HomeMy WebLinkAbout0611621330005-060820040,44 AREA OF LOT = 14,886 sq.ft. AREA OF HOUSE = 2,094 sq.ft. AREA OF DRIVEWAY 8c SIbEWALY = 773 sq.ft. a) 03 47.9 co 867.3 L() 866.3 868.5 -- Timber °? Landscaped cl,) Area co 866.5 866.1 867.2 866.7 106a-SAVI OL-P p 9.0 68.6 EXISTING HOUSE #6712 6' - 868.3 , .v R66.6 °I c-• - • Lo 867.3 866.1 LIGHT POST X 866.2 866.1 R=830.0 p=0"58' CO CB MH cP cs 27/9'0 865.6 SIOUX TRAIL ----25.6 (2) (2 •(= ).•1 865.8 (2) c5 •cS ()) q) c!) •c:5 a) 03 03 865.2 866.8 866.0 • Denotes Iron Monument Found o Denotes Iron Monument Set // '20.6 -106.00-- S 8959'47" E co 4) (c) 867.4 2.0 (over) •2 c\I . o 0 (r Exisi House #6708 ---17.2-- 4-4Z I 869.5 0)* o b 0 ,- .0 c\1 1 Z I SCALE: 1" = 20' / / • 3.4/(0 - -22.25- '3.4 0 867.2 e). 6- 867.0 (f) tri 03 to 03 00 <;) 868.4 Existing House #6716 I 869.4 cs! CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Survey for: MILO ARKEMA N 9000'00" W --120.00-- PP -0- (over) „f2.85 DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 1, SIOUX TRAIL ADDITION I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a registered land surveyor under the laws of the State of Minn a. Dated this 21,54-)day of May, 2004. CARLSON 8c CARLSON, INC. BY / LAND SURVEYORS Larry . Couture, Land Surveyor Tele. No. (952) 888-2084 Minn sota License No. 9018 LAND SURVEYORS 344-31 O(c (LE- 2/-33 Ovol