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2016 05-25 Planning Commission Meeting Packets
Agenda Planning Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Wednesday, May 25, 2016 7:00 PM I. Call To Order II. Roll Call Ill. Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. 2016 04-27 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Regular V. Public Hearings A. Preliminary Rezoning from PCD-4 to PUD-1 and Preliminary Development Plan, 3901 70th Street West, DJR Architects B. Parking Lot Setback Variance at 4900 West 77th Street for the Three Rivers Park District and the City of Edina, C. Variance request for 6609 Black Foot Pass VI. Community Comment During"Community Comment,"the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead,the Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update VIII. Correspondence And Petitions IX. Chair And Member Comments X. Staff Comments Xl. Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an Draft Minutes Approved Minutes) Approved Date: ,i, ... .. Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street April 27, 2016, 7:00 P.M. I. Call To Order Chair Platteter called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Chair Platteter, Commissioners Hobbs, Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Olsen Carr, Hamilton, and Student Commissioners Kivimaki and Ma. Staff present: Community Development Director Teague, Assistant Planner, Aaker, Senior Planner Repya and Support Staff Hoogenakker III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Hobbs suggested a change to the Agenda to allow the requested variance for Thomas and Shannon Leach, 5526 to be heard first. Motion to approve amending the Agenda as stated was made by Thorsen. Motion seconded by Strauss. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Commissioners Lee and Nemerov requested changes to the minutes. Motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2016 Planning Commission meeting with the changes suggested by Lee and Nemerov. Motion was seconded by Strauss. All voted aye; motion carried. V. Public Hearings B. Lot width variance for 5526 Interlachen Boulevard for Thomas and Shannon Leach Planner Presentation located on the north side of Planner Aaker reported that the property is a vacant "neck lot Interlachen Boulevard and backing up to a ponding area. The property was subdivided in 1952 and has been vacant since subdivision. The ordinance requires a single dwelling unit lot consist of no less than 75 feet in width, (as measured 50 feet back from the front lot line). The subject property is 30 feet in lot width, 50 feet back from the front lot line and is 67,601 square feet in area. 1 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: c.: ., Planner Aaker noted the lot provides a 30-foot lot width, adding a 45 foot lot width variance is required to allow a new home to be built on the lot. There is no evidence that variances were granted as part of subdivision, so presumably the plat met city requirements at the time of division. A majority of the lot far exceeds the lot width, depth and area requirements, however, where the width is measured per ordinance definition is too narrow. The property owner is hoping to construct a new two story home on the main, (larger) part of the lot . The house will conform to all zoning requirements including height, setback and coverage. Planner Aaker concluded that staff recommends Recommend that the Planning Commission approve the variance based on the following findings: I) With the exception of the variance requested, the proposal would meet the required standards and ordinances for the R-I, Single Dwelling Unit District. 2) The proposal would meet the required standards for a variance, because: a. The proposed use of the property is reasonable; as it is consistent with existing conditions. 3) The imposed lot width by definition does not allow redevelopment of the property without the benefit of a variance. Approval of the variance is also subject to the following conditions: I) Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site Plan date stamped April 5, 2016. • Building plans and elevations date stamped: April 5, 2016. • Approval of a revised grading, drainage, storm water management and erosion control plan by the Engineering Department prior to building permit issuance. • Approval of a final tree placement plan by the City Forester prior to the issuance of a building permit. • Site must comply with the City's tree ordinance Appearing for the Applicant Thomas and Shannon Leach Applicant Comments Mr. Leach addressed the Commission and explained their desire is to build a family home. Leach said he reached out to his neighbors and informed them of their plans. Leach further explained that he will work with neighbors on tree and landscaping placement during the construction process and after the new home is built. Continuing, Leah said the site was cleared of buckthorn, Cotton Wood and Aspen, adding he worked with an arborist on tree preservation and replacement. Leach asked Commissioners for their support. 2 Draft Minutes Approved Minutes Approved Date: ='Wiiok het2 to enter Chair Platteter raised a question if a new house is built on a vacant lot is it required to comply with the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Planner Aaker responded in the affirmative. She noted the City Forrester reviewed the applicants tree preservation plan and in his judgement determined the requirements and replacement procedures Commissioners further noted that during the construction process attention needs to be paid to the trees root system. Mr. Leach was asked the width of the new driveway and the size of the new trees. Mr. Leach said the driveway is proposed at around I 2- feet and trees are proposed at a 2 '/z diameter at breast height. Leach stressed that they would comply with all Code requirements. Discussion Commissioners expressed the following: • A question was raised on when the ordinance was changed to require a 75-foot lot width, and if in Edina there are other "flag type lots". Planner Aaker responded that she believes the ordinance was changed sometime in the I 970's, adding there are a number of"flag" or "neck" lots within the City. Aaker further noted that the ordinance also requires that a lot must have 30-feet of frontage on an improved street, which this one does. • It was pointed that any change/increase in water runoff would need to be mitigated. Planner Aaker responded in the affirmative and introduced Charlie Gerk, with the Engineering Department to speak on water management. Charlie Gerk addressed the Commission and said this area was carefully studied. Gerk said the City does not want an increase in runoff to private property or the pond to the east adding there are a number of ways to accommodate the excess water. Continuing, he noted a rain garden or ponding area could be implemented on the site; adding the "area" required would be approximately 20 X 20 and I-foot deep. Gerk said a revised grading plan for the western low point of the site would need to be reviewed prior to issuance of a building permit. A discussion ensued on the water management options with Gerk explaining that in working together with the applicant a satisfactory storm water management plan can be implemented. He said the goal was to ensure adequate water management for a I 1/2 —inch rainfall. Gerk said he believes a 2 inch per hour perk rate was needed. Gerk further noted Cooper pond to the east gathers the water runoff from a number of lots and in the past if the pond was full the City would pump it out. Gerk said the City no longer pumps out that pond. Again, Gerk explained that all details would be worked out prior to issuance of a building permit. • A question was raised regarding the removal of trees noting that trees were removed prior to the variance request. Planner Aaker explained that a property owner has the right to remove 3 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes El Approved Date: trees and/or vegetation on their property and that includes vacant lots. Aaker explained the property owner purchased the property with the intent of building a house. The Tree Ordinance has a one year "no touch" requirement before a building permit is pulled. She concluded the applicant has submitted a Tree Preservation Plan. • Commissioners asked the applicant to keep in touch with neighbors during the construction process. Mr. Leach responded it is his intent to "keep in touch". Public Hearing Chair Platteter opened the public hearing. Lynn Gulbronson, 5 Cooper, addressed the Commission and reported she has concerns with drainage. She further noted that the City no longer pumps out "Cooper" pond. Laurie Swift, 29 Cooper Circle, addressed the Commission and expressed concern that the pond pumping is no longer being done by the City, adding her concern is also with water runoff. Marilyn Jasa, 5520 Interlachen Boulevard, asked staff for clarification on the proposed house placement. Chair Platteter asked if anyone else would like to speak being none, Motion made by Commissioner Thorsen to close the public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Carr. Motion carried. Continued Discussion Planner Teague was asked for clarification on the Commissions role for the requested variance. Planner Teague responded that the applicant has requested a variance from the City's lot width requirement. Teague stated the role of the Commission is to determine if the subject lot is buildable. A lot width variance is needed so construction of a new house can occur. • It was noted that this lot appears to have acted as a watershed for this area and the pond is critical. It is important to know where the water will go. • The property owner has the right to construct a house; however the existing homeowners should not be negatively impacted as a result of new home construction. • Advise the engineering department to follow this application through the process very carefully. A successful development of this site is contingent on how the engineering department monitors the entire process. • Consider an increase in tree size (2 1/2 caliper may be too small) to allow for maximum absorption, noting some of the trees that were removed were of considerable size. The buckthorn that was removed was also part of the absorption process in this area. Consider more landscaping. 4 Draft Minutest Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: s, ick l cep Lo --:c€ <,( tt. Motion Commissioner Carr commented that overall she believes the house was well placed on the lot. Motion was made by Commissioner Carr to approve the 45-foot lot width variance based on staff finding and subject to staff conditions including the recommendation that Condition 3, page 5, of the staff report read as follows: "Approval of a revised grading, drainage, storm water management and erosion control plan by the Engineering department prior to building permit issue both during construction and post construction". Motion was seconded by Commissioner Thorsen. All voted aye; motion. Chair Platteter commented that at this time it may be worthwhile for the Engineering Department to reconsider their policy on pumping "Cooper" pond. B. Zoning Ordinance Amendment— Scoreboards at Kuhlman Stadium and Courtney Field Planner Presentation Planner Teague reported that Edina Public Schools is requesting an amendment to the City's Sign Ordinance to build a new scoreboard at Kuhlman Stadium. The proposed sign is 544 total square feet in size including the advertising panel (25% allowed). Continuing, Teague explained that the current Ordinance allows a scoreboard to be no more than 200 square feet and staff recommended that a Zoning Ordinance Amendment rather than a large Variance request accommodate the new scoreboard. Planner Teague shared photos of the size of neighboring communities' school scoreboards: • Burnsville 1,350 s.f. • Eden Prairie 1,432 s.f. • Wayzata 950 s.f. • Minnetonka 1,000 s.f. Planner Teague concluded that based on the comparison of similar scoreboards at similar sized schools, staff recommends the Ordinance changes as proposed. Appearing for the School District Troy Stein 5 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes Approved Date: Chot here.to ulcer a date. Applicant Comments Mr. Stein addressed the Commission and explained that the proposed sign will be digital LED, adding the sign will be able to display results for all sports. Stein asked the Commission for their support. Discussion/Comments • Mr. Stein was asked if the "hornet" logo is lit. Mr. Stein informed the Commission the hornet would be illuminated only during games. • A question was raised if the sponsorship raceways could display the sponsors more uniformly and not randomly display them "all over the board". It was noted that sponsors logo would be displayed along the "raceways"; however without uniformity. A sponsor's" brand" logo would be permitted. Motion Motion was made by Commissioner Carr to recommend that the City Council approve amending the Ordinance based on the staff findings presented in the staff report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thorsen. All voted aye. The motion carried. Chair Platteter asked Mr. Stein when the District proposes to have the sign up. Mr. Stein responded their goal is to have it up and running by fall. VI. Community Comment. None VII. Correspondence and Petitions Chair Platteter acknowledged receipt of the Attendance and Council Connection. VII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Lee commented that for her the engineering departments' project memo is very helpful, adding she feels it would be very useful to receive project memos from the Transportation Commission. Lee questioned if it would be possible to get feedback from the Transportation Commission (especially for the Southdale area) when the Commission is reviewing development proposals. Continuing, Lee said she feels there is a gap, adding she is not sure of the Transportation Commissions role. Chair Platteter informed Commissioners the Transportation Commission no longer has an "active" role, adding they used too. He said believes a decision was made (before his time) by the Council to eliminate the Transportation Commission from the planning project review process. Platteter said when a formal application is filed both the applicant and City work under a timeline established by the Legislature. Platteter said he believes at one time both the City Council, Transportation and Planning Commissions reviewed proposals; however, it became a long difficult process (under a time line) adding the question got to be about the public process. By statute the Planning Commission holds the 6 Draft Minutes=4 Approved Minutes El Approved Date: = public hearings, not the Transportation Commission. Notification or "getting the word out" at the Transportation Commission level could become confusing on who conducts the public hearing. Teague agreed reiterating a duplication process did occur when the Transportation Commission commented on site specific issues. Platteter noted that all development proposals go before the City Council, noting a "two-step" process became a "three-step process" if it went before the Transportation Commission. Commissioner Lee stated she believes the Commission should know how the Transportation Commission feels about a specific project along with their suggestions if warranted. Planner Teague h transportation element for everyproject is addressed in the engineering memo by Mark responded the P P Nolan, the transportation planner. A question was raised if the traffic consultants and Mr. Nolan look at developments from a multimodal point, not just a vehicle point. Planner Teague responded that the "policy" when reviewing a development proposal would be to include all forms of transportation in the traffic study and engineers memo. Commissioner Carr said she was curious about the Council outcome of the sketch plan review proposal for the properties on the 4500 block of France by Ed Noonan. Planner Teague responded the developer revised the plan before Council review per suggestions from the Commission, adding the Council heard the sketch plan and agreed with much of what the Commission suggested. Teague said the Council appeared to be receptive to the proposal, adding he believes Mr. Noonan will return with a formal application. Commissioner Nemerov commented in thinking about his previous comments on boulevards that now he's not sure if it's a good idea especially when one considers the chemicals used to keep a boulevard "green". Commissioner Hobbs pointed out there are hardy plants that can be planted on boulevards along busy streets. He said not all boulevards need to be "green grass turf". VIII. Staff Comments Planner Teague informed Commission they are invited to attend a work session with the City Council on May 17`h At 5:30. Mic Johnson, Southdale Area Plan Process, will present findings to the City Council. Teague said the work session is not mandatory; just an invite. IX. Adjournment Motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to adjourn the planning commission meeting at 8:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Olsen. All voted aye; motion to adjourn carried. TOLCICtiei}Eacigencacker Respectfully submitted 7 (5,( ra' )„,„ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT 4,3 Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Kris Aaker May 25, 2016 B-16-09 Assistant Planner Recommended Action: Approve a variance to the required 1/2 story definition for a flat roof loft area to allow roof top access to solar panels on a new home at 6609 Black Foot Pass. Project Description: The applicant is requesting a variance to the required 1/2 story definition to construct a new home on the lot located at 6609 Black Foot Pass, (subject property), for owners Tim and Jacqueline Byers. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND The subject property is approximately 150 feet in width and is 46,415 square feet (.97 acres) in area. The property was recently subdivided into two lots. The subject lot had a home previously located on it, with the new home to be in a similar location as the previous home. The new home will be contemporary in design with a flat roof. The proposed home will lower the new 1st floor elevation from the previous home by 3 feet and have tuck-under garages. The property owner is requesting to build a new home to include a "crow's nest" or 1/2 story/ 3rd floor, above the 2nd floor area. The subject lot width allows for a home to be 40 feet tall from average existing grade or 2 1/2 stories. The proposed height of the home from average existing grade to the top of the flat roof of the "crow's nest" will be 37 ft — 2 1/2 inches, (nearly 3 feet shorter than the ordinance would allow). The "crow's nest" measures 17' x 25'-10 " in exterior dimensions with most of the interior area needed for stair access to the loft. There will be a small 12' x 16' seating area with two doors out to the roof to aid in accessing the roof top solar panels. The exterior doors from the proposed "crow's nest" allows access to the solar panels for maintenance purposes. The zoning ordinance allows a single dwelling unit to be 2 1/2 stories tall, however, the definition of a 1/2 story limits the space to be below a pitched roofline and does not allow a full floor for the proposed access loft. The zoning ordinance defines a half story as follows: Half story means the uppermost floor of a building in which: (1) The intersection of the exterior wall and the roof is not more than three feet above the floor elevation; and (2) Not more than 60 percent of the floor's area exceeds five feet in height, as measured from the floor to the rafters. Floors not meeting this definition shall be deemed a story. For a floor to be deemed a half story, it would need to be underneath a pitched roof or part of an attic area. The crow's nest is deemed a full floor by definition even though it is a very small space needed for roof access purposes. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses This property is located on the east side of Blackfoot pass adjacent and near single-family homes in the Indian Hills subdivision. Existing Site Features The subject lot is 46,415 square feet in area, is both hilly and wooded. Planning Guide Plan designation: Single-Family District Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Building Design The proposal is to build a new two and one half story single family residence with attached tuck-under garages with a footprint of 3,785 square feet. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed Front - Average of adjacent 65.2 feet Side- 10 feet 18.2/54.8 feet Rear- 25 feet 89 feet Building Height 2 1/2 stories, 40 Ft 37' — 2.5"/ 3 stories* Lot Area 9,000 Sq. Ft or avg of nbhd 46,715 Sq Ft Lot Width 75 feet or avg of nbhd 153 feet Lot coverage 25% 9.1% * Variance Required 2 Engineering Review Engineering has stated in an attached memorandum that there are no concerns with the plans as submitted. Minor clarifications/adjustments may be required at Building Permit application. Primary Issues Is the proposed development reasonable for this site? Yes, staff believes the proposal is reasonable for four reasons: 1. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with all the standards, with exception of the definition of a '/2 story. 2. The home is appropriate in size and scale for the lot and the improvements will enhance the property. 3. The home design is subject to the 1/2 story definition and does not comply with the language, however, does comply with the spirit and intent of the ordinance that a new home not exceed 40 feet in height, (the new home will actually will be lower at 37 feet). 4. The "crow's nest" is very minimal in size and will afford the owners the ability to access and service solar panels on the roof area. ® Is the proposed variance justified? Yes. Per the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal does meet the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with 3 the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. Staff believes the proposed variance is reasonable given that the home maintains the spirit and intent of the ordinance by not exceeding the maximum allowable height of 40 feet. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self- created? elfcreated? Yes. A unique circumstance is that the flat roof home design utilizes solar panels, with proposed access and roofline choice not fitting within the definition of a 1/2 story. A pitch roof design could be taller and much larger in area than the flat roof as proposed and it would conform to the definition. of a f2 story. The definition of a 1/2 story is not self-created by the applicant with the proposed design in harmony with the spirit and intent of the zoning ordinance, (not exceeding the maximum 40 foot height limit). 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. The proposed home will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The proposed home will complement the existing neighborhood homes. Approval of the variance allows the continued reasonable use of the property as a large, hilly lot. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the Planning Commission approve the variance. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with all zoning standards, with exception of the definition of a '/2 story. 2. The home is appropriate in size and scale for the lot and the improvements will enhance the property. The over-all height of the structure is almost 3 feet lower in height than allowed by ordinance. 3. The property is subject to a definition of a 1/2 story that only addresses pitched roofs and not flat roof structures. 4. The proposed home is appropriate in scale for the size of the lot with the new 1St floor elevation 3 feet lower than the original home 4 built on the site. The design has been thoughtful in minimizing height and utilizing a flat roof design with only the small 1/2 story piece at approximately 37 feet high with a maximum allowed height of 40 feet. 5. There is a practical difficulty in meeting the ordinance requirements and there are circumstances unique to the property due to an imposed 1/2 story definition that only addresses pitched roof design 6. The variance, if approved, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Approval of the variance is subject to the following conditions: 1) Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: Survey date stamped: April 22, 2016. Building plans and elevations date stamped: April 22, 2016. Deadline for a City Decision: June 22, 2016. 5 'iiT3A.j� o( e )o0 DATE: May 19, 2016 TO: Cary Teague— Planning Director CC: David Fisher— Building Official Ross Bintner P.E. - Environmental Engineer FROM: Charles Geri< EIT— Engineering Technician RE: 6609 Blackfoot Pass-Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the NMCWD Resubmittal dated 3/30/16. Summary of Review The proposed plans include the grading and construction of a new home off of Blackfoot Pass. The site is across the street from Indianhead Lake. An existing and proposed site plan was submitted for review as well as a storm water management plan. Engineering has no concerns with the plans as submitted, other than what is detailed below. Grading and Drainage Storm water modeling will need to account for volume control of 1.1" (MIDS) on site and a Type II 24-Hour, 10-year rainfall for the rate calculation. Any increase to neighboring private property will need to be mitigated. This currently looks to have been achieved due to meeting Nine Mile Creeks stormwater rules. The Emergency Overflow path for the raingarden on the east side will need to have its flow contained within the lot. 6" PVC outlet for underground storage will need to be dispersed over a larger area to minimize risk to slope Erosion and Sediment Control No comment Street and Curb Cut A curb cut permit will be required prior to construction of the driveway. Water and Sanitary Utilities No Comments Other Items A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit will be required. If the area of exposed soil will exceed I acre, a SWPPP permit from the MPCA will be required. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371•Fax 952-826-0392 Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. Please fully explain your answers using additional sheets of paper as necessary. The Proposed Variance will: YES NO Relieve practical difficulties in complying N./ LI with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district 111 Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood (<;* / "(P CeV .0. NO‘ 2 GENERAL LAND USE APPLICATION TO: CITY OF EDINA FROM: JEFF LINDGREN OF JALIN DESIGN,LLC SUBJECT: VARIANCE REQUEST TO CHANGE 2-1/2 STORY DEFINITION DATE: APRIL 18,2016 RE: 6609 BLACKFOOT PASS Required Variance Findings Per the city of Edina,the variance procedure is a"safety value"to handle the unusual circumstances that could not be anticipated by these ordinances.The commission is charged to only grant a petition for a variance if it finds: (1)That the strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties because of circumstances unique to the petitioner's property A)The property located at 6609 Blackfoot Pass has presented itself to be a very unique parcel of land,where we're finding that the typical zoning ordinances are not written in a manner to help determine what is acceptable when constructing a single family home with a flat roof structure. Currently our proposed structure is well below the acceptable max building height of 40' found for this particular lot. We've found ourselves unable to construct a half story level because the current zoning code is only written for gable roof structures with low knee walls around the outside walls. We're respectfully requesting to alter or add a clause to the"Half Story"definition found in Section 36-10—Definitions, that would allow a structure with a flat roof to have the equivalent ability for a half story level,just like homes with a gable style roof structure. We request that the passage allow for a min. of 8' ceiling heights for the entire half story living floor area and that the"Half Story"be measured by taking half the area of the total 2nd floor area as its maximum. (2)That the granting of the variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the ordinance. A)Due to the fact that our proposed structure, from the outside,can be built as it is currently designed,we are meeting all the city's zoning requirements and are in keeping with the spirit and intent of the currently written ordinances. Since the current ordinance written doesn't take into account Half Story living space found in a flat roof structure, we see our structure still being in keeping with the spirit and intent of the ordinance even after we include our proposed Half Story living area. 44 (3) Would not alter the essential character of a neighborhood. A)Due to the fact that our variance request has more to do with the interior use and the Half Story definition, and the fact that we can current construct our proposed exterior structure, our home will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. "Practical Difficulties"means that: (1) The property in question cannot put a reasonable use as allowed by the ordinance. A)Due to the fact that the ordinance does not take into account a Half Story level built within a flat roof structure and that still meets the maximum building height requirements, we're unable to construct an innovative home that provides a Half Story level area to aid in accessing the roof top areas for providing maintenance to the proposed roof top solar panels. (2) The plight of the petitioner is due to circumstances unique to his/her property which were not created by the petitioner. A)The circumstances are unique to our home since our home is designed with a series of flat roofs that all meet the required maximum building height, but we're unable to provide a reasonable half story floor area since the current zoning code doesn't account for a home with a flat roof structure. (3) The variance,if granted,will not alter the essential character of the property or its surrounds. A) Whether the variance request is found to be acceptable or not, our building structure, from the exterior will remain the same,there by not altering the essential character of the property or its surrounds.If granted, our variance request will only grant us the ability to provide a better use of the interior space and a path for roof top maintenance. Thank you for considering our variance request. Respectfully, Jeffrey A.Lindgren APPLICANT'S STATEMENT This application should be processed in my name, and I am the party whom the City should contact about this application. By signing this application, I certify that all fees, charges, utility bills, t8x8s. special assessments and other debts or obligations due to the City by me or for this property have been paid. I further certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approvals that have been granted to me for any matter. I have corn all of the applicable filing requirements and, to the best of my hnovv|edge, the documents information I have submitted are true and correct. 04-|8-1 6 Applica Signature�� Date ------' OWNER'S STATEMENT I am the fee title owner of the above described property, and I agree to this application. (If a corporation or partnership is the fee title holder, attach a resolution authorizing this application on behalf of the boapartnership.) 04-1 8-1 6 Owner's Signature Date Note. Both signatures are required(if the owner is different than the applicant)before we can process the application, otherwise it is considered incomplete. 6 Report Name: Images City of Edina Printed: 5/16/2016 PID: 06-116-21-42-0043 Page: 1 Property Images 1 _ 1I t.,=14".„, C t. ,sf 1 k t' JJ- j ` 14 . 4..� *. 1r' f f X ;'[gyp. r ,...:4''''. ;` 4 f 1,',-=',4,r,„,'. 4,, ;Q � Cc M I+► 1 ►-I 'f v • E t - lr• - m ,SCM +.1., a1 k �;}7 s..- tit. t o • t � 1 '`,,,` t,,,,-�, .e i � �,�`G-I-i f 2� •til (iJ irk f ,: rte, 1 i t` `*." ' .14-5 `40-. w .f _ 46s'svr .V. L h4 . "=t . Jt c:�1L ti n . t1 *: J rV$ _. i--, r R fes. !' "' or, "tl« ir 1 r-�. - - .,, M1 -- yah I i \\ed-fs1' citywide$\PDSImages\Sketches\061162I4i File Hennepin County Property Map Hennepin Coun Date: 5/19/2016 g tik„.. ( 5 e S g s 5{ Y n= C Y , x f�"4 �i as �x�t ' ' ft*''*, ,,,9**-It'irjr.k. ',..*-- . '*-** ' '''.:**It,,4IF!**7-:,;'.;*.f', '''`*-.l'.,''',4'-'r':#0,1:''''''::* ,1 ' ' - ''''„* **1". !i .:. a t tom ' '. '4'' " f . F • i ' Au px �� 2 . � _ _: .�_3 _ 1 inch = 50 feet PARCEL ID: 0611621420043 Comments: OWNER NAME: PARCEL ADDRESS: 6609 Blackfoot Pass, Edina MN 55439 PROPERTY TYPE: Vacant Land-Residential HOMESTEAD PARCEL AREA: 1.06 acres, 46,023 sq ft A-T-B:Abstract MARKET VALUE: This data(i)is furnished'ASIS'with no representation eaccuracy;(ii)atiois furnishedto with ness o warrantypresenof anyas kind;compland(iii)tenis notsuitableor TAX TOTAL: for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. SALE PRICE: Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage,injuryor loss resulting from this data. SALE DATA: COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN SALE CODE: COUNTY 2016 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 5/19/2016 4144-i,,,,,,," $"i3'r r' ,, �'i ! 1,--iit",, ' "lia! 1 .: J# ' %1i1::. dei ° t t. '" 4.:.,:a4,24:14',",:: ',. :, ,� m .P .;, ,3;:' tt ,rpt, ,�+. Sq x .li! 4 .�a+R .. ir ppp r #�$ --.....-AT41t+ i i, ,.t� f Vj>' t/ ro. '�''�f3 '� a r ``,?t � ir'� '"r t4 '.. ij i, „�-,i tee; r� ri 1 / e, V. �. v4";"! ‘ i (l f! , K , „` .'' .t a. :C;4."D" / r NINO yamf• r4 4 y , i. t . • E � t t h w ,ER 4 ep}4a "y .y •.ir/ ,k,),_ 1 inch = 200 feet PARCEL ID: 0611621420043 Comments: OWNER NAME: PARCEL ADDRESS: 6609 Blackfoot Pass, Edina MN 55439 PROPERTY TYPE: Vacant Land-Residential HOMESTEAD: PARCEL AREA: 1.06 acres, 46,023 sq ft A-T-B:Abstract MARKET VALUE This data(i)is furnished'AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or TAX TOTAL: accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. SALE PRICE: Hennepin County shall not be liable fora ny damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. SALE DATA: COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN SALE CODE: COUNTY 2016 SITE ADDRESS: 6609 BLACKFOOT PASS EDINA, MN 55439 PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR: JALIN DESIGN, LLC. A \ „. Legend I ma X Fence —SA— Sanitary Sewer 1 - I 0Manhole 20 0 6 Light Pole Irrl ',.. 0 Power Pole * Hytlrom SCALE, 1 INCH = 20 FEET ncretesCurb I Timber Retraining Wall __ LOT AIWA.. sed Retaining Woll Keystone Retaining Woll I I _ Sox /-- Proposed Int t-48,415 SF of 53. Acme WgtM1(al 50'Sc..)-1538 Ft. Depth-288.0 Ft. x900.0 Existing Elevation W- \\ x900 OTV P of Wall ElevationExisting " i9_0-� oaeEContour C Contour I I \gyp_(-_- \I �PROPOSFO AK., SF Pro PROPERTY»9 Proposed EI I I ( ) HOUSE_}69 S SF Pt rd Setback L. V 1 " I I SC0p5- F LESS 15 SF ALLOWANCE=219 SF SYS SY Side lYard Setbback Im At. 19.1411 LamaLIQ ftEEN PORCH-235 SF0R 5 eer Yoq el ac /�<� w.0 I _ �MPfln10US SURFACE 4239 SF-9.1% IFein orory o k Entrancem ..CO ;n Jas o< - / - -- -- 087'48'45'W / <C5659 R e ee mT PACS ey. -C --__ - - 247.10 PLAT / EXISTING AREAS., -. Proposed Dr or Erosion Control (�/ - -_ 246 93 MEA$. - -r----- ( `> ea=77,417 Existing Drainage / /.///w ? - l!,oampp_, - _ - __ Lol Ar Sr Q / / / / —I-"-1 -- - e°O' / (:) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: Q / / i///% X _ — --L ---s ». 9" k eaa2 iso sFFA 6 SF 0 nee 10 be Removes 0 // / //// s _ ----L (}--,::-_-/-7_-_-.7-;.- --_---1--� Concrete aeon.Pad W ass SF • B /p, / /�/,C//- . - __I--yam L-a T i`- N' n TOIOI.4 218 Sr a Denotes ron Monument Found ./ // / ////•// _. _ - Y- L] / / / / Pro P;e6 i :iLS: / / ///////r y� . � — et - ,- �/-.-__ - W� Ma31I r'i L/.e,a,;V. '4%� 'r -"• ;q'; --. 7�` -\l SE MOOR=91. 44. mhS / / -- /�,P Rq i) \\ ��� - � • ER ENTRY-9109 p // I a.I I74-4}4----- ----,,,---'- �-\ - • TOP OF BLOCK=91184 /�» el'r/'///6 6)•// • -/ . •-4" I ! �i -e --'1-,)-‘` . GARAGE FLOOR- .4 e P nneama V a/ �/ // „{ efda� \"-A 1\w tic ,� �. PROP..DESGRIPOON N co ntruu.4 on / am../7 8$ I S f \ /" [�, \ ,,. \ �.a, !�q \ \ 1., 3 BENCNMARR: Edina 501 v1 I / j /( I :` Id'A5 10 i'_t%�y �'" �'°a \1 `• \�\\ NN �'m" /6204 and on ervealnscle.aua�°e 891 06,Between / l ,+ //i ?11',Y ^p�.' -^.---,F '''''-7 \ \,m3 7"I \ o NOTE. No Search Was Mode Far Y Easements CO / / zY� s I ""l/ ry as �, 4 �} ram s / / \ \m,\I 1`-' \\. NOT. tarnished are s• -,> � � :::".ittfr."';'47:,ZI:Ot:',7,11i,r141*::2LItV:I.'' ;' mt_')'.,..a\ �„ V.ar. .,ISI\' mai o T the utikty companies d be n Ned ,111110 ,4 A hwii 1 (:) far exae n before dan9 any e. urmn.,a ,„ IIY w.><1� Lam' ' %- y, .P,.a me or°gine"m dir a a.e of that this survey,Plen. ale•I neo 1 by0O f4�9 1nQy \fj / L`�( I FF and r re a preparedoe registeredby ��.g �blCfO �` 1 Land Surveyor,yd m m L of A dF , -c- 96Y�®� T"\\ \\ \yy , ,`f. /. / .aI �� W.BROWN LAND SURVEYING.INC. 46aa.^^-' \ \ =Wy � r _ trl /�— €+-p CO T \\ \\\ \ \ \ _ _ ""/ �// • <l F' - Woodrow A Brown,R.L.S. MN REG 15230. \...,.\\h \ ,\ l.— \ \ 6074 .'r i „ Dated. 03-30-2016 m. ., `�~\\\- ',,.\\\\ - -- \NN. •.%.a - i"I� • \`\ \\\\\ \\\N -N\\\\`\ \ -1---- r F- C] \. \.\- ' --—— '— (/) 0C SITE PUN 127-16 100-30-2o61Gus re,. W.PROPOSED LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 cedar Avenue So.,Sade 228. '.,. Bloomington, 5425 52)854-4055 ',.. Fos:(952)854-069 Drawing: Pete:03-31-2016 27-16 Scw1e 1 inch 24 Feet 1 08 1 27-16 REF: 13-15. 126-13 & 31-13 128/63 91-15 145/6 '., 898.7fL , ---------- / - ese.z. // PIERCEPINI Z/n -�/_7,,,,,-_-_____ /' _ ________________ 2899.4 ASSOCIATES,INC. \/J I I '' __..�__ - Consulting Civil Engineers / s9�9 /^ NN •�/i ---- - --a+�i``�� -- - 9298 CENTRAL AVENUE NE V J 1- I SURE 312 ' 847.8' _ - _ / , ---` -` _`�-_- '- '0.‘" BLAINE,MN 66019 / I /i --_---5 _ ____ ___________ -___ - _ - -------_-_,--z.,3_-__,_ - __ ___ TEL 763-537-1313 I / // i i - --- - _-2300.0___ �__--�900.3- -2 / I ,q , , - ___.--1-L-_--1-3. _ - ---- ---- - --------------- - 1 / Z ' / ....:41,-0,,,' ''--,9, -------___ _---- -------- ___ - --------------d$90 ___ / �' %/898.42' j, l/ ',// //',i ;''',Z"744, _ _ __ _ rIl W �.I;i�Ol�o� DE�o. : ; U / M9M., 'at-71.1.36"°/,"�44i►�I 1,44464,42K'.�144`,19W `-_ 9zDge.,ox...Z�---- - 'z' 1 / / , / !' �y:44:144;:b1S4 ,,•l,ai►o\YI�`,.hj�4 .r. ®,9-23.0----- - ''���-.- Qo wni '' i�' % 7.4410H-4 v-t - - QE.ytllon1_--- --- ] II O �6.2 ' / % A \�ji���j�i�j�r. qJ' z/xI / %'i % % 2915.2 1';�;, `,,�. 1 .,,�`,,,.�,,���, DECID. -_----_- ---\ -- -u� - / l / '� / / / / 1 ;t�;I�;..��, 292292.5 �,;;;S::�,I,,I,- I BIRCH-_--------- -\` -` -1151"`0.9 - U GI j i ' ' i i i ' m I -1,,,,, `��,�,. 922�x ��,,;e,,;�_,;,;,`\•' `e S`` Y�' QI' 1 v w urw2xw.r I A . 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A o4 ifIELAIEI o —,A,_ $111' �� R Iillffl �tN e4 �i 4 ill yr ®Ix _Hil-----1.7._r IA a a.If 1. 11 1 c,"s $ • 8 - 2808 111111111) 4' •a4 � 8'ii0IIil in o III IV= Ilk 7,_ 0,, 0 u u lig ' El NI' § a --- 2, 1 lad 4 $ — SRR { g II 0— 12h, mi �3b0 1ib se� a4�g5-3 FF•cn lei i3 ilei: g$ ill R § 1 c) IA— -- e' G2- hi i R gg 9 f 4 IaEv i % u s mg "" BYERS RESIDENCE. JAUNDESIGN ®ROIfiOPRnNNIN660f51GN D.F.P. €g c0_j!J SUS7 STAINABLE naRafo sf of f xNN 6609 BLACKFOOT PASS S_ sggLI U;A u.s i PLANNING 8 DESIGNS�� DESIGN emm &w EDINA, MINNESOTA „_ n� a caPm axt ACT N • .7-,-------Z;,, VIOSaNNIN •vmaa g . ..n. Q) SSVd 100,013VIS 6099 IA_ . h NI SU Vs ,...;. ."'.."'''''''''''''''""a''"°°* 0 u2.......•,,,,,n IP . 318V VI aomacusaT SHHAG 2._! 'Eg.,:, . Vd.13W 1 i i I b . . .1.11111111.1111111M '-, H L_, J t 73 a = 1 E a -2 Ne.3 E 1= I. .61'.' — !! AM _ ; 1 i ! M d :WO 1 I OC f O N O h .1 git 1 1 s g s E2 i 1 ;i• ih 444 'ITIP , R .5• 1 il i! 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IIILNP711 1....441 1 yf 11 ling icil;11,11 !ii; VEliit 5T.3 Iii,1 I' PLii li.'i IS irEE . 22 gigt 11E51 1;1 EMT . gialitp ILE 2!211.11 el" lihg ,,z., RiggiliwpFp I 1 .. -1 24. 1 hl 4 ii 111!Fitit-..N.kes y 1§tw!!.-d ill.111.-.WitHqvi. ill joii .!oilimp i 4011.itiffIvilietiWi'Liq l'iirri gtifi,ui giiiiL waif t•-, ;,ib,.thil nil gighly Nia liad 'g. iajf;111.4111"11111"C,'&II" ipt,E, g .Fg O 0400. 0,0. lial,f00 0 00 0 000 i0 CI . 4S. P.P.11 ,g igi g ,, Va 41 I q ;1_,E ii4.1 rgi Y. EFE lEig El' -. h 0' PIA!! r 40 r'q fi !,i 'EP thi'Egik ti ! '1101 Ai i!V 4 It -ilg ;.ggE012 12! — Ah 0 ,.t. 21g !2 i ilirlighi I lEi= on'§ 2tEl h r. ;ti WIhirA Pi :1,; . tj10 g! W 4 g? Et EgEtt ,i2g op q 01 8IE ,,e1i0-,q- ' 4 WI, 5giE E2 .t 12.1 1,1 ,1,1 Lts go ne g, Al hi gliuX9K 41 garip 411 If, 11'02 5E5 Ilr _ Q iz gag tp! 0E4 1E;1-q;§111gg'!1 !:1 41111 a !Et Oh'•,m tg ii4 E.g, 0g2 0 Iligh',UAW; n • . • ?.4 ets.?In 1-- \ , I il .,....., 1 r.. ... A .. i —.... g A § 1 R it. . .... 2 g 2 ? NN I II 1 . Ti g 1 1 R C\ IJ g X — E.0 ,0-) LC1 _ C\ -1 1,i 111111141 r: Tr 1 0— 1 flP.,F,41 F 21M j 1 n n n n ii 1 11 ) . ' C53 fl = ri° ,/70 igi (' II I 7.,0' .A1 ,,/. „,,d 4 gm. ./x. 1 i ,,,,,e,. §4 ,,,e'' I)',I ril.'i''' Ili 1 „::: lit" 1.—.....-1 r. ri R rr. I 1 11 w-lir I 9, '5 --. § -tt .'1 . i .. 1 =.. A § • § . ,i 1 ___. I I, _ — qiz 1 1 llx r 1 1 , t's I ie.,_ I 1 ..... .......... .....11 I§ .5,,,7'3-'rl,,,:• _ I i III h. ........—....—...gi i 1 2IL " 2 III \ ... 6.—_—.. I U ii 1 1 1, L—III .' I 1111 simem•fis oeiBYERSRESIDENCE SUSTAINABLE "LA'TZ"IEOON' "PL,. A D.F.P. ING & DESIGN BLACKFOOT PASS ,,2F, eTTIGI 5/11.5 '....4 4T°' COPYR1GHT ALT EDINA, MINNESOTA ''"=-....' 1 1111 :,, 4 t l' 5 Y 1 1.91. 1,1 I; F \ ,i A, . , - —,,. ,. i„ �”1...„ I ig%(J� g VI ilke -... - 6;2 �y =m <m mo y A OZ oZu, womssal1 (D1 NP ?o -7141-12 or",,, -i Z O I m m�i - , • D1O� 11 I 11 1 J I L, 3 � I( 1' I ��ilill H, r ' .. II 11 ii ' I OL1A • fir# Y� .. ZZN O> DO mZ 111 I 0Z I -4,.-_-<' i1, 14' 1 is 4 lif7 Ai . 1117 !/ Fu. Ill 1 I i r I`" I; ...J.. . : . ,.., , ,,,, , , 1 , ,. ME '. i 1 r A.‘ 1 trr- 00:1F,1 o= BYERS RESIDENCE .>: k 1, .. _. :ma oFPa,,ma.a esisx D.F.P. JAIJN DESIGN �+ 4/SUSTAINABLE I'' snvouiiFTP4e.1'''' �IIpPLANNING& DESIGN Z�5 6609 BLACKFOOT PASS lS�J/ nsslc eo o lO W' oP*R *AcrwJ III` EDINA, MINNESOTA % s},1.00, SITE.ADDRESS: 6609 BLACKFOOT PASS EDINA, MN 55439 PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR: JALIN DESIGN, LLC . ILegend X Fence SAN Sanitary Sewer O Manhole 20 0 20 40 - Light Pole (,'HIN MI NIM IIMII ■ IIII I■ I• 0 Power Pole SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET O Hydrant __I aDeciduous Tree Concrete Curb I - IOT AREA >oeeadea®oo., Timber Retaining Wall -- Proposed Lot 1 = 46,415 SF or 1.06 Acres Keystone Retaining Wall Width (ot 50' Setback) a 153.8 Ft. . „��oo�.,./.. Proposed Retaining Wall r-- _i_ sao c. _-----_ Depth = 268.0 Ft. x900.0 Existing Elevation \ v900.0TW Top of Wall Elevation s eons / \ •\ --900-- Existing Contour I \\_ /// PROPOSED AREAS: ---900 Proposed Contour I -' I ( ) PROPERTY = 46,415 SF Stas Proposed Elevation -� I /1 "�" • FYS Front Yard Setback L_ L. ' .� I I HOUSE = 3,785 SF PATIOS - 369 SF LESS 150 SF ALLOWANCE = 219 SF �� 'tea` .•ooz LIQ SCREEN PORCH= 235 SF SYS Side Yard Setback .I RYS Rear Yard Setback //<I .sana ,�• "I ow., I IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 4,239 SF= 9.1% I " . Temporary Rock Entrance `�'E asnz . / --- I < JII __ � For Construction CO +°9( e.0 - - _= CO ---- S87'48'45V / 8609 BLACKFOOT PASS ,,w --- --i E - _ 1__247.10 PEAT / ExlsTNc AREAS: 0 0 Silt Fence for Erosion Control s""• -��./�_ _-_- fwa.osei.K \ 246.83 ME s // .l F Lot Area = 77,417 SF Bron " �• Existing Drainage / // V/ -• 7 --vy _--="--•-/---__ \ ' +rw�tt.en -.Oa_ -------;96-0-.-i /°° -- Q / - / / //j/ - \ _ \ \ s�rs / (i) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE -. Proposed Drainage / / / V / - --"--' `-L_ ---- I'- CL. ace-a / \\ /- - _ _ .a,+z L �_ House = 2,347 SF / / / / / �c,,,,e„o,,�__ __ - \ -- - - -----=-----r-, ---------yrV-�, 'i' _- Deck Less 150 SF Allowance = 426 SF Tree to be Removed / k // / ///// // ;Y -_I_ - - -_�r - •off �� _ \ Concrete Around Pool = 745± SF E� /eae... / / / /� ///.... ., • 1.-__- _—__f__—,!__L_0—_ -T \ Y�__ % C� Total = 3.518 SF arc a 1 = 4.5% • Denotes Iron Monument Found mai / / / / •/ / /�.;'� -_ -_ \ O Denotes Set, 1/2"x 14" O / /// / /// / /6/ r • \\. —az-_.il� `��_• T_----- \:\ -_ -- ---- / �\ L�J #6609 BI ACK FOOT PASS Iron Pipe w/ Plastic Cop / / / / / 'k �� M, ,e -- ,'\ - \ a <1 —__ Inscribed R.L.S. 15230. / ti / 0 `=T - - I EXISTING ELEVATIONS: O .eae.z4 V./Q 4� /`� / •L/ .a,z , 'e e �M ,., `_ \ !-__ - I\ \o _ FIRST FLOOR = 927.6 `1.._1,3'� / /�~\....-__,„6''';',7°' ws�_ / _� da`°'�, \ - \ z LOWER ENTRY = 918.9 ,A �0".,- , / /q /\nue.I`, °,�e - az \�\ \ \_ \ N \ - • TOP OF BLOCK = 918.4 4vv.e ..,,,;\-,v-- / /�/ /a�°°/ •1.o.1-2 I A w' \ 1 ( .'"'".2',.., ..N\ \�z\ - ..\\ I\`'' \B, F_ GARAGE FLOOR = 918.0 ,y l l I / / l ,q z� 6 �u w - \ - w \ 6 \N.\/\�'zr- \ V z Lot 1, INDIAN HILLS 4th Addition, -eze i p �/ Is�� %Ids Y�MIIFFF l• \ \ -;.i 45 e <� PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Hennepin County, Minnesota. Ci / i f d j` \ \ cd�%e�d'�4. ,.a. \ 0.-�'`\ ' \ \8 \, 2 c- Edina #503 l � I /,. I��I, 0— w z \ _ \ \ \ I eCF BENCHMARK: T.N.H. on the West Side of Cheyenne Tr. Between 7. iT °"'� .'I or' d...rs," a ♦os,/ - N. \ \ B W CO Yen I �,�I smn�aoa: �,`d ddda,d"yd��d**dt''JJ�,'' .rd' _ x.• \ \ in �,, 7-,./)'.,--,..a.\,....... !dd;'s4�di��',4I'G1, .. ` ` �, .^\a \ \ \ \asoma a ps7o4 and x'6708. Elevation = 891.08. �/ ,�r / / did rid rdi�i ^� �' <+��• ♦�' \, ^=u'` \ \.) \ v,o zeg erg / y dd,.40',Vd,� d4.!',Vd ° r:• c.ov 1� o / t .�I+,�ddd7 dI•.,.dd•.d ,. ''' r..� nze.�.xl ima -\ O NOTE: No Search Was Made For An Easements / d i4, "^"\//� e..., • / .a it 4u te.'• \ I \ \zsao I / / /-- ‘0..., ., } % ".s'A \ ' „,„,,� \ •- _' \ I 1 • \..,, -I . NOTE: The location of all utilities shown are from plans ;� 111/ ```4" 44�� ��d0.. ° • •a • CO furnished by the utility companies and are `° S\e' 'braR ����•�•����� r ra� \oa roximate Ut'I't cam antes should be notified a • f ,..... roj`� o i�d��=•i�x��� a.a z �. z/-c " S PP Y P i/ z . �������� v" �. \ for exact location before doing any excavation. v w.. eaz. f� l e L ~\7 .. : l a / / ,4. \ ._.•/--. kxs.z +o.� _ a 4,"�°, t>� '+ / • / • / " hereby certify that the survey, plan, or report was prepared by cx c), .. _t ✓\NaT z \ ' dydt supadthatIamalyregtd � '�6Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. N. _4.,..._.i., _ Auf�=� \ ...�\ ` • fsa „-� /. L-_-. GW. BROWN LAND SURVEYINGINCtiv \ \ / (Y8T2010E - - \Y\ \\ \ +\ \ ,k,_,..\ a .. \ // C, oitdr,tid•CZ- -.. ,) \ \ \ \r� \ ,+ =arx\ \\ • \ • \ •o jRgr - xs.v VVV xn. <[ Q rae \ \ ♦ \ N. ; \\ �s C3 / / F- QI. {d Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 �... +� fps V .e•?w\ \ $� \ �.. \ \ �` \ \T., , et, ///i-- .97.1 n __ �' � Dated: 03-30-2016 eaza ems `\ \\\\ `'�\�\ \�\ 7+ \\ \ \ \ x.._-- / is L� \ \ ex _--- '9+ (�') <C \ -.__-_-_.- PROPOSED SITE PIAN 127-16 103-30-20161 Gus W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 Cedar Avenue So., Suite 228. Bloomington, MN 55425 Bus: (952) 854-4055 Fax: (952) 854-4268 Drawing: Date: 03-31-2016 27-16 Scale:1 Inch = 20 Feet 1 Of 1 I 27-16 REF: 13-15, 126-13 & 31-13 128/63 91-15 145/6 __ 5108-091-£9[ 9000-001491 cdi0 u».enw+nb.�we - .,,. noSaN w `♦\ILLIaW00' 0NI91IVW-3 W00' dd0 MMM 939 pm 69405'NW'391910 901 311(15'3N IS 3NOWI1199 OOI6 l2V 1H91111d07 LOIhl0!'C0l mins-N91S3a p �..N' SSV S Too iM3111£1 6099 y V m t Y $ NOIS3a V JNINNNId 511 3111 3O NOUV101A V 51 ...,,. Y Q W LLll✓P 1Q V a zp--o- i o - NVId 3H1 JO 3511 032INOH1(VNn N.�IS„30 hrnr v ININ319YNIV±SflS 65,:' ��TT /('�STTCC�jT'�T C�T II Q�T w N '` <0 I n 'd'A'a N91930 T 9NINNVld dd0910Z© �4� HONHCIISaa S11H1111 '4 �_N om 8" h t .PI-,8 fill-4 ,111,6 r u(o-,z i ,111.01 149-ot 0-6 t Lo EN / - I: , I T gQ 9 d � ■ a 0 Z l l LL l ILL-t RSA 2 8 2.:51;8 Q r & , -- WJ W W =o 1 ln� 9 II ,_---I .a--J , 0 F- 1{. _ _-__ _i__LJµ L �- II m 1 -, I `l II Ll tl Li 1_. ilL. Li l 1•-- _ I I I L, L1 Ll Ll 1 F' rn - 1 Li Li 'VI- T-4-___' 71-1--1-7-' > _..I.. . U-.1 8L .v U.3 Li j y _}yyµyµ iii 1111 CC o W -- z 1 -, Q tn ca I''.‘-' , dl 1 . w ,„_.1 2 r i I rc Ni 0 r � ,1 I N r I L1 J___-J._ w Li 1 r eg I- DOw I 00 X I Jr-it rib------E-'< Hi Q =03 N _ ... F __ O r1 , -,_ II_ri ri 1I 9109-09L-£9L 'r.3 4009 09L£9L auoyd hw-wwlev.ant 1 loaelrFwr+M�n �- y'10S 1�L 13lIll 'Y 1�lIQ 1� W00'N01530d30003NI IIVW-3 WOO'N01530d30'MMM 93M weva�e p 6bb£S'NW'3NIV"19 90t 311115'3N 15 36014111V9 0016 179 1H9ta'0G w»yYtR91 ^ 01 Ma-NthS30 �.. m V NJIS3Q '� JNINNbId sn 3Hi do Woiivnoln v GI ,,,„,,,,or,d., /' c SSVd L00 3}IO�IH 6099 � o o - � �o WV"ld 3H1 do asn oaztaoHlnvnn �/ 31\1 IN 31SVN1tl1Si1$ ` 6V rRMMT ��TT (�TT[C'� '�j ['� �j z (� W yam' a d N91s3089NINNV"ld d�0910b® N`n1S30���' L'1O1�LRGISHQ SHHAR i ""w a - ¢O iv i� d'd'0 y o - -M� o H t I i T 0 s g V / N — N r a :o 1) za _ a� ¢a - III' k — J I 1 0 II 13 II w s 0ii I a — w _ El a S gMI i `v o o2 1 I N O I 1 1 1 _ il_ l z - O rc w V / = w p We h i vN N 3 I 3 N 3 N O gV N 0 t W �O LL a4 EN 73'-0" _ IB'-0" Y 606" t 9'0" 4'0" 1304" = 13,6^ ., 4'.6^ 4'•6" 3'4" 10'.2. (:)b FURR WALL 6? 410 0 TV Ai . 04"FLOOR •. TRUSSES 0 19.2"0.0 It: d 0 rn • 4 O T 7 i d . • L1. t. - IBJ r , , �I' .206" 3'-O" Ai ^ 24'-0" II Y L^ 240°27°07 Z. RUS =I • Lc-• I 1 IL ..._. 5 903}" ' _ 500" 3'-10" 10'-f" 402" i Zi NOMMINMMINE g t T L.4,,,,, PP/E6REVs 1¢F r4 - HVAC - -_.� REF d r A s A. g CNA �� _ Q� m y �`p V$.- _ 63 app X ■ W/SHOWER \ iki QN'� rti A 111 pp-r T 'I'`C` io �nI11 O '4 _ _ W/L.T.WALLS R jS§ L� J ~grmA Ia11� - `!£ _ tpz nn rn � �J N� � II I N --L o _=:--)=, OEEu O_ o b L__i ICEI --- UPS DROP - oN 1• I �I ++—,y o p Ern ALT,ith - ..,.:. '_—__IL,_„14== t mr rn p gtO, - 1 � 12i_gw L '- • ��2w 4 I 2Ii 9i5"m-<ms p I �, �' TRUSSES - ` '^I m ` 192"O.0 lit all A I a 1.1 '='24 1 1 , . 7-: 1.'4 11110/49P A-NO p � D'UMB lllEN t 61 NNN - LATTER_ I®I 11 1 • , T- 7 SILL B 36" SILL 0 36" NI—I - _ I I - m i R5'-9" 3" '9" +10 10-3" T PIW NI t 7;.`i Io i_ ''i.,5 4♦om -445'--, m ' � y o Nq , N 2 P , If1V1 $ OPENING F-,- � �. _ � PASS-TNRU N -- VIII Piil oa 4 P-0"I 1006" al ! ! AS€ ' -0" S-0" 1 ♦ J I 1? .+, I O O I I'-0" 22'-0" _ ,) 4 !lg O q ti1) ii ± i06" —I, 4'-0" 1 3011" 4'-0" 1, 41-0" 21-iu III I 24"FLOOR ♦ ♦ ♦N TRUSSES 1.0 N—. 19.2"0.0 '2'•0' wi 1 57 In m0 r 0 I'9"I N �r m 1 `- _' 1 • 1 ®I -.I _ r 1-- It ZS ri IQiaZ�_rn�{ o= '6gE Oz^A x _2. 3�NOp-, o1;pjiI �ro D �ZO > O$,•1IAA AAT fA3rn mem rmg HyiN a" ^0 �. • ti8P. mg �7� g-+ Al Z gylb Oo2 ISI 4'.,n 6'.Igw 11.," / rN N l';' > _ g2 A 1�1 440 LEDGE m r � yy �FC o S A�� o'n N y zy O7 I PLAT PANEL 7V _ .4,.'''40;, iE O O ,- . C ., OP P . , ♦ ♦ ♦ F Sy J I E it- 'o INE `i 85 ER A g ' g o Oi N�2 'rips N 5J g A �^a'G-r " A T 2Dprn ri N_£ @ @ 'j' T9 z AO L ii y� 3; 1;r; yN ~ BYERS RESIDENCE f/" , ®2016 DFP PLANNING 8,DESIGN D.F.P. {,w+ Q SUSTAINABLE N I N E DESIGN UNAUTHORIZED U5E OF THE PLAN //���\\\ —• " m _P 0'O�' m 1- / ^ "p""°'°6 1°°" n... 15 A VIOLATION OF THE U.5. PLANNING 8 DESIGN f,, 6609 BLACKFOOT PASS � / DESIGN+GEM MB-444-4401 COPYRIGHT ALT c (IIS 9100 BALTIMORE ST NE.SUITE 106 BLAINE,MN.55449 EDINA, MINNESOTA ''~,'sem " "-°w • ,m•°M^nww . WEB:e,763-60-60N.COM E-MAIL:INFOA-740-BION.COM Phone:763-700-8004 Fax:763-780-BOO STUCCO / STONE ATTACHMENT PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION ISSUES "'o _ \ 0) Theist of Hems may be helpful for Plan Reviewers and Sulking 0,.apply to .. u'ni o I.CALL FOR INSPECTION TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WHEN PAPER use one a guide for enforcing the Minnesota Energy Lode.The Herne apply to { _ '-- -------------nings. mI \ .w°' IS COMPLETE IN ONE WINDOW AREA. TINieC Gams and two-family with apply only m aefeCiwd one-ab two-fem6y residential ` I 2 a om 2.MEATIER RESISTIVE BARRIERS - \ vI'` SHAWEATHEINCLWE RESISTIVE YERS OF SPADE D PAPER.NOTE TYPE BARRIERS OVER WOOD BASED NG PLEA REVIEW ISSUES = - _ - I EXTERIOR FINISH ZIP 15 OR I8•FELT IS NOT GRADE 0 PAPER.VERTICAL JOINTS IN FOUNDATION INSULATION 3/4"FURRING I/2"GYP.EQ. W.GYP.SO. \ o'z;: PAPER SHALL BE LAPPED AT LEAST 2 INCHES ❑exterior foundation web insulation 9-10 minimum FRAME AMR BARRIER VAPOR BARRIER \ 2•INSULATION 3.EXTERIOR OPENINGS R A5HEr, ❑foundation heubtbn extends from the top of the veal down to top of the %//////////////////////y%%/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4 _ ' w w LL EXTERIOR OPENINGS SHALL BE FLASHED. THE NAILING FLANGE a exterior foundebon h laban le covered protective product fromof CROW'S NEST / SfEATM16 PER 5E ON WINDOWS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR FLASHING UNLESS THE exposed heWetbn to b below gads we = ry//ls 0'n w MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROVIDED ON CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-SLAB INSULATION c yAL /„ 517E STATING THE FLANGE IS ACCEPTABLE A5 FLASHING. IB"FELT(U/DER FLANGE) RECESSED i y v ❑slab an grads Perimeter insulation R-10 'mown 4.WINDOW H ANGES= ❑slab Insulation extends from top of Nab to design frost Ane a--top of BASE TRIM co i o PAPER SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE BOTTOM AND SIDES OF WINDOW footing "', V w f m BEFORE INSTALLING WINDOW.PAPER ON THE TOP OF WINDOW SHALL ❑Pbore over unheated apace R-38 rotaries BEMINO 571105 `, 6 GO OVER THE WINDOW FLASHING. A SECOND LAYER OF PAPER SHALL WINDOWS/DOORS/SKYLIGHTS i , PCR EN61NEERMIG Z BE INSTALLED OVER THE SIDE WINDOW FLANGES ❑average u veN.r 0.32 maximum for windows end ghee"Dore r J - - Il Z o m ❑average U-valve la 0.55 maximum for ekylijhts H Z c 3 b 5.WINDOW OPENINGSEnergy omplarce © • �•Q 3 0window LLvelw carNa<aM with EnerC Certificate .' CAULK OR TANG WINDOW E OPENINGS TO MAKE THEM WATERPROOF. r - 'n m 3 m OTTER OPENINGS MUST BE CAULKED WEATHERPROOF. MECHANICAL VENTILATION 15611E5 � E%IERIOft MEM LL J o .. ❑neper cod requnbalvantdetlan system provwles adequate vantlbtion CAULK 5{EATING PER SECTION oa.m2d 6.PAPER ENTIRE WALL: per code rsgpFsmente• F___I 1 i_ (• PAPER MUST BE INSTALLED ON THE ENTIRE WALL INCLUDING ❑furnace efficiency b caneletent arab Energy Camphene Certificate j---7T---1 cal WITHIN THE SOFFIT FRAMING. ALL PAPER MUST BE INSTALLED ❑protection eents excessive dapraeeurlaetbn ie Metaled per code 44-- -i WINDOW JAMS DETAIL SHINGLE FASHION TO ORA1N OUT. r---I I 1 SCALE 30=1'-0" requirements to F___11-__J ENVELOPE INSULATION FOR PLAN REVIEW L___ T.E ASHINCE ❑rots.:.basement insulation of R-5 minimum 6 R-11 maximum 1 T T---1 - . D KILKOUT FLASHING 15 REQUIRED AT WALL/ROOF INTERSECTIONS ❑ceilings with attics R-49 -30 nO.Roof/cakg a•sembiee'suet have a T.. WHERE THE ROOF LINE DOES NOT EXTEND PAST THE WALL. minimum 6"energy heN.R-38 wit be Mowed when fug height of 1- i --- l It I OTHER OPENINGS SHALL BE FLASHED TO MAKE THEM WEATHERPROOF. uncompressed R-38 extends over the exterior wall top plate et eaves f---1 I -1 I II I I II B WF P v Fn. ❑wood framed well-S emulation of R-20 or R-13"R-9.R-13 refers to weN r___ __,, . R� cavity Insulation,R-5 refers to continua.Mutton _ Y A CORROSION RESISTANT WEEP SCREED WITH A MINIMUM VERTICAL m ATTACHMENT FLANGE OF 3 I/2"INCHES SHALL BE PROVIDED AT OR INSPECTION ISSUES BELOW THE FOUNDATION PLATE. TIE SCREED MUST BE PLACED A a MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES ABOVE THE EARTH OR 2 INCHES ABOVE CONCEALED INSULATION CENTER STEEL `- _-I' - _- T '-Installed TRIM DETAIL `—"e- CONCRETE AND SHALL BE Of A TYPE THAT WILL ALLOW TRAPPED FRAMING AND SHEATHING STRINGER W/ r J1111 WATER TO DRAIN TO THE EXTERIOR.WEEP SCREEDS MAY BE ❑vend wee.barrierrInstalledr J ed et attic edge WOOS TREADS Ib•FLOOR TRUSSES f 193"O.C. W i tri JUST BELOW THE PLATE LINE'HERE CR MAY EXTEND ONTO THE ❑exterior wag corners framed no that insulation car be installed a e SCALE 3"=I'-0h' 0 1_ FOUNDATION,PROVIDED ERE 15 PAPER ON THE FOUNDATION. after exterior a eathin9 ie:.°taloa '0 8 X STUCCO MUST LOVER,BUT NOT EXTEND BELOW.THE ❑hteraectlare of Merlon partition wale and exterior wale ere r---rr---r' LATH AND PAPER framed so that heubtbn can be installed between the partwm F---� --I I STAIRWAY NOTES z W and exterior sheathing.after exterior sheathing a Metaled I_-- 2 j O ❑gaps between framing less than one-half inch are,.mowed by 7T---1 STAIRWAY HEADROOM TO BE T-0"MN. I. ICE&WATER SHIELD ALL VALLEYS curing fremng together or ere Insulated at the tine of f----t t---1 HANDRAIL HEIGHT TO BE CONT.34"TO 38" a 0 V L---"�1----J °.W-a ICE 6 WATER SHIELD 24"UP ALL WALLS assembly 1 1 I ABOVE NOSING.OPNGhS TO BE LESS THAN 4" N_Y WHERE ROOF RUNS ALONE WALL a al penetrehons between conditioned and unconditioned spaces r---TT"---1 3-2012 STRINGERS D_ a S made prior to framing Inspection are sealed N___4 4-__N II"TREADS -• -• O O " ALL SCREWS OR NAILS BEING ❑windows must be insulated end sealed et heteletwn L___11____J _ FOYER, GUEST SU ITE _ „ o- INTERIOR AR BARRIER 11 I DRILLED THROUGH 9T1CC0 OR a al fire eta,.ere Or wake r---TY---Y SIDING MUST BE PRE-DRILLED 0 equipment chimneys through H 0�N V pipes,ducts.veres,a e ape fleas and drFn ttr --_LL_-- 2 O ARE SE T WA EWSILICONE E TO ea Mter.tlor ah bank.,M sealed 1ads of ` 1_L PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE ❑a sealed tO.bolus Interior Mr barrier Is MkeOan on for warm 1 }dok ere twang envelope at ceM1g•,web,and floor rim 1 l Z: . • ALL SUBCONTRACTORS MUST SEAL ❑air barrier behind Wb and answer a sealed ape protected L`L, 0 o ALL PENETRATIONS TO EXTERIOR OF 0 recessed Igot futures are sealed 924.6 FF_ e}�j \ _ - - ..t T.),'.-4 )T g HOUSE WHEN ANY HOLES ARE LUT OR ENVELOPE INSULATION �/ ' J W i 4 PENETRATIONS ARE COMPLETED ❑total basement well isuletbn Is R-15 minimum.minimum R-I0 et exterior r IB"FLOOR TRUSSE5 0 19.2°O.C. 24"FLOOR TRUSSES 0 19.2"OG O a"� p wind wash herr.,on wee neperetig house and garage a sealed 923.81 FF-�� '/" �.` ,3A • FLASH ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS ❑base CO neubbentering prevented fromentering fire eaves v v M "-SWATH 6 SOFFIT W KICKOVT PLASHING TO BE INSTALLED ❑insulation euon skylight shafts and weexposed hattics Is ----n----J / 2.-6. MN.R-38 INSULATION eV ROOFERS supported on the uncondaon.0 aloe Jy - / 2. CONTINUOUS VAPOR BARRIER AT ATTIC INSULATION -_ 11 CART ALL WALL FRAMING TO EXTERIOR ❑attic access panel insulated to R-38 neeaen far wing pawl end -7T 21 minimum well panty { 919.7 AND ON TOP OF ALL TOP PLATES R --ti+---- ❑attic card attached to frames _ _--J1-_-_ VEST" TAPE ALL VAPOR BARRIERS. ❑notification of attic R-veWa elf date of Mediation posted near = _ I 1 STAIRS �UDROOI� GARAGE 2 i Pomo ALL WIRES AND ITEMS THAT bulliInspectiona ng permit Inspection cd4.--,T---- • 3 PENETRATE VAPOR BARRIER.FOAM _--_J_I Tn AROUND ALL WINDOWS AND COORS. _--J1____ _ TO ATTIC. II a 132"OF 10•POURF_D� --TT---� ALL CANTILEVERS,CORNERS,6 RIMS 20"%8"LONL.FTG. ---jFy----1 Z LLI TO BE COVERED W � /BLDG.PAPER --- - L PRIOR TO SIDING. \ L_, 3 1/2"CONK.FLOOR RAMP Z 913.6 : `W/POLY UNDER n I C 4"CONC.FLOOR Wl F10ERMESH 913.1 W ` 1 I I m Q z STRUCTURE FOR1 GROSS SECTION 11All N o GREEN TOP TRAY ROOF I // ?OVERSIZE ScxE 1/4".P-D" \ en LL 4750.FT. I , N L11 ,'.G i THIRD FLOOR PLAN c {fj :<y • 1 _4, ii STRUCTURE FOR I SCALE 1/4"4-O" �. 1./' P.V.PANELS -7 I I I I I . EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE SHEATHING TO SHEATHING , ?AD0 1 MORE THIRD FLOOR FINISHED 439 50.FT. v---- PTVR.PANELS FOR 4I DS DOWN SPOUT 1 OR OVERSIZED ycn CO WHEN INC.UPPER WINDOW NOTES W Q •LOEWEN WINDOWS Q •OLDR.TO VERIFY ALL WINDOW,0009.6 OPENING HDR.NTS. /� •ALL WINDOWS SET 0 6'-IO'UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE F' r------ eti I yUARORAIL NOTE@ T~/'T Q Z I J •GUARDRAIL REQUIRED ON OPEN 510E OF ANY STAIR MORE V L z THAN 30 ABOVE FLOOR WTwi DN 17R •ALL OPENINGS LESS THAN 4°AT ALL GUARDRAILS OPEN TO 0 _9 BELOW FRAMING NOTES F'�I •251 1/6"STUDS S PLATE CK.UPOSSOR WALLS UESE _ •2O6 SLEDS W POCKET GOON OW 6 UNLESS NOTES OTHERWISE --�-—— Z I _� •DOUBLE 5N05 AT ALL WINDOW B PATIO DOOR HEADERS 1 % UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 1==.1 it I ROO;EY OTHERS - - •PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING AT ALL POINT LOADS,SUPPORT QO L_ ROOF 0T OTHERS - - -- - -- R H BEAMS.MICROLAMS.AND SIROER TRUSSES TO FOUNDATION W \\*Ii: i 2 IN"FLOOR ZB SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE OETELTOPI N�N��Q 1 1 rc Ina TRUSSES •PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTORS IN EVERY BEDROOM AND FTHE LOOR 1^ I I 1 REV IEW 192"O.0 CORRIDOR GIVING ACCESS TO THE BEDROOM.ON EACH FLOOR I V THIS CORNER INCLUDING THE BASEMENT.AND IN ANT ROOM THAT HAS A 1 1 CEILING HEIGHT MORE THAN 24"HIGHER THAN A CORRIDOR _I I l0 • GIVING ACCESS TO THE BEDROOMS. r GREEN TOPE FOR TRAY ROOF _4050 •PROV DE CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS WITHIN 10'-0"OF ALL DATE BEDROOMS �'?OVERSIZE 641 SO.FT. CROW'S NEST J REVISIONS: I � CARPET ————————1 ........ .. .. .. 1-27-16 BG 1 3-28-16 GO J ® L 7 4-9-10 GD r 4-22-16 BG 1 IIA ROOF PLAN L DRAWN BY SCALE,I/8" F-0" BG If-0. _ -- a COMM.NO. 216104 CONCEALED) � SHEET NO. DOWN SPOUT 6 I 1 -11 I A ) _ Rqm - — I`2 P22 1 G I Z 1 0 0 1 N 1 8 8 A N c T AN N .T £ N 73 T 10'-11" it 73 AI;o % I ii o i P � r a0 R7J 11 (S 1 11 __3�" 2,0" 1 II II 11 II I II II II 11 I 11 11 1 il 11 u 11 n 1 u II 11 u 1 1111111 1 O u u u 11 II II II 11 II II II R717LII7 6]1JCII] trim ZII 1111 11111 1111111 II II 11 11 1 II II 11 11 1111111 _ L SII II II II l Al n n U �I I Il J — A " P x(51 tau u ,,du n /9 u ,,,/u .�/u • c -1 /ri u •,I(U iR i X u U1 g 1 u u m u Z /� �(° .mom x - N1 II u ,Iu P4m .;i(u -4 [ " n O 1 i .p y ,%o in/11 II 11111 I11 1111111111 1 11 I 1111 1 11I II 11II 11 I11 1111111111 1 -4-1 H-1 II II 11 II II II 11 II 11 1 8,I" .„..i -NihlFy III7I lad CII ii,,,,, . + _-. II 11 11 I 11 II 11 II II 1 1 II 11 11 11 I 1111111 11111111111 III II 11 111 Il ii iii II II II "I III Ili II II I C,,. I y „ _n. .1)A D J 9< CP 3 FXI 13\9-U f 3 i 0 Op EW A -4 11; m w OA I _ m R 8 anq g 1 P 0 n i .7, 67, -O A O > a A AApp N. i A mpStT O I0.-Ir= 14N _;. rg • rn . • 00 0 0 11 9.4" F � T Le a N.47I6" — i 1/ ' 76 �2 a VI -nil f V-4 i" i 0 cn o z L A �—. -m o N 9,6" ,11 6"I cn 3 4• If4" titt 1rn "'o O� +WN<ro BYERS -rte 4•� A ®2016 DFP PLANNING&DESIGN at GI N!m'Iga m RESIDENCE �n�aroEs��n, PLA a- f��! SUSTAINABLE NI NE >!1 ,• 15UNAUTHORIZEDVIAUSE OF THE PLAN PLANNING & DESIGN o -o a b a ( 9% �/�`'�e"0""m"o °°•e• IS A VIOLATION OF THE U.S. o ; 6609 BLACKFOOT PASS DESIGN • _I:_BUILD 766-464'4401 COPYRIGHT ACT 3100 BALTIMORE ST NE.SUITE 106 BLAINE.MN.55449 ° EDINA, MINNESOTA \�fY WEB:WW 63-78ESION.COM E-MAIL:IN 765.780-8015 65.78O-8015COM wr;+•+ay.... "Ne°'""^�"""-"�'""'•'^ Phone: 163-180 6004 Fa":163 160 8013 G109-09L-£9, 'O3 1,009'09L-£9L_..,,d ..�.,,.w- ... ,� ....�...�.... F�,LOS�ISHIiH `YNIQ� 0 WOO NOIS30d30Y0jNl IIVW-3 W00N91530d30MMM'93'! i 6bb9S'NW'3NIVl9 901 311!15 '3N 1S 3NOW11lV9 006 1.9V 1H9121Ad09 ,,,,,,YI£91 91N19+N91S39 O m2 NOIS30 '8 DNINNV1d p sn 3H1.AO NouV101A V SI ..., ,�,,..,., ^ SSVd L00 3}IO`d'Ig 6099 m °o II�=� NV ld 3H1 d0 3511 03z1a0H1nVNn V 3 N I N 318tlNItl1Sf1S ` bS 1�TT (/��TT C C z W 3 'd'S13 N01S3099N1NNVld dd0910Z® N�IS'3Q��� \\ �/,J l��lLl��� 52i��5 < `v'� ¢m 1"i o _Q_,nia o i I ,, 1 r . Li- 3,1'ittkr VIA tA 14. IIIAak- in \ , ' 1111 I III � t; f41' I �I ' 1 1' I\ I ,_... _...L. I i IN •33�rA f s 1�:�r, 114,'",,: 1. ; d 1���� 411 - 4 III • O1 1.:iir._q O lel ;ii:* r- ::' ? , i 4' Winalil :>-- Q4 Q c' II Na wZZ *� . aL90 I , , k, 11 w N 41 ' tt Pr 1 tl �i1 ;l'''',\4,\\�� ' Q 0 m i -,' 'ii U D / h k, 1 I I 1 til ' i ' 'I i i v 1 , a w Ali �H��IIj1ti� < 0Q Ce 1 i / D '11I , ,11 �1 c, z - H 2 O ZI— vwiLTJ 0 D 2 1" iii 00 ~ w- :Mt ���� � 00 '�! � � ax H W In U 1_.. I y. ' 'tea,,$'„'.. t �,s.. u, Z O 00 LU \ \ W 0111111111 \\ \ Z I� \ \\\ <LU v `, \ � a \ I N \ _ 1 / \ ,\ I 11 \/ , 1111 ill ' \ Hi ,t l' , .. .. 111 \ ` I x IF \' lalilillll 3h ,':1. a 'r a.' \ I 1 \ II I 3 0 PIERCE PINI& • • - ' - - -_ _ ASSOCIATES INC. / - - _ Consulting Civil Engineers Y�?9009 / - - �� _ C/"1 •:°'• ' _ _ 9298 CENTRAL AVENUE NE V SUITE 312 / - BLAIN6 MN 55014 0 CD Z _ -• �_ - TEL 763-537-1311 / /1 I O / / 2 / /i 1 / Z • OD O Ak LT / La W / 24" / / DECID %-- `--.-- C `f / 24"NYLOPLAST BASIN S S V / DOME ORATE \VIII RIM-917.9EGG '_— ,^ / INV-914.0 / '% r—a_�� V{ O /I SUMP.912.0 /y(��\•'' ``` ;� O SEE SHEET C602 / 24" '�" ` 16"ELM .� DECID. a'' `� ® Q O Z O / y� �0 �' �`` /iEDGE OF WOODS r\ ) ) El Ci) / / / i �• s/84to / 6" '\ Z / ' ��Ry •yo DECID. $" ® 1--i / ,4/ `,kb BIRCH +\ N� („� O / 0 pR 12'HDPE INV.908.0 -gr` OAK CID /'� M.H. / I:di 36"HDPE INV-906.0 `` 18. *\ V`/ 121 TOP=897.95RIOAK DECID INV.-4387.8 / / S EDETAIL 2/C601 ``` 2a'NY .•� 1$" 6" \ 124 1W^ / / ` DOME GRATE OAK 24" `\ (._, �►! 1 / / a1; 36'PERFORATED HDPE RIM-923.5 OAK _ W J / 0. 41,§ � wFILTATION PIPING, ` 1NV-920.0 INV-906.0.ILS `� SEE SHEET C602 ..y 16 SEE SHEET C601 FOR OAK •\ / / DETAfIS / 1 M / / / 24" w OAK / / / , 6'HDPE INV"908.0 / •,.i 36'HDPE INVN06.0 1-, �RAIN THE / PERMEABLE PAVER PATIO tt I 23.2 40 • LF 6'HDPE OUTLET ', F 360 SQ.FT. 16` / 1 "�� FINISH GRADE..924.4 j PIPE Ca 1.00°.6 'I CONNECT ALL BURRING • BOTTOM OF ROCK.921.6 OAK / /a'0 pEDOWNSPOUTS MSE'1�ER 17ro .(C\ SEE DETAIL 6/C601 / .'�"� '' I STORMWATER PIPING. ���,;♦. Tux / • / 15 LF../HDPE `. SEE DETAIL 4/C601 ,,Il,,, . IN: heeby¢ eurrvmo iqv¢s oI lDAYLIGHT 6'PIPE w �' STO5.56% j ;I;I;I;I;d 4+ by ox omY dkecc supervision sod Out 1am / / SLOPE.INV-907.60 ..•.7� / '' ` _{ SELEE A OF GE NREE FOR AND I�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�• ^ a f Im SMinnmote uly licensed I Engineer uedcr Ow lava SEE DETAIL 5/C601 // • ' CONSTRUCTION DETAOSiss,♦,♦,,,♦',,� / CompaERCE flNl d/A///SSOCIATES ♦ ♦ ♦ , ♦ ♦ /c.�/ ;�;�;e;��i;41• Sim/ �, INV923.2 ,,I;;;;;;;; Dale:3//11/201Reg.No:45815 ���♦j♦j / - /_ • 12'HDPE .908.0 444,:t4, 1, . . . . . . . / ': - 36'xDPE .o 4•DRAW TILE�l Issued tot Da e 24"NYLOPLAST BASIN 4, 4'DRAIN Variants Request 3/11/2016 / • �— DOME GRATE / \24` \ �w� DAYLIGHT IN SLOPE RAIN GARDEN 10" NMCWD Resubmittal 3/30/2016 R1M-9120 WALNUT . . . . . . . . . . . 505 SQ.FT. •OPLA'. PERMEABLE PAVER PATIO a2 INV�909.0 ( SEE GRADING PLAN ON SHEET • \ 105 FT. C500 AND DETAIL 7/C601 SEE .0 FINISH OF ROC24.4 6`ELM is / SEE SHEET C602 ` \ \ BOTTOM OF ROCK�921.6 $ELM \ SFE DETAR.6/C601 / / N. 4'DRAIN T� j // \\ \ OLOPE 'r.\ N.`, 28" \ N. OAK lq' 'N. .. DECID 10` °° m,pt`"�°° mem,�` N. N.N.N. N 6D C a[ -7 ----- comm.No. 16-012\ -- Drawn AA \ a __ \ g S Checked KG \ • O / �` ,�O 30" Date 3/30/2016 ' ` ..... \.. - - OAK - 6` 12` Cd':'-)' �^� '''''-20" N - - - - - - �r'N.. OAK OAK MAPL ELM NMCWD Resubmittal f9a" OAK'1 - Drawing Title • NGRTH/II 1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN STORMWATER MI/ C600 MANAGEMENT PLAN 0 10' 20' 30' Iliiliiiili 1 1 C600 k (7----..,,,rA,. 4(ta.riv o PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT -v ®1888 .y arim� Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague May 25, 2016 V.A. Director of Planning INFORMATION/BACKGROUND Project Description DJR Architecture Inc., on behalf of Hector Vinas, is proposing to tear down the existing gas station at 3901 70th Street West and re-build an 8,030 square foot retail building. (See the property location, the applicant's narrative, building rendering and plans on pages Al—A10.) To accommodate this proposed redevelopment, the following is requested: ➢ Preliminary Rezoning from PCD-4, Planned Commercial District-4, to PUD-1, Planned Unit Development-1. The Rezoning would expand the existing PUD-1, Phoenix Plaza to the north, to include this property. > Preliminary Development Plan The applicant has gone through the Sketch Plan process before the Planning Commission and City Council. (See attached minutes on pages A32—A34.) Based on feedback from the Planning Commission and City Council, the applicant moved the building further away from France and 70th Street to provide a more comfortable pedestrian experience. Because of the shift of the building location, the proposed landscaping along the west lot is now entirely within the existing right-of-way for Sandell Avenue. The size of the building has not changed. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Vitamin Shoppe; zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development. Easterly: France Avenue and a bank; zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District and guided CAC, Community Activity Center. Southerly: Room & Board Furniture; zoned PCD-2, Planned Commercial District and guided Office/Residential. Westerly: Apartment/Condos; zoned PRD-4, Planned Residential District and guided High Density Residential. Existing Site Features The subject property is 29,906 square feet in size, is relatively flat and contains a full service gas station. (See pages A2—A4.) Planning Guide Plan designation: Office/Residential; Limited Retail is a permitted use. Zoning: PCD-4, Planned Commercial District Parking Based on the proposal for 8,030 square feet of retail space 49 parking stalls would be required. The site plan demonstrates 40 parking stalls available. The parking study demonstrates that these uses would generate the need for 40 parking stalls. (See page A49 of the parking study.) However if the retail uses become a bank, coffee shop, or bakery/bagel shop, the parking would not be adequate. This was similar to the existing PUD-1 conditions of the Vitamin Shoppe site to the north. Therefore, those uses would not be allowed on this site, as is the existing condition in the current PUD-1 Zoning District. The proposed rezoning of the site to incorporate this site into the PUD across the street prohibits those types of uses. (See proposed Ordinance Amendment on pages A35-A36.) This site does provide more parking than the Phoenix Plaza site. As a comparison, City Code would require 52 spaces and 34 are provided for Phoenix Plaza. City Code requires 49 stall and 40 stalls are proposed on the subject property. Site Circulation Full two-way access to the site would be from 70th Street. An additional right- turn entrance into the site would be from France. (See page A9a.) There would be surface parking behind the building. Loading to the building would take place in the parking lot during off peak hours. A walking path would be located around the building and along France and 70th Street. (See page A9b.) The city engineer and fire marshal have reviewed the proposed site circulation plans and found them to be acceptable. 2 Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site, the applicant is required to have 17 over story trees and a full complement of under story shrubs. The applicant is proposing 18 new trees around the perimeter of the site. As recommended at the sketch plan, the right-of-way along Sandell Avenue is proposed to be used for the landscaping, to provide a buffer from the high density residential area to the west. A full complement of understory landscaping is proposed around the building. (See page A9b and 9h.) Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined on the attached page A15-A18. A developer's agreement would be required for the construction of the proposed sidewalks within the right-of-way. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, as they are the City's review authority over the grading of the site. Building/Building Material The proposal is for a stone building with large windows. (See renderings on pages A7-A8.) The applicant will have a materials board for the Planning Commission to review at the Planning Commission meeting. Living Streets/Multi-Modal Consideration Sec. 36-1274. - Sidewalks, trails and bicycle facilities. (a) In order to promote and provide safe and effective sidewalks and trails in the city and encourage the use of bicycles for recreation and transportation, the following improvements are required, as a condition of approval, on developments requiring the approval of a final development plan or the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to article V of this chapter: (1) It is the policy of the city to require the construction of sidewalks and trails wherever feasible so as to encourage pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the city. Therefore, developments shall provide sidewalks and trails which adjoin the applicant's property: a. In locations shown on the city's sidewalk and trail plan; and b. In other locations where the council finds that the provision of such sidewalks and trails enhance public access to mass transit facilities or connections to other existing or planned sidewalks, trails or public facilities. (2) Developments shall provide sidewalks between building entrances and sidewalks or trails which exist or which will be constructed pursuant to this section. 3 (3) Developments shall provide direct sidewalk and trail connections with adjoining properties where appropriate. (4) Developments must provide direct sidewalk and trail connections to transit stations or transit stops adjoining the property. (5) Design standards for sidewalks and trails shall be prescribed by the engineer. (6) Nonresidential developments having an off-street automobile parking requirement of 20 or more spaces must provide off-street bicycle parking spaces where bicycles may be parked and secured from theft by their owners. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be five percent of the automobile parking space ' requirement. The design and placement of bicycle parking spaces and bicycle racks used to secure bicycles shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Whenever possible, bicycle parking spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. (b) The expense of the improvements set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall be borne by the applicant. There are existing sidewalks along 70th and France Avenue. They are adjacent to the existing curb line of these streets. The proposed project improves the sidewalks on the site by creating a boulevard style sidewalk with the building up close to the street instead of the existing gas station and drive- aisle. Curb cuts are eliminated to also improve pedestrian safety. Bike racks are required adjacent to the store entrances. This site is located on a secondary bike route, France Avenue. (See page A13.) Per the attached memo from the city engineer in regard to the city's Living Streets Policy the following is required: ➢ An 8-foot sidewalk with an 8-foot boulevard along France Avenue. ➢ Show detail of sidewalk transition and connection to existing walk at south property line. ➢ A 5-foot sidewalk with a 5-foot boulevard along 70th Street. ➢ Install missing thermoplastic crosswalk across southbound France Avenue. Match existing style from 70th Street. Remove paint and grind in thermoplastic. ➢ Install corner planter to match existing style at other three corners of intersection. ➢ Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. ➢ Clearly denote private paths or sidewalk. Maintenance for non-public sidewalks to be responsibility of property owner. 4 • Planned Unit Development (PUD) Per Section 36-253 the following are the regulations for a PUD: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; 5 h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. As determined with the creation of the PUD-1, Phoenix Plaza across the street to the north, the proposal would meet the purpose and intent of the PUD, as most of the above criteria would be met. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential — OR," which allows for limited retail. The applicant is proposing to use the site for limited retail. Through the PUD rezoning, the City has the ability to specifically limit the uses on the site to be consistent with limited retail uses per the Comprehensive Plan, and to ensure that the uses can be supported by the parking provided. The proposed relatively small retail space is more consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, than the existing gasoline service station. The proposal would create a more efficient and creative use of the property than existing. The building would be pulled up close to the street, with sidewalks in front, and separated from the street by green space to promote a more walkable environment. Landscaping and patios are also proposed in front, with store fronts opening toward France Avenue and 70th. Driveway accesses to the site have been reduced (from 4 to 2) to improve pedestrian safety. The proposed storefront entrance is an improvement over the recently built Vitamin Shop in Phoenix Plaza. The proposed new building has a more predominant entrance at the corner. (See page A7.) Traffic generated from the site would be less than the existing gas station site. The proposed building would be a high quality stone and glass building. The site circulation would be improved with a right-in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut further to the west. As demonstrated on pages 10-11 of this report, the proposal meets several goals and policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in this Chapter shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. 6 Because of the Comprehensive Plan designation of"limited retail" and the potential for a parking shortage depending on future use; the proposal should be limited to uses that will not create parking problems. (See page A49 of the parking study.) According to the parking study, the proposed parking spaces would support the uses proposed at this time. b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following: i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential — OR," which allows for limited retail. Because of that land use designation, uses allowed within the PCD-1 District would be appropriate, as the PCD-1 is the City's least intensive commercial zoning district. (See pages A21—A23 for a list of uses allowed within the PCD-1 District.) The applicant is agreeable to those uses. ii. any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; As mentioned above, the proposed uses would be limited retail, consistent with Comprehensive Plan. A single land use on the site would meet the limited retail use or office designation of the Comprehensive Plan. iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and Parking requirements would limit the uses that would be allowed on the site. If approved by the City, the building would be limited in size; and the use of the building would be limited by the number of parking spaces on the site. iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning 7 district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The following page shows a compliance table demonstrating how the proposed new building would comply with the PCD-1 Zoning Ordinance Standards and the zoning standard in the PUD-1, Phoenix Plaza. Note that the proposed setbacks are similar to the Phoenix Plaza. Please note that several of the City Standards are not met under conventional zoning. However, by relaxing these standards, the purpose and intent, as described in #1 above would be met. The site layout would be improved by bringing the building up to the street, providing front door entries toward the street, and including sidewalks to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment along the street. The design of the building is of a high quality stone with large windows. The building is consistent with the small scale buildings on this block. The development would incorporate improved landscaping and green space, a decrease in impervious coverage, and an infiltration area. Traffic would be improved in the area with a right-in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut further to the west. 8 Compliance Table City Standard (PCD-1) Proposed Phoenix PlazaNitamin Shop Site PUD-1 Building Setbacks Front— France Avenue 35 feet 20 feet 16 feet Front—70th Street 35 feet 15 feet 10 feet Side—South 25 feet 45 feet 39 feet Rear—West 25 feet 68 feet 68 feet Parkinq Lot Setbacks Front— France Avenue 20 feet 13 feet 10 feet Front—70th Street 20 feet 6 feet 4 feet Side—South &West 10 feet 5&0 feet 4 feet Building Height Four Stories One Story One Story Maximum Floor Area Ratio 100% 30% 37% (FAR) Lot size = 26,906 s.f. Gross s.f. = 8,030 Gross s.f. = s.f. 6,600 s.f. Parking Stalls 49 40 stalls 34 stalls Parking Stall Size 8.5' x 18' 8.5 x 18' 8.5 x 18' Drive Aisle Width 24 feet 24 feet 24 feet PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed development reasonable for this site? Yes. Staff believes the proposal is reasonable for the following reasons: 1. The proposed uses would fit in to the neighborhood. As mentioned, this site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential — OR," which allows for limited retail. The applicant is proposing to use the site for limited retail. Through the PUD rezoning, the City has the ability to specifically limit the uses on the site to be consistent with limited retail uses per the Comprehensive Plan, and to ensure that the uses can be supported by the parking provided. The proposed project fits into the existing PUD-1 standards of the property to the north. 9 2. The building is relatively small and in scale with building within this area on the west side of France. The proposal is consistent with the recently approved PUD across the street to the north and provides more parking opportunities for the retail uses proposed 3. The existing roadways and proposed parking lot would support the project. WSB conducted a traffic impact study based on the proposed development, and concluded that the traffic generated from the project would be less than the current use on the site. (See traffic and parking study on pages A37— A49.) 4. There would be an increase in area between the building and the curb of France Avenue (28 feet) in an effort to meet the goals of the Greater Southdale Area Study. 5. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. • Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. • Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. • Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front facade. • Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. b. Movement Patterns. • Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. • Limit driveway access from primary streets while encouraging access from secondary streets. • Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian-scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) • A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. Improving the auto-oriented design pattern discussed above under "Issues" will call for 10 guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. c. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of city infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. ® Is the PUD Zoning District appropriate for the site? Yes. Staff believes that the PUD is appropriate for the site. As highlighted above on pages 5-8, the proposal meets the City's criteria for PUD zoning. In summary the PUD zoning would: 1. Ensure that the building proposed would be the only building built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 2. Limit the uses allowed on the site to ensure that there would be adequate parking. The uses allowed would be specifically listed in a PUD Ordinance that would be reviewed and approved as part of the Final Development Plan stage of the project. 3. Provide for a more creative site design, consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The proposal would expand the existing PUD-1, Phoenix Plaza to include the subject property, which has very similar zoning standards. Staff Recommendation Preliminary Rezoning to PUD & Preliminary Development Plan Recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from PCD- 4, Planned Commercial District to PUD-1, Planned Unit Development District and Preliminary Development Plan to construct an 8,030 square foot retail building at 3901 West 70th Street. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed land uses are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The site layout would be an improvement over a site layout required by standard zoning; the building is brought up to the street, provides front door entries toward the street, includes sidewalks to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment along the street. 11 3. The design of the building is of a high quality stone with large windows. The building is consistent with the small scale buildings on this block. 4. The development would incorporate improved landscaping and green space, a decrease in impervious coverage, and an infiltration area. 5. The proposal is similar to the Phoenix Plaza PUD District with the same zoning restrictions and standards. 6. Traffic would be improved in the area with a right-in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut further to the west. 7. There would be an increase in area between the building and the curb of France Avenue (28 feet) in an effort to meet the goals of the Greater Southdale Area Study. 8. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. • Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. • Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. • Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front façade. • Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. b. Movement Patterns. • Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. • Limit driveway access from primary streets while encouraging access from secondary streets. • Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian-scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) 12 A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. Improving the auto-oriented design pattern discussed above under "Issues" will call for guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. c. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of city infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated April 22, 2016, and the materials board as presented to the Planning Commission. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. The property owner is responsible for replacing any required landscaping that dies after the project is built. 3. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated May 9, 2016. 4. Final Rezoning is subject to a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the PUD-1 Zoning District. 5. Provision of code compliant bike racks (5 minimum) near the building entrances. 6. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district's requirements. Deadline for a city decision: August 3, 2016 13 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/16/2016 200 100 24 • 6600 10 0CI 6775 ;i .1. F-.77 68 • 24 6800 68 2 5 3 503 ? :01 690 6S.,50 3460 3121 3210 _;100 C�c 70101 =S01 $iiiithdaleLit;.rrriI .:01.1:hddL:it_fVI'_FP titer" 7000 ut.s,r 70110 = - 7101 -- _ I°,I n ,t ,r ,.t 40010 7110 7101 24 7121 =;001 3443 1 t:, r,11:,•t 7120 7171 7151 7200 24 24 24 r'fll ,2001 7235 ,�,i' :20 7300 7250 `- 1 inch = 800 feet PARCEL ID: 3102824110022 Comments: OWNER NAME: Tcob Properties Llc LOCATION MAP PARCEL ADDRESS: 3901 70th St W, Edina MN 55435 PROPERTY TYPE: Commercial-Preferred HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead PARCEL AREA: 0.62 acres, 26,906 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens This data(i)is furnished'AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 7 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/16/2016 { .x ; ", a �c i 7: ' t rw x e a ., zc, l -'Ji `J' g +(— '11,'" kri `a p.'Er 1?` y,p fir. , fit , 1f ~ 111 - 4 i a ♦ ,,' i • , .. . 1-, i ti �y��, arx , f.‘..,„ * , a X11 1 J o- . ,_, 9 s. n. 3 t -.. 4 —, ,per,. 4. � .* ., r. irlee.me al.k} s ��+e� � j lis 4004 i 1 1 4 .....-L' Li _ 7 1 ii 1• . ', t., '3.._.,.'. •-,.. 7;;.,,f;.,. > 11 rL �t . ) ` i.i o , v i 1 —�, 1 inch =200 feet PARCEL ID: 3102824110022 Comments: OWNER NAME: Tcob Properties Llc LOCATION MAP PARCEL ADDRESS: 3901 70th St W, Edina MN 55435 PROPERTY TYPE: Commercial-Preferred HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead PARCEL AREA: 0.62 acres, 26,906 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens - -- This data(i)is furnished'AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/16/2016 I ro ' � a 1P, 7 , y -r f `= < A., l "a. d ; .� ' °t.* *f I' fu+1 )' _ fit, . -� a �,' `� „ 4,4 1 inch = 100 feet i PARCEL ID: 3102824110022 Comments: OWNER NAME: Tcob Properties Llc LOCATION MAP PARCEL ADDRESS: 3901 70th St W, Edina MN 55435 PROPERTY TYPE: Commercial-Preferred HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead PARCEL AREA: 0.62 acres, 26,906 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens This data(i)is furnished AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable forany damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 ` _ € , yam--, 4 '� , - _ ` fib.: gg -,-1,7_,1,',Y, tr Rr $7 — =•-6,-. �F .:, f !VI Vt.�' '`. ` ,yam.. .. .;4_,,-.",,-.:+ 3'. ....a. .s Nom- . G k�' yam/ .. 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Ilin .„ 1 , ,_:------"'":".77:--;: -. ..„,_1 4i-2.--, ,,,, .T-''-.'.-- , 27,\ L'f- „ 1, I me ne IFl FOP � Lir--; — �. _ - , s 4 71 114tfrttNI i lir - ' -- , ,„,74-;,,i, *� —.. .`--.'. .44 s v w DJR ARCHITECTURE,INC. 333 Washington Avenue North,Suite 210.Union Plaza,Minneapolis,MN 55401 T: 612 676,2700 F:612.676.2796 wwww.djr-inc.com April 22, 2016 Cary Teague, Planning Director Planning Department Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Project: Retail Development Location: 3901 70th Street West Subject: Rezoning Narrative This presentation for Sketch Plan review illustrates the redevelopment of the Gas Station at 3901 70th Street West -the SW corner of France and 70th Street to an 8,030 square foot retail development with associated site improvements. Current Use & Reasons for Redevelopment: The current use for the site is a gasoline filling station with car wash constructed in approximately 1965. While the location is prime for any use, the filling station does congest the area due to existing curb cuts near the corner of the intersection. In the proposed redevelopment, the corner curb cut would be removed reducing traffic congestion at the intersection. The site plan is proposed to have one curb cut on each street well away from the intersection. Proposed Development: The project proposes a single-story retail building with associated parking and landscaping improvements. The building will be approximately 8,000 square feet in size and be sited toward France Avenue and 70th Street with parking in the rear and side of the building. The building is sited to offer a better pedestrian environment on the street sides of the building with street facing entries and landscaping buffering the building from the streets. City & Neighborhood Betterment: The proposed retail development will benefit the City of Edina and the project's neighbors in the following ways: • Create a pedestrian-friendly development with the building oriented to the street and sidewalk with parking to the side and rear of the building, supporting these initiatives from the Comprehensive Plan and Southdale/ France Avenue working principles. • Improve traffic in the area with a right-in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut on 70th street. In addition, a traffic study will likely show that the change in use will decrease traffic counts to this site. • Remediate contaminated soils on site. • Create a greener and more environmentally friendly development improving storm water rates and quality through storm water retention and infiltration. • Provides small scale neighborhood serving retail. Comprehensive Plan Amendment& Rezoning: The project proposes to change the zoning of the site from PCD-4 to PUD. The current comprehensive plan indicates OR use in this area, but the Greater Southdale Area Final Land Use and Transportation Study Report identifies the area as a Mixed Use area. Though limited, the west side of France Avenue does have some notable retail uses in the near area including: Room & Board to the south and the Vitamin Shoppe and Edina Diamond Center to the North. The site size precludes the development of an adequately sized office use in terms of leasable space and parking requirements. However,the proposed use is consistent with neighboring uses and reinforces the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan by siting the building to address the street, engage pedestrians,cyclists and transit users. Changes pursuant to Planning Commission and City Council comments: The following changes have been accomplished following comments from the city council and planning commission during the sketch plan review meetings: • Increased boulevard for greater planting between streets and sidewalks on France Avenue • Increased setback on France Avenue for greater front yard landscaping and reduced rear landscaping • Increased glazing on France Avenue and 70th Street As presented in both meetings, our intent with the building fagade design is to provide a complimentary structure to the existing Phoenix Plaza across the street to the north. We have kept that concept consistent. Cordially, 81,t-3( 1.1° Sheldon Berg, AIA, Leed AP, Principal i4*4° s wSj 1 I "' will ^ `w'' Oi ti_ it n,' 4.. I� µ, i `t7 , 4110 * Q) CC bY ;� /; �a) M i t-/l II �_� • i. 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I 7/ 1 q• 21 1 -1,1 1 ti C,•i f, i H : ....- 4'1 r mA • _ . .099 II—9100 9 +0E, bop 0023LZ009t\11:11110929 al'S\sIxagx u.1d\L20091\910A X .1,4.,'6.,*°•,a SITE DATA: 46,1111111k PARCEL AREA=27.000 sr,0.52 AC .RCEL es.wan IKON m 300.SF.D 59 AC • ) BURINNG;;ARG-B.D30 S.IT car OF EDNA-PARK.REOGREMEN7S:a seem.SPACES FOR FIRST 1.000 SO. fa04,,,,B.PAZL.ZATCZ,IFOR,F.I.ARA.I.1.000 SO ET UP TO 15,000 SO.rtr. kirsAiEsZE4eNTAIZROVESSZOV SPrI7I.'2.rre'TPAIT0s-PARcM0). ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S.Ste 30D Minneapolis,MN 55415 612.758.3080 RHIN M, SPACES PER ORAN-THRONG LANE. / 1.0 S.r./10D.4 5 EmPLOYEES=24 STALLS (41 SENTS/3 T 5-21.IGICH IS LESS) 612.758.3099 Fax wonvalliantrinc.cont \•'''' '`) PROPOSED PARK.STALLS - •13 STALLS(INCLUDES 2 VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS) EXISTNG GREEN SPACE AREA=TB.SF 5.9X -- PROPOSED GREEN SP.E ARG=3.135 SF,11.6X • • • • SITE PLAN NOTES: • -- iZi:;,-.7,„','',--. ,. ITIMENSONS ARE To FACE Or BUILDING AND/OR GCE OF CURB. , • 2.RErER TO.CHNECTuRG DR.INSS FOR CONCRETE STOOPS ADJACENT TO PROPOSED GADING, s WS..t 2„,77 • // /4 i''.II Z__L____ _.'"i_-_____-:_.._ILCL___-•) ______:1:•_11'1'''''';'11' _-:;•• • 3.CONPNLIOLS CONCRETE CURB 0 currss EnlICH CHANGES TYPE SHALL.vf A riVE root-TRANSITION. . , • . • • .1.ALL CONCRETE CURD A.GUTTER AGINENT 10 CONCRETE WALK BE SEPARATED BY A 1/2 INCH EXPANSION JOINT. • , • , . W.70TH STREET 5.10001.LOT STRIPING SHALL BE 4 iNCH 74.10. r'ilL%17117 rTIS1J1010 r GONSTRUCTioN Bou.pv K . T B.ALL WORK.701 GE R.O.W.STALL COMPLY WNH GE CITY ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS. T.ALL CURB AND GUTTER 70 BC CONCRETE 8512 CURB UNLESS NOTED OTHERGSE.PER COY.ANDARDS, rnroz: . , .1 „,..-Em...A.IC MGRAL C.INET.GRAIN K .BUILDING DIMENSPRS REFER TO OUTSIDE Of BuILD1.fACE MGT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE. 1.1--1 1 '17/11ffirrialei li- IAR4 - 42 .11 .11.....t..._ V .--_, V Y T 9 CONTRACTOR SILALL FIELD VERIG THE LDCATIO.AND ELEVAHONS OF 0010900 UTILITIES AND 1010000P0I0 FEATURES, Mirralk H 11/111111111iLINIMENE-iiiraIWN:. g N,714,'.2TITSZGLI.?Ij1'1'4111RArETOTVY'ZE TN=grImg:=EF rAtzsgsr,umn„Tg 08I @ m jillardiom % , L,-GIs,.RIGHE 04 G7 3. 10.ALL CONCRETE PADS 70 BE 3000 PSI AIR ENTRAINED 63 CONCRETE NG/4 BARS 0 12.0.C.AND B.01.1 FINISHED ) le 1 ,iumageds (1 ,I.REFER 70 DETATL SHEET roe CONCRETE P.SCORING AND THICKNESS. (7Tp; M )3' NMIllilltgti F- ' 1 „ -MrrA,,,, 4mniEPININI, ' - -CLAIS RAIN I 1`17 91" •Z-) li TENANT, ruIRANcE- ;,.. ___.....1,14-44. j_j;„._.coNcrir 7...,, re 4.000 • ' EW,-1--1>-gg7pr&N t °""" 1.1 MI j e7.•--HONG..SCR , GENERAL NOTES: ---.• g \-. _...,II --1-0 : 1 I• PAITRA=1:=NLITaljn=faRcAnItAAN=U,IroV :LTIV,IIiIi020Z020m' g 1, J . RECEIVED AND THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PGNS AND OTHER DOCULENTS APPROVED BY ALL OF ME PEW.. 8 A.., i NM - 7:04",`,4' Aul.RBIES. .47.413 ;•,0 j • S I :•••.. 2.mz,zzyrt,r,L=0:1,saarAczrzg.wan THESE PGNS AND SPECIrICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND X I I. ,,j• 1. j B.i 3.S' 1191 : ...... 3.CONTRACTOR 6 RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLMON.REMOVAL OF ALL EQ..STRUCTURES 4011.1 INTERFERE wen NEW No.,As snow.,,L,.„..„....,,c.,,,,,,,, idle II :-K2 KRADE les 54 ) TENANT 2 4.CONCRETE SIENNA.AND CURB 0 GUTTER SIGN BE 8020000 10 NEAREST CONSTRUCTOR 00121 OUTSIOE THE 1000000 U.S. *-8 I .4"10114,0. pAGRENTs. • GRoSS SF Mlle . c--, , I Es 4.(4-•4SCI1..rik 171111N-AGnKLtEoGRE- p. sc -s ------41.) ..,... Ant. ' H OR BROKEN PANELS GUSED fEr SITE CONSTRUCT.. zR/OAS.2aDIDI"NE EFEWOrCXAHRPLsAMKAzNANTGSOtlEyO,WETOVXN RTOCDFOCIVSROBTRLUROEWINLCDTNILNSRYAGEE OIONSN1 ' .. :=r= 1 - \ 0 PROTECT 091004 CONCRETE 00000400 DURNGALL PHASES Of CONSTUCTION102100010010001000 ANY CRACKED W L1g' E0<3 z u 1 ii..M . TRA,OGG 1 9.CONTRACTOR 5 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ROADVAL 1.,DiSPOSAL OF THE EXISTING 9111.9NOuS.EITUIERIOUS S.,FIE I '1 .@,) 4 ,C,QT,TroKAGG.K.HAsmurRED FOR STRANHT ECCES.TACK SIGN RE USED ON MGR..EDGE PRIOR TO PATCH..GTCH Z 4 in uj •• a t I= • grzar...m.mvannzolnu.;corzus-orag°, Vo"ZIN'An'aVA7A'TTZT.cuA n A UJ or“...1 CO CO . , `,3, !--. -J,i RESULT OF THESE ACENGES, M .. .../...ja./......-- - - -- 171...;17.47.•'••• •••'.1-71,:j7.7.71•71 "jrLIrM 1 1 11.CONT.CLOR SNAG NOT iNPEDE ExISTIND towns CIRCULATION 10...CENT...ESSE, '"'"Lvert T.ZE'LV.9 r X .1X.I1.1.1..171.'j • ;• N89'5535'81 200.00 •• ;12- 12.EMMET-DR S.,PERFORI.1 SWEEPING ON PRNATE PARKING AREAS AND PUBLIC STREETS.LEAST ONcE A WEEK OWE iFEti,::,,,-.71,17• ,„..„..„„-GIG • • . 1 I A DAT IF NEEDED. riDl'ES=JiEtit GGIG ; • '3.2arg,V,t;.7,.Mr,l`Zrpg.TAMEEN:=ZAEXT.',IrovVrT'`""E°"""""D ::,,,t2,:'''''''•" j 01.-31DPV EMIG GILD. ; , .. • j [GIG GERM.PC -73 . K .• . 1 8 i SITE LEGEND .. : . .: .. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL 'ICE '..1 I DIST.CURS AND GuTTER ........---. 8612 CURI3 AND METIER O 80 0.,,10 -•' 44+41414+414+.8010 CURB AND GUTTER OUTFALL ,. .• DATE ISSUE •me ER EN T• TAMS OF CONSTRUCTOR 04-22-10(114 P.1.0 GRARTAL P. .• PROPERT7 LINE 317, EX,TING EASEMENT '...% r.••, I. .. I CONCRETE PAREILENT •-• LumluvRE,LED FiXTuRE RIF POLE,3'CONCRETE BaSF 4.1. DIRECTION OF TRAFF. . N FO , PROJECT TEAM DATA .0LICTIE. MX: PROJECT, 311-0021 f..it l' . . . 0 10 20 ID C-2.0 • , _ , SCALE IN FEET 6 - • • GRADING NOTES: A ,. ALL PUSHED GRADES SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS. 2.1NE CONTRACTOR OFF-sGE,RACKING of SOIL w ACCKEEP THE ORDANCE W"OADWAYS IITH THE REQUIREMENTS Di ME PREVENT m AND IANDOT. ALL I A N T GOPHER RS TO a ark o.,min STATEBCesn . fCONSTRUCTION. 233 Park Ave S. Ste e A.ALL IMPROVEMENTS CONFORM WITH CITY OR STATE eoxNe.oNSTANDARDS CEO in o9LATEST coma Minneapolis.MN 55415 612.758.3080 Mww. SCRuSHED STONE OOCONSTRUCT.`xaAxcuDvcseGwx[D DAILY OR 602.758.8099 co \ Pp wllnninc.com ,. CONTRACTOR r0 KEEPCorr o ENTRANCES. EROS.CONTROL osna AUrIuES. B. REFER,O GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR SOIL CORRECT..TEST.REOUIREMEms AND FON PAVEMENT RECIOIM s.STRIPTOP OIL PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTIANO SUBCUT ON. REUSE STOCKPILE x SITE.(WHERE FEASIBLE). L,;-.mx iO PRIOR,O STARTING CONSTRUCTITS ANO ION,THETHAI -I— IITION — SI.ALLOTHERALL BEGIN UNTIL I.CONTRACTOR HAS EDA OBTAINED. RESPONSIBLE RpHµMAKE SURE �) NvxmBEF Of SEC. ES.W000 RAPPEARDEDSEED URANDAMNMDT '[NDxE)SRLL B ' — _— " • II UTWEO° nr CONSULT CONTROL INSPECTOR AND ENGINEER DUMP.APPRDPRA,E METHOD. ' UAREAS SHOULD CO DISCUSSED WITH Cm OF ED.PRIOR TO 70TH STREET "\, i EXPORTING MATERIAL MLorFsN ..EROSION CONTROL NOTES AA PROCEDURES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE CONSTRUCTOR DOCUMEN TSW R .eo,a„a, . s CONTRACTOR SMALL COORDINATEPRNATE,PNBDD mums RELOCATES.SUCH a'mom swxcs j: N,NDHOLE:AND WIRNGETC � e -..,. -.1411=r- 1—5=9' t,Luu_� � - • 9 [�� ; '►� I H GRADING LEGEND:EGEND: / ` 1, 11_1_1!”' - i�i� \ i��J�I r �'� EXISTING CONTOUR lig'rI —PR—PROPOSED CONTOURS U RST UN i IN` � � R •■BOO cA,cN....s rVI RAINAGE ROUTING ' it A GROSS SF S :I. o RDNRNPON 1' I, I j li 9 .x _Ii 9f`: I —'—r PROPOSED STORM SEWER • / am STORM SEWER R •n ` EROS.CONTROL FENCE b F J,.. , ; �� �� �x " - °°} \ - I{ DRAINAGE ON Di1 , D. • • _ r ® , e.-a„ �< 1. �1111 i p µo Ton RELnTO °" waIsRF �Uln i mo„,,..UE 1 D a i .f. rzW • orn. \.. d .‘i ''cULE,PROTECTION I j\ — ''' '. eeM W�\." , ) CC• • 4441 :f II• • LCO Q ILI ` m C 7 R W ' 2I I ' ''''1 STORMWATER SUMMARY: m I zQ„1 ��,i lr. . Peak Discharge Ran IC./ : ¢ w x, N 7 A :""IMsz.I Condition 1.L 110. LEO .436 54 8895535W 000 • a "Nictor m v SOUTH Water Duality Summar °oxA :, • —0— PO[so ax.o , I l''. Volume aeavo MI ICN Lasa Nsn N> CLARK PE 1�s • i PPN I iAltt ASSURANCE/CONTROL ONT Lo ROL.. DATE E DATE ISSUE• PI-22-11,COY PLANNI.SURNITAL N PROJECT x Dw[o NmEAN ur DATAK oon E D 10 TO 40 C-3.0 SCALE IN FEET NVld ullhn a g I • Q mg• t 1tl111W8f1S ails !I 2 q o a W ,:' NI 14111 — x = V10S3NNIW 'VNI03 r .,, _ q aE J V• ir• alg 133N.LS HAL'M 106L 5 ..1-•':- s - n V lIV13k3 VN143 2 za€2!s a g x e i ilii. W 1 8S ' ▪ e zg g " ' s 1 'ss € - n ' E sm 1 0 0 PIM 0 w Ell 0 i z-," ,21n xi o1 H So a 35 w z:H. E S G H G G G o $ 1--a e a e tis a N N 5o •W W z-;: : g° ::' ": kt :. L: "- ' i ' :- - 1 1 , 1:'',:.,,,,,,,,.:_:;.f.:::,,:,.. iiit £3 - ceeeee .._,..F o r P _ •• Si:., as O goy e IU \ / LI ON ONOHAIN/1O0 w 0 �.��..�.�,� -,n,",• a H1nOS3l7N3Ab'3DNNHS Q p O o� O L''' _ __—__—_____—__—__— —__—__—__ O , a o- a '. ggEV ! /---7 9 00'0$1 M,•S,11,00N e 1- � % - _ . �B, —J -, 7ggim=A7iiiiiiost 17i1. - - �■ •' ISIl 1 41 \,,9� ' k e> ,_ 11 .4'' 1 . 1 " : 2 3 ' -1 £ 3 R R R R 1 P • d 3 , Vt 1• W eee a 1' 1 1" lil G & ^A 1 a s a a 3 € 8 c I Li \ \y\I _ e e e in na e m ma 5 a o - s - - - - CO co ' 4 sT_ o.—mafd'11G1 '619,l10n, v\� o. •� _ _ , G =1 1 a - O H —1s �` :d`I" gamg _ --- O ' a - - { _ °"e2;lo "i nb'n30NUS ' 0 $ U71 z0 �z ,,oe.t-IL-9lOZ 'ZZ.dv 5,^P I!lnLi0091\IOII!wInS al!S\staags Ma\LZ0091\9102\x:awou 6.m.0 •ss LEGEND: LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS \Y. PER em OF EDINA • ._..... - y �` oEMoeoN°o:THTHE NUMBER E PERIMETER`o�";xe ON THE Poa LOT OR usoRm IN FEET ALL 1 A N T 1 _.• DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY TREES 40. T SHALL BE e.•Iaar.I•. / Rnx0IEE5 5 P1*PROs233 m�(PCRIUREa INCLUDING ROW)/40•,,. Iia Ea STING D 000US)us) Park Avea.S.55 15 ORNAMENTAL00 xls,wc DsclDuous Minneapolis,MN 55415 I I—I I i—I I x L» I I I —I —I Ill TREE 6756.3080 calx . 612.758.3099 FAX calx' / // -- - FLOWERING 00 EVERGREEN SHRUBS .alliantinc.com z eP'ss.ss xsxs s - — - — I 4 I_ @ _ Sr cb, PERENNMLS $ ...... _—_ ___ —\POLY EDO NC . '�� I � � EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE 1 + O•0•00 s sAR�oAo�w�oAo 'w _ r� i�_ / ._a • ars L/T-S, PRIENCIe I a sW[Do[o coon NMLCH �., r w *II ONER FILTER FABRIC n,P)-' �". Il®9a®� s --_95 I 'A�°' CI I ' :i {i slf��� GROSS SF ,,__.:1.,...„40,- 1 �! rr0H SCHEDULE: m170 • ,E rxxear000/AAre0.,0�ran 0502.0.0 raght,r0n..NoV-CroeA • QI �:% /, L. TENANT T SHREDDED.0D IRAN `7 1"• L I DWNABEEMLL 2.S'Cal.BBB sn L,rvnt Nav{m¢n j�l i.�" GROaR SE t i om I_ I n,•a E ®1- • 'I� my LOGDIG( .1 ®6}a■ I I E P Crabapple l Ma.'Pram.Rom' Ya e '� °��: i/ I E I,...,g.Trre/HVbrar.eaPe•Lxaa MW M.xNvewr.n 1 GNI al )111—, —`--._ /'moi o ' —• 2,.; et 1..._9]MPI i I I I tl� NE Vale rwuna sp»ea/SwreaA fnMmmuM' )Fm ro.L Run.s�nas.nms N Ve r.e. I Je{{� 'v ,a,, .e ,41 I •.j. Spires I.P RR.weo.Nash' / .°711„_ – Ml �� I��`fl R ii .7 II I RS EG scaxaa, p/ u,.a. BAr�L Mini S canesMn Same,at S 1= 1�►�.,L.. -►� ^r�1�► �:� '� aob a.,a,e m J Q a S,W. ..a -� .�. �� J r t n Taunton Yew aM.�N. aP.,ea N89°55'35'4 20000 • �„ ~ o I Qt I am/Ca�aErarna 0 nD„,,,,,,,.,0„, ` f•. N ED BOG sap rc rHexHRnmrwr:elRPerxren. ,W.cont. 2 3 5 W 0 • S 32 SAI _ / / I I I .. I v aDL Dime vs,.l•mVlNv/�m�Tnlpla a»IwsNII, [[ .L. W rn N J 0 ID 20 40 I -MULCH TO BE LEVEL w,H dela e, ar SCALE N FEET POLY EDGING GRADE uxx[sOTA SUC _ „.„_... ' NOtt LANDSCAPE NOTES SOD, [LARK RK Ww LUND.FE ' aocoMPMM:wffiFco"oios. Mn cBD ° STANIAR°FOR NURSERY STOCK.AMERICAN ASSOCMTION OFw AMMAN e cox CREPE' \ rI II - - 2.;-4wAro,Y ASSURANCE/CONTROL S SHALL 7 2.CONTRACTOR rS LEFORCALL`NGAOPHRSTATE ONE. APPLY WRAPao 12.ALL TREF IN NOVEMBER AN REMOVEED 1 ° .4-0002 AND FOR FNOOn EHLLNEA PtPal M.ttRMLS -II II=III ` 1 � —II—u • e E RScBSTFROM"LACAECOTRxioLTE STRUCTURES. RESULTING LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION. UNTIL U ML P, REPAIRTE /ll , � —IIIIIII-11 �rxn00000 DATE ISSUE D.R,,P .MMN w GM.Nn. L R Ba DNE Ro P ® f �.L SODAREAS.PRO,IDF -J�.- 1 P ,.xBDBFOR ALL BUPO 0BE ED100 WETOWOODMULCH AT SOD DETAIL '..' PLANT MATERIALS UM,,HE PERMANENTIRRIGATION rG FULLY FUNCTIONAL. fI ���� SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 0KW.rINaPEN,NEa OS,,xy.. APPROVE AllSTAIN Pa , INSTALLATION. CHEMICAL WEED CONTROL ST BE PLIED To ALL uNDSGRE AREA : :e „ wLEtWH LKELTPR00 TO ANY Pwa ALMON S.ALL GARDTEAS UNLESS EOTHER.TD BE BED MULCHED ' RAcars,o........00nrs,Luroxw .,,,E.,. pt '"WITH EPH oHARDOx° REDDDMac,eoCLo' ER FABRIC. L- ,3 VuENEW ucxuu x OVER CONTRACTOR. CONCRETE SIDEWALK MULCH NOTES __ a / �.n�nv. wwnPl._nar.�vVa0VE0 EGIMELANDSCAPE SHALL APLUMBRE55 OF TREES FOR DURATON OF WART, =.. r _ ilici • 4i, ! - ! o,wRwsE wow w N.A.O1AER %u"LmES KuiD9RMUi BG-"'''''U"' ' ir--pj - »'/a._. i �\ -- t�� Rni°e ��33A" s3X 'R °F»z SELECT LOAMY RuwaMuouPs�'D xMOVCALDBS IL X. TOPSOIL.3WILL COMPLDELY PETMOSS1PIiUN SAND PROJECT TFAY DATAL �, ,� 111 la III vwwc mAsa "aGTTGATEOSNwOoE " mwAEsoAj”[UpDOFu0INU � L�W.\IT-ILI-I i°WIl-, AwMJG T. un24" " inF SUBTA,. GREEN PLANTING ARAS BE o • E PROJECT ALL REPLACEMENTS PROMPLYiASEa MC.of OWNER). SEPARATE ZONES RAIN SENSORS.USE RANBIRD OR APPROVED E L COORDINATE WwH PROPERTY OWNER LL"'HEOUL4-TIU-T/1nTil- /%�\// j / ; x'` '»"�L RlPT" PROJECT"O. ,.R-DD. ANY WHICH DIES.OR ADRTO ACCEPTANCE OF PROTECT T MR.ianEoAM SEE TEs THE won) ILL a PROMPTLY REMOVED AND NO NO E STORED WIN THE DRIP LINES IN Ex TOa xN. t TREE PLANTING DETAIL 3PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL OWOOD MULCH AT SIDEWALK DETAIL L_1,0 ,o.TE OWNERS IHmsENTATNE RFSERaEs THE RGHT TO REACT ANY PUNT MATERIAL NOT MEETING sPcnckna.N. »„x..,L O»,r,.,e„ r..a.M A C I 2 I A SUNSHADE Z. PRENNISHED METAL -',7; 0—Tre' Dz u i: SIGNk2t ALUMINUM STOREFRONT •• .''''a•. r••,.:' , •- ._. MYMITj PRENNISHED METAL I — ••-• ''74'-141'#•\'' '''4 •• CANOPY iliiIiralff---7111 fi.rir,,,,,,,,, . , ir1 - Illim tokLAURr,,IillgzTEOREFRONT- Will I Il I 1 • ' • Ill Mil I 1111 i i i I '-.'•• kii". •'•'Mtli—iltiall ---• -- -—- ,,(ZI'..."-: g _1 IF_..'.-:_' -,i •- 0--k-VP N..1 '' .., _ \ - STONE VENEER vair 8",,,r.,,- .RIOR ELEVATION i — 1 1 —ALUMINUM STOREFRONT PREFINSIHED METAL 1 CANOPY • DARK mgF : ALUMINUM- SIGNAGE —7,. , A _ au= i1 ——--———— : R 1 1 I i 1 •1 ,it ___.. ______ siGN,,Gr iiSIGNAGE-EY TENANT NT _ a • I if ii c,1•, ALUMINUM STOREFRO !ft!. STONE VENEER Hill : 0_4gy2.61 '''' ' ..' ... . imi 1• ',. -, ! 1 8 EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION — 8 41 a:I PREFINISHED ALUMINUM DARR Ii U BRONZE Igil SN SHAOE IIMai ; aa a ,JIITY HO IR VI METAL PANEL 1 CANOPY . . .... 2 0-Tin'Z"------------ 1 0 313 V*al ... ALUMINUM STOREFRONT STONE VENEER OIT:Hi EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/---.laE,F411Z-IED ALUMINUM- LU (5-t, _____ ALUMINUM STOREFRONT (-) z r------7---i r '2,!.r.,:.-.1 1:,----:-: 1.y.. [i.:.,,Y4k!bta! :::::-. :-.-r -11 -- 1,..- ii:Z_, 1-1„-- !.2..--: Ej. ,.... ......• . ._ 1••••---- •-..'1 SIGNAGE -1,, . - r'''4r SIGNAGE -,-.- .. . .. , . . ... ..,„. '1 .-,:t.. II -r: ''' fl-ai 1 SIGNAGE-BY TENANT PRENNISHED METAL CANOPY —-_-— ALUMINUM STOREFRONT g ' LI- iA 1 0 0 r...:'-r-o•"'''T OrPYr. 0'f-in'T,e;"esT 0 11"7T-rs' _ 1---r, i cK ,. eSTONE VENEER,,,,,n%T.ERIOR ELEVATION A200 4 ; ra+� 7 R .- w - -: '. t i .i..;:c:jitts,_ . ; - - - \ ' ,_„„,,,,,,,,,,,„1,x,,,,,,..4,,,, -.7-„,-4,- '' ,-7.'..„,': '... :,',,,. .',1'''.-7,1:',: ",,•::::"••'•-•' '.' .'.'.. '''''''''''''''''''. :.:44' .-.''.'.'..-.:L.;'' '- ...- ' ...„7:t.:,..7:::,_:,,,..7......--,...-:::::-,:;;;:-- .:.t. Y A-- fwc*N , {c • A ' . 1 1, .,,,,,,, ,:','':'11'.,'":!" en : Fr _«r-"i--'' ,..- .. 'tiAa A:ams', ,,, „;,=.:„,a�2=._ ,..l�- �. . . a I 0 :.., ., • ' 5-1(C'1'C /1, Ioq v Edina,Minnesota March,9,2016 EXTERIOR RENDERING DJ ARCHITECTURE INC. - I - 70TH STREET WEST 'I {(:1 reo ® Y. STONE RETAINING WALL RIGHT OF WAY LINE SIDEWALK A TENANT GROSS SF 1' OM Q ) sa1 8 0l UTILITY MONUMENT SIGN e,:..PrUte ere , a • 1_ {� ` � TENANT 2 • : 3,850 �k. diu, GROSS SF iX �,4 . Y�- u 39 parking14,7 N+ Ills spaces '; > 6" 4z .� '•f4'::. ea.ifsaz EIl____ *AO --TRASH/RECYCLING :-� :.:.:,� =1 ��' TRANSFORMER Q :.li•-::r:',:,it r:,.,,.(a, 1:,;..,;, . J .`•"'.�� ',- LAN-LEVIOWA {{O ROO H1 tIB'eRP 1'-0' EL1 �8 fIL Ails) -c Pl Ske � � . )[�cd.in CS , Weber Field ParIkookkn CJ tens ... ,hmntcsoli it a ,_ I'plumEdin _g#W tt jFlan t',, < AldeParkn Todd Park 1 syts ='lfod h 11 at lar.l•I/r aw 14,11*W - Mal,nvv As Division Sl I? 1A m Bron ndale v -__..... a � d Park ._l.li 7- ■ 1 v o r 1 1 Van u tin _ „,W — t Valkenbur Park _ - into/as/sun Blvd II J 1Voodd�)�<M,s } Williams Park r„toP,l 50th St W cc. . Cr-In Park.- UB t cd a„n, 5 1 I_m .t.,'W /Par4T \s i 1 4`HigNands Highlands i - , i 1o�c ".,Lake Park Frank t �_.,it”. ` I �. d ... r Tulsa 1 A• V y '' iI Fox - Pack .0 Park rc Public n Cat'', Arden Park. `- orr hm t7 4. cl Wd, Slie odOd o c<Cn$n Park P &Schaa¢l T ( IMINIIIMI .0.011111==mmi 6k Ili land / C eras d Churth R 5,1..wl Sclxrol _ /// - Han ec — ---Coloib), ' York Garden /1 Lakc __ )t Pad: l� ' Park ct., ' , )1/ Lae o Flc n.n,an �. y • Choh en = _ / %%Walnut - s d Lake I(<ledi„ i N ,58th 1l tie' I ` � n t • -\ klge -es'.". l.dm,rs, Parti cent: r `larO� 'Benton A,e Q k q6` rL C, de Auk Pamela ,. Bredesen „- cm N�>SUolms d,. mala. 0 Park = seta I :Park Park Funs e G > - -- __ .......-- ucpnoal _ "'� v„,.. d L' tImvde x 't )vc%G rahl F 'OtvR Pamela la ,, , Hill Mud Lake 62nd St Illip • LL - .+�. Countryside I Etrachauer g mor c to nl FrcPark� .,v°�� 63rd St.W Park ao s.iz ` —IL.; - 62 ch rn stauon J_.,tt-y 1 I r Lutheran Creek Valley Part' _'.. ¢ 11 Creel..VIII, Y It N City _ k� IMI y Arrowhead scho I ,.�� V e Valle,Ln ` , m t Lake \'Y.g'..n�llvf��.'t Cf!yroh i sa: ',,,_ `, , ,`,� '.. _ �rr�I ,•ts; G \ Normand;de Rosla•�♦` F, { i Park Lake Park I,* - 66th Si tt ci 66th StW Etna FI qr� ktk Comelia '• Wo� Ii cdJ �J It. mt. bIrHl JIt., HSgait Qra'` Vaitau Via,v Nd Park — - �, If:: c l g LI ndianhcad -a — vLake t _ � '611I'.1;' I -I ap _ AlcG tiro —• to 69,1,StW S c n..r Park j i a „ 11 o, Iota St W a.. Sr -n.,,W,.,n ■ 7 V!Pr. 1 _ ._70th StW,....ty '" ,. Arneson: .. yr. _,;y'..-.64.1. ` Acres Cornelia; ll t Park Com Bnstol elta _ 1+ 45 Patl. Hilary Lo - - _ 6'O ..P k ki. QUA i`. t�;u ° 'I F „R; Le, 5 - Wv.Uw toil u 4 Y DI P r Braemar Park and Golf Course Uea:e/Hill Rd Park es I irsor. -- s'o kloY n • (Courtney Fields) c It St W' Lake P Pn[4Y • Edina - - P klyn Ave P Y B c'1 r nr Wu�tm _ I 0 rad:ylan,zn C Sark G,� Fred Richard;+ark \ 76th Si W 'c , '., I = ,.,......_ 77th SW 1 Edtnberouch , ,_• 7S[h St W Sl-atvso to Di Park Bicycle Facilities Bike Routes(signed and/or marked as) Advisory Bike Lanes immlimin Bike or Shared Use Paths im 1.1Bike Boulevards Green Shared Bike Lanes N w9^l4, emolunia Shared Lane Markings 6yW�Ew 0 "' Bike Lanes FP Signed Bike Routes Approved Primary Route s "u may i a- Approved Secondary Route Engineering Dept •.'''r5 rte• 9 9 January 2016 13 0:\(elsers\engineering\Projects\Bicycle_Facilities_Compreheiisive.mxd r 2llh nem Y s F 3 #..x r.J E: ,� . : (.�. r ksaw a_ � ,l' _ 71 — \ '\ \)1 ( ,..q. r III ' ; ' VIIIII. im,: --ra--=-- ---. a -"�'i" 4 1i � '� M 1 vital" - . l' , 71 ---t' ., i ,,,,„ _.,,,,..f. ,,,. ,. '( ''''''':Ca'ii--.- r ! ------Cf---_:::. ':‘,7,1-flin" .. it-i-'7 1 j_ -,-, '''.;,, ' l: aNid 'r"r W { t 1 / Q'J ��. [\ ...7 7_1_,i ‘ '_. , ..,.---„-..__, ,....,LA, ''— / 1 \,...,.. -..-;-it'i'L'it,7,..!", 1 :� 11n by ,,,} �, _ ,�IIII ..r ► A 1 1 { i 11111111 r , �f�'`'r 1 /1'1 I',- 169 , f.--c-- t \ IIII ; i.,„: 26\,___.....‘—,ii:::--.....7.:,.:_7,,,i,, ,...., , I J 4 om A7ij& *trJ / imi L ' ? V-----, , ‘,1 '..,_...._j,,,.. r l s 1\ l, SOm I I ( ...,..-- . i ) I . I ii csj/Hr'-I 1.,T.LI r 't ......._,.. ..y+ a II ...,i._, ,i .r _ . .A- d res • Legend -. Existing ---- Future ---. Future ---- Future -... Future Sidewalk State-Aid Sidewalk Active Routes City Sidewalk Nine Mile Creek To School Sidewalk Regional Trail N 4„0. '4 W+E r(oa City of Edina S ,x''a )° Engineering Dept 4'2 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update , ` Sidewalk Facilities November 2014 �1r1A,�l DATE: May 9, 2016 TO: 3901 West 706 Street Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague— Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner P.E. - Director of Engineering RE: 3901 West 70"' Street— Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility connections, grading, and storm water. Plans reviewed were dated 4/22/2016. Details I. A developer's agreement will be required. a. Plat public easements for sidewalk facilities along France Avenue and 70th Street. 2. Review City of Edina standard plates for latest versions. Survey I. A proposed site survey is required. 2. Apply for vacation of existing easements if needed. Provide confirmation that private easements have been vacated. 3. Describe easements or transfer dedicated outlets for public sidewalk and any public utilities. Traffic and Street 4. Maximize to the longest extent possible, sidewalk access during construction.. 5. Construction staging, traffic control, and pedestrian access plans will be required. 6. Roadway light fixtures along France Avenue shall be Canto style. 7. Apply for curb cut permit for entrances. 18" bituminous patch required. 8. Show location of garbage collection and service on civil plan set. 9. Building access roads will need to accommodate ladder fire truck (turning template included). a. 15-ft minimum corner radius most likely required for ladder fire truck turning. Living Streets 10. 8-ft sidewalk with 8-ft boulevard along France Avenue required II. Show detail of sidewalk transition and connection to existing walk at south property line. 12. 5-ft sidewalk with 5-ft boulevard along 70th Street, minimum required 13. Install missing thermoplastic crosswalk across southbound France Avenue. Match existing style from 70th Street. Remove paint and grind in thermoplastic. 14. Install corner planter to match existing style at other three corners of intersection. 15. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. 16. Clearly denote private paths or sidewalk. Maintenance for non-public sidewalks to be responsibility of property owner. 17. Accessible parking stall calculations needed ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371•Fax 952-826-0392 r� On tel 12 El/44�1 Sanitary and Water Utilities 18. Verify fire demand. 19. Domestic water shall be sized by the developer's engineer. 20. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer's engineer. 21. Provide geotechnical report with soil borings. 22. Apply for a sewer and water connection permit if connecting at trunk pipes in Sandell Avenue. Storm Water Utility 23. Provide hydraulic and hydrologic report. 24. Provide more detailed information for infiltration system. 25. Evidence of watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed is required for building permit. 26. Evidence of County right of way permit for storm connection is required for building permit. 27. Manufacturer representatives required to monitor, inspect and verify construction of the underground retention systems. Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 28. A SWPPP consistent with the state general construction site permit is required. Other Agency Coordination 29. Nine Mile Creek Watershed permit is required. Hennepin County permit required for work within France Avenue ROW. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits are required as needed. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371•Fax 952-826-0392 ki klire6 Turning Performance Analysis 5/1/2013 __------- Parameters: -- Inside Cramp Angle: 45.00° Axle Track: 81.92 in. Wheel Offset: 5.25 in. Additional Bumper Depth Tread Width: 16.60 in. ' / ��ii Axle Track Chassis Overhang: 65.99 in. ,/f® —Wheel Offset Additional Bumper Depth: 19.00 in. 1 Cramp Angle Chassis Overhang ;' f;IL ._„rn Tread Width Front Overhang 84.99 in. IWheelbase: 258.00 in. J 1..j ---- , Calculated Turning Radii: Inside Turn: 20 ft. 4 in. % / t Curb to Curb: 36 ft. 8 in. di, Wheelbase ; ; c4 foiy Wall to Wall: 41 ft. 1 in. I / sof 0//),l lito S.Comments: • . 1 °e '�'os Truck 12205 ii i IIt pdaos Inside Turning Radius 1 1 1 1 1 11,, t, 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 \ 1 1 X 1\1 \ Components PRIDE# Description Front Tires 0078244 Tires,Michelin,425/65R22.50 20 ply XZY 3 tread Chassis 0070220 Dash-2000,Chassis,PAP/SkyArm/Midmount Front Bumper 0123625 Bumper, 19"extended,Imp/Vel Aerial Device 0006900 xxxAerial, 100'Pierce Platform Notes: Actual Inside Cramp Angle may be less due to highly specialized options. Curb to Curb turning radius calculated for a 9.00 inch curb. Page 1 of 2 All Turning Performance Analysis 5/1/20l3 Definitions: Inside Cramp Angle Maximum turning angle of the front inside tire. Axle Track King-pin to king-pin distance of the front axle. Wheel Offset Offset from the center-line of the wheel to the king-pin. Tread Width Width of the tire tread. Chassis Overhang Distance from the center-line of the front axle to the front edge of the cab. This does not include the bumper depth. Additional Bumper Depth Depth that the bumper assembly adds to the front overhang. Wheelbase Distance between the center lines of the vehicle's front and rear axles. Inside Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle around which the vehicle can turn. Curb to Curb Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the vehicle's tires can turn. This measurement assumes a curb height of 9 inches. Wall to Wall Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the entire vehicle can turn. This measurement takes into account any front overhang due to the chassis,bumper extensions and/or aerial devices. Page 2 of 2 Aft Sec. 36-488. - Planned Unit Development District-1 (PUD-1), Phoenix Plaza at 6996 France Avenue. (a) Legal description. The east 215 feet of the south 190 feet of the southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 28,Range 24,Hennepin County Minnesota. (b) Approved plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the FE 70 LLC plans received by the city on February 24, 2012,March 2,2012 and March 14,2012, including the building plans, except as amended by city council Resolution No. 2012-39, on file in the office of the planning department under file number 2011-011.11 a. (c) Principal uses. All principal uses allowed in the PCD-1 zoning district,except drive-through uses, bakeries, coffee shops and banks are as follows: (1) Catering. (2) Clothing store over 2,500 square feet. (3) Department store. (4) Dry goods. (5) Electrical and appliance store. (6) Furniture store. (7) Medical offices up to a maximum of 7,950 square feet total for the site. (8) Office supplies. (9) Paint and wallpaper. (10)Sporting goods. If the entire building is occupied by retail uses,then the mezzanine shall be turned into storage space and shall not be used for retail. (d) Accessory uses. (1) Off-street parking facilities. (2) Produce stands,pursuant to permit issued by the city manager. (3) Signs allowed per the PCD-1 district standards, except as follows: a. Wall signage on the two sides of the southeast corner of the building shall not exceed two feet by 13 feet in size. b. There shall be no window signage above the entry doors on the first level. c. The monument sign setback shall be three feet from the right-of-way. (e) Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses for Planned Unit Development District-1 (PUD-1). (f) Development standards. Development standards per the PCD-1 zoning district, except the following: (1) Building setbacks. a. Front—France Avenue: 16 feet. b. Side Street—South:ten feet. c. Side—North: 39 feet. d. Rear—West: 68 feet. /�i`1 (2) Parking lot setbacks. a. Front. 1. France Avenue:ten feet. 2. 70th Street:four feet. b. Side—North and west: four feet. (3) Building height: one story. (4) Maximum Hoof area ratio:37 percent. (g) Drive-through uses. Coffee shops,bakeries and banks,medical office over 7,950 square feet, and retail space over 6,600 square feet shall be prohibited. A.)-O ZONING § 36-608 II Planned Commercial District-2 (PCD-2) Planned Commercial District-3 (PCD-3) Planned Commercial District-4 (PCD-4) (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(1)) Sec. 36-608. Principal uses in PCD-I subdistrict. The following are the principal uses permitted in the PCD-I subdistrict: (I) Antique shops. (2) 'Art galleries. (3) Art studios. (4) Bakeries, pro ided the rooms containing the preparation and baking process shall not have a gross oor area in excess of 2,500 square feet. (5) Barbershops. (6) Beauty parlors. (7) Bicycle stores,including rental,repair and sales. (8) Book and stationery stores. (9) Camera and photographic supply stores. (10) Candy and ice cream stores. (I I) Clothes pressing and tailoring shops. (I 2) Clothing stores,not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. (13) Clubs, lodge halls and meeting rooms, offices and other facilities for nonprofit organizations,not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. (14) Coin and philatelic stores. (I 5) Day care. (16) Drug stores. (I 7) Dry cleaning establishments and laundries. (I 8) Employment agencies. (19) Financial institutions,but excluding drive-through facilities and pawnshops. (20) Florist shops. (2 I) Food,grocery,meat,fish,bakery and delicatessen stores. CD36:97 ASN § 36-608 EDINA CODE (22) Garden supply,tool and seed stores. (23) Gift shops. (24) Handball courts,racquetball courts and exercise and reducing salons. (25) Hardware stores. (26) Hobby shops,for the sale of goods to be assembled and used off the premises. (27) Household furnishings,fixtures and accessory stores,not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. (28) Interior decorating establishments. (29) Jewelry stores. (30) Launderettes. (3 I) Leather goods stores. (32) Liquor stores,municipally owned,off-sale. (33) Locksmith shops. (34) Medical and dental clinics. (35) Music and video sales and rental stores. (36) Musical instrument stores and repair shops. (37) Newsstands. (38) Offices,including both business and professional. (39) Optical stores. (40) Paint and wallpaper stores,not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. (41) Personal apparel stores,not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. (42) Picture framing and picture stores. (43) Repair stores and "fix-it" shops which provide services for the repair of home, garden,yard and personal use appliances. (44) Restaurants, but excluding drive-ins and drive-through facilities, other than as allowed in section 36-1264(f). (45) Schools. (46) Secondhand stores, not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area, but excluding pawn shops. (47) Shoe sales or repair stores. CD36:98 tt L \ ZONING § 36-609 (48) Sporting and camping goods stores,not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. (49) Tailor shops. (50) Tobacco shops. (5 I) Toy shops. (52) Travel bureaus and transportation ticket offices. (53) Variety,gift,notion and soft goods stores. (54) Vending machines which are coin- or card-operated, but excluding amusement devices. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(2)) Sec. 36-609. Principal uses in PCD-2 subdistrict. The following are the principal uses permitted in the PCD-2 subdistrict: (I) Any principal use permitted in PCD-I subdistrict. (2) Amusement and recreation establishments,such as amusement arcades,commer- cial bowling alleys and pool halls. (3) Animal hospitals and kennels,but excluding establishments with outside runs. (4) Automotive accessory stores,but excluding repair and service garages. (5) Blueprinting,printing and photostating establishments. (6) Business machine sales and service shops. (7) Catering establishments. (8) Clothing stores. (9) Clubs, lodge halls and meeting rooms, offices and other facilities for nonprofit organizations. (10) Commercial kennels,as defined by section 8-5. (I I) Currency exchanges,as defined in Minn.Stats.ch.53A. (I 2) Department stores,not exceeding 40,000 square feet of gross floor area. (I 3) Dry goods stores. (14) Electrical and household appliance stores, including radio and television sales and service. (I 5) Exterminating offices. CD36:99 § 36-609 EDINA CODE (16) Fabric stores. (17) Frozen food stores,including the rental of lockers in conjunction therewith. (18) Furniture stores,including upholstering when conducted as an incidental part of the principal use. (19) Fraternal,philanthropic and charitable institution offices and assembly halls. (20) Furrier shops,including the storage and conditioning of furs when conducted as an incidental part of the principal use. (21) Home repair,maintenance and remodeling stores and shops. (22) Hotels,motels and motor inns. (23) Household furnishings,fixtures and accessories stores. (24) Laboratories,medical and dental. (25) Office supplies stores. 26 Orthopedic and medical appliance stores, but excluding the manufacturing or assembly of appliances or goods. (27) Paint and wallpaper stores. (28) Personal apparel stores. (29) Pet shops. (30) Photography studios. (3 I) Post offices. (32) Public utility service stores. (33) Rental agencies for the rental only of clothing, appliances, automobiles, cartage trailers,and household fixtures,furnishings and accessories,excluding pawnshops. (34) Schools for teaching music,dance or business vocations. (35) Sporting and camping goods stores. (36) Taxidermist shops. (37) Telegraph offices. (38) Theaters,but excluding outdoor or drive-in facilities. (39) Ticket agencies. (40) Trading stamps redemption stores. CD36:100 ZONING § 36-612 (41) Undertaking and funeral home establishments. (Code 1970; Code 1992,§ 850.16(3)) Sec. 36-610. Principal uses in PCD-3 subdistrict. The following are the principal uses permitted in the PCD-3 subdistrict: (I) Any principal use permitted in PCD-2 subdistrict, except offices requiring the issuance of a conditional use permit. (2) Department stores or shopping centers, exceeding 40,000 square feet of gross floor area. (3) Transit stations. (4) Publicly owned uses. (5) Sexually oriented businesses. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(4)) Sec. 36-61 I. Principal uses in PCD-4 subdistrict. The following are the principal uses permitted in the PCD-4 subdistrict: (I) Automobile service centers. (2) Carwashes. (3) Gas stations. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(5)) Sec. 36-612. Conditional uses. The following are the conditional uses permitted in the PCD-I subdistrict: (I) PCD-I and PCD-2 subdistricts. Multiresidential uses. (2) PCD-3 subdistrict. a. Automobile agencies selling new,unused vehicles. b. Boat or marine stores or agencies selling or displaying new,unused boats. c. Multiresidential uses. d. Offices,except offices allowed as a permitted accessory use. e. All nonresidential uses that increase the FAR to more than 0.5. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(6)) CD36:101 /T� § 36-613 EDINA CODE Sec. 36-613. Accessory uses in PCD-1 subdistrict. The following are the accessory uses in the PCD-I subdistrict: (I) Off-street parking facilities. (2) Buildings for the storage of merchandise to be retailed by the related principal use. (3) Not more than two amusement devices. (4) Drive-through facilities,except those accessory to financial institutions.A restau- rant may have a drive-through facility subject to the requirements in section 36-1264(f). (5) Produce stands pursuant to a permit issued by the manager. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(7)) Sec. 36-614. Accessory uses in PCD-2 subdistrict. The following are the accessory uses permitted in the PCD-2 subdistrict: (I) All accessory uses allowed in PCD-I subdistrict. (2) Drive-through facilities. (3) Amusement devices. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(8)) Sec. 36-615. Accessory uses in PCD-3. The following are the accessory uses permitted in the PCD-3 subdistrict: (I) All accessory uses permitted in PCD-I and PCD-2 subdistricts. (2) Automobile or boat and marine stores or agencies selling used automobiles or boats,if: a. Such a use is accessory to and on the same lot as a related principal use selling new automobiles or boats;and b. The total floor area and lot area devoted to the accessory use does not exceed that of the principal use. (3) Repair garages for servicing motor vehicles, if such a use is on the same lot as an automobile agency. (4) Offices accessory to an allowed principal use. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(9)) CD36:102 /f , ZONING § 36-617 Sec. 36-616. Accessory uses in PCD-4. The following are the accessory uses permitted in the PCD-4 subdistrict: (I) Accessory carwashes. (2) Retail sales of convenience goods. (3) Gasoline sales accessory to a carwash. (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 650.16(10)) Sec. 36-617. Requirements for building coverage,setbacks and height. (a) Maximum floor area ratio. Subject to the requirements of 36-617. PCD-I _ 1.0 of the tract PCD-2 1.5 of the tract PCD-3 (I) North of West 70th Street: I.0 of the tract,provided that nonresidential uses may not exceed 0.75 (2) South of West 70th Street:0.5 of the tract PCD-4 0.3 of the tract (b) Setbacks. Subject to the requirements of section 36-617(1) and (2). Front Yard (in feet) Side Yard (in feet) Side Yard (in feet) Rear Yard (in feet) PCD-I 35* 25* 25* 25* PCD-2 35* 25* 25* 25* PCD-3 North of 70th St. 35** 35** 35** 35** South of 70th St. 50** 50** 50** 50** PCD-4 Gas stations 35 25 25 25 All other uses 45 25 45 25 *Or the building height,if greater. **Subject to the requirements of section 3 -617. C (c) Maximum building height. See article XI,division 2 of this chapter,Building Height PCD-1 Overlay District and appendix A of the city's official zoning map See article XI,division 2 of this chapter,Building Height PCD-2 Overlay District and appendix A of the city's official zoning map CD36:103 § 36-617 EDINA CODE See article XI,division 2 of this chapter,Building Height PCD-3 Overlay District and appendix A of the city's official zoning map See article XI,division 2 of this chapter,Building Height PCD-4 Overlay District and appendix A of the city's official zoning map (Code 1970;Code 1992,§ 850.16(I I)) Sec. 36-618. Special requirements. In addition to the general requirements described in article XII,division 2 of this chapter, the following special requirements shall apply: (I) Established average front street setback for PCD-1 and PCD-2 subdistricts.When more than 25 percent of the frontage on one side of the street between intersections is occupied by buildings having front street setbacks of greater or lesser distances than hereafter required, then the average setback of the existing buildings shall be maintained by all new or relocated buildings on the same side of that street and between the intersections.If a building is to be built or relocated where there is an established average setback,and there are existing buildings on only one side of the building or relocated building, the front street setback of the new or relocated building need be no greater than that of the nearest adjoining principal building.If a building is to be built or relocated where there is an established average setback and there are existing buildings on both sides of the new or relocated building,the front street setback need be no greater than that which would be established by connecting a line between the most forward portion of the adjacent principal building on each side. (2) Interior side yard and rear yard setbacks. Interior side yard and rear yard setbacks, including parking setbacks and loading facility setbacks,apply only when the side or rear lot line is a Planned Commercial District boundary. (3) Setbacks for PCD-3 subdistrict. The minimum building setback required by section 36-617(b) shall be increased as follows: a. In the area bounded by France Avenue on the west,York Avenue on the east and W. 70th Street on the south, the minimum building setback shall be increased by one-third-foot for each foot that the building exceeds 50 feet in building height. For purposes hereof,only those portions of buildings which exceeds 50 feet in building height need provide the additional setbacks required by this subsection. CD36:104r DJR ARCHITECTURE,INC. 333 Washington Avenue North,Suite 210,Union Plaza.Minneapolis,MN 55401 T. 612.676.2700 F:612.676.2796 wxw.djr-inc.com March 18, 2016 Cary Teague, Planning Director Planning Department Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Project: Retail Development Location: 3901 70th Street West Subject: Working Principle and Supporting Question Response Give-to-get; Plan and Process Allow latitude to gain tangible and intangible outcomes aligned with the district principles. The project's core design decisions relate to the following core principles, which align with overall France Avenue redevelopment objectives. The primary parameters for the design and function of the building are: address the street with the building and create a compelling and pedestrian friendly environment supported by building location close to France Avenue, a building that addresses the corner, vehicular parking that is largely screened by the building and landscaping and an animated façade. The building design and site layout build upon Phoenix Plaza, the first building along France Avenue to address the street with a greater emphasis on the pedestrian, especially as a transition from the Vehicular oriented South Dale Shopping Center as the site starts the east-west transition from commercial to residential. To build a project on the site without the street centered edge would erase the progress that has been made by pedestrian improvements to the area in the both buildings and infrastructure. Edina Cultural Preferences; Identity Advance quality through thoughtful and artful design of buildings and publicly accessible spaces, highlighted human activity, and enhanced economic vibrancy. The project is designed as a largely glass and stone exterior cladding with long lasting metal complements. The products age well and will maintain their character with little maintenance. The site entry sequence at is flanked by stone seat walls that set off the entry and provide pedestrian amenities to the public. The large glass entries on the street give an active view of the interior and provide visual interest to the streetscape. The redevelopment of the site removes an automotive centered business and replaces it with neighborhood retail where by environmental contaminants will be removed and a flexible retail structure will be able to respond to changing economic preferences through time. /L `1 District Function Look beyond baseline utilitarian functions of a single site to create mutually supportive and forward-looking infrastructure sustaining the district. The site redevelopment will include a site contained storm water collection on the property, whereas the existing site is primarily a run-off condition for storm water. The re-use of existing infrastructure limits the impacts on city and regional services and the redevelopment removes the resource-heavy car wash. Basic city utilities will be required for the project for water and sanitary function, but likely at a fraction of their current uses. Comprehensive Connections; Movement Foster a logical,safe, inviting and expansive public realm facilitating movement of people within and to the district. As described in the project narrative, the redevelopment poses many traffic improvements over the existing condition — the elimination of a curb cut at the corner of 70th and France will reduce congestion for cars slowing at the intersection for turning vehicles. The pedestrian oriented building and site encourages use and supports current infrastructure improvements and connections across both 70th street and France Avenue. The two retained vehicular curb cuts are located remote from the intersection for greater safety for pedestrians and cars alike. See also comments above under Edina Cultural Preferences... for addition area pedestrian amenities such as street facing retail, hidden parking landscaping and seat walls. Site Design; Transitions Encourage parcel-appropriate intensities promoting harmonious and interactive relationships without"leftover"spaces on sites. The project is conceived of as a counterpart to Phoenix Plaza to the north in scale, materials, siting and pedestrian amenities. The architectural language started in that project is continued at this project. The space between the building and street is accented with landscaping and gracious pedestrian approaches. Health Advance human and environmental health as the public and private realms evolves. The proposal improves the current site by introducing landscape elements and comprehensive storm water treatments of the site that is almost exclusively paved in its current condition. The increased landscape not only provides a more attractive streetscape, but allows storm water infiltration and rate control as well as environmental shading of the building and paving decreasing heat island effects. Innovation Embrace purposeful innovation aimed at identified and anticipated problems. The building structure is planned to accomplish a higher standard of thermal insulation through advanced techniques that allow continuous insulation at its perimeter, making the insulation more effective and efficient. This improvement leads to better thermal comfort, lower utility use and utility costs and smaller heating and cooling equipment to be installed. This construction technique was previously used at Phoenix Plaza and has proven advantageous as described above. /-30 Land Use; Live-able Precincts Promote well-balanced aggregations of"come to" and "stay at" places focused on human activity and linked to an engaging public realm. The proposed project is envisioned as a neighborhood retail node with a lesser intensity to that found in the neighboring shopping mall. Itis easily envisioned that the services provided at the site may be incidental in nature and can easily be accomplished as a routine trip rather than a destination or excursion. Neighborhood retail is likely the best description of the planned uses. The majority of is likely end of day and weekend visits in nature Economic Vitality Ensure every component contributes to the sustained economic vitality of the district and the community. The neighborhood retail nature of the project is support of other existing retail along France Avenue and considered as a link between the Room and Board Store to the south and the Phoenix Plaza Office and Retail development to the north. Building placement, pedestrian amenities and low scale/low intensity retail uses support each other by allowing informal pedestrian traffic to happen between them and is supportive of neighborhood needs as well. The redevelopment of the site continues the work of the previous five years by the city to create a more sustainable and lively France Avenue. The depth of the site, while challenging in a traditional car-centered sense where parking is at the front of the site can be supportive of a new vision for pedestrian friendly streetscapes and sensitive urban planning. If it can be recognized that pedestrian and bike friendly developments can decrease vehicular requirements and congestion, expansive and costly parking fields can be minimized so the community benefits from reduction of vehicular dominance that still exists in the parking requirements of many cities. Cordially, 814—&r .s .m* Sheldon Berg, AIA, Leed AP, Principal ��I Draft Minutes El Approved Minutes® Approved Date:4/1 3/20 16 Discussion Commissioners discussed i nd use consistent with Edina's Comprehensive Plan. Motion was made by Thors stating nd uses are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion was seco d by Commissioner bs. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Sketch Plan Review— DJR Architecture, Inc. 3901 70th Street West Planner Comments Planner Teague reported the Commission is being asked to review a sketch plan proposal at 3901 70th Street West. Teague said the applicant is proposing to tear down the existing gas station and re-build an 8,030 square foot retail building. Continuing, Teague said the applicant would like to request a rezoning of this site from Planned Commercial District -4 (PCD-4) to Planned Unit Development. Teague noted the proposed building is very similar to the request made by this same applicant across the street at the Phoenix Plaza, where the Vitamin Shoppe and Ameritrade building is located. Concluding, Teague said the proposal would be an improvement over the existing building and the use on the site. Appearing for the Applicant Dean Dovolis and Sheldon Burg, DJR, Architecture, Inc. Applicant Presentation Dean Dovolis addressed the Commission and explained it was their intent to redevelop this site with a "sister-building" to the building across the street (Phoenix Place). Dovolis said the exterior building materials would match; however, the design of the new building would be different. With graphics Dovolis highlighted aspects of the project. • Rezone the subject site from PCD-4 Planned Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Phoenix Place across the street was similarly rezoned. • Redevelopment would create a greener and more environmentally friendly building site by improving storm water rates. • Improved traffic circulation. • Create a more pedestrian friendly environment by supporting the initiatives from the Comprehensive Plan and Southdale/France Avenue working principles. • Adds additional retail elements that would serve the adjoining residential neighborhood. - 4 - 4 Draft Minutes❑ Approved Minutes® Approved Date:4/13/2016 Chair Platteter thanked the development team for their presentation and explained to the audience that sketch plan review is not a public hearing. The applicant presents their sketch plan to gather input from the Commision. Comments/Suggestions from the Commission • Consider extending the boulevard style sidewalk along France Avenue. It appears the southernmost extension has the sidewalk adjacent to the street with the plantings between the sidewalk and parking stalls, not sidewalk, boulevard and street as indicated to the north. • Reconsider building placement. Is it possible to pull the building father back from France Avenue to achieve a wider boulevard area? The development team indicated if that was considered parking spaces would be lost; and while they want to achieve a pedestrian friendly engaging site the building needs to be adequately parked to be successful. The development team further noted that the landscaped area on the west is mostly on City right-of-way with residential properties directly to the west. • Some Commissioners indicated they did not like the concept of"sister" buildings on each corner. It was suggested that the applicant incorporate different exterior building materials. • It was mentioned that the "sister" buildings or "bookends" work well by anchoring the corners and creating a gateway into the adjoining residential neighborhood. • Continue to enhance the pedestrian experience and consider adding outdoor benches. • The development team was asked to remember the importance of providing convenient locations for bike parking. • The development team was asked if they had a tenant for the space; and if so what type of tenant is it. The development team indicated the tenant is a "dry goods" tenant. Mr. Dovolis in response to the discussion said their intent was to provide a building that creates a pedestrian friendly area that encourages walking and enhances the greater Southdale area experience. Dovolis said he would look at shifting the building and eliminating parking stall(s); however, said he would be uncomfortable if more than two parking stalls were lost to accommodate landscaping, etc. Chair Platteter thanked the applicant for their presentation. C. Sketch Plan Review— 0 Developm Company, LLC — 5901 Lincoln Drive Planner Comments Planner Teague told the Commission th ar eing asked to review a sketch plan proposal to develop the former United Health Group site o incoln Dri . Teague reported that Children's Hospital is moving into portions of the existing o building, adding request this evening is to remove a portion of the 5 � tc3l Minutes Edina Cit Co► ,cil A ril 5 2016 Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Ste .rt, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VIIIA. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE CI PROPERTY, 50TH D FRANCE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION —APPROVED Police Chief Nelson explained that 50th an. ran - tusiness Association had applied for a Special Permit for the use of City property in the E. . 5-0 parking lot to facilitate the Edina Grill Craft Beer garden during the 50th and France A .ir - -nt on June 3-5, 2016. As required by City Code Section 24-346, the Association had su• itted all -quired applications, fees, and documentation. The Association would be making t• required $5,0k 4.00 cash deposit nearer to the event. Staff recommended approval of the sp ial permit. Member Stewart made . otion, seconded by Membe :rindle, approving a Special Permit to use City property • the Edina 5-0 parking lot from 51 and France Business Association on June 3-5, 201. Ayes: Brindl- : aunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion . led. VIII.B. SKETCH PLAN REVIEW, 3901 70TH STREET WEST—REVIEWED Assistant Planner Presentation Assistant Planner Aaker introduced a sketch plan proposal to redevelop the property at 3901 70th Street West. The applicant was proposing to tear down the existing gas station and build an 8,030 square foot retail building. The applicant would like to request a rezoning of this site from Planned Commercial District-4 to Planned Unit Development. The site was guided in the Comprehensive Plan for Office Residential. Because of that land use designation, uses allowed within the Planned Commercial District-1 would seem more appropriate. Proponent Presentation Dean Dovolis, DJR Architects, presented the proposed development including renderings of the building, site plan, parking, pedestrian environment, landscaping, and described how it interacted with Phoenix Plaza across the street. Mr. Dovolis answered questions of the Council related to the boulevard, use of front entries, possible types of retail, soil condition, and bike racks. The Council discussed the proposed project and expressed support for the larger boulevard, the proposed building and materials, and the way the building interacted with Phoenix Plaza. The Council suggested more glass along France Avenue and asked staff to look into whether a Planned Unit Development zoning was necessary. VIII.C. SKETCH PLAN REVIEW, 590 INCO RIVE—REVIEWED Member Staunton recused himself b a a family member was involved in a neighboring project and left the dais. Assistant Planner Presentation Ms. Aaker introduced a sketch an proposa o develop the former United Health Group site at 5901 Lincoln Drive. Children would move int the existing office building on the north and east Pa 6 ORDINANCE NO. 2016- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE PUD-8, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-8 DISTRICT AT 7700 FRANCE AVENUE The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Chapter 36, Article VIII, Division 4 is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 36-488. -Planned Unit Development District-1 (PUD-1), Phoenix Plaza at 6996 France Avenue & 3901 70th Street. (a) Legal description. The east 215 feet of the south 190 feet of the southeast quarter of Section 30,Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County Minnesota; and That part of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 677, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying West of a line parallel with and 50 feet Westerly of the East line of Section 31,Township 28, Range 24. (b) Approved plans. (1) 6996 France. Incorporated herein by reference are the FE 70 LLC plans received by the city on February 24, 2012, March 2, 2012 and March 14, 2012, including the building plans, except as amended by city council Resolution No. 2012-39, on file in the office of the planning department under file number 2011-011.11a. (2) 3901 70th Street. Incorporated herein by reference are the plans received by the city on , 2016, including the building plans, except as amended by city council Resolution No. 2016- , on file in the office of the planning department under file number 2016-0007a. (c) Principal uses. All principal uses allowed in the PCD-1 zoning district, except drive-through uses, bakeries, coffee shops. In addition the following uses are allowed: (1) Catering. (2) Clothing store over 2,500 square feet. (3) Department store. (4) Dry goods. (5) Electrical and appliance store. (6) Furniture store. (7) Medical offices up to a maximum of 7,950 square feet total for the site. (8) Office supplies. (9) Paint and wallpaper. (10) Sporting goods. If the entire building at 6996 France is occupied by retail uses, then the mezzanine shall be turned into storage space and shall not be used for retail. (d) Accessory uses. (1) Off-street parking facilities. (2) Produce stands, pursuant to permit issued by the city manager. (3) Signs allowed per the PCD-1 district standards, except as follows: a. Wall signage on the two sides of the southeast corner of the building shall not exceed two feet by 13 feet in size. b. There shall be no window signage above the entry doors on the first level. c. The monument sign setback shall be three feet from the right-of-way. (e) Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses for Planned Unit Development District-1 (PUD-1). (f) Development standards. Development standards per the PCD-1 zoning district, except the following: (1) Building setbacks. a. Front—France Avenue: 16 feet. b. Side Street-70th Street South: ten feet. c. Side North: 39 feet. d. Rear West: 68 feet. (2) Parking lot setbacks. a. Front. 1. France Avenue:ten feet. 2. 70th Street: four feet. b. Side: Four feet. 0 feet on the west lot line of 6901 70th Street (3) Building height: one story. (4) Maximum floor area ratio: 37 percent. (g) Drive-through uses. Coffee shops, bakeries and banks, medical office over 7,950 square feet, and retail space over 6,600 square feet shall be prohibited. Section 3. This ordinance is effective immediately. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: 43( 2 A WSBInfrastructure® Engineering■ Planning®Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite#300 Minneapolis,MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Mr. Cary Teague, Community Development Director City of Edina FROM: Charles Rickart,P.E.,PTOE,Project Manager WSB&Associates,Inc. DATE: May 19,2016 RE: 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina,MN WSB Project No. 1686- 073 Background The purpose of this study is to determine the potential traffic impacts the proposed redevelopment of the 3901 W. 70th Street site has on the adjacent roadway system, and determine the anticipated parking demand for the proposed redevelopment. The site is located in Edina in the southwest quadrant of France Avenue and W. 70th Street. The existing site contains a full service BP gas station with a car wash. Access to the existing site is currently provided at three(3) locations;two right-in/right-out driveways on France Avenue, and a full movement driveway on W. 70th Street. The project location is shown on Figure 1. The proposed site redevelopment includes reconstruction of the site with a new 8,030 sf retail building for two tenants. Access to the site will be provided at two driveways;a right-in only on France Avenue and a full movement access on W. 70th Street. The current plan provides 40 parking spaces for the site.The proposed site plan is shown on Figure 2. The traffic impacts of the existing and anticipated development were evaluated at each site driveway as well as the primary impacted intersection at France Avenue and W. 70th Street. The parking demand was determined based on possible uses and City Code.The following sections of this report document the traffic and parking analysis and the anticipated impacts of the proposed redevelopment on the adjacent roadway system. A37 3901 West 70`"Street Traffic and Pay king Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 2 of 13 r Y Aim i! A r M » •i rn Lake .u r �, "* y+ 4 1V x a x. w e r I. P. ✓'" ar i S. 'f 1" t Y If r ,. i ' .# L w N. . . 70th Street * i x ` of : " , " -w .:` El 41 c`' r* a -. yy(N r yy�$�� +I .-70thx r•et • .OM1 y,, +& y c` s e : i" /411011.111111 fes, t ,Aail► • «' ..: 'S ti 4,,: i - . 1 firy . lir `.- . w Traffic and Parking Study P 3901 W.70th Street G pi;_i"' Cityof Edina. Minnesota Project Location Map 1 3 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 3 of 13 F.41 rand , 1 ,111 t } twtmonsIlli 1 01 s ! t it.I IIY/411.116X17 3 ,� , :s • • yg 11(t�t d } �.. 4S --II:1 I • ji i I* 4.1410J .. .r Mi%K.40.411Y TT}VA j4 • 1 • v : � z r4.4 M t!3 [tt • 0 Q) Rs CD Y CD E w [n44= Ca Ei •� 4114•14 rm. 4.4 JIM 7&M* v W • t� a M-- CrC? :(11rIrm,. to A3 c1 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 4 of 13 Existing Traffic Characteristics The existing lane configuration and traffic control include: France Avenue at W. 70th Street—Traffic Control Signal SB France Ave approaching W. 70th St—one right/through, two through, one left NB France Ave approaching W. 70th St—one right/through,two through, one left EB W. 70th St approaching France Ave—one right, one bike lane, one through, one left WB W. 70th St approaching France Ave—one right, one bike lane, one through, one left Site driveways—Stop Sign Control France Avenue north RI/RO access—one lane in, one lane out France Avenue south RI/RO access—one lane in, one lane out W. 70th Street full movement access—one lane in, one lane out AM and PM peak hour turning movement counts were conducted at each site driveway in conjunction with the 6996 France Avenue development plan and traffic study completed in 2011, and; counts conducted with the Southdale Area Transportation Model update at France Avenue and W. 70th Street in 2015, were used in the analysis to determine the background traffic levels on the roadways. Site Trip Generation The estimated trip generation from the proposed redevelopment is shown below in Table 1.The trip generation rates used to estimate the site traffic is based on extensive surveys of the trip- generation rates for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition. The table shows the total daily,AM peak hour and PM. peak hour trip generation for the existing Gas Station use on the site and the proposed redevelopment plan. As indicated previously,traffic counts were conducted at each site driveway during the AM and PM peak hours.This was compared to a typical gas/service station trip generation from the ITE Trip Generation Manual. As shown below in Table 1 the potential trips that could be generated from the site is significantly higher than the actual counts. In order to look at the worst case condition,the ITE site generated traffic was used for the existing no-build analysis. It should be noted that the total traffic volume anticipated for the redevelopment will be less than what is currently generated by the site and significantly less than what a typical gas/service station could generate. fir►. ) 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 5 of 13 Table 1-Estimated Site Trip Generation ADT AM Peak PM Peak Land Use Size Unit Total In Out Total In Out Total In Out Existin a Site Counted 9/15/2011 Gas Station 6 Fueling NA NA NA 32 17 15 52 28 24 Stations Existing Site(ITE Gas Station) Gas Station 6 Fueling 918 459 459 71 36 35 83 42 41 Stations Redevelopment Alternative Retail 8.03 1000sf 356 178 178 9 4 5 30 13 17 Source:Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition Trip Distribution Site-generated trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway system based on the population distribution relative to the site and the travel sheds for the major routes that serve it. The trip distribution was assumed as follows: 30% north on France Avenue 40% south on France Avenue 20% west on W. 70th Street 10% east on W. 70th Street Traffic Operations Existing and forecasted traffic operations were evaluated for the intersection of France Avenue at W. 70th Street and each site driveway. This section describes the methodology used to assess the operations and provides a summary of traffic operations. Analysis Methodology The traffic operations analysis is derived from established methodologies documented in the Highway Capacity Manual 2000(HCM).The HCM provides a series of analysis techniques that are used to evaluate traffic operations. k-c1 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 6 of 13 Intersections are given a Level of Service(LOS)grade from "A"to "F"to describe the average amount of control delay per vehicle as defined in the HCM.The LOS is primarily a function of peak traffic hour turning movement volumes, intersection lane configuration, and the traffic controls at the intersection.LOS A is the best traffic operating condition, and drivers experience minimal delay at an intersection operating at that level. LOS E represents the condition where the intersection is at capacity, and some drivers may have to wait through more than one green phase to make it through an intersection controlled by traffic signals. LOS F represents a condition where there is more traffic than can be handled by the intersection, and many vehicle operators may have to wait through more than one green phase to make it through the intersection.At a stop sign-controlled intersection, LOS F would be characterized by exceptionally long vehicle queues on each approach at an all-way stop, or long queues and/or great difficulty in finding an acceptable gap for drivers on the minor legs at a through-street intersection. The LOS ranges for both signalized and un-signalized intersections are shown in Figure 3.The threshold LOS values for un-signalized intersections are slightly less than for signalized intersections. This variance was instituted because drivers' expectations at intersections differ with the type of traffic control.A given LOS can be altered by increasing (or decreasing)the number of lanes, changing traffic control arrangements, adjusting the timing at signalized intersections, or other lesser geometric improvements. LOS also changes as traffic volumes increase or decrease. Figure 3 Level of Service Ranges for Signalized and Un-signalized Intersections 80 LOS E - a 55� C a t 50 , LOSE ` 35 A 35 o LOS C o 25 20 t LOS C LOS B 15 LOS 6 10 10 LOS A LOS A Signalized Intersection Unsign&,zed Intersection SOURCE'.Level pl Service ILresaoles lipm IOe.Hip�ay Capadly Manual.2000. LOS, as described above, can also be determined for the individual legs(sometimes referred to as"approaches") or lanes (turn lanes in particular)of an intersection. It should be noted that a LOS E or F might be acceptable or justified in those cases where a leg(s)or lane(s)has a very low traffic volume as compared to the volume on the other legs.For example,improving LOS on such low-volume legs by converting a two-way stop condition to an all-way stop, or adjusting timing at a signalized intersection, could result in a significant penalty for the many drivers on the major road while benefiting the few on the minor road.Also, geometric improvements on minor legs, such as additional lanes or longer turn lanes,could have limited positive effects and might be prohibitive in terms of benefit to cost. 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 7 of 13 Although LOS A represents the best possible level of traffic flow,the cost to construct roadways and intersection to such a high standard often exceeds the benefit to the user. Funding availability might also lead to acceptance of intersection or roadway designs with a lower LOS. LOS D is generally accepted as the lowest acceptable level in urban areas. LOS C is often considered to be the desirable minimum level for rural areas. LOS D or E may be acceptable for limited durations or distances, or for very low-volume legs of some intersections. The LOS analysis was performed using Synchro/SimTraffic: • Synchro, a software package that implements Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodologies, was used to build each signalized intersection and provide an input database for turning-movement volumes, lane geometries, and signal design and timing characteristics. In addition, Synchro was used to optimize signal timing parameters for future conditions. Output from Synchro is transferred to SimTraffic, the traffic simulation model. • SimTraffic is a micro-simulation computer modeling software that simulates each individual vehicle's characteristics and driver behavior in response to traffic volumes, intersection configuration, and signal operations. The model simulates drivers' behaviors and responses to surrounding traffic flow as well as different vehicle types and speeds. It outputs estimated vehicle delay and queue lengths at each intersection being analyzed. Existing Level of Service Summary Table 2,below, summarizes the existing LOS at each driveway and the intersection of France Avenue and 70th Street based on the current lane geometry and traffic volumes. The table shows that all intersection are operating at LOS D or better during both the AM and PM peak hours. At the France Avenue and W. 70th Street intersection the northbound left turn in the AM peak is operating at a LOS E and in the PM peak hour at a LOS F.At the full movement driveway access to W. 70th Street the westbound left turn into the site is operating at a LOS E.All other movements are operating at LOS D or better. Table 2-Existing Level of Service AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay (sec/veh) (sec/veh) France Ave at W. 70th Street C (E) 28 D(F) 36 France Ave north RI/RO Driveway A(A) 1 A (A) 2 France Ave south RI/RO Driveway A (A) 1 A(A) 2 W. 70th Street Full Movement Driveway A(C) 4 B (E) 10 C=Overall LOS, (E)=Worst movement LOS Source: WSB&Associates,Inc. c�� � 13 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 8 of 13 Forecast Traffic Operations A capacity and LOS analysis was completed for the France Avenue at W. 70th Street intersection and each site driveway for the proposed redevelopment plan. The results of the analysis are shown below in Table 3. All of the intersections are expected to operate at the same or better level of service after the redevelopment as before the redevelopment. Table 3—Redevelopment Level of Service AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay (sec/veh) (sec/veh) France Ave at W. 70th Street C (E) 27 D (F) 35 France Ave Right In Driveway A(A) 1 A (A) 2 W. 70th Street Full Movement Driveway A (C) 4 B (D) 12 C =Overall LOS (E)=Worst movement LOS Source: WSB&Associates,Inc. Parking Demand Analysis The parking demand for the site was analyzed based on the proposed redevelopment plan and potential uses on the site. Based on the current City Code the proposed development would require a total of 40 to 50 parking spaces depending on the use. Table 4 shows the parking required based the current City Code for retail and office uses. Table 4—Parking Required per City Code Use Rate Parking Req wired 8 for first 1,000sf+6 for each 50 Retail additional 1,000sf Office 1/200sf 40 Medical Office 1/200sf+ 1/Doctor 48 Source: City of Edina The parking demand was also analyzed based on industry standards. The parking generation rates used to estimate the parking demand was based on surveys of the parking generation for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Parking Generation Manual, 4th Edition. This represents the worst case conditions for the parking assuming the proposed full development of the site. The site is currently zoned PCD 4,primarily retail use. In order to evaluate the parking demand for the site a variety of specific uses were evaluated from general shops to bagel or coffee shops. In addition, in order to provide potential flexibility in developing the site, alternatives for general office or medical office was also analyzed. Table 5 shows a summary of each of the potential uses and what the anticipated parking demand would be for each for a weekday and weekend. 3901 West 70`h Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 9 of 13 Table 5—Site Alternative Use Parking Demand ITE Parking Generation Manual Use Weekday Weekend Size Rate Spaces Rate Spaces Retail 8,030 sf General Shopping 3.16/ksf 26 3.40/ksf 28 Auto Parts 2.47/ksf 20 2.74/ksf 22 Liquor Store 2.98/ksf 24 2.55/ksf 21 Drug Store 2.92/ksf 24 2.94/ksf 24 VideoStore __ o__re 2.76/ksf 23 3.04/ksf 25 _ Bank 5.67/ksf 46 4.66/ksf 38 Copy/Print Store 3.00/ksf 25 3.00/ksf 25 Coffee Shop 17.33/ksf 140 17.33/ksf 140 Bagel Shop 8.00/ksf 65 9.78/ksf 79 Office 8,030 sf General 3.45/ksf 28 1.80/ksf 15 Medical 4.27/ksf 35 4.27/ksf 35 Source:Institute of Transportation Engineers Parking Generation Manual, 4th Edition Currently the site plan provides 40 parking spaces. Reviewing the ITE Parking Generation summary in Table 5, parking demand for the retail uses would range from 22 to 140 spaces needed depending on the use; and range from 28 to 35 for the office uses. The shaded area indicates the uses that would not meet the available parking based on ITE estimates. In general any type of high turnover drive up use such as a bank, bagel shop or coffee shop will require more parking than available. Based on the results of the parking analysis the parking included with the proposed site plan would not meet City Code requirements, however, based on industry standards it is anticipated that adequate parking is being provided for the proposed development plan.A parking variance would therefore be required. Multi Modal Review/Analysis Pedestrian/Bike System Chapter 7 of the City's current 2008 Comprehensive Plan addresses locations of proposed sidewalk and bicycle facilities and funding options within the City. The current Sidewalk and Bicycle Facilities are shown in Figures 4 and 5.The City of Edina is committed to providing a comprehensive and coordinated pedestrian network that provides transportation as well as recreational value. �T� 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 10 of 13 Currently adjacent to the proposed 3901 W. 70th Street site, sidewalks are provided on both sides of W. 70th Street, on the east side of France Avenue and on the west side of France Avenue north of W. 70th Street. In the area of the site W. 70th Street is identified at a primary bicycle route and France Avenue as a secondary bicycle route. In 2014 the City completed the France Avenue Transportation Enhancement project which had a goal of providing safe, efficient and aesthetically pleasing crossings of France Avenue for pedestrian and bicycles. One of the primary intersections improved with the project was W. 70th Street.The improvements at that intersection included: • Providing median refuge islands with landscaping on France Avenue • Narrowing of existing lanes through the intersection • Addition of dedicated bike lanes on W. 70th Street • Removing free right turn islands • Enhanced corner treatments • ADA compliant pedestrian accommodations • Pedestrian level lighting • APS signals • Countdown timers • Updated vehicle and bike detection At the time of construction all the improvements were completed in the intersection except,the enhanced corner treatments and ADA compliant pedestrian accommodations in the southwest quadrant, adjacent to the proposed site. The proposed 3901 W. 70th Street development is proposing a sidewalk system around the site and completion of the corner enhancements as shown in Figure 2 on page 3. These sidewalks and enhancements will connect to the City's in place local sidewalk and bicycle system facilities. This will provide multi-modal opportunities and options for patrons and employees of the proposed retail businesses. Transit Service Four transit service stops are located near the proposed 3901 W. 70th Street development site. Two on France Avenue, one south of W. 70th Street adjacent to the site and one north of W. 70th Street, and; two on W. 70th Street east and west of Valley View Road. Service to these stops is provided from 2 primary routes: • Route 578—Edina—Southdale-Minneapolis • Route 587-Edina—Valley View Road—Minneapolis The sidewalk connections proposed with the 3901 W. 70th Street development project will provide access to the existing transit stops and routes. This will allow the employees and patrons from the site the opportunity to utilize transit services as a multi-modal option. 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 11 of 13 Figure 8—Edina Sidewalk Facilities , 1i '. , I _.. 1 sem: III i ,, \ �._ ' I _� , .�, �.. i �.� 'Nir,F+�t" . f ( 1 1 r1'h� ( .,, , .�- I i i i,/ i i_ i . . 1 t- r'' t '... «. -� / f � � T \___ •+ «. y -- / • ,_ _ 1 1 a•I Ii,_.}+ .... ii I fff +. °' I�',/ + , w 0 _ _ ii .may, M•- r. : {. . k-.1. II j I ~ `-•► ,-- �.��. 5 ru �e ti. "•� I t `AA l„,• 16a , I 4 t^lY lr�t♦ F.dt' •...—. 1 , �r ` 1Y' I'. I ... ! ;� I\_ . i�' -�-, 1 . :f,., t.---I-,-,--'.. / 11 ._�► I Legend Existing ~Future S=uture Future Future Sidewalk State-Aid Sidewalk Active Routes City Sidewalk Nine Mile Creek To School Sidewalk Regional Trail 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 12 of 13 Figure 9—Edina Bicycle Facilities s wr Y fee* 4.4 .... • 110 Bicycle Facilities (#fin Routes(signed anchor 1ar1e'd as) Figure 9 Adv,tory 840.0 Limn """""bike or Slimed Li•Al Naslss orrr . "Oren Shared Bake Laces ,, a► r Bike Boulevards es Bike Lanes Shared Lane Markings • Signnd Bike Rou:aw Ant#rrvr±d Primary(Rate : t A �ctvrd St'!rnrtin,Rc;4;1; 3901 West 70th Street Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina May 19,2016 Page 13 of 13 Conclusions/Recommendation Based on the analysis documented in this memorandum, WSB has concluded the following: • The proposed site redevelopment is anticipated to generate less traffic than the current gas/ service station use and significantly less than what a typical gas/service station could generate. • Traffic operations at the intersections of France Avenue and W. 70th Street will remain the same with or without the proposed redevelopment. • Traffic operations at each of the proposed site driveway will operate at overall LOS A.The existing movement into the W. 70th Street full movement access will experience minor delays during the PM peak hour. This will not affect the operation of traffic on W. 70th Street. • Although the available parking does not meet the City's Code, based on ITE parking generation estimates the 40 parking spaces would be adequate for the proposed development with non-drive-up high turnover type uses such as banks, coffee shops and bakeries. • The proposed 3901 W. 70th Street development is proposing a sidewalk system on and adjacent to their site that provides access to the existing local sidewalk and bicycle facilities. This will provide the employees and patrons to the planned site businesses the opportunity to utilize these multi-modal options Based on these conclusions no additional improvements other than those shown on the site plan would be required to accommodate the proposed site redevelopment. Jackie Hoogenakker From: Mark Merry <mark@markmerry.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 8:04 AM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: 3901 West 70th Street Edina MN - Regarding: Preliminary rezoning and development plan Dear Edina, My name is Mark Merry and I live at 7105 Heatherton Trail in Edina. Regarding the rezoning change. I strongly oppose the new commercial space. While Edina continues to building more and more luxury apartments and commercial space what options are there in Edina for gas?You will be removing Edina's one gas station within a reasonable distance. You will creating even more congestion at Bobby and Steve's on 494 and France. I feel Edina needs to find a balance between newly constructed commercial buildings and a much needed gas station. Let's be honest—do we really need another commercial space to house some national retailer or is the gas station a much more needed commodity for the area? I would not allow the zoning change and you should keep it as a gas station. Thank you, Mark Merry 1 VICINITY MAP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 111 �� NOT TO SCALE Thet part of Tract A,Registered land Survey No.877,Hennepin County,Minnesota,lying West of a line parallel with ALL'A N T and 50 feet Westerly of the heat line of Section 31,Township 28,flange 24. ENGINEERING Torrens Properly• Torrens Certificate No.1181037 233 Park Ave S,Ste 300 • Minneapolis,MN 55415 NOTES 612.758.3080 MAIN `; 612.758.3099 FAX f 1.This survey and the Commerdescripbon shown here ciel Partners Title,LLC as are based Mu Re n Informabon found In blic N tionel Tole the commitment for INe www,alliant-inaeom IC .._ I aper y agar Pu Company,file i;'1 W ,,, insurance pr AAAA....... ...-AAAA_._-AAAA-AAAA.-_-... no 50]84 et December],2016 ............ .. , availablecity maps,records and 2 The locations of undergroundtbe a utilities arecritical depicted based on Gopher State One Cell eve til d d G 02 i I ti 1 field locations end may not be exact Verify cr tical viii bas prior to construction or design. SITEI} i 3 The basis of bearings is assumed q i i ._/L ; :. N '?:,,,,,, I 4 All distances are nfeet \ "'` 1 I 5 The area of the above described property la 26907 square feet or 082 acres I e There are 12 regular striped perking stalls end 1 handicapped perkng stalls. 7.The property lies within Zone X(unshaded-areas determined to be outside the 0.2%annual chance floodplain)of / \ Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMAI Flood Insurance Community Panel No.27053C0364E,eteceve I it September 2,2004. 6.There was no observed evidence of earth moving work or building construction et the time of our bed work. O 9.Names of adjoining owners era depicted based en Hennepin County GIS tax information. --" � Surveyrea pone ee RIM-008.07 10. related exceptions set forth in Schedule 13,Section Two of the Title Commitment -i are.m - • ase.72 tem no.9 references en Mortgage.dated April26,2006,recorded Mey 4,200e as Document No.4254306 end is not pleteble. Ji9L-II4aX hem no.10 references en Assignment of Leases end Rents,dated April28,2005,recorded Mey 4,2008,as Document 1 I I I I I I I N. I I I I4.� No.4254307 and is not ploteble. NW CORNER OF SEC.31, I OP eases tem no.11 references Terms and conditions of covenants end restrictions,dated April 26,2006,recorded May 4,2008, d EPIN C T 'IRON MONUMENT COUNTY 1ASS-- 5 69°55'35"E 2825.19 - �s 12� / , ��sa -- - _-- �� I I' R�N� �C.31_MONUMENT - Item no.12 and references shown oUnderground ndthe g eundl Easement,dated June 21,1973,recorded July 30,1973,as Document No. CAST _ _ y. 444 I jos]I4 -�, �aea se 2] es]1s� I S _ I Item no 13 references an Easement for highway purposes.dated April 27,1990,recorded June 5,1990.as Document I 1/ NORTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF SEC.3I--Y- - �eoaaA .8 '--^ No.2100]05 and is shown on the survey. X10ee.0 J Pcy Item no.14 references en Easement for retaining well purposes,dated April 27,1880,recorded May 5,1990,as W. 70TH STREET �3�y,9P4\y Document No.2100708 and mshown antesurvey. 1-887.07 as B00.44-, sae. - -_ _ _a._ x "� me u am. /rm` ae 6eaex 1080.62 1 0607i anzesirr. __ >5 O 8a616 I w • IS r- 1066.eo e10e.7e /eel 589655 55 l 0'03 ee]e :\::::;;'6:: >` '.. `1XF-ass.ea IxGLEGEND 7\ 713 NN - 1►` �ae7..2oI ( 6a77i�q 4 a qxwaEx. a.asee 'SMSAMT'AR'44 SEWER Xee731 . '��V ;� - -I �N1oPWrt. . be.l� �- -- -g5--------------------- ! I t t %sem+vAl� -» E » SEWER ELECTRIC e7. -es�.N �e�rees.w :\`. m T2lvxar� �� exp mwhwc._ a2 .2 ®SANITARY W x� xq W� ANN I ser -R-M-, CI I I es7 ® � a L=Io¢ x10107.8 r ' I. a l � a (€7�\ 0��� ox Jh X • +� - r I -- ° ` 1 ® 1010 r I 1 F c1'� 'I sraa L--_._-"..aW. ]Rs7uranc WAtr. Q E j 1 to O r o Z m C'3 o_POWER POLE rn e��em .T.I10 .7. • '0, 7.410 I = 1 • 1 I J 060 7 m ^- D Z IL 3 N F xN(a)-687 66 x615707 e r `\ � o roe x 1 10 Q^ ®,9ha7,e LIGHT Z a W CO ^I I r X I" ill l 3W \\ a 41,,, :, Z f °t \,� ae6.e1(/)O ®1 WATER MANN.7 Q o Z t0 i i h -fs _ _ I ILP•"•'sx-� W pm TRANONIX SFORMER W t W V� W N VO - „rill, v Uetl]m- 0�_ / \, ad7.n I I - I J O ®AR caN CNER i I ��� 7 c_ /'b 3901 WEST 70TH STREET ` qe]w _ W ak - a I W Q xAN x I hereby certify that this plan, CV C I .4 ' t ,QI I I W0 PULPS specification,o.report Was ONE-STORY BRICK BULGING h � l w \I 1 1 Q1 prepared by m or under my o mums CL a ,' 95108 V /' 128--,4.,/ PID/310 2 8 2 4110 0 2 2 ht ' v I W ®OA0 am ea du y Llasnssdnd that 1 I 1 I -I V PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under FFE=888.12 o Ili 5 % e II sae ` 4{ ti �\ - 1 = A-�TREE the laws of the Safi of $ Xen24 �e I ° I 1 h 1 Q �, MINNESOTA 3 Q 9 141.4.46,,..tcl e: „6 L,e.1 i • a ` .; R U 13 weuaa101076 �r0a J / Q1 73IP .1 1_ I DENNIS B.OLMSTEAD "TTI 1 ee7.a7 •�A �^ N �,: ', x41 12/25/2016 18425 a J. v 9 - Date u Na i.74 ee6.m } xe07.n to `•i y>; I . e.na. D _.. A*. tXeezw `T` '7'9T` ' \. .I r l 1 QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL i768 ho w 1 /0 i�._� .”1•189°55'35•W .7 v� v sea ae © I I v i\ PI BY DATE I{ }J89°55 35 W SIS _�� 'i i 5__„J °6 ar 10exn ,I,mese DATE ISSUE v - II i1 - u 615 0a 04-22-16 CITY PLANNING SUBMITTAL B6aeJ ,j N89°55'35"W 200.00 / l..© I ,, a 0 - �."..._ 7010 FRANCE AVE.SOUTH / yin -1 } 10 ONE-STORY BRICK BUILDING / i\{10x4,75 ' I - W PID/310 2 8 2 4110112 j ` I 1 , -.-.--865----- ' - r YA I- . T,:_. I \\ k� A C. 1 I .I I N co �. 5 TEAM DATA N DESIGNED: YK DRAWN: JG X PROJECT N0: 216-0021 IN 0. 0 10 20 40 C41.0 SCALE IN FEET 0 SITE DATA: lig:111 1 PARCEL AREA=27,000 SF,0.62 AC 1 I; PARCEL AREA WITH R.O.W to 30,000 SF,0.69 AC A L L I A N T ! BUILDING AREA=8,030 S.F. ENGINEERx a CRY OF EDINA-PARKING REQUIREMENTS:8 PARKING SPACES FOR FIRST 1,000 SQ. Ati FT+6 PARKING SPACES FOR EACH ADDITIONAL 1,000 SQ.FT UP TO 15,000 SQ.FT. j 233 Park Ave S,Ste 300 J REQUIRED PARKING STALLS = 50 STALLS 1 SPACE PER 3 SEATS OR 1 SPACE PER 100 SF(WHICHEVER IS GREATER), Minneapolis,MN 55415 // PLUS 1 SPACE PER EMPLOYEE MAX SHIFT,PLUS 6 OFF STREET STACKING 612.758.3080 MAIN P 7..' SPACES PER DRIVE-THROUGH LANE. \i5,. / ��.. 1470 S.F./ +5 EMPLOYEES 24 STALLS 612.758.3099 FAX (47 SEATS/33+5 to 21,WHICH IS LESS) www.alliant-inc.com PROPOSED PARKING STALLS = 40 STALLS(INCLUDES 2 VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS) _1EXISTING GREEN SPACE AREA=1,856 SF,6.9% 4.f�� PROPOSED GREEN SPACE AREA=3,135 SF, 11.6% SITE PLAN NOTES: NE CORNER OF SEC.31. 1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF BUILDING AND/OR FACE OF CURB. HENNEPIN COUNTY CAST ` 2. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR CONCRETE STOOPS ADJACENT TO PROPOSED BUILDING. S 89'55'35"E 262519 /� L ! G `� ----: - ::/ IRON MONUMENT � � = = ---✓ - 3. CONTINUOUS CONCRETE CURB&GUI ILK WHICH CHANGES TYPE SHALL HAVE A FM:FOOT TRANSITION. NORTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF NE I/4 OF SEC.31- 0 '---^ - - - - 4. ALL CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ADJACENT TO CONCRETE WALK BE SEPARATED BY A 1/2 INCH EXPANSION JOINT. I U W. 70TH STREET M 5. PARKING LOT STRIPING SHALL BE 4 INCH WHITE. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION BGJNORY 6. ALL WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W.STALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS. PEDESTRIAN APRON IS R15 CURB RAMP .../-04151 AMPPEDEST1 7. ALL CURB AND GUTTER TO BE CONCRETE 8612 CURB UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,PER CITY STANDARDS. CURB RAMP COSTING TRAFFIC ULNAE CABINET TO REMAIN I W 8. BUILDING DIMENSIONS REFER TO OUTSIDE OF BUILDING FACE(TYP.)UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. / --"-- II& - t• Arlrrij- $8 41■; - A 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES, j, i✓ •.- -c•-•-• �ee SUCH AS EXISTING GUTTER GRADES AT THE PROPOSED DRIVEWAYS,PRIOR TO THE START OF SITE GRADING. THE ' E ,�= _ �,` 10 `` CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OF VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. I r 1) �X \N`'I EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY _J.., 10.ALL CONCRETE PADS TO BE 3000 PSI AIR ENTRAINED 6-CONCRETE WITH#4 BARS O 12.O.C.AND BROOM FINISHED I'1 R4' imi -1 ■ � I 1 11.REFER TO DETAIL SHEET FOR CONCRETE PAD SCORING AND THICKNESS. 7 11 50-- -_= ••.. IPROPOSED FIXTURE M)T ' CURB RAMP frAI■I.�eC 1 'F T'� 95 - - I (TTP•) BUILDING .MMM��_ STONE RETAINING WALL r m Ym,{ TENANT I ENTRANCE-1 ‘MMM-�0�I• CON SIDEWALK 1 �i 00 t GRO4.SS SF T a GENERAL NOTES: ,, m /A///-�' ACCESSIBLE I O M UMENT�SIGN �S PARKING SIGN \ T IiII ' '7' ul �"? 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MAKE SURE THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS 11 IC �' AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED.NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALLBEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS 111 �� 1 I RECEIVED AND THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALLPUNS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY ALLOF THE PERMfmNG 00 _ H VL __ _ III �I - CCES51 LE ROUTE' I AUTHORITIES. MAX SLOPE 5% I m� �I 180 ■ N 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND 111111 UTILITY I _ I I� STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. 17.7' 1 � 0. 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION&REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES WHICH INTERFERE WITH NEW 18' 24' 18' I 93.9' 3'5.1 5'-.( O WORK AS SHOWN. 4- (SEE ARCHITECTURALS) I. - I� Z 2 GRADE SIFrS O In � TENANT 2 �, I 'O 4, CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND CURB&GLITTER SHALL BE REMOVED TO NEAREST CONSTRUCTION JOINT OUTSIDE THE REMOVAL 0 PA INOOUUSII GROSS SF I I I I 4 O J 11 �'1 5. ALL DIMENSIONS,GRADES,EXISTING AND PROPOSED INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE / M. ,O CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTOR MANAGER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES W 21' 1 Q(� EXIST PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES.NO EXTRA COMPENSATION / I CONGA SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR WORK HAVING TO BE REDONE DUE TO INFORMATION SHOWN INCORRECTLY ON F LAI J TRASH/RECYCLING , -H � , , , � � � -/////� j� THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. w a -. I I PROPOSED LIGHT R11' - APRON I `\V 6. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE()CFO F CURB,CENTER OF STRUCTURE,EDGE OF SIDEWALK OR EXTERIOR OF BUILDING. J CONCRETE FIXTURE(TYPJ {e I Q J N I- BITUMINOUS �� Q PAD o •PAVEMENT) f� • R.•.8'....:0-4 14.V 7. ALL CONCRETE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO BUILDING SHALL BE SEPERATED BY A 1/2'EXPANSION JOIM. h- =N Z J • PROPOSED UGHT B 5• / 1�i 1 8. PROTECT EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKS DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION.CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ANY CRACKED W IUJ to W �Fl%TORE(IT?) _ m 7Yp Y R3 /I��1 I 1 1 OR BROKEN PANELS CAUSED BY SITE CONSTRUCTION. Z J I TRAM FORMER II 9. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL&DISPOSAL OF THE EXISTING BITUMINOUS.BITUMINOUS SHALL BE SAW Q 3 N a 1 CUT OR JACK HAMMERED FOR STRAIGHT EDGES.TACK SHALL BE USED ON BITUMINOUS EDGE PRIOR TO PATCHING.MATCH .i7-7- m 18 I 1 EXISTING GRADES. Z p Z 1- )- m _ I 10-CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES&STRUCTURES FROM HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THEIR SLI UI C1 - - 5 N9SJ 5'35"W 15.3 00 - -- O I I I�/IF" j yJ 1 I. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES&SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGES TO PROPERTIES&STRUCTURES THAT OCCUR AS A i 1/``I 12.- RESULT OF THESE ACTMTIES. N f577 + :y . 1 tI ras ,.. ilii I hereby certify that this plan, N .'17/77 1 1'' 11.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT IMPEDE EXISTING TRAFFIC CIRCULATION TO ADJACENT BUSINESSES. specification, a report was N CONSTRUCTION BOUNORY prepared,by m or under my N69e5S'3S��W 200.00 I 12.CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM SWEEPING ON PRIVATE PARKING AREAS AND PUBLIC STREETS AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK,ONCE direct pervlsion and that I / ''I 1 A DAY IF NEEDED. em a duly Licensed Q 1j I PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under • / 113.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD FULLY RESPONSIBLE TO PREVENT AND EUMINATE ANY DUST NUISANCE OCCASIONED BY AND the laws of the State of 1 DURING CONSTRUCTION,UNTIL THE PROJECT HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND HANDED OVER. MINNESOTA PT d F,1740"I2 1- al CLARK WICKLUND,PE NIII UN Ucenae Ne. 00 1II SITE LEGEND: 1, EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER DUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL o / 8612 CURB AND GUTTER Hr DATE E lttlll f-t+O YTT}t LL B612 CURB AND GUTTER OUTFALL DATE ISSUE ---• UNITS OF CONSTRUCTION S] 04-22-18 CITY PLANNING SUBMITTAL fA PROPERTY LINE d EXISTING EASEMENT (%1 m .. 4 'I CONCRETE PAVEMENT 3' H LUMINAIRE,LED FIXTURE 20'POLE,3'CONCRETE BASE - -- oI cO 4* DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC N O P N i up 3 S' yt y T PROJECT TEAM DATA 04 t(e�7 ^^ b;"0 DESIGNED: MK ii 4 h0 DRAWN: JC c ���...�','A'n)�ri(�p� PROJECT N0: 218-0021 Q, 0 10 20 40 T'l�+ �° C-2.O 3 i 1 P. SCALE IN FEET GRADING NOTES: A 1. ALL FINISHED GRADES SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE ADJACENT ROADWAYS FREE OF DEBRIS AND PREVENT THE ALL I A N T OFF-SITE TRACKING OF SOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY AND MNDOT. ENGINEERING 3. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL,AT(800)252-1166,48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 233 Park Ave S,Ste 300 4. AIMPROVEMENTS TTO CONFORM WITH CITY OR STATE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SPECIFICATION, LATEST Minneapolis,MN 55415 6. 50'OF EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CAN BE USED AS A CONSTRUCTION ACCESS IN UEU OF A 612.758.3080 MAIN PSS,Jd, ` - CRUSHED STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SHALL BE CLEANED DAILY OR 612.758.3099 FAX AS NEEDED. www.alliant-inc.com 7. CONTRACTOR TO KEEP A COPY OF THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. _ l 8. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR SOIL CORRECTION,TESTING REQUIREMENTS AND FOR PAVEMENT _---- RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUBCUT RECOMMENDATIONS. I I 9, STRIP TOPSOIL PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION.REUSE STOCKPILE ON SITE.(WHERE FEASIBLE). :Fte4434 10.PRIOR TO STARING CONSTRUCTION,E CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MAKE SURE THAT -.. .-... ............... .. _ z,aP-_ -. .-_....... -_ -. I ............ --..-. ----i/1'' ALL SHALLEQUIRED BEGIN UNTILMITS THE AND APPROVALS HAS�RECEIVED AND THOROUGHLYVE BEEN OBTAINED.NO LYNREVIEWEDNOR ALL PLANS�At40N 1 OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY ALL OF THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. NE CORNER OF SEC.31, 11.IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING GRADING OF(3:1 OR GREATER)SIDE SLOPES AND DRAINAGE SWALES,WOOD .. -77.._'_—_'::::__—=7,17':.7..—_,-,,..---._.4 _ _ (APPROVED BY ENGINEER)SHALL BE -"-j—Jt /J / ! - 1',. , - A _ --IRO N M N COUNTY CAST A APPLIED OVER APPROVED SEEDMIXTURESOIL �A IWNI UM OF 4*PSOIL. 5 69'55'35"E 2625.19 ! L _ z.,•.': ,--------- � f IRON MONUMENT _1-74///7„t/z/ - 12.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST DISCUSS DEWATERING PLANS WITH ALL SUBCONTRACTORS TO VERIFY NORTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF SEC.31--T.I .. m --_ NPDES REQUIREMENTS.IF DEWATERING IS REQUIRED DUNNING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHOULD CONSULT WITH EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR AND ENGINEER TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE METHOD. W. 70TH STREET 1Y 'SI ,gE,",, d 13.HAUL ROUTES AND DISPOSAL AREAS SHOULD BE DISCUSSED WITH CITY OF EDINA PRIOR TO :Rh- EXPORTING MATERWL OFFSITE. MET PROTECTXIN ,/'k�� seen L _ _ _ y 14.EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND PROCEDURES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. ti RING,ETC. _ ti��-_us+<SI W 15.CCOONONTRACTOR ANDSHALL COORDINATE PRIVATE/PUBLIC UTILITIES RELOCATES,SUCH AS TRAFFIC SIGNAL RL 1 CE -- .-•�:i�S ,a ■1r 1 1■��. I GRADING LEGEND: i i�tv _ _ ■■�ftfl� :ua ■:� I I \ , I , OwAil. , ; � i� n®®` C' 50 -; ,f------...i, _. ,. _.... EXISTING CONTOUR ( II "..tit!,,,.*., !=4.' m - `7®■f[TIELR,11ilf•L {, 4 r }---11:4 -t61____95 —1000— PROPOSED CONTOURS K•`"• „ ■•❑0 CATCH BASINS Fra.i� `���®�,��' -ir\. .^II ••'* , MST I venni TENANT 1 m �.�®-Ir�I�I Tat sK f I I XI I 11 I -a !�r4�' �� GROSSSF4'4 ill ' i p I f I ' 1 y DRAINAGE ROUTING O 1 I_ RIM OR HIGHPOIHT • AHP) ' ) ' 225'A 95 �I`aeeen veva I • I I - 17'I .�} I .. >— PROPOSED STORM SEWER I CB 1(PRIVATE) BE OS FFE 86].00 �I I T 1 �' (PRIv ) , 3 •* I - EXISTING STORM SEWER ( 1 I M1 JMtC COMBINEDESi ' I FENCE ` �� UTILITY -■ o Y .I O ^ -- -- DRAINAGE DIVIDE EL „,CE SNB W/22 5 BEND ® I VERIFY TSE%, EXISTING I '- I ■ O - I' oaks TOP OF CURB ELEVATION QQQQ G V} W/4'PVC O t OX i ` ,_ W Z �0 GUTTER ELEVATION 0 SER ee S'T'0 ND TO BEP * I ■ Z o w INSL ICE REPLACE 0 G. :-. /V"HOPE INSULATION TENANT 2 ROOD GRAIN �� ' I ' `- W 3SS 4.-10.HOPE II 1:1■_-- M E SANOe AVE I. . (PRIVATE) w � PROPERTY UNE a [ ,T Wil w/ PRIVATE CMP(PR VAIE). ( , - 711A7 r STEPS, I O Z 4. 59-4 PVC o 1 4S Z , ♦ . -. es2fm a sE ossa GROSS Scent ] PRrvATE e040 , �III�I 5 APART j O 0 INLET PROTECTION I E W/2'HDPEINSULATION 11.........„... , _ - . DESIGN TO BE H W/(4 SUMP S 1 I - - 1 ( ATF) II PROWDED BY THE "' ) t_* ' Q INLET PROTECTION CC ', K,, t MANUFACTURER. MET PROTECIKIN 'B] / fJ.._ ~~/ I1.. I \q . !oi4u wm - _ L.' I cC 8 Q too C Z sY 12 HDPE ' "> �� �" > . �. 1` E �' U r L I.I. W f/1 E (PR VATE1 RISER I RSER] • 10'_12 1 t ) I W r J 'I CBMH 2(PRIVAtiE) � (PRIVATE) (R ATE) (PRIVA (YIf1� 1„ II �' �J W = L I � (2 �,E <.:•.®® ,:' i 1 a, r t `; STORMWATER SUMMARY: < 3 Z CO Q C7 seer °6°'10 !WACO � • -=_ OCS a " }1, MH 5 I,) Peak Discharge Rates ICES] Q O . �� •W/WER WALL I I 5 CONSTRUCT'G' Storm Event W 0T Cl N 145 1 •pm,..., ,:. .. . RISER 2 , ISEn 3 (PRIVATE) , t OP EM�24"RCR E' Condition v' ..1 T (PRIVATE)^`(PRIVATE)-4x ,50-14r-54:. 9'-12'RCP V I 'VERIFY INVERTS.v 2-YR 0-YR 00-Y 6 12 HDPE4 (PRIVATE) Existing 2.00 13.22 14.76R_ I hereby certify that this plan, ES ./,/ ;. /. /,.' / j/ Su is PRIVATE 1 Proposed 0.20 1.60 4.54 spa r report w r N89'55 35 W 200.00 ���: 1 i direct supervision and that I 0. ; _- / SILT'SNOT hl_, n --- -- am a dui Licensed a AA p k 504'1, �kb ' i Water Quality Summary PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under / T I 1 the law.of the State of p, / .,.,. �Tv't 3 Bu_�.NG t' \ F I, Required Volume ICF] 2,757_ MINNESOTA ✓ FIC P36 Ola CL. / 11, 1 ' ('I Provided Volume [CFI 2,892 _ % I i O _ \,1I.. a I,) CLARK WICKLUND,PE N / I" I • .II Date U..na.Ne. O // A11 Ii j QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL la. I.. I BY DATE a - DATE ISSUE 04-22-16 CITY PLANNING SUBMITTAL V VI al IA N d J= 0 O N o N o o O ,JtE.W Q��(f%5, 6 DESIGNED:D JECT TEAM DATA MK tO a�` \�/ t4 DRAWN: JG W �,/r �yGOt�SKRUL`�A0 PROJECT N0: 216-0021 E [� o�yyrs HOZ f 011 0 10 20 40 C ^ •0 c SCALE IN FEET o` EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES FINAL STABILIZATION: A 1. NO WR DISTURBING ACTMTY SHALL OCCUR UNTIL A GRADING PERMIT HAAS BEEN ISSUED FROM CORRESPONDING THE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE FINN.STABUZATXN OF THE SITE.THE CONTRACTOR MUST SUBMIT A NOTICE OF MUNIOPAUTY. TERMINATION(NOT)WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ANAL STAIUZATION IS COMPLETE.OR ANOTHER OWNER/OPERATOR(PERMITTEE) A L L I A N T 2. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES(BAPS) ANLRA )REFER TO EROSION D SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES DEFINED IN THE HAS ASSUMED CONTROL OF ALL AREASNE OF THE SITE THAT HAVE NOT UNDERGOFINAL STABIUZATION. RAIL PROTECTING WATER OUWTY IN URBAN AREAS AND THE MINNESOTA CONSTRUCTON SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STABILIZATION CAN BE ACHIEVED IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING WAYS PINNING HANDBOOK. ENGINEERING 3. ALL RIP'S SELECTED SHALL BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE TME OF YEAR,SITE CONATIONS,AND ESTIMATED DURATION OF USE. ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACTMIIES AT THE SITE HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL SOILS MUST BE STABILIZED BY A UNIFORM 4, ALL WORK AND INTERIMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLANS.ANY DEVIATION FROM THE PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH A DENSITY OF 70 PERCENT OVER THE ENTRE PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA,CR OTHER 233 Park Ave S,Ste 300 APPROVED PLANS SHALL REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. EQUIVALENT MEANS NECESSARY TO PREVENT SOL FAILURE UNDER EROSIVE CONDmONS AND; S. A COPY OF THESE PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS HI PROGRESS. Minneapolis,MN 55415 8. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LAND DISTURBANCE UNITS SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED IN THE FIELD A ALL DRAINAGE DITCHES,CONSTRUCTED TO DRAIN WATER FROM THE SITE AFTER CONSTRUCTNN IS COMPLETE. - ,°.w,. --=-,-.o P PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.NO DISTURBANCE BEYOND THE DISTURBED UMTS. MUST BE STAOUZED TO PRECLUDE EROSION: P I� 612,758.3080 MIN 7. WHEREVER POSSIBLE PRESERVE THE EXISTING TREES.GRASS AND OTHER VEGETATIVE COVER TO IMP FILTER RUNOFF. B. ALL TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC,AND STRUCTURAL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS(SUCH .-n., w B. ESTAUSH A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER ON ALL EXPOSED SOILS WHERE LAND COMING OUT OF AGRICULTURAL AS SILT FENCE)MUST BE REMOVED AS PART OF THE SITE FINAL STABIUZAT1ON:AND �- PRODUCTION.PLANT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH DENSE GRASS FILTER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTOR AND TO MINIMIZE C. THE CONTRACTORS MUST CLEAN OUT ALL SEDIMENT FROM CONVEYANCES AND FROM TEMPORARY 4sv'"'O•"m ,f®..T.®f. .. _ 612.756.3099 FAX WEED GROWTH, SEDIMENTATION BASINS THAT ARE TO BE USED AS PERMANENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASINS. SEDIMENT MUST BE -•..-m www.alliant-inc.com 9. ALL TREES NOT USIED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE PROTECTED.DO NOT OPERATE EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE DRPUNE.ROOT STABILIZE)TO PREVENT IT FROM BEING WASHED BACK INTO THE BASIN.CONVEYANCES OR DRAINAGE WAYS DISCHARGING ZONES OR WITHIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE AREAS. OFF-STE OR TO SURFACE WATERS. UP 10.ALL EROSION MID SEDIMENT CONTROL FACNIES EBMP'S)SHALL BE INSTALLED AND M OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND - DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES AND THEY SHALL BE SA FACTORILY MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION S COMPLETED AND THE '"•"°'°'°°'^^^ TD.mNRH Rs.avM.MA GUN POTENTIAL FOR EROSION INS PASSED. MI 11.SILT FENCE IS REQUIRED AT DOWN GRADIENT PERIMETER OF DISTURBED AREAS AND STOCKPILES. PROTECT WETLANDS, WATERCOURSES AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES FROM SEDIMENTATION AND STORMWATER RUNOFF. EROSIONAND SEDIMENT CONTROL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: """"`"""" - 12.THE RAP'S SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANTICIPATED SIZE CONDMOS AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS DICTATE,TIE PERMITTEE/CONTRACTOR SHALL 1. INSPECT SILT FENCES IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL IMMEDIATELY Real aMe1NKIKN=X"120100 ANTICIPATE THAT MORE BAPS WILL BE NECESSARY TO ENSURE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ON THE SITE DURNG REPAIR FAILED OR FAILING SILT FENCE. THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION,IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITIEE/CCNTRACTOR TO ADDRESS ANY NEW : - -""m CONOTONS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACIIVTTES AND/OR CUMATIC EVENTS AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL 2. REPLACEMENT-FARC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY WHEN IT DECOMPOSES OR BECOMES INEFFEOTVE BEFORE THE BMP'S OVER AND ABOVE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLIAS.AS MAY BE NEEDED TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE BARRIER IS NO LONGER NECESSARY. ..219810 L.1 J PROTECTION OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. BARS CHANGES MUST BE NOTED ON THE ON-SITE SWPPP. "''- - fl" - 13.THE BMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY BY THE PERMITTEE/CONTACTOR AND MAINTAINED A NECESSARY TO ENSURE THEIR 3, SEDIMENT REMOVAL-SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVEZNT. THEY MUST BE REMOVED WHEN •,,�:: DEPOSITS REACH APPROXIMATELY ONE-TURD THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER.ANY SEDIMENT REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE CONTINUED FUNCTIONING.SILT FENCES CLEANED OR REPLACED AT SEDIMENT BUILDUP OF 1/3 OF THE FENCE HEIGHT. L:;•'-R•. J A E L 14.LAND DISTURBING ACTMTES SHALL OCCUR IN INCREMENTS OF WORKABLE SIZE SUCH THAT ADEQUATE BMP CONTROL CAN SILT FENCE OR FILTER FARC IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH EXISTING GRADE PREPARED, I ..,J ,.. BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION.THE SMALLEST PRACTICAL.AREA SHALL BE EXPOSED OR AND SEEDED WITH THE APPROPRIATE SEED MIX,OR SODDED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. I E I f I OTHERWISE DISTURBED AT ANY ONE TME -^-- ::'r/'. ^.�" 15.OPERATE TRACK EQUIPMENT(DOZER)UP AND DOWN E POSED SOL SLOPES ON RIVAL PAS,LEAVING TRACK GROOVES 4. REMOVAL OF SILT FENCE-SILT FENCES SHALL B REMOVED MIEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFUL AREAIS PURPOSE,BUT NOT PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE.DO NOT BACK-RIME.LEAVE A SURFACE ROAN TO MINIMIZE EROSION. BEFORE TIE UPWARD SLOPING AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY RY SWITH ED. IF THE UPWARD SLOPING IS TO BE EXPOSED ....... ..-. 18.ALL AREAS OSNRBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED FROM EROSION wpm 15 DAYS OF SUBSTANTIAL LONGER THAN SO(6)MONTHS,THAT AREA SHALL BE COVERED WITH TEMPORARY VEGETATION WHEN FIRST EXPOSED. ':;dam i-; p`-� vw�� �n �� COMPLETION OF GRADING IN THAT AREA.TEMPORARY SEED AND MULCH SHALL COVER ALL EXPOSED SOILS IF GRADING TEMPORARY SEDIMENT POND SHALL BE CLEANED OUT WTMN 72 HOURS OF WHEN POND BECOMES FULL.THE SEDIMENT MAP SHALL ,,,,,, COMPLETION IS DELAYED LONGER THAN 15 DAYS.PERMANENT SEED AND MULCH IS REQUIRED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF BE EMPTIED ND GRADED TO PROPOSED GRADED AT PROJECT COMPLETION.ANY COLLECTED SEDMENT SHALL BE RESPRFAL ON COMPLETION OF RIVAL GRADING. MAMA'GROUND AND SEEDED AND STADIUM.SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SEDIMENT BCSM ONCE SEDIMENT FILLS HALF ,-'e. e.®m 1212,1„ 17.GENERAL TEMPORARY SEED SHALL BE MNDOT WX 110 0 90 LBS.PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL PERMANENT SEED THE CAPACITY OF THE BASIN. IF THE OUTLET BECOMES CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT R SHOULD BE CLEWED TO RESTORE ITS ROM 0.12::..9-""- ..wrwmv SHALL BE MNDOT NIX 240 0 95 LBS.PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL.MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE I(CLEAN MT �'IOm' _rT�FT-T]I -_°'"".®'Oe%.,'".�.°re,T m,.mwmm, STRAW)O 2 TONS PER ACRE AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL FERTILIZER SHALL BE 10-10-10 NPK 5. THE CONTRACTOR MUST ROUTINELY INSPECT THE CONSTRUCTION STE ONCE EVERY SEVEN(7)DAYS DURNG ACTIVE _==== _ m0•I'L'.-RP-7 to:: ^ '^'m AT 200 LBS.PER ACRE(UNLESS P RESTRICTIONS APPLY)AND INCORPORATED INTO TE SEED BED. CONSTRUCTON AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS. ALL INSPECTONS �`_ -- ®.,,,.°_ .mr-w `r" �',,.-•m.m-.-.,"-" 18.ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIRTY(30)DAYS AND MAINTENANCE CONDUCTED DURING CONSMUCTON MUST BE RECORDED IN WRTTINO AND THESE RECORDS MUST BE v- - -E�w •®•feet.-.-.m AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR MIER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. RETAINED MATH THE SWPPP RECORDS. "-°"" .121212,r.v.ru. .22.1:212::::=2.2........'..� 19.AN ALTERNATE EROSION&SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR LAND DISTURBANCES ON EACH LOT AS PART ®w`.'-.a wSS.7:2�"-'..-'"' OF ANY FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES AND DRIVEWAYS. EACH INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY SHALL INCLUDE: meear lM "0 012°.12.-.--.-.""v 20.REPORT ALL FOUND FIELD TIES TO THE ENGINEER FOR EVALUATION. A. DATE AND TME OF INSPECTIONS; (''' DI.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NPDES PERMIT AND WILL NEED TO CONDUCT FPM Y AND RAJNFAII B NAME O PERSON(S))CONDUCTING INSPECTIONS; P°se--In'm II vamlTENPORNIY�wi erruOM LTBZIIS INSPECTIONS. C. RNDINCS OF INSPECTIONS.NCLUDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS; """'fl°°"""' STAR PROS on_______0-.BEA,._OF_METS D. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN(INCLUDING DATES,TIMES.AND PARTY COMPLETING MAINTENANCE ACTIVTIES.) E. DATE AND AMOUNT OF ALL RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 1/2 NCH(0.5 INCHES)IN 24 HOURS: F. DOCUMENTS OF CHANGES MADE TO THE SWPPP AS REQUIRED IN PART IIIA4.WHERE PARIS OF THE CONSTRUCTOR _ �.w,.rs - SITE HAVE UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION,BUT MAK REMAINS ON OTHER PARTS OF SITE, - r SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES: B. INSPECTIONS OF THE STAIUZED AREAS MAY BE REDUCED TO ONCE PER MONTH.WHERE WORK HAS BEEN SUSPENDED DUE T 1. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST MINIMIZE SEDIMENT FROM ENTERNG SURFACE WATERS,INCLUDING CURB AND GUTTER TO FROZEN GROUND CONDIRIOR THE RESUMING REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND WHICHMAINTEVER MANCE MUSE TAKE PLACE AS SOON AS RUNOFF 04 Q m "" SYSTEMS ANO STORM SEWER INLETS. OCCURS AT THE SITE OR PRION 1D RESUMING CONSMUCfKN,WMICMEYFR COMES FIRST. -,�-n 2. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE ESTABUSHED ON ALL DOWN GRADIENT PERMTERS BEFORE ANY UPCRADIFM LAND 0" k.01 fr DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN.THESE PRACTICES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL RAW_STABILIZATION IMS BEEN ESTABLISHED. :`/ -'e. �- MA 3. THE TIMING OF THE INSTALLATION OF SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES HAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT-TERM a��� a-, ACTIVMES SUCH A CLEARING OR GRUBBING,OR PASSM:F OF VEHICLES. ANY SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY MUST BE COMPLETED �f ei .uw AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE AND TIE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE ED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ACTMTY IS 4 r �wv�'SN ( 11 0 7TH .... �wm"-"" COMPLETED. HOWEVER,SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE THE NEXT PRECPITATION EVENT EVEN .0 41, I ) - v,��,e� 1 //� �m IF THE ACTMTY IS NO COMPLETE. m- \\� 4. ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED BY APPROPRIATE BAPS DURING COSTRUCTON UNTIL ALL SOURCES WITH '••""'®' .,,G."..4.11::,:,...I ! - " POTENTIAL FOR DCCHARGING TO THE INLET HAVE BEEN STABILIZED.INLET PROTECTION MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO 1 8.2: -e...=. 11111 N ," " 1'111 GATING(BEFORE CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLATION!). PROTECTION MUST BE INSTALLED WINN 24 HOURS OF PLACEMENT. m.r-. 1 Roos LoeROPcO Iw VIII:' =1 11111 Q,' =1 5. TEMPORARY SOL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCES OR OTHER EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROLS,AND CANNOT BE PLACED v �; N:'-' 11111 iiE- MF 11111 IN SURFACE WATERS,INCLUDING STORM WATER CONVEYANCES SUCH AS CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS,OR CONDUITS AND LLAT _1 IN ((Lyyyii7EEE =1 DITCHES. III_ IIIA 111 11111 CONSTRUCTION8. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EACH CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ENTRANCE \ V. _ 1 m- Bun re Fmrt O .p.., POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES: --- /---..''''''_� w N� THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON THE SITE: 'r�" 13tA 1 1. SOUD WASTE:COLLECTED SEDIMENT,ASPHALT AND CONCRETE MIWNGS,FLOATING DEBITS,PAPER,PLASTIC,FABRIC, �,iy V fJR'.I.Y WT... ,tiq ae,-srr,.,w,mo.,w CONSTRUCTION MID DEMOLITION OEBRS AND OTHER WASTES MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY AND MUST COMPLY MIH •N 0�,w2rXr...ve-..-s.m..'' MPCA DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. g )U I ! b I' W __ ____ 2. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL OIL GAOUNE,PAINT AND ANY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES MUST BE PROPERLY STORED,NCLUDING P �. -:•,Mb '$ --r".'-. ....,...«-m--.. C SECONDARY CONTAINMENT.TO PREVENT SPALLS,LEERS OR OTHER DISCHARGE.RESTRICTED ACCESS TO STORAGE AREAS ; y � • O-'gym,.="-,..o.,.m...--,. CI MUST BE PROVIDED TO PREVENT VANDALISM. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE -"'sr":uw-..r-vvr'm= WITH MPG REGULATIONS. - •• tgg Pin .re.d.:v--.nw,.m,rw�,12'-42 F J COW- S. AL WASHING OF TRUCKS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST BE UNITED TOA DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE .m• . ,, I VCT:'•' 101"'12�°`� , W RUNOFF MUST BE CONTAINED AND WASTE PROPERLY DISPOSED O', NO ENGINE DEGREASING IS ALLOWED ON 511E - H, m 0mm.-"':. •,-`,r'=:"°'m"" W 4. A CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA MUST BE ESTABLSHED ANO MAINTAINED ON SITE-MPG RULES FORBID ANT CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER w.'�a,vs. O�,M --------.-1..- J C4 Q O FROM ENTERING ANT PART OF THE STORM WATER.RUNS MUST BE AVMI$E TQ HANDLE THE WASH WATER FROM THE SPEC.MMES, BE ENT axrROL NMT NAT O-v-m-,m»,.. �av-- CONCRETE TRUCKS,AND TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ON SITE.THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA MUST BEA SETS CONTAINED MD - _ WATERTIGHT. �_ --"-vim a y~O C AiNT man. co EROSION CONTROL SCHEDULE/SEQUENCING ▪ ~ WAIFPIM I NM _MEI oWC N Z M V M C 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ALL SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS TO INTERCEPT RUNOFF. WHERE SILT FENCE IS 4 NOT SHOWN'ON THECONTOUR',J-HOOKS MUST BE INSTALLED EVERY 50'. SILT FENCE END RUNS MUST BE TURNED - _ 3 Q W 0 1 UP GRADE TO AVOID STORMWATER FROM RUNNING OUT THE ENDS. A •CLEARNG,GRUBBING AND GRADING COMMENCE in F..e. ,.°,r" "," ""`v Z TEMPORARY BERMS MID BENS,AND RLTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND OFTSTE I to L•-- ) -SEDIMENT RUNOFF. .1 N1-.... "- 0 0 Z I-AV lO 2. ALL EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATIONS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE AND BE MAINTAINED IN GOOD CONDITION BY THE -"--" W a,3M W N W 3N CONTRACTOR UNTIL THE STE HAS REACHED FRAIL STAIUZATION.CONTRACTOR MAY REMOVE NECESSARY SILT ,.. ,� _I« le 'i°' •. FENCING/FILTERS/HRMS TO CONSTRUCT ROADWAYS,WHILE MAINTANING ADEQUATE EROSION CONTROL N ADJACENT AREA. F _ '- _ m� 3. SUFFICIENT TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCIU'ILED TO ALLOW FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF a OF TOPSOIL FOR DISTURBED AREAS i -T�° I hereby certify that this CATO BE RE-VEGETATED. - __ m-m Yplan, EN 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE SITE GRADING,UTLTY INSTALLATION AND PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SO THAT THE • "' w specification,or report woe GENERAL STE CAN BE MULCHED AND RE-SEEDED SOON AFTER DISTURBANCE,AREAS THAT WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO OT POlO•NOMLow.6 BLT RNCE prepared by me under my a CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED OR SODDED WITHIN SEVEN(7)DAYS OF BEING DISTURBED. AT TOO RUMAT DARN 02111 .,.,.m.,.,,.-.,,.. -'"▪'w"^""'^" direct supervisionandthat I 5. CONTRACTOR Stall INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS INDICATED ON THIS EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND ANY .am a duly Licensed ADDTRNAL REQUIREMENTS BASED ON MEANS,MEDICOS AND SEQUENCES OF CONSTRUCTION. .wr1 C_ I-.-v PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under CP /� ------- the laws f the State of 30 n..`..v v.-,m:" �^---'-�_ P4.-.7.4",,,,-- , ,.."- MINNESOTA 4...,,,,,__ y, MO17 P',d- -�••`-'"- CLARK WICKLUND.PE AT EROSION CONTROL RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: SWPPP BMP QUANTITIES: ...T �" tp •■w �a _ -� to Dat. License Na. Z71 OWNER/DEVELOPER: SWPPP INSPECTION: SILT FENCE= 51 LF "'m I ' • =- ' • t� ,..-relNID ..m RSD TBD -.""e -1 °m % .F ��0°" ..........1.... � QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL j INLET PROTECTION= 4 EA 1 ��"- �me • ° ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE= ' I EACH _.1.`v .' ' . --. BY DATE Eartee • �' .-...,- _ ._ e. DATE ISSUE J3 `• .1"..""; mm..."... W-22-16 CITY PLANNING SUBMITTAL IQ ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: / / E" " _•- a�"A 04 as CLARK WICKLUND, PE TBD / - -..." N :T,a,.AT BRO▪W 00WNEOEA ADWr TRNSTO ALUANT ENGINEERING, INC, \--"°"•.•-" / aBi 233 PARK AVE S. STE 300 �-c'� `r'„� ,BIMu B MINNEAPOUS, MN 55415 N. •T NHnaT..MLATo1 sew. m -�:r----. c 113.11.01B.ROBRIBIT 61.10. 2 MT 14)44 gSTAR CAL BElel -AIM RR-W_NUTS N O O LO / to Z5 PROJECT TEAM DATA N DESIGNED: MK DRAWN: JG ocAS.k-‘? 4,"4ei PROJECT N0: 210-0021 o �`.L.S �T CP 1. C-4.1 . , foe, . . V A .-.,22 A L L I A N T 2 110111 2 2411211 v UTILITY NOTES: - I 04,10,11€ tt .T 1. EXISTING UTILITIES,SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE 233 Park Ave S,Ste 300 VERIFIED INTI THE FIELD AND WfTH CITY OF EDINA, PRIOR TO Minneapolis,MN 55415 I /i.4 NE CCRNER OF SEC.3I, CONSTRUCTION. 612.758.3080 MAIN v /- /"l' ( -- _ r'ti _-"^1 HENNEP8IN COUNTY CAST 2. CROSSINGS.MAINTAIN •VERTICAL AND 6'HORIZONTAL SEPARATION AT ALL PIPE 612.758.3099 FAX 5 89'55'35' E 2625.19 r' 1�--�-�- ::-"- --! IRON MONUMENT - WWW.alkant-Inc.COfn 77,71/7/7Z- - - - -.- - - - -- -- -- -^ � 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS PRIOR TO THE START OF J7- F NORTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF SEC.31---...I. I_ 3 CONSTRUCTION. - - - - - ^, 4. UTILITY CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE POLYSTYRENE INSULATION FOR ALL W. 70TH STREET N 4yzs N STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN CROSSINGS WHERE VERTICAL OR .,•/ = HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LESS THAN 6'. i- - - --- -,%' '"'b...,, = 5. ALL UTILITY WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W.SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF EDINA - - - - h ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS. "", - r,� � -"�»4.f"�"$�f',- � 6. NOTIFY GOPHERSTATE ONE CALL, 1(800)252-1166,48 HOURS IN � � �. 1 W ADVANCE OF ANY UTILITY WORK. - , "• _„ITC ,2L< -���' E' .....:��� 11 4 A IS - Is 7. NOTIFY UTILTIY LOCATE COMPANY 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY • 11.1111111111111111111111111.......1.11141111.119 wimi ► I LQ_ I y v i UTILITY WORK. Y(,,' it �` ����S- 1 I .-. ` 8. PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL IN COMPLIANCE WITH MNDOT ` ,!, 'TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE LAYOIlIS-FIELD MANUAL LATEST I - -- \2 EOMON,FOR ANY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PUBLIC R.O.W. 111114 i 11 8* 50- JI l 9. ARRANGE TEL.GUYS,AND ELECTRIC SERVICE CONNECTION WITH THE r I(- RESPECTIVE SERVICE COMPANY. { 95 I p 10.PROPOSED WATER SERVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH MINIMUM 7.5'OF !, a� TENANT 1 7ssimmataI® i COVER OVER PIPE. GROSS SF T. 11.SEWER SERVICE SHALL BE 4-PVC•SDR 35,ASTM 3034 USE BENDS& 1 I 0 0 RI I 0O l * I' FFMNGS AS REQUIRED. A , 0 , 12.THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE PLACED AT FfTTINGS,TEES,BENDS,CROSSES, 0 225•s 45• - I - - PLUGS,ETC... BENDS O(PRIVATE) B•DIP go..,Nm VATE) II I 3 I 1 13.CONTRACTOR TO MARK ENDS OF UTILITY STUBS WITH A WOOD 454 POST 0 0 ' 180 ES= - - - -- ■■E 'L''''' ;,I (UPON NARYOMPLETION OF EACH PHASE).BLUE FOR WATER AND RED FOR .-- I.00006CRE E(PWVATE) UTILITY ■ ' 1 = ^ ... CONNECT TO EXISTING - ....... - ■ I\ 14.ALL STORM SEWER PIPE LENGTHS ARE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF SE8HCE slue W/225'BEND I i■ 1O TME STRUCTURES. VERIFY IS F IF EXISTINGZ vrl)111 0 SERVICE IS FOUND TD BE 4 \...........711b 19'-4'PVC O 1.Oi CO ' INSUFFICIENT REPLACE TO THE Lyy I' / w/2 NOPE INSUu11ON TENANT 2 RODE°MN NAM LINE w SANDE.AVE, (%OVATE) -■ I ' -..,_II IL _ 3.850 1Y-1a'HOPE �II♦m _ J j i�_ dPo AV 4Y-d0 PERF.GROSS SF (RI IyA E) WEE.. p LEGEND: I - __. / plP>¢2 MO W Q PROPERTY UNE 312-4.PVC O 1.08 Z II�4 .-`" CIINH 3(PRIVATE) CI TV/2 HDPE INSULATIONATE)' II' DESIIGN(PRITO w/4'SUMP IIIIMI 1 I '. Q CC CONSTRUCTION LIMITS i I PROVIDED BY 111E 4ANUFACNRL I PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER Ipti U CD NEOT TO EOSINS 1 , 4-VEQ]snra.RELIT VERY'k, I PROPOSED WATERMAIN ' PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE SDE AND INVERT,- II 1 1 Q SE-I2'HDPE > > >_ EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE J i-OVATE) RISER 1 RISER 3 t0 02'11111$4- I I CC 0 EXISTING STORM MANHOLE/CATCH BASIN J I�� PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) ,,dyy�.�/// ' 11, fB11N 2(PRIVATE) C (PPoVA e4- W -....-...-..- 11/ EXISTING HYDRANT AND VALVE Z _ , 1,,-12"TOPE / , I, - - - EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ,..7 ii >: EXISTING STORM SEWER agiLikdill�_ '5.�C s ... .. a 1I -- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER RISER 2 _iI OWC/SY61 WALL I 1 22:41 BfINC ' .e(PieVAIEIPRIVATE) _ 0$._t,RCP I 2 0,187s (PRIVATE) _-.'. EXISTING UNDERGROUND NDERGRROUND FIBER OPTIC W ...I LJ / J // /2j/// ' 00470 I t 9 1 III - - EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE J a. j N99 55 35 W`200.00 I I Ii - u- -' EXISTING UNDERGROUND GAS a N O CC Z y 6 - /�. 1 i W H W L ,..1 E I. , -Sr0RY BRICK D�Los / II n Z a ;51 as.,1u2 N iI II % 1 1 1 0 T O H H 10 ii - I 1 W En La V) D N / I hereby certify that tins plan, spec!!cation•o t W 4V prepared by.I or under nde r my N direct su pervlalon and Thai 1 <. arn a duly Licensed QEL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under MN lawsof the State of N MINNESOSOTA O' 3 13 CLARK WICKLUND.PE FI. STORM SEWER SCHEDULE: PERFORATED CMP SECTION: pal, Dc.a,.Ha. 0 0 0 QUALITY ASSURANCE CONTROL 9 BY DATE 0 10 20 40 DATE ISSUE D 04-22-18 CITY PLANNING SUBMITTAL I I 5111'C'H P.DIA. P.SLOPE P.TYPE PIPE FROM TO RIM STR. CAST BUILD (15 SCALE IN FEET I O // / //////// FROM TO DRN] S[F[/FT] LENGTH[FT] INVERT INVERT EfEV TYPE TYPE [FTJb ...:1.! '. •• { .�`Y„c",,,,..4....„(4 d © 0 Rfl4BlE B111MNOU3 PAVEMENT CTS I CBMH 2 12 00050 HDPE 56.0 861.40 861.12 865.I0 bO 0-3067-1' 370 • Q ) ,� e?' A6A0LE INN Al OC E E• a1 " ',..,A4,,,,„,,,,.. %13 II (4.i"Si.I'' ,1"f J 9,I © PANE T SECTIW OETAIL1) CBMH2 CBMH3 12 00050 HDPE 111.1 861,02 860.46 865.10 48 R-2.501 4.08 �::..�-fi �I..LL �J Ay)'"-1 8 R p P2Z40,B0T02 ROOF DRAM CBMH3 10 0.0250 HOPE 140 860.81 860.46 NA NA NA NA y!"'•j, ,JA'� / O �0u0 NNwN MN C /�f x •B j T 60e Y' FXTEIa Pia 5141E It CBMHI INTIL.TANK 12 0.0300 HDPE 10.0 860.36 860.06 86500 48 R-2501 4IXI v ? {, • '7af�Y-Is PERFORATED s7-0 ® a.. N MTIL.TANK 0054 12 0.0050 HOPE 6.4 858.00 857.97 NA NA NA NA CMP ,,.'11,,� - CMP i J. 0 'W¢or.LE FABNC"" �` 0 OCS4 MHS 12 0 005 HOPE 49.2 857.97 857.11 865 20 60 R-1612 7.23 < C Y)n{ U� 1.0 ill.f./{,� j MHS 12 0.0050 RCP NA M-RIFYDOSTMG 865.10 48 R-1642 � 40_ ''',,,'...)4:1'',. 'A 1`�'y>j'+-)•//;�"qi/ ` ,� p PROJECT TEAM DATA CI O RISER I CMP 865.50 30 R-1642 '(I l `^ ^ � ^'x .� Y y; (� $ DESIGNED: WC 0< RISER2 CAP 865.60 30 R-1642 a B' I 2.5' I 6' - ^,q °5.p,. 5 �- F DRAWN: JG U RISER3 CHIP 865.20 30 R-1642 g- 1.tai-t0 'Ry PROJECT N0: 216-0021 E RISER4 CMP 865.10 30 R-1642 �0'5 C `CP " 1 I. C-4.0 0 A ALLIANT ENGINEERING ATTACH 9W TO POST BIM ARPROPMATE W` � TOP AND STEEL Bays. 233 Park Ave S,Ste 300 i � DUMP STRAP -0.I' WASHERS h NUTS.(TIP.AT •I TOP AND BOTTOM a SIGN) Minneapolis,MN 55415 '4 Non-wovenGeotaTLtikt Drainage 1'(25 mm)REBAR FOR �/ 612.758.3080 MAIN e d►' BAG REMOVAL FROM IMET �� �,c. /•(.' Fabric Under And Extending A ���, STATE APPROVED HANDICAP 612.758.3099 FAX X W,,,, PARKING AGNS vi • Minimum of 3'Beyond 2 EACH l y+-F` _ 5as .•;'s:::- �O DUMP$TRAPS 'r•♦"W+y ` SIGN TO FACE PARKING STALL www.alliant-inacom „:7, o • .0 . /.. >c •:,aA/•b, e �/� s - ���� III r vo 4':♦;.�NG1e ' l� vAN 101...q.-;.,....4142.4-47,11,11,N...,.... Length ,, •. y,IP,aM 4O'•',a�. ((Acasslac rl� �v.i•i,i.•tlii•q/••r ��•• 1 mHmum - l .�t�!tN/ti.i •. i✓/`//iW a I • SILTSACN x _ 1.1 ♦ !•ice e� �t'14 i•�1• 2•X2'GALVANIZED PERFORMED II, ♦e� SIGN STOCK,TVP. KV • .tib I�rell f 0.1f1I f fiGili/.4. �W PRIMED AND PAINTED �M .f 77770��..•��`••.G*=I./,�/0��01P. DUMP STRAP m a w BI QtETE CFNTERm��1 P.%7 44(s�,.♦f•11.1•\♦ &.4, i TM ENGINEERING FABRIC) bLp/ eG0`i•,•��� ��:\!�/ ,\i G.yii+', ( OR AP-ENMRO FENCE ROUNDSIEII PIPE^12"Minimum Thickness •G4,, i i I,.•,/ei OR API-ENMD FENC eouueDca+«ETEnuc0 ,�.�I/ji]®�r.ewiay ♦. STEEL FENCE PAINTED YELLOW � .;,i�� �•ONiPy:g�i�i/fin., POSTS Y-Y O.G. G� rY4! I w SiI�IIGLEXPANSION RESTRAINT RI _���•pT;•.":'ail.,E•/�tl�/�•. R I >: \ P4 /! �l.Iie.WW j [T/W'(e mm)NYLON ROPE, •e i��`A�•//%i/�,r�*�I��GI t.�� 2•(51 mm)FLAT WASHERS) 3"-6"Washed Rock G!�1§4./j1ilW�*;* BACKFILL e• e• • •±�� /. ♦♦�S� ✓��i�G G .I 4/\: EXOAN510N JOINT ...b�i�i /sip. . "���` �i.,/u�. ifi INT WALK SECTION •COMMERCIAL �`*M Gi`'G, F -inimum A EMSTING GROUND • �f� BURY BOTTOM B• �J1//II(//� ..,4YG . DA - G: —I 11�I 1—I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT ,Idth W A , OFFABRICm III-III-I I II-llllllllf II11�1I III . • —III a II— III TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE INLET PROTECTION, SEDIMENT FILTER SACK SILT FENCE II I - Q II I O O NO SCALE NO SCALE O NO SCALE III• ' 1 I 1 11 1 I�11=1 I 111• 11 20•DIA. FOOTING 4 ROUND BOLLARD WITH A�I DESIRED MaeMUM A�1 O NO SCALE D•B• ' B'B• PDSSBLEWRBTD ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE IFR TE IV Q< • 4 ADJACENT GRWNO M0� CONCRETE WALK - • - - , • f .0 a• ♦ -fi r 9-`" 'Na' ;;OTEa FT. FINIGRADE (VARIES)5•B' 5B'a. .• B F5 ff''°____-_...........,,, ,,00.....11101011'. iy. OF CUTRBAGE Q . BALK U ane Z�• "„^ nisi,: 9_0,,..0. 6^ 12" W a a• OA _TOOERA "hks ,!'4SPTIONALPARALLEL /4000011.. N :- '� CONCRETE CURB & w J Z '.T FACE. -••-• O RBI' OF O%HB ..E, fwOHT FACE � iX ( t� RAMP I''i:;:i: - F-a r O UWe JVAR BIDM cuRe A'd' (4• CURB T'4•D• •MIN.Q 4 (4• CURB y 'e w,"•' (FOR NARROW SIDEWALKS M �.,�T, 3"R r PAVED SURFACE CC �'''.'P ADJACENT TO CURB) - (PNMT TYPE VARIES) x V) 2 V I A� ISOMETRIC VIEW ?{i;11•G ..4AF,AF,i:i..: E AJ Y•:,;. epplf.A•'ngtg*Ittl fl:-�Vie;; COMPACTED AGGREGATE W o z m co nF11 PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP PUN VIEW OF P PE85DICULAR RAMP MI l i;.•i ea /.'Eil.1j . SQA rr•r �A(t�Tt"' __" ". BASE SIZE N0. 53 AT n Z f f.A�dlil — 95% PROCTOR DENSITY ~ a BASE D/JMEIEP Al PHOOS'SIE�JWIH ro — = — — I=11=III—III—III E I I a 3 N U) CURB OR T GROUND L_I I I IE1I I=III I I1] -1 I IE COMPACTED OR I CURB AND GUTTER ed I-I I pUI I1-III-1I I-I I I-II I-I I1-1I I_I I I-,I I UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE Z CI .-Z H Z s 4.. (B• aRe) % C 0" BESIRAaE 7/B'-1 7/15• I ®� I W Nmi a V) O D'4" 4" NRB CR DOME SECTION FRanr :`:` „B 2 5/ISS,P, tea•: ry B612 CURB AND GUTTER l specification.certify.o that this plan. LL o.az R./TT.MAX® aGD7) ts !'••'•^'•" CONCRETE WAIN (1.525'-2.J]5 J,I ....E(TVP)l� C GPac d b me Or under e N U O.OB FT./Fr.OR FIATIEa 0 JE1�TI�'leNDe`e�e e e � v prepare y my -II =lam!!� NO SCALE direct supervision and that I O. SECTION A-A 5 -20/9- POYWeo:eo ��ID'D'1 4'0" MM. 110'O'1 fJ am ¢ p.525'-2.»5') 'T` 11 a duly Licensed 11 PP 11 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under IB/19•(TYP.)J 8 S/9•MM. ASI MINNESOTAthe laws (the State of 3 IF THE PATH OF TRAWL'X'I5 4 IT.OR GREATER.USE 10.837I•) DOME SPACING(°azs I PARALLEL RAMP OD ROUND ALL 0.10 TO 0.00 FT./TB.SLOPE F.THE FLARED SIDE. F PLAN VIEW SLOPED 'X'IS LESS MAN 4 Fr.,THEN THE RIMED SNE SLOPE k •,- (INTERSECTIONS MUST NOT EXCEED DOR R./FT.. 009 5 OPE R CLARK WICKLUND•PE .. .......:• . . ......... ........... Roe R./FT.SLOPE u7EF E° •S :.:i : AX ROUND ALL SLOPED :.j':::':: NIERSIECTOMS .... ..,. L oss9LE CURB TO (V ..... a .....:. .: .. � ADJACENT GROW,' Dote License No. (9" CURB 9 O.aa R./HT.SLOPE) 4'D'MN.0 (5" CURB G 0.09 FE/FE.MDPE) 6„ � "" � �' "'; � • 1/2" R DUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL cz• 4'r' la'D" II TO D" % (t' 0160 a am R./T'T.SLOPE)ELEVATION OF RAMP (4• 'Re G 0.09 R./FT.SLCKE 1 co" clan Ill 4'D' MN. L.�1 (e"CURB NOTES: B'B 1 1T B'B" BY DATE (4"CURB) 1 FILLER MATERIAL AAWTO M 211. (4"CURB) 01/2 NCH PREFORMED JOINT ELEVATION 31 DATE ISSUE E Q WHEN POSSEKE.RS TO N A OEM PAIN R TRAVEL 4'O•WOE BEHIND ME.,SG S, RMP. A RFOTHER O DAT 4' X 1'E ADO BILL NOTES: II j ALLOW R PAR OF A NANGTE AROUND ME PWESTT9AN DMP. N°9GRALS 9GR5,CABINETS,OR OTTER OBSiPUCTGRS ARE ADORED IN ME POSSIBLE CURB TO Q 1/2 INGR PREFORMED JONT FILLER MATERIAL, Oh22-18 CRY PLANNING SUBMITTAL " ""p UH PAR U TRAWL WRe OR SIDEWALK WpT1 ,, HUD ADJACENT GRONO AASHTO M 210. TOP BIT. MAT 1/2" PER FT. az w Q WO.A MEDAN IS NOT BIDE ENOUW FOR TWO PEDESTRIAN RAMPS MOA...LANDING BETREEN THEM. THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSNC SHALL CURB AND GUTTER IBE CUT THOUGH THE RIEMAN AT STEET LEVEL C)PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS(TRUNGTED DORIES)AT THE BACK O"WM. WHEN TIE DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTNM ISA PRECAST T ��� / rig N MATERIAL THE CU.SHNL BE HAND FORMED TO FILL THE CAR. ::. :'.,.:..•.:.,•..1Bid . p . ,Q Q ADA REWIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHILL BE 2'O•MIN.N DIRECTION OF TRAWL ANO SHALL EXTEND THE FULL MIN(4'0'TVP.) •" •...:: . A4$1 i 3 R" K THE CURB RAMP, MIS 4 O''MOM(TwJ 1PUNGIEO OWE AREA SHALL CONTRAST NSIALLY BIM TIE ADJACENT RAIN- ING CONCRETE WNIf MAX CROSS ROPE . • 1/2" E y SURFACE. THE ENTRE TRUNCATED DOLE AREA SHALL BE A UGIT(GRAY CR BUFF',RALLY)COLOR WHEN ME ADJACENT SIDEWAK ISA e M WALLA a 0.02 PE R. Q y DARK 0 THE ENTRE TRUNCATED OWE AREA SHALL BEA DARK COLCR(REO°R DARK GRIT TYPICALLY)WEEN TE ADJACENT MEW.IS BASE r ,•:) Q , A LIGHT GRAY CEMENT COLOR PARALLEL RAMP BASE ©4'Cr MN.HP NEW OONSIRUCTM. S 0'ALLOYED TO STAY N RACE FOR REMMT PROJECTS IN SroABENS WERE ME CURB CUT NOM SECTION A-A ' H- EXCEEDS 410•,ME DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL EXTEND ME FULL NOM. O -- THESE ARE OPTIONAL PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALK ACCESS DETAILS - 12" - - 8" . N THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED BY CURRENT ADA REGULATIONS 0 o O PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP OPTIONS O B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER tO 5 FOR THE HANDICAPPED o NO SCALE OUTFALL NO SCALE PROJECT TEAM DATA 0DESMK ' Ce4,' CAT ,F.T��i. DRAWN: JG P4 V C •`� � "f1y�}';� PROJECT NO: 216-0021 E C14S1°)L• c ? O C c. C-500 • • A 4" DEPTH CONCRETE, MEDIUM A L L I A N T COARSE BROOM FINISH WITH ENGINEERING TROWELLED EDGES AND JOINTS 233 Park Ave S,Ste 300 21 Ariasiimir, Minneapolis,MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAIN • o a a or 4" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE TACK COAT TACK COAT 612.758.3099 FAx -1 J,•�o�.�.�.�.�,�o�,_Qpo MNDOT SPEC. 2357 MNDOT SPEC. 2357 1 �, .° .° .° ............ ° .. •• • •• •O A www.alliant-inc.com COMPACTED OR 1 1/2" 1 1/2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE 2" 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE —III—III—III—I ' UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE MNDOT 2360 MVWE35035 MNDOT 2360 MVWE35035 � ii (WEAR COURSE) \ \ � ii (WEAR COURSE) IIIIII—III— " ``\ BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE \\ BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE t., �0_, �_, �� MNDOT 2360 MVWE35035 "_ _"�� MNDOT 2360 MVWE35035 1-.: a•sy}•agoz (NON-WEAR COURSE) 11 ���•� �;et Sze ).,....•i..•. A5...'..•..'0. (NON-WEAR COURSE) CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6 �r�,:'r.,:'r.�� GRANULAR BASE COURSE 6" 'iiipit f ,'.,'•�; GRANULAR BASE COURSE ® �•�� �•�� �•�� MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5 �•��t�.�•��1��•��� MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5 NO SCALE 0.....". �' 100% CRUSHED ROCK OR -i Aliiiiiiiiiir ��_�� ������0�� 100% CRUSHED CONCRETE %����114. IP.'�� 100% CRUSHED ROCK EOR T ��)����)J 100% CRUSHED CONCRETE —I AT 100% PROCTOR DENSITY I I I— II AT 100% PROCTOR DENSITY COMPACTED SUBBASE AT COMPACTED SUBBASE AT 8" DEPTH CONCRETE, MEDIUM —I I—I 1-1 S100%EE SOIRLSSHEPORTY DENSITY I I I I I I 100% PROCTOR DRY DENSITY COARSE BROOM FINISH WITH TROWELLED EDGES AND JOINTS SEE SOILS REPORT ao • • • • :� A Y 6" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE ED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 11 HEAVY DUTY NOSCALE PAVEMENT 1:22.•. . NO SCALE V COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE —IIIIII ILII —III—III—III—I O CONCRETE PAVEMENT NO SCALE LOJ Q W 0 no Z DesIGN Dste �_*7x' avwNNa®CJ i �.._ O �"o •— LL WATEROUS J 2 r .10.1 CONTRACTOR MT AS MEM I R..r-... `I II s•5505 ) " 'C7 9) 0 a A G WAx nr 01)TO PRIM.AMTIONIUKOS Y A ,('00 mm �_O 1 t... E 3/6' Il I i) 'MTH BM 41Ait fil'k'� a rcnAsvaxAv. N„,,,,,,,,,G .._-r► ,ro _ MW VI 03 �D• 03 n 1TW.T.KAT R-1/7 R r 6' - uxRxACmx N,Nrs *xA+ai aim n.T MRN ...--�.'�!! y,x°) V PT r Y LIFrs TNP ” `�,]HYDRANT 1 1.V n Z = LL M r AOPE J 4'PER R. .-' ' .'. \..� C)./ ?) 0*\.,., �.� M 117:". fw 1 w.)+wr I\ / �' ,^ F- MfFNiErsP V'w.aR,E c«cNE E wA K LnycuT N. m`. I ax ' A' I Z R W Z RASE Y ° n RDAI*WAr .CONI Doul vALKA. % ff i ii i ^Z Cn UD L ,] f i ! i w. , ., '•s i ^• `_IH•R � Irl .. _..... M W VlxAmrN,n T xnx t} rAWwo - . . .. T 1 ...l wxT- FGRDUNDUNEN _"_ ' ,I 1- (� ( J --. 11� 1� . xt I lxWanox 4wR ---11T" - I hereby certify that this plan, 1 IS 1SP. N re -...•-t_.-e' 1 `.,T.C150 m1tU.CALK N1sp�....... ...xAx w.- \... -___ _-_irt17'`Iftm"IF� ira ,ir79--p.... . .:.%//� specification, or or report w my Q C,). \� ` , SO. CLEAR ._..Nv dir ci supervision and that I a -,xnMN«. \\\ ugly Licensed y. .f'� wWn PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under ,T DESIGN B618F'M B'- 2. .P/ _A Y°ax" !1 _ ,;;;�'� Pa Ao the laws of the State o/ *REFER TO STANDARD PP. _ f ' xnintx'E,.. . 3 I''-- L'� PLATE N00 Sr 1410 a• .. _T __ -. °°U, STANDARD PLATE MINNESOTA I I O�} R-3• �� • ,, try :.y" �`c�>- �Y EIPAN6M R. N3/� i � r. -!`A%".,?..' RAM.UNE-- 18 p„�n �-ta," z, I same Lp aw.l _. _ ICJ R_3 -•.� P. •. j.-. m*ed- O ° ,% a'D,Nc exX- ill)" ", Rcsu[NT CLARK WICKLUND,PE N ' •u'.•. •i -• .... a.EOCEvx. WK v ." e a r EmEvn Acaeanw s, __'). n � VwnT xoa N SLaPE 3 1-PER FT. .NWT Tn+" _ } oss GNCRE4 Mw. • f ►_-._- ® Dat. Gomm N0. 11 m BASE Y .- •° ✓\. `�'� a.f:.,. QUALM ASSURANCE/CONTROL 'Essays .... L j �0 t° .�\ yam' NO MTh IAI DRtVfWAY FORM CONINACIESI AINT AS rTO roonom 00 I u or ae w11.RUSI DLO. "••T"�'r -.P., : r"'"'''''1P NNE stuns TorA'''""' MTH SIDEWALK RAX hi UM 'D srI Na �aoa nurE..... BY DATE N E "• 'A 0NEI NENRN,((AD'PLAN CONCRETE cow ,,/s•113Ax0a.xwr IR ,n SASE E (0'EXPOSED AGGREGATE cahcRLTE �nEu*x°nnAE AAsn (. ntn ew eAe °" NOTES' DATE ISSUE 50(51 YAM 5'WN.H) ,CNMa:4 ARMS AN ) _(aI 0°j) PAww'xT w, r DF,n WORMY 0W MM..00*10 59C PACER NOON SW-SSD li' -10' was rant az W-Z2-I6 CRY PLANNING SUBMITTAL I (n N.M.P♦♦Aww:NT a Fh n .(MPROR) aVALVES aALL NAVE x r a.HAW no W 1£000*VNXE6 K - Y TMu i CdxEcnaxs x ALL HYDRANTS ANTS AND srE mS (9 ECHARKAL AOI CONNECT,. DESIGN MCUNTARI F �1z' R-I/Y xR�xum,n toR MAXac U( . M r UN.av,wxcraFE) ,e x06.xx. Tva s 0031!RE Z caxxccnas asE r x� w PR.0TIE..aWM. 1AU.VALVES TO OP. VI �.__ ` .,.-1� �-_ / , n 16 NtlbxAV PAVuNr OW Nn PET,awf I WTO*AT SH Fxrs Pa xanmEACER N « 11� a* 3/B' */e' • �— - 41 MI PATIV,17 Fa wa RANP p.TAAR NwRAxi t ARE R mINR srne N TOP BN.NAT R-1/2' -� ,.°'..°.'• 4' r'� Q ACcoRMNrE w,x NWA 1W3 STAmARO r- CUM g I . --�`'-•-s"-i--'�- °'8tl'6""'! WAVY aNY OPER..VALVE ROo s REC..)a HYDRANTS VAT ARE.,FAIRED,A a RTO(CAW �aL OR NO. w 16. SECICU 0--A O wr '> o. „.. t�., ENS,Rt SEEM m a ME mnw - o OT SF3 ID Pu* .. SF ,-.,t/ J Am THE SREARMILE m a OF VE EMERSON ROD. "-'. " ° ann ' ....5 Y • •• / *APRON CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SNN.I fiF.1ROWO FD Oa' rasa wm A w un 4:?� fn'x n x PAINTER RED AT INF FACTORY. u R; MI _ AND MATCH EXISTING DRIVEWAY PATTERN. 0FRIJI DIN.DIM..MIXTURE N 1_ CONCRETE DRIVEWAY INT JOINTS RIAUAND SEUL AHE n PAw,*[NT. 'ttta' r !'...... ,*man*eo .. POLY..ALLµ SNALL BE INSTALLED VATS NOM.AT Aa r O EXISTING DRIYFWAY JOINT PATTERN AND SEUL �:),q y, ,- 'A. woeLoa HYDRANTS o ROADWAY O �-146' -- t]6 . NNRm 5052 *2 03 DARE BE smAum OM EACH xouLE PEAvamR AR TO RvrvAAr. e gWL*MW 6'w'C1Ane WSL ATOM SA NWE e• -I mom.COAT. j - --... ._-.-zfi ..........-_-. '0'ITA TS,ea:urrs Mm uRNoT STMT.SCOW Auowu,r. ,r CURE RAW rnGnre aw- Rue ID REGAIN apex n RUDDER GA.. tip EAP T.LEFERTO Coo a ENrM SPEmcAmxs van WAmaAV Am AMR...TO ACHIEVE PROPER TArw ORWTE O A CITY OF EUINA CONCRETE CURB & REwSED: CITY OF EDINA COR ETE DRIVEWAY APRON REVISED: ) CITY Of EUINA - - - RENSD: TacVAmxs PROJECT TEAM DATA j . l ) ENGINEERING D4--09 F E:N(.YNEERING Da DU n y CITY OP EUINA O R6NSED' IAK • e GUTTER eW A►1 •► ANALK STANDARD IF IO NI ENGINEERING COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY E:NTRANC:F.S _oa-DD e y +1 = STANDARD OESIONEO X , dpU KS STANDARD h PUBLIC dr PUBLIC - '- --'- STANDARPLAD .... &PUBLIC 4�y DRAWN: )�" WORKS PLATE �yA' WORKS .� PLATE (I �\j ENGINEERING HYDRANT AND GAT. i,2 Da 2 JG ,�� t'(,-"N .. E q EN WORKS 4,-.411,1E. t.uC PROJECT N0: 2)6-0 21 �..:..., sE ENoyEa t i 5*1.'f hi 'Tee DEPTS. a ENa]eER 500 DEPTS. Aa MOWER 410 DEPTS. 400 wr' DEPTS. 1D0 - -- ._— ci IA C-5.1 3 O .1b LEGEND: LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS6 i PER CITY OF EDINA: Q `: THE NUMBER OFLOT OR TRACT SHALL BE NOT -- THE PERIMETER OF THE LOT OR TRACT AS MEASURED IN FEET L L I A N ....... ......... _........ LESS THAN S . . ....6 � � A T �],�, ip DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY TREES DMDED BY 40. EN.INEEEIN• /•` } EOUIRFQ• PROVIDES: _ /, TREES TREES 233 Park Ave S.Ste 300 -- - _ �'... V 700 ( RIMIER INCLUDING )/ 17.5 ( EXISTING DECIDUOUS))DECIDUOUS) 15 l ,k (14 PROPOSEDIOMinneapolis,MN 554 PE ROW 40 a . a ao-•L_. ._...._.. ..__....I- ......... ....... .... ..",......... 1......-1_..-F ORNAMENTAL TREE 612 758 3080 MAIN I 612.758.3099 FAX www.alliant-inc.com /^ -"/:////..-/- / / Z-4- ,�' "" FLOWERING& EVERGREEN SHRUBS t 'l' N CORNER CF r _..._. _. ...... - I PERENNIALS ...... _.' -__ _T_�, I _� -fes� .s. -e. ...... - _ __._ __ -''Y; N S K YJr 1M.�.TE M1C1Firy...NE OF Y--E'IRE I"-JF'4f.I(x U SCC 31-�= _._.. .; o-o ...._. ............... .............." _. POLY EDGING W 707H S7"t?EETC m 1-PC 3-RM __ __.. ..... "....... _ __ e DUSTING DECIDUOUS TREE +e • -.J,I.�c:.. �5.0D ' -•� ..0 :� \ 1 HJ 11.4i �, ( - ;' -lIpf `�000,p` 0 o e To 0 r in«-r'�II�r� ,r...�u. - ._ • � QQQQ R n1a1�.J0.Jti�1�.J�.J�J 4 f iA E�IEr•� �g�� I. I I • r,:l�...,� 4-GM' ,,..�� �� I i . Ill8-AC I]-SJ 7-TY i I ,,-. �� SHREDDED 00000 MULCH �, "',-grill *'����� '-IIM:t I r-----ii 1,:.„ 11 „a.-_..... - - OYER FILTER FABRIC()4000 • s1i µr T �y,,]�I= ■� TENANT �,®II I ' �4 .. I 4 GM P�//�� GROSS SF 13-RSL o(� SCHEDULE: : I �Y.�1/� SHREDDED WOOD MULCH f 0 eft `r I Q, OTT KEY COMMON NAME/SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE REMARKS `�I - Y OVER FILTER FABRIC(TW.) Ff'fOo I i 4 IA 4-CM ■ o - 8 SJ �Op�e j OVERSTORY p II'. 41I_� ME 180 ;■1f - �' i? -_ x �' 5 UTILITY •• 11 GL Greenspire Unden/Til ia cordata'Greenspire' 2.5''Cal.B&B Straight Trunk,No V-Crotch rI1fi ® �, _1111 - Soo _ I. *ti, Autumn Blaze Red Maple/Acerx freemanii •( - �� -.,- 133 NJS -� f T �, �� 3 RE 2.5"Cal.B&B Straight Tank,No V-Crotch + 4-GM /I_i� ')A...5.11...„11 - ,r-•�� 'Jeffersred' I kil� TENANT 2 SHREDDED WOOD MULCH EP�y 1 I -G T - 71,2410.. 3.850 OVER FILTER'FABRIC(TIP) iE■ - (' I' ORNAMENTAL t�ll�®.:.., -,-. lin GROSS SFPOLY EOONG(TVP) _ME- 6a r t& IIPM R`N II , 2 PC Prairie Rose Crabapple/Malus'Prairie Rose' 2"cal.B&B Straight Trunk,No V-Crotch A.I•� i� a NF ,bk� i 1 L Peegee Hydrangea Tree/Hydrangea paniculata T t� �� 2 PH 1.5"B&B Tree Form I � ,( �q�' 6(�L NI`. �� ., r l` I' h-, 'Grandifha' II (� X Al!** ..�..--�/ 3 I 4 , V-.' SHRUBS � 8-BA gl° wnt 1 1 "fl�--r� Au L/' ��t- 4 - 48 GM Goldmound5 pe Q „�aQ .I��/ k5 S� > ��_ 11 BOC' 1 ( (1- () plrea/Spireax'Goldmound' 18'ht cont Min.Scanes at ht s afied. -•.1 i .011�I � 7-GM ]GM 1 PCritk.e--a\-.'W' I t f-11 --- - / e. - 14 NF Neon Flash Spires/Sp japonica'Neon Flash 18'ht.cont. Mn.5 canes at ht.speafled. n rea'a • --..® c„ 7_ ]_, ""` 9 II'.100-1" ->-�__• 25 Si Sandia Junper/Juniperus sabina'Scanda' 24'dia.cont. Min.5 canes atda.specified. .a ��0�®=[].I�"aII` s • Techny Globe Arborvitae/Thuja occidenLI '1echny Z F I '\ �, '1 ,,a -._.. _�„I~i® 8 TG Globe 36 ht cont. Min.Sanes at ht specified. W Q �� -441.... ..........,... �,�� •� �MIL ��,!:'.. ,...-.....,311A.7:4 " `i r T. ' 111 �€ 6 7Y Taunton Yew/034544 media Taunion' 24"dia.cont. Min.Scones atdla specif ed JCG I- d. L „! r/> '� - , ,.../..//:,,....//,,,,,,,,, �/JJ „� 3OVER TILT WORD MULCH ) \ PERENNIAL .1 N 6- Ow '" / ///,±/ OVER FILTER FABRIC TYP i = i 5-GL POLY (TVP.) :[ W F W Q E • O Z m rn - // / _tom .+ 1 14 KFG Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass/[alamagro tlsx 3gal.cont. nz C.) a I v 11 �/ 1 I N scut Nora'Karl Faerster.• Q I / ‘;I t I Blue Oat Grass/Helictotnchon sempervuens 3 Q / ' 4 1 I 10 BOG 1 gal.cont. Z W Z /' %l a 'Sapphire' I iI / 885---. § __ 1 O Z I- to to II /// //// Y - i V,, 32 SA1 Autumn Joy Sedum/Sedum 'Autumn Joy' 1gal.cont. IJ,I M W (n N �! l'' . " SIII 23 RDL Ruby Stella Daylily/Hemeroallis'Ruby Stella' 1gal.cont. I Mnby omnIfy that thla plan, 1y /�/ ///� apwl/lca}ion,er npert w s .' /A ( prepared auparvialonme aand that ler y a - 0 10 20 40 am a duly Licensed 'V LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT under _ I I MULCH TO BE LEVEL KITH the laws f M.Stat.of SCALE IN FEET FINISHED GRADE MINNESOTA a POLY EDGING WOOD MULCH -6 eo ma„e„ SEE NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES ��K I E°„a� SOS CLARK WICKLUND.PE 1. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID TO 11.ALL MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN EIE 41 ® Y4 Dare Uu.ne.No. 0 BECOME COMPLETELY FAMILIAR WITH SITE CONDMONS. STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK,AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. o���y • P 101# _ 0 w.„„„c NOBS , i/i,���0 e 12.ALL TREE TRUNKS SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH BROWN CREPE TREE WRAP. F �>\A� .,(,�j8 �� Wei.„ww /� � QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE AT APPLY WRAP IN NOVEMBER AND REMOVE IN APRIL 11 s11; �.0 y 454-0002 AND FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL �� ,y/ ottS1 __ I-III-III III- �j�/� / AVOID DAMAGE TO UTILITIES DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORK. 13.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO WATER AND MAINTAIN ALL PLANT MATERIALS ¢� G _-- - -- H I I-I I I-I I I-I •� _I I P I BY DATE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE TO UTILITIES, AND SOD UNTIL INITIAL ACCEPTANCE. 1=71-120 7C515IlI O� II=11= ■ II-I -I 1-1I - I r I-I I1-I DATE ISSUE E SITE STRUCTURES,ETC.,RESULTING FROM LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION. ‘4 0.1 y�(-_ FILTER FABRIC a 14.REPAIR AT NO COST TO OWNER ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RESULTING 11-11= @3% I MIRAFl OR EQUAL 04-22-16 CITY PLANNING SUBMITTAL N 3. INSTALL 4"MIN.BLACK DIRT TO ALL SOD AND SHRUB AREAS. FROM LANDSCAPE WORK. I.IE SIt l-fg� BOl(lf 12"SPIKE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR FINE GRADING OF SOD AREAS.PROVIDE I =7f=7T=-7TIfII-U�If�-If 12•PLANTING SOIL FOR ALL PERENNIAL AREAS. 15.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING ALL -•4, WOOD MULCH AT SOD DETAIL .- O V1 PLANT MATERIALS UNTIL THE TIME THE PERMANENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS f` KM TREF*1.w„c wNxar 6 m FULLY FUNCTIONAL {� SHRUB PLANTING flCTMI 4. CONTRACTOR WILL STAKE OR MARK ALL PLANT MATERIAL LOCATIONS PRIOR Yt ~° ' TO INSTALLATION.CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE ' 2 NOT To sure MULCH TO BE AT APPROVE ALL STAKING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 16.CHEMICAL WEED CONTROL MUST BE APPLIED TO ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS }an COES m PRIOR TO ANY PLANT INSTALLATION. 1.2,fm Y,, SIDEWALK LEVEL 5. ALL SHRUB AREAS UNLESS SPECIFIED AS OTHER,TO BE BED MULCHED EQUAL c WITH 4'DEPTH OF HARDWOOD SHREDDED MULCH,NATURAL COLOR,OVER 17.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS TO COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH GENERAL SE IN mE MUM wM '•� p1 r'K AI`aE SPACING WOOD MULCH O CONCRETE SIDEWALK n FILTER FABRIC. POLY-EDGER TO BE VALLEY VIEW BLACK DIAMOND OR CONTRACTOR. SEE NOTES APPROVED EQUAL yryyEm u�1ve nmom STAGGERED PERENNIALS(TW.).PLANT IN MACIWE Ems v.'. STnESWSW ROWS UNLESS 18.STAKING AND GUYING OF TREES OPTIONAL:LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WIS av i.ST e AI m ,r - f- - ✓r - OTHERWISE SHOWN al PLAN 0 6. INSTALL 4-6"DEPTH DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AROUND SHALL MAINTAIN PLUMBNESS OF TREES FOR DURATION OF WARRANTY P.M.fa_ ' w'"�ia.'I."°'ciao TIAs,r„N 12.7 9P ,r--,-.._ -- .lp°- ---�!Jj- /�// O PERIOD. aa` A` pt !-� J /�,5; •G ROOT SAUCER OF ALL TREES ISOLATED FROM PLANT BEDS, r' r r� � L'HARDN000 MULCH OVER j 19.SWEEP AND WASH ALL PAVED SURFACES AND REMOVE ALL DEBRIS I-a ,.-7, z 7 \\7 \\T \\11%/ WEED BARRIER/FlL CH OVERICir' 2�� 0 m 7. PLANING SOIL SHALL CONSIST 1:1:1 CONSISTING OF 33R SELECT LOAMY RESULTING FROM LANDSCAPE OPERATIONS. ll- / r ����� , %�� TOPSOIL 335 PEAT MOSS,335 PT RUN SAND. =It= Y / Ohl - - - • PROJECT TEAM DATA O ) I 12'PLANING SOIL AS B. CONTRACTOR WILL COMPLETELY GUARANTEE ALL WORK FOR A PERIOD OF 20.CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF AN IRRIGATION =1;I=II =1-f-;NAIL.,, SPEanEo • DESIGNED: MK PLAN WITH 1005 COVERAGE FOR SHRUB BEDS,SOD,PLANTING AREAS 11 W ��,W II IMI II DRAWN: JG TWO YEARS(24 MONTHS)BEGINNING AT THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL _ r� - - '- iC AND ALL GREEN SPACE.THE SOD AND PLANTING AREAS TO BE ON llf- \ - ICI /'G PROJECT COMPLETION.CONTRACTOR WILL MAKE ALL REPLACEMENTS SEPARATE ZONES WITH RAIN SENSORS.USE RAINBIRD OR APPROVED - - �j �i-iII.CII fl / UHwSTURBm ANo PROJECT N0: 218-0021 ki PROMPTLY(AS PER DIRECTION OF OWNER). EQUAL COORDINATE WITH PROPERTY OWNER. NIL=III II IIHI FJT1 1= = - ���f�����/\�����\����������\��\/ UNCpAPAC1ED SUBGNADEPLANTING SOIL E ROME MU 3 ISM ,ts,/s\/N, ,,:\// , ...... //�\�\�\�\� FILTER FABRIC DEPTH VARIES o 9. ANY MATERIAL WHICH DIES,OR DEFOLIATES(PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE OF 21.CONTRACTOR MUST PROTECT EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN DURING ME Nva'Or MIRAFI OR EQUAL SEE NOTES c Nooti.. REPLACED. THE WORK)PALL BE PROMPTLYREMOVED AND RE LAC CONSTRUCTION. EQUIPMENTOR 0 MAY BE STORED WITHIN THE co sTRucno.NO NG SOIL WOOD MULCH AT SIDEWALK DETAIL L-1.0 co DRIP CANES OF EXISTING TREES To REM4N. TREE PLANTING DETAIL PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL 10.THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVEG RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY O O O 3 PUNT MATERIAL NOT MEETING SPECIFICATIONS. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TOSCO.. o` • • D I C I B I A U Zo ry�� CNW- 1111M1)1->gl 4 U3 E � CCM - 15-069 Q 3901 70th St. West, Edina, MN 55435 g SHEET INDEX PROJECT — 0003 COVER SHEET OWNER A100 ALCOR FIANR03 PLAN EFRANCE2,LLC ono ELEVATIONS 2780 N.UNIVERSITY DRIVE MINNEAPOUS.MN 55418 CONTACT:HECTOR VILLAS TELEPHONE:954-499-8663 x231 P EMAIL Isvonecorp@9mail.com ARCHITECT DJR ARCHITECTURE,INC. 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N UNION PLAZA,SUITE 210 3 MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55401 O CONTACT:Sheldon Berg �. (612)676-2719 -///777�1�1�1 (aler9@ de o, ) 8 ��A CONTRACTOR g TBD 1111 s 8% dddd11 E CIVIL9 y SITE MAP ALLIANT ENGINEERING — • C 233 PARK AVE. S `V>;`+ MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55415 i, 5 CONTACT:MARK KRONBECK TELEPHONE:612-758-3080 EMAIL SS & 0 £[�O 63 IN I I ( -.' - STRUCTURAL VOIGT&ASSOCIATES,INC. 4635 NICOLS ROAD,SUITE 204 -_-^` EAGAN,MN 55122 II •iIA 1 CONTATELEPHONE TELEPHONE:651 fiB6-7727 x11 • ` EMAIL • erpnearin9@voigtandassodates.rnm 2 ;' MECHANICAL • i ti , Ell - , i TED ° -l 0 -11111 11.1 II. :L.---.-. ;.-.--..-.6.....40 IA .,411 2 lib a 1 h _ ELECTRICAL T kV: 'I TBD Id 11111 _ p .I _ - I_1 ■ T" LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT W ' ALUANT ENGINEERING 3080 _- MI PARK AVE MINNEAPOLIS.MN 55415 CONTACT�- I 111 �Il EELNEPMONR2 KRONBECK Et LL W W Y _i 1U) F—: w 0 Ao N-i g U G000 ► 44D I C B I A EtU Zo ---c;',4-, LLIcrw'° m Dz oz �Wo 1—”,',1. 4 N=z 0T Gi)n 4 Q 93'-0" W'-8- 30'-2" III .--L _ L. ROOF— OVERHANG \ II ,r ' \ \\ 111 0 1 ®I I liii! • 1 `• �� 1) \,. ' , to I TENANT 1 / 1 4,000 4 „�� I GROSS SF . Ise a - I � it \ S.l _ i$ih. I 1I b Pil I j H E` a jl 1 Cgggp F .... 4 0 15 N 1 t L___,-. �� 180 SF I UTILITY • k ,. I IIm TENANT2 y • IJ 3,850v id GROSS SF • I 2 • SII 4' I .. 744 I IIII! ' I, - I I a 11 1 1 \\ L J ROOF OVERHANG I. . sa-0” W � ( ®ROOF PLAN O FLOOR PLAN-LEVEL 1 \ �/ Z �Q LL 1 IL W'E Y T.€ og I 5 A100 ' D I O I ___— B-_ I A SUNSHADE 0 Z. PREFINISHED METAL ,1 PARAPET W , PARAPET _.__ ............ __.. — N " j Z o I ••,,. `" GI ^t� - -. ALUMINUM STOREFRONT �Uo 20 F _., ,�,,, PREFINISII HED METAL W 11. - - - ,� 1 �r:3: CANOPY =man IImaSG GE 4 �!s ` t T.O WINDOW.-. / *" �n2.; 111111 4I Ba .ti , b Qm �1111� 1I a efila '1- i .titi!:r.4 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT- DARKII BRONZE R I ler STONE VENEER NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION O —ALUMINUM STOREFRONT PREFINSIHED METAL CANOPY DARK BRONZE „_------PREFINISHED ALUMINUM- SIGNAGE METAL PANEL DARK BRONZE -..1.q 0 PARAPET _ _ • _ .. ____ - trill 122'-,0i/8' _ __ _ 2d'-0 {I ' I il i:II jI I SIGNAGE 1 " t SIGNAGE-BY TENANT 3 .. F . 4 333333•Mai." •223312ailALUMINUM STOREFRONT /� s 0. T.OWINDOW �� 110'-D• , 11th Ill (or IIIIII 111111 • STONE VENEER V 00' 0' i i 111111111111111111.1.1 OEAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION • 1i .': PREFINISHED ALUMINUM- M s a DARK BRONZE !� ` '_.� •• 'm. li. b "i SUNSHADE---- . ii ' !t! _PARAPET__._. \ ____ - _.__ _._... A F I I�' �I II 1 ' ,z4•-6• • 3 }y, i I -,_ I) , METAL PANEL 4 a !4 CANOPY • O3D View 4 V_-T O WINDOW.... - ••.. • �, 110-D' "�S ' - x. -- , sa '4. --- ALUMINUM STOREFRONT Id - 1 LEVELb, 1w- STONE VENEER Id SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION O — ! PREFINISHED ALUMINUM- OI PARAPET / DARK BRONZE LLI 124' P __ r ALUMINUM STOREFRONT �/ P SIGNAGE `� � — �- ..=...w....,,,---..,... ..... .....w..# SIGNAGE SIGNAGE-BY TENANT 0 �I�3��,' -B ` wawa-iT.owINDDw___ .^ — —._- PREFINISHED METAL CANOPY > �.t _ A. t ALUMINUM STOREFRONT — x W .,_-_-=...',_:__.. 1 I its ......, L.: ..., i , , i itl 16, 0 MONUMENT EAST 0 MONUMENT NORTH 0 MONUMENT WEST i i MONUMENT SOUTH •-6 m - --- — -- - - �H W /4"=1'-0" 1/4..= =1'-0" 1/4"=1'-0" 1/4"=1'-0" Q P- 3;1— STONE VENEER W At WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION A200 A '::\'''' eti,4y y•:, a . , f� ,'y } R 7 fi� t _ -„,.,_ -,%4104.1-11111101.--,- "W-1"" ; I 1 / t� tt , W _ Al d i • • � .;,...4. .' ►r �1 a, I •f.,. ,� >', + . �'x • �, �} i. f „:—.11‘....,,,.....4„,,,..,...-111\t„,. ., `+ ""� u _ cu'.^si- _ `'�i °�Z 1.11A f- Stilt, 'fit` '''''l �' _ t . a..a ; m may,. ��� n 11 '. 11,1%. ,_ '"",��__�♦: s. —� ,a f �!���� �I�4E-11 i� � ti *+;? .. t e sfi. Qaf Gev-. 11 � �. ' a ils,..,.....,,,,, ...70.500.,.........,,,,,... .. ,0„.. ..2....- � �, •� � �+� }�„ ' Y M • t� �'y ;i .o lin E� I` � ,mej+� j�ur f * 4 f�r�iF i rt ..fie �r , 1 M.... .-x r € �t7""3A.t "' J` 4 ria." » ' • `, i ni. 1,... . , 1 _ „' a.` °r,L't, } ,. # 1' 1'1, .w t r imma � �.��,• rte, t ,.6-, -Ir }.-;;� . •., .`-.;�.. ; r ..'r' w.-�. .,,: ,., .. +'ti: ..`� 1' • •' • IaIa ^'9 , .. �"q" '` �C;.. — . _g_t 1, ��ps. , Atitot > d .,....�---•,Z .a o -'.x. 1. cr. r .r� _ k .,.. .__ ; =mow :47.,µ 1 I . Ie Edina, Minnesota April 5, 2016 Conceptual Rendering 115-069.0 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. CITY OF EDINA MEMO INA �t City Hall• Phone 952-927-8861 9�1{,�� Fax 952-826-0389•www.CityofEdina.com O e Y \,+5 cn t, eiti m8 Date: May 25, 2016 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Re: 2018 Edina Comprehensive Plan Update Overview Information and Background The Metropolitan Land Use Planning Act requires local units of government to submit Comprehensive Plan updates every ten years with the next update scheduled for 2018. The Met Council reviews the plan amendments to determine their conformity with metropolitan system plans, conformity with adopted plans of the Council and compatibility with plans of other local jurisdictions. The City of Edina's Comprehensive Plan is a public document that describes a vision for how the community wants to develop over a specified time period. Edina has always been a community that has recognized the importance of its past while preparing itself for the future. From its incorporation in 1888 as a milling area on the banks of Minnehaha Creek, Edina has evolved to be a model among municipalities in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. It has been an innovator and leader in many ways as evidenced by being the first Minnesota Village to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance in 1929, construction of the Country Club neighborhood in 1924, establishing and upgrading the 50th and France commercial neighborhood starting in the 1930s, opening of Southdale Center in 1956 as the nation's first fully enclosed, climate-controlled regional shopping mall, development of Centennial Lakes and Edinborough, which have become contemporary models for the integration of commercial and residential land uses. Edina has achieved these and many other successes as a community in a number of ways. One of the key attributes of the community's success has been the interest in proactively preparing itself for the future. A key element in preparing for future success is revising and updating Edina's Comprehensive Plan to reflect and promote Edina's vision for the future. City of Edina• 4801 W.50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 IITY OF EDINA MEMO (<151A, V •� 3y • tY Atofl-tE�• tRRR Vision Edina In May of 2015, The Strategic Vision and Framework or "Vision Edina" was adopted by the City Council and was based on the previous Edina Vision 20/20 planning work adopted 15 years prior. Vision Edina is a long-term strategic framework that helps our community understand and guide the important decision-making that will impact Edina's future. The framework lays out the key issues identified by our community, which we need to be focusing our attention and resources on, over the coming years. Vision Edina serves as an important foundation for the City's Comprehensive Plan Update. Metropolitan Council The Metropolitan Council regional planning effort now identified as Thrive MSP 2040 has specific Plan Elements that need addressing in Edina's Comprehensive Plan Update. Local plans are required to include specific content areas. Those new requirements have been added by the Council since the last Comprehensive Plan Update and will need to be incorporated into Edina's 2018 Plan. Many of those required elements are already in the current Plan with those new Plan Elements for 2018 highlighted after the following list of current chapters within Edina's 2008 Plan. The Met Council provides local planning handbooks for all cities and municipalities under their jurisdiction to assist in Comprehensive Plan Updates. The handbook for Edina provides specific and tailored data and information on demographics, housing, current land use quantities, future projections and more. The handbook will be an extremely useful tool, providing basic data that can be easily incorporated into the Update. In past updates, countless hours have been spent by our consultants and staff compiling this data, working through the projections and making revisions. Time and money will be saved by having this data available up front. Update The Comprehensive Plan Update is an update of the existing plan that responds to changes within the community that have occurred over the past 10 years. It is a review and restructure of portions of the existing plan to better reflect community vision. The Plan that we have is a working document that needs updating, not totally rewritten. It is the time to determine what remains valid, what needs updating, and what must be added. It should be noted that the majority of land use within the city is zoned low density single dwelling unit district and will remain as such. Some areas designated for change identified in the current Comprehensive Plan including the Grandview and Greater Southdale areas are under study and are anticipated to produce plans that will be adopted as part of the City of Edina• 4801 W.50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 C - CITY OF EDINA MEMO rw9jjl� o e f �� ©• may •rM1roA`ON.a� / Comprehensive Plan Update. The Valley View and Wooddale Small Area Plan was completed and adopted into the Comp Plan in 2015. Study areas outstanding that need consideration in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update for Small Area Plans are the 44th and France, 50th and France, Grandview and the 70th and Cahill areas. Current Contents of the Edina Comprehensive Plan: • Community Profile/Demographic Background • Land Use • Housing Element • Heritage Preservation • Transportation • Water Resource Management • • Parks and Recreation • Energy and Environment • Community Services • Implementation The following is a list of existing elements in Edina's current Comp Plan and an indication of those who may be responsible for review and updating content: Community Profile/Demographics (Community Development/Planning Department/Consultant) • Review and update population, housing, employment trends and challenges and build on the Met Council's Local Planning Handbook information regarding demographics, housing, future projections, Community Profile, etc. Land Use (Planning Commission/Community Development/Planning Department/Consultant) • The Land Use section needs to be updated to reflect current land use and add all new Met Council required Plan Elements. • The updated plan needs to reflect Edina's attitude on future growth. The majority of Edina's land is fully-developed and will likely see little change. Edina needs to grow and change and shape that change to better meet the demographic changes it will experience in the coming two decades. City of Edina• 4801 W.50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 CITY OF EDINA MEMO e t cnO olty •MOAp tu`KE� 1998 • Specific area plans need to be included (44th and France; 50th and France; 70th and Cahill; and Grandview). • The Southdale Area Planning Framework and Grandview Transportation Study will need to be adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update. The Southdale and Grandview Plans will need to be done in conjunction with the work on the Transportation chapter. • The goals, policies, and objectives of this chapter should be reviewed and revised to speak to overall livability and the desire to have Edina be a more full service urban community offering life- cycle housing with walking, biking and transit options to a flourishing business community. Housing (Community Development/Planning Department/Consultant) • Add all new required Met Council Plan Elements. • Add text/explaination and a map of the City Council approved neighborhoods. • Summarize/include the Policy on Affordable Housing adopted by the City Council in 2015 as a response to housing demand and opportunities, stemming from a desire to foster diversity. • Include a discussion of schools and the Districts and their importance to the community and its future. Heritage Preservation (Heritage Preservation Board/Planning Department) • Update Current Conditions/Historic Context and Inventory. • Identify any new trends and challenges. • Review and update Goals and Policies. Transportation (Engineering/Transportation Commission/Consultant) • Add new required Met Council Plan Elements. • Transportation Commission findings need to be updated in the Plan. • Traffic a c safety changes need to be updated in the plan. • Include the 2015 Living Streets Plan in the Comp Plan Update. • Traffic changes and congested areas need to be identified. City of Edina• 4801 W.50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 CITY OF EDINA MEMO rAA,IA.7-71„." ElWater Resource Management(Engineering Department/Consultant) • Add all new required Met Council Plan Elements. • Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and other utilities need to be addressed given land use changes and forecasts. Review and address wastewater capacity in the Southdale area. • Flood Plain maps and areas of concern need to be updated and addressed. • Water and wellhead protection should be updated in the Plan. Parks and Recreation (Parks and Recreation Department) • Update current conditions including the conversion of the Fred Richards golf course, updates to Breamar golf course and the 9-Mile Creek/3 Rivers corridor among others. • Identify trends and challenges going forward. • Review and revise goals and polices as needed. Energy and Environment(Energy and Environment Commission) • Review and revise/update all sub-sections of the chapter including: Climate change and global warming, energy, solar protection, residential/commercial/industrial/city energy consumption, waste and air. • Add all new required Met Council Plan Elements including "Resilience" requirements. Community Services (Police and Fire, IT, Communications, Engineering and Community Development! Planning Departments) • Police and Fire departments will be asked to determine what they feel their needs might be in the next ten years. Much will depend on what is foreseen in the changes in demographics over the last ten years, and the demographic projections, including changes in the workforce population. The following are two new Plan Elements required by the Met Council for 2018 Comp Plan Updates. There are 8 required Plan Elements; however, 6 have already been part of the current Comprehensive Plan. The Comp Plan Update will address all 8 Elements as required by the Met Council. *Resilience (Energy and Environment Commission, Health, Community Development/Planning/Consultant) • This is a new Plan Element required by the Met Council that is meant to integrate strategies into the Update for communities to be more resilient in the face of changing climate. This will more than likely be/has been integrated into the Climate Change and Global Warming sub-chapter of the Energy and Environment portion of the Comp Plan Update. City of Edina• 4801 W.50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 CITY OF EDINA MEMO 9ZNA..;� )0 o e , , /41 NV An • Add a "Healthy Communities" or public health and wellness section to the Comp Plan Update. This will tie- in with other sections of the Plan including Park and Recreation, Transportation, etc. *Competitiveness (Economic Development, Community Development/Planning Departments, Consultant) • Create a new chapter that satisfies the Met Council's Plan Element. • Identify activities that directly aim to retain, attract and grow businesses that bring wealth and prosperity to Edina. Concluding Comments This is a general over-view of the required elements, areas of responsibility and tools available that are associated with Edina's 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update. Attached is a general draft timeline schedule of tasks and target dates associated with the final submission to the Metropolitan Council and City Council approval and adoption. Moving forward, the Planning Commission is asked to review the current Comprehensive Plan to affirm areas of the plan that endure and continue to guide a successful community and identify those areas of the Plan that are outdated or need change and attention given the last 10 years. What works in our current plan and what needs to be revised, changed, or addressed? The Planning Commission is asked to think about the Task Force (The Planning Commission); individual responsibilities to the City's other Boards and Commissions; and the make up of work groups (anticipated to be made up of residents) for the individual "small areas" of planning focus. (Cahill, Grandview, Southdale, 44th and 50th & France, Valley View/Wooddale.) We will continue discussion on the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update as a reoccurring agenda item on all upcoming Planning Commission Meetings. City of Edina• 4801 W.50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 PLANNING COMMISSION J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Work Session Work Session #of Mtgs. Attendance% Meetings/Work Sessions MEME 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 NAME TERM >:'.>:: . :.. (Enter Date) (Enter Date) Hobbs, Steve 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89% Olsen,Jo Ann 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Lee,Susan 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89% Platteter, Michael 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Carr, Claudia 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 67% Hamilton,John 3/1/2018 =1 1 1 1 1 5 100% Thorsen,Todd 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Strauss,Gerard 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Nemerov, Ian 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Ma,Amy 9/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89% Kivimaki, Peter 9/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Liaisons: Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers&attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held(ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded(ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type"1"under the month on the meetings'line. Type"1"under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type"1"under the month on the meetings'line. Type"1"under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type"1"under"Work Session"on the meetings'line. Type"1"under"Work Session"for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting* Type"1"under the month on the meetings'line. Type"1"under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type"1"under the month on the meetings'line. Type"1"under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings'line. There is no number typed on the members'lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given,the previously-scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. Comprehensive Plan Update DRAFT 01-14-16 Edina, Minnesota Project Schedule for staff and consultants NTrack/Task Description 2016 2017 2018 SON D J F MA M J J AS ONDJ F MAMJ J AS OND 111 Track 1: Project Start-up, Project Mgt and Communications _ _Task 1: Project start-up, Task Force formation _Task 2: Mtgs between Task Force, City staff and consultants 1 "i I _Task 3: Liaison with Dist. 5 Met Council Member and Sector Rep. I, ( 1 I 1 I I I I 1 IIIII •• •• Track 2: Review of Prey.Work/Inventory/Assessment Task 1: Review previous comp. plan, Met Council system statement Task 2: Interviews with key stakeholders Task 3: Assemble background data Track 3:Public Engagement and Review Process Task 1: Mtgs with Planning Commission Task Force (19) 111 Task 2: Mtgs/Community Forums (SAP planning) with public (12); focus groupsH 16 _ r� _Task 3: Mtgs with School Districts II •U - IL Task 4: Mtgs with Planning Commission (7) 11�1111r-4 Task 5: Mtgs with City Council (7) '1,1„�r, I 9 r Task 6: Web Site updates; media briefings ■.■111.■ SMETrack 4: Develop City-wide Plan Components ME Task 1: Intro, Background, Existing Conditions; Vision/Goals _Task 2: Land Use and Urban Design element I_ _Task 3: Housing element _!_ ! 1 1 _l _Task 4: Heritage Preservation element � I 1 I 1 Task 5: Transportation (inc. Aviation) element ' . . Task 6: Water Resource Management element _ (— Task 7: Parks and Open Space (inc, natural resources) element Task 8: Community Services and Facilities (City Admin., Health, Public Safety, I i Schools, IT, and Communications and Marketing) element _ _Task 9: Implementation Program (Official Controls, CIP, Hsg Imp.) _ Task 10: Draft/compile Final Comp Plan, inc. Exec. Summary __ _ Track 5: Final Products and Review Process Task 1: Review by adjacent cities and school districts (up to 6 mos.) s.°Is ,1,-2';'.1,' Task 2: Review by Met Council (up to 120 days) 1 Task 3: Final Public Hearing and Adoption by City Council r Task 4: Complete final Comp Plan document(print and digital)