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SCALE - ///y r/OOF7:
m South line o/9/Od- 3, 1"vesfchester Kno//s Iron Man. I M /4gh 0 r.w�r.... Norfh /ire 0/south /0 Acres of M . N
30 rwhlm /65--- s 32/.4 ��` Io � Gov�1 Sec.33,T//7,.42lp
10, W !p ' I 3q ti ^'� Iron
' n Pub/ic e8emen/ tN. I / \ Gji q4 60.3 75 75 73 73 75
O`tip /6S I Z04.9 o�I!�` 7S 7S
ti'lon. 337,-;S/ron90
17 4i /B /f Vi 20 h 2/ h 22 23 h 24- h 25
N Q h 7 n i S. 2 �y'\1 J I /50 tj
C 121
--g_ _/59.7 _5 �`_-7S-__75__ _75__ _75__ _75_ 9L 75 _ _7S _ _75 _ -7-5-4-V, a a
yh 75 H -'
275 75 99.7
ub/c t/if��es 5easemen y/m /5004
5 ¢ 3 0 v /5 h D' /4 yi 1 /3 N /2 N // /O lli 8 7 4i 11 'ri 41 6 cs S p 'tet4 90 a
�i N: ;A 4
//ran Mon. a
30 r 75 TS 75 83.4 M 60 m 75 75 75 75' 7S 75 75 75 so•B 2, 7370/ 75./ 17cs` 4762^ !�.10 aQ
O R' 6 /50.04 Iron',
SW cor o/Lo/I ^� W 56 Tit �STi4EE70 �°' 4 ¢' /a - — - 33
, �_; , R" 2633.8 h
Sec. 33 T//7R2/ 7� p-Som/neo God Lo><1, Sec., T//7, R 2/ g .. _ I �- a • 4'Ie' Z sE cor, of Lotl
�'- _ _ / 97.66 i Sec. 33 T//7, R2/
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
130 r 1 _. 202./6 --�I
I , I R• 2693.8
I I t
Kno w a// m en by these /presents that we, JarnesE.Ashwor/h and PafriciaE.fAs//worfh,his wlfe/ and Char/es H.
M�Brian andE/eonor M�Brion his wi/`e owners and proprietors of thefo/%iv:ny descri6ea'Pro erfy
sifuated:n Me State of Minnesota and Count01 h
1y enne�/n to wit .-- the Saufh fen (/O) Acres of Government
Laf ane (/J' Section r`hlrfy-fhree 33)� 7ownshlp one hundred and seventeen (//7), Range twenty-one (2// excel(
h/9f/wa ar/d excep/ fhaf/oart f�ereafdescribedas fo/%ws: commencing afapoinf fh/rfy-three (331 feef �vesfof
and fi %een(/5/ feefNorfh offhe Southeast cornerof sali� Lofone (//; thence Norfhpara//e/wrfh fhe Easf ki e of said
/of a distance of n/i�ety-one (9/) fee,-; (hence West at right ar/9/es a distance of one hundred and
fifty (/50� feef thence South a/r/ghf 0129/es a d/sfanee of ninetl. (90/ feef; thence East one hundred
C12 fifty X501 feet to the point of he9inninq, and W://iarr/ h: Green 0120 Lorer/e F. Green, h!s w;fe owners
ane/ proprietors, and The Firs Natrona Qan/c o� MinneO/oo//s,mortyayee, of f/ie fo/%win y described
property fo wit; - com177ent/i79 of a point thirty-fhree(33/ feef Wesfaf and fifteen (/5) feef North o (fie
Southeast corner of Government Lot one (/J Section (fill ty-three (33) Tawnsho' one hundredana/seven-
teen (//7) Range Twenty-one (2/J • (hence Worth para//e/ with the East fire /0/ /of a distance of
nine( orie 0V feef; /hence Wesf a/ right an9/es a a':stance of one /iuna/red Ono' fi �/SO/ feef; fheme
,704/1 al /-/yht any/es a distance of 12:12 fy (90/ feef; }hence Easf one 1741120/red and f /; i (�50/ feef 7'0 fhe
po/nt of he9inninqhave caUSBd the same fo 6e surveyed 0/76/9/af/ d as E'/7/NA PHRK and we </a
hereby donate a e;( dedicate to fhe Pubfic for use o f fhe pub//c fore ver ?' e ease/nenfs a/7,/a ve/74res ax spawn
on fhcy annexedp/Qf; /n witness whereof we have hereunto setaur hands and seofs this day of
and the Firs/ /yaf/Onal /3ank of N//i/neapo%s has caused lhese, presents to he ned
and sea/ed by ifs proper officers and i/s carporptese0/ .74o he hereunto affi red 1171xday of %ijA+�
A, L7. /947
/n presence oi`
` � "`"` "'�/ "`'�I "G`( As {v ✓omerE. Ash worffi,
PotriciaE. l9shwor//, Char/e.rH. Mt'.Brian
r, ':Lx ono' Eleanor M�/,3rian
As to Wi//iom H, Green
and Zo/-ene / Green
tis /_0
Firs/Nationo/Bank of Minneapolis
0126 1.
Stale of Mii/nesota S• S
County of"h/e/inep:n On this dog 0,1%a-�,412 M47
wii`h:n and for sa/:d Count yy / person ay appeared Ta/iies E. Ashwor/i
wlfe,andeharles H. M�'&-Ido and Eleanor McBria?jhs wife, to mepersona
described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ackno
the same as their free act and deed_
before me a Notary Pub/ic
and Patricia E Ashworth, his
y /r/70w/7 fo he fhe person s
w/edged /hcq/ they execlr/ed
Oglary Pab&, Hennelom County, M/nn.
My Cor!)ni/ss/On expires
I. 8, SU!. VAN
;'rotary Pubic. K:n'gepin County, miAv,_
Fly E,-mlft Jan. 28th, 3851.
Sfafe 0/'/Y/1;717es0/a 9S.
County ofHe,7,7Z
for n! On th/shy / day 0f ! -� A./9 /947, befre me o Nofary Pub/ic within and
saidunty Copersona/!y a1019eared Gvi//iirm / Green and Lorene F. Green his lvife fome/0ersana//yknov✓r�
X0 be the persons descrihed /i;, and who executed the foregoing :nstrc/rnenf and ackn0w/edged that
they executed fhe same as r`heir free act ane/ deed•
N� dry f�ub/ic f1en21%
/ County /Yfiinn.
M commission ,r / es
State ofiY/innesofa L �.<;
C04&71yO7i11ennelZ;t -175, On this /o � day of"111 •�- 4,9 /947 bet re me u Nofary Pub/c wrffiii7 an9!
by me each du y sworn/yy�'i�psay f� e y c7, -e 7 C/'/ vel t/ice Pres Genf 01212 /y9ss sfgnf�he e a� 9
of The First /ya rona/ 3012 of M/nr/eafvo//s, fhe corporation nornea :n fhe fore9o�i�� Instrument; (hate so/
afl,/xedfo said /�sfru/nen/ /s (fie corporate sea/of saidcorporatior,; fhafsaia'/nstrumenf was signed
and sea/ed /i7 /eha/fof aid corporation 6y authority of ifs board o/ di-ecfors and fhaf said
corporation .
and acknowledged said instrument /o be the free act and deed e sol
Nofary Alenl7eP117 Co nty, Minn.
My cpm /ss/on exp/res
I h ere' certify thy/ j Pia ve surveyed and platted/'fie prop erfy described /n this p/al as f011y, ' PHRK;
fhaf Thi p/af is a correct representa /ori o/" said curve y/' tha/ a// distances c/re correctly shown on the
p/at/n feef and decline's of a pot fhaf the monuments for fhe guidance offufure surveys have been
p/avec//ii the ground as s�iown on
plat; fhaf the outside boundary /nes are torr ct/y
des:gna ed on the p/at; that t e topography of the /and /s correct/y shown on fhe p/at and fhaf fere
are no wet /ands or pub/ic hi yh ways fo be designated on the p/at other than as shown (hereon .
sur veyor
146ove certif/cafe subsct-l6&d and sworn to before 1-ne /his C6 c/a/ of Fe AD./947
L rn7w /y cr. Cl. aRt<
Nofary Pubflc, /lenneloV County, Minn.
My cornet/scion expires Rf
This plat was approved 017c/ accepted 6 y the Yi%/age Co41nci/ 01",56Y1;76-, M.nnesota of a regu/or mee/ii/y
(hereof held' Phis day of ,q .. /94=7.