HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-10 PacketDRAFT MINUTES
Thursday September 10, 2015
7:00 PM
I. CALL TO ORDER 7:02p.m.
II. ROLL CALL Answering Roll Call Glahn, Gubrud, Howard, Manser, Reinke, Satterlee, Seeley, Stefanik, Thompson,
and Chair Kostuch
Late: Sierks, Waldwick, Zarrin
Staff Present: Ross Bintner and Rebecca Foster
Member Gubrud requested Community Solar to be added to the; Agenda.
Motion made by Member Thompson and seconded by Member Gubrud to approve the Meeting Agenda.
Motion carried unanimously.
A. Minutes. No comment.
B. Attendance report and roster. No Comment.
C. Workgroup list and minutes. Member Thompson requested Reilly Anderson and Sunaya Padmananhan
to be removed from the Education an4putreach Working Group. Mr. Bintner requested John Heer to
be removed from the City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee. Member Thompson requested
Reilly Anderson and Sunaya Padmananhan to be removed from the Student Environmental Leadership
Council and add the new student members Emily Reinke and Sarah Stefanik.
Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Howard to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion
carried unanimously.
Member Sierks and Zarrin arrived at 705p.m.
V. COMMUNITY COMMENT. John Anderson, West Metro Community Coordinator for Conservation Minnesota,
came to observe the meeting.
Member Waddick arrived at 7:06p.m.
A. ECCT Update. Memb lr2arrin said the group is doing well. Council approved the first reading on
Conservation and Sustainability Fund. The Committee is setting short and long term goals for
Greenhouse gas reduction. The Committee has been pressing on budget and planning to meet the
goals. She said the schools are renovating buildings this year and the committee is hoping they'll add
some community solar with their projects. CR -BPS is assessing City buildings for energy usage.
B. EEC 2016 Term Workplan (Due September 29th). Member Kostuch reviewed the proposed Workplan.
Initiative 1— Change the Target Completion Date from 2017 to 2016 and add 36hrs for staff
time. Sarah Zarrin and Richard Manser will guide this initiative.
Initiative 2 - Initiative 2 and 3 could fall under Partners in Energy and continue from last year and
add fleet.
A. 2015-2016 EEC Term Summary / Council Advisory Status / Workplan. Mr. Bintner said the commissioner
can review the summary on pages 32 & 33.
B. Xcel Franchise Update. Mr. Bintner said the existing Xcel Energy Franchise agreement was extended for
another 90 days. Scott Neal is asking for Xcel to install LED in City Streetlights. Xcel pushed back on a lot
of items the City requested.
C. Partners in Energy Update. Mr. Bintner said the Council appointed members to the Partners in Energy
committee. The Chamber of Commerce backed out due to other commitments.
D. Purchasing Policy / 2013 Purchasing Report. Mr. Bintner included the policy on page 48 for your review.
E. Conservation and Sustainability Fund Proposal. This fund will be for a new staff member and that
person will be the EEC liaison too. There will be a CIP with funds for specific purchases only.
There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Kostuch declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m.
Motion made by Member Glahn and seconded by Member Thompson to adjourn meeting. Motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Foster
GIS Administrator
Initiative 3 — Change the Community Solar project to a. Support City staff in scoping, bidding and
executing a community solar project in 2015/16 at Public Works Bldg. b. Support City staff as
necessary with Met Council solar project RFP and implementation. Change Home Energy Squad
from fund from 150 to 100, change HES cost from $10,500 to $5000, and change 500 visits to
Water Quality WG — Add receive annual report from City staff on Edina water quality issues and
Member Glahn objects to the food packaging material in Initiative 6.
Partners in Energy will be a 6 month period to put a plan together.
Chair Kostuch specifically asked Mr. Bintner to request Purchasing Policy Report for 2014 from Manager
Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Zarrin to approve Work plan with edits.
Member Glahn opposed. Motion carried.
A. Building Energy Efficiency Subcommittee. This is now ECCT.
B. City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee. No comment.
C. Education Outreach Working Group. Member Gubrud said the Edina Day of Service is October 24th and
HES will do four installs. Member Thompson said the April Event will have a Community Solar topic on
looking for subscribers.
D. Home Energy Squad Subcommittee. Member Gubrud said he did an advertisement about HES on Next
Door and received nine install requests. There were only two people interested from the July 4th
parade. There will be an Article in the Fall about Town on HES.
E. Recycling, Solid Waste and Organics Working Group. Member Seeley is the Chair of the Working Group
now. Better Futures MN did a presentation on Environmental Stewardship of Used Building Materials.
F. Student Subcommittee. No comment.
G. Water Quality Working Group. Member Waddick said there will be a salt usage article in the Fall About
Town. The group will stop stenciling in October.
H. Community Solar. The RFP for Solar Panels on the Public Works roof is due September 11th. There was
an open house earlier in the week and only one contractor attended.
Chair Kostuch announced that he's hoping to cancel the December meeting if there are no pressing issues.
Chair Kostuch requested to have the annual televised meeting in February.
Chair Kostuch is happy to see a new Conservation and Sustainability position created, but doesn't like how the
City Manager is using utility tax for the new position, because it's a very regressive tax.
Motion made by Member Kostuch and seconded by Member Glahn to approve while it is encouraging to see
the City Manager propose a City staff position focused on conservation and energy reduction activities within
the City's operations, but using highly regressive franchise fees to fund it raises serious issues of equity and
fairness. If this position is a priority for the City, then the City should fund it out of existing city budgets even
if that requires cut backs in other areas that are lower priority.
Members Kostuch and Glahn for, other against. Motion failed.
Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet.
Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically.
Counted as Meetina Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE)
Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE)
Regular Meeting w/Quorum
Type "l under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "l under the month for each attending member.
Regular Meeting w/o Quorum
Type " 1" under the month for each attending member.
Joint Work Session
D Work Session Work Session
Meetings/Work Sessions
41712015 (Enter Date)
Glahn, William
Gubrud, Bob
Howard, John
Kostuch, Keith
Manser, Richard
Satterlee, Lauren
Seeley, Melissa
Sierks, Bill
Thompson, Paul
1 1
Waddick, Louise
Zarrin, Sarah
Heer, John
Latham, Dianne Plunkett
1 .
Reinke, Emily
Stefanik, Sarah
Anderson, Reilly
Padmanabhan, Sunaya
Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet.
Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically.
Counted as Meetina Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE)
Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE)
Regular Meeting w/Quorum
Type "l under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "l under the month for each attending member.
Regular Meeting w/o Quorum
Type "l under the month on the meetings' line.
Type " 1" under the month for each attending member.
Joint Work Session
Type "l under "Work Session" on the meetings' line.
Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member.
Rescheduled Meeting'
Type "l under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "1" under the month for each attending member.
Cancelled Meeting
Type "l under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "l " under the month for ALL members.
Special Meeting
There is no number typed on the meetings' line.
There is no number typed on the members' lines.
Energy and Environment Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Edina City Hall
Community Room
Thursday, October 8, 2015
7:00 PM
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A. Minutes
B. Attendance report and roster
C. Workgroup list and minutes
V. Community Comment
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share
relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes.
The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time
and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not
be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair
or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the
Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future
VI. Reports/Recommendations
A. Board View / Novus Agenda Review
B. Building Energy Report
C. Edina Climate Commitment Team (ECCT)
VII. Correspondence And Petitions
VIII.Chair And Member Comments
A. Chair and Member Comments
IX. Staff Comments
A. Staff Comments
X. Adjournment
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public
process. V you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter,
large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in
advance of the meeting.
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, NIN 55424
Date: October 8, 2015
To: Energy and Environment Commission
From: Rebecca Foster, GIS Administrator
Subject: Workgroup list and minutes
Work Group List 91015
EOWG 90315 Minutes
RSWO 91615 Minutes
WQWG 91515 Minutes
Wait Group List 91015
EOWG 90315 Minutes
RSWO 91615 Minutes
WQWG 91515 Minutes
Agenda Item #: IV.C.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
Edina Energy & Environment Commission
Working Groups and Subcommittees
Draft of 9-10-15
BuildingEnergy Efficiency Subcommittee - Chair Sierks, Members: Bill Glahn, Keith Kostuch
Objective: This subcommittee will work with Cite staff to recommend to Council a comprehernsive approach for
achieving deeper energy efficiency actions for the cit}�'s buildings that maximizes greenhouse gas reductions,
nur.ximizes ener��} saved and dollars saved, and maximizes effective use of citY dollars.
City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee — Chair Keith Kostuch, Members:
Objective: This srcb-comnaittce of the EEC will work with Cit1' stuff ro find a way to embed the 2008
Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 environmental commitments into the City s capital budget process. New
buildings, ma'jor building renovations and fleet purchases have large and long-term environmental implications.
Consequently, environnnentcd considerations need to be made more explicit at the inception of all capital projects
and in the approved process up to City Councilfinal approval.
Time frame: This process will be collaborative with Cir,' stcjj' in terms of conceptualization and implementation
so it will take most or rill of'2014.
Community Solar Subcommittee - Chair Bill Sierks, Members: Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud
Objective: Work with Cite Staff to evaluate whether the City can host a CormnunitY Solar site. If so, the group
will assist as appropriate in completing the steps necessary to apply for, develop, crud market this program, and
involve interested members of the public through a working group if the project moves forward to construction
Edina Climate Commitment Team — 1" & 3rd Monday — Chair Sarah Zarrin — Commissioners: Bill Sierks, Robert Manser
— Staff. Scott Neal and Council Member Kevin Staunton
Assist with establishing best practices for energy conservation for The City of Edina (i.e., buildings, fleet)
Assist with meeting established conservation goals and establish strategies to track and meet these goals
Identify° opportunities for change to meet GHG goals
Assist with developing effective communication strategies.for above to EEC, Council and the public
Assist with allocating City resources (staff, budget) to enable realization of conservation goals
Education Outreach Working Group (EO WG) — 1" Thursday at 7:00 pm - Co -Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud —
Members: John Howard (EEC), Sarah Stefanik, Chuck Prentice and Mindy Ahler.
Objective: The mission of the Education and Outreach Working Group is to support the charter of the Edina
Energy and Enviromuent Commission by creating awareness and engaging residents, schools, churches, business`
and comnnnnity organizations to take action to conserve and increase energy efficiency, to reuse and recycle, and
to preserve and enhance our eni,ironment
Home Energy Squad Subcommittee (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob
Objective: This suhcornrnittee works with Cite stuff Xcel Energy, Centerpoint Energy, and the Center for Energy
and the Enviromuent to irnplernent the Home Energy Squad program for Edina's residents. The citY's gas and
electric utilities have hired CEE to implement the Horne Entergy Squad program across their service area. Our
subcommittee is helping to promote the program and inoxiinize its impact in Edina.
Recycling Solid Waste and Organics Working Group(RSWO WG) — 1" Wednesday at 7:00 pm - Chair Sarah Zarrin —
Commissioners Lauren Satterlee, Melissa Seeley Members: DP Latham, Michelle Horan, Lori Syverson (Chamber of
Commerce), Ben Knudson (Hennepin County Environmental Services), Andre Xiong (HCES), Aileen Foley— City Staff:
Solvei Wilmot
Objective: Evaluate and monitor the provisions of the recycling, solid waste and organic waste collection
programs in Edina. Evahtate and nzonitor the reduction in fnunicipal solid waste by residents and businesses in
Edina. Educate the public about recycling, organics and solid waste reduction.
Student Environmental Leadership Council — EEC Chair, Members: Paul Thompson, Student Members: Emily Reinke,
Sarah Stefanik and open to students attending secondary schools in Edina.
Objective: To facilitate, coordinate and share information between the EEC and the School Environmental
groups and to work on c0711171017 energy and environmental objectives as appropriate. To assist in developing
eiwironmental leaders of tomorrow.
Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — 2"d Tuesday at 6:30pm - Chair Lou Ann Waddick — Members: David B.
VanDongen, Jon Moon, Steve Wielock, Katherine Winston, Sue Nissen and Randy Holst, Richard Strong.
Objective: To facilitate communication between citiens and city government and champion efforts to improve
water quality within Edina.
EOWG Sept. 3, 2015 Meeting
In attendance: Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud, John Howard
Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm. Held in Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall.
1) Welcome and check ins
2) Past minutes approved without edit.
3) Film Series - John did not have any new suggestions for films beyond 70°South, which looks
at Antarctica and climate change. Paul suggested Years of Living Dangerously that is a
Showtime TV show. Paul also suggested checking the Climate Reality website for good films
and reaching out to Chuck. Bob wants to make sure attendance would be good - this would
include getting Edina partners on board such as the Edina garden council and EGG. Other
ideas for partners are Rotary clubs, Edina Art Council and Chamber of Commerce.
Next film would be in November at the earliest, and this timeframe could work with film
about the Paris climate negotiation.
John will look at films shown at the Sundance Film Festival to see if they would work for film
series as well as check out films shown at Midwest Mountaineering events and the Winona
Frozen River Film Festival.
4) Home Energy Squad Update - Bob shared email that Judy Thommes at CEE sent regarding
HES visits. Nine visits arose from Next Door posting that was sent out by the City in August.
Kudos to MJ Lamon for getting the posting on Next Door. An ad for HES visits will be in
About Town for the fall. Only 2 HES visits resulted from 4th of July parade distribution. Bob
suggested adding "For more information" to Next Door copy to make it clear the website
has more info.
5) Homecoming Parade- Living Streets- EEC: Edina Transportation dept is hoping to advertise
Open street event (Sept. 27th) at the Homecoming Parade, which is on Sept. 18 at
approximately 4 pm. Open Streets are when a road is closed to car traffic.
6) Edina Day of Service: HES will do 3-4 free visits, Bob is coordinating this. Paul may continue
with bike rides to sites. John will work on organizing a buckthorn bust.
7) Community Solar Update: Bob has not heard from Bill S, but Paul reports that a RFP for City
community solar has been issued. This topic was discussed at the August EEC. EOWG would
do publicity for project and enrollment when the time comes, and this will require
preparation. Bob will contact MJ to see if info on subscribing could be put on Next Door,
and/or the Sun Current.
8) RSW Sustainable packaging: Michelle Horan presented on this topic at August EEC meeting,
with the main focus being on removing styrofoam from restaurant use. Minneapolis has
implemented this policy.
9) SELC: Emily Ding, Emily Reinke and Sarah Stefanik appear to be new leaders of the group.
No meetings yet this year.
10) Work Plan for 2016 - Bob would like to see more concrete structure and plan. HES and
Community Solar were discussed as main topics, with community solar being seen as the
new important topic. If we requested funds, the HES money could go to subsidize and
advertise visits. Funds toward community solar would be for education and
advertising/promotion. Ads could be in water bill, or Sun Current. Ideally flexibility to have
film series and educational events built into work plan ($2,000), could have this as
"Community Education" heading. Paul would like to see greater collaboration amongst
organizations and commissions. He believes additional outreach would strengthen EOWG
• Goal is 200 HES visits in 2016, with 100 subsidized by city.
• Need to have publicity plan on community solar, likely this will be focus of April event.
• Bob will contact Bill to get community Solar text for work plan.
• John to write up Education and outreach section, and compile the final three work plan
items into one draft for the Sept. EEC meeting.
11) Other: Paul has Edina Public School calendar to track events and avoid conflicting dates.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:52 pm.
Minutes prepared by John Howard.
Minutes from September 16, 2015 RSWO Meeting
Commissioners present: Sarah Zarrin, Lauren Satterlee, Melissa Seeley
WG Members present: Michelle Horan, Emily Ding
WG Members not present: DP Latham, Lori Syverson (Chamber of Commerce), Ben Knudson
(Hennepin County Environmental Services), Andre Xiong (HCES), Aileen Foley
Introductions and welcome of new member, Emily Ding
Discussion of styrofoam ban discussed at 8/19/15 meeting
- Talked about the steps Minneapolis took to implement program
- Talked about how Edina could implement a similar program
- Michelle Horan will reach out to her contacts in Minneapolis to ask further questions
about best practices
Discussion of organics hauling
- Solvei is working on an organics hauling resolution - awaiting status update
- Several businesses at 50th & France are currently composting
- 2016 Hennepin County mandate
Update from Emily Ding regarding Edina High School
Project Earth initiatives
- Lunchroom practices regarding recycling & composting
- Discussion of new addition at EHS and the possibility of green possibilities. Melissa
will discuss with Dr. Locklear
- Possibly getting new signage from Hennepin County. Melissa will talk with County
and District
Next meeting is November 18 at 7:00 pm in the Mayor's Conference Room
October meeting is cancelled
Edina Water Quality Working Group
Meeting Minutes September 15, 2015
The meeting started at 6:35 pm in the Mayor's Conference Room of Edina City Hall
Attendees: LouAnn Waddick, chair; Steve Wielock; Katharine Winston; Jon Moon
LoAnn Waddick (LW) waited for other people to show up. Until then there was discussion of weddings
and the value of wedding planners. Also, a citizen looking for the City Council meeting stopped in and
asked for a copy of the city water quality report.
LW still plans to contact Julie Bascom [?] at the Edina School District about contacting multiple
schools to participate in the storm drain stenciling. Stenciling will probably stop next month, yet it
might be a good idea to line up contacts for spring.
LW did talk to Jessica van der Worth [?] at Public Works about a certificate of achievement for those
who participate in stenciling. A draft of the certificate was circulated and several changes agreed:
have Mayor signature instead of LW, title as "Water Quality Working Group the Energy and
Environment Commission", consider a fancier border or other decorative elements.
Steve Wielock (SW) had not heard from Rick Jones at BSA on stenciling - called during meeting and
will continue to follow up. LW will contact another scout (Liam?).
LW reported on an all day workshop she attended at the Minnesota Arboretum on "Green
Infrastructure". She proposed inviting the chlorine export from the Univ Minnesota who spoke there to
speak to our group. WQWG members discussed other options for a presentation.
The new focus of EEC will be greenhouse gas emissions in Edina. An EEC member asked the
WQWG to add outreach on that issue to our efforts. EEC members also want effort on water
Discussion turned next to salt use in the winter. LW will check with Brian Olson how many brochures
Public Works has. Most of the suggestions had been made previously:
• Ask City of Edina staff to investigate means of reaching contractors who apply salt on private
property. This could include a permitting process.
• Ask again what it takes to have an insert in the city water bill. Are there size, weight, timing
issues? SW suggested printing messages such as those regarding salt on the envelope.
• Distribute salt use flyers by hand to libraries, churches, schools and retail businesses. WQWG
members do this already. SW will visit Southdale
• "Service kids" at EHS may also be willing to help.
• Have city staff tell us what forms of communication they have with businesses. For example,
any regular mailing or email to businesses that have city permits (alcohol, fire, etc).
• Jon will contact the Sun Current to see if they have have plans or interest in an article on salt
use and to find out how many people the paper reaches currently.
• There may be time for an article in the January issue of "About Town", or earlier in "Edition:
• Sue Nissen is working on an article about salt use. This needs to be circulated to the WQWG
for comments.
• There is a two -side writeup by [??] about salt use that LW will request an electronic copy that
can be duplicated.
The outreach meeting to the Whitebrook/Morningside neighborhoods regarding street replacement is
coming up.
Discussed again contact with City mowers leaving grass clippings in the street. Also discussion of
cigarette butts, leaves and refuse being left or even placed in storm drains.
We will need more members to progress on outreach. Recruiting statements should be included in all
The next meeting is October 13 at the same place and time.
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Date: October 8, 2015
To: Energy and Environment Commission
From: MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator
Subject: Board View/ Novus Agenda Review
Agenda Item #: VI.A.
Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
Item Activity:
MJ Lamon will explain the new board and commission agenda software and take EEC questions.
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Date: October 8, 2015
To: Energy and Environment Commission
From: Tim Barnes, Facility Manager
Subject: Building Energy Report
Agenda Item #: VI.B.
Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
Item Activity:
Facility Manager Barnes will report on recent work on building energy conservation with consultant
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
www.edinan n.gov
Date: October 8, 2015
To: Energy and Environment Commission
From: Sarah Zarrin, Vice Chair
Subject: Edina Climate Commitment Team (ECCT)
Agenda Item #: VI.C.
Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
Item Activity:
Vice Chair Zarrin will report on meetings of the ECCT described in the attached meeting minutes.
ECCT Meeting Notes
09/21/15 meeting notes
Present: Scott Neal, Richard Mansor, Bill Sierks, and Sarah Zarrin
Bill: Carbon disclosure program (CDP) — Just providing carbon disclosure is one thing but all the other info that
is requested is a challenge; should be taken over by City and then up to them regarding whether or not to
consider involvement. City has until early spring to decide based on Partners in Energy progress.
Partners in Energy Community Planning Team
- Kyle Sawyer — finance guy for City will be one of new representatives
- First meeting is 10/14/15 (Richard not available; Scott, Sarah and Bill will be there)
- 'Branding'/ naming will be one of the first tasks
- How to integrate all components?
- Scott will be at first meeting
CRB-PS — Purchased software and are working with them to set it up and enter the Edina specific data. About
a 6 to 8 -month process. Not applicable to fleet, buildings only.
Building Benchmarks and Beyond (133) is just City (public) buildings right now. Then you can benchmark your
(Edina) buildings with similar buildings in other Cities.
Regional Indicators Project by LHB — Includes data on water use and electricity, about 30 or 40 City's are
Centerpoint does the gas so we need to work them into the program at some point. We have the relationships
through Home Energy program.
Bill: put together a brief summary of `how we measure carbon' for the next EEC meeting
Messaging: keep the business case in mind as we discuss franchise fee increase, street lighting cost along
could save $0.5M in costs if we utilize LEDs
Franchise fee outstanding items
- Definition and repair of ground based equipment
- Timeline for replacing current street lights with LEDs
Next meeting on 10/19/2015
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Date: October 8, 2015
To: Energy and Environment Commission
From: Keith Kostuch, EEC Chair
Subject: Chair and Member Comments
Agenda Item #: VII I.A.
Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
Item Activity:
Board and Commission Member Comments on the following topics, subcommittee and working
groups will be heard.
1. CSG conflict of interest discussion
2. Building Energy Efficiency Subcommittee
3. City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee
4. Education Outreach Working Group
5. Home Energy Squad Subcommittee
6. Recycling, Solid Waste and Organics Working Group
7. Student Subcommittee
8. Water Quality Working Group
9. Community Solar Subcommittee
Attached it this item are:
1. Email for item 1.
CSG Conflict of Interest Email
Ross Bintner
Ross Bintner
Rebecca Foster
FW: Conflict of Interest
Friday, September 25, 2015 2:27:58 PM
EEC Members,
I've asked Paul Thompson to detail his conflict of interest in the EEC Community Solar Garden RFP
deliberations at the next EEC meeting. Paul has asked me to forward to you his response, that is
At the October 8 EEC meeting I will also report on the same, here is the short version: As you know
we advertised for proposals for Community Solar Gardens (CSG.) During the initial request only 1
proposal was received. I was surprised to see Paul and his nonprofit Cool Planet were a marketing
partner to the proposal because of his participation in the vote and discussion at the EEC and by
having not recalled a disclosure of a relationship or the intent to market his nonprofit to proposers.
Here is the relevant section of the bylaws:
Section 10: Ethical and Respectful Conduct
Conflict of Interest
Members may not use their position on the Edina Energy and Environment Commission for
personal benefit. The interests of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission must be
the first priority in all decisions and actions. Any member who has a financial interest in, or
who may receive a financial benefit as a result of, any Edina Energy and Environment
Commission action or decision must disclose this fact as a conflict of interest. A member
who has disclosed a conflict of interest should abstain from discussion and voting on the
Subsequently City Staff elected not to pursue the proposal and instead reissued the RFP to garner
more interest. The new proposal deadline is 10/7, so I should be able to report on how many
proposals we received at the 10/8 EEC meeting and that we are targeting a October 20
consideration by Council.
Since reviewing this issue with the chair and vice chair we found meeting minutes in which the
disclosure was noted. The next meeting will include an agenda item to review the bylaws and
conflict of interest.
Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer
952-903-5713 1 Fax 952-826-0392
L I RBintner@EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov
...For Living, Learning, Raising Fatuities & Doing Business
From: Paul Thompson (mai Ito: paul@coolplanetmn.org]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 2:24 PM
To: Ross Bintner
Subject: Conflict of Interest
Thanks for sharing your concern about my involvement with MN
Community Solar and their interest in the Edina RFP. I appreciate
you pointing out to me my mistake in voting for sending the
advisory to the city council.
My intention was to send the RFP advisory to the City Council to
keep them moving ahead with considering a CSG. At Cool Planet we
will work with any developer that is chosen. I was disappointed that
only MN Community Solar responded to the RFP and am glad that
you are putting out another RFP to gauge the interest. If my 'second'
of the advisory was a mistake I apologize for that, and take full
responsibility for that.
Here's my statement for the ECC:
"I want to reiterate my earlier statement to the EEC in June of 2014
(see text below) of recusing myself from any decisions that the EEC
makes regarding movement toward developing Community Solar
Gardens. Cool Planet is a Community Partner with MN Community
Solar and stands to benefit financially if MN Community Solar is
selected. My "second" of the vote to send the RFP advisory to the
City Council was done with my enthusiasm to move the solar garden
conversation to the next level, and I totally forgot that I should not
have been voting. I apologize for that lapse of memory and I will
abstain from any further votes on the issue and if I do speak up on
the issue at any public events it will be as a private resident and not
as an EEC. I also appreciate Ross Bintner pointing out this issue and
the importance of following the city guidelines on `conflict of
interest' situations."
Text from the June 2014 EEC meeting
Community Solar — Email. Mr. Bintner, Commissioners Thompson, Glahn, and Gubrud will
research how the city will organize a contract around community solar. Commissioners Thompson
and Howard will have conflict of interests due to Cool Planet.
thanks for passing this along ... have a good weekend.
Paul Thompson
Cool Planet—Neighborhood FUN -Action for Our Planet
Citizens' Climate Lobby- Political Will for a Livable World
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Date: October 8, 2015
To: Energy and Environment Commission
From: Ross Bintner, Environmental Engineer
Subject: Staff Comments
Environmental Engineer Bintner will report on the following topics:
1. 2016-2017 EEC Draft Workplan
2. Partners In Energy Planning
3. Community Solar (MCES and City of Edina)
EEC Draft work plan attached for item 1.
EEC Draft Workplan
Agenda Item #: IX.A.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
I nformation
Board/Commission: Energy and Environment Commission
2016 Annual Work Plan DRAFT
*Complete each section with a white background & designate it initiative is new or a continuation from the previous year
*Return to MJ Lamon by September 29
Initiative 2 El New Initiative
Z Continued Initiative
1111 On -Going Initiative
Target Completion
Staff Support Required
Support efforts to Reduce Energy Consumption and
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in City of Edina
Operations to meet Comprehensive Plan Chapter
10 Goals
1) Create City GHG Baseline and ongoing
Measurement — continue to use and refine
metrics and analyses
a. B3 database for all City Buildings
April 1, 2016
Staff time
Tim Barnes (time TBD)
b. Create metrics for City vehicle fleets
July 1, 2016
Staff time
Staff estimate needed
(gallons of fuel)
c. Create metrics for Utility operations
July 1, 2016
Staff time
Staff estimate needed
(energy usage)
d. Regional indicators for City as a whole
April 1, 2016
2) City Building Energy Efficiency initiative
A. EEC commissioners to work with either
March 1, 2016
Staff Time
Staff Estimate needed
PiE team or City Manager and City
Building manager to create a detailed
plan for retrofitting existing buildings
within 5 years
B. At least one building will be retrofitted
Dec. 31, 2016
Staff Time
Staff Estimate needed
in 2016 under a city staff driven plan
3) City Capital Process Environmental
Considerations Initiative
a. EEC commissioners to work with either
March 1, 2016
Staff Time
Staff Estimate needed
PiE team or City Manager and City
Building manager to refine and expand
the environmental considerations
section of the CIP process so that all
City capital decisions (i.e., new
buildings, major building renovations
and fleet purchases) have explicit
environmental analysis on how they
will affect City GHG production.
4) City Fleet Environmental audit
a. Support a staff driven effort to review
March 1, 2016
Staff Time
Staff Estimate needed
existing city fleet to determine if vehicle
fleet can be modified (e.g., eliminate
existing vehicles, modify future
purchase specs, etc.) to reduce
Progress Report: Almost no progress in 2015; EEC working with Scott Neal to figure out how City will operationalize its efforts to
meet City's environmental commitments
in the City of Edina at large to meet Comprehensive
Plan Chapter 10 Goals
1) Community Solar project
a. Support City staff in scoping, bidding
Early 2016
TBD by City Mgr
TBD by City Mgr
and executing a community solar
project in 2015/16 at Public Works Bldg
b. Support City staff as necessary with
Met Council solar project RFP and
2) Expand City subsidized Home Energy Squad
Early 2016
(HES) installs for residents
a. City will fund 100 HES installs at a cost
of $5000 focused on lower income
residents (a dramatic increase over
current funding level)
b. EEC will educate and promote HES with
a goal to get 200 visits in the year.
Progress Report: City did join Met Council RFP (outcome unknown) and Council did direct City Manager to create a plan for how
to proceed on Community Solar RFP for PW Bldg roof (outcome unknown)
Initiative 4 New Initiative
Target Completion
Staff Support
0 Continued Initiative
■ On -Going
Work with City Staff to revise Chapter 10 of
TBD — depends upon
Unknown —should be
City Comprehensive Plan
City Staff schedule
minimal beyond Staff effort
1) Update Ch. 10 to reflect progress in
for revision of City
currently planned to revise
City operations and City metrics since 2008
Comp Plan
Comp Plan
Plan was issued
2) Revise City sustainability goals (i) to
align with state and city policies, (ii)
establish interim goals for sectors (i.e.
energy, transportation, waste/recycling,
etc.), and (iii) establish and maintain
quarterly or annual metrics that measure
progress towards goals
3) Work to create City staff driven
processes for long-term ownership of sustainability
measures and implementation of Chapter 10.
Progress Report: Click here to enter text.
EEC will hold a 90 minute working session with City March 2016 None Minor
Council and City Manager to discuss outcome of
discussions in 2015 with City Manager on how City
will operationalize its efforts to meet existing Edina
City environmental commitments and to align EEC
charter, expectations, resources and timetables for
Progress Report: EEC working with City Manager per direction of Council at our 2015 work session. EEC looking forward to
proposal from City manager on how City resources (staff, budget, etc) can be committed and embedded in City operations so City
can play "leadership role" laid out in Chapter 10 of Comp Plan
Continue Solid Waste, Recycling and Organics Work
-track MPCA compost rulemaking and emerald ash Ongoing None Solvei Wilmot
borer quarantine changes and Hennepin County
organic recycling mandate,
- support Business Recycling efforts, Ongoing None Solvei Wilmot
-analyze whether Edina needs ordinance to ban 2 Q 2016 None or minimal Unknown at this time
certain take-out food packaging materials
Progress Report: The reported total tons of recycling collected by the licensed haulers in Edina for 2014 was 2377 tons and for
2013 was 2044 tons. Numbers for 2015 are not yet in for the year.
Initiative 7 ■ New Initiative
Target Completion
Z Continued Initiative
On -Going
Continue Education and Outreach WG activities
1) Plan and execute Annual EEC Community
2 Q 2016
Staff time plus
City Communications staff
event costs
Possible topics
a. Partners in Energy effort
b. Community Solar
c. Other?
E&O Working group will review past activities and
April 1, 2016
determine their accomplishments and create new
plan for EEC to approve
Progress Report: Successful annual event held in 2015; film series held
in 1 H 2015 but currently suspended
Green Step Cities Reoortine —City staff to manaee. EEC to review annua
Annual Purchasing Policy Report — City staff to create per Council resolution approving Green Purchasing policy adopted for Green Step Cities
level 3
Water Quality working group — continue water drain education and stenciling efforts; continue winter salt education efforts; neighborhood
outreach effort to continue in neighborhoods with major street reconstruction. Receive annual report from City staff on Edina water quality
issues and activities
Student members to create and execute plan for 2015/16 student activities
Proposed Month for Joint Work Session:
Staff Comments:
ICouncil Comments: