HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrost AdditionVI tLA GE o-e fdIAIA - COUNTY q1? HE/VNEP1 Al S c a /e //,= 40' 4- Der7ol-e5 iron /►%rra/nen7 SepfeW,6Pr /958 — 300 —� —275 LOT YV. e r �Z ;7_5 a OT - J — O 275 Q V) 4 t --300 — 6.9 60 30 31 _ 89, � I 1 h . I h ro h c N V 1 1.._ O T 3 00 30 o I I M Ido hereby certify -that I have surveyyed acid platted the propertyy described on this play' as BR05 T ADDITION, that this p/at is a correct rep resen/fation/ of said survey ; that a// dista/vices are correctly show!/ vn the p/at /r, feet and 0'eC1I`nO'/5 01'a foot; that the monuments for guidance of future surveys 17ave peen correctly placed /n the yro and as shown or7 7'-h e, p/ay', that the outside boundary lines are correctly des/g17cr71-ed On the C/O y'; tha7' the topography of the /arid is correctly shown o/9 the p/al, and that there are r,o wet- /acids or publ/e h/ybWays to ,be design fed on said plat other -7h6vn shown f--he,eor7. Surveyor - Minn esotA Regis/-ra-�ion No. 3795 State of Minrieso,ta� s County of Henr7ep/n s Above certificate subscri bed and sworn /o before me th/s day of A.D. /9.58 /Votary Pub//* c, Henr7e,eiri Courity Mir7nesofd My Corn 197iss/0r7 �x p /re 5 - The The Villayre Council of the Villaye of Edina, Herrneoir7 Co unfy, Minn 6,so7-a, da /y accepted ar215?1 a,oproved the ew12&xed plat of OP0JT ADDITION of a re57el -reef- ing thereo f' held /-his /o' day oAD. /958, V/ILA GE o7` ED/NA, HE/VA/EPIN ,COUN7TY, M//V/VEtSO TA Mayor --f,Ar- 111,//2� c-/Ylo .�.. J '. Chec%ed arra/ appro ved /-his /7 day Ole. 412 /958 C- e1717ep,r7 CO 4112 fy Surveyor iA - 7"his p/af- was a,00roveel oma' occ6,',t- ' b` fhP P/orr/ni/iq Eorrr rn/ss/oh o f the Vi //aye of Edir7a, M7nne 5o/ &P, of a reyular /neetiny �_, thereof' he/d Phis s""�' day o 7 PL A N N / N G / /yJ/M / ,5 �OiV o i" VILLA 6 ,6 -!171 Z'O/NA NI / N A/ s o -rA Cha 1r r? ->an -77 /TNOW ALL MEN BY 7 -HESE PRE5EA17-5 : that' �. lohn Brost an ' Wi/ma/ Brost, his wife, owners and proprietors o' 7' -he -he fol/owing a 7-y o7/T' Hen r7enSte cre in the Corf pirr ad at described property s/fufu of Minneso/-a tow/7' : /0,1'34 acro' S /Vormar/dd/e Terrcrce, have caused the sar>7e 7`0 6e surveyed aha/ p/offea' as BROST ADD/T/O/V, and do hereby dondte ayd ded/"cafe to the public for public use forever the AVer7ue as shown r/rrcd or/ the aexp/af subject to the U�-i/if-y and Dra/rra5'e Easeme//f'S as shown o17 the ar7e7exed p/ay'- for the use of rr71/n/c/pa/ify or other utilities. Zn wi7ness whereof said d0b/7 Brost 0,17 a( VVilrna Bros' his wife, have here unto set their hands o'nd seer/s th/s -"/" day o -j° A.D. >� In Pres er7c o7r S,q,�ed by State o� Minnesota G ung o/' Her7hepin s s' 0n Phis i- ��% c�cry of Y, AS ✓otin Bros/ o � Brost y .1/ = a�e� !✓:/ma Bros7� �y�: �,��. (S�a/J .; ;;:-Y A. 0. /958, before In e, a no far pub/,c within anj" )"0,1- said Cour? f ar7d Sfa/ Y rx; /il / (Sea/% ea persona//y app red 4/ohr7 Brost a72 d Wi/ma B ro s -t his wile, to /7 persona//y �r known f -e ba the persons ole scr/bed in crud who ex c ufed the f'or-ega/rlq ins f-rur»ent-, e7 17 they ae,(rr7owled9e that they execvf-ed the same as their owl? 0,7?d deed Notary Public, Hennepin County, M�1*nneso/-a M y e o m In l ss i o 17 Ex