HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookline AdditionBROOKLI NE ADDITION `) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA North //r7e of S%z of /V%2 of S. E % of N. W. %4 Sec. eo Ttv . 28�1 R e. 24 p /28.07 4 /28.07 60 /28.07 4 /28.07 .640 /28.07 4 / 8-07 60 /28.074 �' ti J rod 7 J �0' H� ¢ b J h .�) 4 huh n n b tom mr� Q w /3/.4 /2S•3 0 �qq /29.4 C �• 8 ry 0\ °� 6 io b 2 n; ih hWro 2 1712 ,Q�. 3 b y �It \ •h y_3--;;/i�Rn `D b \i W rr go --s ) �_.' -' / 9 .7 /os a Ag o gem 2= S% Ai 16 Ilv,H' /4 ,Q s /7/34' !24 \ 8 / 2 //z e J' h 60 9a• o ° ' 1 60 22 1 0 - o.7 /47.2 2- A51 it �� 60 1; V f 4 O /4 5 2 h I 21 2 /30. /s4.7 /49.9 - - - 6 19 + /40.3 j { 5 2 y ! 3 h 20 3 h 20 b 18 1 60 s /33s /30.3 b / /52. { /20 /// 2 \ /39 dq ° ti n 18 3 e h 19 4 4),( 19 f 4 b 17 /2 �a /36. to /330 0 /37023 i 2.5 /33.0ic /SS•O , l /SS•2 ' 17 n 4\ b m °j h 18 j 5 at to12 q to �b I a 3 /354. 6 y % j 7s B ��' ioi c �L i�t 0n • 2s _ o1 o'z1 .s`l U /5S4 .6/33./ 2.5 /54.3 p 120 16 18 h 17 `r 17 6v mto /5 0 8 / 1 a /35/4 a /s4.o ° ��� ti Q% 1s �'\` 6 Z 16 �; 7 0 16 �' 7 lb 'Kb e 14 .0 5 � /4.6 -. /33.9 W �;� �' M � / 4.9 J /34.6 /48.0Apa 6 o d � 14 � h o c� � 15 dR.1 ,y' 120 1 Y /37 ` /34.2 / / 20 2. /42.8 / S•7 Z j ry i I C y t tti q Y� 8' p i I G v 0 12 c�) 0 7 i/ j tq ° 13 1 1 0 ern 14 9 0 14 { 9 o cp h r /42. ` Q} /27 /4/.6 /36.2 ! o 141.5 10 13 10 1J0 { b 20 /49./ /36.0 /.34-/ m 0)/ / /34.3 ` 137.3 it it 'oe 1O 9 �6o a 11 10 60 60 °�° 12 �� 11 h 12 Il 20 1 1 /30.2 /iS //5./ //3 1 � ADA' ovum<n So&M line ofS''/z of S. E. % o/' N W. % Sec. ZO, Tivp. �8, Flge. 24 r CARTWR/GHT 9 OLSON LAND SURVEYORS KNOW %4- L MEN BY THESE PPESE/VTS: Thou we, Peder Mickelsen and Christine Mickc/sen, his wife, owners 017dp/-0pr/etors of the fol/owing describedproperty to wit; The south one holf(S%) of the southeast gvorter0.E. %¢) Of the northwest quarter (N.W.. %4) 017d the SO U/-12 one ha/f 11J;%) of the nor/h one 1701` (N.of the sOUfheost quotter(S.E.%)af the northwest quarter W. W! -*1 of section twe171y(20.), township twenty-eight(2(5), rouge twenty- ( f (th d' b tt t 0101' h kt- h d d d M { { -Registered Land S611-v2flOr 1=100 S Tfi TE OF M/NNESO TAS. S. C 0 U T Y Of HENNEP/N j Above Cerhficote subscribed and sworn to before me, o Notary PUblic in and for sa/d County orrd State on this day of A. D- Notory PUbI/c,Hennepin County,N/nnesoto My Commission expires We hereby certify that fhe Yi/loge Council of the t117/0ge of ,Edina, Her/nepin Covnty, Minnesota dUly occepled and approved the onnexed Plot of FROOKLINE ADD/T/ONS Yi//oqe of EV/nog Hennepin County, Minnesota pt a regUlor Meeting thereof held /`his day of A. D. 30 four Z•4) west of the ovrth )pr/nc/pa/ mer/ /on sv sec o e0se/ne17 recon e r12 00 err Un re or/ / recodin ed book thirty t/7ree (/033) of deeds, page one hundred s/;r (/06) also subject to Highway eoserrment r //-i� t fot11-teer,7 hundred and minty four r/-5194) of deeds pope one hundred seventy (/70) 7/so subject to perrrronent W right of vvay in favor of the /1/ort12wcs1e1-17 Be// Telephone Company to p/oce and 1,noi/21oin approximate/y n/ne hundred ninety (990) feet of underground condv/l and tvvo (Z ) man holes to be iocoted opprox/irnate/y 4K ten 00) feet east of the West property //ne in whot is or vvi// eventvot/y be used os the east ha/t• of .beard Avenue South, hove caUsed the some to be Surveyed and Plotted as 'BROOKL/NE ADDIT/O/V;" !ii//age. of Edinn v/.ro sv echo a/i ue S/ 0�, d o'oh/-eb donafe, 017d dedicate fo thrr h/Nc use forever the Sfreets, Averwes, 01201A//eys 75 sSk*OWr/ on he /r %innexerl ly�o' w/t/7ess whereo� we /love hereunto set our hands and seal -5 on this day of 4.0./946 �a In the presence of o � ' � Signed n p � Signed v aj o STATE OF MINNESOT.93 S.S. n = COUNTY OF HE/dNEP/N On this day of AD. before me, a Notory Public, within and for ° said County and Stole persolwlly oppeored Peder Mickelsen and Chr/;st/ne M%CkelSen,b S wife, to /ne persona//y known/ to be /he persons described in 01201 who executed the foregoing /nstrvment ono' /hey affil- and (� acknow/edge that they execvtne l the some as their own free oct and deed. h Notary Public, Hennepin Covnty, Minnesota W n° x My Commission expires W C (� I hereby cer/ify that I have surveyed and p/afted the lond described in the dedication on this sheet as 2BR00KL/NE n° QADD/TION" 1/i%/age of Edino, Hennepin Covnty, Minnesota; that this P/at !s o correct representation of soid survey (� Mot all distances ore correctly shown on soid plot in figures denoting feet and deci/no/s of o lbof that Me mor/vrrver/fs for the gvidonce of future surveys have been correctly p/aced in the ground os shown on said ° plat; that the /oioogrophy of the /and is correct/y shown on soid o%t; that the outside boundaries of the /and ore correct/y desi.4wated on said p/af1 and Mot there ore no /vel lames or Pvb/ic Highways fo be desI• V7 ed on Saint plot other /ha/7 are shown lfiereon. M { { -Registered Land S611-v2flOr 1=100 S Tfi TE OF M/NNESO TAS. S. C 0 U T Y Of HENNEP/N j Above Cerhficote subscribed and sworn to before me, o Notary PUblic in and for sa/d County orrd State on this day of A. D- Notory PUbI/c,Hennepin County,N/nnesoto My Commission expires We hereby certify that fhe Yi/loge Council of the t117/0ge of ,Edina, Her/nepin Covnty, Minnesota dUly occepled and approved the onnexed Plot of FROOKLINE ADD/T/ONS Yi//oqe of EV/nog Hennepin County, Minnesota pt a regUlor Meeting thereof held /`his day of A. D.