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Colonial Grove Sixth Addition
.. COLONIAL GROVE SIXTH ADDITION HENNEP/N COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALff-Im.. -/00 Fr. o Denotes iron monument ;< t Bear/ngsshowngreassurned J':1i. i�r,' r;; i:�.Q:= M:�Ni.•'ZfC I a _.-....... - :i.4;ii:� !� 1 00£2/70T 60. f, ¢B r � ml o98tio o �°0 0?'^o'z/.DD.' G yy,,fB 60 .• I !35.76 N69"50:54 ` � i✓'sc=za= {" � I >� / q.2 l3 D'%p" 0�0 f.3" w.,,F` �•�-,•' i _- h la, r2s.3d NI„°,: a 3st \`° � B `� / /� v • \% a ; `.- 60 •`/89"4333"E m+p, n 6W� e/`i/i/y\ l �1' ? \\/ i 0�X 3 ti • \ /yqF w Iza 3 OIJ `.; �.. a 5'5896 — Uh Z q� �t' . /`;�\ L 3\ , '• z1 lDIV . 6.h t� vs� ms's 'y. IN !`. .o/ 0'/ r. -2s: I •.: `•!j 4 � ;� •t? � m� 1 .. gn.,Soot� • !line /vJot \ N!/z of N/zkofNEy4 G,� SeiPion /9 �C'C fl"'d h°,ri:2'oc=ed ",(`"aFP 1 •V >G { 63:r Y� b roc `"A 96 oN ht� �svose:zsW % lie 6 i t'oo see-ssf 2 Oh•'' .o� SB66U ' 9g_� Sts X003201E ll \OO 0 1�5g.25 tN `'S ;o '•35,46 7 �;-.. 5 r: .. l DD 1e � 0 e. \ m \"'w ✓ 11 'E �a \ �\ 22' a'' .a s '9.0 � � ` ;:-ham 2-N •�,'iW b E •`� \d17 pQ, 0 t.i` �92Jv . y 5.55, ern i) 5 31 r-, 1 ,\ , !tor Q gl a u,\ 0c 15 ,.n ���, �.. 3 1 56 32 e _, d 1 ,et,\v� 1p9 y3"j3E �w\� �o.96 %e35.30 �'.9 rO ti 9 to IZ'43 � C'1g w Via. 0 q',Zo moi' 2 f 70 '144D /D. Do .� ,,, \ Off„ x . •% Y � �� .- `t., X16,— — _- 233.36 _ seg'40-0D' w ` M Ol "s 6z _ _loo. _ . _ _ /00_ 2 / (/fi/iffy 5�--4'I�s f easement 'G�� A { I j rk /a n to A .��--%•/-78' /39F+o �I t < :, z` Do NYI (^°feMe ,A6 /yti i" /o'sbd 1 G9?gY: Z0 Iiy no �' 93o5�1i6 en 1 \ /O x_ / rSoutfi //nB ofN% ofS'fz of SE%., 'ARk' 7he boundariesoffhisp/al and of Me blocks therein have been malhemaficallycheckedandapproved. No determination has been made to ascerta/n that the /egaldesu iption agrees with said plat 0&1,-411171.f o'ay O/C_ A9.1966. E/mer J. Peterson, Alennep/n County Surveyor This p/a t !vas recommended far approval b the P/9nn/33q Commission of fhe Vi/loge of Edina, Minnesota ata regular meeting thereof held /his Tffi day ofQ&$ A0 /966. Planning Comm/ssian EG�ina,Miilnesata W. Chair/nan.Vra'[C,m 7171's plat was approved and accepledby the V/llageCounei/ofE rna Minnesof ataregu/armeeting thereof, held this -h day of&_ R4. 1966. A 1ve Mayor U///age Manager r3"E 1 I 1 ; no �' 1 \ w p \ \ Secfron 9•T28, Rz4 Know ,O men h y /hese presents that ,Tohn E Bloomberg; Inc., a Minnesota corporation, ownerand proprietar of the fo/low/ng described property situated in the State of IWInnesota and County of Hennepin to wit:- Parcell, All of Oul/of A excepl that loarl /ying NOrfh ofaline drawn parallel with the North line of said OutlotA through cYpoint distanf 50 fee/South of the Southeasfcorneraf Lot 28 measuredalong 0lh7C which is fhe extension Souther/y of the Easterly line of said Lot 28, all in Colonial lirove 2""14 da'ifioo, EdinarMinnesota,'accordiny to the plat thereof on tike and ofrecord in fhe office of fhe Registrar of Tltles, Hennepin Counfy, /V innesot'a. Parcel 2 : 7haf part of Me North Haff of fhe Saufh Half of the Southeast Quarter otfheNarfheasfQuarterof Section /9, Township 28, Range 24, according to the United States Government survey thereof, lying Wester/y of a straight line drawn from a/ooinfon The North line of said tract distanf 456 feet West of fhe Northeast corner thereof to a point on the South //ne of raii frac/ distanf 650 feet West ofthe Southeast corner of said tract, except thatparf thereof platted as Co%nial Grove Fourth Addition, And Frontier Development Corpordtion, a Minnesota corporation, owner and proprietor, and First National Bank of/Vinneapo/is, a H fiona/ Banking Association, mortgagee of fhe fol%wing described property situated in fhe State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit: Thal pe,'rt of Out/of B lying South of fhe North line of the Wesf I2 of The South %Z of the North �2 of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24, and /hat part of Ou/lot B lying /Borth of the South line of the North %2 of the North /2 of the Southeast %4 of the Northeast %4 offection /9, Townsh/p 28, Range 24 in Colonial Grove Third Addition, according fo fhe map or plat thereof on file and of record in fhe office of Me Req/strar of T/•tles in and forsaid Hennepin County, and all that part of Out/ot A lying North of aline drawn parallel with the North 1117e of said Out/o/ A through a point distanf SOfeet.f'outh 0/'//7& Southeast corner of Lot 281 measured a/onq a line which /s the eXfens/on .S'oulherl y of the G-asterly line of said Lot 28, and Matportion of Lot 28 lying Easterly of a line drawn from the Northeast corner of said Lot /o a point in the South line of+sa/d Lot 58.6 feel, measured along said 11 South line, Westerly of the .Southeast corner thereof, inColonia/ Grove 2nd Addition, Edina 11%inn., accord/ng to the plat thereof On file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles Hennepin County, Minnesota. have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as COLONIAL 67ROV9 SlX7H AOD1r1ON and do hereby donate anc. dedicate to Mepuh/ic forpub/ic use fore ver the drive and place as shown on the annexed pla , also fubjecl fo drainoge and a//lily easementsasshoivn on the annexed plat. In witness whereof John E. 13/oombery, /nc. has caused /hese Presents to be signed by its proper offlcers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this /7rAo day ofI A.D. 1966 and Frontier Development Corporation has caused thesepresents to be signedhy ilsproperofficers and ifs corporate seal to be hereunto affixes/ this � day of 0c.7 40.1%6, and First National Bank of Minneapolis has causedfhese presen/s to be .Signed by its proper Officers and its corporale seal to be hereunto affixed chit// 7,0 day of�AO. Signed Inpresenceof john E- 5/00mber /nC. tn,oresence of FronberDevelopmenlGromahon ell by hnC /3loom erq Presidlen by er rfN. /oomhergPresi of .� by� moi. ,!,3' Callie/ylg/oornherq, Secreta- /ace C. Ode,! ecretary State of Minnesota Coun/y of Hennepin On this / r�` day of n<-7- AD 1966 befare me,a Notary Public within andforsaidCounfy and State,didpersonalty appear.lohaE. B/oombery and Ca/fie/y Bloomberg to me persona//y known, who each being duly sworn did say that They are the President andSecretary, respectively of JahnE:igloo, nherg,Inc. the corporation named /n fhe foreyoinq /nstrumenf and that raid /nstrumenf was- siyned and sealed /n 6eha/f of said corporation by authority of ifs Board ofVirecfors, and ac/rnow/edgedsaid inslrumenf to be the free act and deed of said corporation and /ha/ /he Seal affixed to said in9trvment is the corporal sed! o! said �rporat/an: Notary Public, Hennepfn County, Minnesota My commission expires MOON v 'ido$an/ r!ia11c r cr � r - .Rafe of Minn esota My Commis"o Ao rrs Y;- Counfy ofllennepinOn this �''dug ofQ_c.,T A.D 1966 hetore me a NotaryPubl/c wlthinand forsaid County and Vafe,didpersooally appear Herbert N. Bloam6ery and Wallace C. Odell to me personally known, who each be/ng dul y sworn did say that areYthe President undSecretary, respectively, of Frontier/>evelopmentCorporation,the corporal/on named io the foregoing instrument, andthaf said/nsl-arne&wassigned o'ndsea/edinbehalf Of said corporation by authority of ifs Board of0ireclors, and acknow/eclyedsaic/instrumenfta he the free act and deed of said corporation and that fhe seal affixed to sa/dinstrument /s the corporate sealofsaidcorparation, Nofary Pubbc, Henne /n Coanly,M/nnesota State of Minnesota Mar commis/on exPires�, I CountyoDDfHeonepi' On this S/ Nil day ofdL& _ AP /966 before /ne,a Nofary Publ/2 within ana`forsaid CountyandStale,didpersonally aopear?,f}•S"KRS*A) andfd a�: EV D R to me personally known, W O each being duly swam ol&,ray that 1/ley sire MA7AS�nditfii-. 661`Atc respectively of First National8ankof Minneapo//s,fhe corporation namedin fhe foregoing instrumen/ dndthalsaid insirvment was srq7edcmdsealed in hobo/f afsa/d corporation by authority of Its Board ofl�/rectors and acknowledgedsaid /nsframent fo be the free acfrand deed ofsaidcorparation and that the seal affixed fo Said instrument /s the corporate seal of said corporat! aa`�, _ ! e lWary-1`ubhc, Hennepin Counfy, M/nnesofa i✓/y commission expires I hereby certify that I have Surveyed and p/alledthe property descr/hed on this P/at aS COLON/AL GRAVE S1X>H A0a/7roN, fh&• Mis is d true and correct 1'eprese,710hon ofsaidsurvey/ that a// c/istancesare correctly ,shown on the plat /n feel emddec/mals ofafoof; /hal the monuments forquidance of future surveys have been correctly placed in fhe ground asshown on the plat; that the outside 6oundary 1/nes are correctly designa>ed on /he plat; that there are no wet lands or pub!/i h/ghways to be de.Fig17&1&4/0/7 sdid plat other Phan as Shown thereon. B. H f3 rad/e y, Minn, Reg. No. 1188 .State ofM/nnesota County of Hennepin Above cerl,ficale subscribed and Sworn to before me, a Notary Public within for Said County and Stale, this dray of ©�_ A.D. 1966. A..& Notary Public , Hennepin Coun ly, M/nnesota My commis/on exPires ... k4tLl. COLONIAL GROVE J t.> SIXTH ADDITION HENNEPIN COUNTY , MINNESOTA � w Q O [7 0 ls.l s > /0.0 ' 5.89°57'W. a. J t.> SIXTH ADDITION HENNEPIN COUNTY , MINNESOTA 60 SCALE: I inch= 100 feet o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED I 8t_':,CK 8 i '')' 1. ')'OA, OF 2/707 a7.o7 °L 50o w5o i a :2 00 R. Z0.0 0 3030 -r- s 4 ' ° o, 3q �� •iy6 � _ 3sa6 - v N alio 00 N49 4 ,fNE4 ofSeC.28 R, 24 ;;. A. J hNSC N :; S"OUTHWCAOD PA RK The boundoriesofthisp/afandofthe blocks fhereinhavebeenmafhematica/lycheckedandapproved. No determination has been made to ascertain that fhe legaldescripfion ayires with said p/at Dated this a'7y of .40. 1966. E/mer J. Peterson, f/ennep�� Counfy Surveyor ibis pla t leas recommAnded far approval ty the P/anniing Commission of the Vil/oge of Edina, Minnesota ata regular meeting (hereof he/d this -S day of AU 1966. P/ nm C m iss n otE�� ` nesota hal man. This plat was approved and 75repleal by the Vi//age Council of thereof, held this m+1% day olPml — AO.' 1966. ��linnesota,� a regular meeting Mayor 1111/age Manager Know d// men by These presents thdt John E Bloomberg Inc., a Minnesafd carparation,ownerandproprietor of the fa//owr�f described property situated in the State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit:- Parcell, A//of Out/of A except thatpart /yin9 Norfh ofa/ine drawn parallel with the North lime of said OutlotA through apoinf distant 50 feefsouth of the Southeast' Corner of Lot 28 r7easvreda/on9 a /ine which is the extension Souther/y of the Easterly line of said Lot 28, a// in 'CoIonia/ 6rove 2 �!� dditian, E dinar Minnesota,'&, 1n9 J- the p/at thereof on fi/e and ofrecord in the office of fhe Registrar of Tales Hennepin County, Minnesota, Parcel 2 : That part of the North Half of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of lilyhe o f f 51ra ' uarterof Section !9, Township he, Range 24, according to the Un/feet States Government survey thereof, lying We ster/y of a stra�'q /ine drawn franc apoinfon the North /ine of.said tract distanf 456 feet West of 117e Northeast corner thereof to apoint on the 'FO uflh /ine of said tract distant 650 feet West of fhe Southeast corner of said tract, except fhatparf thereof platted as Colonial Grove Fourth Addition. And Fronfier Development Corpordfion, a Minnesota corporafion, owner and proprietor, and FirstNational Bank ofMi1.7r %s a Nationa/ Ban Finq Association, mortgagee, ofthefio!/owing describedproperfysitualed h71he State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit: Thatpart of Out/of B lying South of lie North tine of the Wesl l2 of The South %y of the Norfh %2 of the Southeast Quarter of the NortheastQubrter of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24, and That part of Dut/ot B lying /llorH7 of the South tine of the Norfh %2 of the North %2 of the Southeast %4 of the Northeast %4 0 ecHon /9 7ownshrp 28, Range 24 in Colonial Grove Third Addition, according to the map or p/at thereof on fife rand of record in The office of the Registrar of Tulles in and forsaid Hennepin County, and all that part of ouf/ot A lying North of a t/ne drawn parallel with the North /ine of said Out/of A through a point distant SOteetXouth of fhe Southeast Corner o%Got 28, measured a/onq a line which /s the extension Southerly of the Easterly /ine of sdid Lot 28, and thatportion of Lot 28 /yin9 Easterly Of a 11n drawn from the Northeast corner of said Lof to a point in the South tine of vald Lot 58.6 feet measured along said South line Westerly of fhe.Southeast corner thereof in "Colonia/ Grove Z'Zd Addition, Edina Xlnn.'; accorclin9 to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of T"it/es, Hennepin County, Minnesota. have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as cojoN/AL 6Rove S/xTH Aoolr/oN and do hereby donate and edicote to the pub/ic forpublic use fare ver The drive andp/ace as shown on the annexedp/a ; a/so subject to drainage and utility easeMentsOS r 4O vn on the annexed plat. /n witness whereof Johne.Bloomberg,/ne. hascaused tMesepresenls tobesiynedby its proper offleers and ifs Corporate Sea/tobehereunto affixed this day of A.O. /966 and Frontier /leve/oprnenf Corporation has caused lhese presents to be signed by itsproper046i ers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of .40.1966, and First National Bctnk of Minneapo/is has caused these presents to be Signed by its proper officers and its corporate sed/to be hereunto affixed this day of A0. Ig44. Signed In presence of John E. Bloomberg Inc /John E.19loomberq President Ca/lietYl io LerqI Secretaiy lnpreseneeof Frontier/Jevelop/ner7lC4rporation /r/presenceof by eri N. f5/oombergPrevla'enf by a ace � Ode// ,Secretor y Fi'rstNational QankofMinneavolis by by State of Minnesota County of Hennepin On this day of AD 1466 before nme,a tlofary Public within andforsaid Counfy and ftate,did personal/y app ear.✓oh17E,Bloomberq andla/heAl eloombery to me persona//y known, who each being du/y sworn did say lhaf They are the president andSecreta'ry,respectivelyof John f.Bloomherq,Inc. the corporation named in the 4'49re901'nq instrument and that raidinstrumenf wassiyned and Sealed in Gena/f ofsaid Corporation by authority of its Igo ard ofOirectors, and acknow/edged.said instrumenf to be the free act and deed of said corporation, qnd that the Seal affixed to raiel instrvrnenf is the corporate seal of said Corporatlon• Notary Public , Hennepin County, Minnesota My commission expires -..-- .Rafe of Minn esoier County of Hennepin On this day of R.0 1946 hefore me,a NotaryPublie within and for said County and Stafe,dldpersonal/y appear Herbert N. 8/oom6er9 and Wa/late C Odell to me personally known, who each being duly sworn did say That are the President and Secretary, respectively, of Frontier !>eve/op,,nent Corporatlon,the corporafion named in the fore9oinq instrumenf, and that said znsmameol was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and acknow/edgedsaic/instrurnenfta be the free act and deed ofsa�o corpora}ion and that the seal affixed to saidinstrument is the, corporate sea/of sdideorporation, Notary Public Hennepin County,minnesota State of Minnesota My corn mf"ion expires CountyofHennepin On this day of AD /966 before me,a Notary PO.M4 within and forsoid eountyand.rtate,a'idpersonolly appear and _._ to me personoll y known, wAo each being duly sworn did ray thaf they are the aind—____— respectively of First National 8onko1Minneapo%s,the corporation homed in the foregoing instrumenf, andthatsaid instrument was signedandsea/ed in beha/f of said corporation by aafhority of its BoardofOirectors and be the free adanddeed ofsaidcorparafion and that the sea/ affixed fo said instrumenf s the corporA'te seal of said corporation, Notary Public, Hennepin Counfy, Minnesota N/y commission expires I hereby certify that I have surveyed andp/dffedfhe property o'escribedon this p/at as-OLOIYIA( aRovE s/xT)yAOo/T/ON, that this isatrueandcorrecf representation of.saidsurveyi that all distance ' are correctly shown on the p/at in feet a17ddeci77a/s ofatoot; that the monuments for guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed in the ground as.rhown on the plan that the outside 6oundary lines are correctly desigaateo'on the plat; that there are no wetlands orpahllc highways to be designafedon said plat other Than asshownthereon, H B rad/e y Minn• fi'ey+ No. /f8B .State of Minnesota County of Hennepin Above certificate subscribed and sworn to before me, o NofaryPublic within aha' for sold Counfy and State, this11'�'r doy ofIVeV A.D. 1966. Z(JLr_ '^Asol, N. NEWTON Notary Public,Henneoin Counfy,Minnesota Public, I My commission expires MV comml eaoa Exrixas Ole. 4s. loll � w a BLOCK I a HA' ?P'F ; rA.RKI I a a 60 SCALE: I inch= 100 feet o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED I 8t_':,CK 8 i '')' 1. ')'OA, OF 2/707 a7.o7 °L 50o w5o i a :2 00 R. Z0.0 0 3030 -r- s 4 ' ° o, 3q �� •iy6 � _ 3sa6 - v N alio 00 N49 4 ,fNE4 ofSeC.28 R, 24 ;;. A. J hNSC N :; S"OUTHWCAOD PA RK The boundoriesofthisp/afandofthe blocks fhereinhavebeenmafhematica/lycheckedandapproved. No determination has been made to ascertain that fhe legaldescripfion ayires with said p/at Dated this a'7y of .40. 1966. E/mer J. Peterson, f/ennep�� Counfy Surveyor ibis pla t leas recommAnded far approval ty the P/anniing Commission of the Vil/oge of Edina, Minnesota ata regular meeting (hereof he/d this -S day of AU 1966. P/ nm C m iss n otE�� ` nesota hal man. This plat was approved and 75repleal by the Vi//age Council of thereof, held this m+1% day olPml — AO.' 1966. ��linnesota,� a regular meeting Mayor 1111/age Manager Know d// men by These presents thdt John E Bloomberg Inc., a Minnesafd carparation,ownerandproprietor of the fa//owr�f described property situated in the State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit:- Parcell, A//of Out/of A except thatpart /yin9 Norfh ofa/ine drawn parallel with the North lime of said OutlotA through apoinf distant 50 feefsouth of the Southeast' Corner of Lot 28 r7easvreda/on9 a /ine which is the extension Souther/y of the Easterly line of said Lot 28, a// in 'CoIonia/ 6rove 2 �!� dditian, E dinar Minnesota,'&, 1n9 J- the p/at thereof on fi/e and ofrecord in the office of fhe Registrar of Tales Hennepin County, Minnesota, Parcel 2 : That part of the North Half of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of lilyhe o f f 51ra ' uarterof Section !9, Township he, Range 24, according to the Un/feet States Government survey thereof, lying We ster/y of a stra�'q /ine drawn franc apoinfon the North /ine of.said tract distanf 456 feet West of 117e Northeast corner thereof to apoint on the 'FO uflh /ine of said tract distant 650 feet West of fhe Southeast corner of said tract, except fhatparf thereof platted as Colonial Grove Fourth Addition. And Fronfier Development Corpordfion, a Minnesota corporafion, owner and proprietor, and FirstNational Bank ofMi1.7r %s a Nationa/ Ban Finq Association, mortgagee, ofthefio!/owing describedproperfysitualed h71he State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit: Thatpart of Out/of B lying South of lie North tine of the Wesl l2 of The South %y of the Norfh %2 of the Southeast Quarter of the NortheastQubrter of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24, and That part of Dut/ot B lying /llorH7 of the South tine of the Norfh %2 of the North %2 of the Southeast %4 of the Northeast %4 0 ecHon /9 7ownshrp 28, Range 24 in Colonial Grove Third Addition, according to the map or p/at thereof on fife rand of record in The office of the Registrar of Tulles in and forsaid Hennepin County, and all that part of ouf/ot A lying North of a t/ne drawn parallel with the North /ine of said Out/of A through a point distant SOteetXouth of fhe Southeast Corner o%Got 28, measured a/onq a line which /s the extension Southerly of the Easterly /ine of sdid Lot 28, and thatportion of Lot 28 /yin9 Easterly Of a 11n drawn from the Northeast corner of said Lof to a point in the South tine of vald Lot 58.6 feet measured along said South line Westerly of fhe.Southeast corner thereof in "Colonia/ Grove Z'Zd Addition, Edina Xlnn.'; accorclin9 to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of T"it/es, Hennepin County, Minnesota. have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as cojoN/AL 6Rove S/xTH Aoolr/oN and do hereby donate and edicote to the pub/ic forpublic use fare ver The drive andp/ace as shown on the annexedp/a ; a/so subject to drainage and utility easeMentsOS r 4O vn on the annexed plat. /n witness whereof Johne.Bloomberg,/ne. hascaused tMesepresenls tobesiynedby its proper offleers and ifs Corporate Sea/tobehereunto affixed this day of A.O. /966 and Frontier /leve/oprnenf Corporation has caused lhese presents to be signed by itsproper046i ers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of .40.1966, and First National Bctnk of Minneapo/is has caused these presents to be Signed by its proper officers and its corporate sed/to be hereunto affixed this day of A0. Ig44. Signed In presence of John E. Bloomberg Inc /John E.19loomberq President Ca/lietYl io LerqI Secretaiy lnpreseneeof Frontier/Jevelop/ner7lC4rporation /r/presenceof by eri N. f5/oombergPrevla'enf by a ace � Ode// ,Secretor y Fi'rstNational QankofMinneavolis by by State of Minnesota County of Hennepin On this day of AD 1466 before nme,a tlofary Public within andforsaid Counfy and ftate,did personal/y app ear.✓oh17E,Bloomberq andla/heAl eloombery to me persona//y known, who each being du/y sworn did say lhaf They are the president andSecreta'ry,respectivelyof John f.Bloomherq,Inc. the corporation named in the 4'49re901'nq instrument and that raidinstrumenf wassiyned and Sealed in Gena/f ofsaid Corporation by authority of its Igo ard ofOirectors, and acknow/edged.said instrumenf to be the free act and deed of said corporation, qnd that the Seal affixed to raiel instrvrnenf is the corporate seal of said Corporatlon• Notary Public , Hennepin County, Minnesota My commission expires -..-- .Rafe of Minn esoier County of Hennepin On this day of R.0 1946 hefore me,a NotaryPublie within and for said County and Stafe,dldpersonal/y appear Herbert N. 8/oom6er9 and Wa/late C Odell to me personally known, who each being duly sworn did say That are the President and Secretary, respectively, of Frontier !>eve/op,,nent Corporatlon,the corporafion named in the fore9oinq instrumenf, and that said znsmameol was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and acknow/edgedsaic/instrurnenfta be the free act and deed ofsa�o corpora}ion and that the seal affixed to saidinstrument is the, corporate sea/of sdideorporation, Notary Public Hennepin County,minnesota State of Minnesota My corn mf"ion expires CountyofHennepin On this day of AD /966 before me,a Notary PO.M4 within and forsoid eountyand.rtate,a'idpersonolly appear and _._ to me personoll y known, wAo each being duly sworn did ray thaf they are the aind—____— respectively of First National 8onko1Minneapo%s,the corporation homed in the foregoing instrumenf, andthatsaid instrument was signedandsea/ed in beha/f of said corporation by aafhority of its BoardofOirectors and be the free adanddeed ofsaidcorparafion and that the sea/ affixed fo said instrumenf s the corporA'te seal of said corporation, Notary Public, Hennepin Counfy, Minnesota N/y commission expires I hereby certify that I have surveyed andp/dffedfhe property o'escribedon this p/at as-OLOIYIA( aRovE s/xT)yAOo/T/ON, that this isatrueandcorrecf representation of.saidsurveyi that all distance ' are correctly shown on the p/at in feet a17ddeci77a/s ofatoot; that the monuments for guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed in the ground as.rhown on the plan that the outside 6oundary lines are correctly desigaateo'on the plat; that there are no wetlands orpahllc highways to be designafedon said plat other Than asshownthereon, H B rad/e y Minn• fi'ey+ No. /f8B .State of Minnesota County of Hennepin Above certificate subscribed and sworn to before me, o NofaryPublic within aha' for sold Counfy and State, this11'�'r doy ofIVeV A.D. 1966. Z(JLr_ '^Asol, N. NEWTON Notary Public,Henneoin Counfy,Minnesota Public, I My commission expires MV comml eaoa Exrixas Ole. 4s. loll