HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002824230115-10032013Confirm property may be redeveloped prior to demolition. A demolition permit provi s no assurance of permitted future n-nAVA. ' .41) LEGEND PP (-0-• LP FP 0- EM GM 00 ohe - x x 895.3 North line of the South r- x 895.2 / 3 24/100 ft. of Lot 14 890!2 89ô.1 899.8 RIS 10 tr ee 19522 clor e-t" OS" 7 0 I 0 1:100 109' 016.'Ai 4 3 0 EROSION CONTROL NOTES Silt fence, bio rolls and/or catch basin inlet protection devices shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity. Rock construction entrances shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity or after existing driveway is removed. Any sediment that reaches the existing street or adjacent property shall be removed immediately and measures shall be taken to prevent further sedimentation offsite. 4. All silt fences, bio rolls and catch basin inlet protection devises must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches )S of the height of the device. Repairs shall be made within 24 hr-e ire of discovery, or as soon as field cone I9 ee 4"Trer 1.. x 898.8 x 898.6 r) ,a11.1111 Conditions of Demolition/Moving 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter and excavations with slopes steeper than 1:1. Attach fencing to minimum 5' posts buried l' and spaced at a maximum 10 on center. Enclose stockpiled soils with properly installed silt fencing. '7 Property must be restored within thirty (30) days of building Idemolition/move - utilities abandoned at the property line with a kijpermit, foundation demolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade and seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a new structure within thirty (30 days) of the building demolition/move. Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Existing Power Pole Existing Light Pole Existing Flag Pole Existing Electric/Gas Meter Existing Overhead Utility Line(s) Existing Fence Existing Bituminous Surface Existing Concrete Surface Existing Elevation Direction of Drainage Utility Easement, per Final Plat Found Iron Monument Existing Con tour Existing Tree, as noted .•• 003.0 vi U. . tn I.J.in > r.....: 2 os 1 895.2 0 Z 0 41 z 1/1x 893.3 l I/ R Lu •"( Ac" X 894.4 i 1 1 1/. 10 r9L5S2 30°Tree ‘ -S\- L...i x 895.0 895.1 x 134.87 iS, .._., x\595.4 893.2 X 895.5 1/ 2 A I / 14 LL/_z 896.9 -- 895.3x ' 895.3 895.1 ;Denotes Denotes INSTAL FENCE • SILT (rip) Wood Fen e • • 891. it, e• • 48 gt • .` x 895.3 8%5S2 • • - 887.4 894 ;-South line of Lo Basketbal ' Hoop- ' x 899.2 894.7 10"Tree 0 I X 594.9 854.8 x 891.5 \13 \ Lo,o • •k P LC)' •886.4 t (0 VC yr_ g86-.8 IL 8" Trel 894.6x 894.9 / /20.2/ / ' .n• '894'. 't 1 ocL\OJI : • C) Lu Z II ‘f CO V) CC< / 2112' / '89,2\7 898.8 , 894.5 4 • 8948 895.2 x 886.4 -0- Basketball Hoop - x 895.0 893.1 894.8,4, o 894.4 9"Tree 894.6 892. x8984 I x 894.7 894.9 894.8 n x 894.6x X892.4 89 302 x893.3 8•2 t • *AA nrow,i • • • ' 8 89 I IT 888:5 • .0. • • x885.7 j • • • iTC RLS #19522 x`t886.9 x 87.8 x 898.5 n \ ... 83.3 Wood Fr ce Open I K- t `\-South line of Vie ,or hr , 897.6 -...:) 2' ft. of Lot 12\ I ' S52.89(3 1 14 1 “ •n• X893. 4 I I . -_,Id ADDREF --1(-..,... . .. I „T?ci Conptruotion Ent. 1.1-...F.t.:-.1.'.:1.1';':-;3::i'g(f.inn ,Noll Reinforcing „..,..._ r-ouncintion Pre-backfill ,......narning and Sheathing Pio =134.p) - pe 889.0 R5110 "e X 889.3 x 889.4 1 34.82 X 889.4 889. ± 889.2 -'-'177 777 7777 777 889 . 4 (2) efi A 89 .1 x 1/ Aare mesh reinforcement (optional) Rock cor replaced sedimen4 tracked within 2 field cor I x'893.0 1-4 Engineering fabric en eti 00 > ci 0 a an CD , „, 0 N in %- \ \ ). XPS ce foO-fac=c1 PdYisoGlern.cat.•. Figure 1 XPS plus frame wall and interior drain SILT FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION 889.7 Metal or post or stake Extemg concroto wa3 2•XPS otidfoarri irsotstion (0-Ie0)cl) tape a3 joInts - adhere to fo.-olation lost! 2x324'o Wand stud wall ottached to rpm and Vox lir gyp Will wan board; tad up from toot 112' mrrram ty break Re.rmvetrepleoe wit) new 1(1' of existrg conmeM stab br rec.onstaction purpom.o (2) toyera 1t2 plyaccd - mes.hanciMly fasten Era Lsyer b stab; second Layer c!tted/scrawed b fa-st Layer XP.S rigid (mom instAation (to-lo5e0); Mpeolljarts EXiSting concreta stab 4' pe rbrad ctra:m rteced in tre.e drabs:mg eb ne trermh I inaci with gee 113 xl2e - fate. x 889.3 Fabric anchorage Ininch backfill with 7 tamped natural soli Direction of runoff flow 1 'a . • Inch minimum _Insulation _Lath -Drywall Masonry Fireplace 4. Final Natural soli - • . • • • - 6 With minimum Note: Depending upon configuration, attach fabric to wire mesh with hog revs, steel poste with tie wires, or wood poste with Mantes. 0 Figure 6.3-2: Typloot Inelanalion for Mb (once North line of the South 3 24/100 ft. of Lot 14 x 895.2 C896. 0) 095LD 32.17 Ii 889.0 RPM X 889.3 x889.4 '177 777 7777777 A 889.4 C.) X 889) 134.82 SPfa =134.93)- Well Electric Meter Power Pole Overhead Utility Line(s) Existing Existing Existing Existing r_ze_071.0. lia•a-Ozy Denotes Existing Trees as noted Denotes Existing Tree to be Removed -• • • Denotes Proposed Silt Fence Denotes Proposed Rock Entrance •CDCDC) Denotes Proposed Retaining Wall EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. Silt fence, bio rolls and/or catch basin inlet protection devices shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity. 0 10 20 40 LEGEND / 8902 89 • , 06.4' JC • 889.1 4 8885 :• • • • • >'8-rc85.7 RLS I- !I/19522 X8869 -TC x 895.6 x 895.3 V) la . tn t...i ro P > r....: /- o .4c 0, - - , 893.2 o z 0 44 1 x.-/895 X co x1895.4 .5 / I 895.2 z -- it n 1x8933 / , 1.// 1-7)--Lu Li Ac\ 1 , x894.4 1 r 5-<,s,„: id 1..... \ \ ) x / in \ e e \ / - - w.L I- /-Z . 4 4(-1.7Z L /Z LI ,,,s' ,1,4•.' 895.3 895.1 /6S x 895.3/- 895.1 x - -, 134.87 •,,-44•6xtik:co- o-- I-: 895.3x FCi-9 -.C-Dr------ X \ - - - 0 t•-) ce w co > .0 0 (896 42.17 E/P 894.8 x894.4 tr) N. Ca 9 Tree X 892.6 89J to 889.7 Existing Fence Existing Bituminous Surface Existing Concrete Surface Existing Elevation Proposed Elevation Direction of Drainage Found Iron Monument, OS noted Set Iron Monument Existing Contour Proposed Contour Existing Hydrant Existing Telephone Box 2. Rock construction entrances shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity or after existing driveway is removed. 3. Any sediment that reaches the existing street or adjacent property shall be removed immediately and measures shall be taken to prevent further sedimentation offsite. 4. All silt fences, bio rolls and catch basin inlet protection devises must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches )S of the height of the device. Repairs shall be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow. 5. Rock construction entrance must be repaired or replaced when the rock becomes inundated with sediment and/or excessive sediment is being tracked from the site. Repairs shall be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as BinintNe FRIPAIRTIVENr. ROCK CONSTRUCTIONc ENTRANCE < L SILT FENCE (TP) 886.0 87.4 88'5 8 TC • • • x 887.8 895.2 894.9 894.9 x 893.4 94.9i • .11 • • I 896.9 899.8 RLS 11b522 .IT 7 898. ppen ortn 897.6 014 14 14 X899.2 44[N,90 x94 x 898.6 x 898.8 X 898.5 I/ 21 / A X "sm. e,....439k3.43 • 1 0"Tree r, 894.6 x 68t5.12 SOUt line f Lot 14x 894.7 (i9411) 895.3 Wood Fen \ \ 893.3 Wood qnce - \ \ ' KT\-South line o\f, 1 -.; 2b ft. of Lot' 12 x ) rl, 89 .11''?) 0 : x893.0 ; ±134.8-- RLS 30" Tree \ 1 #1952 \Bs2.x5C-Nk) )8:93.819336 -'892.4 cn --"I----892.8x 891.9 S. ire 33 • epo • • • 894 2° • • Rs! 5943\ \-/ 894.6 X 894.8 (8 9 3. 0) 894.7 x PROPOSED DRIVEWAY - 894.6 - -__x893.3 Retang • in 4- 7-- - W. I X 4 to 9.5 23.0 x 894.9 X 894.8 GARAGE 894.6 22.5 (895.0)-- 894.8 <-`-• x894.9 9 894.8 / ,.1 A x 889.3 W \ 5R L: \ \\i \ LO U) 03 > 0 0o: co 4{ OCT 3 2013 CITY OF EDINA ( IN FEET ) Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes HYD c:0? TB WELL EM 0 PP x 000.0 x(000.d) wn••nn DRAWN BY: 130 BIM DESIGNED BY: REVISIONS 1. 10/01/13 Add New Construction Plan S. E. ISSUE DATE: 10/01/13 I hereby cerUfy /0,1 11)0 plan, spedffmlion or report was prepared by mel: under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws lithe State of Minnmota Name: Brian 1. Krystolialc, P.E. „4/41601-- Date: 07/29/13 IJcense #1 25063 895.0 2 of 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DETAILS Edina, Minnesota REVISIONS 3. S. DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: ISSUE DATE: 07/29/13 STK 330 hereby certify that this plan, spedfication or report was prepared by me or under my direct supeMsion and that I am a duly Licensed Pmfessional Engines- under the laws of the State of Minnesota Name: Irian Krystoflak, P.E. Signature: 44ç...1601— Date: 07/29/13 License 0: 25063 3 of 3 0 0 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 a F a 1. ENDS OF BIOROLL SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" HIGHER THAN BOTTOM OF FLOW PATH. 2. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL. 3. SEE MNDOT SPECS 2573 & 3889. 10" EMBEDMENT DEPTH NOTES: 1. TREE FENCING SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT PER CALIPER INCH OF TREE DIAMETER FROM TREE(S) THAT IS/ARE TO BE SAVED. 2. ANCHOR POST MAY BE SPACED UP TO 10 FEET APART. 3. SECURELY ATTACH TREE FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF TWO ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 4. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2572. 1. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED SILT FENCE LINE, 2. DRIVE ALL ANCHOR POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 3. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE ANCHOR POSTS AND BACK FILL 6"X6" TRENCH. 5. SECURELY ATTACH SILT FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF THREE ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 6. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 & 3886. HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS / EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT SILT FENCE ANCHOR W/ METAL T-POST OR WOOD 2'X2" STAKE 0 DIRECTION OF FLOW 6"X6" TRENCH (COMPACTED BACKFILL) 0 FILTER FABRIC (36" MAX. HEIGHT) OPENING IN FABRIC WEAVE < 212 pm 2 5 UNDISTURBED SOIL SOIL TREE FENCE COPOLYMER BARRIER FENCING (48" HEIGHT) ANCHOR W/ METAL T-POST OR WOOD 2"X2" STAKE 0 a UNDISTURBED SOIL BIOROLL DETAIL INFRASAFE — 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES INFRASAFE — 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2" CLEAR ROCK (MIN.) 6" MIN. 1#001;107 6o,4/4,4415,V7 BUILDING $ ARMEN, OCT 3 2013 HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS CITY OF EDI1V NOTES- 1"x2" WOODEN STAKE NOTES: ash. FLow 45° Located in the NW 1/4 of Sec. 20, Twp. 28, Rge. 24 s'em ve. k .10 be /014 cke. x885.4 TC Or SO iced ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SURVEYING 248 Apollo Dr, Suite 1000 Uno Lakes, MN 55014 Phone: 763-489-7900 Fax: 763-489-7959 -77 77-1 4654.001-Existing Bearings shown are assumed GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 (IN FEET) PARCEL. DESCRIPTION (PER HENNEPIN COUNTY TAX RECORDS): Lot 13 and the North 20 feet of Lot 12 and the South 3 24/100 foot of Lot 14, Block 3, including 1/2 of the adjacent vacated alley, GOULDSMITH'S ADDITION TO MINNEAPOLIS, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Subject to all easements of record, if any. NOTES: 1. Only VISIBLE improvernents were located as port of this survey. :2. Surveyed property contains ±8,779 sq. ft. 3. Existing First Flock Elevation = ±896.6. 4. Benchmark: Top Nut Hydrant at SE Quadrant of 57th St. W. and Ewing Ave. S. Elevation =- 891.54 (NAVD 29) - per City of Edina hereby certify to 4MS Custom Homes, LLC. thot this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed land surveyor under the laws of the Stote of Minnesota. Doted this 24th day of June, 2013. Signed: COrison McCain, Inc. By Thomas R. Bolluff, L.S. Reg. No. 40361 Existing Conditions Survey for JMS CUSTOM HOMES, LLC House Address: 5705 Ewing Avenue South, Edina, MN x 895w ; Pia X 895.3 `119 0 at co 2 03 X 895.2 f890:-21e ,11N/893.2 895.2 (.5Z z II - x A305 4 x 895.5 89.11 (x 893.31 I/ 41.1 / / I I X 894.4 Li 1 /I r /• • I/ A • RLS 30"Tree . *34.8 / [4, 789-Z5,3 895-2 pI9622; [ _Z Z-/-Z L1.5; 45.("-- 895.3 895.1 / 14 fi9522e7:-A\ ‘85'95.1 x895-C-, A a I RLS 899'8 J-IX:30 Fee. 134. 87) Plat13-4.91)-1 87.3 x 8213 893.6 894.6 80C 2 , ,t Wood Fen 895.2 s, --n , gr I 825,3 "fa,: • Opon 1 k.„ 6"Tree /Z5•4/ 43 Batiskoeoipboll 894:C-SOUth line of -a 14 91 North line of the South . [3 24/100 ft. of Lot 14 o Denotes Existing Manhole V3,T Denotes Existing Gas or Electric Meter PP • co; Denotes Existing Power Pole ole - Denotes Existing Overhead Utility Line(s) Denotes Existing Fence Denotes Existing Bituminous Surface Denotes Existing Concrete Surface on.° Denotes Existing Elevation 10.00.1D Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Direction of Drainage -0-- Denotes Found Iron Monument, as noted Denotes Existing Contour Denotes Existing Trees as noted 1. .1 - ; C) ,, ..6. ,_, 14 \7T : x 899.2 -, \ ...) • vi ..: , . 10 Tree ,..5- 1 1 i n "---. ; 0 .2 CO / / ,14.3 / .7, ' . • ' X694.9 n J 894.7 : 1 , \ \ A 894 2 a ilks 9 If'i t -4- 1 :.-) \,, a En x 891.5 ts 8911 1 x ' it., .1.1 ; ' 894.8 -1-. I ill IS i (3 2 o .k) CPENc.',.,- - -.- .' . Y., -:ii 13 ' ‘ 1, • . , ,, ,- r.„: ..,,,„:„. • .. 89t.E t--; 113-Tre to •• \ s V) la: 894-.9 j >,g2/ 1 1 SZ " 14 /7,0 P 5 , • • 1 il ki L., 0 , ..,,,_ - . IC --c7 ,., 886.4; ID k_U 1 s s t.. Y8933 in' ‘ 0. .ig,!1".. ...: •.•<- ' 'as4:1 t 1 i_/./_4_:/ r:132.37 „/ / -. .• ."---4,e,94.5.. . .. T.• • 1 2021" -892 • E.S.8.8,4, ; .i594.3 . • •. '‘ • • .. 4-894.. i i' . • . .; .. „, - : . • % .`. ',\ '4 .. ,• f i 4...E- t...7.- ."....- ..,___ . • '.... •-"' • - 502. V893.1 x ' .., '896-4 5;94.6 893.6-' 9'Tree a 890-1 14 -..‘ _ r :' ii --_, . 885.8\ , 9. .6.=-190.2i; ' 89.1.: - -92-.- --- I IC 1 88e-,15-.• . --.. - ----- I x - ---___ 89a4r- -. - - - $9L7 1 89-2.5 .....,,stone-Retoirlin.m._g Woll " ., 893.3--. 8R '.....7 ---'''.•_- 17-7-a--- "1:6C85.7 1#19RIS522 ‘ x --- - x 867.8 ti 889.0 989.3 O 134.82 APlat1/4=134.p.3) 1 , i x 68,.3 x 889.4 . x 889.4 '.53" • x 889.3 . 887.4 -- I (/) j - > 1 LI 886.4 r > < ; 1-i-j 886.0 1111111111111111.111111 sivi 0 ve, LEGEND x 895.6 - r7.6 ass -1- ti 7/7 7 /-„, 8E19.4 *x /I/ tau; o I/ c).< X 03 C.3 le" a Li ISi u: R. t, It) I- ,A X X 894.8w C4 x 894.7 Basketball Hoop -a- ‘1„, 89\ii<7\--, uth line di 29 ft. of Lot .12\ 1 x1893.0 689.7 x 895.0 n 694.8 894.6x V 893.8 893..3 Wood Fpnee , 20 2 / „,20.2/ 895_2 St 893_4 I I $94.9 ?Pen I VOrth1807.6 14 a- (0 LOJLI . col5 ) 0 iri 898.6 1,, 898.5