HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdina HeightsI I : I "- - I I i I L\d IRON MONUMENT NORTH LINE OF GOv'T. LOT 5, SEC. $5, T. III, R-117 JUDICIAL LANDMARK —) ..... 599.05 ..... ............ I GROVE STREET I 30 I W 90.0 I 30 90.0 88.98 90.0 0 WEST W 58'" STREET = 0 N las--— — — — - —-- I" Z 90.0 90.0 90.0 88.33 90.0 90.0 UTILITY - h EASEMENT - --90.0_ ----88.72---------90.0--- I } -90.0_-- ---------- -------- --------- ------ 30 I W 90.0 90.0 90.0 88.98 90.0 0 WEST 90.0 q's 58'" STREET = 0 N las--— — — — - —-- .4 90.0 90.0 90.0 88.33 90.0 90.0 UTILITY - h EASEMENT - --90.0_ ----88.72---------90.0--- } -90.0_-- ---------- -------- --------- ------ p 7 A ..... . O Q N_ 1 LO N_ '•� N — ifr N_ N N _ V N_ / UTILITY EASEMENT �+Y+ W 90.0 90.0 900 1 88.46 _--88.06-------90.0--- 1 90.0 900 ANDMARK 30 I W N.E. CORNER OF BENTON PARK (ALSO A POINT IN A LINE VMS! FT. WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 31 RODS OF LOT 5, SEC. 33, T.117. R.11) EDINA 14 r1=7 GH TS KNOW ALl MEN BY THESE G2ESENIS Tha# we, 11/e//s J. Wri,(hf and Marion Lusk Wr!�hf, his wife, owners end proprietors of the jo/%yvinf described property ifuefe in fhe County of Nennep/n, Sfafe or Minnesota, fo wit: Thaf part or Gavernmenf Lof Five (6), Section Thirty- three (33),Townahip One yundred Seventeen (»7J, ?ante iwenfy- one (21J, described aS fb110W6: Comr»encii7� ®l a o/hf /n fhe Saufh line oi' said Government lOt Five (5), distant Six Hundred Ten and Five Te1-ee Hui0.r-ed West or fhe Southeast corner or said Lof Five(J thence Norfh on a lira at ri ht ani/es fo the Saufh line 0/' said Laf Fi'✓e(6i a disfance o! Three Hundred Sixty-three (363) feet, which po/nf /s marked by a Judicial marker; fherce el a aril/e Wesf Two Hundred Seventy-three and One Thousand Five Hundred Sevenfy-Five Ten Thousandths (173.1675%Feef, fo a painf which is marked by a judicial marker; thence of a ri�hf ani/e Aa, --117, fo a painf Two Hundred Ei�hfy-five and Nnefy five Hundredths (ZBf"9j) reef Soufh ar fhe Norfh A/ e of said (lover-17menf Lof Five (5), fo fhe acfual pa/nf or ba 11171n ' of the tracf fo be described, which thence Wesf parallel point is marked by a jud�'cie/ marker, said marker beim /ocafed in a line Thirty (30> reef Wesf of ri�hf anffes rrom fhe /as described line; fo fhe North /ine or Go✓ernment Laf F/ye (5) lo the Wes line or 6avernmenf Laf Five (S), which pornf /s marked by a JudCia/ marker /ocafed in said /ine Thirty (30) feet Easf tram said West fine; thence South a/onf said Wesf /ire of GOvernmenf Lof Fi✓e a disfan�affed aso fen onrparked /�hn d ✓which po �f /se Hundredths (ZBS. 96) feet, more or less, fO the NOrfhwest corner of fhaf pari or said Government Lof Fi✓e (6) marked b a j, ad,Gia/ marker /ocafed /n a line which is Fve Hundred Seventy -ane and Ninety-r✓e Hundredths (67195) reef South or fhe North line or GOvernme� Got Five �) and Thirty (30) reef Easf or the Wesf /ine fhereor; fherce Easf a/ony the Norfh /ine or said Benton park fO fhe Norfheasf corner of sago Benton Gark and which is a point on a /ine which is Two Hundred Se✓arty three and F/lfeen Hundredths (273.16% reef, more or less, Wesf 01"117e Wesf line or fhe Easf Thirty-seven y (30) reef Wesf al said p0/;7t /n said (37J rods of" Government lot F/ve (5) which pvinf /s marked by a Jud tial marker, which monument is /ocafed Thirt /ire; thence North to the acfual point ee of befinn�n� or this tract aba✓e described, fa�efher w%fh that ,oarf or Government Lof Fve (5i ioescebed sh/loth werC �3menc/r%f rownsh/p One Hundred Seventeen (117) Narfh, Qan�e Twenty-one lZ/% West of• the Firth (S J principal Meridian, Hennepin Cvunfy, Minnesota, of a 001171 /n fhe South 1117 af' said Government Lof Five (5), dsfanf Sir Hundred len and F"✓e Tenths (6/0,51 teat West a/* he Southeast corner of sa/d Cof Five (5), thence North on a /ire sf rlfhf ani/es fo Me South /ine at' said Lof Five (6), a d/stance of Three Hundred S/rty-three (363 reef; thence at a ri�hf thence of a rr�ht angle Norfh fo a painf rwO anZ/e Wesf Two Hundred Sevenfy three end One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy five ren Thousandths (273"I675) fBef; Hundred E/ hfy-ri✓e end Ninety-!ve Hundredfhs (ZBS, 95) reef South or the ~Orth 1117 aF said Goyernmenf Lof F/ve (5), sa/d po/nt beinj fhe acfual point Ot be nni�J� of fhe ar the fro< lo be described; thence confinuih� North a/ons last descr/bed rYhf an�fe /rhe, a distance cf Twa Hundred E;hfy -fwe and N�nefy f<ve Hundredths (ZBS ys) reef fo the Norfh /ine or said Government Lof Five (5J; thence West a/vq fhe Norfh /ine or said Government Lot Fi'✓e (5l fo the Norfhwest corner thereat'; fherce South a/ons fhe Wesf 1117 yr $aid Goyernmenf Lof Five (S) e dsfance of Two Hundred Eirfhfy-we and Ninety sive Hundredths (2BS93J reef; thence East para//e/ with fhe Norfh line or sa/d lot Fi"ve (5J fo fhe acfual pa/nf Of bepinninj; a/so subject /o fhe utility easements w shown on fhe annexed p/at Have caused fhe same fo be surveyed and pleffed as ED/NA HEIGHTS, aid do hereby do�afe and dedicate fo the public rot fhe public use Forever fhe sfreefs and Avenue6 ei shown on fhe annexed p/af" In wifness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and sea/s on fh/s day ori 1962, A"O. In the presence Orj 5/fined- r! _ and SrAre OF MINNESOTA t S.S 4041WY OF ftENNEl0lN 1 da of t 02', A.D", before me, a Notary pub//c w//) �/' and for said County and Sfafe, persona/y a geared We//s J. Wrr�hf and Marion Lusk Wri h, 111 On Phis y J� wife, fo me persona/ly knas�n fo be the persons described /n and whO executed the fore�oin� insfrumenf, and said lYe/fs J" Wri¢hf and Marion Lusk Wi hf, his wi e, affirm end ecknow/ed'fe that #hey executed fhe same as their Own lee act and deed. Notary pub//c, Hennepin County, Minnesotan — My Commission Expires -� •�«�- �`-`�� ' ,,,. _ i I hereby-elfiry fhat I have surveyed and p/affed the /and described in fhe above dedicafion as EDINA HE/GHTS; fhaf this pfaf /s a correcf represenfaf%on or said survey; fhaf e// d/5fances are correctly shown on sold p/af /n rr" 'tires denof/nV reef and dec/mats ora loaf; fhaf the monuments tar fhe yu/dance at f�fure surveys have been correcf/y p/aced in the ground as shown on sa/o'p/af; that the fopo�raphy or fhe /and is correcf/y shown on said p/af; that the outside LToundaries of fhe /and are correcf/y desgnafed On said plat; end fhaf there are no vel Iaads ar public h1�hways fo be desifnafed on sa/d plat other than are shown fhereon" Qe�/stared Land Surveyor- M/nne5ofa Feffistrefion Number AW SrArB OF MJNNESarA S"S" Co4/NrY OF HsNNE'F/N Above cerfif cafe subscribed and sworn fo berate me, e Nafary Pub/ic within and fbr said Cvunfy and State, on this day of >95Z. A/"O- Notary Pub/ic, Hennepin County, My Comm/scion aro/res' ° U I this plat was approved and accepted by the v7/ale Council of the 1%//a je of Edina, Minnesota, of a re,Qular meef�i� thereat ha/d fh/s� day or�rL 1962, A"O. SCALE f'= 100 VILLAGE COI, MCIL OF THE 1/ILLA6E OF EDIN�I, MINNESOTA �> i ��. gy r� Ifs president �,; //.f clerk 0`. JUDICIAL LANDMARK I I i `> I� 0 WEST 58'" STREET = ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING las--— — — — - —-- .4 90.0 90.0 90.0 88.33 90.0 90.0 I ..... . O — - I - o UTILITY EASEMENT �+Y+ W — — — — — — — — `� _---90.0___ _-90.0__ _--88.06-------90.0--- -f -90.0_-- _I .r. o Iw ----- } ----- {- W C} C.1 tiro 12 10 N 1t a_ N? `, 30 900 90.0 90.0 181.80 90.0 900 30 o[ JUDICIAL I l JUDICIAL V :.. Y 'OC d LANDMARK NORTH LINE OF BENTON PARK LA N DMARK ---------oo ---I---�---I �,—r--� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I N.E. CORNER OF BENTON PARK (ALSO A POINT IN A LINE VMS! FT. WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 31 RODS OF LOT 5, SEC. 33, T.117. R.11) EDINA 14 r1=7 GH TS KNOW ALl MEN BY THESE G2ESENIS Tha# we, 11/e//s J. Wri,(hf and Marion Lusk Wr!�hf, his wife, owners end proprietors of the jo/%yvinf described property ifuefe in fhe County of Nennep/n, Sfafe or Minnesota, fo wit: Thaf part or Gavernmenf Lof Five (6), Section Thirty- three (33),Townahip One yundred Seventeen (»7J, ?ante iwenfy- one (21J, described aS fb110W6: Comr»encii7� ®l a o/hf /n fhe Saufh line oi' said Government lOt Five (5), distant Six Hundred Ten and Five Te1-ee Hui0.r-ed West or fhe Southeast corner or said Lof Five(J thence Norfh on a lira at ri ht ani/es fo the Saufh line 0/' said Laf Fi'✓e(6i a disfance o! Three Hundred Sixty-three (363) feet, which po/nf /s marked by a Judicial marker; fherce el a aril/e Wesf Two Hundred Seventy-three and One Thousand Five Hundred Sevenfy-Five Ten Thousandths (173.1675%Feef, fo a painf which is marked by a judicial marker; thence of a ri�hf ani/e Aa, --117, fo a painf Two Hundred Ei�hfy-five and Nnefy five Hundredths (ZBf"9j) reef Soufh ar fhe Norfh A/ e of said (lover-17menf Lof Five (5), fo fhe acfual pa/nf or ba 11171n ' of the tracf fo be described, which thence Wesf parallel point is marked by a jud�'cie/ marker, said marker beim /ocafed in a line Thirty (30> reef Wesf of ri�hf anffes rrom fhe /as described line; fo fhe North /ine or Go✓ernment Laf F/ye (5) lo the Wes line or 6avernmenf Laf Five (S), which pornf /s marked by a JudCia/ marker /ocafed in said /ine Thirty (30) feet Easf tram said West fine; thence South a/onf said Wesf /ire of GOvernmenf Lof Fi✓e a disfan�affed aso fen onrparked /�hn d ✓which po �f /se Hundredths (ZBS. 96) feet, more or less, fO the NOrfhwest corner of fhaf pari or said Government Lof Fi✓e (6) marked b a j, ad,Gia/ marker /ocafed /n a line which is Fve Hundred Seventy -ane and Ninety-r✓e Hundredths (67195) reef South or fhe North line or GOvernme� Got Five �) and Thirty (30) reef Easf or the Wesf /ine fhereor; fherce Easf a/ony the Norfh /ine or said Benton park fO fhe Norfheasf corner of sago Benton Gark and which is a point on a /ine which is Two Hundred Se✓arty three and F/lfeen Hundredths (273.16% reef, more or less, Wesf 01"117e Wesf line or fhe Easf Thirty-seven y (30) reef Wesf al said p0/;7t /n said (37J rods of" Government lot F/ve (5) which pvinf /s marked by a Jud tial marker, which monument is /ocafed Thirt /ire; thence North to the acfual point ee of befinn�n� or this tract aba✓e described, fa�efher w%fh that ,oarf or Government Lof Fve (5i ioescebed sh/loth werC �3menc/r%f rownsh/p One Hundred Seventeen (117) Narfh, Qan�e Twenty-one lZ/% West of• the Firth (S J principal Meridian, Hennepin Cvunfy, Minnesota, of a 001171 /n fhe South 1117 af' said Government Lof Five (5), dsfanf Sir Hundred len and F"✓e Tenths (6/0,51 teat West a/* he Southeast corner of sa/d Cof Five (5), thence North on a /ire sf rlfhf ani/es fo Me South /ine at' said Lof Five (6), a d/stance of Three Hundred S/rty-three (363 reef; thence at a ri�hf thence of a rr�ht angle Norfh fo a painf rwO anZ/e Wesf Two Hundred Sevenfy three end One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy five ren Thousandths (273"I675) fBef; Hundred E/ hfy-ri✓e end Ninety-!ve Hundredfhs (ZBS, 95) reef South or the ~Orth 1117 aF said Goyernmenf Lof F/ve (5), sa/d po/nt beinj fhe acfual point Ot be nni�J� of fhe ar the fro< lo be described; thence confinuih� North a/ons last descr/bed rYhf an�fe /rhe, a distance cf Twa Hundred E;hfy -fwe and N�nefy f<ve Hundredths (ZBS ys) reef fo the Norfh /ine or said Government Lof Five (5J; thence West a/vq fhe Norfh /ine or said Government Lot Fi'✓e (5l fo the Norfhwest corner thereat'; fherce South a/ons fhe Wesf 1117 yr $aid Goyernmenf Lof Five (S) e dsfance of Two Hundred Eirfhfy-we and Ninety sive Hundredths (2BS93J reef; thence East para//e/ with fhe Norfh line or sa/d lot Fi"ve (5J fo fhe acfual pa/nf Of bepinninj; a/so subject /o fhe utility easements w shown on fhe annexed p/at Have caused fhe same fo be surveyed and pleffed as ED/NA HEIGHTS, aid do hereby do�afe and dedicate fo the public rot fhe public use Forever fhe sfreefs and Avenue6 ei shown on fhe annexed p/af" In wifness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and sea/s on fh/s day ori 1962, A"O. In the presence Orj 5/fined- r! _ and SrAre OF MINNESOTA t S.S 4041WY OF ftENNEl0lN 1 da of t 02', A.D", before me, a Notary pub//c w//) �/' and for said County and Sfafe, persona/y a geared We//s J. Wrr�hf and Marion Lusk Wri h, 111 On Phis y J� wife, fo me persona/ly knas�n fo be the persons described /n and whO executed the fore�oin� insfrumenf, and said lYe/fs J" Wri¢hf and Marion Lusk Wi hf, his wi e, affirm end ecknow/ed'fe that #hey executed fhe same as their Own lee act and deed. Notary pub//c, Hennepin County, Minnesotan — My Commission Expires -� •�«�- �`-`�� ' ,,,. _ i I hereby-elfiry fhat I have surveyed and p/affed the /and described in fhe above dedicafion as EDINA HE/GHTS; fhaf this pfaf /s a correcf represenfaf%on or said survey; fhaf e// d/5fances are correctly shown on sold p/af /n rr" 'tires denof/nV reef and dec/mats ora loaf; fhaf the monuments tar fhe yu/dance at f�fure surveys have been correcf/y p/aced in the ground as shown on sa/o'p/af; that the fopo�raphy or fhe /and is correcf/y shown on said p/af; that the outside LToundaries of fhe /and are correcf/y desgnafed On said plat; end fhaf there are no vel Iaads ar public h1�hways fo be desifnafed on sa/d plat other than are shown fhereon" Qe�/stared Land Surveyor- M/nne5ofa Feffistrefion Number AW SrArB OF MJNNESarA S"S" Co4/NrY OF HsNNE'F/N Above cerfif cafe subscribed and sworn fo berate me, e Nafary Pub/ic within and fbr said Cvunfy and State, on this day of >95Z. A/"O- Notary Pub/ic, Hennepin County, My Comm/scion aro/res' ° U I this plat was approved and accepted by the v7/ale Council of the 1%//a je of Edina, Minnesota, of a re,Qular meef�i� thereat ha/d fh/s� day or�rL 1962, A"O. SCALE f'= 100 VILLAGE COI, MCIL OF THE 1/ILLA6E OF EDIN�I, MINNESOTA �> i ��. gy r� Ifs president �,; //.f clerk I I i N.E. CORNER OF BENTON PARK (ALSO A POINT IN A LINE VMS! FT. WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 31 RODS OF LOT 5, SEC. 33, T.117. R.11) EDINA 14 r1=7 GH TS KNOW ALl MEN BY THESE G2ESENIS Tha# we, 11/e//s J. Wri,(hf and Marion Lusk Wr!�hf, his wife, owners end proprietors of the jo/%yvinf described property ifuefe in fhe County of Nennep/n, Sfafe or Minnesota, fo wit: Thaf part or Gavernmenf Lof Five (6), Section Thirty- three (33),Townahip One yundred Seventeen (»7J, ?ante iwenfy- one (21J, described aS fb110W6: Comr»encii7� ®l a o/hf /n fhe Saufh line oi' said Government lOt Five (5), distant Six Hundred Ten and Five Te1-ee Hui0.r-ed West or fhe Southeast corner or said Lof Five(J thence Norfh on a lira at ri ht ani/es fo the Saufh line 0/' said Laf Fi'✓e(6i a disfance o! Three Hundred Sixty-three (363) feet, which po/nf /s marked by a Judicial marker; fherce el a aril/e Wesf Two Hundred Seventy-three and One Thousand Five Hundred Sevenfy-Five Ten Thousandths (173.1675%Feef, fo a painf which is marked by a judicial marker; thence of a ri�hf ani/e Aa, --117, fo a painf Two Hundred Ei�hfy-five and Nnefy five Hundredths (ZBf"9j) reef Soufh ar fhe Norfh A/ e of said (lover-17menf Lof Five (5), fo fhe acfual pa/nf or ba 11171n ' of the tracf fo be described, which thence Wesf parallel point is marked by a jud�'cie/ marker, said marker beim /ocafed in a line Thirty (30> reef Wesf of ri�hf anffes rrom fhe /as described line; fo fhe North /ine or Go✓ernment Laf F/ye (5) lo the Wes line or 6avernmenf Laf Five (S), which pornf /s marked by a JudCia/ marker /ocafed in said /ine Thirty (30) feet Easf tram said West fine; thence South a/onf said Wesf /ire of GOvernmenf Lof Fi✓e a disfan�affed aso fen onrparked /�hn d ✓which po �f /se Hundredths (ZBS. 96) feet, more or less, fO the NOrfhwest corner of fhaf pari or said Government Lof Fi✓e (6) marked b a j, ad,Gia/ marker /ocafed /n a line which is Fve Hundred Seventy -ane and Ninety-r✓e Hundredths (67195) reef South or fhe North line or GOvernme� Got Five �) and Thirty (30) reef Easf or the Wesf /ine fhereor; fherce Easf a/ony the Norfh /ine or said Benton park fO fhe Norfheasf corner of sago Benton Gark and which is a point on a /ine which is Two Hundred Se✓arty three and F/lfeen Hundredths (273.16% reef, more or less, Wesf 01"117e Wesf line or fhe Easf Thirty-seven y (30) reef Wesf al said p0/;7t /n said (37J rods of" Government lot F/ve (5) which pvinf /s marked by a Jud tial marker, which monument is /ocafed Thirt /ire; thence North to the acfual point ee of befinn�n� or this tract aba✓e described, fa�efher w%fh that ,oarf or Government Lof Fve (5i ioescebed sh/loth werC �3menc/r%f rownsh/p One Hundred Seventeen (117) Narfh, Qan�e Twenty-one lZ/% West of• the Firth (S J principal Meridian, Hennepin Cvunfy, Minnesota, of a 001171 /n fhe South 1117 af' said Government Lof Five (5), dsfanf Sir Hundred len and F"✓e Tenths (6/0,51 teat West a/* he Southeast corner of sa/d Cof Five (5), thence North on a /ire sf rlfhf ani/es fo Me South /ine at' said Lof Five (6), a d/stance of Three Hundred S/rty-three (363 reef; thence at a ri�hf thence of a rr�ht angle Norfh fo a painf rwO anZ/e Wesf Two Hundred Sevenfy three end One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy five ren Thousandths (273"I675) fBef; Hundred E/ hfy-ri✓e end Ninety-!ve Hundredfhs (ZBS, 95) reef South or the ~Orth 1117 aF said Goyernmenf Lof F/ve (5), sa/d po/nt beinj fhe acfual point Ot be nni�J� of fhe ar the fro< lo be described; thence confinuih� North a/ons last descr/bed rYhf an�fe /rhe, a distance cf Twa Hundred E;hfy -fwe and N�nefy f<ve Hundredths (ZBS ys) reef fo the Norfh /ine or said Government Lof Five (5J; thence West a/vq fhe Norfh /ine or said Government Lot Fi'✓e (5l fo the Norfhwest corner thereat'; fherce South a/ons fhe Wesf 1117 yr $aid Goyernmenf Lof Five (S) e dsfance of Two Hundred Eirfhfy-we and Ninety sive Hundredths (2BS93J reef; thence East para//e/ with fhe Norfh line or sa/d lot Fi"ve (5J fo fhe acfual pa/nf Of bepinninj; a/so subject /o fhe utility easements w shown on fhe annexed p/at Have caused fhe same fo be surveyed and pleffed as ED/NA HEIGHTS, aid do hereby do�afe and dedicate fo the public rot fhe public use Forever fhe sfreefs and Avenue6 ei shown on fhe annexed p/af" In wifness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and sea/s on fh/s day ori 1962, A"O. In the presence Orj 5/fined- r! _ and SrAre OF MINNESOTA t S.S 4041WY OF ftENNEl0lN 1 da of t 02', A.D", before me, a Notary pub//c w//) �/' and for said County and Sfafe, persona/y a geared We//s J. Wrr�hf and Marion Lusk Wri h, 111 On Phis y J� wife, fo me persona/ly knas�n fo be the persons described /n and whO executed the fore�oin� insfrumenf, and said lYe/fs J" Wri¢hf and Marion Lusk Wi hf, his wi e, affirm end ecknow/ed'fe that #hey executed fhe same as their Own lee act and deed. Notary pub//c, Hennepin County, Minnesotan — My Commission Expires -� •�«�- �`-`�� ' ,,,. _ i I hereby-elfiry fhat I have surveyed and p/affed the /and described in fhe above dedicafion as EDINA HE/GHTS; fhaf this pfaf /s a correcf represenfaf%on or said survey; fhaf e// d/5fances are correctly shown on sold p/af /n rr" 'tires denof/nV reef and dec/mats ora loaf; fhaf the monuments tar fhe yu/dance at f�fure surveys have been correcf/y p/aced in the ground as shown on sa/o'p/af; that the fopo�raphy or fhe /and is correcf/y shown on said p/af; that the outside LToundaries of fhe /and are correcf/y desgnafed On said plat; end fhaf there are no vel Iaads ar public h1�hways fo be desifnafed on sa/d plat other than are shown fhereon" Qe�/stared Land Surveyor- M/nne5ofa Feffistrefion Number AW SrArB OF MJNNESarA S"S" Co4/NrY OF HsNNE'F/N Above cerfif cafe subscribed and sworn fo berate me, e Nafary Pub/ic within and fbr said Cvunfy and State, on this day of >95Z. A/"O- Notary Pub/ic, Hennepin County, My Comm/scion aro/res' ° U I this plat was approved and accepted by the v7/ale Council of the 1%//a je of Edina, Minnesota, of a re,Qular meef�i� thereat ha/d fh/s� day or�rL 1962, A"O. SCALE f'= 100 VILLAGE COI, MCIL OF THE 1/ILLA6E OF EDIN�I, MINNESOTA �> i ��. gy r� Ifs president �,; //.f clerk