HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.07.22 PacketTo: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Adoption of Meeting Minutes Agenda Item #: IV. Action Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Approve the minutes for the June 24, 2014 meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Information / Background: Attachment: Draft meeting minutes from the June 24, 2014 HRRC meeting; Attendance Roster City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION June 24, 2014 7:00 PM City Hall - Community Room CALL TO ORDER Chair Seidman called the meeting to order at 6:58pm. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Commissioners Arseneault, Bigbee, Cashmore, Davis, Kennedy, Sanders, Chair Seidman, and Winnick. Staff present: MJ Lamon, Staff Liaison, Annie Coyle, City Management Fellow, and Lindy Crawford, City Management Fellow. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Regular meeting agenda of June 24, 2014. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bigbee. Motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF May 27, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Commissioners suggested to change Section B of the Regular Meeting Minutes to add have "...that have their official dates." Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 27, 2014; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Bigbee. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Bias Offense Response & Prevention Plan (Winnick) Commissioners reviewed the revised Bias Offense Response & Prevention Plan. Commissioner Winnick motioned to adopt the document that was revised by Commissioner Sanders's. The Commissioners reviewed the revisions made to the Plan on page 31. Commissioner Cashmore made a motion to table the plan until the July meeting. A response was noted that this topic was already tabled to this month and should be moved forward. Commissioner Cashmore motioned to table this to July. Motion not carried. Commissioner Bigbee motioned to approve the document, Kennedy second. Commissioners requested Commissioner Sanders to share the revisions that have been made. Commissioner Davis arrived at 7:19pm. Questions were raised by Commissioners if the Informed Consent to Release Private Information is clear enough for residents. Commissioner Kennedy would like to change the Edina Chamber of Commerce contact person to the position title instead of the contact person's name. Staff will make this revision. The MN HRRC should be added to the Community Resources Network (Appendix B). The Plan will be on the July I st City Council meeting. The sub -committee will present the amended report to them. Cashmore abstained. Motion carried. B. Community Conversations (Bigbee/Davis) Commissioners gave an update about Community Conversations. An invitation by press release is being sent out to ask for more volunteers to participate on the Community Conversation working group. There have already been two responses to the invitation. Commissioner Bigbee met Chris Bremer and passed out her informal biography. The MN Advocates for Human Rights will hopefully be here again to have a training session 4 in late -August or early -September. Commissioners discussed that a budget can be discussed for treats such as water and cookies for this meeting. Commissioners moved and seconded to approve Chris Bremer for Community Conversations. Motion passed. C. Discuss 2014 end of year projects/Work Plan (All) i. Identify project champions and next steps 1. Community Conversations Possibly Commissioners Davis and Bigbee would be in the working group. 2. Tom Oye Commissioners Davis and Winnick are champions. 3. Days of Remembrance Commissioners Cashmore, Davis and Chair Seidman would like to continue working on this. Two proclamations were passed out by staff members to the commissioners. Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon, will follow up with Scott Denfeld about the two Holocaust survivor videos. Commissioners asked about current and past budget. Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon, will follow up on this item and put it on the July agenda. D. Special Needs (Sanders) The 25th anniversary of ADA is July 26th, 2015. The Arts and Culture Commission is having a film festival in November 2014 and maybe HRRC could partner with them in lieu of or an addition to an independent event. Cashmore made a motion for Sanders to come back in July with a suggestion for a sub-committee/working group on this project to put on the 2015 work plan, Seidman seconded. Davis and Sanders abstained. Motion passed. Sanders suggested getting permission from TPT to show their special needs documentary at the November film festival. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Bigbee brought up the local support for human rights implementation and monitoring letter from the Advocates for Human Rights. Kennedy informed the Commissioners about various conventions that the United States has not ratified. Bigbee motioned to adopt a resolution for the City Council to sign the letter, Davis seconded the motion with a suggestion to correct the spelling of 'fulfill' in the last paragraph of the letter. Sanders opposed. Motion passed. VIII. CHAIR, COMMISSION MEMBER, AND STUDENT COMMENTS Kennedy has started researching cities that have looked at the Human Rights City Designation and would like to report back in July. Bigbee attended an immigration meeting and has resource material if anyone would like to look at it. The City of Bloomington recently had a meeting about different indigenous populations and offered resources if anyone would like to see. Seidman noted that we haven't had a guest speaker in a while and we would like to invite Police Chief Nelson. MJ said he may designate another person to speak; the Commissioners are ok with that. Community Conversations, budget, and the work session with Council will be put on the next agenda. Chair Seidman will not be at the July meeting. IX. STAFF COMMENTS MJ brought up that Susan Brott from the Edina Public Schools will speak at our October meeting. Annie shared the HRRC mission and beliefs. She shared the updated Contact Information and Roster. She then introduced Lindy, the new City Management Fellow. She shared this is her last meeting because her term with the city is up and thanked the Commissioners for their hard work and time spent with her. X. ADJOURNMENT Adjournment at 8: 57pm. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC July 22, 2014 MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison Jan Seidman, HRRC Chair To: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Approval of Meeting Agenda Agenda Item #: III. Action Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Approve the meeting agenda for the July 22, 2014 regular meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Information / Background: Attachment: Meeting Agenda; 2014 Schedule City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 1 AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION July 22, 2014 7:00 PM L CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF June 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment, " the Human Rights & Relations Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to stafffor consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Community Conversations (Bigbee/Davis) B. Special Needs Awareness Campaign (Sanders) C. Human Rights City (Kennedy) D. Tolerance in Motion (Winnick/Bigbee) E. Joint Work Session Preparation and work plan review (Arseneault) F. HRRC Budget History (Lamon) VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR, COMMISSION MEMBER, AND STUDENT COMMENTS A. Next Meeting: August 25th, 2014 IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. 1'o: H RRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Community Conversations (Bigbee/Davis) Agenda Item M VI. A. Action Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Approve working group co chairs to procede with selecting new members. Information / Background: Community Conversations working group update and applicants. Attachment: Community Converstaions Roster of current approved (active) members and potentail new members (applicant). City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 7 °e� "'� Board or Commission Working Group Roster ���11 City Of Edina Membership Public Volunteer Status Type Public Email Flags Arnold Bigbee Active Adult BC arniebl@me.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Christine Bremer Active Working Group cbremerl0l@gmail.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Laura Davis Active Adult BC (952) 929-3281 jdlaura2004@yahoo.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Maggie Goetze Applicant Working Group (612) 462-0215 maggieadamczyk@yahoo.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Charles Goldstein Applicant Working Group (952) 542-1062 cgoldstein01 @gmail, com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Sallie Lewis Applicant Working Group HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Katie Meehan Applicant Working Group bigmama375@aol.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Katherine Oberle Applicant Working Group Kinderwoman@katieoberle.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Melvin Ogurak Applicant Working Group (952) 935-5068 oguraklaw@msn.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Sidharth Ramesh Applicant Working Group svr0414@gmail.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Judith Rodgers Active Working Group jbr62@earthlink.net HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Leonard Snyder Applicant Working Group HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Volunteer count: 12 Printed 07-17-2014 7:07 am Page 1 8 A -Z To: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Special Needs Awareness Campaign (Sanders) Action Requested: None. o e r, o • �t�'orerott.�Tr� s IHH41 Agenda Item#: VI. B. Action ❑ Discussion M Information ❑ Information / Background: Commissioner Sanders will present follow up on an idea for the Special Needs Awareness Campaign. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 9 To: HRRC From: M) Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Human Rights City (Kennedy) Action Requested: None. Information / Background: Commissioner Kennedy will present on becoming a Human Rights City. Attachment: None. Agenda Item M VI. C. Action ❑ Discussion M Information ❑ City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 10 To: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Tolerance in Motion (Winnick/Bigbee) Action Requested: None. Agenda Item*. VI. D. Action ❑ Discussion EK Information ❑ Information / Background: Commissioners Winnick and Bigbee will present on information gathered at a meeting with Tolerance in Motion represenatives Alice and Lisa Lane, CEO. Attachment: Tolerance in Motion website print screens. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 11 7/17/2014 TOLERANCE IN MOTION Who We Are The Purpose `The Experience teach inspire Reaching 398,000- 590,000 �. educators, students and y.: community members in their own communities covering Mnnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, low a, and Wisconsin. Contact Support shape news Results we can measure Viewer Experience > Teacher Role > Quantitative Outcomes> For more information, contact Laura Zelle at 612-338-7816 or infoo_tolerancerrinnesota.oro. © 2012 TOLERANCE IN MOTION Tolerance in Motion is pleased to announce the hiring of Lisa Lane as CEO, beginning September 1, 2013 Did you know that bullying is a problem in 84% of schools? 12 http://toleranceinmotion.org/ 1/1 7/17/2014 IN MOTION &iVi"C&VW TOLERANCE IN MOTION Who We Are The Purpose The Experience Contact Support Who We Are Working with national partners, Tolerance in Motion Aill engage diverse audiences as participants examine the consequences of prejudice through history, in genocides, and in the Holocaust. Founded in July 2012, Tolerance in Motion was made possible by an initiative of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas. Tolerance in Motion's Partners: • Tolerance Minnesota is an award-winning education program of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas. Tolerance Minnesota provides professional development opportunities on tolerance education throughout the upper Midwest. • Facing History and Ourselves mission is to combat racism, antis emitism and prejudice and nurture democracy through education programs worldwide. Facing His toryis consulting with Tolerance in Notion to develop the content of the museum's exhibit and classroom curriculum. • MRA experiential tours & equipment builds and operates state-of-the-art Museums in Motion. MRA has been a pioneer in the industry for over 25 years. Sample MRATour • Tolerance in Motion Founding Board of Directors • Tolerance in Motion Board of Directors • Tolerance in Motion Council of Advisors For more information, contact Laura Zele at 612-338-7816 or infoAtolerancerrinnesota.ora. Of- 2012 TOLERANCE IN MOTION 13 http://toleranceinmotion.orgAAho-\&e-are.html 1/1 7/17/2014 TOLERANCE IN MOTION Who We Are The Purpose The Experience Contact Support The Experience Tolerance in Motion is about the kinds of choices—both big and small—humans make that shape their history. The exhibit and related programming explore the nature and consequences of ordinary young people making choices during extraordinary times. The experience teaches about our roles and responsibilities in relation to the sufferings of others in times of great crisis and conflict, as well as in everyday life. Pre -visit The participants'journey begins before they enter the exhibit. This pre -visit work will involve collaborations with trained teachers, and is necessary for students to begin exploration ofthe irown identity, their own groups, and how this awareness relates to the rest of their world. Tolerance in Motion visit (inside the exhibit) This exhibit explores historyand the role of individual decisions and choices in shaping society. Highlighting the impact of young people's vices throughout history, twill showcase both challenging and brave choices young people made during difficult histories, as well as those making a difference today. The exhibit will use examples of stereotypes, propaganda, and identities, including voices from communities such as Latinos, Native Americans, Southeast Asian as well as historical moments from Nazi Germanyto the Civil Rights era. Post -visit This allows opportunities for feedback, reflection, and action through resources including curriculum materials and professional developmentfor teachers. For more information, contact Laura Zelle at 612-338-7816 or info atallolerancerrinnesota.oro. © 2012 TOLERANCE IN MOTION 14 http://toleranceinmoton.org/the-e4)erience.html 1/1 To: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Joint Work Session Preperation and Work Plan Review Action Requested: None. Agenda Item M VI. E. Action ❑ Discussion Information ❑ Information / Background: HRRC will be having their joint work session with City Council August 4th at 6:00pm in the Community Room. In an effort to have an organized presentation an outline has been created for the commission. Attachment: Work Session Outline and 2014 Work Plan (progress reports updated). City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 15 City Council Work Session Outline HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION City Hall, Community Room August 4th, 2014 6:00 P.M. WORK PLAN REVIEW A. Progress Reports Provided on Work Plan (Commissioner Seidman) i. Quasquicentennial — December 2013 ii. Anti—Bullying: Edina Reads with children's author Nancy Carlson — February 2014 iii. Days of Remembrance/Genocide Awareness Events — April 2014 iv. Tom Oye Award — Supervisor of Parks and Recreation Kristin Aarsvold and Edina Police Detective Tom McKenzie; PSA announcement with Gene Sylvestre (Commissioner Winnick) v. Immigration Reform (Commission Arseneault) B. Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan (Commissioners Winnick & Cashmore) C. Community Conversations (Commissioners Bigbee & Davis) D. Special Needs Awareness (Commissioner Sanders) II. NEW INITIATIVES A. Tolerance in Motion (Commissioner Winnick & Bigbee) B. Black History Month (Commissioner Sanders) C. Human Rights City (Commissioner Kennedy) D. Monthly City Blog (Commissioner Carter) E. Status Inquiry: Affordable Housing (Commissioner Bigbee) m To: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: HRRC Budget History Action Requested: None. Agenda Item M VI. F. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information M Information / Background: Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon, requested history of the HRRC budget to report to the commission. Attachment: 2012-2014 Budget Summary and 2012-2014 Budget vs Actual report. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 17 City of Edina Human Relation Commission Detail (1504) Dec YTD Dec YTD Dec YTD Dec YTD Dec YTD Dec YTD Object Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 REVENUE EXPENDITURES 6103 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (800) 0 (82,900) (82.903) (81,278) (81,278) 6105 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS (11) (250) 0 (200) (247) (200) 6218- EDUCATION PROGRAMS (362) (3.000) (1,164) (3,050) (1,097) (3,050) 6101:6299 - Total Contractual Services (1,173) (3,250) (84,064) (86,153) (82,622) (84,528) TOTAL EXPENDITURES (1,173) (3,250) (84,064) (86,153) (82,622) (84,528) 18 Page 1 of 1 Object 6218 Object 6103 1504 6218 -42.9 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0 SALES & USE TAX -JANUARY 2013 1/29/2014 1504 6103 -400 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 132774 CARLSON, NANCY FEB 8 2014 SPEAKING APPEARANCE 3/19/2014 1504 6103 -300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 133732 AMRAM, FRED 31414 EDINA GENOCIDE EVENT 5/6/2014 1504 6103 -100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 118580 CITY OF EDINA 42914 VOLUNTEER AWARDS RECEPTION Grand Total -800 Object 6105 1504 6105 -246.75 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 101887 LEAGUE OF MINN HUMAN RIGHTS CO 2012 MEMBERSHIP DUES 4/18/2014 1504 6105 -10.63 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 129923 CAWLEY V212827 NAME BADGES Grand Total -10.63 Object 6218 1504 6218 -40 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0 Record Event Registrations 1/8/2014 1504 6218 -293.25 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 133484 FRIENDS OF THE EDINA LIBRARY 10714 HRRC EDINA READS BOOKS 1/31/2014 1504 6218 -20.16 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0 SALES & USE TAX -JANUARY 2014 4/2/2014 1504 6218 -49 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 15130 DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE POSTERS Grand Total -362.41 Object 6218 1/31/2013 1504 6218 -42.9 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0 SALES & USE TAX -JANUARY 2013 11/1/2013 1504 6218 -255 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 101492 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN 2013 SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION 12/19/2013 1504 6218 -614 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 120784 SIGN PRO 7379 HRRC BANNER Grand Total -1,163.70 Object 6105 1/3/2012 1504 6105 -246.75 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 101887 LEAGUE OF MINN HUMAN RIGHTS CO 2012 MEMBERSHIP DUES Grand Total -246.75 Object 6218 4/27/2012 1504 6218 -40 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0 Record Event Registrations 5/10/2012 1504 6218 -99.39 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 100830 JERRY'S PRINTING 57340 HOLOCAUST POSTERS 12/31/2012 1504 6218 -21.45 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0 SALES & USE TAX -DECEMBER 2012 12/31/2012 1504 6218 -936 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 131004 BARNES & NOBLES - PCARD BOOKS Grand Total -1,096.84 19 To: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Correspondence and Petitions Action Requested: None. Information / Background: Correspondence received since the last HRRC meeting. Attachment: Correspondence. e7, -' tit IHHtI Agenda Item #: VII. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 20 ,o m: u: tgJaanro; LnSetlmaa Seq.n: f Me0ap01found mM o49st Bulktln ore. htleY. 3.1,,I1,, 1019 9:19:09 AM Please place the attached item on the Agenda for the 7/22 HRRC meeting. Also please include the agenda schedules for The 9I5 and 8/6 programs, accessed via the Highlighted web links. Thank you and please call me if There are questions. Arnie Sent from my iPhone Arnie Bigbee Cell 612-804-4660 Begin forwarded message From: Jennifer Janovy Ajaeoryr� nndrx9k cnm> Date: July 10, 2014 at 8:24:43 AM CDT To: mmiehI ,,ro Subject: F% d: Metropolitan Council Daily Digest Bulletin Hi. Aram. Thought this might be interesting to you and/or HRRC members. Hope you're enjoy ing the summer! Jennifer Janoty Begin forwarded message: From: Metropolitan Council <METCOpublic.govdelivery com> Date: July 10, 2014 4:34:34 AM CDT To: RJMEYOVYaCOMCAST. NET Subject: Metropolitan Council Daily Digest Bulletin Council Banner Invitation to Convening on Racial Equity Workshops 2 ',Oq/2N 4 11 You're invited! Convening on Racial Equity Workshops Across our r,gion--4n communny, business, nonprofit and go-mment—there is significant discussion about race and dal inequity. Across all ind-W, of succors—jobs, housing, d—t­ criminal justice, health or any other area — our region suffers from great racial inequities that are holding all of us back The good ne is that all of us recognize the importance of addressing retial equity in our institutions, and we opportunity for greatr impact by wonting together. The M.topaift n Council is proud to co-sponsor the Regional Ca -ening on Racial Equity. The gook of the Regional Convening on Racial Equity are b: . Increase understanding of and-mrmm.m to racial equity and to me long areal difference in the community. `4I Share bol and national racial agotty best practices. • Further cross-junsdicConal, aosscommunity, and cross-saclor strategies br racial equity. . Foster postroonvening collaboration. The workshops will feature local work within govammant and m the mmmunity, as well as our national partners sharing ovative best practices. The workshops will emphasize the importanca of our shared vision and mutually supportive roles and responsibilities. Workshops will be interactive and will provide mncrate skills or mol,. The Convening is —hosted by Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges antl St Paul Mayor Chn, Coleman, and co-sponsored by nine govemman%l juriedictions, including the Metropolitan Council, and neatly thirty mmmunlly based organizations (_e mmMete li=t of —on- ). Tuesday, August 5 (6:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.) University of Minnesba McNamara Alumni Center on the East Bank (Mao and directions) Wednesday, August 6 (8:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m.) University of Minnesota Wiley Hell on the West Bank (Mao and d'irectionsl Jenniferlanovy ovv(ayautlaok.com STAY CONNECTED'. OUESTIONS]1,�pp}Jg SUBSCRIBER SERVICES'. nal c .51 22 7/15/2014 Program -location, schedule and lodging — Local & Regional Government Alliance on Race & Equity LOCAL AND REGIONAL 0 . GOVERNMENT ALLIANCE ON -`- ' -'- RACE & EQUITY HOME ABOUT CONVENING ON RACIAL EQUITY I`��nl.1M.rxb TUESDAY, AUGUST 5TH (6 TO 8:45 PM) University of Minnesota — registration at McNamara Alumni Center on the East Bank 6 pm Registration and networking reception with dessert buffet 7 pm Welcome Event moderators, john Powell, Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society Executive Director, and Julie Nelson, Government Alliance on Race and Equity Director Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, St Paul Mayor Chris Coleman and Metropolitan Council Chair Sue Haigh 23 http:/Amww.racialeq uitydl iance.org/prog rarri-locatior-schedule-and-lodging/ 1/4 7/15/2014 Program- location, schedule and lodging — Local & Regional Go%ernment Alliance on Race & Equity Nekima Levy -Pounds, Co-chair of Everybody In and University of St Thomas School of Law 7:20 pm Pillsbury House Theater — "Breaking Ice" 8:20 pm john Powell, Haas Institute fora Fair and Inclusive Society Executive Director "Belonging: the relationship between spirituality and socialjustice" 8:45 pm Closing WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6TH (7:30 AM TO 5.30 PM) University of Minnesota — registration at Willey Hall on the West Bank 7:30 am Registration, coffee and light breakfast 8:30 am Welcome Event moderators, Julie Nelson, Government Alliance on Race and Equity Director, and john Powell, Haas Institute fora Fair and Inclusive Society Executive Director 8:40 am Youth performance from the community 9:00 am Glenn Harris, Center for Social Inclusion President "True democracy? Racial equity opportunities for government and our communities" 10:00 am Break 10:15 am Workshops (listed below) 11:45 am Lunch 1:00 pm Workshops (listed below) 2:30 pm Break 24 http:/Am w.racialequityalliance.org/prograrri-location-schedLAe-and-lodging/ 2/4 7/15/2014 Program- location, schedule and lodging — Local & Regional Government Alliance on Race & Equity 2:45 pm Workshops (listed below) 4:15 pm Panel of community leaders — "The opportunity at hand: taking advantage of the moment, aligning and leveraging our work for racial equity" You get to vote! An opportunity to influence the future of our collaborations 5:25 pm Closing appreciations and next steps Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges and St Paul Mayor Chris Coleman WORKSHOPS: • From outreach to engagement — developing community leadership and commitment • Operating in accordance with our values — improving access to government contracting • Operating in accordance with our values — improving access to governmentjobs • Increasing and improvingjobs — closing the racial equity gaps in jobs and improving success for all • Improving educational results — closing the racial equity gaps in education and improving success for all • Making sure we all have a place to call home — closing the racial equity gaps in housing • Innovative partnerships to support place -based strategies for racial equity • Healthy people / healthy communities — closingthe racial equity gaps in health and improving outcomes for all • Environmental Justice — creating and protecting healthy environment for all • Criminal Justice —addressing persistent racial inequities throughout the criminaljustice system 25 http:/A&mw.racialeq uitAl iance.org/prog rarrFlocation-schedule-and-lodging/ 3/4 7/15/2014 Program- location, schedule and lodging — Local & Regional Go%ernment Alliance on Race & Equity • Transportation equity —don't leave communities of color behind • Inequality and the racial wealth gap • The child welfare system: improving outcomes for children and families of color Workshops will be interactive and engaging so that you will gain concrete skills, tools and resources. LODGING: For out-of-town guests, blocks of rooms are being held at these two hotels: • The Commons (on the East Bank and closest to Tuesday's kick-off event at McNamara Alumni Center, $133 per night). Ask for Government Alliance on Race and Equity Rate • Courtyard by Marriott (on the West Bank and closest to Wednesday's sessions, $149 per night). Register via this link POWERED BY SQUARESPACE 26 http:/Amoy racialeq uityalliance.org/prog ram -location -schedule -and -lodging / 4/4 From: Arnold Bisbee To: Sprague. Josh Cc: Lindy Crawford; MJ L n; Jan Seidman Subject: Re: RACIST HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION EDINA WEST RESIDENT Date: Sunday, July 06, 2014 5:28:57 PM Josh, thanks for the alert. First I've heard about this. I'll alert HRRC Chair Jan Seidman & others on the Commission. I'm not familiar w/Edina West. I'm at a family farm vacation retreat in Fergus Falls area and will return to Edina on July 14. Arnie Lindy, MJ, please copy this note to HRRC. Sent from my iPhone Arnie Bigbee arnieb 1 @me.com Cell 612-804-4660 > On Jul 6, 2014, at 5:02 PM, "Sprague, Josh" <joshsprague@edinarealty.com> wrote: > Arnie, have you heard anything about this? >::js > josh sprague, realtor > edina realty 6800 france > cell/text 612.501.0252 > http://-ioshspra ug e.com > -----Original Message----- > From: Barbara Milon [BarbaraM@phylliswheatley.org] > Received: Sunday, 06 Jul 2014, 4:16pm > To: 'mail@edinamn.gov' [mail@edinamn.gov]; 'jonibennettl2@comcast.net' [jonibennettl2@comcast.net]; Sprague, Josh [joshsprague@edinarealty.com] > Subject: RACIST HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION EDINA WEST RESIDENT > Mayor Hovland, Councilmember Bennett and Councilmember Sprague > I filed a Human Rights complaint about a year or two ago and things have gotten worse. I emailed the Management Office of Edina West this afternoon. I was unable to obtain the Edina Human Relations department email address. > I have lived at Edina West since August 2005. I believe up and until recently I may have been the only > African American who has lived at EW. This should not matter but it may suggest one micro level of diversity in Edina West. > I have original art that has been defaced. Any member of my family would know the portrait has been damaged. > Someone broke into my condo, deactivated my security system and defaced my portrait — tattoos across the knuckles, grim around the nails and nail bed, someone has drawn over the face, arms and in other areas of the portrait that is 54 inches x 45 inches width. I will forward photos when I determine how to upload the info. > I have heard people say their garage areas have been broken into. I don't know if anyone would come forward and recount their personal experiences. Breaking and entering is a criminal offense, who at EW can do this? I think this needs to be investigated. I called the Edina police department this afternoon. I just had new locks changed at my home. My security system company is following up. 27 > My clothing articles have been stuffed on one of my shelves and some apparel is missing > This is frightening and dangerous. Something has to be done. I am very concerned about my safety > I believe there is another African American who has moved to EW because apparently racist comments > Were posted in the rec area. These situations need to be investigated or matters will escalate. > I don't think the EW Managers or Management Company has the expertise to deal with racist Acts and to establish anti -racism policies and protocols — because I have not read any written policies. I work full time as a Executive Director, formerly the Senate District Affirmative Action Officer and I am a full time doctorate student and this matter is distressing and has deterred me this afternoon from my studies. Something has to be done. Diversity will increase and housing owners and manager need to be required to act and have policies in place when any > Racial incident has occurred similar to the City of Edina and City of Minneapolis Human Relations policies. > Barbara > Barbara Milon > Executive Director > Phyllis Wheatley Community Center > www.phylliswheatley.org<hU://www.phhvlliswheatley.org/> > 1301 Tenth Av. North > Minneapolis, MN 55411 > (612) 977-3241 > Stirring the Leader Within Since 1924 > Meets All Standards the Charity Review Council 28 To: HRRC From: MJ Lamon Staff Liaison Date: 7/22/2014 Subject: Chair, Commission Member, and Student Comments Action Requested: None. Information / Background: A. Next Meeting: August 25th, 2014 Attachment: None. �91NA, oe' Cn y0 v � 1'OWNTS iHHx Agenda Item #: V111. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 29 Board or Commission Working Group Roster City Of Edina ar ; Membership Public Volunteer Status Type Public Email Flags Arnold Bigbee Active Adult BC amiebl@me.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Christine Bremer Active Working Group cbremer101@gmail.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Laura Davis Active Adult BC (952) 929-3281 jdlaura2004@yahoo.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Maggie Goetze Applicant Working Group (612) 462-0215 maggieadamczyk@yahoo.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Charles Goldstein Applicant Working Group (952) 542-1062 cgoldstein01@gmail.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Mary Kost Applicant Working Group mlk_1941 @yahoo.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Sallie Lewis Applicant Working Group HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Katie Meehan Applicant Working Group bigmama375@aol.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Katherine Oberle Applicant Working Group Kinderwoman@katieoberle.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Melvin Ogurak Applicant Working Group (952) 935-5068 oguraklaw@msn.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Sidharth Ramesh Applicant Working Group svr0414@gmail.com HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Judith Rodgers Active Working Group jbr62@earthlink.net HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Leonard Snyder Applicant Working Group HRRC Community Conversations (2014) Volunteer count: 13 Printed 07-22-2014 7:11 am Page 1 A -Z �2 o� a Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) S �y 2014 Annual Work Plan • rry�iusn '19 t Complete each section with a white background. Add or delete tables as needed. Return to the Assistant City Manager by September 24. Anti -bullying event and/or education — Edina Reads By 2"c, Quarter 2014 $800 Video, publicity and communications. Progress Report: Bully Prevention Event with Children's Book Author Nancy Carlson - Feb 8, 2014 at Edina Senior Center. Approximately 30 children in addition to their parents, grandparents and caregivers attended. Children in attendance were ages 2 — 9 (grades PK — 3) Autographed copies of Nancy book, "Henry and the Bully" were given to guests. The event was well received by children and parents. New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff -. -. Support2014 Council Approval Community Outreach- Developing cross 9/30/14 $500 Admin support and organizational partnerships to gain an communication. understanding of community needs related to (March 2015?) census demographic changes. Conduct Community Listening Sessions Reach out to those that live and work in Edina, including Somali, Hispanic, African-American, and South Asian populations. Potential Partners- Edina Resource Center, Edina Police, Somali and Asian Community leaders. Progress Report: Commissioners Bigbee and Davis are chairing this initiative Support2014 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Date Required Approval Disability Awareness Campaign October 2014 $300 Progress Report: This was added to our 2014 work plan by a previous commissioner no longer on the EHRRC. There is interest o Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) �0 2014 Annual Work Plan I... from a new commissioner regarding a special needs awareness campaign or event to be planned for this year or in 2015. 2014 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Date Required Approval Plan an activity for Days of Remembrance April 2014 to $1500 Video, publicity and coincide with the Budget used: communications. Genocide Awareness Event national observation less $1000 of Yom Hashoah, by (speaker fee, PSA Days of Remembrance/Genocide Awareness the National marketing and (Winnick/Seidman) Holocaust Museum PSA) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFvUOlgkwQO Video: Agenda: Edina (Personal Stories of Holocaust Survivors)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpufivWWXrU Progress Report: Edina's HRRC partnered with World Without Genocide to host a series of Human Rights Events in April to remember the victims and honor the survivors and liberators of the holocaust and other genocides around the world. Fred Amram, holocaust survivor, presented information about the impact of genocides on families and communities (Rwanda, Congo, Darfur, Kenya, Holocaust) around the world as well as lessons we can learn about initial indicators that can help us to prevent human rights abuses in the future. Over 100 guests attended the week long Human Rights events; April 8, 10 and 13. I Immigration Reform I On-going I n/a I I I Progress Report: In August 2013, the EHRRC recommended that City Council adopt an Immigration Reform Resolution that would publicly urge Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. In 2014, the EHHRC monitored the progress of the U.S. Senate's Immigration Reform bill (S. 744) and hoped the Council would adopt a resolution in support of passage of an immigration bill by the House. As it appears that Congress will not pass immigration legislation in 2014, the EHHRC is concluding its work on this initiative. Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) 2014 Annual Work Plan Ongoing• • • Update Bias/Hate Crimes Response Plan — Reviewed August of each year. October 2013 formed sub -committee to revise plan. Days of Remembrance - April or May, to coincide with the national observation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Tom Oye Award —Jan 1 About Town deadline is October 18th. Select in March of each year. 2014 Recipients: Kristin Aarsvald and Tom McKenzie for their work in the Parklawn Neighborhood. This year HRRC produced a PSA and WWII Memoir (Gene Sylvestre) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD2hFQGKIGk Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: Staff Comments: Council Comments: Human Rights and Relations Commission Human Rights Cities Report, 7-22-2014 1. Concept developed by UN Habitat, Harvard School of Public Health, and People's Movement for Human Rights Learning (PDHRE), founded in 1989 as an international service organization committed to human rights learning as a pathway to achieving economic and social justice. PDHRE has worked in over 60 countries. 2. US Conference of Mayors Resolutions, June 2013: "Whereas mayors are on the front lines of ensuring equality, combating discrimination, and enabling access to affordable housing, healthcare, and education, among other human rights issues ... Therefore, be it further resolved, members of the US Conference of Mayors commit to explore opportunities to incorporate international human rights into local policy and practice, and to support broader efforts to advance human rights principles locally." Attended by Mayor Jim Hovland. 3. US cities: • Washington, DC • Eugene, Oregon • Columbus, IN • Chapel Hill and Carrboro, NC • Pittsburgh, PA Worldwide programs: • Argentina • Ghana • Kenya • Mali • Canada • Austria • Brazil • Rwanda 4. Focus is on sustainable urban development developed by the Habitat Agenda in Istanbul, 1996, with a focus on broad-based partnerships guided by a human rights framework. Identified partners include local authorities, youth, parliamentarians, the private sector, and civil society. 5. Activities: formation of local communities -of -learning and municipal spaces where citizens learn about human rights as relevant to their daily lives and concerns. These learning communities are led by local groups and organizations concerned with economic and social justice. The unique difference between the strategy of Human Rights Cities and other approaches to community empowerment is a focus on understanding how housing and other issues relate to the entire panoply of human rights and how citizen empowerment allows legal and administrative systems to work for all, not only for some. 6. Process: • Establish a steering committee that represents the main sectors of society. It should function independently of municipal authorities although they should be included • Draft a plan of action to examine laws, policies, resource allocation, and power relations that prevail in the city. Work should address issues such as poverty, education, food, water, housing, healthcare, the environment, rights for women and children, etc. The plan of action links community priorities to learning about human rights as significant to the decision- making process, and includes developing curricula, workshops, educational materials, etc. • Implement learning activities and other actions. Neighborhoods, schools, political, economic, and social institutions, and NGOs examine the human rights framework and relate it to the various concerns. • Evaluate the work of the Human Rights City. • Publicize and expand the effort. Project identification in each case grew out of meetings of the Steering Committee with stakeholders to identify needs and set indicators of progress. Worldwide xamples include children's issues; widows' rights; access to affordable housing; promotion of democracy; post -conflict economic development; etc. All sectors address a common problem from the intersection of human rights. Columbia University Law School Process: • Making Aspirational Commitments to, and Raising Awareness of, Human Rights • Reframing Local Concerns as Human Rights Issues • Fostering Participatory Governance • Reporting on Local Compliance with Human Rights Treaties; and • Conducting Human Rights -Based Audits and Impact Assessments of Human Rights Treaties