HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookview Heights 3rd Addition0 BROOKYIEW HEIGHTS 3RD ADDITION UNPLATrED Sp, v � ---- ----,360',--- 66' , _� /4 r5' -^ 60.9 UNPLATrED Sp, v M 1, is Know all mcn by these presents /ho/ Arle/gh C, 51771/h and /de/% B. Smith, his >vif¢, Edward C. Stow and Eva Storv, his wife, owners ondpropri¢tors of the fallow/ny dcscribed /and situated /n the Slalc ot• 1Llinndsofa, Counly of A¢nnepin to wit: rhot part of the Southeast of the Southeast Quortsr(S.E. 4) of Section Fiv¢ (5), Township OneAund- rad Sixteen (1J6), Rory¢ 7w¢nty0n¢ (Zf), lying Eastdr/y of /h¢ Minneapolis, Norfhfi¢!d ondSou/hdrn /2oi/rood and that port of the Norlhdasl Quorlar(N.E. 4) of the >Vol-Mecsl Quarter (N.E. 4) of Sdcl/on Eiyhf (B] rownshiv On¢ Aundred Sixteen (116), hang¢ rw¢nty Ond (21), lying North of County Rood Twanly El (4? and Easlar/ of the /IAinnaopo/is, Norlh7o�/r/d ano' Southern Rai/road except/ng the Easter/yOne Hundrad>Vin¢f¢¢/7 feet 19J �`h¢reof and Avao:; lobe used for residential purposd6. Hove cousad the some to b¢ surveyed andp/ott¢d as l3ROOKV/EW HE/61qTS 3RD AW177ON and do h¢rahy donates enc dad/cat¢ to fhe public krp41,611;: urge forever the /loads and H>ytiwoys as shower on the annexed ,o/at. /n w/loess, whcreol, said Ar/e/yh C. Smith and /dell¢ /3, Smith, h>s wife, Edward C. Slow and Eva Stow, his wild, have cousad lhcse presents to ba siynad and have hereunto set lhe�rhonds andsao/s /h/s—ZL- day of e`A-n'nzk 'D. 1954 /n f rd5enc¢ oto G / As fo f Ar/¢iyh C, Smith ` '•�, ,�, � as � Ind!/d B. Smiffi D44AOAL- 19. Edward C. 5AOW �-- STAhE OF MINNESOTA s S. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN� On this i day of r' A.D. /95f before me, a Noln- y Pub//c, wifhii> and for sol d County and Stot¢ persona//y app¢ordd Ar/tiyh C. Sm/fh and /d¢I/a Li. Smith, his wife, Edward C. Stow and Evo Stow, his wit¢, to m¢ known to be fhe persons described» ono'who executed the forego/ng instrument and they acknawlrdg¢d such to be (heir own free act and deed. /U1y Commission, E,rpir�s: STATE OFM/NNE50TA ' Wk COUNTY Of HENNEP/N•} 5.5. / do hereby certify Mal / %70YO surveyed ano'p/allad theproperty d¢acri bad >i� this p/Qt as /grvo&v/aw He/ghts 3 E'D Add/l/on,; the/ t/7/s pial is o correcl repras¢17t41/on ofsaio'survay; r'hatoll diylancas are correc/ly shown on the plot h7 fra/ and CIOc>i»als 0/0`/00/; that the monurr>enls �orguia/anc¢ of tutus surveys hover barn corrscf/y,olocad/n the yroundasshown on lhd plat; that Me owls/de baundory M7" ares correcf/y deslgnaldo' on thsR/al; lhal the lcoc -a>ohy of fhe /and>s correct/yshawn on lhaf✓/af; and that there and no w¢f /ands orpub/ic hi9hwoys to b¢ des/gnat don the p/al o/harlhan as shown therm^ - p .- A Land 5urvayo� M/nnbsola Reg. No, /38/ rhe above carl/l/cal¢ subscr/brd andsyvorn to Adair/774f on fh/s ass���A My Commission Expires: �, ®� L e The foregoing p/a/ of AROMV/EW HEI6HTS 3A0,40491710M was aporovad and accepted by /,r commission of Me1///log¢ ofEdi�g Mihnasr/a o/orr9u/ar mactlny lharaofha/o'lhis day o.t - ...A.D 1954. P/oohing 4rommissl7n oflha ki%!oyes of Ed�r>o, M�i�nosotQ. by els Chm man The 1orego/1;yp/atof/31FOOk'V/EW1.1E/69753/eDADD/1,IO1v wasandacc,,esoo4tdbythe hi/loyrCounc�%ofEdii>o, Minnasato, otarr9ulor mee//n9 thrrtof held thisl/A day of Vi%/a9a�ounci/Ql Edina, Minnrso�'w. by ln• /=�•�K Its C/rrk SCALE: /"=/oo' The ann¢xcdplot approved andocc4;vIcc tw //rte day of ��- r ' ,4.D. 1954 o DENOTES //ION MONUMENTS hyo>County Surveyor *4l?LE/6H C. SM/TN AES. EN6R, � LAND SURVEYOR WAYZATA, MINIU,� OCT. /954