HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-13 PacketDRAFT MINUTES CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday September 12, 2013 7:02 PM CALL TO ORDER 7:02p.m. 4 II. ROLL CALL Answering Roll Call was Bale, Gubrud, Heer, Howard, Kostuch, Latham, Sokol, Thompson, and Zarrin Absent: Risser, Rudnicki Late Arrival: Chair Sierks Staff Present: Ross Bintner and Rebecca Foster III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Kostuch to approve the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Thompson to approve the July Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Zarrin to approve the August Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. B. Attendance report and roster. Members discussed not having the August meeting as required attendance due to no business discussed and a quorum not being met. Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Gubrud to not approve the August Meeting attendance, because the Commission has a Work Session with Council that will provide 12 meetings for the year. Motion carried unanimously. C. Workgroup list and minutes. Remove Member Zarrin from the Education and Outreach Working Group. Add Member Thompson to Solar & Wind Ordinance Task Force. V. COMMUNITY COMMENTS No Comment. VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. 2014 EEC Workplan Development. Acting Chair Heer reviewed the 2013 Workplan and discussed what was accomplished and what wasn't and why. He said the 2014 Workplan needs to have more specific descriptions. The Workplan needs to include total staff time and budget requests in order to complete a Workplan item. Chair Sierks arrived at 7:35p.m. Proposed 2014 Workplan 1. City Building Energy Efficiency. The City can lead by example and save money over the long term by prioritizing energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction. 2. Environmental Purchasing Policy. Review implementation since March 20, 2012 policy adoption. Review quarterly task force meeting materials, product analysis and evaluations, and annual report. 3. Energy Efficiency Community Outreach a. Host an event in April similar to years' past "What's Up With The Weather?" and "Our Clean Energy Future." b. Promote EEEP, Community Solar and personal energy use awareness. c. Participate in Home Energy Squad (HES) project to provide educational materials, Edina 4th of July Parade and other promotion for Center for Energy and Environment's (CEE) "Home Energy Squad - Enhanced Visit" by entering into an agreement with CEE. 4. Integrate Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 Into City Operations. Taking meaningful action to integrate the environmental goals and objectives stated in Chapter 10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan requires incorporating these policies into standard city practices and operations. EEC will form a task force to develop a plan to address three Chapter 10 priorities: Greenhouse gas reduction, energy efficiency, and City buildings and operations. 5. Business Recycling Task Force. The task force will review the results of the pilot program with Hennepin County, perform additional pilot work independently if needed, and conduct a review of other community's best practices. The work will be summarized with recommendations for a course of action. 6. Local Food. Review practices of keeping bees and chickens on residential lots and propose changes to ordinance to allow. Ongoing Responsibilities 1. Green Step Cities Reporting - review ongoing activities in GreenSteps program. 2. Urban Forestry - track progress through Parks and Planning Commissions, review final product. 3. Solid Waste and Recycling - track MPCA compost rulemaking and emerald ash borer quarantine changes. 4. Support City and Commission Activities - participate in stakeholder engagement such as France Ave Design, Grandview Area, Living Streets, 54th Street, and others. 5. Green Step Cities Reporting - review ongoing activities in GreenSteps program. Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Latham to approve the proposed 2014 EEC Work Plan. Motion carried unanimously. Member Risser has expressed interest in leaving the EEC due to schedule conflicts with Thursday meetings. Chair Sierks will contact Member Risser and ask her if she would like the monthly EEC meetings to change days or if she doesn't want to participate on the Commission. B. Create New Working Groups. This topic was tabled. VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS A. Volunteer applications Harmon and Usem. Acting Chair Heer said Andy Harmon and Renee Usem will be invited to the October EEC meeting. VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS. The EEC requests City Council to ask the City Manager and City Staff to perform a rough quantitative analysis of the Green House Gas impact of the proposed new City facilities such as the new sports dome, new outdoor refrigerated ice rinks, and new parking structures around 50th & France, to see how they will impact Edina's stated goal of 25% GHG gas reduction by 2025 that is in Section 10 of the Comprehensive Plan and the likelihood of achieving that goal. Motion made by Member Kostuch and seconded by Member Latham to approve the Green House Gas reduction advisory to Council. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Sierks excused himself from the meeting at 9:05p.m. Member Latham announced the Historic Edina House Tour will be held Sunday, September 15`h from 1:00- 5:00pm. Member Thompson announced the Community Solar Gardens Event will be held Friday, September 131n, October 11`h and November 15`h from 6:30-8pm. Member Sokol announced Project Earth is selling Chinook Book which is a coupon book and 50% goes back to the club. Member Zarrin announced Edina Business Recycling will kick off September 25`h at the Edina Chamber of Commerce. Acting Chair Heer welcomed new student Member Sarah Bale. IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. City projects update. Mr. Bintner presented the Edina Promenade Phase #4 plans to the Commission. This project will be integrated with a Water Quality Infiltration Project, permanent pedestrian path, additional trees, shrubs, "Babbling Brook" channel, etc. The subsurface infiltration options will be a shallow underground irrigation/infiltration, deep underground infiltration, shallow garden basins, or shallow gardens with rock channels. The new features will reduce phosphorus in the water. Member Howard excused himself from the meeting at 9:36p.m. Mr. Bintner gave an update on the W. 54th St Corridor Preliminary Engineering and Storm Water Management plan to the Commission. There is a meeting on Monday, September 30th to engage the City's Commissions. The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Envision product is what's being used to help design the project to be more sustainable. There are five different categories that the project received credits in. There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Acting Chair Heer declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40p.m. Motion made by Member Thompson and seconded by Member Latham to adjourn meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Foster GIS Administrator CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday October 10, 2013 7:00 PM ATTACH M E NTS None UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS: City Events Calendar (link) 8 Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "'I" under the month on the meetings' line. ENERGY` ffcf11>A/! ANT COMMISSK?N . ; Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "l " under the month on the meetings' line. NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session of. Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Bale, Sarah student 1 6/18/2013 (enter date) 7t11X Gubrud, Bob 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 W% Heer, John 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Howard, John 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 10096 Kostuch, Keith 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 -00% Latham, Dianne Plunkett 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 =8 80% Risser, Julie 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 60% Rudnicki, Tim 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70% Sierks, Bill 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90% Sokol, Elana student 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7Q°0 Thompson, Paul 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 900A Zarrin, Sarah 2/1/20151 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 100% Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "'I" under the month on the meetings' line. Type " 1" under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "l " under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l " under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "1" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "l " under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting* Type "I" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "'I" under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type "'I" under the month on the meetings' line. Type " 1" under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line. There is no number typed on the members' lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given, the previously -scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. NOTES: I CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thursday October 10, 2013 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes B. Attendance report and roster C. Workgroup list and minutes V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Energy & Environment Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission, or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the some issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Commission might refer the matter to staff or to an EEC Working Group for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Sustainability in City Operations i. EEEP ii. Purchasing Policy iii. Comprehensive Plan Goals and Performance Management B. Commission Organization C. Education and Outreach Working Group D. Business Recycling Task Force E. Commissioner liaison reports (54`h Street, Living Streets, Grandview, France, Etc) VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS VIII.CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. City projects update UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS: http://www.edinamn.gov/ <click calendar> 10/i.,1/1.3 f-ity COunCil Heating —(.'iffy Ball 1, 1./4/13 City Council Meeting- City Half 11/14/13 EEC October Meeting — City Hall The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. Edina Energy & Environment Commission Working Groups, Task Forces and Projects Draft of 9-12-13 Air Quality Working Group (AQ WG) — Temporarily deactivated 9 Feb. 2012 Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — 4`h Thursday at 6:30pm - Chair Julie Risser — Members: Jon Moon, David B. VanDongen Energy Working Group (AE WG)— 3`d Tuesday at 7:00 pm — Chair Bill Sierks, Co -Chair John Heer - Commissioners Bob Gubrud and John Howard- Members Richard Griffith, Richard Oriani, Greg Nelson, Gary Wahman, John Dolphin Prospective Members Chad Bell Education Outreach Working Group (EO WG) — 1St Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Co -Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud — Members: John Howard (EEC) Home Ene= Squad Task Force (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud Purchasing — Meets as needed — Chair Keith Kostuch Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) — 1St Thursday at 7:00 pm - Chair DP Latham, Commissioners Sara Zarrin and Tim Rudnicki - Members Michelle Horan, Melissa Seeley — City Staff Solvei Wilmot Urban Forest Task Force (UF TF) — Meets as needed over lunch hour - Chair DP Latham — Commissioners - Joseph Hulbert (Pk Bd), Michael Schroeder (Planning Commission) & City Forester Tom Horwath (Staff). Solar & Wind Ordinance Task Force —Chair Open, Members — Bill Sierks (EEC) Michael Platteter (Planning), Ken Potts (Planning) with support from the EEC Energy Working Group, Paul Thompson (EEC) — City Planner Cary Teague (Staff) Bylaws Working Group — Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham (EEC), Carbon Disclosure Project Committee — Commissioner John Heer Edina Business Recycling — 3`d Wednesday - Chair Sarah Zarrin — Members: Lori Syverson (Chamber of Commerce), Ben Knudson (Hennepin County Environmental Services), Andre Xiong (HCES), Aileen Foley 10 Edina Business Recycling, EBR, updates/progress • EBR kick off and announcement of the Hennepin county grant was on 9/25 at the chamber's monthly luncheon with the chamber members. o Hennepin county had a set up table and distributed handouts on recycling and the grant o Mayor Hovland announced the Edina business recycling and encouraged the businesses to recycle and get info at the Hennepin county table and their website o Sarah and Aileen attended the event o Hennepin county has $10,000 and $50,000 grants o Following businesses in Edina are going to be the first to apply for the grant ■ Dairy queen ■ 50th and France ■ Galleria o The first show case and publicized event will be at the 50th and France, Oct 15 to 301h, • Main actions o Sarah to work with Ross Bon the website and publicity o Open a tab on the city website for the business recycling o City to publicize the grant and the promotion of business recycling ■ Need input from the EEC members???? ■ City to send the Hennepin county hand out to businesses in Edina • Sarah will work with Solvei m Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) September Meeting Minutes Meeting began around 7 PM in the Mayor's Conference Room, Tuesday, September 3rd. In attendance: John Howard, John Heer, Bob Gubrud, Andy Harmon. The meeting was held with the energy working group members in their usual time and place. Mr. Howard took minutes. Andy Harmon is new to Edina and is interested in the various working groups. Mr. Harmon learned of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission through the city website, and has spoken with staff liaison Ross Binter, PE. Mr. Heer explained the working groups and some of the main goals of the energy group. City council seems to want a more concrete and specific work plan for 2014, so how can we do this? o Work plan as is probably needs to be more fleshed out. o Task force around education events? Mr. Heer has drafted a work plan item to be discussed at the next Energy and Environment Commission meeting on this concept. Historically the EOWG has led this effort. o Mr. Heer suggested a water themed event for the annual April event, possibly about aquifer depletion. Mr. Gubrud wants event to be actionable, seems to be hurdle to get events to be actionable. The actionability of the past events was discussed. Mention was made to the partnering with the transportation commission on living streets. Nice ride potential for Edina was discussed. Seems the closest Nice Ride area is Linden Hills. Meeting minutes approved. Discussion over community solar ideas for energy or education & outreach working group. New state legislation allows for community solar, possible that the working group could facilitate solar development. Mr. Howard was concerned about legality of city partnering with private businesses in finding investors. Additional talk about utilizing city building as sites of community solar. Mention was made that Ken Bradley, a veteran in the environmental advocacy field, has a company specifically working on the community solar business. 4th of July parade was seen as successful, but hot. Night to unite was not utilized as an outreach event by the commission. 20 of 30 buy downs have been utilized for Home Energy Squad visits. Article will be forth coming in About Town Fall edition advertising the program and mentioning the reduced cost visits. Funding is uncertain for visits beyond the 10 remaining subsidized visits. 12 Movie series may not be able to team with film festival that will be taking place in mid October, but still want to proceed with a film. Chuck Prentice of Edina has a similar series, and would be happy to help promote series. Mr. Howard is to reach out to Chuck and see about getting his help. No info on school, or church green team activity. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. Post meeting discussion about Edina day of service activities, which is sometime in mid-October. In the past, the EOWG has held 3-4 free Home Energy squad visits for seniors or people in need. Mr. Gubrud has traditionally led this effort and will work on getting something set up. Mr. Paul Thompson, who is an active EOWG member, communicated to Mr. Howard that he is planning on doing a community bike tour. Next Meeting: Oct 1st at 7pm in the Community Room. Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. NAME I TERM I J IFIMIAIMIJI Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting* Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting J I A S O N I D I Work Session I Work Session # of Mtgs. Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 Bale, Sarah student 1 6/18/2013 (enter date) 1 10096 Gubrud, Bob 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 891 Heer, John 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Howard, John 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 100% Kostuch, Keith 2/1/20161 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 78% - Latham, Dianne Plunkett 2/1/20151 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89°A Risser, Julie 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 67% Rudnicki, Tim 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 78% Sierks, Bill 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89°A Sokol, Elana student 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 78% Thompson, Paul 2/1/20161 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Zarrin, Sarah 2/1/20151 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100°A Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "l " under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting* Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type " 1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "l under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line. There is no number typed on the members' lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given, the previously -scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. NOTES: H Morningside �J J Presidents I Interlachen Park Rolling Green HilkWhite lale Todd Park a1 Country Club Oaks unnyslops 50th. nd Fron e Grandview ark Hi ds p o Parkwood Knolls Fox Meado Y~ GolfTTeerrace Heights �a Creek Knoll MinnehaheVh` s Melody Lak ." Chowen Park Countryside •4 Bredesen'Park a D Birchcrost :': Concord �. e StrachauerPark Norrnandals Park • Indian Hills — Creek Valle Southdale Q Lake Cornelia The Heights Brookview Heights �." o 00 Indian Trails Q • • ._ Prospect Knolls 11 � Promenade P q South Cornelia , eke Edina F S Cahill 7 Parklawn away Hill C � on Edinboro es •a .r ^ ^ Pentagon Park T 0 Edina Neighborhoods N W+E S Engineering Dept Council Approved: April 16, 2013 (BOARD/COMMISSION) 2014 Annual Work Plan Complete each section with a white background. Add or delete tables as needed. Return to the Assistant City Manager by September 19. Up With The Weather?" and "Our Clean Energy Enhanced Engineer. Future." Promote EEEP, Community Solar and personal energy use awareness. Participate in Home Energy Squad (HES) project to provide educational materials, Edina 4th of july Parade and other promotion for Center for Energy and Environment's (CEE) "Home Energy Squad — Enhanced Visit" by entering into an agreement with CEE. Progress Report: The education and outreach working group hosted an event in 2013 and marched in the 4th of July parade. The City and EEC continue to work with CEE, Xcel and Centerpoint to promote residential energy efficiency through the Home Energy Squad and coordinated public outreach. Support2014 Continuation of 2013 initiative. Target Completion Budget Staff Date Required Approval Integrate Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 Into City December 2014 for Staff time for Moderate: Administration Operations task force to develop input and Taking meaningful action to integrate the a specific action plan leadership by environmental goals and objectives stated in to integrate Chapter Council and Chapter 10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan 10 into city senior requires incorporating these policies into standard operations. management of city practices and operations. city. EEC will form a task force to develop a plan to address three Chapter 10 priorities: Greenhouse gas reduction, energy efficiency, and City buildings and operations. Progress Report: The City lacks a framework or strategy to make progress or measure success with respect to its greenhouse gas and energy goals. We want to assure these are effectively considered in City decision-making The task force will review the results of the pilot Community Health staff `= program with Hennepin County, perform additionalVy NZA pilot work independently if needed, and conduct a. review of other community's best practices. W The work will be summarized with recommendations for a course of action. Progress Report: the Business recycling task has worked with Hennepin County and Edina businesses to get waste audits and promote recycling and presented their preliminary findings at the June 18 Joint EEC/CC meeting. Ongoing Responsibilities Green Step Cities Reporting — review ongoing activities in GreenSteps program. Urban Forestry —track progress through Parks and Planning Commissions, review final product. Solid Waste and Recycling — track MPCA compost rulemaking and emerald ash borer quarantine changes. Support City and Commission Activities — participate in stakeholder engagement such as France Ave Design, Grandview Area, Living Streets, 54` Street, and others. Green Step Cities Reporting — review ongoing activities in GreenSteps program. Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years