HomeMy WebLinkAboutDanijohn's AdditionDANIJOI4N's ADDITION PENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA oDen4e5 Iron Monurne4c) F.(5AN,FIELD &NOWAK n 50alli 11ne 117&1rf/7 8081'e�ef ol- VZ ol�NEj' oll5ee. 32-1/7- 21 • .... `194.3 ----149.3- Gifi/ify E�'SeraCr/f It o° 5 evo d 17,<V 4 4 9 90. 0 7 �, N ti >� q3°6,B o 3 °O 50' V lio 120 r L0C IS) ,20 Q } 0 8 50 5� 60.29 40 D` ,2539 2cb nom yor P110%1. 5 urveyors •- 9p055� ?? m I � Q� eL The forego/n6Plaf was aoo vved,9nod,9ccepleo'6y >`h 1T// P/air rr Co /nission o>`EW1;2a e /arse ni� r77 10knesole,,949 l/ar neef/�llereofhe/dlhis day of - A+, 195 i bi/s Chairman The from �o/al of DA�ur✓os%v5 Aooirrov was a/ooroved a o�acceoled6y /he Y//a�oe Cour�c/%f Edna 4k717e5o14q o1,;7 177eelinyr lhereol' he/dl�iis day - - A.D. 1956. V11- LACE COMAIC/L OF ED//VA , M//VNE50 rA Mayor KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: thaf Mabel%. ✓01-2n5017 and 11. Mathew J017n6on, her husband owners erro' pro/orielors or 117e l 011owin descl-lsed prO/oerly siluale in the Stale ol'Minneso><a 0"0, County wr1-11ernnepin /ow// -.- Thal part or11-2e NES' orlhe Alf ol'Seclion 32, Townsh/lo 117, Ra `o -e 21, /yin70- Nor/her/y of U. S. M/,� /7WVy N°/69 and 212, and /yin o- South of the Nor/h 808 fee t /hereo>t' ar�d /yinp West of 2 /•ne para//e/ w1117 ar/d /022.5 et Wes/ o>^Ihe Ea51 /ir7e of'Sa/d 5ec7`1'017 32. Also The Minneapolis Savinps acrd Loan Assoc�at�on, a Minneso/a Corporation, rnor/�a ee OP the r o //o wi 7 de s crr 6601proper/�y fow/� That/part of �/ie �y/ /20 � e/ of the NE' or the NEj o't 'Sect/ori 32, To w17 11, R2r7,pe 21, lyIl f /liorlher/y ot'U. 5. Alli-hway /V°/69 ,91701212, and/y/r��r 5ou/her/y o>`' 1iie Nor//i /033 et thereof' Wave caused the 52nr/e to 6e surveyed and7o%//ed a5 DAn�r✓oy/vs Aoo/T/oJn� and do hereby donate ar2ddedcale to the pudic r rlou6/c use lorever the /ane as Show,- c, -71h e annexeo'/o/at A/yo 5u6Iect /o Ufi/�ly Eg5e1?7e,,71s as shown on the a17r7exed p/a,',- >or use ofinanicipahly or ofherpu6/7c 4111/ides, 101-ir7s/al/allow ar2drrra1r71er>arvice or<fac./ries 11751a1/eod in ar2od over Said easerr7enls 10 serve aod�vcenl or olher,orenmise5 in the vicin/1y. Ir wrl"e ys whereof' 5,91C/Mabel 1�,John5or7 and // Malhew Johnson have hereunto yelllvli - handy amdsea/y 1171sZeA_ day A.D. 1956; and said The &117ne,91,00/s 5aviT5 ar2dZoarvAssocial�or? has cacvsed11iese,oreser7ls to 6e .510 cl6y /1s /orolaer officers 91201115 corporate Sea/ to 6e hereunlo a1�xeo1 /1776'; h day oil'-Oc ,G- A. D.1956. /n presence of'.-- Sioned lasi•o Mabel H.Johnson 1 2nd A. Mathew Johnson ' ''�- 25�o Lloyd K.Pe�erSon �'�-'" i ✓ Vis_-�� �.<-__.. � and N.W. 6recmNoo� (SEAL THE M/NNE1AP-4L/5 SAV/N65 AND LOAN A550c/AT/ON STATE OF MAINE S . S. COUNTY OF NENNEG/Nf On 117i5 i eX day o{• Oczwz�,e A. D.1956, 6erore Ine, a No><ary PWA,, persona//y appeared Made/ l/✓ohnsorr anol W Ma//rew Iohnsol7, her hvs6917o; to me /fr7owr7 to be the persons descri6ed117 arvdarrd who execated rhe /or��r iris1rurVer7l and they ac%r7ow/eoFed 1ha1 they execaled the 5arne v5117eir own Tree act a1� -de d R.M•UEHIZE Nofery Pu6hi , //ennepin Counly, MinneSole My Cornrnission Exoires 6�,�. -3 , 1541 STATE of M/NNESOTA COUNTY OF gENNEP/N 5.5.0n fhls I?tk day or � � - A. D.1956, befre me, a Nofary Public, personally aopeared L/oyolA Aelerson 21701 Greenwood, fo 177eper5ona//y known who 6yrr7e each duly Sworn did Say They are re5/Oec/ive/y Secretary and Presider7l o{' Sea/ al Xed t0 5aio/ins17-u r/enl is , 7 trurenrlha//1e corporationTheMinneaoo/s 5avinFrS and Loan A55oathe corooralior7 rramed%nthe �rir5 the co/,00rale sea/fhal Said ins/rur7e1was5��7eodar7d5ea/ed/rr 6eha/f' or52io'corporation 6y aat%7or7ly of115 Board of Directory a•7d5aiol Zloyd K Pelerson and hW 6� -eenwaad aclrnow/ej�,o1 saioI 7r7y1ru7nenl to 6e 1he free act ar7d c4ec1 oloe4Sa/o/ eorpora><ion. Notary Pu61ic, llennepin Counly, Minne50/a My Cornn7i55io17 & oire5� :3z,,// /here6y cerlily Thal /have surveyed anodplaited lhe/oro/oerly de5cri6edonl:'/y/o/at as 04N/✓ov 5Aoo1r1oNj 1%10��1/7is o��fisacorrect reoresenlat/On Ol'so9id5arvey; 117,91 a ll o116;1cqnce5 are correctly shown On the pl,9l /n 7 eel ano/ o'eoll7w15 of:5;p 7 pot, 117,91 117e 177onamen/s > or Jpuidaiwe of irulure surveys are correctly placed in fhe v%'ournd ay 5170w,7 on flee plz7l; 117,91 fhe oalyide boundary /145 are correct/y, des nafed on fhe,o/ar; fha111ie 10 oossra�ohy of 1116 %and i5 correct/y shown on 11ie,o/a1 and 11iaf there are no wet /ends or�u6/c L j 'hway5 to 6e o1 y 7z;?1eo1 on yaiO'AVl 01,4er 1,0iR � 4V5 shaw.-7 1,4ereaW A n STATE OFM/1v1vE5oTA 5arveyok-Nl�i7neso Re�islra/ionN°2264 S. COUNTY OF I�ENNEP/N 1 5. Aove cerlill'cafe sa65c1-4ed ar2dsworn fo before 1,-7e, a Nolary,Du6//c, 1/715_ D. 1956. Checkeal and a7ooro ved this da�' ofd % A. D.1958. //enneoin County Surveyor /az�-f1 cit Notary Pub/7'c, //ennepin County, Mlnwe sofa My C0177n7isSior7 Expires l z 3, / 9G D M