HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.07.28 PacketCity of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC III. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☒ ☐ ☐ 7/28/2015 Approval of Meeting Agenda Approve the meeting agenda for the regular meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Information / Background: None. Attachment: Meeting Agenda. AGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION July 28, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF June 23, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During “Community Comment,” the Human Rights & Relations Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight’s agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. Guest Presenter: Nekima Levy-Pounds VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Work Plan Updates B. Tom Oye Award Recommended Procedure Changes C. Website Proposal D. Capitol Art Project E. 2016 Work Plan VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITION IX. CHAIR AND COMMISSIONER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927- 8861 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC IV. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☒ ☐ ☐ 7/28/2015 Adoption of Meeting Minutes Approve the minutes for the regular meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Information / Background: None. Attachment: Draft meeting minutes from HRRC meeting; Attendance Roster MINUTES HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION June 23, 2015 at 7:00PM City Hall, Community Room I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Arseneault called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. II.ROLL CALL Commissioners answering roll call were Chair Arseneault, Commissioners Rinn, Seidman, Vecchio-Smith and Winnick. Staff present: HRRC Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon, City Management Fellow Devin Massopust and Economic Development Manager Bill Neuendorf. Absent members: Commissioners Burza, Kennedy, and Sanders, and Student Commissioners Gates and Weinert. III.APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Commissioner Seidman moved to approve the June 23, 2015 meeting agenda. Commissioner Winnick seconded. Motion carried. IV.APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Chair Arseneault stated that Commissioner Rinn was not included in the Roll Call portion of the May 26th minutes, though she was in attendance. Commissioner Winnick moved to amend the minutes to include Commissioner Rinn as present. Commissioner Siedman seconded. Motion carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Seidman to approve the amended meeting minutes from the May 26, 2015 HRRC meeting. Commissioner Rinn seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Tian arrived at 7:09 pm. City Management Fellow Devin Massopust introduced himself to the Commission. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. GUEST SPEAKER: Bill Neuendorf, Economic Developer Economic Development Manager Bill Neuendorf updated the Commission on development activity taking place around the City. He stated that residential redevelopment is continuing to occur at a fast pace with 134 teardowns so far this year. Chair Arseneault asked if the people moving into the new homes are already Edina residents or if they are mostly new residents. Neuendorf replied that there is no concrete data on that, but that in his own neighborhood it is a mix. Neuendorf then updated the Commission on development taking place in the Southdale area that includes Fairview Southdale Emergency Room, the Southdale Medical Expansion and the Aurora on France Project. He also updated the Commission on the various housing developments that are taking place or may take place including the 66 West Apartments, the 7200 France Project, Onyx on York and 71 France Apartments. Due to the new development in housing complexes, Commissioners stated they would like to know whether there is still an issue of families moving into apartments that they believe are in the Edina School District, but are actually in the Richfield School District. The Commission also desires to ensure that there is an affordable housing policy in place with regard to the new housing units being built. VII. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Work Plan Updates a) Community Outreach: Chair Arseneault relayed information from Commissioner Burza stating that Community Conversations is moving forward and that there will be an update at the next meeting. She also stated that the listening sessions will likely be scheduled in the first or second week of October. b) Human Rights City Designation: Commissioner Winnick gave an update regarding the speaking outline that was created with input from all members of the working group for the presentations on the Human Rights Cities Initiative. Evaluation cards were also developed in conjunction with the presentation. The first presentation to the Minneapolis University Rotary Club on June 3 was well received as indicated by the high ratings on the evaluation forms that were completed following the presentation. c) Affordable Housing: Commissioner Winnick presented a report from the Edina Housing Foundation regarding the current state of affordable housing in the City, as well as the proposed affordable housing policy. The Commission decided that they would like to voice their support for the approval of an Affordable Housing Policy. A motion was made by Commissioner Winnick to approve the HRRC Affordable Housing Committee’s drafting of an HRRC resolution to endorse in substantial form the adoption of the Affordable Housing policy as recommended by the Edina Housing Foundation. Motion seconded by Vecchio-Smith. Motion carried. The HRRC Affordable Housing Committee will provide a draft of the communication for City Council regarding the HRRC’s resolutions, to be sent by email to commissioners for review by the end of the week. The Committee will work with Chair Arseneault to finalize the communication before next Tuesday’s Council meeting. d) ADA Proposal: Commissioner Vecchio-Smith stated that she is in correspondence with a friend who has vast experience with the ADA and hopes to be able to create an informational document that will provide some observations and personal experiences regarding the impact of the law that could be more widely shared through a blog and other City communication forms. e) Tom Oye Award Procedure Review: Commissioner Rinn reported that the Tom Oye Award Committee has just met to begin the review of the Award, with the goal to provide recommendations to Commissioners in July or August for addressing multiple issues regarding the Award Procedure. B. Website Proposal Commissioner Tian gave a presentation on possible improvements that could be made to the Commission’s website. Based on the commissioners’ feedback, Tian will send a list of recommendations to the staff liaison, who will then forward it to the Communications and Technology Services Department for consideration. In conjunction with updating and improving the Commission’s website, commissioners noted the need to have an updated photograph of the Commission, to be taken in August. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITION In response to correspondence received from the liaison to the Eden Prairie Human Rights Commission regarding a movement to effect the history that is reflected in art at the Capitol, Chair Arseneault will attend the proposed presentation by a representative from “Healing MN Stories” and will report back to the Commission about the Capitol Art Project, for possible inclusion in the 2016 work plan. IX. CHAIR AND COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Chair Arseneault informed the Commission that Commissioner Sanders resigned. She also noted that at the July and August meetings, the Commission should be prepared to address the 2016 work plan. Chair Arseneault also informed the Commission that Commissioner Rinn has volunteered to serve on the Human Services Taskforce as the HRRC representative. Commissioner Rinn stated that the work that she participated in regarding revised guidelines for Human Services vendor applications was completed, and the RFP (Request for Proposals) has been finalized. Commissioner Vecchio-Smith informed the Commission that she is waiting to discuss the possible partnership with the Edina School’s Parent Community Network regarding hard conversations. X. STAFF COMMENTS There were no staff comments. XI. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Winnick moved to adjourn the June 23rd meeting. Commissioner Seidman seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison Minutes Approved by HRRC June 23, 2015 __________________________________________ Pat Arseneault, HRRC Chair City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VI. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☐ ☒ 7/28/2015 Guest Presenter None. Information / Background: Nekima Levy-Pounds Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII.A. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☒ ☒ 7/28/2015 Work Plan Updates None. Information / Background: a.Community Outreach (Burza) b.Human Rights City Designation: Status and Outline of Presentation (Kennedy) c.Affordable Housing (Winnick/Vecchio-Smith) d.ADA Event Proposal (Vecchio-Smith) Attachment: 2015 Work Plan. Affordable Housing Advisory Communication to City Council (July 7). Report and Reccomendation from Community Development Director Cary Teague on the Affordable Housing Policy (July 21). Approved by City Council on 12/16/14. 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Community Outreach: Community Conversations Working Group (Burza) 1. Conduct community listening sessions 2. Reach out to those that live or work in Edina (including religious, ethnic, disabled, income levels, etc.). 3. Partnership with Advocates for Human Rights Consolidate into a report 1. What is a welcoming community? 2. Is Edina a welcoming community? October 2015 – complete community conversations (5-6) that start in November 2014 December 2015 – report complete and presentation to HRRC $500 Administrative Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Human Rights City Designation (Kennedy & Winnick) 2015-2016 $300 Administrative Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Affordable Housing Expanding Opportunity (Winnick) 1. Continued education on affordable housing 2. Monitor status of Edina 3. Support current efforts 2015 None Human Rights and Relations Commission 2015 Annual Work Plan Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Body Image and Sexuality Awareness (Gates, Seidman, Arseneault) 2015 $800 Administrative, coordination with Communications Progress Report: 2015 New Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Human Trafficking (Weinert, Seidman, Arseneault) May 2015 $300 Yes Progress Report: On-going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Days of Remembrance/Genocide Awareness: Event (Seidman, Kennedy, Arseneault) April 19, 2015 $1000 Administrative, coordination with Communications Progress Report: On-going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan (Seidman & Arseneault) August 2015 NA Yes Progress Report: On-going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Tom Oye Award (Winnick 2014-2015) Tom Oye Award (Rinn 2015-2016) 1. Sub-committee will recommend guidelines and changes to nomination form to start in 2015-2016. April 2015 $100 Yes Progress Report: Ongoing Responsibilities Update Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan (August) Tom Oye Award (Oct-April) Days of Remembrance (Event held in April or May, to coincide with the national observation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) Edina Resource Center/Edina Community Council: HRRC representative (Sept-May, 3 year term) The Advisor: Blog: Need Commissioner Monitoring Affordable Housing Sub-Committee Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Disability Awareness Campaign: 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act Black History Month Tolerance in Motion – hosting mobile exhibit and associated activities (pending funding by sponsors) Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: September Staff Comments: Council Comments: To: City Council Item No. IX. C. From: Human Rights and Relations Commission Date: July 7, 2015 Subject: Resolutions of the Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission on Affordable Housing in Edina Attachments: None. Action Requested: None. Situation: The HRRC Affordable Housing Expanding Opportunity Committee has been tracking the Edina Housing Foundation affordable housing policy as part of the HRRC’s 2015 Work Plan. Background: 1. The Mission and Purpose of the Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission (HRRC) is to advise and assist the City Council in carrying out the public policy of securing for all residents of the community freedom from discrimination in connection with employment, housing, real property, public accommodations, public services, credit, business, and education. Additionally, the HRRC shall support and improve the human relations climate in the community. 2. The City, Metropolitan Council, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA), and the Edina Housing Foundation have worked together in seeking implementation of affordable housing goals for the City including the goal of creating 212 new affordable housing units in Edina by the year 2020. The term “affordable housing” as uniformly used has been defined by the MHFA. 3. The City Council has requested that the Edina Housing Foundation recommend an affordable housing policy for the City. The City Council has approved the HRRC’s initiative included in its current Work Plan to consider affordable housing in Edina from the human rights and relations perspective. The HRRC formed the Affordable Housing Expanding Opportunity Committee for this purpose. Assessment: Based upon this Background, discussions with the City Development Director and the City Planning Staff, and the HRRC’s Committee on Affordable Housing’s Reports, the following Resolutions have been adopted by the HRRC for transmission to the City Council to be a part of its consideration of an Affordable Housing Policy for the City. Page 2 Recommendation/ Resolutions: RESOLVED: That as a matter of City of Edina policy, the City will require that at least 20% of the total of all units in new multi-family housing developments requiring rezoning or variance(s) be sold or rented at an affordable price, as defined from time to time by the MHFA(Affordable Housing). RESOLVED FURTHER: That, if requested, the City will consider Tax Increment Financing for projects that include at least 20% of all units designated for Affordable Housing. RESOLVED FURTHER: That Affordable Housing in the rental market shall remain so for a minimum of 15 years, as memorialized by a Land Use Restrictive Covenant for all such developments. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the actions, plans, and goals of the Edina Housing Foundation are endorsed by the HRRC, as these goals also accomplish the HRRC goals to improve the socio-economic and cultural diversity of this community, thereby building a stronger, more vibrant environment for all citizens who live, work, or learn in Edina or who wish to do so. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Date: July 21,2015 Subject: Affordable Housing Policy Action Requested: Agenda Item #: VIII.A Action Discussion Information 0 Adopt the attached Policy as recommended by the Edina Housing Foundation. Information/Background: Based on the recommendations from the City Council at the last meeting staff has revised the Policy. The additional text is highlighted in red. Councilnnennber Brindle's list of issues has been moved to the beginning in the form of "whereas" statements. ATTACHMENTS: • City of Edina Policy on Affordable Housing for New Multi-Family Developments City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 CITY OF EDINA Policy on Affordable Housing For New Multi-Family Developments That Require a Rezoning to a Multi-Family Zoning Districts including Planned Unit Development (PUD) Whereas, high land values in the City of Edina make it difficult to construct new housing units that are affordably-priced for working families and senior citizens; and Whereas, few real estate developers have been willing to provide 20% affordable housing in their projects, without assistance from the City; and Whereas developers are producing new housing at market rates that are out of reach for many households; and Whereas, the City of Edina needs a sustainable funding source for affordable housing; and Whereas, the City of Edina would benefit from a more diverse housing stock, by ensuring affordably- priced housing options are available to our workforce population and seniors. Background 1. The City of Edina and the Metropolitan Council have worked together and established an affordable housing goal of creating 212 new affordable housing units in Edina by the year 2020. Since 2008, the City Council has approved 168 affordable housing units in the community. 2. The Edina Housing Foundation was established to assist the City to fund housing for low to moderate income families and elderly persons. 3. The Edina Housing Foundation has worked to accomplish these goals in affordable housing. In addition to maintaining existing affordable housing in Edina, since 1986 the Edina Housing Foundation has assisted in providing 366 new affordable housing units in the City of Edina. 4. The City Council requested that the Edina Housing Foundation recommend an affordable housing policy for the City. Policy 1. The City Council will require that at least 20% of the total units in new multi-family housing developments over 20 units requiring a rezoning to a multi-family zoning districts, including Planned Unit Development (PUD) be sold or rented at an affordable price as defined below. If no affordable housing is provided on-site, the City will require a one-time fee in lieu of affordable housing for such rezoning. Fees would be based on the average market rates of comparable housing units and negotiated on a project-by-project basis. The fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit and will be used to support affordable housing in other developments within the City of Edina. 2. The City will consider financial assistance, including Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in accordance with Minnesota TIF statutes. for projects that include at least 20% of the total units for affordable housing. Adopted by City Council (July 21, 2015) Page I 1 3. The City will consider higher density or a density bonus for projects that include at least 20% of the total units for affordable housing. 4. The Edina Housing Foundation has stated that they will consider providing financial assistance to new housing projects that include at least 20% of the total units for affordable housing. 5. Affordable housing shall remain affordable for a minimum of 15 years; this requirement shall be memorialized by a Land Use Restrictive Covenant. Affordable Housing Definitions: Rental Housing: Either 20% of units are both rent restricted and occupied by persons whose income is 50% or less of the area median gross income, Or 40% or more of units are both rent restricted and occupied by persons whose income is 60% or less of the area median gross income. Both incomes (adjusted for family size) and rental rates (adjusted for bedroom count and including the cost of utilities) are updated annually and published in the Minnesota Housing website at www.mnhousing.gov. 2014 Income and rental limits are as follows: Gross Incomes 50% Gross Rents 50% 60% 60% 1 Person $34,860 $29,050 1 Bedroom $933 $778 2 Persons $39,840 $33,200 2 Bedrooms $1,120 $933 3 Persons $44,820 $37,350 3 Bedrooms $1,293 $1,078 4 Persons $49,740 $41,450 4 Bedrooms $1,443 $1,202 5 Persons $53,760 $44,800 6 Persons $57,720 $48,100 *Table to be adjusted annually Ownership Housing: 20% or more of units are affordable to and initially sold to persons whose income is at or below the levels set in the Minnesota Housing "Startup Program" (first time homebuyer). This program has a sales price limit of $310,000. The Edina Housing Foundation has set this limit at $350,000 in consideration of the high prices in Edina. The Foundation would recommend that $350,000 be used as the acquisition limit in this definition. The 2015 income limits as published on the Minnesota Housing website are as follows: 1-2 person household $86,600 3 + person household $99,500 Income limits and maximum sales prices are updated annually. Adopted by City Council (July 21, 2015) Page I 2 DRAFT HRRC OBJECTIONS TO “PAYMENT IN LIEU” OF REQUIRING REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS TO INCLUDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN EDINA DEVELOPMENTS BACKGROUND The Edina City Council requested the Edina Housing Foundation to consider the issue of requiring Affordable Housing. In its July recommendation for requiring Affordable Housing in future real estate developments in Edina, a private non-profit corporation, the Edina Housing Foundation added a proviso for excluding the required 20% of all developments being dedicated for Affordable Housing. A real estate developer could “opt out” by making a cash payment equal to the value of the housing unit, with such payments to be used in the future for Affordable Housing. Presumably the payment could be made to the Edina Housing Foundation or the City directly to be used for such purpose. The HRRC in its July set of Resolutions to the City Council supported the inclusion of a 20% requirement of Affordable Housing in all future developments. It does not support the cash payment in lieu of such requirement for the following reasons: HRRC POSITION ON “PAYMENTS IN LIEU” 1. It is inappropriate public policy to allow developers to dictate the pace of meeting the defined goal of increasing Affordable Housing in Edina. As Edina lacks significant affordable housing opportunities because of its “built out “ nature, housing funds would sit unused because appropriate sites for housing of this nature would likely be unavailable or subject to a variety of further attempts to “put off” this type of construction project because of political concerns. 2. The Edina Housing Foundation position provides for no method for calculating the “fee in lieu”; nor are standards set for recalculating to account for inflation and market changes. No regulatory standards are suggested to ensure that funds contributed to a fund are spent exclusively for the dedicated purpose. No guidelines are suggested for specifying a governance structure by which these funds are to be managed, including audit, investment and overhead. 3. The City lacks any established housing ownership or management component. The Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority consists of the City Council and has no support or admin structure. To infuse substantial dollars to this structure without standards, a timeline for utilization of funds entrusted to its care could result in the forcing of municipal agents into the role of real estate developers; or a body hiring real estate developers for such purpose. 4. Public policy and experience suggests that discouragement of “housing projects” rather than encouraging of same is a goal to be pursued, with affordable units being integrated into new and refurbished developments at the same time as market rate units are developed and marketed. The goal should be encouragement of a privately funded integrated communities consisting of a variety of housing types suited for the many economic and socially diverse groups who wish to live, work and learn together; rather than the establishment of a fund to deal with these timely needs and desires sometimes in the future. RECOMMENDATION Twenty percent of all new and refurbished multifamily housing to be constructed in Edina should contain Affordable Housing, as defined from time to time by Federal and State authorities; without provision for the real estate developer making a cash payment in lieu of compliance with such standard. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. B. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☒ ☐ ☐ 7/28/2015 Tom Oye Award Recommeded Procedure Changes Approve recommended changes to the Tom Oye award. Information / Background: The Tom Oye committee was asked to review several aspects of the Tom Oye Award process, which included: 1. How to honor nominees. 2. Nominiation roll over. 3. Timeline for nomination. 4. Criteria for award. 5. Individual and group nominees. 6. HRRC members as nominators. 7. HRRC members as nominees. Attachment: Chart outlining proposed change and rationale. Tom Oye Award Proposal: 2016 Award This document provides proposed changes to the 2016 Tom Oye Award nomination and selection process, as well as recommendations for honoring the awardee and other nominees. Topic Current Process Proposed Change(s) Rationale 1. Honoring Nominees Nominees who are not selected to receive the award receive a letter informing them that they have not been selected. Nominators also receive a letter advising them of the status of their nomination (i.e., whether nominee was selected for the award). There is not currently a public recognition of all nominees. 1. Create a web page under the Tom Oye award that will be used to honor past award recipients, current recipient, and previous year’s nominees. 2. List all nominees on the HRRC Tom Oye award web page. Provide the nominees name and a very brief description of the basis of the nomination. 3. Create a rolling script on the HRRC home page listing all nominees. This script could be located under the current PSA that is posted. Note: Changes 2 and 3 could both be adopted, or only one of them. We should publicly honor the nominees who are not chosen to receive the award. Honoring all of the nominees is standard practice for many award programs. In addition, this will serve to promote the work done by the HRRC by recognizing human rights work done by Edina residents, students and workers. 2. Roll Over of Nominees Not Selected Nominees who are not selected in the year they are nominated are rolled over (one time) into the next nominating cycle. Effective with the 2016 award, nominees will no longer roll over into the next nominating cycle. Nominees who are not selected may be nominated again, but we will request a new application for the current award. Nominators from the previous year who nominated someone who was not selected will receive an email inviting them to nominate that individual again. There are five reasons why we should consider no longer allowing individuals to “roll over”: 1. This award is an annual award, and is well established. If an individual is not selected in the current year, it does not pose a significant burden to reapply the next year. (Letters advising nominators that their nominee was not selected could encourage nominator to resubmit application the next year.) 2. If we continue to allow people to rollover, we may have a nominee who made a significant one-time contribution in the previous year. If we then roll them over, it may create confusion to honor someone in the current year for a one-time contribution made in the past. Also, the HRRC is not apprised of any current contributions by the nominee due to the year-old nomination form. 3. The rollover process undermines the prestige of the award. If someone is not selected in the current year, and then selected in the second year, it seems to create a sense of “second place”. In addition, if someone is not selected the first year and continues to not be selected in subsequent years, this may create a negative feeling and turn that individual away from becoming a nominee or nominator in the future. 4. There is concern that we may not receive any nominations in a given year, and that the rollover process provides us with a pool of nominees. Given that this is an annual award, it seems appropriate to let that happen and simply not award anyone the award in that year. While this is not ideal, it will allow us to preserve the honor of the award, rather than giving it for the sake of giving it. The nomination form indicates that the committee may decline to make an award if in its view no nominee fits the criteria. 5. Finally, it is a significant administrative burden to manage the rollover process. Not only do the records need to be kept from year to year, but also all of the work done once the recipient has been chosen has to be done for each nominee. 3. Timeline for Nomination The nomination period is currently October through January of the following year (e.g., October 2015-January 2016). This year’s nominations would be due January 31, 2016. HRRC members then receive the nominations and vote on the award during the February meeting. Effective with the 2016 award, the nomination period will be shortened by two weeks and it will run from October through mid-January. Nominations for the 2016 award will be due January 15, 2016. HRRC will continue to vote on the award during the February meeting. There are two reasons for the proposed change to the award timeline: 1. Currently there is a very short time period between the nomination due date and the HRRC voting date. Moving the nomination due date to the middle of January will give the Award committee ample time to process the nominations and prepare for the voting process. 2. A mid-January due date, e.g., January 15, would ensure submissions were timely enough to be included in the January Meeting Packet. 4. Criteria for Award Selection Criteria: Anyone who lives or works in Edina is eligible for this award. Nominees will be evaluated based on their efforts to: (1) Foster respect and dignity for others; (2) Model courage and/or compassion in the advancement of human rights; and (3) Demonstrate leadership by example for improving human relations and/or advancing human rights. Selection Basis: Individuals who live, study or work in Edina, or who make significant contributions to Edina, are eligible to be nominated for the Tom Oye award. Nominees for the award are evaluated based on their efforts to promote, protect and advance human rights and relations. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all This minor revision to the selection criteria section adds a definition of human rights, which was previously not provided on the nomination form. The proposed change means that the three items listed, under the examples section, are no longer the exact criteria we use to select the recipient. Unless we intend the score the nominations based on those criteria, I think that this does not create a problem. interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. Examples of efforts to promote human relations and advance human rights include: (1) Taking action to foster respect and dignity for others; (2) Modeling courage and/or compassion in the advancement of human rights; and (3) Demonstrating leadership by example for improving human rights and/or advancing human relations. Nominations may be based on an individual’s lifelong efforts to promote human relations and advancing human rights, or a one-time, significant contribution. 5. Individual and Group Nominees Nominations are accepted for individuals. The current nomination form indicates that one nominee per form is requested; however, the form does not explicitly prohibit nominations for groups. Effective with the 2016 award, the Tom Oye award will be limited to individual nominations. This award is named for an individual whose work advanced human rights in our city. In the spirit of Tom Oye, I think it is appropriate to have this award be specifically about individuals who continue this important work in and for Edina. There are other awards available to groups of people whose work advances human rights, but in an effort to distinguish this award, I think we should keep it limited to individuals. 6. HRRC members as nominators The nomination form does not prohibit HRRC members from nominating individuals. Effective with the 2016 award, HRRC members are not allowed to nominate individuals for the Tom Oye award. The primary concern with this issue is that allowing HRRC members to be nominators introduces bias into the selection process. As commission members, we are the voting body for this award. An HRRC member who is a nominator would have the opportunity to make the case for his or her nominee in person, an opportunity not afforded to all nominators. 7. HRRC member as nominees There is no prohibition on nominations for past and present members of the HRRC. Effective with the 2016 award, past members of the HRRC may be nominated but present members may not. Prohibiting current HRRC members from being nominated will eliminate any concerns about bias in the award selection process. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. C. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☒ ☐ 7/28/2015 Website Proposal None. Information / Background: Commissioner Tian has submitted changes to the Edina IT department. Needs feedback on a few more items to complete project. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII.D. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☒ ☐ 7/28/2015 Capitol Art Project None. Information / Background: Chair Arseneault and Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon attended a presentation from the Healing Minnesota Stories organization about an intiative to change the art in the Minnesota state capitol. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII.E. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☒ ☐ 7/28/2015 2016 Work Plan None. Information / Background: The 2016 proposed work plans are due September 29, 2015. HRRC will take collection of ideas from the commission at the July meeting, draft work plan at the August meeting, and finalize at the September meeting. Attachment: None. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 HRRC VII. MJ Lamon Staff Liaison ☐ ☐ ☒ 7/28/2015 Correspondence and Petitions None. Information / Background: Correspondence received since the last HRRC meeting. Attachment: None.