HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookview Heights 2nd Additionv.�„/c w I"&I,g V, ✓. 4.4 Sec. 5, 7.116, 21 s V 4a BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS 2N® ADDITION .T / / i HENNEPIN COUNTY Northeast Corner �NN. Government `Lo.� 3 1 6OV17.' LOT 3 % V GOV'r Lor 4 6 ao blow \ i 1 SCALE: I"- t00` 3A' *DENOTES )RON MON. NOTE : THE DISTANCES ALONG CURVES � /N CIRCLES ARE CHORD DISTANCES. ARL EIGH C. SMITH o REG. ENGR. I! LAND 54IRVEYOR WAYZATA,MINN. c/ANUA1?Y, J954 \SIN5 It l.. rs�, 12 m f7 U �9*Ave, 2g6,17e01-----------.._...--------...\ ---------- ----------- ,p �* /� / A �J w �./ogSPic >9� f �n 40,&,flo'------- V / B ��8 ----�L /`1 Gf'A------' ---- �`o. ?® i b . ti mac. 9 fi• �0 - o 0 � \ 12B' .. 1 n. 2�i0 60 9 143 j aao, 24 2 l33, 02' I 138.45' 13S' r 4 � 7 �� o a I35' , 'tea � � s Rte' ��93 w� s 3y00m 9oe /25,---- �, R ; 6z ,� 1'ga.' RCA PLACE � 3 d 0'n} 30 66 %x fir, 14 `e" ,'� �O 61.35 n 1 -4 o' 15, 8637 20 c7 1 13 o•. P: ¢ 4.94 2'km v 70' 7 7526 9O 78' °,o e' n 9¢q• 757 ;:., s - 57' 9 — �% /� 6 ' of%ify Ems 7s 9' so � %G� : ;�9p\ ' 1�%�' \ �.00 `D 22 � e"'`nf 75 90,gS•/ .fir --BG-_9__ - 10 � i ° 23 `O �� yFc Easement , 13° 5 s, 5 40p- ' 24 ql, (�YO� 75' 26 a 21 H 28 hI 0 I�°(70� 1 8 ti 7 1D23 7s 72 . _ 7S' C ' ; 179 05' � 8 _-�'•...- 5 �- � �- ,- z Know a//men byMese presenfs : That Axel E- Car'/son e17d Clu//a E'. Car1501, his wit¢,• Harry A. Nlaltsan and 5a/mb Y. Mattson, hrs wife; Edward C. Ston' ono' Fva Stow, his twit'¢, O/son 501s Cancreta Products Co, a co ,00rtn¢r- ship cons'iiny of Stanley A. O/_son crud f3.annie O, Olson, as co-partners, owna�s and proprietors end 717C Minn apo/is Savings 0'170' Loan Assaciatr'on, c7, /19innasa�a carporalion, Mortgnge¢,. of the followinq described property situdt¢d in the VO,1Z; of M/nnes(ita and. County of Hann¢pin lowit 7hat parts of 60Vern177e12f L`ofs Three(. d)and A041r(4),. Sect/on Four (4), Townshijo One Hundred and 5/X1a¢n (f16,), Range Twcai One (2/J and fhatpari' oA tbie, Northaasl Owe -Quarter (N. E.1) of the Southeas9L one- Quartar(S.E.¢) ai ,Saction' F/va(5>, Township one hundr¢o's rt¢an (116); Zany¢ Tw¢n>ty Oa¢Cef), and ffiaf part o94 6over17m¢n94 Lot 0/7c Cl) -Section Ni 7c (9); .P,owr7s.(5ip C9nQhunoI/- d s_iyt¢et7 CII6J, Range Twenty 0/7a (Z/J, lying North of Cmv7 y Road No, Twcnty Eight (ZBj, also known os' Xesi 5¢ver7tiefh '(70 T"J Street, and West of Trunk l-1/gh way No. On¢ - 'f/undr¢d(J00) described as apo/r7;4 on 1174 East //172 ofsa/o' Government Lot fhree(3) Nineta¢n Hundrad 1710 Fif1y(1950`) fee -f 50rr94/i of aha Lot Thr¢¢ (3) fo the I actual place of h¢ginniny, fh¢hc¢.d¢ff¢efin�f to. tf7e,r�yhf Ninety /�¢gre¢s (90°J a dislonce of Sav¢/7 Hun0'r'¢0'0170' 5aveo1y F/ve iecet (775], thence 1i;elx 4hi >%:f`!7¢ righl N4n4fy O¢grees C90 f) a disl71�c¢ or %ydnly 1c-41?0.),' thence o%179 a curves to 9th¢ /aft ha'i7y dMq'e/fo pny¢ ofN. inQ1y. OC3?MeS C190'j and a radius of T¢n t'4df (/O;) 4 distant¢ of Fifteen Z7d 5eVanty On¢ 0/0177 a //nes fanyanf fo 1,75/ dascrihad cure¢ o' distonea of Forty and Severn Oil¢ -hundredththence a/ony ca corp¢ to.Ahe r/ghf hovinq a 0a 140' ang/CO/ Six Oc9raesC06°Jandarodius of Eiyfdan.Hundr¢dNinatyE/9h><0nd F/ffySix On¢hundr¢dfhs f¢¢f(1898.56Ja distance of One Hundred Ninety Eighfond high}y'TFvcL71�a�huridradths feet (198,..82); Thant¢ a/ony a /irl4 tangent to /as>r dasc`r/bed Curve; 0 dslar7e¢ af, �5a�ai7tean onc/?,5evdraTa�7'hs'taat (17.7); ,chant¢ along o curv4 to the left hoviny 4 o`¢Ifo 0179/¢ aF 5aveiily Six-Dagraa5 And Fifty M r7ufes .(76'50) and orad/us, of Nin¢ and Eighty 51&1On¢-hundredffis feet (9.88), o o'istanc¢ of 717/rteen.ondTyanty�jy¢;Ona-hundredths faef(/3.25 to o/✓cinl ofravars4 curve; thane¢ a,/onaq`ar¢V¢rsd curv¢'10 1hari9hthav7rt¢ er o'¢/o ong/ of Ona-hundr.,ad Ffy E/g171 gr¢¢5 and T`vanfy Minutes (1S8 20) and a«radius cif. ©n¢-Hurldrq� FXfy¢15©,•I0.dis lance of four Hundred Fourteen and Fifty iwo On¢ - AV17dre4yfh5 feet(4t4'S2J to o cainz�:ofrevarsa..cury ; ,thaac¢'.glor7g4revars¢ tory¢ fo theles{t having a data angle of Seven y 5/x 00a7rads enc' Seven Mlnz4 s.('WO7J,and,�arod/us of NineandNi-v,syN47¢ Ona -hundredths ��ct(9,999, a o'isf0nce of 7h/rfean and Twarify'Sdvan 617~¢-hundradfhs, lec.4 (13 2,7`; fhanca er/onA a m7e fany¢nf fo last described curve o distance of -Twenty %V/n r�no'S,eY¢n,Tanfhsf¢ef.�2T); thaac¢ along a curves 10 fh¢ right hoviny a d¢/to angle of Thirty Five L)¢9r¢¢sCgS') and a ra,Q''us: 6 �av¢n`Elundrad .Twenz`y Nin¢ and 717/rfy Three 0r70-hundr¢dlhs fa¢1(729.33) �aq'r'sfonc¢ of .Four Hundrad ' "Forty Fiv¢ and FiA¢y Twc On¢.-hundrddths faaf(445,52�; thence 0%n alines fon en1 to last dascrihad tory¢ a distance - .The¢¢ /�undrad.7Yiirfy ,§/7171 anal Four Tenths feat (338.4) hent¢ curve to 1174 /aft hoviny o daIfo anq/ of 'Forty Tl7r-ce Z -2i a¢5 �43°> 010'0 rodless of Thr¢¢ Hundrad and N/n¢fy o d Tiyanfy Thraa-On¢ hundroo'tfZ.faa1 590 23J.,o slonra of. Two Hundrao'M//naty Two.ond ,Eighty5av¢n On¢ -hundredths, feet (e92.87); ihance o%nq a //n¢,lonkchl. fo.lost dasrribad curves a d/sfonc¢.of Fourteen 0170' Four 7anths fd¢1(14.4j; lhance ololg o cure¢ 1o.i'ha.;laff. havinry a delta-ang/d .of iVineiy 17cyraes anal Twelve Minutes (90°,2) anal a rod/us of /V/n¢ and N4n¢fy5ix On¢ -hundredth f¢af(996�o distanc4 o1' F/ft¢¢n and 5ixfyN/n¢ Ona-hundradlhs feet (15.69'%/ thence along' a //ne fong¢csf with, lo5f dascri'b¢d curv¢:a d/stohc¢ df Ninety Four and lwo ianths feet (942),7'o the South 1iri2 of /Yorthec5t Ona nuarf¢r of Southeosl One-QuarfQr`(N.E y of S.E. ), Section Fiv¢(5 , 7owr7 171 Ond'Hundred 5�xfaefi (11Ca),. Ronye Tvanty. 017e,(Z/); Menee'Easf on so/d //nes 0/7e Hundred tf/fty Eli hf and Seven Tenths £a¢f (15.8•.7) fo, the Worth**40S :`Carne- o9e 3610' GovernMenj,4 /! Lot Four(4); thane¢ South on the W¢st ///70 of sar'd C,ovarnm¢nf Lof Four -(BJ, S¢c1/en Four(41.drio Lori one(,), Saction Nin¢C9) to the cantar/ii7a of soi�/ County 1?oadNo..1'-.-.41717 Ei.9Acst Sc4171, ath(70-T�J5traerf; thane¢ Easterly on Said eanfar- /in¢ of 50/0' County Rood No Tw.¢nfy t✓9171 (8gj to.`o.oiht On¢ Thousand fact (1,000) 5ou9'hwasfarly tin¢ from the East ofsalc'Seclion Nina (9>1. thence anq/rt /aft Ninety /;¢9rQas(9o°I a a11570nc¢ of Tiro Hundrad Fifty and Eigh�` Tenths fdef(250,8); thence. anyld h'i9hf:Nrn¢ty Decyraas (90j o d sfai7c¢ of Four Hundred f¢af(¢OD); 1hcnC4 any/¢ Rf9hf N/n¢ty/.J¢greas(90.'>.0 distances of-'Twc Hundrad Fifty and el& renfh$ A00.4 50.BJ 40 the Centdr11i70 of said County Roao'No, Twenty E/gh1(eg); , Mene¢ Noc1h¢o`star/y on o/d center!/n¢ o d/stone¢ 09c Slk Hundred {eel (6oO ) to fha East, /it7z of so/d .Sacf/or7 Nino (9); 1fi¢nc¢ North on. 1174. Eos} lin¢ of so7C Section Nri7a (9) and Saction Four(4) to the,/o/ora of hagii7nhV, Lxc¢,ot T' unk.Highwa y /Vo. One Hundrad (10o). Hay¢ caused z�fi¢ soma to, be surv¢yccT and p/ot1�d 05 .8RO01W/EW HE/6H75 2^'0AODI7-I0N and do hereby Oon21¢ orrd dad/caf¢.10 th¢�ub/>c forRuh//c use 1orav¢r o// }h¢, -odds and the Stat¢ Hiyhlvay / as shown an orin¢x¢d/71a1, n witness; whereat,, said Th¢ Mlnn¢.apo!/s Sovin9s 4170' LoanAssoeiation has caused these presents to h¢ Signed by its /orojodr officers anal its corporate sea/ 10 he hereunto affixed this doyof ,9 0, /.q. e' 51 ones' 5o/d Ax¢I E. Cor/son and c/u/iq 5 Cor./son, his tyle¢, _Herr.�r A, Mattson and 5¢Ima 1/. Mattson, his w!f¢, Edrvord C. S�'ow and Eva Stow, his w/f¢, 5t'gn1cq A, O/son and l3enni¢ O. Olson, co-j�orfn¢rs in O/son i Sons Coner¢f¢ Products co;,, hove her¢unta set the/r honds ands¢a/s this_ ' day of A. D. 1954. /n Arascnne of S�yn¢d:-r As to Th¢ /%Ilnn¢apol/s 50v/n9s and Loan Assaciat>'on H. W. Greenwood by its Prasid¢nt F. L. Endsl¢ y by its Execui r t V¢ Sac ¢Ory 4s to Axe! E, Carlson / �uIia E. Carlson As to 1 HOrry A; Mattson � J 5¢/ma V Mattson As to Edward C Stow f. Eva Stow • _ (1/son f sons contrera l-roducts Co., a co �sortn¢rship As to consistinyofStan/ayX 0/s017 /99,7,7/a 0.Olson os coloa-mors. by co-partner Stan/¢y A. Olson Bann/¢ O. Olson by _ Co partner State of Minnesota j 5,5, County of Hennepin J On this doyof A.O. 1954 beta-¢ rne, o Notary Pub/ie,�arsonal/y aP,o¢orad H. W. Greenwood and F.L. Ends/ey, who h¢iny' by me, eoch duly sworn, alio' Soy that they era the Prdsidant and Executive 5ecr¢1ory, raspactiva/y, of the /L1/nnaopaAF gawi Ifs and Loan ,4ssoe/at/on, the corporation Hamad >n the �`ar¢yoiny inslrum¢i7t, that Sold li75Arument Was s./yn¢d ano'Seo/¢d in bra -halt' of ser/d cor�orohion by authority of r'ts /3o0rd of /-2ircctor's; Phot the sea/ affixcrd to saio' instrument >'s the corporcat4 sales/ of sorb' corporction, and Mal Ser/o' H W. Greenwood and F, L. Ends/¢y acknowlQdg¢dsosb insJzruMel7A as the 6 -aa act and dead of solo' corporation. Notary Publ/c, 849/71¢,0/n County, Minnesota Sial¢ of lt�1lnnesoto Commiss ires My ion L-xp ' Th¢ foreyoinq plat of /1/ZOOKV/ElV HEIGHTS 2^O fl0017.10N was eporovad and accepted by the P/nnnlr7y_ County o6 /term¢'/nOn ,this c274/ of - A.D. /954 b¢%,e¢ m¢; a A/ofory Pub//c, /within and for sold Corra/�7is§ orJ .of the 1/il/a9e of Edina, Minnesota a1 ar'¢gulor maating fher¢of he/d 1h/s mdo y of <.oun9cy and 51a1e, parsoner//y appeared .9x4/E. Car/son and e/u/io L-. for/son, his wife Harry ,9; MaCA-1 : ai7o A. D. 1954 Ser/mo Y. Mattson, his wife; E dwnrd C, St.3w and Eva-5to K; his wife,' 5tan/¢y A. 015017 and Bann/e 0, 0/50/7 eo partners hLANN/NG COMM155IdN of rt,E I//LLAGE 0'P EO/NA, MINNE50TA 117 O/son /50175 . Concrete ioroducfs Coy Ica m¢ known to h¢ fh¢ persons d¢scr/had viz and who executed 1174 orayointhoaocknoldad such -0 -7/7,/ wrned¢¢d. . by __ Ifs Chairman Th¢ foregoing p/a1 of BR00,M1.CW HEIGHT5 2^'o AOO/7/ON was approved and ecc¢pted by the V1V/erg¢ Notary Puh//e, H¢nn¢pil County, MIhn¢sota Council of Edina, Minnesota, at c7 -¢yule- meet/,? fh¢r¢o1' ha/d 1h/s da of A. D.1954 N1y Commiss/on L-x/oiras : y' 5tafa of Minnesota 5.5. County of H¢r71¢pinj / do 17¢-¢17 edrfil that / hnv4 carve V/LLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA plot as BROOK!//ELV HEIGXTS 2No y y 5 y¢0' c7nd p/atf¢d Ah property dascr/healon Phis ADD/i90h/; that this pint /s a correct r¢pr¢.s¢ntat/on of ser/d survey; that al! by its Mnyor di5lanc¢s are eorr¢e>`/y shown oq the p/at In feet and decimals of a toot; Thal the rnonum¢nfs for yu/donc4 of future surveys hove he¢n Corr¢cf/y placed /n the yro4117das shown on 1ho plat; that 1h¢ outs/d¢ houno'ory lines by ifs C/¢rk or¢ eorr¢et/y d¢s/yna><¢d on the p/at; that the tapography of the /analis correct/ Oy shown on Thal,/at, 0/74/ ch tfi¢re ra /70 wet /ands or�oubl/e h/9hways to be ddsignofad an 1174 plat ofh¢r thc7n as Shown 117¢-401. Land Surveyor M7i7n¢soto R¢9 /V0, /.381 The obav¢ c¢rtif/cat¢ subscrih¢d andsworn to before me on th/s doyof A.D.1954 Notary/public, Hennepin County, lW717¢SOt7,IMy Comm/ss/on Expires LF)-oak✓/e Vv