HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.01.27 Packet City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC III. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☒ ☐ ☐ January 27, 2015 Approval of Meeting Agenda Approve the meeting agenda for the regular meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Information / Background: Attachment: Meeting Agenda AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION January 27, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF December 11, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During “Community Comment,” the Human Rights & Relations Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight’s agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. Guest speaker: Timothy Olson, Lieutenant and Board & Commission Police Liaison (30min) 7:15 - 7:45 VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS (1 hour) 7:45 - 8:45 A. 2015 Meeting Schedule (Lamon/Seidman) (5 min) B. 2015 Approved Work Plan (Seidman) (5 min) C. Affordable Housing (Bigbee/Winnick) (15 min) D. Community Conversations Update (Bigbee/Davis) (10min) E. Tom Oye Update (Winnick) (10 min) F. Edina Community Council Meeting Update and Vote (Winnick) (5 min) G. 2015 Chair and Vice Chair Nomination Recommendations (Winnick) (10 min) VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITION IX. CHAIR, COMMISSION MEMBER, AND STUDENT COMMENT X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC IV. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☒ ☐ ☐ January 27, 2015 Adoption of Meeting Minutes Approve the minutes for the regular meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Information / Background: Attachment: Draft meeting minutes from HRRC meeting; Attendance Roster MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION December 11, 2014 7:00 PM City Hall – Council Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Seidman called the meeting to order at 7:01pm. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Commissioners Arseneault, Bigbee, Davis, Gates, Kennedy, Sanders, Chair Seidman, Weinert, and Winnick. Staff present: City Management Fellow Lindy Crawford. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Winnick to amend the Regular Meeting Agenda of December 11, 2014 to add affordable housing to item VII. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF October 28, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Arseneault moved to approve the minutes as presented to the HRRC. Commissioner Davis seconded. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. GUEST PRESENTER: Christie Nicoson, World Without Genocide Program and Operations Director Ms. Nicoson shared a presentation with the HRRC about the UN’s Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration is considered to be an international Bill of Rights. Ms. Nicoson suggested that by using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a framework, the HRRC has a tool to guide the Commission in ensuring that all rights are protected. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Human Rights City Designation Update (Kennedy/Sanders) Commissioner Kennedy shared a presentation about the history of Human Rights Cities. There are currently five areas in the United States that are recognized Human Rights Cities; this means they are engaged in using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Kennedy shared what the process is for becoming a Human Rights City, and her thoughts on where the City of Edina is in that process. B. Days of Remembrance/Genocide Awareness (Seidman) Chair Seidman shared that the Days of Remembrance/Genocide Awareness title for this year is From Armenians to the Holocaust and will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015 from 1pm-3:30pm at the Edina City Hall. There will be a Holocaust survivor guest speaker. C. Community Conversations Update (Bigbee/Davis) Commissioner Davis updated the HRRC about the Community Conversations working group. Twelve volunteer community members of all ages make up the working group. The group has held listening sessions throughout the community to discover if the city of Edina is a welcoming community. The end of April 2015 is the target date to report back to the HRRC about the progress of Community Conversations. D. Tom Oye Award Announcement (Winnick) Commissioner Winnick shared information about the Tom Oye Award and shared the Tom Oye public service announcement. Anyone who lives or works in the city of Edina may receive the Award. Past winners include Ellen Kennedy, Rachel Grenier, Joyce Repya, Kristin Aarsvold, and Tom McCarthy. The HRRC acts as the selection committee for the Award. January 30,, 2015 is the deadline to apply. The application can be found on the City of Edina website. E. Affordable Housing (Winnick/Bigbee) Commissioner Winnick noted that he and the HRRC Student Commissioners Gates and Weinert have reviewed the status of the 66 West affordable housing project for at-risk youth, in their role as the HRRC committee on Monitoring Affordable Housing. The project is currently in litigation, but a motion to dismiss the lawsuit has been filed on the basis that the suit is premature. Winnick stated the second project the HRRC committee is monitoring is the affordable housing project located at 7200 France. Motion was made by Commissioner Winnick to approve a statement of support for the 7200 France project to the City Council, Commissioner Bigbee seconded. Commissioner Sanders abstained. Motion carried. Commissioner Bigbee thanked the HRRC for supporting affordable housing in Edina over the years and would like to see the HRRC work on affordable housing on an annual basis. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Chair Seidman asked for comments regarding the correspondence in the meeting packets. Seidman shared that many HRRC members were at the City Council meeting regarding the Washington Redskins matter, in response to one piece of correspondence that appeared to suggest otherwise. IX. CHAIR, COMMISSION MEMBER, AND STUDENT COMMENTS Chair Seidman shared that there have been two incidents with bias offense activity. Seidman met with Police Chief Dave Nelson and City Manager Scott Neal concerning the activity and noted that the Bias Offense Response Plan was followed in each case. Commissioner Arseneault shared that the Human Services Task Force has completed their work and passed on their recommendations for funding Human Services in 2015 to the City Council. The Council approved the recommendations of the Task Force on their December 2 Consent Agenda. Arseneault encouraged other HRRC members to volunteer for the Human Services Task Force in the future. Student Commissioner Gates discussed her interest in working on the issues of body image and sexuality awareness. Gates attended a Gay Student Alliance Club meeting at Edina High School to learn what actions they are taking about this matter. Student Commissioner Weinert talked about existence of human trafficking in the community. Weinert shared that the community should take action about this matter, and is hopeful the HRRC can hold educational events related to this matter in March 2015 in order to raise local awareness on the issue. X. STAFF COMMENTS None. XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Davis to adjourn the December 11th meeting, Kennedy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison Minutes approved by HRRC January 27, 2015 ____________________________________ Jan Seidman, HRRC Chair City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VI. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☐ ☒ January 27, 2015 Guest Presenter None. Information / Background: Timothy Olson, Lieutenant and Board and Commission Police Liaison Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. A. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☒ ☒ ☐ January 27, 2015 2015 Meeting Schedule Change meeting dates if necessary. Information / Background: Please note the following dates: September 29, 2015 (Fifth Tuesday of the month) December 10, 2015 (Thursday, Televised Meeting) Staff Liaison Lamon has some possible work session dates to share with the group. Volunteer Recognition Event: April 29, 2015 5:30pm BC Annual Meeting: April 20, 2015 5:30pm Attachment: Schedule. 2015 CITY OF EDINA COUNCIL, ADVISORY BRDS, COMS. COMMS. MEETINGS, HOLIDAYS ELECTION DATES Holidays City Council Nite to Unite Pln CommHP BrdTrns Com Park Brd Indicates a religious holiday's observance Elect Day HealthHuman R/R Com E& E CommArts & Culture Comm JANUARYFEBRUARYMARCH SMTWTFSS MTWTFSS MTWTFS 1 2 312345671234567 45 6 78910891011121314891011121314 111213141516171516171819202115161718192021 1819 20 212223242223242526272822232425262728 25262728293031 293031 SMTWTFSS MTWTFSS MTWTFS 12 34 12123456 5 67891011345678978910111213 121314151617181011121314151614151617181920 192021222324251718192021222321222324252627 262728293024252627282930282930 31 SMTWTFSS MTWTFSS MTWTFS 1234 112345 56789101123 4 56786789101112 1213141516 17 189101112131415 131415 16171819 19202122232425161718192021222021 2223 242526 2627282930312324252627282927282930 3031 SMTWTFSS MTWTFSS MTWTFS 123123456712345 4567891089101112 13 146789101112 111213141516171516171819202113141516171819 181920212223242223242526272820212223 2425 26 2526272829303129302728293031 OCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBER APRIL MAY JUNE JULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBER Revised Meeting Schedule for 2015. Dates Subject to Change As Approved By Council 12/2/2014 Revised 1/20/2015 2015 Meetings and Events - DRAFT Day Date Event Time Location Tues Jan 27 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues Feb 24 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues Mar 24 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Mon April 20 Annual Meeting 5:30 pm Centennial Lakes Wed April 29 Volunteer Recognition 5:30 pm Braemar Golf Course Tues April 28 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues May 26 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues June 23 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues July 28 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues August 25 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues Sept 29 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues Oct 27 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Tues Nov 24 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Community Room Thurs Dec 10 Regular Meeting (Televised) 7:00 pm Council Chambers *Work Session July/Aug 2015 – TBD City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. B. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☐ ☒ January 27, 2015 2015 Approved HRRC Work Plan. None. Information / Background: Included in packet, is the HRRC 2015 work plan approved by the City Council. Attachment: Work Plan. Approved by City Council on 12/16/14. 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Community Outreach: Community Conversations Working Group (Davis & Kennedy) 1. Conduct community listening sessions 2. Reach out to those that live or work in Edina (including religious, ethnic, disabled, income levels, etc.). 3. Partnership with Advocates for Human Rights Consolidate into a report 1. What is a welcoming community 2. Is Edina a welcoming community March 2015 – complete community conversations (5-6) that start in November 2014 May 2015 – report complete and presentation to HRRC $500 Administrative Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Human Rights City Designation (Kennedy & Sanders) 2015 $300 Administrative Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Days of Remembrance/Genocide Awareness: Event (Seidman, Kennedy, Arseneault) April 19, 2015 $1000 Administrative, coordination with Communications Progress Report: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2015 Annual Work Plan 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Affordable Housing Expanding Opportunity 1. Continued education on affordable housing 2. Monitor status of Edina 3. Support current efforts 2015 None Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Body Image and Sexuality Awareness (Gates, Seidman, Arseneault) 2015 $800 Administrative, coordination with Communications Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Human Trafficking (Weinert & Arseneault) May 2015 $300 Yes Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Progress Report: Ongoing Responsibilities Update Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan (August) Tom Oye Award (Oct-March) Days of Remembrance (April or May, to coincide with the national observation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) Edina Resource Center/Edina Community Council (HRRC representative) The Advisor: Blog Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Disability Awareness Campaign: 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act Black History Month Tolerance in Motion – hosting mobile exhibit and associated activities (pending funding by sponsors) Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: August Staff Comments: Council Comments: City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. C. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☒ ☐ January 27, 2015 Affordable Housing None. Information / Background: Commissioner Bigbee and Winnick will provide update. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. D. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☐ ☒ January 27, 2015 Community Conversations None. Information / Background: Commissioner Bigbee and Davis will provide update. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII.E. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☐ ☒ January 27, 2015 Tom Oye Update None. Information / Background: Commissioner Winnick will provide update on current nominations received. Application closes January 31, 2015. HRRC will vote on award recipient at their February 2015 regular meeting. Attachment: Nomination forms. 2015 Nominations: 1.Lana Davis 2.Lauren Morse 3.Gene Sylvestre 2014 Nomincations Roll Over: 1.Gail Shore 2.Jessi Kingston 3.Mamie Segall 1 MJ Lamon From:Jennifer Bennerotte Sent:Saturday, January 17, 2015 11:38 AM To:MJ Lamon Subject:Fwd: 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form submission FYI Jennifer Bennerotte Begin forwarded message: From: <jbennerotte@edinamn.gov> Date: January 17, 2015 at 10:40:01 AM CST To: <jbennerotte@edinamn.gov> Subject: 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form submission Reply-To: <jbennerotte@edinamn.gov> Hi, A 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form has been submitted on 01/17/2015 via: edinamn.gov/index.php?section=tomoye_form Name Gene Sylvestre Occupation Retired Work or Home Address in Edina 7520 Cahill Rd. Edina MN 55439 Email winsteve@comcast.net Telephone 952-942-9867 Name of Person or Group Steve Winnick Email winsteve@comcast.net Telephone 952-944-3453 Relationship to Nominee none Comments Regarding Nominee Gene Sylvestre participated with the Edina faith communities, City and School District in creating the HRR Commission in the 1960's. He was a friend of Tom Oye and like Mr. Oye, he served in Europe during WWII. Upload Essay GENE SYLVESTRE.docx -Edina Team. GENE SYLVESTRE NOMINEE FOR EDINA HRRC TOM OYE AWARD Gene Sylvestre is a 90 year old resident of Edina, having lived here for over 20 years. Most of his career was spent in advertising and public relations for a major milling company, and with his own firm. He assisted the City of Edina and the School District in the 1960s with a major human relations project called “People Making”, bringing together the faith communities, the City and Schools to create awareness workshops and eventually the merger of the City’s Human Relations Commission with the Human Rights Commission. Gene was encouraged to engage in these activities by his friend Tom Oye, a founder of the Edina Human Rights Commission. About a year ago, the undersigned received a phone call from Gene, introducing himself and sharing some information about his early work with Edina and other Twin Cities area communities, including Golden Valley. He told me he was a friend of Tom Oye and would like to share some remembrances, including Mr. Oye’s reminder that the community must always be aware of intolerance and injustices in the human rights arena. He then met with us, sharing his recollections including those of his military service during World War II. As a soldier serving in Patton’s Third Army, Gene saw first hand the Nazi Death Camps. He was among the soldiers freeing the detainees. He saw their state of starvation, the corpses and horror of the situation. Gene agreed to visit with us to tell of his experiences and his friendship with Tom Oye, who also fought the Nazis as a member of the famed Nissei Combat Brigade, one of the most highly decorated military units of the War. Gene’s story was recorded on video in a one hour conversation. He also made a three minute Public Service Announcement for us speaking about Tom Oye for our Annual Tom Oye Award. Gene Sylvestre exemplifies those qualities of Tom Oye, leadership, engagement and the advancement of human rights. He is most worthy of the Award created in his friend’s name. Steve Winnick 1/19/2015 1 MJ Lamon From:Jennifer Bennerotte Sent:Thursday, January 22, 2015 9:39 AM To:MJ Lamon Subject:FW: 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form submission FYI Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Technology Services Director 952-833-9520 | Fax 952-826-0389 JBennerotte@EdinaMN.gov | www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: jbennerotte@edinamn.gov [mailto:jbennerotte@edinamn.gov] Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 9:03 AM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form submission Hi, A 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form has been submitted on 01/22/2015 via: edinamn.gov/index.php?section=tomoye_form Name Lauren Morse-Wendt, on behalf of the 66 West Task Force Occupation Mission and Ministry Developer, Edina Community Lutheran Church Work or Home Address in Edina 4113 W 54th St, Edina, MN 55424 Email lmorsewendt@eclc.org Telephone 952-926-3808 Name of Person or Group Jackie Sullivan Email sullivan6832@comcast.net Telephone 952-941-4153 Relationship to Nominee I support 66 West as an Edina resident and member of a collaborating congregation, St. Stephen’s Church. I am also a leadership committee volunteer for other Beacon programs. Comments Regarding Nominee Lauren Morse-Wendt and the 66 West Task Force are collaborating to create the first apartment building for homeless young adults in the west metro. The process to organize support for 66 West opened a conversation within our community about who lacks 2 stable housing and why. Their dedication has brought the community together to take pride in caring for all young people in Edina and providing an opportunity for everyone to thrive. Upload Essay 66 West Task Force - Tom Oye Award Nomination.docx -Edina Team. 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination From The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission is seeking applications for its annual Tom Oye Human Rights Award. This award will honor the late Tom Oye and other members of the Edina community whose good works promote human relations and advance human rights. Selection Criteria Anyone who lives or works in Edina is eligible for this award. Nominees will be evaluated based on their efforts to: 1. Foster respect and dignity for others; 2. model courage and/or compassion in the advancement of human rights; and 3. demonstrate leadership by example for improving human relations and/or advancing human rights Submission Information - Applications must be received by January 31, 2015. - Applications will be reviewed by members of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. - The Commission may decline to make an award if in its view no nominee meets the criteria. Who are you nominating? Name: Lauren Morse-Wendt, on behalf of the 66 West Task Force Occupation: Mission and Ministry Developer, Edina Community Lutheran Church Work or Home Address in Edina: 4113 W 54th St, Edina, MN 55424 Email: lmorsewendt@eclc.org Telephone: (952) 926-3808 Who makes this nomination? Name of Person or Group: Jackie Sullivan Contact Name, if different: Email: sullivan6832@comcast.net Telephone: (952) 941-4153 Relationship to Nominee: I support 66 West as an Edina resident and member of a collaborating congregation, St. Stephen’s Church. I am also a leadership committee volunteer for other Beacon programs. Comments regarding Nominee: Lauren Morse-Wendt and the 66 West Task Force are collaborating to create the first apartment building for homeless young adults in the west metro. The process to organize support for 66 West opened a conversation within our community about who lacks stable housing and why. Their dedication has brought the community together to take pride in caring for all young people in Edina and providing an opportunity for everyone to thrive. Nomination Essay (up to 500 words) Lauren Morse-Wendt’s contributions have been foundational for the 66 West Task Force’s work to create 39 homes for young adults who are homeless in our community. She has been a servant-leader and advocate long before this development became known as 66 West. In Lauren’s words, “I believe in home because every child of God has the right to shelter, to safety, and to community. Home is central to all of those.” Three years ago, members of Edina Community Lutheran Church (ECLC) learned that the fastest growing population of homeless individuals is young adults who are on their own; they may have graduated from foster care, become homeless after revealing their sexual preference, or turned 18 and could legally leave a dysfunctional home. The ECLC group decided to do something about this. Consulting community experts, Lauren arranged a tour of Nicollet Square, apartments in Minneapolis for young people exiting homelessness. The group thought they might volunteer with a similar development in the suburbs. They learned that none existed. As ECLC’s Ministry and Mission Developer, Lauren shaped this group into a Task Force. They envisioned a program to implement Edina’s values to serve youth with dignity. ECLC committed $80,000 in seed capital to construct a building where young people would be proud to live, held to high expectations, and connected to caring adults. The volunteer Task Force was empowered through a partnership with Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative to make critical decisions about this housing: its scope, location, service model, and funding plan. Most compelling has been the degree to which they have listened—to the community, to their faith, and to youth whose experiences document the need for affordable housing in Edina for young adults. Because they knew some would oppose this vision, for three years the Task Force presented to adult forums, hosted interfaith breakfasts, collected post-cards, organized benefit concerts, and staged rallies. In fact, I became aware of the issue of suburban youth homelessness by attending one of the interfaith breakfasts hosted by Lauren and the Task Force. By reaching out to other faith communities, nine other churches now formally participate, representing Lutheran, Congregational, Methodist, Episcopal and Catholic traditions. As a result, this vision is now 66 West. The City Council gave unanimous approval to re-zone the property for housing. The site has been purchased. More than 360 residents spoke in support of 66 West at City hearings. 66 West will bring economic integration to the Southdale neighborhood and advance Edina’s goal of increasing the city’s supply of affordable housing. Youth from the suburbs will find a stable home in their own community. 66 West will serve as an opportunity to break down stereotypes based on housing status, race, and poverty. Interacting with tenants, volunteers and neighbors will challenge preconceptions they may have about who experiences homelessness and why. Much work lies ahead to build 66 West and support the youth who will live there, yet with leadership from Lauren and the Task Force I am very hopeful and confident. 66 West Task Force Membership, current: Bernie Beaver Christine Haugen Lauren Morse-Wendt Lois Olson Erik Scheurle Sara Schwiebert Jim Stephan Mara Stephan Mark Swiggum Dan Tysver Helen Wood Linda Woodstrom 66 West Task Force Membership, past members: Allison Johnson Kathy Magnus Christina Maley Paula Roth Laura Swanson 1 MJ Lamon From:Jennifer Bennerotte Sent:Friday, January 23, 2015 3:55 PM To:MJ Lamon Subject:FW: 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form submission FYI Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Technology Services Director 952-833-9520 | Fax 952-826-0389 JBennerotte@EdinaMN.gov | www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: jbennerotte@edinamn.gov [mailto:jbennerotte@edinamn.gov] Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 3:35 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form submission Hi, A 2015 Tom Oye Human Rights Award Nomination Form form has been submitted on 01/23/2015 via: edinamn.gov/index.php?section=tomoye_form Name Lana Davis Occupation Welcome Center Assistant Work or Home Address in Edina 5701 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55424 Email lana.davis@edinaschools.org Telephone 952-848-3921 Name of Person or Group Edina Community Education, Edina Resource Center Contact Name, if different than above Andrea Bernhardt Email andrea.bernhardt@edinaschools.org Telephone 952-848-3938 Relationship to Nominee Co-Worker Comments Regarding Nominee Lana Davis has worked in Edina Community Education Services for over 20 years. She currently works to support community members on a daily basis by linking families and individuals to everything from registering for classes to giving out information about resources. Regardless of the need, Lana gives her undivided attention and remarkable service to each and every person. 2 Upload Essay Lana Davis Tom Oye Award Essay.docx Upload Supporting Materials Lana Supporting Letter - Edina Public Schools.docx Upload Supporting Materials Lana Supporting Letter - City of Edina.docx -Edina Team. Tom Oye Award Nomination 2015 January, 23rd, 2015 On behalf of Edina Community Education Services (CES) and the Edina Resource Center (ERC), we would like to nominate Lana Davis for the Tom Oye Human Rights Award for her distinguished level of service and care to the community of Edina. She has supported the ERC and CES for over 20 years as a connector of resources for anyone who lives, works, or goes to school in Edina. She supports community members on a daily basis by connecting community members to everything from Early Education and youth classes to adult learning opportunities as well as educating them about resources available in our community. Lana unfailingly prioritizes the feelings and needs of all who interact with her, whether on the phone or in person. She lets whomever she’s with know that they are important and valued. Lana shows a high level of respect to those she works with, even when others might be stressed or frustrated. She strives to be calm, cool and collected at all times. When faced with a challenge, Lana not only will help clarify and understand it, she’ll seek out potential solutions and feedback from others in collaboration for how to best solve it. Lana continually goes the “extra mile” to ensure that customer needs are met in a timely manner. She asks important follow-up questions, circles around to ensure that questions are answered and seeks out additional data in anticipation of further helping those who she serves. Lana ensures every last detail is attended to and this is what makes her service to others so exceptional. For example, each year an outside organization donates Thanksgiving baskets to families in need. Lana works diligently with Coordinator, school social workers, peers, and community members to identify recipients and streamlines the delivery process. Her work and support with this effort has helped to double the amount of basket donations from the previous year. Lana takes the time to actively listen to people as they ask their questions and share their story so she can better assess what information is needed given the situation. She brings a special level of sincerity and empathy while taking great care in her work. Regardless of the need, family structure or background of the client, Lana gives her undivided attention and remarkable service to each and every person. Supporting Letter for Lana Davis January 17th, 2015 I have had the pleasure of working with Lana Davis for over 14 years. We worked for 9 years together at the Edina Resource Center (ERC). When I was hired as the Coordinator of the ERC, Lana was the Clerical Support. She basically taught me all I needed to know about the operations and database. However, Lana also gently modeled for me how to treat people with dignity and compassion while understanding that the ERC was a connection place primarily. Together, we built up a collaboration of folks who helped us spread the word about the work of the ERC. Lana was instrumental in helping with the marketing and outreach. Over the years – the Edina Resource center grew in significance to Edina. Our office helped open the former Welcome Center – which was the home of registration and resources. Our goal was to connect all new families to Edina with information to help them acclimate successfully to both Edina Public Schools but to the community of Edina. Lana’s job continues to evolve and her time supporting the ERC has lessened, but her commitment to community and to stellar customer service has never waivered – no matter who walks in our door - Lana Davis is a community star and I believe she exemplifies the intent of the Tom Oye award by fostering respect and dignity for others, modeling courage and/or compassion to those in need and improves human relations by connecting people to the resources and services they need to better their existence. Valerie Burke is the current Director of Edina Community Education Services and former Coordinator of the Edina Resource Center – both departments of the Edina Public Schools. Supporting Letter for Lana Davis December 23rd, 2014 Lana Davis exemplifies the meaning of the word Caring. At the Edina Resource Center, she is the first voice people often hear on the other end of the phone or the first person to greet you when you arrive- and that is a good thing! Instantly a person can tell that she genuinely cares by her calm and kind demeanor. When a person is in need of help with connecting to a resource, Lana is not only proficient regarding what resources are available, but will always express empathy. She treats all who come in contact with her with respect. I have witnessed on many occasions Lana reassuring someone, following up with someone, and offering to send off information that will be of help. She is patient and always professional. Edina is very fortunate to have Lana Davis, as support staff, at fot the Resource Center. She takes people where they are at and helps them to find the resources they need in a very dignified manner. Lana Davis is a true humanitarian. Dawn Beitel, Assistant Manager at Edinborough Park and Kristin Aarsvold, Recreation Supervisor City of Edina. NOMINATION FORM TOM OYE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission is seeking applications for its annual Tom Oye Human Rights Award. This award will honor the late Tom Oye and other members of the Edina community whose good works promote human relations and advance human rights. Submit one nominee per form. PLEASE ATTACH AN ESSAY, UP TO 500 WORDS, AND OTHER SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND INCLUDE YOUR NAME. Provide specific examples, including attachments if necessary. (ATTACHED) Selection Criteria Anyone who lives or works in Edina is eligible for this award. Nominees will be evaluated based on their efforts to: (1) foster respect and dignity for others (2) model courage and/or compassion in the advancement of human rights (3) demonstrate leadership by example for improving human relations and/or advancing human rights Who are you nominating? Name: Occupation: Home and Work address: Email: Telephone numbers: Gail Shore Executive Director, Cultural Jambalaya 6059 Blake Ridge Rd., Edina, MN 55436 oshore@winternet.com 952-925-6102 (home/work); 612-770-4106 (cell) Who makes this nomination? Name of Person or Group: Kristi Rudelius-Palmer, Co-Director, Human Rights Center, University of Minnesota Law School Email: krp@umn.edu Telephone number: 612-626-7794 Relationship to Nominee: friend and colleague Comments Regarding Nominee (up to 35 words) Words that will be printed inside the program if this nominee is selected (ATTACHED) Submit Information Applications must be received by January 31, 2014. Applications will be reviewed by members of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. The Commission may decline to make an award if in its view no nominee meets the criteria. The award will be presented in the spring of 2014 at the annual Volunteer Recognition Reception in the Warren C. Hyde Clubhouse at Braemar Golf Course. Mail the completed nomination form to: City of Edina, Human Rights and Relations Commission, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424. NOMINATION FORM TOM OYE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 500-word essay There are few culturally unique places on the planet that longtime Edina resident Gail Shore hasn't visited. For four decades, the globe trekker and photographer has embarked on self-funded solo treks to faraway places. Her work focuses on people and the traditions, rituals and religions that enrich fragile cultures around the world. At the core of Gail's work and mission is human rights. Through her photography, we are inspired to fight discrimination and promote human rights by simply respecting all people. She believes that photography is an effective medium to illustrate the diverse cultural backgrounds that continue to make up more of America's rich mosaic. To begin to break down cultural barriers, she asks us to admire and value each other's similarities as well as our differences, because the more we know about each other's background, history and religion, the more respectful we can become of one another. For years, Gail has presented her unique images and stories to nonprofits and civic organizations, and has exhibited her work at galleries and art fairs, including the Edina Art Fair. But over the years, friends and colleagues encouraged her to take her large library of photos and accompanying experiences to a new level to engage others. Finally in 2005, Gail founded Cultural Jambalaya, an Edina-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that uses international photography to promote understanding and respect for all people. Along with a board of directors and advisors (that includes a remarkable roster of accomplished Twin Cities professionals), Gail and Cultural Jambalaya set out to produce creative programs that would benefit schools, charitable organizations as well as businesses that advance diversity, human rights and social justice. With in-kind support from its board and financial contributions from like- minded corporations, the volunteer-based nonprofit began to create one-of-a-kind educational videos for teachers. Produced by Twin Cities-based Tremendous! Entertainment, creator and producer of Travel Channel's hit series, "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern," Cultural Jambalaya's "Windows and Mirrors" educational series features images collected during Gail's more than 40 years of travels to distant regions, including North Korea, Syria, Myanmar, Mali, Bhutan, Namibia, New Guinea, Rwanda and Tibet, among others. The "Windows and Mirrors" series is a creative teaching tool for educators in the classroom. Supported by an online study guide, the videos are a resource for middle school and high school teachers and aim to promote cultural understanding and acceptance through a variety of subjects, including social studies, geography, history, diversity and language. The complimentary study guide, available at www.CulturalJam.orq, includes instructional exercises designed to spark students' imagination and to encourage them to think broadly as they learn about the new cultures and individuals in the programs. Cultural Jambalaya has already produced four videos in its educational series, including programs on the Middle East, Asia and Africa. The nonprofit is currently in production of its next video on Latin America. Gail's work has already earned four national Telly Awards for excellence in cultural education. In addition to Tremendous! Entertainment, Cultural Jambalaya has also received key support from CoIle + McVoy, which created the nonprofit's brand and manages its website. Generous sponsors include Delta Air Lines, Carlson Companies, Comcast, Great Clips, Robins, Kaplan Miller & Ciresi, Verizon, Video Guidance, Wells Fargo, Wells Fargo Advisors, Hi-Fly'n Productions, Kraus-Anderson Companies, D'Amico Catering, Tom & Marlene Kayser, and others. Further information Gail's work has been recently featured in the following: MINNPOST - by Education Reporter Beth Hawkins: April 23, 2012 http://www.minnpost.com/learninq-curve/2012/04/qail-shore%E2%80%99s-photos-offer-minnesota- students-world-view?utm source=MinnPost+e-mail+newsletters&utm campaign=771187477e- 4 23 2012 Daily Newsletter4 23 2012&utm medium=email Edina Magazine - by Eric Larson: September 2012 http://edinamaq.com/article/arts/photoqrapher-qail-shore-shares-travel-photos?paqe=0,0 Further information about Cultural Jambalaya is available at www.CulturalJam.orq, Comments Reuardinft Nominee (up to 35 words) Words that will be printed inside the program if this nominee is selected Gail Shore is the founder and executive director of Cultural Jambalaya, an Edina-based nonprofit that uses global photography to promote human rights by inspiring others to respect our cultural similarities as well as our differences. NOMINATION FORM TOM OYE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission is seeking applications for its annual Tom Oye Human Rights Award. This award will honor the late Tom Oye and other members of the Edina community whose good works promote human relations and advance human rights. Submit one nominee per form. PLEASE ATTACH AN ESSAY, UP TO 500 WORDS, AND OTHER SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND INCLUDE YOUR NAME. Provide specific examples, including attachments if necessary. Selection Criteria Anyone who lives or works in Edina is eligible for this award. Nominees will be evaluated based on their efforts to: (I) foster respect and dignity for others (2) model courage and/or compassion in the advancement of human rights (3) demonstrate leadership by example for improving human relations and/or advancing human rights Who are you nominating? Name M Occupation /-40/A G r (074 Home address S. 7)3 rp. /12N Work address 5-Rme__ Email kr .5 e5 // .16 c 51; lig ;A- Telephone numbers 9,-51..? - 27- S4 83 6-)J „ 6,)z - 2'Z Who makes this nomination? Name of Person or Group ..--34k;/(9 R-VnigA40•11- Contact name, if different than above Z14./ 67-pc Email ex/ 44T,, e 6V1/76' fil say Telephone numbers 962- - e33 73 (67_)( / - 3 c75' 9Z zo 7 Relationship to Nominee 72/b 2ss'i aJ C--0//e-ay v-e- Comments Regarding Nominee (up to 35 words) Words that will be printed inside the program if this nominee is selected AN-#14 .6 e. // C/i10 re cl TA" 1-74'..-)g ell erve "rearm/ /gaZ469 e-emm.r..44 4-tya-ylv )1-7.6.ns ca1 I f_ra- yr e tv,444- fkme rp Ire- 77u. kt,ni,a,..h h,7 ate ,A ''LY 0 A& /I osad fr..1 L civ 71.z Latcs- 77,a p_ 44 / Submission Information: p-ar-h' a- *cosx, 642-7-11 nat,71,, /, 4, Applications must be received by January 31, 2014. Applications will be reviewed by members of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. The Commission may decline to make an award if in its view no nominee meets the criteria. The award will be presented in the spring of 2014 at the annual Volunteer Recognition Reception in the Warren C. Hyde Clubhouse at Braemar Golf Course. Mail the completed nomination form to: City of Edina, Human Rights and Relations Commission, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424. Questions? Contact Annie Coyle at (952) 826-0429 or acoyle@edinamn.gov. Edina HRRC Award 2014 c 0 M • 0 • • "1, ,4\•• 0 AT • D A BOARD OF DIRECTORS SAN ASATO BRAD BEARD BERNIE BEAVER PETER DAHL RON ERHARDT SCOT HOUSH JAMES HOVLAND STEVEN McDONALD PAUL MOOTY RICHARD OLSON BRENDA QUAYE MAMIE SEGALL MAXINE WALLIN STRENGTHENING OUR COMMUNITY December 31, 2013 City of Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Tom Oye Human Rights Award Dear Commission members: I write in support of the attached nomination for this Award of Mamie Segall, who made a singular contribution to the welfare of financially challenged youth in the Edina community in 2013 by serving as volunteer chair of the Edina Challenge Team. This Team was organized by the Edina Community Foundation to ensure that Edina youth living in poverty or near-poverty can more fully participate in the community, educational and recreational programs that will allow them to develop as healthy, productive adults. Its mission was to minimize the discrimination and lack of opportunity that is often experienced by such youth in their access to such programs, either by the lack of a focused effort to include them or by the lack of resources available to meet their need. The Foundation and Team were thus committed to a collaborative effort to improve the human rights of these youth by reducing the barriers to their full participation in the life of our community. The Edina Challenge Team consists of representatives of 14 grant makers and service providers in our community who met throughout 2013. City of Edina Park & Recreation Department Connecting With Kids Edina Community Foundation Edina Community Lutheran Church Edina Education Fund EdinaGiveAndGo Edina Morningside Rotary Club Edina Public Schools Edina Public Schools Community Education Services Edina Resource Center Oasis for Youth Questscope/One2One Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Southdale YMCA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DICK CROCKETT DEVELOPMENT OFFICER MARSHA BUCHOK 5280 GRANDVIEW SQUARE • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 • (952) 833-9573 • FAX: (952) 833-9575 edfoundation@ci.edina.mn.us www.edinacommunityfoundation.org Mamie's effective leadership of this Team led to their consensus identification of the top five priorities for serving the youth who qualified for Free and Reduced Price Meals in Edina--Mentoring, Transportation, Tutoring, Extracurricular Engagement, and Housing. The Team also reviewed a broad range of proposed programs to meet those needs, endorsed five of those programs for community support, and recommended three of those for funding by the Edina Community Foundation: • One2One, a community-based mentoring program in collaboration with Southdale YMCA that will serve some 20 middle school youth in need; • Oasis for Youth, an organization providing substantial support services to homeless youth in Edina and the surrounding area; and • The Last Mile, a program of the Edina Resource Center to assist youth in need after their high school graduation succeed in their goal of enrolling in college In recognition of the solid work of Mamie and the Edina Challenge Team, the Edina Community Foundation Board of Directors approved all of these funding recommendations and $31,000 in grants for the first six months of 2014. Throughout this year of effort, Mamie's volunteer work and leadership clearly reflected the selection criteria for the Tom Oye Human Rights Award: 1. foster respect and dignity for others 2. model courage and/or compassion in the advancement of human rights 3. demonstrate leadership by example for improving human relations and/or advancing human rights For these reasons, I am delighted to nominate Mamie Segall for the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. Respectfully submitted, Dick Crockett Executive Director fers E-PPR2.- 4..eitio,of lc 49)>PoiLnieViT) en iry 0F ‘r. NOMINATION FORM TOM OYE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission is seeking applications for its annual Tom Oye Human Rights Award. This award will honor the late Toni Oye and other members of the Edina community whose good works promote human relations and advance human rights. Submit one nominee per form. PLEASE ATTACH AN ESSAY, UP TO 500 WORDS, AND OTHER SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND INCLUDE YOUR NAME. Provide specific examples, including attachments if necessary. Selection Criteria Anyone who lives or works in Edina is eligible for this award. Nominees will be evaluated based on their efforts to: (1) foster respect and dignity for others (2) model courage and/or compassion in the advancement of human rights (3) demonstrate leadership by example for improving human relations and/or advancing human rights Who are you nominating? Name (rC557 /4/Q$ 7,t/ Occupation >iiescrek c 7-01/‘ ‘,10 t Home address Work address Email .,7,e/A)Gs 72A) 2. A) GoMaiis7-.A/pr Telephone numbers 41 6_6 Who makes this nomination? Name of Person or Group .7-re oR.E. Contact name, if different than above Email ,ropitIj9 epiNittitilet. Telephone numbers 4/Z-• 736- e Li Relationship to Nominee po,e_.1 41.7) Comments Regarding Nominee (up to 35 words) Words that will be printed inside the program if this nominee is selected -Ve.551 EX6/074/101‘g 1-He 1-R-re AsnAl/N6- fritir) P PosL oF 77i-6 - 01 .6yC fit. 1e.T 7o a41) I V2. ez AiTiAI PieL J24 -ri c&J fritir, Phs'sidiv Ji,'6,65/73) ti/D /410-1-vsidit/ SubmilInformeiot 64-- a .014 rry. Applications must be received by January 31, 2014. Applications will be reviewed by members of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. The Commission may decline to make an award if in its view no nominee meets the criteria. The award will be presented in the spring of 2014 at the annual Volunteer Recognition Reception in the Warren C. Hyde Clubhouse at Braemar Golf Course. Mail the completed nomination form to: City of Edina, Human Rights and Relations Commission, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424. Questions? Contact Annie Coyle at (952)826-0429 or acoyle©edinamn.gov. Edina HRRC Award 2013 Jessi Kingston Tom Oye Award nomination Application 2014 While working at General Electric Jessi assisted in creating a diverse supplier network for vehicle deliveries and maintenance services. This included working with manufacturers and researching various companies to identify potential suppliers who qualified as either a Woman Owned or Minority Owned supplier. Once identification was made, Jessi worked with the supplier to understand their qualifications and validate their certification status. Jessi set up a tracking and reporting process for the business that could help drive business for clients who had specific requests to use Woman and/or Minority Owned suppliers. While working at Digital River, they moved its corporate headquarters from Eden Prairie to Minnetonka in August 2011. As part of the move, Jessi analyzed current vendor relationships and looked at future needs for the company as it continued to grow. A challenge within the technology industry is identifying Women and/or Minority Owned businesses who can supply services to Digital River. Also while at Digital River, Jessi was able to work with and develop a relationship with an office and promotional item supply vendor who was not only local to Minnesota and could support all the Digital River offices within the United States, but also qualified as a certified Women Owned business. Jessi has been a member of the Twin Cities Women's Council which was created by and managed by the University of St. Catherine's Leadership Institute for more than seven years. While at ING and currently at Digital River, Jessi worked with St. Catherine's team to provide training and networking opportunities for women in both companies. Over the past five years, Digital River has been a four-time sponsor of the St. Kate's Leadership Challenge, an all day conference with more than 300 women in attendance. As part of that sponsorship, Jessi worked to get Digital River's name in the community and represent the business in a way that would excite people to want to learn more about the company and possibly seek employment at Digital River. Jessi has been fortunate to meet women of various ethnic backgrounds who are dedicated to the advancement of women and minorities, and has been able to form connections to help assist others, either through coaching or networking, in providing opportunities for professional advancement. When Jessi was first appointed to the Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission, one of the first projects the Commission worked on was a Request for Proposal for funding human services organizations that served the residents of Edina. The process included working with city staff to update and send out the Request for Proposal, receiving and reviewing responses, visiting potential recipients, working with other commissioners to develop a recommendation on which service providers would receive funding and how much, and then presenting the recommendation to the City Council for approval. The second project Jessi worked on as a commissioner was the creation of the Domestic Partnership Ordinance for the City. At the time, there were only three cities within Minnesota who had a Domestic Partnership Ordinance. A resident of Edina asked that the City consider an Ordinance and Jessi became the lead commissioner to work on the Ordinance. Jessi worked with another commissioner in gathering information about Domestic Partnership Ordinances from different cities and states. We determined we needed additional assistance and engaged an attorney from OutFront MN to provide guidance on what a city could and could not provide residents or workers within the City due to Federal Laws. With assistance from another commissioner and OutFront MN, Jessi created the first draft of the Ordinance and presented it at an Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission meeting for review. As the members on the commission were fairly new, there was a significant amount of discussion around the construction of the Ordinance, how far as a commission should we be creating an Ordinance around domestic partners, how do we separate this from marriage rights, and are we in a position to mandate benefits from companies. Over several months the commission tackled these issues and received feedback from the City Attorney, the City Manager and OutFront MN. Jessi encouraged members of the public who had reached out to her and those that she knew to express their feelings about the Ordinance at a public hearing and/or send in letters to the City Council. An initial draft was presented to the City Council for review. While there was overwhelming support for the Ordinance, there was a question about whether the City needed to offer a registry in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Ordinance and were we presenting something that was in essence another way of pushing for marriage for the GLBT community. After the work session with the City Council, Jessi worked with other commissioners on how to create a better message about the importance of a registry for couples in a committed relationship, such as hospital visitation rights. The Ordinance was updated and presented to the City Council for a first reading. A couple of letters were received were discussed during the meeting. However, no one chose to speak, either in favor or against the Ordinance, during the Public Hearing, and the Ordinance unanimously passed both the first and second reading. Other activities Jessi was involved with as a Commissioner included: Key Achievements: • Served two 1-year terms as HRRC Commission Chair • Managed the adoption of a resolution opposing the marriage amendment by the city council in March 2012 • Provided feedback on the Public Meetings and Religious Observance Policy; adopted March 2012 • Led Edina HRRC participation in the National Holocaust Museum, traveling Persecution of Homosexuals in Nazi Germany exhibit, 2012. • Organized the passage of the Days of Remembrance Proclamation and celebration in conjunction with the national celebration of Yom Hashoa • Presented the resolution Expressing Support for the Purchase of Products Containing Only Conflict-Free Minerals; adopted May 2012 • Participated in the creation of the community-wide anti-bullying event; April 2011 Jessi is currently the Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity at City of Saint Paul where she continues her efforts in providing the platform in the City of St. Paul for all minority groups and individuals to advance economically and socially as they desire. Throughout her career and life, Jessi has worked on developing her skills in order to help create processes that mirror her passion for diversity, equality and inclusion of all perspectives. She exemplifies the true meaning and purpose of the Tom Oye Award. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. F. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☒ ☒ ☐ January 27, 2015 Edina Community Council Meeting Update and Vote Vote on HRRC representative on the Edina Community Council for 2015. Information / Background: Commissioner Winnick will provide an update on the Edina Community Council. HRRC needs to vote on HRRC represenative to serve on this council for 2015. Term is 1 year. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII.G. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☒ ☐ January 27, 2015 2015 Chair and Vice Chair Nomination Recommendations None. Information / Background: Commissioner Winnick will present the nominating committee's recommendation for 2015 Chair and Vice Chair. Following the committee recommendation, the HRRC Chair will open the floor to additional nominations. The HRRC will vote on a Chair and Vice Chair at their regular scheduled meeting in February. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VIII. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☐ ☒ January 27, 2015 Correspondence and Petitions None. Information / Background: Correspondence received since the last HRRC meeting. Attachment: Correspondence. 1 MJ Lamon From:Frank Petrovic on behalf of Edina Mail Sent:Friday, January 16, 2015 3:18 PM To:Molly Anderson; MJ Lamon Subject:FW: Contact Us form submission Frank Petrovic, Customer Service Representative 952-927-8861 | Fax 952-826-0389 FPetrovic@EdinaMN.gov | www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: barbaram@phylliswheatley.org [mailto:barbaram@phylliswheatley.org] Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 8:15 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Contact Us form submission Name: Barbara Milon Organization: Website: Address_1: 6105 Lincoln Drive Address_2: City: Edina State: MN Zip_Code: 55436 Email: barbaram@phylliswheatley.org Phone: 6122511266 Referrer: Message: I have just experienced the second break in of my home. I have lived at Edina West on Lincoln Av since 2005. Last year in July I contacted Edina Human Relations because of the break in of my home and my portrait was defaced On January 7, 2015 I discovered someone had broken into my home again and my IRS 1040's and worksheet summaries were stolen. I am the only African American who lives in my building and up and until last year the only African American at EW. I made a police report on yesterday. I feel these are hate crimes - no one else has had there condo broken into and had their their property defaced. Last year it was my portrait that was defaced. Now it is a dresser drawer. Racial Hate crimes need to be identified publicly reported in the Edina newspaper and include the position by the City Human Rights policy about hate crimes. 2 Perpetrators must be held accountable by every act of the law, required to take at minimum 20 hours of training and hours of community service and/or evicted. Residential Management at all levels need training on how to recognize and appropriately address racial hate crimes. Edina police need training about hate crimes The officers I have met with have no sensitivity about handling situations in which an African American has been burglarized the officers were condescending. I am employed professionally and I am a Doctorate Student. I formerly was the DFL Senate District Affirmative Action Officer. I am fearful for my safety and well being. I have spent about $400 to stay in a hotel but I cannot afford to continue to stay in a hotel. As a citizen I know I have a right to decent and safe housing. Hate crimes need to be made public in the City of Edina with identification and notification about the situations that occur and in the newspaper. The public notification sends a strong message that racism will not be tolerated. Residential Managers need to be required to take training to support their knowledge about how to address racial related crimes. The culture does not change until there is recognition that there is a serious problem and violation of basic human rights and by making hate crimes public information is provided and longer term it establishes a strong message that racist hate crimes will not be tolerated in the City of Edina. Models exist in many other cities. There is NO excuse for racist residential hate crimes or any type of racist criminal act I need your help Please get back to time Barbara Milon barbaram@phylliswheatley.org