HomeMy WebLinkAboutEdina Hills8 E im N A HILLS EDINAI MINNESOTA SCALE l'•Gn0' SEPTEMBER, 1946 V f �f 9 0 s 9 u ti J� 49 to �. \ ?i18 211-2 12 1 225 13 � 238.07 14 251-13 I In ZO 9 EGAN, FIELD K NOWAK Egineers and Surveyors Minneapolis, Minn. 1 07 2 W. 5S ' -N ST i8 3 � /78 4 /54 ti ! [ � 0 J JZZ.b9 ,ST a a at Iq uj 04 60 N J w 6 7� EGAN, FIELD K NOWAK Egineers and Surveyors Minneapolis, Minn. 1 07 2 W. 5S ' -N ST i8 3 � /78 4 /54 ti ! [ � 0 J JZZ.b9 ,ST a a at Iq uj 04 60 N Ok'/G/NAL EDINA HIl=wLS EDINA, MINNESfOTA SCALE: I"- 60' SEPTEMBER, 194bf North /ne e/ Sz of S? W N1Nr of Nei of Secfion 20, T28, k 2 ; I 166 •30 30 ; 187 0 , ` "JrJr�r 1 : H 4 ,L v � Q to /78 ` l�\ / •e d 5 N 1 c (fo/c AIJV Saufh hie of h'r'oFSr of#;,01' ofNN� o,`.fecfiian 20, TIS, P24 h! 56 5 EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK Engineers and Surveyors Know a// men by These presents fhaf we, defer R. Jerome and A/bent C. Jerom4 her husband and Mae T Wilder widow, owners and proprietors, of The fl/orviny described properly situate 117 The Sfafe of M1nesola and County of Hennepin fowif. - The Ni of The Sz of the Nz of SW4 of The NNa, lying East of The `Yes/ CSO feel Thereof,• afro fhaf part of the Ni of the Ni of the JIV of The NNs, lylq East of the lyest 650 feel thereof a/so fhaf part of the Si of The St of the NfWi of The NNf, 01717 East of The l'Yest 670 feet Thereof,' a// 117 Secfion ?o, Township ?B Norfh, Zv/ e 34 {Hest of'lhe 4'0 Priiuipa/ Meridian,accord�n fo The U.S. 6oyernment Surrey lhereaf, have caused the same to be surveyedand plaffed as "EoiwA 111Us ; and da hereby donate and o'eo'lcate fo Aepublic use f revel; the Avenues, Path and Park as shown on The annexed plat, fa wifness, .vheleof me - have set our hands and sea/s' hereun,'o on fhislday ofJlr A. D /n. drPrence of: S/pned - As lo Helen R. Jerome As lo A/berf C. Jeiorne As lo Mae T 911o'er Counly ld,le if�Amn-pn}S.S. 017 fhis�day of -- A.D. /946, before me, a Nofary pub/�c within and for said County and Sfafe, persona//y appeared llefer� R. lel and A/berfC.✓erome her' hushand and Mae T xlder; mo'o1v, lo me known to he lversorls described 11 and who executed the freyroing Instrument and htiey ackl�ow/edged fhaf/hey execufeo�h !ne as Ihell- nn fee ACI and deed. o►! (j})' AMAryy Public• At "eol' Counry 1 i u7rwr My COinm155/On Expires Sfafe ofMinnesold 7Sr Ido hereb cerfif fhaf I have surveyed andPaffed fhepro rfy described County ofHenneoin 1 y on f/iisplat as Eo/NA H1LLs;'fhaf fh1s p%af 13 a correct represenfafion o,�saro' survey, fhaf a// disfances are correctly, shaven on thelv/af in fel and 0'eC1171,9/S of a foot; fhaf the Inonlrinenfs fi guidance al>Ufuce surveys are eoricef/y placed n The ground as shown on the plat' fhaf The outside boundary hues are correcffy o'e.51 s sled on the plat, fhaf the fopoyraphy of the land is correcffy shown on fhe/ofat and fhaf there are no wet /ands or pub/rc highways to be desi�nafed on said Plx. other Than as shown Thereon. aurye yor. A6oye cerfifcate subscrlbed and shorn lo before me on Phis Zly of f�. D. 1946 /rebau-a -�hwar �- Nofaryy Pubic, ilennepi L}ounfy Mlonesofa. rJy Commdsron Expues This p/af was approved and accepted by the lfif/age Council of 40'117a Mlnnesela, at a reQular meelllV (hereof held Als23day II LL A6f COUNCIL Of MINNESOTA /l;�e Recorder VA �►�� ,1