HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookline 2nd Addition[BROOKL NE 2m` VILLAGE OF EDINA N N .roe o, N Q � N' i� N O � o Z North Line S.'/2, S. %a, N %z, S. lit. Xf N.W.. %4, Soc. 20, Two. z8, Rge. 24 IRON MONUMENT IRON MONUMENT —78 s.o 0 1,31-19 g0 1J4.@7 so o /34.85 3co 0, I� •� �, Saly 1 h Q � '`/' n� 1 � � SSI _� h ' .0 0 0 yj 4i y 4h r vJ Iv •� h SZ n 11 10 M 9 M 8 h % M 6 ,- r4i ro 4 M 3 MI 3/zs 34.88 34. es ° 2I 4s CO �' 33 /5 7B 7B Iso /3/.4 /34.89 5.n 134.8.9 30 78 78 78 78 76 7B 7B 78 s WL I IRON MONUMENTWo RON MONUMENT o W South Line S. %, S%, N! -e, 5. W. %4, N. W!g, Sac. 20, 7kvo 28,Rge.24 2 t; � ji I i i� I � l� � V I II ► m � `'�� SCALE; 1""= 100' CARTWR/GHT 'Ak OLSON LAND SURVEYORS KNOW ALL MEN .BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Harry Gustafson and Doris R. Gustafson, his wife, owners and proprietors of the fol/ow//?g described Property situate in the County of tter/nep/n, State of M/nnesota, to -wit: The South %2 of the South jz of the North %2 of the Southwest %¢ of the Northwest �4 of Section ZO, Township Z8, Range 24, have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as BROOK - LINE ZNo ADDITION,- and do hereby dopatoplandJcdedioca'eCoto the ,public for public use forever the Streets, Avenues and A/ley/, as shown on the annexed p/at. In vyitness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals on this day of /9`f66.4D. In the presence of 5/greed As to H. G. As to D. P. G. S TATE OF MINNE50 TA S. S COUNTY OF HfA1NEPIN . On this day of /946 A. D. before me, a Notary Pub//c, w/thi�-7 and for said County and State Persona//y appeared Harry Gustafson and Doris P. Gustafson, his wife to me personal/y known to be the /persons described in and itiho executed the forego/ng 1i7S/1-vr7-7e1-7t and they affirm and ackr�ow/edge that They 0,t-ecu7ed the same as /heir own free act and deed. Notary Pub/ic, //enneloin County, M/nnesota My C617717-7/ss/or7 Expires I hereby certify that I have surveyed and o/acted the /8./-701 described /n the ded/ca tion on this sheet as BPOOKL tNE 2=o ADD/ T/O/V that this Plat /s a corr- eet of said survey; that a// distances arm .shown on said /0/at in figures denoting feet &1r7d OCC/ma/5 Of a foot; /hat the monuments for guidance of future surreys ha ve been correc t/y P/a cod in the grocino/ a s s170wr-7 on said /0/,2 /1; that the to/oography of the/ar/d is correct/y shown on said P/at; that /he outside boundaries of the land are correctly designates/ on said p/at; and that there are no wet lano's or Poblic highways to be 0r7 said plat other than are shown thereon. �� ,) STATE OF M//VNESO T9 COUNTK OF HE/V/Vf_P1A 4bove cert/f/tate subscribed and sworn ;-tp before rrie, a Notary Public /n and for said Covnty and State On /h/s2/ ay of ii�� 1916A.D. Notary Pub//c, Henri0p/n Count , IW2nes0ta My Comm/ss/on EXPIlle t,4&' We hereby certify that the !//Hage Council of the //i//age of Edina, Hen17ep11-2 County, M/nnesota 0161/y accepted and approved the annexed ,o /a t of BROOHL/NE 2"10 ADDI T/ON " at a regular Mee t/r79 thereof he/01 t171,5—day of 19116A.D. Presider t CM-r—A