HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-02-07 City Council Work Session PacketAgenda City Council Work Se ssion City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Community R oom Tuesday, February 7, 2017 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Arden Park Concept Plan Dra ft - Update and Solicitation for Feedback IV.Qua rterly Business Meeting - Finance V.Qua rterly Business Meeting - Liquor Operations Upda te VI.Qua rterly Business Meeting - Work Plan Update VII.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli -c ation, an interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861 72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting. Date: Feb ruary 7, 2017 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayo r and City Co uncil Item Type: Reports / Recommend atio n From:Jes s ic a Wils on, Water Resources C o o rd inato r Item Activity: Subject:Ard en Park Co nc ep t Plan Draft - Update and So lic itation for Feedbac k Disc ussio n CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: See attached staff report and supporting materials. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report - Arden Park Concept Plan Concept Plan draft Cos t Es timate Creek Remeander Project As s umptions Park Board Meeting Minutes _12.13.2016 February 7, 2017 Mayor and City Council Jessica Wilson, Water Resources Coordinator Ross Bintner, PE, Engineering Services Manager Arden Park Concept Plan Draft and Cost Estimate – Request for Feedback Information / Background: Beginning in 2014 the City of Edina and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) identifying areas of collaboration within the realms of land use planning, stormwater management, economic development, flood mitigation, parks and public land management, greenway development and water resource improvements. Under that MOU the District and City examined options for removal of an existing grade control structure within Minnehaha Creek associated with the W. 54th Street bridge crossing of the Creek, which is a barrier to fish passage and degrades aquatic habitat. On August 16, 2016 City Council authorized a memorandum of agreement with MCWD establishing a cooperative famework to jointly develop a Concept Plan for Arden Park which integrates channel habitat improvement and stormwater management with the goals of the City’s strategic plan for parks, recreation and trails, and integrates the riparian environment into the public use experience. The partnership is an intuitive one because it advances the overlapping goals related to water resources, park improvements, and civic engagement. The City staff and the MCWD project team are joined by Park Board members Julie Strother and Eileen McAwley who have volunteered to serve on the planning and outreach team. The draft Concept Plan was developed through a public engagement process as further described below. At this point in the process, staff is seeking Council input on the overall Park Concept Plan and direction from Council if it wishes to proceed with developing a cooperative framework for design and construction or to pause and schedule on a longer time horizon. Input from Council regarding project schedule and scope along with the draft Concept Plan will be presented to the MCWD Board of Managers for their input and direction on February 9, 2016. Public Process and Emerging Themes The civic engagement strategy includes a series of three public meetings, two of which have already occurred. Seeking to understand the desires and values of the community at the beginning was a critical piece in shaping the development of the Arden Park Concept Plan to date. About 800 invitations were sent to neighbors in the Arden Park neighborhood and northern Minnehaha Woods neighborhood (the area STAFF REPORT Page 2 bounded by 50th and 56th, and Wooddale and France). The public notice also provided the opportunity to participate through the project website: www.minnehahacreek.org/arden-park. Meeting #1 kicked off in October with about 24 participants. We introduced the partners, shared our goals, and asked the neighbors for their participation in the process. We started with a blank slate, recognizing that a concept plan should be informed by the neighborhood and users of the park. Before putting a pen to paper, we convened the neighborhood in the first meeting and asked these three key questions; 1) How do you use the Park and what is valuable to you about the Park? 2) What issues or concerns need to be addressed with the Park? 3) What are your desires for the future of Arden Park? Input from the participants was organized into five major categories; community placemaking, connecting with nature, water recreation, recreation (passive and active), and maintenance and safety. This feedback informed the draft concept for meeting #2. We convened the neighborhood for a second meeting in November and presented the initial concept ideas to an audience of about 25. A series of small focus group discussions focused on the creek, facilities, and trails helped to further refine the concept plan and allowed us to check some assumptions. There were several themes that emerged;  It was apparent that the neighbors viewed the park as a community resource with one participant saying, “the park belongs to the neighborhood.”  Neighbors were in favor of a community meeting place, but there was some hesitation about improvements that would draw a lot of additional traffic to the park.  There were concerns about the schedule of any future work and the funding source. The neighborhood had recently undergone a street reconstruction and have recent memory of the impacts and assessments.  Flooding and drainage issues were a concern.  The natural character of the park was of high value and there was a desire to have more opportunities to connect with the creek and nature through both passive and active modes, both in the Minnehaha Creek corridor and adjacent park areas.  Nature, native plants, ecosystem health, and natural beauty frequently appeared in comments.  In-stream recreation included a wide range of users from adventure seeking kayakers to leisurely tubers. There was a desire for more access points from which to fish and view the creek.  There is an opportunity to better connect the portion of the Arden Park Neighborhood west of the park, both visually and physically, along Brookview Avenue.  The trails, with multiple access points, loops, and types were well received.  The permanent ice rink might accommodate a summertime use as a sanctioned dog park, as opposed to a sport court.  Overall, the requests were modest, asking for upgrades to existing facilities. Residents indicated that the ice rink and warming house are highly valued and heavily used, but in need of improvement. The project team recently convened Park Maintenance staff to get their perspective and ensure that the draft concept is consistent with their operations. They provided insight on access, use, aesthetics, and safety that will inform the concept as it nears completion. STAFF REPORT Page 3 In December, the Park Board was introduced to the draft concept plan and the group was generally supportive (full December 13, 2016 Park Board Meeting Minutes included in the appendix). Reactions and questions were grouped into categories and summarized below; Communication: Asked about outreach strategy and suggestion for more outreach via twitter, Facebook, next door, and City website. Recreation: Inquired about mountain biking on adventure trail, expressed tubing interest, suggested adding creek mile markers and other wayfinding components, commented about snow shoeing along creek. Facilities: Asked if proposed new shelter building could be used for summer programming, expressed value for sitting areas and suggested seating sponsorship, asked if additional parking should be added. Creek: Asked about the water table and how creek levels might change with a stream remeander project. Funding: Asked how this project came about and what warrants its priority. Feedback Many stakeholders have been involved as the project team continues to work toward a concept plan for Arden Park that reflects the needs and desires of the community. Before we invite the neighbors for meeting #3, we want to seek input from City Council on the initial concept design and cost estimate; copies are attached for review. We are also seeking guidance from Council on funding priorities and how a potential project might be coordinated. More specifically, we would like to get your reaction to; 1. Draft concept plan elements. a. Facilities b. Trails c. Creek 2. Cost estimates. These have been broken down by concept plan element; Park Facilities, Trails, Creek Restoration and Associated Improvements, and Stormwater Management. Potential funding sources have been identified. The agency that would have primary financial responsibility for each item has also been noted. a. Council’s funding priorities 3. Coordination Topics. a. Capital Improvement Projects. i. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District CIP includes creek restoration in 2018 (unfunded – priorities for funding will be set 2nd quarter 2017). ii. Arden Park Clean Water and Natural Resources CIP (Engineering 17-081) for $150,000 in 2018 and $25,000 over the next three years for maintenance. iii. Arden Park Shelter Building Replacement CIP (Parks 15-047, unfunded) for $650,000 in 2019. STAFF REPORT Page 4 iv. Arden Park Master Plan CIP (Parks 17-137, unfunded) for $40,000 in 2019. v. The Parks budget includes Arden Park ice rink replacement that had been planned for 2017. b. Scheduling and phasing. i. Applications for 2018 grant dollars are due soon, in spring of 2017. This would put the goal for final concept plan and cooperative agreement with watershed near the beginning of second quarter, 2017. c. Formalize partnership and next steps with MCWD using cooperative agreement structure to assign roles and obligations on coordination, project management, and funding/reimbursements. ARDEN PARK Edina, Minnesota December 13, 2016© 2016 HART HOWERTON. Th e designs and concepts shown are the sole property of Hart Howerton. Th e drawings may not be used except with the expressed written consent of Hart Howerton. DRAFT CONCEPT PLAN 1/8 ac 1/16 ac 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 400' 1" = 50' at full size (30" x 42") 1 min. Walk MIN N E H A H A B L V D . 52ND STREET B R O O K V I E W A V E N U E O a k l a w n A v e n u e 53rd Street 54TH STREET A r d e n A v e n u e Bruce Pl a c e Ex. Ice Rink Park Shelter & Viewing Terrace Playground THE GREAT LAWN Bridge OVERLOOK PARK Landing Ar d e n  Pa r k  Co n c e p t  Pl a n  Co s t  Es t i m a t e Fe b ‐17 It e m D e s c r i p t i o n / A s s u m p t i o n P l a n n i n g  Le v e l  Co s t  Es t i m a t e F u n d i n g  Ag e n c y F u n d i n g  source  notes N o t e s 1 Pa r k  sh e l t e r Y e a r ‐ro u n d  fa c i l i t y  wi t h  re s t  ro o m s . $7 0 0 , 0 0 0  Ma j o r i t y  Ci t y ,  Wa t e r s h e d  cost  share   po t e n t i a l   $650,000  in  2018  CIPHigh priority  in  park  master  plan, in  CIP  for  2018, but  unfunded.  Consider  environmental  education  alternate  uses  with  close  siting  to  creek  for  WD  grant  potential? 2 Pa r k  sh e l t e r  te r r a c e  an d  cr e e k   ov e r l o o k 50 0 0  sq .  ft .    pa v e d  su r f a c e  an d  fo u r  6 ‐fo o t  be n c h e s . $5 6 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   3 Ic e  Ri n k  Re p l a c e m e n t  in c l u d i n g  6   li g h t s $3 0 , 0 0 0  (r i n k )  $3 5 , 0 0 0  (l i g h t s ) ,  as s u m e s  ri n k  in  sa m e  lo c a t i o n  wi t h   gr a s s  su r f a c e . $6 5 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   $65,000  earmarked  in  2017  park  maintenance  budget 4 Al u m i n u m  bl e a c h e r  se a t i n g  ‐   fo u r   le v e l s ,  20 '  lo n g Sm a l l  wo o d  fr a m e  ro o f e d  an d  op e n  si d e s  wi t h  wo o d  be n c h  fo r   ch a n g i n g . $1 2 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   5 Pl a y g r o u n d  up g r a d e s / e x p a n s i o n $1 2 5 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   High  priority  need  in  park  master  plan, but  not  in  CIP 6 Pl a y g r o u n d  se a t i n g  ar e a  an d   be n c h e s 36 0  SF  se a t i n g  ar e a  an d  tw o  6 ‐fo o t  be n c h e s . $7 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   7 Ni g h t  Li g h t i n g C o n f i n e d  to  ar t e r i a l  pa r k  tr a i l  on l y .  Pe d e s t r i a n  sc a l e d  LE D  ty p e   do w n l i g h t i n g ,  po l e  mo u n t e d .  17  li g h t  po l e s  ap p r o x .  10 0  fe e t  ap a r t . $1 1 4 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   8 La n d s c a p e L a n d s c a p e  fo r  ne w  pa r k  el e m e n t s  an d  su p p l e m e n t a r y  to  ex i s t i n g  pa r k   la n d s c a p e .   $1 0 0 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Ci t y ,  Wa t e r s h e d  cost  share   po t e n t i a l  BW S R  Cl e a n  Water  Fund  eligible  Stormwater  utility  eligible.Potential  to  blend  some  project  costs  with  low  impact  development, education  and  outreach, native  species  and  pollinator   9 Pa r k  fu r n i s h i n g s 6  ad d i t i o n a l  pa r k  be n c h e s ,  4  tr a s h  re c e p t a c l e s . $1 5 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   10 Mi s c .  si t e  co s t s S t o r m  dr a i n s  an d  pi p i n g  in  op e n  la w n ,  re m o v a l  of  ex i s t i n g  wa r m i n g   hu t ,  re g r a d i n g  an d  se e d i n g  gr e a t  la w n ,  tr e e  pr o t e c t i o n ,  ut i l i t i e s  (w a t e r   li n e  an d  se w e r  li n e  re l o c a t e s ) . $1 1 8 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   Stormwater  utility  eligible.Potential  for  minor  cost  share  with  WD  for  any  stormwater  facilities  that  also  serve  clean  water  goals  of  WD.  Pa r k  Fa c i l i t i e s  Su b t o t a l $1 , 3 1 2 , 0 0 0 11 Ma i n  ar t e r i a l  tr a i l  br i d g e 1 2 ‐fo o t  st e e l  br i d g e  to  su p p o r t  tr u c k  we i g h t ,  in c l u d e s  ab u t m e n t s . $1 4 0 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Ci t y ,  Wa t e r s h e d  Cost  Share  PACS  funding  source  eligible 12 Pe d e s t r i a n  br i d g e  (2 ) $ 8 0 , 0 0 0  ea .  7'  wi d e  wi t h  wo o d  ra i l i n g ,  he l i c a l  sc r e w  st r u c t u r a l  su p p o r t   be l o w  gr a d e . $1 6 0 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Ci t y ,  Wa t e r s h e d  Cost  Share  PACS  funding  source  eligibleNorth and  middle  bridges, trail  and  boardwalk  loop  is  consistent  with  WD  recreation, outreach  and  education  goals  and  helps  to  connect  people  to  natural  resource. 13 10 '  wi d e  as p h a l t  tr a i l 3 "  as p h a l t  wi t h  6  in c h e s  of  cl a s s  fi v e  ov e r  co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e $4 8 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Ci t y ,  Wa t e r s h e d  Cost  Share  PACS  funding  source  eligible P a r k  of  "Grand  Loop" in  park  master  plan 14 6'  wi d e  as p h a l t  tr a i l 3 "  as p h a l t  wi t h  6  in c h e s  of  cl a s s  fi v e  ov e r  co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e .  75 0 '   @  $2 4  /L F . $1 8 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   PACS  funding  source  eligible 15 6'  wi d e  co n c r e t e  si d e w a l k  al o n g   Br o o k v i e w  Av e .   4"  co n c r e t e  wi t h  6"  de e p  cl a s s  5  ba s e  ov e r  co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e .  14 5 2   LF  @  $4 2 / L F . $6 1 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   PACS  funding  source  eligible Tr a i l s Pa r k  Fa c i l i t i e s Ar d e n  Pa r k  Co n c e p t  Pl a n  Co s t  Es t i m a t e Fe b ‐17 It e m D e s c r i p t i o n / A s s u m p t i o n P l a n n i n g  Le v e l  Co s t  Es t i m a t e F u n d i n g  Ag e n c y F u n d i n g  source  notes N o t e s 16 Br o o k v i e w  Av e .  Ov e r l o o k   Te r r a c e s  (2 ) ($ 2 3 , 0 0 0  ea . ) d a r k ,  mo d u l a r  br i c k  ty p e  pa v e r  on  sa n d  le v e l i n g  su r f a c e   wi t h  6"  de e p  cl a s s  5  ov e r  co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e .  $8 . 0 0 / S F  fo r  pa v i n g ,   36 0  SF  of  pa v i n g  at  ea c h  lo c a t i o n ,  tw o  6 ‐fo o t  be n c h e s  pe r  ov e r l o o k ,  8"   wi d e  X  18 "  de e p  co n c r e t e  cu r b  at  sl o p e  em b a n k m e n t  ed g e  fo r  ea c h   te r r a c e ,  30  LF  pa i n t e d ,  cu s t o m  me t a l  ra i l i n g  se t  in t o  co n c r e t e  fr o s t   fo o t i n g  at  ea c h  lo c a t i o n . $4 6 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   17 Ad v e n t u r e  Tr a i l 3 ‐fo o t  wi d e  tr a i l  wi t h  pr e s s u r e  tr e a t e d  6x 6  re t a i n i n g  wa l l s  an d  st e p s   wh e r e  ne c e s s a r y ,  3"  de c o m p o s e d  gr a n i t e  su r f a c e  wi t h    ge o f a b r i c  ov e r   co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e ,  2x 6  pr e s s u r e  tr e a t e d  wo o d  ed g e s  bo t h  si d e s  of   tr a i l ,  75 0  fe e t  of  tr a i l ,  oc c a s i o n a l  st e p s . $1 8 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Ci t y ,  Wa t e r s h e d  Cost  Share   po t e n t i a l   Consistent  with  WD  recreation, outreach  and  education  goals 18 Wo o d  Bo a r d w a l k  be t w e e n  54 t h   St .  an d  ic e  ri n k 6'  wi d e  x  54 0  li n e a r  fe e t  of  pr e s s u r e  tr e a t e d  wo o d  de c k  wi t h  wo o d   ra i l i n g s  an d  pa i n t e d  me t a l  gr i d d e d  gu a r d  be t w e e n  wo o d  po s t s  se t   on t o  pa i r e d  he l i c a l  sc r e w  fo u n d a t i o n s  at  12 '  sp a c i n g . $1 8 0 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   This  has  less  support  from  WD, due  to  natural  area  focus  on  south  half  of  park. 19 Lo o k o u t  te r r a c e  of f  of   Mi n n e h a h a  Bl v d .   As s u m e s  it  is  an  ex t e n s i o n  of  th e  wo o d  bo a r d w a l k  an d  ad d i t i o n a l   co n n e c t i o n  to  th e  bo a r d  wa l k .  In c l u d e s  wo o d  ra i l i n g s  as  pe r   bo a r d w a l k  de s i g n  on  si d e s ,  tw o  6 ‐fo o t  be n c h e s  fo r  si t t i n g  an d   vi e w i n g . $1 6 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   20 Wo o d  Bo a r d w a l k  at  no r t h  en d  of   pa r k 6'  wi d e  X  21 0  li n e a r  fe e t  of  pr e s s u r e  tr e a t e d  wo o d  de c k  wi t h  wo o d   ra i l i n g s  an d  pa i n t e d  me t a l  gr i d d e d  gu a r d  be t w e e n  wo o d  po s t s  se t   on t o  pa i r e d  he l i c a l  sc r e w  fo u n d a t i o n s  at  12 '  sp a c i n g ,  6  x  6  pr e s s u r e   tr e a t e d  wo o d  st a i r  le a d i n g  fr o m  wo o d  de c k  to  Oa k l a w n  Av e .  si d e w a l k   (c o s t  in c l u d e s  me t a l  ra i l  on  on e  si d e  of  st a i r ) . $7 6 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Ci t y ,  Wa t e r s h e d  Cost  Share  Consistent  with  WD  recreation, outreach  and  education  goals 21 Cr e e k  Ov e r l o o k  at  So u t h  of  54 t h   St r e e t Pa v e d  pa t h  co n n e c t i o n  fr o m  pu b l i c  si d e w a l k ,  as s u m e  36 0  SF ,  3"   as p h a l t  wi t h  6"  co m p a c t e d  cl a s s  5  ba s e  ov e r  co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e .   Vi e w i n g  te r r a c e  on  gr a d e  wi t h  da r k  co l o r  mo d u l a r  br i c k  pa v i n g  se t  on   sa n d  ba s e  wi t h  6"  co m p a c t e d  cl a s s  5  ba s e  ov e r  co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e ,   15 0  SF  an d  on e  6 ‐fo o t  be n c h . $4 , 0 0 0  Ci t y   Tr a i l  Su b t o t a l $7 6 7 , 0 0 0 DNR  Outdoor  Recreation  Grant  Program, $150,000  max 22 Ca n o e  La n d i n g  at  54 t h  St r e e t 2 0 0  SF  vi e w i n g  te r r a c e  on  gr a d e  wi t h  da r k  co l o r  mo d u l a r  br i c k  pa v i n g   se t  on  sa n d  ba s e  wi t h  6"  co m p a c t e d  cl a s s  5  ba s e  ov e r  co m p a c t e d   su b g r a d e ,  tw o  6 ‐fo o t  wi d e  be n c h e s ,  20  li n e a r  fo o t  lo n g  fl o a t i n g  wo o d   la n d i n g  co n n e c t e d  to  te r r a c e  wi t h  pi e r s  to  ad j u s t  to  va r y i n g  wa t e r   le v e l s . $1 1 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Wa t e r s h e d  District, City  Cost   Sh a r e   23 Ca n o e  an d  tu b i n g  pu t ‐in  an d   la n d i n g  at  no r t h  en d  of  pa r k 20 0  SF  te r r a c e  on  gr a d e  wi t h  da r k  co l o r  mo d u l a r  br i c k  pa v i n g  se t  on   sa n d  ba s e  wi t h  6"  co m p a c t e d  cl a s s  5  ba s e  ov e r  co m p a c t e d  su b g r a d e .   On e  6 ‐fo o t  wi d e  be n c h ,  20  li n e a r  fo o t  lo n g  fl o a t i n g  wo o d  la n d i n g   co n n e c t e d  to  te r r a c e  wi t h  pi e r s  to  ad j u s t  to  va r y i n g  wa t e r  le v e l s . $8 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Wa t e r s h e d  District, City  Cost   Sh a r e   DNR  Outdoor  Recreation  Grant  Program, $150,000  max 24 Cr e e k  Re m e a n d e r I n c l u d e s  de m o l i t i o n ,  tr e e  th i n n i n g  an d  sp o t  tr e e  re m o v a l ,  cl e a r i n g  of   bu c k t h o r n  an d  un d e r b r u s h  in  cr e e k  co o r i d o r ,  gr a d i n g ,  fo r m i n g  of   ch a n n e l ,  an d  ro c k  an d  wo o d y  ma t e r i a l  to  cr e a t e  ne w  st r e a m  be d  an d   pr o t e c t e d  fl o w  ar e a s  at  be n d s . $9 4 2 , 5 6 8  MC W D   BWSR  Clean  Water  Fund  eligible75% State  grant  funding  possible, could  include  demolition  of  existing  park  shelter  structure Cr e e k  Re s t o r a t i o n  Su b t o t a l $9 6 1 , 5 6 8 Tr a i l s ,  co n t i n u e d Cr e e k  Re s t o r a t i o n  an d   As s o c i a t e d   Im p r o v e m e n t s Ar d e n  Pa r k  Co n c e p t  Pl a n  Co s t  Es t i m a t e Fe b ‐17 It e m D e s c r i p t i o n / A s s u m p t i o n P l a n n i n g  Le v e l  Co s t  Es t i m a t e F u n d i n g  Ag e n c y F u n d i n g  source  notes N o t e s 25 St o r m w a t e r  ma n a g e m e n t  no r t h   of  pl a y g r o u n d Ab o v e  gr o u n d  tr e a t m e n t ,  We n c k  es t i m a t e . $2 2 5 , 0 0 0  MC W D  an d  Ci t y   Stormwater  Utility  Fund  Eligible  BWSR  Clean  Water  Fund  eligible 7 5 %  State  grant  funding  possible 26 St o r m w a t e r  bi o r e t e n t i o n  ba s i n s   (w e s t  si d e  of  Cr e e k Ba s i n s  1 ‐3  id e n t i f i e d  in  SE H  St o r m w a t e r  Ma n a g e m e n t  Pl a n  fo r  54 t h  St .   an d  Ar d e n  Pa r k  Ar e a  Ja n .  30 ,  20 1 4 . $2 5 2 , 3 0 7  MC W D  an d  Ci t y   Henn  Co  NRICH$100,000  max  for  NRICH, 75% State  grant  funding  possible 27 Ex t e n d  sc o p e  of  bu c k t h o r n   re m o v a l  an d  na t i v e  pl a n t   re s t o r a t i o n $1 5 0 , 0 0 0  Pr i m a r y  Wa t e r s h e d  District, City  Cost   Sh a r e   Stormwater  Utility  Fund  Eligible  BWSR  Clean  Water  Fund  eligible C I P  17 ‐081, planned  for  2018, Funded St o r m w a t e r  Su b t o t a l $6 2 7 , 3 0 7 To t a l  Pr o j e c t  Es t . $3 , 6 6 7 , 8 7 5 Th i s  is  a  co n s e r v a t i v e ,  pl a n n i n g  le v e l  es t i m a t e .  Sc o p e  ch a n g e s  co u l d  be  made  to  lower  overall  costs. Fu n d i n g  Es t i m a t e Pl a n n i n g  Le v e l  Co s t  Es t i m a t e F u n d i n g  So u r c e $1 2 0 , 0 0 0  to  $2 0 0 , 0 0 0  PA C S   $1 5 0 , 0 0 0  to  $3 7 5 , 0 0 0  St o r m w a t e r  Ut i l i t y   $1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0  to  $2 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0  Pa r k s  CI P   $5 0 0 , 0 0 0  to  $1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0  Wa t e r s h e d  CI P   $1 5 0 , 0 0 0  to  $9 5 0 , 0 0 0  Co u n t y  / St a t e  Gr a n t  Potential   Th e s e  fu n d i n g  as s u m p t i o n s  ar e  ra n g e s  us i n g  Ci t y  st a f f  be s t  gu e s s . St o r m w a t e r   Ma n a g e m e n t  & Na t u r a l   Re s o u r c e s Creek Remeander Project assumptions attachment Item Description Cost per Unit Number Cost Staging and mobilization Includes equipment mobilization,  general erosion control, haul road,  staging area setup $51,432.17 lump 1.0              $51,432 Clear and process wood/slash Clear trees ‐ Remove whole trees,  save slash and rootwads, logs on site.  Slash and wood to be stored in  strategic piles.  $3,500.00 acre 0.8              $2,625 Dewatering Assumes combination of work off‐line  and dam/pump and/or diversion,  limited in‐situ dewatering necessary $25,000 lump 1                 $25,000 Excavation Channel excavation, fill of old channel  and floodplain voids.$25.00 CY 6,929         $173,224 Grade control riffles Assumes 8 riffles, imported fill, dig  and pitch for bar formation $75.00 CY 474             $35,556 Fabric encapsulated lifts Assumes 60% coverage of both sides,  includes fabric, soil compaction,  staking, 2 layers $40.00 face ft 4,248         $169,920 Stone toe Assumes 6‐10 inch cobble and matrix  gradation $80.00 CY 787             $62,933 Large wood/logs Assumes rootwads and logs, at least  50% on site. (30‐40 ft long), includes  materials and installation. Assumes on‐ site salvage and few imports.  $300.00 each 20               $6,000 Seeding Single pass corridor 40ft wide +  disturbed areas, staging and access  repair $100.00 lb 57               $5,689 Planting Trees and shrubs, includes materials  (plants, vispore mats, deer protection,  mulch) and labor $120.00 each 300             $36,000 Construction oversight Construction manual, pre bid, pre con,  staking, oversight, punch list, and final  inspection $60,000 LS 1                 $60,000 Estimated Construction Cost $628,379 +/‐50% * This estimate does not include non‐channel restoration or park amenities 942,568 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/10/2017 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Park Board Braemar Golf Course December 13, 2016 I. Call To Order Chair McCormick called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair McCormick, Members Good, Dahlien, Gieseke, McAwley, Mohs, Nelson and Student Members Gustafson and Hulbert. Staff present: Park Board Staff Liaison Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Susan Faus, Administrative Support Specialist Janet Canton, Water Resource Coordinator Jessica Wilson and Engineering Services Manager Ross Binter Members absent were Miller and Strother III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Gieseke to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Nelson to approve the Nov. 7, 2016 minutes. Motion seconded by McAwley. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. 2016 Year In Review Liaison Kattreh thanked the Park Board members for all of their hard work this past year. She then gave a power point presentation of the projects that were done in 2016. VI. Community Comment None VII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2017 Park Board Work Plan Assignments The Park Board discussed the 2017 Park Board Work Plan. The following members were assigned to the following initiatives: Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/10/2017 Initiative 1, Arden Park Natural Resources Plan – Members McAwley and Strother Initiative 2, Braemar Park Master Plan – Members Good, McCormick, Miller and Gustafson Initiative 3, Fred Richards Master Plan – Members McAwley, Dahlien, Gieseke, Good and Hulbert Initiative 4, Park Signage Replacement Project – Members Miller, Mohs, Nelson and Gieseke Initiative 5, Comprehensive Guide Plan – Park Board Initiative 6, Weber Woods Master Plan – Chair Dahlien, McCormick and Nelson B. Edina Garden Council Memory Garden Renovation Staff Liaison Kattreh indicated this item has been postponed to the February Park Board meeting. C. Arden Park Natural Resources Plan Water Resource Coordinator Jessica Wilson gave a power point presentation of the Arden Park Natural Resources Concept Plan. Renae Clark and Roland Aberg from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District also gave a power point presentation to the Park Board. Park Board members asked questions, gave feedback and had discussions. D. Fred Richards Master Plan Kick Off Brad Aldrich and Terry Minarik from Confluence gave a power point presentation of their approach to the Fred Richards Master Plan kick off. Mr. Aldrich went over the four phases of the approach: discover phase, dream phase, design phase and do phase. He also asked the Park Board for their input on what it is they would like to see at Fred Richards Park. Park Board members asked questions and discussed different items of what it is they still like and do not like from the 2014 Vision Master Plan. Mr. Aldrich gave an overview of their public engagement strategy and approach and asked the Park Board for thoughts and input so that they can start to move forward. Park Board members had a discussion and gave their input. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/10/2017 E. Park Signage Replacement Project Mike Lawrence from Sign Crafters gave a power point presentation on the work that has been done on the project. He also showed different types of existing signs and asked the Park Board for their feedback on the design and what signage they feel are needed at the parks. In addition, he asked the Park Board what they would like to see on the main park entrance signs to the parks. Park Board members had a discussion and gave their feedback on the signage proposals. Mr. Lawrence reviewed the timeline and noted they hope to come up with an approved design of the signs the early part of 2017 with installation starting in May or June. F. Start Doing, Stop Doing, Keep Doing The Park Board discussed their list of Start Doing, Stop Doing and Keep Doing. It was decided Park Board members will be assigned to different parks to report on through the year. Assignment of parks will take place at the January Park Board meeting. G. Advisory Communication - School Board Representative Motion made by McAwley to accept and forward on the Advisory Communication to City Council requesting the elimination of a school board presentative on Park Board and open it up for another member of the community. Motion seconded by Good. Motion carried. VIII. Correspondence And Petitions A. City Council Updates Nov. 15 and Dec. 6 Chair McCormick acknowledged the Park Board’s receipt of the City Council updates. IX. Chair And Member Comments Member Good asked if there is a track at Braemar Arena because that is where it states the Walk with the Mayor event will take place on Saturday, Dec. 17. It was noted there is a track at the Braemar West Arena. X. Staff Comments • The Countryside Park ice rinks opened on Monday, Dec. 12; all other rinks will open on Friday, Dec. 16. • The Parks & Recreation Department has hired 48 rink attendants, three supervisors and 10-15 subs. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 1/10/2017 • The Centennial Lakes Ice Rink is scheduled to open on Saturday, Dec. 17; however, it is all dependent on the weather. • Construction at Braemar Golf Course ended on Dec. 9; the plan is to start up construction again in May; depending on the weather it could be earlier. • They are going to again start grooming a multi-use trail at Braemar Golf Course like last year. • Braemar Golf Course will be partnering with Hoigaards again this year for two snowshoe dates, one in January and one in February. • Nicole Gorman started as a Recreation Supervisor on Dec. 15; she replaced Donna Tilsner • The Parks & Recreation Department will be taking over Park Maintenance on Jan. 1, 2017. XI. Adjournment Motion made by Dahlien to adjourn the Dec. 13, 2016 meeting at 9:26 p.m. Motion seconded by Gieseke. Motion carried. Date: Feb ruary 7, 2017 Agenda Item #: IV. To:Mayo r and City Co uncil Item Type: Ad visory Co mmunication From:Eric Roggeman, Financ e Director Item Activity: Subject:Quarterly Bus iness Meeting - Financ e Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: T his item is for information and discussion only. No Council action is required. INTRODUCTION: In 2007 the City started a quarterly review process for general fund financials called Quarterly Update. Quarterly Update is a two-page written summary of finances and notable transactions in the general fund. In 2012 the City added quarterly business meetings, generally held on the second work session after every calendar quarter end. At quarterly business meetings staff present finances and notable transactions in the general fund and all the enterprise funds. For some quarters, financial data is not ready in time to be included in Council packets prior to the meeting. T his quarter the presentation is ready for the packet deadline and is attached below. ATTACHMENTS: Description Finance bus ines s meeting pres entation 1/26/2017 1 The CITY of EDINA Quarterly Council Business Meeting Financial Update February 7, 2017 City Council Work Session The CITY of EDINA •The City of Edina budgets for and reports annual results using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). •The statutory deadline for Cities in MN to report GAAP results is June 30 because the accounting work and audit process take months to complete. Staff hasn’t started this process yet. •The following presentation relies on material projections and estimates because much of the actual data hasn’t been recorded, analyzed or audited. •The final audited results will be presented to Council in June 2017 and may differ materially from the estimates in this presentation. Projected 2016 Results www.EdinaMN.gov 2 1/26/2017 2 The CITY of EDINA Key Metric: Water pumped out of City wells •2016 water pumped = 2.25B gallons vs. 2.3B gallons in 2015. •2009-2015 average rate was 2.5B gallons. •2016 water pumped was 10% below historical average. •2015 water pumped was 9.5% low. www.EdinaMN.gov 3 Utilities Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Utilities Fund Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 4 Utilities Fund  ‐  100,000  200,000  300,000  400,000  500,000  600,000 January February March April May June July August September October November December Water Pumped from Wells  Water Pumped in Units ‐ 2016 2009‐2015 Average Water Pumped (units) 1/26/2017 3 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 5 Liquor Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Liquor Fund Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget The CITY of EDINA •In 2016 the City budgeted a transfer of $700,000 out of the Liquor Fund to support other City activities. www.EdinaMN.gov 6 Liquor Fund (200,000) (100,000) - 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Liquor Fund Operating Income 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1/26/2017 4 The CITY of EDINA Key Metric: Season passes sold •2016 YTD passes = 2,505 (7,395 people) vs. 3,265 (10,218 people) in 2015. •2012-2015 average sales were 3,345 (10,418 people). •New POS system was installed for 2016 season. The new system is much better at tracking customers. However, the data is not comparable to data from the old POS system. www.EdinaMN.gov 7 Aquatic Center Fund 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Aquatic Center Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 8 Golf Course Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Golf Course Fund Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget 1/26/2017 5 The CITY of EDINA Status of 2014 Six-Step Strategy •Expenses are better aligned with revenues. •Cash flow from operations is better: •2013 = $4,286 •2014 = $348,568 •2015 = $610,102 •2016 est. = $400,000 •Debt service has increased by about $180K/year. www.EdinaMN.gov 9 Golf Course Fund (600,000) (400,000) (200,000) - 200,000 400,000 600,000 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Golf Course Fund Operating Income (Loss) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 10 Arena Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Braemar Arena Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget 1/26/2017 6 The CITY of EDINA Arena financial status •Cash flow from operations is better: •2013 = ($11,223) •2014 = $324,967 •2015 = $291,423 •2016 est. = $270,000 •Debt service is about $360K/year. www.EdinaMN.gov 11 Arena Fund (400,000) (300,000) (200,000) (100,000) - 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Braemar Arena Operating Income (Loss) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 12 Art Center Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Art Center Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget 1/26/2017 7 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 13 Edinborough Park Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Edinborough Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 14 Centennial Lakes Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Centennial Lakes Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget 1/26/2017 8 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 15 Sports Dome Fund 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Braemar Field Operating Revenue 2016 Actual 2016 Budget The CITY of EDINA2016 General Fund Revenue •2016 estimate = 7% increase from 2015 •105% of budget, compared to 105% in 2015. 2011-2015 average rate is 105.2%. Expenditures •2016 estimate = 6% increase from 2015 •100% of budget, compared to 99% in 2015. 2011-2015 average rate is 98.6% Key Metric: License & Permit Revenue •2016 estimate = 7% increase from 2015 •129% of budget, compared to 126% in 2015 www.EdinaMN.gov 16 Date: Feb ruary 7, 2017 Agenda Item #: V. To:Mayo r and City Co uncil Item Type: Ad visory Co mmunication From:Lis a S c haefer, Assistant City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Quarterly Bus iness Meeting - Liquo r Operatio ns Up d ate CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Staff will provide a quarterly update of Edina Liquor Operations. ATTACHMENTS: Description Liquor Pres entation The CITY of EDINA Edina Liquor Operations Quarterly Business Meeting February 7, 2017 The CITY of EDINA Edina Liquor Objectives www.EdinaMN.gov 2 Edina Liquor will consistently provide funding to 1) subsidize the City’s recreation enterprises, and 2) contribute to the City’s capital improvement plan. Edina Liquor will consistently provide the best customer service experience in the metro area. Edina Liquor will control the sale of alcohol to ensure that sales are not made to minors or other individuals as provided by law. Edina Liquor will increase accountability to City Council, shareholders, and customers. 1 2 3 4 The CITY of EDINA 6 Key Strategies www.EdinaMN.gov 3 The CITY of EDINA 1.Invest in marketing focused on benefits to shareholders and targeted to specific buyers through email and social media. 2.Improve service provided to customers by in-store staff. 3.Improve convenience and in-store experience for customers. 4.Schedule and distribute work to maximize efficiency. 5.Expand specialty products offered. 6.Consistently measure and report results. Edina Liquor Enterprise Strategies www.EdinaMN.gov 4 The CITY of EDINA Think strategies Act •Increase visibility within the Community, Taste, VEAP, Art fair. •Continue to evaluate Loyalty Program and vendors. •Increase social media and explore alternative platforms. •Full evaluations of all marketing vendors and programs. Marketing Focus www.EdinaMN.gov 5 The CITY of EDINA Improve Customer Experience Focus on Performance Management. Daily Goal Planning guides for store leaders. Monthly 1 on 1’s scheduled with EVERY associate. Focusing on GUEST model. QBR’s completed by all store leadership. Continue education programs. www.EdinaMN.gov 6 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 7 Online ordering & delivery- on Target for March Implementation. Delivery 50th and France Online ordering for instore pickup. •In store Marketing and merchandising improvements utilizing vendor relationships. Improving Convenience The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 8 Maximize Efficiency •Centralized buying. •Purchasing and pricing managed by AGM. •Continue to evaluate staff model. •Develop “hiring profile.” The CITY of EDINA Consistently Measure Liquor Score Card- Monthly at store level, quarterly updates to council. Consistent coaching and 1:1’s – All leadership and associates. Leadership QBR’s. www.EdinaMN.gov 9 www.EdinaMN.gov 10 The CITY of EDINA Questions? www.EdinaMN.gov 11 Quarterly Business Meeting February 7, 2017 Date: Feb ruary 7, 2017 Agenda Item #: VI. To:Mayo r and City Co uncil Item Type: Other From:Lis a S c haefer, Assistant City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Quarterly Bus iness Meeting - Wo rk Plan Up d ate Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: T he City uses work plans to allow council and staff to prioritize our work and make the best use of limited resources. Work plans identify special projects or goals with a definite end date. Work plans are in addition to ongoing responsibilities of staff that occur on a daily or annual basis. T he 2016-2017 Vision Edina Work P lan was approved by the City Council and corresponds with the City's 2016- 2017 operating budget. T he quarterly update is attached. T he final update of the 2016 Department Work P lans is also attached for informational purposes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Des cription of Work Plan Types 2016-2017 Vis ion Edina Plan 2016 Department Work Plan Final Updates VISION EDINA Work Plan (2016-2017) Length:2 Years –coincides with budget Responsibility:City Council/City Manager Approval:City Council Updates:Submitted by ELT to City Council at Quarterly Business Meetings Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Department Work Plans (2017) Length:1 Year Responsibility:Department Director Approval:City Manager Updates:Submitted by Director to CM/ACM at least quarterly. Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Board & Commission Work Plans (2017) Length:1 Year Responsibility:Board or Commission (with Staff Liaison support) Approval:City Council Updates:Submitted by B&C annually to City Council (through Staff Liaison) Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Individual Goals (2017) Length:1 Year Responsibility:Employee Approved by:Supervisor Updates:Ongoing & in annual Performance Review WORK PLAN CHEAT SHEET Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 Th e C i t y o f E d i n a ’ s m i s s i o n i s t o p r o v i d e e f f e c t i v e a n d v a l u e d s e r v i c e s , m a i n t a i n a s o u n d p u b l i c i n f r a st r u c t u r e , o f f e r p r e m i e r p u b l i c fa c i l i t i e s a n d g u i d e t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d r e d e v e l o p m en t o f l a n d s , a l l i n a m a n n e r t h a t s u s t a i n s a n d i m p ro v e s t h e u n c o m m o n l y h i g h qu a l i t y o f l i f e e n j o y e d b y o u r r e s i d e n t s a n d b u s i n e ss e s . O u r v i s i o n i s t o b e t h e p r e e m i n e n t p l a c e f o r li v i n g , l e a r n i n g , r a i s i n g f a m i l i e s an d d o i n g b u s i n e s s d i s t i n g u i s h e d b y : • A l i v a b l e e n v i r o n m e n t • Ef f e c t i v e a n d v a l u e d c i t y s e r v i c e s • A s o u n d p u b l i c i n f r a s t r u c t u r e • A b a l a n c e o f l a n d u s e s , a n d • In n o v a t i o n Th e C i t y o f E d i n a i s k n o w n f o r e x c e l l e n t c i t y s e r v i ce s a n d s o u n d f i s c a l m a n a g e m e n t . O u r o n g o i n g w o r k wi l l c o n t r i b u t e t h i s t o tr a d i t i o n . I n a d d i t i o n t o o u r c o r e s e r v i c e s , t h e C o un c i l h a s i d e n t i f i e d s i x p r i o r i t i e s f o r t h e 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 17 b i e n n i a l b u d g e t i n s u p p o r t o f o u r mi s s i o n a n d v i s i o n . T h e s e t h e m e s w i l l g u i d e o u r o r g an i z a t i o n a s w e i d e n t i f y p r o j e c t s a n d p r i o r i t i z e o u r w o r k . Fo c u s e d R e d e v e l o p m e n t De s c r i p t i o n Re d e v e l o p m e n t a n d r e n e w a l o f t h e c o m m e r c i a l a n d r e s id e n t i a l a r e a s i s e s s e n t i a l t o t h e o n g o i n g h e a l t h o f t h e c o m m u n i t y . T h e C i ty is co n t i n u i n g t o f o c u s o n t h e r e v i t a l i z a t i o n o f t w o i m po r t a n t c o m m e r c i a l a r e a s — S o u t h d a l e a n d G r a n d v i e w — a s w e l l a s n u r t u r i n g t h e v i b r a n t 50 t h a n d F r a n c e c o m m e r c i a l a r e a . T h e r e a r e a l s o n u me r o u s p r o p o s e d r e d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s t h a t w i ll n e e d t o b e a d d r e s s e d i n t h e co m i n g y e a r s s u c h a s P e n t a g o n P a r k , t h e H e n n e p i n C o un t y L i b r a r y S i t e a n d t h e f o r m e r F r e d R i c h a r d s G o l f c o u r s e . T h e P e n t a g o n P a r k re d e v e l o p m e n t h a s t h e p o t e n t i a l t o b e t h e m o s t s i g n if i c a n t r e d e v e l o p m e n t p r o j e c t i n E d i n a s i n c e t h e c o mp l e t i o n o f C e n t e n n i a l L a k e s i n t h e 19 9 0 s . Th e r e d e v e l o p m e n t p r o c e s s o f t h e s e s i t e s s h o u l d c o n si d e r t h e p o t e n t i a l c u m u l a t i v e i m p a c t — b o t h p o s i t i ve a n d n e g a t i v e — o n s t r e e t s a n d st r e e t s c a p e , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , u t i l i t i e s a n d o t h e r s e rv i c e s , a n d n e a r b y s i n g l e f a m i l y h o m e s . T a x i n c r e m en t f i n a n c i n g a n d o t h e r t o o l s m a y b e u s e d to p r o v i d e i n c e n t i v e s t o d e v e l o p i n w a y s c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e C i t y ’ s l a n d u s e , t r a n s i t , d e n s i t y a n d h e a lt h g o a l s . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 1 Co m p l e t e r e d e v e l o p m e n t p l a n n i n g f o r C i t y ’ s f o r m e r P ub l i c W o r k s s i t e Go a l s 20 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 V i s i o n E d i n a P l a n Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 • Co m p l e t e o p e r a t i o n a l a n d f ea s i b i l i t y st u d y by 5 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (P a r k s an d R e c . ) CO M P L E T E D . P r es e n t e d t o t h e Ci t y C o u n c i l i n M a y , 2 0 1 6 • Re a c h d e c i s i o n w i t h r e s p e c t t o t y p e a n d s c a l e o f c o mm u n i t y u s e by 6 / 3 0 / 1 6 a n d d e v e l o p p l a n t o i m p l e m e n t . (P a r k s a n d R e c . ) Th e C i t y C o u n c i l r e c e i v e d t h e G r a n d v i e w F e a s i b i l i t y and Op e r a t i o n a l A n a l y s i s , b u t n o a c t i o n w a s t a k e n . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 2 Co m p l e t e d i s t r i c t - w i d e p l a n n i n g a c t i v i t i e s f o r G r a n dv i e w D i s t r i c t Go a l s • Co n s i d e r e s t a b l i s h i n g T I F D i s t r i c t b y 3 / 1 / 1 6 . (A d m i n . ) C OM P L E T E D Ap r i l 2 0 1 6 . • Co m p l e t e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s t u d y b y 5 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (E n g i n e e r i n g ) CO M P L E T E D Au g u s t 20 1 6 . • Co m p l e t e p r e l i m i n a r y s t u d y o f Th e G r a n d v i e w G r e e n by 12 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (A d m i n . ) Pr e l i m i n a r y s t u d y i s u n d e r w a y . T h e f i r s t c h e c k -in occurred in No v e m b e r . T h e p r o j e c t i s o n s c h e d u l e t o b e c o m p l e t e d in Spring 20 1 7 . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 3 Ad o p t s t r a t e g y t o r e d e v e l o p C i t y - o w n e d p r o p e r t y o n W. 4 9 - 1 / 2 S t r e e t Go a l s • Co m p l e t e d e m a n d a n d u s a g e s t u d y o f p u b l i c p a r k i n g b y 6 /1 / 1 6 . (A d m i n . ) Af t e r a d e l a y i n r e c e i v i n g t h e d a t a , t h e i n f o r m a t i o n has been as s e m b l e d . P a r k i n g u s a g e d a t a w i l l b e i n c l u d e d w h e n the HRA co n s i d e r s r e d e v e l o p m e n t p r o p o s a l s t o e x p a n d p u b l i c parking in Sp r i n g 2 0 1 7 . • Im p l e m e n t r e d e v e l o p m e n t s t r a t e g y b y 7 /1 / 1 6 . (A d m i n . / C o m m . De v . ) RF P f o r r e d e v e l o p m e n t w a s i s s u e d i n A u g u s t 2 0 1 6 . Four proposals we r e r e c e i v e d a n d t h e t e a m l e a d b y B u h l I n v e s t o r s / S aturday Pr o p e r t i e s w a s s e l e c t e d a s t h e P r e f e r r e d D e v e l o p m e n t Partner. A te r m s h e e t i s e x p e c t e d t o b e n e g o t i a t e d i n S p r i n g 2 017 to im p l e m e n t t h e g o a l s a n d o u t c o m e s i d e n t i f i e d i n t h e i r mixed-use pr o p o s a l f o r t h e p r o p e r t i e s o n W e s t 4 9 - 1 / 2 S t r e e t . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 4 Im p l e m e n t P h a s e 1 & 2 o f T h e L i n k R e d e v e l o p m e n t ( P e nt a g o n P a r k ) Go a l s • Co n s i d e r f i n a l r e z o n i n g o f S o u t h P a r c e l wh e n a p p l i c a n t i s pr e p a r e d . (C o m m . D e v . ) Th e p r o p e r t y o w n e r i s n o t p r e p a r e d t o m o v e f o r w a r d with a sp e c i f i c d e v e l o p m e n t p r o p o s a l i n 2 0 1 6 . • Pr o c e e d w i t h P h a s e 1 A i m p r o v e m e n t s b y 6 / 3 0 / 1 7 if a p p l i c a n t Se e a b o v e . Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 ha s p r o p o s e d a d e v e l o p m e n t . (A d m i n . ) • Pr o c e e d w i t h P h a s e 1 B i m p r o v e m e n t s b y 6 / 3 0 / 1 6 if f a p p l i c a n t ha s p r o p o s e d a d e v e l o p m e n t . (A d m i n . ) Se e a b o v e . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 5 Ad o p t a n d i m p l e m e n t r e u s e p l a n f o r F r e d R i c h a r d s P a rk Go a l s • Fr e d R i c h a r d s M a s t er P l a n a d o p t e d a n d f i n a n c i n g i d e n t i f i e d by 12 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (P a r k s & R e c . / F i n a n c e ) Co n f l u e n c e w a s h i r e d t o c o m p l e t e t h e F r e d R i c h a r d s Park Master Pl a n i n O c t o b e r o f 2 0 1 6 . T h e r e s e a r c h p h a s e o f t h e project was co m p l e t e d i n N o v e m b e r a n d D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 6 a n d c o m m u n i ty en g a g e m e n t p h a s e i s u n d e r w a y . F i n a l m a s t e r p l a n a d o ption is ex p e c t e d i n J u l y 2 0 1 7 . • Fi r s t p h a se o f F r e d R i c h a r d s M a s t e r P l a n u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n by 12 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (P a r k s & R e c . ) Fi n a l m a s t e r p l a n a d o p t i o n i s e x p e c t e d i n J u l y 2 0 1 7 . Funding the pl a n w i l l b e d i s c u s s e d a s p a r t o f t h e p l a n n i n g p r o c ess. Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 6 Wo r k i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h H e n n e p i n C o u n t y t o r e d e v e l op H e n n e p i n C o u n t y L i b r a r y – S o u t h d a l e s i t e Go a l s • Co m p l e t e r e d e v e l o p m e n t p a r t n e r s h i p a g r e e m e n t w i t h H en n e p i n Co u n t y b y 5 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (A d m i n . / C o m m . D e v . ) Jo i n t P o w e r s A g r e e m e n t w a s e x e c u t e d i n S e p t e m b e r 2016. • Co m p l e t e RF P pr o c e s s f o r t h e s i t e b y 9 / 3 0 / 1 6 . (A d m i n . / C o m m . De v . ) Th i s sc h e d u l e h a s b e e n a d j u s t e d . Tw o p u b l i c o p e n h o u s e s w e r e co n d u c t e d i n D e c e m b e r . S e v e r a l s m a l l e r f o c u s g r o u p discussions we r e a l s o h e l d i n D e c e m b e r . A d d i t i o n a l m e e t i n g s t o collect public in p u t a r e s c h e d u l e d f o r e a r l y 2 0 1 7 . T h e R F Q / R F P i s still on schedule to b e i s s u e d i n S p r i n g 2 0 1 7 . • So l i c i t p r o p o s a l s t o r e d e v e l o p t h e s i t e w i t h n e w pu b l i c l i b r a r y an d o t h e r c o m p a t i b l e u s e s b y 1 0 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (A d m i n . / C o m m . D e v . ) Se e a b o v e . • Su b m i t r e d e v e l o p m e n t p r o p o s a l f o r r e v i e w o f H e n n e p i n C o u n t y by 1 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (A d m i n . / C o m m . D e v . ) Se e a b o v e . Fu t u r e P l a n n i n g De s c r i p t i o n Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 Vi s i o n E d i n a e s t a b l i s h e d a l o n g t e r m s t r a t e g i c f r a m ew o r k t o g u i d e o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s d e v e l o p m e n t o v e r t w o d e c a d e s . T h e f u t u r e h o lds both gr e a t o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d c h a l l e n g e s a s E d i n a r e s i d e n ts s e e k t o p r e s e r v e w h a t h a s m a d e t h e c o m m u n i t y s u c ce s s f u l i n t h e p a s t , w h i l e re i n v e n t i n g i t s e l f t o m e e t t h e n e e d s o f f u t u r e g e n e ra t i o n s . R e s i d e n t s h a v e m a d e i t c l e a r t h a t t h e y b e li e v e f o r w a r d l o o k i n g p l a n n i n g i s c r i t i c a l to t h e c o m m u n i t y ’ s s u c c e s s . T h e n e x t C o m p r e h e n s i v e Pl a n w i l l b e t h e f i r s t o p p o r t u n i t y t o t r a n s l a t e V i s io n E d i n a i n t o a c t i o n a b l e g o a l s w i t h re s p e c t t o l a n d u s e , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , w a t e r r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t , p a r k s , e n e r g y a n d e n v i r o n m e n t , h o u s i n g a n d h e r i t a g e p r e s e r v a t i o n . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 1 Co m p l e t e d r a f t C o m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n d o c u m e n t w i t h b r o ad c o m m u n i t y i n p u t Go a l s • Ou t l i n e o f C o m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n p r o c e s s de v e l o p e d a n d a d o p t e d by 7 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (C o m m . D e v . ) C OM P L E T E D O c t o b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 . • Is s u e R F P f o r c o n s u l t i n g p a r t n e r ( s ) b y 9 / 3 0 /1 6 a n d id e n t i f y co n s u l t a n t p a r t n e r b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (C o m m . D e v . ) RF P w a s d o n e a n d a d e v e l o p m e n t p a r t n e r w a s r e c o m m e n ded by th e P l a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n . C o n t r a c t a n d W o r k P l a n t o be approved by t h e C i t y C o u n c i l i n F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 7 . • Co m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n c o m p l e t e d b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 8 . (C o m m . D e v . ) In p r o c e s s Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 2 De v e l o p m e n t o f n e c e s s a r y t o o l s t o g u i d e a n d e v a l u a t e r e d e v e l o p m e n t i n t h e S o u t h d a l e A r e a Go a l s • Gr e a t e r S o u t h d a l e A r e a P l a n n i n g c o m p l e t e d b y 1 1 / 3 0 / 16 . (C o m m . D e v . ) T he d e l i v e r a b l e dr a f t r e p o r t f r o m t h e P l a n n i n g C o n s u l t a n t w a s pr e s e n t e d t o C i t y C o u n c i l o n M a y 1 7 . T h e W o r k G r o u p still must co m p l e t e t h e p u b l i c o u t r e a c h p i e c e a s o u t l i n e d i n t he Phase 2 work pl a n . N e x t P h a s e s o f t h i s p r o j e c t w i l l b e p a r t o f t he Comprehensive Pl a n . C o n s u l t a n t c u r r e n t l y p r e p a r i n g 3 - D . • Ex p l o r e p o t e n t i a l f o r S o u th d a l e a r e a s p e c i a l s e r v i c e s d i s t r i c t b y 12 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (A d m i n . ) In p r o c e s s . In t e r g o v e r n m e n t a l R e l a t i o n s De s c r i p t i o n Ac h i e v i n g m a n y o f o u r g o a l s w i l l r e q u i r e s t r o n g i n te r g o v e r n m e n t a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s . Vi s i o n E d i n a p a r t i c i p a n t s i d e n t i f i e d b o t h e d u c a t i o n and tr a n s p o r t a t i o n a s c r i t i c a l d r i v e r s o f f u t u r e s u c c e s s. I n b o t h o f t h e s e a r e a s , t h e c i t y m u s t e f f e c t i v e ly p a r t n e r w i t h o t h e r g o v e r n m e n t e n t i t i e s t o pr o m o t e e f f e c t i v e o u t c o m e s . B e s i d e s t h e i n d i c a t o r s l i s t e d , s t a f f m e m b e r s w i l l c o n t i n u e t o m e e t a n d s h ar e i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h b o r d e r c i t i e s o f Ed i n a . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 1 Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 Wo r k t o m i t i g a t e d i s r u p t i o n o f a v i a t i o n n o i s e Go a l s • Fo r m a l i z e r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h M i n n e a p o l i s a n d S t . L o u is P a r k a n d es t a b l i s h j o i n t g o a l s b y 3 / 3 1 / 1 6 . R e p o r t u p d a t e s q ua r t e r l y . (A d m i n . ) In p r o c e s s . • Ad v o c a t e f o r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e M A C ’ s R u n w a y U s e S y s t e m pl a n a t M S P a i r p o r t a s a n o i s e a b a t e m e n t m e a s u r e . (A d m i n . ) In p r o c e s s . C o m m u n i t y A v i a t i o n I m p a c t F o r u m w a s h e l d on May 23 rd a t C i t y H a l l . A t t o r n e y P e t e r K i r s c h o f K a p l a n K r i s ch and Ro c k w e l l p r e s e n t e d i n a d d i t i o n t o l o c a l a v i a t i o n r e presentatives. Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 2 Ad v o c a t e f o r M n D O T a n d H e n n e p i n C o u n t y f u n d i n g f o r ke y t r a n s p o r t a t i o n i m p r o v e m e n t s t h a t i m p a c t E d i n a Go a l s • Ad v o c a t e fo r fu n d i n g f o r si g n if i c a n t i n t e r c h a n g e im p r o v e m e n t s at F r a n c e A v e n u e a n d H i g h w a y 6 2 . (E n g . ) St a t u s m e e t i n g s o c c u r r e d o n O c t o b e r 3 a n d N o v e m b e r 17 with Mn D O T a n d H e n n e p i n C o u n t y . P o t e n t i a l r e - d e c k i n g w i t h sidewalk an d l a n e a s s i g n m e n t c h a n g e s i n 2 0 1 9 . • Us e G r a n d v i e w T r a n s p o r t a t i o n s t u d y t o d e v e l o p i m p l e me n t a t i o n ti m e t a b l e f o r C o u n t y . (E n g . ) St u d y co m p l e t e d an d a c c e p t e d a t A u g u s t 3 r d C o u n c i l m e e t i n g . • De ve l o p im p l e m e n t a t i o n p l a n b a s e d o n G r a n d v i e w Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n s t u d y f o r a c c e s s / r a m p s a t H w y . 1 0 0 b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (E n g . ) Re p o r t u s e d t o c r e a t e C I P P r o j e c t s f o r n e x t 5 -years accepted at De c e m b e r 6 C o u n c i l m e e t i n g . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 3 De v e l o p p o s i t i v e w o r k i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h s c h o o l di s t r i c t s w i t h i n C i t y o f E d i n a l i m i t s Go a l s • Sc h e d u l e t w o j o i n t C o u n c i l -Sc h o o l B o a r d m e e t i n g s e a c h y e a r wi t h I S D # 2 7 3 . (A d m i n . ) Me e t i n g w a s c a n c e l e d a n d no n e a r e c u r r e n t l y s c h e d u l e d . • M on i t o r o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d i s s u e s wi t h H o p k i n s I S D # 2 7 0 a n d Ri c h f i e l d I S D # 2 8 0 , a n d i n v i t e s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s t o p ro v i d e C i t y Co u n c i l u p d a t e a n n u a l l y . (A d m i n . ) Ye s , b o t h s c h o o l s up e r i n t e n d e n t s p a r t i c i p a t e d o n t h e a n n u a l S O T C ev e n t . • Sc h e d u l e j o i n t C i t y -Sc h o o l D i s t r i c t l e a d e r s h i p m e e t i n g s t wi c e p e r ye a r w i t h I S D # 2 7 3 . (A d m i n . ) No t c o m p l e t e . • Ex p l o r e a fo r m a l p a r t n e r s h i p b e t w e e n E d i n a C o m m u n i t y Ed u c a t i o n a n d E d i n a P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n w i t h a g o a l o f pr o v i d i n g j o i n t p r o g r a m m i n g a n d p u b l i c i n f o r m a t i o n ma t e r i a l s 20 1 7 I n i t i a t i v e . S c h o o l D i s t r i c t a n d C i t y S t a f f w i l l start to meet in Fe b r u a r y t o d i s c u s s f a c i l i t y u s e , p r o g r a m m i n g , r e g i stration and ma r k e t i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s . Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 by 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (P a r k s a n d R e c . ) Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 4 Ex p a n d t h e C i t y ’ s p r e s e n c e w i t h p a r t n e r s w o r k i n g t o wa r d s r e g i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t a n d p l a n n i n g Go a l s • Ma i n t a i n a c t i v e r o l e w i t h G r e a t e r M S P a n d D E E D t o p ro m o t e bu s i n e s s d e v e l o p m e n t a n d p l a n n i n g . (A d m i n . ) St a f f c o n t i n u e s t o a t t e n d a n d p a r t i c i p a t e i n g r e a t e r MSP and DEED ev e n t s . • Wo r k c o o p e r a t i v e l y w i t h Me t r o p o l i t a n C o u n c i l t o p u r s u e s h a r e d go a l s r e l a t e d t o i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d h o u s i n g af f o r d a b i l i t y . (A d m i n . / C o m m . D e v . / E n g . ) St a f f c o n t i n u e s t o w o r k w i t h M e t C o u n c i l o n a r e g u l ar basis. Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n & I n f r a s t r u c t u r e De s c r i p t i o n T he C i t y i s c o m m i t t e d t o p r e s e r v i n g a n d e x p a n d i n g i n fr a s t r u c t u r e s y s t e m s t o m a i n t a i n r e l i a b i l i t y a n d q u al i t y , a n d t o m e e t t h e demands of re d e v e l o p m e n t . T h i s w i l l b e a c c o m p l i s h e d t h r o u g h a lo n g - t e r m f i n a n c i n g p l a n t h a t b a l a n c e s p r u d e n c e a n d c o m m u n i t y e x p e c t a t i o n s . V i s i o n Ed i n a h i g h l i g h t s r e s i d e n t s ’ s t r o n g d e s i r e t o e x p a n d t h e v a r i e t y o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n o p t i o n s b o t h t o r e d u ce t h e d e p e n d e n c y o n a u t o m o b i l e s , a n d al s o t o e n h a n c e t h e c o m m u n i t y ’ s e a s e o f c o n n e c t i v i t y. A d o p t i o n o f t h e L i v i n g S t r e e t s P l a n w a s a n i m p o rt a n t s t e p f o r w a r d , b u t s i g n i f i c a n t w o r k ha s y e t t o b e d o n e . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 1 Id e n t i f y a n d c o m p l e t e n e c e s s a r y t r a n s p o r t a t i o n i m p r ov e m e n t s i n t h e G r a n d v i e w D i s t r i c t Go a l s • Pa r t n e r w i t h M e t r o T ra n s i t t o i d e n t i f y s i t e f o r P a r k a n d R i d e a n d se c u r e f u n d i n g b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (E n g . / A d m i n . ) Pa r k a n d R i d e F un d i n g d o e s n o t a p p e a r t o b e a p r i o r i t y for Metro Tr a n s i t a t t h i s t i m e . • Pe r P u b l i c W o r k s s i t e p l a n , d e v e l o p f u n d i n g s o u r c e s a n d im p l e m e n t a t i o n s c h e d u l e f o r s h a r e d s t r e e t l i n k i n g E de n A v e n u e to n o r t h s i d e o f r a i l r o a d t r a c k i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h f o r m e r P u b l i c Wo r k s s i t e r e d e v e l o p m e n t b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (E n g . / A d m i n . ) Th i s p r o j e c t o n h o l d p e n d i n g d i r e c t i o n f r o m C i t y C o u n c i l r egarding re d e v e l o p m e n t o f f o r m e r p u b l i c w o r k s s i t e . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 2 Ex p e c t e d l e v e l o f s e r v i c e i s d e f i n e d a n d m a i n t a i n e d i n t h e S o u t h d a l e A r e a Go a l s • De v e l o p p l a n s f o r r e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f w a t e r t r e a t m e n t p l a n t # 5 b y 3/ 3 1 / 1 7 . (E n g . / P . W . ) RF P a d v e r t i s e d o n D e c e m b e r 2 2 . C o n s u l t a n t s e l e c t i o n Q1 of 2017. Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 • Be g i n c o n s t r u c t i o n o n w a t e r t r e a t m e n t p l a n t # 5 i n 2 01 7 . (E n g . / P . W . ) 20 1 7 /2 0 1 8 go a l . • Co m p l e t e So u t h d a l e s a n i t a r y t r u n k c a p a c i t y s t u d y b y 8 /3 1 / 1 6 . (E n g . ) 95 % c o m p l e t e , r e q u e s t i n g f e e d b a c k f r o m M e t C o u n c i l . • Co m p l e t e S o u t h d a l e W a t e r T o w e r r e p a i n t i n g a n d r e h a b il i t a t i o n wo r k b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (P . W . ) Co n t r a c t c o m p l e t e . P u n c h l i s t i t e m s w i l l b e c o m p l e t e d in t he Spring of 20 1 7 . • Id e n t i f y C I P p r o j e c t s a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s c h e d u l e o f S o u t h d a l e sa n i t a r y t r u n k c a p a c i t y s t u d y b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 7 . (E n g . / P . W . ) Dr a f t r e p o r t u s e d t o c r e a t e C I P P r o j e c t s f o r n e x t 5 -years. Requesting fe e d b a c k f r o m M e t C o u n c i l f o r a 2 0 1 7 p r o j e c t . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 3 En s u r e t h a t t h e l o n g e v i t y o f u s e f u l s t r e e t l i f e i s ex t e n d e d i n t h e m o s t f i s c a l l y r e s p o n s i b l e m a n n e r Go a l s • Co n v e r t o p p o r t u n i t y f r o m d e b t r e t i r e m e n t i n 2 0 1 7 i n to f u n d i n g fo r t h e c a p i t a l i m p r o v e m e n t p r o g r a m . (F i n a n c e ) CO M P L E T E D . Fi n a l 2 0 1 7 B u d g e t w a s a d o p t e d b y C o u n c i l o n D e c e m b e r 6, 2 0 1 7 . U s e d t h e d e b t r e t i r e m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y t o i n clude $400,000/year to p a y f o r W e b e r W o o d s p u r c h a s e i n 3 y e a r s . B u d g e t also includes $5 0 0 , 0 0 0 / y e a r a d d i t i o n a l f u n d i n g f o r s t r e e t & b r i d g e maintenance and $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 / y e a r a d d i t i o n a l f u n d i n g f o r C I P p r o j e c t s . • Co n s i d e r i n c r e a s i n g f r a n c h i s e f e e s t o s u p p o r t s t r e e t p a v e m e n t lo n g e v i t y p r o g r a m b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (F i n a n c e ) Fi n a l 2 0 1 7 B u d g e t w a s a d o p t e d b y C o u n c i l o n D e c e m b e r 6, 2017. We di s c u s s e d a n d c o n s i d e r e d i n c r e a s i n g f r a n c h i s e f e e s to support high pr i o r i t y i n i t i a t i v e s , b u t u l t i m a t e l y d e c i d e d a g a i n s t increasing franchise fe e s a t t h i s t i m e . Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 En t e r p r i s e S t a b i l i t y De s c r i p t i o n Ed i n a ’ s e n t e r p r i s e s - th e A q u a t i c C e n t e r , t h e E d i n a A r t C e n t e r , B r a e m a r G ol f , Br a e m a r A r e n a , B r a e m a r F i e l d , C e n t e n n i a l L a k e s P a r k , Ed i n b o r o u g h P a r k a n d E d i n a L i q u o r - r e p r e s e n t i m p o r ta n t c o m m u n i t y a m e n i t i e s . R e v e n u e s f r o m E d i n a L i q u or h e l p t o d e f r a y s o m e o f th e o p e r a t i n g a n d c a p i t a l f o r t h e s e e n t e r p r i s e s . W h il e s t i l l h i g h l y p r o f i t a b l e , E d i n a L i q u o r i s g e n e r a ti n g l e s s r e v e n u e w i t h t h e e n t r y o f ne w c o m p e t i t o r s i n t h e l o c a l l i q u o r m a r k e t . A h i g h le v e l o f c o s t r e c o v e r y a t t h e e n t e r p r i s e f a c i l i t i e s e n s u r e s t h a t c o m m u n i t y r e s o u r c e s ar e b e i n g w e l l u s e d a n d t h e g e n e r a l t a x p a y e r s a r e no t h e a v i l y s u b s i d i z i n g a m e n i t i e s u s e d b y a s e l e c t gr o u p . H o w e v e r , c o s t r e c o v e r y a t th e e n t e r p r i s e f a c i l i t i e s a l s o i n v o l v e s c a r e f u l p o l ic y c o n s i d e r a t i o n s w i t h r e s p e c t t o a c c e s s , p a r t n e r s hi p s a n d t y p e s o f u s e . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 1 Al l e n t e r p r i s e f u n d s h a v e b u s i n e s s p l a n s a p p r o v e d a nd i n u s e Go a l s • Co m p l e t e m a r k e t i n g a n d c r o s s -ma r k e t i n g p l a n s f o r e n t e r p r i s e fa c i l i t i e s a n d P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t b y 6 / 3 0/ 1 6 . (CT S / P a r k s a n d R e c . ) 20 1 6 a d v e r t i s i n g p l a n s f o r B r a e m a r A r e n a , B r a e m a r F ield, Br a e m a r G o l f C o u r s e , C e n t e n n i a l L a k e s P a r k , E d i n a A quatic Ce n t e r , E d i n a A r t C e n t e r a n d t h e P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n De p a r t m e n t h a v e b e e n a p p r o v e d . A n a d v e r t i s i n g p l a n for th e s e c o n d h a l f o f t h e y e a r m u s t b e d e v e l o p e d f o r E dina Li q u o r . C T S s t a f f w i l l w o r k E d i n a L i q u o r s t a f f a f t e r receiving re c o m m e n d a t i o n s f r o m t h e L i q u o r S t o r e T a s k F o r c e t o fi n a l i z e t h e b a c k - o f - y e a r p l a n . ( C T S ) Co m p l e t e d . A l l e n t e r p r i s e f a c i l i t i e s h a v e c o m p l e t e d ma r k e t i n g p l a n s . C r o s s p r o m o t i o n a l m a r k e t i n g i s em p h a s i z e d . ( P a r k s a n d R e c ) • Ex p l o r e c e n t r a l i ze d s e r v i c e s m o d e l f o r s t a f f i n g , m a r k e t i n g , pu r c h a s i n g , w e d d i n g s / e v e n t s b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (P a r k s a n d R e c . ) No t f o r m a l l y s t a r t e d . • Ex p l o r e e x p a n s i o n o f f o o d a n d l i q u o r s a l e s at e n t e r p r i s e f a c i l i t i e s to c r e a t e m o r e v a r i e d c u s t o m e r a n d c o r p o r a t e o u t i n g ex p e r i e n c e s , m e e t c u s t o m e r d e m a n d a n d g e n e r a t e a d d i ti o n a l re v e n u e b y 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 . (P a r k s a n d R e c . ) Co m p l e t e d . Th e l i q u o r o r d i n a n c e h a s b e e n c h a n g e d t o po s i t i v e l y i m p a c t C e n t e n n i a l L a k e s P a r k , t h e A r e n a and Art Ce n t e r . Ke y P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r # 2 Al l e n t e r p r i s e f a c i l i t i e s a c h i e v e a c e r t a i n n e t i n c om e o r m a x i m u m s u b s i d y o n a n a n n u a l b a s i s Go a l s • Pa r k s & Re c r e a t i o n a n d F i n a n c e D i r e c t o r s t o r e p o r t a m o r e de t a i l e d e n t e r p r i s e f a c i l i t y q u a r t e r l y b u s i n e s s p l a n u p d a t e t o t h e Ci t y C o u n c i l a t t h e q u a r t e r l y b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g w o r k s e s s i o n . No t y e t s t a r t e d . Up d a t e d 0 2 . 0 2 . 1 7 (P a r k s a n d R e c . / F i n a n c e ) • Co s t R e c o v e r y E x p e c t a t i o n ( C R E ) a nd m a x i m u m s u b s i d y i s id e n t i f i e d f o r e a c h e n t e r p r i s e f a c i l i t y . C o u n c i l a pp r o v a l b y 7/ 3 1 / 1 6 . (P a r k s a n d R e c . / F i n a n c e ) Th i s i n i t i a t i v e w i l l b e c o m p l e t e d i n 2 0 1 7 . Updated 02.03.2017 DEPARTMENT Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1.Update the neighborhood policy to reflect current council priorities and include greater public safety component by Q2. IN-PROCESS. Staff presented options to remove barriers to the application and recertification process, and to increase informal benefits. The Police department started Neighborhood Engagement Officer program, which will partner with the Neighborhood program. Staff will continue to assess opportunities as they arise and make recommendations to Council as appropriate. x 2.Establish formal volunteer program by Q1. COMPLETE. Volunteer Edina is established and most current volunteer roles have been incorporated in the official volunteer program. An online application and tracking system was implemented and several new volunteer positions have been created. Volunteer recruitment is ongoing. Orientation has been completed. Staff is currently onboarding new volunteers and working with enterprise facilities to get current volunteers in the system. We currently have over 200 active volunteers, exclusive of boards and commissions. X X 3.Human Services Funding: First time implementing site visits in Year Two for new two-year award cycle. Q3. COMPLETE. Staff completed site visits in November and council approved the funding for service providers in December. 4.Research and make recommendations for the coordination purchasing of office supplies throughout city to increase efficiency and save money by Q2. ON-HOLD. This project is on hold due to staff turnover and change in priorities. 5.Evaluate and make recommendations to improve COMPLETE. Support Department Directors have been meeting monthly to coordinate work plans, policies, and processes. 2016 Admin Department Work Plan Updated 02.03.2017 Internal Work Flow – CTS, HR, Finance, Admin by end of Q2. 6.Evaluate Quarterly Leadership IQS and develop leadership training plan by end of Q1. COMPLETE. The entire Executive Leadership Team completed the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) and developed individual action plans. HR held performance management training for all supervisors, training for supervisors regarding medical leaves, and training for police supervisors on Brady-Giglio. HR will develop and implement a leadership development training plan on and ongoing basis. 7.Develop standard Org Charts for all departments by end of Q1 and update quarterly. IN-PROCESS. This project was delayed due to staff turnover, but will be completed Q1 2017. 8.Improve usability of electronic packets in Novus Agenda plan for onboarding council members by Q3. COMPLETE. Staff have worked with the vendor to increase functionality. Staff have updated templates, training and user guides for staff, and conducted a user-group refresher. New council member was oriented to software. X 9.Lead City Manager Liquor Store Task Force & Strategic Planning and present report to council by Q3. COMPLETE. The task force convened in Feb 2016 and completed its work in Aug. Staff used their recommendations to develop a strategic plan that was shared with the City Council in December. Staff will continue to provide quarterly updates on the sales and operations of the Liquor enterprise. 10.City Gyms – research and clarify responsibilities, benefits & relationship between city and school district by Q2. COMPLETE. Staff completed review and identified areas in which to further engage the school district. Updated 02.03.2017 CITY CLERK DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1.Transfer Licensing to PIM Program – will require updating of license applications by Q1. COMPLETE. All 2016 business licenses have been converted to the PIM systems. Liquor licenses will not be converted to PIM due to the complexity of the licensing and lack of ROI. 2.Revamp all liquor licenses to comply with new liquor code by Q1. COMPLETE. Liquor licenses were reworked and used for the 2016-2017 licensing period. 3.Update and implement training and procedures to administer general and primary elections in compliance with statute •Update Election Judge Videos & Training by April 2016 •Recruit & Train Judges by July for primary; October for general (poll books and normal training) •Electronic Poll Books Implemented (August & Nov) COMPLETE. Staff successfully administered two elections in 2016 (primary and general). Staff developed and implemented procedures and training to for new electronic poll books (as required by the County) and implementation of the new absentee and early voting process (as required by state law). Nearly 100 iPads were set up, tested, and maintained. Video training was developed and delivered to election judges to ensure consistency. Nearly 400 election judges were hired and trained. 31,986 people cast their vote in Edina. Of those, nearly 13,000 absentee ballots were processed including 970 the day prior to the election. 4.Develop and implement data practices and records retention training and toolkits applicable to specific work groups. •Develop department specific training and toolkits Q1. •Train All Staff and post on Edinet by Q2. •Develop Online Introductions to Records Unit by Q4. IN-PROCESS. Preliminary data-gathering meetings with departments were held. This will carry-over to 2017 due to staffing and workload priorities. 5.Develop long-term strategy for Records retention using Edina Docs and identify IN-PROCESS. Not completed at this time. Staff continues to make progress as resources are available. Resolutions 2009-2016 all scanned and back Updated 02.03.2017 framework for implementing workflows by Q4. •Complete Scanning Historic Ordinances by March 2016 •Complete Scanning Resolutions by March 2016 •2016 and beyond all city contracts scanned and only kept centrally and electronically by Jan 2016. scanning 2000-2008 as time allows. New contracts submitted to Administration are now stored electronically and not added to paper files. All Engineering Contracts are being kept electronically, and have reduced signature copies to one set which goes out to the contractor after being signed and scanned. Staff continues to use volunteers and temporary resources to scan back documents when resources are available. Staff will work with IT to develop framework for workflows in 2017 if funds and resources are available. 6.City Council Approved Policies moved to Edinet by end of Q1. COMPLETE. All City policies are now accessible to employees on Edinet. Staff is working to post City Council policies on the public web site. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1.Implement Business Retention visits – 1 per month ON-GOING. Two formal business visits were completed. Several informal visits occurred, including monthly engagement with businesses at 50th and France and business members of the Edina Chamber of Commerce. Annual targets will be set going forward. 2.Establish Grandview 2 TIF District to promote redevelopment and public improvements – Q1 COMPLETE. TIF District established in March 2016. 3.Establish 66 West TIF District (Q1) and execute redevelopment agreement to provide affordable housing (Q2) COMPLETE. TIF District established and Redevelopment Agreement executed in April 2016. Groundbreaking occurred in July 2016 and the building enclosure was nearly complete at year end. 4.Determine need for future public improvements with 50th & France property owners – Q2 (implementation by PW). COMPLETE. Initial ideas were collected but it was decided that no additional public improvements were needed with the notable exception of redevelopment of the vacant lots owned by the HRA. Updated 02.03.2017 5. Study need and potential to provide additional public parking on 49-1/2 Street (Q3) COMPLETE. Usage data collected and expansion opportunities explored in Q1. A Development Partner was selected in December after a competitive RFP process. This partner proposes to add new public parking as part of a mixed use redevelopment on W. 49-1/2 St. 7. Coordinate redevelopment planning of Hennepin County’s York Avenue Library facility (Q4) IN-PROCESS. A Joint Powers Agreement was executed in September 2016 and staff has completed several public input sessions in December. Information gathered will be used to prepare an RFQ/RFP that is anticipated to be issued in Spring 2017. 8. Promote Phases 1A, 1B and 2 development under the Pentagon Park Master Plan and formalize related TIF agreements (Q4) IN-PROCESS. City has reached out to potential tenants and has kept in regular communication with the developer. As of December 2016, the developer has not brought forward any concrete plans to implement. 9. Secure funding for redevelopment of former Public Works site. (Q4) ON-HOLD. No action in 2016. 10. Investigate concept for Highway 100 “Grandview Green” (Q4) IN-PROCESS. Consultant is under contract and the first check-in occurred in November 2016. The preliminary study is on schedule to be completed in Spring 2017. 11. Complete strategic plan for business attraction, development and retention by Q4. ON-HOLD. This action will be delayed until 2017 and will be completed in coordination with the 2018 update to the Comprehensive Plan. LIQUOR OPERATIONS DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Implement Loyalty Program within new POS system Q3, and enroll 1000 customers in first 3 months. This goal was moved to the 2017 work plan. x x x 2. Increase 2015 gross profit by .5% in 2016. ACHIEVED. The December P&L shows a 3% increase in Gross Profit. This is not the final P&L, but staff does not anticipate this number changing significantly. 3. Increase customer count by 1% over 2015 total. ACHIEVED. 2015 customer count was 480,411 and increased to 489,868 in 2016. This was an increase of 1.97% Updated 02.03.2017 4. Develop ways to market our stores to existing and new apartment residents around Southdale and the Braemar area. IN-PROCESS. This will be part of the 2017 work plan goal related to target marketing. x 5. Replace existing security system with IP camera system Q2. IN-PROCESS. The equipment was secured in Q4 2016 but installation will be completed in Q1 2017. x 6. 100% of part-time employees complete product training in 2016. IN-PROCESS. This will carry-over to 2017. 7. Convert all sales ordering through the new POS system Q2. ON-HOLD. Staff will re-organize to begin central buying and pricing in March 2017. Ordering through the POS system will be explored and vetted at the end of Q1-2017. 8. Evaluate employee scheduling to maximize resources by Q3. IN-PROCESS. There was progress in this area. Employee hours dropped in 2016 by 758 from previous year. Grandview was down by 432.25 even with the adding the onboarding and training of all new part-time employees for all stores in Q3-Q4. The General Manager will evaluate staffing structure, work schedules, and assignments to be implemented in Q3 to prepare for the holiday season. x NOTES: • In 2016, Administration on-boarded a new Executive Assistant, Sustainability Coordinator, and General Manager of Liquor Operations. • The work of the liquor store task force and the hiring of a new General Manager of Liquor Operations lead to initial 2016 goals being re- worked into a new strategic plan for 2017. DEPARTMENT Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Prepare RFP for website redesign and request proposals by Nov. 1, 2016 COMPLETED. Civic Plus was selected as the preferred partner for the 2017 website redesign project. X 2. Implement high-definition webstreaming by April 1, 2016 COMPLETED. In March, the City upgraded its Granicus webstreaming server to a digital server that provides a higher-quality live webstream than was previously available to viewers. This server also gives us the capability to upgrade to high-definition webstreaming in the future if desired. X X 3. Complete brand audits at Braemar Arena, Braemar Golf Course, Braemar Field and Edinborough Park by Dec. 31, 2016 COMPLETED. X 4. Set up and program PEG channels on CenturyLink COMPLETED. The “confidence line” has still not been installed, allowing staff to monitor our channels on CenturyLink’s Prism TV. X X COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Develop content calendars for all social media sites managed by the City by April 1, 2016 COMPLETED. Content calendars for all Facebook pages have been created. X 2. Evaluate return on investment of original video programming by June 30, 2016 COMPLETED. 2016 CTS Department Work Plan 3. Create 2016 recommended advertising plans for all enterprise facilities and the Parks & Recreation Department’s recreational programming by March 31, 2016 COMPLETED. 4. Create recommended 2017 marketing and advertising plans for all enterprise facilities and recreation programming by Sept 30, 2016. In progress. Consultants will be engaged to create recreation programming and Braemar Golf Course advertising plans in 2017. I.T. DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Complete server virtualization and investigate targeted desktop virtualization by Dec. 31, 2016 Virtualization has been complete for all servers that can be virtualized. I.T. staff has begun researching VDI. X 2. Implement log management and file change management to ensure PCI compliance by Dec. 31, 2016 COMPLETED. System has been installed and configured. X NOTES: Approved 01.19.16 DEPARTMENT Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Review the City’s purchasing policy and recommend updates, if necessary, to the ELT and City Council for approval by June 30, 2016. New policy was approved by Council January 4, 2017. x X 2. Begin implementation of Docusphere/Tungsten AP workflow software by December 31, 2016. Went live on Tungsten in late December 2016 with approximately 140 users. x X 3. Work with Administration and Ehlers on a TIF Management Plan to better coordinate TIF activities. Complete by end of Q3 TIF spending plan was developed by Administration and added to the 2017- 2021 CIP. 4. Lead Nostradamus Project Phase 2. Complete by Q4. Not started. 5. Convert water bills from 100 cubic foot units to gallons to increase transparency and customer understanding of water bills. Conversion complete by June 30, 2016. Converted to 1,000 gallons in October 2016. x 6. Implement Paymentus Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) software for online utility bills. Convert existing Infinity.Link customers to new site. This project was delayed until unit of measure conversion was complete. Also, we had concerns about the selected vendor’s ability to deliver a satisfactory product. We terminated the original contract and are negotiating with a new vendor for possible 2017 implementation. x x 7. Compile the 2017-2021 CIP, 2015 CAFR and PAFR Audit/CAFR was presented to Council on June 21. PAFR is in process and scheduled for publication. CIP approved by Council in December 2016. x 2016 Finance Department Approved Work Plan Approved 01.19.16 8. Create plan and process to be fiscal agent for new fire group. Still developing plans to be fiscal agent for both MN Task Force One and SWSCC. 9. Implement CIS version 4. Delayed indefinitely by LOGIS. x 10. *NEW* Research changes to investment process, including: custody, accounting, technology, brokers/managers, and reporting. Prepare plan for the Investment Advisory Committee to consider. Presented a plan at the Q2 IAC meeting on July 22. Implemented changes in custody and brokers/managers during Q4 2016. 11. *NEW* Hire and train a new Accountant and Utility Billing Specialist. Hired Sharae Sledge for Accountant position and Sabrina Clark for UB Specialist position. Both are training. x Assistance with other department work plans Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. HR: LOGIS health insurance strategy 2017 budget is completed. Self insurance was studied but no change was made. x x 2. Admin: Liquor strategic plan The City Manager Liquor Task Force group made recommendations. Some recommendations require Finance support. x x x x 3. Admin: Liquor loyalty program The City Manager Liquor Task Force group made recommendations. Some recommendations require Finance support. x X 4. Admin: Economic Development??? Attending weekly HRA staff meetings. Created new Finance reports for the group to review. 5. Admin/CTS: Explore educational materials (graphics, stuffers, video) explaining individual property tax assessment vs. levy. Solicited ideas from Admin, HR, and Communications. Developed a new insert and included it with 2017 County TNT notices. x x NOTES: • Lisa added #5 before plan was finalized. • Eric added #10 & #11 during Q1 update. DEPARTMENT Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Research a plan for electronic personnel files and HRIS system (may or may not include payroll) by December 31, 2016 for implementation in 2017. Kay and Kelly have spoken to City of Bloomington about their plan and implementation. We were able to get a copy of their RFP and other materials they used to select their new system. Kelly and Kay met with Lisa to find out how extensive this system was going to be. The information we gathered was for a completely new Finance/HR/Payroll system. Lisa’s view was for an HRIS only system that would integrate with Payroll. A survey of comparison cities was done to see what system they use. x x 2. Convert paper files to EdinaDocs – union, payroll, etc. Organize HR Subject files on HR Drive. Organize Labor Relations and Employee Relations Files (including grievances, PIPs, discipline, etc.) by the December 31, 2016. All of the paper files have been organized and filed. Our HR drive is organized by topic. Labor relations files have been established and filed in HR Director’s office. Only files that have been scanned have been the worker’s compensation files up to 2015. No change x 3. Health Insurance strategy – LOGIS, self- funding by June 30, 2016. In progress. In May we should have preliminary information from our consultant and then meet with the Insurance Committee. The City will be staying with LOGIS and not self-funding. Changing to HealthPartners for Health Insurance. Rolled out new benefit packages. 8.5% decrease in health insurance premiums, 1.5% increase to dental insurance premiums. No changes to rest of ancillary benefits. x 4. Implement training for the new Safety Committee and hold regular meetings by March 1, 2016. Completed. The Committee has written By-laws, they have elected officers and they meet on a regular basis. Completed. Safety Committee meets on a regular basis and have 2016 HR Q4 Department Work Plan completed a number of initiatives. 5. Complete Electronic Employee Handbook – Employee Conduct section and Drug Testing by June 30, 2016. Working on last section. A draft of the employee conduct section has been completed, along with a Non-DOT Drug Testing Policy and Safety Policy. Review by Employee Advisory Committee in January 2017. 6. Create a PT Compensation Plan by January 30, 2016. Have grouped the part-time classifications to lessen the amount of classifications. Not completed but in progress. A preliminary draft has been completed and being reviewed by HR. 7. Create and implement a comprehensive orientation program to include more than benefits (data practices, Use of city computers, purchasing policy, etc.) by June 30, 2016. Not completed. No progress. x x x 8. Review Employee Action Forms with Departments to streamline (perhaps electronically) by June 30, 2016. Have reviewed PAF and have had training sessions with supervisors. We are still having some supervisors only partially fill them out which results in payroll having to stop the process to complete the PAF. We need to work more with supervisors/DHs to rectify this. No progress. x 9. Identify areas for leadership training by March 30, 2016. We have identified webinars, HR Hot Topics, voluntary Book Club with a list of possible management books. We are also working with a couple of trainers to schedule some topics based on the survey feedback from supervisors and department heads. Completed for 2016. Training has been planned for 2016 including speakers and HR Hot topics. There is also on-line training for supervisors that look to be beneficial and will be rolled out Q1 2017. 10. Ensure all current employees have attended IQS training by September 30, 2016. Most of the employees have been trained. Now holding the training less often because the number of people left is so small. 80 – 85% of the current employees have been through IQS training. Completed with the exception of 1-2 employees. Have new employees only going forward and plan to do a session Q2 2017, quarterly thereafter. 11. Begin Audit of major HR functions for Best Practices using SHRM standards by September 30, 2016. HRD and HRG have been identifying areas where improvement or efficiencies can be made. Had a department meeting on April 5, 2016 to come up with ideas. Continuing to review all facets of HR to make sure we are using our resources most efficiently. Approved 01.19.2016 DIVISION (Planning) Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Small Area Plan/Density Study in the Southdale area – Conduct a Planning Study/Density Study for the Southdale area in conjunction with the engineering department’s study of transportation and utility capacity in the Southdale area. (Complete the last phases in the 4th quarter of 2016) Council reviewed the framework vision for Southdale, and authorized staff to continue with next steps, which ultimately will end with the Comprehensive Plan. AFO to develop a model for the Southdale Area. That model will be presented in early 2017. The Work Group did not complete their public outreach in 2016. Staff is pushing the group to wrap it up, so we can begin the next phases within the Comprehensive Plan in 2017. x x 2. Begin the 2018 Comprehensive Plan – 4th Quarter of 2016 Consultant was selected by the Planning Commission. The project got delayed due to the resignation of the Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair in the 3rd Quarter. Comprehensive Plan to begin the first quarter of 2017. x x 3. Monitoring Residential Redevelopment standards and ordinance. (4th quarter of 2016) Held a work session with the Planning Commission highlighting the entire staff review process and changes that have been made to the ordinance and process since this issue was first raised. Concluded that no Ordinance Amendment is needed at this time. Engineering to continue development grading and drainage standards. 4. Assist Eric Roggeman with the Nostradamus Project Provided Eric with background information on approved projects in the past 10 years. 5. Zoning Ordinance Amendments: Signs & Lighting (4th quarter of 2016) Amended the sign ordinance regarding scoreboards and signs in the Office and Industrial Zoning Districts. 2016 Community Development Department Approved Work Plan Approved 01.19.2016 DIVISION (Assessing) Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 7. Appraise all tax exempt properties for the 2016 assessment There were 590 parcels that were physically inspected and valued for the 2016 assessment 8. Participate in the implementation and training for the new Assessment and Taxes program with Hennepin County This project has been pushed back until 2018. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Goal: Target Date of Completion Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Association with City Council Workplan Goals A. Focused Redevelopment a. See Grandview Transportation Study b. See The Link (Pentagon Park) B. Future Planning a. See Sanitary Sewer Capacity Study b. See Greater Southdale Transportation Study C. Intergovernmental Relations a. See Agency Coordination D. Transportation & Infrastructure a. See Engineering Department Workplan E. Enterprise Stability a. See Parks Department Support N/A Focused Redevelopment A. COMPLETED. B. NA Future Planning C. COMPLETED. D. COMPLETED. Intergovernmental Relations E. Ongoing Transportation & Infrastructure F. COMPLETED. Enterprise Stability G. COMPLETED. 2. Performance Management / Employee Engagement A. What do we want our department known for? a. Problem solvers, trustworthy & efficient managers of assets B. Edina IQS a. Analyze Unsession List for Viable Implementation Options C. Cross Training of Department Technology (AutoCAD, GIS, December 2016 A. Continue building trust as shown at PIH’s B. 3/8 COMPLETD. C. Ongoing D. Hennepin County Bike / Ped Workshop, APWA History Committee, Nova Chip, 7 Habits of Effective X X 2016 Engineering Department Approved Work Plan ArcMap) D. Professional Growth E. Completing tasks and learning new things (good day discussion) Projects, ADS Stormwater , Met Council I/I Task Force, UT pavement FHWA Webinar, PWX, APWA Fall, Center for Trans Conference, 3. Provide Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Recommendations June 2016 COMPLETED. X 4. Provide Open Communications A. Pre-Construction Resident Survey’s B. Post Construction Resident Survey’s C. Agency Coordination i. MnDOT – 62 & France Bridge, 169 Closure, Congestion Relief Study, Ped Improvements at Valley View Rd & Ped Overpass at Bredeson Park, Noise Walls ii. Hennepin County – 62 & France Bridge, France and York Ave Landscaping, Development Reviews, Xerxes Ave, 66th & York iii. Watershed Districts 1. Nine Mile Creek Watershed 2. Minnehaha Creek Watershed iv. Edina School District v. Three Rivers Park District 1. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Construction vi. Private Utilities - Utility Coordination for Future Projects 1. CenterPoint Energy – Beltline Project 2. Xcel Energy – LED Light Transition 3. Comcast 4. Centurylink vii. Neighboring Communities 1. Eden Prairie – Valley View and 169 2. Bloomington – L.S. 55 A. May 2016 B. October 2016 C. December 2016 A. COMPLETED. B. COMPLETED. C.i. Benton Ped Improvements, Noise Wall Coop Agreement, Congestion Relief Study C.ii. Hennepin County Bike Ped Workshop, 62 & France Bridge Re-Deck Project, York Landscaping Open House & Concepts, 66th & York – 90% approved, 66th Street Project C.III. Border Basin Coop Agrmt, Arden Park Planning, C.iii.1. Master Plan Input C. iii.2. Master Plan Input C.iv. HS Plans, Bus Garage Site C.V.East segment constructed, C.vi. Beltline Project, LED’s starting C.vii.2. France Ave & Mn Dr Safety Project, LS55 scope w/ MetC Complete, Xerxes & 68th Crossing, Xerxes & 60th Traffic Signal, Blake Rd Study, Weber Woods X X 3. Richfield 4. Minneapolis 5. Hopkins 6. St. Louis Park – Weber Woods 5. Identify Opportunities for Innovation and Effective & Valued City Services A. Sanitary Sewer Lateral Discussion w/ Public Works (State of Utilities) B. Local & MSA Assessment Policy Revisions (March WS) A. May 2016 B. April 2016 A. Delayed to 2017 until met Council report completed B. Revisions completed ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION Goal: Target Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Provide project management for standalone utility projects A. Rehabilitate Presidents Area Trunk Sewer (CIP 15-148) B. Create Cooper Circle Pond Outlet (CIP 15-166) C. New – SSXXX / Presidents Area, A1 2017 D. New – SS399 / Trunk Extension A. July 2016 B. October 2016 C. Roll into 2017 WP D. Roll into 2017 A. COMPLETE. B. COMPLETE. C. 11/16-CC BMI Survey / CCTV D. prof srvs w/ SEH, cooperative agreement MCES 2. Lead utility system planning efforts A. Preliminary planning and engineering for Water Treatment Plant 5 (CIP 15-162, 163, 164) B. Review sanitary trunk capacity study and recommend CIP (CIP 15-147) A. October 2016 B. July 2016 A. RFP Draft COMPLETE, RFP out 12/23 B. COMPLETE. 3. Manage surface water resources, improve flood protection and water quality A. Revise Surface Water Plan, CWRMP (CIP 15-170) B. Implement pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) C. Mill Pond Assessment Review A. December 2016 B. Ongoing C. March A. 6/21 CC, Modeling, Impervious Analysis, Roll into 2017 WP B. Ongoing 2016 C. COMPLETE. 4. Provide asset management and GIS decision support tools to engineering and public works departments A. Project to transform GIS Map, project closeout and record systems B. Project to display “Dashboard” of past, present and future projects. C. Enhance executive and community understanding of aging infrastructure issues with 2016 State of the Infrastructure report. A. December 2016 B. December 2016 C. May 2016 A. Datalink, Asbuilt Collector App, Roll into 2017 B. Ash Tree Collector, Neighborhoods map, Roll into 2017 C. COMPLETE. X D. AMS 2015 and GIS 10.3 Software Updates (IT SUPPORT CRITICAL) D. COMPLETE. X 5. Review commercial development, residential redevelopment for code compliance A. Commercial, residential, curb cut, utility, grading and right of way permit review and process improvement. B. Project to define and communicate Edina Engineering Standards C. Update stormwater, ESC ordinance with Community Development Dept. A. August 2016 B. December 2016 C. June 2016 A. 6600 France, 7700 France, 3250 66th, Lincoln Dr, 6600 York, “Development Monthly” B. Pavement plates, Stormwater and ESC policy C. 4/13 PC Mtg. 6. Organize and provide new conservation and sustainability service per CAS policy (Pending HR Study) December 2016 COMPLETE. X A d- mi n 7. Provide organizational support on utility, energy, environment, material and waste, water resource, natural resource, sustainability and other topics. A. Neighborhood and MSA Reconstruction Project Support B. Parks Project Support C. Support community and economic development, HRA, Grandview and Pentagon Park A. August 2016 B. November 2016 C. December 2016 A. COMPLETE. B. GC Course NR Restoration Contract. Natural resource signage, prairie/ savannah outreach, Fred Richards soil investigation grant application, Arden Park planning rolls into 2017 C. 7200 France rolls into 2017 D. COMPLETE. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Goal: Target Date of Completion Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Implement the 2016 Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Projects A. Golf Terrace B (CIP 15-135) B. Strachauer Park A (CIP 15-134) C. Morningside A/ White Oaks C (CIP 15-135) November 2016 A. Substantial Completion B. Substantial Completion C. Substantial Completion X X X 2. Develop Engineering Studies and Conduct Public Hearings – 2017 Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction A. Birchcrest A / Countryside B (CIP 15-138) B. Countryside G C. Chowen Park D - 54th Street (Gravel road west of Xerxes) (CIP 15-174) December 2016 A. COMPLETE, Approved B. COMPLETE, Approved C. COMPLETE, Approved X X 3. Implement the 2016 State Aid Roadway Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Projects A. Tracy Avenue (CIP 15-125) B. Valley View, Tracy Ave, Valley Ln Roundabout (CIP 15- 151) a. Bridge at Valley View Rd/Valley Ln (CIP 15-165) November 2016 A. Substantial Completion B. Substantial Completion X X 4. Develop Engineering Studies and Conduct Public Hearings – 2017 State Aid Roadway Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Projects A. Parklawn Avenue (CIP 15-126) December 2016 A. COMPLETE, Approved 5. Review Preliminary Design – 2016 (Tax Increments Funds) a. The Link (Pentagon Park) – W. 77th St (CIP 15-176) b. The Link (Pentagon Park) – 77th Street Bridge (CIP 15- 177) c. The Link (Pentagon Park) – Viking Dr & Computer December 2016 No Action Avenue (CIP 15-178) 6. Coordinate Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation Program w/ Public Works A. Wooddale Bridge Repairs B. Bridge Maintenance from Yearly Inspections A. July 2016 B. October 2016 A. Precon – 8/5, Creek Flow Dependent B. Inspections Complete 7. Conduct Street Reconstruction Project Tasks A. Refine Selection Criteria – State Aid Street Projects B. 2017 Resident Meeting C. 2018/2019 Resident Meeting D. Review and Update Reconstruction Project Specifications A. June 2016 B. July 2016 C. Sept 2016 D. Dec 2016 A. Ongoing B. Completed July 25 and Aug 15 C. Completed Sept 26 D. 2017 Updates ongoing 8. Implement Miscellaneous Projects A. 2016 Street Patching – Winter WM Breaks B. 2016 Mill and Overlay w/ Public Works (Budget Pending) C. 2016 Seal Coating w/ Public Works (Budget Pending) D. France & York Avenues Landscaping Improvements Plans (County Grant – 2017/18) A. October 2016 B. Sept 2016 C. Sept 2016 D. Dec 2016 A. COMPLETE. B. COMPLETE. C. COMPLETE. D. open house complete, county creating plans TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Target Date of Completion Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Implement Living Streets A. Project Implementation B. Annual Update of Plan A. Ongoing B. Ongoing A.Ongoing B.Update is ongoing 2. Program and Implement the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Revenues A. Project planning B. Project management A. Ongoing B. October A. Ongoing a. Cornelia Dr Sidewalk b. Interlachen Blvd Sidewalk (CIP 15-152) c. Vernon Road Sidewalk (CIP 15-153) d. On-Street Bike Facility Pavement Markings (CIP 15- 158) e. RRFB Pedestrian Crossings (CIP 15-159) f. Miscellaneous Pedestrian / Bicycle Projects (CIP 15- 160) g. Ohm’s Lane / W72nd Street Bike Lanes h. Courtney Fields Ped Bridge 2016 a. COMPLETE. b. COMPLETE. c. COMPLETE. d. COMPLETE. e. COMPLETE. f. 69th St crossing complete g. COMPLETE. h. Rebid in 2017 4. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Planning A. Develop plan for existing bicycle facilities where inconsistencies exist B. Develop City standards for way-finding signage C. Bicycle facilities striping planning A. April 2016 B. April 2016 C. Ongoing A. Collected data at roundabouts, discussed with traffic safety committee. TRRB conducting study. B. Ongoing 5. Prepare ADA Transition Plan A. ADA Coordinator B. Project Management A. Ongoing B. August 2016 A. Grievance process/website is live. Preparing for further data collection, begun plan text, transferred to Admin 6. Manage Traffic and Transportation Studies A. Greater Southdale Transportation Model (CIP 15-167) B. Grandview Area Transportation Study (CIP 15-168) A. May 2016 B. May 2016 A. COMPLETE. B. COMPLETE. 7. Implement Miscellaneous Projects A. Open Streets Planning B. Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan Scoping C. Comprehensive Plan Update Planning D. Promenade Phase 5 Planning E. Formalize Sidewalk Maintenance Policy A. September 2016 B. December 2016 C. December 2016 D. June 2016 E. March 2016 A. COMPLETE: event held on 9/25 B. 2017 C. 2017 D. COMPLETE. E. 2017 X NOTES: We removed the following ongoing responsibilities (not one-time projects). You could use these for performance reviews. • Edina Energy & Environment Commission Support • EEC staff liaison, commission support A. Ongoing • Edina Transportation Commission Support • ETC staff liaison, commission support A. Ongoing • Complete Traffic Safety Requests o Respond to traffic safety requests o Prepare Traffic Safety Committee Reports o Facilitate Traffic Safety Committee meetings A. Ongoing B. Ongoing C. Ongoing Approve 01.22.2016 DEPARTMENT Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Public Safety and Building Division Picture by end of Q2 Q1 Update: Scheduled for May 9th. Q2 Update: COMPLETED. x 2. Complete fire logo rebranding by end of Q4 Q1 Update: Continue re-patching old uniforms and implementation of new uniform. Replacing signage at Station 2 and Station 1. Q2 Update: On schedule. Q3 Update: COMPLETED. 2016 Objectives achieved as funds allowed. x 3. Fully implement Electronic Plan Review by end of Q4 Q1 Update: Progress continues towards this goal. Q2 Update: Progress continues. Q3 Update: Progress continues. Will most likely not fully implement by end of 2016. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. We are capable of doing all permits through this system. x x 4. Conduct a formal analysis of calls for service, work load and staffing levels to ensure effective public safety response. Q1 Update: Will put together a working group. Q2 Update: Executive Study Team and Consultant Advisory Committee have met. HR is drafting RFI. Q3 Update: COMPLETED. The Novak Consulting Group has been hired to conduct the Public Safety Staffing Analysis X Fire Suppression and Rescue Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. 2016 Fire & Inspections Approved Department Work Plan Approve 01.22.2016 Com IT HR Fin 1. Conduct hiring process to create a list of potential paramedic/firefighter candidates by end of Q2 Q1 Update: Testing and 1st Round interviews scheduled for early June. Q2 Update: Application deadline has passed. Received 48 applicants. Testing in process. Q3 Update: COMPLETED. A pool of ten candidates has been established. x 2. Create a replacement schedule for firefighting PPE by end of Q3 Q1 Update: Inventorying existing PPE. Q2 Update: Applying costs to current inventory and replacement needs Q3 Update: COMPLETED. 3. Complete spec and purchase new ambulance by end of Q1 Q1 Update: Request for Purchase went to Council on April 5th Q2 Update: Estimated delivery at end of year. Q3 Update: COMPLETED. Expect delivery Jan. 2017 4. Evaluate results of Call-back Study and take appropriate action by Q4 Q1 Update: Data has been compiled and costs associated with program have been applied to data. Will form a working group this summer to discuss implications of the findings and propose possible changes to existing program. Q2 Update: Holding any further action until Staffing Analysis is complete. Q3 Update: This initiative will be tabled at this time until the Staffing Analysis report comes out. Recommendations from Novak and actions taken may affect decision on call-back. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. Action pending staffing analysis. X Emergency Medical Services Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Continue discussion with FSH on Community Paramedic Program Q1 Update: Continued discussion with Fairview Southdale in early April. There was a period of several months when Southdale did not respond. Q2 Update: Meet with System Director – Trauma Services, Fairview Health Services. They are having internal discussions to identify scope of service. Q3 Update: Continuing discussion but no clear direction from FSH at this time. Q4 Update: This will be ongoing initiative. 2. Successful transition of EMS Billing to new vendor by end of Q2 Q1 Update: Continuing implementation. Biweekly conference calls with Intermedix to ensure smooth transition. x Approve 01.22.2016 Q2 Update: COMPLETED. Transition to new vendor, Intermedix was completed in April. Completed transfer of opened accounts and records from previous vendor. 3. Conduct study of current EMS response characteristics by end of Q3 Q1 Update: Would like to include this study in the overall Staffing study from Department Goal, item #4. Q2 Update: Compiling response data for numerous multi-residential structures. Q3 Update: COMPLETED. Multi-residential response data compiled and included in Data upload to The Novak Group. 4. Seek funding source for replacement of ultrasound equipment by end of Q3 Q2 Update: Still seeking donations. May delay due to future purchase of cardiac monitors. They may have an upgradeable option in the near future for ultrasound; also, we are currently utilizing MN TF-1 units. Q3 Update: Will table this initiative for now. Replaced existing cardiac monitors with Zoll units. Sales Representative stated possible ultrasound feature in future. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. Will monitor Zoll R & D for ultrasound upgrade. Offered Edina Fire as a Beta test site. Emergency Management Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Coordinate necessary training for Key EOC personnel by end of Q4 Q2 Update: E-mail to go out to all identified city personnel that need to complete FEMA ICS online training. Q3 Update: Will schedule in-house FEMA/DHS IS-100 & IS-200 training for 2017. Q4 Update: Very limited response from personnel on completing online training. Will offer in-house IS-100 & IS-200 training in 2017. 2. Conduct technology EOC Activation exercise during Q2 Q1 Update: Scheduled for early May. Q2 Update: COMPLETED. x 3. Conduct 1 Unannounced EOC Activation exercise during Q4 Q2 Update: Still pending. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. Conducted Activation Exercise on 12/8/16 Approve 01.22.2016 4. Formulate Damage Assessment Working Group and prepare plan by end of Q3 Q1 Update: Gathering information and will begin drafting document in May. Q2 Update: Initial draft almost complete. Q3 Update: Draft complete. Sending out to respective agencies for review/comments. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. Draft is out for review. Fire Prevention & Inspection Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Conduct 250 commercial life safety inspection by end of Q4 Q1 Update: On track. Q2 Update: On track. Q3 Update: Slightly behind schedule Q4 Update: COMPLETED. 2. Complete 150 electronic Pre-Plans by end of Q4 Q1 Update: Behind schedule. Q2 Update: Slightly behind schedule. Q3 Update: Achieved (332 completed) Q4 Update: COMPLETED. 3. Update 250 KNOX boxes by end of Q4 Q1 Update: Behind schedule. Q2 Update: On track. Q3 Update: On track Q4 Update: COMPLETED. 4. Provide follow-ups for 80% of reported false fire/medical alarms by end of Q4 Q1 Update: On track. Q2 Update: On track. Q3 Update: On track Q4 Update: COMPLETED. 5. Complete CAD copy-over by end of Q1 Q1 Update: COMPLETED. x Fire Training/Safety Approve 01.22.2016 Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Complete Electronic Paid-on-Call Payroll/Attendance System Q2 Q1 Update: Continue meetings with software vendor. Currently building a prototype. Q2 Update: Prototype is complete and I will be meeting with the vendor next week to go through a trial sample of the software. Q3 Update: Prototype is in beta testing. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. Electronic payroll system has been developed and is in pilot testing. The only feature still being worked on is the connectivity from Active 911. The iPad has been ordered but has not arrived, so once it is received, the connectivity should be taken care of soon after. Testing will take place for approximately one month or until issues have been identified and overcome. The plan is to go live by mid-February at the latest. x x 2. Develop a formal paid-on-call orientation check-off system Q1 Q1 Update: Rough draft is almost complete. Will submit the draft by April 15th. Q2 Update: Draft needs to be formatted as one document. Will submit draft by July 1st. Q3 Update: Formatting and consolidation continues. Anticipated December 1st completion. Q4 Update: The POC orientation packet, unfortunately, has been on hold for a the last several months due to other priorities. Although work has been done on this project, some changes in thought have slowed the progress. I will resume activity and resolution in Q1 of next year. 3. Evaluate health and wellness program Q3 and make changes as feasible Q1 Update: Meeting with H & W Committee in April to evaluate and make suggestions to Chief by May 1st. Q2 Update: Will have committee members in place by end of Q2 and establish the Health and Wellness recommendations by end of Q3. Q3 Update: Formal recommendations to Chief by end of Q4. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. Health and Wellness committee is up and running. Updated replacement equipment is in place and committee is evaluating how we are providing our annual health screenings. The committee is set, our mission statement and purpose has been drafted. This initiative is complete in the sense of the initiative intention. This will be an on-going commitment to the health and wellness of the department. x Approve 01.22.2016 4. Develop a sustainable tuition reimbursement policy by Q4 Q1 Update: No progress at this time. Q2 Update: Still on hold waiting for a sustained source of funding. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. Implemented City Tuition Reimbursement Program. x 5. Secure a 3 year maintenance contract for SMPSTF live fire burners by end of Q1 Q1 Update: COMPLETED. Reached a 2-year agreement on 4/18/16. Building Inspections Division Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Develop plan to scan house files by end of Q3 Q1 Update: Two scanners have been setup in the Department and we are ready for training. Q2 Update: COMPLETED. Scanners are all installed and all three Building Permit Specialists have been trained and have started scanning the house files into Laserfiche. x 2. Conduct LasherFiche training for all key personnel by end of Q3 Q1 Update: Lasherfiche training has started by IT. Q2 Update: COMPLETED. Laserfiche training has been given to the three Building Permit Specialists and one Building Inspector. They are using the software proficiently. x 3. Review City’s Data Practice policy for the Inspection Division and train key personnel to implement by end of Q2 Q1 Update: Open discussion has happened within the Building Division and the Building Permit Specialist are using the form from the City Clerk. Q2 Updated: COMPLETED. The Building Permit Specialists are using the form the City Clerk and have taken over the retention schedule for residential plans and contractor’s licenses. This goal has been met. 4. Develop a cross training plan between residential inspections & commercial inspections – building, mechanical and plumbing inspections by end of Q4 Q1 Update: A few inspections have been conducted to cover when a building inspector has been out on vacation. Q2 Update: A few of the Building Inspectors have done plumbing and mechanical inspections. In addition, some of the Building Inspectors 1 are learning to do commercial plan review and inspections and some of the Building Inspector 1’s are proficient at it. This goal is close to being met. Approve 01.22.2016 Q3 Update: Ongoing training. All building inspector 1 positions have their BO certification from the State. So far the plumbing/mechanical inspector have more inspections on the plumbing and mechanical projects. The building inspectors are able to do some of the lighter plumbing and mechanical inspections. The plumbing / mechanical inspectors have been buried with plan review & inspections so they have been unable to pick up as many inspections. This will continue in 2017. I think we have achieved our goal. COMPLETED 5. Review inspectors years of experience, education and certifications by the end of Q2. Develop a plan to use their strengths and coach, train & educate for their weaknesses by Q4 Q2 Update: Years of experience, education levels and certifications have been noted and identified. On track & taking steps. Q3 Update: COMPLETED. 6. Develop electronic plan review training for public, contractors and design professionals by the end of Q1. Review in Q2, Q3, & Q4 for improvements. Q1 Update: Two training sessions happened one at the end of 2015 and one in 2016. We are updated the web site, so when the training is given the proper information is there for our customers. After this update of web is complete a notice will be sent out for training. We have had many contractors come in for hands on training and walk through the electronic plan review system. Q2 Update: On going. Q3 Update: COMPLETED. 7. Develop a follow up system for building, plumbing & mechanical final inspections by end of Q4 Q2 Update: Developed some form letters and started mailing them out. Q3 Update: On track. Letters have started picking up inspections so projects can get their final inspections. Q4 Update: COMPLETED. NOTES: Approved 01.19.2016 DEPARTMENT Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Complete Inclusive Playground – Rosland Park Q4 COMPLETED. 2. Complete Weber Park Playground Equipment Replacement – Q4 COMPLETED. 3. Oversee the Braemar Golf Course Renovation/Construction Projects; including regulation course renovation, short course and driving range grow-in and clubhouse and driving range building renovations. – Q4 COMPLETED. 4. Complete Park Signage Replacement Plan & Begin Implementation - Q4 City Council approved design services October 18. The goal is to have a final design approved in early March 2017. Sealed bids for the fabrication and installation in 2017. Project expected to wrap up summer of 2017. x 4. Grandview Feasibility Study, Operational Assessment and Business Plan - Q2 COMPLETED. 5. Complete Recreational Programming Analysis; including cost of service analysis and cost recovery for recreation programs - Q2 COMPLETED. 6. Recreation programming and facilities marketing and communication delivery review. Study utilization opportunities and implement Edina To Go App for Parks & Recreation. - Q4 COMPLETED. x 7. Engage external resources to provide environmental programming - Q4 COMPLETED. 2016 Parks & Recreation Department Work Plan Approved 01.19.2016 8. Complete bidding and construction of pickleball courts at Rosland Park – Q3 COMPLETED. 9. Complete 2017 – 2020 CIP – Q2 COMPLETED. 10. Complete 2017 Work Plan – Q4 COMPLETED. 11. Complete Fred Richards Park Master Plan – Q4 Will be completed in Q2 of 2017 13. Create a pollinator garden at Pamela Park – Q3 COMPLETED. 14. Create a multi-year playground renovation prioritization plan – Q3 COMPLETED. 15. Collaborate with Energy and Environment Commission on providing a recommendation regarding bottled water sales at City facilities. Q3 REMOVED FROM WORK PLAN 16. Explore opportunities to create a cross country skiing venue at Braemar Park. Q2 Braemar master plan in 2017 17. Creek Valley Park shade structure donation. Q3 COMPLETED. 18. Tree and Bench donation program implementation. Q2 COMPLETED. 19. Enterprise facility business plans with cost recovery goals. Q2 Moved to 2017 work plan. Approved 01.19.2016 DEPARTMENT – BRAEMAR ARENA Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Sell 95% of Prime Time Ice Hours. Q4 Sold 92.6% of prime ice X 2. Generate 30% Net Profit in Concessions Operations. Q4 On target. Overall revenues decreased through Feb due to not hosting the Midwesterns, however we will see increase as year progresses due to hosting new tournaments and Da Beauty League. Currently at 42%. We anticipate this to stay steady through the remainder of the year. Concessions sales continued to be strong in the 4th quarter and we have exceeded the goal. X 4. Increase attendance at High School Hockey Games by 5% Q4 The beginning of 2015 we were on track for higher attendance, however 2016 brought declining attendance. We will ramp up fall advertising. We have offered more incentives for the girls high school by offering more mite skate events. While mites are free they bring along parents or other spectators. Working with Marketing and advertising sales to create and market HS season tickets. No update. Attendance at HS games are fluid and somewhat out of our control. X 5. Increase Facility Program Offerings. Offer 5 new Offered new instructional sports camps, Adult fitness for the summer. Offering wellness classes in winter along with Approved 01.19.2016 programs in 2016. Q4 continuing to offer the new Summer programs through the school year. 6. Develop opportunity for staff to be cross trained to have skills to help out in a minimum of two areas of Braemar Arena and Braemar Field. Including Braemar Field Front Desk, Braemar Arena Front Desk, Concessions, Skate Instructor, Rink Attendant, Janitorial, HS Game Asst to provide a more welcoming, fluid environment. Q2 In progress. Continuing to cross train, cross hire, and develop a sense of teamwork to have the ability to schedule staff in facility areas that need extra help. No update on cross training. We are working with HR to attract more applicants to our open positions. We have several staff that are working both at the dome and arena as guest services and/or concessions. X 7. Create New Employee Training Program Q3 In progress. Training programs developed for Rink Attendant and Concessions, that include a daily list of Training goals. Will have an all staff training on October 27th. This will be based off of last year’s meeting. X 8. Achieve cost recovery goal of 90% - including depreciation - Q4 Analyzing ways to cut costs, while developing operational standards to ensure financial collection Currently at 68%. We did collect a large amount of ice revenue in September that is not reflected in that percentage. No update. As of 12/31/16 we had $391,000 in outstanding payments that have been invoiced. Cost recovery 87%. DEPARTMENT – BRAEMAR FIELD Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1.Create and Market Birthday Party offerings at Braemar Field – Q4. Goal of 20 parties in 2016. Marketing ad placed in Minnesota Parent Birthday Guide and online listing. Due to minimal space availabilities, party X Approved 01.19.2016 reservations are challenging. Braemar has hosted 15 birthday parties through September. We should be very close to our goal of 20 by the end of the year. Hosted 21 Birthday parties in 2016. 2. Develop opportunity for staff to be cross trained to have skills to help out in a minimum of two areas of Braemar Arena and Braemar Field. Including Braemar Field Front Desk, Braemar Arena Front Desk, Concessions, Skate Instructor, Rink Attendant, Janitorial, HS Game Asst to provide a more welcoming, fluid environment. Q2 We see a lot of turnover in the non-dome season of dome staff. We have begun to offer staff opportunities to be trained in the arena operations in hopes of providing a higher level of operational knowledge to our staff and retain the staff for year round employment. X 3. Complete New Employee Training Program Q3 Training program was created Fall, 2015. Adjustments are being made and new finalized program will be complete for 2016 opening. New programming this year includes: Vinyasa Yoga and Building Strength and Confidence Workout Series X 4. Achieve cost recovery goal of 90% - including depreciation - Q4 Researching ways to cut expenses while developing revenue gathering strategies. The most current numbers indicate a 89% cost recovery with $6,305 in outstanding invoices. 5. Create a detailed plan for set up and take down of the dome. Including dates, times, equipment needed, length of time, contractors needed, additional staff support from other departments. Q3 Completed. 6. Create 10 new programs to be offered in the Dome. Q4 Completed. New programs have been developed for daytime use and non-school days for fall and winter use. New programming this year includes Revolutionary Sports, Rev Sports Soccer, Rev Sports T-Ball, Rev Sports Floor Hockey, Rev Sports Sampler and Rev Sports Flag Football. 7. Increase shoulder season sales by 20%.Q4 Beginning to solicit new rental groups to use facility during low use times No update. Shoulder season use was similar to last year. 8. Increase total rental hours by 10% over 2015. Q4 Completed 2015 hours = 1980 2016 hours = 3094 Approved 01.19.2016 Golf Operations – Golf Course Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Finalize Braemar Golf Course Master Plan design with architect Richard Mandell. Q1 COMPLETED Q2. 2. Facilitate bidding process of the Braemar Golf Course Master Plan implementation. Q1 COMPLETED Q2. 3. Begin the construction phase of the Braemar Master Plan. Q3 COMPLETED Q4 x 4. Create customer retention strategy for 2017 while golf course is closed for construction. Q2 COMPLETED Q4. 5. Complete 2015 CIP project for Clubhouse roofing and siding. Q1 COMPLETED Q2. 6. Facilitate 2016 CIP project – Deck resurfacing. Q2 Exploring less expensive options. Move to 2017 7. Study new league structure to maximize participation, utilization and golf course efficiency. Q4 COMPLETED Q4 8. Implement MaxGalaxy for Online program registration and facility scheduling. Q2 COMPLETED Q1. x 9. Achieve Cost Recovery goal of 95% Q4 97% Cost Recovery Golf Operations – Driving Range & Par 3 Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Complete grown-in phase of the Driving Range Expansion/Par 3 project. Q3 COMPLETED Q2 2. Quote and Purchase new signage and accessories for the new driving range and par 3. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. 3. Create re-branding strategy for the new driving range and par 3. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. X X Approved 01.19.2016 4. Create Grand Re-Opening event for the new driving range and par 3 in conjunction with adaptive programs, leagues and junior programing. Q1 COMPLETED Q3 5. Plan monthly events to continue marketing excitement for new facilities. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. X Golf Operations – Golf Dome Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Create original programming to maximize driving range utilization during non-peak hours. Q2 COMPLETED Q2. 2. Create winter lesson programing for youth on Saturdays to keep juniors engaged throughout the winter - Q2 COMPLETED Q2. 3. Create golf clinics on Saturday’s and/or evenings—1 hour in length—to keep adults engaged throughout the winter. Q2 COMPLETED Q3 4. Create marketing strategy to maximize advertising potential on new Smart Tee Dividers. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. X 5. Enhance the retail space of the facility with updated fixtures and an increased level of offerings. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. Golf Operations – Banquet Room Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Create plan for increased marketing presence of newly remodeled banquet space. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. X 2. Create fresh marketing collateral for newly remodeled banquet space. Q2 COMPLETED Q4 X 3. Create innovative programming for our banquet and COMPLETED Q4 Approved 01.19.2016 meeting spaces to increase exposure and sales by 20% in 2016. Q2 4. Coordinate promotional brunches, lunches and specialty nights with our new partner, the Tin Fish. Q2 COMPLETED Q4 5. Plan and implement into the sales process new potential “Upsell Items” to increase our financial return on the newly renovated banquet space. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. Golf Operations – Maintenance Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Complete grown-in phase of the Driving Range Expansion/Par 3 project. Q3 90% complete. Grow-in phase of project. 2. Maintenance equipment replacement (2016 CIP). Annual replacement of major equipment on a 5-20 year schedule – Q4 COMPLETED Q1. 3. Begin Braemar Master Plan course renovations. Q4 COMPLETED Q4 4. Develop plan to streamline maintenance practices for newly renovated areas of the facility. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. 5. Develop equipment plan for future operations of facility. Q1 COMPLETED Q1. Golf Operations – Employee Engagement / Edina IQS Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Conduct golf employee engagement survey to be conducted mid-season (July) when we are at full staff. Q3 COMPLETED Q4 X 2. Distribute Quarterly Golf Staff Newsletter with a COMPLETED Q4 Approved 01.19.2016 Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter edition. Q4 3. Conduct an orientation/customer service training meeting for all new and returning staff members at the start of the golf season (April). Q2 COMPLETED Q2. X DEPARTMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Paint southpark railings, 3600 & 3601 buildings. Q2 COMPLETED. 3600 building railings. Held off on those near 3601 due to Office Building construction projects. 2. Renovate water features on putting course. Q2 COMPLETED. 3. Repaint and letter directional signs in park. Q3 Due to the retirement of our FT Maintenance person, a former professional sign builder, this project was changed. We redid the signs most in need of renovation, and cleaned up the remainder. 4. Install security cameras in Maintenance garage. Q1 COMPLETED. 5. Plant 1000 flower bulbs in northpark. Q2 COMPLETED. 6. Install artificial tee boxes in at least 5 putting greens. Q2 Completed. We are now working on finishing all of the tee boxes by the end of the summer. 7. Implement new OSHA checklists for maintenance staff. Q1 COMPLETED. 8. Switch over to new type of mulch in all of southpark. Q2 COMPLETED. 9. Replace swinging benches in central park area. Q2 Postponed due to retirement of FT maintenance person 10. Replant side boulevards on Parklawn and 76th Streets. Q2 Completed Parklawn boulevards and part of 76th Street. Also renovated center island s of Parklawn due to the death of the majority of our elm trees in that area. 11. Achieve cost recovery goal of 75% Q4 95% 11. Increase paddle boat rentals by $6000 Q3 On Schedule EOY paddle boat rentals will be up by $9000. Approved 01.19.2016 11. Increase corporate groups rentals of the building and recreational amenities by 10 rentals – from 30 to 40 rentals. Q4 Created a new brochure to target Corporate groups. Additional advertising online and in print. We feel this enhanced exposure will help increase rentals. Aquatic Center Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1.Complete main pool filter replacement. Q2 Filter installation was completed on 2/20/16. 2. Complete zero depth pool play structure replacement. - Q2 Will be completed in 2017 3. Conduct site visits at six area facilities for amenity and price comparisons and to evaluate concession offerings – Q3 COMPLETED. Site visits included Como, Waterpark of America, Anoka, Apple Valley, Cascade Bay and Bloomington. 4. Conduct at least three special events during the season to attract new guests and add enthusiasm for current users. - Q3 COMPLETED two out of three. Offered a FlowRider fun day for kids to show off their best tricks and a tot time exercise in the zero depth pool. X 5. Develop marketing plan to highlight new features, activities and demonstrate value of season passes. COMPLETED. Worked with Communications Director to develop a consistent and comprehensive plan that includes a larger direct mail piece, local newspaper ads and social media. KS95 Radio spots will be a new addition to our marketing plan. X 6. Implement Max Galaxy POS. Q2 COMPLETED. Data for membership is entered. Staff and managers were fully trained. Also implemented invoicing system for groups as part of Max Galaxy to ensure we can still attract groups to our facility and make it easier for them to pay. X X 7. Investigate automated timekeeping/scheduling programs to facilitate staff management and accountability. Worked with Communications to learn more details and features of the “When I Work” application. We did not implement anything new in 2016. We are considering experimenting with the “When I Work” program at EP, where we don’t have as many employees. 8. Continue recruiting staff with a focus on safety, customer service and IQS. Q 1-2 Hired all positions, provided orientation and training to all LG and Guest Services staff. Staff retention rate is about 50% and we consider that a X Approved 01.19.2016 success. 9. Achieve 105% cost recovery. Q4 COMPLETED. Achieved 105% cost recovery with $956,068 in revenue and $907,386 in expenses at the end of December. 10. Increase season pass revenue from $378,670 to $400,000. Season pass revenue totaled $388,771, which is 97% of the revenue goal. The unusually rainy summer negatively impacted the purchase of season passes as the summer went on. 11. Increase concession revenue from $120,000 to $125,000. At the end of Q4 we had revenue of $113,971 , 84% of our revenue goal. The weather has not been consistently warm and was unusually wet, and that negatively affected our daily admissions and concession revenue. 12. Increase Birthday Party reservations from 24 to 30 by implementing Max Galaxy online reservations and cross marketing to previous Edinborough Park birthday party guests. We had 28 birthday parties booked and paid for, however we had to refund two due to inclement weather. We have emailed past Edinborough Park party guests and fielded several inquiries. Because these parties are weather dependent, we find some people are hesitant to book at the Aquatic Center. X 13. Increase FlowRider usage by specifically promoting the inclusion in season passes through email blasts in Max Galaxy, offering to group reservations, and adding it online to facility reservations for lessons. Also offer at least one special event highlighting the attraction; such as “FlowRider Friday” – which might offer a limited time of free instruction before or after facility hours. COMPLETED. Usage definitely increased as we saw many more families participating and enjoying the amenity. We offered informal lessons and instructions and had our best staff demonstrating new moves on the FlowRider. Group reservations also increased by 20%. X Approved 01.19.2016 Edinborough Park Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1, Conduct and document complete equipment evaluation, inventory and replacement schedule. - Q2 COMPLETED. All equipment has been inventoried, evaluated and given useful life estimation. 2. Complete Adventure Peak renovation. – Q3 Request for purchase was approved by City Council on December 20 and the new equipment for the toddler area has been ordered. 3. Complete installation of Track AC. – Q2 No CIP funding for this project 4. Encourage all FT staff to attend a minimum of two seminars or workshops each year -Q4 COMPLETED. 5. Implement basic first aid training for all MOD staff. Q3 In progress. It was an agenda item for the City Wide Safety committee in June and July and there was lengthy discussion about what is needed based on the City having FT EMT’s. The committee is completing research on training opportunities, costs and the number of people who would need to be trained. Will implement hands free CPR training for all MOD Staff. 6. Implement programming opportunities (independently or collaboratively) to maximize facility use. Offer 3-5 programs quarterly including arts, nature, wellness or musical activities. A variety of programs will be offered and will be geared to all age groups. COMPLETED. Sing, Play and Learn classes by MacPhail are seeing steady increases in enrollment and have reached their capacity on 3 occasions. First time offerings of Twinkling Toes for Tots and Preschool Play a Day have met, or exceeded, the minimum number of students required to run the class. Family Movie Nights have also attracted some additional guests to the Park and average about 50 people per night. Two Nordic Walking clinics were offered and both had at least 4 participants. 7. Increase the number of birthday party reservations from 1130 in 2015 to 1200. . Q4 COMPLETED. We exceeded the goal and had 1259 birthday parties, or 105% of the goal. The implementation of Max Galaxy and the online registration capability has definitely helped increase the number of party registrations. 8. Meet bi-annually with representatives of adjoining property owners of Edinborough Park to build and strengthen relationships, as well as, Met casually with each property owner individually to share park improvements and inquire about any concerns they may have related to their facility usage. No obvious concerns were apparent. Approved 01.19.2016 provide updates on operations and discuss mutual concerns. 9. Conduct customer service training for all staff twice/year. Q1 & Q3 COMPLETED. Have revised customer service training to a more appropriate schedule of Q2 (April) and Q4 (October). Conducted customer service training for 23 staff. Upcoming training on October 23 will focus cultural awareness and sensitivity. 10. Achieve 90% cost recovery. Q4 Completed. Achieved 98% of cost recovery with $1,362,404 in revenue and $1,385,463 in expenses at the end of December. 11. Achieve daily admission goal of 105,000 guests including group reservations, special events, Halloween and New Year’s Eve. We had 92,519 daily paid admissions to the Park and 78,770 member check- ins totaling 171,289 guests visits to the park. 12. Evaluate concession products and pricing and Increase revenue from $124,000 in 2015 to $127,500. COMPLETED. Concession revenue totaled $132,324. This exceeds the $127,500 work plan goal and the $130,000 budget goal at the end of Q4. 13. Increase lane rental fees and achieve pool rental revenue of $58,000 from Edina Swim Club, TRIA, Community Ed and other outside groups. COMPLETED. Increased lane fees were implemented in January 2016. 14. Increase total memberships/10 Admission Passes (Adventure Peak and Pool & Track) from 3640 units to 3750. Ongoing ART CENTER - GENERAL Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1Cost Recovery Goal Focus (71% to 75% - goal to continue to improve) - Ongoing Cost recovery 73% 2.Complete Grandview Operational & Feasibility Study- Q2 COMPLETED. X 3. Create ADA Facilities Communications Plan – Q2 Moved to 2017 work plan X Approved 01.19.2016 4. Update Recommendations made by SafeAssure & League of Cities to comply with OSHA Requirements –Q2 COMPLETED in Q4 5. Identify viable new programming opportunities that will increase student participation in future years. – Q2 Q4 – 3 new instructors hired in drawing/jewelry X 6. Gift Shop Inventory & Create new procedure for Gift Shop Sales and Record Keeping - Q1 Q1 100% COMPLETED. All items inventoried into new Excel spreadsheet system 7. Design Birthday Parties/Special Events marketing brochure to increase party number per year by 50% (12/yr to 18/yr)–Q1 Moved to 2017 work plan X 8. Increase participation by 3% in Drawing & Painting/Related Arts – Q4 Q4 – registration numbers decreased by 17% overall X 9. Add 3 Pop-Up Galleries to increase presence of offerings outside of the Art Center Not Completed. Increase presence of gallery offerings outside of the Art Center X 10. Add Gallery Intern – Q4 COMPLETED. 11. Achieve cost recovery goal of 74% - Q4 73% ART CENTER – MAX GALAXY APPLICATIONS Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 2. Use MaxGalaxy to send registrants updated class supply lists to professionalize look of lists and standardize for all instructors – 55 names– Q1 COMPLETED. 3. Send monthly invoices to 4 tenants of studio rentals utilizing MaxGalaxy – Q1 Not completed will move to 2017 work plan ART CENTER – POTTERY DEPARTMENT Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1.Repair Downdraft Gas Kiln –Q1 Staff/volunteers to repair kiln, funds from Edina Art Fair and 2015 Fall into Arts Festival proceeds. Q1 – Approved 01.19.2016 COMPLETED. Downdraft Gas Kiln Completely Rebuilt using $5,658 of Peggy Kelly Family Fund at ECF to pay for expenses. As of March 24, 2016 the 20+ year old stack is experiencing problems and needs to be re-built. Estimated cost $2,473 to be completed by April 15. 2. Increase pottery student enrollment by 4% - Q2 17% decrease in 2016 enrollment numbers overall Q4 3. Update Mud Manual Policies – Q2 COMPLETED. 4. Hire new Studio Intern – Q4 COMPLETED. Current instructor accepted position Q1 – Completed. New Pottery Studio Asst. hired March 3, 2016 due to complications with current instructors schedule. 6. Organize Pottery Trip to Japan – 2017 Removed from work plan 7. Create a Pottery Wheel Fund at ECF to purchase 2 new wheels ($1,500)–Q4 COMPLETED Q4 - $3,571 at ECF as of 12/31/2016 ARTS & CULTURE COMMISSION/WORKING GROUPS Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 6. Create a Donations/Sponsorship Brochure-Q2 Moved to 2017 work plan. Draft presented but final brochure has not been approved X 7. Increase Engagement ACC & WG by posting call for new members of working groups/Theater & Public Art– Q1 Q4 – 13 new working group members in Art on the Move and Public Art Edina in 2016. Completed 8. Annual Call for Sculpture – Q1 Q1 – COMPLETED. New sculpture selections made March 26, 2016. Art Work Loan Agreements being written – will be completed by May 1, 2016. Q2 – 100% complete. Q3 – People’s Choice Awards tabulated and award letters and checks created Oct 2016. COMPLETED. X Approved 01.19.2016 9. Music in Edina Programming – Q1 Disbanded Music in Edina voted to not host concerts in Rosland Park using Showmobile, and instead have smaller bands play local parks. Music in Edina and Art Center GM researching and contacting local bands. Q2 – 100% complete for 2016. Q3 – Commission voted to re-evaluate for 2017 and no further events held until that time. 10. Art on the Move Programming – Q4 Q4 – 2 meetings scheduled (10/17, 11/14), Chair Cheryl Gunness to determine if group is viable to continue FALL INTO THE ARTS FESTIVAL Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 6. Planning for 2016 Festival – Q3 Q3 – COMPLETED . Successful 2016 festival held Sept. 10 & 11, 2016 X 7. Hire Intern for 2016 Completed Q3 – Intern employed May 3- Oct 15, 2016 X 8. Review MOU with P&R Director & Asst. Director – Q1 Completed NOTES: • Added additional support depts in yellow. • Deleted Ice Arena goal: Implement Concessions App Q3. Need to demonstrate ROI compared to other use of staff resources. • Work towards consolidating marketing activities into annual marketing plans for each facility. • Question: Create a Donations/Sponsorship Brochure-Q2 (Art Center) – is this City-wide or only for Art Center. What is level of support for the working group vs commission? Approved 01.22.2016 PATROL DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Develop and implement new productivity measures that are centered on self-initiated patrol officer activities in comparison with days worked by officers. Q1. Completed. An accountability/performance measures system was developed for patrol, including FLEX and implemented on January 1st, 2016. Reviews from officers have been favorable and we will continue to build data by recording the monthly/daily events by officer and shift. Reference the performance measures spreadsheet in the G Drive under Performance Measures / 2016. X 2. Review the procedures in booking to streamline our system in an attempt to reduce the amount of time processing arrestees and increase the time on patrol. Q3. Completed. We have fully implemented the Electronic Search Warrants for DWI’s and patrol level warrants. The Electronic Authority to Detain is 100% functional with direct notification to HCADC before the officer arrives at jail. A DWI flow chart has been created for decisions on charging during the varying court decisions in 2016. Lastly, the booking folder is being updated with current procedures and policies. X 3. Implement a directed patrol initiative that will track officer’s efforts in self- initiated and recommended monthly activities. Q1. Completed. The new Directed Patrol Initiatives (DPI’s) have been distributed and are being accomplished on patrol. At the end of November, patrol officers completed 6,361 Directed Patrols averaging 578 every month. 4. Research the development of a lost property system that will incorporate surrounding agencies entering descriptions of lost property. Q4 Completed. We have consulted with A.P.S. (Automated Property Systems) which is a program run by the Minneapolis PD and the main source of locating stolen property in the State. The feasibility of this lost property system is being researched on their end and they are aware of EPD’s interest in assisting in the possible application statewide in the future. X 5. Implement the Safe Drug Disposal Completed. The program is fully implemented with information on the City X 2016 Police Department Approved Work Plan Approved 01.22.2016 program. Q1 Websites/Social Media along with print. All squads/front desk have been given bags to distribute. Sgt. Kuske is overseeing the program. INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Research and define duties and responsibilities to develop a job description of a Crime Analyst to redefine Crime Prevention position. Q1. Completed. Crime Analyst hired on 04/29/16 X 2. Initiate interview and selection process for Forensic/General Investigator. Q3 Completed. Detective selected and promoted. X X 3. Integrate the use of social media into routine use as an investigative tool. Q3 Completed. Detectives have received training. X 4. Develop a process which collects law enforcement information from multiple sources, (LPR, 3400, GPS, Crime Bulletins, APS) evaluates the information and disseminate it (via Crime Analyst) to officers/investigators, providing an Edina relative policing strategy. Q4 Completed. The Crime Analyst has developed as the collection point for listed information and disseminates the information through multiple channels X Approved 01.22.2016 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Edit/Update Dispatch Training Manual. Q4 Complete and will continue to update/edit during training periods. Two dispatchers assigned to updating/editing the manual. This is an on-going procedure in which updates and changes are being made by the trainers while they have been training our newest dispatchers. 2. Research the need for and possible implementation of lead dispatch positions. Q2 Complete. It has been determined that this goal will be addressed in 2017. Staffing levels are not yet adequate to move forward with this goal. X 3. Revise dispatch policy/procedure manual to reduce liability, improve service quality and enhance employee training by end of Q2. Complete and dispatch supervisor will continue to update and edit policy into next year. X 4. Create “Traffic Division” access on city website where residents can request patrols/radar trailer/”no parking” signs posted. Q1 Complete. Residents can now make requests via the city website. Sgt. Schultz working with IT on developing a workable system. Sgt. Schultz is now working with Mark Nolan to determine if all complaints/ request should come to PD or whether some should go to the traffic safety committee. Person from communications who was helping us no longer works for Edina. Ryan Schultz now working with Kaylin E. on this. X 5. Allow dispatch and possibly squad cars to access cameras in parks and other city properties. Q3 Complete. Through Milestone, dispatch now has access to cameras at Braemar Field/Dome, Aquatic Center, Golf Dome, Public Works, Water Treatment Facility. X 6. Purchase and install mobile radios in squad cars as outlined in the CIP. Q4 Complete. Will be incorporated with 2016 squad replacements. X X 7. Update police department Complete. Several policies reviewed and updated. This will be an ongoing X Approved 01.22.2016 policy/procedure manual. Q3 task. Reviewing policy manual. Some changes have already been made. More to come including “Conduct of Department Members” policy. Policy 320.00 for Conduct of Dept. Members has been revised. 8. Conduct a formal analysis of calls for service, work load and staffing levels to ensure effective public safety response. Q4. Complete. Awaiting final report from analysts. Had first meeting. Two officers selected for the committee. Second meeting occurred and the group has decided to move forward with attempting to contact a company that can complete this analysis. In progress. Have met with the consultants and currently gathering data they have requested. X COMMUNITY HEALTH DIVISION Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: Check if support needed. Com IT HR Fin 1. Implementation of licensing software module from LOGIS. Participation from all Division staff to help with transition. Q1 Completed X 2. Develop process for organics collection program in the City to meet Hennepin County requirements. Q3 Completed – Staff has meet requirements of and is using funds from Hennepin County Grant. Energy and Environment Commission evaluating future organics collection possibilities in the City. Health Division staff is working in a support role when requested by EEC. Organics collection evaluation will likely continue by EEC in 2017. X X 3. Incorporate new Plan Review Software System (Avolve) into plan review and licensing processes. Q2 Completed – Electronic Plan Review System is in place and being utilized by some applicants. Staff still refining timing between Health Division reviews and building permit issuance. X 4. Outreach and education to Edina licensed swimming pool operators after anticipated change in Minnesota Rules regarding chlorine level regulations in public pools. Q2 Completed - Minnesota Rules changes have been passed to increase the upper limit of chlorine/bromine disinfectant allowed in public swimming pools. Operators were notified of the pending change via newsletter in April and staff has been discussing change to code during inspections. X Approved 01.22.2016 NOTES: Approved 01.17.2016 Equipment Operations Division Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Auction old equipment - September 2016 Have continued to auction off vehicles on MinnBid. Auctioned over $100 2. Prioritize and communicate equipment replacement scoring methodology – November 2016. Prioritization complete 3. Analyze hoist use and determine efficiency improvements – March 2016 Complete Administration Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Analyze capital improvement plan and offer recommendations for new 5 year plan - September 2016 Complete 2. Implementation of on-call policy – November 2016 Implemented on-call program for 2016. Due to call volume and lack of consensus at LMC, the on-call program will consist primarily of supervisory staff for 2017. 2016 Public Works Department Work Plan Approved 01.17.2016 Utilities Division Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Successfully implement CIP projects: a. Well #15 & 17 Rehabs – November 2016 b. SCADA Radio upgrade – August 2016 c. San Lift Stations #3 & 14 – September 2016 d. Well #9 Rehab (ongoing)– September 2016 a. Wells 4 & 15 rehabs underway b. Complete c. LS 3 pumps upgraded, ½ of piping done. VFD quotes have been requested, remaining pipe and meter needs to be ordered. LS 14 funds to Storm LS 3? d. Oertel given go ahead to resume design work 11/16 2. Replacement of Backhoe (Excavator) – May 2016 Complete 3. Complete installation of water meters in every City owned building to improve accountability – (ongoing) December 2016 Plumbing needs survey ongoing, meter installs this winter. 4. Hydrant Maintenance program (ongoing) – 4 year program began in Summer 2015 14 hydrants major repair/replace completed. Routine maintenance on 79 hydrants identified during flushing complete. ~200 painted by volunteer groups. 5. Southdale Tower Rehab – October 2016 Complete – punchlist items in Spring of 2017 6. Complete all MS4 MH inspection repairs (Give back to Engineering to bid out?)– October 2016 In preliminary 2017-21 CIP: $60, 85, 85, 110, 110k Asphalt Streets Division Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Research and determine feasibility of Precise AVL system into city mapping system. To show route completion on a live mapping system, giving information on actual plowing completion. Complete. Precise does not have the ability to display into City mapping system. Project to get a system that does was originally slated for 2017 but removed due to workload of IT Staff. 2. Improve the use of technology with our City works response to residents by fully utilizing toughpads. Complete Approved 01.17.2016 Concrete Streets \ Traffic Division Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Annual retaining wall projects: a. 78th & Shaughnessy Dr. b. 5500 France – Phase II 2016 a. Complete b. Complete 2. Implementation of annual bridge rehabilitation program – Summer of 2016 (26 bridges) Per. CIP and working within PW budget on the light maintenance Complete 3. Completion of annual concrete street repair program through - November 2016 a. Complete 4. Removal and replacement of broken pavers in a.50th/France area – ongoing 2016 b. Implementation of new ramp cleaning program (besides general sweeping) a. Complete b. Complete 5. In lay Crosswalk program (Thermo implementation – 2015) to be an annual program in the following years Completed the school zones in 2016. 6. Sign replacement program – 2016 ongoing under new sign policy established in 2015 We completed 2/3 of the west ½ of the City along with the Industrial Park area in 2016. Facilities Division Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Assist various depts. With small projects and CIP projects. Utilizing City staff when able. a. 50th France Stair improvements– Spring 2016 b. Implementation of 4th year of 4 year program to retrofit industrial area light replacement – 1 (a) New LED lighting has been installed (matches existing stairwells). Repairs and replacement of rusted conduit has been completed. Assist SMPSTF with office expansion and remodel. Complete Pickleball Court. Completed CIP Project input. Approved 01.17.2016 Finish last phase – Nine Mile Creek trail and 72nd Street area lighting – October 2016. c. Complete generator RICE compliance retro fit of 6 generators on Xcel peak load control program – October 2016 Several Small office desk retrofits and reconfigurations at City Hall. Completed South Ramp Stairwell improvements. Purchase Sweeper scrubber for Parking ramps. Complete Creek Valley Pavilion Construction. Negotiated and brought to completion Small cell site ordinance. Negotiate contract for Verizon Small cell site master agreements. Negotiate Clear wire termination and assure City of Liquidated damages award. Assist Edinborough park in roofing and Window repairs. Assist Arneson Acers park in new greenhouse replacement. Concluded Public Assessments for Grandview District and 50th and France maintenance districts. Assist with Braemar field Dome set up. Set up pan and broom service at the 50th and France District. Oversaw Camera set up in City Trash room for security. Completed Centralized Hvac controls. Involved in City wide Safety Committee. 1 (b) The final two poles related to the Nine Mile Creek project were installed on 11/10/2016. The controller addresses have been submitted to Echelon for programing into the system. After Echelon programs these controllers, the project will be complete. 1 (c) NESHAP/RICE is complete. Division Supervisor has started the required semiannual compliance reporting to the US EPA and MPCA. The city’s first required compliance reports are due 1/31/2017. 2. Implementing Energy Efficiencies and Preventative Maintenance Plan (CRBPS) Working to set up sustainability point person for success regarding City facilities. Identifying goals and implementing plan for initial sustainability funding of projects. Near completion of CRBPS asset management tool. Capturing low hanging fruit energy retrofits. Public works garage bay lighting. 3. Traffic signal cabinet removal and replacement program (Metro Blvd. & Industrial Blvd.) to better Traffic signal cabinet has been replaced. An additional vehicle detection camera was installed as well. The additional camera improves vehicle detection. The Approved 01.17.2016 utilize advancements in technology. – October 2016. Replace traffic control cameras (Metro Blvd. & 70th Street) – October 2016 overall accuracy and operation of this intersection has been improved. The cameras at Metro and 70th have not been replaced. The division experienced excessive street lighting underground hits (due to several street and utility projects throughout the city). There were several underground failures as well. Division labor was reprioritized. The current camera system is still functional. The new camera system was scheduled to replace the oldest camera system in the city to avoid unscheduled camera system failure. This will be placed as a top priority for 2017. 4. Implementation load bank conditioning of city generators. Develop PM schedule – November 2016. 7 of the 13 generators identified for load banking have been load banked as of this update. Additional generators will be load banked weather permitting. Temperatures at freezing and below are hard on the load bank cables. The temperature will determine when load banking is done for the year. Load banking inspection sheet has been developed. Division is currently working with GIS administrator in developing a load bank inspection in City Works. 5. Continue street light replacement – Parklawn Ave. from bridge to Edinborough Way with new LED lighting and poles. Replace lighting control cabinet and service – September 2016. All of the poles on Parklawn from the bridge to Edinborough Way have been replaced. The lighting control cabinet has not been replaced. Scheduling with Xcel Energy has been delayed. Priorities needed to be shifted to the France Ave. corridor along Southdale. Division Supervisor discovered that the intersection lighting attached to the traffic signals from 66th down to 76th (10 total) were switched out to LED during the France Ave. re-construction project. Xcel Energy does not support LED in their maintenance agreement. The division has scheduled with Xcel to switch the services at these locations to fully metered. The lights will be removed from the maintenance billing with Xcel Energy. 6. Research and identify ways to more effectively tracking facilities support requests – Q2. Incomplete Approved 01.17.2016 Park Maintenance Division Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Woodland management/buckthorn control in priority sites-Ongoing Garden Park- ICWC 45 yds. removed. Pamela Park- ICWC 30 yds. Removed Pamela Park- River Valley Church/City Staff 125 yds. Removed Normandale Park- ICWC 30 yds. Removed Van Valkenburg 20 yds. Removed (ICWC)Continuing as time allows for more removal in 2016 2. Prepare for the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). City Wide Street Inventory Completed Pre-Emptive Removals of City owned ash trees Ash replaced with diverse species: Lewis-40 trees Heights-5 trees Ayrshire Island-4 trees Rosland-10 trees Preventive Ash Injections: Heights(3) 3. Look for opportunities to improve internal relations with enterprise facilities to complete smaller projects with inhouse Staff. - Ongoing Braemar Arena Dome install and giving them ICWC as needed. Working with Park and Rec(City hall) requests as needed Aquatic Center wave rider install, pump replacement and removal, horticulture help as needed. 4. Coordination of neighborhood initiatives to remove buckthorn with neighborhood volunteer labor – Ongoing Luther has been working with MJ and volunteer groups for buckthorn removal(Arden & Strauchauer). 5. Continue to coordinate with Eagle Scout volunteers to capitalize on their efforts within our Parks - Ongoing Worked with Anand and he completed the Frisbee golf course improvements. Currently working with another individual that will flow into Spring of 2017. Also working with girl scout group on their Silver award for Spring of 2017. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT / EDINA IQS Approved 01.17.2016 NOTES: Goal and Target Date of Completion: Progress Report: 1. Increase communication to employees by offering guest speakers at Morning Muster Dale Keep, a snow and ice leader in the Nation to speak with the PW Department staff, also completed MPCA level salt training in house. 2. Implement performance review program. Complete