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Duoos Rearrangement of Lots 12 13 14 Block 2 Southdale First Addition
Duoos REARRANGEMENT OF L OTs /2 /3 &/4, BLOCK Z, SOCITH/.9ALE F/RS7"ADD/T/ON HENNEP/N CD U)vTY, M/NNESOTA SCALE - //n/, = .SOFT, N/y 14, 8/ock Z Sou/`ha�a/e frs-f f�ddifioo; /$O - /ro/7r770n. /rcn /77,,OP, r \ kz f h r I- A47 Mm •s/ . Y //7�B0oaF Z Souyhc/a/P Firrf /� n! 68 7-iy Dhedred a17 t-/ appro vOq' fh/s sT 11 dqy 14 v /9S 'in ward Gf/ci • hen17epi17 C0zenIX , urveyor DBPay This p/af wasa/Fraveo' gnq'crcc0/o74ed by Phe 1/.%/a9e 6aync1/oy'Ec/noMirWerO7`a cif a reyu/crr meefio9 1`hereo%fie/d Phis /ri`sy o/7 ,+ /D. /9SS h' 70w a//Inert by 7`/7erepreserl/s 117af we, Hqr-Cld,4.Ouoor unc/Eve/yn . /woos, fiusf3orAdar7a'wif� M& W1111M7 F, Fyerse17, _ring/e ow17ers fo/%w%n g Q'e rcri6eq'�ra/�crf y sifua/e /17 Phe ffafe C'0ur7r`yofh'e17'7eR11.2 fry W//z Lof 7"y�e/ve (/?/ , e/oc� T,wo (Zj , Sour`fic9'o% Fi�rf, flc�'q'ifior�, anc/ f/oro1CIA- /Jugs pi7dEve/yr�"9. uootfiuf600c1u77a'wi�P,4nc/W%/vFeyeixe7� xvyF� and Thome Igros Inc,1 cr cor�oru7/iorr oryor7rzed under 7`fie /aw.s cf 7he J7 e of" 117r7ero7`a� fce orvncr; of'Lofr 71-41kleen (/Jj ar7d 1'co4rr'1'ee17 (/4/, TWe-(2%� �auf/�c%/e rs�`Ac%/ifion hove cuureo'fhe sair7e 7`o he sur-veycc/and /afyeo' or /JUDOS �PE�9 Q C'A�/CEMENT OF Lois 14 /3 dk /4 i��Oc/' 2 aJ J/7own on fiic4W17e%elel Iq/afandwedoherehy9ovwlcAnddcdila/efo,hieoab/icforMeuseoffhe�ud/icfareuer tesfieefdriyear/Seaserner/o rrno,7 ej17verd Io wrfi7css whereof we have hereunfo seri our hono'J and sea/s >`�ie ' < �' '�alay 'r/ P'f Jn ;°rererice of ; / f/Qro/d f/. Ouoos .Eve/ynAnaeJuoo s e Gi/iI/iom � fe ycrs��n h Presence 0/"* v' 67d �3'falc of %Ylir7i7Eso�d Z s S Cour7f y of'HEnne�ir> J ; clay of 1_r �� 1912 /95%%etre 177e a/�6f4ry Pub/rc WA //7 Ar7d for ward 4fG//7fy Der 0120//y aljO red ffaro%/ff, /-24/00.f qod Eve/1vr?1lAheJ4100r a!Id Ni//iarn 1 Aeyersen fo me Renrorr4//y knower fo be fhe/Jersons c%scriGeo' in ar70" who execu/ec/ f/7e ,�orc9oir7y rhsfrurr�en/and gc�rry ry/ed5r�c/ fhof fhey �Xecufec/ Phe carne as ,`heir free e�ef arra' deed /Yo7`ar y IOWA? , hlenne01r7 eeu17/y, MIi 717es07`4 My cOr1717'7 / r -r/0/7 ex/0ires S/Afe cl'Af /%7r7e roX �• S Counfy of l/e17,7epri7 4771'h15'' dq y of- cr /Yo/a'-7'Y Iou6/rc w11171,? and for said Coul?fy, Rers000/% fO 1ne/0ersona//y down who, 6&� 7� 7 6y /77 each c/u/y 6-worrn o/ic/o'ay fha/ ey 0� e - �d /-es/2ec bf &// ffi e 'r - �� ���' crnc/ , . df Thorpe /�i-os Inc., Phe corI9orallll Horned /%7 f/e fGre90//7Q //yr7<rumen7" a170(11401 Ar .7c4f/ 4Jff red 7/0 J4%!/117 rU/77�I7 iS /he Cor�oroJ/e sea/ ejrs4ridcorpora>llior7 aoci ffiaf sa/d �17X''rurr7en/ wos- siyoederr?d sE01&d/rrh&,ho/�afJaidcor�orafor7 6y au7`horify of ifs Soarn'of/Jr�ccfors a17dsaid ��1 r, % s � Ernc/ . �' � �� ` rrcfnaiv149dgea' fhaf They execufe n/1he some as f/e free� Aef4l-y PW/C f/e170ep1r7 e2>4/r7/y 01717C -Vii My 60177mrssr617 e,�211'eS h; ,ry Pir6h Ihere6ycert/fy11701lhavesurveyecTsand/�/af/ec/f/iepro/erfyc%scrihedirlfhrsp/of as DUOOS �E.9RR.9h'GEMEiY7 of LOTS /2 13,5,114- BLOC/r 2 �octTf//�"9LG FIRST r`l�D/riow; >riiof Ii7is a/m`rS c/ corrocf jeprFs�7a7`ion'yr7�sw0/7 Ae /�/af /n >'eef and c%irno/s ofc� faof; ffiaf �`i7Plr7onuiner77s for fhe9uic�'o�ce of j�ulure rs'urYeys have hen correcf/yam/acea'ii7 7he gIvalv'gsshowr/ e?7 fhep/af; 117alPhe oufsiare boui7aleory //7e Sore corrocf/y aresi9nalea"on fhe/�/af f/aifhefopo9ra�hy of Phe /Qndiscorlec>l//�rl7ewr7 on Phe p/af and 1ha/ 1,Iere are no we/ /ands orou6/c k7hwoys 7C 6e c%s�ynafec/ 0,7 the /�/07° ofher fh or? as chem? lhereon , Surveyor - .9bave cer>i c'a7`e wossubscrihec/anc�'syvorn fob re me the 3/.5Z -cloy of/�ecern6er�`I/✓/�S¢ Nof y ,ouG/r�, //e�7oeT✓�� leafy /Y/ii7nesofa /Wy corrrrr7rssrar7 ely�tres rz (io -/9S�' • ,1;..5 -,.reed, nota,• RE'in, fles:rt4cfe; a�,. :_ ; .ar n4isinl Expires Avu 4, IVA