HomeMy WebLinkAboutColonial Grove Third Additione
.SCALE -1 /N. = /OOFT.
Iherehyterlifythoflhovesurveyedandp/otfedtheprepertyclescri!>edihtfiis/�fafos LOGON/AL
GROVE iH/RD A00MOW thalthisplat rsa correct representar`�on ofso/dsurveythatal/dstonces
ore correctly shown on fheplaf /n feel anddec/irno/r ofafoof; Cha/Che /rronumrenlsforf/iegur00%tie
ajfuture surveyshove been carreclly�,o/aced lir the yroundo .rfbwn on fhe/slaf• Ael the outside
baunaary/iesore correct/y c%s/ynoted on the /s/af, r55of the toPoaro�hy of the /and/s carred/y
shogun on thep/af andlfraffhere ore no wet/ands or�u6/rc fi/yhways to rSe c�'esiyiratedon the
o/at other lhon as shown thereon
surveyor -
/%/Jove cerfrfrcale subscrifsedondswom to isefore me lfiis7L O'ay f� AQ/950
Htory Pub/ic, /Yei�nPpi� County, Mrrnesofo
My commission expires
This p/ol was alrpro ved orrd occe/rled fry lh& V/loge Council of E�rno /Y/r/7nesor`a afo '
regular meet%n9 thereof helo this tYoy of AD. /950
o 1`
Knowo//men byfhesepresents thofWe YUi//tom Ha// ono'A/ma (S*) ola//rcHa//, hus6ondondcafe, ownersondProPrietorsof
thatporlol the South one fourth fthe NorAZasheaorter(Nc%/ of the in nineteen (/9/
Township twentyeight (28) /Ionye twenf ur24/,/fennepii�CountyrYliirnesofodescrr6edosfo/%iys:CommerAcinyotaroointfiveoty,-
five(25JfeetSouthoffheNorth hheofsoiellz ndrS`iirty(3olfeetEosfoftfieWest/i�eofsaii�trocl thence mouth Porot/e/�vifh
the GYest/dire o/`sord>`ract nrinety (9o)feet,• fhem-e Eosf�oro/%/with the North /tee ofsoio tract Onehunore' eighteen
andsix-tenths(//8.c/ eet; thence Norf wexk?-Iyll%nety ondfaur-%nths Oo.o/ feetmore or/ess to a,00%nf which rstWm;f/
five (Z5/ feet Sou of the North /he of foia'lle or7d onehundredondten (//o/ feetEostof ffie oarnfof6eyinniny ffexe
West tothepointofbeginning/rereinaffertoheknown os TrocfA; a/so Noynar /.Hanson and yerKaC/ �oF/g/IsaMn� Vis/ y�no.
ana'wi e, owners ono ropnelors and Prov/deal Mufua/LIle /nsuronce Company of P/ri%o3e/oryii�,Amor9ofe soya
that l ojthe South one four)h(S%tf offhe NorlhEostquorter•(NE%/ afthe NorfhEastl'uorter(iYE%Jin ,Sectiannineteem
(/9J wnshio twenty eiyhtCZe/ Ron9e twevtyfoar(24/, fterrnepinCounty, Xinnesoto descri6edosfo/%ws,Ilo1771V, nyotrSSc
NOrthwestcornerolsoidtroct; thente.bufh onfhewest/rico/soidtrocfodsfonceafOne/f�nore+aFif/ren(t(5/feeffatfie
octuo/poinfof6eyrn12" 11heSoai3afan9saidWes>`/1i?eod `once ofSixfy-five(6s/
feet; themceEostporo/%/ fo lite NartiS /r/ie ofsaid ,South Quorter(S/r�/ ads7`once of One HundredFijffy->rwr ona'Fou� fenf//s
(/544) feet; thenceNarthwe Merty to apoiirf 1h a /lire drown from the octuo/po%nfojbeyiirniny /Dora//e/wifi5 ffie//artiri /ire
ofsord SouhS Quarter (S%/ which paint Is One Hundred Fnrfy eryhf and kik tenths (/4,r% feet Eosto/any sato ou o/%/
/lite from the Wesf /lite a%soio' Soutfi Quorter- (S*j c,e West,o/or/ sorlf Dora//e/ /rte fo theoelelal iirtafbeyinniny
except the West Thitty (-?,I/feet of the tract here%/r c•thenonveyed iiereinofferfo be FnaWrr as Tract %�
also ✓ohn.Qodrrey Ne/son and./arephiire Qviirn hWron, hus6andandwife/a/vnersarro',o10101 rbcs, ond/Ydllrwesftm
Notoria/Bon�ofiY/iirneoroo/rs fiorfyo jee of That/sorfof/fie Sauffi ane fourth lS/Y/ of ffieNortfiE»sfQaa>b
(NE%) oflhe North East Quarter (NE%/ afSection nineteen /9/ TwI?Jjhj/ Twenty-eiyhr`(2Bj:Pon, r`wenty fcvrr
(24/ descnhedosfa//ows, Commencing a' the I1orthwes�camerof rata' frOc 1hel7ee South ori the wes>`
/lite afraid tract /80 feet fa theparirf of heyiirn%ny off/ie r`rocf to Tse described, >`fieirce cantiiruiiry So�r°h
o/ani� sato W sffirie aO*e/ ffrence Easla/an9 cr/nelva,-allelw1fh r`fieNarffi/ne ofsoio �aurY%o�s/Orxe
of /60 feet t race NorhSwesterly a dlslonce of 60.27 feel more or less fo ci oornf /rr o /ne drown from fr5e
poli»` of 6eyirin// y tiara/lel with the Na1-th /rte of s oto' �aur%i //f , which paint rs /54. ¢ feefEoslo/any solo
laarallw /ine from theWest/rte of soidSoufh %, thence Wesfalony roto y✓oro/%f/tire /o >`he,00in>`of 6e9rirniiry
except the West` y0 feet` afff/e trocthereiir c%scribed and/iereiriofferlo 6eiFnown as Tract C a/o lorrii7 R.
Swenson and La Crane W..SWeasorn hwsrk»oaIW w,&, owners and oroor,elors and Peter ,4. JWenSOn and Gero'a /Y Swenson
hushandand wife rnortgogee, of Thatparl' of the Saafh Quorter of the //artheosf Quarter of the rYcrf/reostgrrorfer
(s%j /YE% -NE%) afSection Nineteen(/9/ Township Twenty-eight .Porrye Twenty faur(2¢/ descrrbedasfa//o`vs:
Larn/nenciir9 Ile /Yarthweslccrrneraf oto tract; thence Sout%r on the Wesl/1ne ofsord tract Tivor`/unaredForfy
r`nce Eost�arof/e/with f North /ne of soi4 tract Thrily (30/ feerc r`o thepa1rifof beyirrrr/nq oflhe
trod to lse described ffience Soutfil�aro/%/ with the Krest/ire ofsoib' Irael Forty (4al feet tf7ence o/a/i9 cr
long-ratio/curve to the /elf hoviir9 oradus ofTWenty (2a/feet ondo centro/arty/e of /SriiefydeJrees (9o'J u
distance of Thirtyy-one ona/Farfy- twQne hundredths (3/. 4z/ feel • ¢hc�n �rr9 a reverse curve hovi/i9 oro�dras
ofTwo firundredTwenfy-five (225f ander centra/any/e of Tweirr`y-onei / a drstairce of�i9hfy fr✓o
and Forty seven one%iun�edAfs( Z.42/ feel; thence Souffieoster/y o%rr9 o for/ eirf Ao /osl r/e-n -IZed curye
a Distance of Fo/7`y(�/ Feer nra-e or /ess r�o q/so1irl tri the Souftr /ne of rotor �urYi l�uor>er(s%/drsfant
One hundrea'ana' Sixt ei ht Dna Four lenlh,,- (/c8¢/ feeta&7n , sato Xoufh /ire from the Sauthwestcarner
of said South (�uarter r� f >`f7ence Hr wester/ rYriely orad Four- tent/rs (90,4/ eet more or /ess r�o 0 oa/irl
1n 4 /tie drown from e /solril ofbe9 nnriry o0 0/ w/>`h the North /rite of solo f'aur//i Quorter (� %/
which,0,011/1 /s One//rund/-edT/nrl`y (/3O/feet Eosl o%n� said oaral/e/ /rite from f/ie)ooi/7t of 6eyinn/rry;•f/rence
/Sesk�/a�ysoiolwiat/e//tie to lhe�orrif of 6e9innin9,fiereirioffer fo fe f norvrr as Tract -O� also Ord�e Z .
/Jovis and Ira M. Oaais hushondand wife owners ond/sro r/etors of >hofj�orf oflfie Eosf fro/f o/ e
South Half of the 11ol-1h ftaof the XMIAf ort 4uarter he hY ,- Seasl quarler (E%Z - �'/z -H'lz %-/Y e*
oj,Seclion Nineteen (/V ow,?xAp 7we171y-e/y 71 (2s/ Drage Twenty-fouz lescrr6eoQsfo/%�ss:
C'orn1771e�nc117g al aparirt on the Eost /rite ofsord Eost fi'a/f oftheSoutfrHa/i o/tfie rYorthHo/f o the Sou/fieosf
�Uaril9 Of the Norlfi east QUOrter (E%2 -.S%2 rig%2 - SE%l� /YE%FJ of Sectral) /y/neteen(/'j/ d/.f�+inI 51XIY r✓e �GS�
feet North of tfie Southeast corner lhereoj; fhenc e Wesf a f rich /any/es to solo' Eosf /lire Thiify-three
(33) feet; thence o/any a lonyenlro/ curve to fheriyhl hav/irq a r-aall&7 of Eiyhty(8a/feet a distance of
Sixty-five orad Eighty three Onehurrdredr 5sfeelfcfB3)• �ceNcrtfiwes i/y a/any a r`anyerz/lo solar curvehlire y
(9o/feef lfience atriyhtany/es Northeaster /y Two Hundred .Sixteen 0/7,01'Sixty-seven One hundredlhs(Zic. cT/feet
><oo/aorhton the Eost/lire of said Section Nineteen oyaodl(/9/ TwF17cl ty-e/yht
One/iandredths (240.28) feet North of 1/iepo/n1 of heyirrn/rig; thence South to pori�l of he rrrn/try here/nal
fo he ¢Hawn as Tract E a/so f/er6erfN. $/oambery ownerand oropr/etor of The Nrfh Hol�Nfz/oftheNorlhHo/f
(N%2) ojthe Southeast Quorter (SE%/ aftfie Nartfieosf C�uarter (NE %/ of Section Nineteen(/9/ono of rhe soulfi one
fourth (S%4/of the North Eosl quarter (NE%t ojfhe North Eosl Quarter (N5%) except thatparl of the rt/orlii fi%fy
(50/ feet thereof
of the /
/y,iry Eost center tie o N%/nnefrofia lreeh ancf exce/✓f herel,4 before mentioned
Tracts f7; f3",'C and`O one/o/soownerOflEoslf/a/foftfie South Na/f oflfreNarfhftolfafe�oul/>eosr`
Quarter of the Northeostquorter (Erle -Sr/2 N% E%y NE%/ of Section Nineteen(/9/ eXce l hereirr6e menticvred
Tract E " al/rir To wn shro Twenty-eryhf (24g) Range Twenty -7rour and /ohn r�/. faorrrbery and Bertha C.
/,j/oa/n/serg husband andwife, owners and proprietors a fire Aleslfiio/1(Ay/Z/ a/Sau7'hNO11KF�
Tia/f�H%?/ of 3aurrfieost 4uarter(SE%) of Northeast F�uorter (NE/�f rir Section Nineteen(/9/Towrrsfi�TKen>�yY eryhf
(ZB) North Forage Twenty-fourWesl, have caaJed f/ie Same to /se surveyed arra ro/affedas 000ON/AL
GRo vE Tr!/R¢ f)rsvi riory and we do hereby donate ar�d dedicate fa the Crab/it fa- the use of r`he/suf✓/ic
forever o//lhe'streets, roods /ones arks as shown on the crnr�cXed/�/o><
In wii`ness whereof we hove hereunto set ourhonds ondseo/s this /7 c/ayof �/U/y A!>/950
Norlhwestern Notlonalearrkof /yl1,;Veopa/is
gy W///am t/c/ // La Ilan e /N. werrsoo
r9lma Co/lie //a// Peler, 4. ,S we-nson
Prav1denf/Ylufua/Life /nsuronceL rnporryol101k deofi1e
1Va91Wr A. Howson erc�ro A/ Svvenscvr
,f/ate of Minnesota gy
County of Hennepin
0,71h15- day of r9Q /950 /relate me a Notary Pub/ic within ondfarsoidCounty
persona///appeared and to me perrono//y%pawn who beeryy by me each duly
o the Norlfwestem Nofiono/Ba17e
swarm'idsaylhafl/reyoreres/rcr'tive/y Dna' f
Mnneopo//s t/e ca/porot/on named/r7 the reyo/nyvistrumenf f of e sea/off Xearlo sard7nslrunrent/s fire
corporate sea/of oidcarporation thafsoid /nsfrumenr/wos s/ynedondseo%rm 6e/rolfofSordcorparvfan
,Y a&
ofitshoard ofd/recfOis ano'rhol rare% crr�d ocknaw/c�d9ed
,said rrrstr-urnerrl fo he /`he free oc1 orad deed o said carparofion .
Notary Puh/c, flenne,0in County, Mirnesola
My calnnm/ssion expires
Stale of S5
Countyof /?0 /950 (efore mea /1/aforyPuh/rc within amdfar-,ra1a'Caunfy
On this dot/ of to mersona// fnowr7 who heinq 6y , 177eP each du/y
/sersono//y appeared and _ and pef/'ron�%ntttutao/z/fe/nnrroncervrna
sworn ddsoylholfhey are respect/vely 1f
olphi/aae/phintlie car oration Homed/i»`lie foreytru e t was -r f red andseol eo i 6 h f fs idea �orofian
thecorporolesea%aidcorpaaforr,thatso�d ns m 9 hy
at saand gcknow/edyea c�uf/rority ofils fsaord of Directors crud thto
soid/nstrurnenllo be brie free octane/deeq'of.s'ar4'cDrporation.
Notary Rub/c _ Coun/y,
NY cornet/scion expires
vera M. orison
�/a n Pce/ney Nelson
, losephaie Qa/nn esor�
orvin R 57AV&17.sO,?
O/-ornye Z. /Javls
, q M. vavis
✓afro /Y. B/oom6ery
%3erl o C B Dam erg
llel-herl T B Dorn erg
Stole 01.1Wii7nesoto Z SS.
Cacrntyof //&/7/7,011 J
on this day of AQ /950 before
me a Myotony Pub/c within aril for card County Persano//y appearea
GYI%/'omt/o//A/ma Co/fie Aa( // ti/o9norll.Awsan, !/era fl honson ✓ohrr
yadney�,IYQXOI? �e�o e�uinrr/ye/sort Mor vin R. Swenaon, LOYone W.
Swenson ah' e urs, /c7 M. �nYrs �hn N 51oom6ery $erlhe C.
. 1C 13er andfler-herfN. Bloomberg to meRersonal//%rnawn to
be /fie ldersons a'escri6edin aricd who executed r`he fareyoiny
/nstrumenl an 4/ochnowledged t/ra/ they eXecuted the came
os llreir free acts orad and cid.
Notary lJull//C, //enneioin County, Mnnescia
rtly comrniSJ/on eX/o/�eS