HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoran's Edina Manor�orth /ri/e Of 1/10/7 Nfonumert/ - /rely SCALE =1"=100' Section l9, T ,.nshio Z8, R,;"Se z4 74.3 fsumed ASEasf and Wes/ /ii/e W. S8TH STREET r33 I Z 3 I:! ' � 7 8 � ,n0 F �•.�sr I Co /O23z. / 60 A+/0p� yat 25 nig 1v ' ' o 26°5j ,SLA"ESI 7,01: T z7 O ti1�1� Easemrrit I q z i I 2 �, 5 Iles 3 t Z4 N I W( I _ I / L4 Xioo 17 /s •3 T e � Q � W � • -,ZP � I I Vacated or 553 23 ,Hent 'I I ro be racafed ?;• ;Ease , L- _ --_- �"L• �" 2 \ 1 �I p h N a 3 I i /20.4• V- � 1 /46 7 N v II r ilo 17 s South //lye of NEa of SEa LL of Sect/on 19, rz&,rz z4 16 — o g o I 13 oNorfh/ire ofSEa of SEQ /so = i I 4 C___4 ion /9, T29, /ZZlL ' I ,;;i Xioo 17 Q, � -I I is EO/NA, I � � , //5.! 113 60 ifs Mayor r4J. C I 0 04 14 . ,- )7 4 15 y I /sc I I� s ZgSY.• � � N H I ) pQ 2O /4.7.5 r N ,' /OZ . 1 /00.6 1 15 /ion Monument jr io /it':/ ✓�s7eJrba J/J3 I W fo/4 I C 7 0 I 14 N /SO V J N• I i 'H f -' N— '� : I /oo •Q South //lye of NEa of SEa LL of Sect/on 19, rz&,rz z4 16 — o g o I 13 oNorfh/ire ofSEa of SEQ /so = i I 4 C___4 ion /9, T29, /ZZlL ' I ,;;i Xioo 17 Q, � -I is EO/NA, I /Sa W ,� 60 ifs Mayor C I 0 04 by-- )7 4 y I /sc I I� s O I Y, !� pQ 2O H 19 r,l . /ion Monument jr io /it':/ ✓�s7eJrba J/J3 I E Jo y�rGlyS -"; i zz o� II 129.35 ) o afrrtyfaement y mUo 114. Zs_ N Q c t ,;;i Xioo U. � is EO/NA, M/NNESOTA �- by ,� 60 ifs Mayor C 0 04 by-- )7 4 y I I� I o ?. '✓ O f pQ 2O . jr io /it':/ ✓�s7eJrba J/J3 I W fo/4 I C Q 0 C 1� •, $ :f N 6q 'H f -' N— '� : I /oo •Q UJ " tl . 0. 0. ORAN'3 EDINA MANOR HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. VILLAGE OF Ef)mN JULY -1951 EGAN� FIELD & NOWAK En¢�ineers � Surveyors NE !Diner of SE¢ of fiction /9, Know a// men by these presenfs that J• E. Borah Gonfractor Bu/Yder, 117c."7 M/i/nesota corporation, owner and �roP fetor and Thorpe Bros, , a Minnesofa corPorafibn, T. 28, R Z4 mort�a✓¢ee of the fo/%winJp descr bed Prooerty situated /i� the State of M/i�rresofa and Coun y of ffennepin towit Thatpart of the EastZ of fhe Soufheast,Q of Section /9, Township 216 North, Ran�¢e 24 Westdesscribed as fo//aws: Be 'ronin at the Norfheast corner of the SoutheastQ of said section thence !Nest a/ons¢ fhe Norfh bde of the Southeastd of said.sect/bn 743 feet, �ience South 26/ fzet; thence South 6 °z8 East /30 met; thence South s5 °49 'East /70.6 feet, thence South 6°3Z'West 6S feet • (hence South 4/ °o/'West zoo feet. thence South 2'9zo `✓est /Z6. / feef thence Saufh /6°4Z'd✓est /33 feet thence South /3 °38 East 266 fee% thence South 0 °OB'East ¢0 4 feet mare or less, to a ,00rht /n the South hire of the North 279 feel of the SOutheasta af/he Southeast¢ of said section distant 7/B fee measured a/Dnp sa/d South hire,westeryaflhe East /rhe of said sechan, !hence egslery a/ol y said South !rhe Wlreet fo the East //i7e ofsaid sections thence Noriherya/onsg said East Gi/e /59o.65fee more or /ess, to the Point of 6eJ¢:nn/iiJ¢. For fhe Purpases of this descri�fion, the North fihe of fhe Sbutheast4 of Section /9 Township Z8 Nor/ii, lZan�e 24 West /3 assumed fo 6e a due Easf and West /the. The above described Property comprises Lots / to 6 nc�/usive, in Bloc% 1 and Lots / fo 6 /0B/ock Z a// in "Edii/a Manor; a/so /irc/udiny that part of West Sg1li Sfreet and West both Strset, as laid auf and dedicated in saidp/at of Edina Manor, vacated arta be vacated,• a/so /i c/udIj a ,Dart of the Northeasfa of The Soufheas,, afSection /9 Townsh/p a ?anJ¢e 04/ except the East /33 feet tfiereaf and a/so includ�ly a Dorf of he Nor(/ 275 aef of fhe Southeasf Q of fhe Southeast¢ of Section /9, T wnship 28 Ran 24. A// accordii7 to fhe U. S. 6overnmenf survey fhereofand of fi5e du/y re cordedPfat of 'Ed��a Manor 'on file and a'record in fhe Office of fhe ke¢isfer of Deeds in and for said Count' and State. tTave caused the same to he surveyed and ,olatfe0( as 96eANS EO/NA M4NO2 and do hereby donate and dedicate /o the publIc for fhe pub/lc u.�e forever fhe dveoues Streets and lane as shown on fhe anoexedp/at. !o wifoess, whereof said -1,5 Boron Gantracior Bu/%de, lnc. has caused these presents /a be Sjy/eo' by their proper off/zers and //s corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day o/' A. Q/95/ and sa/d Thorpe Bros. has caused (hese presenfs fo be syned by /ts proper officers and /fs corporate seal fo be hereo'nfo affixed fh/s_ day of A.D. /95/. </.E.BORAN CoNrwcroR e, Bu/GOER, /Ac. /n Presence af: - As fo by its PresideOt J. E. Baran and by s� an ifs Secretary )Werf J Boron THORPE SR495. N by /f5 Pres/dent As to /anee R.7/+a-pe James R.Thorpe and ifs Teasurer N toy Mobe� � °y e,g M State of Mihnesofa County of Hennepin S.S. On phis_ day of A.O. /95/, before me, a Notary Pub//e with/h and for sa/d County and State Personally appeared ✓ E. Bolan and Robert 0 Z J. Borah, to me personal/y known, who be/i/J¢ by me each du/ sworn, diG say that they are, respecfivey, the Pres/dent and Secretary of JE. Borah Contractor Bui/der, /nc, the corporation named /� fhe AOI -e o/nip /hsfrumenf; that fhe Sea/ a /zed to sa/d /17sfrument /s the carporafe see9/ ofsaid corporation and chat sa b /nstruner/f was Sped andseated /h beha/f of sato corporatrbn by the 94IMorlfy of ds Board of O/iecfor.5 and Said 1,E5 Baran and Robert ✓. Boron acknow/ed& sa/d /hstrument to be fhe free act and deed of sg/o' corporaf.on . r.-Zo T zo /ran MW411MI71 1 W. 60T-" STREET + r fihe efmorfh z7S feet of the SEs of the _ff - Notary Pub/it, henneozi county, Minn . .Ny Comm/ss/on Exp/res State of rNinnesofa ] Gounfy afNennepin IS.S' On lhis day of A.Q /95/, before me, a Notary Pub//c, wifh/r� and for sa/d Counfy and Sfafe, persona/y appeared James R. Thorpe and Roy Mober✓¢ fo me persona //y kJnown, who be/i/u¢ by me each du /y sworn, did say that They are respective/y, ff5e President and Teasurer of Thorpe Bras _ , , fhe corporation named in fhe >fire�o/i/¢ /isfrumenf; that fhe Seal affixed is said /hstrumenf /s fhe corporate sea/ of $ato' corpora//on and lhat said /i/strumenf was s✓¢ned and sealed in beha/f of sa/d corporation by fhe author fy W"/ls Board of j911-eck1,.5 and said dames R. Thorpe and Ray Mooers¢ acknowleape said /nstrumenf fo be fhe free act and deed ofsaid corporahOn. *otary Pub/ic, Hennep/i Lounfy, M n. My Comml:mZ*n Expires State of M/i/rresota County ofHennepri/� 5 S / do hereby certify That / ha✓e surveyedand,o/affect theProperty described on /h/s ofat as BoRANs EDINA MAND/t, that th/s Plat /s a correct rePresenfation ofsaib/ surveys /fiat a// dstances arecorrect/y shown on fhe Plat /n feetand declinafs ofafoot; that the monuments for✓¢uidance oftufuresurveys have been correct/y ,v/aced in lhe�round as shown on (tie p/at, that /fie oufsrCe boundary //ties are correctly des hated on the plat that fi5e toPo�¢ra'phy o/` the /and is correct/y shown on fhe plat,• and that there are no wet /ands orpabllc h/•�hways fo be despafed other Phan as shosvn thereon. Surveyor ' /wv?/?. /Zes. No. 9Z9 Above eerf/llcafe subscribed and sworn fo before me this day of. A. 0. /9S/. .4bfary Pub/ic, Hennepin caunfy, Minn. My Cammfssiin Exoiras Te 7,,0reSo,i7S plat of 60RAN5EO/NA MANOR was approved and accepted by the vYlo'�e Gounci/ of Edii/a, Xioo � is EO/NA, M/NNESOTA �- by ,� 60 ifs Mayor I� 10,' 04 by-- )7 4 y ✓�' f . jr io /it':/ ✓�s7eJrba J/J3 I C1 W. ('OOT" ST. /00 f II tl I /i4.cs II I /oo I4 13oya coo r, °i I 1 8 o I I 09 94 96 /00 33 33 r.-Zo T zo /ran MW411MI71 1 W. 60T-" STREET + r fihe efmorfh z7S feet of the SEs of the _ff - Notary Pub/it, henneozi county, Minn . .Ny Comm/ss/on Exp/res State of rNinnesofa ] Gounfy afNennepin IS.S' On lhis day of A.Q /95/, before me, a Notary Pub//c, wifh/r� and for sa/d Counfy and Sfafe, persona/y appeared James R. Thorpe and Roy Mober✓¢ fo me persona //y kJnown, who be/i/u¢ by me each du /y sworn, did say that They are respective/y, ff5e President and Teasurer of Thorpe Bras _ , , fhe corporation named in fhe >fire�o/i/¢ /isfrumenf; that fhe Seal affixed is said /hstrumenf /s fhe corporate sea/ of $ato' corpora//on and lhat said /i/strumenf was s✓¢ned and sealed in beha/f of sa/d corporation by fhe author fy W"/ls Board of j911-eck1,.5 and said dames R. Thorpe and Ray Mooers¢ acknowleape said /nstrumenf fo be fhe free act and deed ofsaid corporahOn. *otary Pub/ic, Hennep/i Lounfy, M n. My Comml:mZ*n Expires State of M/i/rresota County ofHennepri/� 5 S / do hereby certify That / ha✓e surveyedand,o/affect theProperty described on /h/s ofat as BoRANs EDINA MAND/t, that th/s Plat /s a correct rePresenfation ofsaib/ surveys /fiat a// dstances arecorrect/y shown on fhe Plat /n feetand declinafs ofafoot; that the monuments for✓¢uidance oftufuresurveys have been correct/y ,v/aced in lhe�round as shown on (tie p/at, that /fie oufsrCe boundary //ties are correctly des hated on the plat that fi5e toPo�¢ra'phy o/` the /and is correct/y shown on fhe plat,• and that there are no wet /ands orpabllc h/•�hways fo be despafed other Phan as shosvn thereon. Surveyor ' /wv?/?. /Zes. No. 9Z9 Above eerf/llcafe subscribed and sworn fo before me this day of. A. 0. /9S/. .4bfary Pub/ic, Hennepin caunfy, Minn. My Cammfssiin Exoiras Te 7,,0reSo,i7S plat of 60RAN5EO/NA MANOR was approved and accepted by the vYlo'�e Gounci/ of Edii/a, Vllzoesofa at a reSalar meet/i7S thereof held fh.,s day of A.O. 195/. V/L a:'A&E COV/L EO/NA, M/NNESOTA by ,� t ifs Mayor by-- /fs Clerk f