HomeMy WebLinkAboutBroadmore Addition,onEAn B.,p.c)AD.A,,,-er Vi llao a o f Ldina , gennepin County,M EGAN, A/EL. D L NowA K. IVA IJ ©II VA 1 I `r a 4 I/ /// Easemen� ITION Ensineer-s C, 5urverors Scale / 60" 0" Denoles Iron Monumen� Dece/nber , /95¢ C6.zo'VE J illqh Q T) 3 f _ '76 6.2 P/a/- _ 76'7" / Meas_ 6 \ ----- - 5 STREET 3 -- loo---' /O'U/i/ty Ease, W /3• Warden Ao,s 1 R+Jd6.zc , !Z ' 1 Y ,1 BQoADVIE w � 1 V I 1 0 3 M d o= .4 t,94 E \/v II // '-------/3a-------�-----1029-{----{�---- /OB---�'------ /OB-----�------/301- _ 768.23 P/af The foreJQ"oin3 p/al was approved and accepled by fhe P/0071,3¢ Commission of /he Y//!6e of Edna, M%nnesofa, al a r�5ular meet hv¢ fhereo f held /his day of A.D /955• PLANNING COM1\4/55/0N of v/LLACT of EDWA , M/NN. by <; pf. Its Chairman The fore�in/al was a pro✓ed and acce/o%d br the ✓%/a¢e unci/ of M/;?O, M/�nesola, ale re¢v/ar meefin¢ lhereolheld fhis dayof A.D. /955• VI L L COU d of CD/NA , MINNESOTA by /ls Mayor ds ClerA- 60' W �v d` \ I . v o F- f3enlon Avenue �.1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE5EN7,5 - fhal VcXor Frio//und, dr. and Me/nda L- Grid/und, his wife, owners and propr%e/`or5 o1117e l/lovvinb descrifed properly 511uale /n he 5/a{e of /1/linnesola end Counlrof hennepin /aw%l : - The Ea512 olLOTS /2 a7d /3, Ngrofen Acres; ano///iaf Fred C. Caswell, widower-, owner and proprielor of fhe /°l/owin5 described properly Sduafe in /he 5/ale of /1/hnnesola and C0014Y of f/ennep/n &owi/:- The Wesl2 of Lohs /2 and /3, y✓arden Acres, have caused fhe same l be eurveyed and /planed BROAD/V/ORE ADD /T/ON, and d0 hereby donate and dedicale /o the public lr puii/o Use lrever fhe road and ave7ue, a5 shown on fhe annexed pla� Also su�' to Ul/l/Vy and Dralhea e EaSemenls as shown on fhe annexed/o/a1�aruse of munic�/ihr orAer pu6/c uli//ies,Jfo/rins6/a/loon and ma%nknance of favi/lies lh:51a//ed /h or over .said easement % 5erve al�iaceni 6r orher remises /%7 �e vie nily In Wllne5s where, f Said I/c1or -rrid/und, ,/r. anY AIWW7da ✓Frillluno; his wi f hale �ereunk ael !heir Bands and seals fhis dayof LL -t c� e- « A.D. 1955, and /i� wAes5 whereof said Fred C. Caswe//, /ias hereO07a seh his hand and sea/ thi5 d- �-daroi --4• /n Presence o f : - Shed - �Sea/� F _ A5% Yiefos- Fred/und✓�. (✓ieraic RiOLUNO, �erJ andMehnda L.Frid/und < � � Meunoi. . FarOwnrp� •L A5/o &ra, c. Casual/ �` <_`..r:'... i �.,...: a_...t:m-r�^-c. >..:u�. 1'..- (Seal) f .� j� (FaeO G. Cwswes) ` ;l Stale of M%nnesoia S 5 � V _ Counlyof f/e0nepin On Als � dar of ;' v t= ;, 140. 1995, before me,a Mo1ary dr, Public within and l r said Counly and Stale, persona/lr appeared Vclor )rid/und,Aand 44e&2da L. Fridlunq, his w1le, to me /mown to be fhe persons described in and who executed /fie 1ore¢oin¢ inslrumen-1 and /her ac/<now/ed¢ed Aal they exeurled fhe same as /heir owl) Iiee act end deed. l /%fart' Public, Nenneolo County, Allinnesola My Commission Expires Slate a{ Mfni�esola s.s CouOlyof f%nnepin On fhis � /=' day of ,% =, r A.D. /95.5, before me, a lt/o1ary Pub/ic wtlbin and for Said Covrlr and stale, pvrsona/ly a/opeared Fred C. Caswell, widower, to me /crown to /o be the person described /h and who execuled the f ree3oi26 Instrument and he ac/v7aw/,60( Thal he executed lice same as his own Iee act and deeo! /votary Public, flennep%n Counly, Minnesota My Commission Expires Z, ly"CO-40- Scale o�Minnesofa ss County of Hennepin Ido hereby cerf�fr /tiallhave surveyed ondlo/alleo/ ffie lqroperly degerib ed on fhis /al as 15R/OAOM09E Aool7-/ON;Thal fhis )P/al is a correct represenhalibn of said survey; Thal all oistances are correct/y- shown /i? lel a0d decirna/s of o lot; Thal /tae monuments Arsaidance of fulure surveys have leen corredly p/aced in /he(�round a5 5howf? on fhe pla; fhal fhe oulside iioundary /nes are correctly cl,6 naled on the pQ; fhal The lopo rap% of fhe land i5 correo//y shown on /he plat and Mal ffier are no wel lands orpub/o hi ways to be des jnaled on said plat olher Phan es shown thereon. 5urveyO-r=Minnea010 N? 2264 Above cerlif Cale subscribed and Sworn lo Wore me, a Nolary Pubk /his 4- yo/ A.D. 1955. Checked and approved fhis i dayof Nolary Public, Nenmpf� vn�y, Mnnesml J� n M. /955. My Commission Expires � ` � 4 /Gly o Zz 1 S I I 1 � �linalelween Lofa/� � I S e I li 1 5 STREET 3 -- loo---' /O'U/i/ty Ease, W /3• Warden Ao,s 1 R+Jd6.zc , !Z ' 1 Y ,1 BQoADVIE w � 1 V I 1 0 3 M d o= .4 t,94 E \/v II // '-------/3a-------�-----1029-{----{�---- /OB---�'------ /OB-----�------/301- _ 768.23 P/af The foreJQ"oin3 p/al was approved and accepled by fhe P/0071,3¢ Commission of /he Y//!6e of Edna, M%nnesofa, al a r�5ular meet hv¢ fhereo f held /his day of A.D /955• PLANNING COM1\4/55/0N of v/LLACT of EDWA , M/NN. by <; pf. Its Chairman The fore�in/al was a pro✓ed and acce/o%d br the ✓%/a¢e unci/ of M/;?O, M/�nesola, ale re¢v/ar meefin¢ lhereolheld fhis dayof A.D. /955• VI L L COU d of CD/NA , MINNESOTA by /ls Mayor ds ClerA- 60' W �v d` \ I . v o F- f3enlon Avenue �.1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE5EN7,5 - fhal VcXor Frio//und, dr. and Me/nda L- Grid/und, his wife, owners and propr%e/`or5 o1117e l/lovvinb descrifed properly 511uale /n he 5/a{e of /1/linnesola end Counlrof hennepin /aw%l : - The Ea512 olLOTS /2 a7d /3, Ngrofen Acres; ano///iaf Fred C. Caswell, widower-, owner and proprielor of fhe /°l/owin5 described properly Sduafe in /he 5/ale of /1/hnnesola and C0014Y of f/ennep/n &owi/:- The Wesl2 of Lohs /2 and /3, y✓arden Acres, have caused fhe same l be eurveyed and /planed BROAD/V/ORE ADD /T/ON, and d0 hereby donate and dedicale /o the public lr puii/o Use lrever fhe road and ave7ue, a5 shown on fhe annexed pla� Also su�' to Ul/l/Vy and Dralhea e EaSemenls as shown on fhe annexed/o/a1�aruse of munic�/ihr orAer pu6/c uli//ies,Jfo/rins6/a/loon and ma%nknance of favi/lies lh:51a//ed /h or over .said easement % 5erve al�iaceni 6r orher remises /%7 �e vie nily In Wllne5s where, f Said I/c1or -rrid/und, ,/r. anY AIWW7da ✓Frillluno; his wi f hale �ereunk ael !heir Bands and seals fhis dayof LL -t c� e- « A.D. 1955, and /i� wAes5 whereof said Fred C. Caswe//, /ias hereO07a seh his hand and sea/ thi5 d- �-daroi --4• /n Presence o f : - Shed - �Sea/� F _ A5% Yiefos- Fred/und✓�. (✓ieraic RiOLUNO, �erJ andMehnda L.Frid/und < � � Meunoi. . FarOwnrp� •L A5/o &ra, c. Casual/ �` <_`..r:'... i �.,...: a_...t:m-r�^-c. >..:u�. 1'..- (Seal) f .� j� (FaeO G. Cwswes) ` ;l Stale of M%nnesoia S 5 � V _ Counlyof f/e0nepin On Als � dar of ;' v t= ;, 140. 1995, before me,a Mo1ary dr, Public within and l r said Counly and Stale, persona/lr appeared Vclor )rid/und,Aand 44e&2da L. Fridlunq, his w1le, to me /mown to be fhe persons described in and who executed /fie 1ore¢oin¢ inslrumen-1 and /her ac/<now/ed¢ed Aal they exeurled fhe same as /heir owl) Iiee act end deed. l /%fart' Public, Nenneolo County, Allinnesola My Commission Expires Slate a{ Mfni�esola s.s CouOlyof f%nnepin On fhis � /=' day of ,% =, r A.D. /95.5, before me, a lt/o1ary Pub/ic wtlbin and for Said Covrlr and stale, pvrsona/ly a/opeared Fred C. Caswell, widower, to me /crown to /o be the person described /h and who execuled the f ree3oi26 Instrument and he ac/v7aw/,60( Thal he executed lice same as his own Iee act and deeo! /votary Public, flennep%n Counly, Minnesota My Commission Expires Z, ly"CO-40- Scale o�Minnesofa ss County of Hennepin Ido hereby cerf�fr /tiallhave surveyed ondlo/alleo/ ffie lqroperly degerib ed on fhis /al as 15R/OAOM09E Aool7-/ON;Thal fhis )P/al is a correct represenhalibn of said survey; Thal all oistances are correct/y- shown /i? lel a0d decirna/s of o lot; Thal /tae monuments Arsaidance of fulure surveys have leen corredly p/aced in /he(�round a5 5howf? on fhe pla; fhal fhe oulside iioundary /nes are correctly cl,6 naled on the pQ; fhal The lopo rap% of fhe land i5 correo//y shown on /he plat and Mal ffier are no wel lands orpub/o hi ways to be des jnaled on said plat olher Phan es shown thereon. 5urveyO-r=Minnea010 N? 2264 Above cerlif Cale subscribed and Sworn lo Wore me, a Nolary Pubk /his 4- yo/ A.D. 1955. Checked and approved fhis i dayof Nolary Public, Nenmpf� vn�y, Mnnesml J� n M. /955. My Commission Expires � ` � 4 /Gly o