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***1 T.= IS CI) ).r 01-0 1 . c...7 • C A WW1 ADNE55 Egan, Fk Es.: Nowak WIT 'LAKE STs3EE1 MINNE.APOLIS 8, M1I411:nOTA E 1 EP1-f OP4 G163011 1773 /61 Egan,Field a'oct Nowak • „CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS SUITE 910 ,f43,9ENLIC BLDG. 01744. Cor. FOURTH ST. At MARQUETTE AVE. , 187 2 PHONE: FILMORE 4111119 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY t- For trtt, ber1 N oas oos I