HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookview Heights 1st Additionff E N line °f Gov f Lof3, Sec. 4, T. //6 R. Z/ 1 ADDITION N./ineo NE.4`o S.E.4afSec.S, ✓`ec4, T. //6 R. 2/ 763.10 c Point/341.0 tW.oNE.or. of6ov't.Lot3inSec.4, T.//6 /!Z/ BROOKVIEW H /in Sec. 4 T. 1/6 2. Z/ M '• 3. 10' 198.1 T E. f W. a : A $.> /40 °^lot. e �b 56p � 860 �'$°$ ' to _ MINNESOTAW , Z171.5 17Z3 150 130 1Z8.0 N a U, N I Z W Z 166.9 1 0 Z _ 7 SE II +�� h h 138 �� a 1527 'I I /65.5 - I a KNow 4LL MEN 6y THESE PRESENTS That Axe/ E. Car/son and Julia E. Car/son, his wife; Harry A. Mattson and Se/ma y Maftson his wife; Edward C. Sfowand 3 �, 1 °, h c Eva Stow, his w/fe; O/sort f Sor7s Concrete Products CO. a co Partnership Consistin of Stanley A. D/son and l3enn/e O. O/son, as co Parl`ners, owners and W 6 tiro N ° 3 o a 3 °i pro rietors and The Farmers and Mechanics Savin s l3anK o Mir>nPa o/is, a r�rleso7`a corpora7`ioh, mort�a�ee, of the fb//ow/n� describedroroPerfy 157.1 `�� 1� 3 IO ��I� 4, o o 17"uatedin the State o Minnesota and Count H nne in 7`owit=- P 60 , - s Op 156.6 50 h f �' /� aat 146 54. Z5 _ /31/ a I `� That Part of 60Verarnent Lots 3and4, Section 4, Townsh/ja //6� Ranke 2/ and that/Dart of the Northeast one'�uarter(N.E. ) of the Southeastone- 0 1 W L+ 0 0 4 �' v; uar%er (S.E.4) o Sec7`ion 5 7ownsh�/'� //6, Ranke Z/ described as fo/%ws; 6e inning of a',00/n% in the North /me of sato' Lot3, d1sfant /342, o feel` West y. I a 152/ ° a, �• it 4 N o g o I 945 5 o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT frolrl the Norfhe t comer thereof; thence South Para//e/ with the Easf /1i2e o said Lot 3, 480 fee f; thence Easf Para//e/with the NOrfh /irie o sa/d Lot C a ., �1 thence South gra//.e/ wrfh the zd //i7e o said Lo%3 a distance of loo feet; fher7ce Easf ,Dara//e/ with 7`he Narfh /me of sa/o' Lof _ ' S.2 .--- 0 s 1'y N a. 3 a d/stance of Z75 fee 7, P M 3 a distance of 80 feet • thence Soufh,oara//e/ Dvifh the East line o salol Lof 3 a disfarice of 300 feet; fherZce East para//e/ with the North line o Sar 5 "s of - - 5 °sio6 131 C✓ 0 5 ° !$ _X10.9 to m Lof3 a distance o 420 feet; thence South para//e/ with the Easf /ir7e of5aiY Lo%3, a drstence of /50 fee>`; fher7ce Easf,Dara//e/ wrfh the North I '' z Moll g I " Z v line of said Lot 3 aT &I'W?Ce O f 567 fee 7' 7a the Eas t 11%7e o f Said Lo 7' 3 ; fher7ce Sou fh a/ons the Eas t line o f said Lo l`s 3 t 4, a distance o f 920 {ee f; (hence '�s e:, j def/ec7`in� to the rich t 90 de tees. a di farce o{ 775 feel /hence def/ecfir;� /o the ri�hf 90deylrees, a,d/stance of ZOfeef,' fhPrice a/ooa curve to the /e{thavrn�a Geta ani/eoj90o�e�rees W148 o1-/0feet a 47isfance cjT 15.7/ eet'; thence elons a 1117e fanyent to /as.% descr/bedcurve, a dis ance♦of40 07 feet/ thence a/on5 a curve 7o the ri�hf having a deI>�Line�ara//e/wifhN11ne 6ovfloi3, Sec. 4, T.7/6Rzl c�o6 degrees ander rdd�us of /8956 feet a distance of/93.8Z feet,: ther7ce a/a/Y9 line tangent 7`0 /astdescribed curve, a distance of /7.7 feet;thence �° 5'. S 7,55 G.. +10 \�i. /�;I a° ° o 1 i;, o >- 275. f- a/ani a carve to the /eft /7evin e delta an3'1e of 76 de reel .507nrnutes anda radius of 9. 88teeter distance of /3.25 feet toaPoint of reverse curve4Z Soo "' Qi - -I` -- -6$ " athence a/on a reverse curve �'o the ri hf 17av�r7� a o /ter ani/e of /58 de�ree5 20 minutes and a radius of /5o feet, a distance of 4/4.52 feet to a point _' too so n ,_ (�A o ti o reverse rve, thence a/on a reverse curve fo the /eft 17avrr7 a delta anted/e of 76deq'rees 07 minu/-es anda radius of -999 feefadisfance of /3.Z7 4 O o Z N ,' \ ff9Z \) eet; thence a/ons a /file tangent to last described curve a dstance of Z9.7feet; thence a/on5' a curve to the right havin5 a delta angle of35 �0 9iy I ° \� I I !Z �\ a o deyrees and a radius of 7Z9. 33 feet e distance of 445.52 feet; thence a/on a /m-6` :, anugent Ao last described curve a disiance of 338.4 feet; (hence �\aF60 r g "� ' °'0 elon� a curve to the left havlrl a delta en5le of 43 de_ree5 3nola radius of 90.23 teeter distance of 292.87 feef� thence a/ony' a line tangentto last s y, o - ° described curve adistance o /44 eet thence a/onea curve to the 1e t hevirl a delta an le.o A9 de reel 12 minutes ander rad/as of 9.96 feet,a distance 30 \ 0 9 y\ `^f � r y q ' /569 ee71 ' thence elon e /ir7e tars ent with %ast described curve a distance of 94.Z feet• thence def/ec7tin to the r� hf 84 degrees /4m/nufes a °p44^�� ' / �� M' \ .u��� .A�° 9 5 ��\ 5° 44 \00 3 UQ u= liney ti N distance of Z/0.3 fee>< to the /ilfersectiorr with the Easter/y ri�ahl` of way of the Minneapo�s North�re/d and Outherrr Rar/roadl thenceN°rther/y a/ons 43 st< �r O. ; SCALE I 100 said Easter/y right of way/ o the in tersectior7 with the North /irle o f Northeast ogle quarter CN.E. 4) of Southeast orle quarter lS. E. ¢) of Section 5, Townsh/p 47 �� 1 g• I 1. =_y/z4 tion h I 116, een5e Z1; thence East along the North line of said A/E. � of S.E. � e distance of 3783 feet to the Quarter corner between ser/�1 Sec lions 4and5, Town d �• �°��� s �;5,°35 `• ,°j Q6o 5 .., I�_ &, .e ship //6, Ran�'e 7/; thence corltlr7uin7 y Eas l` alon5 the Eas%and West Quar7`er hr7e of ser/o/ sec fron 4 a distance of 763. / feet to the /o /ace 0/- bei'/nnlr;,5, B %8 Io i3ao - ; ~ said stand t Quarter 11ne be/ny the North 11ne a{ Government Loi 3, said Section 4, Towrlshiv /16, Pane 2/. �,; ':• 62.45 76 Bo \ <ao° `� by 1\, h Have causedethe same to be surveyed and Platted as '• RooKViEW 1-1E/Gf-17-5 157,40017'10A1 "and do hereby donate and dedicate 710 the public forpubllc use forever J OO • �Zj C1 !v ..49 �, r 40 \ o a , a \ \ ,v M a// the roads and the State Highway as shown on the annexed plat —St r,0 ' °(3 \°°h \ � \ q 'Q�3q� y aG /Q s'°35 N'\�j C In witness,whereaf, said The Farmers andMechanics Sev�n�s genk e11 Minneapo/is has caused these presents to be s/fined by ifs Proper officers / �6 06 °/O o r , �, arldits cot orate seal to be hereunto a /xed this da o A.D. 1952; and said Axel e.. Car/sonand Julia E. Car/sort, his wife; f/arty A. x , 8 39 y o\ o ' 8 / a° q • 15 " \ ' . Manson and Se/ma t/ Manson his wife, Y /' /47.65 A t, \ - ffolWdrd C. Stow and yEva Stow his w/ fe Stanle A. Olson and 6ennle O. O/son co artners in O/son � Sons Concrete Io 8 80 �h \� to �o ;,9�• 16 ;�� G�/e1'ra/klwithN.hheafGov21ot3, Sec. 4, 711C -R. , Products Co. have hereunto set their hands and sea/s 11115—dey of A.D /952. a IZ o 4• ? _ \ 3 8 �� y �6g �. , y 0 42o.0°-.. .i9°3 \ I I 17f a I In Presence of Si red x 3 3 a� \s�, �o 9O %r 47 Uti/'ty Ea�em rt 19.1 3 I ' - 37 d ^ r' o o THE FARMERS AND 1WECHAN/CS SAV/NGS BANK of MINNEAPOLIS ri Q J >m 4 IZ r� rF.4 'lrly '�� y,°0 $ o 148.25 >Zo ,,; \ 19 �� - C a W - \� 36 \� s 0 ZO As to by its Vice President 13 3to ( Lige are//e/%v fh N hne 6o✓t. Lot-? Sec. 4, 7.1/6 RZ/ 14 e9 " 8� ' �' � •y � �� ?s � V ti Z I � � l0 6eorg'e G. Cowie �` 0 0 \ r 1 \ F 11.... 567.0 ° `� \^ ' \ c° go 80 its 4s571 Treasurer �. 148.55 - 6 s 35 �\ 14 0 1 - / - - - - - - I I •o R. L . Oa vidson by 3 Io (cc p As to 148.85 �o° �� �,°� a �6 4 �Mh 16 Z3 p Axel E. Carlson e Z/ o \ \y , \0� /t///j L= Carlson � 16 � �.� � 8 �a s r 33 0� ��, �o \o ° , 6 20 ds\ ,�' as Z4 \\ O 149. /5 ;,,, - 3.a h zp ��h 19 3Sos / 64 o \ tin \ \ Z As to 17 6 19 9 6 , 0 32 °� ,� I 's do �, 37 m Q) P„ 4.a' ...-.... o 1 t,3 o F , s� m"' 31 �8 �' Zo ', �e \ Se/m !/ Mattson I 45i^y�� IS to 9 3o ; Z1 R 25 \ !90 "0 18 60. N ``' c? �, s� \�\�' � 3656, �° Z9 a � � � / �p ? .. � ��6 � N As to O 6y l 28 a / 8 v �\ �` /7 !! 9 8 \ ZZ \ Edward C. Stow e 33 0°, ? Ssj cow c' 8 -2 1 / _..;s. _ —r6-- -- — Eva •stow 150. l 6°2 \(O 6 93°51 cP ��-3b— V� 33a 210. c \�o \p 60 '9c R' 0828 % j Z6 *N? \\\�.. D 23 I '--.5i/ile OfNE.40{Sr of '' O !6 1c OG Z i.,:�O � 6. c5� O/�J a1\ ' G ? F 80 &�'` \ 25 y1�3 I(, . o Yy 140 } OL SON e SONS CONCRETE PRODUCTS Co., a copartnership _ •35 ��D ,h 1 e ,1 a81 y C� Q consistin o Slan/e A 0/son iBennie O O/soli as co -Partners. •9 ti NOTE: THE DISTANCES ALONG CURVES AND CIRCLES ARE CHORD DISTANCES. Z4 .4q'a '' Z Z7 kill f Y p 72 °o . 6 0Z�op:o o559 c h 35 o wo S As to 7 14 anley A015on1 Lennie O. O/son by ccoo PPaarrttnneerr3 S ° r ` ZS i6 \'13 6 CID . \ 135.45 h o 34 State of M/r7r7esote ' 7 v, 0, ,a>Bsr, o ° 5.5. Y , P Y. P h� d,° \ 8 \ 150 N `� County ofHer7nep/n On this dayof A.D. /952 before me a Notar Pub/ic ersona// a eared c� � .•Mo - zv�� \ 8 so y a 29 4'`0 40 �. 6eor-ye G. Cowie and R L. Oavidson, who belly by me, each duly sworn, did say that they are the Vice Presloentand �� 1 T� 19 Utrlr y Easemen i ty3. \N 8 3 � - -- �y I ,� As51:5 arlt Treasurer, resoect/vely, of The Farmers and Mechanics Savings L3anK of Mirinea/0 5 the corporation X09 6° IS 16 m M 14 a ro 1 19.yyr 60 130.4 named in the fore� oma' /r7s7`rumen.f that said ri�s7`rumenf was sr> red and sea/ed /n beha/f ofsa/o corporation by g 1 33 o authority o ifs F3oard of Directors; that the seal ellli ,ed to sand instrument is the corporate sea/ of said j " r v' y 7 corpora front and that sand Georgie G. Cowie and R. L. Davidson ac/know /ed3 ed Said rnstrumen tas the free ac t °' 4 30 \� • t54 i r / o w and deed of said corporation. ."' 'I " ✓ A ; ! loo 13 f IO i 4o.6 0 130 I i- ? oO s q co t �I{k "P A6 ( o 4� 3Z la- Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota• •4 s 6 ao _ � o tJ� My Commission Expires - S 1 PAS ° 1 IZ 1 60 5J 60 5'„ I n.o r 0 6 5 d-. 1 130 0`�r' 6 `-' j a qq �0 0 0 1 I itri °;� _ Z I Zo �- s /ZO12 ' Z. ,.82 '. 77 I•-. 5•' 5' 1 °A°.: 'w N ,'° State Of M%nnesota 5 s. ° 10 CountyafHenr7ep/n� On this day of A.O. 1951 before me, a ii/otary Pub/ic, within and for o�y°yy ��/°� �o a1 said County and State, Persona//y a neared Axe/ E Car/sore andJu/ia E. Car/son his w/fe; Harry. A. Maftson R 1, rs° �� DUGGAN �, PLAZA �, >1� 8zo *T /Z rc..56 and Se/ma V. Mattson his wife; Edward C. StowandEua Stow his wife; Stan/eyA. O/son and /3ennie O. O/son, Belie 2 rc o.o� N — -- °'° co Partners in O/son Sons Concrete Proo'ucts CO., to me A'nowro to be the Persons described in and who R" y �s�' N •'•' o executed the fore�orn� ins7`rumenf and acllnowleo5ed such to be their own free act and dell 71— % Arc. Notary Public, Hennepin Coun7oy, Minnesota My Co/77rn/5s/orl EXp/res : j State of Minnesotass. / County of Hennepin I olo here by cert/ fy fha t I ha ve sur ve v ed and olg tied the oro perl`y descri bed on The fore3oin� p/atof 6?oollTwapovedcce7`ed bthe Planrlin/w oV/Ew HE/GHT5 ST ADD//p�.3'tt`r7 of said Survey; Commission of the Vi//eFle of Edina Minnesota ata regular meetin3 (hereof he/d this Hay of tht ae// distar7ces are correctly showr7 on the 10;g7' in feet and dec/ma15 of e foot; That the monuments fbr A.D. /952. guidance of future surveys have been correct/y placed in the _q'rour7d as shown On fhe/o/af; that the outside bouno'ary 11i7e5 are correctly deslknated on the plat; That the 7(opoyr6p/7y of the /and rs correctly PLANN/NG COMM155101V °F THE VILLAGE of ED/NA, M//VNESOTA. ShOWn on the p/af and that there are no wet lands Or Publ/c hi?hways 7`0 be desr�r79/ eol on the P/at other than as shown thereon p by ifs Chairman. Land Surveyor-MIr717e5ota Rey, No. 1381. The above certificate subscribed and sworn to before me on X1715—day of A.D. 1952. The fore o/r7_g' Plat of '•l3RooKViEw HE/GNTS 157A 0017"10AI was approved and accented by the V1 JK Council of Edina, Minnesota ata reyaler meetir? thereof held this day o f A. D. /952. Notary Pub/lc, Hennelcln County, Minnesota. My Commission Exp/res VI11_A(5f CO!/NC/L of E01/VA, MINNESOTA. by its Mayor. s„ , -its C/er/l.