HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdina CountrysideSCALE: I INCH =100 FEET INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED � ; I No�lhLinetof/6,IYa�denAc�es EDINA COUNTRYSIDE HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 0 BENTON AVENUE ----T- - — T — — — -• ;NLineL fZ�*o dsnAc is I I 16 /zo.6 l i w /Zo.6 i I IQ m o ° ID v I a �tt,,\j 3 ,•: Y•• 1 H. , V. 00 rth E,7Sf •%.:`l �1 0 .:.i. ,. I .•: I {Noyfh /irie of Soufh 330.2/ft N I Soufh line of North 990 {f, ofN. E¢, S.f¢, Sec.32 4 _ W I I � ofLa�/7, Wooden Acres M " I �•, �'S.line[ci6B,li'orJenAr v Edsi ����• 495.03-•� �� f"...,... 2- Easf 660.//•..... /Zo.6-- Z5 -.... -95.4----80-- --15-- --7,F--347/::40.380.3 X50 --80-- -B0-- - 50- - - - /30 5' INIVy rainage aseinenfs 6.d Easf Z 3'UfiL'fyQ 0 ai�age Eo e/772gfS o� 14k��, M I3 aM I2IM II 10 u; g M 8 �; 7 �; 6��ti 5 �v o� I `� 2 �; 3 oM 6�r. \ p' \fin• o\ M C• 7666 �. d>/Of845� p"Qy 41 Q 7988 . •; c 46.ig ' V • 5- " 46U '3405: 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 90 so' 80.3 90 80 EAST 32 ?V-3 2 i ds 9.0 os o. 42 / Z4 W4 V I AA ,9Y' M 14 M hV 60 STREET I Q I ISI I I EDINA COUNTRYSIDE HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 0 BENTON AVENUE ----T- - — T — — — -• ;NLineL fZ�*o dsnAc is I I 16 /zo.6 l i w /Zo.6 i I IQ m o ° ID v I a �tt,,\j 3 ,•: Y•• 1 H. , V. 00 rth E,7Sf •%.:`l �1 0 .:.i. ,. I .•: I {Noyfh /irie of Soufh 330.2/ft N I Soufh line of North 990 {f, ofN. E¢, S.f¢, Sec.32 4 _ W I I � ofLa�/7, Wooden Acres M " I �•, �'S.line[ci6B,li'orJenAr v Edsi ����• 495.03-•� �� f"...,... 2- Easf 660.//•..... /Zo.6-- Z5 -.... -95.4----80-- --15-- --7,F--347/::40.380.3 X50 --80-- -B0-- - 50- - - - /30 5' INIVy rainage aseinenfs 6.d Easf Z 3'UfiL'fyQ 0 ai�age Eo e/772gfS o� 14k��, M I3 aM I2IM II 10 u; g M 8 �; 7 �; 6��ti 5 �v o� I `� 2 �; 3 oM 6�r. \ p' \fin• o\ M C• 7666 �. d>/Of845� p"Qy 41 Q 7988 . •; c 46.ig ' V • 5- " 46U '3405: 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 90 so' 80.3 90 80 EAST 32 ?V-3 2 i ds 9.0 os o. 42 / Z4 W4 V I AA ,9Y' �, I �� demise , T" �� STREET 75 75 N a C66 /8 e1363 ,59 I Ades Easf 7Z7.// / East /4 Z. SZ.24 33? 8o 8o 0 go j gSelre/It9 a 344 eo I ...80... 8o 8o 80 80 so `� a f - 9o- - - 80- - - 80 - - - 80 - - - -80 - - cti' a13 5956' ✓ ( %5. - - 65 N _70. _ ✓ �" iN e' 7L Z " �S. Cine ofNE.f,I S.E.4 Sec, 32, 13 M 12 e �I c oo Ilc�� - - - c. \ �\ ZaJui �N ��; c.6i INM� o� �. �*0 10 <<, 9 8 73 M 6 M 5 M 4 M 3 M 2 �� yr J9q� oM H 0 S. line lof 17 ka, - --75--- 75-80-- SoW'Wftlelof/6,1f'a11o'e,7Al-es I ' I � I � I � 77171s,a/at was checkeo'and apvroved on fh/sy 6 day of /✓Ovem6�� A.D /956. County Surveyor, emneo% Fri This plat waseco/nrr/ena'e4' for avvrova/ by the G/an/7/nq Co/n/r/ission of the Village of�oino; Mhr�esofa, of a requ �r mee my (hereof he/d Phis 3� ay of ���� A.D. 14.9 ' ✓fes �� Chairman This p/at wds aaproveol and acceotec l by the Vi//age Counc//ot'fhe t/i/ iage of Cdina, M/n/7esota, of a reyu/a/- meeting (hereof he,/o' Phis day of ���y/ A. �. V58 V/L L A 6 COUNC/L OF TH£ V/L L A 6 Or EO/NA, M/NN. Vi//age Manager - JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR — — — — — KNOW A L L MEN 9Y THESE PRESENTS, that Rosendoh/ Co, , a Minnesota corporat/o/7, owner and proprietor of the fo/%winq described�roperty, s/fuated in the County of Hennepin, State of i I I L 0 t Sixteen (/6j and Forty- eic�hf (48J, anc� the Soufh 330, 2/ feet o{Lot Se venteen/7J; a// in "W RDEN A CRSS HENNEP/N I COUNT Y M/NNE50 �A :' ' I I And that aarf offhe Northeast quarfer NE of the Southeast quarferSoufh of the North 99Ofee thereof, and West of the Rai/roao ri t -of -way of Mje Minneapo/is �Vorfhfie/d and Z I Southern Rai/way, fn Section 3Z, Townshp //� ?,7/ye Z/. Have caused the same to be surveyed and,o/atfed as ED/NA COUNTR Y5/O and do /iereb donate and Q'edicate to the,oub/ie ' I I a for oub/ic use ever the sfree and drive, and the easements for public utilities as shown on the annexed p/at. I In witness whereof" Rosendah/ Co. has causedthese presents to be - - - 70'I sig' ea' yy ifs pr er offi� ers audits corporate sea/ to be hereunto v, 90.03 - i `. axed' this day of _ A.D. /9�•( y' Z3' 5 V in presence or ROS£NDAHL CO, 640 EosfI I Pres/den N 1 co a i� <'�. r,oc.._{. _. �1 �., �.�/; � <z�•lam %.r zooSecretary t7w , po6 M 70 trww. h -4 STATE OF M/NATS OTA ss. ro— ustm. ♦,0/7 t%NS r -�; 0'dy 01� _ 66.4/� _ a coUNTY oFHENINEPN roo Q I A.D. /956, before /ne, a Notaryy oub/ic, within and for said County W I and State d/a',aerso/7l apbear Haro/a'R. Rosendah/ avI..,lessie F Rosendah/, to me parso/�fa// known, who each being Q'u/y sworn I Z I did say that the are res�cfive/y the A-esidenf and Secretary of Rosendah/ Cot corpora(/on ncymed ithe fre oinq //7. - that the sea/ afed mner�f co 0 ate s?Wof S,71'0' corvoration and that .sa/o'/nstru/rel 7` was signea' a1701 s eg/ecf in behal> ' of scrid col yorafion by aafhorify of ifs Boargl of D�irectors, ani Haro/a' R. Wosendah/ and✓ess/e Y eose174'ah/ ac. /7ow/edged the instrument to be the free act and deed of saio' corporation. Notary vud/ic. Henne%ab7 G oun1y Mrnneso ,My Co/77/r7iSs/on exvires /hereby cerfif� that have sarveyed an p/oftea' the vroaert�l described on ffi/sla at rs iDIN,4 COUNTRYS1,DE,' that thisp/df /s a correct re 1 ese�fa�io/Z ofsaic� survey; h t a// d/stances are'correct/y showr7 on fhe,o%f /n feet a/7d decirno/s ofa foot, that the rno/�eluents for uidance o typ7`ure serveys have beef correct/y,a/acea'//7 the ro 14 as showr7 on ihe,o/af; that the oU7ss/q'e bounds y //i7es have been correct/y designates' as shown on the p/q>;'gand that their are no wet /a/7ds or ,vub//c highways to be Q'es�q/7ateo' on sa/a'p/af other than bs shown thereon Req, Lana` Surveyor, IW"esota Regisfrdt/on *38/. S rA Tf OF M//U/VESorA� ss COUNTY OFHENN£P/N The above certifc .te was subscr/bedana'sworn to before rr7e, gNotaryPab/rc n/fh/n ano for said County and State on th/.s o'ay of � � A. D. /95G. My e. Ades I 5'Utiiify; Dlahwge gSelre/It9 y U - ♦moi. S'Uf%ify rdi la _ 8D- - ._ -.80.._ f - 9o- - - 80- - - 80 - - - 80 - - - -80 - - - -80 - - - %5. - - 65 N _70. _ 75 - - - - W. Co,-. eSe 3t /SZ/4f• �S. Cine ofNE.f,I S.E.4 Sec, 32, 7 //T, • e. Z/ 17S. o1{N.E4,S.E I. 77171s,a/at was checkeo'and apvroved on fh/sy 6 day of /✓Ovem6�� A.D /956. County Surveyor, emneo% Fri This plat waseco/nrr/ena'e4' for avvrova/ by the G/an/7/nq Co/n/r/ission of the Village of�oino; Mhr�esofa, of a requ �r mee my (hereof he/d Phis 3� ay of ���� A.D. 14.9 ' ✓fes �� Chairman This p/at wds aaproveol and acceotec l by the Vi//age Counc//ot'fhe t/i/ iage of Cdina, M/n/7esota, of a reyu/a/- meeting (hereof he,/o' Phis day of ���y/ A. �. V58 V/L L A 6 COUNC/L OF TH£ V/L L A 6 Or EO/NA, M/NN. Vi//age Manager - JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR — — — — — KNOW A L L MEN 9Y THESE PRESENTS, that Rosendoh/ Co, , a Minnesota corporat/o/7, owner and proprietor of the fo/%winq described�roperty, s/fuated in the County of Hennepin, State of i I I L 0 t Sixteen (/6j and Forty- eic�hf (48J, anc� the Soufh 330, 2/ feet o{Lot Se venteen/7J; a// in "W RDEN A CRSS HENNEP/N I COUNT Y M/NNE50 �A :' ' I I And that aarf offhe Northeast quarfer NE of the Southeast quarferSoufh of the North 99Ofee thereof, and West of the Rai/roao ri t -of -way of Mje Minneapo/is �Vorfhfie/d and Z I Southern Rai/way, fn Section 3Z, Townshp //� ?,7/ye Z/. Have caused the same to be surveyed and,o/atfed as ED/NA COUNTR Y5/O and do /iereb donate and Q'edicate to the,oub/ie ' I I a for oub/ic use ever the sfree and drive, and the easements for public utilities as shown on the annexed p/at. I In witness whereof" Rosendah/ Co. has causedthese presents to be - - - 70'I sig' ea' yy ifs pr er offi� ers audits corporate sea/ to be hereunto v, 90.03 - i `. axed' this day of _ A.D. /9�•( y' Z3' 5 V in presence or ROS£NDAHL CO, 640 EosfI I Pres/den N 1 co a i� <'�. r,oc.._{. _. �1 �., �.�/; � <z�•lam %.r zooSecretary t7w , po6 M 70 trww. h -4 STATE OF M/NATS OTA ss. ro— ustm. ♦,0/7 t%NS r -�; 0'dy 01� _ 66.4/� _ a coUNTY oFHENINEPN roo Q I A.D. /956, before /ne, a Notaryy oub/ic, within and for said County W I and State d/a',aerso/7l apbear Haro/a'R. Rosendah/ avI..,lessie F Rosendah/, to me parso/�fa// known, who each being Q'u/y sworn I Z I did say that the are res�cfive/y the A-esidenf and Secretary of Rosendah/ Cot corpora(/on ncymed ithe fre oinq //7. - that the sea/ afed mner�f co 0 ate s?Wof S,71'0' corvoration and that .sa/o'/nstru/rel 7` was signea' a1701 s eg/ecf in behal> ' of scrid col yorafion by aafhorify of ifs Boargl of D�irectors, ani Haro/a' R. Wosendah/ and✓ess/e Y eose174'ah/ ac. /7ow/edged the instrument to be the free act and deed of saio' corporation. Notary vud/ic. Henne%ab7 G oun1y Mrnneso ,My Co/77/r7iSs/on exvires /hereby cerfif� that have sarveyed an p/oftea' the vroaert�l described on ffi/sla at rs iDIN,4 COUNTRYS1,DE,' that thisp/df /s a correct re 1 ese�fa�io/Z ofsaic� survey; h t a// d/stances are'correct/y showr7 on fhe,o%f /n feet a/7d decirno/s ofa foot, that the rno/�eluents for uidance o typ7`ure serveys have beef correct/y,a/acea'//7 the ro 14 as showr7 on ihe,o/af; that the oU7ss/q'e bounds y //i7es have been correct/y designates' as shown on the p/q>;'gand that their are no wet /a/7ds or ,vub//c highways to be Q'es�q/7ateo' on sa/a'p/af other than bs shown thereon Req, Lana` Surveyor, IW"esota Regisfrdt/on *38/. S rA Tf OF M//U/VESorA� ss COUNTY OFHENN£P/N The above certifc .te was subscr/bedana'sworn to before rr7e, gNotaryPab/rc n/fh/n ano for said County and State on th/.s o'ay of � � A. D. /95G. My e.