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Colonial Grove Fifth Addition
COLON/AL GROVE FIFTH�- ADDITION f'iENNEP!N COUNTY, M/1VNES07-A AM Am sGY/y. corner �� EXCPpfio17— ofLafS ck Z A r" ar a q, 1� i� �J 00 4 An�� GME - ///! =SOFT. /, 1h F4 Ila A�l 1 /i `off. 9 l S. �' 3 j j�{ 2opo y ae Ufa � , r f"f Checked ant./ a/>pra veal (his s'» clay oje til�r�� X40 /93-e; Henne/OW-� Call -71Y S'ur✓eyor AnOWaIIIW&n 6yfhesepresen/s, fhaf f%r�erf/y�/o017 erg Qnc/Caro/y�?/%�/ooirr%ery, /�us6ord goal wife , oyvne/sancloropriefors offhe fo/%i�y�'escri6ec�'pro/�erfy s��`Uafe /i� fhe Sfofe OIXII esafcr and CO21n1y o;`'/yenneloll� /o {yif. - Ouf/of /,9 6o1017i4/6rove 7hira11i?a111;'ion, �Xoeof fhci�`/�a('f (hereof G/escrr6ec/as fo/%vs: 8eyin1in9 df 171 e uf/i(�es�`er /y corner of Loi S f,�/ocAf 2 Shaad/ �Jnes (hence fhe e,�fension 50ufh�as7`er/y a/ fhe t�Oufhwesferly Ime ofsvid Lo/3; fo j�`s infersec/ion w/fh fhe exleluloq 5oufhwesfer/y of the .5a- ahevsfer/y /i17e o'sara/ Laf 5; (hence -Il/o/-fheas�erly a/ony saic/ /Asf Cnely owed 1117e fo fhe AoallfieAsfer/y c0177er ofscric/Z01'-5 Wes( a/01757 fhe ,foufh lime olsalal Lo/` S fa fhe/Joinf of 6eyinniny f Ana'eXcepfi�y �`haf �rr� (hereof e/nbr4cec�' ire �'e�isferea'Lana'�urYey /48, F/es q�sfrgra T les, c�- Caunfy of/yenneoin, have C9 'ec/fheSamPfo 6esurveyec,��Yr�%/effec/4s Co�OrS/i4� F/F7-11 �rJIJ/T/OXY ani/ aOl here(✓y olonelfe c/na/ c%-/ica�e /`o fhepub/�e far (fie use of fhe Ivabfic forever fhe a'rive as show o17 :`h e annexecl 1,2671' ��' suhjecf fo evsernenfs far 7`/ur�%sewe s7`arrn drain ar7c/ufi/ifies cis oll sh owr� on fhe crnr�eXec1 p/a <a, /r> wifr�ess Al we have hereunfo �sefour hands cant/ seu/s Phis G�° c�ayaf �J it /W r<:%� ! l 1/�f�J' J /r7 presence o/ 9ta( Sfafe of �i�nesa/v SS ;� �a 0/4' �elare /rre al coL(nfy of//enne/oi1 } . o� /his b_ y Nofary Pub/i� W11 1-,5- c�nd for sai,' Cour�f y al7a ,5�`afe &rsono/ly 4i91. c�rdO' //er6er�`/Y /0am6ery crud lora/yn /�'f 8/oa/nhery, /vs Wife, fo m e kna"17 fo be fhe persons descr/6eQ' /n 4170' who execufec�'lfie fre9aiay /nsfrurnenf croe/ They acEaor v/ed9ee/ fha/ ffiey erecufec�' fhe-raI77e as (heir f/-ee ac/ al7a aeec% WY C0177,-"4r-ri01? Wyco177mission eXpres G SI�474e of /Y/innesafc/Z 55, C04112 ley of/lenMRP17 I r�ereby ter fyflioll h4vesurveyec/anc/p/affect f/�e properIt' ales�cri/ed in fh�-r p/af ars CGL.oN/.4L 6ROVE FiFrH Aoo:rioN; �`haf fhisR/af /.9 a free and correct' /e/Jresenfcl on of sa(C/ Sur -vet', /ho/ a'//dl f ?ees are correc/ y ,5-170 WO on Thep1a/ ir7 fee/ and c7'e,"IWa/s of c�foo(' ffiof fhe inonurnenfs for fhe 9Ui�ance of ufure sarVeys have been correcf%y10/crcec/ ir7 The 9roundasfhQ�s'n on fhe p/o/; (hal fhe ou/.side h0an eY-y 11;7e.,7are cor(-ecf/y cles7 9nQfe�a' ori fhe /Qf; he/fhaf 7'178 fo✓ograp�fyf/re%rand Elia/ 70ereAreno wel /ands or p1,ih-/ic hiyhways fo be clesI�717afed on 1117 p/af a/her (hon crssha�vn fhereor? cS'ur-veyor A(597 .9bove cerfi`f cafe suhscri%ea' c�nc/ �'tvorn fo /�efare me Ibis <%' c/ay of (Yofa(- y i"ul-?//e 1-1er7ne10117 C ounry /ri1rineso/ /1//t' corrirniss/an eXPI'res �- -r- ,1PRr-ovea' /hy fhe P/on171ny (�'ol77177%S.S/0/7 of fhe 1/1/03�?P 1,75c, f af�c5wc� /�/iri�eso¢a fh(•s ,4.0. �% = , Chairman 1 This w,7s approved' and accelofec/ by The Vi/fage Council �na, /1�/innesQfc1 of a reyu/a(- rneefiny (hereof he%/ (his /aC may ofma� �./� MaXor ..village mal7a'l? -