HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-02 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 2, 2016 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, and Mayor Hovland. 111. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Stewart made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the consent agenda as follows: IV.A. Approve regular and work session meeting minutes of February 17, 2016 and closed meeting minutes of February 24, 2016 IV.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated February 11, 2016, and consisting of 33 pages; General Fund $398,549.35; Police Special Revenue $450.00; Working Capital Fund $149,992.94; PIR Construction Fund $6,454.86; Equipment Replacement Fund $840.00; Cando Fund $6,490.00; Art Center Fund $5,548.26; Golf Dome Fund $2,230.79; Aquatic Center Fund $306.25; Golf Course Fund $11,153.13; Ice Arena Fund $25,066.33; Sports Dome Fund $61,545.28; Edinborough Park Fund $5,392.69; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $2,182.99; Liquor Fund $222,521.59; Utility Fund $211,971.32; Storm Sewer Fund $12,832.70; PSTF Agency Fund $6,022.12; Centennial TIF District $9,703.60; Grandview TIF District $11,296.10; TOTAL $1,150,550.30 and for receipt of payment of claims dated February 18, 2016, and consisting of 33 pages; General Fund $181,907.04; Police Special Revenue $308.81; Working Capital Fund $36,237.08; Art Center Fund $8,313.95; Golf Dome Fund $89.24; Aquatic Center Fund $868.94; Golf Course Fund $51,582.76; Ice Arena Fund $16,216.61; Sports Dome Fund $79,993.35; Edinborough Park Fund $2,342.60; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $3,972.81; Liquor Fund $196,066.97; Utility Fund $466,504.08; Storm Sewer Fund $1,282.77; Recycling Fund $37,184.67; PSTF Agency Fund $3,169.39; Payroll Fund $10,900.60; TOTAL $1,387,012.59; and, Credit Card Transactions dated October 26— November 25, 2015; TOTAL $42,329.06 IV.C. Approve Encroachment Agreement between City of Edina and Tony and Elizabeth Burger at 6629 West Shore Drive IV.D. Approve Mental Health and Wellness Agreement with Edina Public Schools IV.E. Approve On-Sale Intoxicating, Club On-Sale, Sunday Sale, Wine and Beer Liquor License Renewals IV.F. Approve Board and Commission Resignations and Alternate Member Appointments as follows: accept the resignation of Krishnan Ramashwamy from the Community Health Commission; accept the resignation of Daniel Li from the Arts and Culture Commission; appoint Connie Weston to the Community Health Commission with a term expiring March I, 2018; and, appoint Stella Chaffee to the Arts and Culture Commission with a term expiring March I, 2017. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/March 2, 2016 Motion carried. V. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Mayor Hovland acknowledged the attendance of the Valley View Government Class. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD—Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VI.A. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PUBLIC HEARING: ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION — RESOLUTION NO. 2016-31 AND RESOLUTION NO. 2016-28 ADOPTED Engineering Director Presentation Engineer Millner explained that the alley between West 55th and West 56th Streets and Xerxes and York Avenues was petitioned for reconstruction (A-257). The alley to the north, between West 54th and West 55th Streets (A-258), was in similar condition so staff reconstructed both alleys in 2014. Mr. Millner noted this item had been overlooked and presented the project history, updates, and assessment costs. For Project A-257, the total assessable cost was $36,848.50. There were 26 Residential Equivalent Units at a cost of $1,417.25/REU. For Project A-258, the total assessable cost was $35,431.25. There were 25 Residential Equivalent Units at a cost of$1,417.25/REU. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared to comment. Member Stewart made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-31, Levying Special Assessments for Public Improvements and Resolution No. 2016-28, Levying Special Assessments for Public Improvements. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. As Mr. Neuendorf was not yet present, the agenda was reordered to next consider Item VIII.B. VIII. REPORTS/ RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-30 CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN FROM HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION—ADOPTED Ellen Kennedy, Human Rights and Relations Commissioner, asked the Council to approve the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Decimation Against Women (CEDAW) Resolution as prepared by the Human Rights and Relations Commission. She reviewed that in 1979, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Until the adoption of CEDAW, no treaty fully addressed women's rights within political, cultural, economic, social, and family life. To date, more than forty United States cities, two dozen counties, and twenty state legislatures have passed resolutions urging CEDAW ratification. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-30, Supporting Cities for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Initiative and Support of the Principles of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women at the Local Level. Member Swenson seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/March 2. 2016 VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD — continued - Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VI.B. ESTABLISHING GRANDVIEW 2 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT — RESOLUTION NO. 2016-29 ADOPTED Economic Development Manager Presentation Economic Development Manager Neuendorf shared that the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority recommended that the City consider a new Tax Increment Financing District to advance community goals in a portion of the Grandview commercial area. The proposed Grandview 2 Tax Increment Financing District was a follow up to the original Grandview Tax Increment Financing District that was in effect from 1984 to 2010. The original Tax Increment Financing District was successful in sparking improvements on the west side of the railroad tracks including condominiums, office building, senior center, library, and streetscape improvements. However, a new District was necessary to address the high costs of anticipated redevelopment in the area. New projects would be hindered by existing buildings, contaminated soils, and outdated public infrastructure. Mr. Neuendorf stated the City retained Ehlers and Associates to prepare the Tax Increment Financing plan and necessary modifications to the Redevelopment Project Area. LHB, Inc. conducted inspections of the buildings and determined that the proposed District satisfied the requirements for creation of a 26-year Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment District. Mr. Neuendorf presented the community vision; steps to establish, fund and monitor Tax Increment Financing; the proposed district; likely uses of incremental taxes collected; and, a But-For Analysis per Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Statute. Mr. Neuendorf answered questions of the Council related to tax capacity, pooling requirements, and the But-For test. Michael Fischer, LHB, Inc., answered questions of the Council related to State Statutes and Tax Increment Financing requirements. Nick Anhut, Ehlers and Associates, answered questions of the Council related to whether parcels were required to be adjacent and the boundaries of the district. Mark Ruff, Ehlers and Associates, answered questions of the Council related to Tax Increment Financing in relation to school finances. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. Public Testimony Jim Grotz, 5513 Park Place, addressed the Council. Stephanie Mullaney, 4429 Brookside Terrace, addressed the Council. Kim Montgomery, 5300 Evanswood Lane, addressed the Council. John Menke, 5301 Pinewood Trail, addressed the Council. Leny Wallen-Friedman, 6805 Limerik Lane, Chair of Edina Public Schools, addressed the Council. Ellen Jones, 5261 Lochloy Drive, addressed the Council. Patrick Olk, 5315 Pinewood Trail, addressed the Council. Frank Lorenz, 7152 York Avenue South, addressed the Council. Jennifer Janovy, 4016 Inglewood Avenue, addressed the Council. Steven Timmer, 5348 Oaklawn Avenue, addressed the Council. Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/March 2, 2016 Lori Grotz, 5513 Park Place, addressed the Council. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Staff and consultants addressed issues raised during public testimony, including school property values, blight, density, traffic studies, length of Tax Increment Financing term, and concerns of the School Board. The Council discussed the risks and benefits of a shorter Tax Increment Financing term and whether Tax Increment Financing was a benefit or burden for the school district. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-29, Adopting a Modification the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area; and Establishing the Grandview 2 Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District therein and Adopting a Tax Increment Financing Plan therefore. Member Staunton seconded the motion. The Council discussed some modifications to the Resolution, but noted that the changes could be handled administratively. The Council continued discussions and each shared their opinion. Council Member Brindle noted the concern from citizens that Tax Increment Financing would assist developers and stated she could not support this Resolution. She suggested an interim use for the Public Works building. Rollcall: Ayes: Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Nay: Brindle Motion carried. VII. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared to comment. Vlll. REPORTS / RECOMMENDATIONS—continued VIIIA. MEDICAL CANNABIS MANUFACTURING AND DISPENSARIES REPORT— UPDATED Community Development Director Teague shared that the 12-month moratorium disallowing Medical Cannabis Manufacturing and Dispensaries had expired. State regulations allowed one facility within each congressional district. Minneapolis, Eden Prairie, and Eagan had locations; therefore, it was unlikely that one would locate in Edina. If a facility were to be located in Edina, it could be located under current zoning ordinances in the Planned Industrial District for manufacturing and distributions and in the Planned Commercial District or Planned Office District for distributions. No action was requested of the Council. VIII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-30 CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN FROM HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION—ADOPTED This item was considered following Item VI.A. VIII.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-16 ADOPTED — ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Stewart introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-16 accepting various grants and donations. Member Staunton seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/March 2. 2016 IX.A. ADVISORY COMMUNICATION, HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION: CO- SPONSOR REFUGEE EVENT IXB. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. IXB. MINUTES: I. ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 AND DECEMBER 17, 2015 2. EDINA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, DECEMBER 17, 2015 AND JANUARY 21, 2016 3. HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION,JANUARY 26, 2016 4. COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION,JANUARY 5, 2016 Informational; no action required. X AVIATION NOISE UPDATE— Received XI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS— Received XI.A. CITY MANAGER'S PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT Mayor Hovland thanked Manager Neal for his years of service and read the Performance Evaluation Report as follows: "The City Council along with Consultant Harry Brull of BCG Consulting Group conducted a performance evaluation of City Manager Scott Neal at a closed meeting on February 24, 2016. The meeting was posted and recorded as required by law. Input for Mr. Neal's evaluation was collected from the City Council with additional input from Edina's Department Heads and staff. Areas covered included leadership, human relations, communication skills, judgement, decision making, administrative skills, technical skills, and personal characteristics. In all of those areas Manager Neal meets or exceeds the expectations of the City Council. City Council and staff find Scott Neal to be a strong leader. He has built a level of trust with all levels of the organization and stresses the integrity, quality, and services that are established for customer service. Scott is committed to the City of Edina and the community. He is passionate about public administration and developing future leaders. He is seen as a great listener and excellent communicator in both verbal and written communications. He and the City Council also discussed projects over the next twelve months and our goals for 2016." XII. MANAGER'S COMMENTS— Received XII.A. COMMUNITY COMMENT AGENDA LOCATION It was suggested to consider Item VII. Community Comment following Item IV. Consent Agenda. Member Brindle supported reordering the agenda to consider Item VII. Community Comment following Item 111. Meeting Agenda Approval. XIII. SCHEDULE OF DATES, EVENTS AND MEETINGS AS OF MARCH 2, 2016— Received XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, "Aa �2 924� Debr angen, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, March 15, 2016. ames . Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the March 2, 2016, meeting available. Page 5