each summer. We are trying to have a meeting with Susie early next week and when we know more I will sit down with you. There are things going on you should know about. They are not good. Velocity is on a full court press on this matter. Sent from my iPhone 1 Heather Branigin From: Sarah Way <sarahway@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:10 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Cornelia Sidewalk I understand that the Cornelia sidewalk project is being discussed at the Edina City Council meeting this week. As a resident of the Cornelia neighborhood, I would like to lend my support to the sidewalk project. I believe it would be a huge safety improvement to the kids in the neighborhood, of which I am the proud mother of two. Cornelia drive is a major artery for walkers on their way to school, and to Rosland park and the Edina pool. Please do not deviate from the unanimously approved plan for the sidewalk. Thanks, Sarah Way 4705 Aspasia Circle 1 Heather Branigin From: Mugs Berdelman <mberdelman@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 12:04 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Cornelia sidewalk project I am a 12 year resident in the Cornelia area, a mother of two girls who attended Cornelia and a frequent dog walker. I am very much in favor of the project to construct a sidewalk from Cornelia school to the Edina pool at Rosland park. Drivers in the area are not always yielding to walkers. In order to provide a safe neighborhood I believe it is imperative that this project move forward as proposed, building this sidewalk for our children and neighborhood. Thanks for your consideration. Mugs Berdelman 612.309.2090 Sent from my iPhone 1 Heather Branigin From: Albert Tsai <alwtsai@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 5:34 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Support for the Cornelia Drive sidewalk project To Mayor Hovland and the Edina City Council: I am disappointed to learn the Cornelia Drive sidewalk project was added to the agenda of the 2/2/2016 Edina City Council Meeting for the Council to reaffirm their previous decision. From what I understand, some members of our community were unhappy with the decision to move forward with the project, and took measures to persuade members of the Council to reconsider the decision to go forward. I am writing to submit my support for this project. I strongly urge you to reaffirm the original decision. I support creating a physical environment that supports active living - which a sidewalk does. More specifically, this project makes sense because it will significantly lower the risk of motor vehicles injuring pedestrians. I personally know at least 15 children who walk to and/or home from Cornelia Elementary - including my own. As a parent, I fear for their safety from motor vehicles, some of which drive recklessly. Moreover, hundreds of residents in the Lake Cornelia and South Cornelia neighborhoods walk this road to and from the lake. Their safety has always been at risk on this road. A sidewalk lowers that risk. As a side note, I am angry that this decision is even up for discussion. A very open, public, and reasonable process was followed to allow members of the community to weigh in on this issue and do whatever they could, within the limits of the law and ethical standards, to influence your decision. Once the Council ruled on this project, that decision - like pretty much every Council ruling - should be considered final. Only under clearly extentuenating circumstances should it be justified for decisions to be reconsidered. Even when decisions do not result in the way we want, it is our responsibility as citizens to accept them - and not take measures into our own hands to try to reverse those decisions. We all accept the terms of the system of governance in our community, and that means accepting decisions we do not like just as we do those that we agree with. My goal in writing was not, however, to focus on what has happened to bring us to this point. I am asking you to please hold firm on the approved design. Thank you for your continuing efforts to make Edina a more walkable and pedestrian friendly community for all our residents. Sincerely, Albert W. Tsai, PhD, MPH 6713 Wooddale Avenue S. 1 Heather Branigin From: Alisa Duran <duran012@ummedu> Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 10:08 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Please complete the sidewalk on Cornelia Dr. Dear Sir or Madam, I have been a resident of the Cornelia neighborhood for 10 years. We live at 6941 Cornelia Dr and my son Ben is a 3rd grader at Cornelia elementary. I absolutely love our neighborhood with a single exception-the traffic on our street. We live literally a 1/2 block from the school. People consistently use Cornelia Dr. as a thoroughfare to 66th street and regularly speed down our street at 40+MPH. One more than one occasion, I have feared that either my son Ben or my dog would be mowed down by a car. We have been anxiously waiting for this project to be completed. I am sorry that some people cannot see the safety risks associated with this project NOT being completed. It makes me sad that people value their lawns and their trees more than our children. It is only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs. It is simply not safe. Please consider this as people continue to oppose this project. If there are not going to be sidewalks, then an alternative such as speed bumps need to be strongly considered before a young child dies on his/her way back from our community elementary school. A very concerned citizen, Alisa Duran MD, FACP Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of General Medicine University of Minnesota Office 612 626 4603 Pager 612 899 2670 420 Delaware Street, MMC 741 A638 Mayo Minneapolis, MN 55455 1 Heather Branigin From: Eric Ecklund <eecklund11@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:16 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Dan Patch Corridor Dear James Hovland, Does the City of Edina have an official stance on the proposal for passenger rail on the Dan Patch Corridor between Minneapolis and Northfield? Heather Branigin From: Ann Swenson <swensonannl@gmail.corn> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 8:59 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Cornelia sidewalk Dave, I support this design and project 100 percent. Ann Swenson Sent from my iPad On Feb 1, 2016, at 8:12 AM, Edina Mail <mail@EdinaMN.gov> wrote: Good morning, This message has been forwarded to the Mayor and Council members and Chad Millner. Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 <irnage001.gif IbiunnoaEdinaMN.ov I www.EdinaMN.qov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families St Doing Business From: Dave Krueger [mailto:krueger.davel(agmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 4:46 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Shari Krueger Subject: Cornelia sidewalk Dear Mayor and City Council, I see that the Cornelia Sidewalk project is back on the Council Agenda for next Thursday. "Staff is concerned that Council's previous support for this project, and specifically the recommended project design, has diminished. If the Council no longer supports the project and/or the recommended project design, now is the optimal time to change course as it would allow staff sufficient time to decline the TAP grant and pull the plans and specifications from the bidding process." The neighborhood meeting referenced in the agenda was a gathering to rally opposition to the sidewalk. It was not attended by sidewalk supporters because we were under the impression that the official sidewalk debate had ended with the approval of the plan. Nobody wants to get into a fight with their neighbors, so why bother attending if you know there is a difference of opinion. It's very disappointing to see this project back in limbo because of the actions of a few neighbors. It is not true that neighborhood support for the project and design has diminished. Our family has lived on Cornelia Drive for over 10 years and have been supportive of sidewalks the entire time. Cornelia is often used as a "cut through" between 66th and 70th streets and receives a lot of pass through traffic. I urge you to vote for safety and keep the existing plan for sidewalks with a grass boulevard in place. 1 Sincerely, Dave, Shari, Ellie and Ava Krueger 6905 Cornelia Drive cc: Mark Nolan, Chad Milner 2 Heather Branigin From: Lucy.DeMars@wellsfargo.com Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 9:06 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: I support sidewalks in Edina!! Hello, I am a resident of the Cornelia neighborhood in Edina and I want to express my support for ANY and ALL sidewalks that are put in. Edina needs sidewalks!!! Thanks, Lucy De Mars Apps Systems Engineer - Safebox Systems Office 612/667-8925 Cell 612-270-6216 Lucy.DeMars@wellsfargo.com This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message or any information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply email and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 Heather Branigin From: Noel P. Rahn <Noel@geronimoenergy.com > Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 9:34 AM To: James Hovland Subject: Devoe's letter I take issure with his letter to infer we are slow in our responses. In fact we can show you emails will illustrate the opposite. We are meeting daily on this matter and are going to have a date today. We are gathering a lot of info and want to show it to you this week. He is playing to the crowd. I see your hand in his change of attitude because of you. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone 1 Heather Branigin From: Darren Wennen <darrenwennen@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 11:02 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Cornelia Sidewalk Project Edina City Council, I am a Cornelia Neighborhood resident and have been apprised of the Cornelia Sidewalk project - not via the city - but via my neighbors (which is a bit concerning to me as I live in the affected neighborhood). Frankly, I support this project as my kids (and I) use this route frequently and I would like to have a "safer" route for them to travel - which is why this project was initiated in the first place. But my email encompasses more than just support for this project. Seeing the due process of this project getting interrupted AFTER review, discussion and approval is extremely frustrating for me - not to mention costly and a waste of resources. I have seen this council set aside or manage process when it suits you and I have become a bit disenfranchised with your choices as of late. As I would like our city representatives to have the community's interest in mind (especially kids), your decisions will remain with me during the next election. I am happy to elaborate should you desire it. I am not aware of any fundamental issues that have arisen that were not known during the council's review and approval of this project which would lead to a halt of the process. And while I understand the politics of activities like this, there is a reason for process. Process has been completed, time to move ahead. The good of the many outweighs the desires of a few. I have been on the losing side of this equation and do not complain about it. Please move the project ahead as recommended. Darren Wennen 6720 Point Drive Edina Heather Branigin From: Gregory, Stacy <Stacy.Gregory@bestbuy.com> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 2:10 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Sidewalk plans We were very disappointed to learn the Cornelia Drive sidewalk was added to the agenda for Tuesday's City Council Meeting. We can only conclude this is so the approved plan can be modified and diminished. Please hold firm on the approved design which includes a grass boulevard for aesthetics, safety and snow management. This is such a big win for the kids in the neighborhood around safety. Opening this up for change is a direct affront on the efforts by hundreds of citizen volunteers and paid experts in organizations such as Bloomington Public Health (includes Edina), SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Program), Edina Transportation Commission, The Community Health Commission and others who worked very hard to implement The Active Routes to School Plan, Living Streets and the city Sidewalk Plan. It is insulting and demoralizing to city staff who used their experience and expertise to develop this plan which you now want to call into question in order to appease a handful of vocal and politically connected residents. It's troubling and sets a poor precedent that one or two residents can influence the mayor and/or council to overturn decisions. Most residents provided feedback and input when it was requested and appropriate. Thank you for your continuing efforts to make Edina a more walkable and pedestrian friendly community for all it's residents. Stacy Gregory Logan (10) and Paige (7) Gregory Heather Branigin From: kkortz@att.net Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 3:10 PM To: James Hovland; Mary Brindle; kstaunton@EdinaMMN.gov; Robert Stewart; swensonannl@gmailcom Subject: Normandie Lutheran Church of Edina The church membership voted on Sunday January 31st to authorize the council to proceed with the purchase of the Cardarelle property located at 6125 Wilryan Ave. There is no stated use or purpose for this property. The intent is to utilize it as rental residence while a panel determines its future use. Objections were voiced from neighbors and members alike as to the unknown future use. This was voiced due to the unsatisfactory care of the church owned 6109 Wilryan Ave. property. Primary concern is over the possible future request for zoning changes to this residential property. 1 Heather Branigin From: Tony Meixelsperger <tonym2003@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 4:08 PM To: Edina Mail; Mary Brindle; James Hovland; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart; swensonann1 @gmail.com Cc: Amanda Meixelsperger Subject: RE: Cornelia Sidewalk Support Dear Mayor and City Council, I see that the Cornelia Sidewalk project is back on the council's agenda tomorrow. My family (including two current and one future Cornelia Elementary students) are strong supporters of the sidewalk project. Here are a few facts I would like to point out: 1. Your council UNANIMOUSLY approved the project -- please re-review your rationale from that vote if you have any considerations of cancelling or endangering the project. I'm sure some of the following reasons came into play. 2. We have a unique opportunity to cover 80% of the project's cost via grant. It would be wise to remind the very small minority of opponents of the project that (i) sidewalks were desired back in 2008 when the streets were redone and have come up again because they are a good idea for neighborhood safety!; and (ii) if a sidewalk is not built now there seems to be a pattern here and it will come up again (at cost to residents). Any actions by the council at this late stage that jeopardize the grant benefit are fiscally irresponsible. 3. There is no safe place for children to walk on our heavily traveled street that includes parked cars, no traffic lines, multiple stop signs / intersections as well as curves and hills that obstruct drivers' visibility. I realize that each of you lives where your children are/were bused to school or have sidewalks already, and encourage you to bring your children or grandchildren to walk our street at 8am on a cold, icy morning to judge the experience yourselves. 4. The speed limit on our street is higher than on 70th street, which received a reduced speed limit following renovation of its very nice sidewalks, lane markers and traffic lights. Cornelia is a "school" street (just like 70th St.), and is often used as a "cut through" between 66th and 70th streets and receives a lot of pass through traffic well above the speed limit (which picked up during and post the 70th St. construction). 5. Endlessly debating the design is pointless. 100% of residents will never be happy with the design. As pointed out in my email below, I have plenty of suggestions on the design for the sidewalk (which is on my side of the street) but realize we must all live with compromises to benefit the greater good. It's very disappointing to see this unanimously approved project may be in limbo now because of the actions of a minority of opposing neighbors. I and my family have avoided leveraging connections in our community to the city council for influence out of respect for you all and trust that the your collective judgment will not be swayed at the 11th hour by a minority group of cantankerous residents that believe they are somehow "above the system". Strong majority neighborhood support for the project and design has NOT diminished. 1 I look forward to attending tomorrow's meeting, and I urge you to vote for safety and keep the existing sidewalk plan in place. Sincerely, Thank you, The Meixelspergers Tony, Amanda, Kathryn (8, 3rd grade), Alyson (6, kindergarten) and Vivyan (future Cornelia Elementry student) 6920 Cornelia Drive Edina, MN 55435 From: tonvm2003@hotmail.com Subject: Cornelia Sidewalk Support Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 07:04:26 -0600 CC: ajmeixel@gmail.com To: mail@edinamn.gov Dear Mayor and City Council, We live at 6920 Cornelia Drive in Edina and wanted to send a quick note in support of the sidewalk on our street. We have three young children and can attest that having them walk to Cornelia Elementry on the street is unsafe given the high (often above limit) speeds people travel on our street. While we were not able to attend the recent open house regarding the Cornelia sidewalk, we did not want our absence, or the loud voices of the minority that oppose the sidewalk, to drown out the majority of us that support the project. There are certainly design aspects we could all debate endlessly (i.e., I don't think the sidewalk should switch sides of the street at 68th street due to tree count and hilly topography on the west side of Cornelia Dr), but the overall project is wonderful and should proceed. We also want to thank Chad Milner for all of his time and patience working with the residents on our street. We are looking forward to the project coming to fruition. Thank you, The Meixelspergers Tony, Amanda, Kathryn (8, 3rd grade), Alyson (6, kindergarten) and Vivyan (future Cornelia ; Elementry student) 6920 Cornelia Drive Edina, MN 55435 Heather Branigin From: Pat Stoneking <pstoneking@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 4:10 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Cornelia Drive Sidewalk Project Dear Council members: We write in favor of the sidewalk project on Cornelia Drive, which we understand is now being second- guessed. The Living Streets plan is very important in the Cornelia area and will greatly improve the neighborhood. The stretch of Cornelia Drive between 66th and 70th is curvy and well-traveled by both cars and children - it's hard to think of a street that would receive greater benefit from a sidewalk as kids walk this route throughout the year to school and the swimming pool. We understood that this was something the council believed in, and are puzzled about why it might get derailed from some perceived change in interest. What changed? This sets a bad precedent for the other routes in need of sidewalks as a part of the overall plan. Pat and Sophie Stoneking Connor (9) Samantha (7) and Marisa (3) 6628 West Shore Dr. 1 Heather Branigin From: sue07warner@comcast.net Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 5:18 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Yes to Cornelia Drive Sidewalk City Council, I am very much in support of the sidewalk installation along Cornelia Drive, connecting the school to the pool. Safety for all residents should be first and foremost and I expect city council to vote to move forward with the project. Thank you. Sue Warner 6604 West Shore Drive Edina 1 Heather Branigin From: Frazell, Kevin <KFrazell@lmc.org > Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 9:06 AM To: 'acomb@eminnetonka.com'; 'gbarone@eminnetonka.com'; 'tbergstedt@eminnetonka.com'; 'mbilderback@rochestermn.gov'; 'cboganey@ci.brooklyn-center.mn.us'; Brede, Arden; Mary Brindle; 'dbussell@rochestermn.gov'; 'chris.coleman@ci.stpaul.mn.us'; 'mcummings@hopkinsmn.com'; 'mayor@ci.rosemount.mn.us'; Emerson, Jo; yranzen@delano.mmus'; Frazell, Kevin; 'smarschall@cityofapplevalley.org'; 'gorfine.mary@co.olmsted.mn.us'; 'smarschall@ci.apple-valley.mn.us'; 'stephanie.harr@ci.stpaul.mn,us'; 'grace.goodrich@minneapolismn.gov'; James Hovland; Young, Jr., John; 'marvdjohnson@gmail.com'; 'dklint@c000nrapidsmn.gov'; 'blipinski@duluthmn.gov'; 'dan.listug@njpacoop.org'; 'dlowman@bloomingtonmn.gov'; jeffrey.lunde@brooklynpark.org'; Devin Massopust; 'dfischer@stlouispark.org'; 'smeans@rochestermn.gov'; Mornson, Mike; 'rnisty.myers@njpacoop.org'; Nasby, Steve; Scott H. Neal; 'ward2@ci.stpaul.mn.us'; 'bill.otto@njpacoop.org'; Pownell, Rhonda; Prafke, Todd; 'ward7@ci.stpaul.mn.us'; 'john.quincy@minneapolismn.gov'; 'chuckrepke@aol.com'; 'mayorjakespano@gmail.com'; Kevin Staunton; 'rstaver@rochestermn.gov'; Robert Stewart; 'swensonann1@gmail.com'; 'ward3 @ci.stpaul.mn.us'; Unmacht, Dave; 'jverbrugge@bloomingtonmn.gov'; 'clarissa.hadler@ci.rosemount.mn.us'; 'votewojcik@gmail.com' Subject: Upcoming NLC Congressional-City Conference - Early Information Good Morning— Delighted to see that you are registered for the upcoming National League of Cities Congressional-City Conference in Washington. It looks like our group is growing in size in this important election year! We are still working on final plans for the Minnesota events in Washington and I will be sending a final delegate memo a couple of weeks prior to the conference. However, I can give you some preliminary information that should be helpful as you plan your trip. Our two events for Minnesota city officials will be similar to recent years: Monday, March 7, 5 —7 p.m. —Celebrate MN Cities Reception on Capitol Hill — exact location TBD and will be confirmed later (likely the Rayburn Building) Wednesday, March 9, 8:30 — 11:00 a.m. — Meeting with Senators Klobuchar and Franken (invited) in the Members Room at the Library of Congress Jefferson Building. House is in recess that week so they will not be attending our meeting. The Members Room is very large, providing ample space to stash your luggage in the corner if you'd like to leave directly from the LOC for the airport. Looking forward to seeing you in Washington. Please let me know if you have questions or I can be helpful in any other way. Kevin Kevin Frazell, ICMA-CM Director of Member Services Tel: (651) 281-12151 Fax: (651) 215-4104 Cell: (651) 303-6034 kfrazellImc.orqlwww.lmc.orq League of Minnesota Cities 145 University Ave. West St. Paul, MN 55103 Heather Branigin From: Johnson, Seth H <sjohnson@cbburnet.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 9:23 AM To: Common Sense Edina Cc: James Hovland; Robert Stewart; Kevin Staunton; Mary Brindle; swensonann1 @gmail.com; Scott H. Neal Subject: Re: [SPAM SUSPECT] Common Sense for Edina - Correspondance to the city of Edina is no longer public information There should ALWAYS be complete transparency. The govt. works for us. Seth H. Johnson Coldwell Banker Burnet 612.810.5124 On Feb 2, 2016, at 9:13 AM, Common Sense Edina <commonsenseforedina@gmail.com> wrote: Another citizen of Edina requested to see the correspondence to the city of Edina that has previously been linked from the city web site and it is no longer available (see below). Is this an effort to make the city more transparent by becoming less transparent? The bigger question is what is in the correspondence the city of Edina does not want to make public? David Frenkel From: Deb Mangen <DMangenPEdinaMN.gov> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 13:37:15 +0000 Subject: Re: Council Agenda Feb. 2 Thanks for asking. This is a change in the protocol for handling correspondence. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 1, 2016, at 8:07 PM, wrote: Hello....I was looking at the agenda for Feb. 2 and normally the correspondence is linked and can be read by the public. I note that this week it is not linked...is that a change or just a mistake? Thanks. The information in this electronic mail message is the sender's confidential business and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this intemet electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender believes that this E-mail and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and/or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments could have been infected during transmission. By reading the message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects. The sender's company is not liable for any loss or damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments. Nothing in this email shall be deemed to create a binding contract to purchase/sell real estate. The sender of this email does not have the authority to bind a buyer or seller to a contract via written or verbal communications including, but not limited to, email communications. 2 Heather Branigin From: Julie Seward <julie@sewards.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 9:31 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Sidewalks on Cornelia Drive-Directed to City Council Members Hello- My name is Julie Seward and I live at 6937 Cornelia Drive. I have just been informed there is going to be more discussion regarding the sidewalks that are planned to be installed this coming May. I have a 5 and an 8 year old and strongly believe that putting in a sidewalk between Cornelia elementary school and Rosland park is absolutely the right decision. My husband and I fought for this issue 10 years ago when the streets were being redone (before we had kids) and still strongly believe sidewalks will benefit the entire community and is imperative for safety purposes-. My understanding that the few people that are against this are retired and are worried about losing their trees. While every opinion is important, City Council has to look at the factors for the entire community and the young families that continue to move into these neighborhoods. Safety of the entire community should be the number one prevailing argument for the sidewalks and putting them in on this block simply makes sense. I trust City Council will look at the factors beyond a few trees. Thank you for taking the time and reading my opinion. Best Regards, Julie Seward 1 Heather Branigin From: Diane Fansler-Wald <dianefansler@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 11:09 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Airport Noise Attachments: Edina City Council letter Airport Noise.docx Hi Heather: Please print and distribute the attached letter to City Council members as we discussed yesterday. Thanks to you and the Council for their efforts on the Airport noise, which is causing significant harm to me and my neighbors. Diane Fansler 5709 West 66th St Edina, Mn 55439 To: Edina City Council From: Diane A Fansler mail(ediriamn.gov 5709 West 66th St Edina, MN 55439 This letter is in support of Edina City Council efforts to pursue mitigation, relief, and compensation to Edina property owners and residents caused by Airport noise. I have owned and resided at 5709 West 66th St, Edina, MN, for more than 34 years. The current noise at my property from Airport departures and take-offs is causing significant harm to me and reduced valuation to my property. During my 34-year residency at this property, I witnessed the Airport expansions and renovations, including the Commission's rejection of alternate sites including Ham Lake. At that time we Edina residents were assured by the Commission that Ham Lake and other sites located further from the current Airport were not needed in the long-term future, and that all persons negatively affected by Airport noise and pollution would be fully compensated with funds for noise-abatement such as insulation, and by lower property valuations. However, these three promises are no longer accurate. Due to the current re-routing that centralizes take- offs and landings directly over my property, I and other Edina residents are being significantly harmed and seek your assistance to: 1-reduce the noise level over my property generated by take-offs and landings; 2-limit the time of take-offs and landings to hours and noise levels consistent with Edina regulations; 3-provide funds for noise-abatement such as insulation commensurate to compensation provided to residents closer to the Airport at the time of earlier expansions; and 4-seek monetary assistance from the Airport Commission for lower property valuations resulting from their action. I have suffered severe, recurring respiratory infections from November, 2015, through January, 2016. During my recent illnesses I have been significantly harmed by inability to sleep due to excessive, loud noise from take-offs and landings, especially during late night-time and early morning hours. Outside use of my property would be totally unusable at all hours due to the excessive noise and frequency of take- offs and landings directly overhead. Since Edina regulations limit noise above a specific decibel limit during specific daily time periods, I ask that the Airport noises be subject to these same regulations. Further, I ask that the Edina City Council continue its efforts to obtain more accurate and reasonable noise measurements from the Airport Commission, similar to the efforts by the St Louis Park City Council. 1-a MAXIMUM noise level for any flight must be regulated, not merely an AVERAGE noise level. 2-Noise Averages should be measured within 4 or 6 hour time blocks, not over a 24-hour time period. 3-Night-time take-offs and landings must be severely restricted, to allow residents 8 hours of noise-free sleep as recommended by the AMA, (the #1 cause of Americans' poor health!) Thank you for consideration of this letter. Please advise me if I can assist in your efforts on this matter. Sincerely, Diane A Fansler Heather Branigin From: gpetre@comcast.net Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:46 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Cornelia Dr Sidewalk Greetings, I am a resident on Cornelia Dr. and I want to bring to you attention a piece of information I think is important for one of the topics in today's meeting. Regarding the re-assessment of the Cornelia project, I see in the agenda the 3 possible outcomes listed; Cancellation is one of them. In support of this option I would like to let you know the results of a survey we ran among all Cornelia residents. Out of 57 houses, 22 responded that they do not support the project and want it cancelled and 2 were in favor. I assume the rest, who did not respond are neutral. I tried to communicate this information during the last meeting in January, but I am not sure that this was recorded in the meeting minutes and that it ever reached the city council. Gabriel Petre 6932 Cornelia Dr. 1 Heather Branigin From: Jenny Griskevicius <jennyrgr@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 4:29 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Sidewalk on Cornelia Drive Dear City Council Members, I would like to express my support of the pedestrian sidewalk plan for Cornelia Drive north of 70th Street. As homeowners in the neighborhood and parents of children who attend Cornelia Elementary, my husband and I are very much looking forward to a safer walkway along that stretch of street. Please proceed with the sidewalk as planned. Thank you, Jenny Griskevicius Sent from my iPhone r 1 Heather Branigin From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Freese, Lisa <LFreese@co.scott.mn.us> Tuesday, February 02, 2016 4:36 PM Scott H. Neal; James Hovland FW: Appointment to Highway 169 Mobility Study Technical Advisory Committee - Kickoff Mtg. Feb. 4, 2016 (8:30-10:00am) Hopkins City Hall Hwy. 169 Study TAC Letter Edina.pdf; Hwy. 169 Study PAC Letter Mayor Hovland Edina.pdf Mayor and Mr. Neal. I am hoping its an oversight that we have not heard back about the City's participation in this important study. The first meetings of the technical committee and Policy committee are happening soon. Please let me know who will be participating from Edina. This is the study that the 169 corridor coalition has been working to move forward with MnDOT and Met. Council. Regards Lisa Lisa Freese I Transportation Planning Director Scott County J 600 County Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 / DE IV ,RS (952) 496-8363 I Ifreesepco.scott.mn.us From: Larsen, Bradley (DOT) Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 2:48 PM To: sneal@edinamn.gov Subject: Appointment to Highway 169 Mobility Study Technical Advisory Committee - Kickoff Mtg. Feb. 4, 2016 (8:30- 10:00am) Hopkins City Hall Scott, Attached is an invite letter for you and/or your appointed staff to participate on the Technical Advisory Committee for the Hwy. 169 Mobility Study that's getting underway. Also attached is a letter that went to Mayor Hovland requesting the appointment of an elected official and alternate to participate on the Policy Advisory Committee for the study. MnDOT, Scott County and the Metropolitan Council initiated the Highway 169 Mobility Study in September 2015, to evaluate cost-effective options for improving transit service and reducing congestion on Highway 169 in the southwest metro. The study will focus on assessing the viability of Bus Rapid Transit, MnPASS Express Lanes, and lower cost/high benefit spot mobility improvements such as auxiliary lanes, turn lanes, dynamic shoulders, interchange modifications, and transit advantages. The study will also evaluate the potential for intercity bus service improvements between Mankato and the Twin Cities. The Technical Advisory Committee for the study will meet bi-monthly until anticipated completion of the study in spring 2017, to receive project information and provide technical guidance for the study. The TAC will be composed of planning and engineering staff from each of the corridor cities, Hennepin and Scott Counties, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, MnDOT, Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit, and each transit provider in the corridor. The first meeting 1 will be held on Thursday, February 4, 2016, from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. at Hopkins City Hall. Please appoint up to two staff members to represent the City of Edina on the TAC. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-234-7024 or brad.larsenPstate.mn.us. For more information about the study, please visit: www.mndot.gov/metro/projects/hwy169study. Thank you, Brad Larsen MnDOT Project Manager Brad Larsen I MnPASS Policy & Planning Program Director MnDOT Metro District I 1500 West County Road B2 I Roseville, MN 55113 Office: 651.234.7024 I Cell: 612.209.8097 I Email: brad.larsen@state.mn.us i>as cc) ;icier th(•. enviroiittient titifore printing this entail. 2 Minnesota Department of transportation Metropolitan District 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 December 17, 2015 Mr, Scott Neal, City Manager CITY OF EDINA 4801 50th Street West Edina, MN 55424 SUBJECT: Appointment to Highway 169 Mobility Study Technical Advisory Committee Dear Mr. Neal: The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Scott County, and the Metropolitan Council initiated the Highway 169 Mobility Study in September 2015, to evaluate cost-effective options for improving transit service and reducing congestion on Highway 169 in the southwest metro, The study will focus on assessing the viability of Bus Rapid Transit, MnPASS Express Lanes, and lower cost/high benefit spot mobility improvements such as auxiliary lanes, turn lanes, dynamic shoulders, interchange modifications, and transit advantages, The study will also evaluate the potential for intercity bus service improvements between Mankato and the Twin Cities. The Technical Advisory Committee for the study will meet bi-monthly until anticipated completion of the study in spring 2017, to receive project information and provide technical guidance for the study. The TAC will be composed of planning and engineering staff from each of the corridor cities, Hennepin and Scott Counties, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, MnDOT, Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit, and each transit provider in the corridor. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, February 4, 2016, from 8:30 to 10:00 am. at Hopkins City Hall. Please appoint up to two staff members to represent the City of Edina on the TAG. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-234-7024 or brcljarsph(s— rriruls. For more information about the study please visit: www,rrindot.gov/metro/proiects/hwy169study Sincerely, Brad Larsen Project Manager Minnesota Department of Transportation An Equal Opportunity Employer Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan District 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 December 17, 2015 Mayor James Hovland CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 SUBJECT: Appointment to Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee Dear Mayor Hovland: The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Scott County, and the Metropolitan Council initiated the Highway 169 Mobility Study in September 2015, to evaluate cost-effective options for improving transit service and reducing congestion on Highway 169 in the southwest metro. The study will focus on assessing the viability of Bus Rapid Transit, MnPASS Express Lanes, and lower cost/high benefit spot mobility improvements such as auxiliary lanes, turn lanes, dynamic shoulders, interchange modifications and transit advantages. The study will also evaluate the potential for intercity bus service improvements between Mankato and the Twin Cities. The Policy Advisory Committee for the study will meet quarterly until anticipated completion of the study in spring 2017, to receive project information and provide input into the study. The PAC will be composed of elected and appointed officials from each of the corridor cities, Hennepin and Scott Counties, MnDOT, Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit, and each transit provider in the corridor. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, February 11, 2016, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at Hopkins City Hall. Please appoint one elected official to represent Edina on the PAC, as well as an alternate who can represent your city in the member's absence. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact project manager Brad Larsen at 651-234- 7024 or brad.larsenstate.mn,us. For more information about the study, please visit: www.mndot.00v/metro/proiects/hwy169study Sincerely, (7 Scott L. McBride, P.E. Minnesota Department of Transportation Metro District Engineer An Equal Opportunity Employer Heather Branigin From: Amy Olson <apampusch@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 203.6 8:21 AM To: Edina Mail; Chad Millner; Mark K. Nolan Cc: Larry Olson Subject: Thank you To all council members and staff: Thank you for all of your hard and continuous work on the Cornelia sidewalk, and for your reaffirmation of the project plan. Although we strongly opposed this being revisited, it really sparked an energy and brought together a collective of neighbors - both on the street and in surrounding neighborhoods - who we think will be part of a more cohesive and friendly community going forward. Our best, Larry, Amy and Tate Olson Heather Branig in From: Schreibers <patriciasteven@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 9:13 AM To: James Hovland Subject: Thank you Hello, I am a resident at 6713 Cornelia Dr. I want to thank you for your comment last night, after the council reaffirmed the plan for our sidewalk. It shows that you have respect for the people you serve. As a returning resident, but first time homeowner in Edina, I found the process extremely unfriendly and intimidating, including the bullying I experienced from a neighbor. At a very inconvenient time, my husband and I attended the first meeting in November of 2014. We did not leave there feeling at all cared about or respected as residents of the street. I think, though, that you have heard from enough of us that this is true, which prompted your ending comment last night. I have also thanked Mary and Kevin for their comments on the process, and their support in listening and walking the street with me. I would like to contribute in the discussion as to how to improve the process if you indeed want to learn as you expressed last evening. Thank you again, genuinely, Tricia Schreiber 1 Heather Branigin From: Ross Plaetzer <ross@employersolutionsgroup.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 10:03 AM To: James Hovland; Robert Stewart Subject: FW: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane FYI From: Nelson, Eric [mailto:Eric.Nelson©threeriversparks.org] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 9:58 AM To: Ross Plaetzer Cc: Chad Millner; Vlaming, Jonathan; Gurski, Amy Subject: RE: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Ross- Unfortunately there is not a way to narrow the trail or weave around the trees as you described. This project has received federal funding and there are minimum standards for trail width and clear zones that we must comply with in order to stay eligible for the funding. There are also city street lights that we need to navigate around. There just isn't enough room in the boulevard to meet the minimum requirements and not impact the trees or we would have done whatever we could to avoid them. The trail along this segment is located within easements that were obtained from private property owners and pushing the trail closer to their buildings to avoid the trees was also not an acceptable alternative to them. Thanks, Eric From: Ross Plaetzer [mailto:ross@employersolutionsgroup.com] Sent: Monday, February 1, 2016 6:09 PM To: Nelson, Eric <Eric.Nelson@threeriversparks.org> Cc: Chad Millner <cmillner@EdinaMN.gov>; Vlaming, Jonathan <Jonathan.VIaming@threeriversparks.org>; Gurski, Amy <Amy.Gurski@threeriversparks.org>; ihovland@EdinaMN.gov; Robert Stewart <RStewart@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: RE: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Eric, Thanks for looking into this and for your follow-up response. I do understand the final trail route selection and it seems to be the safest route for bikers and walkers. My only response regarding the trees selected for felling is that it's clear that if this is the route selected, the two evergreens at the corner of 721 Street and Ohms Lane have to be cut down. As to the other two larger deciduous trees that are slated for removal, 1 would it be possible to retain them and have the path narrowed at the site of each tree or have the path bend around the trees in order to preserve them. This area of the trail does not seem to be one that will be used to such an extent that walkers and bikers cannot navigate at a slow speed around these two trees and still stay safely on the path. Is there any way to do this? Thanks. Ross ROSS PLAETZER I CELL: 612.991.8896 From: Nelson, Eric [mailto:ENelson@threeriversparkdistrict.orq] Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 4:38 PM To: Ross Plaetzer Cc: Chad Miliner; Vlaming, Jonathan; Gurski, Amy Subject: RE: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Ross- Thanks again for your question about our trail project. Defining a trail corridor through a fully-developed community was a complicated exercise and one that had to balance natural resource impacts along with safety considerations, design requirements, private property impacts, etc. We did our best to meet the intent of a creek-based trail corridor while minimizing tree impacts as much as possible. Relative to the four trees you referenced on the north/east side of Ohms Lane, unfortunately the impact to those trees is unavoidable at this point. We looked at three alternative routes for this segment. The first would have continued along 70th Street and then south on Metro Boulevard. This route would have had impacts to trees and landscaping along the south side of 70th Street and also would have created safety concerns for people entering and exiting the condominiums in the southwest corner of the intersection. A second alternative would have run along the west side of the creek all the way to 72nd Street. This alternative would have had significant tree impacts and there was insufficient room between the private parking lots and the creek to adequately build the trail. The final alternative would be to route the trail along the northern half of the cul-de-sac of Ohms Lane and then along the west side of Ohms Lane to 72" Street. This alternative also would have tree impacts up to the entrance to the northernmost industrial property. It also would have forced trail users to cross the busy 72nd Street/Ohms Lane intersection. In summary, none of the alternatives in this area would have been able to eliminate tree impacts completely. Ultimately we chose the alternative that had the least tree impacts and maximized trail user safety by preventing trail users from having to cross the Ohms Lane/72nd Street intersection. On 72nd Street, we will be narrowing the road by pulling the north curb line to the south. This will allow us to build the trail and still avoid the mature evergreens along the north side of 72nd Street. I hope this rationale makes sense. Please feel free to contact me at the numbers listed below if you'd like to discuss further. Thanks, Eric 2 Eric Nelson, PE, LEED AP Senior Manager of Engineering Three Rivers Park District 3000 Xenium Lane North Plymouth, MN 55441 phone 763.694.2060 cell 612.490.0759 fax 763.557.5248 web threeriverspa rkd 'strict. org From: Ross Plaetzer [mailto:ross@emploversolutionsgroup.com] Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:27 AM To: Nelson, Eric <ENelson@threeriversparkdistrict.org> Cc: Chad Millner <cmillner@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: RE: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Great. Thanks. From: Nelson, Eric [mailto:ENelson@threeriversparkdistrict.orq] Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:42 AM To: Ross Plaetzer Cc: Chad Millner Subject: Re: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Ross- Thank you for your email about our trail project. I've got our design engineers looking into the situation so that I can give you an accurate and thorough response. I plan to get back to you no later than tomorrow afternoon. Thanks, Eric Sent from my iPhone On Jan 27, 2016, at 2:31 PM, Ross Plaetzer <ross@emploversolutionsgroup.com> wrote: Thanks, Chad. Ross ROSS PLAETZER I CELL: 612.991.8896 From: Chad Millner [mailto:cmillner@EdinaMN.gov] Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:12 PM To: Ross Plaetzer; James Hovland; imail0EdinaMN.govi; ikstaunton0EdinaMN.gov'; 'rstewart(aEdinaMN.gov'; Mary Brindle; Ann Swenson Cc: Eric Nelson (ENelson(threeriversparkdistrict.ord); Scott H. Neal Subject: RE: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Ross, 3 Thanks for your comments and concerns stated below. I am copying the Project Manager from Three Rivers Park District, Eric Nelson, to this email for his consideration. Please look for a response directly from him about your concerns. Thanks, Chad Chad Miliner, Director of Engineering <image00 1.g 9cm52i1-18n2e6rgE3d18inai m FaNx.q905v2-1826-0392 inaMN.qov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Ross Plaetzer [mailto:ross(&employersolutionsgroup.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 1:56 PM To: James Hovland; imail0EdinaMN.govi; Tkstaunton©EdinaMN.govi; 'rstewart0EdinaMN.govi; Mary Brindle; Ann Swenson Cc: Chad Millner Subject: Tree removal on Nine Mile Creek Trail at 72nd Street and Ohms Lane Mayor Hovland and Council Members, The attached photos show trees that are marked for removal near the intersection of 72 nd Street and Ohms Lane as a part of the construction of the Edina East portion of the Nine Mile Creek Trail, currently under construction. Here is a link to the plan: http://edina.granicus.com/MetaViewerphp?view id=7&clip id=19 71&meta id=54143 These are all mature trees. Does the path have to run so that these trees must be cut down. Although the Three Rivers District Plan does not fall within the purview of the recent house demolition requirement of a tree plan, it seems that the general goal of the Council is to spare mature trees wherever possible. Can someone check to see if there are any options to felling any or all of the mature trees that are planned for cut down as a part of the Edina East Trail plan. Thank you. ROSS PLAETZER I 4058 SUN NYSIDE ROAD I CELL: 612.991.8896 4 Heather Branigin From: Doris Sloan <sloandd@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 6:16 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Proposed Dedicated Pickle Ball Courts @ Rosland Park Dear Mayor Hovland and Edina City Council Members, As a Pickle Ball player for over 4 years in Edina, Richfield, Hopkins, Bloomington and Eden Prairie, I have concerns about Rosland Park as a possible site for the dedicated PB court(s). First, the location near the Crosstown would make it a very noisy site for many of us who wear hearing aids which would amplify constant traffic background noise and make it difficult to hear scores. Furthermore, it would not lend itself to drills and lessons. Also, as was pointed out to me, there is only cramped, congested parking available without close restrooms . Furthermore, the soil may not lend itself to building courts with a hard surface. As any tennis player or PB player knows cracked courts after the winter thaw are miserable to play on and costly to maintain. Finally, I'd like to point out that any PB site should be considered for sun and wind angles (wind screens are of little use if high winds are constant). Personally, I love Garden Park with its quiet setting and would submit this site for your consideration for the following reasons: 1) shade and good wind / sun angles. 2) easy accessibility for Edina residents. 3) parking and restrooms are currently not a problem. Of course, it would no longer be a tennis court but perhaps even the small playground and the walking path could be saved. With a topnotch set of PB Courts in this setting, Garden Park could be a viable site for future local Edina tournaments. Congratulations to Park and Rec. for maintaining a Lock Box for us to store top of the line paddles and PBs for our use during the last 4 summers. Thank you for your consideration of these points. Pickle Ball is a rapidly growing sport for seniors. Also KUDOS to Donna Tilsner, Recreation Supvr. from the Senior Ctr. for without her we wouldn't exist. She arranged for lessons during four summers Garden Park for beginning players. 1 Doris Sloan 5210 Villa Way, #147 Edina, 55436 email sloanddeaol.com cell) 612 - 594 - 4583 Heather Branigin From: George Sanda <georges18066@isd273.org> Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 9:11 AM To: James Hovland Cc: Christine Obrien Subject: Edina High School Passion Fair Dear Mr. Hovland, It is with great pleasure to extend an invitation to you to attend the Edina High School Passion Fair, taking place on April 19, 2016 on the third floor of EHS. The Passion Fair is a celebration of all sophomore students' completion of the Passion Project in which each student exemplifies a topic they are passionate about through research and service learning. My project entails the effects of natural disasters in the U.S., most specifically and most recently, Hurricane Patricia. I hope to see you there! Sincerely, George Sanda Note: I have copied my advisor for this assignment in this email. Heather Branig in From: Karen Laughlin <irishkrgl@comcast.net > Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 12:54 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Laughlin/pickleball Good afternoon Mayor Hovland, First Happy New Yew... Hope all is well with you and your family. Second I'm writing this email in regards to Pickleball.... I am hooked obsessed with pickleball. I started playing last March/ April and I cannot stop. I started playing at Garden Park but quickly move to Apple Valley where they have amazing courts, SIX of them (Plus indoor courts when it rains, right next to the outdoor courts.) So I am guaranteed to play every time I drive down there. Occasionally I would venture back to Garden Park which is blocks from my house but I did not want to play because there were too many people and we need to wait TO PLAY. I do not have a lot of time so I did not like standing around. I would head back to Apple Valley and play nonstop for 1-2 hours and head home. I felt like I got my pickleball fix in. I heard that Edina was planning on building courts I was thrilled.... until I heard where you wanted to put the courts. I'm confused why would you want to put the courts near Rosland park? There are reasons no one plays on the existing tennis courts. It's simply too far from the parking lot and there are not bathrooms close enough. Plus the current courts have huge cracks and fissures in them due to the low lands water freezing and thawing. This will happen to the new courts as well, maybe not for a few years but it will happen. I can't help to think that we would have standing water if it rains the night before. We cannot play pickleball with standing water or cracks. Personally I do not mind walking to the courts from the parking lot. But many many of my pickleball friends are somewhat and much older than I am. It's too much for them to walk and play. We all need to use the restrooms more often then than we like....enough said. I do not think I would play in Edina if the courts are in this location. I would rather drive to Apple Valley. I would be guaranteed to play, and have the convenience to use the restrooms or indoor courts if needed. I'm only 50 I would like to play this game for many many many years in my own city. Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports especially for the older generation. We are an aging community who cares about our community members. We all want to stay young and healthy this is one way we can achieve that. Although this game can be played by ALL ages. It will catch on with the younger generations. Many think it is an old persons game but it's not it's an all persons game. Edina also has generations and generations of State Champion tennis players. They WILL want to play this game in the coming years!!! Many of the players I play against are former tennis players. Although to play pickleball no tennis experience is needed it's an easy game to pick up and become addicted too. I would love to teach you and La Rae. Jim I hope you all reconsider where you will locate the pickleball courts. I would be sad to invest all this money on courts that will not be played on. Ground has not been broken yet there always is time to reconsider. On a final note I hope that in the near future you would consider a location to be played indoors during the winter months and rainy summer days. Thanks for your time and consideration, Karen Laughlin 1 Heather Branigin From: Karen Zumach <karenz@treetrust.org> Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 3:57 PM To: Caren Dewar; Aubrey Austin; Jeffrey M. Hafner Cc: council@ci.woodbury.mn.us; Edina Mail Subject: Regional Council of Mayors Meeting Hello All, Thank you again for the opportunity to speak to your group today. I hope we were able to provide some insightful information on the importance of trees in our communities and the magnitude of the issue our cities will face in the coming years ahead. As I said during the presentation, this is a predictable natural disaster. We don't have to deal with this pest the way states to the east of us have. The time, however, has come for us to make those hard decisions and put plans in place. As HF 2408 moves (hopefully) through the legislature, we will keep you updated on our progress. Thank you again. Karen Zumach, BS Community Forestry Manager ISA Certified Arborist: MN-4221A 2231 Edgewood Avenue South St. Louis Park, MN 55426-2822 E: karenz@treetrust.org C: 651-334-3726 0: 952-767-3886 F: 952-767-3650 www.t reet rust.oro 1 Heather Branigin From: Common Sense Edina <commonsenseforedina@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 4:27 PM To: James Hovland; Robert Stewart; Kevin Staunton; Mary Brindle; swensonann1 @gmail.com Subject: Common Sense for Edina - Citizens League meeting: Using Technology to Solve Community Problems FYI David Frenkel Forwarded Message From: Citizens League <infocitizensleaque.org> To: frenkelatt.net Sent: Monday, February 8, 2016 12:30 PM Subject: Don't get left out in the cold - Buy your Policy and a Pint tickets now! Don't pet left out in the cold. Get your tickets now: Buy advance tickets here! When we think of community, we usually think of the physical space: a city, a neighborhood and the people who make up that space, which create unique enclaves like Frogtown or Lake Street. In addition to these physical spaces, people are connecting across an ever-growing virtual space. More and more, Minnesotans are harnessing technology to create community and address problems in new ways. Not just posting to social media, but creating better public services and addressing community needs. Technology provides tremendous opportunities, but it also has limitations. Policy and a Pint® One Byte at a Time: Using Technology to Solve Community Problems 1 Wednesday, February 10, 2015 Amsterdam Bar & Hall 6 W 6th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Doors: 5:30pm I Program: 6:00pm $10 general, $5 students with student ID Complimentary appetizers, cash bar Buy advance tickets here! Join us, Minnesota Public Radio's The Current, and panelists Bill Bushey of Open Twin Cities, Kelly Clausen of Hennepin County, and Terri Thao of Nexus Community Partners to talk about how Minnesotans are harnessing technology to create community and address problems in new ways. Funded by Target, Policy and a Pint® is an event series cosponsored by the Citizens Lea gueand 89.3 The Current that engages people in important conversations about public policy in Minnesota. The Citizens League is a member-supported nonpartisan nonprofit that champions the role of all Minnesotans to govern for the common good and promote democracy. Join us with a donation today. Citizens League 213 E 4th Street, Suite 425 I St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone: (651) 293-0575 I Fax: (651) 293-0576 I Email: info@oitizensleague.org Privacy Policy I Unsubscribe 2 Heather Branigin From: Nicholas Suedbeck <nicholass18310@isd273.org> Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 7:24 PM To: James Hovland Cc: christine.obrien@edinaschools.org Subject: Passion Project Fair Hello Mr. Hovland, I understand that you are probably very busy but if by chance you are free on April 19th then maybe you'd like to head over to the Edina High School for the Sophomore passion project fair. Sincerely, Nick Suedbeck 1 Heather Branigin From: Frazell, Kevin <KFrazell@lmc.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 9:24 AM To: 'pacomb@eminnetonka.com'; 'gbarone@eminnetonka.com'; 'tbergstedt@eminnetonka.com'; 'mbilderback@rochestermn.gov'; 'cboganey@ci.brooklyn-center.mn.us'; Brede, Ardell; Mary Brindle; 'dbussell@rochestermn.gov'; 'chris.coleman@ci.stpaul.mn.us'; 'mcummings@hopkinsmn.com'; 'mayor@ci.rosemount.mn.us'; Emerson, Jo; 'jfranzen@delano.mn.us'; Frazell, Kevin; 'smarschall@cityofapplevalley.org'; 'gorfine.mary@co.olmsted.mn.us'; 'smarschall@ci.apple-valley.mn.us'; 'stephanie.harr@ci.stpaul.mn.us'; 'grace.goodrich@minneapolismn.gov'; James Hovland; Young, Jr., John; 'marvdjohnson@gmail.com'; 'dclint@coonrapidsmn.gov'; 'blipinski@duluthmn.gov'; 'dan.listug@njpacoop.ory; 'dlowman@bloomingtonmn.gov'; jeffrey.lunde@brooklynpark.org'; Devin Massopust; 'dfischer@stlouispark.org'; 'smeans@rochestermn.gov'; Mornson, Mike; 'rnisty.myers@njpacoop.org'; Nasby, Steve; Scott H. Neal; 'ward2@ci.stpaul.mn.us'; 'bill.otto@njpacoop.org'; Pownell, Rhonda; Prafke, Todd; 'ward7@ci.stpaul.mn.us'; 'john.quincy@minneapolismn.gov'; 'chuckrepke@aol.com'; 'mayorjakespano@gmail.corn'; Kevin Staunton; 'rstaver@rochestermn.gov'; Robert Stewart; 'swensonann1@gmail.com'; 'ward3 @ci.stpaul.mn.us'; Unmacht, Dave; 'jverbrugge@bloomingtonmn.gov'; 'clarissa.hadler@ci.rosemount.mn.us'; 'votewojcik@gmail.com' Subject: Information for Washington Congressional-City Conference Attachments: Memo to Delegates 2016.docx; 2016 list of schedulers (2) (002).docx; NLC University Workshops.pdf Good Morning — This e-mail with attachments is being sent to registered delegates for the upcoming NLC Congressional-City Conference in Washington. If you are a staff member who registered an elected official or someone else, please be sure that they receive a copy. Memo to Delegates — the first attachment will give you final date, time, and location information for the Minnesota events that will take place during the conference. The only information we lack at this time is when Senators Klobuchar and Franken will attend our Capitol Hill meeting on Wednesday morning. There will be a follow up e-mail once that is confirmed. List of Schedulers — Some of you may wish to schedule one-on-one appointments with members of Congress or their staff. The second attachment is a listing and contact information for the schedulers. The House of Representatives is in recess the week of our visit to Washington but you may want to consider a visit with their legislative staff. KC University Workshops — Rosemount Councilmember Jeff Weisensel, who serves as a National League of Cities University Fellow, has asked that we make you aware of the outstanding pre-conference workshops available on Saturday and Sunday. You'll find more information on pages 2 —3 of the above .pdf attachment. See you in Washington! Kevin Kevin Frazell, ICMA-CM Director of Member Services Tel: (651) 281-1215 I Fax: (651) 215-4104 Cell: (651) 303-6034 kfrazellInnc.orq I www.Innc.org League of Minnesota Cities 145 University Ave. West St. Paul, MN 55103 Heather Branigin From: Common Sense Edina <commonsenseforedina@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:19 AM To: James Hovland; Robert Stewart; Kevin Staunton; Mary Brindle; swensonann1 @gmail.com Subject: Common Sense for Edina - Bloomington special election and the politics of raising property taxes Special legislative elections favor Republicans in Bloomington and Anoka in a narrow surprise victory, Republican Chad Anderson defeated DFLer Andrew Carlson to succeed Rep. Ann Lenczewski. But the House Republican campaign committee paid for a cable TV ad hitting Carlson over some of his City Council votes, accusing him of voting to raise property taxes. http://www.startribune.com/special-elections-favor-republicans-in-bloomington-and-anoka/368262451/ David Frenkel Heather Branig in From: Noel P. Rahn <Noel@geronimoenergy.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:54 AM To: James Hovland Subject: Update on velocity We continue to gather information to present to the EHA. We are finding out some interesting information about the problem. It has to do with the new outdoor rink. EHA has committed to 700 hours which is news to us. Obviously this cuts into velocity's hours with the EHA. Therefore, the kids would skate rather than dry land training,which "robs" them an important part to develop hockey players. It all comes down to money(surprise). EHA has 700 hours at $135 an hour. (700x135=94,450 dollars. Velocity was never involved in the outdoor rink is sad. I would never have had noel gone into a contract without protection. Now there is not enough money to go around and EHA Is looking to cut their budget by reducing hours to velocity. We only had a contract for 3 years so velocity is now vulnerable,unintendedconsequences. There are other nuggets of information which we want to talk to you about. I'll be back on the 22nd. I can assure you we are working very hard because we want the best for Edina. You would be surprised what other communities are doing. We are going the opposite direction. We will meet the week of the 22nd. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone February 4, 2016 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Edina City Council Members, On behalf of young people who struggle with housing instability in Edina and the surrounding suburbs, thank you for your continuing commitment to Oasis for Youth. Your 2016 funding of $2,500 was received on 1/29/2016. Oasis for Youth has been able to expand services because of the ongoing significant support we receive from the City of Edina and others who believe that all young people deserve support along the path to adulthood. Oasis recently hired an Outreach Worker who will spend the majority of her time out in the community making sure that our services are more widely available. She will be able to connect with youth in the Fairview ER, Edina libraries, on buses and in shopping malls such as Southdale. In addition, Oasis begins an innovative partnership with the Mall of America next month, working with MOA employees who are experiencing housing instability. As you know, Oasis for Youth staff are able to meet regularly with Edina students at the high school, in part, because of our contract with the City of Edina. We will continue to bring resources to students such as clothing, food, personal hygiene items and bus tokens — and we will be there to help students navigate challenging circumstances. As you can imagine, the frigid winter months are a particularly difficult time of year to be faced with homelessness. During this time of year in particular, I am reminded that our clients must wait for many things. The generous support from the City of Edina means that the time of waiting will be more hope-filled, and perhaps shortened, for suburban youth who are struggling. Best regards, Nic le Mills Executive Director For tax purposes, no gifts or services were provided in exchange for this donation. Oasis for Youth is a 501(0(3) non-profit organization: Tax ID number 45-3683785. 2200 W. Old Shakopee Rd. Bloomington, MN 55431 952-512-2061 www.oasisforyouth.org Heather Branigin From: Kevin McCarty <kmccarty@usmayors.org> Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 2:30 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Mayors' Sign-on Letter Opposing Preemption of Local Zoning Powers Dear Mayor, As a member of the Conference's Transportation and Communications Committee, I am writing to make sure you saw the recent request (see email below) from Conference CEO and Executive Director Tom Cochran. Specifically, you and other mayors are being asked to join onto a mayors' sign-on letter to Senators on the Senate Commerce,Science & Transportation Committee, urging them to preserve local zoning and police powers over the siting of wireless communications facilities during their action on pending legislation, Mobile Now Act, later this month. This legislation and its threats to these longstanding local authorities were raised by Communications Vice Chair Columbia Mayor Stephen Benjamin at the Transportation and Communications Committee session during the recent Winter Meeting. Some of you have already signed on this letter and we thank you for your support of this effort. For others, we are writing to make sure you saw this request and knew that you can still join on as a signatory to this mayors' sign-on letter, if you do so by Monday COB, February 15. All of the details of this request are provided below. If you have any questions, please contact me by email or by phone at 202-861-6728. Thank you, Kevin Forwarded message From: USCM/Tom Cochran <actionalert@usmayors.org> Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 12:29 PM Subject: Join Mayors' Sign-on Letter Opposing Preemption of Local Zoning Powers To: lanccarty@usmayors.org TO: The Mayor FROM: Tom Cochran, CEO and Executive Director With your Senator serving on the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee — the panel expected to consider the Mobile Now Act later this month wrote last week to advise you how this pending legislation threatens your city's longstanding zoning and police powers over the siting of wireless communications facilities and to ask you to join on a mayors' sign-on letter to register opposition to these provisions. Since that email, the Senate Commerce Committee has moved back its schedule for planned action on the Mobile Now Act, from this week. until the week of February 22 (at the earliest). With this postponement, we extended our deadline for joining on a mayors' sign-on letter to convey opposition to these limitations on local zoning and police powers and to request that these provisions be removed from the pending version of the Mobile Now Act. To become a signatory to this mayors' letter, please sign on by Monday COB, February 15 at: usmayors.ortezoningsignonletter. You can view the sign-on letter at this site as well. This mayors' sign-on letter will then be forwarded to the Senate Commerce Committee (Chairman John Thune and Ranking Member Bill Nelson, copying Senators on the panel). For a listing of Senators on the Commerce Committee, see: http ://www.commerce.sen ate. gov/pub dex.cfm/committeemembers. BACKGROUND: At our recent Winter Meeting, members of the Conference's Transportation and Communications Committee discussed the threat to local authority posed by the Mobile Now Act, agreeing to develop a "Mayors' Sign-on Letter" to register strong opposition to the bill's offending provisions. To view the last publicly-available version of the legislation, please go to: Mobile Now Act. Below are the key provisions that seek to substantially modify existing federal law and protections for local authorities, mostly set forth under Section 332(c)(7): Expands the types of services that are covered by federal zoning rules, and creates a new standard on "unreasonable discrimination." Current standard requires non-discrimination among providers of "functionally equivalent services;" proposed new standards expands 2 this time-tested standard to one that requires non-discrimination among providers of "personal wireless services" (as opposed to just among -providers of "functionally equivalent services"). — See Mobile Now Act and note new subsection (i)(1) [p. 30, lines 9-19]. • Codifies and expands the FCC's recent Shot Clock Ruling that the prohibition" language applies not just to the provision of a wireless service, but also to any local requirements that have the effect of prohibiting the ability of "any entity to provide any service in support of personal wireless service." Note new subsection (VW [p. 30, lines 9-191 • Preempts local government ability to require removal or replacement of wireless facilities due to "the passage of time" or "the availability of alternative technology or design." — Note new subsection (i)(III,) [p. 30, lines 20-257. • Prohibits local government from requiring information to evaluate a provider's claim there is "gap in coverage." Note new subsection (i)(1T) [p. 31, lines 1-57. • Bars local governments from governing the size or placement of emergency backup power systems and from taking any steps to ensure that such facilities comply with federal and state environmental regulations. Note new subsection (1)(117) [p. 31, lines 6401 • Imposes for the first time limitations on fees a locality can assess on permits (even though many state laws already do this). Note new subsection (.1)(1/1) [p. 31, lines 11-171. • imposes the most conservative interpretation of the FCC's "shot clocks" to include all proceedings required for the approval of the request. Note new subsection (ii) [Pp. 31-32, lines 18-25 and 1-141. Please contact Kevin McCarty of the Conference of Mayor staff at -kinccarty@usmayors.org or at 202-861-6728 if you have any questions or want any additional information pertaining to this legislation. encourage you to join with your mayoral colleagues in this effort by signing onto this letter as soon as possible but no later than Monday COB, February 15. Again, thank you for your leadership and support of this effort. The tinned states conference or mayors 16701 St., N.W. 4th Floor Washington. DC 20006 3 Heather Branigin From: Bob Campbell <bobpaula.campbell@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 9:53 PM To: Kevin Staunton; James Hovland Subject: Edina Pickleball Courts Rosland Park Mayor Hovland and Councilman Staunton, I would like to add the following to support my position that the Rosland Park site is not suited for Pickleball courts. Also to support the fact Pickleball courts are needed in Edina. The big question is: Why was the Rosland Park site even offered or suggested as an option for Pickleball Courts? If The Mooty Family picked or requested the Rosland Park site why didn't Edina Park and Rec tell them it is not an acceptable site for the courts and offer other sites that meet Park and Rec and the City criteria as spelled out in Edina docs? The thought that it is "too late" to change site location is hard to accept. I would like to know what costs have been incurred. Pickleball Courts are a simple project, same as a tennis court of which we have 20+ courts throughout the community. Specialized engineering is needed in unique situations, such as the site at Rosland Park. What a community contrast, 5 pickleball courts next to a freeway without parking compared to the new Braemar "backyard" skating rink and dome. I have included selected sections from the Edina Park, Recreation and Trails COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT / DRAFT October 1, 2015. The information in this document highlight the reasons why Rosland is not acceptable site and why pickleball courts are needed. I would suggest Park and Rec read the study. If they have read it, why did they not apply it to their actions, both for adding pickleball courts in Edina and offering the Rosland Park site for the Mooty courts? Also, included are public announcements and articles going back to 2012 about the game/activity of Pickleball in Edina. It appears adding pickleball courts to any of our parks have not been in Park and Rec plans for the past 4 years. City of Edina PARK, RECREATION AND TRAILS NEEDS ASSESSMENT COMMUNITY DRAFT October 01, 2015 DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Successful park and recreation master plans are built around the unique qualities of a community. Therefore, a demographic analysis is foundational to creating a plan that reflects the population today and that considers the changes that the community is undergoing. Population, age, race, and income are analyzed and projected 15 years into the future. Although Edina is growing in size rather slowly, ills aging at a notable pace — with nearly half of the population projected to be 55 or older by the year 2029. Income characteristics reflect levels above state and national rates, suggesting cost is less of a barrier to participation than in other communities. Overall, 1 findings from this analysis inform the plan's strategic recommendations to help keep the Edina Parks and Recreation Department relevant to the population of today and of tomorrow AGE SEGMENT When evaluating the distribution by age, the City of Edina is skewed toward the middle aged and senior populations. In 2014, the highest segment by population was the 55+ age group representing 36,9%, and the lowest was the 18-34 segment which constitutes 14.7% of the population. Over time, the overall composition of the population of the City continue on an aging trend. Future projections through 2029 show that the 55+ group will grow most rapidly, with some minimal growth from the 18-34 segment. The 55+ segment is expected to represent approximately 44.3% of the population by 2029. The senior population will be the single largest age segment by a large margin, with each of the remaining segments accounting for 1 5%-20% of the populace. This is consistent with general national trends where the 55+ age group has been growing as a result of increased life expectancies and the baby boomer population entering that age group. EDINA TOMORROW Edina is aging at a notable pace and the City's current recreation infrastructure and programs are not geared toward this aging population. Changes and adaptations will be necessary to address this issue. A comprehensive multi-use trail network and indoor community/ recreation space are potential priority projects that could help the City address these gaps in the present and future. Using data from the Community Profile Analysis, combined with analysis found throughout the Strategic Plan will help EPRD create a new level of excellence for the City that will likely allow recognition from the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) PROCESS A critical element of the parks and recreation master planning process is community engagement, which is necessary to effectively deliver a community-oriented parks and recreation system. A balanced, open, and collaborative engagement process builds community-wide trust in the plan and the planning methods used. Community engagement for this project was carefully planned in order to accurately capture all major community needs and included conducting focus groups, public workshops, a statistically-valid community survey. STRENGTHS • The Department has been diligent in seeking public input to inform decision making, as well as listening to staff and trying to be progressive in thinking and planning. In many instances recently, the Department is breaking the mold of traditional thinking by taking strategic risks and being proactive in addressing major issues. *This is hard to believe. WEAKNESSES • Parking at parks and facilities seems to be at a premium, especially at sites hosting organized sports. Due to the lack of designated parking on game days, many of these locations require an overload of on street parking. Not only is this occasionally frustrating to users and neighbors, but it also presents a safety hazard and disrupts traffic flow within the neighborhoods. Focus group participants mentioned the following amenities or services are in short supply or are missing from the Edina park and recreation system: Pickleball courts. 2 The changing demographic profile of Edina, particularly due to an aging population, will put new and different demands on the Department in tenns of the programs and facilities it provides to the public. Given that many of the Department's offerings are geared towards youth and families, the mix of services and amenities may need to change over time The full extent of this demographic change and its effect on the Department will need to be monitored. *Who is monitoring? PARKS AND RECREATION TRENDS ANALYSIS 3.0 PURPOSE The trends analysis provides a look at a broad range of recreational activities to help understand what activities are growing (or declining) in popularity. In order to stay relevant to the community at large, the Parks, Recreation and Trails Strategic Plan must take into consideration a wide variety of leisure pursuits in order to inform how the Department should adjust its provision of park and recreation facilities and services over time It is prudent to review both national and local information so as to balance knowledge of trending activities across the county with those happening in and near Edina. COMMUNITY RECOMMENDED ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES Additional activities and facilities were identified by the public through the input sessions that directly relate to the changing needs of the community and their expectations for the EPRD. Some existing park activities have been successful, and show signs of growth, while others are new ideas from the public. PICKLE BALL COURTS - Pickle ball has become increasingly popular with aging populations and there is a need for more courts - outdoor and potentially indoor. TRENDS ANALYSIS FINDINGS A direct correlation exists between the national participatory trends and the local market trends, in that the service area shows a high propensity to engage in recreational activities pertaining to fitness, Based on market potential index figures, the Department should expect residents to participate in fitness activities at a much higher rate than the national average. This would indicate that the Department should offer a wide variety of fitness programming, with a willingness to infroduce innovative and trending activities. PARTICIPATION BY CORE PROGRAM AREA Core Program Area 2013 Adaptive 191 Adult Athletics 2,184 Arts 2,566 Golf 955 Senior 15,100 Special Events 5,990 Youth 2,014 Youth Athletics 9,516 TOTAL PROGRAM PARTICIPATION 38,516 3 AGE SEGMENTS • Continue to maintain a good balance of programs across all age segments. • Given the growing population trend for residents ages 55 and over, and the growing demand for services in this age bracket, segment senior programming into sub-segments such as 55-70 and 71 and over • Conduct an Age Segment Analysis for every program on an annual basis. Edina Level of Service Standards OUTDOOR AMENITIES: *Pickleball courts are not on the list, present nor future. More Pickleball To Come! Donna Tilsner, July 18, 2012 I Posted in City of Edina Edina Senior Center Director and I planned two pickleball clinics for Wednesday, July 11 at Garden Park. About 80 people came to learn about this sport that is quickly growing in popularity. It was great to see a cross section of ages learn about the game and use the racquets to hit the ball. Edina Magazine - July 2013 issue Pickleball grows in Edina Nation's fastest-growing sport reaches Edina. Edina resident Storey Holland plays pickleball at Garden Park. Neighboring Communities Pickleball Courts City Pop. 55+ Percentage PB Courts Edina— 47,941 16,394 39.1% 4 courts Richfield — 35,228 8,741 24.8% 8 courts St. Louis Park —45,250 10,239 22.6% 10 courts Bloomington — 82,893 23,067 27.8% 4 courts (3 dedicated) Eden Prairie — 60,797 12,770 21% 19 cts (4 dedicated) Minnetonka - 49,734 15,352 30.9% 10 courts (6 dedicated) Chanhassen — 22,952 4,333 18.9% 6 cts dedicated ±.4 in 2016 Apple Valley — 49,084 10,954. 22.3% 6 courts dedicated Sincerely, Bob Campbell 4 Heather Branigin From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Freese, Lisa <LFreese@co.scott.mn.us> Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:51 AM Scott H. Neal James Hovland; Larsen, Bradley (DOT); Mona Elabbady FW: Highway 169 Mobility Study- Policy Advisory Committee 2016 02 09 PAC TAC PMT Roster.docx; 169 Mobility Study one-page fact sheet.docx Scott and Mayor Hovland, I received your voice mail message that you will be appointing someone to this Policy Advisory committee (PAC) on the 17th of February Council meeting. We also hope the City will have a staff representative on the Technical Committee. The first PAC meeting is set for today and it someone can or wants to attend from the City until the "official" representative is designated that are most welcome. I know it's late notice but I wanted to welcome the City today's kickoff meeting Thank you, Lisa Freese Lisa Freese I Transportation Planning Director Scott County I 600 County Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 DF (952) 496-8363 I Ifreese@co.scott.mn.us From: Mona Elabbady [mailto:MElabbady@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 2:42 PM To: iscott.mcbride@state.mn.us'; 'pat.bursaw@state.mn.us'; imbrindle@comcast.net; irstewart@edinamn.gov1; Tntyra- lukens@edenprairie.org'; 'kcampbell@hopkinsmn.com1; 'akuznia@hopkinsmn.corre; 'sschmidgall@goldenvalleymn.gov'; Iclausen@goldenvalleymn.govi; twagner@eminnetonka.com1; tschneider@eminnetonka.corn'; tpbrausen@gmail.com'; iglindberg@stlouispark.org'; Imcdonald@ci.chanhassen.mn.us'; 'deb.barber@metc.state.mn.us'; Tkatie.rodriguez@metc.state.mn.us'; Ulrich, Jon; Beard, Michael; lan.callison@hennepin.us'; 'cabrams@bloomingtonmn.govl; Iwosje@plynnouthmn.gov1; ikslavik@plymouthmn.govi; fathompson@cityofpriorlake.com1; 'mjohnson@ci.savage.mn.us'; igabbott@ci.savage.mn.us'; Imocol@shakopeemn.govi; jvictorey@ci.savage.mn.us; jvictorey@popmn.org Cc: Hingeveld, Andy; ion.solbero@state.mn.us; Sobolewski, Michael (DOT); 'amy.vennewitz@metc.state.mn.us' (amy.vennewitzOnnetc.state.mn.us); Joseph Gladke (Joseph.Gladke@hennepin.us); Hiniker, Cole; lohn.qriffith@state.mn.us; Freese, Lisa; Larsen, Bradley (DOT); Langenbach, Diane (DOT); Mitteco, Gina (DOT); "Jensen, Carl P (DOT)' (carl.jensen@state.mn.us)'; Adele Hall; Beth Bartz; Todd Polum; 'Jerry A. McDonald'; 'Lindberg, Gregg'; 'Utecht, Brad'; 'Terry Schneider' Subject: Highway 169 Mobility Study- Policy Advisory Committee Good Afternoon Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee Members, Looking forward to seeing each of you on Thursday, February 11 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Scott County Board Room at the Government Center. Please note that the location of the meeting has changed. I've attached a few pieces of information for your reference, including a: 1 • Committee roster which includes the names and contact information for all the people participating on the Policy Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee and the Project Management Team • Study fact sheet which provides an overview of the study, and includes a link to the project website: http://www.dot.state.mn.usimetro/projects/hwy169study/ Part of the meeting on Thursday will be a discussion on mobility needs in the corridor. Please come prepared to tell us about any issues or concerns you have in the study area, as well as questions you hope to have answered as part of this study. Thanks again for your participation. See you Thursday. Mona Elabbady Principal SRF Consulting Group, Inc. melabbadv@srfconsulting.com Direct: 651-333-4133 I Mobile: 612-702-2904 2550 University Avenue West, Suite 316 S, Saint Paul, MN 55114 www.srfconsulting.com 141 Please Note- my address and telephone number have changed. 2 We all have a stake in Highway 169 Mobility Study Evaluating the potential for Bus Rapid Transit and MnPASS Express Lanes in the southwest Metro, Investigating options for improved bus service between the Twin Cities and Mankato Background Initiated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), Scott County and the Metropolitan Council, the purpose of the study is to evaluate cost-effective options for improving transit and reducing congestion on Highway 169 between Shakopee and Golden Valley and to evaluate the potential for bus improvements between Mankato and the Twin Cities. The study will focus on: • Highway Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Highway BRT is bus service that travels on the highway and stops only at designated stations right on or immediately adjacent to the highway. Highway BRT operates frequently from early in the morning to late at night. • MnPASS Express Lanes. MnPASS is a state transportation system that provides a congestion-free travel option during peak-drive times on highways with high levels of congestion. MnPASS Express Lanes give all commuters a reliable travel choice that saves them time, increases a highway's capacity to move more people through a corridor and allows faster, more reliable public bus service. MnPASS lanes are dedicated to buses, carpools (HOV2 +), motorcyclists or for solo motorists who pay a fee times. All motorists may use the lanes outside of peak-drive times. during peak-drive • Lower cost/high-benefit improvements along the highway such as adding auxiliary lanes, turn lanes, modifying interchanges, and creating ways for buses to get through traffic more efficiently. • Evaluating the potential for expanding bus service on Hwy 169 between Mankato and the Twin Cities Metro area. Schedule Spring 2015 to Spring 2017 Results The results of the study will be used to determine whether to advance recommended improvements into the project environmental/pre-design process, to add specific improvements to projects that are already programmed, or to get improvements ready should additional funding become available. For More Information Visit: www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/projects/hwv169study/ Or contact: Brad Larson, MnPASS Policy and Planning Program Director (651) 234-7024 or Brad.larsen@state.mn.us Jan.20, 2016 Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and Project Management Team Members Key Task 1 Brad Larsen, Project Manager, MnDOT brad.larsen@state.mn.us 651-234-7024 Contacts: Lisa Freese, Scott County, Ifreese@co.scott.mn.us 952-496-8363 Cole Hiniker, Metropolitan Council, cole.hiniker@metc.state.mn.us 651-602-1748 Mona Elabbady, SRF Consulting, melabbady@srfconsulting.com 651-333-4133 Key Task 2 Lisa Bighan-1, MnDOT lisa.bigham@state.mn.us 507-304-6195 Contacts: Joseph Kapper, SRF Consulting, jkapper@srfconsulting.com 651-333-4136 Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Members an,...%Iternates Organization Role Name Email Address Minnesota Department of Transportation Chair Scott McBride, Metro District Engineer scott.mcbride@state.mn.us Alternate Pat Bursaw, Metro District Director of Planning, Program Management, and Transit pat.bursaw@state.mn.us Metropolitan Council/ Metro Transit Member Councilmember Deb Barber deb.barber@metc.state.mn.us Member Councilmember Katie Rodriguez katie.rodriguez@metc.state.mn.us Scott County Member Commissioner Jon Ulrich julrich@co.scott.mn.us Alternate Commissioner Michael Beard mbeard@co.scott.mn.us Hennepin County Member Commissioner Jan Callison, Chair jan.callison@hennepin.us City of Bloomington Member Councilmember Cynthia Abrams cabrams@bloomingtonmn.gov City of Edina Member Councilmember Mary Brindle mbrindle@comcast.net Alternate Councilmember Bob Stewart rstewart@edinamn.gov City of Eden Prairie Member Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens ntyra-lukens@edenprairie.org City of Hopkins Member Councilmember Katy Campbell kcampbell@hopkinsmn.com Alternate Councilmember Aaron Kuznia akuznia@hopkinsmn.com City of Golden Valley Member Councilmember Steve Schmidgall sschmidgall@goldenvalleymn.gov Alternate Councilmember Joanie Clausen jclausen@goldenvalleymn.gov City of Minneapolis Member TBD City of Minnetonka Member Councilmember Tony Wagner twagner@eminnetonka.com 04 ES0), ett 1:11‘ 6 AC ';. 4:), txco Op -1-0+ METROPOLITAN o U N Ct. 2 Organization Role Name Email Address Alternate Mayor Terry Schneider tschneider@eminnetonka.com City of Plymouth Member Councilmember Jeff Wosje jwosje@plymouthmn.gov Alternate Mayor Kelli Slavik kslavik@plymouthmn.gov City of Prior Lake Member Annette Thompson athompson@cityofpriorlake.com City of Savage Member Councilmember Matt Johnson mjohnson@ci.savage.mn.us Alternate Councilmember Gene Abbott gabbott@ci.savage.mn.us City of Shakopee Member Councilor kathi Mocol kmocol@shakopeemn.gov City of St„ Louis Park Member Tim Brausen tpbrausen@gmail.com Alternate Gregg Lindberg glindberg@stlouispark.org SouthWest Transit Member Chair Jerry McDonald jmcdonald@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Member Councilmember Jane Victorey jvictorey@ci.savage.mn.us Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Members Organization TAO Member(s) Email Address Minnesota Department of Transportation Brad Larsen (Project Manager) brad.larsen@state.mn.us Metropolitan Council Amy Vennewitz amy.vennewitz@metc.state.mn.us Cole Hiniker cole.hiniker@metc.state.mn.us Brad Utecht brad.utecht@metc.state.mn.us Scott County Lisa Freese Ifreese@co.scott.mn.us Andy Hingeveld ahingeveld@so.scott.mn.us Hennepin County Joe Gladke joseph.gladke@hennepin.us Jason Gottfried jason.gottfried@hennepin.us Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community/Mystic Lake Casino Josh Johnson josh.johnson@mysticlake.com Federal Highway Administration Erneka Ezekwemba nnaemeka.ezekwemba@dot.gov Jim McCarthy james.mccarthy@dot.gov City of Bloomington Jim Gates igates@bloomingtonmn.gov City of Edina TED City of Eden Prairie Robert Ellis rellis@edenprairie.org Rod Rue rrue@edenprairie.org City of Hopkins Nate Stanley nstanley@hopkinsmn.com 3 Organization TAO Member(s) Email Address Steve Stadler sstadler@hopkinsmn.com City of Golden Valley Jeff Oliver joliver@goldenvalleymn.gov Emily Goellner egoellner@goldenvalleymn.gov City of Minneapolis Don Pflaum don.pflaum@minneapolismn.gov City of Minnetonka Julie Wischnack jwischnack@eminnetonka.com Will Manchester wmanchester@eminnetonka.com City of Plymouth/ Plymouth Metrolink Luke Fischer Ifischer@plymouthmn.gov City of Prior Lake Larry Poppler Ipoppler@cityofpriorlake.com City of Savage John Powell loowell@ci.savage.mn.us Maria Tiegs mtiegs@ci.savage.mn.us City of Shakopee Bruce Loney bloney@shakopeeMN.gov Kyle Sobota ksobota@shakopeemn.gov City of St Louis Park Meg McMonigal mmcmonigal@stlouispark.org Joe Shamla jshamla@stlouispark.org Metro Transit John Dillery john.dillery@metrotransit.org Adam Harrington adam.harrington@metrotransit.org SouthWest Transit Len Simich Isimich@swtransitorg Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Aaron Bartling abartling@mtvta.com 494 Corridor Commission Melissa Madison melissa@494corridor.org I-35W Solutions Alliance Jeff Pearson jpearson@cityofrichfield.org Project Management Team (PMT) Members Organization PMT Member Email Address brad.larsen@state.mn.us Brad Larsen (Project Manager) ion.solberg@state.mn.us Jon Solberg(Metro South Area) diane.langenbach@state.mn.us Diane Langenbach (Metro South Area) john.griffith@state.mn.us John Griffith (Metro West Area) Minnesota Department of Transportation andrew.lutaya@state.mn.us Andrew Lutaya (Metro West Area) bobbie.dahlke@state.mn.us Bobbie Dahlke (Communications) Cole Hiniker amy.vennewitz@metc.state.mn.us Amy Vennewitz Metropolitan Council Scott County Hennepin County Ifreese@co.scott.mn.us Lisa Freese ahingeveld@co.scott.mn.us Andy Hingeveld Joseph.Gladke@hennepin.us Joe Gladke Organization PMT Member Email Address Mike Soholowski (Project Manager of 1-494/Hwy 62 Congestion Relief Study) Gina Mitteco (Metro Multimodal Planning) gina.mitteco@state.mn.us Carl Jensen (Metro Multimodal Planning) carl.jensen@state.mn.us 4 cole.hiniker@metc.state.mn.us mike.sobolewski@state.mn.us Heather Branigin From: Charlotte A. de Julio <cdejulio@MesserliKramer.com> Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 1:06 PM To: Charlotte A. de Julio Subject: Reminder! MLC Regional Legislative Breakfast Tomorrow Attachments: Directions to ECC.doc As a reminder, MLC's Regional Legislative Breakfast is taking place tomorrow morning at 7:30AM. Please note, our meeting will now take place in the South Oaks Room at the Eagan Committee Center. For more details on this meeting, below is the invite. We hope to see you there! Charlotte Charlotte Antin de Julio Direct: 651.556.9205 Fax: 651.228.9787 cdelulio@messerlikramer.com www.messerlikramer.com Messerli & Kramer P.A. 525 Park Street I Suite 130 St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 SSERLI & kkik MOVING WHAT MATTERS FOR UNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION The Municipal Legislative Commission (MEC) cordially invites you to attend our Regional Legislative Breakfast Meeting Friday, February 12, 2016 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Eagan Community Center South Oaks Room 1501 Central Parkway Eagan, Minnesota 1 Invitees to the Breakfast Include: Lezislators Sen. Jim Carlson (Burnsville/Eagan, SD 51) Rep. Sandy Masin (Burnsville/Eagan, 51A) Rep. Laurie Halverson (Eagan, 51B) Sen. Jim Metzen (Eagan/Inver Grove Heights, SD 52) Rep. Joe Atkins (Eagan/Inver Grove Heights, 52B) Sen. Dan Hall (Burnsville/Savage/Lakeville, SD 56) Rep. Drew Christensen (Burnsville/Lakeville, 566B) Rep. Roz Peterson (Burnsville/Lakeville, 565B) Sen. Greg Clausen (Apple Valley/Lakeville, SD 57) Rep. Tara Mack (Apple Valley/Lakeville, 57A) Rep. Anna Wills (Apple Valley, 57B) Sen. Dave Thompson (Lakeville, SD 58) Rep. Jon Koznick (Lakeville, 58A) Metropolitan Council Members Deb Barber Steven Chavez Wendy Wulff Mayors and City Council Members City of Apple Valley, City of Burnsville, City of Eagan, City of Inver Grove Heights, City of Lakeville, and City of Savage 2 Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: C.1. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Park Board, February 9, 2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Park Board, January 12, 2016 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 2/9/2016 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Park Board Edina City Hall, Council Chambers January 12, 2016 I. Call To Order Chair Gieseke called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Gieseke, Members Strother, Jones, Greene, McCormick, Good, Nelson, Segreto and Student Members Lohani and Crist. Staff present: Park Board Staff Liaison Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Susan Faus, Administrative Support Specialist Janet Canton and Edina Art Center General Manager Michael Frey, III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Good to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Jones to approve the November minutes with the following amendment “Member Jones stated that she would strongly not recommend Sutton & Associates to be contracted as the arts consultant for the Grandview project. Member Jones stated that George Sutton is the Executive Director of the Sewell Ballet, as well as the lead consultant at Sutton & Company. George Sutton has stated the Sewell Ballet is potentially interested in relocating to the Grandview site if it becomes available. Using Sutton & Associates for the Grandview project unnecessarily raises questions of conflict of interest and therefore she advises that the city contract with a different arts consultant.” Motion seconded by Good. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions And Presentations None VI. Community Comment Bob Campbell, 6300 Waterman Avenue, presented an argument for the location of the proposed Pickleball Courts at Rosland Park. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Grandview Facility Operational and Feasibility Study Visioning Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 2/9/2016 Staff Liaison Kattreh gave a power point presentation on the Grandview Facility Operational and Feasibility Study Visioning. Park Board members asked questions. Staff Liaison Kattreh introduced the following members of the task force and consulting team that were present: Victor Pechaty, HGA Michael Frey, Edina Art Center General Manager George Sutton, Sutton & Associates Sara Shaylie, Sutton & Associates Susan Faus, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation Mr. Pechaty gave the Park Board a detailed overview of the process and explained the phases of where they are at. He noted the intent of their team tonight is to really listen to each Park Board member share their vision of what they think and then gather all of the input and insight. Park Board members gave their feedback. Member Segreto left the meeting at 8:27 p.m. B. Parks, Recreation and Trails Strategic Plan Staff Liaison Kattreh handed out the final copy of the Parks, Recreation and Trails Strategic Plan to the Park Board members. She thanked the Park Board for all of the hard work they have done the past year-and-a-half. She pointed out they restructured it and put it into three sections: Executive Summary, Community Needs Assessment and Implementation Framework. C. 2016 Park Board Work Plan Chair Gieseke informed the Park Board that City Council has approved their Work Plan. He noted they are going to have a lot of new members come March so they don’t want to move forward too fast because they need to incorporate all of the new Park Board members. He explained it is structured differently from what they have done in the past. He noted they are trying to hold people more accountable and assign people to make sure these things get some traction. He indicated he would like to have everyone give some thought to this, what do you foresee and how do you want to go about conducting what needs to be done. Member Good pointed out that initiative four, Grandview Facility Planning, should have Member Nelson’s name and remove his. Member Jones stated she doesn’t know if it is Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 2/9/2016 appropriate or not but she would like to continue to work with the Grandview Facility Planning and also the Playground Replacement Program. Staff Liaison Kattreh stated there is not a specific plan yet as to what they are going to do but she should know by next month’s meeting. D. 2016 Park Board Meeting Calendar Chair Gieseke asked the Park Board members to make a note of the Monday night meetings later in the year. VIII. Correspondence And Petitions None IX. Chair And Member Comments None X. Staff Comments Staff Liaison Kattreh indicated that the skating rinks are now open and gave a lot of kudos to maintenance staff for all of their hard work. XI. Adjournment Motion made by Greene to adjourn the Jan. 12, 2016 meeting at 9:13 p.m. Motion seconded by Good. Motion carried. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: C.2. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Human Rights and Relation Commission December 10,2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: None. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: HRRC December 10, 2016 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights and Relations Commission City Hall, Council Chambers Thursday, December 10, 2015 I. Call To Order Chair Arseneault called the December 10th, 2015 Human Rights and Relations Commission meeting to order at 7:01 PM. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Arseneault, Commissioners Kennedy, Seidman, Tian, Vecchio- Smith, Winnick and Student Commissioners Kearney and Ramesh. Staff present: HRRC Staff Liaison MJ Lamon. Absent Members: Commissioners Rinn and Burza III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Seidman to approve the December 10, 2015 Human Rights and Relations Commission meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Winnick. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Kennedy to approve the November 17, 2015 minutes. Motion seconded by Seidman. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions And Presentations Chair Arseneault introduced Sarah Walker, Government Affairs Consultant and member of the Minnesota Second Chance Coalition. Ms. Walker presented to the HRRC on criminal justice reform in the age of Ferguson and Black Lives Matter, and on best practices for cities and local law enforcement in addressing issues of race bias. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2015 Work Plan Updates a) Community Conversations Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. The Commission accepted the Community Conversations listening sessions report. The report will be added to the January meeting agenda for the group to have discussion. b) Affordable Housing Commissioner Winnick provided recap of past years events related to affordable housing in Edina and the affordable housing policy approved by the Council. c) Human Rights City Designation The Human Rights City Designation working group is continuing their outreach by presenting to various organizations and groups. The most recent event took place at the Edina Morningside Rotary. There are 4 more presentations scheduled at this time. Total estimate of reach will be approximately 350 people. d) Website Updates Commission reviewed updates on the website, including “Tom Oye Award” and “Past Projects”. Another website addition underway is the Days of Remembrance and Genocide Awareness page. B. 2016 Proposed Work Plan Initiatives a) Sharing Values and Sharing Community Created a committee to do pre-work on initiative pending the work plan being approved. Vecchio-Smith and Winnick volunteered to be on the committee with Kennedy. b) 2016 Days of Remembrance Event Date is set for Sunday, April 10 from 1pm to 3pm. Location is Edina City Hall, Council Chambers. Lucy Smith has been secured as the presenter. The Committee will meet soon to discuss more about marketing and promoting the event. VIII. Correspondence And Petitions None. IX. Chair And Member Comments Commissioner Kennedy: CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) is going to be voted on at the next Minneapolis City Council meeting. The cities of Minneapolis, St. Paul and Red Wing have recognized Indigenous People’s Day. Chair Arseneault: Resident who had attended a Community Conversations event has inquired whether the HRRC can assist in leading a conversation in her apartment building among diverse neighbors. HRRC requested this be added to January meeting agenda. X. Staff Comments Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Board and Commission work plans will be approved at the December 15 City Council meeting. XI. Adjournment Motion by Kennedy to adjourn the November 17th HRRC meeting at 8:12 PM. Motion seconded by Seidman. Motion carried. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: C.3. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Joyce Repya, Senior Planner Item Activity: Subject:Heritage Preservation Board Minutes, January 12, 2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: Attached are the approved Heritage Preservation Board minutes from their January 12, 2016 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Heritage Preservation Board Minutes, January 12, 2016 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall – Community Room January 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Weber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Chair Weber, Vice Chair Christiaansen, and Members Moore, McLellan, Birdman, Kelly, Pearson and Student Members Otness and Puerzer. Absent were Members Sussman and O’Brien. HPB Staff Liaison - Senior Planner, Joyce Repya was also in attendance. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by Member Kelly to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Member McLellan. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES December 8, 2015 Motion was made by Member Moore to approve the December 8, 2015 HPB meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Member Birdman. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT - None VI. REPORTS & RECOMMENDATIONS A. Certificates of Appropriateness: 4515 Bruce Avenue - New Detached Garage Planner Repya explained that the applicant is requesting to demolish an existing 528 sq. ft. detached garage that was constructed in 1976, and replace it with a new 477 sq. ft. structure in the northeast corner of the rear yard. The proposed garage compliments the architecture of the 1924 Italian Renaissance/Prairie style home with a hip roof, stucco walls, trim board on all elevations, and a one wood flush segmented overhead door with divided lite windows. Ms. Repya pointed out that plans for an addition to the rear of the home, (not subject to a COA) were provided for the HPB’s information. Furthermore, Preservation Consultant had reviewed the plans for the proposed garage as well as the addition to the home and found the designs in keeping with the subject home, surrounding neighborhood, and consistent with the provisions of the district’s plan of treatment. Ms. Repya then concluded that staff recommended approval of the subject COA subject to the plans presented and a year built plaque be installed on the exterior of the new garage. Applicant Present: Homeowners Robert & Nicole Brown, and Architect, Bayard Engelhardt Minutes Heritage Preservation Board January 12, 2016 2 Motion made by Member Kelly to approve the COA for a new detached garage subject to the plans presented and a year built plaque installed on the exterior of the garage. Motion was seconded by Member Pearson. All voted aye. The motion carried. VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS - None VIII. CHAIR AND MEMBER COMMENTS A. Board members commented that they appreciated the good job Chair Weber had done officiating the HPB meetings over the past year. IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Next Meeting Date - February 9, 2016 is the Annual Meeting with Election of Officers X. ADJOURNMENT 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce RepyaJoyce RepyaJoyce RepyaJoyce Repya Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: C.4. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Jackie Hoogenakker, Planning Support Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Planning Commission, January 13, 2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None INTRODUCTION: Attached Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 13, 2016 for your information. ATTACHMENTS: Description Planning Commission Minutes, January 13, 2016 MINUTES City of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers January 13, 2016, at 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Platteter called the Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering the roll call were: Hobbs, Lee, Strauss, Thorsen, Kivamaki, Ma, Nemerov, Olsen, Forrest, Platteter Absent from roll: Carr III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the January 13, 2016 meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Ayes; All. Motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Strauss to approve the November 11, 2016, meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Thorsen. Ayes: All. Motion carried. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Sketch Plan Review – Hilton Hotel, NE Corner of Southdale Center Campus 2 Planner Presentation Planner Teague reported Noble in partnership with Simon is asking the Commission to consider a sketch plan proposal to develop the northeast corner of Southdale to build a four-story, 150-room Hilton Hotel. Teague told the Commission the applicant was provided with the working principles for development in the Greater Southdale Area. Teague further explained that the sketch plan process is an opportunity for an applicant to solicit non-binding comments from the Commission and Council on their proposed project. Continuing, Teague said to accommodate the request, a site plan review with setback variances for the new building, and a parking stall variance for the entire Southdale site would be required. Teague noted this project is somewhat different from previous developments proposed and considered in the Southdale area, in that the proposed use is allowed within this zoning district. No rezoning or comprehensive plan amendment is required; reiterating site plan approval with variances is all that would be required when formal application is made. Teague further noted that the roadways abutting the subject site are County; while the County is agreeable to some changes within that intersection to accommodate future redevelopment they are opposed to eliminating the right turn slip lane from West 66th Street onto York Avenue. With graphics Teague highlighted aspects of the project. Appearing for the Applicant Kevin Grass, Noble Investments and Gary Tushie, Tushie-Montgomery & Associates, Inc. Applicant Presentation Mr. Grass gave a brief history of Noble and with graphics shared photos of other hotels they have constructed. Grass reported Noble is a private company that specializes in hotel development with brands such as Hilton, Marriot, etc., adding with this project they are partnering with Simon to construct a hotel on their northeast corner. Grass concluded that the building would be LEED Certified. Grass introduced architect, Gary Tushie. Mr. Tushie acknowledged the variances required for the project. He noted the setback variance for the building complies with one of the guiding principles of the greater 3 southdale area by bringing the building closer to the street. He added the parking stall variance is also needed for reduced parking for the shopping mall since existing parking stalls would be lost to construction. Gary Tushie gave a brief presentation of the proposed hotel project highlighting the following: • The hotel is in close proximity to Fairview Southdale Hospital providing housing to those needing hospital services for an extended period of time. • The hotel is proposed at 4-stories consisting of 146 rooms. The hotel is up-scale offering many amenities including pool, fitness room, meeting rooms and individual outdoor patio areas for rooms on the first floor creating an urban edge. • Extensive landscaping would be added along the adjoining sidewalk as well as “planter islands” in the parking lot. • Convert a portion of the ring road heading east to two way traffic. • Pedestrian connections are provided from the hotel and hotel site to the public realm and shopping mall. • The sidewalk connection would be extended around the perimeter of the hotel site providing further connections to the shopping mall, etc. • Build a soft contemporary building that compliments not only the shopping center but the apartments on the southeast corner of the campus. • The Hilton brand provides flexibility in building materials and the materials proposed for the new building are limestone, architectural metal panels and masonry stucco with flat roof. • Improvement to the storm water system. John with Kimley-Horn explained for Commissioners that the proposed construction would actually improve watershed. He said there will be surface drains across the parking area that would drain into a catch basis that will treat the water for phosphorous/sediment. He said there will also be underground systems that would handle small events. The longer events would bypass those systems and remain in the pond for filtering. Concluding, John noted that the roof drains would also be connected to new system, adding storm water would be managed on site. Commission Question(s)/Staff/Applicant Response • What type of food service is provided? Daily breakfast is provided along with evening hors d'oeuvres. • What is the width of the existing sidewalk? 8-10 feet. 4 • It appears there is no boulevard proposed along the sidewalk? This places pedestrians next to the street. At this time there are no plans to modify the existing sidewalk system in this area. The sidewalk is relatively new. The additional vegetation and added canopy trees tend to calm traffic. • Will the building be LEED Certified and comply with those practices? Yes • Have you considered moving the building farther west? This was considered; however, differing existing tenant needs prohibit any move farther to the west. • Would a traffic engineer review the proposed two way change to a portion of the ring road? Yes. Concerns/Suggestions from the Commission • Some Commissioners asked the applicant to again review the proposed sidewalk plan and layout and consider the principles laid out in the southdale area plan. Those Commissioners acknowledged the challenges with the County and the new sidewalk system; however, expressed hope that something further could be done. • If possible add more movement. It was noted by Commissioner Lee that she feels reluctant to “let this real estate go”. It is such an importation location and intersection. • Show the pedestrian overview better. • Increase the landscaping. • Keep in mind privacy is needed for the on grade patios. • Explain traffic flow better with the acknowledgment a traffic analysis has not yet been provided. • Consider garden like plantings. • Keep high standards with exterior building materials etc. Commissioners expressed support for the concept. A hotel suites option is a good fit for the site and they look forward to the formal application. Chair Platteter thanked both the applicant and Commissioners for their input. Platteter said the proposal in his opinion is exciting. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Commissioner Platteter acknowledged back of packet materials. VIII. CHAIR AND MEMBER COMMENTS 5 Chair Platteter welcomed everyone to 2016. Commissioner Hobbs reported that the Greater Southdale Area Working Group reported that their work thus far has been well received and the “Group” will be working to make it more tangible and find ways to implement that vision. Commissioner Lee commented she would like to revisit the 2016 Work Plan adding more emphasis on residential redevelopment as it relates to teardown rebuilds. She noted that in the past teardowns and their ramifications were a large concern for Edina residents. Lee suggested a number of points that in her opinion should be added to the Plan. Planner Teague commented the 2016 Work Plan is very tight especially in light of beginning the Comprehensive Plan Update for 2018. Teague said those points would require an amendment to the 2016 Work Plan; however, he said he would work with Cindy Larsen, Residential Development Coordinator address the points mentioned by Lee at a future meeting. A discussion ensued if Ms. Larson should attend a Planning Commission or if a “workshop” type format would work better. Commissioner Lee said she would work with Planner Teague on her issues and the best approach to address them. Chair Platteter noted that one of the items currently on the 2016 Work Plan deals with impervious surfaces (which were mentioned by Commissioner Lee). Planner Teague explained that the Engineering Department is currently drafting an ordinance that addresses impervious surfaces. Teague said as soon as that plan is in its draft form Engineering would present the plan to the Commission for their review and input. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Planner Teague said that 2016 will be a busy year for the Commission, adding at this time staff is working on putting together a Comprehensive Plan overview and schedule. X. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Thorsen to adjourn the meeting of the Planning Commission at 9:50 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Motion carried. 6 _____________________________________ Respectfully submitted Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: C.5. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Jackie Hoogenakker, Planning Support Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Planning Commission, January 27, 2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None INTRODUCTION: Attached are the January 27, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes for your information. ATTACHMENTS: Description Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 27, 2016 MINUTES City of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers January 27, 2016, at 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Platteter called the Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Answering the roll call were: Hobbs, Lee, Strauss, Thorsen, Kivamaki, Ma, Nemerov, Olsen, Forrest, Platteter Absent from roll: Carr III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the January 27, 2016 meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Ayes; All. Motion carried. IV. PUBLIC HEARING A. Conditional Use Permit – Edina Public Schools, 6754 Valley View Road, Edina, MN – Continued to February 10, 2016 ______________________________________________________________________ B. Variance. Tony Burger. 6629 West Shore Drive, Edina, MN Planner Presentation Planner Aaker gave a brief history of the site and how the City and applicant negotiated the Encroachment Agreement which was not part of the variance request. Aaker presented her staff report on the requested variances to add a second floor and additional living/outdoor space to their home. Variances required as follows: Page 2 of 7 • Side yard setback/lower level. 3.5-foot side yard setback variance • Rear yard setback/lower level. 9.6-foot rear yard setback variance • Side yard setback main floor. 4.5-foot side yard setback variance • Side yard setback variance. 4.9-foot side yard setback variance • Rear yard setback 2nd floor. 2.5-foot variance rear yard setback variance; and • Grading encroachment. Remove an unnatural hillside on the property adjoin park/north side. Aaker stated staff recommends approval of the variances to allow the construction of a new second story, expansion of an existing main floor deck with new lower level patio and porch underneath the deck expansion and a lower level storage room addition on an existing legally, non-conforming house. Concluding, Aaker stated approval is conditioned on the following: • Architectural site plans date stamped: 12/30/2015. • Building plans/elevations date stamped: 12/30/2015. • Engineering memo dated: 1/20/2016. • Signed encroachment agreement between the City of Edina and the property owners. Appearing for the Applicant Tony Burger, Applicant and Property Owner Applicant Presentation Mr. Burger addressed the Commission. He reported he spoke with a majority of his neighbors with regard to the proposed project and variances. Burger reported with regard to the Encroachment Agreement that it is his intent to remove all private encroachments from City property. Burger asked the Commission for their support for the variances to allow construction of a new second story, main floor deck and lower level patio and porch/storage. Discussion Discussion ensued on the variances. Commissioners expressed their support for the variances with conditions. Page 3 of 7 Commissioners indicated their understanding of the variance request and that the request was separate from the encroachment agreement; however, they want assurances that all private encroachments on City property are removed and that the encroachment area is brought back to its natural habitat. It was also mentioned when the final survey is complete if there is a driveway encroachment that would also be remedied. Public Hearing Chair Platteter opened the public hearing. Ed Hayward, 6625 West Shore Drive, addressed the Commission in support of the variance. Commission Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Commission Nemerov. Motion carried. Motion Motion by Commissioner Nemerov to approve the requested variances based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions with the following additional conditions: 1. Removal of all private encroachments on City property. 2. Natural grasses per seeding specifications from the Watershed District are to be planted on the private encroachment areas. 3. Amend Encroachment Agreement. 4. Confirmation from Engineering Department at the time a building permit is issued that that there continues to be no concerns with grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control. Commissioner Hobbs seconded the motion. Ayes; Hobbs, Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Forrest, Platteter. Nay; Olsen. Motion carried. ______________________________________________________________________ C. City Code Amendment – Signs in the PID District. Planner Presentation Page 4 of 7 Planner Teague reported that Children’s Minnesota is planning to move their corporate campus to 5901 Lincoln Drive. The property is zoned PID, Planned Industrial District. Teague explained that offices are an allowed use in the PID zoning district; however, the sign ordinance in the PID zoning district allows one sign per building and Children’s would like to have a second sign on the property to assist in way finding due to the size of their site. Teague noted the allowable signage difference between the industrial and office zones is something the City has fielded complaints on. Currently Teague explained that while offices are an allowed use in the PID zoning district the PID zoning district has different sign requirements. Industrially zoned property (PID) is allowed one sign per building. Property that is zoned POD is allowed one sign per building and one free standing sign per street frontage. Teague reminded the Commission that revisiting the sign ordinance has been on the Commissions “bucket list” for some time, adding this request begins the process. Teague concluded that staff recommends approval of the requested ordinance change, adding these changes would help with way finding to all businesses in the PID zoning district. Discussion Commissioners expressed their support for the proposed amendment. Commissioners did note that the nature of the PID zoning district is evolving becoming more of a mixed use district; acknowledging that the City needs to decide where it wants to go with regard to signage “on the whole”. Commissioners said that signage goals should be spelled out for each district with careful thought. Chair Platteter said as further study proceeds on amending the sign ordinance it would be good if the Commission could review Edina’s ordinance with other municipalities. Public Hearing Chair Platteter opened the public hearing. No one spoke to the issue. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Page 5 of 7 Motion Commissioner Olsen moved to recommend adoption of the amendment to the sign ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Thorsen. Ayes; Hobbs, Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Lee, Nemerov, Forrest, Platteter. Motion carried. VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one spoke during the comment period. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the community comment. Seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Motion carried. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update Chair Platteter explained that it is time for the Planning Commission to formulate the City’s intent on how to approach updating the Comprehensive Plan for 2018. Platteter said the Met Council has specific guidelines and requirements that must be met; however, there are discretionary areas. Planner Presentation Planner Teague reminded Commissioners the Metropolitan Land Use Planning Act requires local units of government to submit Comprehensive Plan updates every 10 years. Teague said the 2018 report is to be completed and submitted to the Met Council by December 31, 2018. Teague further explained it is the charge of the Planning Commission to oversee the updating process and hold the public hearing. The City Council “votes” on approving the updated plan. Teague said a 4/5’s vote is required to approve and submit the plan to the Met Council. Teague offered the current contents of the plan and an indication of those who may be responsible for the review and update: • Community Profile/Demographics – Community Development/Planning Department/Consultant Page 6 of 7 • Land Use – Planning Commission/Community Development/Planning Division/Consultant. • Housing – Community Development/Planning Division/Consultant • Heritage Preservation - Heritage Preservation Board/Planning Division • Transportation – Engineering/Transportation Commission/Consultant • Water Resource Management – Engineering Division/Consultant • Parks and Recreation – Parks and Recreation Division • Energy and Environment – Energy and Environment Commission • Community Services – Police and Fire/ IT/ Communications/ Engineering/ Community Development/Planning Division Teague said at this time the Met Council has added two new plan elements as follows: • Resilience – Energy and Environment Commission/Health/Community Development/Planning Division/Consultant • Competitiveness – Economic Development/Community Development/Planning Division/Consultant Teague noted further areas of interest are the study areas that need consideration in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan for Small Area Plans are 44th and France, 50th and France, 70th and Cahill and continuing Grandview. Teague asked Commissioners to review the materials presented to them for discussion. Teague reiterated the Commission oversees updating the plan and in the past the Commission has established a task force to do so. Discussion Chair Platteter commented he observed that in the past it appeared the consultant hired by the City directed the updating process. Platteter said he envisions the Commission and/or task force to address the issue head-on and hire the consultant. Platteter said he envisions use of the consultant(s) as needed and to draft the final document. Commissioners also pointed out the importance of transparency and “getting the word out” that the process has started and input from residents is important. Further discussions will continue to formalize the process. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Chair Platteter acknowledged back of packet materials. Page 7 of 7 IX. CHAIR AND MEMBER COMMENTS It was noted that the City is taking applications for a new Planning Commissioner. Commissioner Forrest is leaving after serving nine years on the Commission. All interested are encouraged to apply. X. STAFF COMMENTS Planner Teague reported that the final counts have been tallied on teardowns. Teague said in 2015 there were 109 teardowns, adding there were 104 teardowns in 2014 and 116 in 2013. XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Thorsen to adjourn the meeting of the Planning Commission at 8:50 PM. Seconded by Commissioner Olsen. Motion carried. ________________________________________ Respectfully submitted Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: X.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:FAA Privatization of Air Traffic Control Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to authorize correspondence from the City of Edina to its elected federal government representatives requesting them to oppose the adoption of House File 4441. INTRODUCTION: House File 4441 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives last week. If adopted in its current form it would allow the Federal Aviation Administration to privatize the country’s air traffic control (ATC) system. City governments across the country are expressing their opposition to HF 4441 on a number of fronts, including concerns that it will: · Make ATC and FAA less responsive to public concerns · Substitute profit motives for safety motives in ATC decisions · Diminish FAA’s control over ATC decisions The bill is currently in the mark-up stage in the House, so it is important for city officials to express concern about this issue right now. I have conferred with the City of Minneapolis on the matter and prepared a similar letter for the Edina City Council to send to Congressman Ellison, Congressman Paulson and Senators Klobuchar and Franken. If the Council adopts this motion, the letters will be prepared and sent later this week. Date: February 17, 2016 Agenda Item #: XIII. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Schedule of Meeting and Events As Of February 17, 2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Schedule of Meetings & Events As Of February 17, 2016 CITY COUNCIL SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS AS OF FEBRUARY 17, 2016 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Wed Feb 17 HRA Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Feb 17 Work Session – Grandview Facility Operation & Feasibility Study 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Feb 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Feb 24 Closed Work Session – Annual City Manager Performance Review 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Mon Feb 29 2016 Boards and Commissions Annual Meeting 5:00 P.M. BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB HOUSE Tues Mar 1 Precinct Caucus Night Wed Mar 2 Work Session – – Mill Pond Assessment Review/Engineering Assessment Review 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Mar 2 Engineering Street Assessment Review 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Mar 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Mar 15 HRA Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Mar 15 Work Session – Energy & Environment Commission 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Mar 15 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 5 Work Session – TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 5 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 19 HRA Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 19 Work Session – Grandview Facility Operation & Feasibility Study 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Apr 20 2016 Annual Volunteer Recognition Reception 5:00 P.M. BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB HOUSE Tues May 3 Work Session – State of Infrastructure/Business Meeting 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues May 3 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues May 17 HRA Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues May 17 Work Session – Planning Commission 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Mon May 30 MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED – City Hall Closed