HomeMy WebLinkAboutClover Lane AdditionCLOVER LANE ADDITION
July 1952 En ineers i Surveyors
State of Minnesota)
M North line of 6ov'f. Lot 8, Section 33, Town ship II?, Range 21 M
�3 0
know all men by these presents that Raymond J. 5fone, single, owner and proprietor of the f ollowiq described Property 563fe in the 5fafe of Minnesota and Gounfy
of Hennepin fowif:- fhaf parf of Eaovernmenf Lof- 8, 50ion 33, Township 117, Range 2t, described as folfow5: be¢innjri� of a point in fhe North line of said (government
Lot 81 distant 8;7.81 feet east of, measured along the Norfh line of said lot from, fhe NN corner fhemof ; thence east along fhe North line of Said GoVt 1- s a di5fance of
.272.31 feel; fhence of a riphf an¢le 5oufh 160 feet; thence at a r1hf angle rmf %o feet; thence northerly in a 5frai¢hf line to The Point of be�innin�; has caused
the same lo be surveyed and platted as CLoverz LANE ADvvrioN;and do hereby donate and dedicate fo the public for the Public use forever the 51reef a5 Shown
on fhe annexed plaf. In wifne55, whereof Said Raymond J. 5fone has hereunfo set his hand and seal this day of A.D. 1952.
- In Presence of;-5ipned
Seal )
Raymond J. 5fone
Skate o{ Minnesota
County of Hennepin on fhis day of A.D. m52, before me,8 Wary Public, wifhin and for said County and 5fate, personally appear-
ed Raymond J. Stone fo me known to be fhe person described in and who execufed the f orc¢ol insfrumenf and he acknowlec(Sed thaf he executed the Same
a5 his own free act and deed,
Wary Public, Hennepin County, Minne5ofa
My Commission Expires
County of Hennefin 1 do hereby cerfif Y kW I have surveyed and plaffed the properly described on }his
plat aS GLDVER LANE ADDITION ; that this plat is a correct represenfaf ion of Said survey; +hat all dis-
fances are correctly shown on the Olaf in feet and decimals of o f oof, thaf fhe monurnenfs for quid ance
of f ufure surveys are correofly laced in the 4round a5 shown on the plat; fhaf the ouf5ide boundary
line are correct) des nafed on fhe lot that the fo o ra h o the land i$ correctly shown on the
s y � p P� PY f
Plat; and Of fhere are no wet lands or Public hi�hways fo be_desi�nofed ofher than a5 shown on Said
Surveyor - Minnesota Re¢i5Iration N° 1187
Above cerfi f irate subscribed and sworn fo h+re me fhis day of
A.D. 1951,
Notary Public, Hennepin Counfy, Minnesota
My Commission 4pire5
The f wr oinp Plaf was approved and accepted by the Plannin¢ Commission of fhe Viffagoe of Edin2, Minn-
eso�a, �f a r6fular meefin¢ held this—day of A.D. 1952.
Nrin'l Commission of the Vilfle 4 Edina, Minn.
by ifs Chairman
the lorqo'inQ� plat- was approved and ampled by the
ro�ular meefiq ihareof held this day of
�i(la�e Counci I of Edina, Minine5ofa, of a
A.D. 1952.
V114e Council of Edina, Onnewfa
by Its Mayor
by its Clerk