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Braemar Hills 8th Addition
BOOK PACE North U/u of BQAEMAA HILLS 7T// ADD%TlcN KNDw ALL MEN BY Tif/ESE PRESENTS: Thai Yi'c'lay,e /iaaociale-& of Ebdi/sa., /nc_, R, 3. DOC, N0, Northeaat Cosawz o/ Lot !, a rt^lcitneaota cotooration, , ow/zez and /ozoocieelor ; and ,Bane&! Tri- State BLocAe 14, BRAEMAR HILLS 7TjV I Aforty,age Co/n%oany, a Calcalozisia. cozporation. , a mortgagee; *VIOL rlsa.t P D D OC N O ADDITION Bloo/ningtn oLake National ba/z,# of Mianea/ooLia , a rsat:ionaL baking a. aa.ocit ain- o, , a' orozfgayee o� y'ile �olLomci,� o%¢Ci[c6va!p<zgoezfy ¢fEu¢f�d i%a t`�1e foaatyo�Henireoin, State o�ifli��eaofer fo w1E: o Lot&. /, 2, 3 ana 4 , Block 6 aad ail Mat ,oatt of Lot 1, Block /4, BRA EMAR Y LLS 7rRADD/TION, according eo the zecotdeci pLaet v fir. M thereof , on Mite and of 2ecord in the ofj/cce of the Regidece of Deeds. , //enntpin Countynata , A/Cneo, di6 eacted ac feLLouit 00 o C6,n&Lencing at the /zosth eaateaLy cote_ o/e said block /4, thence South O 10'32" E&st (aasu nod 6eaccitg) along the tctatesLy LineBRAEMAR H I LLS 8TH a� o v aaLd Block 14 a distance ols /95.00 feet to the point ol 6egi/zninq of the tract herein deacei6ed ; thence 3oufh 30.0031" East along fhe nottheastezLy line °f said Block 14 a distance qe 243. 85feet; thence South 24`17'31" Went aLonq the souiheaaterly Zzlw 9/ aaid c!., a Block 14 a de', tance of 435.00deei -Zo the aoutheaal• corner of aaid Block 14 ; thence North 65042' /4" Weat aLonq the 4,ou4AweatezZk e+ &4e of amid Block M a dCstance of 46.60 feet ; thence aoteAuvea.iesLy &.Cony, said aouthwestesly trite a d'zkA&ace of 176.21 feet along a ADDITI 0 N o v tangential tato-¢, coaca& a to the roviAea4.e j having a eadiva, of 842.64 /eet and a eeaeral a/eyLe of 11°58'54'; thence A/otth. 53.43'20" tri d v West atony aaid southwesterly Line a d4zeaace of 112.46 feet; thence North 36'M 40"East a distance of !33.23 feet; thence North. _ l' w _'504.3'29" bleat a dCatance of 370.92 feet; thence North. 89.49'46" East , pan•& !lel LuCfk, trfe noxZ-A LCne of aaid Block /I , a distaste 3 --- --300-05— N 89049'46"E of 300.05 feet, /note or leas., to the ea4eecly Line of said Block / ; thence South 0'/O'32" East. along aaid easterly Linc a diataace 3.$7 Lzze pazaeeee wit/r, the north lute of Lot I, of 44./5 feet, more or Ceaa,, to the point of 6eginninf- /OxrZ- of &,/tern c2 2e9caL<Pzlc//cl a¢ eucare/,ccd 6; f'ezcct�c'cztre o�TU`Le 5o351r/_ Block /4 BRAEMAR LS 7TH ADD/T/ON N ; ' !!/LA/ave caused the sante to 8e t.uzveyed and platted as. BRAEMAL AR AWLS 8TH ADD/T/ONwn . /n itess• urheteofl 4.aid Y[lLoege N ; o v �! Aaaocialed, of Edina, /ne. har. careaed these /orea.ents. to 6e aig/zed dy its oro/oec officeea, and its• corporate .seal to 4a Q luceunto affixed on tiia,r$— day c)4 Awi v)%t A. D. , 197S . A/e0 aa:zWR v,'al 7,zi- State Mortgage Company has. Caused z%eae'vzeze zi4' \N r �e,` //' ` aEo 6e signed 6y iia. peooec c)fieera, a2d i& eozlootate aeaC eo 6e heteccnto ed oz this- day of A.D., L97 ALaoaaiWrltat L9loo/niny,ton Lake Alatcoaal Back of A'lia/zeacooLi¢ has; exc/teoC these /orea;emee, to 15e a•cs/ceol 6y its, piroveor AofjAiceca aad its ata! •to 6e hecezeaZo a'(64zed o2 this day of A.D., 197—. f)i 4 r' 4 A q �, o " f 1 t 1 i r, , `��0\i --7 "i - 1 r �� `*io n{ f -� - f L_ ! �i i''1 i�. `6r NO d 1 r _. �� . �' l : i I �1` �. 1-t Lr r r ✓..' i v $l9nCcc': y : ntr`i r - 9;.pp_At83°49'(2" .••��/ � `� � o � i _____rW -... •fpm Pillage Aatociafecz. of E'�c:La, /2c. m � � 1 3 r, I i. •: d O by __1 d J4' S� by da .......... W •t0 0 e o L3*49,12"E �� \���0' ti��6' O `' J3anCaL' T%Z-Staxte AfozEgage Company 23.67 b / fits b —1 /�-se. ! its Cl.�y F� 673.1& Al go *ftg5po pp foo o J y y k4 trizai Blownc Eon Laic- /Kenaea o ca. `b aP N "� rN83°49' �' S6 dt ,� o: E B �' nq Natconal Bank of p l . t2"N oo � �, . 000oo \6�4., SCL . ? �O v ,� Y �^' i 3 I O 2 v� 56 ��1 �4� 0 ` o^ by its by fit's �. w a 12 566° \`� o o ''� o' 6 4AE v \ � C v •o oD` p0 SRS\ti State.tifinneaota� ss On they day of A.D.,197 , before Ane , a Notary Pu6lc'c within• and v r, N 91.00-.5 83°49'I?"E � 6 0 o E•,.. Ceunty h/ennepia fez aaid County and State, pe2sonally apoaated aRaC o -�lo o { 6`�o60p4'S�v1 00 \6'�° to /rte personauy known,, evho 6einy, 6y /rte datLy awotn., did /����\ F\ 1oo�p0" o 000E, i o, day 2`ha h They ace the asst , aeapeetiueLy, of Yitfay,e 4eaociaecc of Edina, /nc., ^\ % i �, \\\ 566 �Q abbo ' .�pOa�µ�14E / the coapozation, Ranted Ln. the loee y,oinq in-diecamene eAat the aeocl '%11zxaol to sato! iisatCalonen'6 u 60ok tAe cotoozate seal of aaid coz,00zation; aad as.4 aaid e.44brament arae. 4a4weol a 4( seated cis 6eha el 9L laid eocpoacttioa 69' authazity of &A. 801219d 6j Oizeetoc.a,, and oared aad , acknocc/ledy,ed aaid Lirats/su/rte/zas to be the ;lace act anal deed eye aacd Cotpoaart44on O/+ `^ ��� �' ,ffy corz/rzcisioz axoi/[es j ��\ \\���'0� \\ 1. k \ \� Notaayou6lci, Nenxeoc"2 lounty,oXinirQetac 7j?State of 1t ss 02 64c's day of A.D., /97 / 6efoee Ane, a Notary Public wcEhire a,206 3 N15• 0 Count l oz aaid Coedney aad State , personally a,opea2ed c�raL �� i y ,['LygO \ 1, � e, � �f / ,• / to r,Le /�eeaoaally l,eow/c � tuAco 6ecisy 6y /rte du Ly acuo¢z, dcd t4gel the ace the and , ce40d4eZ'vely of BaLCaI Tai -State Afoctgage C01W,04L sy, M Qi 7 ''3Lp97, �r say y r ?0.00 .N l� the co ozactcora aanted 4e the one oln inataa~'zh ; :7faE the seal a cxed ea aaiaC cisat,tum.en,E• ce. the co oeectG ?i° f 9 y, 1f • So Nj/;°07f wi seat of aaid cotooaa,tioa. ; arra! that aacei 4Vd1 'Lr^f1Te arca• Qc9Rea+l a/rd Qealed in6ehalf cit -&azul ealootatc'o.w S AV AY 6y aLlfhociEy of c(a Boaccd q/ i)iceezoe" , and aaid and acAaowd legece �sss. N 20, T `O "' ti Qacd 4h46ra/n•¢nt' to 6e the /sac act Dula deed aaid co/%oocatio2. h K. ?? ., 00 , n. Yo- D N. �_71'Op. N7B'f6'?4` v, sn ,%: o (V 4� Jl/otacy prr6Lccr County ,. State ot /Kcit28atet 1 ©/z eh i2 y o/ daA-D.,197—s blioze Ane , ac Votary Pu6Lca wifhire and 1 5 f ss 9 7f 24 24± / County of Hennepin ;hoz aaid County aad State , ove4onazly a/o/oea-zed anal ss o0 o Ns `96.57._ Xi ss E1 O , te ,o o /rte Aaocu/L, w 9 who 6eia6y /ne o/uLy swa• oz, dcal f ?Z ?� s° a �; �, eQ�3 no lay that they ace the and — , zeapecEively , of Fizst Bioovningtoa Za-Ae NafionaL tiss°s?9osF�6� ^ i ` hti �M Bent of MfnneaooLi4- -iAe 6a"i/tq a4aoce4zezoiz warned L/z the foregoing 6z4.6z4e/nentthat the aexZ grj�ed to aaid z;z4t/cu4u2t is the seal of .aaid 6anEing a,aaociatiorL ; aad 1'15&1 &scat instrument rUaa ar9,red ;? wr OC/ arta seated 6z 6eAalf a/ &rtes' <ta2ociatlon. 6y autfeozity of && Board of OirCCtozm, and olid ?SSS ?f� C1" � o Vis) IQ� 4 j' Q wild acf/towlecs/ye. dezzW instrument to 6e the /wee aeE and deed of 4aid aaaociation o O ,Ny co/n/2iaaioit ex,,oia:ey (✓ .' .''. � / A _ ) `. .d eP __i Nnfm.7d .CuA/ii_ //�.,nini„ fi.u„s�.._ AIi„n�.. L.,• �o�C°J]6 \9100' ?r'� M? ��� \0� Jlzeze6y cezL<ify thol / hares .¢uzueyeal curd platted fitep?ope'r deacdi6eeIoa Iiia plat as BeAEMAR f//LLS BTNA00/TION , that thla. \ plat la. a Cozzect repzeAeatioz of aaid 4zecvey; that all o/ia.tancea, are eorzec&q, "own, ut feet and hirndacda 9/ afoot; itance �%ivitton, f%ltnepin L^ounfy, Altnneaota /. ss? �0 `-' that alt molzamenta, have 6eea, eorceciZ Laced La the zound aa. ahou z that the auxt4xVe 6ounofaz Liner. dere herealy eeee 413e Mal t'hecc ace Azo delcnyceent \ d' //0 Pp, / ri � 60 � y P 9 � 'Y / t P corzectLy deai9aated; and tjai there ate no wet !rinds. oz pu6Lic hi�hwaya, to 6e odesign.ated oiz .aaid plat . taxes fon aLL �/eazm /ortoz 40 �oz load \ S8 S4 db\@� /J�cyurti 1975 dea•czi6ed on 2Mia roLat• Dated ehcs day cf ,P, `(v�h Azvid T. doo(Za. , Land Suzue o2 NiAa APA N2 93'96 A.O., !9T �/ > B4? i 0 y r 9 6 0 � State Minnesota ]] The Suac cVwxQ• eeceifLcate a.ar. t1"6aczG6eoC 4xnd awecn, eo 6efoae /ns, a Notary !/eznoa T. Hoppe, Dizectoz ' h 4 _..-. - S fir, �� (7ea/.r✓fie scale Coccnt � J ss Public , thc:e da A.D.,/97_ 6y r«X r�crk �.l /�, ` 60 i c z= so 10 S/ °f y Y o/ 46 M co/n/niaaio/t ezpiccm Nofaty ou6Llc, Ceunty, /Klaaeaota 7iElea, , //e111 Reycafras 0f nn4,0ia C'ounfy/ /17LitaeaoEct �A/6So &C& i2 feet Edina , MiaaeaoLra I heee6y eectc�y that the ccrct/l:ln NLat o9?f 14„ o Oeaotea Aron Moaurneat the Lat BRAEMAR H/LLS 8NA001TION was. a zoveel and acre ted 6 the Cit Council o Edina, Minnesota at x was. filed Ut this office this day of A.O., /97 w" 8etvzbzga, &.hoar+. aze aeeu/ned /° °f pp A 5' �/ f 4ze o'clock _,m , aad that the three co/oiea ureze co.?t axed cuCfrc ,?egiafec o Deed4, Nea2e/oia Couafy, .titiitneaoLa zsqu as //s ti 9r etc f /field thio /'a day of A.D. , 1 7 the off ieiaC ,ola t aad &rete !!octad to 6e 9reze care! Corrects Copies, / heze6y c'etfify that the wiihi/c plat of BRAMIA,P N/LLS 8T11AOD1T10N 8y : its rttayoz By. ria Managez thea'eaf . ev¢a filed in this office this_ days A.D.,197 at He rze,0i/z Cou2ty su yoz o'clock_rrz, arzd wens necoz2leoC. !/c 6cok� of platw,page— PUr4L[a/Lt to Chaptez 810, Mi2nesota Lacca, oyl /969, thin• flat haa, been. apozoveel thct_— day of ,J1layne 4. d o4nao/d, Ae9',;fZr&Q V Tides• Oepuiy ,zAee thae the ehzec eoplea, scene eomoazed with_ the oijlcal ,ofat . and were ylouad to 6e tzcce and coz¢cct capiea ehezece . -- A.D., 197 Wayne A. dohoaoa., Rev,!&tez o/ Deedi, 6y Deoufy By: ALvet R. Acee/nan , Hennepc/z County Suaveyoz