HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdina Bel-Air 6th DivisionI I JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR South lineof fdind Be/ Ait 4th'Jrvisron NW43'W 29937 ,11ces. (299.82Deed) 132 96 133.41 O 13 332 96 12 �I 'II 'I +� I I F I+I ro �o;l j II + 13354 2 13367 m C � ° ro A Ila 3 ISI a I \� 133.79 /32 % 4,04 1700 N89 °32' w' I 4 i ;300_ N 89'"32 W I 6 /70.0 w v I:v ;3417 10 I I I!� 7 _!3296 Ii � 9 h Ih1 8 EDINA BEL -AIR 6th DIVISION I 0 O N f Ci: o ; y O �z 33.j N Z O # M SCALE I"=60` I 4-- Denotes Iron Monument n .V V) C 3 I w•th Zine parai1el,,dnd 3ooN 5ou?hof the Noiln --- /lsect/heS.}ofihe5iudo{lhe.StJ�,5ec2�+'28RZS ( I Po'89°20'tti':('94G-Ptai�lfdind3e?�a:'"J'^p,r;nen) ' � 194..34 -`leas. (194 9 ^end 6o 334.34 I in Q ti 51 C o w I 2 >-14Z — — !34.9___._ W I v 2 o` i d 90°05'x;, R -/R97 4 a CHOWEN PLACE Wes; �e G 113.97 0 ,: 20 03 Z o -s N W I 132.96 1 04.42 6o 133.84 494 22 Meas ;1494 W Deet" N89°92'W Line paralle ynd Z63.o fi Norihof fhe 5oufh line of /he 5.W j of the 5�v j of Sec 2o, T 28, RZ4 5oufh Ane of ihe9Wi ofThe 5Wf of5ec.0o T28 924 This p/al was apProvedand acce#edby Me Council of fhe Ville�e of Edna, Minnesola, ata reular meebin� Thereof held fhis- L + day of A.D. 1955. �(ILLA�i�j�lNL/L oQ �D/NA, M/NNESOtA MAYOR MAN466R KNOW ALL MEN BY TNE; E PRESENTS that Thernsll Bros. Consfrucfion Co,a Minnesota corporation, owners and proprietors and Catherine Cornelius and The Normandaie Corporation, aMinne6ofa corporation morlaafees of fhe fol/owil described property situated in the 5te.e of Minnesota and. County of Hennepin lo wit: - Beinnin� of a point on the Wes f line of {he 5. W'/a of the 5. W /4 of Section Zo, Township ZSNorfh, Rangy e 24, Wesf of the 4 tA P. M. 263,o feet North of fhe 5oufhwesi corner fhereof; (hence Easf and paralle/ wifh fhe South /ine of 5.W% of%he S.W 41149,� 7Z feel more or less fo fhe Easf line of the Wesf lhree- /B), 3487 Feef to a point 30.o feeoh0 eEasM;eoei hfhs(9/e) of he South %r of said SWthence Nrt 904th Of fhe N rlh /ine of said Ssufh / o/ the 5 . W. % of the 44014,- ence /hWest andP erallel W///7 /he North line W Said South %2, 194. 9 feel /o a point 300 O, feel West of 117e Easf ///70 of fhe Ales/ % of fhe North /t of said 5.W, % o/ fheS.W%4; thence North andparal/ef wifh fhe said Easf /ine of /he Wesf / of fhe North '/t, Z6o feel lo fhe Soulh fine of Edina Be%Air 4,0Division, as of record, thence Wesf ,91011 fhe 5oufh /ine of said Edina Be/ -Air, 4 il� Division Z99 S? feet to fhe Wesf /ine of said 5.W. % of fhe 5. i-✓. /4 ; thence 5oufh 624.1 feet more or /ass /o fhe polnf of befinnin. Exceph y therefrom the fol/owlj described parte/ of /and, be�innin of a point 442.7/eel Nor/h o{ the 5. W. corner of fhe S. W/4 of fhe 5. ti//4 snd on fhe Wesf line fhereof fhencefasf and parallel wifh Me 5041fh line of sal? 5• W. / o/ the S.W. % 170o feet ; thence North /95 0 /eel; thence Wesl /1o. o feel /o fhe Wes! /ine of -501d9- W4 01 fhe 5. W % ; /hence 5oufh a/on3s said Wesf /ine /95.o feel fo The point' of ' 7/7 / V of fhe pence/ e rcepleY Nave caused Me samefo be surveyed andplofted as ED/NA BEL A/1�a6 e DIV1511 ,and o hereby donale and dedicate fo the �oublic For public use /orever fhe avenues and p/ace as shown on the annexed plel- Also subject to l 114111/ify easements as shown on fhe annexed plat. In wifness whereof the Therne/l Qros.Consfruefian Co, end The Normande% Corporafion have caused these presenfs to be s/fined by (heir proper officers and ifs eorporafe seal hereunto affixed and 1n wifness whereof sold Catherine Cornelius hash reu to Sef her hand and Seal Phis day of A. D /9 , /n present¢ of Thernell $ros.Consytruclio>n Ca 2nd 85 to "�� '�� / - r/.., /PRE51DEN'f /--Y' and was 10 SECRETARY r j'he Norman r or ora /o n (� as to PRESJDENT and �%? ; i � �.� �_;–�- � ,�`.�. _ FID as 5TATEOFMlNNE507A SS v COUNTYOf HENNEPIN On this—day of—A.0.1955 before me, anofarypubl%c, wifhin and for said counfyand sfafe didpersona/ly appear Parry E. Thern ell and Robert f1en�^etta, to me personal/y known who each beim du/y sworn d!a say that they arerespec-ive/y the RreiddrafarhThernei, 3ro5.Conslruefoneyt Co., a Minnesota oorlooralion, fhe corporafion named in the fore�toln� /nsfrumenf, that fhe seal affixed to said insfrumenf is the corporate sea/ ofsa.d co,�ocration, and Thal said insfrumenf was s10ed and sealed in behalf of Bald corpora tion by aufhorify or ifs board of directors and Harry E 1 kerneand.poberf Henrelfe acknow/ell ed theinstrumenf Iohe fhe free act and deed of said corporafion. NotaryPub/ir, Hennepin County, Minnesota My Commission Expires AUCE L. 1 Wo wary uu[:c, Hennepin 7111rTy, 1 t. 5TA7E 01rMI/yNE50TAff qty cornmtss'on expim Oct. 9,1956. COUNTy0Ff1ENNEP%N } Onfhis j L day of r' `- A.D. 11,55 before me, enofary public, wifhin andfvr sold evunf y andsfafe, o'id persona//y appear Roy H. Peferson, /o me personally known who bell duly sway , did say fhaf he is Presidenf of The Normandale Corporafivn, fhe corporation named m the fore /n ,hs /rumen) fhaf the sea/ affyred to said instrument /s fhe corporate seal of said eorporafion, and fhaf said insfrumenf was s ked and sea/ed in beha/f of Bald corparafrvn by aufhorily 0111S board of directors, and Roy H. Peterson acknow/edd�ed the insfrumenf lobe fhe free act anddee of said co qol-Sj�i� p, Nolan v Public, Hennepin County, My Comlr)Wlon Expires Nublic Hennepin County,Mtr STATE Oi'M/N/V,650Tqff my Commission Expires IN, Lo, COUNiyOFNENNEP/N } On this day of ,J i' A.D. /955, before me, a notary public, wifhin and for said county and sfafe? personally appeared Catherine Corse/ius, fo me loer$CtnalykIjovvn lo be fhe person described in end who executed fhe forefoil insfrumenf and she acknow/edpd fhaf she executed the same a$ her own free acl and deed. Nolapy )5ab/ic, Hennepin County, Minnesota My Commission Expires Add JK, € f[Sitgi. i { 4Y .r•.C�Yw ✓LL N.:Y i ' G. �i.4, �b9!-. IherebycertifyfhaflhavesurveyedandploftedlheproperfydescribedasEO/N,48EL-A/R61h0/vi5i0N;fhafthis ofdlisacorrectrepreselrtaf/onofsa/dsurvey; fhaf off disfances are coriBcf/y shown on the pfef in feel and decima/s of a fool; Me/ the monuments for � 41idance of future surveys have been correctly p/aced in fhe rounnd as showon fhe plat; Thal fhe fopo5r6phy o{ fhe land is correcf/y shown on fhe p/sf and f of fhere are no wet /ands or public h hways to be desl�nafedother fherees shown (hereon; andfhaf the outside boundary bnefare correct/y des nct on fh11/10 �+ t 9 r� -- 5u=veyor -Minnescfe 1?e5is11afion No, 3873 STATE OFM/Ni1/ESOTA i ff COUNTYO�-HENNEP/N 1 The sbo ve cer�Ificafe was subscribed and sworn fo before me, a nofaryublic wit in,and or rely and sfafe on fhis day T A. D /955. , Nofar ublic,HenneoinGounfy,Minnesofa ROt i My Commission Expires x4 :. ,� Cy a s �n ext ues lYcv 20 19nn, chis p/af was recommended for approval by fhe °P/ennin�¢ Commission o/ fhe Vi//a�e of Edina, Minnesota, al a re�¢u/ar mee/i/y fhereof/ held fhis �� dayoftr A• D. /955• ��.� �%T' UCNA /RMAN Checked and appry ved fhis -IL day of— A,0 /9S5• �/ow��d �' P �i� �f a� ��°' � �� � hennepin Counfy Surveyor fi