HomeMy WebLinkAbout1902824430024-09102015 (2)roperty prio t ay be demolition A emolitio pernu provides no Assurance of permitted future uses b 86.7 886.8 885.5 Power Pole-88 - X885.9 1 \ Threshold -at door 887.8 Engineering lebdo SILT FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION Fabric anchorage trench becidill with tamped Moral son , • • 0. : Inch minimum f 6 inch minimum Note: Depending upon ounligurationr atiooti fabric to wire mesh with hog rings, steel peels with tie wires, or wood posts with staples- Figura 82-2: Typlesi Inalthetion for ilti kirk* Residential Temporary Rock Construction Entrance/Exit Wire irwsh reintomment tocconati Metal or post ar slake Ditection or tuna now ii Natural soil ' ? ••• / • 2 . -15' Initial length -To front yard setback line after backfill 1 Urfo3"waslmIrock '.:11417:4047, Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric under Failure to install the Construction Entrance before disturbing the site soils and/or failure to maintain the Construction Entrance will result in Enforcement action by the City. Vniffilmwntificknef. EXISTING HARDCOVER House 1,097 Sq. Ft. Garage 284 Sq. Ft. Concrete Surfaces 1,541 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 2,922 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 6,692 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 43.7% BUILDING COVERAGE House 1,097 Sq. Ft. Garage 284 Sq. Ft. TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 1,381 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 6,692 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF BUILDING COVERAGE 20.6% 20 io 20 40 ( IN FEET ) Conditions of Demolition/Moving 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter and excavations with slopes steeper than 1:1. Attach fencing to minimum 5' posts buried 1' and spaced at a maximum 10' on center. Enclose stockpiled soils with properly installed silt fencing. irkitsiii Property must be • red within thirty (30) days of building demolition/nA ' 'ties abandoned at the property line with a permit, foutiMon emolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade and seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a new structure within thirty (30) days of the building demolition/move. 34.8 34.9 886.5 68,.6 886.91 Drive--- 7 886.8 eglubtot) Pox. max/4- I c oS X886.7 J 11 1,-8t14.9 /883.9 885.0 / X885.5 Edge, driye is ; un. I /at line °Z) 1- „ X886.2350 1- 865.4 \ 4 1 884.3 - - Water Shut-off 666.6 884. X t/ AN 886.5 886 -Concrete 886.2 IIII X886.6 X886.9 -Edge of conc. drive is on the lot line 35,1 35.1 FEE /7&91101-1 Ce,Nr•I'd--.1: CALL 70R. alt Fence, al id Coristru&A Footint3 _Founoation Wail Reinfo.rc' Foundr.tion Pre-back:OH Framing and Sheathing -Insuiatiorr Lath -nrywa Drw. No. e'rtg SITE PLAN Sheet 2 of 2 30 811r on the 884 - -134.08-- 885408 781A//1147r' EacAff-450 - 5;5 X886.2 COne?.<886•4 \\ /co 'A 'fi" 2 ij ct) I X885-95- 89 '34 50 E50386•2 M: I 1 X886.8 .8 888.1 886. 886.7 mg "Wood Fe X X888.6886.5 X886.2 of cohcrete\ --Edge 888.5 T S 59'31'45" Window Wells Existing Dwelling .7 -133. 93-- 86.5 886.4 40.1 (<4 Garage cc floor 7886.6 2ap 885.7 6/ 0.3 7 0<co i9S(4-A, i-4,1 j, 013, ' od e0/414 6,444140 ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. Hwy. No. 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone (952) 474 7964 www.advsur.com SURVEY FOR: LANDMARK BUILDING CO. SURVEYED: July 7, 2015 DRAFTED: July 7, 2015 ADDRESS: 6021 Kellogg Avenue, Edina, MN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19, Block 19, Fairfax, Hennepin County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the above legal description. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct, and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish shown on the survey, have been shown. 2. Showing the location of existing improvements we deemed important. 3. Setting new monuments or verifying old monuments to mark the corners of the property. 4. Showing elevations on the site at selected locations to give some indication of the topography of the site. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown on the map when determining other elevations for use on this site. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: " " Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, unless otherwise noted. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, report or survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a licensed Professional Engineer and Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature: currvthi Ye. Gc)colum, Typed Name: James H. Parker Date: July 7, 2015 Reg. No. 9235 Drw. No. 150558 TB SITE PLAN Sheet 1 of 2 8021 KELLOGG AVENUE, EDINA, MN PROPERTY ADDRESS: ^ EX. 12' WHITE CEDAR (NOT TAGGED) EX. SCRUB BRUSH ( IN FEET ) TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION PLAN • Crilical Root Zone: Install high density polyethylene safety fence, 4 rt. high, International orange, attire Drip Line oral the Critical Root Zone whichever Is greater, of trees to be preserved per detail, prior to commencement of earthwork activity. Floldistakinp of the fence location(s) subject to City of Edina approval. • Where silt fence and proposed tree protection fence overlap, place the tree protection fence on the outside of the alit fence, double-staked at the breakpoint. • Refer to Tree Protection Detail 1. The contractor shell prune the canopy of existing been to remain where the canopy Is In jeopardy of damage due to the new improvemente shown. It Is recommended that the contractor hire a certified °torten to perform the pruning. Any branches broken during construction shall be Immediately trimmed and wounde painted to prevent further damage. Perform work In accordance with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of public authority having jurisdiction. Secure and pay for permit% governmental fees and licenses necessary for the proper execution of the demolition work. Provide protective coverings and enclosures as necessary to prevent damage to existing work that is to remain. Existing work to remain may include items auch ea trees, shrubs, lame, sidewalks, drives, curbs, utilities, buildings and/or other structures an or adjacent to the demolition site. Provide temporary fences and barricades as required for the safe and proper execution of the work and the protection of persona end property. Remove debris, weals, and rubbish pnamptly from the site. On-site burial of debris Is not permItted. Bum no debris on the site. Salvage material not otherwise Indicated to be revered shall become the Contractor's property end Is to be removed promptly from the site end disposed of in stet accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and/or statutes. Building', features, surfaces, and other descriptive references shown on this drawing are for informational purposes only. Field verify at information relevant to the project Odor to proceeding with the work. Visit the site and determine at site conditions and hazards. 'This plan is a guide as to the anticipated amount of dIsturbence expected due to proposed Improvements. The contractor is expected to take all reamers/ preceutione to ensure Oise noted to remain are not damaged during construction. Do not store materiel or drive within Ma drip line of exerting trees to remain. Be aware of overhead branches for clearance of material and equipment. This plan is not a guarantee that existing trees will survive during/post construction, but rather a guide to help assure their protection and greatest chances of survival at the surface level. Further protection meesuree outside this scope could Involve ecologists, foresters and arborlets. Notify the Owner's RepreeenleUve end Engineer when tree protection fencing is taken down to perform work In conjunction with the new improvements noted In this plan sat The conirector Is reeponsible for re-erecting the tree protection fence Immediately after the work Is complete, when ever possible 'Trees ahown as mdeling to remain (be preserved) that are damaged I killed es a mault of construction activities are subjeet to replacement per the City of Edina Tree Replacement penalty. Replacement trees are to be pald for also additional expenee to the Owner. Tree Trimming: Trim branches of existing trees to remain with branches overhanging the work zone toe height of no lase than 15' above grade. General contractor shell hire a state certified arbodat to trim Maas and ghat not Ulm Quercus se. during prime oak will season, per city code Donut disturb (Mks between April-July. Garage /***. r•-• cX I P?fwer > I,I \I GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 5 10 n 81 1111• PROPOSED ELEVATIONS TOP FOUNDATION — 887.0 FIRST FLOOR (SUB—FLOOR) — 888.2 PREVIOUS FIRST FLOOR — 887.8 LOW FLOOR — 878.6 /n(nti -24(8:/. WELL • /731' 886 tri 886 /PROPOSE, DWELLING . . NNW& e ,ele• AVA e• er, vdr ;ivy WW (4) EX. SIBERIAN ELM TREES (NOT TAGGED) 20 886 ALK- 885 ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. hwy. No. 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone (952) 474 7964 WWW.ADVSUILCOM SURVEY FOR: LANDMARK BUILDING CONTRACTORS SURVEYED: Itt1y, 2015 REVISED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FIELD TREE INVENTORY LOG . rAIMINAkctilAwmALE As i _ _ _ • _____—?ceL,..... P•IIII .,•!. REMOVE?— — 00 155 INC t 0.i_FE DI .1151 SPECIES 1 CONDITION L SIGNIFICANT? IENGuNG IVIES CII IIM yAcmcsm Ams 1011 11? !EGG OR SPECIES 5511•CN 01 0511€ PROTECTION .CA fAtEccro.'Ancl. Ce TOTAL N.SrICS I'IICVTOVIES TO IAL AA,11.6 TREE.; INV , -.., Calyx Design Group Landscape Architecture INWC.Cilip Ntl ES kJ 119(Otip.COM 651.334,5498 cdg, Calyx Design Group, !lc Landscape Architecture Sustainable Design Master Planning 1503 Berkeley Avenue I Suite A St erne, MN 66106 telephone: 861,334114N Internet vanyetelytelselenveup,.. bentleelyedeeignernesseam Revision.: rientleterentem•nekneen Certification: hvroby carllfy Mat Me plan, sputl8ealion, 0,4904 Mae pmemO by es or under my dIroct nupor44bn and Mail am a duhy LIconnadlandecapo Archke41unikw the Irmo If Um 010t0 of Wrirfetale. AMA= Jibe 010060 NOTES, SCHEDULES AND DETAILS: Melee SNOWEENCE WM6906780 B. 0.0. (WO() AT OMP LINE OF OMER MOW IMANCNE13. ITEMIL TO MAN FOR LOCATION. 4•13115005114einWOOD mutitt eiteiOve GROUND VEOEMTION, BEFORE IMIALUNO MULC41. NOTE TREE PROTECTION MAU OE PROVIDEO BY CONTRACTOR As REOURED no ME IN 8URVIVANIIIY OF EASING TREE8 TO REPANN. DO NCR MORE KATERIke OR ORNE EQUIPMENT SHAM. MAN INE TREE KW UNEMDESIONAlED ADOVE.IMPITAINMERNCEINTEORITY AT ALL7161E8THROUGH011 CONSTRUCIVN, WALL MEE PRIXECTION DONE &OM EVERY 73,4108. FlIEBOR GRADE SIGNS, 7.1,11E TO FENCE TYPICAL TREE PROTECTION DETAIL 60,034461.6 Tree Preservation/Replacement Data: Total Treea Inventceledr 0 Significard 08" Dia. Hardwood Trees to be Removed: 0 Significant 20 Tall Coniferous Trees to be Natalie& 0 Total Trees to be Removed: 0 Parcel Size (Ac) 0.153 %Of Trees Removed: 0% Number of Replacement Trees Required: 0 ELEVATION 'AZ / pgoposED DRNE. 885 — —1 3,3. 9,3-- S 8931'45" E Window Wells Existing Dwelling S 89:34'50" E [Wood Fence Tree Preservation Notes: Exerting boundary, location, topographic, and utility Information shown on this plan Is from a field survey by Advance Survey and Engineering, Inc. • Do not begin tree clearing work 00111 1500 protection measures are in place and to the permit approval of the City of Edina Forester has been granted. PLAN A OIl LYAnes640264 General Landscape Notes: 1. Tree saucer mulch to be four Inches (4) depth natural singleahread hardwood bark for trees outside plant beds. 2. Refer to civil plan sheces for proposed utilities, grading, drainage & eroelon control. 3. All plant material shell comply with the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery. American Association of Nurseryman. Unless noted otherwise, deciduous shrubs shall have at least 5 caner at the specified shrub height, Plant material shall bo delivered as specified. 4. Plan takes precedence over plant schedule if discrepancies In quenelles exist. 6. All proposed plants shall be located and staked as shown. 6. Adjustment in location of proposed plant material may be needed In field. Should an adjustment be required, the distil will provide field approval. Significant changes may require city nsvIew and approval. 7. The project landscape contractor shall be held responsible for watering and properly handling all plant materials brought on the stie both before and after instellation. Schedule plant deliveries to coincide With expected Installation time within 30 hours. 0. Al plant materials shall be fertilized upon installation as specified. 9, The landscape contractor shall provide the owner with a watering schedule appropriate to the project elle conditions and to plant material growth requirements. 19 If the landscape contractor Is concerned or perceives any deficiencies In the plant selections, soil conditione, drainage or any other site condition that might negatively affect plant establishment, survival or guarantee, they must bring these deficlences to the attention of the landscape architect & client prior to bid submission. 11. Ccntraotor shall estab fish to his/ her satietactIon that soil and compaction conditions are adequate to allow for proper drainage at end around the building ette. 12. Contractor is responsible for ongoing maintenance of at newly Installed materiel until time of owner acceptance, Any acts of vandalism or damage which may occur prior to owner acceptenoe shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shell provide the owner with a maintenance program includleg, but not limited to, pruning, fertilization and disease/past control. 13. The contractor shall guarantee newly planted material through one calendar year from the date of Written owner acceptence. Plante that exhibit more than 10% die-back damage shall be replaced at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall also provide adequate tree wrap end deedrodent protection measures for the plantings during the warranty period. 14. This layout plan constitutes our Understanding of the landscape requirements listed In the ordinance. Changes and modMcatIons may be requested by the city blued on applicant Information, public input, council decisions, etc. 15. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any permits and coordinating Inspections se required throughout the work process. 18. Landscape Contractor Is responsible for coordination with the General Contractor, to protect the new Improvements on end off-site during landscape work activitlee. Report any damage to the General Contractor' Immediately. 17. Prorlde & Install 4* Imported, shredded hardwood mulch around base of existing trees to remain that have a drip-line within the tree protection fencing. Provide water to existing trees to remain throughout construction, no lass than 1' of water , twice per meet from June 30 through August 30. EX. 4" NORWAY MAPLE (NOT TAGGED) !:ME HAVEN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING www.SafeHavenSE.com MINNEAPOLIS, at, I HEREBY CERTIFY that this pion, specification or report was prepared by rue or under my direct supervision and that I on a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the lows of the State of Minnesota. SIGNATURE: z.12/aZ- PRINTED NAME: Derek 0 Phillips DATE: 09/10/15 REG. sod 47507 MARK DATE DESCRIPTION 6021 KELLOGG AVENUE EDINA, MN H554x4x1/4" STEEL PILES @ 3'-0" 0.C., TYP. OPTION: IF 3/4" PLYWOOD OR OSB IS USED, INSTALL HSS4x4x1/4" STEEL PILES @ 2'-0" 0.C., EMBEDED 10-6", MIN. PROPERTY LI S-0" 1 STRUCTURAL NOTES FOR TEMPORARY RETAINING WALL: 1. BUILD PER THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC) AND THE 2015 MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE (MSBC) 2. THE EXISTING NETALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE SOIL IS ASSUMED TO BE 2,000 PSF AND THE EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE IS ASSUMED TO BE 45 PSF/FT, MAX. THE WATER TABLE IS ASSUMED TO BE AT LEAST 10'-0" BELOW BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION CUT, G.C. TO VERIFY. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY POOR SOIL CONDITIONS. 3. SITE DATA WAS TAKEN FROM SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY ADVANCED SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO., DATED AUGUST 28, 2015. 4. FOUNDATION IS ASSUMED TO BEA FULL BASEMENT WITH THE BASE OF THE FOOTING APPROXIMATELY 9'-0" BELOW GRADE. GRADE VARIES ON SITE. 5. SHORING MAY NOT BE REQUIRED IF A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT IT IS NOT NECESSARY (i.e. A MINIMUM OF 1 TO 1 SLOPE IS ACCOMPLISHED WITH NO SURCHARGE LOADING APPLIED ON TOP OF GRADE). 6. LOCATE AND IDENTIFY UTILITES AND OTHER POSSIBLE OBSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE, UTILITIES, ETC. DURING CONSTRUCTION. 7. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE ADEQUATELY BRACED AND SHORED DURING ERECTION AGAINST WIND AND ERECTION LOADS. STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ARE DESIGNED FOR IN-PLACE LOADS. THE ENGINEER DOES NOT CONTROL MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION. 8. THESE DRAWINGS ARE PROVIDED AS CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. THE ENGINEER HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE REMOVAL OF THE TEMPORARY RETAINING WALL. / NEIGHBORING FOUNDATION 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF DISCREPANCIES / W/ FROST PROTECTED FOUND BETWEEN CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. / FOUNDATION, MIN. APPLIES THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE CONDITIONS AND / / NO SURCHARGE LOAD TO DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS DURING CONSTRUCTION. / TEMP. RETAINING WALL. / 10 DO NOT EXCAVATE BELOW THE TEMPORARY RETAINING WALL, ADD SOIL BEHIND THE NEW FOUNDATION (SEE PLAN) WALL, DRIVE A VEHICLE NEAR THE TOP OF THE WALL OR APPLY ANY ADDITIONAL 6'-0" AWAY FROM PROPERTY SURCHARGE LOAD WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE ENGINEER. LINE, MIN. DETAIL - SHORING AT NEW FNDN. WALL 1/2=1-0' 11 NOTE THAT THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE NECESSARY COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY. 12 PROVIDE CURBS OR OTHER POSITIVE DRAINAGE CONTROL AROUND THE SITE TO PREVENT SURFACE WATER FROM RUNNING INTO THE SITE OR SATURATING THE SOIL BEHIND THE TEMPORARY RETAINING WALL. COVER SLOPES ABOVE THE TEMPORARY WALL WITH POLY-MEMBRANE TO PREVENT SATURATION AND LOSS OF SOIL BEHIND THE WALL. 13 IF CONTRACTOR CAN NO LONGER INSTALL PLYVVOOD OR STEEL PLATES IN FRONT OF THE PILES DUE TO POOR SOILS, 2x12 LAGGING MAY BE INSTALLED BEHIND THE PILES. FASTEN WITH A "CONTACT SHEATHING SYSTEM" OR EQUAL. CONTACT ENGINEER FOR MORE INFORMATION. 14 STEEL PILES (FE = 42 KSI, MIN.), STEEL PLATES (Fb = 36 KSI, MIN.), 3/4" PLYWOOD (40/20 SPAN RATING, MIN.), 2512 WOOD LAGGING (Fb = 1500 PSI, MIN.) 15 USE OF THESE DRAWINGS IS PROHIBITED FOR OTHER PROJECTS, ADDITIONS TO OR EXTENSIONS OF THIS PROJECT OR FOR COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT BY OTHERS EXCEPT WITH WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY THE ENGINEER. THIS WALL IS TEMPORARY AND SHOULD NOT BE LEFT IN PLACE FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS. n 1/4" THICK STEEL PLATE, MIN. PROJECT diCe 15361 FILE. 15361_SP1.DWG DRAWN BY. DOP DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 COPYRIGHT: SAFE HAVEN SE SHEET TITLE: SHORING PLAN SP1