HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdina Bel-Air 4th DivisionNor+V..-5+ corner of $.W.'14 of S.W.4 ['NOYKI line of s.W.'/a of S.W.'/4 of Sec 329. S 5 - si i Sec. 20, Twp. 28, Qga.24 20 , Twp. 18, QQe. 24 t� i; m W. �oOT'i ST o f. T:10 M o< o f. T:10 > E � T=74 I it 3. 42 �= �I 0 113.43 I 1 33 4� o i `� 3 h 1 co 1 0 133. 43 ~- GAa 1 33. 42 1 v,^ cA v I I t" 61 I oh 8 I o o d I 133. 42 Z O O In l+i 133.42 I I 0 co i I In W l 3 � d ( �, ►33.42 ' I µN o 7 d ov o I o a 4- O� W 133.41 10) 133.41 tX d N•c °o I0 ' I S I m 1 o°I 1'33.41 133.41 ---- /v ------ 329. 82 Line parallel witbt i'he S. line of 11.112 of S.W.'/4 of Sec- 20, Twp. 28, R43e. 24 z a. > E � I, N V N 0 4� o i `� 3 h a z J [ (0 3o I•�IQON MON V�"�flNT 5.W •'/4- of We hereby certify that the villa6e Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesotaothe annexed , duly accepted and approved thanexed plat of EDINA BEL -1A1,4 41b• Divis;om ata rcp�ular r, catinp tFrareof hmld this day of A. D. 1952 villalge of Edina,hennepin County,Minnesot-Q Mayor ClerK d 4TH DIVISION VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA CARTWRIOHT & OL50N LAND SVRVEYO RS KNOW ALL MEN BY Ti7iE:5F- RESENTS: That we, Melvin P. Johnsor, ar,d Barbara Lee Johnson, , his wi�e, owners and proprietors, and E.G.rhernell Construction Company Irnc.,a Minnesota corpora+on, coni-rztct purchaaeve of the followir»ig described property situate ih the County of Hennepin, 51'a+e of Minnesota to -wit ::That part of the of the Southwest'/4- of `jaGt'lon 20, 1-824ori-h, Range 24 West described as follows, at the Northwest corner of said Soutl�westy4 of Soythwest X4- ; thence South alOMIP the West line tl-iereof to a point' 230 feel- Nor4-h of +"e Sou+Ftwes corner of tt)c lVortl,'/2 of said 50utlnwest'/4 of Southwes} '/4 ; t%ence East and parallel wii-VI t1ne Sou}h line of said North',2 of Sou-Fikwest'/A- of Sovtt,wcst `/4 t -o +he East - line of 'Inc- Wes{''/4 of said Southwesfi'/4 of 5c)u*l,we5t`/4 ; +"C-nce Nor+ -V% said East- line to -kine earner of said WCC,+'/4- of joutl,wesl '/q of Sovi acs l R 'i%ence West along i Nort1-. \ine lf)ncreof +o { he poir�t of be inni y-'.46;%ave caused khe sarnc +o be surveyed and platted as EDINA 15EL-AIR 4'm• 'Divtstorl and de, haroby donate and dodicate +o the Pub1.c for public Use forever -thc 5treel-s and Avenues as shown or, +V -%c annexed plat, also sub3ect to easemani 5 for Utility purposes as st+own on the an.nexad plat. Zn witnas5 whereof wC have hereurt�-o sat our ha�ds and seals this day of A.D. 1952. In the Presancc of Signed As to Melvin R Johnson As+o Barbara Lam Jo:tnSon AS to E.G. rF,crnclt E. G.TIleyne11 Construction Company Inc. Presiden+ STATE OF MINNESOTA i S.S. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN Oi-i'this day of A. D. 1952 before me, 3 Notary Public,within and for Said County and State sn , personally appeared MelviRJohnson -and 5arbara Lee Johnson, his wife ,to me personally Known to be the persons described in and wl->o executed the foregoing instrument and they afftrrn and ac Know iedQ�e that they executed tl-,e same: as their own -free act and deed. Notary Public, Hennepin County ,Minnesota My Commission Expires STATE OF MINNESOTA 5 s COUNTY OF HENNE.PIN On this day of A.D.1952 before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State) personally appeared E.G.Therncll,to mC personally Known, wl-io being by me, du\y Sworn, did say that he is E.G.l-herne 11, President of E.G.Tllerneli Construction Company Inc.,+he Corporation named in +he forego+»q irnStrume»t, that- the seal affixed io saki instrumant i5 +he Corporate seal of said Corpora+io», and tha3 said instrument was s1QnCd and seal( --d in behalf of said Corporation by au{ pori+y of .tfs Board of Directors, and said E.G.Therneli ocKnow Iedt;zes said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Notary Public,Hennepin County, (�hinne5ota My Commission Expire s I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the land described in the. dedication or) this plat as EDINA 13EL AiR 4t". Divisior)� that this plat is a correct representation of said survey;thatall distances are correctly s\town or, said platin fiQ�urCS denotin�a feet and decimals of a that the rnonymcn+S for the Q idancC of fu+ure surveys have been Correctly placed in tl,e -Pro.a»cl as on said plat ;that tl,e {o la rapt,y of the land is correct\y showr� on said plat; tYl- the outside bou.ndari d of tl�e land are correctly designated on said p\at-; arta tl-tat iviere are no we+ lands or public 1-tip�l-tway s to 10e designated on sat t4a id Plao�er Phn arc shown thereon. Registered Land Surveyor,Minnesota Registration No. \983 STATE OF MINNESOTA S.S. COUN`rYOF HENNEPiN Above card ficafie subscri bed and sworn to,be-rrore me , a Notary Public ,within and 'for said County and State, on this day of A.D. 1952 Notary Public, Hennepin County,Minnesota My Commission Expires