HomeMy WebLinkAbout3002824220028-01152015PON11-' VELOP Yt] NV DRAINAGE AREAS zlZi I.5 -0" or4'3952r51"1 s 12133 --2WYSD WALL 9D7-6) E / VAGA,NT LOT 1-1UB-g01.201 ir!r Li 13L 51.02 F k hi U Biv908_63 OS 'MOO (0-10.0) (102) Ii r 2+1054 k 1 ATLI, A N 21;33 U i g .,,?Fg.OFC15E-1=4 S241-15 II E. I' 9,09,i0) ri-4 .1,1 u , 4 2 3101 SF i 1 7.vL..../..!1_66, .::-,-- (904, (906.5J, Atl NITTED 913 -- 002,5:IL INFILTRATI OW TRENCH - at-96-5 '6.6111.111011011' _ SEE SI IEET )4D4F-44.1 4'• PIVE4111/4 NO140141 651i Lrpgml+.11T 49.404 ,/ 90 A ".'"907'43 • - •0071111.4!1,45!' 12.1,42t'- Nag9531541W pe-TING mOUSE PREPARED FOR: Probe Engineering 6" PVC OVERFLOW INV. 899.5 F841 RODENT GUARD 10.5X30' INFILTRATION TRENCH SEE DETAIL A/\ AV `50--(D-S-abLA BUILDING DEPARTMENT JAN 1 5 2016 CrrY OF EDW DID 5,00 U LI frGi. ITL 1017 505_1 26113 .53t WM.; MOM x . 42,5-3 )7.3 L.3 DIRECT RUNOFF TO CATCH BASIN MIN. 0.5' BERM AROUND CATCH BASIN INLET CONNECT REAR ROOF GUTTERS TO CATCH BASIN S1.1 2464° SF Li (898.2 55t3.2 30 a 4,42 PROJECT: 1/14/16 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 7r.f4r--- Scale in Feet .4.51-15.5° 5E13.5 a Curtiss J. Kallio, Lic. No. 26909 Date PM I 124,2.0_ VIFL 3°244 OS 414,99 6943.ix 901.2 HIJIB=899.64 50DT1-1K51 QF LOT 3 eN II 1 I I 500.6. I 6217 Ryan Ave. Edina, MN 5ID5 çC S2.2 8528 A1 Jr t304.1 . AFL ! #13'5 --- -- Os 78.54 111 ID' 1. g" -41--,, -*- hfUl3=902,07). 003.0 5 -3 0 U2. 1,I',- (S03.0)m 1:91:13.3). / SISU LAND SURVEYING 10775 Poppitz Lane Chaska, MN 55318 612-418-6828 JOB NO.: 1555 'U tN_J IMPERVIOUS AREAS S1.1 Drive = 1072 SF Walks =28 SF S2.1 House & Garage = 1704 SF Walks = 83 SF S2.2 House & Garage = 657 SF Patio = 48 SF - NoRTHEAE-31 OF LOT 3 I 1 1.20 PI) gP ENGINEERING CONSUL11NG ENGINEERS, , ROBE PLANNERS and LAND SURVEYORS tNGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 1000 EAST 146th ST., STE. 240, BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 PH (952)432-3000 PREPARED FOR: FIELDSTONE FAMILY HOMES ADDRESS: 6217 RYAN AVENUE BUYER: KUMAR I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of esota. STORMWATER AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN INFILTRATION TRENCH DETAILS ( NOT TO SCALE) 6" MIN. TOPSOIL TOP ROCK ELEV. 899.2 -r- DISTRIBUTION PIPE 4" (2) HOLE SEWER PIPE - HOLES FACING DOWN NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION LAYER BOTTOM ELEV. 896.2 10.5' INFILTRATION TRENCH SECTION NOTE: 3 FEET MINIMUM REQUIRED FROM BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION TRENCH TO GROUNDWATER CATCH BASIN/DISTRIBUTION BOX 18" MINIMUM DIA./WIDTH 12" MINIMUM SUMP CLEANOUT 4" CAP BERM PER NOTE BERM PER NOTE NOTE: RUNOFF MUST BE DIRECTED TO CB INLET WITH MINIMUM 0.5' HIGH BERM AROUND INLET. GRATE/ACCESS COVER r ELEV. 900.2 30' BOTTOM ELEV. 896.2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT JAN 15 2016 CITY OF EDINA NOTE: CATCH BASIN/DISTRIBUTION BOX MAY BE CONCRETE, PVC, OR HDPE. IF VERTICAL PIPE USED, CONCRETE BASE MUST BE POURED AND LID MUST BE DESIGNED TO FIT. INFILTRATION TRENCH PROFILE FROM ROOF GUTTERS MIN. INVERT 899.2 6" PVC OVERFLOW INV. 899.0 MIN. PIPE GRADE 0.5% 4" TEE PLACE SCREEN ON TOP 6" MIN. TOPSOIL NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION LAYER TOP ROCK ELEV. 899.2 TO PREVENT CLOGGING MOPLIDIMICIIIIIMANIMMIIMMIZNArAlwawalarMINNWICAV INV. 898.6 " LONG RAD. BEND 4" (2) HOLE SEWER PIPE - HOLES FACING DOWN PROJECT NO. 15840.00 STORMWATER AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN Legal Description: SCALE : = 20' THAT PART OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, LYING WEST OF THE EAST 121.20 FEET THEREOF, NORMANDALE, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA (909.30) = FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION (909.63) = TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION (901.63) = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION BENCHMARK: TNH TO THE WEST OF RYAN AVENUE AS PROJECTED TO, AND TO THE NORTH OF 62ND STREET=920.07 AREAS: PROPERTY AREA: I 4,690 SQ. FT. HOUSE AREA: 2,1 8 1 SQ. FT. PORCH AREA: 178 SQ. FT. BLDG. COVERAGE AREA: 2,359 SQ. FT. (16.17o) LEGEND DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION DENOTES AS BUILT ELEVATION DENOTES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET • DENOTES WOOD HUB ® DENOTES NAIL DENOTES EXISTING ELECTRIC BOX Z DENOTES EXISTING COMMUNICATION BO: -(3-- DENOTES EXISTING POWER POLE O DENOTES EXISTING LIGHT POLE • DENOTES EXISTING STORM MANHOLE 0 0 DENOTES EXISTING CATCH BASIN P DENOTES EXISTING F.E.S. 3 DENOTES EXISTING HYDRANT O DENOTES EXISTING SERVICE OR CLEANOI e DENOTES EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE 41_ DENOTES EXISTING CONSERVATION POST 8 TREE OR WET LAND BUFFER POST " 000.0* DENOTES EXISTING TREE iiiIJ DENOTES EXISTING RETAINING WALL I DENOTES PROPOSED RETAINING WALL -Y-Y-YM DENOTES EXISTING TREELINE 0 DENOTES EXISTING FENCE 1. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by the surveyor. The suitability of the soils to support the specific house is not the responsibility of the surveyor. 2.No title information was provided for this survey. This survey does not purport to show all easements of record. 3. See architectural plans for final building dimensions. 000.0 (000.0) 000.0 Pf' LP FD II' 1242-0_ -BUILDING DEPARTMENT /4. Of LOT 3 JAN 15 Z016 CITY OF EDINA (902.1) 30 - Lf) (f) 0 SOO°2011 1"W ASH I 2" 904.1 / ASH I 5" 968:1 90" os 78.54 903.3 SETTP )( HUB=902.07 903.0 903.3 (903.0) (903.3) X906.4 (910.0) (910.2) 9 I 0.0 9 1 0.2 )( ET IP MPL 10" 42.53 2.8% /HUB=908.63 OS 10.00 (908.6) (909.1 k905.1 7.00 / 21.66 X 05.1 / (904.0 (906.5) ExFosy WALL 90 AS NEDED d2.2 (902.5) FOSE WALL 7e AS NE 24.50 d GARA9 10. 5' X30' INFILTRATIO TRENCH SEE DETAIL/SHEET 61, CLEANOUT / ASH I 2" 90l .5 44_ 121.42 N89°53'54"W 0 0 0, 0, i / 1 j\189°52'51"vy/ / 121.33 96.2 HOUSE I EXP E WALL /90 A N EDED (;<9 21 33 0 cj 0) 0 rgo POSED/ 907.5) 5.9 CB INV/ 900.2 900.8 (899.5) .)- MPL 3@24 OS 44.99 901.2 HUB=899.54 / \/- A5ERV 1 gr I •-• -I- 1 I I I L . • .., I 0 / HUB=90/1°):20 / VACANT LOT i 090S1 18.37 0- ( (889999..33) SERV 16.17 -ant 0 .5) 1 .7 If 901.1) ri 2 8.00 t„12 , 901.0 25.00 20 NORTHEAST C0R7N • OF LOT 3 \C" • 121.20 FD IP 0 (898.2) 898.2 898.8 REVISED 01-14-16: REVISED 01-07-16: REVISED 11-24-15: Revised infiltration trench and detail sheet. Added proposed infiltration trenches and detail. Added staking information. 899. 1 11' 7 SOUTHWEST COR. 63'D 90 1 .5 900.6 EXISTING HOUSE #6225 MAIN FLOOR 903.87 49.42 898. IX • 1 -I- I I • • CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS and LAND SURVEYORS 'Date2(01P il--Reg:No-.-6[4f0 ROBE ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 1000 EAST 146th ST., STE. 240, BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 PH (952)432-3000 PREPARED FOR: FIELDSTONE FAMILY HOMES I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of esota. PROJECT NO. 15840.00 ADDRESS: 6217 RYAN AVENUE BUYER: KUMAR SEDIMENT EROSION CONTROL NOTES I. All exposed soil areas, including temporary stockpiles, must be stabilized 35 soon as possible but in no case later than I 4 days after construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Stabilize with temporary seed and straw mulch applied at 2 tons per acres. 2. Silt fence shall be installed and at the locations shown on the plan and around any stockpiles. Silt fence shall be inspected and maintained weekly (and within 24 hrs of a 0.5" rainfall) until final seeding and mulching (or sodding) of lot. 3. A rock construction entrance shall be installed and maintained at the location shown on the plan. 4. Contractor or Permitee shall provide and maintain inlet protection on all storm drain inlets that will receive sediment laden flow as a result of construction. Inlet protection and maintenance shall remain in place until all sources with potential for discharge into the inlet have been stabilized. Inlet protection may be removed from a particular inlet if a specific safety concern (such as flooding) has been identified. The permitee must receive written correspondence from the City of Edina verifying the need for removal. Permitee shall conduct a visual inspection to determine which inlets need protection. (Inlet devises must be removed between Oct. 20th and Oct. 3 1st. Devises must be reinstalled by Mar. 1 5th weather permitting). 5. If down gradient sediment practices are overloaded, additional up gradient erosion control practices will be installed to reduce loading. G. Dust control is the responsibility of the permit holder. The permit holder must eliminate dust problems upon receiving notice from the Building Official that there is a dust problem. 7. MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT. (952) 64 1-4532 8. Street cleaning shall occur daily or as needed. 9. Contact person for site cleanliness and maintenance of the erosion and sediment controls. Bryan Wolfe (G I 2) 282-7869. 10. No concrete washout allowed on site, truck based self containment washout devises required. 1 I . Oil stains on city streets to be cleaned up with flbor dry, and disposed of as a hazardous waste material. 1 2. All hazardous waste to be stored cleaned up and disposed of per EPA standards. I 3. Temporary pumped discharge pollution prevention techniguese "DANDY DEWATERING BAG-Brock White Co. USA http://www.brockwhite.com/Op 1 413346c I 337/ dandy-dewatering-bag/ 14. Permitee must minimize soil compaction and unless infeasible preserve topsoil. Methods of minimizing soil compaction include the use of tracked equipment, and staying off of areas to be left un-compacted. Methods to preserve topsoil include stripping and stockpiling prior to grading or excavation operations. STORM WATER This 5tormwater Management Plan (in narrative form) must detail how stormwater will be controlled to prevent damage to adjacent property and adverse impacts to the public stormwater drainage system. 1 Permit holder shall inspect and maintain sediment and erosion control devices (le: silt fence and inlet protection) weekly (or within 24 hrs of a 1/2" or more rainfall). Sediment must be removed when it 15 1/2 the height of the sediment and erosion control devise. 2. Final grading on the lot shall minimize concentrated flow and shall promote sheet flow to the front and the rear. Final drainage patterns shown are similar to the existing conditions of the lot. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY cs-) 0 49.42 EXISTING MOUSE 121.20 VACANT/LOT 1\189°52'51"vy 121.33 cr) I / / I / I I Lg(AREA : I 4,696 SQ. FT. I I I / I / I /\tivu SERV nr I I I I... '.d I ['BUILDING DEPARTM2 bst. DEC 1 0_19.15\A E _ 121.20 CITY OF EDINA -t 0-cpas--aue-332-00, v / 0 / VACANT LOT 0 0, 121.42 —\\,7 N89°53'54"W r.0 IP NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3 FD II' —I— I iN I I l._ 30 BENCHMARK: TNH TO THE WEST OF RYAN AVENUE AS PROJECTED TO, AND TO THE NORTH OF 62ND STREET=920.07 000.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION (000.0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION 000.0 DENOTES AS BUILT ELEVATION DENOTES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET III DENOTES WOOD HUB ® DENOTES NAIL • DENOTES EXISTING ELECTRIC BOX N DENOTES EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX DENOTES EXISTING POWER POLE l-FV DENOTES EXISTING LIGHT POLE 0 DENOTES EXISTING STORM MANHOLE 0 0 DENOTES EXISTING CATCH BASIN A DENOTES EXISTING F.E.S. DENOTES EXISTING HYDRANT O DENOTES EXISTING SERVICE OR CLEANOUT 0 DENOTES EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE DENOTES EXISTING CONSERVATION POST `r OR WET LAND BUFFER POST 5" TREEk -V-- DENOTES EXISTING TREE LI liii Iii 000.0 DENOTES EXISTING RETAINING WALL DENOTES PROPOSED RETAINING WALL (-Y-Y-Y--1 DENOTES EXISTING TREELINE 0 DENOTES EXISTING FENCE 1. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by the surveyor. The suitability of the soils to support the specific house is not the responsibility of the surveyor. 2.No title information was provided for this survey. This survey does not purport to show all easements of record. 3. See architectural plans for final building dimensions. SCALE : 1" = 20' Legal Description: THAT PART OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, LYING WEST OF THE EAST 121.20 FEET THEREOF, NORMANDALE. HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA p CONSULTING ENGINEERS, „ROBE PLANNERS and LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 1000 EAST 146th SE, STE. 240, BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 PH (952)432-3000 Minn. Reg. No. 41905 MICHAEL H. BRANDT I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a tract as shown and describ hereon. As prepared by me this 12TH day of OCTOBER, 2015. PREPARED FOR: FIELDSTONE FAMILY HOMES ADDRESS: 6217 RYAN AVENUE PROJECT NO. 15840.00 BITUMINOUS EDGE/ 30 908.3X 907.G X/ TREE PROTECTION DETAIL EXISTING TREE TREE PROTECTION FENCE @ DRIP LINE 1. TREE PROTECTION FENCE SHALL BE 4FT, ORANGE SNOW FENCE. 2, FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT DRIP LINE WHEREVER POSSIBLE OR AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN WHEN RUN THROUGH AN EXISTING WOODED AREA. 0 2.8% C/) 42.53 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION DENOTES AS BUILT ELEVATION DENOTES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET DENOTES WOOD HUB DENOTES NAIL DENOTES EXISTING ELECTRIC BOX DENOTES EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX DENOTES EXISTING POWER POLE DENOTES EXISTING LIGHT POLE DENOTES EXISTING STORM MANHOLE DENOTES EXISTING CATCH BASIN DENOTES EXISTING F.E.S. DENOTES EXISTING HYDRANT DENOTES EXISTING SERVICE OR CLEANOUT DENOTES EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE DENOTES EXISTING CONSERVATION POST OR WET LAND BUFFER POST DENOTES EXISTING TREE DENOTES EXISTING RETAINING WALL DENOTES PROPOSED RETAINING WALL TREE SPECIES TREE SIZE TREE HEALTH REMOVE (R) PROTECT (P) 1. ASH 2. ASH 3. MAPLE 4. ASH 5. ASH 6. MAPLE (TRIPLE) 15" DBH 8" DBH 10" DBH 12" DBH 12" DBH 24" DBH noorpoo 000000 000000 000c90- (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) DBH - DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT NOTE: PROVIDE PROPER TREE PROTECTION FOR ALL TREES DETERMINED TO REMAIN. ROBE tNGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 1000 EAST 146th St. STE. 240. BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 PH (952)432-3000 CONSUL11NG ENGINEERS, PLANNERS and LAND SURVEYORS I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a tract as shown and described hereon. As prepared by me this 12TH day of OCTOBER, 2015. 6144-agla/49)-` MICHAEL H. BRANDT Minn. Reg. No. 41905 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 0,\ Ci (909.1 Lr; 908.1 /OS 10.00 HUB=908.63 (908.6) 4CANT LOT 0 0 1189°52'51 "Vy 121.33 9.G.2 899. I 4 5ERV q, /as, Øs 38.371 UB=9011.20 901.2 I • -I- I I I I.. I 11 SCALE : 1" = 20' = FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION = TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION BENCHMARK: TNH TO THE WEST OF RYAN AVENUE AS PROJECTED TO, AND TO THE NORTH OF 62ND STREET=920.07 AREAS: PROPERTY AREA: I 4,690 SQ. PT. HOUSE AREA: 2, I 5 I SQ. FT. PORCH AREA: I 75 SQ. FT. BUILDING COVERAGE AREA: 2,359 SQ. FT.= I C. I % LEGEND 000.0 (000.0) 000.0 • 0 • 1_11 00 61,4 0 0 TREE,h_ 000.0-97- - DENOTES EXISTING TREELINE DENOTES EXISTING FENCE 1. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by the surveyor. The suitability of the soils to support the specific house is not the responsibility of the surveyor. ?..No title information was provided for this survey. This survey foes not purport to show all easements of record. 3. See architectural plans for final building dimensions. REVISED 11-24--15: Added staking information. \ (910.0) (910.2) C8-t-=.4( 910.0 910.2 ..40 • if C V Legal Description: THAT PART OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, LYING WEST OF THE EAST 121.20 FEET THEREOF, NORMANDALE. HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA (909.30) (909.63) (901.63) X906.4 905.5 NON-REPLACEABLE TREE SETBACK LINE 16.00/ 907.3 1/ =6' / 1. (3> (909.0) `2"r 0 110.0 / 2.66 // 905. 1>1/4 7.00 EXPOSE WALL,) (906.5) (906.6)AS NEED w (999000422...352) k905. I PROTECTION FEN c9 GARA96 D(POSE WALL I AS NEEDED ,(907.5) frX905 9 24.50 C,1 co cs1 1 1 F'ROPOSEDI / HOUSE I NON-REPIICEABLE TREE SET/BACK LINE I 0.0 .....] - I / 1 10' CI I 0 EXP SE WALL c:), I - -- A 12\ 11E. 3E3D E D 11/.7(990021..75>41)900111/.21) 8.00 25.00 7 16.17 POSE WALL A,5 NEEDED q I NONIEPLACEA LE TREE/ SETBACK, LINE 0,0 CCQ LL SERV o ,e() 900 499.3) 899.3 FD IF 3C13. yn- 903.5 -451-1 8" MEL 10" ASH 151 902.8 903.3 903 G, 903.9 _ SET P 2 (1 901.5 EXISTING HOUSE #6225 MAIN FLOOR 903.57 1,...,1 (899.5) N89°53'54"W BU NG DEPART 6641 T ,OS 44.99 HUB=899.54 D.2,-C152-8 To, / 901.5 5 6 IVIF 901.2 121.42 900.5 900.6 DEC 1 0 2015 CITY OF EDINA (898.2) N.- 898.2 20 895. IX DIP PREPARED FOR: FIELDSTONE FAMILY HOMES PROJECT NO. 15840.00 ADDRESS: 6217 RYAN AVENUE BUYER: KUMAR ,ITREE ASH 12 / 904.1 4 / - OS 78.54 HUB=902.07 -BMW- 903.3 (902.1)-- (903.3) 903.0 (903.0) z 49.42