HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookside HeightsF i v 60 I I 6 5 S¢ s4 /2908 sset I h t7 ✓� 4 +o $ o / 4-4 X4 S4 s4 t5 -J4 M 2/ 4 y la /z .J8 A, .t /O ° ti 20 ..ti y 9 S rE9.0 7 /29.97 4 /z9.L4 , y / /z 971 ' ' ' ,� �._�- 4 . __� .��=a-�"'%�-?�!1 .s _ ��.: � _ �•.ar,ra:: e� .. -L-_..G9c.,. 1 �...._=..125%•�:l_ � �. OR /NAL 2328 l 6795077 'Y i 1 B R O O K S I D E H EI O H T S OFFICE HIM or' xsclsrsK or urwat 2I>txnrrlx Counn, Y1x11>ro1' i HENN E P I N COUNTY MINN .+r ..J�It*'4dw.ie.6rw8w0h Anou, all men ay tlue vresents 661 we ,Will,'am //Tarbo, uidovlr,ouner axd prapri.t.r ana Pe u1 Pefer.on,v=a,ver. and llarenre Rf` �» a •A �j/3�•--��N� E. /It 11 wtrsarrz ed and f, .%wept Norti andM ryHalnmerJleyHerrh,�m,r/ga9eer el rae f,ll,,,i s,y ducri aces />r<p eery ritrcatr ci+ tAc .SC d�.e 1' loa' Ben'. A.Pratt-Surveuor .r •••i�:pk •,l o[ ate a =nnere an n a ee cn u6 serx nem . .res 6 s c .e ' Q St fM' t. .= Cou Yy f K pey ti t, � > t ,l t (/ a t' x tun ty ezyhf (181 Tvn,h c' one huxdr ed �j �� •f •• rpm• ••• / res en teen �1/7J N'rf tr Ra nye lu en t/ona 061 W, mase ca ase2 Oe ,ame Y. ae --y -7 ..1 p7.&,.1 as BIIOOHS/OE HE/!7'H TS" •`"�"�'"" /,.c �r%�ry %_ and we hereby and dedicate f, tje'%MZA, ure f -ever a7l the Slreels, 9 enu-_4lzeys and Bovlry .;, as rhsvm e>. t,it i 1sN� ansresed f>lai. 'n r z:tnerr wAerr'/1 we have hereunle set our hands t.jri Z ,`tKdgy 1"1.Exa. /9/J. 'M��'^T'r'�y r ........1�°!�►• JIj,r rrence f /r/' v to __ rv.�[3 Z. Ar G..L Lr.arc. za r/»-,•R<�w�- -_ __ __ -_ Gr -ter le<rl Tn)NRr� Wiliam KTa-i.x ,•� � /�,f,�(1_(}jy 4a as /NTERLl9CHEN BOULEV.4R•O rm, - � gela 10 54 S¢ s4 s4 sset s� 4 3 /ta.7a / 4-4 X4 S4 s4 t5 -J4 60 54 S4 J4 I 23 y 4 4 6 y /zr.78 3 /ta.7a b 2z 5 4 4 4 J4 S M 2/ 4 y 8 ti /zd.9B /rB.9D r ti 20 ..ti y 9 S rE9.0 '4 / /2l7t /29.08 4 /z9.L4 , y / /z 971 y /t>(Gf ti t4 S /l!•7t / y /F%hr /J ei t .BG y 18 23 y /Z� : 4 2 y /L 86 /tlzf /tS!z8 .N /r9.zB V o 1t a /:z1f. ' 17 5!� zlJB /2 /IBJB /L9.JB /z :re /1lJD h 16 h /3 111f4ff 4 At f,4f 0 Af llr./! bf ti /19 s7 N lzssr 60 54 S4 J4 5'4 6 w 5� 4 3 2 / 5'4 S4 4 J4 S /2 J.Lr /I ,,gB 23 w 6 w k% h � S /tB.Be I' 3 /LBDB / z 14d S4 y 12/9B 4 4 /rB.9D 0 20 0 • 9 0 4 les 24 `� /ll71 '4 / /2l7t /z"44 y t•F /Z l7f 4 /z9.L4 , y / /z 971 y /t>(Gf ti t4 S /l!•7t / y /F%hr /J ei t .BG y 18 23 y /Z� : 4 2 y /L 86 /tlzf y Z 29BL- 1sl.zB 2� . /t .97 V o 1t a /:z1f. ' 17 5!� zlJB /2 /IBJB /z :re 4 /6 e, h /3 111f4ff 4 At f,4f 0 Af llr./! J7 /z! 7 S7 60 s4 s4 sa 777 75- ° 2z 4 /IBJ S 4 z 3 2 N / z 14d S4 S'4 14 SX34 _ ray /I✓Gd r /2JG/ W S/st ° 2z 4 /IBJ r i o 7 9 izl y /JG.7I /i!)! 4 I /z98L 31 y /z9.97 M is..a z 14d /L • 0 20 vJa.ad les 24 `� /ll71 '4 / /2l7t /z"44 y t•F /Z l7f 4 /z9.L4 , y / /z 971 y /t>(Gf ti t4 S /l!•7t / y /F%hr /J ei t .BG /1956 23 y /Z� : 4 2 y /L 86 Id y Z 29BL- b JL fd 2� . /t .97 ti /7 o 1t a /:z1f. ' y /1 zlJB o 3 /tf9J /2l.1D e, h /3 111f4ff 4 At f,4f 0 Af llr./! o /4% /z! 7 /e 2 -1.1. y 67.ls>� 1 i`&ry Namm>„repK.ra 6az 67•stf 1• Paul Peterr.» / /� �n ro 2 N h 3 4 s!, Cl ly 6 1.6- 7 J47 C s \, trc.zd 9 /JL.JB 4 /O /JC•SI 1 9 W S/st /JG.7I /i!)! 4 I /z98L 31 y /z9.97 M is..a Q O `• vJa.ad O "J Q- L,44 `� \ 24 `� /ll71 '4 / /2l7t /z"44 y t•F /Z l7f 4 /z9.L4 , y / /z 971 y /t>(Gf ti t4 S /l!•7t / y /F%hr /J ei t .BG /1956 23 y /Z� : 4 2 y /L 86 y° 23 IlQBY y Z 29BL- b JL fd 2� . /t .97 0 3 e 4 /Ze y o 1t a /:z1f. ' o 3 4 /r .!l ' 0 2t 4 /ll.97 o 3 /tf9J 0 /G 4 /✓a h 31•�J /la.1! M llr./! /.!i/1 /Ji/! /e /$ ° `� Ha.3 4 0 6 C y /✓a.t �' /y /lo.J 4 o 6 0 /Jo.J 0 Al 0 4 /J..3 0 6 4 /Jeal• 0 18 /Ja 4/ ti '7 /Jq, 4/ a /a 111 ,41 ti 7 o / .4/ y /8 ti /Jr 4/ ff 7 ! 1.41 xfI 0 8 0 4 0 17 0° /Ja.Sz 4 $ y /a<.sz e 17 oyo `I ll sz e g o- `� /lAsa 0 /7 4 ✓aNA W° 8 e ! 4 /I lz �' ° /JO.sz r` 0 4 ° `� 4 .9 4 ue. J 7io.N /Js LJ /l,.LS /V4 13,_ /m..41 i M t< e/o y �. /se. 4 ! /i7.fJ y /S 4 /JeJ4 /o ° !e•%4 ,o� /S /jam /1x74 / .74 /Je,7f y N,f z+ c/3a.Bf� IJ Ar Ili. V Js. ,ti l / e. /✓ !- .,.:. V-/j. 6O N.f' 60 too e♦ ra0 o as 5 Stale �AY.n" <n JI: C „nty. g1E C.L,e: Ox th.;-ZG-ay.�rn-/fo /sa !fc ¢ N.rryP at,i ra,'esa:, na/.. ,a:a Co.» ry ana sir ,Ter... a,ry 'tee=+ a WiZl:am HTarar),u.nr, oer, e. -e prroonazlykN.m» 4 Se 1W pesJ, nese .'A'.r c» ana ,.h. ted eL,1. ey,r;.y >,.,r>.,».e»t arsA he 'r' ark mvlyd7ed edrt ke aSecuted eae same ¢r As Ir. • :-. �d� fS +•_ I er rar> State M,h„esola '`•. rr 7, -S - On the; A4 day fs--A. D. /9i✓ 3ef rr rne, a /Y. far, Pa dlri eA.;, ana f.r .ra:a Gev,. ty ,SC¢i'£y _•r- prrs.na7ly appeared P.Z �7erS.,.,w.a r¢er, Ye m p rr.naZly ,fn,- 4 de M. peer. aG•cr:"3.d rir and -;6a:er,s t d_ Y7°f'f>/9' afcy eN,rra,nent and he gcknoa ledged that .3c ere, zrt d 24, same as psi er, ,free arl and dr X. // = ` •1 ''- N torals'Ae nepi C. 1; AA%gIp State .f A/inne,.e. �SS: CouaYy fhBnnePri. ''_r`-': On 41i Zµ day f A.G. /9/4?, gel -Tat a /Y. Cory P,ahi -t46- anal -,e rpt C,<n7y ana Stat; er,ona// a eared Clarence E. /,/s'1I, t, me err.nall //N'v„a 4'ae the cr,.n ae, era7.ed cn, and zah. ere'u- in,Y•ume,et and kr ackn.v,ledyeZ that Ae eAearrred t,Te sa rave ar .lr ri ov,v free �a/YLQ/L>s eft angor �c7eed. L /Y.Z'.Iy alei Nen :rrpri. to,.nry ;%aa,�7., rte'' ^,; /vly Conemrir,. r•• erPe, e, G,.�23z/ ix7'7,... ,- �� sf to ••/Miux CnntyfHexnrpin 1 t7 -.,= On tj sasl dqy f -/%O 19,C, arf re ane, a N t ry P "Is s. fdsn and fee Ja ,'I Co ,e Ly and .Stt t.•4 �� per„Wally appeared E. fsep£ ll.rti and Mary r/amme_j.y N.rth, 7.,j ...1e,Lme perr.n¢lly krsor v 1. !e rhe .Perrone a_ a7=iAtczn' i and wh. ezecared tje f regrcng .""r-ment .zna elsy ar.Fn'-rvledfed Mee they ec_ec` er redp -the samea, e'heir o r. >., f'•_; e o :Y�a n.t?. 4: N.Yar P bhi // n r: rp ,. tK %`7tir ,n'. ,� • <- ; My e, n,mus,on er/r=ser rrfVv�x`71=f :/ f/q j - •• 1 lJ .•� County f//ennepzJ I aer.ay certz/y fuel.;a=e tu,•oeyer7 and ps?412W the pr,perty ewe,i Jatars ekiri alae a,� BROO,YS/DE HCh. W rc5';t,i.e th.i17 t r; a -r..e se"r rnr.r::r. -/.a.az a -ey, rk¢r all d.,r.neer are �e«�ry .0 -ft an t.ie plat r'.,rerr and sreoma7 q/aleaf, that tie A.- are.•• eerreerly p7A1ed ,n the yr„rnd a, As- en e".Plat, tiat tAf-ts".r. aoundery 1.*n,, are c¢rrrctly dess'ynrtt.d ..the plwe, eA.r eke � fiseg)rp•Ry rf th. Zan.r is e.rrectly 4,.m .,v tkr p7.t and that time ase n, nee .ne, os pualz� hyzw.ys t �de,.jn. �eyt"e,..cy_.:r I plet OeA.r Ginn as sh.wn thereon. ✓ � /�'• ` 'yam l� rfr • ` `l / ' I Surutyor '-4� I nC �, Me 4h1.0 eertsfi c, ti •uar ,wbaarr.'be z and ,worn G bsf ro me td e5 zs'd.y �C1,tmt: /!"7 /9U My c'mmsi,r:n e,pi,cs Ua* !•1/e hereby cer1.'r�y that the a3'sa plat sf BROO/fS/DE HE/ejN7:t ru., apl,-'v .n.e a eyrrd ly ?kt ulllag.• r ,<,.'. ./s dkJ !/ills gs ./ E'drnn rota ¢� � mre l,i) 4Ar sr.f .field eh,i Y7�d .+ / /; •., .-••.. // vo'llaJe [sirs i d e n`Y :' • �`,•' .. � ,,r � '. . TALE! PAID ON SMt WIININ -'•r Ji TIM PSV TIT DE>1CIURO PWMTY Ta 191,¢1„V %lags pec,-dcr/ t JUL1D1S ' - s �'> a °'�' +Vr Pr t rAr