HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdina Bel-Air 1st DivisionKeo Z~ N 4 0 On this day of (� A. D. before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, person- ally appeared G Lee Johnson, h io be the persons described in and who executed 0 instrumen+ and the\/ affirm and Q I +heir own free act and deed. 001 I I h I p I of � o h k 0 1 1 k I 0 �� S v7 r 44 IRN i k 8 �I North /05V of 1120 E. !z Of dY. iY of S. W. i4 4/5, DY. i4 0{ Sec. 20, TWO, 29, N, /1¢Te. 24, & --- 329.85--- _ IRON MONUMENT - _ Mom MONUMENT M W 114.92 30 �C5 QV /2 134.92 O 134.91 • N /0 60th. ST. Aa 114.92 IN 134.92 2 134.91 3 134.91 30 134.91 3 On this day of (� A. D. before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, person- ally appeared Melvin P. Johnson and 6arbara Lee Johnson, his wife, to me personally Known io be the persons described in and who executed 4 instrumen+ and the\/ affirm and Q 1 12 I o +heir own free act and deed. 001 I ,a h 134.90 134.90 h �� S v7 r 44 IRN 8 �I 134.90 I � � I o o 134.90 to ao e a moo( I�\\ 9 � 0 _ ! �e \ .A � � 1 i 30 N -� ) oo• MI 12'SoME NT-- - 4A q3 1202 1. 460 /1/- IST. DIVISION VILLAGE: OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. C ARTWR i G HT Si OL50N Rojistered Land Surveyors KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That we, Melvin P Johnson and Barbara Lee Johnson, his wife, owners and proprietors, and E. G. Thernell Construction Company Inc./ a . Minnesota Corporation, contract purchaser of the following described property situate in +he Cour-)+y of Hennepin and the State of Minnesota towit : That part of the East One-half CE.`/2) of the West One-half (W.'/2) of the Southwest Quarter (5.W.`/4) of the 5outhwest Quarter (5.W.'/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twenty-eight North (28,N.), Ranke Twenty-four West (24, W.) described as follows, Commencing a+ the Northwest corner of said East One- half C E.'/2) of the Wes+ One-half (W.'/2) of 5outhwest quarter (S.W.'/4) of the Southwest Quarter (5.W.'/4-) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twenty-eight North (28, N.), Ranf c Twenty -four West (24,W.), thence South along the West line thereof a distance of F,•ve Hundred 5eventy (5'10.0 feet, thence at rich+ an#les East a distance of Fifty (50.0) feet, thence on a tanentiat curve tothe left, the radius of which is Four Hundred Sixty and Seven Hundredths (460.07) fee +, a distance of One'Hundred Seventy-one and Ninety Seven Cundredths(1'1.9) feet, thence Northeasterly tangent to said curve a distance of One Hundred Twenty and Two tenths (120.2) feet more or less to the East line of said East One - half CE.'/2) of the West One-half (W.'/2) of the 5outhwest Quarter CS.W.'/4) of +he Southwest Quarter (5.W.'/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twenty -eib,ht North (28, N.) , Ranoc Twenty- four Wes+ (24, W.), thence North alone the East \fine of said East One-half C E.'/2) of the Wesi- One-half (W.'/2) of the Southwest Quarter (S.W.'/4) of the 5outhwest Quartcr C5.W.'/h) of Section TweniN (20), Township Twent\{-eight North (18, W) I Ranee Twenty-four West (24,W.) to the Northeast corner ihereo4, thence West alon(,i the North line thereof +othe point of beoinninc; have caused The same to be surveyed and platted as EDINA BEL -AIR I5T. DIVISION and.do hereby donate and dedicate' to'the public for the public use forever, The 5treets and Avenues as shown on the annexed plat, also subject +o easements for Utility purposes as shown on the annexed plat. In witness, whereof, we- have se+our hands and seals 4 -his -day of A. o, In The Presence Of : Signed z As to M.P.J. As to B.L.J. Asto E.G.T. STATE OF MINNESOTA) s.s. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 1J E. G. THEIZNELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. President SCALE: /"= 60' Notary Public , Hennepin County, Minnesota We hereby certify that +he Villap Council of +he Villa¢e of Edina, Hennepin Coun+y, Minnesota, duly accepted and approved the annexed plat of EDINA BEL-AIIZ IST. DIVISION, at a re¢ular meetin� thereof held this' day of A. D, VilWe of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota Mayor filer My Commission Expires STATE OF MINNESOTA) s s COUNTY Of HENNEPIN J On this day of A.D. before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, persona\tN appeared E. G.Therneil , +o me persona Uy Known, who being by me, me duly sworn, did Gay that he is E.G.Thernell, President of `.E.G. Thernell Construction Companylnc,+he Corporation named in the forc4Aoin4 hs+rumernt, that +he seal a+fixad to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporations and that said insfrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by au+hority of its Board of Directors ; and said E. G.Thernell acKnowled4es said instrument +o be +he free act and deed of said Corporation. Notary Public, Hennepin County, Mtnnesoia My Commission Expires I hereby certify that I have surveyed and pla+ted +he land described in the dedication on this sheet as EDINA BEL = :AIR. IST. DIVISION that +his plat is a correct representation of Said survey; +hat all distances are correctly shown on said plat in fidures denot- inq feet and decimals of a -foot; that the monuments for the ¢guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed in the around as shown on said plat; that the topography of +he land is correctly shown on said plat'; that the eu+side boundaries of the land are correctly des;,lnated on said plat; and that there are no wet lands or Public Hi4�hways to be desi¢�nated on said plat other than are shown +Itercon. Rat is+cred Land Survexor, , Minn. NO-- 2039 STATE OF MINNESOTA) s.s. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN f Above certificate suscr'rbed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, on this day of A. D. Rotary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota My Commission Expires On this day of A. D. before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, person- ally appeared Melvin P. Johnson and 6arbara Lee Johnson, his wife, to me personally Known io be the persons described in and who executed +he foregoinA instrumen+ and the\/ affirm and acknowlocl¢a that they executed the same as +heir own free act and deed. SCALE: /"= 60' Notary Public , Hennepin County, Minnesota We hereby certify that +he Villap Council of +he Villa¢e of Edina, Hennepin Coun+y, Minnesota, duly accepted and approved the annexed plat of EDINA BEL-AIIZ IST. DIVISION, at a re¢ular meetin� thereof held this' day of A. D, VilWe of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota Mayor filer My Commission Expires STATE OF MINNESOTA) s s COUNTY Of HENNEPIN J On this day of A.D. before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, persona\tN appeared E. G.Therneil , +o me persona Uy Known, who being by me, me duly sworn, did Gay that he is E.G.Thernell, President of `.E.G. Thernell Construction Companylnc,+he Corporation named in the forc4Aoin4 hs+rumernt, that +he seal a+fixad to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporations and that said insfrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by au+hority of its Board of Directors ; and said E. G.Thernell acKnowled4es said instrument +o be +he free act and deed of said Corporation. Notary Public, Hennepin County, Mtnnesoia My Commission Expires I hereby certify that I have surveyed and pla+ted +he land described in the dedication on this sheet as EDINA BEL = :AIR. IST. DIVISION that +his plat is a correct representation of Said survey; +hat all distances are correctly shown on said plat in fidures denot- inq feet and decimals of a -foot; that the monuments for the ¢guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed in the around as shown on said plat; that the topography of +he land is correctly shown on said plat'; that the eu+side boundaries of the land are correctly des;,lnated on said plat; and that there are no wet lands or Public Hi4�hways to be desi¢�nated on said plat other than are shown +Itercon. Rat is+cred Land Survexor, , Minn. NO-- 2039 STATE OF MINNESOTA) s.s. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN f Above certificate suscr'rbed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, on this day of A. D. Rotary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota My Commission Expires