HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-19 City Council Work SessionAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Community Room Tuesday, July 19, 2016 6:15 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Joint Meeting With Human Rights & Relations Commission IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli%cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: July 19, 2016 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Kelly Dumais, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Joint Meeting With Human Rights & Relations Commission CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None INTRODUCTION: The HRRC will provide a progress report on their 201 work plan. ATTACHMENTS: Description HRRC 2016 Work Plan and Progress Report Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 39T39T Board/Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Tom Oye Award April 2016 $100 1. 1.Register Attendance at event 2. Track Nominations 3. 3. Update Website Progress Report: Commission selected Lauren Morse-Wendt as the 2016 recipient in recognition of her collaborative leadership in developing support for the 66 West project and for advancing a community conversation about affordable housing and homeless youth. Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Days of Remembrance April 2016 $1,000 1. Audio/Video – requires 2 CTS staff to come to event and complete video follow up 2. Marketing Pieces – CTS request 3. Meeting Space – secure City Hall, tables, chairs, easels 4. Communication – Social media, press release 5. Attend event Most of the staff support required is required from the CTS department. The liaison helps facilitate the requests. With attending the event there are many hours of staff support for this event. Progress Report: Annual DOR event held on April 10, 2016, focused on Women in the Holocaust and Genocides, featuring guest speaker St. Paul artist and Holocaust survivor Lucy Smith, and talk by Dr. Ellen Kennedy on Ravensbruck, a women’s concentration camp. In addition, the committee purposefully “branded” the event this year with the creation of a new poster design that will be used in all future DOR events. Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 Initiative 3 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Human Rights City Designation December 2016 $200 1. Meeting Space – secure rooms 2. Audio/Video – CTS staff to assist with taping 3. Communication – social media, press release The HRRC is hoping to secure Human Rights City Designation in the year 2016. Progress Report: Working group completed multiple presentations to Edina civic /community groups on what it means to be a human rights city, sought best practices on addressing human rights issues from several Human Rights cities, and prepared a draft resolution for presentation to council for the city of Edina to resolve to be a Human Rights City, with the goal to be proactive (rather than just reactive) regarding human rights issues. Initiative 4 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Community Conversations December 2016 None 1. Meeting Space 2. Report to CC The Human Rights City Designation hopes to use some of the information gathered from these meetings. Progress Report: Committee has undertaken a review of the Community Conversations December 2015 Report to determine recommendations to address concerns raised during the conversations; Committee’s report is in progress. Initiative 5 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Affordable Housing Expanding Opportunity 1. Continued education on affordable housing 2. Monitor status of Edina 3. Support current efforts December 2016 None 1. Administrative 2. Connecting with the committee as the topic arises at the City Most of this committee’s work has been surrounding and supporting the Edina Housing Foundations Affordable Housing Policy. They have also been in support and watching 66 West project. Progress Report: Committee continues to monitor status of affordable housing in Edina. Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 Initiative 6 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Convention of the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) • Resolution • Education November 2016 $500 1. Audio/Video – CTS staff to be at event 2. Marketing Pieces – CTS request 3. Meeting space – securing space 4. Communications Progress Report: Draft Resolution to endorse the national passage of CEDAW and to confirm the city’s commitment to the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women presented to and adopted by City Council on March 2, 2016. Initiative 7 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Indigenous Peoples Day Designation September 2016 None 1. Admin support – submitting reports to City Council Progress Report: Plan is to develop a strategy to engage and educate the community on the value of an Indigenous Peoples Day recognition (work has not yet begun). Initiative 8 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Co-sponsor Community Conversation with Edina Public Schools PCN (Parent Communication Network) October 2016 $150 1. Marketing pieces for event – CTS request 2. Communications Progress Report: Put on hold pending the outcome of the Community Conversations committee’s work. Initiative 9 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Sharing Values, Sharing Community • Community Event February 2016 $200 1. Marketing pieces for event – CTS request 2. Communications Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015 Progress Report: Event entitled “Leading a Meaningful Life: a conversation with religious leaders about faith, joy, appreciation and gratitude” is planned for October 27, 2016, in the Hughes Pavilion at Centennial Lakes, featuring Rabbi Michael Latz (Shir Tikvah), Father Kevin Finnegan (Our Lady of Grace), Dr. Hamdy El-Sawaf (Imam at Masjid Al-Iman) and Steve Hagen (founder / teacher at Dharma Field Zen Center). Ongoing Responsibilities Edina Resource Center/Edina Community Council – HRRC Rep September to May, 3 year term Website/Blog Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan: Review annually HRRC Rep to Human Services Task Force Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Partnership with Health Commission on prescription drug abuse awareness. Food Justice Initiative Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): July 2016 (July 19, 2016) Council Comments: Work plans proposed by the Boards and Commissions were reviewed at the December 1 work session. The following changes/comments were made and are reflected on this work plan: • No changes • Concerned about staff time consumption (CTS and liaison) for initiatives.