HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirchcrest�z JOHN E. CARDARELLE, SURVEYOR NOVEMBER 1954 This plat was cheChea r�ocl approvec/ this -LCZ A cyaE, A.D. /95- Countd 5urve ,State ofMin1-resot4S.S. County Of Hennepin It hereby certify that l have surveyed anc{ rlatted the property aescribed on this plat as "BIRCHCREST"i that this plat is a correct representation of said scrrvey; lhaf a// cJistar?ce5 are correctly Shown on the Plat in feet and o/' o foot; fl-7at the monuments for guidance of future surveys hove beery correcthj placed in the grocfnd as shown on the Plat; that the outside boundary lines are correctly shown on the plat; and that there ore no wet /ands or highways to be designated on said plat other than us shown theroo. lSurveyor^ J n C Cardare e, Minn. Req. N9 566 Ab e certificate subscribed and sworn before me this ofD. 1• BIRCHCREST I , - -- --_ CODE- --- Sovfnwesr corner- of ' W 66.7's 4 3 fe,{ C-o✓r Lot 6, Sec. 33 0- - -- 0 75.0 � 80.0 �E 60.0 75.0 o) 1 Vb � N � N � o the street , road , drive, avenLue, and /ane ; soid /ut,beincj a/so herebctf subjected to the easements for Public utilities us shower thereon. In witness W1-?ereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our sec./s this A. D. t_95 ' �to, lo'j { iN NOT INCLUDED i IN PLAT ij i it 1 �o _ --- t 43.10 F3m -- ---239.83--, 90.0. -- -- ,59 /84.7.2 O \ 00 0 ice{ \ Z 103 J 1� j m 3 \ l� C {� Q \\ F-ISFAteiVT X71:51 I�Z.oB Y a W \ �r lko o._ W 44 lJT 94•rf v^. 10IV �'so �„ 96.r5 � 0= -i-- 75.0--- N V N boll W to W ZOT W n N \ •O . i in � s \Iry N to N O O O I�10;L�o2 O o,. ' v. ' S I'D 145 ^S� V i yr en ',.. �•� f I 1. _-- ..-. -- /8 504 •' 75.0 I / ' � -P inJ 30 Rods L°u st \ of S.W. corp+er of Go, r Lot 8, sec. 33 This plat was cheChea r�ocl approvec/ this -LCZ A cyaE, A.D. /95- Countd 5urve ,State ofMin1-resot4S.S. County Of Hennepin It hereby certify that l have surveyed anc{ rlatted the property aescribed on this plat as "BIRCHCREST"i that this plat is a correct representation of said scrrvey; lhaf a// cJistar?ce5 are correctly Shown on the Plat in feet and o/' o foot; fl-7at the monuments for guidance of future surveys hove beery correcthj placed in the grocfnd as shown on the Plat; that the outside boundary lines are correctly shown on the plat; and that there ore no wet /ands or highways to be designated on said plat other than us shown theroo. lSurveyor^ J n C Cardare e, Minn. Req. N9 566 Ab e certificate subscribed and sworn before me this ofD. 1• BIRCHCREST I , - -- --_ CODE- --- 75.0 13 (Jt 64.77 W 0 O } _75.0 75.0 zo- \ W 66.7's 4 3 fe,{ 1 0- - -- 0 75.0 � 80.0 �E 60.0 75.0 o) 1 Vb � N � N � o the street , road , drive, avenLue, and /ane ; soid /ut,beincj a/so herebctf subjected to the easements for Public utilities us shower thereon. In witness W1-?ereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our sec./s this A. D. t_95 ' �to, lo'j { iN I ij 1 �o t P V O N ice{ 75.0 13 (Jt 64.77 W 0 O } _75.0 75.0 zo- \ st0 „ 66.7's 4 3 fe,{ 1 0- - -- , 75.0 75.0 � 80.0 2'33" ` o) 1 Vb � 5.22 the public for Public use forever { the street , road , drive, avenLue, and /ane ; soid /ut,beincj a/so herebctf subjected to the easements for Public utilities us shower thereon. In witness W1-?ereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our sec./s this A. D. t_95 ' �to, lo'j { iN I ij 1 �o t N ice{ >9 // 2t j m 3 N• F-ISFAteiVT Y � 94•rf �'so �„ 96.r5 � 0= -i-- 75.0--- 75.0 I / ---------------------/ NORTH --- /347. Z5-- __ tY.�$t Gne of Gov't Lor B. 5ec.33 10(04.0-- 75.0 I 75.0 60.0 31s D' O o N W N f� N L cN O ?O i. M 1 I t. .... 75.0 ... 75.0 l7lL/T!E$ EA$EM ENT I i t j in ().i &twn N O "O 75.0 1 75.0 BIRCHCREST 75.0----7 75.0 1 75.0 O 75.0 no - 335.3 - 80.0 U D W jLh O Z o p r M j ID o � N c, 0) 60' N� O � Sour/ -t - 835.22--- SCALE 1"- 60' NOTE - O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT i\\ ----J AVENUE - --- W t6 60.0 75.0 75.0 1 75.0 ! I Tracr A 75.0 �� v .{4 80.0 South lite of stria Government Lot 8,-- 495.0 feet East of the 5outhwe5t Corner thereof, thence North ` o) to the Point of beginincj, occord- incl to the government survey thereof. A/so Tracr"A"and Tract "E"of Registered Lund Sctrvey /V9 327, Hennepin County, A Nave caused the same to f.�e surveyed and Plotted a5 "81RCHCREST', a!'d do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for Public use forever A the street , road , drive, avenLue, and /ane ; soid /ut,beincj a/so herebctf subjected to the easements for Public utilities us shower thereon. In witness W1-?ereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our sec./s this A. D. t_95 ' a { iN 1 �o N N• 0= N V N M W W to W O W N to N O O O O O O f 60.0 - 75.0 I I 75.0 75.0 ^, (/7!L/T!E $ EASEMENT i O !l/' 3 U N I� 90 z p � c I 60.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 DRIVE 7S.0 + 75.0 75.0 75. I - i { �W Line of ! I Tracr A i �� v .{4 Eo'S! South lite of stria Government Lot 8,-- 495.0 feet East of the 5outhwe5t Corner thereof, thence North ` o) to the Point of beginincj, occord- incl to the government survey thereof. A/so Tracr"A"and Tract "E"of Registered Lund Sctrvey /V9 327, Hennepin County, A Nave caused the same to f.�e surveyed and Plotted a5 "81RCHCREST', a!'d do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for Public use forever A the street , road , drive, avenLue, and /ane ; soid /ut,beincj a/so herebctf subjected to the easements for Public utilities us shower thereon. In witness W1-?ereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our sec./s this A. D. t_95 ' a { iN 75.0 j 75.0 75.0 .$.0°040 W -75.0 62 Know a// men be/ these presents ; - thcut we, Roy H. Peterson ongd lnC/eborcj M. Peterson, 171-5 wife, owners and propr-ietors of the following descri/oed Property situated in the County of Hennepin, 5tatc of Alit-rnesota, That Part of Government Lot 8, Section 33, Township ll7 Alorth, Rancle 21 West of the 5th P.M., described as follows;- be5(;nnincj cit a Point on the n/Orth line of Baia Govern?met-rt Lot 8, - 395.0 feet Eust of the /Northwest corner t/-rereof, thence 50utheaster/y to a point on the South lite of stria Government Lot 8,-- 495.0 feet East of the 5outhwe5t Corner thereof, thence North c.nd with the West line of said Government Lot 81- /335.3 feet more or /ess to the /North line thereof, thence West 100.0 feet to the Point of beginincj, occord- incl to the government survey thereof. A/so Tracr"A"and Tract "E"of Registered Lund Sctrvey /V9 327, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Nave caused the same to f.�e surveyed and Plotted a5 "81RCHCREST', a!'d do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for Public use forever the street , road , drive, avenLue, and /ane ; soid /ut,beincj a/so herebctf subjected to the easements for Public utilities us shower thereon. In witness W1-?ereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our sec./s this A. D. t_95 ' /n prey ence of1c_ Thiz, Plat was recommended for approval by the P/an11i11`9 Commission of Me Village of Colin a,Minnesota, of a rerju/at- rnee`ting thereof /7e/c/ this /' atay of t Chairman This Plat was opprovect and accepted by the Vil/aye Council of Edina, Minnesota, at a regular meetinci thereof held this 732:ez dacj of €CE/�?82r A. D, 195 V' cle C� V of Edina, Minnesoto i President Recorder State of Minnesota County of Hennepit S.S. n9 On this ��, day before me a Notary Public within and for soia County, and State, persono/ty appeared Roy H. Peterson and /ngeborq M. Peterson, hi5 wife, to me- per5onollcy /renown, who each being duly sworn, did say that they executed the foreyoinci instrument of dedication a5 their free acctt oncf deect. n ,. SNAt4 6