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Donatelle's Terrace
DONA TEL Lf S TERRACE ols I int —*— m A4 l 9 /ra HENNEp/N COUNTY, M/N/V. EGA N, )CIELD & No WA K Er jinCCrs i Surveyors 5ca/c l "• 20March. 4954 -� ��"� ;M '��w 110 North 11ne �/ (iovernmenl L'913, sec. 33, 1'117 R 21 i TRA c T T R A c T x monu>ned bqk KNOW ALL MEN 5Y THESE PDESEN75 : that Edward P Donafe/%, and Marian E. Donafe/fe, his wife, owners and proPric /ars of fhe fo/%winJ¢ descrid ed ior000rly �ifaale in fhc County of /%nnc/oin and Sfafc f /y/inncyo/a t vif - - Traol N, and fhe casfcr/y 92 fec/ 11 -on/ and rear o Tac/ V, /1aois/cred Land Survey P ISO, Hennepin Counly, /V%inncso/a and /hc &51 /25 /cc/ a f/ie tas/ 955 leel a f c A/orlh /50 ccf e Ae Norfh ! o Ae Norfiicas/ 1 a Gorernmen/ /ol 3 Sec/ion�93 T wnshi 117 Q e 2/, //cnoe in Covn1v �1 inncso/a h� ca� ed fhc same X 6e survc ed a d� /af/cd as DONATELLE15 TERRACE and"do hcrefy o ale and dedicale to fhc pub/o 1r /ouhhi use orerer fhc s/reel a .5iown on fhe annoxedPlol /o wilne-55 pyherco Said Edward P. Donafe/% and /Marian E Donafc/%, his wi e, haye hcrcunlo vl fhcir hands and sea/s ihis� day o f i�� `V _ A.D. 1954. In�Prescncc f . 5�ncd : - As 4 Edward P. Dona%/lc (sea/) Slalc of lwl;/ne50fa s. s Counly Hennepin 0n lhis�da y aft A. D. /954, 6c f rc me, a IV Aar}' MIX PWIN7 and for said Covnly and Safe,�cr--5ongllj appeared Ldwaro l Dona/c/%, and /Marian E. Donafeffe, his rvifc, to me /sown fo 6c /hc Persons described in anon �vexecufed fXe for oar j in.sfrumen1, and fhcy vnbvvylo�ocd fha/ fhcy executed /hc 5ame as /heir own cc aG/ ane/ deeo.l No{ar y A412, #enncpin Coon4y, My �.o/1�n7/S5/On EX�/res n'omny ?�huc tI t ,Pan County, �gie�y�. *fi 5/ale of MinnesoYTE s. 5. County of flcnncPin /hereby ccr/if y fha/ / hauc surYcyed anol��a>`leci fhc ProPcr{y described on /fiis f>/a/ as DONATE LLE 5 BRACE ; Mal fhis ?/a/ is a corrcc/ rcpresen/a /ion of said Survey; Thal all dis/ances are corrcc//y shown on fhc p/a/ in /cc/ and dccima/s f a foo/; fh2/ fhc monumcnls for ruidancc f fu/ure sveycys are corrccl/ shown on the P/a/; 1hxf fhc outside hovndary Ines are mriec/fy v/e5i Haled on fhc pTa6 A91 the lop5ryAr of the /ano/ ry corrcc/ly .Shown on the P/a/ and /hal lucre are no wcf /ands or /uoc /i jhwar / do c%s�naled other Phan as shown thereon. 5urvey�r' 41/nnC50/7 Above cerhi f ca/e subscribed and .sworn fo before me, a Nolary Pub/ic, this 26o�ay % y/� A.D. 19,54. ,12TNu2 4.. ©STC vND Nolary Public, Mcnncpin Coonfy, Minncsofa My Commission Expires monumen/ The forl�oin¢ p/a/ was aPproyed and accefoled by the Pfannii?¢ Commission of he !/i/f!ge o f Edna, Minnesola, ala r yular mceb, theref held Phis= day f A.D.1954. PLANNING COMM/55/0/V OF J/ILLAGE OF ED/NA, MINN. The fore oinJyS p/al was ap�rovcd and acce/cd 6r the D. 1954. Ghcdcd and a, proyeal Phi,5. by its Chairman //'flapc Council of Eoina, Minncsola, a/ a r yular meclin¢ Ameaf III L day o f A. D. 1954, 4--&)E CO UNC'/L 0% —ms's a hcnnepin Cour/y 5urvcyor EDINA, MINN. its C/cr�